Re: Suqashing Facebook (WAS: Conducting GNHLUG business on Facebook (was Stop! Unix Time))

2009-02-02 Thread Thomas Charron
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 12:35 AM, wrote:
 The whole facebook/meetup/myspace/fill in your junk aggregator here
 mess seems to be the product of a number of factors:
  (1) People want web presence with prefabricated features like
  calendaring, blogging, guestbooks, voting, and messaging.
  (2) People want to network their content with other
  (3) Most people lack the technical knowledge/skills/resources to do
  these things on their own.

  Your missing one huge fact here.  Even if people have the knowledge,
most people don't WANT to.  Most people don't even make their own FOOD
anymore, what makes you think they would ever want to build their own
web sites, or orginize their own data?

 It's probably fair to say that most of the folks on this list either
 know, or could easily figure out, how to build and host their own web
 site.  Indeed, objectives (1) and (2) can and have been achieved this
 way for many years.  Building sites with one's desired features and
 linking them to/from other sites IS exactly what the WWW is all about.

  It doesn't extend to that scale.  The macro view of the network does
not apply to the micro.  There are issues with applying it to the
micro, in that your new 'microsite' is now fending for itself on equal
footing with macrosites.  Then, some cert advisory causes your little
microsite to stab you in the back, revealing your data, and worst of
all, be utilized to atack your friends microsites.

  There are construction laws which affect every single home in the
united states.  Unless you advocate the policing of individuals
servers in a simular manner, then you cannot make the comparison
between what you CAN do and what you SHOULD do.

 The average Joe, however, isn't a member of his local LUG. :) Most
 folks don't know how to, or don't care to, build their own Web site.
 This has caused people to flock to prefab pseudo-site services like
 Myspace, Facebook, etc.

  By that logic, again, people go to McDonalds NOT becouse they like
it, or because it's convienient, but becouse they don't know HOW to

 This mass migration to McWebsites completely disregards one of the
 fundamental features of the Web: the heterogeneous, distributed nature
 of the WWW.  This, personally, has me quite concerned.  Instead of
 hosting a Web site in order to host a Web site, people are putting
 pages on third-party services like Facebook.  [Enter Mr.
 Homogeneity stage left.]  Of course, there's also the standard set of
 security and reliability arguments for and against remote hosting of
 live data.

  And the propsed solution to the issue is..  *drumrool please!*

  To homogonize all of the data in such of a way that people can
freely share their data publically with everyone else.

 In addition, most of these services are mutually incompatible.

  Note, incompatible isn't the word your looking for.  The word is
what you quoted above.  'Heterogenouse'.  Placing my data on one site
doesn't cause another not to work or function.  They are all
compatible on the internet.

 example, Myspace and Meetup can't talk to each other.  Add to that the
 possibiliy that your hosting service might lock down access (whether
 that means logging in to access a Facebook page or paying a
 recurring fee to host a Meetup group), and the online community has
 both serious practical and philosophical problems.

  What problems?  Are you suddenly barred from using the internet?  Or
are you just annoyed that no one else wants to pay for you to freely
use their service without you paying in any way, shape, or form?
Note, paying isn't always cash.  Sometimes, it's ad veiws, targetted
spam, etc..

  And don't make the comparison that information wants to be free.
Sure, information wants to be free.  However, even if your public
library is offered to you for free doesn't exempt you from having to
pay taxes to support it, and it CERTAINLY doesn't require that the
library then also provide free parking.

 Now, here's the FOSS solution I was thinking about!
 Objectives (1) and (2) can both be achieved using existing FOSS.  This
 problem's Achilles' heel is (3).

 If there was some kind of ready-made, drop-in, easy-to-use FOSS
 replacement for these services that could be plopped on any old
 hosting service, then the problem posed by (3) could be solved.
 People would be able to host their OWN sites, and wouldn't be forced
 to use mutually incompatible pseudo-hosting solutions like Facebook.

