Re: [GNC] Closing out QB Pro?!

2024-11-16 Thread Dan a1TNC
I have come over from QBooks as the price has gone up 400% in one year.
I have not found or seen anyway you could export then Import into GNUCash.
If there is I would sure like to know how.
I have taken a few accounts at a time and updated them as i go and compared
them to each other. And so far i plan to be on GNUCash only at the start of
the year.
If anyone wanted to figure out how to do that under the free "open source
model" there will be many more folks coming this way that will want to hire
someone to pull and push their files.
How I know they will be coming is, all the alternatives are just as pricy,
if not more. At some point they will be stopping support for desktop, as the
on-line will only have one window open at a time. Not to mention how glitchy
it is.

Build it and they will come :-)

From: gnucash-user []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2024 11:04 PM
Subject: [GNC] Closing out QB Pro?!

Hey y'all,

Thank you for building GNUCash.

>From Quickbooks to GNUCash, what is the file transfer setup from one to the
Is GNUCash stable in 2024+? I don't intend to step on any foots, I've been
with Linux since late 1994.

Is it better on hardware or a VM, does anyone build it on a docker container
with its own database?

Thank you everyone,

John << File: ATT00033.txt >> 

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Re: [GNC] How do I do a back up of Gnucash?

2024-10-17 Thread Dan a1TNC
I'm wanting to use GNC in a Windows land where there are different OSs. Some 
are 10 and some 11 etc.   I ,like Heidi, did not find the backup info in the 
manual to be very helpful cuz I'm not a coder, and it seems to be written by 
someone who understands all OSs and is a one size fits all for all OSs. 

I have come up with test system to figure out a dependable backup system and I 
want to share that here to see if anyone can tell me if there is a flaw in my 

I have installed GNU on two different computers on/in my land and have started 
entering my accounts and info in my primary computer. I did not find a way to 
install it on a location outside of my primary computer into a local cloud or 
another computer. (Suggestions ???) On my second computer, I have copied 
the last two data files and one text file into my GNU folder on my 2nd computer 
and after 10 or so attempts (after adding more data) it seems like both 
computers are showing the same entries at every level. At every attempt I 
delete all the old files from the last attempt, and I open GNU from the short 
GNU data file which does not have that date added to the file name.  

If this works I'm planning on doing a video to share so that others will find 
this help. 
Also, I've been using Quick books for over 10 years and they have gone up to 
over 400% in price and we will start to see others many many many other come to 

-Original Message-
From: gnucash-user [] On 
Behalf Of R Losey
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2024 11:48 AM
To: halatch1008; Gnucash Users
Subject: Re: [GNC] How do I do a back up of Gnucash?

Well, that's a start... what kind of backup program do you have?

Oh, and please ensure that you do a reply-all so that the conversation goes
out to the community; it may help others, and I make some errors that the
community would catch and correct.

I thought that someone had pointed to a section of the manual or somewhere
that listed the files that should be backed up.


On Wed, Oct 16, 2024 at 10:09 PM halatch1008 

> I have Windows.  The" Get help" section of Gnucash is No help at all in
> explaining how to do a back up
> Heidi
> Sent from myerizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
>  Original message 
> From: R Losey 
> Date: 10/16/24 4:47 PM (GMT-05:00)
> To: halatch1008 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] How do I do a back up of Gnucash?
> This is not easy because of the following:
> 1) There are a multitude of ways to backup data; the "step by step" way I
> set up my backups may not match your backup program. Moreover, Mac has
> different tools that Windows than Linux - on Macs, the "Time Machine" comes
> with Macs and is pretty common, but Windows and Linux have a wide variety
> of backup programs.
> 2) The main GnuCash data file name is determined by each user; mine could
> be "MyFinances.gnucash", yours may be "HeidiMoney.gnucash". The name is
> normally ".gnucash"... this is again difficult to put in a
> step-by-step procedure.
> 3) GnuCash's help files does have a section on which files need to be
> backed up that has  been previously referenced. I skip this because the
> other files are kept in a subdirectory of my home directory, and that is
> backed up on the different computers I have.
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2024 at 7:59 AM halatch1008 via gnucash-user <
>> wrote:
>> Could someone write a step by step of Instruction on how to Back up all
>> my Gnucash files together with the program, in case my computer
>> dies.Thanks,Heidi
> _
> Richard Losey
> Micah 6:8

Richard Losey
Micah 6:8
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[GNC] What files in my in my business folder need to be backed up?

2024-10-12 Thread Dan a1TNC
What files in my in my business folder  need to be backed up?

I'm running my Gnu Cash on a windows machine which have to be stored on the
local drive. Backing up the needed files in case of computer failure is
always a good practice. I have been learning how to use GnuC and found the
files there are better than 100 files for 4 days of use. Will the last Text
file and the last "GNUCash Financial Data" file be all I need to copy to a
cloud? Or do I need to copy all of them?


Thx in advance


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Re: [GNC] Advanced portfolio report picking up wrong price

2024-02-03 Thread Dan O'Brien
(With screen shot attached this time).

I can’t make heads or tails of scheme code, so I’m not sure where to even look 
for the issue here.

I’m using the Advanced Portfolio report and want to include a GnuCash account 
for certificates of deposit. The account is set up as an Asset and the 
Security/Currency is set to USD.

When I run the Advanced Portfolio report, however, instead of using a price of 
$1.00 for USD, it’s picking up the price of another security. I had some cruft 
in the price database related to an account that I incorrectly set up in 
dollars. Advanced Portfolio was picking up the price from that item until I 
cleaned it up and how it’s picking up the last price in the database from 
another stock (I deleted the last price entry for that security and the price 
shown on the report changed when I refreshed it).

I’ve attached a screen shot of the report and the price entry that GnuCash 
shows when I click the value in the Price column.

The CD account isn’t going to significantly affect the report, so I could just 
deselect the account when I generate the report, but I like the way Advanced 
Portfolio calculates the rate of return and gives me the overall return for all 
the CDs that were put into the account (I use one GnuCash account for multiple 
CDs). I’m concerned I may have done something to bork up the price or 
securities tables, though.

Any thoughts on this? Is there somewhere I should look in the SQLite database 
for a problem?
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[GNC] Advanced portfolio report picking up wrong price

2024-02-03 Thread Dan O'Brien
I can’t make heads or tails of scheme code, so I’m not sure where to even look 
for the issue here.

I’m using the Advanced Portfolio report and want to include a GnuCash account 
for certificates of deposit. The account is set up as an Asset and the 
Security/Currency is set to USD.

When I run the Advanced Portfolio report, however, instead of using a price of 
$1.00 for USD, it’s picking up the price of another security. I had some cruft 
in the price database related to an account that I incorrectly set up in 
dollars. Advanced Portfolio was picking up the price from that item until I 
cleaned it up and how it’s picking up the last price in the database from 
another stock (I deleted the last price entry for that security and the price 
shown on the report changed when I refreshed it).

I’ve attached a screen shot of the report and the price entry that GnuCash 
shows when I click the value in the Price column.

The CD account isn’t going to significantly affect the report, so I could just 
deselect the account when I generate the report, but I like the way Advanced 
Portfolio calculates the rate of return and gives me the overall return for all 
the CDs that were put into the account (I use one GnuCash account for multiple 
CDs). I’m concerned I may have done something to bork up the price or 
securities tables, though.

Any thoughts on this? Is there somewhere I should look in the SQLite database 
for a problem?
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Re: [GNC] Can a bank account have sub-accounts?

2023-03-13 Thread Dan Black
With subaccounts, when you reconcile be sure to check the box to include 
subaccounts and it's fairly easy to reconcile it.


On March 13, 2023 10:47:31 AM Murugan Muruganandam 

hi Mort

The  expenses account can be granular and can be tracked seperately.  for 
Asset account unless you have separate bank accounts, you cannot separate 
it in your accounting system.
You can use sub accounts, but it would be a huge overhead for you to 
reconcile your bank statement with individual buckets you have created.

Saludos Cordiales


From: gnucash-user 
 on behalf of 
Mort Q 

Sent: Monday, March 13, 2023 11:35 AM
To: Robert Heller 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Can a bank account have sub-accounts?

Hi Robert
I do have lots of expense accounts for repairs, catering, office expenses,
utilities, etc, and income accounts for fund raising, donations,
memberships, etc. so we can track income and expenses easily.  The GnuCash
reports really help people see where money is coming from and going to.
That's one of the reasons I was thinking of having the sub accounts - the
bank reports will be like an overall report but with the underlying break
down of fund allocation.  Does that make sense?

Every transaction is double entry, I think (one account credited and the
other debited) e.g. a bill payment will credit Liabilities:Accounts Payable
and debit Assets:Current Assets:Bank Account.  Is that what you mean?


On Tue, 14 Mar 2023 at 00:05, Robert Heller  wrote:

At Mon, 13 Mar 2023 23:55:05 +1000 Mort Q  wrote:

> Hi all
> I act as Treasurer for a community organisation, and want to look for a
> that GnuCash can subdivide the money in the bank account into planned
> expenses e.g. a few members do ongoing fund raising for equipment, so
> I make a sub-account of the bank account called "Equipment enhancement"?
> When making a deposit, allocate that money to "Assets:Current Assets:Bank
> Account:Equipment Enhancement" instead of the currently-used
> "Assets:Current Assets:Bank Account".
> Currently, we just have the one account called "Bank Account" in the
> tree, and I keep a separate spreadsheet with the allocation break up.  I
> have to remember to do the extra work to keep the spreadsheet up to date.
> In my previous life, I learnt that it was better to have a single point
> truth for data.
> I am thinking I will end up with an account tree like
> Assets:
>-Current Assets:
> -Accounts Receivable
> -Bank Account:  (will still need this to be reported on for
> etc, as a single account)
>   -General Funds
>   -Equipment Enhancement
>   -Saved for something else
>   -etc
> Does this make sense?  Or am I missing something?
> Or creating a nightmare that will come back and bite me when I try to do
> reports, etc later?
> Clearly, I am not an accountant, and a self-taught GnuCash user.

Clearly :-).

You are not fully understanding double-entry bookkeeping and how GnuCash
and is generally meant to be used.

Yes, you can have sub-accounts under Bank Account, but probably should be
looking at creating a budget.

You should *also* create additional accounts for the various expenses and
on as well.

> Thanks
> Mort
> ___
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Robert Heller -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
Deepwoods Software-- Custom Software Services  -- Linux Administration Services   -- Webhosting Services

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Re: [GNC] Exporting Reports to CSV

2023-01-23 Thread Dan Black

Copy and paste into Excel is also an option.


On January 23, 2023 12:26:49 PM Phyllis Bruce  wrote:

Thanks Maf.  Do I assume a comma delimiter or what?  I'm familiar with
importing delimited files into excel.

On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 10:54 AM Maf. King  wrote:

On Monday, 23 January 2023 16:35:21 GMT Phyllis Bruce wrote:
> I found out how to export transactions, but how can I export my Tax
> as CSV?  My only options are HTML or TXF, neither allow me to reformat in
> Excel.

LibreOffice calc can work on the HTML export; I imagine that excel is able
to do
the same?


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Re: [GNC] How to move a transaction

2023-01-18 Thread Dan Black
Select the transaction that you wish to edit. Click on Split to see all of 
the splits for this transaction. Edit the transfer account for the split 
that has the wrong transfer account. Press Enter.


On January 18, 2023 12:13:18 PM Xe Roy  wrote:

I am a newby to gnucash but an old hand at Quicken.
A mistake I regularly make is to enter a transaction into the wrong account.
I'll have several accounts open and I just forget to switch.
In Quicken, I just move the transaction (splits and all) to the new account.
The Internet chatter I've found so far lead me to believe this feature is 
missing from gnucash.

I hope that's not true because it would really cause me excessive hassle.
I hope there is a way to move a transaction (including any splits) to 
another account.

Sent from Outlook<>
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Re: [GNC] Date format for QIF file

2022-12-29 Thread Dan Black
If you read Derek's reply again, he stated that you must use numbers only; 
month names are not acceptable.


On December 29, 2022 3:14:02 PM Peter West  wrote:

What date formats ARE supported by the GNC QIF import process? 29 December 
2022 is unambiguous, but apparently unsupported by GNC.

Happy 6th day of Christmas!

Peter West
And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of 
great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in 
the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a 
sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in 
a manger.”

On 30 Dec 2022, at 4:55 am, Derek Atkins  wrote:

Not particularly.
The issue is that 11/12 is ambiguous.  Is it November 12 or December 11?  
Using a 2-digit year doesn't help.
The best way is to ensure you have a day > 12 in the mix (and a year > 31). 
So using 12/29/2022 should give you a unique format.

You cannot use month names, only numbers.
Sent using my mobile device. Please excuse any typos.
On December 29, 2022 14:35:09 wrote:

I’m developing QIF files to import my old investments. I get asked every 
time to confirm the date format (the entire import process is a bit long 
imo). The QIF specification says I ought to be able to enter a date using 
`dd month year`; for example: 29 December 2022. However, this results in an 
error in GnuCash.

