[GNC] GNC will not properly import .csv file from PayPal

2024-04-12 Thread Jeffrey Black
I'm trying to import a  .csv file from PayPal into the latest stable 
version of GNC on Windoze 11 home and and/or Ubuntu 22.04 (snaphub 
version 5.6.1), and neither of them will properly..  Both refuse to 
import transactions properly when Notes and Memo are selected.  I need 
both of them so I can properly "split" transactions between my wife's 
schedule C and personal expenses.

I can only  import one or the other, notes or memo, not  both, AND I 
need both in  the same transaction.  And I have always been able to in 
all previous versions of GNC.

Can anyone suggest a solution?

I am up  against the April 15th tax filing deadline, and I do not want 
to have to file an extension for both my wife and and our dependent sons 
separate return, so that I can manually edit every transaction manually 
from the .csv file to place everything in the right  account.  Our 
health insurance depends on it as does whether he gets the grants to 
continue his college education. They want more per semester now than I 
ever have made yearly in my life.  I never expected college tuition to 
exceed the income level of three working family members plus a Pell 
grant and scholarships.  His 529 account is not even adequate.

Can anyone tell me why I cannot import a .csv file with both notes and 
memo?  Not one or the other.

--Jeffrey Black M.B.A.

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[GNC] OFX duplicate transactions and missing ones.

2024-04-08 Thread Jeffrey Black
Right now I am limited to using my phone for e-mail so I cannot search for 
related mails or bug reports easily. I had multiple line surges that fried 3 
towers and my laptop computer.  Not to mention a cascade failure of all of my 
hard-drives and backup drives and printers.

Somewhere along the way, under Ubuntu, snaphub (I thought it was snapd) updated 
from 5.? To 5.6, to 5.6-1 so I do not remember which version I used. But, it 
created duplicate transactions of ofx imports which is a nightmare since I did 
the imports on a 30-day cycle. Now that I am attempting to reconcile the 
affected accounts, I discover that there are missing transactions as well.

Has anyone reported this?

Or should I just create a new imbalance‐USD to balance the books? I am talking 
about imports thar were a couple of months late.  Yes I know sloppy work on my 

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Re: [GNC] Install of GNC fails on Flatpak

2024-02-23 Thread jeffrey black
You are correct, a mental slip-up on my part. I was trying to install flatpak 
via instructions on their website then planned on installing GNC. After finally 
recovering the OS I tried again and all of it worked properly.  It was 
apparently caused by a gremlin in the OS as the entire procedure worked 
flawlessly after recovery.

Problem resolved.

--Jeffrey Black

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From: gnucash-user 
 on behalf of 
Adrien Monteleone 
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2024 10:53:05 AM
To: gnucash-u...@lists.gnucash.org 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Install of GNC fails on Flatpak

Jeffrey, you referenced Snap, then Flatpak. I'm guessing the 'snap' was
a mental typo.

What are the commands you are using to install GnuCash via Flatpak?


On 2/23/24 1:14 AM, jeffrey black wrote:
> I'm having to do this via my cell phone so please excuse typos.
> I had a complete network failure when a surge suppressor decided to explode 
> in my face. Destroyed my server, multiple drives, printer, and my laptop. 
> Other computers were not affected but did not have access to my GNC books.
> Now that I have a new server and laptop I am trying to get my network back up 
> and running.  Every time I try to install GNC on the server via snap I keep 
> running into:
> "Unable to install "org.gnome.Platform": Refspec 
> 'flathub:runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/44' not found.
> I'm running Ubuntu 22.04LTS.
> I was running the latest flatpak version prior to this disaster.  The default 
> Ubuntu version is way too far behind since I occasionally have to run GNC 
> under the current WindDoze 10 version.

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[GNC] Install of GNC fails on Flatpak

2024-02-22 Thread jeffrey black
I'm having to do this via my cell phone so please excuse typos.

I had a complete network failure when a surge suppressor decided to explode in 
my face. Destroyed my server, multiple drives, printer, and my laptop. Other 
computers were not affected but did not have access to my GNC books.

Now that I have a new server and laptop I am trying to get my network back up 
and running.  Every time I try to install GNC on the server via snap I keep 
running into:

"Unable to install "org.gnome.Platform": Refspec 
'flathub:runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/44' not found.

I'm running Ubuntu 22.04LTS.

I was running the latest flatpak version prior to this disaster.  The default 
Ubuntu version is way too far behind since I occasionally have to run GNC under 
the current WindDoze 10 version.

--Jeffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: [GNC] How to reimport an ofx file?

2024-02-19 Thread jeffrey black
I'll give it a try. The last time I tried it I was told that all transactions 
had ben imported.

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From: David Carlson 
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2024 11:53:50 PM
To: jeffrey black 
Cc: GnuCash-User@GnuCash.Org 
Subject: Re: [GNC] How to reimport an ofx file?


My regular procedure involves intentionally deleting some OFX imported 
transactions after I have replaced them with transactions that have more 
detailed descriptions and I have found that if I re-run an old OFX import file, 
those transactions will import again.  So in your case, I would expect missing 
transactions to re-appear without any special editing of the import files.  
Because I have the room on my backup devices, I never delete old OFX files, I 
just move them to different folders.

On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 11:23 PM jeffrey black 
mailto:beastmaster...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
I'm not going into great detail here but I had a surge suppressor  strip 
explode when I turned it off.  It is way out of its warranty period so no help 
there. It fried my server, laptop, printer, 3 external drives, 3 USB Backuo 
drives, and 2 SSD drives ( which i just found out are non-recoverable , 
period).  But thankfully not the drives my GNC datafiles were on.

Anyways, my question to the GNC community is that I imported an account via OFX 
and forgot to reconcile it.  Know I find out that there are several hundred 
transactions that were never imported.

How can I convince  GNC to import the missing transactions via OFX?  And do not 
ask me which version of GNC I was running because I do not remember and cannot 
access that drive.  98% of the time I was running GNC under Ubuntu (I hate  
WindoZe and very seldom use it).

--  Jeffrey  Black, M.B.A.

(Forgive my poor spelling and explanation. These little keyboards on a phone 
are too small for my fumble fingers.  And spell check cannot spelll any better 
than I can.  I'm still trying to setup a new server and a new network.)

-- Jeffrey Black, M.B.A.

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David Carlson
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[GNC] How to reimport an ofx file?

2024-02-19 Thread jeffrey black
I'm not going into great detail here but I had a surge suppressor  strip 
explode when I turned it off.  It is way out of its warranty period so no help 
there. It fried my server, laptop, printer, 3 external drives, 3 USB Backuo 
drives, and 2 SSD drives ( which i just found out are non-recoverable , 
period).  But thankfully not the drives my GNC datafiles were on.

Anyways, my question to the GNC community is that I imported an account via OFX 
and forgot to reconcile it.  Know I find out that there are several hundred 
transactions that were never imported.

How can I convince  GNC to import the missing transactions via OFX?  And do not 
ask me which version of GNC I was running because I do not remember and cannot 
access that drive.  98% of the time I was running GNC under Ubuntu (I hate  
WindoZe and very seldom use it).

--  Jeffrey  Black, M.B.A.

(Forgive my poor spelling and explanation. These little keyboards on a phone 
are too small for my fumble fingers.  And spell check cannot spelll any better 
than I can.  I'm still trying to setup a new server and a new network.)

-- Jeffrey Black, M.B.A.

Get Outlook for Android<https://aka.ms/AAb9ysg>
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[GNC] Tax schedule report outputting entries outside of selected date range

2023-03-14 Thread jeffrey black
I'm trying to generate a tax report (federal 1040) for entry into my tax 
software, as I do every year and have never ran into this issue.

Not sure of the version of GNC I'm running on Windows 10.  Running Version 4.13 
Build ID: Flathub 4.13 Finance Quote: 1.5301 under Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Both versions are including a transaction from 07/02/2020 when the date range 
for the report is 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2022. The transaction of concern is 
listed as "Tax Report Only - No TXF Export".

I have limited internet access right now so I can not confirm that this is a 
known bug.  My concern is that the report may also be skipping transactions 
from 2022.  I have exported the report as a pdf file with no options selected 
other than the time frame, and the transaction shows up there as well.  If I 
edit the options to suppress $0, no printing of full account names/action:memo 
data/transaction detail, and print TXF export parameters, the errant 
transaction shows up.

Any ideas why?

--Jeffrey Black M.B.A.
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[GNC] Easier way to import PayPal CSV

2023-03-02 Thread jeffrey black
I have a major nightmare on my hands.  My wife has a PayPal account that she 
uses for both personal and business use (stab me right here multiple times, she 
uses accounts that I know about and several ones that I do not).

Problem #1:  I have no idea what financial institution she used, except the 3 I 
have access to.
Problem #2:  Determining business vs personal expense.
Problem #3:  PayPal transaction descriptions are only a little less cryptic 
than the financial institutions I have access to.
Problem #4:  Never can remember whether the gross from PayPal is a credit or 
debit to account:PayPal in the CSV import.  Or whether to use Balance affecting 
or all-transactions.  I used to have a script that would sort most of this mess 
out, and put it in all proper upper/lower case/foreign language  (I edited it 
multiple times and somewhere introduced a heap error that I cannot locate).

I assume that an account PayPal:Imbalance would be the right course for where I 
do not know where the funds came from.  Right now I have the institutions that 
I know of throw all transactions into PayPal:Bank.  And PayPal import throw All 
payments to financial institutions there as well, otherwise to PayPal:Expense.  
That means copy and paste between accounts to get things right.  A major pain 
in the a$$ since I have to copy and paste from two separate accounts.

Problem #4 rears it's head here in the midst of #2.  I have to manually match 
the PayPal payments/returns individually.  Especially since PayPal may have the 
actual company name in it's native language and what was actually shipped 
(generally in English).  Then Problem #2, personal or business. Which get 
thrown into PayPal:Expense until I figure out which expense account it really 
goes to.