  Where's yours?

 Technically, this could be done a number of ways.  Off the top of my
  (1) With a suite of PHP scripts that could be installed on any
  hosting service that supports PHP (not hard to find).

  Supported and maintained by who?

  (2) By installing a special package on a Linksys router.

  MMmmm..  New bot targets...  Nummy..  Maybee now's the time to start
writing Linux worms to infect these, and find nefariouse ways to use
your personal 

Displaying only data matching a pattern?

2009-02-02 Thread kenta
I've been working with some large files and need to extract a piece of
info, unfortunately there's a bunch of junk around the part that I
want.  Example:

What I had done the first pass to get what I wanted was to use sed and
do a  s/foofoo:// to get rid of the stuff in front, and then do the
same for the \barbar in the back.  However what would be easier for me
is if I could just extract the pattern of [a-fA-F0-9] when they appear
n times in a row. I couldn't seem to figure out if sed could display
only the part I wanted.  So I figured it'd be a better job for grep,
however It appears that it's printing the entire matching line and I
only want the match on the pattern to display.

Otherwise, I want as an end result:


Here's a caveat: I need to do this on a Windows box and am limited to
using the ports of  GNU utilities (using otherwise I'd do this in perl and
wouldn't be asking :/   I'm thinking maybe I'm just missing something
simple here.

Any quick solutions?  My Google-fu is weak today.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Displaying only data matching a pattern?

2009-02-02 Thread Alan Johnson
Your man-fu might be a bit off too. ;)  From the grep man page:
   -o, --only-matching
  Print  only  the  matched  (non-empty) parts of a matching
  with each such part on a separate output line.

Also, if you have cut, it will probably run faster with:

cut -d ':' -f 2 $file | cut -d '\' -f 1
your output | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d '\' -f 1

No regex generally means faster run times.


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 11:19 AM, kenta wrote:

 I've been working with some large files and need to extract a piece of
 info, unfortunately there's a bunch of junk around the part that I
 want.  Example:

 What I had done the first pass to get what I wanted was to use sed and
 do a  s/foofoo:// to get rid of the stuff in front, and then do the
 same for the \barbar in the back.  However what would be easier for me
 is if I could just extract the pattern of [a-fA-F0-9] when they appear
 n times in a row. I couldn't seem to figure out if sed could display
 only the part I wanted.  So I figured it'd be a better job for grep,
 however It appears that it's printing the entire matching line and I
 only want the match on the pattern to display.

 Otherwise, I want as an end result:


 Here's a caveat: I need to do this on a Windows box and am limited to
 using the ports of  GNU utilities (using otherwise I'd do this in perl and
 wouldn't be asking :/   I'm thinking maybe I'm just missing something
 simple here.

 Any quick solutions?  My Google-fu is weak today.

 gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Alan Johnson
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Displaying only data matching a pattern?

2009-02-02 Thread Michael ODonnell

Ben wrote:

  sed s/.*:\([[:xdigit:]]*\)\\.*/\1/

That looks good to me, though I assume he meant to show that
expression in single quotes.  Also, I can't remember if those
character class notations count as Extended Regular Expressions
but, if so, some versions of sed might want something like -r
on the command line to enable their use.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Displaying only data matching a pattern?

2009-02-02 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Alan Johnson wrote:
-o, --only-matching
   Print  only  the  matched  (non-empty) parts of a matching
 line, with each such part on a separate output line.

  Oh.  Hey, that's neat; I didn't know about that one.  So Kenta could
-- possibly -- do this:

grep -o -E [[:xdigit:]]+

However, that will generate false positive matches on anything that
happens to match a hex digit and isn't within Kenta's field delimiters
(colon and backslash).  May or may not be an issue, depending on what
foo and bar really are.  And you can't use any kind of delimiter
matching without also including the delimiters in the output with
grep, can you?

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Displaying only data matching a pattern?

