2006-06-21 Thread godfrey gonsalves

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

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In a major political development that may send shock
waves to a section of the ruling Indian National
Congress coalition of NCP MGP and Independent; who
were dilly dallying on bringing about an amendment
bill the Minister for Town  Country Planning Mr
Antanasio (Babush) Monserate assured a delegation of
tiatrist headed by  Prince Jacob this morning at his
residence at 1010 hrs IST that he will ensure that the
amendment Bill to the Goa Daman  Diu Official
Language Act 1987 will be introduced in the coming
session of the Goa Legislative Assembly.
Convincing the Hon'ble Minister, Prince Jacob who
spoke to this writer telephonically this afternoon,
after the meet,  stated that he brought to the kind
attention of the Hon'ble Minister that the plight of
Goa and Goans will be miserable in the years to come
if the injustice meted out to protoganists of Konkani
in Roman script are not given their due recognition. 

He lamented the fact that our tiatrs and tiatrists
will not be remembered for posterity if their life and
works are not recorded and this could be achieved only
in Konkani in Roman script.  It is Konkani in Roman
script alone that has kept the culture and lifestyle
of Goa and Goans even the liturgical services were in
Konkani in Roman script -- why the Povitr Pustok  too
now available  is in Konkani Roman script reflecting
the tremendous support the script continues to have in
Goa and even world wide. which has given us an unique
identity in the rest of the country.  

Prince further stated that he told the Minister that
it  was mainly the Catholic community and those from
the Velhas Conquistas Talukas that were worst affected
and Salcete was the worst. All this by  introducing in
the clause 2(c) Konkani language means Konkani
language in the Devanagari script . Had this
specific mention of the Devanagari script not been
made in the official language act both Devanagari and
Roman the two scripts associated with the language
here in Goa would have benefitted as against only the
Devanagari script  and Konkani would have found
acceptance with all and sundry.

True in the past 19 years we silently bore the
injustice in the hope that it would bring unity that
never happened and will never happen at the way things
are going on  Prince added, now not any longer Prince
 said in an extremely emotive tone he added that  no
Goan wherever can shun this onerous responsibility
considering the fact that the demographic composition
of the State is changing at such a rapid state that
---Goans will be strangers in their own lands and
therefore Konkani in Roman script must be given the
official recognition. He told this writer every
tiatrist in Goa has the mission to promote Konkani in
Roman script and this being given the exposure and
support it deserves --- watch out Prince Jacob
reiterated we mean every word that we utter 
Prince Jacob clarified to the Honorable Minister in
his over twenty minutes presentation after excusing
himself for being ten minutes late and keeping the
delegation waiting but not until they were treated to
hot tea and coffee ---that tiatrist had always
reflected the mind set of this tiny State  --Goa,  and
the Goan society using the stage to draw the attention
of those in power and they have the wherewithal to
seat and unseat Governments. 

Without mincing words Prince told this writer that one
of the reasons that they had approached the Minister
Mr Monserrate and this they told him too at the
meeting is because of his credibility and his no
nonsense attitude when it comes to issues as these and
therefore  he alongwith other tiatrists  viz Mr Mario
Menezes, Bai Felcy,Mr John D Silva, Mr Marc Araujo, Mr
 Wilson Mazarelo Mr Anthony Rodrigues Mr Ceaser D
Mello and Mr Xavier and others  assured the Honble
Minister that it was a matter of quid pro quo ---
you save our language Konkani  and our script the
Roman script and we will assure you all support on
every political fora.  Prince also stated that he
informed Mr Monserrate that the ex CM and present
Leader of the Opposition Mr Manohar Parrikar had
assured that no obstacle will be brought by his party
if the amendment to the Bill is introduced for Konkani
in the Roman script.

Later having given a patient hearing Mr Monserrate
gave  unstinted support and assurance to the
delegations demand of the tiatrist which he felt was
the demand of not only the select few present but also
of Goans at large and there was 


2006-06-20 Thread godfrey gonsalves

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
Ar a meeting held at the Our Lady of Grace Church hall
this evening at 1700 hrs organised by the Thomas
Stephen Konkani Kendr  over thirty tiatrists and few
other lovers of Konkani in Roman sript, chalked out
the future course of action, keeping in mind the
forthcoming month long monsoon session of the Goa
Legislative Assembly beginning 10th July, 2006.

At the outset Fr Pratap Naik sj Director of TSKK
explained de novo to the tiatrists that the Official
language Act of 1987 had through section 2(c) Konkani
language  means Konkani language in Devnagari script.
divided the Goans and that there is every possibility
that both the Konkani language will be extinct and the
Goans will be nowhere.

He explained that the battle for Konkani as a language
began in 1975 when the Sahitya Akademi recognised
Konkani as an independent language --- but emphasised
that there was no mention of script and that
recognition of any language as an independent language
does not demand that a language has a script

On 21st November, 1981 the Advisory Council for
Konkani at the Sahitya Akademi New Delhi (there are
such councils for different languages) which
constituted a majority of persons from Goa who were
only for Konkani in Devanagari script, decided
UNANIMOUSLY THAT DEVANAGARI was the natural script for
KONKANI with this one decision Roman and other scripts
like Kannada Urdu or Malayalam script were discarded
by a few persons who had cunning motives.

On 4th February, 1987 the Official language Act made a
cunning mention of Konkani only in Devanagri script,
but at that juncture the most important thing in the
minds of Goa was a fear of merger as we were still an
Union Territory and therefore most of the votaries of
both scripts for Konkani ignored this then.

On 20th August, 1992 Konkani was included in the VIII
schedule of the Constitution (this is a schedule which
lists all the languages granted official languages
)here too the script was not mentioned.

Why then demand for Konkani in Roman script now?

The demand for Konkani in Roman script has been there
from times immemorial with the people of Goa.
It is the Roman script that kept the language alive
when it was condemned by many. The Church fully
supports it and knowing this has come out with the
Povitr Pustok the Bible in Roman script Konkani.
The fact that nearly 40,000 have booked copies and  
demand for more is already there signifies that the
Roman script is alive and kicking notwithstanding the
mischief played by a small cunning section.

Today day when the Government wants to give grants NOT
ASSISTANCE (IZMOLL) they give it only to Konkani
Devanagari script  because of the definition in the
Official Language Act. If only the word Konkani was
mentioned without insisting on only devanagari script
then every script  would get a share in the Government
treasury for the language irrespective of the script.

Also note that when Govt spends money it has to be
budgetted and accounted under a specific head and this
is available for Konkani only in Devanagari script.

Thus if any of the undermentioned quasi government
offies or the government bodies  viz;
Kala Academy
Goa Konkani Academy
Goa Marathi Academy 
Directorate of Offical Languages
Directorate of Culture
give grants or have schemes it is only meant for
Konkani in Devanagari script and NOT FOR Roman script

So what happens 
a) tiatrists to do not get financial assistance or
subsidy for promoting teatrs
b) they cannot use Government halls of the Ravindra
Bhavans, Kala Academy free of cost or at concessional
costs or at subsidised costs to perform 
c) there are no funds provided for the Goan cultural
troupes -- by Goan cultural troupes one means those
promoting  pre colonial culture before 1510 and the
colonial cultural troupes upto 1961 which includes
dalo fugdi mando dulpods tiatrs etc;
d) jobs in the Government go only to those who speak
and write Konkani in Devanagari script
e) Goa Mando festival is not given grants but izmoll
assistance depending on which Minister comes to grace
the ocassion
f)the Goa Konkani Academy has a full fledged office an
official car, perquisites for its President equivalent
to Class I Gazetted officer, he can travel by air ist
class Railway wine and dine at Government Hotels
Circuit House in Goa and live in the Goa Sadan at Juhu
or Delhi
g) literary books are published in Konkani Devanagari
script because they get subsidy and no one reads the
over 60 


2006-06-19 Thread godfrey gonsalves

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
Goa everyone believes is indeed a land of SUN FUN 
PLENTY. There's so much of SUN that every one believes
one can make hay while the sun shines.

After this writer reported the case of  a fake civil
engineer from Pulvado Benaulim Salcete Goa  who  is
still evading arrest.  

Here is a case of another   doctor who is now
believed to be put on the run.  He has a flourishing
practice in South Goa Salcete Taluka at two places to
be precise.

The testimonials of the Doctor as was given to
understand to this writer by an individual, for
investigations,  is that he possess the qualification
on M.H.M.B.S and the same is from (BOM) which means
Bombay University. But  the Registration Number is
maintained  as a secret as of now?

What surprises  one is that many RMP's look amazed at
the abbreviation M.H.M.B.S and what it could stand
for?  Is it a qualification under allopathy, ayurveda,
homoeopathy, unani or what have you they wonder?

One senior Registered Medical Practioner disclosed to
this writer this evening that this could be a
qualification issued by the Calcutta University (now
Kolkatta) somewhere before 1940 to those practicing

But  if this is true then the Doctor who is in
possession of this degree or Diploma in homoeopathy
could definitely not be genuine one as he definitely
appears to be born much later then 1940.

On a look at the body language of this Doctor when
this writer saw him at one of his consultancy room 
there was an indication that he is aware that his game
is up. 

But until such time the Indian Medical Council, the
Maharashtra Council for Homoeopathy or the Calcutta
University fails to give a clarification on the query,
raised by this writer  the name of the Doctor has
been withheld.

Meanwhile this writer would appreciate if any of the
readers could  assist this writer in deciphering the
meaning of M.H.M.B.S . 
Incidentally this Doctor is well connected, in high
social circles  just like the fake civil engineer
who is now on the run.

The Indian Medical Association in Goa should have a
re-look at all the testimonials of the Doctors
practicing in Goa just as a measure of abundant

Similarly all other Medical Associations and
Institutions connected with the medical practitioners
should follow suit. 

There would be a temptation for a notorious Doctor to
feign ignorance of where his/her testimonials lie or
that they could be eaten by white ants or lost in a
fire as the common alibi when exposed.

But fear not in such cases surely one would remember
his alma mater the portals of the Institution from
where he/she passed through and once this information
is obtained the Institution would readily make
available the information. If they dont this writer is
willing to assist free of cost.

One hint is to have a look at Doctors who begin
practice in slum areas or rural areas where ST/SC's
abound, there may be some exceptions though but here
this could be his/her ideal laboratory to start with
with no questions asked by the unlettered patients.

For the patients visiting the Doctors they would do
well to ensure that the Registration Number the
Institute/Council/Place is clearly mentioned. 

Feel free to ask your Doctor from which University
he/she has passed out or obtained his/her
testimonials.  Merely by years of practice one need
not possess genuine credentials. The Income Tax Rules
also makes it mandatory for Doctors to maintain a
record of their clients diagnosis, payment of fees and
therefore this information can be yours for the asking
under The Right to Information Act  Rules in force
from 12/10/2005

It is already on record that the fake 
Civil Engineer  now on the run was entrusted several
jobs by the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman. Though the
Archdiocese has yet not issued a clarification on
their stand vis-a-vis the fake civil engineer even
well over two months now. It is clear that they have
resigned to their fate of being duped.  At best they
could stop payment of outstandings to the fake
civil engineer and recover or seek indemnity if the
structures so restored constructed suffer damage or
ruin within reasonable time.

You too could pounce on another fake professional --Be
on alert, and watch out for more on this issue.

Borda Margao Goa

Yahoo! India Answers: Share what you know. Learn 


2006-06-19 Thread godfrey gonsalves
It is shocking to learn from the Honorable Minister
for Education, Mr Luizinho Faleiro M.Com, LL.B that
the reason for introducing English at the primary
level from this academic year 2006-2007 is owing to
the fact that there was a 40% rate of drop outs at the
Primary school level as the students studying in
Konkani (in Devanagari script the official language
NOT Roman script) and Marathi were unable to come to
terms with English at the V Standard onwards.

To support this claim and that of his  Cabinet
constituting the Indian National Congress led
coalition of NCP MGP and Independent, he states that
he has conducted a State wide survey and the figures
40% speak out for themselves. Apparently the parents /
guardians spoke for their children/wards.  

Niether the details of the questionaire nor the views
of those surveyed or interviewed are  made public till

While the introduction of English as a subject is
indeed welcome given the dismal performance of the
students that have graduated thus far the first batch
in 2004-2005 and the reason is true in case of those
from Marathi medium.

This writer interacted with several people to know
their views on the above and their observations are at
variance with that of the Honorable Minister and they
are willing to subject him to strict proof of his
contention on the floor of the Goa Legislative
Assembly come the month long session beginning 10th
July 2006.

But first the facts:
I)   Vide  circular no:61
DE/Acad.I/PolicyDecision/Medium/Pry/344/90/1284 dated
21.5.1990 the medium of instruction was introduced in
a phased manner from academic year and the successful
ones passed the X, XII, Graduation TY as under (excld
the current and next academic year) 
1990-91 STD I   PASSED X  1999-00 XII 01-02 TY 04-05
1991-92 STD II  PASSED X  2000-01 XII 02-03 TY 05-06
1992-93 STD III PASSED X  2001-02 XII 03-04 TY 06-07
1993-94 STD 1V  PASSED X  2002-03 XII 04-05 TY 07-08

The Minister would do well to explain with facts:

a) what is the number of students that were enrolled
in 1990-91 in  the 123 Diocesan run schools that
switched over to Konkani in Devanagari script ithe
official language (instead of Konkani in Roman script)
b) what is the number of drop outs at the V, X, XII
and TY level from this lot?
c) How many parents of these students (mainly  from
the minority community ) expressed resentment that the
students enrolled in 1990-91 dropped out because
i) they were unfamiliar with Konkani in the devanagari
script?  OR 
ii) the teachers who were conversant with the English
medium were made to overnight switch over to Konkani
in Devanagari and since they themselves were asked to
perforce learn as well as teach the children, the
teachers  were frustrated and had to  drop out.
In regard to students from Marathi medium schools the 
Honorable Minister should clarify separately

a)  what is the number of students that were enrolled
in 1990-91 in  the Marathi medium primary schools  
b) what is the number of drop outs at the V, X, XII
and TY level from this lot?
It is a fact that the protoganist of Konkani only in
Devanagari script have commended the introduction of
English as one subject. This will indeed help our
children no doubt. 

But they have done this under the guise of their
multifaceted NGOs or through their spokesperson but
mainly from the Bahujan Samaj who ride piggy back on
these only Devanagari Konkani protoganists.  

The reason being that they believe that with English
now as one subject at the Primary level Konkani in
Devanagari as the NATURAL SCRIPT is now a fait
accompli (as postulated in 1939 by Shanbag at Karwar
and by the Sahitya Akademi on 21.11.1981) and  there
HAVE cheered the decision of the Honorable Minister.

Let it be clear that once the above facts are obtained

from the Honorable Minister for Education it will be
abundantly clear that atleast in the 123 run diocesan
run schools the reason for drop outs and low level of
English of those that have graduated is because
Konkani in Devanagari and not Roman script was made
the official language.

The Honourable Minister is on record as confirmed by
this writer in the precincts of the Goa Legislative
Assembly in his Chamber in August 2005  as having
stated that he is ---NOT IN FAVOUR OF TOUCHING THE
OFFICIAL LANGUAGE ACT 1987 at this juncture TO AMEND

Hence his intentions of introducing ENGLISH as a
subject is an alibi to escape from this demand of
recognition to Konkani in Roman script which has since
got the support of ex CM Mr Manohar Parrikar the
Bahujan Samaj and members of his BJP besides Mr
Mathany Saldanha, the Deputy 

[Goanet] GOA FREEDOM FIGHTERS EXIST 60 years later?

2006-06-18 Thread godfrey gonsalves
If a youth at the age of 12 years took part in the
freedom movement announced by Dr Ram Manohar Lohia on
June 18 in 1946, against the Portuguese rule 60 years
ago, he would have been born in the year 1934 and
would be 72 years today.

It is unbelieveable though that an youth of 12 years
would have understood the meaning of a freedom movment
considering the fact that many passed out their
matriculation then at the age of 22 years.

Hence what is shocking is that 60 years thereafter
(1946) freedom fighters continue to be honoured on
this historic day.  This year there were 22 of them

But what surprises many is that there is also
reservation for children of freedom fighters in the

Does it mean that freedom fighters  born in 1934 and
before still have children below the age of 18 years
or 22 years to merit such concessions or reservation
of seats in educational institutions.

Will the Government order an enquiry into these
concessions/reservations and put an end to honouring
of freedom fighters?


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2006-06-14 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The vital link on the NH 17 the Zuari Bridge linking
Agacaim in Tiswadi (Ilhas) Taluka  on the Northern end
with Cortalim in Mormugao Taluka at the Southern end
opened since 1983 is being declared unsafe for motor
vehicles of above six  tons come Friday the 16th June

An ex official (whose name has been witheld on
request)from the PWD at Altinho, Panaji, informed this
writer in  a detailed tele-talk this forenoon  that  
the unchristened  Zuari Bridge has some interesting
insights(just as yet another bridge with the
official name as Jawaharlal Nehru Bridge has its
unchristened name the Mandovi Bridge  ) which needs
a probe.

Zuari Bridge was constructed in the early eighties
as a high level road bridge, 627 metres length with
four main spans at distance of 122 metres each (to
provide for  under bridge navigation  of barges
between two central spans (with 55 metres wide
navigable channels ) providing a vertical clearance of
13.7 metres above high tide level of over 1000 tonnes
dwt at speed not exceeding six knots)  with two end
spans each of 69.5 metres. 

This superstructure adopting the Fressynet system with
in situ RCC docking in a transition curve which is
cast progressively by the cantilever methods of
construction has a 10.5 metres width providing a clear
carriageway of 7.5 metres with 1.5 metres wide
footpaths on either sides.  There were addition
protective devices to absorb barge impact and the
foundation wells were as deep as 40 metres below HTL
(High Tide Level). 

According to this ex-official the Bridge was jinxed 
not because it was deprived of the blood of humans
as was commonly believed, to satiate  the demons
demanding in return the safety of the bridge, but
owing to money thirsty politicos   

It is stated  that some incriminating evidence may
still be  available in the files gathering dust in the
PWD wherein the Dredging Corporation of India is
believed to have initially forseen the feasibility of
a bridge on the present location of the Konkan Railway
bridge that is on the eastern side as against the
present site on the western side.  It is for this
reason the KRC constructed the rail bridge in a short
time  and with amazing ease unlike the Zuari road

The reason attributed to the failure of the Zuari
bridge was that the terrain viz; khazan soil of  the
Decking in slope at the Agacaim end especially just
next to the navigational channel span ,  later
jocularly referred to as longdo lame in Konkani or 
dangling   span  that led to the  cost overrun of
initial estimates of Rs.2.12 crores and time delay of
beyond  48 months.

So why then was the present site chosen oen may ask?

Well our Union Territory status remember Goa Daman and
Diu and the  Indian National Congress Party  had just
tasted power since 1980. It was the Central Government
which would decide or atleast influence such decisions
for they controlled the territories purse .
Then  cement was a luxurious commodity it was
marketed by the Goa Marketing Federation a Corporation
of the Government of Goa, the famine for cement
vis-a-vis infrastructure plans on the anvil was so
much that at one stage imports from South Korea were
resorted to and a jinxed span would only ADD to the
coffers of the politicians and the party.  Who cares
for safety and durability.  Thus the present site was

M/s Gammon India was perhaps then one of the only
reputed firms besides Uttar Pradesh Construction Co
Ltd executing such infrastructure projects. Their
integrity was not in doubt for they had only to
execute the works the locale was the choice of
politicos and the engineers architects 

So much of the midnight oil was burnt on this
dangling span that the long drawn struggle at this
span  involved a  24 X 7 all year round work which is
believed also led to frustration and penury of one of
its workman who is believed to have eventually
murdered an official of M/s Gammon India in situ.

It was for fear of the jinxed status even before the
bridge could be named and inaugurated it was declared
open and is being referred to as Zuari bridge since
it runs accross the Zuari river.

The bridge was in April 1997 declared closed for
similar repairs and the inconvenience caused to
commuters was tremendous.  .

The  present repairs would easily take over an year
before being declared safe for above 6 ton motor
vehicles and plans  for a new bridge would finalise
only by the  end of the decade as a matter of routine,
 unless one is built near the existing Konkan Railway
Bridge or more towards  the eastern end.

Therefore ferry services will be pressed and North
bound commuters from South Goa and other states will
have a harrowing experience, and a pinch in their

Incidentally on July 5th 1986 will be the 20th
aniversary of the collapse of the now referred to as
Old Mandovi Bridge.

Many Goans were in animated discussions at the bridge
when this writer visited it late  evening saying that
perhaps this time  St Anthony of Padua whose 

[Goanet] Re: Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 586 No: 8

2006-06-12 Thread godfrey gonsalves

Dear Netizen,

May I suggest you buy a copy of the book on
Comunidades or Gaunkaries written by Dr  Olivinho
Gomes ex Vice Chancellor Goa University who resides at
411 La Oceana Near the Park  Dona Paula Panaji Tel No
+91 0832 2453666.
Email id uncertain as many have one but do not use it
frequently in any case try [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Having browsed thro this easy to understand book on
the A to Z of Comunidades may I request you make an
appointment with Dr Gomes ( a native of Sao Estevam)
and have a clear chicken soup tete a tete with the
enchanting personality and get your doubts clear.

As regards the contact number of the undersigned its

Trust this info will suffice


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2006-06-07 Thread godfrey gonsalves
What use is development (referring to tremendous
speedy development during the BJP coalition rule  from
24.10.2000 to 2nd February, 2005 ) if a Hindu Catholic
and Muslim cannot walk hand in?  --- this was the
view of Mr. Adolf Fernandes, a 65 year old  toddy
tapper originally from Betul in Salcete who now works
in Ponda, when this writer had a tete a tete - with
him at the Ponda Bus stand this morning, in view of 
the first anniversary of the Congress led coalition in
the State.

They only speak of the language of loot and threats
to destabilise the Government --- they have no shame
(referring to the Congress-I and the NCP  MLAs' (who
were deprived of power from 24.10.2000 to 2.2.2005)
atleast -they- were stable says Ms Asha Parab a
fisherwomen from Banastarimreferring to the BJP
coalition. But both are useless ---BJP (Bhajap) used
our votes but only they benefitted -- and then she
points to the sacred thread referring apparently to
the Brahmin Hindus. They are all the same  she
chided  Bajap BJP Konge Congress  Godial NCP kai
shiv MGP anik konn ha? 

In the bus enroute Old Goa (to collect my
complementary copy gifted by Fr Mariano Gomes of the
Povitr Pustok) I sit near Mr V Dalvi a septugenarian
landowner from Priol.  He says that BJP rule was a
party with a mission -- look at the development works 
Banastarim bridge etc in such short span Goa got a
face lift -- and these? -- they are all wolves in
sheep clothes --- just amass wealth -- look at that
porr referring to the Cumbarjua MLA he has become a
realtor -- kuimche poixe?-- and points out to the
apartments and chunks of land at Madkai and Old Goa he
believes belongs to Mr Pandurang Madkaikar---MLA. 
Look at that war intra party-  Mr Churchill and Mr
Jeetendra anik Luisinho  Mr Babush peto ani
Mummy then to Redo-- Micky Pacheco anik Doutor 
Mr Ravi Naik barwalo /motorcycol pilot ani amcho
Bhata  Mr Sudin Dhavlikar --- they are all fighting
with each other -- anik rajkaran choloitole?? fotting
lok -- they have spoiled the name of Goa --- anik
bhaile faido ghetat-Amcho Parrikar ietolo polloi tumi

On the Curchorem riots he says  te moir Bhatkal ani
Kashmiri -Goenchem raj kortole poloi? he mentions the
influx of Moslems in Ponda the Masjids that are
sprouting up-- I mention the numerous saffron
ghumties on the road side and the temples -- he
agrees it is a racket and says ALL crosses ghumtis 
must be demolished. On the welfare schemes -- yes he
says it is Parrikar who showed the way --- the
Congress had to follow and improve upon it and they
did it now with bicycles OK but to die on narrow
roads? -- and text books free -- why should the rich
be given free books?  to allow our children see the
photograph of Mr Subhash Shirodkar MLA Shiroda on them
--- to konn? dev? soglem, chorancho raj. See all
development work has stopped ??? and nothing coming
out --- garbage all over traffic chaos land grab
influx of migrants -- khuim pavlam Goem?

This was vox populi on the first aniversary 7.6.2005
to 7.6.2006) of the Congress led coalition in the

But a look at the months ---not, year ahead -- its
election time, any time, post monsoons -- true -- but
can the Mr Ravi Sitaram Naik MLA Ponda  GPCC
President and CM Pratapsing Raoji Rane lead the party
to victory in the forthcoming elections?

Take a look at the political scenario as of date.  

The United Progressive Alliance stepped into its third
year in office since 24 May 2006, the BJP has suffered
and is suffering its the worst downfall in its
popularity graph, and will remain at that for some
more time thanks to the notoriety and misdeeds of
Rahul Mahajan the progeny (son)  of late Mr Pramod
Mahajan the GENext PM in waiting of the BJP.

While the other Baba Rahul Gandhi M Phil MP Amethi won
Mama Sonia Gandhi her bye-election from Rae Bareily in
UP registering an impressive win.  

Now there is a birthday gift coming on 19th June 2006
when Baba Rahul completes his 36th birthday, which
means simply by May 2009 if not earlier he will be
next PM.  But such nightmares have been haunting Mr
Sharad Pawar NCP chief too and he knows too well that
with Baba Rahul inching to Prime Ministerial seat his
life long ambition to be PM from MP will be shattered
--- so will the NCP not go in for a hard bargain of
more seats to improve their numbers? 

Thats what the coalition partners in Goa believe.  Dr
Willie is keen to increase his tally of two seats in
power to more ---on the other with the BJP in the
State at its lowest -- Mr Parrikar's ( Monday press
briefings have stopped ) and the new incoming BJP
chief is due. 

The MGP believes it can go alone and contest and win
all seats --- how will they make it in Catholic
dominant Salcete ? is unclear -- Tenancy and Mundkar
rights were their gift to even Cristaos in Velhas
Conquistas but will that turn a vote for them now ???
it is sheer wishful thinking in Salcete Bardez Tiswadi

With veteran Congressmen hardly talking of making way
for GenNext the 

[Goanet] POVITR PUSTOK adlo ani novo korar released

2006-06-04 Thread godfrey gonsalves

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  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
At the stroke of 1200 noon today 4th June, 2006 the
Feast of the Holy Spirit, for Goa and Goans it turned
out to be  a red letter day, in the anals of its
history, when the first POVITR PUSTOK- ADLO ani NOVO
KORAR --  in our mother tongue  KONKANI (written in
Roman script) was released at the hands of His Grace
Archbishop of Goa and Daman  Filipe Neri Ferrao in the
presence of Bishop Emeritius Most Rev Raul Gonsalves
and two other Bishops who are presently in Goa, Most
Rev. Stanislaus Fernandes, s.j. Bishop of Gandhinagar
(a native from S. Matias Divar )  and Rev Gerald John
Mathew of Chattisgarh ( a native of Mangalore) at the
St Catherina Church - Se Cathedral following a
Eucharist Mass with the participation of over 45
priests from the Diocese.

