Re: SSH authentication bypass?

2014-06-27 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Tom Buskey writes:

 There was a neat article in Linux Journal (?) that compared
 compression/decompression time, bandwidth, data compressibility and cpu

Thank you very much for the very interesting article.

Back when I was playing around with the HPN SSH, I was sort-of
guessing that HPN SSH would improve my scp performance by making
improvements in the area of buffer-management and flow-control.  I
thought this was the most likely place where things could be improved.

   (I thought this was a reasonable guess, since I was
copying files across an entire continent)

Unfortunately, my initial results weren't really any different from
unpatched-SSH.  Soon afterwards I migrated to a new project where I
didn't need to use scp nearly as much, so I didn't get to play
around with this much more .  I would have found it interesting to
muck around in this area a bit more.  Ah, well...

The only point I'm trying to make here is that these patches are very
interesting, but they might not be a silver bullet...


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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
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Re: SSH authentication bypass?

2014-06-26 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Mark Komarinski writes:

 HPN SSH (patches to boost ssh performance) allows for no encryption
 of the data stream but IIRC the authentication is encrypted.  That
 doesn't bypass authentication so this may not be related

The following statement is based on my experience with these patches:
I didn't notice much of a difference from these patches when I was
copying a certain {large-ish, constantly updating} file from a site on
the West Coast to a site in NH.  

I probably had around 100 samples in my data-set, and I just didn't
see a difference.  All of these samples related to scp operations
that were occurring over the public Internet.  I tried as much as
possible to perform my experiments during times of the day in which
the network was quiet (but this was/is a crapshoot on the general
Internet, of course).

I had high-hopes for these patchesspecifically the parts of the
patches that did things with increasing buffer sizes.  If I could have
gotten this particular file to arrive in NH a bit faster this would
have made my work a bit easier.

Like I said, this is just my experience with these patches.


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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits

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Re: Sniffing gigabit ethernet? 1000baseT LAN taps?

2014-04-14 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Joshua Judson Rosen writes:

 Michael ODonnell writes:
  I don't know what your situation is but if there's a managed
  switch involved I believe that some of them can be rigged to
  echo traffic to one or more specified ports for analysis/debug.
 Mm. Good point. I don't think I have any managed switches on-hand;
 any recommendations as to what I should get, if I go that route?

The feature you'd want here is commonly called port mirroring or port

More info here:

I do have a small word of advice:  it is generally useful when
capturing traffic for analysis to come up with some sort of capture
filter that limits the amount of traffic that you're going to end up
with.  On a really busy link, this can make it a lot easier to analyze
the traffic at a later time.


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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
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Re: Max Wi-Fi connections question

2014-04-11 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Ed lawson writes:

 I'm sure someone in the group has a real world answer to this
 question.  My local school is seeking to have Wi-Fi in every classroom
 with each classroom having up to 30 devices using the network
 simultaneously.  I questioned this and was told the appropriate
 commercial grade router is capable of maintaining simultaneous
 connections with 120 devices and throughput is fine.  This sounds a bit
 optimistic to me, but I'm older than gray hair and hardware was never
 something I knew much about.

In my ${dayjob} I regularly deal with educational institutions in
which there is a wireless network that serves thousands of
simultaneous wireless clients.  I can assure you that the traffic load
on these networks is fairly large and chaotic.  End-users at these
sites are generally getting what they need from the network, with few

So, yes, this is certainly possible, with the right gear and


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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
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Re: Fifo buffer question

2014-02-06 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Curt Howland writes:

 I have a background process running from which I would like, from time
 to time, to check the console output. I do not want to dedicate a
 console window to it, and since I start it from a script the console
 output is usually just lost to the akashic ethers.



Given your description here, I'm not really sure if you really even
care about every single line of output from this background process.
I just get the idea you want to check up on it every once in a while.

Sogiven thisyou could just run your program under screen.
After you've started running the program, detach from the screen.
It will continue to run.  Later on you can reattach with screen -r.


Sometimes I leave long-running compute jobs running under screen.
Start them in one physical location.  Later, in some other location, I
re-attach and look at my output.

Hope this helps,

--!kdc /
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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits

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Re: high school python classes

2014-01-20 Thread Kevin D. Clark
Lloyd Kvam writes:

   * Public Key Encryption

I took a class at UNH when I was a high-school senior (wooly mammoths
were still wandering around campus back then...).  It was a class with a
topic of number theory.  I liked all of the math proofs in the class
-- very cool stuff.  I really wasn't prepared for the class but I did
the best that I could.

As I sat in these classes on Saturday mornings, it did occur to me
that a lot of this stuff was pretty dry.  I couldn't see the point of
the mathematical excercises that we were going through (why on Earth
do I care if two numbers are 'relatively prime'?, I mused).  I
couldn't fathom how any of this stuff could be used in the Real World.

Everything that I thought about these Saturday morning classes changed
during the last class.  We had a guest lecturer that day -- a
professor named David Burton.  He came into the classroom with a
twinkle in his eye and told us that he was going to teach us some
interesting things that morning.  In the next two hours he taught us
the basics of symmetric key cryptography, and then he moved onto DH
key-exchange and public-key crypto.  He built on all of the concepts
that we had learned in previous classes.  I took notes like crazy that
morning -- this really was some interesting stuff that this Professor
Burton was teaching us.  Wow

Anyways, I look back upon that morning (eons ago) pretty fondly.  One
of the things that I do as a software engineer is to design and
implement secure systems and protocols.  I still use the knowledge
that I gained on that Saturday morning as a high-school senior pretty


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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: high school python classes

2014-01-20 Thread Kevin D. Clark
maddog wrote:

 The class should always start with this is why you use this and why
 you will want to know it.

I do think that you're right about this.

However, (1) the class was free (no cost to me) and (2) at the time I
was just some guy who didn't know anything about anything [1].

I can't fault them for anything in this course.  I learned a lot of
interesting things.  I am very appreciative.

Kind regards,


[1]  How little some things change...

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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits

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Re: Permissions on /tmp

2013-05-23 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Joshua Judson Rosen writes:

 Not that I'm objecting, but more for my own edification: are there
 actually systems out there that don't set the sticky bit on /tmp?
 That just seems... insane

I can't recall a standard, multi-user Unix-flavored system on which
/tmp didn't have the sticky-bit set.  I can even *specificially*
remember this being true in my undergraduate days.

A multi-user system without the sticky-bit set on /tmp isat the
very leastmis-configured.


--!kdc /
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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
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Re: How can I detect whether an /etc/rc.d/init.d script is being run at boot time versus by hand?

2013-05-21 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Bill Freeman writes:

 I'm trying to figure out whether to force the removal of an almost
 certainly stale pid file or not in the service start case.

I'm not specifically answering your question here, but, here is some
code that I believe to be reasonable and related to the problem you
appear to be trying to solve.




#  General functions

function try_lock () {
local tempfile=$1.$$
local lockfile=$1.lock

# do we have permission at all to write here?
if ! echo $$ $tempfile ; then
  echo You do not have permission to access `dirname $tempfile` 12
  return 1

# attempt to create the lockfile ; if successful return success
if ln $tempfile $lockfile 2/dev/null ; then
rm -f $tempfile
return 0

# no success creating lockfile?  well, is there any current process
# that is holding onto this lock?  if so, return (and thus:  wait)
if kill -0 `cat $lockfile` 2/dev/null ; then
rm -f $tempfile
return 1

# if we are here the lockfile must be stale
echo Removing stale lock file: $lockfile
rm -f $lockfile
if ln $tempfile $lockfile 2/dev/null ; then
rm -f $tempfile
return 0

rm -f $tempfile
return 1

release_lock() {
local lockfile=$1.lock
local tempfile=$1

rm -f $lockfile $tempfile

function get_lock() {
local tempfile=$1

until try_lock $tempfile ; do
echo waiting for the lock
sleep 1

#  Convenience functions for specific locks

function get_AAA_lock() {
get_lock /var/run/AAA

function release_AAA_lock() {
release_lock /var/run/AAA

function get_BBB_lock() {
get_lock /some/other/path/BBB

function release_BBB_lock() {
release_lock /some/other/path/BBB


function do_something() {




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gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: engineering/geek tours/vacation/sightseeing

2013-04-30 Thread Kevin D. Clark

David Rysdam writes:

 There used to be a site out there that was like or or something like that. It had computer
 history and science museums, civil engineering projects, factory tours
 and all kinds of great stuff listed on it. Does anyone else remember
 this thing and know where it is? Maybe it died.
 (In case you find it, this isn't it, although it isn't a terrible
 addition to the genre:

I don't think this is specifically what you were looking for, but
since I happened across it in the last 24 hours I thought I'd point it

   _The Geek Atlas: 128 Places Where Science and 
Technology Come Alive_

   John Graham-Cumming

Kind regards,

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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
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Re: Printer recommendations

2013-03-07 Thread Kevin D. Clark

David  Tina Ohlemacher writes:

 The Dell one comes with onsite service and individual toner carts.  Looks
 good... Until I looked for a PPD.   Yes the generic PPD will likely work to
 print, but the right PPD will make it work much better (toner levels,
 color, meaningful errors, scanning I hope).   
 Since I mostly use Debian based distros and
 do not want to bother trying to convert one to a is out.

