[Gimp-user] Text Editing Problems

2011-03-20 Thread Andrew Hall
I am using Gimp version 2.6.11 under Mac OS X version 10.4.11.

I am having a problem that is driving me to distraction: When I close  
a file and open it again, it is impossible to edit the text. Please  
note that before saving the file, I have no problems editing the  
text--so I have already passed hurdle.

It wouldn't be so bad if it was just a word or two, but I am in a  
situation where I will have to delete several paragraphs of text and  
re-type them in order to fix a small typo. With my typing skills, it  
is likely that I will make another typo in the process. And, of  
course, I don't remember what font I was using, or the type size,  
etc. etc.

Any suggestions and explanations would be welcomed.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Text Won't Enlarge Past 30 PX

2011-02-27 Thread Andrew Hall
I am a new Gimp user and have just started working on my first  
project with this application. Unfortunately, I ran into a roadblock  
almost immediately. I am unable to make text any larger than 30 PX. I  
can enter larger sizes than this in the Text Tool window, but any  
value greater than 30 has no effect. It doesn't matter whether I am  
trying to change existing text or am setting up the Text Tool for  
entering some new text. Selecting different units for the text size  
makes no difference in the maximum text size.

Any ideas?

Best regards,
Andy Hall

Gimp 2.6.11
Mac OS 10.4.11
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Scanner source

2010-08-29 Thread Andrew
  On 08/29/2010 08:27 AM, John S. wrote:
>> Have you got a symlink to the xsane binary in your gimp plug-in folder?
>> Andrew
> Sorry Andrew, I can't answer your question because I haven't a clue what a
> "symlink" is or an"xsane binary".  I went to the plug-in browser and found the
> Camera plugin but the information in the right hand side is beyond my limited
> knowledge.
> John Smith
Checking your original post I see you're using an imac, so someone else 
will have to help you out. Sorry.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Scanner source

2010-08-25 Thread Andrew
Have you got a symlink to the xsane binary in your gimp plug-in folder?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Increasing pixel size

2010-07-25 Thread Andrew

On 07/25/2010 03:49 AM, Byram wrote:

I have an old 7 mp image that I'm trying to increase to around 10MP.  I've
read it's best to increase by 10%, then unsharpen, and repeat process until
you get to the desired result.

I unsharpened with radius at 5, threshold 15, and amount .5.

When I finished the process.  I viewed the image at 100% and it was terrible.
Any recommendations regarding the process or the unsharpened mask settings?


It makes a difference what type of image it is. Enlarging a jpg will 
give worse results than enlarging a tif or raw, for example. Try 
decomposing the img into LAB and sharpening only the L layer.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Copy and paste chocolate fountain

2010-07-12 Thread Andrew
Harry Strunc wrote:
> Hi, 
> I want to copy our chocolate fountain in one .jpg
> Then paste it into a different .jpg.
> I can't copy it smoothly using FREE SELECT.
> It is on a dark background and I get a great selection using
> Then I am stumped.  How do I change the selection to reverse and 
> select the fountain instead of the dark background?
Menu Select > Invert should do the trick.



Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Listequette

2010-05-29 Thread Andrew

Deniz Dogan wrote:
> where the signature goes.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] removing layer area

2010-05-09 Thread Andrew
bob wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm trying to edit an jpg image I've downloaded from the net.
> This image:
> http://creativenerds.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/twitter-icos.jpg
> As you can see, the image has a white background.
> I want to isolate one of the illustrations and remove the white background.
> First I use the scalpal tool to isolate one of the illustrations. Then I use
> either the select tool or the erasor to remove the white. Instead of getting
> transparent area as a result, I get a grey.
> (What is happening here)
> To get around this, I first save the image as a png, then give the image a
> background layer with a random colour, save the image as an xcf and close the
> image. Then I open the xcf. 
> Again, I try to erase the white in order to get a transparent area. Again, I
> get an grey as a result.
> Obviously, I'm running into the boundaries of my understanding of image
> formats here.
> I'd love to know why I'm getting these results.
> I'd also like to know how I can remove the white area and get transaparency
> without closing and re-opening the image.
Looks to me as though the image has no transparency in it.

Menu: Layer > Transparency > Add alpha channel


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] how to invert greyscale values only...

2010-02-03 Thread Andrew
Rich Evans wrote:
> Ken --- close. but no cigar... 
> the steps: 1) Colors -> Desaturate; 2) Colors -> Invert leaves me with a 
> greyscale image... all color is gone :-( I'm looking for a filter that will 
> invert only black, white and grey pixels... leaving color saturated pixels 
> alone.
> Owen --- I will investigate the python solution. thanks for the advice.
> All --- Maybe the best question to ask is this... where online should I go to 
> learn about how GIMP filters are developed? I suppose once I learn how to 
> make on filter.. I suspect I will quickly conjure up other filter ideas as 
> well...
Meanwhile (and bearing in mind you haven't let us see the image in 
question), would this work?:
Duplicate layer, invert bottom layer and cut all blacks and whites out 
of (transparent) top layer (of course, if there's a range of greys it 
gets more complicated).
> For completeness, my original question is this: I have an RGB image that is 
> basically a black background with many
> colorful objects and white text.  --- I'd like to invert the image so
> that it is a white background with black text but a simple invert
> inverts the colors in all the colored objects as well. Is there a
> technique or tool to invert any part of the image that is only a shade of 
> grey?
> i.e. invert pixeils with a saturation of ~0 (if that is how you say
> it). I could imagine a filter that does a simple RGB invert for any
> pixel whose calculated RGB saturation value is below a set threshold.
> Does this type of tool/script exist?
> continued thanks,
> -rich
> - Original Message 
> From: Ken Warner 
> To: Rich Evans 
> Cc: Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 8:12:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] how to invert greyscale values only...
> Colors -> Desaturate; Colors -> Invert
> No?
> Rich Evans wrote:
>> I'm grateful for the replies I have received, but I was thinking that if 
>> there isn't a well-known tool or method already, that maybe someone could 
>> point me to a site that describes how custom filters can be made from 
>> scratch. I'm not afraid to learn what I need to to make the filter, ...I've 
>> just never done it before. *grin* I just need someone to point me to a 
>> decent tutorial (I can do c programming if that's what it is, but my working 
>> assumption is that, all things being equal,  it should be easier to make a 
>> filter for GIMP than it would be to write a c program from scratch).Would 
>> anyone consider this... easy?
>> continue thanks,
>> -Rich
>> - Original Message 
>> From: Cédric Gémy 
>> To: Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
>> Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 5:58:51 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] how to invert greyscale values only...
>> not completely satisfied with sven's method, working on some pictures
>> but not any, depending on the shades.
>> I used to do it in CMYK a long time ago with photoshop by just pushing
>> the image to CMYK and inverting the K curve.
>> I guess something might be done with decompose color filter or so. But
>> the quicker/best average i've found is just adding a mask based on the
>> layer (L from Lab or N form CMYK could be used too), and play with the
>> curve to adapt to the shades+refine with brush on mask. It takes few
>> seconds if the picture is not too complex. Then put a white layer below
>> and it's quite done. But i'm not completely satisfied with it.
>> ___
>> Gimp-user mailing list
>> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
>> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user
>>   ___
>> Gimp-user mailing list
>> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
>> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] problem modifying selection

2010-01-09 Thread Andrew K.
thanks @owen and @claus, but this isn't the problem.  I know about the
different modes and use them a lot.  This is something that sometimes happens,
and I don't know if I'm accidentally pressing something.  

As to ctrl^T, that's not it, because it's not about the visibility of the
selection, it's about the selection itself.  The selection actually disappears
and is replaced by the new one, whichever mode I use, and whichever selection
tool I use.  (it's easy to tell what the selection is by pressing ctrl^comma
and seeing the extent of the fill, even when the marquee is invisible)

The funny thing is that it happens only sometimes.  Could it be a bug?

>Hi Andrew,
>Andrew wrote:
>> I have trouble sometimes modifying the selection -- the new selection
>> the old instead of modifying it.  Also, the selection marks become
>> -- using the modifier keys or the selection mode menu, and using any of
>> selection tools -- doesn't help
>> -- selection should be visible according to view menu, but it isn't
>> -- the only way I can get back to normal is save and restart gimp
>> Either I've entered some select-unfriendly mode, or there's a bug.  Help?

>inside the "Tool" options, there's the possibility to set different 
>modes for
>selections, such as 'Add', 'Subtract', etc. By checking the respective
>you can add to or subtract from the current selection. If the selection
>"disappears", just press CTRL+T. This should bring the  selection back,
>unless you accidentally  removed the selection. Sometimes  I made the
>experience that CTRL+T doesn't work for some reason. Then 'View >
>Selection' brings the selection back.