The CSV format generally provides enough information, but not always, to 
determine if is a business or personal expense.  Including who from and what 

Confused yet, I am.

There has to be a simpler way to import PayPal CSV to preserve my insanity from 
escalating to the next level, beserkergang!

And because I can never seem to remember it, is the gross sale amount a debit 
or credit to the PayPal account from the CSV (still assigned as a credit card 
since that was all she originally had).

Driving fence posts with my forehead.
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Re: [GNC] QFX/OFX import issue from American Express

2019-06-08 Thread jeffrey black
On 6/7/2019 4:51 AM, David Carlson wrote:
Were those transactions previously imported, or at least seen in a previous 
import file?  OFX/QFX checks the file for duplicates and refuses to import the 
same transactions again.

If they were seen but later lost, or changed because of an error, it is a 
challenge to re-import them.

David Carlson

On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 4:15 AM jeffrey black 
mailto:beastmaster...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
Has anyone besides me run into an issue with the QFX file import from
American Express?  I tried downloading and importing, one statements
worth of transactions at a time (just as I have successfully done in the
past), and the import window showed no transactions.  When I look at the
QFX file it has multiple transactions in it.

I have not yet looked at the file(s) in detail yet to see if I can spot
a change in format.

This is under Windoze 10 and Gnu-Cash version 3.5.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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David Carlson

All but 2 were new downloads.  None of them were recognized as having 
transactions and all of them did have one or more transactions.

I need to download and import Ofx/Qfx files from other financial institutions 
in a few days.  If they load properly then I have to assume there is a problem 
in the Amex files that I need to track down and report.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: [GNC] Pending Edit Behavior in GnuCash

2019-06-07 Thread jeffrey black
On 6/7/2019 4:06 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> On Jun 7, 2019, at 3:57 AM, jeffrey black  wrote:
>> I think I missed something here Adrien.  I only get a /months worth /of
>> transactions in a tab across some but not all accounts which have
>> entries.  What am I not setting right in preferences? (Windoze 10 =>
>> Version: 3.5 Build ID: 3.5+(2019-03-30) Finance::Quote: -)
>> -- 
>> --JEffrey Black M.B.A.
> Check Edit > Filter By...
> The General Journal defaults to a 30 day window if I’m not mistaken. (mine 
> was set as such) Unfortunately, I don’t think there is a preference to set 
> this. You have to change it each time you open it.
> Be sure to check the other Filter tab as well to make sure you are seeing all 
> transactions you want to see. (personally, I’d think the Journal should show 
> everything, but that’s just me)
> My understanding is that one or the other (individual account registers, or 
> General Journal) is ‘virtual’ while the other is how the data is actually 
> stored. Traditional accounting would use the Journal first, but I seem to 
> recall reading that GnuCash does this in reverse.
> Regards,
> Adrien
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Thanks.  Found it under View->Filter by.

But; it is giving me the same annoying entry I am getting under other 
views as well.  There is one extra transaction that is a partial 
duplicate of the last real transaction.  It has the same date as the 
previous valid transaction, no description, has the same funds in 
account, no funds out account, and no dollar amounts on either line (not 
zero, blank).  Gnu-Cash is waiting for me to enter a new transaction 
after this one.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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[GNC] QFX/OFX import issue from American Express

2019-06-07 Thread jeffrey black
Has anyone besides me run into an issue with the QFX file import from 
American Express?  I tried downloading and importing, one statements 
worth of transactions at a time (just as I have successfully done in the 
past), and the import window showed no transactions.  When I look at the 
QFX file it has multiple transactions in it.

I have not yet looked at the file(s) in detail yet to see if I can spot 
a change in format.

This is under Windoze 10 and Gnu-Cash version 3.5.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: [GNC] Pending Edit Behavior in GnuCash

2019-06-07 Thread jeffrey black
On 6/5/2019 4:51 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:

>> GnuCash, at least in the 2.6.xx series usually prohibits leaving a
>> transaction that contains pending edits without using the Enter key to
>> commit the edits, but it has some exceptions which set up some difficult
>> situations when finally trying to do a manual File > Save.  At that point
>> it asks if you want to save edits in some register view which may even be
>> accidental edits or keystrokes that would delete desired data.
>> The most common action (for me) that sets this up is to start an edit in
>> some register then navigate to another register without first saving the
>> pending edit.  This easily happens if the user is reviewing results from
>> the Since Last Run assistant especially if a cat crosses the keyboard.
> Using Sqlite backend, of course I get instant saves so I don’t see this issue 
> anymore, but that sort of ambiguous ’save edits’ question is disconcerting if 
> you are pretty sure you’ve committed all transactions, and now you’re being 
> told you haven’t.
>> I can see the reasoning that often users may need to view other registers
>> to compare the transaction currently being edited to something else, so I
>> do not want to prevent that.  I would propose that the tabs containing
>> pending edits flash in some way to catch the user's attention so he can
>> find his way back to see if it was cat-tracks or a real pending edit.
> Interesting idea. Though this might interfere with the custom tab colors, I 
> like the idea of some visual indicator that something has been edited and 
> needs attention. (perhaps a bold or italic typeface change?) Flashing however 
> I would not be in favor of.

I don't use the SQL back-end because of the lack of a rollback feature.  
I frequently, much to often, make mistakes on import matching, wrong 
account match, etc.  And some recent crashes have created something of a 
nightmare for me  (the xml file is shall we say much more user friendly 
in that regard).  Windoze 10 is not exactly stable, it crashes on 
Micro$oft's own programs.  (wish list: the Ubuntu repositories provide 
the latest version.  My attempts at building have failed miserably.  My 
tower typically runs Windoze 10 while my networked laptop runs Ubuntu.  
For whatever reason that is the only combination of OS's that I can get 
to cooperate over my network.  I suspect it is a router incompatibility 
but; that is my problem not the teams.)

I frequently get the message box of save or cancel the changed 
transaction.  What transaction, I have not edited or started one. And 
Gnu-Cash does not show me where or which transaction has been changed.  
An indicator of the account which has been altered transaction and 
taking me back to the transaction would be a godsend.

I agree a flashing account tab would not be aesthetic.  Perhaps a 
scrolling color change for the account tab but; at least take me back to 
the offending transaction so I can see if I am accepting or canceling a 
mistake or not.

>> Finally, I will throw out a radical suggestion that all edits get their own
>> new window instead of happening within a certain register view with a
>> certain "anchor" account which has special behavior compared to other split
>> lines.  This Edit window would not be tied to any account and would be
>> obviously not saved as long as it exists.
> This already exists as the ‘General Journal’ (Tools menu) It’s your choice to 
> use it. Though it is not implemented for only the currently edited 
> transactions, but the entirety of your data file.
> Regards,
> Adrien
I think I missed something here Adrien.  I only get a /months worth /of 
transactions in a tab across some but not all accounts which have 
entries.  What am I not setting right in preferences? (Windoze 10 => 
Version: 3.5 Build ID: 3.5+(2019-03-30) Finance::Quote: -)

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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2019-05-15 Thread jeffrey black
On 5/15/2019 8:18 PM, D via gnucash-user wrote:
> Alton,
> On May 15, 2019, at 10:12 PM, Alton Brantley  wrote:
>> You should be aware that the OFX import will use the posting date only as 
>> its import date. Your statements will list the transaction date, so your 
>> statements and your ledger will not match directly.
> I don't understand. First off, in most cases debit card transactions have the 
> same date in the bank records as I do. The exceptions are handwritten checks, 
> the images of which most banks supply in their statements (so you can 
> adjust). Finally, if you are importing transactions from your bank, aren't 
> you already accepting their timing?

Real time transaction dates frequently will not match the posting date 
for debit/cc/ach/transfer transactions.  It depends primarily on when 
the payee runs a batch total.  Some are manually batched, others are 
automatically processed at a set time or number of transactions.  Banks 
typically postdate charges after closing on Saturday thru Sunday until 
Monday, unless Monday falls on a bank holiday (then Tuesday).

Checks by default will almost never match, typically a 2 day wait plus 
however long the payee decides to wait before depositing  it (I've had 
checks not show up for 3 months on statements).  The exception is if the 
payee goes directly to your bank and cashes it.

Irregardless, I try to go with the transaction date, especially on 
checks.  The ones I forgot to manually enter go with the date provided 
by the financial institution, unless I go back and edit them to match 
the date on the original receipt.

> David
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--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: [GNC] GC won't load on Ubuntu 19.04

2019-05-02 Thread jeffrey black
On 5/2/2019 3:17 PM, Dennis Powless wrote:
> So, just to be clear I wasn't trying to build GC, just run it and after an
> upgraded ubuntu.  From what I can tell, I'll need to uninstall GC and then
> reinstall it.
> I'll try to fully uninstall GC and then install GC.  I'd like to have v
> 3.5, but I've been having issues with the removal of GC after a build.
> Dennis
> On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 10:20 AM John Ralls  wrote:
>> Boost has the annoying misfeature of versioning their library names so
>> that they can't be upgraded without rebuilding everything dependent on
>> them.  Ubuntu 18.10 and 19.04 provide boost-1.67.0 and you built GnuCash
>> with boost-1.65.0.
>> ICU has the same misfeature but GnuCash doesn't directly link it so that
>> won't generally affect folks building on Linux.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>>> On May 2, 2019, at 1:11 AM, Dennis Powless 
>> wrote:
>>> I ran:  sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
>>> Same output as before.
>>> D
>>> On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 3:51 AM Dennis Powless 
>> wrote:
>>>> Do I need to add this as a dependency?  Libboost_reqex.so.1.65.1 ??  I
>> see
>>>> boost as a dependency.
>>>> dennis@dennisLaptop1:~$ gnucash
>>>> gnucash: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_regex.so.1.65.1:
>>>> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>>>> d
>>>> On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 2:59 AM Dennis Powless 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 19.04 and when I click on icon on the
>> dock
>>>>> on the left, it attempts to open, then abruptly stops.   No GC splash
>>>>> screen.
>>>>> I'm using GC 3.1
>>>>> Dennis
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I just did the upgrade path from Ubuntu 18.04LTS to 19.04 as well.