Is there a format I can use in the files that GnuCash will accurately 
autodetect the correct format?


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[GNC] Moving to a new computer

2022-09-18 Thread Dan Varon
I have been using Gnucash on an iMac and would like to continue using it on a 
new MacBook Air.  I transferred all my data from the iMac to the MacBook Air, 
but GnuCash will not open on the new computer.  How do I install an updated 
version  GnuCash on the MacBook Air and have it use all my old data?

Thank you

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Re: [GNC] issues with mysql connection

2022-08-18 Thread Dan Black
You may also want to verify that the MySQL server is set to accept 
connections from your GnuCash machine.


On August 18, 2022 7:19:04 PM John Ralls  wrote:

On Aug 17, 2022, at 10:35 PM, Christian Schrautzer via gnucash-user 

  Dear gnucash-user,

  I am trying to save in my mysql database on my NAS, but it does not

  As there is nothig much as Settings I am not sure how to troubleshoot.

  Server, database, user and Password should be correct.

  The error message I get is very general. I do not know if gnucash was
  even able to connect the Server or is struggeling with some Right

  My database should be connected via port 3307. Is there a way to set
  this up?

Yes, just include the port number after a colon in the Host box of the 
connection dialog, e.g. my-nas:3307 or if you're using an IP

John Ralls
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Re: [GNC] How to manage multiple accounts (as in separate gnucash databases)?

2022-04-26 Thread Dan Black
Using the nofile option means to open Gnucash without any file. If you 
specify a filename on the command line without the nofile, it should open 
the file specified.

Setup a shortcut for each of your files.

On April 26, 2022 1:36:42 PM Chris Green  wrote:

On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 12:24:32PM -0400, David T. wrote:

   On April 26, 2022 11:25:02 AM EDT, Chris Green  wrote:
> I have several gnucash accounts files (sqlite databases in my case)
> spread around my system.  When I go to a specific directory and run
> GnuCash I just want it to see only the database[s] in that directory.
> Is there a way I can tell gnucash to forget about all previous files
> it has opened?  As it is I get presented with a 'memory' of other
> accounts which can be very confusing unless I'm very careful with file
> naming.
> The --nofile option tells gnucash not to open the last accounts
> database, it helps a little, but I really want it to forget more!

   I'm not certain what has you confused, but if you need each file to
   have its own existence, you might have to create separate OS logins for

Seriously?!  Do you really mean that I should create a different user
for each GnuCash account?  That seems a very clumsy way to handle more
than one account.

What 'has me confused' is the way that GnuCash by default opens the
last account I was looking at.  In nine cases out of ten that's just
what I don't want it to do, why else would I have exited GnuCash and
moved to another directory?

My ideal would be for GnuCash to look for account files in the current
directory, if there is only one then open that one, if there are more
then offer me a list to choose from. I can write myself a little
wrapper script to do this but I don't find other programs need this.
Many other programs do have a 'recently opened' option but they don't
automatically open the last opened file.  ... and, as I pointed out,
using the --nofile option prevents GnuCash from opening any file, you
have to select the file after starting GnuCash.

Chris Green
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Re: [GNC] Reconciliation discrepancies

2022-04-11 Thread Dan Black

It is possible that you transposed two digits that you may not notice.

Try downloading an ofx or csv file and try importing it. Let the computer 
do the comparing for you.

On April 11, 2022 6:33:15 PM Rich Shepard  wrote:

On Mon, 11 Apr 2022, Ed Reeder wrote:

When that happens to me I will discover that I entered a transaction
incorrectly. I would check each GC transaction against the banks.


That's what I do. As I wrote, they all match.


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Re: [GNC] Import overwrites transaction description

2022-04-09 Thread Dan Black

On the matching screen, select C (clear) instead of U+C (update and clear).

On April 9, 2022 5:03:59 AM "Ed Reeder"  wrote:

I have previously entered a check into gnucash:
Num=205, Description=Smith Plumbing, Withdrawal=100.00

My bank's OFX  transaction has:

  CHECK # 205

When I import the OFX file and and match its transaction with the 
previously entered check transaction the "Smith Plumbing" gets overwritten 
with "CHECK # 205".

Is there a way to preserve the "Smith Plumbing" and not have it 
overwritten?  (It is a pain to go back and reenter the payee's name on each 

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Re: [GNC] GNUCash closes when I edit a value

2022-02-25 Thread Dan Black
Yes you used the correct channel, but please remember to reply to the list 
in your replies.

On February 25, 2022 6:08:28 PM Peter  wrote:

Hi, Dan,
Thanks for a prompt response.
I was using 4.2. I have since noticed that 4.9 is now available so have 
installed 4.9.
I just now tried a couple of my usual " duplicate then amend value" 
routines and the system did not shut down. So perhaps I'm OK.

Shall we call this one resolved? I'll raise it again if it happens again.
BTW, did I use the correct channel to ask my question?

Peter and Judy Ridgewell
27 Tobruk Street, Lutwyche 4030
+61 4 1338 8598, +61 4 6985 3831

On 26/02/2022 7:15 am, Dan Black wrote:

What operating system and version of Gnucash are you using?

On February 25, 2022 4:12:06 PM Peter  wrote:


Don't know that I'm in the right place for this one but couldn't find
where else to go.

Lately, when I edit a value field, GNUCash closes.

Often, when entering a new transaction similar to a previous one, I just
duplicate the earlier one and edit the value (eg another payment on my
credit card at the same shop). (The auto-fill feature based on a
previous transaction doesn't quite work for me as well as a duplication
for some transactions.)

When I go to edit the value, GNUCash closes. This happens regularly.
I'm pretty switched on to it now so that I usually save before duplicating.

Of interest is that my GNU file is 1.5 mb. Should that be a problem?

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Re: [GNC] GNUCash closes when I edit a value

2022-02-25 Thread Dan Black

What operating system and version of Gnucash are you using?

On February 25, 2022 4:12:06 PM Peter  wrote:


Don't know that I'm in the right place for this one but couldn't find
where else to go.

Lately, when I edit a value field, GNUCash closes.

Often, when entering a new transaction similar to a previous one, I just
duplicate the earlier one and edit the value (eg another payment on my
credit card at the same shop). (The auto-fill feature based on a
previous transaction doesn't quite work for me as well as a duplication
for some transactions.)

When I go to edit the value, GNUCash closes. This happens regularly.
I'm pretty switched on to it now so that I usually save before duplicating.

Of interest is that my GNU file is 1.5 mb. Should that be a problem?

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Re: [GNC] Possible to display two account registers on screen?

2022-02-03 Thread Dan Black
If the only thing in the second account is your messed up import, you can 
delete that account and have it put the transactions in the original 
account. Then remove the duplicates.


On February 3, 2022 5:08:53 PM Liz  wrote:

On Thu, 3 Feb 2022 17:02:22 -0500
Art Chimes  wrote:

I'm trying to clean up some issues with an import-gone-bad which left
me with two accounts for the same mutual fund. There are, I think,
some duplicate transactions and others that appear in only one of the
two accounts, and I want to consolidate this. It will simplify matters
and speed up the process if I can see both accounts side by side. I
know I can print up a transaction report, and use that as a reference,
but is it possible to display the two accounts — GnuFund GNUFX and
GnuFund GNUCX — on screen?

If not, is it a feature GnuCash should have or is it just me?

Thank you

You can open multiple copies of a file.
You will get a warning dialogue.
At that point, choose "read only" for the second one.

Then you are reasonably safe, read from one, edit the other.

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Re: [GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 226, Issue 56

2022-01-21 Thread Dan
Thank you David Cousens for your reply, I have studied it to great benefit.
One question I have is whether the mainfile can be automatically stored in
its own directory through a setting, or if I need to move the mainfile to
its own directory manually.  Also, should this be done on a regular basis,
or only when attempting to recover from a crash.


On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 1:03 PM  wrote:

> Send gnucash-user mailing list submissions to
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of gnucash-user digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re:  OneDrive and GnuCash (Gerald)
>2. Re:  Exiting GNUCash (Gyle McCollam)
>3. Re:  OneDrive and GnuCash (Gyle McCollam)
>4. Re:  Exiting GNUCash (David Carlson) (Kalpesh Patel)
>5.  Bug 798423 - IMPORT QIF crashes on a Quicken transaction
>   Reminder (NOT a scheduled reminder) (Steve Conley)
>6. Re:  Gnucash via Flatpak-Issues-Solutions (Les)
>7. Re:  Gnucash via Flatpak-Issues-Solutions (Les)
>8. Re:  Using logs for recovery (
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 19:06:24 +
> From: Gerald 
> Cc: Gnucash Users 
> Subject: Re: [GNC] OneDrive and GnuCash
> Message-ID:
> <
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> I use gnucash in Windows 10 in my OneDrive folder.  Occasionally (less that
> once a month) I'll get a file locked message when starting GC but I just
> delete the lock file in the folder and it's all fine.
> Aside from that I have no other file or save issues.
> I also backup the GC folder in OneDrive to Google Drive, because I'm
> paranoid!
> On Tue, 18 Jan 2022, 19:01 Jesse MacDougall, 
> wrote:
> > Are you running gnu cash locally and the data from onedrive?
> > I have not used one drive personally but I did use Quickbooks to Dropbox
> in
> > real time and that was total fail.
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 10:52 AM David Carlson <
> >>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Are there any GnuCash users that store their data files in One Drive?
> > >
> > > Are there any issues slow response or keeping a few weeks of backup and
> > log
> > > files?
> > > ___
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> >
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> > * Please consider adding to your address book.
> > This
> > will be my new address.  This gmail address is being retired.
> > ___
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> >
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 19:27:56 +
> From: Gyle McCollam 
> To: D. , ""
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Exiting GNUCash
> Message-ID:
> <
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> First, I would like to say that when I was referring to clicking the "x"
> it was for GNUCash, which the brings up the dialog for "Save/Close without
> Saving/Ca

[GNC] Using logs for recovery

2022-01-18 Thread Dan

Several times I have tried to use logs to recover after a crash and never
seem to be able to make them work.  (Please note that I am "intermediate
level" with GNUcash, and have very limited programming experience.)
After navigating to:  File → Import → Replay GnuCash .log file, I am faced
with many .log files following the most recently saved  .gnucash file.
None of the .log files I replayed seem to do anything.
My next step is to set up a test company and wreak havoc on the files
intentionally, and also recover correctly. Below are some questions I hope
will save me some time.
Thank you for your consideration. This site is very helpful.

My questions are:

Am I missing a crucial step here?

Will I need to replay several .log files? (To clarify, are the .log files
each for a specific time period, or does the most recent .log file contain
all activity since the last saved .gnucash file?)

Which .log file(s) should I use?

Which .log file(s) will "wreak havoc" on my accounts?

Thank you again,
Confused Dan
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Re: [GNC] GNUCash 4.9

2022-01-03 Thread Dan Black

File>Save as then select another folder.

On January 3, 2022 1:59:25 PM Steve Mortimer  wrote:

How do I get the main program to save other than to the desktop?

Dan Black
Monday, January 3, 2022 12:21 PM
You seem to be saving your main file on the desktop, which is not a good 
practice. The program will save a backup and a log file in the folder where 
the main file is located. In your email, you show the log file and lock 
file. The lock file should be deleted when you close the program.


On January 3, 2022 12:51:15 PM Steve Mortimer  wrote:

Steve Mortimer
Monday, January 3, 2022 11:50 AM
I have been running Gnucash on this computer, Win10, for sometime now and 
have been having the same problem all along.  I have upgraded to version 
4.9.  When I close the program there are two files that are not removed 
from the desktop and I have to go and delete the manually.  If I do not 
delete them manually after each time I close the program the program just 
keeps adding more of the same files to the desktop.

The files are:

What do I need to do so these files are deleted every time the program is 

Steve Mortimer

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ESV)
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for 
reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness that the man of 
God may be complete, equipped for every good work

Steve Mortimer

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ESV)
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for 
reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness that the man of 
God may be complete, equipped for every good work

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Re: [GNC] GNUCash 4.9

2022-01-03 Thread Dan Black
You seem to be saving your main file on the desktop, which is not a good 
practice. The program will save a backup and a log file in the folder where 
the main file is located. In your email, you show the log file and lock 
file. The lock file should be deleted when you close the program.


On January 3, 2022 12:51:15 PM Steve Mortimer  wrote:

I have been running Gnucash on this computer, Win10, for sometime now
and have been having the same problem all along.  I have upgraded to
version 4.9.  When I close the program there are two files that are not
removed from the desktop and I have to go and delete the manually.  If I
do not delete them manually after each time I close the program the
program just keeps adding more of the same files to the desktop.

The files are:

What do I need to do so these files are deleted every time the program
is closed?

Steve Mortimer

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ESV)
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for
reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness that the man
of God may be complete, equipped for every good work
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Re: [GNC] Advancing scheduled transations

2021-12-29 Thread Dan Black
There is the option to create the entry so many days in advance. Then you 
can edit the date of the transaction.