[...but then later you write...] 

 Samsung has a universal printer
 inside its gz file I found the PPD file.  Simple!

You could always try to extract the PPD file (if it exists inside) from the
dell.rpm file thusly:

   rpm2cpio dell.rpm dell.cpio
   cpio -idv dell.cpio

(I have no specific information about any of these printers)


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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Another posix file system question

2013-02-27 Thread Kevin D. Clark
Bill Freeman writes:

 Apache or nginx is serving a file, in response to an AJAX request, because
 serving static files is fast.  The file contains data to be displayed on a
 web page (via jQueryUI bar graphs, among, if that's of interest).
 While I might come up with a scheme for updating file contents in place
 (open for writing,don't truncate, seek, write), I would feel less as hazard
 if I wrote a new file and swapped it in under the the same directory entry.
 (Hopefully, if the server tends to cache static files in memory, it at
 least does a stat on the file name at each request, to see if the
 modification time has changed.)
 The plan is to create a new file under a different name, then hard link the
 critical name to the new file.
 I know that I can use 'ln -f' on the command line, but I don't know whether
 that turns into an unlink followed by a link, leaving a tiny window during
 which the critical name doesn't exist, or whether (other than updating link
 counts) this just does the equivalent of writing a new inode number into
 the directory entry.

This plan isn't going to work, because the call to link() is going to
fail with EEXIST.

Instead of using link(), you should use rename(), which has all of the
atomic semantics that you seem to be looking for.  Think of this as
being like double-buffering, on your fs.


--!kdc /
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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
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Re: IPMI security article

2013-02-19 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Lloyd Kvam writes:

 Should I simply disable IPMI or is it likely to be useful even in my

Do you have any need to manage your server remotely using the
functionality that IPMI provides?  How easy is it for you to
physically access your server?

I've been giving IPMI some thought lately as well.


--!kdc /
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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
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Re: Linux-centric curricula in New England?

2013-01-10 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Matt Minuti writes:

 I believe UNH's CS department was quite linux-centric. The first
 programming course for engineers was C++ using GCC and VI, and required
 ssh'ing into a server to submit work. That's about all I can speak to,
 That said, I think they've switched over to Java for a lot of the beginning
 stuff a few years back, so none of what I said might be true anymore.

I'd agree with this view as well, although I haven't really interacted
with the department too much in the last few years.


--!kdc /
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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits

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Re: Two things: anti-spam and per-process *network* I/O.

2012-12-26 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Ken D'Ambrosio writes:

 Per-process I/O accounting.  Every now and then, I see a system load 
 spike through the roof -- but disk I/O is okay, likewise CPU.  Which 
 really pretty much leaves network.  But I'm unaware of any tool that 
 spits out per-process network utilization statistics.  One *must* exist, 
 right?  Any pointers?

So, to confirm, when these incidents occur, the load average on the
machine is low?

I'd suggest using ntop and if things aren't clear from just this, using
some combination of lsof -i ... or netstat -p.


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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: sched_setscheduler(2)

2012-11-09 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Can you send us the kernel .config that goes along with the kernel
that you are running on your target machine?


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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: sched_setscheduler(2)

2012-11-08 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Bruce Dawson writes:

 Does anyone have any experience with this system call?

Can you give us some code with your exact setup for

Using this call requires a bit of setup ; there are a quite a few
things that could go wrong or not be setup correctly, etc.  Being able
to look at a snippet of your code would be very helpful.

Also, could you run the snippet of code on your target machine and
provide us with the strace output?

Kind regards,

--!kdc /
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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
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Re: sched_setscheduler(2)

2012-11-08 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Strange.  I made a few minor changes (see attached patch)
and when I run your code on my test machine running Linux kernel
2.6.35 I get the following output:

  $ sudo ./latencytest
  ./latencytest starting...
  My original scheduling policy is SCHED_OTHER (0)
  The original minimum scheduling priority is 0, the maximum is 0
  sched_get_priority_max(1) returned 99
  sched_get_priority_min(1) returned 1
  My target scheduling policy is SCHED_FIFO (1)
  The target minimum scheduling priority is 1, the maximum is 99
  params.sched_priority now set to 98
  It worked - now running in high-priority mode
  params.sched_priority now set to 98
  Now running at original scheduler policy
  My scheduling policy is SCHED_OTHER
  The minimum scheduling priority is 0, the maximum is 0

We'll have to look deeper.  Of course, the first thing that comes to
mind is that you are running a 3.x kernel, and I am not (yet).


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits

--- latencytest.c.orig	2012-11-08 17:27:56.868748156 -0500
+++ latencytest.c	2012-11-08 17:21:19.941866904 -0500
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
   return buf;
-main(int argc, char ** argv) {
+int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
   int origpolicy;			/* Current process' scheduling
    priority */
   int origPolicyMaxPriority;	/* Maximum priority for the original
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@
   if ((origPolicyMinPriority = sched_get_priority_min(origpolicy))  0) {
-fprintf(stderr, sched_get_priority_min(%d) failed, origpolicy,
+fprintf(stderr, sched_get_priority_min(%d) failed: %s, origpolicy,
   printf(My original scheduling policy is %s\n, PolicyToStr(origpolicy));
@@ -140,6 +141,7 @@
 /* ... */
 /* Return to normal priority. */
+params.sched_priority = 0;  /* assumes orig schedule was SCHED_OTHER */
 retval = sched_setscheduler (pid, origpolicy, params);
 if (retval  0) {
   fprintf(stderr, sched_setscheduler (%d, %d, ...) failed: %s\nQuiting.\n,
@@ -181,11 +183,13 @@
   if ((origPolicyMinPriority = sched_get_priority_min(origpolicy))  0) {
-fprintf(stderr, sched_get_priority_min(%d) failed, origpolicy,
+fprintf(stderr, sched_get_priority_min(%d) failed: %s, origpolicy,
   printf (The minimum scheduling priority is %d, the maximum is %d\n,
 	  origPolicyMinPriority, origPolicyMaxPriority);
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: grub issue

2012-10-23 Thread Kevin D. Clark
michael miller writes:

 I was happy with ubuntu 10.04, but built a new computer (intel i5, msi
 mb) and was having trouble finding drivers for some of the hardware so I
 upgraded to 12.04.  Everything works fine, except that frequently it
 boots to a command line instead of the gui.  One to three reboots later
 it's back to normal.  I thought it would be a grub issue but haven't
 changed anything since the original install and particularly don't
 understand why the problem is intermittent.  Any suggestions where I
 should look?

When the box boots up in a non-graphical mode:

1:  what is the output of runlevel?

2:  are there any relevant logfiles out in /var/log that
related to the X server?  Can you show us these?
On my system these appear in a file with a named like
/var/log/Xorg.0.log (but I'm not currently running Ubuntu).

3:  is there any relevant stuff in /var/log/messages ?

4:  what happens when you type telinit 5?


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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: grub issue

2012-10-23 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Ben Scott writes:

 On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Kevin D. Clark wrote:
  4:  what happens when you type telinit 5?
   FYI, Debian and (IIRC) Ubuntu don't use runlevel 5 normally.  They
 normally boot to runlevel 2, and use a service to start/stop an X
 display manager.  So, I think the equivalent command would be:
   /etc/init.d/gdm start
   I could be wrong, this is from memory, and I haven't used Ubuntu in
 a while, either.  IIRC, Ubuntu replaced the standard SysV init with
 some new thing, and it may not even have initscripts anymore.

Yeah, I sort-of knew this.  I probably should have booted up one of my
Ubuntu VMs before I sent this.

Regardless, we all got the debug process moving along (-:

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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Capturing file descriptor 3, or alternatives.

2012-06-25 Thread Kevin D. Clark

I've thought about this problem during my commute for a week now, and
I haven't been able to come up with a simple solution that satisfies
the constraints.