GnuCash loaded, created the lock file then gave me an error message 
window that I didn't write down.  In short, I was told my .gnucash file 
did not exist, nor did the device and directory where it had just 
created the lock file (It showed up in the Nautilus window, and 
disappeared when I closed GnuCash)  Same response whether I used 
Nautilus to open a file or GnuCash itself.

I uninstalled GnuCash and reinstalled from the Ubuntu Software catalog 
and, so far, all of the features I have used seem to be working 
perfectly.  It installed Version 3.4, Build ID: 3.4+(2018-12-30), 
Finance::Quote: 1.47.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: [GNC] How to account for credit card fees

2019-04-12 Thread jeffrey black
On 4/12/2019 1:28 AM, Andres Aviles wrote:
> Hello all -
> This is my first post.  So far I love GnuCash !
> I run a small business and accept credit/debit cards using the Square
> app.  They take out the fees before they deposit the money received. I
> have imported my credit union statements which includes the deposits
> made by Square. But how do I account for these fees in GnuCash that
> Square takes out before the deposit ? I'm using version 3.5.1 right
> now.
> Thanks.
> Andy A.
> ana5...@gmx.com
> "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud" Maya Angelou
> Words to live by -
> * Love has no gender, love has no race, love has no disability and love
> has no age
> * Forget the bad, and focus on the good.
> * Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't.
> * Life is too short to be anything but happy.
> * Falling down is a part of life. Getting back up is living.
> * Forget yesterday - it has already forgotten you.
> * Don't sweat tomorrow - you h
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You'll have to pardon me if I get tongue twisted.  I'm operating on a 72 
hour straight crunch time on taxes.

The fees are just an expense of doing business, unless you are charging 
your client a swipe fee (that can get messy real quick).

In its very simplest form, just create an expense account 
(Business_expense:SQfees).  The fees will almost always go from your 
bank account to theirs (funny how you never get to bill them for your 
time swiping the card).

It gets a little trickier if you need to tie the fees to an exact 
purchase/return.  That will require a split transaction (using the same 
accounts), which you will more than likely have to do manually.

If you use a tax preparer then I would ask them how they would like it 
set up.  Especially since those fees are possibly a legitimate 
deductible expense on your taxes depending on your pricing structure.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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[GNC] txf tax report problem

2019-03-14 Thread jeffrey black
I just ran a report for Tax Schedule Report/TXF Export.  Under schedule 
C, line 27a for "Bad debts" I am getting an incorrect total.  I use 2 
accounts for this value (all USD):

Business:Bad debt    Total $218.00

Business:Fee               Total $20

The report shows:

Total for line 27a: Bad debts (305) 238.00

Total for Sched C Line 27a    734.61

For the life of me I can not figure out where the extra  $496.61 is 
coming from.  It does not change the values if I change the report 
options either.  I just checked all of my accounts (including hidden 
accounts) for the Bad debts line 27a and there are no other accounts 

Any ideas before I file a bug report?

Windows 10 pro 1809


Version: 3.2
Build ID: 3.2+ (2018-06-24)
Finance::Quote: -

Using xml data file.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: [GNC] unexplained reconciliation dollar amounts

2019-02-26 Thread jeffrey black
On 2/25/2019 8:11 PM, David Cousens wrote:
> Jeffrey,

> Another strategy is to go back to the last previously reconciled period
> where you have agreement with the starting and ending balances and reconcile
> forward fixing errors as you go. This is more time consuming but can be a
> method of last resort.

The previous statements reconciled perfectly when I finished them.  I 
got lucky on one account and the account balance matched the previous 
ending paper statement balance, there were no checks floating out in 
hyper-space waiting to be cashed.  And the account balance still 
matches.  The previous ending balance in the reconcile window is wrong 
when I do the new statement.

> Adding transactions to the Imbalance account is not  an advisable strategy
> to fix a reconciliation. It just means you have introduced one more error to
> fix existing errors.

Agreed, using the imbalance account is not an acceptable accounting 
practice.  And the only time I use it is when I import an ofx or qif 
file that contains a check or debit that has not been entered in my 
physical ledger nor GnuCash (I love my wife but; would like to ring her 
neck for her lack of record keeping). Once I receive my monthly 
statement, I dig the offending receipt out of the black hole she carries 
for a purse, correct the entry, then reconcile. [yes, I am also a 
physicist, which makes Murphy my patron Saint]

> Good luck
> David Cousens
> -
> David Cousens
> --

Some how when GnuCash abruptly ceased to being a running program under 
Windoze 10, some data was corrupted.  How much I have yet to discover.  
I am still using the default xml data format.  And I have since 
increased the number of copies GnuCash keeps for backups.

I assume that somewhere there is a key and value for the previous 
reconciled statement balance in the xml structure.  Would you by chance 
know how to locate that key for a specific account?  I could then, in a 
copy of my data file, change it to match my new statement and see if 
everything agrees.  If it does not then I know for certain that there 
are missing or inaccurate transactions, and can then enter a fudged 
transaction that can latter be split to the proper accounts when I 
eventually discover the offending transactions.  If it matches then 
happy dance.  I can continue on my merry way with my bit bucket 
(physics, love it).

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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[GNC] unexplained reconciliation dollar amounts

2019-02-25 Thread jeffrey black
Running GnuCash Version: 3.2 Build ID: 3.2+ (2018-06-24) Finance::Quote: 
- on Windows 10 pro 1803.

Several days ago I had Gnucash abruptly shutdown, no warnings, no 
windows error reports. Just like someone flipped a switch and GnuCash 
was gone.  I was shocked but; when I restarted GnuCash, working with the 
same accounts, everything was fine.  And before you ask, no I didn't 
think to look at the log files.

It was several days latter when I went to reconcile 2 other bank 
accounts that my troubles began.  The previously reconciled ending 
account balances (in the reconcile window) are off by several thousands 
of dollars.  I would prefer to not enter anymore entries in the 
"unexplained transaction amounts" account, Quicken created quite enough 
thank you.

By the time I discovered the issue, I did not have a data-file old 
enough to revert to.

Is there a way to change the stored ending reconciled dollar amount in 
the data files to the correct numbers?  Or would I be better off to just 
enter another "unexplained transaction amounts" entry in order to get 
the accounts to balance at the statements ending balance.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: [GNC] Is GnuCash the right application for me?

2018-10-14 Thread jeffrey black
On 10/12/2018 10:21 PM, Leslie Jensen wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks for your valuable input. I'll go ahead and give it a try.
> :-)
> Les
> Den 2018-10-12 kl. 22:31, skrev Jeff Abrahamson:
>> Ditto here, I run a sports club and two other clubs with gnucash.  It's
>> perfect for our needs.
>> I also don't bother with the business features, just a/r accounts and
>> manually issue bills and such.  That may or may not be the right choice,
>> someday I should look at those functions further.
>> Jeff Abrahamson
>> +33 6 24 40 01 57
>> +44 7920 594 255
>> https://www.p27.eu/jeff/
>> https://www.transport-nantes.com/
>> On 12/10/18 12:56, Colin Law wrote:
>>> On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 at 11:44, Leslie Jensen 
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> I'm the treasurer of three sports clubs. They all have the same setup.
>>>> Most of the income is membership fees and we pay Invoices for
>>>> equipment and other costs. We have no tax or billing needs. The
>>>> account plan for each club is almost the same. So a very simple setup.
>>>> Can I run all three clubs as individual "companies" in GnuCash? And is
>>>> GnuCash the right application to do this?
>>> I run the accounts for a couple of clubs with similar needs. Setup
>>> one accounts file for each club so they are kept separate.  I have not
>>> bothered with the complexities of the business features (invoices etc)
>>> as I have not found them necessary.
>>> As to whether it is the right application for you I can only say that
>>> it meets all my needs (and handles my personal accounts too, in anther
>>> accounts file of course) and is very good value for money.
>>> Colin
>>>> I'm aware of the tutorial page and I see a lot of stock oriented
>>>> subjects so I thought that maybe I'm in over my head?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Les
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There is a catch 22 here.

Do YOU contribute, are a member of, and intend to be the treasurer of 
all of the organizations for all time?

GnuCash is flexible enough that you can carry all of the organizations 
in one file.  It only requires only a top level account for each 
organization.  I am currently carrying accounts for 4 separate 
businesses in one file, because I set up top level accounts for each 
entity.  And now I am adding a 5th company. Technically they should be 
all separate but; I contribute to all 5, and I am "required" to be a 
partner in each as long as each entity exits.  Plus, I am the only one 
competently capable of preparing financial reports.

Here is where the catch 22 hits.  You may not be the treasurer for one 
of the entities at a future date.  In your case, I would consider 
setting up a separate set of books (separate files) for each 
organization.  You can initially set them up identically but; each will 
evolve separately.  And at the end of your tenure, the books of each 
individual organization, and only those books can be passed to the next 
treasurer for that organization.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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[GNC] Qif import problem: matching transactions properly

2018-10-01 Thread jeffrey black
I am sure I saw this addressed somewhere but; I can not seem to relocate it.

The qif importer does not seem to distinguish visibly to the user 
whether a transaction is a debit or credit, nor does it show me which 
suggested transactions have already been matched.  Inevitably, I end up 
matching multiple transactions to one that has already been matched, or 
a credit to a debit (or vice versa).  PayPal is the worst, I should buy 
their stock with as many transactions my wife does thru them for 
personal and business use.

How do I distinguish the suggestions at import?