On December 29, 2021 12:01:37 PM Gyle McCollam  wrote:

Editing works, but then you have to go back and edit it again to get it 
back on the "correct" schedule.

Thank You,
Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam

609.680.2326 Mobile<>   email

From: gnucash-user  on 
behalf of David Carlson 

Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2021 11:48 AM
To: Roger Oliver 
Cc: GnuCash 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Advancing scheduled transations

To edit a scheduled transaction, use Actions > Scheduled Transactions >
Scheduled Transaction Editor.  To enter a scheduled translation into the
account register use Actions > Scheduled Transactions > Since Last Run...

There is a lot more detail in the help manual.

On Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 10:24 AM  wrote:

Is there a way to advance a specific scheduled transaction in Version: 4.6
Build ID: 4.6+(2021-06-26). Be nice to have an option of advancing a
scheduled transaction for example when I get paid before the end of the
month. I don't see a way to do that. Hasn't been one as far as I know in
previous versions. Just be a handy feature.

Happy New Year,


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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Newest version for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

2021-09-29 Thread Dan Ståhlberg via gnucash-user
Version 4.8 works fine on my Ubuntu 20.04.03 LTS. Thanks fixers!


‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

On Wednesday, September 29th, 2021 at 14:53, Geert Janssens 

> Version 4.8 has been published on flathub already. That version should work.
> Geert
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Re: [GNC] New flatpak version 4.7+ crashes in my Ubuntu 20.04 - any help?

2021-09-28 Thread Dan Ståhlberg via gnucash-user

I truly appreciate your and all other developers great job with GnuCash. Thank 
you again from Stockholm, Sweden!


‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

On Tuesday, September 28th, 2021 at 12:17, Geert Janssens 

> There will be a new release indeed. But it may take a day longer. What we
> thought was a fix yesterday turns out not to. I think I found the real
> cause today and applied a fix for that.
> Regards,
> Geert Janssens
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Re: [GNC] New flatpak version 4.7+ crashes in my Ubuntu 20.04 - any help?

2021-09-28 Thread Dan Ståhlberg via gnucash-user
OK ! Next time I'll look at the archive before posting... Mea culpa!


‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Tuesday, September 28th, 2021 at 10:32, David H  wrote:

> Ah I see there's another thread re this issue - thanks to John Ralls a new 
> flatpak version will be released tomorrow to fix the issue.
> Thanks John R and the other developers for all your efforts, it's appreciated.
> Cheers David H.
> On Tue, 28 Sept 2021 at 18:28, David H  wrote:
>> Yes I'm having possibly the same issue on Linux Mint 20, briefly flashes up 
>> the 4.7 version screen and then nothing.
>> Trying to run it from a terminal window results in the following warnings if 
>> it helps.
>> Cheers David H.
>> flatpak run org.gnucash.GnuCash
>> F: Ignoring D-Conf migrate-path setting /org/gnucash/GnuCash
>> Gtk-Message: 18:25:06.041: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"
>> ;;; note: source file /app/share/guile/site/2.2/gnucash/utilities.scm
>> ;;; newer than compiled /app/lib/guile/2.2/site-ccache/gnucash/utilities.go
>> ;;; note: source file 
>> /app/share/guile/site/2.2/gnucash/report/report-utilities.scm
>> ;;; newer than compiled 
>> /app/lib/guile/2.2/site-ccache/gnucash/report/report-utilities.go
>> ;;; note: source file /app/share/guile/site/2.2/gnucash/reports.scm
>> ;;; newer than compiled /app/lib/guile/2.2/site-ccache/gnucash/reports.go
>> ;;; note: source file 
>> /app/share/guile/site/2.2/gnucash/reports/standard/taxinvoice.scm
>> ;;; newer than compiled 
>> /app/lib/guile/2.2/site-ccache/gnucash/reports/standard/taxinvoice.go
>> ;;; note: source file 
>> /app/share/guile/site/2.2/gnucash/reports/standard/balsheet-eg.scm
>> ;;; newer than compiled 
>> /app/lib/guile/2.2/site-ccache/gnucash/reports/standard/balsheet-eg.go
>> ;;; note: source file 
>> /app/share/guile/site/2.2/gnucash/reports/standard/portfolio.scm
>> ;;; newer than compiled 
>> /app/lib/guile/2.2/site-ccache/gnucash/reports/standard/portfolio.go
>> ;;; note: source file 
>> /app/share/guile/site/2.2/gnucash/reports/locale-specific/us/taxtxf.scm
>> ;;; newer than compiled 
>> /app/lib/guile/2.2/site-ccache/gnucash/reports/locale-specific/us/taxtxf.go
>> On Tue, 28 Sept 2021 at 18:08, Dan Ståhlberg via gnucash-user 
>>  wrote:
>>> (apologies if this have been discussed on the list already, just joined 
>>> today)
>>> I have a problem on my Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS when version 4.7+ was installed 
>>> in flatpak yesterday. The program starts, briefly show the welcome dialog 
>>> and then crashes. It seems there is some system trap, see this 
>>> /var/log/syslog excerpt:
>>> Sep 28 09:36:47 X systemd[9025]: Started 
>>> app-flatpak-org.gnucash.GnuCash-11322.scope.
>>> Sep 28 09:36:48 X kernel: [ 843.827669] traps: gnucash[11331] trap int3 
>>> ip:7f3959fe2762 sp:7ffc8a8165f0 error:0 in 
>>> here's the flatpak info (a system install):
>>> GnuCash - Manage your finances, accounts, and investments
>>> ID: org.gnucash.GnuCash
>>> Ref: app/org.gnucash.GnuCash/x86_64/stable
>>> Arch: x86_64
>>> Branch: stable
>>> Version: 4.7+ (Flathub 4.7-0)
>>> License: GPL-2.0+
>>> Origin: flathub
>>> Collection: org.flathub.Stable
>>> Installation: system
>>> Installed: 316,8 MB
>>> Runtime: org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/40
>>> Sdk: org.gnome.Sdk/x86_64/40
>>> Commit: 73f26e8659a7bfe29b2e87740bb9b715f51cfa352287900998df391c1eeacc27
>>> Parent: c5468ce7ee3703f7678844b796e3a3653dbe4edd32187187122c69a92a42067e
>>> Subject: Update mariadb module from gnucash-on-flatpak (944a1f6c)
>>> Date: 2021-09-27 19:34:49 +
>>> Can anyone suggest a way to investigate the problem further? Tried 
>>> updating. I'm reverting to GnuCash 4.6 in the meantime to use the program 
>>> (as I do daily).
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Dan
>>> ___
>>> gnucash-user mailing list
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>>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
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[GNC] New flatpak version 4.7+ crashes in my Ubuntu 20.04 - any help?

2021-09-28 Thread Dan Ståhlberg via gnucash-user
(apologies if this have been discussed on the list already, just joined today)

I have a problem on my Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS when version 4.7+ was installed in 
flatpak yesterday. The program starts, briefly show the welcome dialog and then 
crashes. It seems there is some system trap, see this /var/log/syslog excerpt:

Sep 28 09:36:47 X systemd[9025]: Started 
Sep 28 09:36:48 X kernel: [ 843.827669] traps: gnucash[11331] trap int3 
ip:7f3959fe2762 sp:7ffc8a8165f0 error:0 in[7f3959fa3000+8d000]

here's the flatpak info (a system install):

GnuCash - Manage your finances, accounts, and investments

ID: org.gnucash.GnuCash
Ref: app/org.gnucash.GnuCash/x86_64/stable
Arch: x86_64
Branch: stable
Version: 4.7+ (Flathub 4.7-0)
License: GPL-2.0+
Origin: flathub
Collection: org.flathub.Stable
Installation: system
Installed: 316,8 MB
Runtime: org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/40
Sdk: org.gnome.Sdk/x86_64/40

Commit: 73f26e8659a7bfe29b2e87740bb9b715f51cfa352287900998df391c1eeacc27
Parent: c5468ce7ee3703f7678844b796e3a3653dbe4edd32187187122c69a92a42067e
Subject: Update mariadb module from gnucash-on-flatpak (944a1f6c)
Date: 2021-09-27 19:34:49 +

Can anyone suggest a way to investigate the problem further? Tried updating. 
I'm reverting to GnuCash 4.6 in the meantime to use the program (as I do daily).

Thanks in advance,
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Re: [GNC] Transaction Entry Confirmation

2021-08-31 Thread Dan Black
For me in Linux Mint, if I press the enter key on the numeric keypad, it 
will move to the next line when I hit it twice. The other enter key moves 
on the first tap.


On August 31, 2021 3:42:14 PM "Derek Atkins"  wrote:


On Tue, August 31, 2021 3:30 pm, Jack Frillman via gnucash-user wrote:

What's yhere to understand. I was looking for an audio confirmation like
a little tiny beep.

I think Will's point was questioning why you specifically want an audio
confirmation when there is clearly a visual confirmation (by the cursor
moving to the next line or new transaction).


On 8/31/21 11:30 AM, William Prescott wrote:

I don't understand.

When I type the Enter key, it moves from one line of a transaction to
the next line. After the last line, it enters the transaction and moves
to the first line of the next transaction.

This is with GnuCash 4.6-1 running on MacOS 11.5.2.


On 2021 Aug 31, at 08-31 10:06:10, Jack Frillman via gnucash-user

Is there any way to have GNU Cash make an audio confirmation when a
manual transaction has been entered?

When I manually enter a transaction by mashing ENTER there is no
feedback that the transaction was entered and I keep hitting ENTER to be
sure I didn't fat finger it.
Just a little beep would suffice.

Old Unix programmers never die, they just mv to /dev/null
- Anonymous

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  Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
  Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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Re: [GNC] Comenity Bank OFX Exports

2021-08-14 Thread Dan Black
I do have a Comenity card, but I've not downloaded ofx files. I just 
checked and I do have the option of Excel which is CSV format. You might be 
able to get it to import properly.


On August 14, 2021 9:01:54 PM David Carlson  

My wife recently opened a Comenity Bank Petco credit card and their web
presence apparently reverses the values for charges and payments in their
OFX exports, compared to other credit cards.  This surprises me since they
must have many other cards that presumably would not be reversed in their
OFX exports, if they offer them.

1. I would like suggestions of references to other Comenity cards with
correct OFX exports (if any exist) to mention if I decide to ask them to
correct the problem, or

2. Is there an easy way to preprocess OFX transaction import files to
reverse the signs of every transaction?

3.  Their export files also include references to external corrections not
included in the files so GnuCash has to indicate that the missing external
correction exists.  I am not sure if I want to keep those references
either, so is there an easy preporcess way to delete those?  If not, can
the OFX generic import show the references during the import process?  One
of those references looks like this:

Other information that I found on the internet suggests that one would be
wise to avoid Comenity cards in general, which is probably why this is the
only Comenity card that we have.
David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Correct environment variables for Linux?

2021-01-08 Thread Dan Ståhlberg via gnucash-user
Thanks for the advice Geert!

I have tried setting GNC_CONFIG_DIR and GNC_DATA_DIR as well but get the same 
result. I guess it is gSettings/dconf that mess things up.

As this is 3.8b+ version (packaged in Ubuntu 20.04), I may revise my backup 
strategy and move on to 4.4 and flatpak instead. Sometimes it's not worth all 
the work, you just have to give in :)

Thanks anyway, I've learned a lot more about Gnucash and its' installation. One 
day I would like to try building and installing, and maybe contributing in some 
way. I guess it would be a good idea to set this up as a VM in VirtualBox or 
such, so you don't screw up your working environment (and accounting :)


‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Friday, January 8th, 2021 at 12:22, Geert Janssens 

> Setting XDG_DATA_HOME and XDG_CONFIG_HOME will affect more than just gnucash. 
> It also affect many other parts of the gnome or kde desktop environments.
> If gnucash always starts as if it has never run before, it's most likely 
> gnucash can't communicate with gsettings. Part of the gnucash settings are 
> stored there. On linux dconf is used as backend for gsettings. It may well be 
> dconf doesn't work properly if you change the above environment variables in 
> a running linux session (be it gnome or kde or any other desktop environment).
> I would suggest setting GNC_CONFIG_DIR and GNC_DATA_DIR rather than the XDG_ 
> environnment variables.
> In your scenario these could be set to:
> export XDG_DATA_HOME=$TOP/.local/share/gnucash
> export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$TOP/.config/gnucash
> Note that for a full backup you'll have to find a way to export the settings 
> stored via gsettings as well. You could script something using "dconf dump" 
> and "dconf load" to export or import settings trees from dconf.
> Regards,
> Geert
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[GNC] Correct environment variables for Linux?

2021-01-01 Thread Dan Ståhlberg via gnucash-user
My New Years resolution was to finally create a better backup strategy for my 
GnuCash files. In order to achieve this, the GnuCash files and directories need 
to be on another disk and GnuCash environment variables need to point to this 
Following recommendations on the Wiki I have made a Linux bash shell 
startscript for GnuCash. But GnuCash seems to start up fresh everytime, with 
initial opening questions and suggestions and no recent files??? I am using 
Ubuntu 20.04, bash and GnuCash "3.8b+".

