[Goanet] Query on Simputers...

2002-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha

Please see below... FN


Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 23:23:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [Goanet] INVITE: Talk on Simputers, Saturday morning 

Are the Simputers already on sale in Goa? Has anyone
tried this product? can somebody give me the feedback
on it if they have used it.
Thanks Joaquim

Joaquim, D-Link, the  (Verna) Goa-based company is talking about
beginning to manufacture Simputers in about a month's time. More details 
below. FN


By Frederick Noronha

QUITE SOME TIME after it first attracted global attention for the boldness
of its goals, the Simputer is slowly marching past finishing line. Some look
at it with skeptism; others with hope. 

It's reputation has spread far and wide, and many are looking out for it to
actually hit the markets. The Simputer promises low-cost and sharable
computing through a small hand-held device that is capable of undertaking an
amazing range of tasks. 

It could cost as little as US$200 in its low-end versions, while a Simputer
Junior is being thought of which could cost even less than that price. This
device is aimed at making computing affordable in the Third World's rural
areas, which have been largely overlooked by multinationals who complain of
a glut in global computing markets even as they make over-powered and
over-costly computers that increasingly thousands of millions can't afford.

Could this simple computing device -- at least in some small way --
challenge the logic of the market, and underline the need of IT reaching out
to the poor? If US-returned Indian scientists can dare to dream to boldly --
despite the many difficulties en route -- could IT really reach out to meet
the needs of the commonman, instead of simply mimicking Western trends and
rushing where profit margins are maximum?

The poor are a largely neglected market, but they too have a huge
commercial potential, argues Vinay L Deshpande, the chairman and CEO of the
Bangalore-based Encore Software. Deshpande, till a few weeks back, was also
the the president of the New Delhi-based MAIT, the association of IT

Besides being involved in the design of the Simputer, Deshpande has now gone
on to found one of the firms producing this piece of hardware that
technology-watchers in India have been playing close attention to.

But for IT to be meaningful to the hundreds of millions of poor across
India, it needs certain attributes. It should be low-cost, simple to use,
and technology should also be 'de-mystified', argues Deshpande.

Besides, he argues, hardware in an Indian context need to run independent
of the often-unreliable mains-power. It should be rugged and dust-resistant
to cope with the heat and dust of this tropical country. 

Above all, it should be sharable -- just like other costlier gadgets
(ranging from refrigerators to a jeep doing a distant trek) are shared in
rural areas.

In India, technological devices are not owned but shared. If your neighbour
does not have a fridge, it automatically means he has the right to keep the
milk in your fridge. Same is the case with TVs, says Deshpande.

Using a smart-card, the Simputer hopes to be sharable. Even if a Simputer
costing Rs 10,000 is too costly for a rural dweller, ten villagers could
come together to own that, says he, optimistically. 

To make the Simputer easier to use, it incorporates icons, graphics and
multi-lingual abilities. It also seeks to offer image/sound output and a
touch-based input with voice feedback. We hope to use it as a means to
address all the population of India, not just literates, argues Deshpande.

Proponents of the Simputer like Deshpande believe that this tiny piece of
equipment could also help rural Indians find ways of earning a better

We hope that, in time, a villager could connect a Simputer at a pay-phone
booth (which are common across India), dial up to a website, fetch the
information about the best price payable for his potatoes using a very
simple interface. This would be converted into speech and played back, says

It could make life simpler too. 

Even a village postman could take across this small device, and make
payments of 'money orders' -- the instrument which have been a popular way
of transmitting money across rural India for decades. Using the smart cards,
this delivery could be made simpler and far quicker too, argues Deshpande.

Likewise, he says, the Simputer would have applications for education and
literacy. Given its fairly high resolution 240 x 360 pixels screen, for its
small size, it could be used for local language applications.

One new application currently being worked on is using Simputers to check
the health of mothers and foetus. It is hoped that portable ultrasound
sensors could be suitably adapted to connect with Simputers, says Deshpande.