2009-02-02 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Michael ODonnell wrote:
  sed s/.*:\([[:xdigit:]]*\)\\.*/\1/

 That looks good to me, though I assume he meant to show that
 expression in single quotes.

  Nope.  The Windows NT shell (CMD.EXE) has different meta-characters
from Bourne and company.  In particular, asterisk (*), backslash (\),
and square brackets ([]) are *not* shell meta-characters.

 Also, I can't remember if those character class notations count
 as Extended Regular Expressions but ...

  The sed from unxutils apparently only supports Basic Regular
Expressions.  At least, it doesn't recognize the + one-or-more
modifier.  It does recognize the named character classes, though.  I
did run my command line on a whole one test case.  ;-)

  According to a random sed man page I found on the web, the named
character classes are part of POSIX BREs.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Displaying only data matching a pattern?

2009-02-02 Thread kenta
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Ben Scott wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Alan Johnson wrote:
-o, --only-matching
   Print  only  the  matched  (non-empty) parts of a matching
 line, with each such part on a separate output line.

  Oh.  Hey, that's neat; I didn't know about that one.  So Kenta could
 -- possibly -- do this:

grep -o -E [[:xdigit:]]+

 However, that will generate false positive matches on anything that
 happens to match a hex digit and isn't within Kenta's field delimiters
 (colon and backslash).  May or may not be an issue, depending on what
 foo and bar really are.  And you can't use any kind of delimiter
 matching without also including the delimiters in the output with
 grep, can you?

Actually I need to get the info regardless of delimiters so matching
any hex digits of a certain length works for me.  I'd sent an e-mail
before but I used the wrong address so maybe it didn't go through, for
som reason the gnu-port of grep for win32 has no -o option. :(

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Displaying only data matching a pattern?

2009-02-02 Thread Shawn O'Shea
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 12:07 PM, kenta wrote:

 Actually I need to get the info regardless of delimiters so matching
 any hex digits of a certain length works for me.  I'd sent an e-mail
 before but I used the wrong address so maybe it didn't go through, for
 som reason the gnu-port of grep for win32 has no -o option. :(

You could try it this way in gawk:
$ cat foo
$ gawk --posix '{ if (match($0,/[[:xdigit:]]{12}/)) print
substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) }' foo

You need --posix for [:xdigit:] and the curly braces ( {} ) to work. This
basically says:
if the line ($0) matches 12 hexdigits ([:xdigit:]) in a row:
   print a substring of the line ($0) starting at RSTART and going for
RLENGTH characters
match() sets RSTART and RLENGTH for you on a match.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Displaying only data matching a pattern?

2009-02-02 Thread kenta
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Shawn O'Shea wrote:
 You could try it this way in gawk:
 $ cat foo
 $ gawk --posix '{ if (match($0,/[[:xdigit:]]{12}/)) print
 substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) }' foo

 You need --posix for [:xdigit:] and the curly braces ( {} ) to work. This
 basically says:
 if the line ($0) matches 12 hexdigits ([:xdigit:]) in a row:
print a substring of the line ($0) starting at RSTART and going for
 RLENGTH characters
 match() sets RSTART and RLENGTH for you on a match.


Tested here and this does what I'm looking for, and importantly works
with the gnu-port of gawk for win32.  I did have to change the single
quotes to double quotes for some reason, but it's working.

Thanks to everyone for helping out!

Definitely beats my multiple sed steps.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Displaying only data matching a pattern?

2009-02-02 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 1:18 PM, kenta wrote:
 I did have to change the single quotes to double quotes
 for some reason ...

  Single-quotes (') have no significance to the Windows shell.  So the
shell would still have done tokenization on the spaces within the awk
script, and awk expects its script to be a single C argument.
However, double-quotes are still used to constrain the text within to
a single token, similar to the Unix shells.

