[Gimp-developer] Gimp 2.0.2 and elusive detachable "tear-able menus"

2004-07-12 Thread Joseph Heled
Gimp 2.0.2 and elusive detachable "tear able menus"
Has anyone else experiences this? I can't get it to work.  Say I bring the popup 
menu from the image, "Layers", and press the dotted line. The menu detaches, but 
the moment the mouse leaves it it disappears. It re-shows when I switch to 
another desktop, but disappears the moment i try to place the mouse on it.

I have no idea if this is a gtk problem, kde, or gimp??
$gimp --version
GIMP version 2.0.2
$pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0
KDE 3.0.3-8 (stock from RH 8)
$uname -a :
Linux yoda 2.4.20-30.8.legacy #1 Fri Feb 20 18:58:10 PST 2004 i686 athlon i386 

Thanks, Joseph
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp 2.0.2 and elusive detachable "tear-ablemenus"

2004-07-12 Thread Joseph Heled
Please, by all means, update GTK+. Lots of bugs have been fixed in the
2.4 series and still using 2.4.0 is sortof lightheaded.
Life is sort of slow with a 56K modem.
Updated gtk+, glib and atk. The problem remains
$pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0
$pkg-config --modversion glib-2.0
I guess that if no one else has this problem, it is a kde problem.
I know there is a kde-3.0.5 available for RH 8.0, but I doubt something as 
obscure has been fixed in such a small upgrade.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp 2.0.2 and elusive detachable"tear-ablemenus"

2004-07-12 Thread Joseph Heled
Your remark about "focus policy" sent me to the KDE control center - and yes, it 
is a focus problem of sorts. I was running with "focus strictly under mouse" 
(CC/Look & Feel/Window Behavior/Focus). When I Change that to "Click to Focus", 
the menu remains until the window focus is lost. Would you do me a favor and see 
under which policy you run and if you get the same problem if you switch to 
another policy? (actually all you have to do is to detach a menu and switch 
focus by clicking on another window).

Still, the menu disappears after a focus lose and does not return. This can be 
either a KDE bug or GTK bug.

gimp 1.2 (under gtk 1.2) has no such problem since the menu has its own window, 
i.e.comes up with a title bar of it's own.

And I have no other gtk2 program which brings up detachable menus ...
Gnome is not an option right now. Even the installed one is broken after I 
updated the libg/gtk 2.4. I can't allow an upgrade the kill my KDE, which can 
happen :(

> That would also be my guess. I've been using Gimp with KDE 3.[012] for some
> time, and although I (contrary to you) never ran into anything that I knew
> should work but didn't, there surely were moments that made me doubt the
> cleverness of its focus policy. Gnome 2.6.(2, currently) works better for me
> with regards to that, so I recommend that you give it a shot (if possible)
> and see if the problem remains, to narrow down the range of imagined
> possibilities.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp 2.0.2 and elusivedetachable"tear-ablemenus"

2004-07-13 Thread Joseph Heled
Yes it is certainly a KDE problem. Both WindowMaker and twm gave the menu a 
decoration (i.e. a title bar). Google shows that several others has encountered 
the problem on KDE 3.0X, and tearoff is disabled (and commented out) in KDE 3.1. 
I wonder if they solved it in 3.2/3.3?

Thanks for your all of you who has responded !!
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Howto: store comments in image from plugin?

2004-07-20 Thread Joseph Heled
(I hope this is the appropriate forum ...)
I am developing a plugin which loads raw images from digital cameras (CRW,NEF etc).
I would like to "attach" to the image some of the parameters of the conversion.
I am not sure ,
  - How do I add this info to the image (I open it with gimp_image_new(...) )
  - Which file formats support this kind of comment/data?
On a related issue, how can I add EXIF data to the image? Perhaps I can add some
data in the EXIF comment?
I would appreciate any help/ideas ...
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] compose - decompose nitpicking

2004-07-20 Thread Joseph Heled
Perhaps this is nitpicking, but would like your comments.
(gimp 2.0.3)
After decomposing an image to HSV (in layers mode), Filters/Colors/Compose 
brings up the following dialog:

  (*) RGB   Red - image-HSV.jpg-3/value-8
  Green - image-HSV.jpg-3/value-8
   Blue - image-HSV.jpg-3/value-8
i.e. assumes RGB, and gives all channels the same layer.
 1. If it possible to infer somehow that what I want (by default) is HSV, i.e 
the reverse? Even cluing on the layer names would work for the case where I make 
some changes in one layer and want to convert back.