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: [GNC] No Disk error

2018-08-22 Thread jeffrey black
On 8/22/2018 1:43 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Were either of you at any time storing your GnuCash files on an SD card?
> If so, I’d suggest using a card to load the file, then doing a Save As 
> elsewhere (with the card still in the drive). Then close and re-open GnuCash 
> to load from the new location. THEN Safely Eject and remove the SD card.
> Otherwise, some sort of bug is at play.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Aug 22, 2018, at 7:30 AM, Mike stagl  wrote:
>> I have the same issue on Windows 7 and GnuCash 3.2, and I believe its 
>> because I have several SD card readers on my machine and no cards installed 
>> in them.
>> I haven't looked into a work around yet, but I agree its highly annoying.
>> I figure I'll need to uninstall my SD card readers in order to stop the 
>> alerts.
>> Anyone else have any thoughts?
>> Mike
>> From: Patrick Murez 
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 1:34 AM
>> To: gnucash-user@gnucash.org
>> Subject: [GNC] No Disk error
>> Dear all I want to report a problem already submitted in this mailing list
>> with no answer so far:
>> Hi!
>> I am starting over with gnucash, and thought I'd do a clean re-install.
>> Note, I am on windows, and have removed all the gnucash files I could
>> find before installing 3.1.
>> However, now I am getting an annoying error message every time I try to
>> look at the preferences, as well as when I do "save as":
>> Gnucash.exe - No Disk
>> There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive
>> \Device\Harddisk1\DR1.
>> I have the options Cancel, Try Again and Continue. Try Again just pops
>> up the message again, so do the other two too. However, if I click
>> enough times on Cancel or Continue, the message goes away.
>> Note, when I change something in Preferences, that change stays when I
>> quit and restart.
>> This is quite annoying, and if anybody could shed some light on what has
>> happened and how to get rid of said message, I'd be very happy.
>> Karin
>> your help will great.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> --
>> Patrick Murez, Ch. Eng.
>> Unit Manager Technical Trainings
>> Ruashi mining
>> Cel.:+243816179054
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I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest it is a Micro$oft 
"upgrade" problem.  My home Winoze server is up 24/7 (yes I know, ughh 
run a real os ), barring power outages out here in the sticks.

I do not know how many updates my computer installed since its last 
reboot but; I do know that I have had trouble for the last week 
accessing usb drives.  Part of the time they exist and part of time they 
don't according to windoze.

Not much help but; a little more information.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: [GNC] Operating Checking Account in Overdraft

2018-08-01 Thread jeffrey black
On 7/31/2018 2:14 AM, Murray Field wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a permanent overdraft with our bank and we operate our account 
> fluctuating within   the overdraft limit approved.
> How should this be classified in gnucash?
> As an asset, a liability or something else? We could not find any reference 
> to our situation in your guide which we have downloaded.
> We are potential new users.
> Kind Regards,
> Murray and Yvonne Field
> Get Outlook for Android<https://aka.ms/ghei36>
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Technically, an overdraft would be considered a liability and should be 
recorded as such.  It is a short term loan and affects net worth.

My recommendation is to consult with and hire a LOCAL certified 
accountant just to set up your account structure, including tax related 
accounts.  The one time fee is small compared to the tax and/or legal 
fees you could possibly incur at a latter date.

I am not a certified accountant, just my 2 cents worth.

Once you setup GnuCash, you will never consider using any other book 
keeping software.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: [GNC] Import transactions

2018-05-30 Thread jeffrey black
On 05/30/2018 09:35 AM, ddem...@juno.com wrote:
> I'm new to GnuCash and trying to learn and use some of its features. I 
> downloaded version 3.1 and experiencing some very unexpected behavior. In 
> particular, I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to export transactions from GnuCash 
> for Android and import them into GnuCash. Here's what I experience: GnuCash 
> for AndroidSolicits filename before selecting the export type (qif, xml). 
> Regardless what I specify, ".zip" appends to the filename.
> Selecting 'qif' crashes the app.
> Selecting 'xml' works but I discovered that the resultant file is not 
> actually "zipped".
> Exporting to 'xml' does not allow the same date selection and delete after 
> exporting options as offered for 'qif' exports.
> GnuCashRenaming the 'xml' file exported from Android to '.gnucash' will open 
> with my transactions. Unfortunately, I can neither import transactions from a 
> 'gnucash' file nor can I export transactions to a 'qif' file.
> I can export to 'csv' but I must manually expand every account branch before 
> I can successfully include all sub-accounts for export.
> GnuCash will not import transactions from the same 'csv' file it exported.
> I'm trying to create proper expectations. Can someone please tell me whether 
> these characteristics are imagined or real, bugs or features? Dale DeMott
> ___
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When you export from GnuCash Android, it defaults to a zip file. Down 
load it from your Android device to your computer and then unzip it.  
You then will have a qif file that you can import.

Even though the Android app and GnuCash are developed by entirely 
different teams, the Android app is an incredibly helpful tool to use in 
conjunction with GnuCash.  It has saved me many times, thermal receipts 
don't like billfolds or laying on the dash in sunlight.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: [GNC] Handling VISA Debit Accounts

2018-05-08 Thread jeffrey black
On 05/07/2018 01:39 AM, Karen Stingel wrote:
> This is a Fix of my previous thread ... Re: gnucash-user Digest, Vol 
> 182, Issue 8,
> apologies for not clarifying the subject line last time.
> How does gnc handle the Case of a VISA Debit card?
> Technically, this is a BANK account with a VISA enabled card and a 
> $0.00 Credit Limit
> Should it just be created as a normal BANK account type?
> Are there any plans to include this as a new Asset Account type in 
> future editions of gnc?
> Are Python Bindings enabled in the Windows binaries, and could this 
> Account type be added via writing a Python script?
> ___
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Unless for some specific reason you need to monitor the use of your 
debit card(s), don't.  Your transactions related to the debit card 
should show up on your bank statement.  The only reasonable case I can 
think of where a separate account is warranted is using re-loadable pay 
as you go cards.

Instead, I recommend utilizing the "Num" field to identify how each 
transaction was handled.  You can easily design your own schema.  In my 
case I use:

 for checks (the actual check number)

dbt for debit transactions (things like buying gasoline)

eft for electronic fund transfers (transfer electronically to a merchant 
and ach transactions that are not paid by check)

txfr to transfer money between accounts within the same financial 

dep for deposits.

atm for well atm transactions.

Just my 2 cents worth.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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[GNC] Closed Re: [GNC-dev] GnuCash 3.0 wine versus Windoze 10

2018-04-18 Thread jeffrey black
On 04/18/2018 03:09 AM, Alen Siljak wrote:
> Jeffrey, perhaps a stupid question - why don't you install a native linux 
> version of GnuCash instead of running a Windows version under Wine?
> I use the same xml/sql book with linux and windows versions interchangably 
> and there are no issues (that I can see, at least!).
> Also, just for comparison, Windows version loads my book in ~30 seconds while 
> linux version loads the same book in 5. You may even benefit from an 
> increased performance.
> Versions 3.0 and 2.6.19 are not compatible. Version 2.6.21 should be, though. 
> However, can't confirm that 100% as I've moved to 3.0 and it worked ok for me 
> so far.
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at 9:40 AM
>> From: "jeffrey black" 
>> To: "Gnucash userlist" , gnucash-devel 
>> Subject: [GNC-dev] GnuCash 3.0 wine versus Windoze 10
>> Before I do something incredibly stupid, like I did in hard crashing my
>> Windoze server because of a virus (IRS search miss-key, go figure), and
>> the boot partitions seem to be non-repairable even though all data and
>> programs are still on disk.  (And yes, I know stupid of me to not have a
>> current backup).  I still have legacy apps with data stored internally
>> that are not extractable without Windoze and without a reliable backup
>> per partition, per drive, I am not going to touch those drives until I
>> can find a way to recover everything.
>> Can GnuCash 3.0 be run under Wine on Ubuntu Xenial?  3.0 has features
>> that I need.  It wants to install on only my Windoze dives which I will
>> not do until I have all of the data extracted. I have been unable to
>> build 3.0 from source code.  (yes I know Mint is a better choice but;
>> until I recover all of the data from Windoze I am not changing, Ubuntu
>> is up and running, Hallelujah, on it's own dedicated drive).
>> Second Question:  My laptop still has Windoze 10 home, so can I install
>> GnuCash 3.0 on it and use it with Windoze GnuCash Version 2.6.19 data
>> files on the server files which are still accessible via Ubuntu file
>> share with Windoze 10?  Are the data files compatible?  I have 20+ years
>> of data that I definitely can not afford to loose (think divorce).
> .
Thank you for all the suggestions.  I will wait as suggested for version 

For now I will continue with native 2.6.17 under Ubuntu, now my server, 
and 2.6.19 on my Windoze laptop.  They seem to be pretty much compatible 
for transactions entry, allowing me to use the same data files from 
either system.

And for the record, all of the "Linux" variants run faster than the 
current version of Windoze 10!!

Gotta get back to doing the books and finding a way to resurrect the 
boot strap on the Windoze drive so I can extract the last of the data 
from proprietary formats.

Again, my thanks to all of you for the suggestions

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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[GNC] GnuCash 3.0 wine versus Windoze 10

2018-04-18 Thread jeffrey black
Before I do something incredibly stupid, like I did in hard crashing my 
Windoze server because of a virus (IRS search miss-key, go figure), and 
the boot partitions seem to be non-repairable even though all data and 
programs are still on disk.  (And yes, I know stupid of me to not have a 
current backup).  I still have legacy apps with data stored internally 
that are not extractable without Windoze and without a reliable backup 
per partition, per drive, I am not going to touch those drives until I 
can find a way to recover everything.

Can GnuCash 3.0 be run under Wine on Ubuntu Xenial?  3.0 has features 
that I need.  It wants to install on only my Windoze dives which I will 
not do until I have all of the data extracted. I have been unable to 
build 3.0 from source code.  (yes I know Mint is a better choice but; 
until I recover all of the data from Windoze I am not changing, Ubuntu 
is up and running, Hallelujah, on it's own dedicated drive).