Other applications for the Simputer are 

[Goanet] Football quiz

2002-06-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet] NEWS: Thanks to the Internet, call rates to US drop drastically

2002-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha

Thanks to the Internet, calls rates to US drop drastically

From Frederick Noronha / fred at bytesforall dot org

PANJIM, June 29: Three-rupee-a-minute calls that connect you to the US have
already landed in Goa. But, it seems, not enough people in this
expat-oriented and tourism-influenced state have woken up to the
possibilities that these offer.

These ultra-low-cost calls became possible for this country of a thousand
million only in April this year, when the Central government belatedly
legalised the use of VoIP or telephony using the Internet.

Of course, there are hints that the line might sometimes be noisy or
scratchy. But, given the price, who cares? 

Buyers are very much satisfied with the quality. Specially when they
compare the price, says Sanjay Bhaiya, the Alto Porvorim-based entrepreneur
wholesaling the 'pre-paid cards' that allow you to make these low-cost calls
via the Internet.

To use this facility, you need a computer and Internet connection. Or, you
could go to a cyber-cafe that allows you to use one. The good thing about
this service is that the person you're calling, at the other end, doesn't
also require a computer-and-Internet link to receive your call. Just a
normal telephone.

It works like this: you buy a 'pre-paid' card for Rs 100, 500 or 1000. You
get a password on the card. Then, using the Internet, you dial to
caltigern2p.com and download the 'dialer'. 

Using this, you dial your foreign number, but not before keying in your
secret password. Once your call gets through, you're billed at a rate of Rs
3 per minute, a special introductory offer which will soon go up to Rs 5 per
minute ... still rather realistic compared to the ultra-heavy national and
international phone rates Indians have had to pay all these years.

To use this service, you need a computer, Internet connection, and
headphone-cum-mike. If you don't have a computer, you can easily go to any
cyber-cafe, suggests Bhaiya of Railton Electronics

The pre-paid cards are valid for three months from the first call made (six
months in the case of the Rs 1000 cards). 

This is a service put out by the Kolkata-headquartered Caltiger -- a firm
run by Cris and Joe Silva, that made it to the news a few years ago due to
its 'free Internet' service which is not however offered in Goa.  US-based
Net telephony company Net2Phone is the international technology

The beauty is that the receiving party does not need to have an Internet
connection. Otherwise, you can make PC-to-PC (computer-to-computer) calls
without charges (apart from the Internet time costs) via the MSN or Yahoo
networks, says Bhaiya.

OTHER COUNTRIES: Unfortunately, not all calls to foreign countries are as
cheap as those made to the US. Calls to Europe cost Rs 5 per minute. Those
to the Middle East -- a region Goa would have a lot of interest in, due to
emigration there -- make you poorer by Rs 17 per minute.

Bhaiya claims the service has been doing very well in Goa, though clearly
not all those who could benefit from such services have logged in. Many
cyber-cafes in the state are also yet to take advantage. 

In April we sold a lot to foreigners. In the Baga-Calangute belt (the Mecca
of charter tourists in the state) there were people coming for new
thousand-rupee cards every week, says Bhaiya. As he displays a telephone
instrument that connects to your computer, he says this could be
particularly useful to companies which have regular dealings abroad. 

Anyway, he points out, it is hardly three months since long-distance
Internet telephony got legalised; the impact is yet to be fully felt. 

Using this, you can call into any land-line phone. Calls to mobile phones
cost extra. 

This card can be used from any place in India, and 're-chargeable' cards are
expected to be on offer soon. Incidentally, the cost of international calls
was brought down recently, even as far-cheaper Internet telephony was
allowed from April 1, 2002. But even then, it would normally cost you
between Rs 35 to 50 per minute, says Bhaiya. 