I think that a lot of effort could be put into solving this problem
with these constraints...or...the problem could be solved simply with
a small temporary file that parent+child agreed to use.  A robust,
simple implementation could probably be put together in no more than
10 minutes.

I'm a big fan of simple.

Just my humble opinion,


PS It seems to me that the fundamental problem here is that the shell
gives the programmer easy ways to setup unnamed pipes in standardized
sorts of ways, but once you want to do something outside these
standardized patterns, the shell's design tends to force you to
actually name these pipes/etc

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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: I'm considering a new laptop, looking for experiences.

2012-04-13 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Bill Freeman writes:

 Can anyone offer personal experience stories on the Dell Inspirons?

I've got a Dell Inspirion 1525 that I paid $400 for at the Dell
refurbished outlet (online).  The machine is 3-4 years old at this
point.  I use it for a couple of hours most days.

It's a $400 laptop.  It is cheap, but it does what I need it to do.

I've run Ubuntu on the system but I mostly run Fedora.  

In terms of hardware, the touchpad can be a little bit sensitive but I
have gotten used to it.  The actual material that the laptop is
constructed from is cheap plastic and it has in fact developed a small
crack near where the power cord plugs into the laptop.  It is for this
reason that I would say that this wouldn't be a great laptop to
actually lug around on a regular basis -- this laptop wouldn't
withstand the physical wear and tear.  The screen itself is glossy ; I
wish it was matte but I rarely use this thing in situations with lots
of glare.

In related news, I note that Woot is selling some Lenovo Thinkpad

Hope this helps,

--!kdc /
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And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: EMACS - enabling at spi2 support

2012-04-11 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Susan Cragin writes:

 New problem: What's the best way to learn lisp? Anyone have a
 favorite book or on-line site?

I always thought that _The Little Lisper_ was pretty good.

Unfortunately, this book is out of print.  However, it has been
replaced with a Scheme variant, and this might not be a bad read.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: EMACS - enabling at spi2 support

2012-04-05 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Susan Cragin writes:

 Does anyone know how to enable at-spi2 support in emacs?

Obviously, I think that you are smart enough to find atspi.el here:

...and of course the comments in the elisp code list some

After you'll pulled down everything and installed the dependencies,
you might try typing something like:

   M-x load-file /some/path/to/atspi.el

Later on you might try adding something like:

   (require 'atspi) your .emacs file.

I have no experience with atspi or at-spi2, unfortunately.

I do hope this helps!


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Accessing partitions in drive images

2012-01-31 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Jerry Feldman writes:

 I agree. I don't think my Apple ][ floppies were partitioned. Back in
 the day there were a plethora of floppies. You had 8 in., 5 in. There
 were a number of Word Processors in the 70s that used floppies. The PC
 changed the landscape for both floppies and HDs, and also other
 removable media.

plug for silly web-page
 Kevin's Elephant Memory Systems Tribute Page

/plug for silly web-page

Never forget,

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Yum errors

2012-01-30 Thread Kevin D. Clark

M D L writes:

 Attempting to update Fedora 15 I've been having errors:
 ERROR with rpm_check_debug vs depsolve: is needed by eekboard-1.0.5-1.fc15.x86_64 is needed by ibus-hangul-1.4.0-1.fc15.x86_64
 Please report this error in

What happens when you RPM-uninstall libibus, eekboard, and ibus-hangul
and then try to re-install these RPMs right after this?


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: mint

2012-01-05 Thread Kevin D. Clark

  My solution was to flip gnome 3 the bird and switch to XFCE.
 Me, too - I switched to the XFCE-based Xubuntu.

I couldn't figure out Gnome3 when I upgraded to Fedora 16.  It just
threw me for a loop.  I tried out LXDE and then I found that XFCE
suited me better.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: GNOME 3 (was: mint)

2012-01-05 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Joshua Judson Rosen writes:

 It's funny what non-hackers notice and appreciate :)

The feature that I *cannot* live without is virtual desktops.  I
prefer to have 16 or 25 of them, in a 4x4 or 5x5 format.  I logically
separate my work onto these desktops, and I navigate between these
with my keyboard.

After an hour of futzing with LXDE I couldn't get my 4x4 format, so I
checked out XFCE.

I'll say one really nice thing about LXDE:  if you want to change
the format of the displayed time in the date/time applet, the docs say
use the format described in strftime().  Wow, that's minimal, and
that's awesome too.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

And the Army Ants, they leave nothin' but the bones...
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Conversations w/ Computing's historical personages (was: Historical origin of cron's day-of-month/weekday behavior?)

2011-10-26 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Joshua Judson Rosen writes:

 This has always been one of my favourite things about the unix world--
 and, to some extent, computing in general: that the founders are
 still around, and many of them even *respond to e-mail*.
 The analogies for other domains are things like `exchanging
 post-cards with Thomas Jefferson or Florence Nightingale'.

I agree with this sentiment as well.

A long time ago I sent email to the late, great W. Richard Stevens,
and *he responded*.  I was totally blown away by this.  I never
expected a reply.  I went on to pretty much immerse myself in his
books, and, in terms of technical things to do, there are few better
things in this world to play around with the stuff that Rich Stevens
presented in his books.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Dennis Ritchie, Creator of UNIX and C, Dead at 70

2011-10-13 Thread Kevin D. Clark

We have lost a giant in our industry -- truly a great man.

He will be missed.

Believe me on this.  The free cocaine was nowhere in
 evidence, I consumed no cigar-sized hash bombers, the
 insistent, complaisant lovelies were elsewhere by the time
 I got back from dinner.  Indeed, the plaster of Paris I had
 obtained in case anyone wanted a cast of my genitals went
 entirely unused.
 -- dmr
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] Adding recruiters to LinkedIn connection list?

2011-07-14 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Michael ODonnell writes:

 It seems likely that there is (possibly substantial!) value to
 a recruiter in being able to see my connections, but is there
 value (or harm) to me?

There is a setting in LinkedIn called Select who can see your
connections.  One of the reasons why I have set this to only me is
exactly for the reason that you cite.

(I look at a site like LinkedIn and think to myself gosh, this is a
recruiter's dream!)

So, if I am connected to some recruiter on LinkedIn, I generally
understand that the only connections they can see on my LinkedIn page
are the people who I have recommended or who have recommended me.

(I hope this is also true for people who hold premium LinkedIn
accounts, but I am unsure of this particular aspect of LinkedIn's


I'm connected to some recruiters on LinkedIn ; I'm pretty much at the
point of concluding that 80% of these recruiter contacts represent
little upside for me.  I might do something about this soon...


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Helios Project Director Felled By Stroke; Linux Community Support Sought

2011-06-16 Thread Kevin D. Clark

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: rc script running twice ???

2011-01-27 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Drew Van Zandt writes:

 /etc/rc2.d/S40init_xuarts start
 root   498  0.0  0.8   2808   504 ttyS0S+   00:00   0:00  \_
 /bin/sh /etc/rc2.d/S40init_xuarts start
 root   500  0.1  0.9   1676   576 ttyS0S+   00:00   0:00  \_
 sed s/ttyname=//


 # Barcode
 ln -s -f `/usr/local/bin/xuartctl -d --speed=115200 --mode=7e1 -p 1 21
 |sed s/ttyname=//` /dev/barcode
 # Copleys
 ln -s -f `/usr/local/bin/xuartctl -d --speed=9600 --mode=8n1 -p 2 21 |sed
 s/ttyname=//` /dev/copley
 # Watlows
 ln -s -f `/usr/local/bin/xuartctl -d --speed=38400 --mode=8n1 -p 5 21 |sed
 s/ttyname=//` /dev/watlow

I think that your multiple S40init_xuarts entries in the process table
are a result of the subshells that you are running via `backticks`.

This is the behavior of the shell.

Furthermore, since you are apparently seeing something hang here, I'll
bet that one of your invocations of /usr/local/bin/xuartctl is hanging
somehow.  If it wasn't hanging, then you'd have a very difficult time
seeing this in the process table.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Novell agrees to be acquired by Attachmate.

2010-11-24 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Ryan Lee Stanyan writes:

 I barely trust people to drive in two dimensions, let alone three!

My commute takes me a little while, so I have to drive in four.

A physicist that I listened to one even speculated that it was even
more complicated than this, but my car does not look like a police box
(maybe next year's model) and so my commute remains rather mundane
(with short bursts of white knuckled driving on occasion, of course).