 2. Even assuming I have to check HSV manually, why not give the first 3 layers 
(when they exist) as the default?
  (for that to work, the order of the dialog has to match the order of created 
layers. right now it is the reverse)

Thanks, Joseph
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Howto: store comments in image from plugin?

2004-07-22 Thread Joseph Heled
Thanks for all the people who answered.
It turned out to be as simple as attaching a "gimp-comment" and "jpeg-exif-data" 
parasites to the image.

(of course generating jpeg-exif-data is not trivial. Only implemented for my 
Nikon D70 at the moment. I guess others who like more formats will have to 
implement their own)

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] OT: noise equivalence in HSV components

2004-07-22 Thread Joseph Heled

This is not a gimp question, but perhaps there is someone here who can shed 
light on this issue,

  How (or can you) combine errors/noise in HSV into one error/noise figure 
which reflects the total "human visual" error perception.

I am sure this is not a good formulation of the question. Here is another way to 
put it,
  Take a picture I. Decompose to HSV. Now add noise Nh to H and recompose to 
get image I(h). Do the same for Ns to S and Nv to V.
Now, what should the relation be between Nh,Ns,Nv so that a human would say "All 
 three images I(h). I(s) and I(v) look like they had the same amount of 
corruption relative to the original I.

Now I am not necessarily asking for a rigorous answer. Any reasonable heuristic 
would do.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] 16 bit Gimp?

2004-07-22 Thread Joseph Heled
(repeat) I am developing a plugin which loads raw images from digital cameras 
(CRW,NEF etc).

There is actually lots of the functionality I need support (and some I need to 
do) in the gimp already, if only the gimp was 16 bits ready.

So, I wonder, any estimate how far in the future it is?
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] gimp plugin and gdb?

2004-07-22 Thread Joseph Heled
While starting each plugin as a separate process has it's advantages, gdb 
interaction is certainly not one of them.

For example, right now I bring the plugin dialog up, then look up in the process 
list for it, and attach it to the gdb session. Is there an easier way?

But the real problem is that by the time the plugin dialog is up lots of 
interesting stuff has already happened. So, how can I debug run() itself in a 
reasonable way?
(I can think of several ugly hacks to make run() stop and wait until I attach to 
it, but I still hope there is something I overlooked and there is a simple 
solution for that).

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp plugin and gdb?

2004-07-23 Thread Joseph Heled
Exactly what I needed! Thanks a lot.
I never wondered what's in that mysterious MAIN(). Now I know at least some of 
the answer :)

Manish Singh wrote:
Check out the developer FAQ:
So yes, you overlooked some key things. ;)

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] gimp-plugin-template: install

2004-07-23 Thread Joseph Heled
Can someone tell me how to configure gimp-plugin-template so that it installs 
locally(~/gimp-2.0) instead of the global /usr/local?

Thanks, Joseph
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] plugin: can it tell when it is called to generate a thumnail?

2004-07-23 Thread Joseph Heled
The topic says it all. When the Open dialog needs to generate a preview 
thumbnail, it calls the open plugin non interactively. However, if the plugin 
knew that only a small thumbnail is needed, it can use in many cases the one 
stored in the file. This can result in a speed up of many orders of magnitude 
when raw files are the target.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] gimp-plugin-template: install

2004-07-23 Thread Joseph Heled
Can someone tell me how to configure gimp-plugin-template so that it installs
locally(~/gimp-2.0) instead of the global /usr/local?
Thanks, Joseph
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] plugin: can it tell when it is called to generate a thumnail?