Bhaiya, contactable on phone 414724 and 416066,  says other companies too
are likely to offer such low cost Internet telephony services. He names
e-phone and Satyam, but, being commercial rivals, is naturally not keen to
talk about their strong points. (ENDS)
Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa * India 832.409490 / 409783
GOAPIX in.photos.yahoo.com/fredericknoronha * GOANEWS www.goacom.com/news/
Please visit http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks
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[Goanet] ECAP 2002 - Computer Exhibition by CSI-Goa Chapter

2002-06-29 Thread P. R. Mahambre

ECAP-2002  the Exhibition of Computers and Allied Produts by Computer 
Society of India, Goa Chapter is now announced for two venues this year at 
Hotel Mandovi in Panaji and at Nanutel in Margao on different dates. This 
is the 10th consecutive year since 1993 that CSI-Goa Chapter will be 
organising this exhibition.

Please plan your participation early and do your booking to avoid 
disappointment later. Please note that specific stall numbers will be done 
only against payment received by us as per terms announced.

Thanking you and awaiting your response,

 P. R. Mahambre

P. R. Mahambre,
Chairman - Exhibition Committee,
Computer Society of India Goa Chapter.
C/o V. S. Dempo  Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
Dempo House, Campal,
Panaji, GOA.  403 001
Telephone:  91-832-226281 Ext: 360
Fax:  91-832-225098

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[Goanet] NEWS-LONDON: Musician John Pandit rejects British honour

2002-06-29 Thread Frederick Noronha

Musician John Pandit rejects British honour

By Sanjay Suri, Indo-Asian News Service

London, June 29 (IANS) And at last now an Indian in Britain who has said no
to being honoured as what the British still like to call Member of the
British Empire (MBE).

For years Indians have forgotten their colonial past to vie for these titles
the British government doles out annually. The badges that declare Indians
members of the long gone Empire have become a status symbol.

Not for John Pandit, better known as Pandit G, from the angry band, the
Asian Dub Foundation. He was given an MBE in this year's honours list for
services to the music industry. Pandit G has refused to accept the
honour because he says he does not believe in the honours system.

Pandit G is an angry musician anyway. The music is mixed with political
messages about racism in Britain and about contemporary difficulties in
India. Not something that could go with the title of Member of the British

In rejecting the title he said: I personally don't think it's appropriate.
I've never supported the honours system.

There's no point in giving an individual (an honour). To bring people into
the establishment won't actually help the organisations.

--Indo-Asian News Service

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[Goanet] The Express (London). Surgeon hit wife with coathanger

2002-06-29 Thread Eddie Fernandes

1. BURTON, Richard F.  Goa and the Blue Mountains. London, Bentley, 1851.

Richard Burton, the Orientalist (Kama Sutra, Arabian Knights, etc.) went to
Goa to recuperate after he e was unwell,  and stayed there for six months.
He wrote a book on his experiences there.  He did not like Goa at all. He
lived in Panjim and asked his Goan manservant, Salvador,  one day,:
“Salvador, what is that terrible noise – are they slaughtering a pig?”
“Nothing,” replied Salvador, “nothing whatever – some Christian beating his

2. The Express  (London). 29 June 2002.
Headline:  Surgeon hit wife with coathanger.
By Sally Guyoncourt.

A Surgeon  hit his wife with a coathanger after he caught her dancing with a
younger man at a party.

Ear, nose and throat specialist Dennis Mendonca, 62, was warned by
magistrates that the assault on his wife, Judith, was so serious that he
could face a stretch behind bars.

Mendonca, who is originally from Bombay, admitted punching his wife,
slapping her across the buttocks and then hitting her so hard with a plastic
coathanger it snapped.

But he asked the court, at Cirencester, Gloucestershire, to show leniency.

I'm looking forward to a new life, which, hopefully, will be peaceful,
without alcohol and without aggro, he said.

I look to this court for some mercy.

The attack happened earlier this month while the couple were spending a
weekend at their country home at Coln Rogers, Gloucestershire.

They went to a neighbour's party and a row broke out when Mendonca saw his
wife dancing with a young man.

She then returned home alone.

The doctor returned later to find her asleep in their spare room and he then
flew into a violent rage.

After the beating, Mrs Mendonca managed to struggle to her feet but then
lost her balance and fell down the stairs.