Releasing the hard bound Povitr Pustok the
Archbishop expressed a fervent desire to the gathering
of over 800 people partaking in the event to ensure
that this Holy Bible now available in our mother
tongue  becomes a valuable possession in our Homes.  

But the devotees were deeply saddened to learn after
the Holy Eucharist ended when the announcement was
made that niether would the just released  Povitr
Pustok copies be made available for sale today --
(ironically the date of release )-- nor in the next
couple of days.

The reasons adduced was that a hard bound cover print
orders were difficult to obtain in such large numbers
and a first offer order of 40,000 books needs to be
honoured.  Appeals were made for lavish donations for
this enormous project.

At today's meet only  a few complimentary copies
were distributed at the hands of the Archbishop to
those from the Biblical committee headed by Fr Manuel
Gomes and others. As a symbolic gesture to ensure the 
spread of the Povitr Pustok to the entire state  lay
persons representing the Central, North, and South
Episcopal Centres were given a copy of the Povitr

According to Fr.Loila Pereira Secretary to the
Archbishop who spoke briefly  to this writer it was
made known that the books costing Rs 300/- would be
made available for sale at the Pastoral Institute
Office at Old Goa Tiswadi Ilhas Goa India +91 0832

Meanwhile Rev Father Manuel Gomes announced that
donations were still pouring in and that the balance
amount after covering the costs of the Konkani (Roman
script ) would be used for publishing the same in
Devanagari script -- this drew the ire of many of
those present as observed from their body language and
facial expressions.

Earlier on a bright sunny morning spared of the onset
of the monsoon showers that lashed the State three
days ago the St Lourenco, Agacaim , Choral Group led
by Rev Fr Andrew Mascarenhas presented a beautiful
rendition of hymns befitting the solemn ocassion. The
devotees clapped in appreciation of those that
constituted the Biblical committee for the task they
performed when momentos were being handed to them.

The Povitr Pustok is a handy book with a cover
depicting symbols of the Pascal candle,  the empty
sephulcre,  the ten commandments, the Red Sea.

At the end of the function which lasted well over two
and half hours snacks and refreshments were
distributed at the entrance to all the participants.

Several nuns and priests attended the ocassion.

Some of the Konkani writers Mr Jess Fernandes and
others were also presented a copy of the same.   Mr
Tomazinho Cardozo, Mr Octavio Rodrigues amongst those

from the Se Cathedral end



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2006-05-28 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Association of Componentes of Comunidades (founded in
1995) office at c/o G-5 1st Floor Madhuban Hillview
Housing Society Tambdi Matti St Inez Panaji,
Institute Menezes Braganza Hall this rainy (outbreak
of monsoons( evening at 1630 hrs today 28/5/2006
Sunday)most of the ebthusiastic gaonkars shareholder
from almost all of the 224 Comunidades in the 10
talukas of both the Velhas and Novas Conquistas of Goa
(exluding Sattari where the Comunidade stands
abolished) were apprehensive that there was NO CLEAR
PLAN OF ACTION on the cards  by the organisors  to
stall yet another Bill introduced in the Goa
Legislative Assembly during its last session IN mARCH
2006  an insertion of Article 334 - B  (by way of
an  amendment to Article 334-A )whereby Government of
Goa now proposes to acquire large tracts of land
belonging to the Comunidades for public purposes. This
Bill has since been referred to the Select Committee
but would surely pass thro in July/August monsoon
session if the Goans do not act now,

For  given the mind set of most our 40 legislatures
when it comes to land grab and past performances of 

a) the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party since its
introduction of the Agricultural Tenancy Act 1964
which gave tenants of communidades deemed landowners
status (when Comunidades were mere agricultural
association of co-operative type and had no landlord
b) the Indian National Congress since 5.1.1985, 
introduced the Article 334 A where any one with
domicile of 25 years annual income of 25,000  and did 
 NOT own  any residential area or build site  within a
radius of 8 kms (as affirmed merely by a sworn
affidavit not by documentary evidence or verification)
of the Communidade concerned  could obtain Communidade
land . This  has helped ONLY THE NON GOANS mostly
bureaucrats and others migrants to the Union Territory
and now State since 1987. Subsequent amendements
on25.11.1985 reduced the domicile limit to 15 years
and the whole process of allocation of land to be
completed within six months
c) the Bhartiya  Janata Party coalition too on
4.7.2001 sought to REGULARISE all ILLEGAL
vide an amendment has enhance the annual income limit
to 3,50,000 
finally now the latest attempt is by the coalition
d) the Indian National Congress, the Nationalist
Congress Party the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party and
Independent combine is the proposed amendment to Code
of Communidades 15.4.1961 
This Code is still prevalent in Goa post Liberation
19.12.1961  as the State (Union of India)  was bound
to accept covenants and agreements preceding in terms
of Article 295 read with Article 372 (2 ) of the
Constitution of India as was well settled following a
judgement of the Supreme Court on 9.8.1965 (ref AIR
1966-8-SC--42-446 in WP No 120 of 1965 conquest and
not liberation of Goa

The panel members had this to say:

Dr J C Almeida ex Chief Secretary of Govt of Goa --
began his deliberations on a negative note stating
on to rabble out the history of the Communidade from
8500 BC (he has to his credit a volumnious treatise on
the Comunidades of Goa with statistics of each of the
224 comunidades) which put many in the audience to
make up their lost siesta and were found snoozing; it
was during his tenure that the Government conceded
land to Zuari Industries Ltd (then ZACL), Ciba Geigy
and Taj Hotel Aguada invoking article 303 of the Code
of Comunidades

Adv Bernard D Souza a practicing Advocate spoke of the
rampant corruoption in the Communidade Administration
and cited an incident at the Admininistrative Tribunal
the appellate court on comunidade matters where the
judge was brokering a compromise of monetary benefits
to the litigant and the opponent as a quid pro qua, so
much for ones expectation of justice at the hands of
these quasi judicial bodies when it comes to
Comunidade land;  He sounded positive on averting the
proposed amendment 334 A but said that only after the
Bill is passed could one consider the forum of appeal
in the judiciary; He ended up stating that it was
never too late to begin the war to save communidades

Mr Percival Noronha ex Grade I officer of the
Government of Goa and President of the Friends of
Astronomy club began with a story of a Portuguese
friend (since expired ) who had predicted a requiem
for the Comunidades once the Indians conquered Goa and
this came true at a lightening speed when the first
act of the MGP CM Dayanand Bandodkar a confirmed
mergerist was to introduce the Agricultural Tenancy
Act 1964 and confer deemed tenant status on the
cultivators of land belonging to comunidades when they
were components of a co-operative body

Mr Floriano Lobo founder member of the Goa Suraj Party
and a builder by profession (earlier he 


2006-05-22 Thread godfrey gonsalves
When the 75 year old internationally acclaimed
Hyderabad born architect Charles Correa, completed his
38 minutes power point presentation to a select
elitist audience comprising architects,  students of
architecture  and the socialites of Goa,  at the Hotel
Mandovi auditorium, this evening, little did one
realise that his soul stirring presentation would
strike  an emotive chord with Mr Shivanand Salgaocar,
one of the two siblings, scions of late Vassudev
Salgaocar --industrialist   - at the V M Salgaocar
Memorial Lecture 2006  when he  himself admitted that
he had understood much of the depths of architecture
in this moving presentation made by Padma Vibhushan
Mr Correa.

The roots of Architecture   the topic of the
presentation today reflected on the essence of
architecture which was deep beyond the contemporary
architecture per se. It begins probably with what
India gave to the world- Aryabhata's numerical 0 or
shunia, and the concept of mandala viz 
significance of the nine planets rAHU kETU cHANDRA etc
and SUN as the source of energy  ---was the source of
inspiration of much of Padma Vibhushan - Correa's

His architecture provides a blend with the local
artisans, and material available in situ. There is so
much of the way one understands architecture.  In Goa
for instance one may have to look beyond pre
colonialisation era or colonial rule or post colonial
rule to understand architecture.   

Be it the  Sabarmati Ashram, in Gujarat, the
Legislative Assembly in Bhopal Madhya Pradesh, the
Kanchenjunga - at Peddar Road Mumbai or   his own home
in Bangalore (where he only holidays,  the Navi 
Mumbai project ,  Jawaharlal Kala Kendra - where he
got the inspiration from  Maharaja Jai Singh of
Rajashtan Jantar mantar, closer home the Kala Academy.
There sure is a blend of man's harmony with nature and
above all his works inspire a people friendly aura.

But Mr Correa laughed at the thought of Vaastu
Shastra as being dispensed today by its votaries. 
You could only frighten a politician or a businessmen
---making him fear the loss of his money or position,
but Vaastu is much deeper then mere changing
positions of seating et al.  One needs to purify the
ground -- clean it of all the past cultivate two
crops on the same soil and then go ahead with the

Earlier Mr Dattaraj Salgaocar introduced the Mr
Correa, a momento was also presented to him and a book
An Historical essay on the Konkani language -- Dr J H
Cunha Riveira translated by Fr Theophilus Lobo was
released and sold at the venue for Rs.50/-  Ms Dipti
Salgaocar offered bouquets to Mr Correa.

Visit www.charlescorrea.net for more visuals on his

from the Mandovi Hotel 

Borda Margao Goa



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2006-05-22 Thread godfrey gonsalves
This is a publication of the TSKK.  But the 10th issue
has a gist of what has gone into the revival of the
demand for Konknni in Roman script since June 2005. A
must read publication for those interested in ensuring
recognition to Konknni in Roman script.


Sod is a research bulletin produced, edited and
published as part of the research efforts of Thomas
Stephens Konknni Kendr (TSKK), Alto Porvorim, Goa,
devoted to the promtion of education and research in
Konknni language, literature, and culture.

So far TSKK has published 9 issues of Sod.  This is
the 10th issue of Sod.  It contains articles related
to Konknni language, script and education in English:
Konknni Myths - Pratap Naik, S.J.; Social damage done
by Goa’s language controversy and conspiracy behind it
– Ramnath G. Naik; Roman script the soul of Konknni –
Nelson Lopes; Socio-economic growth of the Goan
community through the Konknni language – Tomazinho
Cardoz; Roman script for Konknni a must : now or never
– Godfrey Gonsalves; Script Controversy – Eduardo
Faleiro; A response to ‘Konknni Myths’ – Alito
Siqueira; Scripting controversy: debating the war of
the Konknnis– Jason Keith Fernandes; An attempt to
understand Konknni language assertion Movement –
Sammit Khandeparkar; Mother tongue blues – Madhavi
Sardesai; Konknni versus scripts – Matthew Almeida,
SJ; The African, Portuguese, Kannada, Marathi,
Malvani, Hindi and English influences on the
hybridized Siddi-Konknni dialect – Geralda de Lima
Angenot; English medium primary education for better
future – Cypriano Lopes; Response to ‘English medium
primary education for better Future’ – Joe F. Vaz.



  Inspired by Dean Swift’s mock heroic Battle of
the Books, one could have titled this issue ‘Battle of
the Scripts’ but unfortunately, one proponent of the
engagement refused to be represented here.  In
fairness we would have liked to give all the four
talks given at the ‘History Hour’ of Xavier Centre of
Historical Research (XCHR), that have created a
healthy public debate on the language situation in
Goa.  They are the talks given by Pratap Naik, Ramnath
G. Naik, Uday Bhembre and Tomazinho Cardozo.  The
third one of these when we requested permission to
publish his talk, refused point-blank to grant us the
requested permission.  Hence our apologies to the
readers who are deprived of the views of the champion
of Devanagari script policy.


  We begin by giving the first two talks.  Then
the former Union Minister Eduardo Faleiro’s article
gives proper perspective to the script controversy,
and proposes equal status both for Devanagari and
Roman scripts for Konknni.   Nelson Lopes’ article and
the talk of Tomazinho Cardozo follow, which present
the language scene of Goa from the point of view of
Roman script.  Tomazinho Cardozo expresses his sense
of disillusionment with his former comrades in the
language struggle, and terms the Language Act the
greatest fraud on the Goan Konknni community that uses
Roman script.


  The three articles that follow provide critical
and analytical views on the talks given at XCHR.  One
could not but notice that all the three of them use
the term ‘hegemony’ in speaking of the upholders of
Devanagari script for the Konknni language.  The first
is by Alito Siqueira, which is a critique of Pratap
Naik’s talk on ‘Konknni myths’, written in the form of
a letter to Pratap Naik and published in the Goanet
Reader forum.  The second is an article by Jason Keith
Fernandes that critically analyses Uday Bhembre’s
talk, ‘Road Map for the Standardisation and
Development of the Konknni Language’.  It is marked by
clarity of arguments, and it challenges misleading
fallacies and non sequiturs presented as arguments,
such as ‘Devanagari is a natural script for Konknni’. 
His arguments regarding Konknni are backed by concrete
examples from happenings in the rest of India.  The
third article is by Sammit Khandeparkar, who puzzled
by the whole controversy about Konknni scripts tries
to make sense out of it.  In doing so, he finds that
the underlying reality belies the surface appearance;
the facts of the matter belie apparent reasons
proffered to be true.  He could make some sense only
if he applied Antonio Gramesci’s concept of hegemony
to the whole tangle.


  Next we have two linguists giving their views on
scripts used for writing Konknni.  Madhavi Sardesai’s
article focuses on the Konknni language itself rather
than on the scripts used to write it, though it
provides reasons why Devanagari was chosen for writing
Konknni.  Matthew Almeida exposes some of the
oft-repeated assertions and half truths about
Devanagari script with the help of what other
linguists like Suneeti Kumar Chatterjee have to say
about it.


  A third linguist, Geralda Angenot after her
months of field work presents her findings on
Siddi-Konknni dialect found in parts


2006-05-21 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The St Mary's High School Grounds, bang opposite 
M/s Varona Hardware, owned by Mr Tommy Cruz , in
Church View Apartments, the suspected killer (now
behind bars)of  SBI Malbhat Margao Dy GM late Ms
Philomena Lopez,(who also resided in the same
Apartments in her sisters flat above prior to her
brutal murder in her new bungalow just five minutes
walk )was a witness to a two day Education fair, in
the Navelim Constituency of Mr Luizinho Faleiro, MLA
and Minister for Education and Industry.

There was a lot of literature distributed at the
stalls. The Citizens Charter of the Department of
Education billed as the most impressive document of
the Department ( which ironically employs the largest
number of Government employees ). From Primary Middle
Secondary Higher Secondary College Section, Technical
Vocational Higher Education etc and the Goa
University, besides institutions like Architecture
Music Allopathy Homeopathy Hotel Management etc all
this was available freely. 

In short Insititutions granted recognition by the
University Grants Commission UGC, All India Council of
Technical Education AICTE, Indian Nursing Council  INC
  Architectural Council of India ACI Board of
Technical Goa other recognising Authority.

But there were other exhibits as well of the Rural
Development Agency, the Goa Tourism Development Corpn
Ltd, Rural Employment Gurantee Scheme, Khadi Village
Industries Board, Directorate of Fishgeries  Goa
Energey Development Agency (GEDA) Goa Industrial
Development Corporation, Electricity Department etc.

But TWO stalls that caught the attention of this
writer were 
a) Paras Education Foundation (Vedang Overseas
Education Consultancy ) based in Vasco da Gama 
which claimed to be FINANCING placements in reputed
educational foreign countries AND 
b) Rajaram Institute of Industrial Technology
(Yeshwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University
)imparting training at Margao Rajendra Prasad Stadium
in Dip in Comp Hardware Maintenance   Networking TV
VCD Technician etc) 

Most of the visitors that this writer interacted with
felt that the Government should have NOT permitted
these stalls a) they are not affiliated to any of the
authorities of the Government of Goa b) nor have such
educational financial consultancy firm  been granted
recognition by the Goa Education Development
Corporation GEDC.

This writer had an informal chat with the Minister of
Education Mr Faleiro today afternoon near one of the
stalls and quizzed the Minister on the role  of
Institutions like M/s Frankfinns institute which
sported an IATA logo last June 2005 but were served a
cease and desist notice when the South Goa Public
Interest Action Group a registered NGO got
confirmation from IATA Geneva that they were not
authorised to do so.  Meanwhile they managed to lure
gullible Goans to their Airhostess and Hospitality
Management Courses which are niether recognised by the
Ministry for Tourism or the Ministry for Civil
Aviation Govt of India. Ironically at least one
teacher  in the Institutes was a candidates who passed
from another private institute in Goa. 

Now another CMTES from Hyderabad has come in this time
they are not imparting Airhostess and Hospitality
courses with SISI  Govt of India body but they too
claim to have Strategic Partner relations with the
world body IATA at Geneva. The same NGO SGPIAG is
investigating the genuineness of the same. 

Mr Faleiro admitted that there is NO LEGISLATION as of
date to check the credibility of such institutions but
GOVERNMENT OF GOA will address itself to this matter
and a report is in the offing .  Which briefly implies
that students who have passed out in SSC and XII will
be victims of such institutions.  Mr Faleiro also
seemed resigned to this fate when he admitted that on
one hand we invite private sector in the field of
education who unfortunately have larger than life
personalities on the Board of such instiutions making
it difficult to judge the genuinity of the
institution.  In any case this is a lame excuse.

As regards the credibility of Institutions granted 
recognition granted by the Human Resources Development
Foundation, HRDF ( viz TAME etc emphasis mine)  Mr
Faleiro stated that in 1989 post statehood there was
no body recognising typewriting institutions etc
existing in Goa which were recognised by the Govt of
Maharashtra, therefore he founded this HRDF under the
Department of Labour alongwith the Manpower
Development Corporation) a survey of Goan youth
employed in the coastal belt of South Goa  --then only
two starred Hotels M/s Dalmia Resort and Majorda
Resort indicated that the employment potential was
dismal during the past decade, Therefore by providing
stipend Rs 150/ - per month and training to youth in
the Hotel Management areas with teachers from schools
paid Rs. 400/- and another from his pocket he managed
to have some students trained both theoretically and
in house.  Atleast one student could earn a five

[Goanet] BIBLE now in official language KONKANI ?

2006-05-17 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The Archdiocese has stated that come June 2006   the
18 million rupee project of the Archdiocese of Goa and
Daman --- BIBLE in KONKNNI (Roman script) the
official language of Goa  will be available on sale.
Advance print order for the 2300 page hardbound cover
will cost just Rs.150/- instead of Rs 300/- otherwise.

Better late than never considering the following
a) first printing press in Asia 1556 with Roman script
b) post 1965 use of Konknni in the Archdiocese began 
c) in 1920 Psalms were first translated in Konknni  
d) in 1974 the New Testament was completed.

But Konknni in DEVANAGARI script as recognised by the
Official Language Act 1987 is the official language
of Goa NOT Konknni in ROMAN SCRIPT.

a) Strangely  the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman has
accepted  in 1989-90 Konknni in Devanagari script in
all the diocesan run educational institutions.

b) Some Roman Catholic priests of the Archdiocese of
Goa and Daman have made a representation to the Goa
Government in February, 2006 NOT to grant official
recognition for Konknni in Roman script. This was 
confirmed telephonically to this writer by Indian
National Congress MLA Calangute , Mr Agnelo Fernandes
and Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Mapusa,  Mr Francisco D

c)The same priests have prevented the Parishes in Goa 
from carrying out the signature campaign which was
underway and was recieving tremendous response(45,000
signatures were obtained)  to  petition, the President
of India, demanding the need to recognise Konknni in
Roman script as well.

Why then this hypocritical act of the Archdiocese of
Goa and Daman in supporting ONLY konknni in Devanagari
in schools on the one hand and publishing the BIBLE IN

Does the Archdiocese of Goa  Daman wittingly or
unwittingly admit clandestinely that 29.67% of the
population of Goa which constitutes the Catholis in
Goa  read Konknni in Roman script but yet under
DEVANAGARI SCRIPT protoganists  they are adhering to
Konknni in Devanagari script for the schools?

Will the Church clarify, its DUAL ATTITUDE towards the


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2006-05-16 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The Mormugao Parliamentary Constitutency ,Member of
Parliament Lok Sabha (House of People or Commons)
Shri. Churchill Braz Alemao, celebrates his 57th
birthday today. 16.5.1949) It is also the day his
beloved brother late  Alvernaz was killed in an
encounter at Fatrade Varca over an alleged smuggling
charge, just a couple of miles away from his residence
at Novangally Varca  while the younger brother Mr
Kennedy Alemao entered into the seventh sacrament of
matrimony on the same date in 1990. 

Whatever be Mr Alemao's educational profile whether
segundo grau ( Portuguese educated as he recently
confessed ) or Standard VI the fact remains that he
has not studied beyond middle school. However he has
been able to establish rapport with chaste spoken
Konkani with niz Goencars. His late father Mr Braz
Alemao was a Cabo in the Portuguese Police and his
alleged extravagant life style selling family owned
real estate and finally ending up in his well is the
reason most people believe led to the poor  economic
upbringing  of Mr Alemao the eldest of the six
brothers, three of whom including Mr Churchill who
have entered politics and are elected representatives
as of today. It is the older Alemao Mr Churchill that
brought up the others duly assisted by their favourite
Mam  deceased Mr J B Ferrao.

Mr Alemao after a brief stint of sea farers life style
having seen almost all the ports of the world and some
countries abroad owing to his undying love for the
worlds largest supported sport -- football, began his
innings with the Varca Sports Club. Ironically his
native village Novangully Varca is in the Navelim not
Benaulim Assembly constituency of his now  bete
noire and cumpar Mr Luizinho Faleiro Minister for
Industries and Education and MLA Navelim. Having been
successful in organising the traditional Carnaval
Dance on Sabado Gordo or Fat Saturday for successive
years by his Varca Sports Club, Mr Alemao tried his
stint in politics for the first time in 1984 but lost
to Francisco Monte Cruz in the Benaulim Assembly
Conastituency.  In November 1989  and was elected as
MLA Benaulim Constitutency and became the first
Catholic Chief Minister of the State of Goa for the
shortest innings from 27th March 1990 until 14 April
1990 under the PDF Government holding the portfolios
of Sports (a portfolio which the then and present CM
of Goa Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane  elected for the
consecutive third term had denied to Mr Alemao which
resulted in the unseating of Mr Rane and the formation
of the PDF Government in Goa ) At this stage Rane and
Churchill were bitter foes.  Now they enjoy a blow hot
blow cold relation thanks to the junior Vishwajit
Rane.  His role in the September 1985 Konknni Porjecho
Avaz KPA and his sudden appearance in the then Goa
Legislative Assembly at the Old Secretariat earned him
the sobriquet of Robin hood -- the agitation the first
of its kind saw trees strewn accross the roads and
blockade a la ULFA style in Assam; and the recognition
for Konkani as our mother tongue was commendable.

However Catholic Goans did not benefit due his
shorsightedness and the betrayal that he suffered by
the pro only Devanagari script Konknni lovers. He was
misled to believe that Konknni in Devanagari was the
natural script for Konknni -- no doubt this was
declared cunningly so by a coterie at the highest
literary level the Sahitya Akademi in New Delhi on
21.11.1981.  Churchill was not aware of this until
recently. The  denial of Official recognition to
Konknni in Roman script brought bitterness amongst the
Catholics who in one stroke became second class
citizens in their own land. The irony of the situation
was that Mr Alemao sent his only son now training as a
Commercial pilot in distant kangaroo country
Australia, to an English medium school in Panaji.  

Mr Alemao has now publicly assured on a platform at
Azad Maidan in February, 2006 that 18 years down the
line he has realised the injustice done to Konknni in
Roman script and he will ensure that Roman script will
also be given official recognition in the Official
Language Act 1987 vide an amendment before the end of
this year 20th December, 2006 late Floriano Vaz was
killed at Gogol Fatorda Goa first martyr for Konknni. 

Thereafter he was elected in 1994 as member of
Parliament and again in 1999 as MLA Benaulim.  He had
his innings both in the UGDP the Indian National
Congress.  His latest battle is for retention of
Dabolim as an International airport and NO to MOPA up 
North in Pernem taluka as a saviour of niz Goencars. 
But at the same time Mr Alemaos boast of promotion of
tourism during his tenure has also witnessed the over
kill that tourism industry has done to niz Goencars
and Mr Alemao has no plans to ensure that the
interests of Goans are provided.  His uncertain stand
when it comes to politics despite  being smitten on
several ocassions by the national party the INC has
made his voter base render him only issue based
support; yet when it comes to voters in South 


2006-05-12 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The Goa  Police at Headquarters Panaji, have now
spread a dragnet to nab  one CIVIL ENGINEER Mr.
Mario do Socorro Trinidade Achilles, 48 now believed
to be untraceable from Pulwado Benaulim Salcete Goa
, following  a First Information Report (FIR)
registered against him by the Engineering Officer
Public Works Division Altinho Panaji, Mr D K Prabhu
Shastri ( now retired on attaining the age or
superannuation)  for filing a FORGED  certificate and
obtaining their PWD registration No:4/84; claiming to
have completed the Diploma in Engineering (Civil) and
also passed the final examination in June 1983
securing second class from the   Board of Technical
Education Thiruvananthapuram Govt of Kerala.

This writer who had reported the matter 30/3/2006 as a
tip off to this impending event, now  learnt that the
Archdiocese of Goa and Daman had  during the tenure of
 Fr Boulais Da Costa (now Parish Priest of Our Lady of
Rosary Church (Chapel) Fatorda) engaged the services
of this civil engineer heading the firm M/s Archilles
Gracias Consultancy  Pulvado Benaulim (as registered
civil engineers planning designers valuers and
consultants )  for undertaking the responsibility for
the alteration,  reconstruction etc of the Chapel of
Our Lady of Piety (built in 1758 at Monte Chandor in
2004, for an extimated amount of over  Rs 18 lacs
collected by way of large donations from well wishers
mainly natives of Chandor and partly from the

Even the Secretariat of Fabricas/Confres Archbishop s
House,  Altinho Panaji did not have any  reason to
suspect the credentials of the Architect/Engineer 
before entrusting the job, to Mr Gracias considering 
his reputation and social standing until some
parishioners are believed to have  protested the works
for fear of damage by way of reconstruction to the
aesthetics of the Chapel façade.

Following this melee the investigations initiated by
this  parishioners finally appeared to have yielded
results . A copy of the  alleged forged certificate
presented by Mr Archilles was obtained from the PWD
records and probed for its contents with the  Joint
Controller of Technical Examinations Thiruvanantha
puram.  On 16.2.2006 a confirmation was obtained in 
that  no candidate bearing the name of Mr Gracias was
permitted to  attend final year Diploma examination in
civil engineering and no student bearing registraion
number 4697 was sent up for that exam in June 1983 and
that the certificate  ( a fascimile which was sent to
them ) was  a FALSE one.

When this matter was brought to the notice of the
Directorate of Vigilance, Altinho, Panaji, Goa , the
Addln.Director Vigilance Mr A W Rane took cognizance
of the same and  on 29/3/2006 directed the Principal
Engineer of the Public Works Department to cancel the
registration and file an FIR .

According to sources in the Police department the case
has since been registered under sections 468, 471, 420
of the Indian Penal Code and arrest is imminent in the
days to come.   