Andrew K. (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] problem modifying selection

2010-01-08 Thread Andrew
I have trouble sometimes modifying the selection -- the new selection replaces
the old instead of modifying it.  Also, the selection marks become invisible.

-- using the modifier keys or the selection mode menu, and using any of the
selection tools -- doesn't help
-- selection should be visible according to view menu, but it isn't
-- the only way I can get back to normal is save and restart gimp

Either I've entered some select-unfriendly mode, or there's a bug.  Help? 

gimp version 2.6, Ubuntu. 

Andrew (via www.gimpusers.com)
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] make a christmas ball and insert a picture

2009-11-28 Thread Andrew
Ray wrote:
> Does anyone have an instructional on how to create a glass christmas ball and
> add a picture (that hopefully) would follow the contour of the ball?
I'd have thought your best bet would be Filters > Map > Map object and 
map to sphere.


Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] mystery filters or script-fu

2009-11-11 Thread andrew collier

about a year or so ago i had an image which i transformed using a set of
gimp filters or script-fu. the transformed images were then arranged as
panels, which i gave to my girlfriend and she was mighty chuffed. the
resulting image is at:


now i am wanting to do a similar thing again, using the same effects on
another set of images. however, in the interim i have reinstalled linux on
my machine (changing from slackware to ubuntu) and in the process have lost
my old gimp setup. i have gone through all the existing filters on my new
installation and scoured a variety of web sites to try and find the filters
that i used but no luck! from what i recall, all of the filters which i used
were grouped together, so i suspect that they are part of a package?

does anybody have any idea what filters i used to create these effects?

best regards,
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] docking dialogs

2009-05-26 Thread Andrew
Roy S. wrote:
> I guess, this is a pretty simple question.
> I have a separate workspace for GIMP (Ubuntu Jaunty). I've got the GIMP main
> work area in the middle of the screen and two dialogs, Tools and Layer
> Channels Paths, docked, one on each side. This setup comes up when I click the
> GIMP icon. 
> I would like to dock the Undo HIstory dialog (and maybe others too). But
> altho the dialog has been docked before exiting, when I restart GIMP, it's not
> loaded, tho the other two are. 
> How do you get dockable dialogs to dock and stay docked?
> Thanks for any help.
Edit > Preferences > Window Management > ...  ??

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to rotate part of an image without getting white triangles at the corners ?

2009-04-01 Thread Andrew
Jay Smith wrote:
> What am I missing?
Maybe a step by step. I've just tried it again and it works with a 
minimum of mousing (I'm using gimp 2.6.4).

1. Add alpha channel to initial layer.
2. Add new black layer and move it underneath. (After this step make 
sure you change the active layer to the top one).
3. Draw a rectangle around the crooked stamp.
4. Rotate.
5. Anchor rotated selection.
(Repeat 3-5 as necessary. I haven't tried with more than one 'stamp' but 
I don't think it makes much difference)
6. Flatten image.
7. Say 'Wow. Gimping is great fun... and easy to do!'

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to rotate part of an image without getting white triangles at the corners ?

2009-03-31 Thread Andrew
Jay Smith wrote:
> Using Gimp 2.6.6 on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) Linux.
> We are testing using Gimp to replace Photoshop on Windoze.  However, we
> are hitting one problem/feature we have not been able to resolve.
> We scan images of postage stamps (using xsane from inside gimp). There
> are multiple postage stamps are on a black background.  Some of them are
> a little crooked and need to be rotated.
> We CAN rotate them as desired, but are ending up with unwanted white
> triangles at the corners.
> We have set the background color to black (and tried changing foreground
> too).  Then reselecting and rotating.  No difference.
> In the preferences on file creation, for background, there are setting
> choices for white, transparent, foreground color, or background color --
> but NOT black (unlike Photoshop).  Not sure if this is the problem.
> When the image is created, coming in from xsane, there is only one layer.
> Method:
> - Scanned using xsane from inside gimp: multiple postage stamps on a
> black background.
> - Set background color to black.
> - Draw selection around ONE stamp and use rotate tool by dragging the
>   grid around.
> Direction = corrective; grid on -- works as desired (but gets
> white triangles)
> Transform (in the rotate tool palette)
>   - tried Layer (works but gets white triangles)
>   - tried Selection (just rotates the selection box and not any
> part of the picture -- that is very odd!!! -- does this not
> work or do I not understand what it is supposed to do??)
>Clipping -- is set to Adjust, but also tried the other settings
>all of which still end up with white areas.
> I understand that I could draw selections around the various unwanted
> white parts and fill with black, but that is a big pain -- we scan
> thousands of such images and would thus have to do 4x thousands of fills.
> Is Gimp unable to auto-fill those background areas?  Or do I not have
> something setup correctly?
> Is the problem related to the way in which we acquire the image in the
> first place?
> What am I missing
> This is automatic in Photoshop (as long as the background is set to
> black), so I assume that Gimp would do it even better.
> Jay
There's probably a better solution to this, but if you add an alpha 
channel to the image before rotating the selection, then instead of 
white triangles you'll  get transparent sections and you can add a black 
layer below to fill them in.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Changing the color of only part of my text

2009-03-23 Thread Andrew
mdedwards wrote:
> Hello
> I am creating a simple text logo. The logo is three words but they are all
> run together: thedaughterproject and I want the word "daughter" to be in a
> different color.
> I cannot seem to figure out how to simply get that one word in there changed,
> without creating three text boxes and messing with trying to make it look like
> they all run together, especially since I am using a cursive font.
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Thanks
Just a thought, I haven't tried it yet: write the text in one colour, 
duplicate the text layer, change the colour of one level, make sure the 
layer is transparent and 'cut holes' in it (e.g. rectangle select, cut) 
so the one below shows through.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Need help with "Help"!!! -- Att.: Noel

2009-02-26 Thread Andrew
Doug wrote:
> Ken Warner wrote:
>> I also would like to download the GIMP documentation and run it locally.
>> But I can't find a help manual download.  I only can find a tar.bz2 
>> tarball
>> and I don't think I have a program to open that...
>> Where is a downloadable GIMP help file with all the HTML pages in it
>> so I can run the help locally from GIMP?
> Ken,
> tar.bz2 is a linux compressed file, so it won't be any use to you if 
> you're running Windows.
> On linux, first move the downloaded .tar.bz2 file to a 
> folder where it will be convenient to keep the Help manual.
> Then in a terminal window, type
> tar  xzvjf  .tar.bz2
Shouldn't that be:

 tar xvjf .tar.bz2


> This will uncompress the Help Manual into your chosen folder.
> Doug
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Reduceing colors in the Alpha layer

2008-12-22 Thread Andrew R.
How do I change the png plug in?

>On Wed, 2008-12-17 at 10:35 +0200, Francois du Toit wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 5:32 AM, David Gowers <00a...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > PNG actually supports indexed images with full 8bit alpha channel. If
>> > Flash supports that, it could be worth your while to look into.
>> But does gimp support indexed images with full 8bit alpha channel?
>Yes, it does. With some caveats (see below).
>> Converting an image to indexed also converts the alpha channel to 1bit
>> in some quick tests.
>That observation is wrong. It's just the display that shows the image as
>if the alpha channel only had 1 bit. This is a historical decision, made
>to make it easier to work with GIF files. The alpha channel is actually
>kept intact. The PNG save plug-in does not support saving indexed images
>with full 8bit alpha channel though. If you really need this feature, it
>shouldn't be too difficult to improve support for it in GIMP. Perhaps
>start by changing the PNG plug-in...

Andrew R.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Reduceing colors in the Alpha layer

2008-12-17 Thread Andrew R.
Yes it does that but only to 1-bit. I want the colors reduced to a few colors.
If I transfer the alpha layer to a channel in the layers section I can save
the alpha layer. It can then be exported with the image as a PNG. However,
I've found no way of reducing the number of colors in the alpha layer.

Thank you for your time.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Reduceing colors in the Alpha layer

2008-12-15 Thread Andrew R.
I have a problem. I am making flash games but there is a 10 meg limit on the 
total size of the game I can make. In order to do what I want i need to 
compress my sprites as much as can be done. I am using PNG files. 

I have in the past I have reduced the number of colors and removed the alpha 
layer and used only one transparent color.

What I want to do now is reduce the number of colors like before but also use a 
alpha layer. This reduction of colors really helps reduce the size of the 
sprite and after I put it though PingOUT I really get a smaller size. However I 
want to reduce the number of colors in the alpha layer and keep the color set 
to RGB. I've been using the index color option and then set it back to RGB 
color. This works file for the picture but it does nothing to the alpha layer. 
I have tried using posterize on the alpha layer. It does reduce the total file 
size but not by much. In the past I have found that postersize does not reduce 
the number of colors saved in the index. It only makes it look like there are 
fewer colors. I have tested this much and it does store many colors many of 
which are the same.

