2004-11-23 Thread Joel D'Souza
# Don't just read the news... discuss it. Learn more about Goa via Goanet#
# Goanet is a 10-year-old network launched by Herman Carneiro in 1994.   #
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Nov 24, 2004

   THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Chukh mandun ghevunk ek forkatai nhoi, punn ek
takotichi kuru. (Admitting an error is not a confession of weakness, but a
sign of strength.) domnic fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   EXPOSITION 2004 PHOTO FEATURE: A small photo feature on the Exposition
of the Sacred Remains of St Francis Xavier which opened at Old Goa on
November 21. Please Check at

ULTRA-MODERN THEATRE FOR IFFI 2005: Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar
announced the construction of an ultra-modern festival theatre for hosting
the inaugural and closing ceremony of the International Film festival of
India in Goa next year. He also announced the four-laning of St Inez-Tonca
road at the cost of Rs eight crore. The new Patto bridge is expected to be
fully thrown open to traffic on 26 November. The Chief Minister said that
plans are already afoot to prepare for the next year's IFFI, the present
work of IFFI related infrastructure works having been completed in time.

UPGRADED KA: A fresh coat of paint, structural renovation and infrastructure
upgradation, all worth a whopping Rs.24-crore, has given the famed
20-year-old Charles Correia-designed Kala Academy a look as good as brand
new. (H)

BOMB THREAT TURNS TO BE A HOAX: A prankster's call that a bomb has been
planted in the newly constructed multiplex turned the authorities organizing
the International Film Festival of India particularly the police into a
tizzy on November 23 night. Fortunately for them, the threat proved to be a
hoax. (H)

CONG BOSSES IN DELHI UNHAPPY WITH RANE: The All India Congress Committee in
New Delhi has taken a serious view of the feedback from Congress MLAs on
Pratapsing Rane's 'failure' as the leader of the Congress Legislature Party.
It is reliably learnt that an old representation signed by 12 MLAs about a
year ago for Rane's removal as the CLP leader, is being revived and is
likely to be submitted afresh. (GT)

35 NEW KTC BUSES: Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd acquired 35 new buses to
be put into operation during IFFI 2004 and the Exposition of St Francis
Xavier's sacred relics. In addition, the KTC also acquired two luxury Volvo
buses from Bangalore which will be fully used for the convenience of the
IFFI delegates during the 11-day festival. (GT)

KITE CARNIVAL: Adding to the buzz of IFFI, Kite Carnival returns to the
Miramar beach from December 10. As it begins a day after IFFI concludes in
Goa (December 9), the three-day 3rd International Goa Kite Festival is
sponsored by the Goa department of Tourism, IFFI and The Nomad Heritage
Trust and Nomad Travels. On December 10, the kite festival will begin at 4
pm with a display of kite surfing and kite ballet, etc. There will be a
film/slide show on kites by Scott Skinner, president of Drachen Foundation.
December 11 and 12 will be two days of kite flying experience from 11 am
till sunset followed by a musical concert. (H)

YOU TOO CAN BE A FILM-MAKER! Thanks to the International Film Festival of
India, young people in Goa now have an opportunity to shoot their own short
films and have them screened at the IFFI. The IFFI Director, Ms Neelam
Kapur, told mediapersons that for the first time in the history of the IFFI,
a new Special Talent competition called 24X7 has been introduced for young
people. 24X7 will give an opportunity to the young participants to conceive,
shoot and edit their own films. The duration of the film has to be between
24 seconds to 24 minutes long. Only persons below 24 years are eligible for
this workshop. The theme of the competition is 'Nature and Violence' and it
has to be completed within 24 hours. (NT)

I'LL PLANT FIVE TIMES MORE TREES: CM: In a bid to reassure activists, who
raised doubts about environmental rules being flouted during the course of
preparing for the IFFI, Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar said that
everything will be brought back to its original position. Parrikar said
that he would be planting five times the number of trees cut down and that
he was only waiting for the debris to be cleared from various places. (GT)

ST CATERINE'S FEAST: The feast of St Catarine of Alexandria, patroness of
the Se Cathedral, Old Goa, will be celebrated in the Se Cathedral on
November 25 at 9.30 am. Archbishop-Patriarch Filipe Neri Ferrao will be the
main celebrant. There will be no veneration (kissing) of the relics of St
Francis Xavier from 9 am to 11 am. No masses will be celebrated in the
pandal during this time.The main 

Re: [Goanet]VoicesofIraq.com

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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You have again avoided the primary question that goes
beyond all the details, which is WHY ARE YOU AND
IRAQIS, when you enjoy it for yourselves?

--- Tariq Siddiqui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Good point, Tariq.  Which is why it is so
 important to
  read multiple sources of news with an eye towards
  weasel words and bias, and to follow non-partisan
  investigative reports where there are checks and
  balances.  These two gentlemen are people who
  live and work in Iraq, have lost friends and
  in the conflict, and openly admit that their bias
  towards the positive things that are happening
  while recognizing that a small faction of the 25
  million Iraqis are still objecting, for one reason
  another, to the freedom and democracy that is
  developing there.
  What I don't understand is while, a) We all know
  Saddam was a brutal dictator, b) We all know that
  US, using UN resolution 1441 as a legal excuse,
  a coalition and deposed him, c) We all now know
  the key members of the UN that opposed the
  had a conflict of interest and were involved with
  Saddam in looting the country to the tune of some
 I think Santosh Helekar's answer is better than
 anything that I could write.
 Therefore, I must refer you to his post.

 One part that I would like to quote so that it could
 perhaps permeate into your
 Foxed brain is:
 As far as the rest of his embarrassing outburst is
 concerned, the questions that he poses in capital
 letters stem from a specious post-hoc
 for an illegal war. They are meant to disguise the
 fact that the Iraq war was based on a lie.
 These questions are really, completely saiba bogus. 
 Saiba Bogos!
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Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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You have not answered the main question which puzzles
me more than any detail that we may discuss, which is
THE IRAQIS, while enjoying it for yourself?

--- Tariq Siddiqui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  a) We all know that Saddam was a brutal dictator,
  We all know that the US, using UN resolution 1441
 as a
  legal excuse, formed a coalition and deposed him,
  We all now know that the key members of the UN
  opposed the coalition had a conflict of interest
  were involved with Saddam in looting the country
 All very good reasons, but these were not the
 reasons that GW Bush put forth as a 
 reason for the war. 
 What you talk about is what the neocons now say when
 their reason for the war has 
 been exposed to be a lie. 

 Do you Yahoo!? 
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Re: [Goanet]RE: Questions about Hindu caste?

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

You say, To demand that a Hindu doesn't believe in a
caste categorisation is akin to demanding that
Catholics don't believe in religion, and after all 
religion divides people doesn't it?

I'm sorry, but this makes no sense at all.  All decent
religions preach peace, goodwill and harmony, even if
this may not be followed in practice at all times. 
Caste, on the other hand, is blatant discrimination
pure and simple, within each religion.  It may have
had a rationale 5,000 years ago, but what is the
rationale for continuing it today?  It makes even less
sense when practiced by Catholics.  Did you know that
they have separate Catholic parishes and churches for
dalits and brahmins in Kerala?

It is time to get beyond this despicable practice,
regardless of how and why it started and continued for
so long.

--- Frederick Noronha(FN)

 # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
 # Want to check the archives?
 # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
 reflect respect to others  #

 On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, rene barreto wrote:
  Writing or talking does not help eliminate CASTE ,
 action does.
  Do WE have any suggestions as to how this CASTE
 problem can
  be addressed ?  If so please share them with us on
 this Goan Forum.
 There seems to be some confusion creeping in here.
 What exactly is *the caste problem*?
 Do you mean caste-based discrimination and
 feelings of superiority and inferiority? If so, I
 agree with you fully 
 and more, it indeed is a significant and serious
 Some on Goanet are interpreting this 'problem' to
 mean any acknowledgement 
 of an  inherited, caste-based identity. Something
 which, we assume, needs 
 to be denounced before we can move ahead.
 We need to be sensitive to accept that the Hindu
 position on this would 
 obviously be different from that within
 Christianity. And I am nobody to 
 sit in judgement on someone else's definition of
 their self-identity, 
 though I retain my right to criticise 'urban myths'
 about superiority, etc
 R K Nair suggested this difference, when he himself
 pointed out (some 
 might have missed the suggestion) that his surname
 makes it clear that he 
 is a Nair (a Kerala-based caste known for its
 matrilineal traditions). I 
 also do not think it's fair to blast Santosh for an
 accident of birth, 
 whereas one could and should judge him (or anyone
 else) for words and 
 actions. As a Helecar, Santosh will be seen as
 belonging to a certain 
 caste (Saraswat Brahmin, in this case), whether he
 so defines himself or 
 not. There's little he can do about it, short of
 disguising/dropping his 
 family name which might be both undesirable or still
 unhelpful. This is 
 just like as a Noronha I'm seen by the outside world
 as belonging to a 
 certain religion.
 In Christianity, the problem is complex, because
 this is a religion which 
 doesn't give any theological sanction for the
 acceptance of caste. For 
 Hinduism, caste is part of the accepted religious
 world-view, so I don't 
 think anyone from the outside has a right to go and
 preach in what 
 direction Hinduism should reform itself.
 (This reminds me of the hypocrisy evident in demands
 being made by 
 Hindutva proponents for the reform of Islam, its
 educational system, its 
 family laws, its attitude towards women, etc. All
 very easy when it comes 
 to 'reforming' someone else's traditions... it also
 gives us that smug 
 feeling that we are somehow *superior* than the
 rest. We aren't!)
 As things stand in India today, untouchability has
 been banned by law. 
 Even if that had some sanction in the past, it was
 an odious human 
 practise. Caste, in itself, still lives on. In some
 states, official forms 
 require one to fill in one caste. in the 'sixties
 and 'seventies, we had a 
 column for 'race and religion', an experience we
 shared probably with 
 friends in Africa then, and countries like Malaysia
 till date. So our 
 school authorities hurriedly sorted out this dilemma
 by getting us to fill 
 in 'Indian Christian'. I don't think any of the
 racial/racist theories of 
 the past claim that there is an 'Indian' race. (At
 least not outside of 
 North America, where the White man got it so badly
 mixed up!) Anyway, that 
 was the way out then.
 Reform won't come because outsiders 

Re: [Goanet]Re: Arafat Terrorism

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

I hope you get some comfort and satisfaction from
quoting what Ben Gurion said 85 years ago and Menachim
Begin said 60 years ago, while ignoring what Ehud
Barak said just 4 years ago.

It is amazing to me that anyone would even consider
locating a Jewish homeland in Uganda rather than their
Biblical homeland.  Anyway, all that was decided by
the UN in 1947, making anything before that a moot

The brutal fact is that it is the militant Arabs and
Palestinians who defied the UN sponsored partition of
1947, tried to push the Jews into the sea and
failed, and will not accept a 2 state configuration to
this day.  Until the Palestinians are willing to cease
hostilities and negotiate, the low-grade conflict is
doomed to continue.

Tariq Siddiqui [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/ # 
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect
respect to others #

--- Mario Goveia wrote:
 Israel doesn't claim all of Palestine as a
 right, so this whole line of reasoning is bogus. 
 They accepted a small slice in 1947 as part of the
 attempt to provide them with a homeland after the

Perhaps you were never aware of David Ben-Gurion. In
1918 Ben-Gurion described the 
future Jewish state's frontiers in details as

to the north, the Litani river [in southern Lebanon],
to the northeast, the Wadi 
'Owja, twenty miles south of Damascus; the southern
border will be mobile and pushed

into Sinai at least up to Wadi al-'Arish; and to the
east, the Syrian Desert, 
including the furthest edge of Transjordan
(Expulsion of the Palestinians by Nur Masalha)

Or perhaps you were not aware of when he wrote:

The acceptance of partition does not commit us to
renounce Transjordan. One does 
not demand from anybody to give up his vision. We
shall accept a state in the 
boundaries fixed today--but the boundaries of the
Zionist aspirations are the
concern of the 
Jewish people and no external factor will be able to
limit them. 
(The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities by Simha

As for the partition of Palestine. Let us see what
Menachim Begin, later to become 
Prime Minister of Israel said:

The Partition of Palestine is illegal. It will never
be recognized  Jerusalem 
was and will for ever be our capital. Eretz Israel
will be restored to the people of

Israel. All of it. And for Ever. (The Iron Wall by
Avi Shlaim)

 Aren't you even aware that Jews and Muslims
 Palestine since the Old Testament days and both
 their origins to Abraham? The European Jews who had
 survived the Nazis then fled to Israel during and
 after WW-II. So, what is this nonsense about ALL the
 Israelis being Europeans? Your example of placing
 Israel in Uganda is also bogus, because, unlike
 Palestine, Uganda had no ties to Jews in any way,
 shape or form.

You are correct, all the Israels are not Ashkenazi or
European Jews. Some of them 
are Sephardic Jews. But neither of them lived in
Palestine in any significant 
minority. At the turn of the century there were
estimated to be only 70,000 Jews in 
Palestine. Due to immigration from Europe, these
numbers swelled to 806,000 by the
end of 
WWII. So Tim is correct.

As for Tim's remarks on Uganda, they cannot be claimed
as bogus since there was a 
plan to settle Jews in Uganda. Efforts were also made
to settle Jews in Iraq, Libya,

Argentina and the Jewish Autonomous Republic in the
USSR. None were accepted by the 
European Jews, who preferred Palestine.


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[Goanet]Simply Remo: Old Goan Gold

2004-11-23 Thread Eddie Verdes
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Simply Remo: Old Goan Gold
Music is his passion, his two teenage children his 'life' and the world his
stage: Remo Fernandes tells Jhalak Bhavsar in an informal chit-chat

His breakfast consists of a bowl of fruits and his T-shirt sports different
chants and mantras. Yet he is perfectly at home with his guitar and his
laptop. A study in opposites, a trend-setter, a self-made man whose middle
name is music. That's Remo Fernandes.

So when he says I'm just this simple guy with a burning passion for music,
you can't help but believe him. Remo is a true trend-setter who has never
compromised his work. I think honesty is more important than being
politically correct. If I wanted to win awards, I'd probably be careful. But
I don't want to please people.

A mention of the current Indian pop music scene has him pondering as he
twists one of his many intricately designed rings. In films, they're surely
coming up with good stuff. But with remixing of old classics, the music
scene has just taken a U-turn. Now everything is either feasible, viable or
profitable... anything but music, he adds. God fearing, unconventional and
thriving on surprise value, Remo is no longer the young rebel as he crosses
the half century mark. Father of two teenage sons, Noah and Jonah, one
wonders what sort of a parent he makes. Noah has just turned 18 and we have
our normal disagreements. He's into music, but he wants to be a graphic

A true blue Goan who didn't fall prey to the lure of Mumbai, Remo has no
regrets. Goa is home. Moving to Mumbai made sense career-wise. But there
are things about Mumbai which I somehow don't like -- the fast pace, the
pollution, the stench.