Second Question:  My laptop still has Windoze 10 home, so can I install 
GnuCash 3.0 on it and use it with Windoze GnuCash Version 2.6.19 data 
files on the server files which are still accessible via Ubuntu file 
share with Windoze 10?  Are the data files compatible?  I have 20+ years 
of data that I definitely can not afford to loose (think divorce).

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: Finally ready to move from Windoze to Unix, suggestions of flavor of Unix to use **[solved]**

2018-03-21 Thread jeffrey black
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I wish to thank all the people out there for their recommendations of 
which flavor of "Unix" to use.  I will look into the various flavors 
after tax time.

I finally managed to get Ubuntu to recognize the Ethernet port.  So I am 
one step closer to ditching Windoze.

Thank you to all who replied.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: Tax tables

2018-03-21 Thread jeffrey black
On 3/18/2018 11:00 AM, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Mar 18, 2018, at 8:43 AM, Alan Schold  wrote:
>> Wll the tax template in Reports be updated in light of the new US tax law?
> Eventually, when Alex Aycinena finds time to do it.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
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Alex and I have had a discussion about this.

Currently, GnuCash uses Version 41 of the txf (tax exchange format) 
format.  The newest I have been able to locate is V42, which was last 
updated in November of 2011.  These codes are "supposedly" maintained by 
Intuit.  V42 does better represent some I.R.S. forms.  Unfortunately, 
numerous tax forms have changed since then and some new ones added.

Hopefully, Alex will have time to incorporate the V42 txf codes into the 
next stable release of GnuCash.

Personally, I hope there is a newer version of txf codes out there 
somewhere right now that more accurately reflects current tax forms and 
could be incorporated in future revisions of GnuCash.  I have continued 
to look without luck but; maybe some other user or developer, out there 
will have better luck locating a newer version of txf codes.

Either way, GnuCash, in it's current evolution has been a great time 
saver for me and I am grateful for all the effort the developers have 
put into making GnuCash the best accounting software available.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Finally ready to move from Windoze to Unix, suggestions of flavor of Unix to use

2018-03-14 Thread jeffrey black
I realize this is the wrong forum to ask but; I am finally looking to 
ditch Windoze 10 completely.

I am at my wits end trying to get ubuntu to work with my system. I have 
tried every post I can find on activating the ethernet and wifi, none of 
which work.

I have an iBUYPOWER intel core I5 computer with the Realtek 
RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit ethernet controller, and usb:o 
realtek generic usb device 802.11ac wlan adapter (usb 2), all built into 
the motherboard.  The motherboard model is H170-pro.  Meaning I have no 
internet, wifi, or networking capability under ubuntu.

I can run ubuntu 14 in a vm window but; it is even slower than Windoze 
10 pro 64-bit.  And Windoze 10 is painfully slow now. GnuCash takes 
forever to load with all the additional junk micro$oft has added.  Under 
the VM, go to town and eat dinner before GnuCash loads.

Does anyone have a suggestion on what flavor of Unix I should use on 
this computer?     Wifi, networking and GnuCash are mandatory 
requirements for me to switch.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: : importing

2018-03-12 Thread jeffrey black
On 3/11/2018 6:32 PM, David Carlson wrote:
> Welcome to GnuCash!
> Since you have already found the qfx importer you are almost there.  Each
> QIF file contains only transactions from one financial institution and
> probably only for one or two accounts.
> You simply follow the steps that appear after starting the importer.  It
> will first ask you which account or accounts you want the transactions to
> apply to if it has never seen a file from that bank, then it will create a
> list of all the new transactions and try to get you to decide where you
> want them to go.  Finally it will actually import them when you click ok.
> If you are unsure which other account to assign, leave the transaction
> unassigned so you can fix it later.
> I always save my data just before any import so I can go back and try again
> if I decide that I made a mistake.
> Good luck!
> David C
> On Sun, Mar 11, 2018, 4:24 PM Beri Hull  wrote:
>> Hi, I am new to gnucash and want to import data from my various bank and
>> investment accounts that I have imported to finder as qfx files.  I  am
>> able to import  data as qfx  files that appear listed in a box titled
>> generic import transaction matcher.I need the transactions imported
>> into  my register.  I have tried dragging,  clicking and cannot figure out
>> how to get them there.   I have found not one instruction, forum discussion
>> or video that  explains how to get the transactions into the proper gnucash
>> accounts.  To do this  must be so simple that it has escaped me.
>> Neri
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I think I understand what you are overlooking.

When the QFX/OFX importer imports your QFX file you will be asked where 
to put the transactions if it does not recognize the financial 
institution (Visa, Amex,  ...).

Once you actually see the individual transactions it will guess which 
corresponding account (groceries, gas) to post to.  If you like what a 
transaction matches, go to the next one.  If you do not like what it 
matches (or says New, UNBALANCED ) double click the "A" box.  You 
will then be asked which account to match the transaction to.  Once you 
like what you see for all of the transactions, click the "OK" button.

I also suggest that if it checks either the "U+R" or "R" box, that you 
double click the the "U+R" or "R" box just to make sure it matches the 
right transaction.  If not, double click the "A" box and manually match it.

And any time you do a manual match, you have the opportunity to create a 
new account to put it in if need be.

Hope this helps.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: Printing no longer works on Windows 10 Pro

2018-03-02 Thread jeffrey black
On 2/22/2018 1:53 AM, David Carlson wrote:
> I seem to recall that GnuCash uses a different printing system dialog than
> most other windows programs.  Perhaps a developer knows where to look for
> this problem.
> David C
> On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 1:49 AM, David Carlson 
> wrote:
>> When printing checks the same thing happens when clicking on the Print
>> button in the check printing box.  There would not be a work-around for
>> that.
>> David C
>> On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 11:16 PM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
>>> As a work around, perhaps try the Export as PDF function, then print the
>>> exported PDF from a PDF viewer?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Greg Feneis
>>> On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 7:19 PM, jeffrey black <
>>> beastmaster...@hotmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Does anyone have any idea of why version 2.6.19 of GnuCash will no
>>>> longer recognize any physical printer hooked to my Windows 10 Pro
>>>> computer?  All other windoze programs do, and until today I have been
>>>> able to print any GnuCash report on this computer. Split lines and all.
>>>> I needed a quick and dirty one page report so didn't do the html export
>>>> print or I would not have noticed. It has worked before, I use it to
>>>> print tax reports for each month of the year.
>>>> Just to check, I looked on my laptop which has windoze 10 home with
>>>> GnuCash 2.6.19, and it recognizes and prints to all of my printers.
>>>> Both computers are running 64 bit versions of windoze, one pro the other
>>>> home, and I am using the same data file on both computers (moved the
>>>> portable usb drive).
>>>> I have rebooted the computer, unistalled 2.6.19 and reinstalled from a
>>>> new download.
>>>> Suggestions (besides dumping windoze, I am down to two legacy apps, then
>>>> Hallelujah Unix here I come) ?
>>>> --JEffrey Black M.B.A.
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I have no idea what caused it but; the active printer list is working 
now.  All of my printers are showing up and working with 2.6.19 again.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Printing no longer works on Windows 10 Pro

2018-02-21 Thread jeffrey black
Does anyone have any idea of why version 2.6.19 of GnuCash will no 
longer recognize any physical printer hooked to my Windows 10 Pro 
computer?  All other windoze programs do, and until today I have been 
able to print any GnuCash report on this computer. Split lines and all.  
I needed a quick and dirty one page report so didn't do the html export 
print or I would not have noticed. It has worked before, I use it to 
print tax reports for each month of the year.

Just to check, I looked on my laptop which has windoze 10 home with 
GnuCash 2.6.19, and it recognizes and prints to all of my printers.

Both computers are running 64 bit versions of windoze, one pro the other 
home, and I am using the same data file on both computers (moved the 
portable usb drive).

I have rebooted the computer, unistalled 2.6.19 and reinstalled from a 
new download.

Suggestions (besides dumping windoze, I am down to two legacy apps, then 
Hallelujah Unix here I come) ?

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: How to assign transaction to accounts automatically.

2018-02-20 Thread jeffrey black
On 2/20/2018 10:03 AM, Edward Bridges wrote:
> If you downloaded the transactions in QIF format, you may find this tool 
> interesting:
> https://github.com/Kraymer/qifqif
> I have used for about a year now and it's really effective at categorizing 
> transactions to the correct account before importing.
> On Tue, Feb 20, 2018, at 10:09 AM, John Ralls wrote:
>>> On Feb 20, 2018, at 4:39 AM, Hans Deragon  wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> New user here.  I downloaded 500 transactions from my credit card bank
>>> site, all assigned to 'Imbalanced-CAD'.  Now, how can I set rules to
>>> automatically assign transactions to a specific account?  For instance,
>>> any transaction with "^ESSO.*" or "^SHELL.*" must be reassigned to
>>> Car:Gasoline.  I fail to find that information on the web, except that
>>> when importing, GnuCash trains itself and does that automatically at the
>>> next import.
>>> But what about my 500 transactions that are already imported?  What
>>> about if one wants to reassign transactions to another account, after a
>>> month of careful thinking?  Does a user have to go through all
>>> transactions manually?
>>> As a workaround, is it possible to convert the GnuCash file into Unicode
>>> and use scripting languages to manipulate the transactions, then convert
>>> it back to its binary format?
>>> Using GnuCash 2.6.12 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
>> No, GnuCash does not train itself: You have to train it. You do that by
>> assigning the transactions to accounts during import. That’s what that
>> dialog with all of the yellow was about. Your best course of action is
>> to go to the backup from before the import and start over.
>> Otherwise, yes, the only way to change transactions is one-at-a-time.
>> You can speed it up a bit using the Edit>Find to select a group of
>> transactions that you want to change to a particular. You’ll get a
>> editable register and you can just go down the list changing each
>> transfer account.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
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I assume you are using the OFX/QFX importer.  As Derek recommends you have a 
choice of either reverting your data back to before the import and then 
correctly assign the transactions (preferably with a small number of 
transactions at a time) or manually reassign all 500 and then proceed to 
retrain the importer for all future transactions. If you revert back to a 
previous backup, you will also have to re-enter all transactions entered after 
that import.