  Unlike Unix, the Windows shell does not strip the quotes (IIRC).  It
leaves them intact as part of the token.  I would guess most Unix
ports introduce some kind of compatibility layer to handle argument

  The Windows shell is a crock, if you haven't figured that out yet.  :)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Conducting GNHLUG business on Facebook (was Stop! Unix Time)

2009-02-02 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall

I hope I speak for the other respondents when I say that I was not
irritated by your post.  You voiced your opinion, as do many on this
list.  Sometimes my responses come across as irritated, but I think I
have a thicker skin than that.

I would never use Facebook for official GNHLUG business any more than
I would use Myspace or Orkut simply because not everyone has accounts on
these systems.

These mailing lists (and our web site) for the most part are the
definition of who and what GNHLUG is.  To use another means of
communications without agreement would disenfranchise some of our

Thanks for your input.

Jon maddog Hall
Executive Director   Linux International(R)
email: 80 Amherst St. 
Voice: +1.603.672.4557   Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A.

Board Member: Uniforum Association
Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006)

(R)Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in several
(R)Linux International is a registered trademark in the USA used
   to a license from Linux Mark Institute, authorized licensor of Linus
   Torvalds, owner of the Linux trademark on a worldwide basis
(R)UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the USA and other

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Displaying only data matching a pattern?

2009-02-02 Thread Kevin D. Clark

kenta writes:

 Otherwise, I want as an end result:

How about?:

 sed 's/^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*:\([A-Z][0-9][0-9]*[A-Z]\).*/\1/'

I've made the regexp here a little bit tight in order to prevent false


GnuPG ID: B280F24EMeet me by the knuckles!kdcof the skinny-bone tree. -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Displaying only data matching a pattern?

2009-02-02 Thread Alan Johnson
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Ben Scott wrote:

  There might be a way to do this with awk, but my knowledge of awk is
 mostly limited to using it to print columns.  :)

Me too!  (like some brain-dead AOLer)

All I have ever used awk for is picking out a column that is white-space
delimited, but it is annoying for any other delimiter.  cut is great for
single-character delimiters, but is annoying for white space.  I fall back
to regex for multiple-character delimiters.

People keep telling me that awk is good for other things, then start showing
me some Klingon syntaxt and I just knod and smile with the understand that
we disagree on the definition of good. =)  To be fair, even awk '{print
$5}' is a bear to get right until you type it 50 times.  I used to aways
switch the positioning of the ' and the {.  Oh well.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Conducting GNHLUG business on Facebook (was Stop! Unix Time)

2009-02-02 Thread Tom Buskey
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 8:30 AM, Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote:


 I would never use Facebook for official GNHLUG business any more than
 I would use Myspace or Orkut simply because not everyone has accounts on
 these systems.

 These mailing lists (and our web site) for the most part are the
 definition of who and what GNHLUG is.  To use another means of
 communications without agreement would disenfranchise some of our

 Thanks for your input.

Amen to that.

Is there a mashup that lets you maintain a presence on Facebook, Myspace,
Orkut, Linkedin, Geocities (are they still around?), etc?  I'm sure there's
a need for some groups to do this.  (DNC and RNC come to mind).

The Social sites could be feeders to the real official site.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Conducting GNHLUG business on Facebook (was Stop! Unix Time)

2009-02-02 Thread Michael ODonnell

 [ Dang!  I was naively hoping I'd be able to post this before too
   many folks had a chance to respond to my message from last night. ]

Executive Summary: I've changed my mind (sort of)

I shot from the hip after seeing that article about Facebook within
minutes of seeing that other GNHLUG posting.  Now that I've slept on it
(and had my clarified perspective echoed by a number of the irritated
responses here) I remembered TANSTAAFL and regret allowing my personal
annoyance with Facebook to cloud my reason.

Sorry about that.

I should have kept in mind that the GNHLUG is quite lucky to be provided
with free mailing list services and that a number of other LUGs likely
have to use lists hosted by Yahoo or Google, which have similar signup
requirements as Facebook.  Here's hoping I remember to count to ten
before posting next time...