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

Well, he came home from the war with a party in his head
And a modified Brougham DeVille
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Looking for MySQL teaching materials for High School students

2010-11-20 Thread Kevin D. Clark
Dan Coutu writes:

 My local high school's tech center is looking for learning materials 
 (e.g. books) that will help students to understand the basics of how to 
 use MySQL. Ideally some discussion of database normalization and how to 
 design a database schema for an application would also be found is these 
 Does anybody have pointers to such things?

I think that the O'Reilly book _Learning SQL_ by Alan Beaulieu is
pretty good.

Hope this helps,

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Don't get caught up in the hype - the Zen of The Unix Philosophy

2010-10-28 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Lloyd Kvam writes:

 I do agree with his basic point.  Use the system tools to glue your
 processing into a series of simple steps.

Shell scripts are very powerful.  I don't take anybody seriously who
thinks otherwise.

I wrote a shell script once that automated an extremely tedious (took
days/weeks to complete) task.  It took me one single caffeine-induced
night of hacking to put together this script.

My boss later told me that he estimated that this shell script saved
the company well over a half-a-million dollars.

Later, after my night of feverish shell-script hacking, I rewrote the
script in Perl (because 3000-line shell scripts are hard to grok...)
and I did lots of other cool stuff with this new version of the

If I hadn't been able to easily prototype this thing in terms of a
shell script, it would have taken me a long, long time to get it
done...if ever...

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: cable modem requires reboot because one site falls off DNS?

2010-09-03 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Greg Rundlett writes:

 I have a strange problem where one (and only one as far as we know)
 particular website becomes inaccessible to our office.

So, you are telling us that the site becomes inaccessible in the
sense that it seems to fall out of the DNS?

 Any ideas on what could cause this and how to troubleshoot?

When you know you are experiencing this problem, it might be useful to
run these commands and provide us with the output:

  dig @ A SOA 
  dig @ A SOA 

If might be good to save the output of these too at a point in time
when you know that everything seems to be working too.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Quarantining an account from the Internet, or from all networking?

2010-08-17 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Suggestion: suppose you have setup your system with a uid that is
protected by some iptables rules (call this UNTRUSTED), and futhermore
also suppose that the binary that you really want to protect against
is called DOCREADER.  

Well, then, you might want to consider replacing every occurence of
the DOCREADER binary on your system's disk with a script that
basically does this:

  exec sudo -u UNTRUSTED DOCREADER-original $...@}

You might also want to consider locking this package down from a
package-management-automatic-updates perspective.

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Quarantining an account from the Internet, or from all networking?

2010-08-17 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Benjamin Scott writes:

 On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 8:43 AM, Kevin D. Clark

  Well, then, you might want to consider replacing every occurence of
  the DOCREADER binary on your system's disk with a script that
  basically does this:
   exec sudo -u UNTRUSTED DOCREADER-original $...@}
   Just occurred to me: Couldn't you setgid the binary, and make the
 binary owned by root, group untrusted or whatever, mode 755.  Right?

That's a better suggestion than mine.

Another way to do all of this would be through a SELinux config.  I
have played with this on occasion, but haven't had as much time as I
would like to explore here.  It seems to me that this could be a more
fine-grained solution.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Persistent connection to named pipe

2010-07-14 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Michael ODonnell writes:

 I'm now working with a cantankerous old app that can't easily be
 modified and it'd be handy to have multiple sequential invocations of
 that app each spew some logging data into a FIFO (without blocking)
 so it could be processed by a single persistent instance of a filter
 connected to the output of that FIFO.  I'm therefore about to dredge
 up my little utility and put it back into service in this situation
 but before I do I wonder if anybody knows of something that's part
 of the standard Gnu/Linux stuff that already solves this problem.

(dd's noerror option didn't do what you wanted here)

How about:

(while true ; do cat ; done ) /tmp/FIFO


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Spike in SSH attacks

2010-06-21 Thread Kevin D. Clark
Ted Roche writes:

 Oh, a reminder: a fellow GNHLUGer told a tale not too long ago about
 testing ssh changes: always keep an exiting connection open when
 you're making changes. This way, when you lock yourself out of making
 new connections with the changes, you can use your old connection to
 reverse the changes. A good lesson learned. By someone else!

I usually test out sshd/firewall changes by employing the following
two schemes:

1:  as a quick test, I run sshd -e -d -p 1234, where 1234 is the
number of some temporary, unused port.  Then I ssh -p 1234 from some
other machine to test the config changes.

2:  when I test out firewall (iptables) rules, I generally check once,
check again, and then I test by typing this:

  /etc/init.d/iptables restart ; sleep 600 ; /etc/init.d/iptables stop

During the five minutes that my new rules are in effect, I test.
However, in the event that something goes haywire, I know that in five
minutes I will have access again.

Seriously, by combining these two practices, I have kept myself out of
some very tough situations


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Recommendations...

2010-06-18 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Gerry Hull writes:

 What are your thoughts/recommendations?

Fedora 12 (x86_64) works fine for me on both a laptop and a desktop.
I installed Sun's Java, the flash plugin (although I don't usually let
that run) and VirtualBox (I have to virtualize some 64-bit OS's).

Everything works pretty well for me.

I haven't tried Fedora 13 yet.  Maybe in a few weeks.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Backing up a little - Trying to get LAPACK to work...

2010-05-26 Thread Kevin D. Clark

How are you invoking Valgrind?  Where is the Valgrind output for the
9x9 run?

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Shot in the dark: Anyone ever use CLAPACK routines?

2010-05-19 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Bruce Labitt writes:

 If anyone has a few spare moments, I'd appreciate a quick look and any 
 helpful comments you may have.  FWIW, I used valgrind and saw that even 
 when I got the correct answer, there were tons of warnings and errors 
 reported.  (These errors were DEEP inside of the CLAPACK library.)

All of your code allocates space for your matrix arrays on the stack.
There is nothing wrong with this {per se}, but Valgrind is a heap
analysis tool.  The stack is not the heap.  If you want to use
Valgrind to gain some confidence that the matricies/arrays that you
are using are not being accessed incorrectly, then you will have to
allocate space for your arrays/matricies on the *heap*.

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Shot in the dark: Anyone ever use CLAPACK routines?

2010-05-19 Thread Kevin D. Clark

[please don't top-post]

Bruce Labitt writes:

 Is there an equivalent tool for the stack?

I don't know of a reliable one.

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Shot in the dark: Anyone ever use CLAPACK routines?

2010-05-19 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Jerry Feldman writes:

 On 05/19/2010 03:22 PM, Bruce Labitt wrote:
  Is there an equivalent tool for the stack?

 Purify. Purify is a commercial product (expensive too) that instruments
 every load and store operation whether that be on the heap or the stack.
 While valgrind is a great tool, it does not compare to Purify.

Unless Purify has improved a lot since the last time I used it (five
years ago, I admit), then Valgrind is just as good as Purify in my

In particular, at the time that I used it, Purify claimed to support
this sort of checking for stack-based objects, but I never saw it

Come to think of it, I have seen Insure++ work pretty well for this.

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Shot in the dark: Anyone ever use CLAPACK routines?

2010-05-19 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Jerry Feldman writes:

 Several years ago, someone at a BLU meeting mentioned he was having a
 problem with some code in a phone switch, and his company and Verizon
 were pointing fingers, especially because a previous problem was theirs.
 He tried a number of different solutions, and after trying Purify, his
 company paid then $10,000 for a license. I'm not trying to sell Purify
 for IBM, but I certainly know how it works.
 Looks like Insure++ does a similar type of analysis that Purify does.

You and I have bantered back and forth about Purify over the years.
To be honest, when I was working on telco-class equipment, I was happy
to have both Valgrind and Purify for my daily work.  Both are
excellent tools.  I found bugs with Purify that I didn't find with
Valgrind, and vice-versa.

I'm a big fan of tools like this.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: du(1) for FTP sites

2010-05-02 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Benjamin Scott writes:

   Kevin's wget-based implementation worked (thanks again, Kevin!), but
 was slow due to repeated invocations of wget.

Yeah, the big design principal behind my implementation was that I was
trying to get it done in less than ~30 minutes...before I had to get
going home.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: du(1) for FTP sites

2010-04-30 Thread Kevin D. Clark
Benjamin Scott writes:

   I'm looking for something like du(1), except taking an FTP site
 instead of a local directory path.  Trying to scope out disk usage on
 an FTP site I don't have shell access to.
   Non-GUI strongly preferred, but I'll take what I can get.

[attached] gives a big skeleton of what you are looking for.  The code
itself could definitely be improved.