When this writer contacted the  top officials of the
Archdiocese of Goa  Daman earlier they were non
commital on the action they propose to take,
apparently they are awaiting the law to take its own
course. The plain clothes policemen scouting the area
has also been  the subject of debate in the otherwise
quite village in the suburbs of Margao when this
writer visited the same.  Many claimed that Mr Gracias
was otherwise not known to be  a bright student in
school at Loyola High School in Margao  and many had
doubts on his credentials especially considering the
fact that he flouted a  Government Diploma from
distant Kerala.  His prominent social standing appears
to have served as an eyewash for his misdemeanours.

When this writer tried to contact  the Parish Priest
of Nossa Senhora de Belem, Chandor Fr Tony Salema  Tel
+91 0832 2784002 he was informed by Fr Mariano
Silveira the Asst Parish Priest that Fr Salema had
gone abroad and feigned ignorance on the roll of Mr
Gracias in the Chapel construction having been posted
there only in June 2006.  Later Fr Silveira directed
this writer to contact Fr Boulais da Costa the ex
Parish Priest of Chandor (incidentally some claim
though unconfirmed that Fr Da Costa is indeed a
distant relative of Mr Gracias and hails from
Sernabattim  Colva) for necessary information. 
Following a tele-talk with Fr Da Costa, Mobile
9850453717 (+ 91 0832 2741149 ) this evening, Fr Da
Costa feigned ignorance of what appeared in an 
English daily yesterday (regarding FIR and police
action against Mr Gracias) and also on a  Weekly two
weeks ago but claimed to have been told about it only
this morning.  He stated that he was busy with the
novenas and would read the newspaper today night.
When asked why was a Chartered Engineer  who was
registered with the Institute of Engineers
Maharashtra/Goa Council,  or an Architect registered
by the Council of Architects, Goa Chapter not
selected, Fr Da Costa  claimed that Mr Gracias, was
selected by a panel of 


2006-05-11 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Apropos the above a report 6/5/2006 - a reference was
made to Dr Savia Veigas,  QUOTE .stating SHE  
herself had risen from humble beginnings having been a
child of a sea-farer and learnt under the candle
light -- UNQUOTE 

Dr Veigas in a teletalk with this writer today
11/5/2006 afternoon kindly clarified  that the above
sentence ought NOT to be attributed to HER but it was
a reference made by her -- to the PEOPLE OF her
VILLAGE Carmona who are mainly seafarers  and have
studied under  the candle light.  

This clarification is therefore intended to set things
in its  proper perspective.


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2006-05-10 Thread godfrey gonsalves
While Mr Luisinho Faleiro the MLA Navelim (the biggest
parish in Asia)ex CM ex President Goa Pradesh Congress
Committee and present Minister for Industries and
Education,  is in Doha Qatar to attend the May Queen
Ball and also address the NRI Goans thereafter yet
another set of questions NRI Goans could ask him and
seek his clarifications:

After Liberation the deputationists ( from
neighbouring Maharashtra ) ruled Goa after the MGP
came to power. After the INC came to power, the
fifteen year domicile policy came about  and 80% jobs
were to be reserved for sons of the soil.
How come today there are  15% Goans or none at all and
85% non Goans in industries set up in Goa? Was this a
lacunae in his Industrial policy for Goa and if so
have the loop holes been plugged and if not why not
and when?

If the industrial policy ordains that non polluting
industries will be permitted viz soft ware
pharmaceuticals, why did the Government not increase
the SEATS in a) Asias oldest pharmacy College or b)for
short term courses in pharmacy oriented courses IN 
polytechnics/ITIs to meet the pharmaceutical industry
demands; likewise are the existing SEATS  in Govt run,
polytechnics, engineering colleges, and other private
institutions that are granted RECOGNITION  under All
India Council of Technical Education AICTE or DOEACC
enough to cater to the industries needs of the IT
Techno parks intended to be set up in Taleigao,
Soccorro and Morjim.
If not will this NOT lead to a deluge of non goans
entering into the state.

Is it not a fact that Government as a largest employer
in the state employs non Goan workers on nominal
muster rolls NMR or on adhoc basis (read back door
entry) in its Panchayats and Municipalities and other
Government institutions PWD, Irrigation, and
Agriculture, Veterinary  departments --- because they
are willing to work and  be PAID LESS than the minimum
wages of Rs.86/ (now proposed to be hiked to 120/- per
day) unlike Goans who demand the same or higher wages
according to the skill and expertise.  Margao
Municipality and Curca Panchayat is a case in point.

Is it not a fact that the key positions of Heads of
Departments, viz Transport ex Director Mr Nair
(Keralite) Mamlatdars, ex Deputy Labour Commissioner 
Mr B B Naik (from Karwar) Secretary to Panchayats,
Town  Country Planning Department  PWD, Irrigation
Power etc are deliberately kept in the hands of the
NON GOANS till date (excluding the inevitable AGMU IAS
cadre because Goa does till date not have a State
Public Serivice Commission even after Statehood on
30/5/87 ) so that the elected representatives can make
them subservient to their whims and fancies (read
corrupt practices) -- are there no Goan  graduates
despite a 20 year old Goa University available  in
2006 to man these positions? why should Goans work if
they are underpaid?

Why has the Department of Education not started
courses a) in Master in Social Welfare MSW a
qualification pre-requisite for appointment of Labour
Welfare Officers in factories works in Industrial
estates who eventually end up as Personnel Managers
(as a result of which 92% Personnel Managers in Goa
are non Goans and they recruit non Goans  b) Why are
there no diploma courses in Mining or related courses
to cater to the needs of students in  the mining
industry in Bicholim,( Polytechnic at Bicholim is ther
but does the strenght suffice the requirement) Sanguem
Ponda c) Why are there no diploma courses in
agriculture related industries which could help
students in the western ghat bodering talukas of
Sanguem Canacona and Sattari? Without these
polythechnics or institutions located in these areas
to help sons and daughter of poor peasants most of
whom have lost their farm land to mining --can the
Government bluff stating that students do not come

Has the Government set up educational institutions to
train students in the Audio visual entertainment
industry now that it has decided to host the IFFI on
its own? If not why not?

Will the Minister clarify whether the vegetables that
are brought from Belgaum as of today (hence the
justification for accepting migrants )are required to
for the consumptions  of niz goencars or to meet the
demands of migrants who themselves depend on torcari

Will the Minister clarify with statistics whether
schemes intended by the Goa Government as announced in
the recent Goa Assembly session will NOT  benefit non
Goans more than Goans and also attract more non Goans
into the State,  for these freebies, at the cost of
changing the demographic composition of the State?

Can the Minister DENY the fact that non goan workers
who intially come as construction workers or work for
the fisheries etc in the first two seasons later on
understand the intricacies of Goan economy (gulf
petrodollars and high per capita income and ) and then
charge higher rates and force thus force the  employer
to go in for a fresh set of migrants.  Has the
Minister not witnessed the non goan labour 

[Goanet] ex PDF Govt Minister Mr Joao Baptist Gonsalves dead

2006-05-09 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Two times MLA Panaji Assembly Constituency, and ex
Minister for Urban Development in the PDF Government
of Mr Churchill Alemao in 1990, Mr Joao Baptist
Gonsalves, a native of Colva settled in St Inez
Panaji,   expired today morning at 0440 a.m. after a
brief illness. The funeral rites will be held
tommorrow 9th May, 2006 at 0930 hrs at the Our Lady of
Imaculate Conception Panaji and thereafter his cortege
will leave for burial at the St Inez Cemetry. He
leaves behind his wife and two children a son and

late Mr Gonsalves was a self confessed baker of repute
by profession, and he always took pride to publicly
announce his humble beginnings ( unlike several Goans
who fight shy of disclosing their traditional
background) which he once did when he addressed an
electoral campaign meet in Panaji in the presence of
late Prime Minister Mr Rajiv Gandhi to enter the
electoral fray for the first time essentially as a
peoples candidate.

During his tenure in politics he endured himself to
his constituents with his friendly dispostion and
hence easily broke the previous record  being the
first sitting MLA to be elected twice,(though later Mr
Manohar Parrikar ex CM broke this record with a hat
trick  ).  Mr Gonsalves was also the President of the
Bakers Association and during his tenure he worked to
ameliorate the cause of bakers, viz; availabity of
flour, firewood etc which during the late eighties
threatened the existence of our traditional poders

He was associated with the Indian National Congress
Party and it is only in recent times that he moved
away from politics to concentrate on his traditional
profession incorporating modern marketing techniques
and ensuring a timely change of guard to carry on the
traditional occupation.


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[Goanet] ex PDF Govt Minister Mr Joao Baptist Gonsalves dead

2006-05-08 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Two times MLA Panaji Assembly Constituency, and ex
Minister for Urban Development in the PDF Government
of Mr Churchill Alemao in 1990, Mr Joao Baptist
Gonsalves, a native of Colva settled in St Inez
Panaji,   expired today morning at 0440 a.m. after a
brief illness. The funeral rites will be held
tommorrow 9th May, 2006 at 0930 hrs at the Our Lady of
Imaculate Conception Panaji and thereafter his cortege
will leave for burial at the St Inez Cemetry. He
leaves behind his wife and two children a son and

late Mr Gonsalves was a self confessed baker of repute
by profession, and he always took pride to publicly
announce his humble beginnings ( unlike several Goans
who fight shy of disclosing their traditional
background) which he once did when he addressed an
electoral campaign meet in Panaji in the presence of
late Prime Minister Mr Rajiv Gandhi to enter the
electoral fray for the first time essentially as a
peoples candidate.

During his tenure in politics he endured himself to
his constituents with his friendly dispostion and
hence easily broke the previous record  being the
first sitting MLA to be elected twice,(though later Mr
Manohar Parrikar ex CM broke this record with a hat
trick  ).  Mr Gonsalves was also the President of the
Bakers Association and during his tenure he worked to
ameliorate the cause of bakers, viz; availabity of
flour, firewood etc which during the late eighties
threatened the existence of our traditional poders

He was associated with the Indian National Congress
Party and it is only in recent times that he moved
away from politics to concentrate on his traditional
profession incorporating modern marketing techniques
and ensuring a timely change of guard to carry on the
traditional occupation.


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[Goanet] GOENKARANCHEM DAIZ ===an NGO launched

2006-05-06 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The threat to Goan Identity was never felt to the
extent that it is being felt today. At last count an 
alarming 33% of the population of Goa constitutes the
migrants or better known as bhaile threatening the
demographic composition of this beautiful State. To
add to this cancerous malaise  Goan disunity caused by
the invisible indelible Great Indian Caste divide
the traditional Goan Bhatcar - Bhageli(partner) or
the Batcar-Mundcar syndrome and the last potion
strains of polarisation on communal lines which
threatens the foundataions of Goan tolerance
unwitnessed in the rest of the country does not bode
well for NiZ Goemcars if Goans do not shed their
differences -- at least in public.

With this in mind Margao in Salcete South Goa, the
bastion of Goa's political cultural and commercial
centre witnessed today evening at 1645 6th May 2006, 
at a well attended function at the Gomant Vidya
Niketan the  launching of Goenkarachem Daiz  a trust
 -- Daiz samballunk ani Goenkarponn rakhunk
--Goenkarponn ani amchem girest daiz samballpak
ompil'li sonstha  -- to protect preserve and promote
the unique Goan culture and its identity.

And who among Goans could have visualised this need
better.  It took Mr Antonio Piedade da Moraes, a
dimunitive, lean bespectacled, casual dressed,
publicity shy Konkani mogi whose passion for Konkani
led him to possess a treasure trove of literary works
books numbering well over 2000 books of his
collection.  He felt it necessary  to make them
available for posterity to Generation Next to help
preserve and promote our culture our identity and that
of Konkani language the soul of Goan culture. To
satiate his passion it was left to Mr Alfino Fernandes
to support the mission of Mr Morais by providing a
spacious premise at MIDAS TOUCH Apartments bang
opposite the District Court of Margao.  Following this
other furniture and fixtures were liberally donated
and the trust Goenkaranchem daiz took shape in 2005.

The inaugural launch began belatedly with an excellent
presentation by Dr Nandakumar Kamat an
environmentalist now with the University of Goa on
GOALOGY Goem Vidheaxastr.  It shows the Goa in its
right perspective right from early invasion of Homo
sapiens to the pre colonial era the colonial era and
the post colonial era. Truly Goans would have loved to
revisit his presentation. It was a tremendous hardwork
put in true and just put forth before the public in a
nut shell ..  What with satellite imagery from google
earth and pictures notes all rolled in . But the power
point presentation though announced by him to be for
just twenty five minutes extended well beyond an
University lecture ( he is familiar with ) and needed
the moderator Dr Savia Veigas, an activist of Musuem
Heritage a member of the Indias first State Knowledge
Commission, who has returned to Goa  after 25 years a
native of Carmona Salcete Goa, to abruptly put an end
to his unending discourse which hurt the ego of Dr
Kamat and his usual arrogance was let loose on the
organisors. The audience of course did not take kindly
to his longish discourse, and cheered Dr Veigas.  dr
Veigas agreed with most of the presentation made by Dr
Kamat but she felt that what is needed is that
Identity culture should move into the villages.  She
herself had risen from humble beginnings having been a
child of a sea-farer and learnt under the candle
light. In her village the influence of tourism has
alienated the villager. The village child was at the
cross roads neither good in English nor his own mother
tongue Konkani.   She was profusely applauded for
these observations.  Just two questions did not merit
much attention.

Later Miguel Cotta of Goencho Naad fame and his
family gave an unique musical traditional songs and
mando  treat to the audience.  This was followed by a
musical group led by Arch. Carlos da Veiga and a final
song by Dr Francisco Colaco Cardiologist and family --
songs to the tunes of late Chris Perry.

Mr Ramnath Shirodkar gave a solo musical rendtion in
Konkani using the mouth organ. 

But the audience went into a musical frenzy tapping
their feet clapping hands to strums and beat of songs
by famed tiatrist composer singer of yester years, the
80 year old (9/9/1925) Mr Remedios Januario Colaco
lovingly known as Remmie Colaco from the Novas
Conquistas Sanvordem Goa; and another song  from Dr
Gopal V Naik widely known as Dr G V NAIK. 
Incidentally both Dr G V Naik and Mr Remmie are age
old friends and know share a Doctor patient
relationship.  Their relics relate to a word of
caution to Goans to unite to protect out Goan

Earlier Mr Edwin Pinto read the aims and objectives of
Goenkaranchem Daiz ( membership Founder Member
Rs.5000/- and Life Member Rs 1000/- forms were
available at the venue. 

Dr Zahir Qazi an ex student of Goa Medical College in
the early eighties a native of Ponda in Goa cherished
his love for Goa and things Goan by narrating several
incidents which embodies the Goan identity. He heads
the AMI 


2006-05-05 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Goans were shocked  in disbelief to learn of the
brutal murder of Ms Philomena Lopes Asst General
Manager, of SBI Personal Banking Division Malbhat
Margao Goa, at her newly built Bungalow at Chaddvaddo
Novangully Varca Salcete South Goa District.   

According to locals that this writer contacted near
the site of the new Bungalow this evening it is learnt
that Ms Lopes had recently shifted to Goa from Munbai
to take up her posting at SBI Malbhat Margao Goa as
she intended to settle down in Goa.

Pending completion of the new Bungalow a little away
from her ancestral home where her late mother resided,
she was staying in the Furtado Apartment Opp the Varca
Church in an apartment allegedly belonging to her

It is further learnt that she had recently availed
leave from duty to move into her new Bungalow and her
husband a sea farer left  Goa on 1st May, 2006 to join
service overseas after they set foot in the new
Bungalow.   Mr Lopez is believed to be a native from
the Bardez Goa region.

Having been to Goa recently not many of the neighbours
around could throw more light on the motive of the
crime as of now, but some tit bits collected indicate
of a PULSAR or CBZ brand motor bike with local
registration being found  abandoned nearby.

When this writer visited the scene there was no one to
confirm or deny having seen the same. Probably Ms
Lopes being a working woman would possibly not have
time to interact with the villagers and more so the
residents around the new Bungalow.

The Police Inspector Incharge Colva Police Station Mr
Nelson  Albuquerque (other wise an ex  Bandra Mumbai
native himself) is reported to have visited the scene
of the murder yesterday morning and the Police dog
scented the trail of the alleged assailant
unsuccessfully to a little distance.

An young girl a non goan Moslem is reported to have
been attending to the daily chores of late Ms
Philomena.  It was on her learning that the door bell
remained unanswered on the morning of 4th May 2006
that she contacted the neigbours of the earlier
Apartment where she lived earlier.  The Apartment is
alleged to be belonging to her sister.

The body has been taken for post mortem and it is
learnt that her relatives from Mumbai and Bardez are
likely to come over.  Meanwhile her son too is learnt
to be on board the ship and could be expected
alongwith his father to come down.

Incidentally, this area Novangully Varca  is
understood to come under the Navelim Constituency of
Mr Luizinho Faleiro and is also in the locality of
South Goa Member of Parliament Mr Churchill Alemao.

Many feel that though the new Bungalow has a sparse
number of residents the Ground + one complex was too
large for a single occupant and to stay alone
especially being an executive of a  reputed Indian
banking institution.

There were gruesome injuries to her face as per oral
versions of some nearby residents and it is not clear
whether cash or gold ornaments were in the Bungalow.
Police are awaiting her husband and son to throw more
light on the possible motive of the crime.

It may be noted that in March, 2006 another Goan woman
hailing from Varca was involved in renting her flat at
Sirvodem in Margao Goa to a suspected Kashmiri
terrorist now in custody found with some likely
explosive material.

Besides there is a large number of migrant workers who
are brought from Orissa Andhra Pradesh and Kerala who
indulge in the fishing business and others from easter
Uttar Pradesh Jarkhand and Bihar engaged in menial or
construction jobs masonary or carpentary jobs at
starred hotels.

The ostentatious display of wealth by our gullible
Goans, especially  women left behind with their
children or old folks by absentee husbands have
attracted several of these migrants to the flashing of
wealth.  The rich furnishings and display of wealth
easily tempts the poverty stricken workers who know
too well that even during their entire life time they
will not be able to earn such wealth and hence could
easily be tempted to commit such gruesome murder.

Even the liberal attitude of our village women towards
these men is percieved differently by these migrants
who have a mind set of a conservative nature at least
in public and hence tend to view our women with a
promiscuous outlook.  Why even with most of these
migrants used to customary child marriages they look
differently at the local Goan children below fourteen
as well, and hence the potential or rapist  too
lurking around is possible.

Many Goans blame the elected representatives who
depend on migrant CHEAP LABOUR and most of them find
Goa an El Dorado with all the schemes like free
education computers job prospects and employability
accomodation easily provided by gullible Goans.

This was the sum and substance of the locals when this
writer interacted with some of them.


Yahoo! India 

[Goanet] Mr LUISINHO FALEIRO Min for Ind Edn to visit DOHA QATAR

2006-05-03 Thread godfrey gonsalves

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
On 11th May, 2006 Mr Luisinho Faleiro, 54,  Minister
for Industries and Education, MLA,  Navelim Assembly
Constituency (over 25 years )  ex CM,  ex GPCC
President, of Goa will interact with Goans in DOHA
QATAR where he will later on be the Chief Guest for
the MAY QUEEN BALL of the Goan Welfare Association,
Doha Qatar.

It is traditional for elected representatives visit 
foreign countries at the cost of the State Exchequer
or at cost of sponsors  (ex MLA Herculano Dourado and
others recently in March 2006 fiscal year end )
visited a Gulf country to study  problems of NRI
Goans  at the cost of the State Exchequer, and on
return learnt that  his outfit the NRI Facilitation
Centre was in limbo.   The  brief that such elected
representatives (all past or present or future ) carry
to sell to our gullible NRI -Goemcars who do not in
any case constitute their vote banks but their
families in Goa do ) is mere wishful thinking.

They could promise you anything short of the MOON on a
platter.  NRI Goemcars starved out of emotive love
for Amchem Bhangarachem Goem fall  prey to  this
bait.  But when they come back to Amchem Goem the
elected representatives (past, present or future
despise them.

This writer has come across umpteen NRI Goemcars who
confess to have wined dined and feted or what have you
our Mukhel Montris Montris and Amdars' and
Khasdars in the Gulf and Western countries but
suffered humiliation bitterly when they tried to meet
them in Goa.

Mr Faleiro's impending visit is a great opportunity
for NRI Goemcars to seek clarifications on:  

Whether Mr Faleiro's  INC led coalition Government (of
MGP NCP and an Independent in Goa ) will  table the
amendment to the Official Language Act 1987 in the
forthcoming monsoon session of the Goa Legislative
Assembly in July 2006 to grant recognition to Konkani
in the Roman script; N.B. The NCP Dr Wilfred A Se
Souza has publicly stated its support for such an
amendment Bill if introduced in the Assembly. The
South Goa Member of Parliament Mr Churchill ALemao has
similarly publicly  whole-heartedly ensured to garner
party support for such an amendment  Bill. As a matter
of fact  when confronted by this writer in his Chamber
in the presence of several visitors during the August
2005 Assembly session to move an amendment Mr Faleiro
merely sermonised on his personal attempts to
introduce Roman script in 1987 but  did not respond
positively to the appeal for introduction of an
amendment bill citing political expediency of
coalition politics.

Whether it is just for  Mr Faleiro's  INC led
coalition Government (of MGP NCP and an Independent in
Goa) to give mere ASSISTANCE  ( call it doles or
izmoll to votaries of Konkani in Roman script, who
have developed and used the script since the 16th
century in all its liturgical, tiatrs its cultural
programmes viz Mandos etc which constitute the flesh
and blood ( read vote bank ) of the INC in Goa .

Whether it is appropriate  for Mr Faleiro's INC led
coalition Government(of MGP NCP and an Independent in
Goa) to fund Konkani in Devanagari script (whose
votaries constitute a miniscule 3% of the population
(mainly Hindu Saraswat Brahmins) with BUDGETARY 
grants for their activities; vis a vis doles izmoll
to votaries of Konkani in Roman script. 

Whether it is appropriate  for Mr Faleiro's INC led
coalition Government(of MGP, NCP, and an Independent
in Goa) to on the one hand complain that all these
ghanties read non goans are destroying Goa  ---N.B.
 CM Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane made this statement at
his Altinho Panaji residence to this writer in
December, 2005 --- and on the other woo and encourage
them (same ghanties ) clandestinely  to strenghten
their vote banks?  (Mr Faleiro himself depends on an
unprecedented  influx of the Kannadiga Moslem and
other migrant vote bank in his constituency segment at
Davorlim and Housing Board -- and has an avowed  soft
corner for similar  migrants at Monte Margao)

Whether  Mr Faleiro's INC led coalition Government(of
MGP, NCP, and an Independent in Goa) and its coalition
Government at the Centre  can boldly NOW politically
pack off the arrogant Navy, encroachers (though
belatedly -- i.e. after nearly 45 years of adverse
possession ) from Dabolim and send them to Timbuctoo
and retrieve encroached land OR acquire neighbouring
land under urgency clause for expansion improvement of
the CENTRALLY located Dabolim International Airport to
meet the demands of 


2006-04-23 Thread godfrey gonsalves
 I care for Margao Initiative  may sound absurd --
for given the state of civic sense and its affairs --
filth, squalor, garbage, traffic chaos,  there
could'nt be any Margaoite in Margao (which by the way
includes Fatorda region as well of BJP MLA Damodar
(Damu) Naik) who would not care for Margao.  

The political chammeleon Mr Digamber Kamat INC MLA
Margao also the Minister for Power Mining and Culture
has still not reconciled  to his fate of not being a
CM from the near CM status he enjoined with the BJP.

Add  to this --the Civic Council  has had its second
Chairperson within the first five  months of the new
body elect (2005 -2010) while  the upright Chief
Officer Mr Melwyn Vaz now in his eight month was
nearly mauled in his office by the Opposition
Councillors with leanings towards BJP / NCP.
Hence there is chaos chaos and more chaos in Margao

So the three day (21st April to 23rd April 2006) 
Down to Earth  Jazz Fest organised in association
with the Department of Culture and Department of
Information and Publicity Govt of Goa to coincide with
the World Earth Day on 22nd April promised to make a
new initiative for the improvement of Margao city
wiht the involvement of the citizens.

There was jazz music performances in the past two days
and at the grand finale today evening at the Ana
Fonte Gardens Near BPS CLub Pajifond Margao the large
summer vacationing crowd of women children and youth
were treated to good music and songs by  Sharon 
Spice ( Wilson and Sharon tiatrists) , and earlier
Joanne D Mello with the Rocky and Rui Show did the
honours for the evening.

But the duo that recieved the public applause and
once more chorus was Dr Francisco Colaco and his
beautiful daughter in tow for their excellent numbers
in English and Portugues sung with the music
accompaniment of Status Quo.

Later yet another good performance came from Whoopie
Steve Sequeira and Kitu who have come down from
It was left to Prince Jacob to make mention that
Margao does need to improve it does need to have civic
sense , but he also lamented the fact that the amounts
one crore (with the Central Government  contributing
Rs 30 lacs )spent for the rejuvenation of the  5000 m2
area Ana Fonte (spring ) since declared open on 25
January, 2006 was indeed misused because the toilets
which were to be provided and manned by Sulabh
Sauchalaya have not been installed yet .  Even the
paint on the facade of the spring interiors have faded
in just three months while the flow of the spring
waters too is not well maintained in respect to its
cleanliness and hygiene.

While the evening was a sure treat for all the message
perhaps carried is that Margao will now show the way. 
It may be recalled that the Corporation of City of
Panaji did initiate such a campaign and they have
infact succeeded to a great extent in beautifying the
city.  Better late then Never and Margao surely will
show the way, for other cities to follow suit.

Sidelight of the event:
a) some citizens were wondering how come such events
are being held at the spring venue when  earlier the
venue was intended only for children items; both Mr
Kamat and Deputy CM Dr Wilfred A De Souza in the
presence of CM had vowed at the inaugural
b) there were repeated reminders to the audience to
send their litter to the waste bins 
c) Prince Jacob long sermonising was not taken too
kindly by the onlookers around the periphery of the
spring -- perhaps Prince mistook this event for his
tiatr one onlooker commented.
d) the Ana Fonte garden is an excellent venue and the
lungs of Margao -- surely there could be no better
venue for children and women -- Mr Kamat does deserve
the credit -- even though the project took over eight
years to complete
e) for Ethel D'Costa the Panaji based youthful journo
columnist  and organiser her indulgence in Margao and
its new initiatives was indeed a rewarding experience
-- Margaoites could benefit more from her organising
skills, and experience in the coming days.  

From the Ana Fonte Garden 


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2006-04-17 Thread godfrey gonsalves
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.

Ever since the rumblings in the BJP led coalition
headed by Mr Manohar Parrikar beginning  27th January
2005 and his final ouster on 4th Marcfh,2005 with
imposition of Presidents Rule (call it Governors rule
) until the present regime came to power on (2/2/2005
) 7/6/2005 there are strong undercurrents that suggest
the young turks are in no mood to allow the veterans
to have a long innings.