2004-07-23 Thread Joseph Heled
The topic says it all. When the Open dialog needs to generate a preview
thumbnail, it calls the open plugin non interactively. However, if the plugin
knew that only a small thumbnail is needed, it can use in many cases the one
stored in the file. This can result in a speed up of many orders of magnitude
when raw files are the target.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp-plugin-template: install

2004-07-23 Thread Joseph Heled

David Neary wrote:
Hi Joseph,
Joseph Heled wrote:
Can someone tell me how to configure gimp-plugin-template so that it 
installs locally(~/gimp-2.0) instead of the global /usr/local?

configure --prefix=~/gimp-2.0 should work. But if you would like
to install your plug-in in the GIMP user directory (in
$HOME/.gimp-2.0/plug-ins), I don't know how to do that.
which is exactly my problem. configure sets this from
GIMP_LIBDIR=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=gimplibdir gimp-2.0`
And gives no way to override it. I think this is a configure mistake.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] OT: noise equivalence in HSV components

2004-07-23 Thread Joseph Heled
> HSV is the wrong colorspace to use for this purpose.  The LA*B*
> colorspace was designed to do what you are trying to accomplish:
> supposedly, equal distances in LA*B* coordinate space correspond to
> equal distances in human perceptual space -- although I understand
> that there is debate about whether this is really true.
I might be wrong, but this will not solve it either. I assume the AB (color 
information) might be in the "same" units, but I don't think Luminosity is. (and 
I can make the argument that Hue and Saturation are in the "same" units as well, 
the problem being how to fit Value in)

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp-plugin-template: install

2004-07-24 Thread Joseph Heled

Sven Neumann wrote:
Joseph Heled wrote:

Can someone tell me how to configure gimp-plugin-template so that it 
installs locally(~/gimp-2.0) instead of the global /usr/local?

gimp-plugin-template is an example of an autoconf/automake packaged
plug-in that is to be installed system-wide. It doesn't handle
installation to the users plug-in directory. Why should it?

 - On some system you don't have administrative rights (say the university)
 - The gimp is set up to allow full plugins to be installed in ~..gimp-2.0
 - 'gimptool --install' defaults to installing in ~/.gimp-2.0
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] 16 bit Gimp?

2004-07-26 Thread Joseph Heled
It would be nice to be prove wrong, but I am not aware of such a plugin.
Dave's (dcraw author) own "plugin" is just a simple "text like" interface o dcraw.
My work is based on PTJ rawphoto, but it is already much better, I believe. Have 
a look at http://pages.quicksilver.net.nz/pepe/d70/Nikon_D70_on_Linux.html
if you like.

David Neary wrote:
Sven Neumann wrote:
Joseph Heled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
(repeat) I am developing a plugin which loads raw images from digital
cameras (CRW,NEF etc).
I might be wrong, but doesn't such a plug-in exist already?

One exists for dcraw (Canon's raw format). Don't know if that
would work on the other formats.
Shouldn't we consider including that in the main distribution for
2.2, since that type of format is now more & more widespread?
Who's the author?
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] preparing GIMP 2.2

2004-08-09 Thread Joseph Heled
I would argue that non interactive plugins (or interactive plugin run in non 
interactive mode, which I presume to be the same thing), should not bring up any 
 progress bars.

Sven Neumann wrote:
David Hodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

What if there's no associated dialog? I have some plugins that
call (lots of) Gimp functions non-interactively, with no image
display. The result is that the progress dialog is constantly
being created and destroyed. Things would be much neater if it
was (optionally?) just part of the main toolbox window.

The progress bar should then be part of the plug-in dialog that calls
these functions. I don't think having the progress in the toolbox
window is a good idea.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] open thumbnail and raw files

2004-10-27 Thread Joseph Heled

The gimp Open Image dialog contains preview thumbnail. To generate them, gimp 
calls the plugin to generate them. Now, for raw digital camera files (.nef, .crw 
...) this is a very expensive operation - and obviously one would love to use 
the prepared/pre-stored thumbnail which exists in the file.

From what I could see, there is no way I (the plugin author) can detect if the 
call is for a thumbnail or not.