Be it singing a Jalwaa at the time of a Qurbani , or a humma humma to get
the nation grooving -- Remo has survived several generations of musicians --
proof in itself of the man's talent and grit. He hums O Meri Munni while
delving into his fruity breakfast, it seems this is one singer who will be
heard for many more years to come.

Forwarded By Eddie Verdes

[Goanet]I demand apology - TYPICAL GOAN ATTITUDE

2004-11-23 Thread Lawrie D'souza
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[On a more serious note, one can't help wonder how
strong a gene we Goans have in reducing almost every
debate into a name-calling, slanging match
between individuals and personalities, rather than
allowing it to be a battle of ideas that allows truth
to surface and a diversity of perspectives to flow.
FN ]

Fred, can i ask you what role the G-net A-min plays
has when topics get out of control.

You can either put brakes or play UN role to bring
about peace.

The debates are not contributing to any development of
GOA or GOANS... we are all in a race for proving our


Was that offensive...naah!! IT'S THE TRUTH.



Men are like steel: when they lose their temper, they lose their worth.

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2004-11-23 Thread Joel D'Souza
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Nov 24, 2004

   THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Chukh mandun ghevunk ek forkatai nhoi, punn ek
takotichi kuru. (Admitting an error is not a confession of weakness, but a
sign of strength.) domnic fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   EXPOSITION 2004 PHOTO FEATURE: A small photo feature on the Exposition
of the Sacred Remains of St Francis Xavier which opened at Old Goa on
November 21. Please Check at

ULTRA-MODERN THEATRE FOR IFFI 2005: Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar
announced the construction of an ultra-modern festival theatre for hosting
the inaugural and closing ceremony of the International Film festival of
India in Goa next year. He also announced the four-laning of St Inez-Tonca
road at the cost of Rs eight crore. The new Patto bridge is expected to be
fully thrown open to traffic on 26 November. The Chief Minister said that
plans are already afoot to prepare for the next year's IFFI, the present
work of IFFI related infrastructure works having been completed in time.

UPGRADED KA: A fresh coat of paint, structural renovation and infrastructure
upgradation, all worth a whopping Rs.24-crore, has given the famed
20-year-old Charles Correia-designed Kala Academy a look as good as brand
new. (H)

BOMB THREAT TURNS TO BE A HOAX: A prankster's call that a bomb has been
planted in the newly constructed multiplex turned the authorities organizing
the International Film Festival of India particularly the police into a
tizzy on November 23 night. Fortunately for them, the threat proved to be a
hoax. (H)

CONG BOSSES IN DELHI UNHAPPY WITH RANE: The All India Congress Committee in
New Delhi has taken a serious view of the feedback from Congress MLAs on
Pratapsing Rane's 'failure' as the leader of the Congress Legislature Party.
It is reliably learnt that an old representation signed by 12 MLAs about a
year ago for Rane's removal as the CLP leader, is being revived and is
likely to be submitted afresh. (GT)

35 NEW KTC BUSES: Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd acquired 35 new buses to
be put into operation during IFFI 2004 and the Exposition of St Francis
Xavier's sacred relics. In addition, the KTC also acquired two luxury Volvo
buses from Bangalore which will be fully used for the convenience of the
IFFI delegates during the 11-day festival. (GT)

KITE CARNIVAL: Adding to the buzz of IFFI, Kite Carnival returns to the
Miramar beach from December 10. As it begins a day after IFFI concludes in
Goa (December 9), the three-day 3rd International Goa Kite Festival is
sponsored by the Goa department of Tourism, IFFI and The Nomad Heritage
Trust and Nomad Travels. On December 10, the kite festival will begin at 4
pm with a display of kite surfing and kite ballet, etc. There will be a
film/slide show on kites by Scott Skinner, president of Drachen Foundation.
December 11 and 12 will be two days of kite flying experience from 11 am
till sunset followed by a musical concert. (H)

YOU TOO CAN BE A FILM-MAKER! Thanks to the International Film Festival of
India, young people in Goa now have an opportunity to shoot their own short
films and have them screened at the IFFI. The IFFI Director, Ms Neelam
Kapur, told mediapersons that for the first time in the history of the IFFI,
a new Special Talent competition called 24X7 has been introduced for young
people. 24X7 will give an opportunity to the young participants to conceive,
shoot and edit their own films. The duration of the film has to be between
24 seconds to 24 minutes long. Only persons below 24 years are eligible for
this workshop. The theme of the competition is 'Nature and Violence' and it
has to be completed within 24 hours. (NT)

I'LL PLANT FIVE TIMES MORE TREES: CM: In a bid to reassure activists, who
raised doubts about environmental rules being flouted during the course of
preparing for the IFFI, Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar said that
everything will be brought back to its original position. Parrikar said
that he would be planting five times the number of trees cut down and that
he was only waiting for the debris to be cleared from various places. (GT)

ST CATERINE'S FEAST: The feast of St Catarine of Alexandria, patroness of
the Se Cathedral, Old Goa, will be celebrated in the Se Cathedral on
November 25 at 9.30 am. Archbishop-Patriarch Filipe Neri Ferrao will be the
main celebrant. There will be no veneration (kissing) of the relics of St
Francis Xavier from 9 am to 11 am. No masses will be celebrated in the
pandal during this time.The main doors of the Se Cathedral have been thrown
open to devotees since November 23 

Re: [Goanet]The ten commandments

2004-11-23 Thread Mervyn Lobo
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xembuh Moidekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The Ten Commandments
 The real reason that we can't have the Ten
 Commandments in a Courthouse! You cannot post 
 Thou Shalt Not Steal, Thou Shalt Not Commit 
 Adultery and Thou Shall Not Lie in a 
 building full of lawyers, judges and politicians!
 It creates a hostile work environment.

 Any comments Goa netters?

Bwana Moidekar,
Any lawyer will tell you that there are actually
eleven commandments. The 11th commandment is the one
that the lawyers have succeeded in keeping out

The eleventh commandment?
Thou shall not get caught :-)


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Re: [Goanet]A letter of introduction

2004-11-23 Thread Helga do Rosario Gomes
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Welcome Ivar! You are already an Indian!

 I guess, it will take more than 14 years in India, to
 become an Indian. But I am proud to announce that I
 today call my self a Goan. When I visit my family in
 Norway, I always tell them: I know were my roots are,
 but I am going home to Goa.
 Sincerely Yours
 Mr. Ivar Fjeld

Re: [Goanet]Arafat, Palestine, Samir, Miguel, Palestine, Arafat, Miguel, Samir, Miguel, Sam.

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Hey, Freddie,
If we all did what you suggest, goanet would be just
another bulletin board.

People in the middle-east are fighting and dying for
their causes.  The Israeli-Palestinian dispute has
been going on since 1947.  The caste system for
several millenia.  So, the least we can do is talk
about it, if that's OK with you.

I don't know about you, but some of us, who started
miles apart, are coming dangerously close to agreeing
on certain points of fact.  We can still disagree with
what those mean or what to do about them, but that is
what freedom is all about, don't you think?

Already, Afghan women are no longer whipped for
showing their ankles, Afghan girls can go to school
now, and Iraqis can even try to kill Allawi without
getting their tongues cut out or their women raped in
front of them.  Slow but sure signs of progress. 
Seems to bother some people no end.  Wonder why.

If none of that is your particular cup of tea, use
your delete button.  Mine works great.

--- Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
 # Want to check the archives?
 # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
 reflect respect to others  #

 Don't you guys think we should be bringing the above
 debates to a halt? I'm not talking as a member of
 the admin team here, but as an ordinary Goanetter
 obviously feeling bad about everyone's mailboxes
 getting battered and bashed with that
 Don't try too hard guys, we're not going to convince
 anyone via cyberspace. Instead, just make your point
 and leave it at that. You can at least convince the
 silent majority about your intentions ;-)  

 Frederick Noronha 784 Near Convent,
 Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
 Freelance Journalist  TEL: +91-832-2409490
 MOBILE: 9822122436
 fred at bytesforall.org   http://www.bytesforall.org

[Goanet]Invitation: Welcome to best-in-the-world Galgibaga

2004-11-23 Thread Anthony Barretto
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Netters visiting Goa this festive season are welcome
to visit best-in-the-world Galgibaga in Canacona.
Professional guiding available in Canacona.
email or dial 9422390701/2632012. 
Tony Martin

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RE: [Goanet]RE: Questions about Hindu caste?

2004-11-23 Thread Cip Fernandes
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What type of E D U C A T I O N ?  Religious?  Academic?
...Theology? ...?


-Original Message-
Tim de Mello on 23 November 2004 15:50

rene barreto [EMAIL PROTECTED] asked:
Do WE have any suggestions as to how this CASTE problem can be addressed ?



Tim de Mello

Re: [Goanet]RE: Questions about Hindu caste?

2004-11-23 Thread Frederick Noronha(FN)
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On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, rene barreto wrote:
Writing or talking does not help eliminate CASTE , action does.
Do WE have any suggestions as to how this CASTE problem can
be addressed ?  If so please share them with us on this Goan Forum.
There seems to be some confusion creeping in here.
What exactly is *the caste problem*?
Do you mean caste-based discrimination and unjustified/unnecessary 
feelings of superiority and inferiority? If so, I agree with you fully 
and more, it indeed is a significant and serious problem.

Some on Goanet are interpreting this 'problem' to mean any acknowledgement 
of an  inherited, caste-based identity. Something which, we assume, needs 
to be denounced before we can move ahead.

We need to be sensitive to accept that the Hindu position on this would 
obviously be different from that within Christianity. And I am nobody to 
sit in judgement on someone else's definition of their self-identity, 
though I retain my right to criticise 'urban myths' about superiority, etc

R K Nair suggested this difference, when he himself pointed out (some 
might have missed the suggestion) that his surname makes it clear that he 
is a Nair (a Kerala-based caste known for its matrilineal traditions). I 
also do not think it's fair to blast Santosh for an accident of birth, 
whereas one could and should judge him (or anyone else) for words and 
actions. As a Helecar, Santosh will be seen as belonging to a certain 
caste (Saraswat Brahmin, in this case), whether he so defines himself or 
not. There's little he can do about it, short of disguising/dropping his 
family name which might be both undesirable or still unhelpful. This is 
just like as a Noronha I'm seen by the outside world as belonging to a 
certain religion.

In Christianity, the problem is complex, because this is a religion which 
doesn't give any theological sanction for the acceptance of caste. For 
Hinduism, caste is part of the accepted religious world-view, so I don't 
think anyone from the outside has a right to go and preach in what 
direction Hinduism should reform itself.

(This reminds me of the hypocrisy evident in demands being made by 
Hindutva proponents for the reform of Islam, its educational system, its 
family laws, its attitude towards women, etc. All very easy when it comes 
to 'reforming' someone else's traditions... it also gives us that smug 
feeling that we are somehow *superior* than the rest. We aren't!)

As things stand in India today, untouchability has been banned by law. 
Even if that had some sanction in the past, it was an odious human 
practise. Caste, in itself, still lives on. In some states, official forms 
require one to fill in one caste. in the 'sixties and 'seventies, we had a 
column for 'race and religion', an experience we shared probably with 
friends in Africa then, and countries like Malaysia till date. So our 
school authorities hurriedly sorted out this dilemma by getting us to fill 
in 'Indian Christian'. I don't think any of the racial/racist theories of 
the past claim that there is an 'Indian' race. (At least not outside of 
North America, where the White man got it so badly mixed up!) Anyway, that 
was the way out then.

Reform won't come because outsiders criticise practises of any 
religion. It has to come when people from within feel the need for change; 
just as Goa's Devdasi system undertook a remarkable self-transformation in 
the decades following the 1920s.

Aggressively critiquing and blasting someone else of another religion or 
culture (unless our intention is to merely score debating points) is 
unlikely to bring about change.

If Hindus themselves want to reform their religion, it is up to them. It 
cannot be forced by one-sided critiques from elsewhere.

To demand that a Hindu doesn't believe in a caste categorisation is akin 
to demanding that Catholics don't believe in religion, and after all 
religion divides people doesn't it?

Incidentally, I think there is enough theological justification for even 
an atheist to be a Hindu in the religious sense too, though the same is 
not true in religions that grow out of Semetic roots. Maybe Dr Helecar 
will enlighten us about this. Though we know he doesn't define himself 
in religious terms, my point is that he well could, if he wanted to. 
Hinduism allows for that. All religions don't have to have exactly the 
same features to be treated as religions; Buddhism doesn't even 
believe in a god (sorry, capital G) in the sense say Christianity does.

Also, I don't think 'idol worship' has any negative connotations in 
Hinduism, as it does in say in Islam or 

[Goanet]A history of migration: A Frontline View

2004-11-23 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Dear Goanetters,

This appears to be a half-baked report that has been poorly researched. It
does not even scratch the surface of the truth.

Did Vasco suddenly become a garbage dump a few years back?

Did Percival actually say what he is quoted as having said? I very much
doubt that a historian of his caliber will make such a statement. Having
interacted with him, I would vouch to the contrary.

450 years and 23 days is the period from 25 Nov.1510 to  18 Dec.1969. Afonso
de Albuquerque had also occupied Cidade de Goa or Velha Goa/Old Goa for
two months beginning 01 March,1510 before being driven out by the Bijapur
King, Adil Khan[ or Idalcao, as the Portuguese called him].He re-captured
Goa[then referring to just the port at Ela-Old Goa] in November. Nothing
that he could do in the rainy season. Even the locals waited for Dusshera to
begin war.

All of Goa was hardly ever under Portuguese rule continuously. the Bijapur
Sultan and his Governor of Belgaum, the Marathas, Bhonsales, Ranes and even
the British occupied parts of Goa for varying periods of time,even in the
18th century. Goans studied in Belgaum,Hubli,Dharwar,Mumbai,Mangalore
,Bangalore,etc all through the Portuguese era. My father studied in
Mumbai,my mother in Dharwar, my mother-in-law in Bangalore.It was only my
grand parents and earlier generations that went to Portugal for higher
studies not then available in India.[Persons from British India studied at
Oxford or Cambridge in English, a language that was almost worthless in Goa
then.] All this was during the colonial era. Closed shell my foot. Ravi
Sharma must be writing about Siberia or the island occupied by the survivors
of Capt. Fletcher's mutiny on the Bounty.

And what rule from Portugal..Other than the terror of the PIDE, there wre
local self-government bodies or Camara in each taluka of the Old Conquest
and the local Parliament  in Panjim. Mayem and Pernem had the fiefdoms
under a Count or Viscount.