It was Mr Antanasio Monserate who first struck by
revolting against the unceremonious removal of his
coveted portfolio the Town  Country Planning, and
revenge he did take because he apparently realised
that Parrikar had been adopting the condom policy of
use and discard to sustain his reign.  It was
Monserrate a novice in politics who first drew blood
when he seated in the remote constituency of
Poinguinim in Canacona Taluka ensured the success of
his friend and Man Friday Mr Isidore Fernandes after
getting him to resign from the Indian National
Congress and then re-electing him on BJP ticket. As
the main campaign manager Mr Monserrate indeed earned
full laurels for his success though Mr Parrikar
refused to give him the credit he deserved.

Earlier Mr Monserrate demanded from Mr Parrikar 
reversion of parts of Taleigao from then Municipal
status to Panchayat status and for this he lent
support to the BJP led coalition and later honourably
adorned the garb of BJP  when the same was conceded to

From  27th January, 2005 he showed his clout by
keeping the entire INC MLA's under his fortress under
lock and key at CASA MONSERATTE near the St Inez
Church end.

Later Mr Monserrate not only got his spouse a post of
Vice President in the United Goans Democratic Party
UGDP and later got his  entire Taleigao Village
Panchayat panel elected.

His political strides went to an extent where he
finally got his spouse Ms Jennifer to contest the
Zilla Panchayat elections and later unanimously
elected as the Chairperson of the North Goa Zilla

Facing a formidable challenge from ex CM and present
leader of the Opposition Mr Manohar Parrikar' panel
and that of Ms Victoria Fernandes his bete noir he
secured nearly two third majority 19 out of total 30
seats in the Corporation of City of Panaji and got his
choice candidates elected as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of
the Corporation.

For Mr Monserate the achievement was not as per his
expectations and blamed it on paucity of time and
inability to sell his ideas for the development of
Panaji to the electorate in a constituency that has
parts of Santa Cruz Taleigao Panaji Assembly
Constituency.  He was however content that the ex CM
was put on hold on home turf Panaji Assembly
Constituency at the forthcoming hustings.

Except for  the only defeat that he faced when the
draconian ordinance of 30 September, 2005 was kept in
abeyance  to die a natural death  viz to lapse for
failure to be taken up in the next convened session,
an agitation spearheaded by his bete noir Ms Victoria
Fernandes and other NGO's and the Regional Plan 2011
is still being whetted for finalisation now expected
by month end, Mr Monserrate seems to have crossed the
hurdles single handedly and is now gaining support for
shouldering higher responsibilities.

There has been criticism accusations insinuations ---
being called an extortionist, indulgence in cyber
crimes etc etc but all this notwithstanding many of
the accusations remain only on the lips of the rumour
mongers and have not been subjected to strict test.

The latest move seems to be --- rather the last nail
in the coffin --- Mr Monserate has now offered to
fling his Ministerial portfolios and settle down for
the Organisational postings.  It is certain that Mr
Monserrate has done his homework well; he has indeed
placed all his cards on the desk of the High Command
and to his good luck some of the veteran politicians
primarily the Chief Minister Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane
seems to agree with his game plan against the willy
nilly Ponda MLA Mr Ravi Sitaram Naik the present
incumbent to the post of Goa Pradesh Congress

Will Mr Monserate succeed in his game plan is only a
matter of conjecture.  He is indeed receiving support
from unknown quarters and slowly but surely the ground
swell support will turn on his side.

Though the High Command and the UPA Chairperson has
yet to take a decision given that she was not too
happy over the TCP ordinance knowing fully that even
the Church had objections to this draconian move.  Ms
Margaret Alva the AICC observer looking after the Goa
Desk seems to have 

[Goanet] COINCIDENCE OR DESIGN - You be the judge

2006-04-14 Thread godfrey gonsalves
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.

Dr  Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born in Madhya Pradesh
India, on 14th  APRIL (1891) and died on 6th DECEMBER,

Dr Ambedkar was a dalit untouchable Scheduled 
Caste (signifies a Schedule in the Constitution of
India recognising certain castes hence the term
Scheduled )and he believed that THERE IS NO
Hinduism and therefore appealed to them to embrace
BUDDHISM (largely followed in most Asian countries) 

Yet he earned the title of  Father of the
Constitution of India.  But he is  discreetly  looked
down upon, infact hated, by the high caste Hindus, for
much of his preachings in favour of Untouchables
Dalits -- reservation for SCs and other  beliefs like
advocating Buddhism.

Siddharta Gautama was the Originator of Buddhism and
born in a Royal family of Nepal.. Buddha Pournima
JAYANTI (birthday) is celebrated in MAY each year.  He
does not claim divinity but his followers -- Buddhists
(mainly Scheduled Castes in India ) see him as a guide
who can lead one to path of Enlightenment for

Now check these important incidents in India 

On 18th MAY  (1974 )the Indian National Congress Party
in  India under late Smt Indira Gandhi exploded its
first nuclear device, and called the operation as 
Smiling Buddha  coincidentally ? that day was also
being observed as  Buddha Pournima.
On 6th DECEMBER (1992) 
The over five hundred years old BABRI MASJID at
Ayodhya was demolished.  This day coincidentally ? was
the DEATH ANNIVERSARY  of Dr B R Ambedkar.
On 11th MAY (1998)
Nuclear device exploded yet again after 1974 -- by the
Bharatiya Janata Party Government of the day the day
coincidentally also being observed as Buddha Pournima
On 14th APRIL (2006) 
two Bomb explosions in Delhi's JAMA MASJID (Mosque)
and another in Srinigar coincidentally? the day is
also observed as Dr B R Ambedkar jayanti (birthday) 
Is there anything in store coincidentally? for 2550th
Buddha Pournima Jayanti on 14th MAY, 2006 or on the
ocassion of the 50th death anniversary  of Dr B R
Ambedkar 6th DECEMBER, only time will tell.

Yet another untolerant  situation which unnerves the
right wing Hindu fundamentalist party in India is the
triumvarate leading the Nation is a) Dr A P J Abdul
Kalam ( a Moslem ) the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan
Singh ( a Sikh ) and the Chairperson of the United
Progressive Alliance (Smt Sonia Gandhi ) a Roman
Catholic ) all minority communities. 



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[Goanet] 1st Fr . Freddy da Costa Award for Journalism --to John Gomes -KOKOY

2006-04-10 Thread godfrey gonsalves
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
At a low turn out function to present the first late
Fr Freddy da Costa Award for Journalism for the year
2005'  organised by the Dalgado (Msgr Sebastiao
Rodolfo Dalgado of Assagao born 8.5.1855 died  4th
April, 1922) Konknni Academy, Panaji a registered
Association, at the Our Lady of Grace Church Hall
Margao at 1636 hrs IST today 10th April, 2006 --- Mr
John Salvador Hipolito Roquelino Gomes popularly known
as Kokoy a native of --396 B Panzarcone Cuncolim
Salcete presently residing at 15 Lotlikar Bldg 3rd
Floor Comba Margao  +91 0832 2733152, a veteran writer
both in Konkani (Roman script) and English, a music
composer, a singer, a tiatrist,  was awarded this
prestigious award instituted by the DKA in  memory of
late Fr Da Costa who was indeed during his life time
pained at the neglect of Konkani in Roman script
founded the DKA in 1989 to render justice to Konkani
in the Roman script.

The award which consist of a plaque and a Prize of Rs
1000/- will henceforth be awarded to any writer of
excellence only in Konkani Roman script.

Mr Wilson Mazarelo the President of the DKA in his
introductory speech eulogised the role of Konkani
writers tiatrist and others who despite set-backs
rendered yeomen service to keep the Konkani language
and the Roman script flag flying high.  Noting the
gross injustice to Konkani in Roman script he stated
that he was confident that the recognition for Konkani
in Roman script will be a success given the emotive
contribution of all Konkani lovers.

for the first time in the budget ended March 

Mr Tomazinho Cardozo well known tiatrist and
educationist ex Speaker and ex Sarpanch in his speech
also dwelt upon the injustice done to Konkani in Roman
script.  He said that the injustice done to Konkani in
Roman script was indeed a betrayal but now there are
no two ways about it -- the amendment sought to be
brought in the Goa Legislative Assembly to amend the
definition of Konkani to read as both Devanagari and
in Roman script will be introduced in the forth
coming Goa Legislative Assembly.

He praised the awardee of todays function stating that
the role of Mr Gomes in the field of tiatr writing and
journalism was well known to all.  Newspapers like
Sot  Uzvadd Goan Review Gulab Vavraddeancho
Ixtt even Goan English dailies viz Gomantak Times 
The Navhind Times Herald  etc witness  some of his
excellent thought provoking writings even to this day.
 Ofcourse the recognition he deserved today was only
for his writings in Konkani in Roman script. Mr Gomes
is comfortable on the mouth organ and violin as well.
He has received several awards since 1997 till 2006

There was a request by Mr Cardozo that both Mr Gomes
and veteran tiatrist Mr John Claro who was present at
the gathering should pen down their memoirs so that
other upcoming writers could be influenced by their
works and follow into their footsteps.  There was a
reference made to Pai tiatrist late Mr Joao
Agostinho Fernandes of Modsai Borda Margao Goa in
whose memory the MLA of Margao Mr Digamber Kamat also
the Minister of Culture Govt of Goa has assured to
name the auditorium coming up Opp. the Fatorda Stadium
(South end) who had sacredly penned down all his
memoirs and this is now available at the Goa Konkani

He said that ever since the movement for revival of
Konkani Roman script began the authorities have
realised that the no nonsense attitude of the
protoganists of both Roman and Devanagari are
determined to take the movement ot its logical end. 
There is a Government order given to the Goa  Konkani
Academy to ensure that the Roman script literature be
also given due assistance and that before the end of
March 2006 for the first time thirteen books are going
to be released in Roman script funded by the GKA
otherwise around 60 books of little consequence was
published by the GKA only in devanagari script.

Mr Tomazinho also appealed to the audience to partake
in the activities of the DKA and lend financial
assistance in whatever way possible.  

Mr Zito Almeida also spoke on the ocassion.

After the presentation of the award by President of
the DKA Wilson Mazarelo Mr Gomes thanked the
organisors for the honours bestowed on him but he felt
that there were others who deserved it.  He too
despite his advance age spoke with an youthful gait
and vowed to ensure that the Konkani Roman script
movement should be kept going and he assured that
whatever be the endeavours of the DKA towards Konkani
he would always be available at a beck and call.

He informed the gathering that no sooner he learnt
that he was being given the 

[Goanet] Photographs -- SFX 500th Birth Anniversary Celebrations (7/4/1506 to 2006)

2006-04-08 Thread godfrey gonsalves
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part II) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
Photographs of the celebrations held at Old Goa on 7th April, 2006


a) The Eucharistic Celebrations led by His Grace the Archbishop of Goa and 
Daman, Rev Filipe Neri Ferrao and others.

b) The gathering of priests

c) The Choral Group that did the rendition of hymns

d) Seated, the delegation from Portugal led by Minguel Correia Monteiro, 
author of the book on St Francis Xavier released on this occasion

The same may be circulated freely with due courtesies to this writer.

from the Old Goa end


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[Goanet] 7th April 1506 to 2006 - SFX - 500 years celebration

2006-04-07 Thread godfrey gonsalves
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part II) his reminiscence of 
   Mapusa of the 1950s
In the backdrop of the Archaelogical Society of India
(ASI) maintained Basilica de Bom Jesus , where the
sacred relics  of St Francis Xavier are held in a
silver casket, at Old Goa (Ilhas) Tiswadi taluka Goa
the western State of India, over four  thousand people
 assembled this evening at 1734  hrs IST at a
specially erected shamiana to partake in the Eucharist
Mass to celebrate 500th Birth anniversary of St
Francis Xavier  (07.04.1506) a native of Navarre in
It was perhaps destined that a native of Spain should
commence his missionary endeavours and also find his
sacred relics held in one of Asia's most beautiful
tiny State of Goa in India which gifted by nature
could easily earn the sobriquet of the Spain of the
Many faithfiul were taken by surprise  of this
celebration today, which otherwise received vide
publicity in the local print media and on the internet
in the past few days.  This is because it is not the
birth day   but  the death anniversary of the Saint on
3rd December, (and  that of another i.e his most
trusted friend St Ignatius de Loyola who died  on 31st
July  1556 ) that is being celebrated, as feast days. 

This year incidentally is also the 450th death
anniversary of Saint Ignatius de Loyola and 5th
centenary  celebrations of the birth of Blessed Peter
Faber of Villaret in Savoy on 13th April, 1506.  The
indomitable trio were indeed the co-founders alongwith
some others of the Society of Jesus, which has today
over 20,000 priests of this order world wide and the
Goa Province which constitutes Belgaum Pune and Ajra
Sidhudurga. In Goa there are 143 Jesuits.
St  Francis Xavier set foot on this soil at Old Goa
just 100 metres away from the Basilica (where a
monument stands testimony to his visit) in then Goa
which constituted only Salcete Mormugao and Ilhas (now
Tiswadi) the Velhas Conquistas (Old Conquests
(1510-1961) nearly 464 years ago. It is   here at Old
Goa  that he arrived from Torre de Belem in Lisbon
(where a monument is erected as well  (Fr Vasco Rego
sj  who visited the spot in Lisboa Portugal ) after he
set sail and reached Goa via the river Mandovi  after
6 months of voyage  according to Fr Vasco De Rego ex
Rector of the Basilica,  and began his works in Asia
to  reap a good crop of faithful for Christianity.
Following his death the Saint is revered not only in
Goa and India as Goemcho Saib but by people world
over.  The decadal Expositions where the mortal
remains are brought down from the specially erected
altar for veneration by the faithful is a testimony to
the Saint's following even  several hundred years of
his death enroute to China.
Many a times when tragic incidents or a natural
catastrophe e.g. tsunami affect other parts of the
world or  India, the it is not uncommon to see  Goans
always heave a sigh of relief and note with pride that
nothing will happen so long as amcho Goemcho Saib is
there.  Even the Japanese who had established the
first tradelinks for mining of ore from Goa to Japan
pay homage to the Saint by describing Goa  in the
land of Saint Francis Xavier . 
The   mass which witnessed the Main celebrant His
Grace the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman, besides the
Bishop Emeritus Most Rev. Dr Raul Niclau Gonsalves,
Bishop of Belgaum Most Rev. Peter Machado and the
Provincial of Society of Jesus (a society founded on
27.9.1540 ) was a solemn sung Mass as a glowing
tribute to the Saint. 
It may be recalled that the members of the Society of
Jesus were responsible for safeguarding the Konkani in
the Roman script and setting up the first printing
press in Asia to further its written communications to
network with the large indigenous natives.  They set
up many educational institutions in Goa viz St brittos
High School and Loyola High School Margao, the Baga
Retreat Centre Fr Arrupe Home in Raia the Thomas
Stephen Konknni Kendra the Xavier Historical and
Research Centre at Porvorim are testimony of the
service to the community. 

The newly appointed Bishop of Belgaum who partook in
the celebrations was on his maiden visit to Goa and
received a thunderous applause when he was introduced
to the gathering by His Grace the Archbishop of Goa
and Daman Filipe Neri Ferrao.

A special Portuguese delegation was also present on
the ocassion besides the Deputy Chief Minister of Goa
Dr Wilfred A De Souza.

A book on the life and times of St Francis Xavier by
Minguel Correia Monteiro from Portugal was released by
the Archbishop of Goa  Daman Rev Filipe Neri Ferrao.
a) though the Mass was held in the evening transport
arrangements were 


2006-04-04 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Strange but true.  With Goa turning into a concrete
jungle, needless to say wild animals could as well be
the pedestrians of the future.  An indication of
things to come was this incident  that alarmed the
inhabitants of the high profile locale of Miramar
Panaji Goa within the precincts of Corporation of City
of Panaji.

This early morning while students and office goers
were on their daily chores a leopard  straying around
Miramar finally landed into  a residential apartment
HOME STEAD of the Menons at Miramar. 

According to a top official of the office of
Conservator of Forests who this writer had a teletalk
with +91 0832 2223508,  the leopard could have as well
come from the nearby Aguada side and swam across the
waters and made its way after meandering thro the
Miramar area at early morning.  According to him there
are areas in Bardez which are witness to such leopards

To a question --whether this could be a domesticated
one apparently set lose by the owners ---fearing the
change of guard expected in the office today with the
arrival of the  new incumbent Chief Conservator of
Forest  Mr Richard D Souza IFS who is likely to take
charge,( following his transfer to Goa from Arunacahal
Pradesh ), he stated that though it is illegal to
domesticate such animals classified under Schedule I
of the Wild Life Act 1972 atleast this one  did not
appear to look like one domesticated and had to be
tranquilised before being nabbed and sent to the
Bondla zoo.

It may be recalled that during the earlier termof 
Mr Richard D Souza IFS in Goa as Conservator of
Forests during the BJP led coalition regime,  the
first thing that he did was to raid all places where
such prohibited animals under Wild Life Act were
domesticated by people of Goa.  All such animals were 
confiscated   from these unauthorise owners and taken
to the Bondla zoo.

This earned the wrath of many animal lovers, though Mr
D Souza was shunted out of the State after a brief 
innings for other reasons. It is believed that the
mining lobby then feared his functioning strictly by
the rule book and so that he was booted out.

Efforts to contact the inmate of the house Ms Angelica
Menon on +91 0832 2461143 in whose house the wild
animal was found early morning by the howling of her
dog were futile.

Meanwhile when this writer spoke to an animal lover in
South Goa who had suffered a similar fate at the hands
of Mr D Souza, he agreed that this may not have been a
domesticated one by the owners of the house, where it
was found,  but did not rule out the  possibility of
the leopards  being domesticated by others and
subsequently released out of fear of being raided-- He
 agreed that though one would need to excercise great
caution to keep leopards as it eas necessary to keep
them away from other feline genre.

There was yet another animal lover who agreed that
there might be a coincidence with the leopard being
found and the arrival of Mr Richard D Souza in Goa. 
He is sure that there will be a notice issued by him
directing all animal lovers in the State to surrender
the all animals prohibited from being domesticated as 
included in the Schedule I of WLA.  At the same time
he wondered how the Government could fill the zoo at
Bondla with domesticated animals from private owners. 
Does the law distinguish from Government as the owner
and private individuals in matters of domestication? 
How then can they put such animals in its zoo?
Ironically some four years ago there was a board at
Bondla indicating that most of the animals held at
Bondla were confiscated from private owners.


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2006-04-02 Thread godfrey gonsalves
With temperatures at 32 degrees C and the threat of
unseasonal showers in the past  few days ago, the
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Fatorda, South Goa,
India, built in a record time of six months by the
then Indian National Congress Minister for Sports
Government of Goa, Mr Francisco Monte Cruz then MLA of
Benaulim, (where the teams are lodged at the Taj
Exotica ) with an official seating capacity of 27,500
will witness the third ODI between England and India
at 0900 hrs tommorrow 3rd April 2006. Incidentally the
highest turnout at the stands was 43,000 at the
inaugural Football match in 1989 

This time the tickets sale was orderly, the designated
Syndicate Bank did the honours for ticket sale in the
order of Rs.400/- 750/- 1000/- and 2000/- Sale of
tickets was brisk.  There were volunteer passes
distributed by M/s United Breweries of Kingfisher most
of the Sports clubs received their quota of tickets 
for distribution.  There were T shirts blue with the
Indian logo being sold for Rs.100/-  

Nevertheless this morning and last evening too tickets
were on sale in black the quote was Rs.700 for the
lowest denomination but that figure went down to as
low as Rs 600 by dusk.  

One of the reasons for an element of paranoi in the
minds of probable spectators and the slightly less
interest in witnessing the game from the Nehru stadium
 is a) the threat of a bomb blast at the venue (ever
since the 2nd March,2006  Curchorem - Cacora - Gulemol
- riots, the arrest of a terrorist in Sirvodem  Margao
Goa, the unaccompanied bag scare at State Bank of
India  Panaji the alleged terrorist scare at Military
area Ponda and the recent nabbing of a Vasco da Gama
Goa based terrorist in Karnataka a couple of days ago
)  b) the events at the 2nd ODI in North India which
witnessed a rampage of non ticket holders seeking 
unathorised entry which resulted in the severe lathi
charge on an innocent child accompanied by her mother
in North India-- being highlighted on the visual media
since yesterday c) the prospects of unseasonal rains
which could wash away the aspirations of ticket
holders d) the first day of week long the SSC
examinations  many Goans would prefer to see the game
on the idiot box in the confines of their homes. 

It may be recalled that the Lord Damodar -- Gulal
festivities at Zambaulim witnessed the lowest turnover
just 23% in recent times.

Today morning there was crowd of spectators yearning
to see the players at the practice session -- However
security forces Central Reserve Police being deployed
ensured that the enthusiasm of the onlookers was
restricted only to outer bounds of Gate limits.

Incidentally this could as well be the last ODI being
played at Fatorda which forms a part of the Margao
Municipal Council. If all goes well by the time the
next ODI opportunity comes Goa's way it could be held
at either Tivim or Guirim in Bardez Taluka in North
Goa District the venue of Goa's first Cricket Stadium,
promised by the Board of Cricket Control Vice
President Mr Dayanand Narvekar also Minister of State
for Health.

For the Minister for Health Government of Goa Mr
Narvekar this ODI is of great importance.  The cast of
the organising Committee consists of mostly  the same
that was unsuccessfully accused by the previous BJP
led Mr Manohar Parrikar Government in the
inconclusively  investigated ticket gate scam
involving Mr Narvekar and others. 

Incidentally Mr Narvekar LL.M an ex MGP MLA is
credited as the architect of the downfall of the 17
year Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party led by Ms
Sashikala Bandodkar( daughter of late Dayanand
Bandodkar Goa's first Chief Minister )when he
alongwith then Rivona MLA Mr Dilkush Desai (who
survived a bullet attack and is now partially
incapacitated and resides at Margao ) It was their
defection from the MGP which then resulted in
Presidents Rule for the first time and the electoral
victory of the Congress- Urs (led by Devraj Urs) which
later defected enmasse to the Congress - Indira in

Therefore for Mr Narvekar and company -- they are not
taking any chances and the gates will be thrown open
by 0600 hrs (unlike the last time when the gates
opened only an hour before the match 0800 hrs leading
to a mob frenzy and gate crashers) and the approach to
the venue will be restricted to genuine ticket holders
only, with multiple checks.  The entire stadium has
been provided with a sun protective canopy,  afresh
paint and the ground done up with the pitch promising 
over 250 runs as per the considered opinion of the
grounds man.  There are CCTC closed circuit TV cameras
in situ  and lunch and snacks will be served within
the stadium making movement outside restricted  to
some extent.

This writer who visited the venue just before the
England team arrived for their practice session found
that there is much to be desired as far as movement of
vehicular traffic is concerned and an unforseen
catastrophe.  The narrow roads at the Fatorda Church
end should have been cleared of all 


2006-04-01 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Lawyers are liars believe many  and apparently 
addressing this valid concern of the numerous  
litigants especially those who are unable to attend
the regular hearings either owing to exigencies of
work or being outstation  or abroad, The Panaji Bench
of the Bombay High Court has since introduced Case
Status System courtesy the National Informatic Centre

Call it  an Inter active Voice Response System  IVRS
in  technological jargon of the Information  age and
presto you will have the case status available.

All one needs to do is dial  +91 0832 2421794 or
2421795 and then follow carefully the instructions
given  on telephone
Dial  1 for English version  2  for Hindi version
Dial  1 for  Civil cases 2 for Criminal cases 3  
if you know the  14 digit Case Identification Number
A)  For civil cases –
1 for Writ Petition
2 for First Appeal
3 for Appeal for Murder
4 for Second Appeal
5 for Patent Application  
6 for Public Interest Litigation
7 for Family Court  Appeal
8 for Contempt Petition
9 for Civil Revision Application
then enter   case No:
then enter   Year   viz  as of now only between 1997
upto 2006  (both years inclusive) 

B) For  criminal cases
1 for Writ Petition
2 Criminal Appeal 
3 Revision Application
4 Confirmation Cases
5 Criminal Application 
6 Contempt Petition
then enter Case No:  Year viz as of now only between
1987 upto 2006 (both years inclusive )

It will then give you the  case status either a) 
disposed  and  the day/month/year of disposal 
Or b)  if pending  the last date of hearing.

And then perhaps you can pay up the lawyers fees not

As a matter of fact it would be of interest to
litigants if the Bombay High Court provides some other
information  as under a) i.  whether Advocate for the
petitioner/respondent (absent / present) or ii . Judge
(on leave/on duty/on training /on deputation)  iii no
judge available iv. any other reason.  This is because
while the Advocates are present in the Court premises
or even otherwise they sometimes avoid attendance
during specific hearings or unpleasant orders.

Another vital information would be to provide  the
details of  “ rojanama “ extract  or otherwise as a
matter of routine it should be made mandatory  for an 
advocate to provide  to his /her clients each
financial year as the case progressess the “roznama
extract “ to ascertain the status of the case and
whether it is worthwhile pursuing the same or call it
a  day by way of out of court settlement.

While on the subject the litigants should stand
forewarned never to part with their original documents
to the advocate and make them available only at the
time such documents are called for at the time of
hearing only.  This is to avoid numerous instances of 
reported “ loss of vital documents in transit or  due
to a light fingered gentry in the Court premises or
the advocates office “ which could affect ones case.

Will the Minister for Law Govt of Goa now take a cue
and introduce the same for cases in the trial Courts
as well and why not in other quasi-judicial bodies of
the Govt of Goa. 

There was a time when Goans used to dread being
dragged to court for that matter even a call at the
Office of the Regedor would set ones feet wobbling
but today at a time when one can consider
himself/herself lucky to have an order delivered
during one's lifetime it is the culprits and money
bags  who drag the innocent litigant to the Courts.


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2006-03-30 Thread godfrey gonsalves
To undertake Government related civil works
registration with the Government authorities is a

However it is now clear that the Government of Goa
seldom verifies the credentials of the applicants and
genuineness of the testimonials before according such
registration. Even at the time of annual renewal this
cross check by way of abundant caution is not resorted

Little wonder then one realises how the post
Liberation Goa is rid with such badly engineered civil
works that would make a  genuine professional hang
his/her head in shame.
This writer had almost a decade ago conclusively
ascertained  that a prominent (read upper
caste)citizen from South Goa was indeed practicing as
an Advocate  without having secured the relevant
degree from the Bombay University.   Before the
investigations could be pursued to its logical
conclusion the unfortunate happened the Advocate in
question expired. 

While the legal fraternity whispered under their
breath at the time of last rites none had the courage
of conviction to assit the writer to frame the
Advocate for his misdemeanour, for fear of being
pulled up for defamation even though solid evidence
was available.