Can someone tell me if I am right or wrong?
If wrong - how do I do it?
If right, is there a chance this can be changed?
Thanks, Joseph
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] open thumbnail and raw files

2004-11-03 Thread Joseph Heled

Sven Neumann wrote:
Joseph Heled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The gimp Open Image dialog contains preview thumbnail. To generate
them, gimp calls the plugin to generate them. Now, for raw digital
camera files (.nef, .crw ...) this is a very expensive operation - and
obviously one would love to use the prepared/pre-stored thumbnail
which exists in the file.
From what I could see, there is no way I (the plugin author) can
detect if the call is for a thumbnail or not.
Can someone tell me if I am right or wrong?
If wrong - how do I do it?
If right, is there a chance this can be changed?

You are right. You could suggest an API and we could consider to add
it for GIMP 2.4.
The most natural place is to add an optional argument to the run() gimp
arguments. However I am not sure if this is possible. The plugin is a "file
loader", registered under "Load"
gimp_install_procedure ("file_rawphoto_load",
I guess "Load" implies some magic, since it is not visible in the regular menus.
And perhaps 3 arguments is hardwired for such plugins? Can someone enlighten me?
(P.S it would certainly make sense to run this plugin non interactively from a
script, and in that case supply even additional arguments ...)


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] open thumbnail and raw files

2004-11-03 Thread Joseph Heled

Sven Neumann wrote:
Joseph Heled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Great. So what I suggest - i.e. a forth argument to run() to indicate
a request for a thumbnail should work and not break other plugins?
I think you need to make yourself familiar with the GIMP API. Did
ever look at the API reference manual?
Not in full, but I can't see why it will help, since this is internal
to gimp itself.

No it isn't. If I understand your approach, you suggested to add
parameters to run() 
Not at all. I meant to add a parameter to 'param'
run(const gchar* name,
gint nparams,
const GimpParam* param,
This affect only load plugins with 4 declared arguments (by the plugin), the 
forth named "thumbnail".

  static GimpParamDef load_args[] =
  { GIMP_PDB_INT32,  "run_mode", "Interactive, non-interactive" },
  { GIMP_PDB_STRING, "filename", "The name of the file to load" },
  { GIMP_PDB_STRING, "raw_filename", "URI of the file to load" },
  { GIMP_PDB_INT32,  "thumbnail","use embedded thumbnail" },
(I would need to be superman to make a working change to run() in 15 minutes ... :)
even though run() of course has a fixed set of
parameters. Since it is probably the most important function in the
GIMP API and implemented by all plug-ins, there is certainly not an
option to change it. What we need here is a way for load plug-ins to
register and additional procedure to load the thumbnail. This could
probably be designed in a way that would allow plug-ins to reuse their
main procedure.
I am however not going to continue this discussion in private mail. If
you want to talk about it, please use the mailing-list.
No problem. I thought it is best not to inflict my ignorance on the whole list.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] image growing size - is it true? is it normal?

2004-11-17 Thread Joseph Heled
I open a 3038x2012 photo (gimp 2.2-pre1).
The caption below the image says 46.9 MB
I add a layer with Layer/New Layer. The caption says  70.3 MB
I delete the layer. Caption stays 70.3 MB
I Layer/New Layer again. The caption says: 93.7 MB
I delete the layer.  Caption stays 93.7 MB
Should I believe the numbers or not? I understand the gimp might be allocating 
memory and keeping it, but it does not mean the size of the image keep growing 
indefinitely? What am I missing?

Thanks, Joseph
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] image growing size - is it true? is it normal?

2004-11-17 Thread Joseph Heled
Thanks for all of you who clarified this. My setting are
Minimal number of undo levels - 20
Maximum Undo Memory - 64M
I guess the two are in conflict for large images. I like a fairly liberal number 
of undo's, yet I did not realize the size can balloon in a such a way and hit 
1.2G after a few applications of a scheme script (which makes liberal use of new 
layers), which brings gimp and the system to a long minutes of swapparoa fun.

So, is there a way to limit the size per image? Or a better way to set up a 
machine with 750MB of memory and a large swap?