I have tried my best to reduce the number of colors in the alpha layer but to 
no luck. If I could reduce the number of alpha colors I could really make a 
good looking sprites for my game. 

File size is a big deal, while at the same time I want to have some sort of 
alpha layer. Even if it doesn't have all the colors it would have normally.

I have been using gimp 2.2. I am getting the new version now.

Sorry for the long post.

Andrew R.

Thank you for your time.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] exif loss

2008-11-30 Thread Andrew
Rinke H. wrote:
> Hi list, 
> I have gimp 2.6 and ufraw installed on a windows 2000 sp4 machine. 
> Whenever I try to convert a dng file (the pentax raw file format) my exif
> data gets completely lost. 
> If I send the image from ufraw to gimp, and then save it, I get no error
> message at all; 
> if I save it directly from ufraw, I I get an error message saying: "exif
> buffer length 79514, too long, ignored" .
> Does anybody know if there 's a sollution to this? 
> Is there a work-around? Can I copy my exif data back into the jpg image in an
> easy way?
> thanks, 
A possible workaround would be to copy the exif data from the original 
.dng to the converted file using exiftool.



Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] dealing with Nikon NEF RAW files?

2008-11-12 Thread Andrew
peter kostov wrote:
> Hi!
> Is there anyone here, who has a Nikon DSLR and is shooting in RAW? If 
> yes - how do you deal with your .NEF images?
> On a CD that came with my camera there was a program called 'Picture 
> Project'.
> Until recently I used it under Wine and was pretty happy with it. It 
> worked slow, but it allowed me to enter IPTC information, make basic 
> image changes (brightness, black point compensation, sharpen, rotate, 
> crop) - almost everything I need before exporting to TIF. The exported 
> files were with really good quality - one that I can not achieve with 
> Ufraw or other tools. Unfortunately  I had to delete my .wine dir and 
> now I can't install Picture Project anymore - it asks for a product 
> key?! How is that I don't know - it used to be a free program... or was 
> it a trial version?
> Anyway, this product isn't maintained by Nikon any longer. Now they  
> offer ViewNX, which doesn't work under Wine (installs fine, but crashes 
> when you try to do anything with it). Capture NX requires .NET and is 
> not working too, neither under Wine, nor under Mono or pnet. Is not free 
> either and I don't like to use illegal software.
> So now I am in trouble!
> I know about Ufraw and I use it, but the results I am achieving with it 
> are not so good as they were with the Nikon utility.
> I found this too: http://www.gimp.org/~tml/gimp/win32/pspi.html and 
> thought that I could give the Photoshop "Camera Raw" plug-in a try, but 
> unfortunately this isn't working for me too - I am on Gentoo  and in 
> order to compile  pspi  I need the PhotoshopAPI, which was distributed 
> with Photoshop 6.0 only and as you may guess I don't have it, it is not 
> available on the net anymore too.
> I know I could install a virtual machine and a whole Window$ on top of 
> it and and no thanks.
> Please help!!! How do you deal with this situation?
> Any help will be greatly  appreciated!!!
> Greetings,
> Peter
> ___
Rawstudio and Rawtherapee are two more options for converting raw files 
under Linux. I've tried both and personally prefer the latter (2.4). I 
assume they have support for .NEFs.



Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] IPTC data

2008-07-23 Thread Andrew
Good day,

My workflow is: Pentax raw (.pef) > rawstudio > gimp > save as tif > add
iptc data with exiftool. If I then open the tif again in gimp I get the
following message:

wrong data type 7 for "XMLPacket"; tag ignored

and on saving again all the iptc data has gone.

Is there a solution to this?



Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] sharpening

2008-06-12 Thread Andrew
Good day,

Can anyone tell me the practical differences between sharpening the L 
channel in LAB, the L channel in HSL and the V channel in HSV? 
Basically, how do these different options affect the final result?


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Chromatic abberration

2008-03-19 Thread Andrew
norman wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-03-19 at 08:32 +, norman wrote:
>>> I have found that a small low cost program called Ptlens does a very 
>>> fair job of reducing CA, and various other lens distortions.. It only 
>>> runs on Win2K, XP or Vista or Unix with a windows simulator, either free 
>>> standing or as a PS plugin. Profiles are available for many cameras. 
>>> Details available on:
>>> http://epaperpress.com/ptlens/
>>> It costs $15 for a full license
>> Sounds interesting, would you know if it will run using Wine?
> Ill answer this myself - It appears to work in Wine on Ubuntu 7.10. Ten
> tries are allowed free of charge so I will try it on a few images and
> report back.
> Norman
Seems to work on Slack 12, but only seems to open jpegs.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] brush, pattern, and gradient are missing

2008-02-29 Thread Andrew
edward storm wrote:
>   Being a raw beginner, I am nervous that my Gimp
> (Gimp-2.4.4 for Mac OS 10.5 Leopard) is missing the
> buttons for the current brush, pattern, and gradient, in the
> Toolbox window.  While I am getting along alright without them, the  
> time might come when I'll want them.  Is some little
> thing wrong with my Gimp, or has it just evolved?  If some
> thing is wrong, how can I fix it?
>   Thanks
Perhaps you mean Preferences -> Toolbox ?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] pucker skin

2008-01-29 Thread Andrew
??? wrote:
> On 2008-01-29 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote
>> Quoting Zhang Weiwu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> I wish to achieve the effect to add a deep pucker on the skin, as of
>>> the bone is broken underneath the sking or there is a joint underneath.
>>> Or should I use the word "wrinkle" or "crinkle", I am not sure. I am a
>>> new gimp user who just managed to learn conceptual things like layers,
>>> path, selection, mask and channel, and now I don't know where to start
>>> to read if I wish to get it done.
>> You might try using the "Grow" and "Shrink" options of the IWarp  
>> filter ("Filters->Distorts->IWarp...").
> Thanks. Actually I tried these things first, this is the first plugin I
> managed to use, it can hardly achieve the effect having "pucker" on the
> skin. I knew it's difficult to express what I wish to have, thus here is
> attached a picture of sking with no pucker and a picture sking with a
> "pucker". Have a look at the screen you can also correct my expression
> (actually, I am not sure at all of pucker is the right word).

I think you would call it a 'crease' or a 'fold'.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] convert tiff image to bitonal

2008-01-16 Thread Andrew
Owen wrote:
>> Imagemagick does the job.
>> Command I used was this:
>> convert -colors 2 -density 600x600 -colorspace gray -compress group4
>> pg_0015.pdf pg_0015.tif
>> The tif files generated are bitonal and the djvulibre bitonal
>> algorithm cjb2 works fine on them.
>> Was not able to batch, so I used openoffice spreadsheet to generate a
>> script containing 774 lines for the 774 images I had to convert. :-)
> You could run a bash script something like this
> for i in *.tiff; do echo "converting \"$i\"..."; convert "$i" -colors 2
> -density 600x600 -colorspace gray -compress group4 "bitonal-$i"; done
> Owen
> ___
Wouldn't mogrify work?

mogrify -colors 2 -density 600x600 -colorspace gray -compress group4 -format 
tif *.pdf

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] compiling woes

2007-10-27 Thread Andrew
Elwin Estle wrote:
> I am attempting to compile 2.4 on a fresh Slackware 12.0 install.  When I run
> ./configure, I get a message at the end about needing pygtk, but I have pygtk 
> installed
> and the version number is high enough.  Do I need some kind of development 
> headers and if
> so, where do I get them?

I had problems with pygtk and gimp-2.4 on Slackware-12 until I upgraded 
to pygtk-2.12.0 from slacky.eu, which is where I get my Gnome from.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Fwd: Opening pictures taken with an Olympus E-510 fails every time

2007-09-25 Thread Andrew
Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
> Yes, I have got the same answer from another forum as well. I have 
> libexif 0.6.13 installed. It's the version that is available in one of 
> the repositories when Ubuntu 7.04 is just installed. I use the 
> automatic update all the time, and so far there has not been an update 
> for that file.
> So I downloaded libexif 0.6.16, since someone said that he fixed his 
> problem (the same as mine) with that file after compiling and 
> installing it manually.
> I am a newbie of compiling so I am not sure if I was doing everything 
> I should, because efter installing it, the same problem persisted.
> I downloaded an archive which I unpacked in a folder in my home 
> folder. Then I opened a terminal, went to that folder, which contained 
> files like INSTALL (where I could read about how to install), 
> configure and a lot of other files.
> Then I followed the instructions:
> ./configure
> make
> make install
> There was a lot of "permission denied" in the last step, so I tried 
> sudo make install which seemed to work.
> The problem is that it seems like I still have the old version. The 
> images still can't be loaded, for the same reason as before. So right 
> now I don't know what went wrong. Do I still have the old version? Do 
> I have the new version, but need an even newer one? Do I have both 
> versions so I need to make GIMP use the new one rather than the old one?
> As I said, I am a hopeless beginner so far...
> Johnny Rosenberg
1. Unless you uninstalled the old version, it's still there.