I tested this with two FTP servers, but I know for a fact that the
number of variations here is huge.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits


# author: kevin d. clark (!kdc)

use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;

# given a ftp URL for a directory, this function determines how much
# disk space this directory (and all sub-directories) use
sub get_disk_space($$$) {
  my ($url, $user_args, $password_args) = @_;

  my $total = 0;
  my @dirs;

  my $wget_cmd = wget $user_args $password_args --quiet -O /dev/null 
--no-remove-listing --waitretry=10 --retry-connrefused '$url';

  system($wget_cmd)  die some problem with wget: here was the 
command\n\n$wget_cmd\n\nexit value was $?\n;

  my $fh = new IO::File(.listing, r) 
|| die could not open '.listing': $!\n;

  while (my $line = $fh-getline()) {

1 while ($line =~ s/[\012\015]$//);
my ($size, $name) = $line =~ m/\S+\s+   # permissions
  \S+\s+   # can't entirely remember...
  \S+\s+   # user?
  \S+\s+   # group?
  (\S+\s+)   # size
  \S+\s+   # month
  \S+\s+   # day
  \S+\s+   # time
  (.*) # NAME
if ($line =~ /^d/  $name ne .  $name ne ..) {
  push @dirs, $name;
else {
  $total += $size;

  $fh-close() || die Can't close file: $!\n;

  map {
my $u = $url . / . $_ . /;
$total += get_disk_space($u, $password_args, $user_args)
  } @dirs;

  return $total;

main: {

  my ($user, $password);
  my ($user_args, $password_args, $url) = (, , );

  if (! GetOptions(user=s   = \$user,
   password=s = \$password,
   url=s = \$url,
  )) {
die(Bad command line arguments!\n);

  die You didn't specify a URL! if ($url eq );

  $user_args = --user '$user' if (defined($user));
  $password_args = --password '$password' if (defined($password));

  my $total = get_disk_space($url, $user_args, $password_args);

  print $url\t\t$total\n;

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: du(1) for FTP sites

2010-04-30 Thread Kevin D. Clark

I wrote:

 [attached] gives a big skeleton of what you are looking for.  The code
 itself could definitely be improved.

Oh yeah, invoke it thusly:

  remote-du --url ''

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: OpenStreetMap compatible GPS?

2010-04-26 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Joshua Judson Rosen writes:

 (we're a Debian household)

I found this phrase to be just rolled off Joshua's
tongue with the same ease that somebody might say:

we're a vegetarian household

we're a kosher household

we have cats in our household

we watch the Boston Bruins in this household

we ride bicycles in this household


Anyways, I found how easily a phrase like this can be uttered nowadays
to be entertaining... (-:

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [GNHLUG] NHRuby, 19 April: MongoDB

2010-04-19 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Benjamin Scott writes:

   Stumbled across this today, seemed to be rather more useful than
 most of the content-free hype I got when I tried looking up what
 NoSQL meant.

This is a very interesting link!

 I mean, I thought key-value went out with COBOL...  ;-)

Oh, the irony... Ben's message was almost certainly composed using a
product that employs a key-value DB...  (-:


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Internet history (was: We need a better Internet)

2010-04-08 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Tom Buskey writes:

 Because we can't keep track of 100 systems  what they do in our head.  But
 using a naming scheme means you can script it.  We don't really care about
 the names otherwise.  Oh, and only one name because if there's another name,
 we'll get a ticket to fix it by the name we can't script.

I used to work on a parallel computer whose compute nodes were named
after stars.  So, whenever I needed to do something to all of the
nodes in the cluster I'd have to write code like:

   for H in antares atria avior sirius \
regulus becrux pollux mirtak ; do

I would have preferred a more uniform set of names, but that's the way
that things go sometimes.

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Internet history (was: We need a better Internet)

2010-04-08 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Tom Buskey writes:

 On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Kevin D. Clark wrote:

  The problem that I had was that I frequently had to deal with the
  situation of this particular problem only really efficiently runs on
  1, 4, or 16 nodes in the cluster or this problem only really
  efficiently runs on 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 nodes in the clusternow,
  what nodes were these again, and how do I relate all of the logfiles
  that I obtained from the last program run?
 You might have proven my point.  

Just to be clear, I was trying to illustrate your point, because you
an I appear to be in complete agreement on this issue.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Internet history (was: We need a better Internet)

2010-04-08 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Mark Komarinski writes:

 Maybe I'm not understanding the issue, but isn't the above why queuing
 systems were made?  We're using a dirt-old version of Platform LSF and
 it already solves the 'running on heterogeneous systems distributed
 across an arbitrary number of nodes' problem.  While returning the
 output via LSF or shared filesystem.

I don't have much to say about the how to manage heterogeneous
systems problem.  The parallel computer that I worked extensively
with in the past consisted of machines that were all running the same
hardware and the same OS (this was deliberate).  

From my perspective, employing a boring/normalized/easily-scriptable
naming scheme would have been advantageous.  This isn't the scheme
that was put into place ; it wasn't the end of the world for me ; I
worked with this.

Systems like LSF sound neat but I've never had occasion to use a
system like this ; I can't comment on these things.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: NFS stops responding

2010-04-06 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Benjamin Scott writes:

 On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:15 AM, Kevin D. Clark wrote:
    Is there anything like a diff utility for pcap captures?
  I'm still giving some thought into how I'd actually do this in general.
   The application I was thinking of was taking captures at various
 points where the traffic is nominally identical, to see if it really
 *is* identical.

Say, this looks interesting:



keywords:  pcap diff wireshark tcpdump

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: NFS stops responding

2010-04-05 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Benjamin Scott writes:

 On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 5:19 PM, Kevin D. Clark

  One thing that I've done to help me understand what is going on is to
  rigorously go through each packet (sent and received) and verify that
  what got sent is the same as what got received ...
   Wireshark's ability to break down packets from transport to
 application layers can be a great help here.  If using the text
 tshark, use the -V switch.

Yes, and then you can use Perl to parse the output of tshark -V to
do some detailed analysis.

   Is there anything like a diff utility for pcap captures?  Google
 finds mention of something called tcpdiff, but it seems to be more
 aimed at the transport layer alone, and appears to be BSD (more
 correctly, pf) only.

I'm still giving some thought into how I'd actually do this in general.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] Terminal width

2010-04-03 Thread Kevin D. Clark
Joshua Judson Rosen writes:

 Well, there's an alternative to wide-screen monitors allowing for
 wider windows: wide-screen monitors allowing for *more numerous*
 80-column windows. :)

Me too.

Speaking for myself, as a programmer, if I am given a wide-screened
monitor to work on, I use the extra space for extra 80-column windows.

I think that there is something about the act of programming that
lends itself to working with *tall* windows.  In my experience, a tall
window lets the programmer more easily understand the control flow in
a program.

My current laptop has a semi-wide-screened monitor.  I thought I would
like it when I bought it but as time has passed I've come to the
conclusion that for my next monitor I'd really prefer something that
is taller.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] Terminal width

2010-04-03 Thread Kevin D. Clark
Jerry Feldman writes:

 I usually set emacs up to close to full screen, with many more than 25
 lines. I certainly like to see entire blocks of code. I still like to
 keep individual lines of code and comments to under 80 columns. 

Again -- me too!


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: NFS stops responding

2010-04-03 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Michael ODonnell writes:

 I'm capturing dumps of Enet traffic on the client and server boxes at
 a remote customer site thus:
dumpcap -i eth0 -w /tmp/`hostname`.pcap
 ...and then copying them back to HQ where I feed them to Wireshark.
 I am not (yet?) rigged up so I can sniff traffic from an objective
 third party.

I happen to be debugging a similar I want to pull my hair out of my
head problem right now (but with a different protocol).

One thing that I've done to help me understand what is going on is to
rigorously go through each packet (sent and received) and verify that
what got sent is the same as what got received (on the customer's
network -- I can't reproduce this in-house...).  I build up a timeline
of major things that go on during the protocol interaction.

This was a hard work, but eventually I was able to come to some
conclusions about what might be going wrong.  I'm still testing my fix
though.  I feel like I'm living+breathing+sleeping this problem right

Hope this helps.

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Starting an X11 client on another machine, without ssh

2010-03-23 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Bill McGonigle writes:

 2a) possibly run ssh with the null cipher, so you just get session
 setup.  Then you're only talking about stream
 encapsulation/multiplexing time as a resource drag, and that can be
 incredibly efficient code (OS's do this all day long, layer upon

This is not possible with any SSH implementation that I am familiar

You might be thinking about the SSL/TLS ability to negotiate to a null
cipher/authentication scheme, but SSH!=SSL  (and most implementations
of anything decent that use SSL/TLS preclude you from using
these null schemes, probably for the same reasons that the people
who implement SSH do...).