Thanks, Joseph
Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris wrote:
On Wednesday 17 November 2004 23:02, Joseph Heled wrote:
I open a 3038x2012 photo (gimp 2.2-pre1).
The caption below the image says 46.9 MB
I add a layer with Layer/New Layer. The caption says  70.3 MB
I delete the layer. Caption stays 70.3 MB
I Layer/New Layer again. The caption says: 93.7 MB
I delete the layer.  Caption stays 93.7 MB
Should I believe the numbers or not? I understand the gimp might be
allocating memory and keeping it, but it does not mean the size of
the image keep growing indefinitely? What am I missing?

The information is still ther, as the layer deletion can be undone.
Open the "undo history" dialog, and hit the "clear undo history" 
button - that is what you were missing. :-)

Thanks, Joseph
Gimp-developer mailing list
Gimp-developer mailing list

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] open thumbnail and raw files

2004-11-21 Thread Joseph Heled
In most raw files the thumbnail exists as an embedded jpeg. I know how to read 
it to memory, but need advice on how to load it into gimp (i.e. create a valid 
image ID for it).

Option a) Perhaps such functionality already exists - but I did not find it?
Option b) Go through the file system - write a temporary file and load it via a 
PDB call.

Option c) Use some jpeg library (say libjpeg) to read it.
(b) is the probably the simplest, but I am not happy about going to the file 
system and all the issues it brings. On the other hand (c) is quite complicated.

Can someone make a suggestion?
Thanks, Joseph
Sven Neumann wrote:
a while ago Joseph Heled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The gimp Open Image dialog contains preview thumbnail. To generate
them, gimp calls the plugin to generate them. Now, for raw digital
camera files (.nef, .crw ...) this is a very expensive operation - and
obviously one would love to use the prepared/pre-stored thumbnail
which exists in the file.
From what I could see, there is no way I (the plugin author) can
detect if the call is for a thumbnail or not.

Note that I have just added the missing API for plug-ins and also
implemented the core functionality. What's missing now is some more
plug-ins using this feature. See also

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] open thumbnail and raw files

2004-11-21 Thread Joseph Heled
After some more digging, I think I will use gdk_pixbuf_loader, like
GdkPixbufLoader* l = gdk_pixbuf_loader_new();
GError* err = 0;
gboolean ok = gdk_pixbuf_loader_write(l, my_buffer, my_buffer_len, &err);
if( ! ok ) {
GdkPixbuf*  b = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf(l);
// Build image from pixbuf ...
Any comments?
Sven Neumann wrote:
Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

(b) wouldn't work at all since you need to register a thumbnail
procedure from within your raw loader and you can't use the existing
JPEG load procedure since it doesn't have the right signature.

Thinking about it more, it would actually be possible. You'd have to
call the file_jpeg_load procedure on a temporary file from within your
file_dcraw_load_thumb procedure and pass the returned image_id back to
gimp. That would work but I still think using libjpeg makes more sense

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Best way for "limit distance"

2004-11-29 Thread Joseph Heled
(I think this has been discussed on the list before, but not sure 
What is the best way to achieve the following functionality -
  Given two layers L1 and L2, I want L2 limited by it's distance from L1
  Result  <-  L1 - MIN( MAX(L1 - L2), -20), 20)
(This expression uses L1/L2 as placeholder for each pixel in all RGB channels)
A. Write a plugin
B. Write it as a script-fu (not sure if script-fu can iterate on pixels, and 
what is the speed implication). And I hate scheme.

C. Write it in python fu if I can compile it, but even though it is probably not 
 as universally available as scrip-fu. Can I iterate over an image in python-fu?

D. I know I can do it with 5 layers and overlay modes. write this as a 
script-fu. Not elegant and requires loads of memory for large images.

 Layer   Mode
 L1 Grain Merge
148 Darken Only
108 Lighten Only
 L1 Grain Extract
 L2 Normal
(148/108 stand for a layer filled with gray pixels (148,148,148)/(108,108,108)
E. Write a generic framework which allows any kind of expression(s) between 
layer(s)  (Only kidding ...)

F. Anything better?
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] python-fu "Referesh Scripts"

2004-11-30 Thread Joseph Heled
Perhaps a silly question, but is there a "Refresh Scripts" for python-fu?