2. Unless you did sudo ldconfig the new one won't work (though a reboot 
would probably do it for you).


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] scaling

2007-09-24 Thread Andrew
David Gowers wrote:
> On 9/24/07, Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How does 'sinc (lanczos3)' interpolation compare with the others for
>> quality?
> For upscaling, it's roughly like sharpening the image and scaling it
> up with Linear interpolation. That is not the method, just how the
> result looks.
> Arguably this counters the typical blurring incurred by upscaling.
> Personally I've always preferred manual sharpening to using Lanczos.
> Lanczos downscaling is interesting, but you won't find that in your
> copy of gimp -- it's still being worked on.
The Wikipedia article certainly was over my head.

 From what I read on the Gimp bug page lanczos scaling is not yet 
perfect. (But then what is?)

I have to upscale images from 16M to 48M and it seems the client takes 
them apart and looks at them through a microscope and rejects them if 
there are signs of sharpening or interpolation artefacts.

So far as I can see, my Gimp (2.4.0-rc2) does have lanczos downscaling

Thanks for your help,

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] scaling

2007-09-24 Thread Andrew

How does 'sinc (lanczos3)' interpolation compare with the others for 


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] can someone check this doc for me?

2007-09-19 Thread Andrew
adam hyde wrote:
> Thanks to everyone for the great feedback. I made some adjustments
> (http://en.flossmanuals.net/bin/view/Gimp/OptimisingImagesForWeb), but I
> still need to write something about the 'advanced' options in the JPEG
> window (if anyone wishes too they can create an account and add an
> explanation to that file...)
There was recently a thread on this list on the subject of 'jpeg 
compression levels' to which Raphaël Quinet replied with a bookful of info.

You should be able to find it.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp and ufraw

2007-09-17 Thread Andrew
norman wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-09-17 at 19:27 +0200, Andrew wrote:
>> norman wrote:
>>> < snip >
>>>> I'd expect that the documentation for building ufraw tells you how to
>>>> install it as a gimp plug-in, too. Maybe something at configure time or
>>>> maybe a link you have to create?
>>> After considerable research I have come to the conclusion that what I am
>>> trying to do is not possible. I use Gimp 2.3.18 and it looks as though
>>> UFraw will not install as a plug-in with this version. There are no
>>> problems with Gimp 2.2.13, as far as I can tell. However, I like Gimp
>>> 2.3.18 so I will just have to use UFraw as a stand alone application.
>>> Can any one else throw any further light on the situation?
>>> Norman
>> If you have two gimp installations, compiling ufraw will probably only 
>> install the plugin to one of them. If one of them is in a non-standard 
>> location it won't be detected. I have a symlink in the plugins directory 
>> of my non-standard installation pointing to the plugins directory of the 
>> standard installation.
> I thought that I had removed Gimp 2.2.13 before I installed Gimp 2.3.18.
> I found the Ubuntu download for UFraw and followed that procedure. UFraw
> was installed as a plug-in but in Gimp 2.2.13 and not in 2.3.18 which
> was still there. I removed Gimp 2.2.13 and there was no plug-in. 
> I am afraid that my Linux knowledge is insufficient to understand what
> you mean by a symlink and, even if I did, I have no idea how to go about
> producing one. Sounds like a very good idea, however.
> Norman 
In my case I did:

ln -s /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/ufraw-gimp 

The first path is where the plugin was installed; the second one is 
where I wanted the link.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp and ufraw

2007-09-17 Thread Andrew
norman wrote:
> < snip >
>> I'd expect that the documentation for building ufraw tells you how to
>> install it as a gimp plug-in, too. Maybe something at configure time or
>> maybe a link you have to create?
> After considerable research I have come to the conclusion that what I am
> trying to do is not possible. I use Gimp 2.3.18 and it looks as though
> UFraw will not install as a plug-in with this version. There are no
> problems with Gimp 2.2.13, as far as I can tell. However, I like Gimp
> 2.3.18 so I will just have to use UFraw as a stand alone application.
> Can any one else throw any further light on the situation?
> Norman

If you have two gimp installations, compiling ufraw will probably only 
install the plugin to one of them. If one of them is in a non-standard 
location it won't be detected. I have a symlink in the plugins directory 
of my non-standard installation pointing to the plugins directory of the 
standard installation.


Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] [Fwd: Re: cannot duplicate images (bug?)]

2007-09-13 Thread Andrew

(Sorry - forgot the list)
--- Begin Message ---

Sven Neumann wrote:


On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 21:02 +0200, Andrew wrote:
Using gimp-2.4.0-rc2 on Slackware 12.0, I can duplicate .png files but 
not .xcf .jpg or .pef (Pentax raw) files. (I haven't tried other 
formats). I get an empty window, with no rulers either. If I click on 
the pan tool a thumbnail appears at the top left corner of the image.

GIMP has a pan tool? What is that?

Forgive me if I am not using the correct term. I am referring to the 
tool on the bottom right of the image window that allows you to pan the 

As regards the problem I reported, although I was able to reproduce it 
consistently yesterday on two servers, it has ceased following a reboot. 
The problem must have been in the display on the client.


--- End Message ---
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] cannot duplicate images (bug?)

2007-09-12 Thread Andrew
Using gimp-2.4.0-rc2 on Slackware 12.0, I can duplicate .png files but 
not .xcf .jpg or .pef (Pentax raw) files. (I haven't tried other 
formats). I get an empty window, with no rulers either. If I click on 
the pan tool a thumbnail appears at the top left corner of the image.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] 2.4-rc splash screen

2007-09-05 Thread Andrew
Co what?
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] color info

2007-09-04 Thread Andrew
Bettina Lechner wrote:
> hi everybody,
> thank you for all your answers.
> Actually I am looking for the window where there where a lot of infos about
> a picture like:
> it had 3 registers:
> general: (infos about size, resolution, colors, colordepth
> pointer: like the pointer-dialog (I already found) and
> comments: exif infos(?)
> where is this?
> thank you!
> tina

Image > Image Properties ?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] color info

2007-09-04 Thread Andrew
Bettina Lechner wrote:
> thank you for your answer.
> but again my question. it’s very important for me:
> do you see in gimp 2.4 rc1 the entry “color info” in the menu
> “view”? where it has been under version 2.2?
> tina
I think that menu entry went out after gimp 2.2. The way to get colour 
info now seems to be with the colour picker while holding down the shift 
key (at any rate under Linux)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] jpeg compression levels

2007-08-23 Thread Andrew
Jeffery Small wrote:
> "=?UTF-8?B?UmFwaGHDq2w=?= Quinet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> This is probably way more information that you were expecting.  The
>> short answer is: set your GIMP quality level to 93 or higher (but in
>> fact, 90 should be OK).  And set the subsampling to 1x1,1x1,1x1.
> Raphael:
> Where do you set this?  Is there some global variable or Xdefault?  I do not
> see anything on the Preference dialog.  Thanks
> Regards,
> --
> Jeff
Pardon me for butting in. You set this in the 'save as jpeg' dialogue 
when you select to save in jpeg format.

Thanks very much Raphael.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] jpeg compression levels

2007-08-23 Thread Andrew

I need to make a JPEG "saved at a high quality setting (i.e. Photoshop 
level 10 or above)". Since I don't know what Photoshop is ;), could 
someone please tell me what the equivalent would be using GIMP?


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to spot fix a large area that is too light

2007-05-22 Thread Andrew
DJ wrote:
> Hi gimp-user,
> Thanks to everyone that responded to my questions.
> I found, while going through a tutorial, that to draw a circle you can
> use the ellipse tool with the shift key held down. Same with the
> rectangle tool to get a square.
> I found an excellent site and just thought I'd pass it on
> http://epaperpress.com/psphoto.   The book targets Photoshop, but the
> concepts are similar. They have very nice graphics that you can
> interactively change to see the effects. Cool! Gimpguru has been
> helpful, too.
> My latest problem. I have a very nice black and white photo of a
> couple. The only problem is the man's right arm and part of his chest
> are too light. I tried using the cloning and smudge tool, but it
> looked like he was wearing a dead raccoon. Not the look I was going
> for :-) I so much just want to draw a rectangle around the arm and say
> darken, but how do I do that in GIMP?
If that's really all you want, do just that. Use the rectange select 
tool and then Brightness-Contrast in the Colour Tools. (Other ways of 
selecting might give you better results, though.)