Now  comes yet another discovery this time of  another
prominent citizen from South Goa who has been
masquerading as a Civl Engineer and sometimes
It has now been brought to the notice of this writer
that the individual concerned has been registered as
such with  a Planning Development Authority, and a   
Municipality in South Goa District and also with the
Public Works Department of the Government of Goa.   
However upon discreet verification of the testimonials
with the Government of Kerala they have  now
ascertained that niether such individual  bearing such
testimonials has been registered with them nor is said
to have successfully completed and passed the course
of Diploma in Engineering (Civil) in any of their 
institutions in Kerala just over two decades ago.
Ironically the concerned citizen  is also believed to
have  undertaken major civil engineering  works for a
religious institution which was riddled in some
controversy in South Goa with some questioning his
credentials to undertake such sophisticated works on
basis of doubtful credentials.
It is now left to be seen how the Central Bureau of
Investigations Altinho Panaji if directed by the
Government of Goa or the Department of Vigilance
Government of Goa acts on the matter. Meanwhile it is
now learnt that the registration officials namely the
Chief Officer the Municipal Engineer the PDA and the
Registration Department of the PWD are likely cast the
net to nab the culprit.
It may also interest readers to note that in the early
seventies  (in 1974 ?)  the Government of Goa  had
detected that a large number of graduate degrees which
were in circulation and several government employees
had allegedly utilised the same to advance their
career prospects while in Government service or
otherwise and thereby their emoluments. 
It is not clear whether any amnesty was granted to
such employees to come off clean or were granted
reversion to lower grades besides penal action of loss
of increments. 
It is time the Government of Goa conducts a full
investigation of the staff records and where there
exists questionable discrepancies the employees should
be asked to either produce the original documents OR 
instead provide  the name / address of the
University/Institution and the grade/month /year of
passing such examinations.  
The Government could then verify the same with such
institutions within the State or with their counter
parts in other states.
The same practice should also be followed at the time
of renewal of such registrations beginning 2006-07 and
as a matter of routine the Government of Goa should
also make it mandatory to any individual in its
employment or undertaking Government works to produce
testimonials as and when called upon to do so or are
being awarded work orders.
It may also be noted that several cases of such of
fraudulent testimonials to seek gainful employment 
have been detected by UAE countries and now the latest
country to follow suite in investigating similar cases
is  the continent of Australia.

There is already a record number of cases where
persons mainly from the majority community have fudged
their date of births by two years so that they
superannuate on par with teachers at the age of 60
years.  Atleast in one case the employee concerned is
believed to have committed suicide.  The modus
operandi in fudging proof of age documents is to claim
that their parents were unable to register the births
of  their wards owing to the harrassment of this
community by the erstwhile Portuguese regime.  On this
pretext they  then  swear an affidavit especially at
the time of marriage and produce a fresh registration,
advancing their age almost as a rule by two years and
otherwise by more years depending upon how the palms
are greased  


2006-03-24 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|  Read V.M. de Malar's latest Column:   |
|  Politics of Destruction   |
| http://www.goanet.org/index.php?name=Newsamp;file=articleamp;sid=416
Shame on the Goa Government.  The last day of the five
day Goa Legislative Assembly session from 20th March,
2006 to 24th March, 2006 witnessed a near turmoil when
Opposition benches demanded from the treasury benches
to know the reason why the traditional Shigmotsav
celebrations due to be held at Curchorem  were

While the Chief Minister who is also the Home Minister
feared the recurrence of icidents affecting the law
and order situation following the 3rd March, 2006
riots the Opposition were in no mood to take this
lying down.

Unfortunately the Speaker too did not allow the
discussions and this earned the wrath of the

This writer spoke to several persons in and around
Panaji and Porvorim late evening and they were one in
ecpressing resentment about the Government's
cancellation of the festivities.

It may be recalled that when the Navy did not permit
the faithful to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of
Brotas at Anjediv on 2nd February, 2004 and 2005 there
was a hue and cry raised not only by the Catholic
community but also the entire Hindu community from
Canacona and Karwar besides other parts of Goa as this
had hurt the religious sentiments of the community.
Infact on 2nd February, 2003 there was a near riot
near the Binaga Gate and the Navy police personnel had
a tough time in quelling the crowds who remained at
the gate from 0600 hrs well past 1700 hrs to register
their protest.

It was left to this writer to broach the issue with
the higher ups the President of India the Prime
Minister and Madam Sonia Gandhi during her recent
visit to India and it must be said to the credit of
the Rajya Sabha member Mr Shantaram L Naik who raised
the issue in the Rajya Sabha by way of special mention
and a reply from the Union Defence Minister Mr Pranab
Mukherjee is awaited.

Therefore in the same manner the cowardice displayed
by the ruling party in the Goa viz the Congress led
coalition is condemnable.  

An enquiry with the police official at Panaji
Headquarters revealed that there is no reliable
evidence thus far of any threat perception at
Curchorem if the Shigmotsav celebrations were held. 
Even assuming without admission if such a threat was
imminent the Government could have made this public;
but merely stating that the law and order situation is
not conducive to allow such an event at this juncture
smacks of  a weak kneed decision.  For the records the
Zambaulim Gulal which indeed could have been put on a
high alert went of well with adequate police

Therefore one sees no reason for the cancellation. 
One street vendor put it to this writer, stating if
the Government fears such threats they may well have
to close shop in promoting Goa as a 365 day 

It is therefore left to the law makers to ensure that
the festivities are carried out and they should remain
present at the venue to build confidence among the


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2006-03-23 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|  Read V.M. de Malar's latest Column:   |
|  Politics of Destruction   |
| http://www.goanet.org/index.php?name=Newsamp;file=articleamp;sid=416
Now that the duo  killers (in their own admission)
have  been arrested, produced in the Criminal
Court Margao and thereafter remanded to police custody
for 14 days, the general view of the public is that
the police should be allowed to complete their
investigations and tighten up the loose ends to enable
them make a fool proof case. 

It must be remembered that the rate of conviction in
India is about 4 % and therefore to ensure that the
ends of justice are met the people who are in the know
of things could at best volunteer to make statements
before the court or assist the Maina Curtorim police
who have done a comMendable job in tracking down the
duo. This in the opinion of well meaning citizens is
the only way one could ensure conviction.  Hence mere
debate/clarifications and counter clarification  on
press reports etc would only distract the attention of
the police. 

The Deputy Inspector General of Police Mr Ujwal Mishra
is believed to have handled the case exceedingly well
as on now and even if some statements as may have
appeared in a section of the press or in other news
media needs to be read between the lines lest the
culprits wriggle out of the situation

It should also be noted that the antecedents of the
duo killers are yet to be identified and at this
juncture it would not be possible for the Police to
divulge all information.  Hence the general feeling is
to excercise restraint and support the police

This writer assures the concerned citizens of close
follow up on merits as the case progressess.

It would also not be out of place if the police
personnel of Maina Curtorim Salcete Goa are rewarded
for their excellent job, in tracking down the


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2006-03-22 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Given the fact that there is an immediate need for
introducing the Roman script in the official language
act merely by a small amendment, this writer has made
available a draft Bill which has since been circulated
to the ruling and opposition members of the Goa
Legislative Assembly, so that the same could be
brought in the current Assembly session.

The INC MLA's 
Mr Agnelo Fernandes MLA Calangute and Parliamentary
Secretary, Mr Karl Vaz MLA Mormugao 
Mr Francis D Souza BJP MLA Mapusa and 
Mr Mathany Saldanha UGDP MLA Cortalim (status
subjudice) have evinced keen interest in the same and
could be counted to introduce it for admission from
the Treasury Benches or as a private members Bill from
the Opposition side.

What is important is that it should be introduced now
lest it becomes an emotive issue at election time.

The Goa Daman and Diu Official Language
(Amendment) Bill 2006 ( Bill No:of 2006)
further to amend the Goa, Daman and Diu Official
Language Act 1987

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Goa in
the fifty sixth year of the Republic of India as

1.  Short title and commencement:--- 
(1)This Act may be called the Goa Official Language 
(Amendment ) Act 2006  
2) It shall come into force at once.
2  Amendment of Sections  :
In section 1 and in all other sections of the Goa
Daman and  Diu Official Language Act 1987 (Act No:1 of
1987)  (hereinafter referred as the Principal Act ) 
i) in the long and short title where the figure and
words “Daman and Diu” wherever it occurs, shall be
ii)for the expression “Union Territory” and the “Union
Territory of Goa Daman and Diu” wherever they occur ,
the expression “the State of Goa” shall be substituted
3. Amendment of section 2. 
In section 2 of the Principal Act
i)  clauses (a) and (f) shall be omitted
ii) clauses (b) (c) (d) and (e) shall be restructured
as clauses (a) (b) (c) and (d) resply. 
iii)after  restructure of  clause (c ) of the
Principal Act as clause (b) shall be inserted after
the words in Devanagari “and also Roman script “
4 Amendment of section 3 
In the section 3 of the Principal Act in the second
and third  proviso “the Gujarati language “  “and
Gujarati “ respectively shall be deleted .  In the
same provisos for the expression 
“languages” the “language” shall be substituted

Statement of Objects and Reasons

The Marathi language has been given a certain status
under the Official Language Act because Marathi is the
language used for  religious, cultural   and  business
purposes mainly by the Hindu Community of Goa. 
Likewise over the past over 495 years Konkani in Roman
script is used for all religious cultural and business
purposes .  The entire liturgy of the Catholic
community is in Konkani in Roman script. The “teatro” 
“Mando” “Dulpods” which are cultural outpourings of
the Catholic community is in Konkani in Roman script. 
The first book printed in the continent of Asia was in
the Roman script.  In sum and substance the Konkani
language in Goa has been sustained and propagated
invariably through the Roman script, in which a lot of
literature is produced.  Hence it is necessary to
preserve and ecourage Konkani in the Roman script.

This Bill seeks to achieve the above object.

   Financial Memorandum

No financial implications are involved in the Bill


Assembly HallSecretary to the Legislative Assembly
March, 2006   

The votaries of Konkani in both scripts in Goa
Devanagari and Roman appeal to the Cristao MLAs to
take the initiative and rest assured that the Hindu
Bahujan Samaj MLA's will extend full support to the
same.  But only if the Cristao MLA's do their duty. 
There is no point in being hyporicites as many admit
in private that they are totally for Konkani in Roman
script but develop cold feet on the issue of admitting
the Bill.  Since the job has been made easy by
drafting one tabling the same should not be difficult.

There is a petition signed by several Goans in India
and abroad which are supportive of the move and
therefore MLA's would do well to introduce the same.

The NRI Goans have also been advised to make sure that
when the Cristao MLA's or MP's visit the Gulf or USA
Canada UK Australia Portugal they should demand in
writing from these MLA's MP's on their views on this
Voters in Goa too have been discreetly advised to
remind the MLA's about this issue and if they do not
introduce the Bill and bring about the amendment
before the next hustings they would surely bite the



2006-03-21 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Suspected killers of late Fr Eusebio Ferrao 61 Parish
priest of St Francis Xavier Macasana Salcette Goa were
 nabbed in outskirts of Nagpur in Maharashtra at dawn
today 21/03/2006.  The killers may have arrived there
from Mumbai after they reached there on 18th  March,
2006 and then intended to break journey at Nagpur and
proceed towards their onward destination to Allahabad
in Uttar Pradesh from where they hail.   

The Goa Police who were accompanied by an acquaintence
of one of the suspects (   the alleged suspects are
believed to have relatives in the  in the goods
transport business at Aquem Alto ) trailed the duo

They were brought into Goa by air, INDIAN IC 597 at
around 1710 hrs according to sources at the Dabolim
airport who spoke to this writer and taken to Police
Headquarters for initial interrogation as the case
otherwise comes under the jurisdiction of the Maina
-Curtorim police under Police Inspector Mr Harish

The Goa Police won the kudos of all leaving the ex CM
Mr Parrikar to praise the police for their excellent
achievement when the Chief Minister Mr Pratapsing
Raoji Rane is reported to have made a statement on the
floor of the Goa Assembly  The Archbishop had on 16th
March, 2006 castigated the Government of dereliction
of duties in maintaining law and order in the state
and protection of minorities following the spate of
incidents thefts and vandalisation.

The duo are being subjected to extensive questioning
at Headquarters and according to the first report
filtering from Headquarters indicate that job
prospects ( abroad ? ) was one of the motives.  

Meanwhile there was a concelebrated High Mass at
Macazana today following which the local Sarpanch made
an announcement of the arrest.  There was great relief
amongs the gathering after nearly 3 days of fear and
trauma for most of the villagers.

As a matter of fact the communal angle that was
initially suspect following the thefts in over seven
churches and chapels in Goa since later part of last
year, the vandalisation of crosses in Ponda Aldona and
lately on Holi day 15 March 2006 at Comba in Margao
and the communal riots on 3rd March,2006 over an
illegal  structure intended for a madrassa at
Gudemol Sanvordem  had led the rumour mill trade
charges and counter charges against the right wing
Hindu fundamentalist party in Goa of fomenting
communal tensions and polarising the society.

But what needs to be probed is the reasons for the
intimacy that the priest had for non Goans and
male youngsters given the fact that Goans did not
find favour of employment in the parish house either
for sacristerial functions or domestic chores.

The   three cooks were outsiders (Southerners ) and
the two youth friends (Northeners) viz; outsiders
non goans.  
There were other rumours that were doing the rounds
that the duo suspects could have been involved in
thefts of idols in the State.  It is also to be
established whether the alleged killers developed an
accquaintance with the priest while at his last
posting at St Lawrence Church in Agacaim or while at
his present posting as atleast one of them was seen in
the parish often according to a villager.

The question that remains unanswered also is why did
the priest extend dinner courtesy even during Lenten
season moreover 17th March, 2006 was a Friday  Way of
the Cross.  The indulgence in alcohol by the alleged
assailants in the parochial house was not in the
fitness of things especially during Lenten season and
a stigma on the conduct of the religious faithful.

Meanwhile a large  gathering attended the religious
rite at Macazana this morning  followed by a mammoth
gathering at the Mass  held at Our Lady of Hope
Chinchinim and subsequent  burial .  The Main
celebrant was His Grace Archbishop of Goa and Daman
Filipe Neri Ferrao. 

Most  politicians and others were present. 



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[Goanet] DOURADO' s tele- reply Re: -NRI -FC officials -unwanted guests in GULF ?

2006-03-20 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Following the write up by this writer NRI FC officials
-unwanted guests in GULF? Mr Herculano Dourado of NRI
FC in a teletalk with this writer  today 20th
March.2006 at 2120 hrs informed this writer apparently
in reference to the first para --  that the NRI FC
was NOT  defunct. In his opinion this writer should
have ascertained the same from the NRI FC before
filing the report.  However he admitted that the
website of the NRI FC was NOT being  updated.

When asked by this writer that he should have
clarified all this via the email for the benefit of
all he stated that he was NOT  accessible to internet
and hence this writer volunteered to put up this
clarification on his behalf.

On his contention that the report amounted to
scurrilous writing he was informed that he could
hold onto his views but as far as this writer is
concerned the report was based on reports recieved by
this writer .

In anycase the views of the NRI's is clear and stands
reiterated de novo that the Government should NOT
waste public funds on such jaunts which have been of
no benefit to the NRI Goans, and it should be left to
the Commissioner Mr Eduardo Faleiro given the Cabinet
rank to look into the entire functioning of his new


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2006-03-18 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The gruesome murder of the Parish Priest of St Francis
Xavier Church Macasana Salcete Goa  about 18 kms from
Margao has sent confusing signals, as both the
villagers and police are still unclear of the motive
of the crime.

According to information collated by this writer  in
situ, this evening at Macazana church and at his
native place in Chinchinim Salcete the alleged two men
suspected are believed to be clsoe acquantainces of
the priest Fr Eusebio Ferrao n/o  Ferrao wado
(Mazilwado) Deussua Chinchinim Salcete Goa 
It is believed that the two persons hailing from Udipi
(Uttar Kannada)? or Uttar Pradesh (UP) ? still
uncertain came around 2.30 p.m. on 17th March. 2006
Friday to the residence of the priest adjoining the
Church and informed the cook that they would be
joining the priest for dinner and stay. 

The present  cook incidentally  a temporary
replacement since the last seven days or so  for the
earlier cook one Mr Sunil? who is alleged to have
proceeded to his native place in Udipi or Karwar  to
answer some exams.

Fr Eusebio is stated to have made all arrangements for
the dinner for his guests with purchases of eggs at
a local shop. The alleged assailants came dined and
were reported to have had  animated discusssion well
until  late night.  Later the cook is reported to have
gone to sleep and the priest too went into his room
while the guests slept in the adjoining room as per
the bedding seen by the villagers.

Early this morning the Church bells did not toll at
the appointed time and villagers who procceed for the
first mass at 0630 were surprised to see the Church
closed.  They then heard some thumping of the door and
are believed to have broken the window and found the
cook locked in his room, and later the priest gagged
with a pillow on his face and tongue curled up. 

Except for some slight mark on his side rib it appears
that he was suffocated to death, in the early hours of
dusk. No other injury was reported either of body
being mutialated or the tongue cut as per rumours
doing the rounds.  The police dog sniffed the trail of
the alleged assailants upto the nearest bus stop, and
then lost track.  It is not clear whether the
assailants departed by the early 0600 hrs bus but some
villagers are reported to have heard the screeching of
a vehicle in the early hours of dusk.

The police have taken the cook for questioning and
also summoned the other who had proceeded for exams.
The cook doubles up as a sacristian and cook for the
lone Parish priest. 

There is a prayer house constructed at the entrance of
the priests residence which was intact.  The
foundation stone for the same was laid by late Fr
Eusebio in 2004 and inuagurated in April 2005.  

The motive seems uncertain as all his belongings were
intact.  Robbery therefore was not the motive.

The police have carried out finger print imaging and
other investigations under Maina Curtorim Police
Station under PI Harish Madkaikar according to the
police on duty. But since the villagers also broke
into the premises before the police turned up some
vital prints may have been lost.

The prayer room has since been open for prayers but
all other parts have been declared out of bound.  The
priests residence is on the top floor so is the dining
room cooks room and toilet and bathroom
According to some gossip doing the rounds it was
reported that an article on page 3 of Vavrradeancho
IXTT dated  18 March, 2006 under the caption
Sanvordem Ghoddlem Purai Goem Hallam could have
been the cause of the murder.  But a reading of this
article indicates more of several questions which
remain unanswered of the Sanvordem incident  But a
small drawing showing a damaged pharmacy Sanvordem a
General Store with a by line Are, fator kabar zait
aileat. Anik pick-up dhadd does not show anything
vindictive or provocative on a cursory reading in
Konkani Roman script.

It is not confirmed as to which community the
assailants belong but they are believed to have spoken
in Hindi and English.

A visit to the residence of late Fr Eusebio at
Mazilwaddo Chinchinim witnessed a small number of
locals at his residence at 1930 hrs.  In the well
mosaicc tiled house of late Fr Eusebio was his brother
Jacob and his wife,. A retired seamen he stated that
his brother late Eusebio 61 years visited him last
Friday and infact he had visited Fr Eusebio at
Macazana on 15th. There was never any doubt in their
minds of the impending dastardly in human attack.

The funeral is slated for the 21st of March, 2006 when
the mortal remains of Fr Eusebio will be brought from
the Goa Medical College Bambolim morgue where it is
lying after post partum investigations  to his
residence. From  there (as per the professed wishes of
Fr Eusebio during his lifetime to have the funeral
services at the Dessua Chapel)  he will be taken to
his St Anthony's Chapel  Deussua and then for the
requiem High Mass at the Church of Our Lady of Hope at
Chinchinim owing to the expected crowd for the funeral
services at 


2006-03-18 Thread godfrey gonsalves
In a gruesome  act of murder some natives from UP or
Hyderabad residing at the Church residential premises
are suspected to have murdered the Parish
Priest of St Francis Church, Macazana Salcete Goa Fr
Eusebio Serrao a native of  Chinchinim Salcete Goa
last night on 17/03/2006 .  

This morning residents were shocked to hear of the
tragic news and rushed to the Church.

The Archbishop of Goa and Daman also rushed to the
scene of the incident when this writer made frantic
calls for information to confirm the news at the Paco
Patriacal Altinho Panaji on +91 0832 2422652.  Later
after a teletalk with an individual from the Parish
Church on +91 0832 2786685  it was confirned that Fr
Serrao was indeed brutally murdered, and his body
mutiliated. Police investigations are on. On an
earlier ocassion according to unconfirmed reports the
priest was similarly tied but was later released.

Incidentally the Church has sounded a warning to the
Goa Government to take serious note of Church
burgalaries and vandalisation of crosses etc.  The
Comba Margao cross vandalisation on Holi Day being the


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[Goanet] NRI -FC officials -unwanted guests in GULF ?

2006-03-17 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Has the  Non Resident Indians --Facilitation Centre,of
Government of Goa  at EDC, House Panaji been disbanded
following the appointment of Mr Eduardo Faleiro, ex
Union Minister and Rajya Sabha member, as the
Commissioner for NRI's, under the Department of Home
Government of Goa?  Well one would think so. 

Following a teletalk  this writer had with the 
Commissioner for NRI's - to congratulate Mr Faleiro on
his  appointment to this office  (a post with a
Cabinet rank ) he stated he was not clear of his job
profile as of now -- but just that he accepted this

Ironically the first public function the Commissioner
will now inaugurate is a Seminar on Communal Harmony
 organised by the almost defunct  NRI FC, on 18th
March, 2006 with Mr Digamber Kamat Minister for Power
and INC  MLA Margao to preside.

There is no doubt, that the appointment of Mr Faleiro
who has travelled extensively world wide representing
our country at the highest forum and his personal
acumen and expertise would be of immense help to the
NRI's (Goans) given the proper infrastructure and
personnel, besides a clear cut job profile, with due
budgetary support by the Government of Goa.  

Mr Faleiro would do well to come out with out of the
box mindset and proposals that will husband the
potential of NRI Goans.  A more friendly and meaning
ful interaction ofcourse with a patient mindset would
be of great help to the NRI's of all stratas. True the
NRI Goans as of now are indeed a divided lot. There
are Goans who serve at the lowest level in menial jobs
upto the top echelons of organisational heirarchy
especially in the Gulf countries and there are others
who are in Canada UK US Germany France Australia
Africa New Zealand etc.

While the former do cannot obtain  citizenships of
those countries like the latter, the aspirations of
the NRI's (Goans) therefore varies.

Nevertheless the NRI's (Goans) could now look upon the
new Commissioner to get their demands redressed now
that this posting is at best a non political posting
where Mr Faleiro does not need to appease or maintain
a vote bank.  His only interests would be tuned
towards Goa and Goans worldwide.

But what is shocking is that though the NRI FC will
eventually have to close shop ---following its
upgradation with an official at Cabinet rank, this
email sent out to Goan NRI's in the Gulf by Chairman
of the NRI FC Mr Chandrakant Keni at almost the end of
the financial year end March 2006 informing of an
impending visit of a three member delegation led by
Herculano Dourado ex MLA and Vice Chairman NRI FC   
has raised eyebrows and has become easily suspect as a
means to squander Government funds and hence needs to
be called off. Kindly read on the agenda.
Dear Friend 
The last Convention organized on 3rd and 4th January
2006 at Kala Academy, Panaji was a success as it was
well appreciated by all the Goans who attended from
various parts of the world. The high level of
organization was also noted by these delegates.
However, it was observed by many that many issues are
discussed at the forum although no follow-up action is
taken. To meet this criticism and to ascertain the
specific problems of Goans spread around the world
specially those in the Gulf, it was decided to send,
to start with, a delegation to Gulf countries to
clearly identify the problems and difficulties faced
by Goans in those countries and look forward for
solutions before the next Convention.

Towards this end we are pleased to inform you that a
three-member delegation led by the Vice-Chairman of
NRI Facilitation Centre Adv.Herculano Dourado, which
is sanctioned by the Government, is proposing to visit
Gulf Countries around the 4th week of March to study
the problems of Goans in those areas first hand.

During our visit in Kuwait which would be from 25th -
28th morning we propose to have a meeting / seminar on
Problems and Aspirations of the Goan Diaspora in
Kuwait / Gulf. What solutions?? We would be highly
obliged if you could assist us in organizing this
meeting by informing all your Goan friends and
colleagues connected with you through the
organizations you represent.

With salutations and warm regards.
Chandrakant Keni,
P. S Email of Shri.Herculano.Dourado
This writer has been inudated with calls from NRI
Goans abroad and via email that the visit is uncalled
for. The reasons they state are many:  a) the NRI FC
has not updated its website after the 2nd Goman Vishwa
Sammelan in January 2005 event although the third one
was held in January 2006 b) the Chairman and others
did pay a visit to the Gulf on the eve of the 2nd
Sammelan but the outcome was nil c) the complaints of
the NRI's have not been addressed as far as revenue
(land) matters, litigations, encroachment of lands
educational, NRI city, air flight fares, medical
engineering college facilities and self employment or
setting up 


2006-03-16 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Comba in Margao Goa is a know bastion of Hindu
Brahmins Catholics and other non Brahmin Hindus --
mainly tenants.  Most of the traders of yesteryears
and who have their trading outlets in the New Market
area hail from Comba.  Many of them have however
shifted to far off Vidyanagar or Aquem and now settled
in Apartments or sleek bungalows.

The over three hundred year old cross that was damaged
lies in on the West end of the Rua Abbe de Faria first
bylane as one comes from the Margao Old Bus Stand
(Gomant Vidya Niketan) or from the interior road vie
Behind Popular High School the lane proceeding North
bang opposite Mahila Nutan Vidyalaya.

According to a resident residing behind the damaged
cross it is learnt that a passer by noticed the damage
to the cross and some brick facade. With the initial
round of curious onlookers there were rumours agog,
that it was the work of right wing fundamentalists,
some had apprehensions that it was a quid pro qua of
the March 3rd riots where the Moslem community was the

However it must be said to the credit of the residents
of Comba that they did play down the issue and
restored the same by mid afternoon. Politicians have
reason to fish in troubled waters and this ocassion
proved suitable for them.  On the one hand the secular
parties castigated the right wing fundamentalist party
as being responsible for the attack on minorites while
the  right wing fundamentalists alleged that the
secularists were fomenting trouble to consolidate
their vote bank.

Incidentally two youthful politicos hold stakes in
these constituencies Ward 11 and 10  of Margao
Municipal Council and hence the issue was blown out of

According to a source in the police department
generally such acts of vandalisation carried out are
mainly by persons of an unsound mind an alcoholic. 
But what needs to be investigated is who caused the
provocation which is vital but is often ignored in the
investigations.  Of the past three similar incidents
at Ponda Aldona and at Navelim it was proved that
persons of unsound mind had infact carried out the
vandalisation but the police did not proceed beyond to
nail the culprit.

Another interesting thing relating to the event at
Comba is that it happened on a FULL MOON night.  The
police dogs that sniffed the path of the culprit
followed the route accross the railway lines at Pedda
via the ICCI Bank Opp Benlix Bldg and towards
Khareaband. Though many of the nearby residents are
tightlipped on the person/s who were involved; it is
clear that some known persons have committed the act
individually or in concert.

Residents of all communities have reason to fear that
the above incident may provide the breeding ground for
future communal riots, and for valid reasons. 

On 20th December 1986 at the height of the language
agitation when young late Floriano Vaz was murdered a
prominent elite  businessman now deceased was being
targetted by the furious mob as it was then alleged
that the son of the businessmen had indeed provoked
the firing by a police personnel on bandobust on young
Vaz after  the arson committed on a fishnet factory at

It was this that made all communities get together and
restore the cross.