 From: Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Headline: A history of migration
 Source: Frontline. Volume 21 - Issue 24 (Nov. 20 - Dec 03, 2004) at
  Nevertheless, development has acted as a catalyst in attracting migrant
 workers, who are grudgingly seen as a necessary evil. But they are an
 integral part of Goan society. An attempt a few years ago to drive away
 migrants who cleaned the streets of Vasco da Gama boomeranged, with the
 whole city turning into a garbage dump.* Native Goans worry that their
identity will vanish in the face of a migrant
 Said Percival Noronha, 80, a former bureaucrat who served both under the
 Portuguese and under Indian administrators: **We were ruled from Portugal
 450 years and 23 days. We were a closed shell.** The result of this is
that we
 are different from other Indians. While our ethos is Indian, there is no
 denying the fact that our manners, our way of thinking, is western.

Interesting reading, indeed. Inaccurate,all the same.

Viva Goa.

[Goanet]end the agony please!

2004-11-23 Thread Marlon Menezes
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Santosh et al,

As I stated in my last post, it is futile attempting
to engage in any form of logical discussions with
these two individuals. It would be of benefit to all
goanetters if Mario Goviea and his bigoted friend
Chris Vaz were simply ignored.
Their constant pattern of verbal abuse (on goanet and
elsewhere) indicates that have broader personal issues
than that meets the eye. Lets leave it at that.


 --- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You are so full of [EMAIL PROTECTED], pardon my French, that it
 is a waste of time arguing with you about an
 we can all read in your words.

--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am sorry that I have driven Mario Goveia to such
 indefensible position that his only recourse is to
 expletives against me. 

Re: [Goanet]Re: Arafat Terrorism

2004-11-23 Thread Tariq Siddiqui
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--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Israel doesn't claim all of Palestine as a historical
 right, so this whole line of reasoning is bogus. 
 They accepted a small slice in 1947 as part of the UN
 attempt to provide them with a homeland after the

Perhaps you were never aware of David Ben-Gurion. In 1918 Ben-Gurion described 
future Jewish state's frontiers in details as follows: 

to the north, the Litani river [in southern Lebanon], to the northeast, the 
'Owja, twenty miles south of Damascus; the southern border will be mobile and 

into Sinai at least up to Wadi al-'Arish; and to the east, the Syrian Desert, 
including the furthest edge of Transjordan
(Expulsion of the Palestinians by Nur Masalha)

Or perhaps you were not aware of when he wrote:

The acceptance of partition does not commit us to renounce Transjordan. One 
not demand from anybody to give up his vision. We shall accept a state in the 
boundaries fixed today--but the boundaries of the Zionist aspirations are the
concern of the 
Jewish people and no external factor will be able to limit them. 
(The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities by Simha Flapan)

As for the partition of Palestine. Let us see what Menachim Begin, later to 
Prime Minister of Israel said:

The Partition of Palestine is illegal. It will never be recognized  
was and will for ever be our capital. Eretz Israel will be restored to the 
people of

Israel. All of it. And for Ever. (The Iron Wall by Avi Shlaim)

 Aren't you even aware that Jews and Muslims inhabited
 Palestine since the Old Testament days and both trace
 their origins to Abraham?  The European Jews who had
 survived the Nazis then fled to Israel during and
 after WW-II.  So, what is this nonsense about ALL the
 Israelis being Europeans?  Your example of placing
 Israel in Uganda is also bogus, because, unlike
 Palestine, Uganda had no ties to Jews in any way,
 shape or form.

You are correct, all the Israels are not Ashkenazi or European Jews. Some of 
are Sephardic Jews. But neither of them lived in Palestine in any significant 
minority. At the turn of the century there were estimated to be only 70,000 
Jews in 
Palestine. Due to immigration from Europe, these numbers swelled to 806,000 by 
end of 
WWII. So Tim is correct.

As for Tim's remarks on Uganda, they cannot be claimed as bogus since there 
was a 
plan to settle Jews in Uganda. Efforts were also made to settle Jews in Iraq, 

Argentina and the Jewish Autonomous Republic in the USSR. None were accepted by 
European Jews, who preferred Palestine.



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[Goanet]Questions about Hindu caste?

2004-11-23 Thread rene barreto
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Goemkars !

YES  !

I believe that Tim's suggestion is a Great one   ,
but  how do we address this * EDUCATION  * ?

I hope that those who have been strongly making their
points on the evils of Caste system ..in our ..GOAN SOCIETY  !
on the various GOAN Forums . will participate in this
** EDUCATION **  process irrespective  of  they being
MUSLIMS ...HINDUS or CATHOLICS .. ..or people who
have no religion and all ! ...

I wait to seeor.will we continue seeing
more of these these unfruitful posts..? on our GOANET
! Lets not  create more PROBLEMS ...but lets ..
..find  SOLUTIONS.

I felt that we were very cruel in attacking Santosh and
Sachin  for being *  born *  - into a caste system they
had no chice to born into.

Did they chose to be born in the caste they were born ?
I would like  to apologize ..on behalf of those who agree
with ..ME.

  SORRY Santosh and Sachin

WHY curse  the God who made them ? Is it not  what
we are doing  ...?

Yes TIM , we ALL need to be EDUCATED
so that we may once again work TOGETHER , there
are many amongst us who would like to work together to
bring our GOANS TOGETHER but we have a
FEW  who by their actions ..are working
 against US ..GOANS.

This is all I can say , it's a pity ,   but this is the TRUTH.


- Original Message -
From: Tim de Mello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 3:50 PM
Subject: [Goanet]RE: Questions about Hindu caste?

 rene barreto [EMAIL PROTECTED] asked:
 Do WE have any suggestions as to how this CASTE problem can be addressed ?


 E D U C A T I O N

 Tim de Mello

[Goanet]Story of a Stone

2004-11-23 Thread Cip Fernandes
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Story of a Stone
by Bicaji Ghanekar

STONES are very interesting subjects. Many of us observe and appreciate
different kinds of stones but there are a few who collect them. There are
others who study them in a discipline called geology. My wife did her
graduation in geology. Sometimes I refer to her as Fatram dotor (doctor of
stones) in the same way that a neighbourhood plumber loved calling himself
Nollancho dotor (doctor of taps).

I am not one of those who has any liking for stones. The dislike only
increased in standard 7 when I was forced to study geology. I still remember
how a geology professor and his students used to come regularly to Usgao
where I worked as the rural medical officer. Such was their interest in the
old stones lying around that the rigours of travel or the blazing sun hardly
bothered them.

I cannot help thinking about something made from a particular kind of stone
called slate. Little children hardly use them nowadays. You see, computers
are faster and better. Those were the days when children learnt the alphabet
using a slate and a piece of chalk. Today, this may only be visible in some
decrepit government primary school.

A stone like graphite will attract no attention. But subject it to intense
temperatures and it will be transformed into a diamond. I do not need to
dwell on how much attention a sparkling diamond commands. This is so much
like how seemingly plain looking people command respect owing to a great
personality which shines forth dwarfing the physical attributes.

The mention of a stone does not usually cause alarm except when the word
kidney is prefixed to it. This ailment which can be very painful in the
advanced stages is a boon for mushrooming health care institutions.

One day, during my morning walk I noticed a few children piling up stones
near a mango tree. When I returned on the same route after some time, the
stones had been replaced by a heap of juicy mangoes.

Stones can cause trouble too. In this country, mobs frequently resort to
stone throwing since the missile is freely available. Is it not remarkable
that the same stone that a geologist uses for constructive purposes becomes
destructive in the hands of a fanatic?

Re: [Goanet]Govt Ads: The obvious needs to be said.

2004-11-23 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Dear Fred,
There is a light drizzle in the evening. The next day a leading newspaper
carries a photo of a  giant Raintree[ which has withstood storms for the
last 50 years] uprooted by the inclement weather.  No one disputes it.
There is a gust of wind, not enough to topple the plastic traffic cones, but
another  giant Raintree uproots and topples over. Fact or Fiction? The photo
caption says it did.
The trees were planted. So were the photos . PLANTED. Nurtured by the PRESS.
GT is no virgin in this. It has nutured plants in the past.

So why this talk about freedon of the Press. Press it lightly and it yields.
It almost always has. If you know a consistent exception to this rule,
please let me know. [I am not talking about individual journalists, I am
talking of a newspaper operating in Goa] .You  will know the  inherent
contradictions in the so-called newspaper before I point them out.
We really do not have newspapers any more. We only have PROPAGANDA...and
ADVERTISEMMENTS. Even some commercial 'plants' feature as 'news' by staff
reporters or news desk. Some are blatant about it, others are coy.

THAT'S THE POINT.  It is all about money,honey.

 From: Frederick Noronha(FN) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 My point is that divide-and-rule works. In the media too.
 Probably more so in the media, when there's a fat, juicy (often
 undeserved) advertising carrot at the end of the policy.

 It's a sad day that we accept as normal the fact that views and
 perceptives can be turned off and on with advertising. FN

 On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Miguel Braganza wrote:

  Dear Fred,
  I am not justifying the advertising policies of the governments, past
  and present.I am just stating a fact: like it or lump it.
  The day all the newspaper managements, the Editors Guild and the GUJ
  members will see this from one perspective has not yet dawned. It is
  unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future.
. So what is  your point?

I believe that once it was decided to broaden the roads and make foot
paths[ political and administrative decision], there was no way the tree
could remain. I was only sad that the Government machinery had to act like a
bank robber, breaking things in the dead of the night. They should have
felled the trees in broad daylight and justified why they were doing it. It
is sad that the trees had to goBUT THEY ARE NOT IRREPLACEABLE. In fact,
Raintrees planted a few years back are already growing big on the
Miramar-Dona Paula stretch. How huge they can get can be seen on the
Guirim-Porvorim road, where two rain trees planted in 1985 are already
huge without any care. Should we not work to nurture these trees? does
anyone know how many trees were cut to make the Kadamba road to Old Goa?
Does anyone care to know?
The point is the newspaper propaganda went out of the way to cover up
shabbily an act it should have exposed. The counterpoint is that GT
sensationalized the story of crucifixtion of these self same trees. Was
that not propaganda? Who was being crucified? Was the imagery and symbolism
accidental? Should we dig up those stories? Was there no hidden agenda? Why
did the people who agitated so much when Sanjit Rodrigues was the
Commissioner of CCP suddenly become quiet when Suryanarayan came to town?
Principles? Ethics? or   Needs?

Viva Goa.

[Goanet]Konkani Drama Tuzo Gaum Mhojem Naum - An autobiography turned into an acceptable theatrical format

2004-11-23 Thread Goan Voices
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Konkani Drama Tuzo Gaum Mhojem Naum 
- An autobiography turned into an acceptable
theatrical format

”TUZO GAUM MHOJEM NAUM” with the rich script centering
around family values, culture, traditions, the cast
mix of versatile artistes include the specially flown
in Goa-based Konkani stage's popular comedians Ben
Evengelisto  Janet Almeida, Irene Vaz and Bab Andrew
was staged at the Gulf English School Auditorium,
Rumathiyah, Kuwait on Friday, 19th November 2004.

In self-scrutinizing references to traditional aspects
of life of the Goan natives, like the uncultivated
fields left barren, the offsetting of traditions of
christening of the grandson with the name of the
grandfather, and the respect to the elderly folks of
the household when greeting and common courtesy,
Simon Gonsalves turned an autobiography into an
accepted theatrical form to the surprise and suspense
of the audience during his 4 hour long dramatic
presentation titled Tujo Gaum Mhojem Naum.  

Interspered with songs and 'cantos', the cast also
included Kuwait-based artistes Querobina Carvalho,
Gracy Morais, Clara Rodrigues, Adrian Goes, Sylvester
Vaz, Joe Fereira, Manuel, Agnel D’Costa, Laurie
Miranda, Comedian Salu  Comedian Nelson, Ignatius de
Xelvon, Rosary Ferns, Trio Kings:
Marcus-Cajetan-Mario, Michael D’Silva, Jacinto
Noronha, Bab Agnel, Clifford, and child artistes Bab
Palen  Baby Athika. 

A Konkani and tiatr lover among the audience, Tome
Gracias, congratulated on the internet forums Simon
Gonsalves good presentation and efforts. The
shrewdness with which the main theme and focus of the
play is let out as an image with a wonderful
performance, was indeed marvelous.

Simon Gonsalves' legacy is as a storytelling
self-analyst. Having witnessed his 'one-act plays' in
the past 2-3 years and his performance in other
Konkani presentations in Kuwait, I can categorically
state that his acting prowess is superb. His
monologues which wove exotic adventures together with
mundane personal tales, philosophical musings, painful
admissions of embarrassing behavior among his
siblings, goes a long way to prove his creativeness in
writing and direction too. 

A general amazement at how often life's most
far-fetched possibilities actually occur, and are
sometimes anchored in the common man's pursuits of
worldly goals, and appreciation bestowed by unknown,
but ever grateful strangers. Simon Gonsalves gives us
an impression of what all his work shared was an air
of comic desperation, the amusement and fear that the
knowledge that life is absurd can foster. The
monologues were simply staged – Simon Gonsalves
habitually performed as a handicapped (with both his
arms lost due to a tragic mis-fortune), often in a
plaid shirt and trousers, with only his legs and toes
doing the simple actions and in front of him and his

Intoned with a back-porch informality that made it
seem to keep the story-line suspense, Simon Gonsalves
was making up his story briefs as he went along with
his narrative of the drama. They gave off the
deceptive, anyone-can-do-this aroma, with his
captivating performance together with his supporting
cast and an equally appreciative scenes and stage

A relentless worrywart who often spoke of being
tormented by memories that wouldn't recede and who
seemed to suffer from a compulsion for
self-flagellation, Simon Gonsalves seemed uninterested
in staking a claim for expertise in a niche of our
culture of personal hardship and luck. And he never
seemed to be taking credit for his own survival (the
main character of the drama); rather, it seemed his
storytelling shows the audience, was how he survived
and truimped. 

Simon Gonsalves regaled the audience with a chameleon
like ability to lose himself in the role that he
played, together with his co-stars, who did not let
any stone unturned to give their best. Popularly known
with a penchant for playing any character dangerously
benchmarked on edge psychotics, Simon displayed it
well once again.

The audience were delighted to hear the ever-helpful
contribution of Konkani stage artiste, Jose Rod, when
a thank you was conveyed by Simon Gonsalves.  This was
'Viva Goa Sports Club' presentation under the banner
of God's Gift Everly Production.

Our congratulations to you Simon Gonsalves, and to 
his selected cast of performers, singers and
supporting stage technicians.  The drama well directed
and music by Josinho and Shahu Almeida with Augusto
Morais, Dennis and Tony added grace.  The songs were
sung to the audience's delight on varied subjects.
Micheal D'Silva topped the 'encore' tally!