She awoke some time later at the bottom of the stairs with bruising to her
face, a black eye, a deep wound on her hand and some bruising to her right

The police were called early the following morning but Mrs Mendonca refused
hospital treatment.

Harley Street surgeon Mendonca admitted assault causing actual bodily harm
when he was questioned at Stroud Police Station.

He said: I started to make amends the next day and I will continue to do

He added that he was now reconciled with his wife and was trying to get his
life back on track, attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and an anger
management group.

Prosecutor Geoff Nash told the court: Mrs Mendonca apparently danced with a
younger man at the party, which caused the defendant some concern.

Mendonca, who also practises at Kingston Hospital in Surrey and at Queen
Mary's University Hospital in London, said that he was very sorry for
committing the offence.

However, he also claimed some of his wife's injuries could have been
sustained when she fell down the stairs.

He was remanded on bail and will be sentenced on July 23.

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2002-06-29 Thread Joe Vaz


Years ago there was a group of brilliant young men at the University
of Wisconsin, who seemed to have amazing creative literary talent.
They were would-be poets, novelists, and essayists. They were
extraordinary in their ability to put the English language to its
best use. These promising young men met regularly to read and
critique each other's work. And critique it they did!

These men were merciless with one another. They dissected the most
minute literary expression into a hundred pieces. They were
heartless, tough, even mean in their criticism. The sessions became
such arenas of literary criticism that the members of this exclusive
club called themselves the Stranglers.

Not to be outdone, the women of literary talent in the university
were determined to start a club of their own, one comparable to the
Stranglers. They called themselves the Wranglers. They, too, read
their works to one another. But there was one great difference. The
criticism was much softer, more positive, more encouraging.
Sometimes, there was almost no criticism at all. Every effort, even
the most feeble one, was encouraged.

Twenty years later an alumnus of the university was doing an
exhaustive study of his classmates' careers when he noticed a vast
difference in the literary accomplishments of the Stranglers as
opposed to the Wranglers. Of all the bright young men in the
Stranglers, not one had made a significant literary accomplishment of
any kind. From the Wranglers had come six or more successful writers,
some of national renown such as Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, who wrote
The Yearling.

Talent between the two? Probably the same. Level of education? Not
much difference. But the Stranglers strangled, while the Wranglers
were determined to give each other a lift. The Stranglers promoted an
atmosphere of contention and self doubt. The Wranglers highlighted
the best, not the worst. (Author Unknown).

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Re: [Goanet] The Express (London). Surgeon hit wife with coathanger

2002-06-29 Thread Paddydes

In a message dated 06/29/2002 2:15:22 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 1. BURTON, Richard F.  Goa and the Blue Mountains. London, Bentley, 1851.
 Richard Burton, the Orientalist (Kama Sutra, Arabian Knights, etc.) went to
 Goa to recuperate after he was unwell,  and stayed there for six months.
 He wrote a book on his experiences there.  He did not like Goa at all. He
 lived in Panjim and asked his Goan manservant, Salvador,  one day,:
 “Salvador, what is that terrible noise – are they slaughtering a pig?”
 “Nothing,” replied Salvador, “nothing whatever – some Christian beating his
 2. The Express  (London). 29 June 2002.
 Headline:  Surgeon hit wife with coathanger.
 By Sally Guyoncourt.
 A Surgeon  hit his wife with a coathanger after he caught her dancing with a
 younger man at a party.

 Mendonca, who is originally from Bombay, admitted punching his wife,
 slapping her across the buttocks and then hitting her so hard with a plastic
 coathanger it snapped. 
 I'm looking forward to a new life, which, hopefully, will be peaceful,
 without alcohol and without aggro, he said. 

Eddie -- I liked the way you juxtaposed the 1951 wife beating incident with 
that of 
the coathanger :-)

BTW, what is aggro, an abbreviation for aggravation?

Reminded me of the good old days when ladies in England had to wait for 
dinner until after the men had eaten. That custom is still in vogue in some 
other places :(

Times certainly are changing -- now many men find themselves in the other 

Pat de Sousa 
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