Meanwhile the police should pursue the issue to its
logical conclusion and trace the culprits.

One of the reasons for the spate of such instances of
attacks on minority institutions and persons of
minority community is obvious. It is perhaps for the
first time in post Independence History of India that
the President of India, the Prime Minister, the
Chairperson of the United Progressive Alliance all
belong to the minority communities and hence the
discomfort among those who believe in right wing
fundamentalist policies.

In any case there need not be panic or a paranoi as
many  politicians and audio visual and news media
would like to blow such incidents out of proportion. 
Suffice it if the fabric of religious tolerance is not
lost just because of stray and provocative instances
as these.  In the opinion of several well meaning
persons on the occurence of such acts of vandalism, it
is incumbent upon the residents within the area to
resolve the issue by restoring the damaged works and
keep at bay the politicians and outsiders in their own

The acts of the residents of Comba in restoring the
cross without much fanfare and without the assistance
of others is commendable and needs to be replicated in
such situations around the state when they arise. 
Police should however do their best to trace the
culprits and not declare the case as A final meaning
incident proved to have happened but since culprits
untraceble  closed.

One school of thought is that a devoutee may have in
frustration vandalised the cross for prayers
unanswered or favours not granted . Many a times it
is seen that persons in dire straits rush to seek
divine assistance to redeem them of their earthly
misfortunes and this one could be a case where
redemption was not 


2006-03-13 Thread godfrey gonsalves
In the final tally the 

Mr Antanasio (Babush) Monserrate (INC)  panel 19 seats

Dr Wilfred A De Souza(NCP)  panel 02 seats

Mr Manohar Parrikar(BJP) Ms Victoria Fernandes (INC)
Mr Somnath Zuarkar (ex INC )panel 09 seats

However it may be noted that political parties
notwithstanding the panels heads have more bearing on
the elections.  But it is clear that the Corporation
that will rule will be the INC led panel

Ward I  Melita Manuel Afonso
Ward II Nazareth Francisco Cabral
Ward IIICarolina Raul Po
Ward IV Levino Anthony Pereira
Ward V  Bento Silvester Lorena
Ward VI Maria Regina Almeida
Ward VIIAldrin Basilio Soares
Ward VIII   Nagesh Sidappa Karishetty
Ward IX Ruth Surendra Furtado
Ward X  Surendra Cristovam Furtado
Ward XI Sadanand Ganesham Thakur
Ward XIIVaidehi Vivek Naik
Ward XIII   Prasad Amonkar 
Ward XIVYatin Ramesh Parekh
Ward XV Jyoti Masurkar
Ward XVITony Rodrigues
Ward XVII   Uday Vaman Madkaikar
Ward XVIII  Uma Naik 
Ward XIXMenino Jesus da Cruz
Ward XX Krishna Ramdas Shirodkar
Ward XXIShushila Chandrakant Gawas
Ward XXII   Mangaldas Puttu Naik
Ward XXIII  Rudresh Vinayak Chodankar  
Ward XXIV   Diksha Mayenkar
Ward XXVShantaram Purushottam Kundaikar
Ward XXVI   Avinash Digamber Bhonsle
Ward XXVII  Varsha Haldankar
Ward XXVIII Suresh Lamiman Chopdekar
Ward XXIX   Rupesh Ravindra Halarnkar
Ward XXXVivina Gokuldas Nasnodkar

It may be noted that the wards were re-constituted
after delimitation of the wards. Thus Panaji has 16
seats with Taleigao 12 and the Santacruz Constituency

While the MLA Panaji Assembly Constituency Mr Manohar
Parrikar played down the victory of the Monserrate
panel stating that it would not affect his turf. 
Ohters consoled themselves stating that money was
distributed.  This amounts to an insult to the voters
who perhaps voted not because of money but they saw in
Mr Monserrate a vision for the betterment of Panaji

Incidentally the Panaji city will recieve a special
urban development fund for the development of the city
being one of the 60 cities selected under the central
scheme.  This Mr Monserrate had planned to utilize for
the development of the city.   

Most voters also admit in private that Mr Monserate is
a no nonsense leader.  He was born with a silver spoon
in his mouth and he is known to distribute funds
lavishly rather then fill it in his own coffers as
others do.. Moreover he is rated as a go getter a man
who speaks only what he can do and this perhaps so his
commendable victory.

No doubt there are concerns about PANAJI AND TALEIGAO
GOING GREY FROM GREEN --- but not that the die is cast
Panjimites and Taleigaocars will see how Monseratte
goes ahead with developmental activities.

His period of probation is short considering that
elections to the Goa Legislative Assembly is round the
corner.  Thus before December end 2006 Panaji will
need to be transformed.

According one descendant an elderly resident of
Panaji he believes that the litmus test of Mr
Monserrates panel will be to see how the St Inez
nullah will be transformed.

Fortunately the husband wife duo of the Nationalist
Congress Party that made it at the hustings Mr
Surendra and Ms Ruth Furtado have no qualms about the
emerging scenario and are confident that development
will not suffer.

With the victors being those first past the post the
margins are thin and sometimes pale into
insignificance in the sense that the electors can
hardly be called representatives of the wards .  The
reason being that where the  contests were not
restricted one to one the more the numbers (7 being
the highest for one ward)  the votes polled by each is
a two digit figure.

Thus there are umpteen instances where the 
consolidated votes of the losers far exceeds that of
the victor.  To rectify such anomalies and ensure that
the victor reflects the majority of the electorate in
each ward that one represents it is necessary that an
amendment needs to be brought in the Election laws to
ensure that the victor is one who polls not less than 
50%  of the votes polled.  This will ensure that last
minute candidates are not propped up as is the
practice now but only those who do service in the ward
over a period of time could enter into the fray.

Interestingly the antidefection laws are not made
applicable to the Village Panchayats Municipalities
and the Corporation therefore though there may not be
defections at this stage but after the results of the
next Assembly elections if the present INC led
coalition government is not returned to power and the
BJP individually or as a coalition comes to power then
this could trigger floor crossing.

There is also a prospect of curbing the developmental 
powers of the Corporation as the 74th Constitutional
amendment which gives statutory powers to
Municipalities and Corporations ordains that the power
should go to the elected representatives  after
constituting a District 


2006-03-13 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Hurricane Babush (Antanasio Monserrate) struck the
Corporation of City of Panaji when his panel won
nearly 19 of the 30 seats establishing a resounding
victory over the Parrikar Zuarkar Victoria Fernandes
panel as official results just poured in.

With this the political earthquake albeit of a mild 
intensity may now strike Goa, and heads (dead wood )
within the INC may have to pave the way for young and
dynamic youth.

More details follows.


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[Goanet] 63.63% turn out CORPORATION OF CITY OF PANAJI

2006-03-12 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Billed as the most crucial election, the voters that
went to the polls today 12th March, 2006 to elect the
first set of 30 corporators to deal with the future of
the Corporation of City of Panaji for the next five
years until March 2011 turned out in large numbers. 

According to a teleconversation this writer had with
the State Election Commissioner Mr P M Borkar on +91
0832 2232632 at 20OO hrs today the polling was
generally peaceful and the turn out registered was

The panels were backed by Minister for Town and
Country Planning and MLA INC Taleigao Mr Antanasio
(Babush ) Monserrate, the other by the Nationalist
Congress Party of Dr Wilfred De Souza and the last by 
 Mr Manohar Parrikar BJP MLA Panaji and Leader of the
Opposition Goa Legislative Assembly, Ms Victoria
Fernandes Deputy Speaker Goa Legislative Assembly INC
MLA Santacruz and Mr Somnath Zuarkar ex INC MLA 
Taleigao MLA .

Interestingly the Corporation of City has 30 wards two
of which Ribander and Chimbel fall in the Santa Cruz
Assembly Constituency  in Taleigao Constituency and 
in Panaji Assembly.

Elections to Municipalities and Panchayats are
officially not fought on party lines despite the
statutory powers given to these bodies under the 73rd
and 74th Constitutional amendments since 1992  However
the MLAs of relevant Assembly constituencies under
which the wards of the Corporation come under try to
ensure that their candidates come to power so that
their position is consolidated at the time of Assembly
elections.  Even ex politicos and aspiring ones too
ensure that their presence is felt to consolidate
their vote bank.

The reason why these elections assume significance is
the challenged thrown by Mr Monserrate to get all the
30 seats as his full page advertisements on local
dailies revealed.  The others opposing his panel
intend to clip his wings after Mr Monseratte a no
nonsense MLA and Minister got his way around after he
had part of the Taleigao wards reverted back to the
Village Panchayat status from the Municipal status as
a quid pro quo for extending support to the then BJP
led coalition that came to power in June 2002.  Mr
Monserrate however had to eat a humble pie when the
MLA Santa Cruz Ms Fernandes got most of the villages
within and outside her constituency removed from the
Planning Development areas under the North Goa
Planning Development Authority after a protracted
struggle ending January, 2006 and put to sleep the
draconian Town and Country Planning Ordinance on
September, 2005.

Besides the manifesto of Mr Monserrate that promises
sweeping development changes in the Corporation of
City of Panaji -- Mr Monserrate is known for getting
things done his way, no matter the obstacles.  He is
credited for keeping the entire Congress MLA bandwagon
at his residence Casa Monseratte at Taleigao
immediately after the Tsunami that struck the BJP
lead coalition of Mr Manohar Parrikar on 27th January,
2005, and ensuring that with the support of Mr
Churchill Alemao MP ex Independent MLA Loutolim
Radharao Gracias Mr Filipe Rodrigues Independent MLA
Velim they staged the coup for the Congress come back
after a 24th October 2000 to 2nd Febraury 2005 drought
the INC suffered.

From the feed back obtained from voters by this writer
it is clear that Mr Monseratte is well heading for a
majority (16 being the half way mark).  The other
combine has nearly conceded defeat to some extent by
their utterances post Curchorem Cacora Sanvordem

Interestingly there is a sizeable number of migrant
voters which can twist the votes in the ballot boxes.

Tommorrow is the day of counting at the Institute
Menezes Braganza Hall commencing at 0800 hrs 




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2006-03-10 Thread godfrey gonsalves
A suspected terrorist allegedly carrying a bomb aged
35 - 45 years lean was detained by the Railway Police
at the Madgaon Railway Station.  According to one
Railway official as the Mangala Express Nizamuddin
Ernakalum reached Madgaon at 2115hrs IST the man
alighted and was nabbed on suspicion.

He has since been detained.  Police investigations are
in progress.


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2006-03-10 Thread godfrey gonsalves
In the forthcoming session of the Goa Legislative
Assembly beginning on 20th March 2006 the enclosed
draft Bill prepared by this writer to amend The Goa
Daman  Diu Official Language Act 1987 for the grant
of official recognition to Konkani in Roman script as
well has been circulated to MLA's and others.

The other amendments provided therein to the Goa Daman
 Diu Official Language Act 1987 which was enacted   
while under  Union Territory status  are now following
Goa attaining Statehood sought to be carried out.

It is hoped that the same is pursued in right earnest
so that the movement and the issue does not turn out
to be a political agenda at future elections to whip
up emotions and frenzy as in the 1985 language

Since the amemdment has support from all like minded
Goans for the development of the mother tongue of all
Goans except a miniscule  few who insist on only one
script mooted since 1939 the Bill ought to have a
smooth passage.

Meanwhile it is reliably learnt that the High Command
is sensitive to this demand now that similar moves
have been made from Karnataka as well to grant
recognition to Konkani in Kannada script under the new
dispensation in Karnataka.

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[Goanet] SARDINHA's double standards exposed

2006-03-09 Thread godfrey gonsalves
At a largely attended meeting held in the Curtorim
Market which started   at 6.12 p.m i.e late  by over
an hour apparently to await the locals returning from
work Adv Mike Mehta, Dr Wilfred De Souza, Adv Radharao
Gracias, Mr Churchill Alemao, Mr Alberto Leitao from
Varca Dr Earnest Mr Menino of Nuvem and several others
appealed to those gathered in one refrain MOPA NEVER

It was made clear to the gathering that the airport of
Dabolim was conceptualised by the Portuguese on lines
with a similar airport at Mozambique and intended
exclusively for civil purposes .  The documentary
evidence is available in Portario No:14898 of 1954.
The airport construction commenced in  1954 and
completed in 1955.

It was also mentioned by Dr Wilfred Mesquita ex MLA
Vasco da Gama that there can be no terminal within 80
kms and aerial distance of Dabolim and Mopa being just
30 kms would not therefore be feasible to continue
with Dabolim if Mopa was permitted.  

It was also made clear that the FINAL REPORT on
feasibility of Mopa airport now available with the
Government of Goa makes a mention that neighbouring
areas  of Sindhdurga Ratnagiri Sangli Kudal  will
benefit hence it is obvious that the Dabolim airport
will have to cease operations.  Hence it will be
beneficial for the Konkan areas and not Goa. 
Incidentally the airport too cannot be built in
Sindhudurga Maharastra because with Dabolim airport in
place the next airport can come up only in far off
Ratnagiri but there no one wants it because the
distance to Sindhudurga is far off by road.  Hence the
game plan of the Chief Ministers of Maharashtra is to
back the Mopa airport.  Incidentally land prices will
appreciate around Mopa and Sindhdurga from the
existing Rs.50/ and that would reap rich earnings for
land tycoons like Jeetendra Deshprabhu the Viscount of
Pernem besides its present MLA and other elected
representatives from Maharastra.

Mr Radharao Gracias explained that the interests of
Goa can be protected only by a regional party.  He
said that the INC and BJP national parties were having
both common interests.  To cite a point he stated that
the INC MLA of Santa Cruz Ms Victoria Fernandes was
supporting a panel in tow with BJP ex CM Manohar
Parrikar and ex MLA Taleigao Mr Somanth Zuarkar
against the INC MLA of Taleigao Antanasio Babush
Monserrate for the Corporation of City of Panjim 30
seats due on 12th March, 2006.  With this unity of
interests the Goa centric issues are left without a
strong opposition.

Mr Gracias therefore appealed to the Goans and
Curtorkars to safeguard the Goan interests by electing
at least 6 to 10 MLAs from any regional party UGDP or
by any other name so that this group could act as a
deciding factor in the INC or BJP government formation

Apparently to dispel past instance when the elected
members of UGDP changed sides and went alongwith the
BJP to form the Government Mr Gracias stated that Mr
Monserate demanded Taleigao to be reverted as a
Village Panchayat from the then Panaji Municipality
and he achieved the same within a month.  He also
threw the BJP Parrikar government when Mr Parrikar
worked against Goan interests -- CD and Mopa.

Mr Radharao Gracias also enlightened the gathering
that after the amendment to the Anti Defection Law 
it is now necessary that the elected representative
switching sides will now have to RESIGN AND SEEK
RE-ELECTION and not defect directly.  He cited the
case of Poinguinin Mr Isidore Fernandes, later Mr
Pandurang Madkaikar, Marcaim Mr Francisco (Miky)
Pacheco Mr Digamber Kamat etc all of whom had to
resign and seek re-election.  Therefore the MLAs
getting elected on a regional party would be able to
safeguard goan interests.

Before the meet photocopies of part of the text of the
recorded debate made by Mr Alemao in the Goa
Legislative Assembly in 2000 was circulated alongwith
the Konkani in Devanagari script and a transliteration
in Roman script as reproduced below to refute the
charge made by both Mr Ramakant Khalap ex MLA and Mr
Jeetendra Deshprabhu the present MLA of Pernem to
state that Mr Alemao too supported the MOPA airport.

However on reading the proceedings  it is quite clear
that Mr Alemao was quoted out of context.

Mr Alemao however took the remarks of both Khalap and
Deshprabhu with a pinch of salt and stated that both
would in any case not be elected again and the next

Incidentally both Mr Khalap and Deshprabhu favour Mopa

All speakers appealed to elected representatives
including Mr Sardinha  MLA Curtorim to join the Save
Dabolim movement irrespective of party affiliation as
the interests of Goa and Goans was utmost.

A copy of the letter of Mr Sardinha while he was CM
was also distributed as promised at the Navelim meet. 
With these two meets Mr Alemao has now clarified with
documentary evidence and meetings on home turf of the
two Faleiro and Sardinha exposed their intents for
MOPA as against Dabolim.


2006-03-08 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Margao's first Scheduled Tribe Chairperson Ms Piedade
Noronha of Ward # Fatorda was ousted after a four
months.  Notwithstanding the fact that in a surprise
move a few days ago at the height of the communal
tensions at Curchorem Sanvordem she embraced the
Nationalist Congress Party.  Dr Wilfred De Souza NCP
President Goa, Deputy Chief Minister and MLA Saligao
was overconfident that now that Ms Noronha had joined
the NCP she would not be unseated.  His argument was
that the NCP INC forms a coalition Government and
therefore none would dare unseat her.  Unfortunately
the die was cast and the expected happened   Elections
to the new Chairperson will follow next week as per
tentative information recieved.

Ms Noronha unfortunately had teething problems on day
one when the intercine war between the CO and
Chairperson broke with the CO refusing to kow tow to
the dictates of the Chairperson.  True the initial
group of four which formed the ruling group with the
tacit support of the 8 BJP councillors split over
several issues until Ms Noronha was left alone to fend
for herself. 

With this sort of political chaos  the civic duties of
the MMC suffers and citizens are put to grave
inconvenience.  It is observed that most of the time
is engaged in meetings in confabulations and the media
sitting for hours in the Chairpersons office.

There is a demand from the citizens that councillors
should be given just one hour to deal with civic
matters and let the administration function.  They
could use Saturday's and Sunday's for such manoeuvres.
 In any case the Press should not be allowed the
freedom to use the Chairpersons office as a recreation
room post siesta.

Borda Margao Goa

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to http://yahoo.shaadi.com


2006-03-06 Thread godfrey gonsalves
On day four the people of Goa awoke to a spate of
rumours. There were rumours in the air about an
imminent bandh but it was not clear who called for the
bandh.  But the first signs of things to come was when
the Goa Dairy at Curti in Ponda Taluka North Goa
District (but under the Mormugao Parliamentary
constituency ) failed to deliver milk early morning.

Then the morning bus services did come with the
children teachers and workers office goers and dropped
them in the Margao city most schools closed early as
the skeleton bus services caused anxiety to the

At Shiroda there were some road blocks and one house
alleged to be stoned. But the situation was other wise
peaceful and life normal.

In Goa many do not risk to travel to work or school on
such days of bandhs because once the public transport
is not in place the autorickshaws and motorcycle
pilots charge astronomical rates for the helpless. But
life did appear normal as the at noon and thereafter
until evening.

In any case the prospects of a bandh was limited to
Cuncolim and Margao until the late hours of 5th March,

But at around 0800 hrs IST the first company of the
Rapid Action Force police were wending through the
main thoroughfare of the city of Margao   with the
unique siren even as school children and women looked
up in surprise at their new found guests.

Margao town evoked a mixed response most
establishments were open and some of the prominent
businessmen mainly the cloth merchants preferred to
down  their shutters while the main commercial market
also was partially closed for the day but some shops
were open.  The Mahatma Gandhi Market  vegetable
market was open and the local councillor (brother of
Manohar (Babu) Ajgaonkar r/o Margao but MLA Dhargalim)
of Ward 13 earlier Ward 14 was seen at  his tea shop
open this gave confidence to many to keep the
establishments open.  

The RAF was posted at strategic points in the New
Market to ward off any untoward incident.  Similar was
the situation at Monte and Housing Board area where
companies of CISF and CRP were deployed.

In Cuncolim there was a bandh but buses of the KTC
moved selectively . Incidentally the areas of Bali etc
form a part of the Quepem Taluka and apparently since
the Curchorem Cacora area also comes under the Quepem
taluka the bandh. But no untoward incident was
reported schools opened and closed early.

The Goa Government turned belatedly wiser and put out
a emergency control room :
Tel Nos +91 0832 2419769, 2419472 Fax 2415201 2419657
Mobile :9850474114 9850473707 at the New Secretariat
Porvorim, for the information of the public,
apparently to dispel rumours.

The situation at Tilamol Quepem was also calm though
schools were opened they wound up by 1100 p.m. Curfew
was in force in the Curchorem Cacora area but there
was no untoward incidents reported and normalcy was
being slowly  restored as others were seen cleaning
the wreckage and completing the panchanama
formalities. There was some respite after the
Government announced the compensation for all those
affected by the arson looting and violence destruction
to property.

Many blame the Chief Minister Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane
who also as the Home Minister ought to have nipped the
issue at the beginning when one group obtained the
stay order and the others retaliated taking law in
their hands. 

But the CM has never been known to act quickly as is
his style of functioning believing that if he sits on
files the issues would be solved by themselves. This
time it rebounded and this creates more heartburning
especially this being an emotive issue many expected
him to act fast. The difference of opinion of the
Police and the Administration also led to the

There were others who felt that the elected
representatives who should be at the helm of affairs
considering their government is in power were nowhere
to be seen nor could be contacted on their mobiles.
This made it a free for all.  Many agreed this is not
time to debate as to who is responsible but clearly
what followed was an organised attack selectively.

Being the first of its kind post 1986 language
agitation, many subscribe to the view that the
Government should indeed come forth with a policy on
setting up of religious sites.  This has become big
business of all communities to collect funds for
building places of worship and hence a policy needs to
be put in place.

For the moment with immediate effect all powers should
be placed in the hands of the Chief Secretary or the
Secretary (Home) to decide on grant of permission to
put up an religious establishment.  There is a need
for a consensus to demolish or relocate  all those
that encroach private or public properties. The
Government should begin a dialogue with the religious
authorities at once.
Meanwhile an advertisement released on the local
dailies in public interest stated that  a mosque was
damaged  at Guddemol this is incorrect as this
writer visited the the site Guddemol and 


2006-03-05 Thread godfrey gonsalves
This evening 5/3/2006 when this writer visited the
trouble torn Tilamol Sanvordem Cacora Curchorem areas
at 1630 hrs  the normal Sunday Bazaar at Sanvordem was
missing.  The road from Tilamol to Sanvordem showed  
signs of normalcy returning.  There were some people
attending a Catholic funeral service before the
Tilamol junction as ususal.  A national TV crew had
already covered the area and was uplinking with latest
reports to Headquarters at a nearby field.

There were several cars burnt into ashes the smell of
smouldered tyres seat covers was in the air. A car was
burnt near the Laximi stores -junction  Another near
the Paramrapali building. Another near Praveena
industries. Several pick-ups damaged glass pieces
lying in smitheered state.  A petrol pump bang
opposite the M/s Universal Petrol Pump of  Mr
Durganand Sanvordencar was destroyed short of being
set on fire.  A shop below Dr Kudchadkar Maternity
hospital was also damaged and the owners were
retrieving what they could from the embers.  This four
road junction witnessed the cars lying burnt some
scooters motorcycles all destroyed  a shop was burnt
goods ransacked. A house opposite the Central Bank was
Towards the prayer house in Sanvordem there was a huge
contigent of Goa Police relaxed but on alert.  There
were signs of damage some massive concrete blocks
placed on the street to act as road block.  A posh
house belonging to a businessmen  who is reputed to be
owning around 6 - 8 shops had all its windows
shattered the car at the porch was damaged at
Pontemol.   Ironically from the entire rioting that
was witnessed it was clear that a particular minority
was the target.  

This writer saw many of these middle class apartments
or houses amidst a cluster of other minority and
majority community but selective  damage to them.  The
Pontemol area has a sizeable minority holdings.

Just as the writer was in conversation with police
personnel to get updates a bus No TN 20L 3889 came
with a group of Rapid Action Force Police personnel
men and women.  Today 5/3/2006 was the first batch
that had arrived  as a precautionary measure.

Almost all shops at Sanvordem were shut down and few
people mostly in groups were seen. The shops near the
Railway station were open and there was some activity
of shopping etc in progress.  There was a beeline at
the only petrol pump M/s Sanvordencar which was open
for the town motorist . There was Mr Ramrao Desai the
BJP MLA Curchorem talking to some people and the BJP
MLA from Fatorda and Mr Damodar (Damu) Naik in a white
Maruti Car who greeted this writer. Being a Sunday
there was not much movement. 

It was apparent that the rioters targetted the movable
and immovable properties of only the minority
community and selectively, with abundant care not to
destroy that of others. Therefore the arson looting
was well organised, and most of it restricted to the
Curchorem Cacora Municipal areas.  With stray damages
done to vehicles beyond the Tilamol Church.

Having witnessed the damage there the writer moved
down to Gudemol in the village Panchayat Sanvordem
beyond the bridge near the Curchorem Railway Station
which was the cause of action on night of 2/3/2006 
Just before the a bus stop there was a convoy of
police all stationed and a KTC mini bus in tow. infact
KTC minibuses were used to deploy police personnel.

After preliminary exchange of pleasantries with the
young dynamic policemen mostly youth the writer was
shown the direction of the site where the structure
was demolished.

The place is away from the main road just a 50 metre
walk in an otherwise residential  area. There is an
eating house with a sign board  PRATIK  ETE JEVAN
MILE   food is available here, but a resident stated
that since the trouble began on the night of 2nd March
the same was closed. This place is frequented by the
truck owners who transport mineral ore to the nearby
plots for onward movement into railway stockingpoint.

Just near it there is what is believed to be an
upcoming construction of a   Madrassa akin to a
primary school and a prayer house that was in the
process of being setup. The construction work began
two month ago.  It is believed that the area was given
to a woman under the twenty point programme who in
turn had now agreed to use it for religious purpose. 
This is unconfirmed.  The panch members were not
available to confirm this niether would the others
talk seeing the police personnel around. 

It is learnt that the despite the villagers opposing
the setting up of the same in a area which constitutes
of  majority community the villagers did not take too
kindly to the minority demand to set up the Madrassa
there.  One person who spoke in hushed tones stated
that the area had hardly around 60 of the minority
community and this highhandedness was untolerable.

It is realiably learnt that despite the orders of
demolition issued by the Village Panchayat Sanvordem a
stay was granted by the Deputy Director of Panchayats

[Goanet] GOA brought under KING MOMO RULE 25 to 28 Feb 06

2006-02-25 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Viva Carnaval -- rent the air this evening at the Pato
Bridge -- and down India's longest promenade along the
Mandovi.  At 4.00 p.m. Dr Wilfred A De Souza Deputy
Chief Minister also holding the Tourism portfolio
flagged of the rally with the King Momo Mr Tome
Fernandes of the Govt Printing Press doing the honours
and Queen Momo Ms Lianne Texeira.

An elated President Mr Joaquim Teles in  a teletalk
with this writer was overjoyed at the tremendous
response this year surpassing earlier records in his
own assessment. To justify he dished out figures a)
traditional category 23 Clubs and institutions 14 
sponsored category 8 junk category 1 clown category 30
family category 8.  

There were foreigners also who partook in the floats.
and a huge contigent of the foreigners were provide a
sit out in front of the Hotel mandovi.  The crowd
flanked on either side of the promenade was bustling
with children huddled on to their youthful mothers in
a carnaval attire some tapping their feet to the
strumming and beat of the parades as they past by the
Old Secretariate the Hotel Mandovi the Dempo Towers
the IFFI/INOX venue and wound up at the portals of the
Kala Academy in Campal.