As usual, the audience was 

[Goanet]Helping Street children in Goa

2004-11-23 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Here is a bit of heartwarming news of what an English girl who spent six
weeks with street kids in Goa has set out to do while she is back home. The
Children's Rights-Goa[ CRG] run by Dr,Nishta Desai runs some such 'drop-in
'centres with a little bit of teaching in Mapusa, Calangute,Candolim and a
few other beach areas. Mrs. Mangala Wagle runs the Hamara School on
similar lines in Panjim while Bernie D'Souza and Greg D'Costa do it in
Margao.{Bernie and Greg's work was recognized by the Vincent Xavier
Verodiano Trust o VXV this month]. Caritas helps with a centre for children
with HIV-AIDS  close to Mapusa.
If you love children, dip deep into your pockets this festive season Diwali,
Id, Christmas, Tulsi Vivah, New Year and Epiphany. What you give may be
worthy to be a gift of the Magi...the 3 Kings from the East.

 excerpts from  http://www.childrenwalkingtall.com/

 18 November 2004

 A retired woman from Barnstaple is organising an evening of Indian food and
music to help street
 children in Goa. Maureen Charters has already seen for herself the plight
of deprived youngsters who roam the
 streets, begging for money and sleeping rough.

 And she is raising money for a new charity which aims to provide a drop in
centre, a safe place where the
 children can eat, rest and play.

 Already Maureen has collected £450 for the cause from well-wishers in
Barnstaple Pannier Market. Now she is
 putting on an evening of Indian food and music at Yeo Valley School in
Barnstaple on November 27 to raise
 further funds.

 Tickets cost £8.50 and people are guaranteed an authentic menu as her
friend from Swimbridge who is
 doing the cooking, used to be married to an Indian.

 Onion bargees, dips, vegetable korma and Bombay potatoes are among the
delights on offer.

 Maureen was inspired to raise money to help the street children while
working for six weeks in Goa.

 The drop in centre will be run under the umbrella of a new charity called
**Children Walking Tall. **She
 explained: The main aim is to keep the children healthy. They can come and
have something to eat and
 fresh clean water to drink.

 We need a fridge for the food and we need a water purifier and something
to cook on such as a stove.

 As well as providing nourishing food and basic hygiene the centre also aims
to give the children general
 medical care and a basic education.


 Courtesy: Jenifer  [EMAIL PROTECTED] on VascokarsUnited/


Compliments of the season to you all.Share the joy with the less privileged.

Viva Goa.

[Goanet]Arafat, Palestine, Samir, Miguel, Palestine, Arafat, Miguel, Samir, Miguel, Sam.

2004-11-23 Thread Frederick Noronha
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Don't you guys think we should be bringing the above debates to a halt? I'm not 
talking as a member of the admin team here, but as an ordinary Goanetter 
obviously feeling bad about everyone's mailboxes getting battered and bashed 
with that I-wanna-have-the-last-wordism.

Don't try too hard guys, we're not going to convince anyone via cyberspace. 
Instead, just make your point and leave it at that. You can at least convince 
the silent majority about your intentions ;-)  

Frederick Noronha 784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
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fred at bytesforall.org   http://www.bytesforall.org

Re: [Goanet] The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You are so full of [EMAIL PROTECTED], pardon my French, that it
is a waste of time arguing with you about an attitude
we can all read in your words.

I am sorry that I have driven Mario Goveia to such an
indefensible position that his only recourse is to use
expletives against me. 

Mario Goveia has once again failed to defend against
my charge that the Bush Iraq war is based on a lie. 

Like the politicians and the partisan hacks that he
supports, he has also once again failed to demonstrate
the courage and honesty to admit that there were no
WMDs in Iraq just before the war, and there never was
any imminent threat to the U.S. from them. 

As far as the rest of his embarrassing outburst is
concerned, the questions that he poses in capital
letters stem from a specious post-hoc rationalization
for an illegal war. They are meant to disguise the
fact that the Iraq war was based on a lie.

These questions are really, completely saiba bogus. 

Saiba Bogos!



Re: [Goanet]Support the Iraq war or be labeled a leftist, liberal, terrorist!

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

It looks like you have crawled out from under your
rock to continue your vile diatribes.  Until then the
dialog on goanet had been heated but quite
civil.  Goanet readers of all stripes have shown they
are quite capable of debating me and interpreting my
comments without your mean-spirited and bilious
assistance.  I don't attack anyone personally, Marlon,
unless they start levying vicious, emotional personal
attacks as you have just done, including comments by
Chris Vaz, who has not posted any comments on this
forum, without any context or detail.  Are goanet
readers just supposed to believe your opinion of
someone else?  Who quit and made you the boss?
Observing that someone who has criticized every detail
of the regime change in Iraq may be a Saddam supporter
is hardly a personal attack.  Why else would they
oppose the removal of such a brutal dictator and his
replacement with a democracy?  If they are not
supporters of Saddam, they should be quite capable of
explaining their staunch opposition to his regime
48% of the US electorate who did not vote for Bush are
not staunch defenders of Saddam.  Only those who
steadfastly and relentlessly oppose any opportunity
for the Iraqis to decide their own fate, as Saddam
did.   As you must know, even if you followed only
the left-wing media, John Kerry also supported the
Iraq war, before he opposed it, and had threatened to
be even more aggressive than Bush had been, before he
threatened to withdraw the troops from Iraq, and then
said he would not leave before the country could be
protected by the Iraqis.  On balance, he supported the
removal of Saddam Hussein.
So, Marlon, let's see if you are capable of going
beyond trying to intimidate people with your bile and
insults and engaging in a civil debate:

a) We all know that Saddam was a brutal dictator, b)
We all know that the US, using UN resolution 1441 as a
legal excuse, formed a coalition and deposed him, c)
We all now know that the key members of the UN that
opposed the coalition had a conflict of interest and
were involved with Saddam in looting the country to



Marlon Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
# Want to check the archives?
http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/ # 
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect
respect to others #

According to Mario's totally warped logic, 48% of the
US electorate who did not vote for Bush supports
Saddam, which leads him to the generalized conclusion
that they sympathized with the terrorists!

But then again, his friend Chris Vaz also made a
generalized and very offensive link between Tariq's
relgion, the muslims in Michigan and their apparent
blanket support for terrorism.

I suggest that these two in a box intolerant
individuals be ignored. A quick search reveals that
Mario has made it a habit to attack individuals on a
variety of other non Goan forums on the net. This
consistent mode of reverting to irrelevant attacks,
suggests to me that there may be a deeper
psychological issue involved than just the war,
terrorism, Saddam or even the caste system. Peter,
Vivian etc have made their case supporting Bush and
the war, without engaging in personal attacks against
those who did not agree with them. While we continue
to disagree on many of the fundamentals, it was still
possible to engage in rational debates with them. 


 --- Mario Goveia wrote:
  By the way, since you are such a staunch defender
  Saddam Hussein, you must have thought he and his
  sadistic sons were great guys, and you must really
  opposed to freedom and democracy for the Iraqi
--- Tariq Siddiqui wrote: 
 Therein lies the problem with people like you. You
 cannot comprehend the fact that
 there exist ordinary people around the world whose
 opposition to a certain policy
 does not make them supportive of the opposite of

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Tariq Siddiqui
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--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Cute answer, Tariq, but lacking in any substance.  
 Wouldn't your case be a lot stronger if you could
 advance a theory that fits ALL the actual and
 circumstantial evidence that I have listed, about what
 may have happened to Iraq's WMD?
 Since we know the WMDs were used previously, and they
 admitted having them in 1991, but neither accounted
 for thereafter nor found by the coalition as yet, what
 do you think could have happened to them?

I do not have to think about what happened to them. The IAEA does a good job 
here is what they said

As of 16 December 1998, the following assessment could be made of Iraq's 
clandestine programme:

There were no indications to suggest that Iraq was successful in its attempt to 
produce nuclear weapons. Iraq's explanation of its progress towards the 
a workable design for its nuclear weapons was considered to be consistent with 
resources and time scale indicated by the available programme documentation.

Iraq was at, or close to, the threshold of success in such areas as the 
of HEU through the EMIS process, the production and pilot cascading of 
single-cylinder sub-critical gas centrifuge machines, and the fabrication of the
explosive package 
for a nuclear weapon

There were no indications to suggest that Iraq had produced more than a few 
grams of

weapons-grade nuclear material through its indigenous processes.

There were no indications that Iraq otherwise clandestinely acquired 

All the safeguarded research reactor fuel was verified and fully accounted for 
the IAEA and removed from Iraq.

There were no indications that there remains in Iraq any physical capability 
for the

production of amounts of weapons-usable nuclear material of any practical 

The link for this is provided here:

The same report also provides account of the Nuclear Material that you believe 


In addition, please refer to Santosh Helekar's mail for the US report.


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Re: [Goanet]RE: RE: Arafat, Palestine

2004-11-23 Thread Tariq Siddiqui
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--- Alfred de Tavares [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To get the record straingt would the pundit of Palestine problems, kindly, 
 inform the uninnitiated if , since the inception of Israelli democracy, any 
 legitimate Palestinian candidate has been prevented from  contesting in the 
 elections to the Knesset, or any other elected body, in Israel?
 Further, if any of those duly elected been prevented from taking their due 
 place in the house and/or effectively pursuing his/hers parliamentary 
 Such details, statistically and, if possible, chronologically submited,  
 would be greatly welcome for historical edification and enhance the solidly 
 enhance the whines of the non-barkers.

First of all, there is no Palestinian in the Israeli Knesset. There are 
approximately 10-12 Arabs in the Knesset. They are from the Israeli Arab 
who account 
for approximately 20% of the population of Israel. They are not to be confused 
the Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip who are not given Israeli 
citizenship, or the right to vote in the Israeli election. 

In other words, Israel wants the land of West Bank and Gaza, but not the people 
live in it. 

The Israeli Arabs in the Knesset have often tried to represent the interests of 
Palestinian community at large, but found themselves disqualified if they 
their bounds. 


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Re: [Goanet]RE: Questions about Hindu caste?

2004-11-23 Thread Mervyn Lobo
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Cip Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Now, as he is the most intelligent liberal Hindu (by
 birth only) Goanetter why is he reluctant to 
 denounce publicly his so-called inherited 
 Saraswat Brahmin caste on Goanet?

Someone must have told you by now that the so called
caste you inherited, is nothing more than an urban

Regardless of what caste was assigned to you, just try
and purge the caste system from your mind.  

That way, you will not need to spend your life in
misery, waiting for others that you consider higher
classes to denounce the system.


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[Goanet]A Play all must see -- Francis, a man in a hurry.

2004-11-23 Thread Boromor Joseph Dias
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Dear Goa-Netter's,
  I am assisting the Pilar Fathers 'Francis, a man in a hurry'. I went today
to see it. Despite the constraints faced, it has come out really good beside
the fact that it has been produced on a shoestring budget.
  I have been promoting it on Good Morning Lord which now has crossed
200,000 listeners. Its a play you all must see. The English shows are at
4:00pm daily till Sunday (Hindi daily at 2:00pm). As its free  the seating
is 'first come first serve', its better to go with a pass in hand than to
get one at the gate.
  Regards to all,
  Boni (Boromor J. Dias) Founder Faith Works! - Producer  Sponsor of
GD Morning Lord)

  PS: see details of the play below. Tell your friends too about it  on the
last line is locations where the passes can be collected.

  Francis, a man in a hurry
  (A musical - dance - drama on the occasion of
  the Exposition of the sacred relics of St. Francis Xavier)

  On the occasion the Exposition of the relics of St. Francis Xavier, the
  Society of Pilar will present 'Francis a man in a hurry' a dance drama at
  the Pastoral Institute, Old Goa starting from 22nd  November  to 28th
  November. The show which will be presented in English and Hindi is
  to help pilgrims reflect on the life of St. Francis Xavier.

  'FRANCIS, A MAN IN A HURRY' looks at Francis' life as that of any young
  modern man in a competitive world who was in a hurry to conquer the
  honor and fame. A subtle challenge to his mundane aspirations from
  Loyola rattled his paradigms and set him on a pilgrimage to meet the
  within the inner most depths of his being. This inner pilgrimage turned
  world upside down. However he continued being a man in a hurry. Except
  this time his great hurry is chanelised to win the world for God. The
  drama is well corroborated by reflective dances and thoughtful music. It
  calls the youth to draw inspiration and conviction while they attend to
  their day to day chores.

  The Hindi version is called  Francis; Shigratha mein ek manushya. This
  be performed by a special cast from Delhi and Jharkhand, while the English
  version has a young and promising set of student actors from Goa.
  and written by Fr. Allan Tavares, the music is set by Fr. Nixon D'Silva
  the directed by Fr. Domnic Alvares. The Hindi show will be held at 2 pm
  the English show will commence at 4 pm.

  The Dance Drama is a production of the Society of the Missionaries of St.
  Francis Xavier, popularly known as the Society of Pilar, an indigenous
  Missionary Society based in Pilar, Goa. The Society of Pilar which has its
  branches spread in the rural places of India, has St. Francis Xavier as
  heavenly Patron and draws inspiration from his life in reference to its
  mission of spreading love, peace and justice.

  Limited seats. Complementary entry passes are available at Re-animation
  Centre, Pilar; Pilar Office Panaji, Pilar Deepti Sadan, Porvorim, Grace
  Church, Margao

Re: [Goanet]IA engine fails mid-air with 250 people

2004-11-23 Thread Viviana
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #
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This is why the A300 is known as a SCAREBUS in the industry, not an 
Airbus!  One of my brothers and I were on a flight out of JFK to SFO a 
short while ago which had to turn back after 20 minutes of flight due to 
a complete loss of navigational systems.  A blank panel in front of the 
pilots!  Thank God it was a clear day and the Captain was able to make a 
visual approach back into JFK.  When we boarded the flight attendants 
were telling everyone, This is a new aircraft, only two days old!  Of 
course they meant two days in service at America West, unless they 
brought it to America on a boat.  ;-))

Air turnbacks are not fun.

Eddie Verdes wrote:
The flight IC 598, an Airbus 300, left Goas Dabolim airport for Mumbai at
around 10.45 am.

[Goanet]Late Deals: Gatwick/Goa

2004-11-23 Thread Eddie Fernandes
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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Late Deals: Gatwick/Goa. 2 weeks return prices
Dep 26 Nov: £170.
Dep. 3 Dec: £210.
Premium seats available for £100 supplement.

Contact: Val Rozario,  Take Flight Travel, Tel 0870 5561 532. 

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.791 / Virus Database: 535 - Release Date: 08/11/2004

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

For the second time today I'm going to surprise you by
agreeing with some, but not all, that you have said in
this post.  There is much to criticize the US for for
policies throughout history.  We who live in the US do
it all the time as you would know if you followed the
recent campaign.