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] python-fu "Referesh Scripts"

2004-11-30 Thread Joseph Heled
Thanks. Now that I realized I need to put the script in the plug-ins directory 
it makes perfect sense.

However, I learned that the hard way, first placing it in the scripts directory 
and not understanding why it is missing from the menu.

Sven Neumann wrote:
Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

It isn't needed. If you change your python script, GIMP will use the
updated version next time you start it.

Next time you call the script, of course. This could have been
misinterpreted as "next time you start GIMP".

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Best way for "limit distance"

2004-12-02 Thread Joseph Heled
Thanks for the suggestion. Using Joao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> lead I use for now 
python-fu with the numarray extension. As far as I know such speedups are 
something scrip-fu is not capable off, and I truly hope one day script-fu will 
be phased out and python-fu (or any other sane scripting language) will take 
it's place.Others might disagree, but I don't consider perl sane :)

BTW, all this was part of a small evaluation of CCD noise removal method. If you 
are interested, the details are in 

The results are quite dismaying. I appreciate any insight on the subject. 
However please note I am not looking for a solution for the specific image I 
used, but a generic one.

Øyvind Kolås wrote:
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 13:25:16 +1300, Joseph Heled
(I think this has been discussed on the list before, but not sure where/when.)
What is the best way to achieve the following functionality -
  Given two layers L1 and L2, I want L2 limited by it's distance from L1
  Result  <-  L1 - MIN( MAX(L1 - L2), -20), 20)
A. Write a plugin
B. Write it as a script-fu (not sure if script-fu can iterate on pixels, and
what is the speed implication). And I hate scheme.
C. Write it in python fu if I can compile it, but even though it is probably not
 as universally available as scrip-fu. Can I iterate over an image in python-fu?
D. I know I can do it with 5 layers and overlay modes. write this as a
script-fu. Not elegant and requires loads of memory for large images.
   E. extend gluas to be able to pick an auxiliary drawable for
additional pixel sources,
(essentially resurrecting some code I initially had in a different
version of gluas, and write the expression in gluas).
( gluas is at http://pippin.gimp.org/plug-ins/gluas/ )
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Best way for "limit distance"

2004-12-02 Thread Joseph Heled
I am using gimp-2.2-pre2. I certainly get totally different results than you for 
the same setting. I would appreciate some advice on how to find out how can that be,

Øyvind Kolås wrote:
On Fri, 03 Dec 2004 10:12:37 +1300, Joseph Heled
BTW, all this was part of a small evaluation of CCD noise removal method. If you
are interested, the details are in
The results are quite dismaying. I appreciate any insight on the subject.
However please note I am not looking for a solution for the specific image I
used, but a generic one.

I think you are running with an old version of the gimp, the artifacts
from the median filtering done in the Despeckle plugin doesn't look
good at all in your image,. somehow it seems like the result I achieve
might be similar to what you want (note that I have run it on the jpeg
version of
your original.) running with a radius of 1.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Best way for "limit distance"

2004-12-02 Thread Joseph Heled

Øyvind Kolås wrote:
might be similar to what you want (note that I have run it on the jpeg
version of
your original.) running with a radius of 1.
I was careless and did not realize the jpeg will make such a big difference. I 
replaced the original on my page with a png file, which you can grab if you wish 
and see the problem for real.

While your settings are definitely better, personally I find the result not good 
enough. And as I mentioned, the speed of the plugin is a big deterrent as well.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Judging the splash contest (mark 2)

2004-12-03 Thread Joseph Heled
It might have been me. I thought the the names will be announced later, after 
the panel is finalized.

I have looked at all the entries, but not sure if I will be on the panel or not 
Carol Spears wrote:
On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 01:06:47PM +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
We now have 5 volunteers, and I think that's a nice sized panel.
Thanks a lot to everyone for their answers.
(should I say who the judges are? one of them replied to me off-list, so perhaps
he wanted to stay anonymous...)
yes, i would like to know who the judges are.  there should be a global
effort to track the payola.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Multiple Layers and curves?