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Suqashing Facebook (WAS: Conducting GNHLUG business on Facebook (was Stop! Unix Time))

2009-02-02 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
  (1) With a suite of PHP scripts that could be installed on any
 hosting service that supports PHP (not hard to find).

  (2) By installing a special package on a Linksys router.

  (3) Developing an embedded Linux Internet appliance to host from a
 user's home/office connection.  (What, my ToS say no servers?)

I think that the amount of information that most people have on
Facebook, etc. and the number of times it was accessed would probably
not cause issues with most people's providers.

But Facebook and its ilk provide three services, one of storing your
information, one of easily allowing others to find it, and one of
blocking most of those people from bothering you if you do not want them

(3) would easily solve the storing problem, but you would still need
some searching and blocking apparatus.

Probably make a good topic of conversation on Friday the 13th.

Jon maddog Hall
Executive Director   Linux International(R)
email: 80 Amherst St. 
Voice: +1.603.672.4557   Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A.

Board Member: Uniforum Association
Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006)

(R)Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in several
(R)Linux International is a registered trademark in the USA used
   to a license from Linux Mark Institute, authorized licensor of Linus
   Torvalds, owner of the Linux trademark on a worldwide basis
(R)UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the USA and other

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Suqashing Facebook (WAS: Conducting GNHLUG business on Facebook (was Stop! Unix Time))

2009-02-02 Thread Thomas Charron
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 2:37 AM, Arc Riley wrote:
 That's hilarious!  But jokes about PHP scripts and internet appliances
 aside, there *is* a real solution to this that's already accepted by the
 community at large.
 It's called XMPP - eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol.
 Thanks to Google and Livejournal there's already a huge userbase.  It's
 inter-server, so all those users can use any federated XMPP
 service, and federation is easy.

  XMPP is a technology to assist in the distribution of data.  It can
be used to assist in the interchange of data however a grail it is

 Many services already offer XMPP access to their data, especially
 microblogging services like twitter and  It doesn't matter what
 XMPP server you connect to (ie,  If a feature isn't already
 supported by XMPP you can write an extension.  Thanks to existing and
 well-deployed standards like pubsub
 ( many new services don't need to
 extend XMPP for their new functionality.

  What's at issue is that the meaning of data is still left as an
interpretation to the student.  Yes, you can shove arbitrary data and
publish that data.  That data still needs to be adopted as a standard
by everyone.  As an example, connect to google chat using PSI IM, and
go ahead and try to get notifications when you have new emails.

 Facebook has flirted with XMPP in the past, they're currently planning to
 add support just for Facebook IM.  There are already a number of XMPP
 gateway apps for Facebook hosted by 3rd parties.  In Facebook's defense,
 they have an open API and allow anyone to host Facebook apps on their own
 servers that can access user's information and which have equal access to
 publish snippets to friend's pages.  There are many libraries to work with
 Facebook's API.

  The crux of the complain is, however, that you have to authenticate
with facebook.

 So a new model capable of obsoleting the existing paradigms, being as it
 must interoperate, is best implemented as XMPP service software.

  Nothing in XMPP forces anyone or anything to actually share data
over the wire.  And many would suggest it's actually a bad idea to
open it all up to external, potentially untrustworthy, JIDs.  In the
world of federation, you have to trust the remote servers.  With wide
scale adoption of XMPP federated servers, you potentially run the same
risks as MySpace, but with no central lockdown point any longer.

  Don't get me wrong.  Sharing data via XMPP can be a great thing.
But it is *NOT* the cure.  The internet is primarily built around the
idea of the routing of anyones data, in any way possible.  XMPP is the
SMTP of XML snippet routing.  There is no concept of authentication of
data in the world of the giant IPv4 network which has grown to be
known as the internet.  And that has allowed it to flurish.  Minus
some utopian identification service which can be trusted 100%, no
technology will solve the issue.  As part of that, the more XMPP is
utilized, the more issues which crud up other protocol spaces will
migrate there.