> I played around with layers, layer masks (which I know very little
> about), but have not been successful.  Is there help for this poor
> fellow's arm?
> Thank you.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] going digital

2007-05-03 Thread Andrew

I'm thinking of moving into the 21st century and getting a bottom-end 
digital reflex, preferably Pentax for the sake of nostalgia. Can anyone 
advise me from a technical point of view as to what I need in order to 
be able to get pictures into GIMP for editing? I use Slackware 11.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Path tool not working

2007-04-18 Thread Andrew
Thank you thank you thank you!

Much frustration solved.

> Quoting Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> If I use the path tool, it is not working. even if I start gimp from
>> scratch, and make a new area, it is still shown with the no entry sign!?!?!
>> ...
>> Occasionally, strangely, with nothing I have done apparently having any
>> effect, the path tool is working.
> It sounds as though your Paths Tool is in "Edit" mode. Double-click on  
> the tool to raise its Options window and assure that you are in  
> "Design" mode. You may also find it helpful to have the Paths dialog  
> displayed ("Dialogs->Paths") so that you can see the various paths you  
> are creating, select previously created paths, and change the  
> visibility of the paths on your drawing.
>> Then, when I use the path tool, the from path and to path are greyed out
>> in the selection pull down menu.
> This means that you have not created a path yet (probably because you  
> were in "Edit" mode).
>> if I use the intelligent scissors, I can outline an area, but I can't do
>> anything with it.
>> Now I come back to the app, start everything again, and the path tool is
>> not working again.
>> I use the intelligent scissors. I can make a shape. Once again, the from
>> path and to path are greyed out!?!?!?
> The Intelligent Scissors tool is completely unrelated to paths but  
> even still, once you have outlined your shape with the scissors, you  
> must convert it to a selection (by clicking on the starting point)  
> before it is of any use.
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Path tool not working

2007-04-18 Thread Andrew

I am simply trying to get an area I select active so I can fill it, copy 
it, remove it, add it to another picture.
If I use the path tool, it is not working. even if I start gimp from 
scratch, and make a new area, it is still shown with the no entry sign!?!?!

I was trying to do this with a bmp, and I changed it to a jpg in case 
that would help - no difference.
Occasionally, strangely, with nothing I have done apparently having any 
effect, the path tool is working.
Then, when I use the path tool, the from path and to path are greyed out 
in the selection pull down menu.  
if I use the intelligent scissors, I can outline an area, but I can't do 
anything with it.
Now I come back to the app, start everything again, and the path tool is 
not working again.
I use the intelligent scissors. I can make a shape. Once again, the from 
path and to path are greyed out!?!?!?
I have tried flattening the image, both with a picture and a blank page 
( which did seem stupid! ) but this makes no difference.

I have googled for help, but I don't think I am searching for the right 
Obviously this is easy when you know how. Equally obvious, it is not 
intuitive, not to me anyway! ( is photoshop this hard to learn!?!? )
(( the thing that drives me totally insane is that I have done this 
before, more than once. ))
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] python-fu and menus.

2007-04-16 Thread Andrew
Renan Birck Pinheiro wrote:
> Em Seg, 2007-04-16 às 16:43 -0400, John R. Culleton escreveu:
>> They were picked 
>> up as new plugins during the startup display but I still can't find 
>> them on a menu. 
> Then I don't know. Strange issue.
I have the same problem, also Slackware 11, Gimp 2.3.13.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Add a bit

2007-04-12 Thread Andrew
Matthias Julius wrote:
> Paul Surgeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> If your image is only a single layer then after changing the canvas size,  
>> flatten the image before pasting in a new selection.
>> I'm not sure of this but based on the behaviour it seems as if the canvas 
>> resize operation adds an alpha channel and sets the new border area around 
>> the old image to transparent.
>> Flattening the image will remove the alpha channel.
> The whole issue here is that increasing the canvas size doesn't make
> the background layer bigger.  There are a couple of ways to work
> around that:
> - after increasing the canvas size right-click on the background layer
>   and choose "Layer to Image Size"
> - after pasting the selection it will show up as "Floating Selection"
>   in the Layers window.  Right-click on it and select "New Layer".
>   This makes the inserted bit a new layer that you can move around
>   freely on the canvas.  It has the advantage that you can always
>   manipulate independently from the rest of the image.
> Matthias
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user
Many thanks everyone. I now have a clearer idea of the principles, as 
well as several solutions to the problem. Much appreciated.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Add a bit

2007-04-12 Thread Andrew
Andrew wrote:
> Hi. I have just started using gimp, and mosly I am getting on ok with 
> help files and google. However, one thing is driving me nuts. If I want 
> to add a bit to a picture, I make it bigger, using Image Canvas Size, 
> and then paste in the bit I want to add. It shows up when I paste it, in 
> the middle, but when I drag it to the place I want to use it, in the new 
> bit, it dissapears!? Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong? Please 
> enlighten me!
If I understand you correctly, I think what you are doing wrong is 
trying to paste directly to the canvas, which I think can't be done. Try 
adding a new layer first and pasting in to that,


Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Add a bit

2007-04-12 Thread Andrew
Hi. I have just started using gimp, and mosly I am getting on ok with 
help files and google. However, one thing is driving me nuts. If I want 
to add a bit to a picture, I make it bigger, using Image Canvas Size, 
and then paste in the bit I want to add. It shows up when I paste it, in 
the middle, but when I drag it to the place I want to use it, in the new 
bit, it dissapears!? Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong? Please 
enlighten me!


Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Vertical gradients

2007-03-19 Thread Andrew Scott

I am new to the list and would consider myself a rank beginner. I am using GIMP
2.2.11 on Linux, Ubuntu Dapper 6.06.

The photo I am procesing has rather bright sky / highlights towards the top,
and I would like to de-emphasise them.

Question: how do I apply a grey or neutral filter with a vertical gradient to
the photograph? And how can this gradient be adjusted to suit? I checked the
web site and documentation, but my time-limited search did not come up with

Many thanks in advance,

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Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] LGM/2007

2007-02-05 Thread Andrew
Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris wrote:
> LGM 2007 is approaching, and we have to deal which GOIMP people will 
> be attending.
Does this mean the argument about the name is beginning yet again? :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Replace Color Tool

2007-01-24 Thread Andrew
Christopher Burkhart wrote:
> Alright, I must be retarded, and I am sorry for cluttering y'alls inboxs.
> For some reason the color map is not working.
> I cannot find just 'fill' under edit.  I can find fill with BG color 
> and fill with FG color, but neither do what I want to do.
You should previously set FG or BG to the desired colour by clicking on 
them and choosing from the colour chooser.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] plugins for photographers

2006-12-18 Thread Andrew Swinn
David Hodson wrote:
  > Since this is the Gimp Users list -
> DBP is a Gimp batch processing plugin (for Linux and Windows, and
> probably anything else that Gimp compiles on).
> http://members.ozemail.com.au/~hodsond/dbp.html

Cool, that is something I have been in need of for a while. Just filled 
in a nice space.

I have a friend who is currently Gimping on a Mac and would love to have 
something like this. Has anyone compiled this for Mac?


Andrew Swinn
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp vs. Photoshop

2006-12-16 Thread Andrew Swinn
John R. Culleton wrote:
> ON another list someone was complaining about the expense nad bother of 
> upgrading to the latest Photoshop, including licenses etc. I suggested Gimp 
> as a no cost/no fuss alternative for students. I received a long reply, much 
> of which I am not technically competent to answer. I have never used 
> Photoshop. Anyone else care to take a crack at one or more issues raised?
> -

As much as I love The Gimp (I think its the most awesome piece of open 
source software around), if this is a school that is specifically 
preparing students for digital design practices in the real world they 
are going to need photoshop one way or another. After all it is still 
the industry standard.

My suggestion for this type of situation is this. Go with Photoshop 
licences, but not quite so many. If you were teaching my child I would 
want him or her to see all the main alternatives, not just the 
commercial one.

At least if they have a few Gimp'd machines they can do some real long 
term testing. Maybe they can get the students trained in bug fixing and 
feature programming. I hear GEGL needs some help? ;)


Andrew Swinn

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Transparency in a .png image

2006-10-31 Thread Andrew

Olle Viksten wrote:

I have an image with a black background and red and yellow text.

I need to make the background transparent so I can upload it to a
T-shirt printer.

Maybe I'm having a blonde moment but I can't find anyway to do it. Not
in the menues and not on the net.