Kind regards,

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Starting an X11 client on another machine, without ssh

2010-03-23 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Bill McGonigle writes:

 On 03/23/2010 06:13 PM, Kevin D. Clark wrote:
  This is not possible with any SSH implementation that I am familiar
 Ah, found it:

Oh, that.  Yes, now I remember that.  I experimented around with that
a bit at a previous job.  I'm not sure why that set of patches
didn't help with a frequent, large scp job that I had to perform,
but that set of patches looked very promising.  Null ciphers
definitely weren't an option for me then though.

Thanks for reminding me of this!

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: OT? - Broadband Troubleshooting

2010-03-08 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Greg writes:

 I have a problem and not sure the best approach to isolate and resolve 
 it.  My home network seems to have momentary (1-15 seconds) lapses in 
 response time or connectivity.  The network setup is pretty standard.  
 Broadband connection, Linksys router running Tomato, a couple of (dumb) 
 5-8 port switches with both wired and wireless devices.  I suspect the 
 cable provider.

Do you still experience this problem if you temporarily
eliminate/bypass the Linksys router and the switches from your home


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Video card recommendation

2010-03-04 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Drew Van Zandt writes:

 code-editing screen, here I come!

(late response due to no power)

Hurray!  Another person who understands that all of these wide-screen
monitors aren't entirely optimal for programmingunless you rotate
them, of course


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
From now on boys this iron boat's your home
So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Video card recommendation

2010-03-04 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Drew Van Zandt writes:

 My first thought on seeing them was Oh good, rotate them and they're
 Now the question is this:
 Do I want a 1680x1050 rotated to 1050x1680, or a 1600x1200 rotated to
 1200x1600?  That's close enough on height that the increased total real
 estate of the 1600x1200 is still tempting...

I worked at a place once where it was fairly common for me to
encounter code (written by humans) whose line length commonly reached
out to 340 columns.  So, I'd see code that looked like this:

  (200 columns of whitespace)  print hello world\n;

I guess I that job that I had a widescreened
monitor.  The decision as to how to orient my monitor was, in effect,
made for me.

Of course, if you come up with a cool programming setup for yourself,
you probably ought to send along a picture of your setup, just to
inspire others.

Good luck!

--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Interesting article, games

2010-03-04 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Lori Nagel writes:

 1) User interfaces tend to be poor and over compilcated, with a
 bunch of skills and stats taking up the whole screen in a way you
 can't close as opposed to the whole screen being immersed in the

This is a valid complaint.  The reason for this is probably because
these games tend to be designed by engineers rather than people who
are experts at human/computer interaction.

It is very hard to get human/computer interaction stuff right, but
fantastically easy to get this stuff wrong.


--!kdc /
GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E

 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Introduction and Advice

2010-02-12 Thread Kevin D. Clark
Jake Tingley writes:

 My name is Jake and I live in Warner.  I am a high school math
 teacher in Lebanon and I am interested in working with Linux and
 doing some programming.
 What is the best way to get started?
 Is there a particular distribution I should be looking at?
 What is a good first language to learn?
 What do people think are good resources (both online and books)?

What kinds of things do you want to program?  What are your goals?

Things that I like that you might like too:  Fedora (linux
distribution), Perl (programming language), gnuplot (graphing
package), _The Little Lisper_ (programming book), Java, C, Ruby,
_Puzzled Programmers: 15 Mind-Boggling Story Puzzles to Test Your
Programming Prowess_ (another book), _Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal
Golden Braid_ (yet (another (book))).


--!kdcGod, I loved that Pontiac. -- Tom Waits

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gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: twitter vs

2010-01-28 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Joshua Judson Rosen writes:

 I guess this means that I have to figure out a different reason to
 curmudge on microblogging as a whole, now Thanks a lot, Arc... ;)

You could start by pointing out that the body of Arc's email took up
at least 383 characters...  (-:

Kind regards,

--!kdcGod, I loved that Pontiac. -- Tom Waits

GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E 

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: twitter vs

2010-01-28 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Arc Riley writes:

 @Kevin ah but this is email, not microblogging

Yes, I know.

Kind regards,

--!kdcGod, I loved that Pontiac. -- Tom Waits

GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E 

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Openfire Jabber server

2010-01-08 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Paul Lussier writes:

 Openfire docs don't seem to have a lot of information on performance
 tuning, does anyone here have any experience with tuning this thing for
 use in large environments with lots of users ?

I don't have too many helpful things to say here except:

1: It sounds like you're experiencing a memory leak in 
   your Openfire server.

2a:  If [1] is true, then you're never going to be able
 to add enough memory to this system in order to make
 everything just work -- the leak will eventually
 consume all of your memory.

2b:  One possible option might be to simply restart the server
 every night.  

3:  The only way to fix the memory leak is to fix the 
code or to configure the system to not execute the
buggy code.  The thread that Ben Eisenbraun cites 
gives some some suggestions as to how to do either.

4:  If some particular client exacerbates this problem, this
is interesting, but the root cause is still that the 
server is buggy.

5:  Fixing memory leaks in Java code can sometimes be very
difficult.  As a programmer, it certainly is a relief
when you find and fix these...


--!kdcGod, I loved that Pontiac. -- Tom Waits

GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Openfire Jabber server

2010-01-08 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Ben Scott writes:

   While still true, there are cases where it's less cut-and-dry: In
 other protocols, I've seen clients do the equivalent of repeated
 malloc without free.  Of course, the server should place limits on
 resources a client can allocate, but some people consider that kind of
 thing to be not a bug in the server, because it's working as
 designed.  To which I say:

The way that I try to design protocols and systems is to assume that
the entity at other end of the connection might be some infinitely bad
thing that is looking to take down the system.  Kind of like Postel's
Law, but worse.

If the system is designed and implemented in this way, then I sleep
well at night...

--!kdcGod, I loved that Pontiac. -- Tom Waits

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gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: wanted to borrow: power supply for Mac G4 cube

2010-01-02 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Bill McGonigle writes:

 On 12/28/2009 04:22 PM, Kevin D. Clark wrote:
  In fact, my relative is interested in just
  retrieving a few files from this machine.
 Assuming you haven't found the rare part yet ... if you're going
 inside anyway, just pull the drive and hook it up to a USB dongle,
 connected to a working Mac (or linux).

Oh, sorry, I guess I didn't follow up on this.  I think that my
relative is all set now.

Thanks very much to Charlie Farinella for his kind offer to lend my
relative a power supply!

Kind regards,

--!kdcGod, I loved that Pontiac. -- Tom Waits

GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

wanted to borrow: power supply for Mac G4 cube

2009-12-28 Thread Kevin D. Clark

I have a relative who has a Power Mac G4 Cube, like this:

My relative suspects that the power supply might be br0ken.

The power supply looks like this:*F%3FGUID=d71d15361250a02680b253f2ffceccdeitemid=370291683436ff4=263602_263622

...and is apparently Mac part # 661-2455 M5849

This is an old computer, and my relative is not interested in putting
a lot of money into this.  In fact, my relative is interested in just
retrieving a few files from this machine.

My relative lives in Nashua.  If you have such a power supply, and
you'd be willing to lend this power supply to my relative for a day or
two, please contact me off-list.


--!kdcGod, I loved that Pontiac. -- Tom Waits

GnuPG: D87F DAD6 0291 289C EB1E 781C 9BF8 A7D8 B280 F24E 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Update, was: Looking for stuff that you forgot to throw out

2009-12-01 Thread Kevin D. Clark
Tom Buskey writes:

 The DOS version of Kermit is still out there at Columbia.  C-Kermit
 is also there for Unix.  It's an excellent VT100 emulator as well if
 you want to turn a PC into a VT100 terminal.
 The syntax is more VMS like, but once you learn it, it works well.

This reminds me of an observation that I've made over the years:  if
you're using the default terminal program that comes with Windows,
you're probably having a bad day.


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Does the on-disk image of an executable ever change?

2009-11-04 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Michael ODonnell writes:

 I'm looking at some supposedly identical CentOS5.3 systems that are
 behaving strangely and while grasping at straws I generated lists of
 the MD5 sums of all the files on the root partitions and I'm seeing
 differences in the on-disk images of things like /sbin/mount and
 /lib64/ that AFAIK are supposed to be entirely static.