  Think I'm wrong?  Example.  Suure, you can disallow any traffic
from anyone NOT on your contact list.  However, how do they get there?
 They request to be there.  Guess what's added to that?  A message!
Hrm..  Sounds like Spam 2.0 to me!  :-D

-- Thomas
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Conducting GNHLUG business on Facebook (was Stop! Unix Time)

2009-02-02 Thread Michael ODonnell

 It just so happens that Facebook was where I first noticed the
 issue of the UNIX time event coming up, and I forwarded that link
 in case others might be interested in the source.

OK, I understand that (now) but it wasn't obvious from your message,
which appeared to be an invitation directly from you to view a
Facebook page requiring registration:

  Jon has shared an event with you. To view the event or to reply to the
  message, follow this link:

 If thine eye offend thee, pluck it outif you don't like
 Facebook, don't look at it.

Fair enough, and they even provide an opt-out link in the message:

  Are your friends bothering you? You can opt out
  of emails from friends on Facebook.

...except that in order to gain the ability to opt out of email
from Facebook you apparently first have to *register* with Facebook,
or at least that page leads to nothing but registration forms when
I view it.  So, I'm apparently not even permitted to pluck out mine
eye without providing them with my personal information.  -/
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Conducting GNHLUG business on Facebook (was Stop! Unix Time)

2009-02-02 Thread Ben Scott
DISCLAIMER: As usual, I speak only for myself.

  Some additional points not touched on already:

(1) IIRC, all you need to register on Facebook is an email address and
a name.  You're not obligated to give them any more information than
that.  So if you'd like to register with Facebook for whatever reason,
but you're worried about your privacy, simply don't enter anything
more than the bare minimum.

(1)(a) People who enter more than the bare minimum into Facebook do so
(presumably) because they find value in it.  If they consider targeted
advertisements to be an acceptable trade-off, I don't think it's
anyone else's right to tell them otherwise.

(2) GNHLUG exists in at least two ways.

(2)(a) One is the legal entity registered with the State of NH, which
exists mainly for certain legal protections, and has little to do with
what most people think of GNHLUG as.  The only business that
GNHLUG *ever* conducts is that voted on by the Board of Directors at
the Bored Meetings.

(2)(b) The other GNHLUG is the vague federation of people whose
interests have an intersection with Linux/FOSS and NH.  Members of
this GNHLUG are members because they say they are.  This GNHLUG exists
because the members say it does.  This GNHLUG has no legal status, but
it's the one that really matters.  Members of this GNHLUG can conduct
business however they see fit, and other members can participate, or
not, at their option.

  Free Software is about freedom.  Free people don't always agree.
That's what makes them free.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Odd log messages from ISC BIND named

2009-02-02 Thread Ben Scott
  So, we had around 100 of these show up in the log from Sunday on, all from the same IP address, all with similar
but apparently never the same name pattern:

client query (cache)
'aaccmmfwxdlaaabaaafbbfpg/NS/IN' denied: 1 Time(s)
client query (cache)
'abbcnefwxdlaaabaaafbkkag/NS/IN' denied: 1 Time(s)
client query (cache)
'acdbbbfwxdlaaabaaafbpkeo/NS/IN' denied: 1 Time(s)

(IP address changed to protect the guilty.)  Speculation on what this
is?  An attempt to exploit the Kaminsky vulnerability?  A DDoS attack
that had a zombie directed at us by mistake?  Some kind of bizarre
dictionary attack?