I think the correct way is using Layer -> Transparency -> Colour to Alpha
Select -> By Colour and then Layer -> Transparency -> Alpha to Selection


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Please Change the Derogatory Name

2006-09-29 Thread Andrew

Roland Hordos wrote:

While all other credible opensource projects are gaining ground in a 
professional IT setting, the GIMP is being held back because of the 
instant derogatory impact of the name.  If someone who can champion 
this task reads this, please humble yourself for the sake of this 
amazing software that some of us are embarrassed to promote, or simply 
won't until the name is changed.
Thank you.

Gimp | Gimp |
a. W. gwymp fair, neat, comely.
  Smart; spruce; trim; nice. Obs. or Prov. Eng.
  1913 Webster

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Resize & Change Font

2006-07-10 Thread Andrew
Hi There. Once I have typed in text, how do I  change the font and the 
size? I'm using a new layer to put the text on, but I can't do anything 
with it except move it. No matter what I do I can't seem to change any 
of the other properties.
I want to put text on a picture, and then change the font and change the 
size to get it to look just right. In adobe products - indesign, 
photoshop - all i have to do is select the text, and I can alter any of 
the properties of the text, but there seems to be no way to select text 
with the text tool. All I can do is select the area, and none of the 
text options can be applied.
I presume there has to be a simple answer to this, but I've read the 
gimp help, and googled and searched the forums. Please help!

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] making a film from a panorama / cutting a image

2006-04-20 Thread Andrew

Bastian wrote:

I have searched in the mailing list and in forums but i'v found only how
to stitch. I have a stitched Image and want to cut it into pieces. I
want to burn it as a movie on DVD. The movie should pan from left to
right. I don't know if gimp can make mpeg or avi, but single frames are
ok. My friend told me, that a script will do, but i don't find such a


You can do a pan using the GAP (Gimp Animation Plugin). It will make 
avis, gifs and mpegs if you have the right libs and stuff installed. For 
proper info start at http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Using_GAP/

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] 2.3.7: xsane error: "failed to open device"

2006-03-31 Thread Andrew

John R. Culleton wrote:

On Thursday 30 March 2006 18:20, John R. Culleton wrote:

On Thursday 30 March 2006 17:42, Colin Brace wrote:

Hi all,

On my Fedora Core 5 system, xsane 0.99 in standalone mode works fine
with my scanner; it also works fine from within 2.2.10. But when I
launch it from within 2.3.7, I get a peculiar error message:

 Failed to open device `gimp':
 Invalid argument

I am totally unfamiliar with Fedora, but I use xsane and I use gimp. 
This error message is returned when you feed xsane the wrong device 
name. Perhaps you should take a look at how you are calling it.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Cutout and paste (Newbie question)

2006-01-04 Thread Andrew

Gert Blij wrote:


I am (very) new to The Gimp and not a graphic designer. I just want to use
some basic stuff and I am getting into it quite nicely.

However, for the life of me I can't find something that I reckon is very

I want to cut out part of an image (rectangular, round or oval, polygon,
etc) and copy and paste it to somewhere else. How do I do that?

For example:

First tool on toolbox (main gimp window) is rectangle select.
Draw rectangular selection on picture.
'Edit' menu > Copy
Switch to target image
'Edit' menu > Paste Into



Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Setting Up Defaults

2005-10-27 Thread Kaplan, Andrew H.
Hi there --

I want to reconfigure the following defaults when running the Acquire utility
within Gimp:
1. screencapture a window without 'decorations'
2. default file save location
3. default save file type

What file(s) do I need to modify to accomplish this? Thanks.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Gimp Screencapture Question

2005-10-26 Thread Kaplan, Andrew H.
Hi there -- 

I am running GIMP 2.2 and am trying to capture a section of rather than the
entire screen. I go to File/Acquire and select Single Window in the Grab
utility. A cross hairs appears and I select a portion of the screen. 

However, instead of just that area of the screen being captured, the entire
screen is captured. What steps or settings do I need to change to correct this?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Newbie needs direction wrt replacing text with grass

2005-09-26 Thread Andrew

Jim Lynch wrote:

No, not MJ.  I have a nice picture I'd like to print and frame but it 
has the stupid date/time string in yellow in the corner.  I have 
subsequenly turned off the date stamp so that won't happen again.  
Fortunately, maybe, the stamp is in a field of nice green grass, so I 
was hoping somehow I could replace the solid color (yellow) of the 
stamp with something that looks like grass.  Any suggestions on how I 
might go about that?  I've used gimp for simple things, like 
brightness, contrast, and cropping but replacing colors and doing 
things with layers is beyond me at this time.  Can anyone help? 


Try the clone tool. It's pretty simple to use and well explained in the 

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] retouching dark photos

2005-08-06 Thread Andrew Robinson

Steven Woody wrote:
> when playing with level or curves, did you guys adjust each channel 
alone or

> the overall combined value?

I'm no expert, but I usually start with the easiest operation and work 
my way to the more difficult. I'll try Auto-Levels first, adjusting the 
brightness with the middle triangle. If I don't like that, which is 
probable with a dark image, I'll undo it and adjust the white and black 
points on the combined channel. If that leaves a color cast, I'll adjust

individual channels.

Wish I knew how to work the curves. Any recommend a good tutorial?

Andrew Robinson

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Real life wilbur?

2005-05-13 Thread andrew cowley (BITS)

Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended 
solely for the use of the recipient(s) to whom they are addressed. If you have 
received it in error, please destroy all copies and inform the sender. This 
email and any attachments are believed to be free from viruses but BBSRC 
accepts no liability in connection therewith.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] compiling gap

2005-05-12 Thread Andrew
Good morning,
When trying to encode with gap using ffmpeg I get the following message:
Call of Required Plugin plug_in_gap_enc_ffmpeg failed
I installed ffmpeg.0.4.8 from source with --enable-shared. (But it seems 
I went wrong somewhere).

when running autogen for gimp-gap (cvs) I am told there are no libmpeg3 
header files to be found. I installed libmpeg3-1.5.4 (from Heroine 
Warrior) with configure, then make, then make install. Should I perhaps 
have done something more?

This is a Slackware-10.0 system with gimp 2.2.8 from cvs.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Fwd: Re: [Gimp-user] compile question]

2005-05-03 Thread Andrew
Sorry. This of course was intended for the list.
Sven Neumann wrote:
Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Please excuse my ignorance: I am not quite sure what I am supposed to
do with the patch for the tarball.

I might just have missed a mail but if I didn't, then I am clearly
lacking context to be able to interpret your question. What patch are
you talking about, what tarball?

Please excuse my vagueness: gimp-2.2.6.bz2 and patch-2.2.6.bz2 
(downloaded from ftp.gimp.org)

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] compile question

2005-05-03 Thread Andrew
Good morning,
Please excuse my ignorance: I am not quite sure what I am supposed to do 
with the patch for the tarball.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Coloring questions

2005-04-24 Thread Andrew Robinson
I'm trying to build menus for DVDs which are sensitive to the number of 
colors in the pgn files. I've got two related (I think) questions 
concerning coloring in The Gimp.

I want to create a layer with text on it that will be used as labels for 
buttons. I want the text to be in a single color and the layer to have a 
transparent background. That should total to two colors in the layer. 
When I create the layer and then save it as a png file, it winds up with 
 about 10 colors. I assume this is because of antialiasing, but I'm not 
experienced enough with The Gimp to know. How would I create the text in 
a single color?

Second, I want to change the color of text on the first layer to 
generate a png file that will be used to indicate highlighted buttons. 
How do I change all the non-transparent pixels in a layer from one color 
to another? I've tried painting and bucket-fill of each character, but 
that is tedious and generates yet more colors per layer, I suppose 
because of feathering. There seems like there should be a simpler way.