For *two* of the systems in question, where you are seeing a
difference, can you send us the output of:

  sha1sum /path/to/the/file/in/question

  rpm -qf /path/to/the/file/in/question

  rpm --verify -f /path/to/the/file/in/question

Obviously, I'm trying to figure out where you stand before we try
anything more complicated.

I can't think of a reason why these files would change in normal use.
Is there any chance that these machines could have been broken into?


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: A story of cron, svn, and STDERR.

2009-11-02 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Ken D'Ambrosio writes:

 Hey, all.  I ran into an interesting problem that drove me outright
 bonkers and thought I'd share the insights for those who might run into
 similar issues.  Most of my Subversion repositories I just back up via
 straight flat file; one, however, being sent off-site, needs to be backed
 up weekly via svn dump.  I wrote a small script that does the dump and
 then compresses it.  Tried it from the command line, and it worked like a
 champ.  Plugged it into cron, and it would get somewhere between 40 MB and
 65 MB in (out of 2.4 GB), and die.  No obvious rhyme or reason.  Clearly,
 it wasn't a permissions or path issue, or I'd get 0 MB in.  Finally, in
 attempting to re-direct STDERR to a log file... I fixed it.  *BY*
 re-directing STDERR to a log file.  Apparently either cron or svn really,
 really wants STDERR (even though no error was being thrown!), and this
 machine didn't have an MTA installed.  At some point, I guess cron or svn
 goes to open up STDERR, for whatever darn reason, can't, and dies.  Either
 installing an MTA (the smart move) or re-directing 2 *anywhere*, did the

So, can you confirm, was there anything from stderr in your logfile?
Was the file zero-size at the end of the svn dump?

What does your svn dump command do when you run it thusly?:

   svn dump 2-

(Personally, as a shell-script hacker, I rarely close stderr in this
manner unless I really grok the executable that is being run, because
I do sometimes encounter programs that react poorly when run in this


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Remember your pearls [was grep, maybe]

2009-10-30 Thread Kevin D. Clark
Ben Scott writes:

 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:01 PM, Greg Rundlett (freephile) wrote:
  So, you've worked out a magnificent one-liner solution to a
  interesting and recurring task.  How do you 'remember' your solution?
   They get saved in a file under $HOME/bin under an appropriate name,
 with appropriate comments.  Ideally, I turn them into a working
 command I can then use as needed.  (Occasionally they get turned
 into shell aliases or functions, if the mood strikes me.)

aolMe too!/aol

This scheme really works for me.  For example, later this afternoon
I'm going to use a snippet of code I wrote in 2003 to analyze a ~1GB
logfile that I have been generating for over a week now.  It pays to
write clean and flexible code in the first place, and it pays to be
semi-organized as well.


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Fairpoint files for Chapter 11

2009-10-28 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Ed lawson writes:

 Of course hindsight is more perceptive than foresight,

(but I am responding to nobody in particular)

Remember, there was even some sentiment on *this very list* that it
would be better if Fairpoint was running all of this rural telco gear.

The fact of the matter is that ~1.5 years ago the collective we had
a choice as to who should run all of this stuff:  a company that
showed no interest in upgrading any of this telco gear and really
wanted to get out of this business altogether, and another company who
wanted to get into this business but it wasn't clear that they had the
money and/or the experience to run this stuff.  This wasn't a pleasing
set of alternatives back then.

Of course, now the situation is clearly worse.


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: ldap info sought

2009-10-24 Thread Kevin D. Clark
Ben Scott writes:

   FWIW, I know rather more than I want to about Active Directory,
 Windows systems admin, and Linux/Samba/AD integration, so if there's
 anything I can do to help on that front, post and I might be able to.

Thank you for the kind offer.  Like I said, I am interested in
learning the information schema in things like AD.

I'm going to keep on poking around.  Thanks!

GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

ldap info sought

2009-10-23 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Suppose that I know enough about LDAP to be dangerous, but I want to
know more.  Suppose I want to more fully understand:

1:  the mindset of people who use LDAP for solutions

2:  the information schema in Active Directory

3:  the information schema in eDirectory

I've observed some very knowledgable people on this list mention some
of the things that they are doing with LDAP.

So, my request is this:  what resources (books, websites, etc.) do
people recommend to learn more about this subject?

Thanks very much,

GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: ldap info sought

2009-10-23 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Mark Komarinski writes:

 Kevin D. Clark wrote:

  So, my request is this:  what resources (books, websites, etc.) do
  people recommend to learn more about this subject?
 Honestly?  Trial and error. [...]

I'm getting this impression as well.  At least I am mastering the
error part of this anyways.  (-:

 I can tell you that we're using Centrify to provide AD authentication
 to Linux workstations and servers.  It's pretty neat software, even if
 you already have the UNIX extensions in AD.  It also comes with a
 kerberized version of the openldap utilities that you can use to talk
 to AD directly.  Digging into that is how I got most of my AD/LDAP

Very interesting -- thanks!  I'll have to check this out.


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: sendmail configuring port numbers Let's try again.

2009-10-16 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Ben Scott writes:

   I was tempted to do something goofy, like reverse all the characters
 in your text, just to get you going, but I'm too tired to go to the
 effort right now.  ;-)

perl -0777 -ne 'print join , reverse split //'


--kevin (who sends all of his email using technology from RFC1149)
GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Open Source Photography

2009-10-13 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Ted Roche writes:

 I think I saw this written up in one of ACM's magazines, but those don't 
 get a lot of traffic. NPR did a story on a group at Stanford doing 
 computational photography - camera hardware with a Linux backend.

Another interesting thing is CHDK:


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Open Source Photography

2009-10-13 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Ted Roche writes:

 For folks just tuning in, the Canon Hack Development Kit is an add-on to 
 the firmware for the Canon Powershot series of cameras that offers lots 
 of extensions to the functionality. Sadly, my Powershot passed away a 
 while ago, or I'd have fun testing this stuff.

I have seen some rather nice pictures from people who use CHDK.  For
example, there are some nice scripts (etc.) available now that let a
photographer easily capture images of lightning bolts.

I'd love to try out CHDK myself, but the cheapie Canon camera that I
own doesn't work with it and I haven't had the time to contribute.
I have a friend who uses CHDK with great results.


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

2009-10-10 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Lori Nagel writes:

 It took me half a year just to figure out how to add the math
 library into the compiler so I could compile some basic C programs
 from one of the C programing books I have.

Sorry, I must politely disagree that a situation like this relates in
any way to any of the negative aspects of that document.  I have
little insight into your stuggles with this particular problem (I
wasn't there watching you struggle -- I don't know you) but I would
point out that when you posted a query about this very topic on this
mailing list your question was smart enough to generate several
helpful responses (including from me...).

In general, if you do your homework and strive to ask a reasonably
smart question, in my experience, you will get a reasonable response.

Kind regards,

GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

2009-10-09 Thread Kevin D. Clark

For no particular reason, I will mention that I think that this is a
really good document.

I hope that others enjoy it as well.

Kind regards,

GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

2009-10-09 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Lori Nagel writes:

 For no particular reason, I will say I do not think very highly of
 that document.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion.  In fact, I do not agree with
every aspect of that document.  But overall I like it.

Kind regards,

GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

2009-10-09 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Ken D'Ambrosio writes:

 He's clearly been a force for good.  But there's been an awful lot of
 baggage he's dragged around with him, and it seems to seep into most all
 his writings to some extent or another.

Ken has expressed here, more elegantly than I could have, my main
objections to this document.

Kind regards,

GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: I want my KDiff3

2009-10-07 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Greg Rundlett (freephile) writes:

 Yes, I can use Meld, but like the song says: lyrics artist=ZZ TopI
 want my MTV/lyrics  I want my KDiff3

Hmm.  I don't know if Meld does what you want here, but I am a big fan
of Meldit's the prettiest diff too I've ever used.

I'm also a big fan of ediff mode in X?Emacs.


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Why Linksys routers are so cheap...

2009-09-23 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Bill McGonigle writes:

 You can number and name VLAN's.  The range is 1-4092, but I read only 64
 simultaneous are available.

Yes, this is because each VLAN on the switch is modeled as being its
own seperate instantation of a bridge, and each instance takes up
system resources.


 There's another tab called 'PVID (Port VLAN ID)'.  You can type in a
 VLAN # here for each port.  I don't understand what this does that the
 previous tagging doesn't.  The help pages are syntactical, not
 conceptual in nature.

The PVID is the default VLAN tag that will be applied to an untagged
frame upon ingress to the switch.