However, for being such an evil place as you try and
make it out to be based on a few selected examples
that you obviously think are critical to the overall
record, the fact remains that it is one of the few
places in the world that people risk their lives to
get into, to the tune of around 3 million a year
illegally, and a couple of million legally.  If it
were all that you would like to believe, people would
be risking their lives to get the hell out.

I will give you one example that will DRIVE YOU AND
OTHER ANTI-AMERICANS NUTS, but it was spoken by a
European leader who obviously disagrees with you,
BASED ON THE TOTAL RECORD.  Silvio Berlusconi, Prime
Minister of Italy, said this and I quote:

We don't see the US just as a friend, but as the
guarantor of our security.  We don't see the Stars and
Stripes as just the US flag, but as a symbol of
freedom and democracy around the world.

And at the Memorial Services at Normandy on June 6, he
said again, and I quote:

These are people who gave thgeir lives to set us
free.  Visit any one of our military cemeteries in
Italy, at Anzio, Montereggio, Palermo and all the
others, and read the names on the headstones, names
like Bradley and O'Connor, Jackson and Sanchez.  Look
at their ages.  These young Americans came to rescue
us and gave their lives so we could be free.  Then
come and talk to me about America.

As an America-hater, Cornel, I will excuse so you can
go puke.

So, Cornel, I will now ask you the same question I am
posing to those who oppose the action in Iraq.  See if
you can focus and respond with specifics if you choose

a) We all know that Saddam was a brutal dictator, b)
We all know that the US, using UN resolution 1441 as a
legal excuse, formed a coalition and deposed him, c)
We all now know that the key members of the UN that
opposed the coalition had a conflict of interest and
were involved with Saddam in looting the country to



--- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
 # Want to check the archives?
 # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
 reflect respect to others  #

 Many thanks for your considered reply.
 Unfortunately, I simply do not have
 the time at present,  much as I would like, to
 pursue this thread of our
 discussion. Clearly, we are poles apart about the
 virtues of the USA as a
 super power, minimally, because for me, the USA is
 ready to uphold many a
 tyrant and eliminate even democratically elected 
 governments it does not
 approve of and Chile comes readily to mind. You may
 recall the American
 general saying about Samoza (or some other right
 wing tyrant) that he may
 be a son of a bitch, but he is our son of a bitch. 
 As to spreading
 democracy, Bush coos over this about Afghanistan but
 all that has happened
 there is that an American puppet has been installed 
 and the warlords are
 really in charge. And do try telling the displaced
 people of Diego Garcia
 that Bush and his poodle, Blair, are promoting their
 There is much for  America to be proud of itself,
 even though it is unfairly
 consuming the world's resources like there is no
 tomorrow. I happen to share
 the views of those Americans (almost 50%) who do not
 share your rose-tinted
 view of America but have hopes that it will change
 for the better.

Re: [Goanet]RE: Questions about Hindu caste?

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Finally, a bottom line kind of guy.  God be praised!

Rene, my suggestion is to just oppose it on moral and
religious grounds, whenever and wherever it rears it's
ugly head.  I remember infuriating my Grandmother when
I was a teenager when I told her she had to go to
confession every time she spoke disparagingly about
someone based on their caste.  Drove her bonkers at
first, but she eventually got the point.

I have friends and relatives, Hindus and Catholics,
who have married the most wonderful people outside
their supposed castes and others who have been treated
like crap by their families, some even disinherited,
so I take this issue very seriously.

--- rene barreto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
 # Want to check the archives?
 # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
 reflect respect to others  #

 Writing or talking does not help eliminate CASTE ,
 action does.
 Do WE have any suggestions as to how this CASTE
 problem can 
 be addressed ?  If so please share them with us on
 this Goan Forum. 
 LETS begin TODAY.  
 - Original Message - 
 From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 3:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [Goanet]RE: Questions about Hindu
  Maybe you are used to talking to yourself. The
  of us need to know what the heck you are talking
  Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mario Goveia wrote: 
   Cip was saying that someone who is no longer a
   Hindu is probably not the best person to opine
   this regiously based issue.
   As the Hispanics, say, Comprende?
  You either live in a fantasy world or have
  comprehending simple sentences.

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

You are so full of [EMAIL PROTECTED], pardon my French, that it is
a waste of time arguing with you about an attitude we
can all read in your words.  So, let me focus your
mind and ask you to respond.  Forget the rest. 
Believe me, I have nothing against you personally.  I
don't even know you, for Christ's sake. (Saiba bogus!)
I have asked Tariq the same question, so I am not
discriminating against you.

Here's the bottom line, and I'm going to repeat it
until I get a straight answer:

a) We all know that Saddam was a brutal dictator, b)
We all know that the US, using UN resolution 1441 as a
legal excuse, formed a coalition and deposed him, c)
We all now know that the key members of the UN that
opposed the coalition had a conflict of interest and
were involved with Saddam in looting the country to



--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
 # Want to check the archives?
 # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
 reflect respect to others  #

 --- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Santosh, I have no intentions of smearing you, just
 debating the issues, but if the shoe fits I'm
 I must ask you to wear it.  
 It is clear from the above post, and the abuses,
 character assassination, prejudices and lies
 in it that Mario Goveia is incapable of defending
 against my charge that the Iraq war was based on a
 lie. He fails to defend the casus belli for this
 illegal war, namely the existence of WMDs and the
 purported imminent threat that they posed to the
 Like the politicians that he supports, Mr. Goveia
 not have the honesty and the decency to
 unconditionally admit that it is now well
 that there were no WMDs in Iraq just before the war,
 and there are none there at present.  He has been
 reduce to demonizing me, calling me names, making
 baseless prejudiced statements against me, and lying
 and distorting the facts. And despite all this he
 fancies himself to be a superior logician and
 custodian of the choicest facts.
 In this post I will avoid, as far as possible,
 responding to Mr. Goveia’s abusive personal attacks
 against me. Suffice it to say that this aspect of
 post illustrates how well he has been indoctrinated
 the tactics and practices of the right wing hate mob
 in the U.S. His post is a poignant example – almost
 caricature - of the intellectual dishonesty and
 bankruptcy that afflicts partisan hacks on either
 of the political divide in this country.
 I will mostly address below only the factual
 contradictions, distortions and post-hoc
 rationalizations that he has propagated in his post.
  mount a vicious and relentless attack on the
 liberation of a country that has been brutalized by
 dictator, has never known freedom and democracy,
 hasthen yell Bloody murder! when 
 someone wonders why. 
 The above is a load of gratuitous hogwash designed
 disguise the fact that the Iraq war was based on a
  Not knowing you makes me more objective, don't you
 I wonder which part of Mr. Goveia’s post reveals
 himself to be objective. The part where he calls me
 huge supporter of Saddam Hussein? Or the one where
 calls me a diehard anti-American and anti-Semite?
  Here is a classic example of why I think you are a
 huge supporter of Saddam Hussein.  If you don't
 that Iraq used WMDs against Iran, the Kurds at
 Halabja (5,000 innocent civilians dead in one day)
 and the Marsh Shia in the Tigris-Euphrates delta
 then you need to do some research and PLEASE stop
 embarrassing yourself.
 Here Mr. Goveia fantasizes that my knowledge is more
 limited than his. His ignorance about what I know
 what I don’t know does not prevent him from drawing
 prejudiced conclusion, complete with a 

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Nice try, but isn't it you, and the others who support
your point of view, who are opposing dissent by
opposing freedom and democracy for the Iraqi people? 
You don't like it when I mention it, but you are
mounting such a die-hard attack on anything or anyone
who supports freedom and democracy for the Iraqis that
I am at a loss for any other description that fits.

Here's the bottom line, and I'm going to repeat it
until I get a straight answer:

a) We all know that Saddam was a brutal dictator, b)
We all know that the US, using UN resolution 1441 as a
legal excuse, formed a coalition and deposed him, c)
We all now know that the key members of the UN that
opposed the coalition had a conflict of interest and
were involved with Saddam in looting the country to



Tariq, you have to know that there are some
non-Muslims who believe that democracy is not good
enough for Muslims.  But how the hell can you, as a
Muslim, oppose freedom and democracy for fellow
Muslims, well knowing that there are very few Muslim
democracies, and well knowing that Muslims who live in
true democracies like Britain, Canada, the US,
Australia, NZ and India all agree that they are better
of in every possible way than living under the heel of
the militants that control daily life in all the
Muslim countries?  If its good enough for you, why not
for the Iraqis, and all the others?

Notice that I have excluded the European countries
because I believe their committment to democracy is
skin deep, based on the recent OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT
reactions to Muslims in France and the Netherlands.

--- Tariq Siddiqui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
 # Want to check the archives?
 # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
 reflect respect to others  #

 --- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  See my comments below under Responses.
  By the way, since you are such a staunch defender
  Saddam Hussein, you must have thought he and his
  sadistic sons were great guys, and you must really
  opposed to freedom and democracy for the Iraqi
 Therein lies the problem with people like you. You
 cannot comprehend the fact that
 there exist ordinary people around the world whose
 opposition to a certain policy
 does not make them supportive of the opposite of
 that policy. 
 Just because I did not support the war in Iraq, does
 not make me, or the millions
 like me, a supporter of Saddam Hussein.
 You prefer to see things that way only because you
 cannot tolerate dissent or
 comprehend objectivity.
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Re: [Goanet]VoicesofIraq.com

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Good point, Tariq.  Which is why it is so important to
read multiple sources of news with an eye towards
weasel words and bias, and to follow non-partisan
investigative reports where there are checks and
balances.  These two gentlemen are people who actually
live and work in Iraq, have lost friends and relatives
in the conflict, and openly admit that their bias is
towards the positive things that are happening there,
while recognizing that a small faction of the 25
million Iraqis are still objecting, for one reason or
another, to the freedom and democracy that is
developing there.

What I don't understand is while, a) We all know that
Saddam was a brutal dictator, b) We all know that the
US, using UN resolution 1441 as a legal excuse, formed
a coalition and deposed him, c) We all now know that
the key members of the UN that opposed the coalition
had a conflict of interest and were involved with
Saddam in looting the country to the tune of some



--- Tariq Siddiqui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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 reflect respect to others  #

 --- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  They claimed that they have been amazed at the
  coverage of the events in Iraq in the world and
  especially the American media.  They claim that
  media spends 100% of coverage on less than 10% of
  conflict that remains in the country of 25 million
  people and zero percent on the reconstruction that
  going on right now.
 That same media also focused on the violence during
 the Saddam Hussein regime. 
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Re: [Goanet] Questions about Hindu caste?

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
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Instead of verbally fighting with Cip, who is probably
trying to get under your skin, and since you obviously
disagree with the caste system, why don't you simply
stick with denouncing it among Hindus, as I have
denounced it among Catholics?  The end.

Let those who defend the caste system then continue
the dialog, and continue to live by it.

The rest of us can consign it to the dustbin of
history where it rightly belongs.

--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
 # Want to check the archives?
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 reflect respect to others  #

 --- Cip Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It appears that Dr. Santosh Helekar is a Hindu not
 by conviction but by birth, inheriting so-called
 Saraswat Brahmin caste, which is very close to
 his heart.
 Now, either Cipriano does not know what he is
 about or he is deliberately trying to insult me by
 calling me a Saraswat Brahmin, and by making an
 outrageous charge that my so-called Saraswat Brahmin
 caste is very close to my heart. The truth is
 knows nothing about me and my attitude towards my
 caste. He has also not bothered to find out before
 making baseless accusations.
 However, he believes in his inherited so-called
 Saraswat Brahmin caste and he is holding tight to
 Not content with using a casteist slur against me,
 continues to lie about me. Does he deliberately
 misunderstand me when I state that I do not hold the
 convictions of the religion of my ancestors? I
 challenge him to show us how he knows that I believe
 in my caste.
 Now, as he is the most intelligent liberal Hindu
 birth only) Goanetter why is he reluctant to
 publicly his so-called inherited Saraswat
 Brahmin caste on Goanet?
 What a joke! Does Cipriano just want me to say that
 denounce my so-called inherited Saraswat Brahmin
 on Goanet? Well, Folks on Goanet, here I go.
 I denounce my so-called inherited saraswat brahmin
 caste on Goanet. 
 Or is he confusing denounce with renounce? If he
 is then would he believe me if I told him that I
 already renounced my caste and the practices of
 casteism in my own life many years ago? That is
 exactly what I have done. That is why calling me a
 saraswat brahmin or any such name is an insult to
 I know, this post and any number of others like it
 would make no difference to Cipriano as regards his
 attitude towards me. In all likelihood he would
 continue to believe what he wants to believe. After
 all, ironically, those who wrongly accuse others of
 discrimination and prejudice by definition suffer
 prejudice themselves.

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
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Cute answer, Tariq, but lacking in any substance.  

Wouldn't your case be a lot stronger if you could
advance a theory that fits ALL the actual and
circumstantial evidence that I have listed, about what
may have happened to Iraq's WMD?

Since we know the WMDs were used previously, and they
admitted having them in 1991, but neither accounted
for thereafter nor found by the coalition as yet, what
do you think could have happened to them?

--- Tariq Siddiqui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
 # Want to check the archives?
 # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
 reflect respect to others  #

 --- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Since you seem so upset that Saddam has been
 removed by the evil George Bush, you
  must think he was a great guy and you must
 therefore also be opposed to freedom
  and democracy for the Iraqi people.
  You seem to be one of those people who is too
 intelligent by half.
  See if you can follow this simple sequential
  1. Before 1991 there was evidence of WMDs in Iraq.
  Just ask the Iranis, Kurds and
  Shia that these were used on.
  2. In 1991 there was evidence of WMDs, because the
 UN has a signed agreement by
  Saddam acknowledging his WMDs and promising to
 destroy these and provide the UN
  with an accounting.
  3. From 1991 to 2003 the UN Security Council
 passed 17 resolutions asking for the
  accounting that Saddam never provided, even though
 the consequence of the first 16
  were crippling sanctions and of the 17th was the
 loss of his dictatorship and his
  sadistic sons.
  4. Physics tells us that matter does not
 disappear.  It has to be accounted for.
  5. The coalition has not found the WMDs as yet.
  6. Ipso facto, the WMDs cannot have disappeared,
 they have not been accounted for,
  they have not been found as yet, so they must be
 either still hidden somewhere in
  Iraq, or in Syria as suspected.
 I am suprised you did not say that they could have
 also been taken by UFOs 
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[Goanet]I demand apology from Joel :-)

2004-11-23 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Dear Goanetters,

The good book tells us, When a wiseman argueth with a fool; whether he
laughs or he raves, there is no end.