Can anyone help me to see if the environment variables are set correctly?

Thanks in advance and Happy New Year to all!

startup script file (Bash shell):



# Setup GnuCash environment and start GnuCash with Swedish sort order but 
English menus




# 2021-01-01 Dan Ståhlberg


export HOME=$TOP

export XDG_DATA_HOME=$TOP/.local/share

export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$TOP/.config

LC_COLLATE=sv_SE.UTF-8 gnucash
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Re: [GNC] How to upgrade from 3.8 to 4.1 on Win10?

2020-09-17 Thread Dan Black
You can't have multiple versions installed on windows. The install process 
will prompt you about auto removing before installation can continue.


On September 17, 2020 7:37:24 PM Fran_3 via gnucash-user 

Did you remove 3.8 first or did the 4.1 upgrade see that you were running 
3.8 and automatically do everything?Or can you have two simultaneous 
versions?Thanks for the help.

   On Thursday, September 17, 2020, 7:26:31 PM EDT, Geoff 

Hi Fran

I recently upgraded from 3.6 to 4.1 on Windows 10 without any issues.

In the event of any problems, you can always revert to 3.8 as long as
you have a clean backup of your data.

Good luck.


On 18/09/2020 7:36 am, Fran_3 via gnucash-user wrote:

Just now getting around to upgrading 3.4 to 4.1 on Win10.
1 - I've downloaded 4.1. Do I just run it or first uninstall 3.8?
2 - Also I see in the archives someone tried to upgrade from ver 2.x to ver 

and the following comment (amoung others)...
" Skipping versions (such as2.5 ---> 4.0 is not supported"
Does this apply to going from 3.8 to 4.1?
3 - any other steps that should be performed to have things go smoothly?
I'm sure this is somewhere online or in the archives or Wiki but, after 
digging around for awhile, I just haven't stumbled across it so thanks in 
advance for any help.

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Re: [GNC] Can't find file

2020-07-31 Thread Dan Bilich
Thanks for your reply and your suggestion. I ended up pulling an old file from 
a backup, inserting it into the folder and opening from it - glad to say it 
worked and, with a little updating, I’m back in business!!

Thanks again.

Dan Bilich

> On Jul 30, 2020, at 6:51 AM, David Carlson  
> wrote:
> Use your operating system file manager to check the folder where you normally 
> keep your file.  
> What has recently changed?  We can give more specific suggestions if you tell 
> us which version of GnuCash you have and your computer operating system. 
> David Carlson 
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2020, 5:08 AM Dan Bilich  <>> wrote:
> Been using Gnucash for years. Tried to open today and got the message that it 
> couldn’t find the file and it opened to a new, blank slate. What do I do to 
> recover?
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[GNC] Can't find file

2020-07-30 Thread Dan Bilich
Been using Gnucash for years. Tried to open today and got the message that it 
couldn’t find the file and it opened to a new, blank slate. What do I do to 
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Re: [GNC] AqBanking OFX DirectConnect issues

2020-07-15 Thread Dan Howell
On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 09:21 AM EDT fleur  wrote:

> I can't help unfortunately, but I'm having my own OFX setup issues and I'm
> curious: What platform do you run GnuCash on?  Also, were you successful in
> re-setting up your Chase account(s)?

As I said in my original message, I'm using GnuCash on Windows 10. Yes, I
was successful re-setting up the Chase account, by reusing the same Client
UID I generated when I first successfully set up the Chase connection
before the AqBanking upgrade.

So far, Schwab and Chase are the only banks I've had success in connecting
to. I may try again soon with some other banks, hoping the upgrade might
fix some issues I've had before, but given most U.S. banks reluctance to
work with any financial software not owned by Intuit, I'm not expecting
much. But now that I know how to generate OFX requests with cURL, I may
experiment more.

Thanks to Martin for fixing the  issue.

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[GNC] AqBanking OFX DirectConnect issues

2020-07-10 Thread Dan Howell

After upgrading from GnuCash 3.7 to 4.0 on Windows 10, I realize that comes
with an AqBanking upgrade as well, requiring me to re-setup all of my
account connections.

One issue I'm having is with a Charles Schwab investment account. With
AqBanking 5 I was able to import successfully, but with AqBanking 6, I see
in the OFX logs that if fails with error code 2000, "Account information
may contain bad or invalid characters such as spaces." I tried all the
suggestions on the GnuCash OFXDirectConnect page to no avail.

After using the logs to generate OFX requests by hand with curl, I was able
to determine the problem. The Schwab OFX server is picky about the
placement of the  parameter. So while the following request sent by
AqBanking 6 fails:

[...most of OFX request redacted...]





By sending the same request through cURL, but moving the  parameter
to right after  (where it was with AqBanking 5), the query succeeds:

[...most of OFX request redacted...]




So if this could be routed to the proper person who could fix this, I would
be grateful for this to be fixed in the next version.


Another, unrelated issue, and mostly just an annoyance, is that when
importing, e.g, from my Chase bank account, the  and  fields
are imported into the GnuCash Description field as "Memo string; Name
string". This results in e.g.:

   Online Payment 9901156465 To SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS

Being imported as:

   THERN CALIFORNIA GAS; Online Payment 9901156465 To SOU

This is backwards from what would be expected--the name field should
clearly come before the memo field. As I perused through several other
banks' OFX files, I couldn't find any examples where it would make sense to
put the Memo field before the Name field, so this isn't unique to Chase.

By the way, this is different than when importing OFX files manually (i.e.
through File > Import), where the  string is put in the Description
field, and the  is put in the Notes field, although with added cruft
like, "OFX ext. info: |Trans type:Generic debit|Memo:" which is a bit
annoying to me as well. It would be nice if how OFX fields are imported
could be made customizable on a per account basis. My OCD brain insists on
fixing these quirks to make it more presentable, consuming precious amounts
of my time copying, pasting, and deleting, so I wish this could be
automated somehow.

Dan Howell
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Re: [GNC] Voucher checks?

2019-11-25 Thread Dan Black
>From my experience, I print a couple checks per month. I use the three 
checks to a sheet and can send a sheet of two or three through the printer 
without a jam.
For the last check, I can tape it to a sheet of paper with the tape on the 
tear off piece on the bottom. Positioning the check at the top of the 
sheet. This has worked for an inkjet printer, but have not tried this last 
check trick on my laser printer. Otherwise, I hand write the last check.

Dan Black

On November 25, 2019 2:28:55 PM Roderick Anderson  wrote:

> John, Victor.
> Thanks for the replies.  I will have to look at how I have GnuCash
> configured to see if check printing is an option.  I am thinking it is a
> business feature so may not be available to the simple setup I have.  I
> will look later today.
> The problem I see with the three-up checks I have is I only write one or
> maybe two checks every other month.  Not sure if my printer will handle
> the one left over from the three up.  Something else to research.
> I am considering moving to a different banking organization so would
> need to order new checks so a suggestion as to brand would still be
> appreciated.
> Rod
> --
> On 11/23/19 11:48 AM, John Ralls wrote:
>>> On Nov 23, 2019, at 10:35 AM, Roderick Anderson  
>>> wrote:
>>> Good Day.
>>> The organization I am treasurer for currently has three-up checks that I 
>>> fill out by hand.
>>> We typically only use 10 or less a year and I have plenty on hand but I 
>>> would prefer not hand writing them out.  I don't need GnuCash to print the 
>>> checks but do need something that is usable from LibreOffice - ready made 
>>> template?
>>> My research (Google) turns some up but everyone mentions being compatible 
>>> with commercial accounting software.  Probably so they can be printed from 
>>> the software.  Since I do not need that I would still like any thoughts or 
>>> suggestions for a good brand.
>> GnuCash can print 3-up voucher checks, see 
>> The only 
>> reason not to use it would be if you get checks that don't have the MICR 
>> routing id and account number pre-printed on them, but if you're currently 
>> filling them out by hand you must already have those.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
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Re: [GNC] Monthly Income V Expense Report (Not Chart)

2019-03-08 Thread Dan Carmona via gnucash-user


Tried this but this is not Income V Expenses.  It is more account/category 
transaction summary by month.



From: Christopher Lam  
Sent: Friday, March 8, 2019 9:11 AM
Cc: Dan Carmona ; Gnucash Users 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Monthly Income V Expense Report (Not Chart)


Run the Transaction Report


Accounts/Accounts select Income and Expense accounts

Display/Subtotal table: enabled

Sorting/Primary Sortkey: account-name

Sorting/Primary Subtotal: true

Sorting/Secondary Sortkey: date

Sorting/Secondary Subtotal: monthly

Sorting/Hide transactions: enabled



On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 at 13:49, David Carlson> > wrote:


The image you included appears to be from a different program, not from
GnuCash.  GnuCash, to my knowledge, does not have a similar report at this

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 6:34 AM Dan Carmona via gnucash-user < <> > wrote:

> I can't seem to find how to perform a monthly Income/Expense Report (not
> chart).
> For example:
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David Carlson
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[GNC] Monthly Income V Expense Report (Not Chart)

2019-03-08 Thread Dan Carmona via gnucash-user
I can't seem to find how to perform a monthly Income/Expense Report (not

For example:

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Re: [GNC] Changing account numbers?

2019-02-19 Thread Dan Rawson
   David -
   Thanks - this worked like a charm.
   One note; when I imported the transactions into the new account (the
   first time), the account was created as a "Liability" type, rather than
   a "Credit Card" type (which is what all my other cards are).  Until I
   changed the type, I couldn't move the transactions to one of the other
   cards during account deletion; it only offered to move them to one of
   the "Liability" type accounts.
   On 2/18/19 4:01 PM, David Carlson wrote:

   Some financial institutions separate the account number from the card
   number so this issue does not come up.
   It is fortunate,in a way, that your bank did it that way instead.  It
   makes it a pain but relatively easy to fix in Gnucash.  I would enter a
   dummy transaction in that register noting the date, old account number
   and new account number, just for future reference when the details are
   getting fuzzy in your memory.
   Now create a backup of your data file and a new copy as well.  Open the
   On the next OFX import GnuCash will ask you if you want use an existing
   account or to create a new account.  Say yes to new account and let it
   import the transactions, save the file.  Then delete the newly created
   account.  You can either delete the transactions because you will
   import them again in the next step, or you can let Gnucash move them to
   the old account.
   Repeat the OFX import.  Now, with no account matching the new account
   number GnuCash will again ask whether to use an existing account or to
   create a new account.  Now it is possible to match the old existing
   account to the new OFX account number.  Complete importing the
   Once you are happy with the results you can save the data file as your
   main file so you do not use the copy again.
   David Carlson

   On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 1:42 PM Dan Rawson <[1]>

I have a VISA account with my bank where the number has changed
bank replaced the card).  The latest downloaded transactions
have a different account ID in the OFX file; is there any way to
persuade GnuCash to treat this a all part of the same account?
Currently, if I try to import the OFX, the transaction matcher
find anything . . .
A scan through the doc/wiki/faq didn't turn up a solution :-(
I can obviously set up a second account, but that's not ideal
 from my
point of view, and it's not how the bank treats the account; all
transactions both before and after the card swap are part of one
account as far as they are concerned.
Thanks in advance . . .
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[GNC] Changing account numbers?

2019-02-18 Thread Dan Rawson
   I have a VISA account with my bank where the number has changed (the
   bank replaced the card).  The latest downloaded transactions obviously
   have a different account ID in the OFX file; is there any way to
   persuade GnuCash to treat this a all part of the same account?
   Currently, if I try to import the OFX, the transaction matcher doesn't
   find anything . . .
   A scan through the doc/wiki/faq didn't turn up a solution :-(
   I can obviously set up a second account, but that's not ideal from my
   point of view, and it's not how the bank treats the account; all the
   transactions both before and after the card swap are part of one
   account as far as they are concerned.
   Thanks in advance . . .
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Re: [GNC] Importing Quicekn Files

2019-02-12 Thread Dan Black
QFX is a download format, designed for import of transactions from your 
bank into a single Quicken account. ... QXF is an encrypted file transfer 
format designed to move entire Quicken databases with multiple accounts 
from Windows to Mac or visa versa.

On February 12, 2019 10:46:36 AM Derek Atkins  wrote:

> David Carlson  writes:
>> I just peeked at Quicken 2019 and they also have a QXF file format which
>> does not work for GnuCash either.  I did not have time to figure out what
>> they do use that format for.  For us it is another tree in the forest.
> Are you sure?  QXF should be readable by the OFX importer.
>> David Carlson
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> -derek
> --
>   Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
>   Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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Re: [GNC] Tax Issues

2019-01-16 Thread Dan Nelms
I am running GnuCash 3.4 on Windows 10. I have the same issue on GnuCash
3.4 and I also had the issue with GnuCash 3.3.