Derek could probably write a Python script in his sleep to do the corrections, 
if he ever sleeps.  Personally I don't think that he ever does sleep (:-))!! 
His up-time is longer than the servers.  So that is not an option.

Also personally, I have grown tired of the downloads I get from my financial 
institutions, all "YELLING" at me with payee names that are not human friendly 
when I forget to enter a transaction first.  I have been bludgeoning a Perl 
script to make the downloaded OFX/QFX files more friendly.  IE. "^SHELL.*" will 
be replaced with "Shell Gas".  If you have just a few names to change, you can 
easily use a search & replace with a good text editor or awk/sed on all future 
downloaded OFX/QFX files, and QIF for that matter.  It will bypass what the 
Bayesian logic has already learned. Doesn't solve your current 500 transactions 
problem I know but; will make your books more readable if you neglect to enter 
a transaction in the future.

Just my 2 U.S. cents worth.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: Installation

2018-02-06 Thread jeffrey black
ved. Wondering if 
>>> this program requires programming skills to set up: other non-programmers 
>>> seem it use it. Idea was to link office Windows 10 and home Mac (Sierra) 
>>> systems through iCloud, replacing Windows-only Quickbooks and Mac Quicken. 
>>> Is Gnucash basically for the IT-savvy, i.e. getting stable version 
>>> established on systems so they work like standard software? Also, can 
>>> Windows and Mac versions maintain same data sets? Will guidebook help, of 
>>> is it that if you’re having my sort of issues you’re too stupid?
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Jonathan Ames, Ph.D.
>>> 415 N. Tioga Street #205
>>> Ithaca NY 14850
>>> Office: 607-319-5118
>>> Cell: 607-227-4792
>>> jnthn.a...@gmail.com
>>> www.whatnowconnect.com
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I see that a couple of the GnuCash guru's have already responded to your 

Just my 2 cents worth.  Since you seem to have mastered quickbooks, the 
only learning curve you have is learning a new "personality".

My suggestion, that I think you can appreciate as a psychologist, is 
that you are dealing with multiple personalities. Quickbooks on Windoze, 
quicken on a Macintosh, then adding GnuCash. You need to merge them all 
into one personality on your cloud account.

After installing GnuCash on one computer, convert the quicken (or books) 
into a GnuCash personality on your cloud account not your computer.  
Then install Gnucash on the other computer.  Open the cloud data file 
and add the personality of the other quicken data to your Gnucash data.  
Once you do that then choose one computer to learn about your new 
"person". Once you understand that one, then and only then, begin to 
learn about how the other computer handles the same personality.  (just 
so you know, being the paranoid type I do not trust internet cloud 
accounts for sensitive information) From there on you can use either 
computer to access the data but; by one and only one computer at any 
given time.

Gert, Adrien, and several other of the guru's can direct you to the 
various documents showing you how to do each step in their sleep.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: Does anyone successfully use GNU Android App. If not get it off the main web site.

2018-01-28 Thread jeffrey black
On 1/28/2018 8:31 AM, john_mike wrote:
> Dear All,
> I gave up trying to import the QIF file generated by the Android App.
> I exported from Android as XML then opened that file in GNU Cash. This had
> the dates of the transactions the narrative (well some of it) and the
> relevant accounts and about 30% of the values.
> I have nearly gone blind going through each transaction on my phone and
> entering the amount in the GNU Cash file.
> Now I need to work out how to import these completed transactions into my
> main file.
> I think I am done with the Android App. Every time I try to use it in messes
> up. It is therefore a huge waste of time.
> One of the reasons I started with GNU was the option of having the Android
> companion.
> Clearly it doesn't work. Clearly it was never intended to be a 'clone' of
> the main GNU Cash Application.
> Might I suggest that it is removed from the GNU Cash web site. It is
> detrimental to GNU Cash which by and large works. The Android App is just a
> huge waste of time.
> I wondered if there is any intention to create an App that works.
> All I wish to do is record stuff on the phone and load it to the PC. Is this
> possible / achievable.
> What I don't want is to spend time recording stuff on my phone and then
> spend 3-4 days transferring it across as that is completely pointless and
> very frustrating. It would be much better to remove the current offering
> from the system as it is setting a false user expectation. Which it turn
> leads to mistrust of GNU Cash.
> --
> Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-User-f1415819.html
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I use the Android app on my LG phone.  For me it works wonderfully.  It 
does lack a few features of  GnuCash on the desktop.  Most notably Check 
number.  And it requires a little getting used to for doing split 

I do need to trim my account list on the phone, I have all of my 
accounts in the app.  I don't really need accounts like depreciation 
while pumping gas.  The really nice thing is I can log my transactions 
as I do them rather than reading a bunch of crumpled up receipts at the 
end of the week.

All I do is export the app data to a qif file and use the usb port to 
transfer it to my desktop.  Never had a problem with it. I have never 
tried exporting as xml.

Keep in mind the android app is an entirely separate product, developed 
by a different group.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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2018-01-22 Thread jeffrey black
I am doing the books for my father , who now has accounts with AT&T.  On 
importing any ofx file of his, from different banks, where he pays AT&T  
the "&" character causes the description field (Payee) to be truncated 
at the & character. I know the import truncates at 32 characters on ofx 
files but; not on special characters.  All UTF-8 files with say Chinese 
characters import correctly.

IE.  AT&T DIRECTTV exists in the  field of the ofx file but; when 
I import it I get AT not AT&T DIRECTTV.

To me it seems the importer is considering the & as a special character, 
like in Perl, but doesn't know what to do with it.

Anyone else seeing this in GnuCash 2.6.19 for Windoze 10?

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: Gnucash freezes while loading data

2018-01-21 Thread jeffrey black
On 1/21/2018 8:50 AM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> Those don’t sound like large files, so it sounds like there might be 
> something wrong. Do they ALL hang, or only some of them?
> I will admit that I am not one to advise on importing, as I don’t do it much. 
> That being said, I would take a close look at the source files—especially the 
> date fields, as GnuCash can be somewhat finicky around variably-formed dates.
> David T.
>> On Jan 21, 2018, at 6:59 PM, Paul Konnersman  wrote:
>> Thank you for the suggestions David T.
>> Each of the files that I have been trying to import contains three weeks of 
>> transactions from one bank account. They are all between 1kb and 3kb.
>> Paul
>> On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 1:15 AM, David T. > <mailto:sunfis...@yahoo.com>> wrote:
>> Moreover, any import process can take a long time to complete (with no 
>> indication of progress). If you are importing a large csv file (as you might 
>> be doing if you are migrating in to GnuCash), it can be especially time 
>> consuming. Five or ten minutes is not unheard of.
>> Try again and wait it out, as David C. suggests.
>> If it really gets hung up, you would be well-advised to break the import up 
>> into smaller portions, thus reducing the time to process any given subset, 
>> and also increasing the likelihood of finding any erroneous data that might 
>> be causing a glitch. Heck, you may want to do this anyway.
>> David T.
>>> On Jan 21, 2018, at 4:45 AM, David Carlson >> <mailto:david.carlson@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Not sure how you know it is 'frozen' after such a short time.  GnuCash does
>>> not have any 'activity' indicator. Try giving it several minutes.
>>> David C
>>> On Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 4:19 PM, Paul Konnersman >> <mailto:konners...@gmail.com>>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I have just made the decision to use Gnucash. So far I have successfully
>>>> imported my chart of accounts from a csv-file and attempted to import a
>>>> csv-file of transaction data. After 20-30 seconds of the transaction import
>>>> Gnucash freezes and I have to force quit. Any suggestions will be
>>>> appreciated.
>>>> Paul
>>>> Running Gnucash 2.6.19 with OSX High Sierra on a Macbook Pro
>>>> --
>>>> *Paul M. Konnersman*
>>>> *konners...@gmail.com <mailto:konners...@gmail.com> >>> <mailto:konners...@gmail.com>>*
>>>> *781-639-0616 *
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I can not speak for the OS you are running, GnuCash may look a little 
different.  As will your Quicken program.  I am still running Windoze.

My version (2014), of quicken, will not export to .csv, only .qif and 
.qfx.  I would recommend exporting to .qif instead.  The qif exported 
file will allow for multiple split transactions, I do not know about the 
csv export.  If I remember correctly I exported all of my quicken data 
in one shot and imported it.

Sometimes GnuCash has to "chew" on an import for a while.  I frequently 
get a message in the top title bar that Gnucash is "not responding".  
Wait a few minutes and see if it finishes.  I gave up on .csv imports 
because I could never assign the right fields. All I use is .qif and .ofx.

If csv is your only choice, try loading one of your csv files into a 
spreadsheet program, it makes it easier to see the layout. If it is a 
layout problem the spreadsheet program will complain. Then look for 
inconsistency's  in the data fields.

If that doesn't work then you will have to look at your csv file the 
hard way, with a text editor.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: Year end issues

2018-01-15 Thread jeffrey black
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I vaguely remember an answer to your question about file size from one 
of the team of developers.  If I remember correctly it is only limited 
by the OS, memory, and drive size.

At this time I would not worry about it.  I imported my Quicken data 
dating back to 1990.  I am running Windoze 10 (1 is 32bit other is 
64-bit) on two different computers, it's a pain but; I keep my laptop in 
sync with my desktop machine by directly copying the data files when 
needed.  Right now I stand at a file size of 45 MB, plus 10 roll backs 
in the same folder, each of which is roughly the same size.  You can set 
the number of log/backup files in the Edit/Preferences menu, tab 
General.  The particular folder I have it in has about 880 MB of files 
and sub-folders.