After a long, off-net discussion with Samir Kelekar[ with quite a few
folks in the loop]:I see the wisdom of those ancient words. Never in my life
has any literate person brought my children into a discussion with me by
connecting  a subject of discussion to an unrelated topic. How low can one
get and still expect respect? That Samir Kelekar is a bachelor[ and has
no known daughters] is no excuse for him to write loosely about girls in
Goa; whether Goan or not, unless he can substantiate it.

 Frederick Noronha(FN) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 On Sun, 21 Nov 2004, jerry fernandes wrote:
  Hello Samir
  I read your article, and was surprised that you are demanding an
  apology from Joel. We Goans who are far away from Goa, appreciate the
  good work that Joel does by providing us the daily dose of the news of

 Don't take it too seriously Jerry. This doesn't seem to have been
 targeted at Joel. I just think this was Samir's way of responding to
 those who have been demanding an *apology* from *him* (Samir) on the
 100-girls issue.

 On a more serious note, one can't help wonder how strong a gene we Goans
 have in reducing almost every debate into a name-calling, slanging match
 between individuals and personalities, rather than allowing it to be a
 battle of ideas that allows truth to surface and a diversity of
 perspectives to flow.
Samir Kelekar wrote the following on Goa-Net on Mon Nov 1, 2004:
  This is what I heard from a reliable source. At a recent male-only
retreat by an Indian company in a
renowned 5 star hotel, *100 male members were supplied with 100 YOUNG GIRLS
as companions for the evening.* The girls turned out to be LOCAL teenage
girls from the surrounding villages. .I think it is time Goa legalize
regulate prostitution.

 Samir Kelekar is using the above and  an archive posting on a
matrimonial to obfuscate the issue that he has no evidence of the story he
posted on the *100 girls and one five star hotel *and legalizing
in Goa. Putting a ;-) sign does not make his postings funny at all. I am
going to ignore his postings on Goanet ...or privately.

viva Goa.

[Goanet]Goa's Fun image; Samir's 2nd Story

2004-11-23 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Dear Samir,

Your posting[ and changing of the subjet line] is NOT FUNNY. The thread is
Goa's Fun image:Samir's Story

Your postings are DISGRACEFUL, the opposite of your email ID

My wife is as FAIR as your reference to her in this context is UNFAIR.
 Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 19:14:02 +0500
 Subject: [Goanet]Response to Miguel

 You seem to still have the itch of not keeping quiet.

 1) First of all, you owe an apology on Goanet for your bigoted comments
 the dark people. You are not going to get away with it. It is comments
 yours that perpetuate the myth that fair is good, and dark is bad. How
 are you? ***How fair is your wife and family?

 Let us deal with this and get it out of the way before we deal with other

 My dear Samir,

 An  District and Sessions Court Judge has denied bail to Altaf Sayyad of
 Gogolunder Section 8[2] of the GOA CHILDRENS ACT,2003 read with IPC
 376 and 342. He has been jailed based on prima facie evidence of rape
 produced by the Public Prosecutor Sarojini Sardinha. Question of
 sex does not arise as the girl is a minor. It is mandatory rape. For
 read Goamntak Times page 1,Col.7 dated 20 Nov.[www.gomantaktimes.com]. The
 girl and her mother have stood their ground.

 What is your evidence against the 5-Star hotel and the 100 girls alleged
 YOU [ You are unable to upline your sources...perhaps because there are
 none;-( .] to have been 'procured' or 'supplied' ? In fact, WHAT is your

 - Original Message -
 From: Samir Kelekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Damn it , who is scandalizing whom here?
  Josebab, can you see a victim here? I can't.
  Heck, Joel needs to apologize for this* scandal-mongering;* and that too
 on the Internet.
  From Joel's news clip of two days back:
  the almost forgotten murky Margao rape case, the 17-year-old rage victim
 and her mother are facing continuous threat from local goons to settle
 case and not press charges. They have alleged that some local politicians
 are supporting the accused Altaf Sayyed, who has earlier been arrested for
 similar and related crimes. (GT)

 There is no point scurrying for every 'cover' that you see. The cover is
 just a mirage.

  First you were willing to give details to Rajan Narayan,then to Fredrick
 Noronhha. First you digress to Calangute beach, now to Margao. *
 scandal-mongering;* is what you have been doing right from the point you
 started this thread,Samir.  APOLOGISE [ on Goanet, where you posted the
 carnard about 100 Goan girls] if you are a man. Hold your peace if you are

Samir, you are fair SKINNED and can have no offence about being called DARK.
If there is any dark complexioned person who was offended by my spoof on a
matrimonial [not on dark persons], let them speak up. No one has done so
far. The spoof was not offensive at all. I will apologise ,if the need
arises. I am not a Samir.

OFFENSE is not always the best form of defence,specially when one uses
offensive postings to defend the indefensible.. That is like wearing a
condom to prevent getting HIV-AIDS ..the second time! You have my
sympathy. Pity ,may be a better word for that.

Viva Goa.

 Viva Goa.

[Goanet]Some views about the 'other' Goa

2004-11-23 Thread Frederick Noronha
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I went to a few parties in anjuna about 10 years ago and have always thought 
they,d never be what they were. The dominant image of goa in the uk now is 
package tour sum loungers and middle aged brits opening bars like spain a few 
years back. I,d be very glad to have this myth demolished. I think the sun rise 
on anjuna beach with people dancing ine sea would be almost unspoilable if it 
still happens? Nov 6, 2004

It's very hot in Goa now. I'm sitting in the Primrose writing this and the 
temperature is a sweltering 31 C. I saw a few bikes parked outside the 9 Bar 
this evening but you can forget about parties for the time being. Last night 
was full moon and the only thing happening was at the Paradisdo but who wants 
to go there? Besides they charge admission and it's the wrong kind of crowd 
anyway. Lots of people on Vagator beach during the day and Curley's in Anjuna 
is a good place to hang out also. Oct 28, 2004

Frederick Noronha 784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
Freelance Journalist  TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
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fred at bytesforall.org   http://www.bytesforall.org

Re: [Goanet]RE: Questions about Hindu caste?

2004-11-23 Thread Tim de Mello
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An excellent post on Hinduism.
Although a Catholic by religion, and having never lived in India even though 
I was born there (my mother travelled from Kenya to give birth because of 
the primitive conditions then obtaining in Kenya), I still feel close to the 
cultural Hindu way of life.

However, you say:
I think it would be possible to be brought up a Catholic and be one 
culturally without continuing to accept that there is a God.

I do not agree with you here. To me it is an anachronism - and I doubt if 
you will find much support for that concept.

Tim de Mello

Re: [Goanet]Re: Questions about Hindu caste?

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
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Thanks for the sermon, similar to what we hear every
Sunday.  However, what do you think specifically about
castes among Catholics and the effects in today's

Frederick Noronha (FN) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
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# Want to check the archives?
http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/ # 
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect
respect to others #

It's very easy to poke fun about the beliefs of
*others* and to advice 
*them* on how *they* should be changing.

This is what the holier-than-thou far-Right Hindutva
elements have been 
doing with the minorities in India. (Muslims should
treat their women 
better; they need to reform their religion; Christians
should treat other 
religions as equals -- never mind if that means giving
up monotheism.)

This is also what some Goanetters have been doing,
preaching to those who 
come from a different religious background and happen
to be on Goanet.

We tend to see the world from our own perspectives. To
us, *everything* 
that *we* do looks right and correct. Conversely, the
faith, belief and 
practice of others looks wonky and upside down.

What was it that the Bible was saying about the speck
and/or log in one's 
own eye? Instead of preaching to others, let's start
by criticising and 
reforming ourselves. Our own religions, cultures,
belief-systems could do 
with a lot of mending. Reform, like charity, best
begins at home.


Frederick Noronha (FN) Nr Convent Saligao 403511
Freelance Journalist P: 832-2409490 M: 9822122436

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fredericknoronha at vsnl.net

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[Goanet]RE: Questions about Hindu caste?

2004-11-23 Thread Tim de Mello
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rene barreto [EMAIL PROTECTED] asked:
Do WE have any suggestions as to how this CASTE problem can be addressed ?

Tim de Mello

[Goanet]TULSI LAGN -- in amchem Goem

2004-11-23 Thread godfrey gonsalves
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Goans belonging to the Hindu community celebrated
today 23rd November 2004 one of the festivals that has
delighted Goans -the Tulsi Lagn (marriage of a
basil plant)  

Today at noon the Hindus prepared food which is
strictly non vegetarian ---consisting of rice, moong ,
puri , sweet potato kheer ,  pumpkin  cooked with
pieces of sugarcane, amla and tamarind and some of
this is offered to the Tulsi Vrindavan. 

Then  by dusk one could witness a Lagn  read
marriage ceremony) . The bride and bridegroom 
undergoing the rituals were the tulsi (basil plant)
and the sugarcane 

The tulsi vrindavan (decorative pot in front of the
house is coloured and decorated )  Sugarcane and
branches of tamarind and amla trees are planted
along with the tulsi plant. 

Thereafter after the ritualistic offering of poha or
fou to  Lord Vishnu prassad was distributed among
family members and friends. 

The myth abounds that the Vrinda married King
Julundhar a demon. Vrinda prayed to Lord Vishnu that
her demon husband  be protected, so that no harm came
to him form other gods. However on the request of the
other gods, Lord Vishnu adopted the form of King
Julundhar and stayed with the unsuspecting Vrinda 

Following Julundhar's death, Vrinda learnt of this
deception and went wil.  She  cursed Lord  Vishnu and
turned him to stone (Shaligram) and collapsed. 

It is believed that from her body emerged the tulsi
plant. That is why Tulsi vivah ceremony  is
celebrated on the next day of Kartiki Akadashi. On
this day tulsi is married to Shaligram. 

While the ritual above links to the religious aspect. 

the social aspect cannot be left out in Goan Hindu
homes it is traditional  for the family to send an
OJEM (load of sweets)  to the daughter from her
parental home along with zodi (cotton threads used
to light lamp while performing aarti). These were
predominant traditions during the days of joint
families. Surprisingly this writer witnessed this
function in a village in Mobor Cavelossim  Salcete
South Goa late this evening.

With every Goan male and female at work and the day
being not a public holiday such festivities take place

Tommorrow will be the Dindi festival in Margao at
Lord Vithal and Rukmini  Temple in Comba.  The streets
are being lined up with traditional kadio boddio
Laddoos and for games traditional godgoddo.

This writer has noted that in the past over twentyfive
years there has been considerable economic upliftment
notably amongst the bahujan samaj.  

One sees girls and boys and families dressed up in
bright clothes with rich designs meandering the
streets paying obeisance to the deities at both
temples Hari Mandir Pajifond and Comba 

The huge trunout also provides one an opportunity of a
social meeting of a different kind ---minds and
hearts  This festival often referred as Vodli
Dipawali ends with fireworks from midnight to the wee
hours of dawn.

From  Village Mobor - Cavelossim

Borda Margao Goa

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[Goanet]Re: 21 Nov. a red letter day Francisco Xavier

2004-11-23 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Ooops! I slipped up on that detail. Mea culpa. The body of SFX was first
burried on the island of Sancian...well before the re-burial at Malacca. It
is ,of course not a mistake that is fatal to my posting ...as long as
Sancian,Moluccas and Malacca are not in Goa.
- Original Message -
 Miguel Braganza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It is immaterial that Franciso de Xavier was born in Spain, came to
 Goa with the Portuguese and died near the Mollucca Islands
 tgf_coordinators [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Francisco Xavier died on the Chinese Island of Sancian aka Shangchuan.
 Sancian is located ~10 nautical miles from the Chinese mainland.
 After his death, his body was transported to the Malaysia seaside city
 of Malacca (just south of Kuala Lumpur)
 The Moluccas(Maluku on the other hand - are way south in Indonesia
 (almost near Australia)
 For an article on SFX please visit :

However, a mistake is a mistake. My apologies.

Viva Goa. Viva Goemcho Saib.


Fw: [Goanet]Tiatr em Portugal

2004-11-23 Thread cornel
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My apologies. In my rush I got Rui's first name wrong and called him Raul by
mistake. Unfortunately, I could not locate his email address to send him a
copy of the post sent to you.

 Thank you for the info about Goan cultural activity in Portugal and
 specifically in Lisbon. As I take it that you live in Lisbon, I wonder if
 you can persuade Raul Colasco (with apologies if I have incorrectly spelt
 the surname) to tell us about the social scene, and especially about the
 Goan dance bands in  former Portuguese East Africa? He had indicated his
 intention to do so when there was a lot of discussion about the British
 African scene in the 1950s/60s initiated by Tony Barros.

[Goanet]Idol Worship

2004-11-23 Thread eric pinto
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  Of the many Reformation led  charges against the
Church,  the one that endured the longest was idol
worshippers. It's all so moot now with no worshippers
of any stripe left in formerly christian Europe, and
here  we are fighting their moribund battle for
'faith' on far away Asian shores.  eric.

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Re: [Goanet]The ten commandments

2004-11-23 Thread floriano
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Well Yes, for sure.
After listening to and reading the Ten Commandments a life-time over, the
'Thou' comes automatic to the tongue as well as the finger tips, especially
when one is typing what the mind prompts.

You may be right. 'Thou' is out of place in this context. Kindly substitute
it with the universal U' if it will make you any  happier. Besides, the
'Ten Commandments' being the figment of imagination as coming from God
himself to Moses, the same coming from the King of the Jungle, when his
absolute and hitherto unchallenged territory was under threat, is quite

BTW- Any mention of  xembuh Moidekar , aka  Xhanno Moidekar, gives me an
itch to reach for the waste paper basket (read delete button).

- Original Message -
From: xembuh Moidekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 9:12 AM
Subject: [Goanet]The ten commandments

 The Ten Commandments
 The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a Courthouse!
 cannot post Thou Shalt Not Steal, Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery and
 Thou Shall Not Lie in a building full of lawyers, judges and
 It creates a hostile work environment.

 Any comments Goa netters?

Re: [Goanet]Re: COST OF MULTIPLEX ...

2004-11-23 Thread floriano
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Dear George,
Greetings from Goa.
BTW Lok Shakti is not a registered political party. It still remains a
forum. And if I am not mistaken it is slated to remain as a forum, it's
president Mr. Datta Naik having gone on record at its Margao Convention that
it shall not indulge in politics.

I however had hoped that it would be a registered political force with
certain written down ideology. We at Goa Su-Raj maintain that politics can
only be fought with politics. Forums are seen as extensions of  political

All said and done, Goa needs good political parties who compete with each
other to do better than the other.

An essence of fair political competition will bring out the best in terms of
benefits to the people in the name of good governance.



- Original Message -
From: George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 9:41 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Re: COST OF MULTIPLEX ...