On 1/16/2019 1:45 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Sorry I don’t have a copy of 3.3 handy to test, but on 3.4 it works as 
> expected. (I’m using MacOS)
> As a side note, I did notice how annoying it is that one can’t assign 
> multiple accounts to be tax related without exiting the dialog. Clicking ‘OK’ 
> closes the dialog and the user has to go back to Edit > Tax Reporting 
> Options, find the next account, mark it tax related, choose a form, click 
> ‘OK’, rinse repeat. It seems to me there should be an ‘Apply’ button that is 
> missing.
> Regards,
> Adrien 
>> On Jan 16, 2019, at 11:51 AM, Mike stagl  wrote:
>> I'm using GnuCash 3.3 on Debian 9.
>> I have an existing GnuCash file from 2018 that I would like to modify
>> to start using the the Tax Reporting features of GnuCash.  It doesn't
>> appear to be working.  Here is what I have tried.
>> Edit -> Tax Reporting Options 
>> I EDIT Income Tax Identity to Individual (U.S. Form 1040) and enter a
>> name like "Tax"; select an expense account; click Tax Related checkbox;
>> I pick a form from Schedule E on the list; and I click OK.
>> When I view the accounts tab, the Tax Info column displays "Tax Entity
>> Type Not Specified".  Also, the Tax Report from the Reports menu comes
>> up with no data (it says I need to enter the Tax Report Options dialog
>> to set up tax Entity Types).
>> I see a few comments about the tax stuff not working from time to time,
>> I am wondering what the latest is in version 3.3.
>> Any ideas?  Thanks everyone!
>> Mike
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Re: [GNC] GnuCash on new computer but no saved reports or edited style sheets

2018-12-19 Thread Dan Nelms
Thanks David, this helped a lot. I only needed a couple of tweaks and
now I have all my saved reports and style sheets.


On 12/18/2018 6:44 PM, David Cousens wrote:
> Dan,
> the current configuration data locations are given on this wiki page.
> for various OS.
> On older versions the location may be different. It will be somewhere under
> your home directory and may be a hidden file .gnucash and/ or its
> subdirectories.  This was reorganized in going from 2.6 to 3.0. You might
> find some information in the Release Notes There probably has been some
> discussion in the archives so if you search them and specify the earlier
> version numb er you may turn up appropriate info.
> David Cousens
> -
> David Cousens
> --
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[GNC] GnuCash on new computer but no saved reports or edited style sheets

2018-12-18 Thread Dan Nelms
I am running GnuCash Build ID: 3.3+ (2018-09-29)

Finance::Quote: 1.47

Windows 10

I am moving GnuCash to different computer. I loaded GnuCash on the
different computer and copied my data file to my data file directory.
GnuCash now sees my data with no problem. However, I do not have my
saved report configurations nor my edited style sheets. I have tried
looking in the directories mentioned in some GnuCash documentation but
my GnuCash file systems are not the same between the two computers.
That's probably because the first computer had Gnu cash updated from
older versions a couple of times and the different computer was an
install of version 3.3 originally (although I far from being a techie.)
Is there an easy way to find the information on the first machine then
know where to put that information on the different machine? Or is it
easier just to start over?


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Re: [GNC] 3.3 unstable on macOS Mojave

2018-12-03 Thread Dan Smith via gnucash-user
> On Dec 3, 2018, at 5:53 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>>> There is no GnuCash 2.6.23. Perhaps you mean 2.6.21? Regardless, fonts are 
>>> a styling issue that you can change fairly easily. Search the web for Gtk 2 
>>> theming.
>> Yes, sorry, 2.6.21.
>> Looks complicated, given that I have no knowledge of the Gtk API or how 
>> GnuCash makes use of it. I can live with the ugly UI for now. But if there's 
>> going to be a 2.6.22, and if this is trivially reproducible on a fresh 
>> Mojave system (I don't _think_ there's anything unusual about my system, but 
>> who knows), it may be worth looking into.
> The 2.6 branch is closed, there will be no more releases. Styling doesn’t 
> require any knowledge of the Gtk API. There are instructions for changing 
> fonts at 

Ah, that's a much more useful than the stuff my Google search turned up. Thanks!

Good news: I can change the fonts using that template. Bad news: I can't come 
up with any choices that aren't being turned into bold text (even some "Ultra 
Light" fonts). So it doesn't seem to be a font/resource issue.

Possibly related:

Anyway, no big deal, I'll live with it for now.

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Re: [GNC] 3.3 unstable on macOS Mojave

2018-12-03 Thread Dan Smith via gnucash-user
> On Dec 1, 2018, at 4:35 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> On Dec 2, 2018, at 4:31 AM, Dan Smith via gnucash-user 
>>  wrote:
>> I recently migrated from macOS High Sierra to a new system with Mojave, and 
>> replaced Gnucash 2.6.* with 3.3. I found 3.3 to be unusable, and reverted 
>> back to 2.6.23.
>> Some issues:
>> - Frequent crashes. Crashed about 3 times in 30 minutes of routine register 
>> activities.
>> - Text UI irregularities. I sometimes found it impossible to get the cursor 
>> in the position I wanted, or for "select all" to actually select an entire 
>> field.
>> - Account list missing white/grey backgrounds. This is just cosmetic, and 
>> may be a deliberate choice (or there's a setting somewhere?). But it's just 
>> a white page now, no alternating row highlights.
>> 2.6.23 also has issues: it seems to have trouble finding the right font, and 
>> so everything in the register and some other parts of the UI is in bold.
>> Are these known issues?
> The crashes may be, but without a crash report one can’t be sure. Please 
> check and 
> or try the test build linked 
> from both of them if your crash reports match the ones posted to either bug. 
> If you have a different crash please open a new bug.
> Cursor positioning is a problem reported by several users over time, see 
> If you have any additional 
> information about the problem, including suggestions about how I might be 
> able to replicate it, please add them to the bug report.

I attempted to do some further experimenting on these two issues, but now 3.3 
crashes on startup. Presumably it's the startup bug I've seen referenced, but 
anyway my crash log is pasted below if it's useful. I'll wait for a future 
release before experimenting further with 3.*.

> Alternating colors/shading was removed from Gtk3 with no way to restore it. 
> At this point with Gtk3 in maintenance mode and all development effort going 
> into Gtk4 it’s unlikely that the Gtk folks would restore it.

Okay, good to know.

> There is no GnuCash 2.6.23. Perhaps you mean 2.6.21? Regardless, fonts are a 
> styling issue that you can change fairly easily. Search the web for Gtk 2 
> theming.

Yes, sorry, 2.6.21.

Looks complicated, given that I have no knowledge of the Gtk API or how GnuCash 
makes use of it. I can live with the ugly UI for now. But if there's going to 
be a 2.6.22, and if this is trivially reproducible on a fresh Mojave system (I 
don't _think_ there's anything unusual about my system, but who knows), it may 
be worth looking into.



Process:   Gnucash [9898]
Version:   3.3 (3.3)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:??? [1]
Responsible:   Gnucash [9898]
User ID:   501

Date/Time: 2018-12-03 17:04:04.129 -0700
OS Version:Mac OS X 10.14.1 (18B75)
Report Version:12
Anonymous UUID:393098BB-03D0-C677-4FAA-F047B9688924

Sleep/Wake UUID:   3B6013EB-3D9E-48AE-8CF9-8AFCAD320D3C

Time Awake Since Boot: 99000 seconds
Time Since Wake:   6700 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Codes:   KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00020018

Termination Signal:Segmentation fault: 11
Termination Reason:Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
Terminating Process:   exc handler [9898]

VM Regions Near 0x20018:
MALLOC_LARGE   00011a62f000-00011a9af000 [ 3584K] rw-/rwx 
MALLOC_NANO6000-6800 [128.0M] rw-/rwx 

Application Specific Information:
objc_msgSend() selector name: visibleFrame

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0   libobjc.A.dylib 0x7fff7779711d objc_msgSend_stret + 
1   libgdk-3.0.dylib0x00010d869d02 
gdk_quartz_monitor_get_workarea + 98
2   libgtk-3.0.dylib0x00010d44d44f 
gtk_window_guess_default_size + 79
3   libgtk-3.0.dylib0x00010d447243 
gtk_window_compute_configure_request + 515
4   libgtk-3.0.dylib0x00010d450921 gtk_window_realize + 
5   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x00010dc37a0a _g_closure_invoke_va 
+ 314
6   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib  0x00010

[GNC] 3.3 unstable on macOS Mojave

2018-12-01 Thread Dan Smith via gnucash-user
I recently migrated from macOS High Sierra to a new system with Mojave, and 
replaced Gnucash 2.6.* with 3.3. I found 3.3 to be unusable, and reverted back 
to 2.6.23.

Some issues:

- Frequent crashes. Crashed about 3 times in 30 minutes of routine register 

- Text UI irregularities. I sometimes found it impossible to get the cursor in 
the position I wanted, or for "select all" to actually select an entire field.

- Account list missing white/grey backgrounds. This is just cosmetic, and may 
be a deliberate choice (or there's a setting somewhere?). But it's just a white 
page now, no alternating row highlights.

2.6.23 also has issues: it seems to have trouble finding the right font, and so 
everything in the register and some other parts of the UI is in bold.

Are these known issues?

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[GNC] Profit/Loss report

2018-09-28 Thread Dan Kalagher
I should start by saying I'm new to gnucash.

I'm trying to use a single set of accounts for both household and small
business. I added the small business account using the "new top level
account" when I created it. I now want to run a Profit/Loss report for just
the business accounts. When I select the top level business account and
it's children, the report is empty. However if I run the P&L report without
selecting, I get a full report with all accounts.

BTW, I'm coming from MoneyDance which allows this type of sub reporting.


Dan Kalagher
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Re: [GNC] Stock & Mutual Fund Quotes Fail

2018-09-08 Thread Dan Nelms

Your suggestion to edit the file worked great for me. I
have 13 securities, so I waited about 4 minutes, but I got quotes on all
the securities. Since I only do this a couple of times a week it will
work fine for me until Finance:Quote comes up with a better solution.
Thanks for posting this workaround!


On 9/8/2018 11:59 AM, Ameet Sengar wrote:
> Edit in your finance::quote folder. Eg. On my system
> C:\strawberry\perl\site\lib\Finance\Quote\
> I'm using fq-1.47.
> Add sleep(15) as the last line in the 'foreach' loop. This addresses what
> David has suggested below. It adds 15 seconds between each quote as
> AlphaVantage has asked free users to limit quotes to 4 per minute.  If you
> have a lot of symbols, you will hate this suggestion but for a dozen it
> isn't terrible and remains cost effective.
> If you're new to this sort of thing, just open your file in a text editor (I
> use notepad++) and go down to the end. With sleep added, the last lines
> should now look like this:
>  $quantity--;
>  select(undef, undef, undef, .7) if ($quantity);
>  sleep(15);
> }
> return wantarray() ? %info : \%info;
> }
> Best,
> Ameet
> -
> Hello,
> On September 1, 2018, at 2:59 AM, Rob  <> > wrote:
>> Hi All:
>> I've added multiple stocks and mutual funds into the security editor of
>> gnuCash. Using AlphaVantage, I have also tested the retrieval of quotes
>> using the command line tool gnc-fq-dump. I've noticed a few things:
>>   1. If I use the GUI to request price quotes, I get an error saying
>>   "Unable to retrieve quotes for these items"
>>   2. Running gnuCash in debug mode doesn't give me any extra info
>>   3. If I check the quotes using gnc-fq-dump, I can request 4, but then
>>   the quotes begin to fail - unless I wait 30 or seconds or so, at which
>>   point I can suddenly request information on more stocks/funds.
>> So my question is "Is this a bug in Finance::Quote" or GnuCash?
> The answer is, "Neither." It is apparently a part of Alphavantage's API to
> limit the number of requests in a given time period. There are numerous
> discussions on the lists of this over the last several months. I believe
> that there is a newer version of Finance:: Quote that will attempt to work
> around this limitation (by spreading the requests out over time).
> David
> ___
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> -
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[GNC] Finance Quotes Using Yahoo json

2018-09-05 Thread Dan Nelms
Thanks for your help.

I went to my Windows directory where gnc-fq-dump resides.

I entered:

perl gnc-fq-dump -v yahoo_json JPM

It sucessfully returned the price for JPM. So I guess the Perl code is

However, Price Editor in GnuCash still says Unable to retrieve.

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Re: [GNC] Finance Quotes Using Yahoo json

2018-09-05 Thread Dan Nelms
Could I be missing some type of variable setting in the environment
file? I know that when I first setup AlphaVantage (before the update to
3.2) I had to put my Alphavantage key in the environment file. Since
Yahoo was not an option when 3.2 came out, maybe a variable that made
Yahoo work before got deleted from the upgrade? I only throw this out
because it is way over my head technically, but maybe somebody knows
something about this. Just grasping at straws with insufficient knowledge.