As far as zeroing out the accounts for each year, you could do as Ken 
and David suggested and keep separate accounts by year but; there will 
be related to transactions going back to the previous year.  Checks, 
credit cards and Accounts Payable/Receivable are a good examples.  You 
would have transactions from 2016 and 2017 that you paid for in 2017 or 
possibly paid for in 2016 and would not easily know what you paid for.  
There are some cases where the taxing authority, and your tax preparer, 
will frown on that.  IRS and state tax regulations can be quite a pain 

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: Farmer Question

2018-01-10 Thread jeffrey black
x27;m smart enough.

Go for it!!!  How can you learn if you do not try?

Double entry is not as hard as you think it is.  It is just takes a 
little bit of time.  Your biggest hurdle will be overcoming the 
checkbook entry mentality.  You are now using a real double accounting 
system that requires you to associate every dollar in everyone of your 
pants pockets to every dollar that goes in or out. You can get to the 
fancy stuff later, like depreciation which is not currently a feature of 
GnuCash, right now you have to figure it by hand.

And don't feel bad, I threw my companies QuickBooks program in the 
dumpster about 30 minutes after I installed it.

JEffrey Black M.B.A.

> Thanks,
> Jim
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Re: Dealing with a large QIF file

2017-12-28 Thread jeffrey black
On 12/24/2017 8:08 PM, Lincoln A Baxter wrote:
> On Mon, 2017-12-25 at 00:46 +, cliffhan...@gardener.com wrote:
>>     Thanks. Yes one can import one at a time but this cheque ac from
>>     Quicken is huge and has references to other card accounts as
>> categories
>>     within it. These accounts don't exist anymore and gnucash is
>> trying to
>>     create them as part of the import. This is something I'd like to
>> avoid.
>>     Hope this makes sense. Cliff
>>      Original Message 
>>     Subject: Re: Dealing with a large QIF file
>>     From: Colin Law
>>     To: Cliff McDiarmid
>>     CC: gnucash-user@gnucash.org
>>   You should be able to export one account at a time from Quicken,
>> I
>>   think. Then import them one at a time.
>>   Colin
>>   On 24 December 2017 at 19:02, Cliff McDiarmid wrote:
>>   > Hi
>>   >
>>   > I'm importing a large QIF file(a current a/c)about 6000
>> entries.
>>   > There are about a dozen other a/c's from Quicken, now closed,
>>   > associated with this large file. When importing, Gnucash seems
>> to
>>   > want to create these defunct a/c's to 'balance the books'. I
>>   assume
>>   > there isn't any way of avoiding this. The whole thing looks
>> like
>>   it
>>   > will be horrendous. I've imported some small credit card a/c's
>>   already
>>   > with success, but they were not any of these other closed
>>   accounts.
>>   >
>>   > Any advice please.
>>   > thanks
>>   >
>>   > Cliff
> You might want to try editing the QIF file, and change all the
> different categories referring legacy card accounts to one name.  Call
> it "Legacy Card" or something like that.
> In Quicken there was not enforcement of consistency of category
> names... Quicken just said "ok" to what ever you put it.  It is pretty
> loosy goosy.  But after you get things into GC, you can clean it up. I
> was start, as a said, with the pre cleanup.  It is likely to make your
> conversion easier.
> Lincoln
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Don't worry about it, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.  I 
transferred all of my Quicken data, more than 20 years to Gnucash in one 
shot.  I can not recall the link that told how to do it at the moment.  
Export all your quicken data and let GnuCash import ALL of the data.  
GnuCash will work it's "magic".

To make a long story short, do not worry about the closed accounts.  Let 
GnuCash create them.  Make a top level account for each type of account, 
IE. Closed credit cards.  Once done and you get a chance to correct all 
the erroneous entries (read that as using a hidden "corrected balance 
account") that Quicken allowed then just edit the accounts and change 
them to children of master accounts, "Closed credit cards", "Unused 
checking", etc.  Hide the master account of "unused" whatever.  In my 
case I needed to remember transactions from closed accounts for warranty 
and shall we say domestic problems for the entire 20+ years.  None of 
which I wanted to see but; necessary for my financial "sayftey".

Then just create or use any accounts that you need.

Happy accounting days ahead...Enjoy and rejoice!

While GnuChash does no have all the "Fancy n Nancy, flashy ability" of 
commercial programs it is a real accounting system.   I greatly wish I 
had the ability to donate one USD to each and every developer.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: Receipt scanners, recommendations?

2017-12-21 Thread jeffrey black
On 12/21/2017 3:05 PM, George Riner wrote:
> Is your question regarding a general purpose scanner?
> Or is your point about a application/tool that will process a scanned image 
> of a receipt and create a ready-to-import file of accounts, descriptions, 
> memos, and amounts - with splits?
> : George
> -- -- --
> Sent by Droid.
> On December 21, 2017 11:56:54 AM PST, John Ralls  wrote:
>>> On Dec 21, 2017, at 11:42 AM, jeffrey black
>>  wrote:
>>> I am using GnuCash (Windoze version) to track multiple sets of books.
>>> My personal, my farm, my wife's business, and for another family
>> members
>>> personal and business.  Needless to say I am buried up to my ears in
>>> receipts and would like to go paperless by storing the images in
>>> GnuCash.  My flatbed scanner works but; is not a reasonable option.
>>> Right now, my budget would have to be a maximum of about $400 USD.  I
>>> need to scan everything from 2 inch wide thermal receipts up to to
>> full
>>> size 8 1/2 X 11  inch receipts.
>>> As soon as I can replace several legacy apps I intend to ditch
>> Windoze
>>> and move everything over to Unix (probably Ubuntu), so compatibility
>>> would be an issue.
>>> I would like to hear your recommendations.
>> I've been very pleased with my Fujitsu ScanSnap. They publish a linux
>> driver, see
>> http://www.fujitsu.com/global/support/products/computing/peripheral/scanners/sp/software/ubuntu.html.
>> I use mine with a Mac so I can't vouch for that part.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
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The main purpose is to just scan the receipts so I can toss the paper in 
the shredder.

IF there is an application/tool that is capable of creating a 
ready-to-import file that would be a huge bonus.  A large portion of 
these receipts have multiple splits, which I assume would still be done 
manually in GnuCash.  The conversion program(s) would also have reside 
strictly on my computers, no internet processing or fees.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Receipt scanners, recommendations?

2017-12-21 Thread jeffrey black
I am using GnuCash (Windoze version) to track multiple sets of books.  
My personal, my farm, my wife's business, and for another family members 
personal and business.  Needless to say I am buried up to my ears in 
receipts and would like to go paperless by storing the images in 
GnuCash.  My flatbed scanner works but; is not a reasonable option.

Right now, my budget would have to be a maximum of about $400 USD.  I 
need to scan everything from 2 inch wide thermal receipts up to to full 
size 8 1/2 X 11  inch receipts.

As soon as I can replace several legacy apps I intend to ditch Windoze 
and move everything over to Unix (probably Ubuntu), so compatibility 
would be an issue.

I would like to hear your recommendations.

---JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: New user questions

2017-10-03 Thread jeffrey black
up for mileage, one for each round 
trip, and one accumulated mileage.  In simple terms the round trip 
mileage is dollars and payee is to/from vendor/doctor.  In your case you 
may have to use actual odometer reading, like I hear on my scanner.  For 
me, accumulated round trip mileage is considered as an income account 
(love U.S. tax code, NOT) while individual round trip miles are an 
expense I pay out of pocket which go with each transaction.  At tax time 
I simply drop of the dollar sign and magically it is mileage.

You would also need accounts for start time and end time going to an 
accumulated time account.  Again, magically time is dollars.  o 8 
hundred 30 is $8.30 .

Location to is Payee, from is Notes.  Or you could combine them. With a 
little more planning you could even have accounts for beginning mileage 
and ending mileage going to respective accumulated mileage, with Payee 
to on start mileage and a return Payee on end mileage.

All of these go into one transaction.  Play with the report generator 
and get a report that you can hopefully turn in as is or with a little 
addition and subtraction you can put the numbers directly into the forms 
required by your department.  A black Sharpie to mark out dollar signs 
where needed?

Like I said, GNU-Cash was developed for double entry "money" entry.  
Money used to be beads, bear skins, etc.  Once you convince your self to 
think outside the box, GNU-Cash is an extremely formidable program.  For 
your purposes "money" in any pair of accounts can be any commodity you 
want it to be.  They do not all have to be dollars despite the dollar 
sign in front of them.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: Merging imported transactions

2017-09-26 Thread jeffrey black

I may be wrong but: it sounds like the Bayesian matching routine has been 
taught to match these transactions to "Imbalance-USD".  You need to do several 
small imports of ofx/qfx files, from any and all of these financial 
institutions that use ofx/qfx.  The Bayesian matching routine is going to have 
to be "UN-taught" to point at the wrong account.  Do several small imports.  I 
do not know how many transactions you run monthly but; for sake of argument let 
us say import only a half-dozen transactions at a time (over time you can 
increase the number as it learns).  The Bayesian matching routine catches on 
faster that way, short fast lessons not long boring ones.  Since you are 
getting a lot of Imbalance transactions select the "A" box and manually select 
the account where the transaction should go.  After 2 or 3 imports the importer 
should slowly begin to catch on so you can use the "R"econcile option more 
often.  It will help some if you can already have some of the transactions 
already entered manually, and always check to see if the "R"econcile brings up 
the right transaction, if so reward it and select "R"econcile otherwise correct 
it by manually selecting the proper account with the "A" option.  Keep in mind 
you have to double click either side of the "A", "U", "R" box's to see what it 
is matching to.

Right now all it knows is all imported transactions balance with 
"Imbalance-USD".  Think of it as a 2 year old who's favorite word is "NO", 
latter it will be "CAN I HAVE THIS ONE?".  Until it "learns" to associate a 
specific payer to a specific payee you will have to manually assign each 
transaction with the "A" option.  Like David said, the matching routine is not 
perfect so you need to double check each transaction as you accept the match.