  (For those wondering what this is: BIND is the reference DNS
implementation.  ISC is the organization which maintains it.  named
(name daemon) is the main DNS server program from BIND.  These log
messages are DNS queries sent to the GNHLUG DNS server, but which were
rejected because we don't provide recursive service to non-local

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: FOSS Gaming Survey - Any help is appreciated

2009-02-02 Thread Brian Chabot

Joseph Guarino wrote:

 FOSS Gaming Survey -;=en

Someone should have troubleshot this before it went public.

Which Video Game magazines do you subscribe to?
Cannot answer: No answer.  Must fill in Other with something like None.

Which FOSS Gaming websites/blogs to you frequent?
Should be Multiple Choice.

Which general Gaming sites do you visit regularly?
Should be Multiple Choice.

There was another one, I think, but I forgot where.


| Proprietor: |
| Computers and Web Sites that JUST WORK  |
|   Work: +1 (603) 484-1461Home: +1 (603) 484-1469|
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: FOSS Gaming Survey - Any help is appreciated

2009-02-02 Thread Arc Riley
The author of the survey seems to repeatedly mistake commercial for
proprietary as well.

I wasn't very impressed by the earlier questions either, the ones asking if
you know RMS and Linus.  Ok so perhaps some matchings on Moglen would be
more appropriate..

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 12:40 AM, Brian Chabot wrote:

 Joseph Guarino wrote:

  FOSS Gaming Survey -;=en

 Someone should have troubleshot this before it went public.

 Which Video Game magazines do you subscribe to?
 Cannot answer: No answer.  Must fill in Other with something like None.

 Which FOSS Gaming websites/blogs to you frequent?
 Should be Multiple Choice.

 Which general Gaming sites do you visit regularly?
 Should be Multiple Choice.

 There was another one, I think, but I forgot where.


 | Proprietor: |
 | Computers and Web Sites that JUST WORK  |
 |   Work: +1 (603) 484-1461Home: +1 (603) 484-1469|
 gnhlug-discuss mailing list

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Suqashing Facebook (WAS: Conducting GNHLUG business on Facebook (was Stop! Unix Time))

2009-02-02 Thread Arc Riley
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Thomas Charron wrote:

 What's at issue is that the meaning of data is still left as an
 interpretation to the student.  Yes, you can shove arbitrary data and
 publish that data.  That data still needs to be adopted as a standard
 by everyone.  As an example, connect to google chat using PSI IM, and
 go ahead and try to get notifications when you have new emails.

IIRC, PSI does not fully implement XEP-0060, or even the personal eventing
subset of pubsub defined in XEP-0163.  Pidgin also has quite poor XMPP
support.  Of course this doesn't matter - if a client doesn't support a
feature the service can detect that and fallback to a less elegant solution,
such as sending you an XMPP message to remind you of an event you RSVP'ed

The beauty in this is you don't even need a XMPP client running on your
machine to access this data.  If you have a client that understands the
required extensions in a way that makes it useful to you, you can use your
own client, or you can use a website that implements it - ie, just as you
have a wiki account for, you could have a JID used only for the website gateway.  To you, a
user of the website, XMPP support doesn't matter regardless if the XMPP is
being run on the website backend or in your browser via a javascript client.

Client support for extensions follow demand, so as such services come into
mainstream the mainstream clients will support them.  At that point you can
use a single JID for everything.

  The crux of the complain is, however, that you have to authenticate
 with facebook.

No you don't.  There are many facebook apps that exist solely to provide
facebook users access to offsite data (and vice versa).

Take for example the roommate searching app.  It's actually being run by a
3rd party website that's been running that service for awhile - all the
facebook app does is provide access to that data via facebook.  They could
have taken it a lot further, such as when you post a looking for apt ad on
their site, it could show Thomas Charron is looking for a new apt on

Similarly, if you wanted to run a Meetup-type site targetting free software
oriented groups, you would host the site on your own, expose an XMPP service
to it (or even run the whole site's backend via XMPP - better than RPC!),
and tie it into Facebook via their API so people who post events or RVSP to
them have that status showing up on their Facebook pages as well.  This
doesn't force your entire member base to sign up for Facebook accounts in
order to RVSP, just provides a way for Facebook users to help publicize the
event to other Facebook users.