 --- Philip Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Both sides seem to have missed the real point of the whole issue. That
  the TOTAL LACK of attention to a host of governance problems in the

 Dear Philip:

 I do not live in Goa but occasionally visit. I have come to the conclusion
that Goa has gone from
 one bad version of governance (Congress) to another bad version (BJP).
Unfortunately, parties
 like Goa Suraj and Lok Shakti have a small impact though their goals are
laudable.  There is a
 growing tradition of writers (Ethel de Costa, Aires Rodrigues, Rajan
Narayan, and others) who who
 serve a useful role.  I am curious since you seem reasonable and based in
Goa, as to what you
 think Goa needs in terms of good governance.  Aires had posted 10 things
on the net a few months
 ago, Fred Noronha posted 21 points a few years ago, and I think Mathany
Saldanha had a list of 37
 fix-it problems some years ago too.

 If I am not imposing on your time, perhaps you can share your thoughts
with us.


[Goanet]Gabe Menezes

2004-11-23 Thread floriano
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I was sitting with the Sarpanch of Bastora, Mr. Parsekar in his office in
the Bastora Panchayat, discussing with him the contents of the copy of the
letter to DySP Allan D'Sa re: the dumping of brick-bats at the roadside at
the Moira-Bastora-Mapusa junction. When my mobile phone went:

Ring Ring
Hello !
Floriano ? This is Gabe here. Gabe Menezes.
Hey Gabe. You must be in Goa.
Yes, I'm in Margao at the moment.
Flo- We must meet.
Gabe-   8 P.M. at Casa Portuguesa, Baga on Friday. I want to treat you to a
dinner with my friends. Bring yr. wife along.
Flo- Don't know about my wife, but I shall be there.


PS: Meeting a Cyber Friend  for the first time is a pleasure specially  when
that friend is a friend of  goasuraj.

Re: [Goanet]Tiatr em Portugal

2004-11-23 Thread cornel
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Thank you for the info about Goan cultural activity in Portugal and
specifically in Lisbon. As I take it that you live in Lisbon, I wonder if
you can persuade Raul Colasco (with apologies if I have incorrectly spelt
the surname) to tell us about the social scene, and especially about the
Goan dance bands in  former Portuguese East Africa? He had indicated his
intention to do so when there was a lot of discussion about the British East
African scene in the 1950s/60s initiated by Tony Barros.

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread cornel
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Many thanks for your considered reply. Unfortunately, I simply do not have
the time at present,  much as I would like, to pursue this thread of our
discussion. Clearly, we are poles apart about the virtues of the USA as a
super power, minimally, because for me, the USA is ready to uphold many a
tyrant and eliminate even democratically elected  governments it does not
approve of and Chile comes readily to mind. You may recall the American
general saying about Samoza (or some other right wing tyrant) that he may
be a son of a bitch, but he is our son of a bitch.  As to spreading
democracy, Bush coos over this about Afghanistan but all that has happened
there is that an American puppet has been installed  and the warlords are
really in charge. And do try telling the displaced people of Diego Garcia
that Bush and his poodle, Blair, are promoting their freedom!!

There is much for  America to be proud of itself, even though it is unfairly
consuming the world's resources like there is no tomorrow. I happen to share
the views of those Americans (almost 50%) who do not share your rose-tinted
view of America but have hopes that it will change for the better.

Re: [Goanet]RE: Questions about Hindu caste?

2004-11-23 Thread cornel
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Yes one can be a Hindu and not believe in God. I believed this to be so, but
nevertheless, consulted three academics on the telephone who felt they were
Hindu by identity and culture even though dismissive of caste and God. I had
also read about this issue previously in books on Hinduism, where
invariably, Hinduism was described as a way of life  more so than a
religion, notwithstanding a plethora of Gods rather than just one. I also
claim that a non believer in God is perfectly able to write about religious
issues, often, more insightfully, as they are no longer encumbered by a
faith in God. Indeed, some excellent books on religion have been written by
non believers in God or lapsed believers for that matter, including former
priests and nuns and there are hell of a lot of such non believers in the
world today.

Similarly, I think it would be possible to be brought up a Catholic and be
one culturally without continuing to accept that there is a God. I am
tentative about this specific point but I am sure other better informed
Goanetters could throw more light on this issue.
Minimally, Mario, you were wrong on at least one aspect of your reply to my
genuine (non feigned) query. The bigger question now is whether you can
accept that you were wrong?
- Original Message - 
From: Mario Goveia mgoveia@
 Can you call yourself a Hindu if you don't believe in
 God?  Can you call yourself a Catholic if you don't
 believe in God?  No, you can't.

[Goanet]Support the Iraq war or be labeled a leftist, liberal, terrorist!

2004-11-23 Thread Marlon Menezes
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According to Mario's totally warped logic, 48% of the
US electorate who did not vote for Bush supports
Saddam, which leads him to the generalized conclusion
that they sympathized with the terrorists!

But then again, his friend Chris Vaz also made a
generalized and very offensive link between Tariq's
relgion, the muslims in Michigan and their apparent
blanket support for terrorism.

I suggest that these two in a box intolerant
individuals be ignored. A quick search reveals that
Mario has made it a habit to attack individuals on a
variety of other non Goan forums on the net. This
consistent mode of reverting to irrelevant attacks,
suggests to me that there may be a deeper
psychological issue involved than just the war,
terrorism, Saddam or even the caste system. Peter,
Vivian etc have made their case supporting Bush and
the war, without engaging in personal attacks against
those who did not agree with them. While we continue
to disagree on many of the fundamentals, it was still
possible to engage in rational debates with them. 


 --- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  By the way, since you are such a staunch defender
  Saddam Hussein, you must have thought he and his
  sadistic sons were great guys, and you must really
  opposed to freedom and democracy for the Iraqi
--- Tariq Siddiqui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Therein lies the problem with people like you. You
 cannot comprehend the fact that
 there exist ordinary people around the world whose
 opposition to a certain policy
 does not make them supportive of the opposite of
 that policy. 
 Just because I did not support the war in Iraq, does
 not make me, or the millions
 like me, a supporter of Saddam Hussein.
 You prefer to see things that way only because you
 cannot tolerate dissent or
 comprehend objectivity.

Re: [Goanet]RE: Questions about Hindu caste?

2004-11-23 Thread rene barreto
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Writing or talking does not help eliminate CASTE , action does.

Do WE have any suggestions as to how this CASTE problem can 
be addressed ?  If so please share them with us on this Goan Forum. 

LETS begin TODAY.  


- Original Message - 
From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 3:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]RE: Questions about Hindu caste?

 Maybe you are used to talking to yourself. The rest
 of us need to know what the heck you are talking
 Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mario Goveia wrote: 
  Cip was saying that someone who is no longer a
  Hindu is probably not the best person to opine on
  this regiously based issue.
  As the Hispanics, say, Comprende?
 You either live in a fantasy world or have problems
 comprehending simple sentences.

[Goanet]A letter of introduction

2004-11-23 Thread Ivar Fjeld
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To my fellow goans

One of my neighbors has introduced me to Goanet. As a
resident of the village of Ribandar, I guess I have a
lot to learn from the debates that are taking place in
this forum. May be I can contribute something also,
from my long life as a political reporter?

Infact, I have had the pleasure of being a son in law
of this country since 1994. That was the year I
married a young Pereira girl.  We spent our honeymoon
in Goa. Some of the Goanetters already knows who I am.
First of all Phillip Thomas. A few days back Thomas
requested me to join this forum and share some
knowledge that I have on Dabolim Airport.

Being a political reporter in the Press Club in the
Norwegian Parliament, I also have a love for world
politics. In April 1991, I first  landed in India as a
member of a group of students from the Journalist
Academy. Since than I have been following Indian
politics with great interest. In fact on the 1991
journey to India, we were following the campaign of
late PM Rajiv Gandhi from our television sets in New
Delhi.  Just arrived back in Norway, we got the
shocking news of the terrorist attack who killed one
of the greatest Indian leaders. In 1993 I was a Group
Study Excange Student with Rotary International. At
that great journey to India I was given the
opportunity of giving speeches on my country by birth.
I got a lot of Indian friends. That journey changed my

For many years my wife and me spent the summers in
Norway, and the winter season in India. In 2001 our
eldest daughter had to start going to school. I was
just finishing my post as the advisor to the Norwegian
Minister of Oil and Gas, and had to settle
permanently. Now we had to choose between India and
Norway. We choose Goa. How could a political reporter
survive 8000 km away from his primary political arena?
Because of technology and outsourcing.  When the
Norwegian Parliament is out of session, I can keep in
touch with the Norwegian diplomats and politicians
working on the Internet. During the sessions I travel
to Oslo. 

I guess, it will take more than 14 years in India, to
become an Indian. But I am proud to announce that I
today call my self a Goan. When I visit my family in
Norway, I always tell them: I know were my roots are,
but I am going home to Goa.

Sincerely Yours
Mr. Ivar Fjeld

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[Goanet]Menezeses... and more

2004-11-23 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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Gabe Menezes of Navelim/UK phoned this afternoon, and ... surprise, surprise... 
I failed to to recognise who was calling! He was (obviously) surprised ;-) 
Maybe I'm just growing old, or it's that early touch of Alzheimer's. Or perhaps 
it makes more sense to introduce ourselves by our email addresses ;-) Sorry 
about that faux pas Gabe! It was wholly unintentional.

Looking forward to meet Gabe sometime soon.
Anyone else coming to Goa in time for a Dec 21 Goanetter's meet-up and 
contributory lunch at someplace central?

For those who asked, the VM who wrote that article on returning to Goa *is* 
indeed the very same _VM_ we know on Goanet. He was very active in the early 
days of Goanet, and got activated again more recently.

In some ways, it's gratifying to see Goanet playing a role, though in a small 
way, in reversing the once much-debated brain-drain. In VM's (* 
***'s) case, he actually took the step of attempting a re-location to 
Goa. Here's wishing him well. The first few months can be trying; but 
once you find your way around the maze, and adjust to the pace of work, 
it can be fun.

Other old-time Goanetters like Jaime D'Mello -- seem to have lost touch 
temporarily -- have also said this network helped keep them abrest with what's 
happening here, and thus make them feel less of 'strangers' when they get back.

Looking forward to more such useful links in the future. It sure could benefit 
all concerned. FN

Frederick Noronha (FN)Nr Convent Saligao 403511 GoaIndia
Freelance Journalist  P: 832-2409490 M: 9822122436
http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks http://fn.swiki.net
http://www.ryze.com/go/fredericknoronha   http://fn-floss.notlong.com

Difficulties to send email across? Write to fredericknoronha at vsnl.net

  Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments
  See http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Tariq Siddiqui
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--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 See my comments below under Responses.
 By the way, since you are such a staunch defender of
 Saddam Hussein, you must have thought he and his
 sadistic sons were great guys, and you must really be
 opposed to freedom and democracy for the Iraqi people.

Therein lies the problem with people like you. You cannot comprehend the fact 
there exist ordinary people around the world whose opposition to a certain 
does not make them supportive of the opposite of that policy. 

Just because I did not support the war in Iraq, does not make me, or the 
like me, a supporter of Saddam Hussein.

You prefer to see things that way only because you cannot tolerate dissent or
comprehend objectivity.


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Re: [Goanet]VoicesofIraq.com

2004-11-23 Thread Tariq Siddiqui
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--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 They claimed that they have been amazed at the
 coverage of the events in Iraq in the world and
 especially the American media.  They claim that the
 media spends 100% of coverage on less than 10% of the
 conflict that remains in the country of 25 million
 people and zero percent on the reconstruction that is
 going on right now.

That same media also focused on the violence during the Saddam Hussein regime. 


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2004-11-23 Thread Philip Thomas
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Re: George Pinto's of Nov 22

If only governance was a simple matter of reducing things to lists of 10, 20
and 37 items! Perhaps one should re-visit the lists of these good folks you
mentioned and see how many items have stood the test of time. Anyway, I
myself dont have any readymade list. I am only appalled at the way our top
leadership has gone about  a single (well perhaps dual) very salient event
in the State, perhaps in good faith. For all our sakes I wouldnt mind being
proved a liar rather than a prophet come 2005!

Re: [Goanet]Reply to Tony Corriea Afonso

2004-11-23 Thread Tariq Siddiqui
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--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Response: What does this mean if a) most of the Arab
 countries do not recognize Israel which is why
 Arafat's funeral service was held in Egypt, 

Did Israel permit Arafat's funeral in East Jerusalem?

b) the
 Palestine charter has not been revised, 

The Palestinian charter was revised. 

c) the
 official PLA maps of the region show no Israel, and 

I didn't see any Israeli map that shows Palestine.

 the militant Palestinian organizations like Hamas,
 Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Arafat's own Al Aqsa
 Brigades almost killed Mohammad Abbas last week simply
 because he wants to negotiate with Israel?

There are also similar Jewish extremist organizations that do not want a treaty 
the Palestinians. They would rather have these people deported. And your point 

 Tariq: The Palestinian Charter was revised in 1993 to
 eliminate this. In exchange, the Israelis acknowledged
 the existence of the PLO.
 Response: The Palestinian charter has never been
 revised.  Also, if you are right, why do the official
 PLA maps exclude Israel and why did Arafat walk away
 from the agreement in 2000.

Why do the Israeli maps exclude Palestine? 

The second question was answered in a mail to Marlon Menezes




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Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
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--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Santosh, I have no intentions of smearing you, just
debating the issues, but if the shoe fits I'm afraid
I must ask you to wear it.  

It is clear from the above post, and the abuses,
character assassination, prejudices and lies contained
in it that Mario Goveia is incapable of defending
against my charge that the Iraq war was based on a
lie. He fails to defend the casus belli for this
illegal war, namely the existence of WMDs and the
purported imminent threat that they posed to the U.S.

Like the politicians that he supports, Mr. Goveia does
not have the honesty and the decency to
unconditionally admit that it is now well established
that there were no WMDs in Iraq just before the war,
and there are none there at present.  He has been
reduce to demonizing me, calling me names, making
baseless prejudiced statements against me, and lying
and distorting the facts. And despite all this he
fancies himself to be a superior logician and
custodian of the choicest facts.

In this post I will avoid, as far as possible,
responding to Mr. Goveia’s abusive personal attacks
against me. Suffice it to say that this aspect of his
post illustrates how well he has been indoctrinated in
the tactics and practices of the right wing hate mob
in the U.S. His post is a poignant example – almost a
caricature - of the intellectual dishonesty and
bankruptcy that afflicts partisan hacks on either side
of the political divide in this country.

I will mostly address below only the factual
contradictions, distortions and post-hoc
rationalizations that he has propagated in his post.

 mount a vicious and relentless attack on the
liberation of a country that has been brutalized by
dictator, has never known freedom and democracy,
hasthen yell Bloody murder! when 
someone wonders why. 