2004-12-07 Thread Joseph Heled
When opening the curves tool, it shows the current layer.
Then switching to another layer, the curve tool remains unchanged.
Now opening curves for the second layer, the first tool disappears.
So, How can I view/adjust curves for two layers simultaneously?
Thanks, Joseph
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Multiple Layers and curves?

2004-12-07 Thread Joseph Heled

Sven Neumann wrote:
"Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Meanwhile, the workaround for this is running 2 simultaneous GIMPs, 
and editing one of your layers as a separate image on other instance 
of the GIMP.

Joao, I think you completely misunderstood the question.
I think he understood, but the suggested solution will not do, because the two 
layers are interacting via a layer mode, and I would like to view the effect 

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Histogram of selection?

2004-12-08 Thread Joseph Heled
In 2.2, the histogram always takes the full image. I thought that in the past it 
took the selection if there was one. Am I imagining this? Is there a way to get 
the histogram for just the selection?

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Histogram of selection?

2004-12-08 Thread Joseph Heled

William Skaggs wrote:
Joseph Heled wrote:

In 2.2, the histogram always takes the full image. I thought that in the past it
took the selection if there was one. Am I imagining this? Is there a way to get
the histogram for just the selection?

See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72959
Feel free to add a comment to that bug report :-).
  -- Bill
That was opened more than a year ago. All the comments say it is easy. Nu it is 
not in 2.2 pre, so I guess no one was interested ...

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Statistics on a selection? on an image

2004-12-08 Thread Joseph Heled
Is there a way to get some statistics on a selection? Say for each RGB channel 
Average, min max, STD, median? (I want this in some interactive way. i.e. to see 
the results while I play with the image/layers)

And if not, how would one implement this? A plugin need to be re-activated every 
time the selection changes. A tool? there can be only one at a time. So you 
can't keep it open and play with the image or the selection.

Can anyone suggest something?
(And Carol, there is no need to point out it can be done by going over the 
pixels one by one and a hand calculator )

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Statistics on a selection? on an image

2004-12-08 Thread Joseph Heled

Carol Spears wrote:
On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 05:58:51PM +1300, Joseph Heled wrote:
(And Carol, there is no need to point out it can be done by going over the 
pixels one by one and a hand calculator )

i offer you a two step solution and you get worried that i will suggest
a thousands of steps solution?
what did i do to you?

I felt it was inappropriate to be treated as a newbee, who could not think of 
the obvious workaround. I posted because I thought there should be a better way. 
The other response showed that this is a legitimate known issue/request.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Histogram of selection?

2004-12-09 Thread Joseph Heled

Sven Neumann wrote:
Joseph Heled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In 2.2, the histogram always takes the full image. I thought that in
the past it took the selection if there was one. Am I imagining

Yes, I think you are imagining this. There's a rather old bug report
about it and basically we agreed that we want to change the behaviour.
It should be an easy change but so far noone got around to do it.
Perhaps you might want to give it a try?
If by the time I finish other stuff on higher priority it is still 
unresolved I
will give it a try. Thanks for all the info on that.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] multiple instances of splash winners

2004-12-12 Thread Joseph Heled

Note/Disclaimer: I am *not* suggesting adding this "feature" into gimp. And 
please don't tell me I am doing something wrong or stupid or degrading gimp in 
any way or form.

I like many of the splash screens submitted, so I select a random one at 
startup. If you wish to do the same,