Most of the libraries for Facebook API is free software.  There is no reason
not to write and implement Facebook apps on the basis of software freedom
ethics.  If you want to boycott Facebook based on them being a business that
derives profit from advertising, that's your choice, but many of us find
it's a useful tool.

 Nothing in XMPP forces anyone or anything to actually share data
 over the wire.  And many would suggest it's actually a bad idea to
 open it all up to external, potentially untrustworthy, JIDs.  In the
 world of federation, you have to trust the remote servers.  With wide
 scale adoption of XMPP federated servers, you potentially run the same
 risks as MySpace, but with no central lockdown point any longer.

Server federation isn't unauthenticated.  There's a process requiring signed
certs free, via, requiring verification of domain ownership only.

Information, specifically presence and eventing, is provided on an
permission-authorization basis.  For example, your status (ie, offline,
away, available, etc) is only given to other XMPP users you've authorized.

This is how your roster is populated (aka buddy/friend list) and this same
mechanism is used to manage who's authorized to send and will receive data
from service nodes (ie, chat rooms, group calendars, etc).

 Think I'm wrong?  Example.  Suure, you can disallow any traffic
 from anyone NOT on your contact list.  However, how do they get there?
  They request to be there.  Guess what's added to that?  A message!
 Hrm..  Sounds like Spam 2.0 to me!  :-D

Except given domain certs, unlike email spam, you cannot mask your source
domain.  If some dude in China federated his own server and started spamming
everyone, poof, there goes his federation status.

Email spam is typically sent from compromized windows computers running on
IPs which don't have control of their reverse dns or ownership of their
domain - both of which are required for the domain cert.  It's going to be
awhile until everyone has their own 64-bit IPv6 subnet and reverse DNS
becomes easy again, at which point I'm certain additional precautions will
be in place.

Moreso, your argument reads akin to we shouldn't have a mailing list,
because if it becomes popular, spammers will use it.  

[GNHLUG] [DLSLUG-Announce] DLSLUG Monthly Meeting - 2009-02-05 - Planning!

2009-02-02 Thread Bill McGonigle
[note location is DRTC - 16 Cavendish Ct, Lebanon]

 Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Linux User Group
 a chapter of GNHLUG -

The next regular monthly meeting of the DLSLUG will be held:

  Thursday, February 5th, 7-9PM
at:   Dartmouth Regional Technology Center

  All are welcome, free of charge.


7:00  Sign-in, networking

7:15  Introductory remarks

7:20  Planning Meeting

   We'll be doing a planning meeting this month and just
   generally chatting about all things tech.  By the end
   of the meeting we should be able to answer, or have a
   plan for answering:
 Where are we?
 Where are we going?
 What should we keep?
 What should we change?
 What else should we be doing?
 How should we structure the group?
 What topics should we cover this year?
 What's the best meeting format?
 Who else are we going to work with?
   and any other topics that might come up.  If you have
   ideas about how to make DLSLUG better and/or want to help
   guide it into the future, please come and share your


   Driving Directions

   Please see the website for links to driving directions.


   We currently lack a refreshment sponsor.  If you or your
   company would like to provide or sponsor refreshments,
   please get in touch.


   RSVP by replying to this e-mail so we can give any
   refreshment sponsor a count.

  Mailing Lists

   There are two primary mailman lists set up for DLSLUG, an
   Announce list and a Discuss list. Please sign up for the
   Announce list (moderated, low-volume) to stay apprised of
   the group's activities and the Discuss list (unmoderated)
   for group discussion. Links to the mailing lists are on the

Tell Your Friends

   Please pass this announcement along to anyone else who may
   be interested.

Bill McGonigle, Owner   Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC  Home: 603.448.1668   Cell: 603.252.2606 603.442.1833
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