The above is a load of gratuitous hogwash designed to
disguise the fact that the Iraq war was based on a

 Not knowing you makes me more objective, don't you

I wonder which part of Mr. Goveia’s post reveals
himself to be objective. The part where he calls me a
huge supporter of Saddam Hussein? Or the one where he
calls me a diehard anti-American and anti-Semite?

 Here is a classic example of why I think you are a
huge supporter of Saddam Hussein.  If you don't know
that Iraq used WMDs against Iran, the Kurds at
Halabja (5,000 innocent civilians dead in one day)
and the Marsh Shia in the Tigris-Euphrates delta
then you need to do some research and PLEASE stop
embarrassing yourself.

Here Mr. Goveia fantasizes that my knowledge is more
limited than his. His ignorance about what I know and
what I don’t know does not prevent him from drawing a
prejudiced conclusion, complete with a stale and a
rather childish slur.

Yes there is.  If Saddam had really destroyed his
WMDs as he had agreed to do, he would have been able
to show the UN inspectors that he had done so, and
the UN resolutions would have been complied with and
the crippling UN sanctions for not complying would
have been removed and everyone in the Baath party
could have lived happily ever after, but not the
Kurds and the Shia that make up about 75% of Iraq.

More hyper-defensive claptrap designed to disguise the
fact that the Iraq war was based on a lie.  A confused
statement that goes beyond the rationale of
international consensus, and appears to suggest that
100,000 more Iraqis would have had to be killed, no
matter what, in the interest of democracy and freedom.

 No, I don't.  Yes the UN inspectors destroyed some
that they found...Don't you think the UN knew
what its own inspectors had destroyed and what had
not been accounted for?

The final report on WMDs, namely the Duelfer report,
commissioned by the U.S. government stated that:

1. When the United States invaded Iraq to disarm
Saddam Hussein's regime, there were no weapons of mass
destruction in Iraq or any facilities to build them.

2. Saddam ordered his arsenal of chemical and
biological weapons destroyed in 1991 and 1992 and
halted nuclear weapons development.

3. Saddam Hussein ended the nuclear program in 1991
following the Gulf War.

4. Iraq unilaterally destroyed its undeclared
chemical weapons stockpile in 1991 and the survey team
found no credible indications that Baghdad resumed

5. The former (Iraqi) regime had no formal written
strategy or plan for the revival of WMD after

The above is taken from an article in USA Today posted
just after the Duelfer Report was released in October

The US did not lie about the AL tubes and the Niger

[Goanet]Indian 'child genius' beats the odds

2004-11-23 Thread Sachin Phadte
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Indian 'child genius' beats the odds
By Amarnath Tewary in Patna
A 12-year-old boy from India's poorest and most lawless state, Bihar, is 
celebrating being named India smartest kid after winning a  nationally 
televised quiz.

Subham Prakhar won the title of India's Child Genius after several rounds 
of stiff competition between some 16,000 schoolchildren.

Both of his parents are currently unemployed and Subham had to depend on 
generous relatives and the internet to gain access to the books he needed to 
prepare for the competition.

Besides a glass trophy, an Encyclopaedia Britannica CD-rom and a pair of 
gold and silver pens, Shubham won a cash prize of one million rupees 

Murders and kidnaps
Shubham Prakhar lives in the northern district of Muzaffarpur in  Bihar - a 
state where police estimate that a murder takes place every  four hours, a 
woman is raped every six hours, and kidnappings are a daily occurrence.

Muzaffarpur is considered to be the crime capital of the state. He is an 
eighth-grade student in an area where kidnappings of schoolchildren for 
ransom is routine.

We wish to send our only child to some other schools in Delhi as the 
situation here is frightening and not conducive, say his parents, Kumar 
Nawin and Archana Kumari.

But we can't do it as money has always been a problem.
The couple started a computer institute but were forced to wind it up in 
1998 as it failed to bring profit.

Rent provided by tenants has allowed them to keep living in the ancestral 
home in Muzaffarpur while they devote their time to their only son.

They got him his first computer when he was in the first grade and since 
then he has been operating it like a true professional, says his mother, 
who trained as a computer engineer in Ukraine.

Beating the odds
Shubham had won every competition he entered before applying to take part in 
India's most prestigious and popular brain game show.

He struggled hard to download the application form in a town in which the 
internet connection trips every few minutes and there are frequent power 

I've never stood second in life and that's how I wanted to be, he says.
But he faced an uphill task in his latest challenge.
Contestants were required to be in the age group of 10-13, with an overall 
average of at least 80% in school tests and examinations over the past two 
academic years.

The top percentile of applicants from four regional zones were invited for a 
written entry test.

Among 16,000 students Shubham topped the written test by a substantial 
margin, says competition host Siddhartha Basu.

Telephone interviews and more tests helped organisers whittle the 320 
contestants down to 60.

Just 18 contestants took part in the final, which was televised nationally 
on the Star World television channel last week.

It was a 10-month-long process running in 27 episodes to choose India's 
first child genius, says Mr Basu.

Family support
Shubham's family say living in a small town like Muzaffarpur has its 

But we managed through somehow with all our family effort, says his 
grandmother, Jayanti Devi, an economics professor.

Shubham prepared for up to 12 hours a day during his holidays, and five or 
six hours while at school.

I read 70 books, including classics, between April and August - but not a 
single question was asked on them in the final, he says.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and the Charles Dickens classics, A 
Tale of two cities and David Copperfield, were among his favourite reads.

I like stories written in [the classical style], but these days good 
classics are difficult to find.

Shubham's teachers say he is an extraordinary talent who is the pride of 
their school.

Shubham is just an amazing blend of genius and talent. If everything goes 
right in future he will be a real treasure for India, says Manish Kumar, 
who has been teaching him for the past three years.

A fan of Bollywood stars Shahrukh Khan and Preity Zinta, Shubham also loves 
to play and watch cricket along with other boys his age.

He dreams of becoming a professor of computer or mechanical engineering to 
serve his state and country.

I'm just proud of my home state - which of course has recently earned a bad 
name for some wrong reasons - but I'd love to do something for it, promises 

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[Goanet]RE: RE: Mother and child back in the Ribandar church

2004-11-23 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
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(Joaquim Cardozo: To err is human. If one thinks he is perfect, then he is 
on the wrong planet. I think its time to pray for such people rather than 
get to them via internet.  Leave the dogs alone.
Good wishes to you Maria. J)

Aren't you the same Joaquim who sent me a lengthy e-mail denigrating Aires 
Rodrigues and pleading hard not to believe anything that the lawyer might 
say about someone in future a month BEFORE the accusations against the 
priest surfaced?

Another instance of seeking anticipatory bail?
-- R.K.N.
The Citi Rupee Checking Acct. Send money home free! 
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fabulous benefits too!

[Goanet]Goa set to rock and roll for IFFI

2004-11-23 Thread Eddie Verdes
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Goa set to rock and roll for IFFI
PANAJI: Goa is all set to rock and roll unleashing a tidal wave of
entertainment that promises to set the capital ablaze with a never before
musical and show-biz extravaganza for the forthcoming 35th international
film festival from November 29 to December 9.

 The short stretch between the Kala Academy (venue for opening and closing
ceremony) and the heritage Old Goa medical college on the riverside
boulevard will provide combo musical entertainment from classical, jazz,
Goan folk songs and violin performances. The frothy Konkani music and plays
will fuse with the jazz concerts in a way that this quaint former Portuguese
colony has never been showcased to the world, said chairman of coordination
committee of IFFI, Goa and MP, Shripad Naik.

The promenade on the Mandovi river and the main road of the capital will be
jazzed up with palmists, balloon sculpture, tattoo artist, unicyclist, rice
carvers, face painters, African dancers, mehendi artists and ventriloquist
shows from festival stages and much more.

The state government has declared a half-day work for its employees while on
the remaining days of the festival, employees can pack off early at 4.00 pm
to partake in the celebrations. The main road along the Mandovi river will
be a pedestrian street as traffic would be blocked for the delegates and the
tourists to amble down the pathway that would be a riot of colours with the
old administrative building and the giant rain trees decorated with fairy

The opening day will be a gala presentation of Indian music by A R Rahman
who will be present a live show of his latest composition in Kisna (a film
by Subhas Ghai) with his orchestra consisting of 60 musicians at the sports
authority of Goa ground.

The ten-day gala of events would kick off at the opening day at 2.30 pm with
a cultural parade from Ribandar circle to Bal Bhavan featuring giant floats
of Goan culture, music, dancers, costumed performers and folk groups. Local
bands-- `Tidal Wave and `Forefrunt'--- promise to sizzle the crowd
showcasing the flavour of Goa. Along the shores of the river, special laser
shows and fireworks would lighten the city heralding the festival and the
grand festivities.

On December 4, the festival would also feature a special vintage car parade.
For the children, the Goa entertainment society has created an amusement
park with mini train, Columbus boat rides, moon walkers, clowns and jugglers
adding to wholesome fun and frolic that surely promises to put the famed Goa
carnival behind.

Forwarded By Eddie Verdes

[Goanet]RE:RE: Lessons from Tamil Nadu

2004-11-23 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
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(Maria Rodrigues: On the 21st of July 2004, long time before I even knew who 
Mr. Aires Rodrigues was, and long time before Mr. Rodrigues started his 
attacks on the Convent and Church in Ribandar, I wrote to you)

So you knew it was coming and was setting the ground for a feeble defence, 
eh? Like taking an anticipatory bail?

But, if I remember correctly, at that time your e-mail id was something 
other than '[EMAIL PROTECTED]. Why do you have to try so hard to prove 
that you're indeed what you claim to be?

Btw, you introduced yourself as a resident of Mumbai. How come you're so 
uptodate on the happenings in faraway Ribandar?

And finally, what was your motive behind publicising the identity of the 
minor victim?

Please don't try to duck my queries with a charade of hollow sermons.
-- R.K.N.
The Citi Rupee Checking Acct. Send money home free! 
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fabulous benefits too!

[Goanet]IA engine fails mid-air with 250 people

2004-11-23 Thread Eddie Verdes
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IA engine fails mid-air with 250 people
   By: Kashif Khusro
   November 23, 2004
Nearly 250 passengers of an Indian Airlines flight from Goa to Mumbai had a
brush with death on Saturday when one of the engines of the aircraft failed
soon after take-off from Goa airport.

The flight IC 598, an Airbus 300, left Goas Dabolim airport for Mumbai at
around 10.45 am.

While the aircraft was in mid-air, one of its engines failed. The pilot
immediately turned the aircraft back to Goa airport at 11 am, managing to
avert a disaster.

On the face of it, it appears to be an engineering snag, but the actual
reason for the engine failure is yet to be ascertained. Also, the aircraft
was old, which may have aggravated the actual cause, said a Goa airport

This is the second such incident within a fortnight involving an IA Airbus
300 flight from Goa to Mumbai. On November 6, an Airbus 300 hit a tractor
and then took off for Mumbai, allegedly without mandatory inspections.

In the November 6 episode, the aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) was at
fault as he had asked a trainee technician to clear the aircraft for
take-off, while the tractor was still parked underneath the aircraft.

The pilot, sitting in the cockpit, was not aware whether the person giving
the clearance was an AME or a technician, hence the aircraft hit the
tractor, explained a senior IA official at Dabolim.

Confirming Saturdays incident, an IA spokesperson in Mumbai said the flight
returned to Goa airport because of a technical snag.

The stranded passengers were flown to Mumbai the same evening in an Airbus
320 and a Boeing 737, he added.

Forwarded By Eddie Verdes

Re: [Goanet] Questions about Hindu caste?

2004-11-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
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--- Cip Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It appears that Dr. Santosh Helekar is a Hindu not
by conviction but by birth, inheriting so-called
Saraswat Brahmin caste, which is very close to
his heart.

Now, either Cipriano does not know what he is talking
about or he is deliberately trying to insult me by
calling me a Saraswat Brahmin, and by making an
outrageous charge that my so-called Saraswat Brahmin
caste is very close to my heart. The truth is Cipriano
knows nothing about me and my attitude towards my
caste. He has also not bothered to find out before
making baseless accusations.

However, he believes in his inherited so-called
Saraswat Brahmin caste and he is holding tight to it.

Not content with using a casteist slur against me, he
continues to lie about me. Does he deliberately
misunderstand me when I state that I do not hold the
convictions of the religion of my ancestors? I
challenge him to show us how he knows that I believe
in my caste.

Now, as he is the most intelligent liberal Hindu (by
birth only) Goanetter why is he reluctant to denounce
publicly his so-called inherited Saraswat
Brahmin caste on Goanet?

What a joke! Does Cipriano just want me to say that I
denounce my so-called inherited Saraswat Brahmin caste
on Goanet? Well, Folks on Goanet, here I go.

I denounce my so-called inherited saraswat brahmin
caste on Goanet. 

Or is he confusing denounce with renounce? If he
is then would he believe me if I told him that I have
already renounced my caste and the practices of
casteism in my own life many years ago? That is
exactly what I have done. That is why calling me a
saraswat brahmin or any such name is an insult to me.

I know, this post and any number of others like it
would make no difference to Cipriano as regards his
attitude towards me. In all likelihood he would
continue to believe what he wants to believe. After
all, ironically, those who wrongly accuse others of
discrimination and prejudice by definition suffer from
prejudice themselves.



Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Tariq Siddiqui
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--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Since you seem so upset that Saddam has been removed by the evil George Bush, 
 must think he was a great guy and you must therefore also be opposed to 
 and democracy for the Iraqi people.
 You seem to be one of those people who is too intelligent by half.
 See if you can follow this simple sequential logic:
 1. Before 1991 there was evidence of WMDs in Iraq.  Just ask the Iranis, 
 Kurds and
 Shia that these were used on.
 2. In 1991 there was evidence of WMDs, because the UN has a signed agreement 
 Saddam acknowledging his WMDs and promising to destroy these and provide the 
 with an accounting.
 3. From 1991 to 2003 the UN Security Council passed 17 resolutions asking for 
 accounting that Saddam never provided, even though the consequence of the 
 first 16
 were crippling sanctions and of the 17th was the loss of his dictatorship and 
 sadistic sons.
 4. Physics tells us that matter does not disappear.  It has to be accounted 
 5. The coalition has not found the WMDs as yet.
 6. Ipso facto, the WMDs cannot have disappeared, they have not been accounted 
 they have not been found as yet, so they must be either still hidden 
 somewhere in
 Iraq, or in Syria as suspected.

I am suprised you did not say that they could have also been taken by UFOs 

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[Goanet]Dabolim Airport

2004-11-23 Thread Philip Thomas
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Re: Gabriel de Figueiredo's of Nov 22

The challenge is to light a fire under the PEOPLE of Goa about this issue
in the first instance. Only then will the leaders get into the act. Right
now the prospects look pretty dim to me, at least on Goanet. Btw, is
Churchill following up on his letter to the Defence Committee? Hope so.