Andrew Robinson
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] gimp-gap

2005-02-11 Thread Andrew
Wow! Am I having fun with GAP!
Now the question:
The make path tool seems to handle a maximum of 100 frames. Correct? 
This is a comfortable size to work with, but is it possible then to 
splice together two or more 'clips' this size? I would like to stay in 
Gimp-Gap to do it, rather than transferring to Avidemux or Cinelerra.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] gimp-gap compile

2005-01-13 Thread Andrew
I cannot compile gimp-gap (CVS). Autogen.sh tells me to go ahead and 
type 'make'. The output is below, but I don't really understand what 
it's telling me. Can anyone help?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gimp-gap]$ make
make  all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory `/HDA2/cvs/gimp-gap'
Making all in images
make[2]: Entering directory `/HDA2/cvs/gimp-gap/images'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/HDA2/cvs/gimp-gap/images'
Making all in libwavplayclient
make[2]: Entering directory `/HDA2/cvs/gimp-gap/libwavplayclient'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/HDA2/cvs/gimp-gap/libwavplayclient'
Making all in libgapvidapi
make[2]: Entering directory `/HDA2/cvs/gimp-gap/libgapvidapi'
-DXUSE_MTSAFE_API -I/usr/local/include/gimp-2.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 
-I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 
-I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 
-I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/freetype2 
-I/usr/include/freetype2/freetype2/config   -I/usr/local/include/ffmpeg  
-I/usr/local/include/libmpeg3 -I/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/audio 
-I/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/video   -I/usr/local/include 
-DLOCALEDIR=\""/usr/local/share/locale"\" -DG_DISABLE_DEPRECATED 
gap_vid_api.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/gap_vid_api.Tpo" -c -o gap_vid_api.o 
gap_vid_api.c; \
then mv -f ".deps/gap_vid_api.Tpo" ".deps/gap_vid_api.Po"; else rm -f 
".deps/gap_vid_api.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
In file included from gap_vid_api.c:714:
gap_vid_api_ffmpeg.c: In function `p_wrapper_ffmpeg_seek_frame':
gap_vid_api_ffmpeg.c:902: warning: implicit declaration of function `round'
gap_vid_api_ffmpeg.c: In function `p_ff_open_input':
gap_vid_api_ffmpeg.c:1682: error: structure has no member named 
gap_vid_api.c: At top level:
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:363: warning: 
'mpeg3bits_getbyte_noptr' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:381: warning: 
'mpeg3bits_getbit_noptr' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:400: warning: 
'mpeg3bits_getbits' defined but not 
used/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:407: warning: 
'mpeg3bits_showbits24_noptr' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:420: warning: 
'mpeg3bits_showbits32_noptr' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:433: warning: 
'mpeg3bits_showbits' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:439: warning: 
'mpeg3bits_getbits_reverse' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:448: warning: 
'mpeg3bits_showbits_reverse' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:514: warning: 
'mpeg3io_next_char' defined but not 
used/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:522: warning: 
'mpeg3io_read_int32' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:538: warning: 
'mpeg3io_read_int24' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:552: warning: 
'mpeg3io_read_int16' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:627: warning: 
'mpeg3slice_getbits2' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:642: warning: 
'mpeg3slice_getbyte' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:657: warning: 
'mpeg3slice_getbits' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:664: warning: 
'mpeg3slice_showbits16' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:680: warning: 
'mpeg3slice_showbits9' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:696: warning: 
'mpeg3slice_showbits5' defined but not used
/usr/local/include/libmpeg3/mpeg3protos.h:711: warning: 
'mpeg3slice_showbits' defined but not used
make[2]: *** [gap_vid_api.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/HDA2/cvs/gimp-gap/libgapvidapi'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/HDA2/cvs/gimp-gap'
make: *** [all] Error 2

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Extracting all pixels of a certain colour

2004-11-29 Thread Andrew Black
I want to extract all pixels of a specific colour (to be more precise 
look a certain colour).  I am finding that  there is some variation in 
the colour. so if I try "select by color". I only get a subset of the 
Is there a way of selecting all pixels close to the colour I want (where 
"close" can be determined by experimentation!)

Secondly can I move all these pixies into another layer/channel or 
image.  I want to repeat this operation for a number of colours.
Selection to Channel looks as if it might help but I didn't understand 
what to do then.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Version ?

2004-11-18 Thread Andrew
Sven Neumann wrote:
Owen Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Just a simpletons understanding that 1.2 used gtk 1.2 and this last one
uses gtk 2.2

Ah. I wasn't aware that the toolkit we use for the user interface is
considered the underlying library. I'd use that term for an image
manipulation library such as GEGL.

Ah. Not all Gimp users (as this list is called) are as knowledgeable of 
terminology as the Gimp creators.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Layers ?

2004-11-18 Thread Andrew
Richard wrote:
what to do this:
have two windows showing me the changes, between
the original photo and the sharpen photo.
The sharpen tool has a preview window. Or you can make a duplicate of 
the original with ctl-d and just work on one, using the other for 
(Hope I've understood you correctly)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] renaming the gimp

2004-11-07 Thread Andrew
Gezim Hoxha wrote:
So what do YOU think, does the GIMP need a
name change? 


PhotoChop, photochip, potatochip, potatocrop, protocrop, protoshop, 
protogimp, protochimp, photochamp, chomp, chump

What about nimph? (nude image manipulation program hoho)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] text tool crash (bug 154144 ?)

2004-11-02 Thread Andrew
Mandrake 10 Community
I was using the gimp2_0-2.0.4-1mdk.i586.rpm that came with the above 
distro without any problems.
I then upgraded to gimp-2.0.5 (tar.bz2). Now the text tool causes Gimp 
to crash after either one or two keystrokes. If it crashes after the 
second, the first letter I type appears on the image but not in the 
editing box.
Where do I go from here? Back?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] drop-shadow

2004-07-07 Thread Andrew
Is it possible to add a drop-shadow to a png in such a way that certain 
browsers such as IE won't wreck the picture?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Commercial Use?

2004-06-13 Thread Andrew Gaffney
moonchaser wrote:
I'm going to sample the Gimp software later, but I'm
wondering... despite that the program is free (the
source anyway), if I create or doctor images using the
program which will be put up on a website, in my case,
they are cartoon images on a comic site, is it legal?
The images themselves will not be sold - they are
free. But, on the sites I will be selling merchandice.
I just want to make sure I'm not running into legal or
licencing issues using this software. Thank you for
your time and reply.
To start, I have no idea what I'm talking about, so you can probably ignore me.
The GIMP is licensed under the GPL. The GPL does not affect anything you create 
with the software. As long as the images you are working with aren't copyrighted 
by someone else, you are free to do with them as you please.

Andrew Gaffney
Network Administrator
Skyline Aeronautics, LLC.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] [Gimp-developer] volunteer needed for preferences dialog

2004-06-07 Thread Andrew Gaffney
Sven Neumann wrote:
Andrew Gaffney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

What do you need done?
Huh? The forwarded mail outlines it in all details. Which part did
not understand?
Um, no it doesn't. I just has a short blurb about little response on
the dev mailing list and needing help with the Preferences dialog.

I am afraid you guys need to fix your mail readers. The message I sent
is a multipart message containing an attachment of
   Content-Type: message/rfc822
   Content-Disposition: inline
This is the recommended way of forwarding a message. Inside this
attachment you will find the detailed proposal for changes to the
preferences dialog.
Shouldn't Mozilla Mail be able to handle that without a problem?
Andrew Gaffney
Network Administrator
Skyline Aeronautics, LLC.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] [Gimp-developer] volunteer needed for preferences dialog

2004-06-07 Thread Andrew Gaffney
Sven Neumann wrote:
"Eric Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

What do you need done?

Huh? The forwarded mail outlines it in all details. Which part did you
not understand?
Um, no it doesn't. I just has a short blurb about little response on the dev 
mailing list and needing help with the Preferences dialog.

Andrew Gaffney
Network Administrator
Skyline Aeronautics, LLC.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Color -> transparency

2004-06-02 Thread Andrew Gaffney
Egon Brinken wrote:
I have a gif-picture, with two layers. The one transparent. 

How can I subtract one specific color from the picture layer, e.g. let the 
uniform colored background be replaced by transparency? (The resulting 
picture must be saved as a gif-file, I presume. It shall be used on my 
The way I've found is to Select by Color using the background, Invert the 
selection, Copy, and Paste into a new image with a Transparent background.

Andrew Gaffney
Network Administrator
Skyline Aeronautics, LLC.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] using font in GIMP without adding it to system

2004-05-25 Thread Andrew Gaffney
Sven Neumann wrote:
Andrew Gaffney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I have a font that I want to use for a project in the GIMP, but I
don't want to stick it in the font directories on my system. Can the
GIMP use fonts (TTF) directly?

Simply place the fonts file into ~/.gimp-2.0/fonts.
Ah, thanks.
Andrew Gaffney
Network Administrator
Skyline Aeronautics, LLC.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] using font in GIMP without adding it to system

2004-05-23 Thread Andrew Gaffney
I have a font that I want to use for a project in the GIMP, but I don't want to 
stick it in the font directories on my system. Can the GIMP use fonts (TTF) 

Andrew Gaffney
Network Administrator
Skyline Aeronautics, LLC.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] positioning layer

2004-05-20 Thread Andrew Gaffney
That does help. Thanks.
Bill Lee wrote:
Why not just use the SAME layer?
I have a collection of buttons with widely varying text and the same 
background, frame, etc. I created the background once in its own layer 
and then created as many text layers as needed. To actually create the 
button, I select the background layer and the appropriate text layer and 
save to a gif (whatever) file as the appropriate button name. The whole 
schmeer is saved as a gimp xcf file so I can always go back later and 
add more text and create more buttons as needed

In your case, create the background and the roll-over background in 
separate layers. Then the text in a third. To create the button, make 
only the background and the text active, save to a gif. Then make only 
the roll-over background and the text active and save that, too.