On 9/5/2018 9:15 AM, Fross, Michael wrote:
> Don't know what else to try other than perhaps some of the other F:Q
> quote sources.  Of course after this discussion, I'm sure my
> Yahoo_JSON quotes will soon start to fail... :-)
> Michael
> On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 9:54 AM, Dan Nelms  <>> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> I tried your securities (ACN and FBIOX) with yahoo_json. Got
> unable to retrieve...
> I tried a couple of my securities with alphavantage. It worked fine.
> I tried your sec with Yahoo together with mine with alphaV at same
> time. It got mine and yours were unable...
> I tried your securities with alphaV and got the prices fine.
> Results are the price database is working and alphavantage is
> working, but for me Yahoo json fails in all cases.
> Dan
> On 9/5/2018 6:09 AM, Fross, Michael wrote:
>> Hello Dan,
>> I just looked at my GNC Price Database and the following quotes
>> are returned successfully for me with Yahoo_JSON.  Why don't you
>> try a few of these and see if they work for you.  They are
>> current as of September 4, 2018 for me.
>> Stock:  ACN
>> Regards,
>> Michael
>> On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 3:29 PM, Dan Nelms > <>> wrote:
>> Thanks Michael for your comments about using Yahoo_json for
>> some of your security quotes. My needs are also very mild,
>> but they number more than 4.
>> I am running GnuCash version 3.2, Finance::Quote 1.47
>> (Strawberry) on a Windows 10 machine.
>> I tried using Yahoo_json with the GnuCash security editor and
>> each time I get the "could not get quotes for the
>> following" message. I tried 2 mutual funds, 2 NYSE stocks
>> and 1 NASDAQ stock. They all failed. I tried closing and
>> restarting Gnucash just to be the changes in the security
>> editor got loaded, still all failures. Yahoo_json is either
>> not working for me or I am doing something wrong. Damn, I was
>> hoping for an easy solution.
>> Alphavantage works fine but only for the first 4 securities.
>> Dan
>> On 9/3/2018 6:59 AM, Fross, Michael wrote:
>>> Hello Dan,
>>> My needs are fairly mild, but yes I currently use Yahoo_JSON
>>> for all of my quotes.  Most of my investments are in US
>>> mutual funds although I do have several individual stocks.  
>>> I simply use "*Single: Yahoo as JSON"* in the security
>>> editor.  I had switched to AlphaVantage when everyone else
>>> did and it worked most of the time, although it was very
>>> slow.  I think it's worse now so I'm happy Yahoo_JSON
>>> continues to least for the time being.  I pull
>>> down 37 quotes, so not that many but if Alphavantage allows
>>> 5 quotes / min, it would take me 7+ minutes do download those.
>>> Now I don't believe it will handle currencies and I'm not
>>> sure about non-US exchanges, but this does work for me.  You
>>> can always do the ones it supports via Yahoo_JSON and just
>>> the others via AlphaVantage depending on your situation.
>>> Michael
>>> On Sun, Sep 2, 2018 at 8:10 PM, Frank H. Ellenberger
>>> >>     <>> wrote:
>>> Hi Dan,
>>> Am 03.09.2018 um 00:10 schrieb Dan Nelms:
>>> > Micheal, I noticed in one of your replies to a user
>>> having Finance:Quote
>>> > problems that are still getting quotes from Yahoo_json

Re: [GNC] Finance Quotes Using Yahoo json

2018-09-05 Thread Dan Nelms
Hi Michael,

I tried your securities (ACN and FBIOX) with yahoo_json. Got unable to

I tried a couple of my securities with alphavantage. It worked fine.

I tried your sec with Yahoo together with mine with alphaV at same time.
It got mine and yours were unable...

I tried your securities with alphaV and got the prices fine.

Results are the price database is working and alphavantage is working,
but for me Yahoo json fails in all cases.


On 9/5/2018 6:09 AM, Fross, Michael wrote:
> Hello Dan,
> I just looked at my GNC Price Database and the following quotes are
> returned successfully for me with Yahoo_JSON.  Why don't you try a few
> of these and see if they work for you.  They are current as of
> September 4, 2018 for me.
> Stock:  ACN
> Regards,
> Michael
> On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 3:29 PM, Dan Nelms  <>> wrote:
> Thanks Michael for your comments about using Yahoo_json for some
> of your security quotes. My needs are also very mild, but they
> number more than 4.
> I am running GnuCash version 3.2, Finance::Quote 1.47 (Strawberry)
> on a Windows 10 machine.
> I tried using Yahoo_json with the GnuCash security editor and each
> time I get the "could not get quotes for the following"
> message. I tried 2 mutual funds, 2 NYSE stocks and 1 NASDAQ stock.
> They all failed. I tried closing and restarting Gnucash just to be
> the changes in the security editor got loaded, still all failures.
> Yahoo_json is either not working for me or I am doing something
> wrong. Damn, I was hoping for an easy solution.
> Alphavantage works fine but only for the first 4 securities.
> Dan
> On 9/3/2018 6:59 AM, Fross, Michael wrote:
>> Hello Dan,
>> My needs are fairly mild, but yes I currently use Yahoo_JSON for
>> all of my quotes.  Most of my investments are in US mutual funds
>> although I do have several individual stocks.  
>> I simply use "*Single: Yahoo as JSON"* in the security editor.  I
>> had switched to AlphaVantage when everyone else did and it worked
>> most of the time, although it was very slow.  I think it's worse
>> now so I'm happy Yahoo_JSON continues to least for the
>> time being.  I pull down 37 quotes, so not that many but if
>> Alphavantage allows 5 quotes / min, it would take me 7+ minutes
>> do download those.
>> Now I don't believe it will handle currencies and I'm not sure
>> about non-US exchanges, but this does work for me.  You can
>> always do the ones it supports via Yahoo_JSON and just the others
>> via AlphaVantage depending on your situation.
>> Michael
>> On Sun, Sep 2, 2018 at 8:10 PM, Frank H. Ellenberger
>> > <>> wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>> Am 03.09.2018 um 00:10 schrieb Dan Nelms:
>> > Micheal, I noticed in one of your replies to a user having
>> Finance:Quote
>> > problems that are still getting quotes from Yahoo_json for
>> most of your
>> > quotes. Are you doing that through the GnuCash Security
>> setup? If so
>> > what button do you use, ie Single, Multiple or Unknown? I
>> would like to
>> > try it. Thanks. Dan
>> RTFM:
>> <>
>> ;-)
>> Frank

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Re: [GNC] Finance Quotes Using Yahoo json

2018-09-04 Thread Dan Nelms
Thanks Michael for your comments about using Yahoo_json for some of your
security quotes. My needs are also very mild, but they number more than 4.

I am running GnuCash version 3.2, Finance::Quote 1.47 (Strawberry) on a
Windows 10 machine.

I tried using Yahoo_json with the GnuCash security editor and each time
I get the "could not get quotes for the following" message. I tried
2 mutual funds, 2 NYSE stocks and 1 NASDAQ stock. They all failed. I
tried closing and restarting Gnucash just to be the changes in the
security editor got loaded, still all failures. Yahoo_json is either not
working for me or I am doing something wrong. Damn, I was hoping for an
easy solution.

Alphavantage works fine but only for the first 4 securities.


On 9/3/2018 6:59 AM, Fross, Michael wrote:
> Hello Dan,
> My needs are fairly mild, but yes I currently use Yahoo_JSON for all
> of my quotes.  Most of my investments are in US mutual funds although
> I do have several individual stocks.  
> I simply use "*Single: Yahoo as JSON"* in the security editor.  I had
> switched to AlphaVantage when everyone else did and it worked most of
> the time, although it was very slow.  I think it's worse now so I'm
> happy Yahoo_JSON continues to least for the time being.  I
> pull down 37 quotes, so not that many but if Alphavantage allows 5
> quotes / min, it would take me 7+ minutes do download those.
> Now I don't believe it will handle currencies and I'm not sure about
> non-US exchanges, but this does work for me.  You can always do the
> ones it supports via Yahoo_JSON and just the others via AlphaVantage
> depending on your situation.
> Michael
> On Sun, Sep 2, 2018 at 8:10 PM, Frank H. Ellenberger
> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Am 03.09.2018 um 00:10 schrieb Dan Nelms:
> > Micheal, I noticed in one of your replies to a user having
> Finance:Quote
> > problems that are still getting quotes from Yahoo_json for most
> of your
> > quotes. Are you doing that through the GnuCash Security setup? If so
> > what button do you use, ie Single, Multiple or Unknown? I would
> like to
> > try it. Thanks. Dan
> <>
> ;-)
> Frank

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[GNC] Finance Quotes Using Yahoo json

2018-09-02 Thread Dan Nelms
Micheal, I noticed in one of your replies to a user having Finance:Quote
problems that are still getting quotes from Yahoo_json for most of your
quotes. Are you doing that through the GnuCash Security setup? If so
what button do you use, ie Single, Multiple or Unknown? I would like to
try it. Thanks. Dan

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Re: [GNC] Not Getting Complete Stock Quotes with Price Database Tool

2018-08-24 Thread Dan Nelms
Thanks for your reply, derek. Alpha Vantage wants $19.95 a month for a
premium API number that would solve the problem, but if I only wants
updates once or so a week, it's not worth it. Maybe GnuCash could
provide a check box indicator in the Price Tool where I could limit my
API calls to 5 at a time. Maybe Alpha Vantage could offer a different
limiting method for casual users like me and others who are just trying
to keep their personal finances in order. Forgive my rambling on. Thanks.


On 8/24/2018 6:35 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> Dan Nelms  writes:
> [snip]
>> What happened on August 1? Did Alpha Vantage start enforcing their 5
>> calls per minute limit for their free API numbers? 
> [snip]
> Yes.
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek

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[GNC] Not Getting Complete Stock Quotes with Price Database Tool

2018-08-23 Thread Dan Nelms

I am using GnuCash v3.2 Build ID:3.2+(2018-06-24) with Strawberry Perl
Finance::Quote 1.47. It is running on Windows 10. I started using
GnuCash on January 1, 2018 in tandem with Quicken in an effort to get
away from the new Quicken subscription plan.

In the last 3 weeks the Price Database Tool will only provide quotes for
5 to 6 of my stocks and reports it is unable to provide quotes for my
other stocks and funds. I have 1 OTC stock, 3 NYSE stocks, 1 NASDAQ
stock, and 9 mutual funds. Since January I have had no problem getting
quotes for all of them with only an occasional stock not getting a
quote. I my last good quotes retrieved by the price tool for all the
stocks was July 31, 2018. I haven't made any changes that I know of in
the last 60 days that would affect this change. On July 31 everything
was working great. Then in the first week of August it is only partially

What happened on August 1? Did Alpha Vantage start enforcing their 5
calls per minute limit for their free API numbers? Did something else
happen? Am I the only one with this experience? I don't care to get the
quotes manually and then load prices by importing. I need to determine
if GnuCash or Finance::Quote is broken or if Alpha Vantage is changing
the rules. Does anyone know? Thanks for any response.


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Re: gnu cash v 2.6.19 on Mac OS X 10.13.3 Income Expense problem solved.

2018-02-22 Thread Dan Carpenter
OK, it is now working. When I first set up the “Sales” top level I must have 
missed the account type somehow.  Thank you for your time.  I did check out the 
documentation but couldn’t find anything.

Learning curves.


On Feb 22, 2018, at 4:42 PM, Dave H  wrote:

Select the new top level account entry as I said then look at the account types 

On Fri, 23 Feb 2018 at 7:05 am, Dan Carpenter>> wrote:
Thank you Dave H. for your quick response.

The Account Type display box shows only:  Bank, Cash, Asset, Credit Card, 
Liability, Stock, Mutual Fund, A/Receivable and A/Payable.  

“Expense" and “Income" are NOT showing up in the Account Type box.  That is my 
question.  How do I fix that?

kind regards, Dan

On Feb 22, 2018, at 3:44 PM, Dave H>> wrote:

Click on Accounts tab if not already the focus, click New icon (Create a New 
Account), select "New top level account" in Parent Account listbox, select 
"Expense" in Account Type listbox and click OK to create a top level expense 
account, Then create your expense accounts under the top level expense account 
just created.  Same holds good for Income Accounts.

Easier to start with one of the pre-defined COA's and adjust to suit perhaps :-)

Cheers Dave H.

On 23 February 2018 at 06:34, Dan Carpenter>> wrote:
While attempting to set up a chart of accounts, account type does not include 
Income or Expense.  Is there a fix or a table I can update?

Thank you.  I am testing this system for simple accounting/bookkeeping for a 
friend’s small business.

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Re: Purpose of Accounting Period? Benefit to closing books?

2018-02-22 Thread Dan Carpenter
Adrien, general accounting principles close the books at the end of the fiscal 
year.  This process in most accounting software updates the Equity with the 
profit or loss balances and then zeros the income and expense accounts to begin 
fresh for the new year.  I am just starting with testing this software, but 
most software retains “last year data” in a separate file or field within the 
data record for comparative reporting of this month/last month ; this year/last 
year etc.

Users of these type of systems usually back up the data prior to closing in the 
event that closing reports show some errors or missing data that needs updating 
and can be fixed in the back-up copy then close again.

Like me, you will have to play with it to see what happens before going live.