 - create a "gimp-splash" subdirectory under ~/.gimp-2.2
 - place all your favorites there
 - Apply the included patch (patch -p1 < rand-splash.diff)
 - recompile gimp
*** gimp-2.2-pre2/app/gui/splash.c2004-12-13 08:46:25.0 
--- gimp-2.2-pre2s/app/gui/splash.c 2004-12-13 08:46:25.0 +1300
*** 74,92 
g_return_if_fail (splash == NULL);
!   filename = gimp_personal_rc_file ("gimp-splash.png");
!   pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (filename, NULL);
!   g_free (filename);
!   if (! pixbuf)
! {
!   filename = g_build_filename (gimp_data_directory (),
!"images", "gimp-splash.png",
pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (filename, NULL);
!   g_free (filename);
if (! pixbuf)
--- 74,119 
g_return_if_fail (splash == NULL);
!   {
! int nFiles = 0;
! GError* err;
! const char* folder = gimp_personal_rc_file("gimp-splash");
! GDir* d = g_dir_open(folder, 0, &err);
! filename = 0;
! if( d ) {
!   srandom(time(NULL));
!   G_CONST_RETURN gchar* name;
!   while( (name = g_dir_read_name(d)) ) {
!   if( (random() % (nFiles+1)) == 0 ) {
! filename = g_build_filename(folder, name, NULL);
!   }
!   ++nFiles;
!   }
!   g_dir_close(d);
! }
! if( filename ) {
pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (filename, NULL);
!   g_free(filename);
+   }
+   if (!pixbuf ) {
+ filename = gimp_personal_rc_file ("gimp-splash.png");
+ pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (filename, NULL);
+ g_free (filename);
+ if (! pixbuf)
+   {
+   filename = g_build_filename (gimp_data_directory (),
+"images", "gimp-splash.png",
+   pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (filename, NULL);
+   g_free (filename);
+   }
+   }
if (! pixbuf)
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] panel and winning splash

2004-12-13 Thread Joseph Heled
Selecting a splash is a daunting task. However, the weight may seem less 
assuming the following tidbits are made readily accessible (say via a "Tip of 
the day")

  - How one can replace the default splash with a personal one.
  - How one can use multiple splashes.
  - Download location of splashes (Assuming contest splashes are kept for a 
The above would keep happy even the few unsatisfied with the committee choice.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] panel and winning splash

2004-12-13 Thread Joseph Heled

Sven Neumann wrote:
Joseph Heled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Selecting a splash is a daunting task. However, the weight may seem
less assuming the following tidbits are made readily accessible (say
via a "Tip of the day")
  - How one can replace the default splash with a personal one.

It's in the gimp man-page.

  - How one can use multiple splashes.

We should probably add this information.

I probably was not clear enough. I think "in the man page" might not be enough 
here. How about some mention of this in the "first time setup?"

I am not saying it is a big deal. If you think it is pointless than forget it. I 
was just hoping there is an easy way to alleviate some pressure from the 
selection committee.


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] A way to do 16 bits?

2004-12-15 Thread Joseph Heled
I would be the first to applaud when 16bit is integrated, yet this does not feel 
right long term, because any code written for "2 layers mode" will have to 
change when the data is correctly layout as a true 16bit number.

William Skaggs wrote:
I've been thinking about three things that are highly desired but
have been waiting for the migration to gegl:  support for 16 bits,
layer groups, and procedural layers.  It seems to me that all of
them can be achieved in GIMP 2 without major infrastructure changes,
not perhaps in the most ideal way, but not in a kludgy way either.
Given that the switch to gegl will probably entail a long development
cycle, it may be worth considering what can be done in the meantime
with GIMP 2.  

In this email I will discuss the 16-bit-depth issue, and leave the others
for later.
The basic idea for supporting 16 bits is to treat a 16-bit layer as
two 8-bit layers, a "main" layer for the high byte and an "auxiliary"
layer for the low byte.  The auxiliary layer would never be visible,
would not appear in the Layers dialog, and would always move together
with the main layer.
The thing that makes this approach feasible is that for most purposes
the low byte of a 16-bit layer is invisible to the user.  As a starting
point, then, it can simply be ignored in computing the projection.
(Some composition modes, particularly "divide", may ultimately want
to make use of it, though.)
The program would then be to build 16-bit support gradually into tools
and filters.  It needn't be done all at once, because a lack of 16 bit
support simply means ignoring the low byte of the input, which is not
a disaster in the great majority of cases.
There are really only two things, as far as I can see, that would need
to be done right at the start:  change the Layers dialog so that auxiliary
layers don't appear, and change the layer-moving commands so that
main and auxiliary layers move together.  Everything else could be
added over time, and nothing in GIMP would be seriously broken during
the process.
I look forward to feedback :-).
  -- Bill

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Gimp-developer mailing list

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