If the text needs to be changed for the rollover (e.g., color, etc.), 
you could make a copy of the text layer and simply do some color 

Hope that helps. It works well for me.
Bill Lee
Andrew Gaffney wrote:
I'm using gimp-2.0 to create a few graphical buttons with centered 
text. Each button will have a regular image and a "rollover" image. I 
need to position the text layer in precisely the same spot on each 
pair of images, so the text doesn't move when it switches from the 
normal image to the "rollover" image on the site I'm building. How can 
I position a layer to the pixel?

Andrew Gaffney
Network Administrator
Skyline Aeronautics, LLC.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] positioning layer

2004-05-20 Thread Andrew Gaffney
I'm using gimp-2.0 to create a few graphical buttons with centered text. Each 
button will have a regular image and a "rollover" image. I need to position the 
text layer in precisely the same spot on each pair of images, so the text 
doesn't move when it switches from the normal image to the "rollover" image on 
the site I'm building. How can I position a layer to the pixel?

Andrew Gaffney
Network Administrator
Skyline Aeronautics, LLC.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] installing gimp-2.0pre4

2004-03-16 Thread Andrew Langdon-Davies
Dave Neary wrote:

Andrew Langdon-Davies wrote:

Having battled my way through configure, make and make install and 
having finally completed the process without any apparent error 
messages, Gimp-2 does not actually show up anywhere. What directory 
should it be in? If I do 'gimp', the old one starts up. All libraries 
are Mandrake-9.2 rpms.

The old GIMP installs the binary gimp-1.2 and the new one installs 
gimp-1.3 (this will eventually be gimp-2.0).

While we are not in a stable release, the gimp binary will be a symlink 
to gimp-1.2 - once we are stable, we will enable by default the option 
to have gimp point to gimp-2.0.

So - to answer your question - the GIMP binary you're looking for is 
gimp-1.3 - if you want to have /usr/local/bin/gimp point at this, add 
the argument --enable-default-binary to your call to configure.

Wow! Thanks for a lightning reply and thanks for a great-looking program.

And now the nitty-gritty: I've installed the Epkowa iscan plug-in for 
epson scanners, but when I select it from the menu gimp-1.3 crashes as 

gimp_composite: use=yes, verbose=no
supported by gimp_composite: +mmx +sse +sse2 -3dnow -altivec -vis
GLib-ERROR **: could not allocate 1072693248 bytes
(gimp-1.3:31399): Gimp-Plug-In-WARNING **: gimp-1.3: plug_in_flush(): 
error: Broken pipe
plug_in_close: extension aborted before sending its extension_ack message

(The same plug-in works fine with 1.2)


Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] installing gimp-2.0pre4

2004-03-16 Thread Andrew Langdon-Davies
Using Mandrake-9.2. Gimp-1.2 is installed.
Having battled my way through configure, make and make install and 
having finally completed the process without any apparent error 
messages, Gimp-2 does not actually show up anywhere. What directory 
should it be in? If I do 'gimp', the old one starts up. All libraries 
are Mandrake-9.2 rpms.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GimpCon 2004 (follow-up)

2003-11-21 Thread Andrew Langdon-Davies
(Sorry about the confusion of emails.)

This is the official site:
I shall see if there is any organised alternative event and pass on the 
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GimpCon 2004 (follow-up)

2003-11-21 Thread Andrew Langdon-Davies
On Fri, 21 Nov 2003 12:00:51 +0100, David Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want to start a new thread to get this discussion (which I
consider important) back on track.

So far there are 5 propositions in various stages of development,
each of which has some + points and some - points.
2) Lyon
3) London
4) Dublin
5) Chemnitz
Are there others? We need volunteers.
Barcelona, Catalonia (near Spain)? Site of the Universal Forum of
Cultures 2004, and probably also of an alternative forum as the official
event is referred to by many as the Forum of Speculation. I could act as
go-between and possibly even provide some accommodation.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] transparent PNGs in IE

2003-07-23 Thread Andrew Langdon-Davies
I know there's already been a lot of discussion on this subject and I've 
read pages and pages, but I'm still unclear. I realise that just about all 
recent browsers support PNGs. But, is it or is it not possible for IE (v. 
5, for example) to correctly display a PNG with a fully transparent 
background so that anything behind it shows through? My PNGs are OK in 
Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, Konqueror and Nautilus, but in IE they have a 
rectangular white background that completely wrecks the effect.

Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] wacom graphire table

2003-02-27 Thread Andrew
I'm having a bit of difficulty getting my Wacom Graphire table to work 
with gimp.  I have read through the fairly extensive resources 
(linuxwacom.sourceforge.net, Wacom-HOWTO, Wacom-mini-howto, Gimp/Wacom 
tutorial on GUG, etc), and have gotten pretty far, but things aren't 
quite working for me yet.

I have gotten to the point where Gimp recognizes the three devices 
(cursor, stylus, eraser) in the input devices dialog.  However, when I 
try to set the stylus mode to "Window", I get odd behavior that is 
mostly categorized by only being able to move the cursor on one axis. 
Depending on the axes mapping, the secondary (stylus) cursor only moves 
in one direction (either up and down or side to side).  This behvior is 
not specific to the table as I can use the stylus as a core pointer 
device in absolute mode under XFree86 (with KDE) and it works just fine. 
 However, under Gimp I get the wierd one axis thing.  Anyone seen this 
before?  Here's my configuration:

- Wacom Graphire Table
- Linux kernel 2.4.20
- gtk 1.2.10 (recompiled with --enable-xinput)
- Gimp 1.2.3 (compile from source)
- XFree86 4.2.0
- wacom kernel module v1.30-j0.4.0
Relevant section of my XF86Config:

Section "InputDevice"
Driver  "wacom"
Identifier  "stylus"
Option  "Device" "/dev/input/event0"
Option  "Type"   "stylus"
Option  "Mode"   "absolute"
Option  "USB""on"
Option  "Tilt"   "on"
Option  "Threshold"  "10"
Section "InputDevice"
Driver  "wacom"
Identifier  "eraser"
Option  "Device" "/dev/input/event0"
Option  "Type"   "eraser"
Option  "Mode"   "absolute"
Option  "USB""on"
Option  "Tilt"   "on"
Option  "Threshold"  "10"
Section "InputDevice"
Driver  "wacom"
Identifier  "cursor"
Option  "Device" "/dev/input/event0"
Option  "Type"   "cursor"
Option  "Mode"   "relative"
Option  "USB""on"
Option  "Speed"  "3.0"
Option  "Threshold"  "10"
Any help appriciated.  Thanks.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Introduction and a cullour question

2003-02-20 Thread Andrew Langdon-Davies

Willem van der Walt< @top.health.gov.za=""> wrote:

  .At the moment, i am also struggeling to get the new Epson perfection1260 Photo scanner to scan.  \
Have you tried www.khk.net for this?

[Gimp-user] sepia

2002-11-25 Thread Andrew Langdon-Davies
Anybody know how to imitate a sepia print?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Looking for another technique

2002-10-31 Thread Andrew Wilson

Have you tried using the threshold tool 
(rightclick->image->colors->threshold)?  That will break the photo 
down into black and white based on the levels.  So long as the object 
I want is the focus of the image is usually does pretty well.  You 
can then use fuzzy select to change the colors to whatever you want.


On Thursday 31 October 2002 02:58, Mark Drummond wrote:
> Going back to the desktop wallpaper I created for myself: The
> wallpaper utilises only two colours, one for the background and one
> for any graphics/objects on the background, basically a "black &
> white" background but using two differant colours instead of b & w.
> I would like to take a photographic image and convert the image to
> only two colours ... with the subject of the photograph (say, a
> person) in the foreground colour and the rest in the background
> colour, effectively making a silouette(sp) of the photo's subject.
> So basically I need to rubber band the subject of the photograph (I
> would assume some method of masking would be best here) and convert
> the photo to only the two colours I am using, but my fiddling
> around has so far not gotten me anywhere.
> Any tips? Sorry, I am an absolute novice with image
> editing/manipulation. I am reading some of the online gimp
> guides/manuals but that only gets me so far!
> Thanks!

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Curved Text

2001-11-19 Thread Andrew Pealing

Does anyone know how to wrap text around a curve (eg ellipse) so that the 
whole text is curved?
The only way I've found to do it is to move each letter individually and 
align them by eye.
There should be an easier & more accurate way of doing it, but I can't 
find one.
Andrew Pealing.
Gimp-user mailing list