On Feb 22, 2018, at 3:01 PM, Adrien Monteleone  

> On Feb 22, 2018, at 1:11 PM, Stan Brown  wrote:
> New user here. I understand double-entry accounting pretty well, but I'm
> struggling to adapt that knowledge to GnuCash's take on double-entry
> accounting.
> Why do we specify an accounting period?  How is it used in GnuCash?

The accounting period is defined by the entity you are keeping books for. For 
most people, this is the calendar year. Some businesses and organizations 
prefer to keep a ‘fiscal year’ which does not start on Jan1 and end on Dec31. 
You can define this in Gnucash’s preferences. It’s the very first tab in 
Preferences. You would use the absolute entries for specific fiscal years and 
unfortunately have to change it each year. (unless there is a trick I’m not 

There are also options to define the period as a month or quarter as you see 
fit. (including shortcuts to previous/current for each as well as for year)

This comes in handy when you are entering historical data and need to run 
several reports. By defining the period in Preferences, you get this as the 
default date range for reports like the Income Statement, otherwise, you’d have 
to set those dates manually each report run since they’ll vary from the default 
‘current year'.

Since you like running reports by month routinely, you have two options other 
than changing the dates each time:

A) Define a saved report configuration for each report you want to run with the 
dates set to ‘start/end of current month’
B) Set your Accounting Period to ‘start/end of current month’ and run reports 
without any additional configuration.

The only drawback to option B is that to run reports for the year, you’ll have 
to specify that date range. (but you still have the shortcut options of 
‘start/end of current year’ available)

Look over the Accounting Period options, play with them and run some reports. 
Play with the report’s Options > General preferences as well to see how these 
work and interact.

There might be other implications to setting the accounting period. I’ve left 
mine at relative to start/end of current year and I just run monthly reports 
specifically as I need so I probably don’t encounter those other cases, if any.

> I assumed it was related to closing the books, but section 8.9 in the
> help manual says we shouldn't close the books because GnuCash doesn't
> understand that the closing entries it generates are special, so it will
> think income and expenses in the period are all zero.

> (I'm accustomed to close the books monthly, with monthly income
> statement and end-of-month balance sheet -- that's when I would
> reconcile everything, though I understand GnuCash reconciliation is
> driven in  a different way. I also want to get an annual income
> statement. I understand that if I don't close the books monthly I can
> still get an income state monthly by specifying dates. But in that case,
> why would I close the books at the end of the year? or ever? Or is there
> some benefit in GnuCash to closing the books that I'm missing?)

There’s really no need to do so and you’re reporting won’t be as flexible. 
(once closed, you can’t run a cross-period boundary report, say 4Q-1Q for 
example) I’m not sure about reporting within a closed period though. (such as a 
P&L for June in a closed year) You also lose flexibility to correct prior 
periods since that will throw off the closing entries. (you’d have to do a 
post-period correction in the new period) You also wouldn’t be able to re-run 
any standard period reports after such a correction if you made one since the 
revenue and expense accounts are now zero.

‘Closing the books’ is a carry-over from the days of physical paper volumes. 
Part of the organization system including starting new physical ledger books to 
keep periods separate. (so you didn’t end up with partial periods filling the 
end and beginning of volumes, each volume consisted of an entire period and 
only that period)

Of course with computers, none of that matters any more. (there

Re: gnu cash v 2.6.19 on Mac OS X 10.13.3

2018-02-22 Thread Dan Carpenter
Thank you Dave H. for your quick response.

The Account Type display box shows only:  Bank, Cash, Asset, Credit Card, 
Liability, Stock, Mutual Fund, A/Receivable and A/Payable.  

“Expense" and “Income" are NOT showing up in the Account Type box.  That is my 
question.  How do I fix that?

kind regards, Dan

On Feb 22, 2018, at 3:44 PM, Dave H  wrote:

Click on Accounts tab if not already the focus, click New icon (Create a New 
Account), select "New top level account" in Parent Account listbox, select 
"Expense" in Account Type listbox and click OK to create a top level expense 
account, Then create your expense accounts under the top level expense account 
just created.  Same holds good for Income Accounts.

Easier to start with one of the pre-defined COA's and adjust to suit perhaps :-)

Cheers Dave H.

On 23 February 2018 at 06:34, Dan Carpenter>> wrote:
While attempting to set up a chart of accounts, account type does not include 
Income or Expense.  Is there a fix or a table I can update?

Thank you.  I am testing this system for simple accounting/bookkeeping for a 
friend’s small business.

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gnu cash v 2.6.19 on Mac OS X 10.13.3

2018-02-22 Thread Dan Carpenter
While attempting to set up a chart of accounts, account type does not include 
Income or Expense.  Is there a fix or a table I can update?

Thank you.  I am testing this system for simple accounting/bookkeeping for a 
friend’s small business.

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Re: Schwab shows no tranactions

2017-12-22 Thread Dan Nelms
I don't find any "unsimilar" account.

On 12/22/2017 5:37 AM, Joseph St. Denis wrote:
> I had a similar situation with my bank account.  I found a unsimilar
> account in Gnucash setup starting with C:\. After removing the account
> while in Gnucash I was able to get the OFX files to download properly.
> Joseph St. Denis
> Get Outlook for Android <>
> From: Dan Nelms
> Sent: Friday, December 22, 5:50 AM
> Subject: Schwab shows no tranactions
> To:
> Hello. I'm just setting up GnuCash under Windows10. I've set up Schwab
> with OFX direct connect. Everything is working perfectly in GnuCash
> except when I try to download from my Schwab brokerage account it
> tells me there are no transactions for the period I've indicated. I
> know there are transactions. I've checked the dates and even selected
> a broader date range and still the no transactions message. My credit
> card and bank accounts work fine. I know I have the right Schwap
> because it retrieved my account numbers and I have a GnuCash account
> associated with it. Any help with Schwab brokerage accounts? Dan.
> ___ gnucash-user mailing
> list
> - Please
> remember to CC this list on all your replies. You can do this by using
> Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

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Schwab shows no tranactions

2017-12-22 Thread Dan Nelms
Hello. I'm just setting up GnuCash under Windows10. I've set up Schwab
with OFX direct connect. Everything is working perfectly in GnuCash
except when I try to download from my Schwab brokerage account it tells
me there are no transactions for the period I've indicated. I know there
are transactions. I've checked the dates and even selected a broader
date range and still the no transactions message. My credit card and
bank accounts work fine. I know I have the right Schwap because it
retrieved my account numbers and I have a GnuCash account associated
with it. Any help with Schwab brokerage accounts? Dan.

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Re: Coredump after openSuSE upgrade

2017-12-14 Thread Dan Rawson

John -

This was a good clue - at least I have a work-around - THANKS!

I un-installed the openjdk-plugin packages (which is what provides the IcedTea plugin), 
and now the reports run just fine!!!  But I still have NOTHING from the OpenSuSE forum on 
why they were crashing for me, or working for others :-((

FYI, my system had both of:

java-1_7_0-openjdk-plugin (version 1.6.2-4.1)
java-1_8_0-openjdk-plugin (version 1.6.2-4.1)

and I was able to remove them both  - apparently nothing else that I have installed is 
dependent on those packages.  Note that both 2.6.16-4.1 (from the "official" openSuSE 
repository) and 2.6.18-98.1 (from the GNOME repository on work correctly 
with this new configuration

So I'm up and running again - thanks to everyone here!


On 12/14/2017 11:29 AM, John Ralls wrote:

Please remember to copy the list on all replies.

GnuCash 2.6 uses an obsolete version of the WebKit library that hasn’t been updated in 
several years. It shouldn’t be used for anything besides GnuCash because it has a huge 
number of known exploits that have been fixed in the current WebKit2. The actual crash 
was triggered in a Java plugin named IcedTeaPlugin. I don’t know anything about that, 
but I suspect that it requires the WebKit2 API and crashes when WebKit1 tries to load 
it. You’ll have to find out from the OpenSuSE community how to adjust your system so 
that that doesn’t happen.

John Ralls

On Dec 14, 2017, at 7:52 AM, Dan <>> wrote:

John -

Excellent, thanks!

 I JUST did another test; I reopened the previous save file and imported the log. That 
works, but trying to run ANY report causes the same crash.

Do I need to manually update the webkit libs?  Or do I need to point this back at the 
OpenSuSE team?  According to their repo I'm up to date

Thanks again!

On Dec 14, 2017 10:13, John Ralls>> wrote:

The crash appears to be a webkit problem that’s triggered by a report you 
left open
when you quit GnuCash the last time you were using the data. If you remove 
the .gcm
file in ~/.gnucash/books corresponding to the file that’s causing trouble 
will open it with only the Accounts tab open. The .gcm is just an “ini” 
file, so
you could even edit it to remove the report page(s) and leave the others.

John Ralls

    > On Dec 14, 2017, at 3:43 AM, Dan Rawson>> wrote:
> Additional info - if I open the previous "save" file, it opens normally 
> Is there any way to test the gnucash data file WITHOUT opening it in 
> Thanks!
> Dan
> On 12/13/2017 01:54 PM, Dan Rawson wrote:
>> I upgraded OpenSuSE (just a point release), but kept gnucash at the same
version. This is part of the distro - it's gnucash 2.6.16-98.1.
>> gnucash now coredumps when accessing my primary data file.
>> I can still create a new file (and open it later), and I can still 
access the
original file from Windows system running the 2.6.16 version of gnucash 
(it's on a
shared location).
>> I'm assuming that this is an OpenSuSE problem, but how can I provide 
them with
more info about what's failing?  I've already posted a similar message to 
OpenSuSE applications forum, but I wasn't sure what info would be relevant.
>> Thanks!
>> Dan
>> ==
>> Trace:
>> gnucash
>> Found Finance::Quote version 1.37
>> *** Error in `gnucash': double free or corruption (out): 
0x7ffc2cc912d0 ***
>> === Backtrace: =
>> /lib64/[0x7f1253ea11af]
>> /lib64/[0x7f1253ea6706]
>> /lib64/[0x7f1253ea7453]


>> /usr/lib64/[0x7f124e22acd2]
>> /usr/lib64/[0x7f124e22ae2c]
>> /usr/lib64/[0x7f124d9f5f57]
>> /usr/lib64/[0x7f124d9f1d29]
>> /usr/lib64/[0x7f124d9f2478]
>> /usr/lib64/[0x7f124d2a2a2e]
>> /usr/lib64/[0x7f124d9cefd7]
>> /usr/lib64/[0x7f124d2c78d3]
>> /usr/lib64/[0x7f124d

Re: Coredump after openSuSE upgrade

2017-12-14 Thread Dan Rawson

Ralph -

No joy.  I disabled the GNOME repository and un-installed 2.6.16-98.1, then did 'zypper in 
gnucash' which got me 2.6.16-4.1.  Same failure.  I also tried removing my .gnucash 
directory on the off-chance that it was something in my saved reports that was a problem - 
same error.

My local build is 2.6.18, and it does the same thing (coredump).



On 12/14/2017 02:28 PM, Dan Rawson wrote:

Ralph -

That's actually where I started this journey :-)  I upgraded from OpenSuSE LEAP 42.2 to 
42.3 (with the GNOME repo disabled); this resulted in installing 2.6.16-4.1.  When I 
tried to start gnucash it crashed per my original message.  Then I tried the GNOME repo 
2.6.18 AND a local build of 2.6.18 with the same results.

But I'm willing to try it again - particularly with John's comments about the 
gcm file.


On 12/14/2017 02:09 PM, listreader wrote:

Hello Dan.

The gnome repository is not part of the "official release" distro for
42.3. You could try this, nothing to lose except maybe some time:
Uninstall the 2.6.16-98.1 version. Uninstall any other version of
GnuCash you currently have installed, regardless of where you got it
from. Now install/reinstall 2.6.16-4.1 from either your original media
or from the Main Repository (OSS) and NOT from the gnome repository
i.e. "";


On Thu, 14 Dec 2017 13:13:24 -0500
Dan Rawson  wrote:

It's out of the GNOME repository on

For me, both versions crash when I try to run a report from my
primary data file


On 12/14/2017 12:24 PM, listreader wrote:

On 12/13/2017 01:54 PM, Dan Rawson wrote:

I upgraded OpenSuSE (just a point release), but kept gnucash at
the same version.  This is part of the distro - it's gnucash

Just another openSUSE and GnuCash user here but where did you get
2.6.16-98.1?  I think I'm up to date with version 2.6.16-4.1 and it
runs perfectly fine on 42.3. Or are you running Tumbleweed and not

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Re: Coredump after openSuSE upgrade

2017-12-14 Thread Dan Rawson

Ralph -

That's actually where I started this journey :-)  I upgraded from OpenSuSE LEAP 42.2 to 
42.3 (with the GNOME repo disabled); this resulted in installing 2.6.16-4.1.  When I tried 
to start gnucash it crashed per my original message.  Then I tried the GNOME repo 2.6.18 
AND a local build of 2.6.18 with the same results.