QIF works a lot differently.  And when you get to importing PayPal at 
individual transaction level, well  aspirin and a ball bat help.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

From: gnucash-user 
 on behalf of 
David Carlson 
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 9:23 PM
To: Warner Losh
Cc: gnucash-user@gnucash.org
Subject: Re: Merging imported transactions

The OFX import assistant includes a step to match newly imported
transactions to existing transactions, as you probably noticed.

The problem is that it is error prone and has to be monitored carefully
during the import process.  I prefer to import a small number of
transactions at a time so that I am less likely to be overwhelmed.

The program is supposed to learn from previous imports and improve it's
accuracy eventually, but in my experience it still seems to make a lot of
mis-matches.  I still end up with duplicates when it fails to find the
correct match or I just get tired of searching and just let the duplicates
through.  I am less likely to miss a transaction if I use the import
assistant, so I continue to use it.

David C

On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Warner Losh  wrote:

> Greetings,
> I download all my transactions from my back in quickbooks OFX format. I
> import them into gnu cash. This works well; however, I’ve hit a snag.
> I have a credit card, a paypal account and a bank account. These all have
> different formats for downloading the data from, which I can convert to
> something gnu cash can import. When I do this, though, I have a small
> problem. The bank account comes in via OFX, so has lots of Imbalance-USD
> entries. I’ve used this account for the import of some items from the
> credit card and paypal accounts as well. So I wind up with a transaction in
> the bank ledger that is a payment to the credit card, but doesn’t credit
> that account. There’s also a separate transaction in the credit card that’s
> a payment from the bank, but doesn’t debit the bank account. In a sense,
> there’s two double entries I’d like to combine to eliminate the
> Imbalance-USD account entirely since I don’t think that’s a real account
> and find it sloppy book keeping. Is there anything I can use to merge
> entries when I’m replying on downloading the bulk of the data rather than
> entering it myself?
> Thanks for any help you can give me here.
> Warner
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OFX data file question

2017-08-16 Thread Jeffrey Black
I'm not sure where to look to find this information.  I am looking for a
description/list of the  fields GnuCash uses or rather needs out of
OFX/QFX files.

I am tired of GnuCash screaming at me on any of the ofx/qfx transactions it
imports if I miss keying in a receipt.

Every transaction I miss keying in it screams :"HEY IDIOT YOU HAVE AN OFX
TRANSACTION HERE FROM ONO MARIO CAS".  Since we are pretty much creatures of
habit I know that the transaction is :"Casey's Marionvile Farm Fuel".  I do
not need 9 leading zeroes on check numbers, lop em off.  Checks posted
electronically at Wally World have a check number in the  field, find
it put it in the  field.  I habitually put "txfr", "dbt" and  "eft"
in check number fields.  Same problem with credit cards, the fields are all
upper case, that is as far as I am concerned screaming.

I managed to learn enough Perl to rewrite Lloyd's Perl script for PayPal
csv2qif to give me qif files I could use to fairly easily make sense of the
mess my wife makes of business and personal accounts with PayPal.  Now I am
working on trying to make ofx/qfx files that shall we say are more "pretty".

The problem is I am not good enough with Perl, yet, to put all the fields
the script reads in back in the output file in the right order unless I am
specifically look for them,  or I have to add one (like adding ).

What I need to know is where to find what fields GnuCash's importer expects
to find in a credit card type file and in a bank file.  Can anyone out there
tell me where to go..eh rephrase that.  Where can I find the information on
what the importer thinks it needs to properly import an ofx/qfx file?

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

I'm beginning to wish I had just fired up a Pascal or COBOL compiler and
been done with it but; gotta do something to keep these old brain cells
learning new tricks.

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Re: Printing reports without spliting text across pages

2017-08-09 Thread Jeffrey Black
Anita Graves-2 wrote
> Jeffrey, I suggest you change your print image to about 97% in your print
> program.  That worked for me.  Anita
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Mac always has had better printing capability, that is the reason my class
mates always fought over the one and only one available to us when I was
getting my Masters degree, way back in the dark-ages of computers. 

Reducing print size has no effect on the split lines at pagination on
Windoze.  Or my issue of importing into Open Office.

However; You might just be a genius.

I need to find a legacy version of Adobe Acrobat reader for Micro$soft and
also find out if GNU Cash locks the PDF exported file.  If the file is not
locked then I might just be able to export the file from Acrobat Reader
intact complete with formatting just as I did with the Beef newsletter from
my local extension office.

The formatting of the newsletter was a lot simpler but; if this works then I
get the text without the mangled formatting of HTML.  Graphics are easy
enough to grab with right click and save if I have to.

Worth a shot;

Thank you for the idea

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: Printing reports without spliting text across pages

2017-08-09 Thread Jeffrey Black

Why not export to html and then import directly to open office?

Sent using my mobile device. Please excuse any typos.

On August 8, 2017 8:49:59 PM Jeffrey Black <beastmaster126@> wrote:

> The last post I can find on this is from 2013, and there were no
> satisfactory
> answers then.
> Does anyone know how or of a utility that will allow me to print reports
> without the text splitting in half across page breaks?  PDF does not work
> and besides I can not import it into my documents.  HTML export to a
> browser
> is not really an option as I need to add these reports to documents in
> Open
> Office.
> Any suggestions other OCR scanning HTML printouts?
> --JEffrey Black M.B.A.

Last several times I tried directly importing a report as HTML I ended up
spending more time reformatting the page than I would have just typing it in
in the first place.  I either did something wrong in the import or I just
got frustrated with the short time frame I had to work in.

Besides you tend to get lazy as you get older.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Re: Printing reports without spliting text across pages

2017-08-09 Thread Jeffrey Black

On 9 August 2017 at 11:31, Geert Janssens <geert.gnucash@> wrote:
> On woensdag 9 augustus 2017 02:47:52 CEST Jeffrey Black wrote:
>> The last post I can find on this is from 2013, and there were no
>> satisfactory answers then.
>> Does anyone know how or of a utility that will allow me to print reports
>> without the text splitting in half across page breaks?  PDF does not work
>> and besides I can not import it into my documents.  HTML export to a
>> browser
>> is not really an option as I need to add these reports to documents in
>> Open
>> Office.
> The good news is that in gnucash 2.8 this will no longer be an issue. The
> more
> recent webkit2 being used does properly handle page breaks.
> The bad news is our Windows version of gnucash 2.8 will stick with webkit1
> as
> webkit2 is not available there. So unfortunately on Windows the page
> breaks
> will continue to be borked. For now there is no solution to this.

Other than the obvious one to not use Windows.
That may sound like a flippant comment, but actually it is not
difficult to move to something like Ubuntu unless you absolutely need
an application that is only available on Windows. I did it some years
ago and have never regretted it. It is great to feel that one is back
in control of one's PC again.


As you and Geert pointed out moving to a Unix based system would be the
smart thing to do, for many reasons.  Unfortunately I am still stuck with
some legacy WidoZe apps for which there are no replacements, yet.  Once I
can find suitable replacements for them I will happily remove the only
legally available computer virus in the world from my computer and go
strictly with a UNIX box.  

You have no idea how happy I was when I discovered GnuCash and it's very
unrelated distant cousin GnuCash for Android.

Since I do not want to take a chance on wiping my windows boot drive just
yet I think I will take your suggestions and try running a copy of Ubuntu in
a VMware box and printing reports from there.  Simple enough to get access
to a copy of my data files.

Thanks for the idea.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Printing reports without spliting text across pages

2017-08-08 Thread Jeffrey Black
The last post I can find on this is from 2013, and there were no satisfactory
answers then.

Does anyone know how or of a utility that will allow me to print reports
without the text splitting in half across page breaks?  PDF does not work
and besides I can not import it into my documents.  HTML export to a browser
is not really an option as I need to add these reports to documents in Open

Any suggestions other OCR scanning HTML printouts?

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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Searching for transactions

2017-08-08 Thread Jeffrey Black
I am sure there have been similar questions asked many times and answers
posted somewhere before but; I can't seem to ask google the right questions. 
Being a now former Quicken user, all the way back to the very first version,
I am tired of paying the extortion fees and using sloppy accounting methods. 
I have unfortunately become dependent on it's search/replace and reports.

I am currently using GnuCash 2.16.7 on Window$ 10.  GnuCash has it's quirks
but; so do I.

The find transaction feature has been somewhat problematic for me to get the
hang of.  


Is there any way at all to make the Edit/Find put all results, each time it
is used to refine a search, in a new search tab instead of the current
search tab?  I frequently find I need to refine a search and if I
inadvertently type in the wrong criteria oops -- blank result tab.  Start
all over because all results of the previous searches are gone now.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.


I even discovered accidentally that GnuCash also, while not designed to, can
track U.S. tax deductible mileage (medical, farm, etc) and my cattle herd
records (calves, breeding etc).  Now if it would just track the cows when
they hide in the timber!! 

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Re: Importing Memo data via QIF

2017-08-08 Thread Jeffrey Black
Thomas Young wrote
> I have been unable to import data in the M field using QIF import. 
> Everything else imports OK, but the Memo data does not import. How do I 
> import the Memo field data using QIF import?
> ___
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I am no expert on this but; despite what the documentation says on QIF
format files the order of the fields is important.  Especially if you use
split transactions.  I learned that the hard way converting CSV files to
QIF.  If you have one from your financial institution that you can look at
with a text editor a simple QIF file will make more sense.  Oh, and the
first few lines of the file have to tell what kind of account we are dealing
with.  Shortest might be:


Without seeing a sample of your file it is hard to say what the problem is. 
First go up to the menu and select View then either Auto-split or
Transaction journal.  Select one of the records you imported and see if the
memo is showing up any place you did not expect it to.

If it is not using split transactions then the only problem I ran into was
to make sure the "M" was the last field before the "^" record separator.

If the file is using split transactions then the "M" must occur before the
splits.  In the files I have "M" is before the first split "L".  The memo
for a split is "E" and must immediately follow the "L" category and "S"
categories respectively.


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