If the packet is transmitted, it will fall into the ether;
If it remains in the queue, it will exceed its TTL,
That little VLAN tag
Is a very strange thing.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Digital Voice Recorders and Linux

2009-09-22 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Arc Riley writes:

 The sandisk is a much better deal.
 2gigs flash for just $30 *and* has a microSDHC slot.  Mounts as a standard
 USB drive.  Small, bright OLED screen, and you can dual purpose it to play
 all your .ogg and .flac files.
 downside is voice recording only works to .wav - you can encode from there
 on your computer easily enough.

I've got some sort of SanDisk Clip right next to me right now and I
can confirm that it records voice to WAV files:

  $ file /media/flash/RECORD/VOICE/VORC001.WAV 
  /media/flash/RECORD/VOICE/VORC001.WAV: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, 
Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 24000 Hz

I just listened to a voice recording that I made with the thing and
the quality was acceptable to me.

My Clip is a 4GB $50 model.  It works pretty well.  The only downside
I can report with the thing is that every 3-4 months it seems to
suffer a failure when I mount the thing that causes every single song
that I wrote onto the thing to disappear.  This is when I am glad that
I made backups.

It also works very well with my favorite ripping tool, Cretin
( .


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Make Q's

2009-09-18 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Derek Atkins writes:

 Perhaps you need an 'extern C' in there so C++ knows how to call the C

To cut to the chase, Bruce probably should make sure that all of his C
functions are declared in C-specific header files that have the
following pattern:

#ifndef UTIL_H
#define UTIL_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern C {

void some_function_with_c_linkage();

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  /* UTIL_H */

Bruce will also want to make sure that his C functions are compiled by
an actual C compiler.

This advice is a little bit of my opinion and a little bit of an
inflexible you must do this if you want this to work.



Keywords:  name-mangling

GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Make Q's

2009-09-18 Thread Kevin D. Clark

bruce.labitt writes:

 I've not seen this type of code before.  I wonder why all of my
 previous code even works.  Surely it is a way to do it.  Is there a
 simpler way?  (Not that the above is hard by any means.)

Can you tell us, which books on C and C++ do you have in
your work area right now?


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Make Q's

2009-09-18 Thread Kevin D. Clark writes:
 Kevin Clark wrote:
  bruce.labitt writes:
   I've not seen this type of code before.  I wonder why all of my
   previous code even works.  Surely it is a way to do it.  Is there a
   simpler way?  (Not that the above is hard by any means.)
  Can you tell us, which books on C and C++ do you have in
  your work area right now?
 That's easy.  Nada.  I do have a copy of KR C book at home.  Someone here 
 has some C++ books, though I haven't looked at them. 


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Make Q's

2009-09-17 Thread Kevin D. Clark writes:

 There are two files that need to be compiled with gcc, and five with g++.

(completely un-tested)

MYFLAGS=-g -Werror -Wall -Wcast-qual

# we define _XOPEN_SOURCE because
# we define _GNU_SOURCE because 
# modify to suit to your situation

# file1 and file2 are C files, the rest are C++ files
OBJS=file1.o file2.o file3.o file4.o file5.o file6.o file7.o

.PHONY: all clean war

all: myproject

clean: $(RM) $(OBJS) myproject.o

myproject: myproject.o $(OBJS)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $+ -o $@ $(LDFLAGS)

@echo make love not war

Hope this helps,

GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Make Q's

2009-09-17 Thread Kevin D. Clark

bruce.labitt writes:

 Kevin D. Clark wrote on 09/17/2009 12:03:20 PM:

  # we define _XOPEN_SOURCE because
  # we define _GNU_SOURCE because 
  # modify to suit to your situation
 where are CPPFLAGS used below?

They're not ; my example relies upon GNU Make's well known implicit
rules, documented here:

 How is CXX defined?  Will this automagically select gcc for *.c and g++ 
 for *.cpp?

  $ cat ~/Makefile.test 
  @echo CC is $(CC) and CXX is $(CXX)
  $ make -f ~/Makefile.test
  CC is cc and CXX is g++
  $ cc -v ...

 How can the dependencies (header files) be pulled in?

That is harder to do.  gcc -M might do a large part of what you are
looking for.  You'll need to get very adept at these things in order to
make this aspect work.

GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Make Q's

2009-09-16 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Bruce Labitt writes:

 Three questions:
 1.  Is it possible to have a project that some files are compiled with 
 g++ and others gcc? 

Yes.  I do this all the time.

 2.  In the link phase one needs to use g++, correct?

Yes, if you are trying to link together a collection of C and C++
files and produce an executable from these.

 3.  Is there a way to automate the compilation so that the *.c files get 
 compiled by gcc and the *.cpp by g++?

Yes.  This a good idea to setup, IMHO.

 Hmm, one more question.  Anyone have a favorite writeup or tutorial on 
 make?  Google reveals lots of them - most are trivial.  I had one that 
 was pretty good, but somehow have misplaced the URL.

Look, I could write a big writeup here, giving you a complete example
of a Makefile that is similar to what I know you are looking for, but
in actuality let me just tell you that I happen to be a big fan of the
GNU Make manual.  I think that in 20 minutes of skimming you'll be
well on your way.


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Packing/unpacking binary data in C - doubles, 64 bits

2009-09-10 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Bruce Labitt writes:

 Kevin D. Clark wrote:
  2:  Typically, binary stuff is sent over the network in network byte
  order and network byte order is big-endian.  This statement is not
  universally agreed to -- in fact I used to work at a shop where they'd
  never even considered this problem and it turned out that they were
  sending (most) stuff over the wire in little-endian format.

 That only works if both ends are the same - definitely not portable.  In 
 my case, the client is little-endian and the server is big-endian.

No, that always works and it is definitely portable.  Read what I said
again: when you transmit binary integers onto the wire, make sure they
exist in network-byte-order.

May I politely suggest that you consult a decent computer networking
book?  Please take a look at the functions htonl() and ntohl().

Question: from your various postings on this list, I gather that you
are using MPI.  If this is true, why aren't you just using things like
MPI_INT, MPI_DOUBLE, and possibly MPI_LONG_LONG?  Why not let your MPI
library take care of details like this for you?  I guarantee you that
any decent MPI implementation is going to be well-debugged and
efficient.  It should also take care of any endian issues that you
might encounter.


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Packing/unpacking binary data in C - doubles, 64 bits

2009-09-10 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Ben Scott writes:

   We keep seeing the recommendation to use highly-portable encodings
 when possible, e.g., ASCII, or some kind of self-descriptive encoding.
  Which I fully agree is a very good idea.
   But assume for the sake of discussion we want to keep overhead as
 low as possible for performance reasons, and wait until computers get
 faster isn't a practical solution.  What techniques, best practices,
 de facto standards, popular libraries, etc., exist for this sort of

If somebody were to disallow me from suggesting a solution to this
problem which relied upon ASCII text, then my next proposed solution
would be to use ASN.1 with either a DER or PER encoding.

If you think that this is a better solution, then more power to you.

   Obviously, putting unsigned integers into network byte order for
 transmission is one such best practice.
   What about signed integers?  Can one expect hton*() and ntoh*() to
 work for signed integers as well?  IIRC, most machines store signed
 ints in two's-complement format, which I think would survive and work
 properly if swapped to compensate for an endianess change, but I'm not

Yes, htonl() et al. work just fine with two's compliment machines.

IIRC, I haven't worked with a machine that didn't use a two's
compliment as its internal representation for integers in over two
decades, so I really am not enthusiastic about investigating this
particular problem.

Yeah, yeah, somebody might be tempted at this point to chirp up with a
statement like but I used to use the lovely Frobozz 9000 machine
(which used one's-compliment) back in the 80's to perform ray-tracing
and accounting functions!!!, to which I will pre-emptively respond

   What about floating point?

ASN.1 and BER/PER encoding...


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Classic running out of memory... huh? what? long

2009-06-11 Thread Kevin D. Clark writes:

 Anyways, the program seems to run out of memory after processing many 
 blocks.  So either there is a memory leak, or something else going on. 
 Any suggestions?
 Any good memory tracking tools?  I have used valgrind but not gained much 
 insight.  Must be operator error...

I would suggest that you run your program in conjunction with Valgrind
with some small-to-medium sized datasets and fix the problems that are
reported.  I say small-to-medium sized so that you don't have to
wait a long time to see what is going wrong.

I am a huge fan of Valgrind.  It is an awesome tool that is worth
knowing how to use.


GnuPG ID: B280F24EGod, I loved that Pontiac.!kdc-- Tom Waits 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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