But I'm willing to try it again - particularly with John's comments about the 
gcm file.


On 12/14/2017 02:09 PM, listreader wrote:

Hello Dan.

The gnome repository is not part of the "official release" distro for
42.3. You could try this, nothing to lose except maybe some time:
Uninstall the 2.6.16-98.1 version. Uninstall any other version of
GnuCash you currently have installed, regardless of where you got it
from. Now install/reinstall 2.6.16-4.1 from either your original media
or from the Main Repository (OSS) and NOT from the gnome repository
i.e. "";


On Thu, 14 Dec 2017 13:13:24 -0500
Dan Rawson  wrote:

It's out of the GNOME repository on

For me, both versions crash when I try to run a report from my
primary data file


On 12/14/2017 12:24 PM, listreader wrote:

On 12/13/2017 01:54 PM, Dan Rawson wrote:

I upgraded OpenSuSE (just a point release), but kept gnucash at
the same version.  This is part of the distro - it's gnucash

Just another openSUSE and GnuCash user here but where did you get
2.6.16-98.1?  I think I'm up to date with version 2.6.16-4.1 and it
runs perfectly fine on 42.3. Or are you running Tumbleweed and not

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Re: Coredump after openSuSE upgrade

2017-12-14 Thread Dan Rawson

It's out of the GNOME repository on

For me, both versions crash when I try to run a report from my primary data file


On 12/14/2017 12:24 PM, listreader wrote:

On 12/13/2017 01:54 PM, Dan Rawson wrote:

I upgraded OpenSuSE (just a point release), but kept gnucash at
the same version.  This is part of the distro - it's gnucash

Just another openSUSE and GnuCash user here but where did you get
2.6.16-98.1?  I think I'm up to date with version 2.6.16-4.1 and it
runs perfectly fine on 42.3. Or are you running Tumbleweed and not

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Re: Coredump after openSuSE upgrade

2017-12-14 Thread Dan Rawson

Additional info - if I open the previous "save" file, it opens normally :-((

Is there any way to test the gnucash data file WITHOUT opening it in gnucash?



On 12/13/2017 01:54 PM, Dan Rawson wrote:
I upgraded OpenSuSE (just a point release), but kept gnucash at the same version.  This 
is part of the distro - it's gnucash 2.6.16-98.1.

gnucash now coredumps when accessing my primary data file.

I can still create a new file (and open it later), and I can still access the original 
file from Windows system running the 2.6.16 version of gnucash (it's on a shared location).

I'm assuming that this is an OpenSuSE problem, but how can I provide them with more info 
about what's failing?  I've already posted a similar message to the OpenSuSE 
applications forum, but I wasn't sure what info would be relevant.





Found Finance::Quote version 1.37
*** Error in `gnucash': double free or corruption (out): 0x7ffc2cc912d0 ***
=== Backtrace: =





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Coredump after openSuSE upgrade

2017-12-14 Thread Dan Rawson
I upgraded OpenSuSE (just a point release), but kept gnucash at the same version.  This is 
part of the distro - it's gnucash 2.6.16-98.1.

gnucash now coredumps when accessing my primary data file.

I can still create a new file (and open it later), and I can still access the original 
file from Windows system running the 2.6.16 version of gnucash (it's on a shared location).

I'm assuming that this is an OpenSuSE problem, but how can I provide them with more info 
about what's failing?  I've already posted a similar message to the OpenSuSE applications 
forum, but I wasn't sure what info would be relevant.





Found Finance::Quote version 1.37
*** Error in `gnucash': double free or corruption (out): 0x7ffc2cc912d0 ***
=== Backtrace: =

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Re: Excel or CSV Import

2017-09-27 Thread Dan
You are saying that I canExport my Sales (Header and Detail) to Excel or 
CSV and then Import into GNUCASH?

Id there help on that?


On 9/27/2017 4:31 PM, David Carlson wrote:

They already are

On Sep 27, 2017 1:37 PM, "Dan" <>> wrote:

When will Excel or CSV import be available?


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Excel or CSV Import

2017-09-27 Thread Dan

When will Excel or CSV import be available?


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Import log

2017-07-04 Thread Dan Rawson
Is there a separate log for imports?  Or is the import history available?  All the imports 
I've done are from QFX if that makes a difference . . . .


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Re: Mortgage payments in Income/Expense report?

2017-07-02 Thread Dan Rawson

Maf and Mike -

I do understand the issue; if I could get the Cash Flow report to total sub-categories 
into the parent (so I got "Expenses:Auto" instead of "Expenses:Auto:Gas", 
Expenses:Auto:Maintenance", etc.), then I'd be a happy guy :-).  That was actually where I 
started . . . but I couldn't figure out how to make the sub-categories work the way I wanted.



On 07/02/2017 09:55 AM, Maf. King wrote:

On Sunday, 2 July 2017 14:46:19 BST Mike or Penny Novack wrote:

On 7/2/2017 7:02 AM, Dan Rawson wrote:

an Income/Expense report that ALSO includes the transfers to the
liability (let's face it, that's an "expense" :-), but the Liability

Misunderstanding about the basics.
You are thinking of it as an "expense" because it affects cash flow.

Hi Mike,

IMHO, the OP isn't misunderstanding - hence the quotes and smiley.  You are
correct in the accounting sense, but I can understand that it is a sort of
"expense" in the sense that it comes out of each month's wages and needs to be
budgeted / allocated.

I was going to suggest he try the cash flow report and see if it can be munged
into showing what is required, before you beat me to it.


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Re: Blank reports on OpenSuse??

2017-07-02 Thread Dan Rawson
FYI - OpenSuse team updated their repositories so that GnuCash 2.6.16 is available on both 
LEAP 42.2 (Current version), and LEAP 42.3 (Next version).


On 06/27/2017 07:09 AM, Dan Rawson wrote:

On 06/27/2017 04:37 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:

On dinsdag 27 juni 2017 03:08:25 CEST Dan Rawson wrote:

I built 2.6.16 locally; it works fine there.  I'll report it to the OpenSuse
applications forum and see what turns up . . . .

Hi Dan,

This sounds like bug 763279 [1], which was reported against gentoo. That bug
was fixed in gnucash 2.6.12 so that would match your experience that gnucahs
2.6.16 works as well.




Thanks - I did file a bug on OpenSuse also, since the installation repository for their 
up-coming release still includes 2.6.7 :-(.

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Mortgage payments in Income/Expense report?

2017-07-02 Thread Dan Rawson
I've set up my mortgage as a liability, and the checks are split to the liability, 
property tax, and interest.  I'd like to be able to run an Income/Expense report that ALSO 
includes the transfers to the liability (let's face it, that's an "expense" :-), but the 
Liability accounts aren't available to select when doing the income/expense reports.

The alternative would be using the account summary, but I can't do a date range limit on 
that report.

Do I have to write a custom report to to do this?



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Re: Automating home mortgage splits?

2017-06-27 Thread Dan Rawson

On 06/27/2017 03:50 PM, Buddha Buck wrote:

On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 11:46 AM Dan Rawson <>> wrote:

Is it possible to automate the splits associated with a  home mortgage transaction? 
I am

downloading the checking account transactions as QFX from my bank, so from 
point of
view, it's a single check.  As an example:

This is a perfect example of why downloading checking account transactions from your 
bank is not necessarily a good idea. As you said, /from their point of view/, it's a 
single check, whereas /from your point of view/, it's not. Your books should reflect 
your point of view, not someone else's.

Which is why I endorse the scheduled transactions method suggested by others.

On the other hand, manually typing in all the transactions over the course of a month 
doesn't strike me as very efficient :-)

Solved for now - thanks.

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Re: Automating home mortgage splits?

2017-06-27 Thread Dan Rawson

Excellent - thanks to everyone for the suggestions . . . .


On 06/27/2017 01:52 PM, David Carlson wrote:

I Think that is covered in the help manual under scheduled transactions.

David C

On Jun 27, 2017 10:45 AM, "Dan Rawson" <>> wrote:

Is it possible to automate the splits associated with a  home mortgage transaction? 
I am downloading the checking account transactions as QFX from my bank, so from

their point of view, it's a single check.  As an example:

Check amount:  $3000

For payment X, we might have:

Principal:  $1700
Interest:  $400
Tax escrow:  $900

But for payment X+1, the P&I numbers obviously change, while the total and 
escrow amounts are un-changed. Unfortunately, I can't download the split 
data from
the mortgage holder.

Any ideas on how this might be automated?  Or should I just live with doing 
manual entry once per month?



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Automating home mortgage splits?

2017-06-27 Thread Dan Rawson
Is it possible to automate the splits associated with a  home mortgage transaction?  I am 
downloading the checking account transactions as QFX from my bank, so from their point of 
view, it's a single check.  As an example:

Check amount:  $3000

For payment X, we might have:

Principal:  $1700
Interest:  $400
Tax escrow:  $900

But for payment X+1, the P&I numbers obviously change, while the total and tax escrow 
amounts are un-changed.  Unfortunately, I can't download the split data from the mortgage 

Any ideas on how this might be automated?  Or should I just live with doing the manual 
entry once per month?



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Re: Blank reports on OpenSuse??

2017-06-27 Thread Dan Rawson

On 06/27/2017 04:37 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:

On dinsdag 27 juni 2017 03:08:25 CEST Dan Rawson wrote:

I built 2.6.16 locally; it works fine there.  I'll report it to the OpenSuse
applications forum and see what turns up . . . .

Hi Dan,

This sounds like bug 763279 [1], which was reported against gentoo. That bug
was fixed in gnucash 2.6.12 so that would match your experience that gnucahs
2.6.16 works as well.




Thanks - I did file a bug on OpenSuse also, since the installation repository for their 
up-coming release still includes 2.6.7 :-(.

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Re: Blank reports on OpenSuse??

2017-06-27 Thread Dan Rawson

On 06/27/2017 04:37 AM, Maf. King wrote:

On Tuesday, 27 June 2017 02:08:25 BST Dan Rawson wrote:

I built 2.6.16 locally; it works fine there.  I'll report it to the OpenSuse
applications forum and see what turns up . . . .


Hi Dan,

GC 2.6.16 from

works fine for me on SuSE Leap 42.2.  the installation repo version of GC was
so out of date that I never installed that one, I went straight for the
updated package in the OBS.


Thanks - I've just been using the installation repos - guess I'll have to change my 
strategy :-)


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Re: Blank reports on OpenSuse??

2017-06-26 Thread Dan Rawson
I built 2.6.16 locally; it works fine there.  I'll report it to the OpenSuse applications 
forum and see what turns up . . . .


On 06/26/2017 08:01 PM, Dan Rawson wrote:
I just installed GnuCash (2.6.7) on OpenSuse 42.2 (aka LEAP) 64-bit.  This is the 
version that's in the OpenSuse repositories; OpenSuse itself is up to date.

I then imported approx. a years worth of transactions for 6 accounts (2 checking, 2 
savings, 2 credit card) via downloaded OFX files from my bank.  The transactions all 
show up; I can open my checking account, or the "Mortgage Interest" account, and the 
transactions are all there.

EVERY report I open is blank.  I modified the transaction dates to all of this year 
instead of using "Start of Accounting Period" / "End of Accounting Period" - still 
blank.  I tried selecting all accounts, selecting only one account (which I know has 
transactions this year), etc. - nothing.  I saw one FAQ entry about blank report tabs on 
Windows, but I couldn't see how that applied to me :-)

On startup, I do get a couple of innocuous messages in the console:

26-Jun-17 19:52 > gnucash
Found Finance::Quote version 1.37
Vector smash protection is enabled.
openjdk version "1.8.0_131"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 3.4.0) (suse-10.10.3-x86_64)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.131-b11, mixed mode)

The openjdk messages show up when I open a report

Am I missing something obvious here?

Thanks in advance . . . .


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Blank reports on OpenSuse??

2017-06-26 Thread Dan Rawson
I just installed GnuCash (2.6.7) on OpenSuse 42.2 (aka LEAP) 64-bit.  This is the version 
that's in the OpenSuse repositories; OpenSuse itself is up to date.

I then imported approx. a years worth of transactions for 6 accounts (2 checking, 2 
savings, 2 credit card) via downloaded OFX files from my bank.  The transactions all show 
up; I can open my checking account, or the "Mortgage Interest" account, and the 
transactions are all there.

EVERY report I open is blank.  I modified the transaction dates to all of this year 
instead of using "Start of Accounting Period" / "End of Accounting Period" - still blank.  
I tried selecting all accounts, selecting only one account (which I know has transactions 
this year), etc. - nothing.  I saw one FAQ entry about blank report tabs on Windows, but I 
couldn't see how that applied to me :-)

On startup, I do get a couple of innocuous messages in the console:

26-Jun-17 19:52 > gnucash
Found Finance::Quote version 1.37
Vector smash protection is enabled.
openjdk version "1.8.0_131"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 3.4.0) (suse-10.10.3-x86_64)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.131-b11, mixed mode)

The openjdk messages show up when I open a report

Am I missing something obvious here?

Thanks in advance . . . .


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