The afternoon was preety hot and it was a real treat
to the eye to see small children dance the almost 2.5
km route almost exhausted and drenched but excited
over the event.

There were some floats which were well attired but
unlike the major groups the numbers were more but the
punch was lacking in most of them.  Even the
traditional groups danced to recorded music which
kills the spirit of the tradition.  An interesting
feature was the birds and animals that formed a part
of the entourage.  Even the bird flu that has gripped
a district in the neighbouring state of Maharastra
found mention --- with one displaying a cock pleading 
to be spared the scalpel.  Another one of interest was
by a handicapped youngster demanding that the
authorities make their establishments user friendly. 
The Reliance India mobile which is also sponsoring the
floats organised by the PANJIM TRADITIONAL FESTIVALS
spoilsport by displaying prominently their logo on the
floats which was in bad taste according to the

But as the floats were being cheered and TV channels
captured live the inspiring moments and photo shots
taken by almost all and sundry the one float that was
condemned was that of a Catholic priest leading a
funeral cortege and a full display of a cemetry with
the words 'AIZ MACA FALEAM TUCA' .  Fortunately this
was almost at the fag end when dusk set in but earned
the ire of the citizens.

When this writer asked the President to explain this
entry which could hurt religious sentiments he pleaded
ignorance as he said that the main groups were
scrutinised between 4 to 4.30 p.m and this one could
have intruded unauthorisedly.  However this did not
appear a valid coment given that the cartoon of
Prophet Mohammed had created a ruckus worldwide.

Another shocking disclosure which was being discussed
at the venue was the alleged remark of the Minister
for Art and Culture Mr Digamber Kamat the MLA of
Margao when he is reported to have stated on a news
channel that Carnaval in Goa was being promoted by the
Department of Tourism and not as a culture of Goa. 
This comment smacks of the fact that the Goa
Government is clear on its intent to promote only the
pre-1510 (before advent of Portuguese rule ) culture
as that of Goa and slowly but surely intending to
eliminate the East and West fusion which in fact is
the real culture of Goa which made the first PM of
India late Jawaharlal Nehru to describe Goans as an
unqiue people with an unique culture --- Ajib hai. 
Even though the rest of the people in India too
subscribe to our East west fusion which finds mention
every where one wonders ---what made Mr Kamat make
this out of the box remark. 

The next day the floats will be held at Margao
followed by traditional dances --- and ofcourse the
traditional Khell tiatrs at Nuvem etc  

But one does miss out the traditional cocotes
assalto   the powdering of girls in their compounds or
the throwing of water balloons these were the things
which lent humour and clean fun.  But with the
demographic composition of the State changing -- with
a sizeable migrant (vote bank) population in each of
the 190 villages or atleast the 30 village panchayats
of Salcette and 31 of Bardez it will reflect adversly
on our boys and girls if this fun is carried out in
HERE ARE SOME PHOTOGRAPHS  --- the same can be made
available free of cost on request.


Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to http://yahoo.shaadi.com


2006-02-24 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The people of Goa are agitated over the silence of a
majority of Catholic MLA's on the issue of bringing
about the amendment to section 2(c) of The Goa Daman 
Diu Official Language Act 1987.

Many of these  14 MLA's irrespective of the party they
belong to have in private vociferously expressed that
Roman script should be given official recognition.

The only difference is that some feel that

a) use it as an emotive issue at the time of elections
by including it in the election manifesto
b) bring the amendment now itself in the 20th March,

Most of the Hindu Bahujan Samaj MLA's have agreed to
support this move if in the ruling side or not oppose
it if in the opposition.

Therfore either way -- the people of Goa would like
the Cristao MLA's to make the first move.  

Thus far Dr Wilfred A De Souza NCP MLA Saligao and
Deputy CM on his behalf and on behalf of his
Ministerial colleague Mr Francisco (Mickey) Pacheco
MLA Benaulim have expressed full support if the
amendment is brought about as they cannot do so being

Now it is left for the others to follow suit.  The
reason why the community is shown distinctly is not to
whip up communal passions but because it is generally
the Catholics who are conversant with the Roman script
and if not, obviously ought to support the recognition
of this age old script while the Hindu Bahujan Samaj
who are frank enough to admit that Konkani in Roman
script is the natural script followed by the Catholics
in Goa.

Since the time is short for putting up the question
before the 20th March 2006 Goa Assembly session, this
message is sent out.

Meanwhile Goans worldwide should question their
respective MLAs on the issue and if possible post on
the net the views of the respective MLAs.

The same excercise will be carried out in Goa by a
team of young writers shortly.

Borda Margao Goa 

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to http://yahoo.shaadi.com

[Goanet] SONIA lays RAJIV GANDHI - IT HABITAT -- foundation

2006-02-23 Thread godfrey gonsalves
This morning 23/2/2006 the UPA Chairperson and
Congress President Ms Sonia Gandhi could meet only a
top delegation of the Goa Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, the Goa Mineral Ore Exporters Association
and the lone pro-Indian National Congress NGO Lok
Shakti of Margao besides other GPCC office bearers. 

There was a major  hitch in the finalisation of
appointments requested with Madam Gandhi  by  the
Group headed by Mr M K Jos, and Fr Pratap J Naik TSKK 
Mr Wilson Mazarello President Dalgado Konknni Academy
and also the undersigned which were routed through the
10 Janpath, New Delhi.   

The twin issues that the Group decided to take up
separately with the Congress President Ms Gandhi was
the a) highandedness of the Defence authorities in not
permitting customary feast on the Anjediva Island and
neglect of the Chapel of St Francis de Assisi and b)
the demand for bringing about an amendment to clause
2(c) of the Goa Daman  Diu Official language Act 1987
for granting official recognition to Roman script.   

Last minute enquiries made by this writer on cell 
this morning at New Delhi 10 Janpath Tel Nos 011
23018651, 011 2301 7047, and 011 2301 4161 from the
Raj Bhavan end revealed that the same was routed
through  Ms Margaret Alva's office  011-23792777 at
New Delhi but upon contacting them they too left it on
the Goa Government and expressed helplessness. 

Incidentally Ms Alva an ex MP from Karnataka has
been displaying lip sympathies on these twin issues,
and this could have been the result of the hitch. 
She does not appear inclined  to promote the cause of
Roman and Kannada scripts nor does she wish to dwell
on the Anjediva issue having lost elections  on home
turf part of which is Karwar.

This writer had a slight inclination of the impending
development given the past experience in New Delhi in
November 2005 when he called on Ms Gandhi at
Parliament House.  Hence all relevant material and
petition on these twin issues was faxed to Raj Bhavan
on 22nd February, 2006 afternoon itself and it was
thanks to Dr N Radhakrishna Jt Secretary  to the
Governor who forwarded the same this morning to Madam
Sonia  Gandhi through both the SPG Security Chief Mr
Patnaik and Mr Sudhir overseeing her security cover in
Goa (as confirmed by him today). Efforts to contact Mr
Pillai at 10 Janpath New Delhi to confirm the lapse
have not been successful yet.

Given the developments this writer spoke to Mr
Shantaram L Naik Member of Parliament Rajya Sabha and
Secretary AICC and he assured to take up the Anjediva
issue in all seriousness with Madam Gandhi and the
Defence Minister and raise the issue in Parliament
during this session itself.  He himself seemed 
agitated on the Navys stance in Goa as well.
Mr Altinho Gomes General Secretary GPCC-I 
co-ordinating the same from the Goa end was unable to
intervene, despite his efforts even though copies were
faxed to GPCC office and the Chief Minister. The time
was too short just one and half hour and the security
cover extensive given that Parliament is in session.

In fact such was the confusion that this writer had to
literally assist the security personnel and the SPG
team at the entrance of the Raj Bhavan to identify 
the Congressmen, and industrialist for their entry as
they were not provided the list of those granted
appointments initially niether were passes issued to
those who managed to meet Madam Gandhi. 
A group of Dhangars who had come well adorned in
tradtional costumes and head gear to petition the
Prime Minister had to be restricted to just 6 nos
while another group was just rushed through at last
minute to meet Ms Gandhi. Even the ex Cortalim MLA Mr
Mauvin Godinho was not aware that his appointment was
cleared until his emissary was informed of the same by
this writer from the Raj Bhavan end.

Earlier Ms Gandhi had a breakfast meet at Raj Bhavan
with all the GPCC Executive Members leaders of frontal
organisations and party MLA's.  The Deputy Chief
Minister of Goa Dr Wilfred A de Souza was also

The Lok Shakti NGO impressed upon Ms Gandhi the need
to revamp the party to meet the challenges in the
changed circumstances in Goa, or face imminent wash
out according Mr Cleofato Almeida Coutinho Adv and ex
Judge who spoke briefly to this writer at Raj Bhavan.

Later Ms Gandhi drove down to the venue of the IT
Habitat at Dona Paula christened Rajiv Gandhi IT
Habitat.  Ms Gandhi reminded the audience of Ministers
partymen bureaucrats and students of Polythecnic and 
Engineering Colleges in the State  and other invitees
that 20 years ago when Mr Rajiv Gandhi ex PM initiated
the IT revolution in Goa he was bitterly criticised
even mocked but Mr Gandhi stuck steadfastly to his
dream as a result of which India today has ranked
high in the commity of nations and earned world
recognition as a growing economic power .  She also
stated that it was also the foresight of late Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru and late Ms Indira Gandhi ex PM's of
India who laid the 


2006-02-22 Thread godfrey gonsalves
At an impressive rally of Indian National Congress
Party workers at the Campal Grounds Panaji  this
evening Ms Sonia Gandhi MP Chairperson UPA and
Congress President in her 26 minutes address to Party
workers exhorted them to be in a state of preparedness
for forthcoming elections knowing full well that
elections are due after an year.

She was impressed by the gathering of workers and
briefed them on the salient features of the Common
Minimum Programme of the UPA Government while making
special mention of the Employment Guarantee scheme
which has statutory powers and not mere wishful
thinking .  She also dwelt on the Right to Information
Act which now makes it a mandatory for the officials
to part with information.  She asked her party workers
to understand the history of the Indian National
Congress especially the youth.  She wanted partymen to
go and reach out to the masses and ensure that the
party programme reaches those whom it is intended for.
 She cautioned Partymen not to make an promises which
they could not fulfill.  It was better to ensure that
all the poll promises are kept. 

She was all praise for the people of Goa for having
set aside the communal party that was trying to
polarise the State.  Goa she said was a cauldron of
excellent communal harmony and this should be
maintained at all costs.  

Earlier the Goa Pradesh Congress Committee President
Mr Ravi Sitaram Naik MLA Ponda. Chief Minister
Pratapsing Raoji Rane Ms Margaret Alva General
Secretary AICC spoke on the policies of the Government
to the workers.

The meeting ended at 6.25 p.m.  Earlier Ms Gandhi
arrived an hour late in a special plane at 3.05 p.m at
the Dabolim airfield and left by helicopter to the
neighbouring district of Sindhurg for Malwan and
returned back later to attend the meeting at Panaji.

After the meet she is now attending a dinner hosted by
the CM Minister at his official residence at Altinho
Panaji.  Ms Gandhi will stay put at Raj Bhavan Dona
Paula for the night and is expected to meet several
delegations tommorrow by 0930 at the Raj Bhavan Dona
Paula besides MLA's and Ministers . Though at the time
of writing the list was not yet finalised by Madam
Sonia Gandhi's Secretariat.

Later Ms Gandhi will attend the foundation stone
laying ceremony at 10.30 a.m of the prestigious
project to be christened RAJIV GANDHI IT HABITAT  
at Dona Paula Goa, in the presence of Mr S C Jamir His
Excellency the Governor of Goa the CM the IT Minister
Mr Dayanand Narvekar the Minister for Town  Country
Planning Mr Atnasio Monserrate aand the Chief
Secretary, as per the invitation recieved by this
writer issued thus far by the Government of Goa.

Following the function she will leave Goa by noon and
fly to Nasik in Maharashtra.


**Ms Gandhi arrived an hour late instead of the
schedule 1415 hrs at the Naval base Dabolim;
**Invitation cards signed by Mr Ravi Sitaram Naik
President GPCC were issued to party workers to give
the meet a formal touch.  Many cards were found
indiscriminately strewn at the venue.  
**There was a huge piles of used and unused PET
bottles to satiate ones thirst -- all strewn at the
metal detectors placed at the entrance to the venue;
Chak a Chak Clean Panaji campaign notwithstanding 
**There were 12,000 chairs placed at the venue which
gave the police estimates of the crowd at 14,000;
**Ms Gandhi was presented a brass lamp valued at Rs
25,000 cost of which was reportedly borne both by MLA
Mr Harish Zantye and the GPCC
**Ms Gandhi recalled another instance when her late
husband late Rajiv Gandhi was gifted one in the early
**Ms Gandhi spoke in English and even the compere Adv
Uday L Bhembre ex Independent MLA and Congress General
Secretary had to speak intermittently in English and
Konknni apparently to keep Ms Gandhi abreast of the
**Many among the workers and others felt that Ms
Gandhi should have spoken in Hindi though Ms Margaret
Alva a native of Karnataka spoke some Konknni to
interact with the crowd;
** several buses were placed at the disposal of
Congress MLA's in all the constituencies North Goa
constituencies brought the maximum workers especially
from Bicholim Pernem Ponda
**Food was provided to workers before they made it to
the venue.  Most of those in attendance were women and
a large number of non goans which have spread in
almost all the 190 villages of Goa did constitute a
notable number.
**Mr Churchill Alemao MP Mr Shantaram L Naik were
present in the front row with other MLAs and
Ministers.  The newly appointed  Secretary looking
after Goa desk Mr Sidharth Patel was also present on
the dais. His appointement to an extent will clip the
wings of Ms Alva;
**Last minute hitch in seating arrangement found the
first seats occupied by different people;
**Ms Alva checked in at the Cidade de Goa
Congressmen had reason to cheer with the organisation
many were found congratulating Mr Altinho Gama  as
well as Party chief Mr Ravi S Naik for the


2006-02-21 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The short session of the Goa Legislative Assembly
concluded last week did not witness the introduction
of the Goa Daman  Diu Official Language Act 1987
amendment bill to grant recognition   Roman script.

The reasons were obvious. INC was waiting for the nod
from the High Command the NCP could not raise it
because both elected members  in the coalition
government are Ministers.  The BJP was not keen to
take it up in this short budget as told to this writer
by Mr Francisco DSouza BJP MLA Mapusa as they wanted
to have morchas dharnas outside the house to
consolidate the vote bank by highlighting the
shortcomings of the coalition government.  Another
reason was that this session was not the appropriate
time according to most MLA's as it was intended only
as an overdue excercise to meet the Constitutional
requirement that the House meets within six months
(the last time they did that was ending 31st August,

The next session is convened on 20th March 2006
onwards to pass the mandatory vote of Account which
means the Government could also be toppled if the same
is not passed hence they MLAs and political parties
feel that  this will be time appropriate  

Meanwhile a delegation including this writer is
seeking the intervention of Congress President and UPA
Chairman Ms Sonia Gandhi (High Command) during her two
day visit to the State beginning  tommorrow to direct
the Party in Goa and the coalition partners to take up
the issue of amendment to the Goa Daman and Diu
Official Language Act, 1987.  There is another school
of thought emanating from ex MLAs and potential
contestants of all political parties to make this
amendment an election agenda when midterm polls are
expected in Goa and to include it in their manifestos
with MOPA and what have you. These are emotive issues
and can turn the tide against those that oppose
especially in the Velhas Conquistas Coastal Talukas of

With all this the Indian National Congress will be the
only party who could gain from introducing the same
much before the battle lines are drawn for the next
elections expected by May 2006 (though due on May 2007
) and in any case before December, 2006 end.

Such being the situation the protogonists of Konkani
in Roman script are not leaving any stone unturned. 
Following the successful rally on 10th February, 2006
at Panaji and the assurance of Dr Wilfred De Souza,Dy
CM and MLA Saligao  Mr Churchill Alemao  MP Lok Sabha
Mormugao Parliamentary Constituency Mr Radharao
Gracias ex MLA Loutolim Mr Victor Gonsalves ex MLA
Santa Cruz Ms Farrel Furtado ex MLA Velim to make
amends and do justice to Goans this is a clear feather
in the cap for the agitationists.  In the days to come
the momentum is being built and the ONLY ONE SCRIPT
(DEVANAGARI) are feeling the heat.  

Another feather in the cap for Romi lovers came when 
Dr Wilfred A De Souza Deputy CM and NCP MLA Saligao
skipped the much touted All (India) Konknni Parishad
by not attending the same at Kala Academy on the 10th
February, 2006 but only attended the Romi lipi
(script) rally --- it sent a message to the
Devanagaris that they ought to fall in line with those
for diversity in script now.

As another boost the now INC MLA Margao and Minister
for Art  Culture  Mr Digamber Kamat has already
promised to consider the naming of the Ravindra Bhavan
auditorium at Fatorda in the name of a dramatist and
playwright  of yester years late Mr Joao Agostinho
Fernandes Pai Tiatrist (21.12.1871 to 29.08.1947)
and Founder of Concani Stage in Bombay 1892 --- a
resident of H No: 306  Modsai Behind Holy Spirit
Church Margao Goa now in Fatorda Assembly Constituency
South Goa Parliamentary Constituency.

Yet another achievement is that the Minister for
Education and MLA Navelim Mr Luisinho Faleiro fearing
that he may be alienated by the Romi lovers has given
a premise at the Government Polytechnic for the use of
the Dalgado Konknni Academy at Altinho Panaji today.  
Incidentally DKA under the stewardship of eminent
tiatrist Mr Wilson Mazarelo and other members like
Tomazinho Cardozo, Fr Pratap Naik sj TSKK are
presently spearheading the movement for grant of
official recognition to Konkani in Roman script.

Again for the first time both Minister for Art and
Culture Mr Digamber Kamat and Minister for Education
Mr Luizinho Faleiro promised Rs one lac each for
hosting the Mando Festival publicly at the 39th Mando
Festival at Porvorim (if the same is held in Margao) 
or out of Goa to promote out Goan culture. 
(Incidentally only Rs 25,000 of the promised Rs 1 lac
have been released to the Goa Cultural and Social
Centre Panaji which organised the event  according to
one of senior members of the  Mando festival
organisors )

A signature campaign introduced in Mumbai by the
Archdiocese is in full swing while yet another is
spearheaded by an eminent activist Mr M K Jos. 
Incidentally he handed over the first set of over
45,000 signatures to the President of India Dr A P J
Abdul Kalam during his recent 


2006-02-18 Thread godfrey gonsalves
There is a sustained campaign by the proponents of
only ONE SCRIPT (devanagari) to counter the battle of
the Romis.  This time they are sure that the chicanery
is being exposed with relevant information hitherto
unavailable now being sourced to the Romi protoganists

It would be appreciated if the same is circulated to
build the support required to bring the necessary
amendments to the Official Language Act.

B.B. Borkar Road, Alto Porvorim, Goa – 403 521, INDIA
Phone: (0832) 2415857, 2415864

Pratap Naik, S.J.
Executive Director

Konknni (DEVANAGARI)  and its scams
For the last two years Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
(TSKK) has exposed a series of  myths, scams,
manipulations and blatant propaganda of Devanagari
script proponents.  

In the year 2004, TSKK with its hard data informed the
public that Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi on 26 February
1975 gave recognition to Konknni language and not to
any particular script.  

It was the Advisory Board of Konknni of Sahitya
Akademi which was dominated by Devanagari proponents
recommended to Sahitya Akademi on 21 November 1981
that Devanagari should be the script of Konknni.

In 2004, TSKK brought to the notice of the public that
when on 20 August 1992 Konknni was introduced in the
eighth schedule of Indian Constitution, there was no
reference to the script of Konknni. 

On 15 April 2005 TSKK exposed various myths created
and perpetuated by the Devanagari proponents.  The
main myth was Devanagari script is the natural script
of Konknni.  TSKK shattered this myth with the counter
argument that nobody has invented any script for
Konknni. The existing scripts including Devanagari
were borrowed scripts for Konknni. The second myth was
that Konknni had a lot of literature prior to 1510
which was destroyed by the Portuguese.  TSKK gave
counter examples to prove that till 1510 Konknni was
the spoken language in Goa. Prior to 1510 in Goa those
who knew to read, used Marathi and Sanskrit texts and
definitely not Konknni. Hence what was destroyed by
the Portuguese was Marathi and Sanskrit literature and
not Konknni.

When the Language Bill was passed, the Devanagari
proponents manipulated and succeeded in introducing
the phrase Konknni means Konknni in Devanagari script.

Recently  TSKK proved that All India Konknni Parishad
is a non registered Society and  receives Govt. funds
to organize Konknni conferences. 

The latest scam involves a few known Konknni writers
in Devanagari script.  Sahitya Akademi has announced
that 2005 award for Konknni will be given to Mr. N.
Shivdas for his book Bhagarsall.  Shivdas is a member
of the Advisory Board of Konknni in Sahitya Akademi. 
The award winning book has been published by Asmitai
Pratishthan, Margao.  Mr. Uday Bhembre and Dr.
Harishchandra Nagvenkar are the office bearers of
Asmitai Pratishthan. Both of them together with Mr.
Pundalik Naik were members of the jury panel and
recommended the book for the prestigious award. 
Publishers of the book have taken upon themselves the
role of  jury and to recommend their own publication! 
Therefore, TSKK has demanded from the Sahitya Akademi
to cancel the award announced in favour of N. Shivdas.

TSKK also demanded from Sahitya Akademi to withhold
further awards to Konknni till thorough investigation
of the matter has been undertaken.

These and many other scams which are increasing day by
day have destroyed Konknni and the unity of Konknni
speakers. The good of Konknni is forgotten and eyes
are set on grants, awards and places of honour. To
save Konknni and Goa, people of integrity should raise
their voice to defend the true interests of Konknni.

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to http://yahoo.shaadi.com


2006-02-17 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Former 42nd United States of America President from
Arkansas 59 year old Mr. William Jefferson Bill
Clinton arrived in Goa today 17th February 2006 and
checked in at Leela Kempinski  5 Star Deluxe Hotel  at
Mobor, Cavelossim, South  Goa amidst tight security  
Clinton, is  scheduled to visit the  Cipla's -a
pharmaceutical firm at its Goa plant at Verna South
Goa District India tommorrow.

The Cipla's have commenced  four factories at  Verna
in Goa and are leaders in the lowly priced
anti-retroviral drug  for tackling the HIV and AIDS

Mr Clinton heads the Clinton Foundation which has been
recieving the anti-retroviral drugs (AIDS medicines)
for the AIDS and HIV programme.   The  Foundation
handles both in India and Africa.

from the Mobor end

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to http://yahoo.shaadi.com

[Goanet] AMCAM NACA -Ek lipi (devanagari ) ek bhas KONKNNI ek sahitya ( literature) and ek samaz (community)

2006-02-14 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Elected representatives (law makers )in Goa
Legislative Assembly who are expected to bring about
the amendment to section 2(c) of the Official Language
Act 1987 during this session should impress in the
august HOUSE that all GOANS Hindus Moslems Catholics
who believe they are niz goencars whether in
Terrakol in Pernem (North) to Polem in Canacona
(South) or Darbhondra in Sanguem (East) or
Vasco-da-Gama in Mormugao (West ) of Goa believe that:

a) KONKNNI is the MOTHER TONGUE of every true Goan niz

b) for historical reasons some speak Konknni others
Portuguese and some English; 
c) for historical reasons some read  Konknni in
Devanagari  Roman script others read in Marathi,
Portuguese or English;  

d) for historical reasons some write  Konknni in
Devanagari  Roman script others write in Marathi, 
Portuguese or English;  

e) for liturgical  purposes Catholics use Konknni in
Roman script and for religious rite Hindus use Marathi
or Konknni in devanagari script;

f) all Hindu Bahujan Samaj (non Brahmin) community
fully accept the fact that Catholics use Roman script
and therefore it should also have been officially
recognised as such in the Official Language Act 1987.

Therefore any distortion of these facts by ex MLAs
politicians out of power or aspiring to come to power
that the Marathi protogonists will create a further
turmoil is only a false canard a MYTH NOT A REALITY
and intended to polarise the Goans, and should not be
paid heed to in the current movement for recognition

Meanwhile as the script issue in favour of Roman
script for Konknni besides Devanagari and Kannada in
Karnataka is slowly but surely being pursued to the
logical conclusion since the SCRIPT movement was
revived in June 2005  several writers in various
local dailies and weeklies have been advocating that

Many of the protoganists of UNITY IN LANGUAGE  
Malayalam etc ) who this writer encountered at the
during the long drawn movement are of the opinion that
those who feel the issue should be settled across the
table would do well to bring around the undermentioned
tentatively  listed names of protogonists who believe
strongly only in 
Ek lipi (one script-DEVANAGARI ) ek bhas (one language
KONKNNI ) ek sahitya (one literature) and ek samaz
(one community) viz 
Mr Uday L Bhembre
Mr Chandrakant Keni
Dr Manoharrai Sardessai 
Mr Damodar Mauzo
Mr Nagesh Karmali
Ms Hema P. Naik
Ms Kamalarao Deshpande
Mr Manikrao Gavnekar
Ms.Sunita Kanetkar
Mr Satyavan Naik
Mr Rajdeep Naik
Mr Sudesh Lotlikar
Mr Serafino Cota
Mr Soter Barreto
Mr S.M. Borges
Mr Datta D. Naik
Mr Datta S. Naik
Mr Manoj Kamat
Mr.Suresh Borkar
Mr Damodar Ghanekar
Mr Pandurang Bhangi
Mr Ravindra Kelekar
Ms Kiran Budkuley
Dr Jayanti Naik
Mr Pundalik Naik
Mr Shivdas Naik
Mr Bharat Naik
Mr Tukaram shet
Mr Dilip Borkar
Ms Madhavi sardessai
Ms Priyadarshini Tadkodkar
Mr Sandesh Prabhudessai
Mr Sridhar Kamat
Mr Sridhar Kamat Bambolkar
Mr Prakash Vazrikar
Mr Arun sakhardande
Ms Nayana Sakhardande
Mr Prajwal Sakhardande
Ms Anju Sakhardande
Ms Jyoti Cuncolekar
Mr Bhiku Bhomi Naik
Mr Gurunath Kelekar
Mr Sumant Kelekar
Mr Ramesh Veluskar
Mr Ashok Bhoslo
Ms Prashanti Talpankar
Ms Nayana Adarkar
Ms Maya Kharangate
Ms Vaijanti Prabhu
Mr Srinivas Kamat
Mr Mahabaleshwar Sail
Mr Suresh Pai
Ms Meena Kakodkar
Mr Suresh Kakodkar
Mr Raju Naik
Mr Sanjiv Verenkar
Mr Shyam Verenkar
Dr Harischandra  Nagvenkar
Mr Bhushan Bhave
Fr Mousinho Athaide
Ms Maria Aurora Couto
Fr Jaime Couto
Fr Michael Fernandes
Fr Moreno de Souza, S.J.
Mr Prabhakar Bhide
Mr Purnanand Chari
Mr Rupa Chari
Mr Babli Naik
Mr Prashant Naik
Mr Paul Moraes
Mr Basti Vaman Shenoy
Mr J.B.Moraes
Mr Gokuldas Prabhu
Mr. N Purushottam Mallya
Mr Sharaschand Shenoy
Dr Usha Bai

to accept DIVERSITY OF SCRIPTS.  This will then lead
to universalisation of Konknni and unity of Goans.


Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to http://yahoo.shaadi.com


2006-02-12 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The first Assembly session of the Goa legislative
Assembly for this year begins tommorrow. The session
attains significance and importance owing to the fact
that following the last session ended 31st August 2005
a political storm was created as a result of the
controversial Town  Country Planning ordinance of
29th September, 2005 and the inclusion of the revenue
villages in the PDA's dated 27.9.2005 by none other
than the Deputy Speaker Ms Victoria Fernandes MLA
Santa Cruz, which in itself was a record of sorts. 
Her making a mention of the ordinance to the President
of India during his visit to the State also raised
eyebrows but that would not deter the lone women
legislator who proved to be a MAN in the assembly.
Both issues have been resolved and the ordinance will
eventually lapse as per directives of the High Command
through the political advisor to the AICC and Congress
President Mr Ahmed Patel to the CM of Goa following
her summons to New Delhi by the High Command alongwith
this writer.
In the meanwhile this writer learnt that the revived
CBI office in Altinho Panaji Goa (ex CM Manohar
Parrikar had wound up this office during his tenure
)are  yet to be handed over the IFFI 2004
investigations as per latest reports.

The constitution of the committee to review the 900
applications (as confirmed discreetly from that office
by this writer) recieved for the Draft Regional Plan
2001 may  find mention during this session.

Besides that there are over 400 starred and unstarred
questions raised for the five day session.

In all probability following the Governors address on
the first day of the session the Opposition may
boycott the session as per reports recieved by this

There are about five bills slated thus far to do with
the Corporation of City of Panaji Departmemt of Power
and an interesting Bill by the Pernem MLA Mr Jeetendra
Deshprabhu to prevent and check the menance of Ragging
in educational institutions in Goa.

According to information just recieved the sensitive 
amendment to the Official Language Act section 2(c) is
also likely to be considered now that the meeting at
Azad Maidan in Goa and Karnataka has already stirred
the hornets nest.  It is  left to the MLA's like 
Francisco D’Souza, Mapusa  or Mathany Saldhana,
Cortalim (subjudice) from the Opposition benches to
either table the amendment bill to embarrass the
ruling coalition INC NCP MGP Independent or raise the
issue as a private members bill or at zero hours to
ascertain  the mind of the ruling coalition on the
issue.  Alternatively the MLAs viz Agnelo Fernandes,
Calangute Aleixo Sequeira, Loutolim Giovanni Karl Vaz,
 Mormugao Victoria R. Fernandes St. Cruz  Francisco
Silveira, St. Andre could table the amendment for the
ruling dispensation.  A welcome move of the whole
revival of the agitation 19 years that the Deputy
Chief Minister Dr Wilfred A De Souza MLA Saligao of
the Nationalist Congress Party and the coalition
partner has publicly stated that he alongwith his
other party MLA would support the amendment if tabled
in the house at this session.

Incidentally there is no word yet from other senior
leaders of the Congress like Mr Dayanad Narvekar Mr
Francisco Sardinha of the post 1970 batch of elected
representatives or the post 1980 batch of elected
representatives viz  Mr Luizinho Faleiro (apparently
busy with his sons impending marriage weekend) or Mr
Subhash Shirodkar.  The LOO has already assured this
writer that his party will not oppose the amendment if
tabled in the House.

However it must be said to the credit of the Chief
Minister that he diplomatically steered clear of the
script controversy at the Akhil Bharatiya Konknni
Parishad but may have to face the embarrassment of the
First Information Report filed by a social activist
based in Panaji Mr M K Jos questioning the approval in
principle of a grant of Rs 12 lacs for the three day
seesion to the institution which has not renewed its
registaration since 2000 as confirmed by the office of
the Registrar of Societies.

Interestingly this session of a short duration is
being intended to meet the statutory requirement of
holding the next session within six months.  Another
budget session for VOTE OF ACCOUNT will be held in the
last week of March, 2006.

In the meanwhile it is not known whether the New
Secretariat Building will be ready to shift the entire
staff now operating from the old Secretariat Building.
The inauguration was expected to be held on Republic
Day but had to wait as finishing touches are yet

Meanwhile the Integreted Sevices Division is
understood to have examined the entire issue of
Anjediv Island and its terms and conditions with the
Government of Goa following the recent outcry of
failure to permit the customary feast and ruin of one
of the chapels St Francis de Assissi as per reports
recieved by this writer from Binaga Karwar.  It is now
left to the Government of Goa and the ruling party
MLAs making noises on Dabolim and Mopa to 


2006-02-12 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The Departments of a) Art  Culture b) Tourism, c )
Official Languages and the other autonomous body Kala
Academy  semi autonomous bodies Goa Tourism
Development Corporation, Goa Konknni Academy take
pride in depicting our tiny 25th State of GOA on their
websites www.goagovt.nic.in and related links  
that  GOA  India's tiniest 25th State is the
PEARL OF THE ORIENT is a fulcrum point of races,
religions   cultures of East  West over the
centuries, that have provided Goa a multihued 
distinctive lifestyle QUITE DIFFERENT from the rest of
India.   This they say is reflected  in  its folk
dances viz; Talgadi, Goph, Tonya Mel, Mando, Kunbi
dance, Virabhadra, Hanpeth, Gauda zagor, Ranmalem,
Fugdi, Ghode Modni, Lamp Dance, Musal Dance, Romat or
Mell, Dulpods, Morulem,Dhangar Dance, Sanjoao, Dekhni
and Zemado. (it fights shy out of ignorance?  of 
Vira  etc)   

It is also described as TOURIST PARADISE which
besided its Nature bestowed scenic beauty also has its
architectural splendours of its  ---CHURCHES AND OLD
HOUSES --- ( 1510 - 1961)

Knowing full well that it is this fusion of culture
over 451 years (Goa (Ilhas-Tiswadi)conquered
25.11.1510 -Velhas Conquistas  1763 onwards- Novas
Conquistas upto 19.12.1961 Liberation?) that  give
Goans a personality of having communal tolerance
towards one and all ---unheard of in the rest of the

But the shocking discovery and confirmed by a senior
Minister of the Goa Government is that --- the
Government of Goa till today ---NIETHER HAS A CULTURAL
POLICY NOR A  TOURISM POLICY to reflect the above
ground reality which its profess propogates but does
not put into practice.

Even its LANGUAGE ACT  has benefitted only 3% of the
majority Community viz upper castes conversant with
the devanagari script.
This view was also shared by a top bureaucrat of the
Government of Goa who had an informal interaction with
this writer at Kala Academy at the Akhil Bharatiya
Konknni Sammelan on the 12 th February. 2006  

He also expressed surprise that the Western Music
Department of the Kala Academy appeared to have no
interest in promoting the fusion music to promote the
Mando Dulpods or the Vira  dances etc which infact
reflected the true face of Goa in rest of the world. 

Atleast he could vouch  convincingly that domestic
tourists mostly in the metropolitan cities of India
know Goa  for this  fusion culture and therefore GOA
became  a MUST VISIT destination in their itenary of
tours undertaken. (This is not to confuse with the
narcotic drugs oriented PARTY ZONES at destinations in
North Goa he added)

Even the Official language Act was against the
interests of 28% population of Goa in a sense that the
Konkani in Roman script was not given recognition nor
grants --- but MERE ASSITANCE -- as doles ---
depending on the noises made -- by the Government.

How also expressed surprise on how the State could
advertise private old ancestral  houses  and
Churches / Chapels  coming under the Archdiocese of
Goa  Daman without paying them a pittance.  This is
crass chicanery he added and blamed the Government for
playing second fiddle to the dictates of the vicious
tourism lobby. 

Another bureaucrat admitted that today it was left to
the Government viz;
a) Chief Minister of Goa Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane as
Head of the Kala Academy, and holding the portfolio of
the Official Languages as well, 
b) Deputy Chief Minister of Goa Dr Wilfred A De Souza

c) Minister for Art and Culture Mr Digamber Kamat to
decide on funds allocation utilisation by way of

To set right this anamoly which will wipe of the image
of Goans in the immediate future with its demographic
composition changing rapidly ( 4.15 lacs non Goans at
last count ) It is therefore necessary that

a) those performing the East  West fusion dances
music folklore should demand that the Government of

b) all (i) owners of private houses and (ii)
Chancellor of Archdiocese of Goa  Daman  Diocese
Commission for Sacred Art  Heritage viz churches
chapels and other religious institutions   which
are liberally featured for promotion of tourism OR
other cultural programmes of the State Canaval etc on
their websites brochures (WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION OF
notices to the Directors of the various departments
concerned to
i)stop forwith publication of such literature
photographs etc until due permission is obtained
from them;
ii) on granting permission they should simultaneously 
 demand grants for maintainance or any other purpose
in return for using their houses churches for
c) all the cultural clubs social organisations
institutions which promote the East West fusion art in
song dance or any other form and music should demand
immediate formulation of a policy.
d) minority 

[Goanet] 10/02/2006 -KONKNNI uloi KONKNNI fuloi KONKNNI amchi ganvar gazoi

2006-02-09 Thread godfrey gonsalves
As the count down begins for the rally at Azad maidan
Panaji to save Goa and our mothertongue 19 years after
the official language Act relegated Cristaos to second
class citizens -- this is a wake up call -- its now or
never-- there will be canards myths floated -- about
heads being broken about marathiwadis staging a
backlash.  All this is hogwash --- make your presence
felt and ensure the unity of Goans Hindus Catholics
Muslims all.

We count on your presence .  At the time of writing
there are encouraging signs our politicians have
realised the importance of this public outcry and most
of them have heeded to our call and they promise to
render justice.  Be there --- in large numbers 

Here is the official press release for the ocassion.

Godfrey J I Gonsalves
Borda Margao Goa

c/o Rhythm House,Below City Hospital,Opp
Margão, Goa - 403 601
Phone: +91 0832 2714299

Dalgado Konknni Akademi (DKA), Goa, earnestly requests
all Konknnis spread throughout the world and those who
love and care about the survival of Konknni in Roman
script, to attend its rally  at Azad Maidan, Panaji on
Friday, 10 February 2006 at 3.00 p.m. to show their
active support to Konknni in Roman script.  

DKA also requests Konknni lovers to boycott and openly
show their protest during the forthcoming Konknni
Conference organized by All India Konknni Parishad
(AIKP) at Kala Akademi, Panaji from February 10 to 12,

DKA has organised this symbolic rally for the
following reasons:

The purpose of the Official Language Act 1987 is to
protect the interests of people of Goa in the field of
economy, education, culture, etc.  The Official
Language Act 1987 recognises Konknni written in
Devanagari script only.  

This is a great injustice to the Goan  community which
reads and writes Konknni in the Roman script.  

Due to this Official Language Act writers, readers,
publishers, artists, lovers and promoters of Konknni
in Roman script are treated as second class citizens
in Goa and they continue to suffer this humiliation.

Therefore DKA demands from the Goa Govt. equal status
to Konknni written in Roman script on par with Konknni
written in Devanagari script in the Official Language
Act 1987.
DKA recognises and respects diversity of scripts,
dialects of Konknni and cultural expressions of
Konknni people.
Konknni in Roman script is one of the best and
effective means to unite all Konknni speakers spread
throughout the world. 
By imposing Devanagari script and a particular dialect
as the standard Konknni have resulted in driving away
the minority community from the Konknni language.  

DKA regrets to state that the imposition of Devanagari
script for Konknni has divided the Goan community.
All India Konknni Parishad (AIKP) instead of
respecting the varieties of Konknni and thereby
forging unity among the various regions, communities,
dialects and scripts  viz, Roman and Kannada along
with Devanagari has caused irreparable damage to the
unity of Konknnis, by adopting a retrograde policy of
ek lipi, ek bhas, ek sahitya, ek samaz (one script,
one dialect/language, one literature, one community). 

Hence DKA wants to end the injustice meted  out to all
the scripts of Konknni except Devanagari. 
Through its above mentioned  policy, the All India
Konknni Parishad is sowing the seed of communal
division, hatred and disharmony in Goa and among
Konknnis spread throughout the country.
Through manipulative politics AIKP has attempted to
impose one script (Devanagari script) and one dialect
on all others (a) at the Sahitya Akademi level (b) at
the Goa Government level (c) at the other State
Governments level. 

In the name of development of Konknni, AIKP promotes
exclusively Devanagari script to perpetuate its
monopoly and hegemony.
AIKP does not accept the basic demand of a large
section of the Goan Community.  

The demand is to include Roman script as the official
script of Konknni side by side with Devanagari script
in the Goa Official Language Act 1987.   

Similarly AIKP does not respect and accept the demand
of Konknnis to teach Konknni in schools in Kannada
script in Karnataka.
AIKP is NOT registered under the Societies'
Registration Act 1860. AIKP has remained an 'Exclusive
Club' of a fistful of persons and organizations to get
funds from Govt. and the public to organize
unproductive conferences.  

No genuine attempt has been made either to include
active registered bodies into the AIKP or promote
Konknni language and literature. 
Since All India Konknni Parishad is NOT a Registered
Society, it has no legal status and right  to ask for,
or to receive Govt. grants, subsidy and funds. 
On 23 January 1978 an institution called All India
Konknni Sahitya Parishad was registered as a Society
in Goa.  Its Registration number was 6/78.  However,
this Society never renewed 


2006-02-08 Thread godfrey gonsalves
On 10th of February, 2006 at the historic Azad Maidan
at exactly 1530 hrs IST writers,poets, triatist,
musicians, lay persons, persons from various religious
denominations priests, nuns, activist and all those
Konkani loving people who believe in ONE LANGUAGE
KONKANI DIVERSITY IN SCRIPT --- will converge --- to
reiterate our demand to:

ENSURE THAT besides Devanagari any other script
-Roman, Kannada, Urdu, Persian whatever AND THUS  UNDO
1) Ravindra Kelekar, 2)) Uday L Bhembre, 
3) Chandrakant Keni 4) Dr Manoharrai Sardessai 
5) Bakibab Borkar 6) Dr D Sukhtankar from Goa, 
7) N Purushottam Mallya ( Kerala ) and three others as
Convenor and members of the Advisory Board for Konkani
did clandestinely on over twenty four years ago ---on
21st November,1981 at the Sahitya Academy New Delhi
---albeit acting unauthorisedly on behalf ALL
KONKANI SPEAKING PEOPLE  and unanimously recommending

LANGUAGE ACT of 1987 to include in sec 2 (c)
Definition of Konkani language means Konkani in
Devanagari script --AND ROMAN SCRIPT.

This show of strenght not of numbers but spirited
citizens is because a gross injustice has been done 
a) by our then elected representatives in 1987 and
subsequent elected representatives till this day
b) by the Archdiocese of Goa  Daman which controls
over 125 diocesan schools by eliminating the use of
Konkani in  Roman script slowly but surely and
imposing only Konkani in devanagari script .

And what  a shame --- look at these facts ---Of the
total population of Goa in 2001 i.e  13,47,668, there
are 26.68% Christians,i.e 3,59,557 odd Christians.  

Thus of  the present members of  Parliament  the Goa
Legislative Assembly there is
1) Mr Churchill Braz Alemao MP 
(Mormugao Parliamentary Constituency) to represent
interests of 3,59,557 Catholics and of the 14 MLAs 
six (*) Ministers could easily represent the interests
of 59926 catholics each.
1) Dr. Wilfred de Souza, Saligao (*)
2) Luizinho Faleiro, Navelim (*)
3) Francisco D’Souza, Mapusa 
4) Francisco Sardinha, Curtorim
5) Filipe Neri Rodrigues ,Velim   (*)
6) Mathany Saldhana,Cortalim   (subjudice)

7) Agnelo Fernandes, Calangute 
8) Aleixo Sequeira, Loutolim 
9) Giovanni Karl Vaz,  Mormugao 

10)Victoria R. Fernandes St. Cruz 

11) Atanasio Monserrate, Taleigao (*) 
12) Francisco Silveira, St. Andre 
13) Francisco X. (Micky) Pacheco, Benaulim (*)
14) Joaquim Braz Alemao, Cuncolim (*)

Take a further look of  these MLA's top six qualified
beyond graduation  next three graduates   one 
matriculate with certificate course and rest 
undergraduates and matriculates. The lone MP is upto

Assuming for the sake of argument  that once elected
all of the above irrespective of political party
affiliation have  interest of nursing their
Constituencies in mind;  the  question foremost on the
mind of the electorate that voted them to power   

Have these Catholics by birth (let us not go into the
aspect of whether they still practice the Catholic
faith) address themselves primarily to the Catholic

Why should the lovers of Konkani -- in both scripts
need  to take to the streets on every issue affecting
the interests of the Catholics.

Why do the these elected representatives confess in
private that they support the views --- of the people
on the issue of Konkani in both Devanagari and Roman
script but are fight shy to bring about  an amendment
bill in the Goa Legislative Assembly or to undo the
harm done at the Sahitya Academy in New Delhi?

Do we need such spineless elected representatives to
represent us?  Are they fit to be called as LAW MAKERS
both at the Centre and in the State Assemblies?  

This has shamed Goa in the eyes of the rest of the
country. The conduct and performance of our Christian
MLAs and MP.

Therefore Goans worldwide let us not let these elected
representatives doze in their slumber --- of making
hay while the sun shines--- filling up their own
coffers. Let us open thier  eyes to the fate that will
befall us if these elected representatives do not have
the COURAGE OF CONVICTION to stand by what the
electorate demands --- Konkani is our mother-tongue 19
years of the Official language act has benefitted only
3% of the Saraswat Hindu Brahmins and none other.

They have used some Hindu Bahujan leaders who now with
economic empowerment either camouflage their surnames
Naik to Nayak or hide their surnames  N instead of
Naik to project themselves as belonging to the upper
caste ---only because that alone would ensure them
crumbs from the Directorate of Official Languages, the
Goa Konkani Akademy and other bodies by way of doles
from the Government--- and there are a few old
Catholic priests as well in the evening of their lives
and some uppers caste Catholics too --- propogating
only one script one language --- 

[Goanet] PROTEST AGAINST - NAVY REFUSAL - feast at anjediv

2006-02-05 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Godfrey J I Gonsalves
B-F-4  1st Flr
Hillside Apartments
Borda Margao Goa

Commodore K P Ramachandran
Naval Officer-in-Charge (KT)
Naval Base
PO Arga  - via Chendiya 
Karwar 581 324 Karnataka


Kindly refer to my letter /fax messages dated
20/1/2006 addressed to self 
a) Ms Sonia Gandhi MP Chairperson UPA  President of
INC New Delhi
b) Mr Pranab Mukherjee Union Minister for Defence  MoD
New Delhi
c) Ms Margaret Alva Gen. Sec. AICC (Goa Desk) New
d) Mr S C Jamir  Governor of Goa  Dona Paula Goa
e) Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane CM of Goa Panaji Goa
f) Commodore P C Agarwal  Dir.General Sea Bird Project
Hq New Delhi
g)Rear Admiral Anup Singh Chief of Staff Hq WNC Mumbai
h)Vice Admiral Madan Singh CoC WNC Mumbai
i) Capt K K Verma Deputy Director General PITeam
Binaga Karwar
and   a)  fax (reply) message dated 20/01/2006 from DG
SB Project Hq ND
b)  your fax (reply) message dated 28/06/2006 
c)  my  follow-up fax message 
(handwritten/typed  ) dt  31/01/2006
further fax (reply ) dated 1/02/2006 on your behalf
from Commander Vinil Venugopal Sr Staff Officer
(Operations) and the personal meeting (on your behalf
as you were busy with officials from Mumbai)  with
Commander Mr Venugopal on 2/2/2006 at Arga Base Karwar
from 1650 to 1825 hrs IST .

On behalf of the devotees from Goa who made it to the 
INS Kadamba (Sea Bird  Project)  entrance by public
transport or in private vehicles and on foot on 
2/2/2006 for the Feast of  Nossa Senhora De Brotas
(Our Lady of Springs) but were sent back due to 
a) deployment of security personnel both from your 
Naval authorities and the  Deputy Commissioner of
North Canara at your establishments and  the Polem
checkpost b) and your press release on the local
dailies i) Karavali Munj (Coastal Morninger) Kannada
edition dated 1/2/2006 2/2/2006 and Vijay Times
Kannada edition  stating that devotees would not be
permitted for the Feast or ANY OTHER RELIGIOUS
we register our formal protest --- to what we consider
as an insult  -- to 
a) our Constitutional right to freedom of religion 
(albeit honouring the  security considerations and
national interests )
b) to your acts which is contrary to documentary
evidence between the Sea Bird with the Govt of Goa and
the letter of Admiral Sushil Kumar  ex Chief of Naval
Staff New Delhi ) to the Archbishop of Goa and Daman

At the meeting on 2/2/2006  the undersigned had with
your representative  he was shown documents and
allowed to take photocopies of 
a ) 3 Nos  of Form I  XIV to show that the Island is
still under the revenue district of South Goa 
Canacona Taluka Survey Nos 1, 2  3 admeasuring
34.0075 Hectares Occupant Govt of India Ministry of
Defence Indian Navy
b) Minutes of the meeting dated 8th July, 1987 held by
the Jt Secretary (Navy) with the Chief Secretary of
Goa Mr K K Srivastava on 6/6/1987
c) Order from the Collector of South Goa dated 8th
December, 1987 and 26/7/1989 transferring the Island
to the govt of India Ministry of Defence 
wherein it is clearly stated  among other things
-- the compensation as regards the market value of
the land gneral produce, structurem etc; standing
therein shall be paid by the Ministry of Defence as
and when the same is worked out and intimated to the
Ministry of Defence.  -
- the Navy SHOULD allow on the Island the
celebrations of customary feast of St Francis de
Assisi  Nossa Senhora de Brotas subject to security
d) letter from then Chief of Naval Staff  CNS/SB/2005
dated 24/04/2000 where the Navy will maintain the
precious and historical shrines in pristine shape (yet
the St Francis de Assisi Chapel is in ruins as per
photographs with this writer -- and also posted on the
website www.colaco.net )
e) letter from then Minister of Defence Mr George
Fernandes dated 24th April 2003 to the then Leader of
Opposition and present UPA Chief and President of the
Indian National Congress wherein the then Station
Commander had misled the Defence Minister to believe
that --- over a DOZEN temples -- (it was only ghumties
on the main land of Karwar and one Somnath temple
which was razed to the ground and deity relocated and
placed at entrance gate of Sea Bird Project at
Killebag near Binaga which was perhaps agreed to by
the State Government of Karnataka ) but this had
nothing to do with our agreed terms and ought not to
have been linked --- which has now resulted in the
misplaced animosity between the two religious
communities)  and therefore the Defence Minister felt
-- that  we need to follow an uniform policy towards 
people of all religions..

He was also explained and simultaneously requested to
make notes on 
the historical  religious significance of the Island
and the religious structures thereon viz:
a) Portuguese began their adventure from this Island
in September 1498 and left the Island on 22nd December
b) A martyrs memorial depicting the names of 7 Indian
Army soldiers 


2006-02-04 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Exactly nineteen years ago on Wednesday  4th February,
1987  Konkani the mothertongue of every blue blooded
Goan became the sole official language of the State
after the enactment of The Goa Daman and Diu  Official
Language Act 1987.  But that day the news turned out
to be a damp squib. The oft heard comment was ami
Konknni maglem ani amcam Marathi mellam this was a
snide remark to the Konkani recognised only in
Devanagari script.

Little did the Goans especially from the coastal
talukas or Velhas Conquistas under 451 years of
Portuguese rule (25.11.1510 to 19.12.1961) the
other talukas Novas Conquistas were under Portuguese
rule beginning from 1763-1961realise that Konkani
in Devanagari script --- was accepted as the natural
script ---by the Advisory Committee of the Sahitya
Akademi New Delhi consisting of mainly Hindu Saraswat
Brahmins on 21.11.1981. Yet  the Konkani Porjecho
Avaz  KPA heading the language agitation with Covenor
 Mr Pundalik Naik, a Hindu Bahujan (non Brahmin)
guided by Uday L Bhembre a Hindu Saraswat Brahmin and
one of the signatory to the 1981 decision made the
Catholics to compromise on Konkani in the Roman script
and accept Konkani in Devanagari script so that the
Hindu Bahujan Samaj,  would slowly but surely accept
Konkani in Devanagari script. It was also stated that
it would act as a deterrent to the influx of those
from outside the State. That never happened even in
this 19th year after recognition of Konkani and will
never ever happen but what eventually  happened was
that children of Cristaos conversant with the
Konkani in Roman script since the 16th century were
made guinea pigs in laboratories (schools) where
teachers in the English medium primary  schools were
made to overnight since 1989-90 teach children in 125
primary Diocesan run schools Konkani in Devanagari
scriptat the same time themselves learning the script.
Moreover there is a mushrooming of English medium
primary schools where admissions are open for all and

This resulted in the standard of education in diocesan
schools coming down, the quality of students produced
was below standard; but ironically, in the last 18
years  the protoganists of KONKANI in only Devanagari
script which  constitute 3% of the population of Goa
13,87,807 (2001 census) succeded in having  the first
Doctorate being awarded to a student of Konkani
literature in Devanagari script, by the Goa University
last winter 2005, while Konkani in Roman script is
dying a cancerous death.

The seriousness of the issue is such that in all
matters of employment where advertisements for
placement in  the Goa Government and its allied bodies
appear there is a mention of language  Knowledge of
Konkani compulsory  Marathi desirable  but sadly that
Konkani is in Devanagari script as per section 2 of
the Official Language Act, 1987 which does not
recognise the Roman script.

And while Cristaos have realised this late now mourn
this day or for that matter 20th August 1992 when
Konkani was included  in the VIII Schedule of the
Constitution --- ( VIII Schedule --refers to all
languages which are recognised by the Union of India)
ironically the Hindu Saraswat Brahmins are celebrating
today at the 3rd Saraswat Festival at BPS Club
grounds Margao Goa.  

The Archdiocese of Goa  Daman is primarily
responsible  for this grave injustice done to the
Catholic community who are mainly conversant with
Konkani in Roman script, for relying heavily on the
wisdom  buddhi of Mr Uday Laximikant Bhembre
(Advocate) and ex Independent MLA Margao, little
realising the undercover clandestine long term
machinations and designs intended to relegate the
Catholic community to second class status after the
Portuguese left in December 1961. As a matter of fact
it was one Mr Manjunath who at the first All India
Konkani Parishad held at Karwar mooted the idea of
universalisation of Konkani and recommended devanagari
script as the natural script for Konkani.

Can the harm be undone.  Yes certainly.  Fourteen
Catholic  MLA's in the Goa Legislative Assembly all
conversant with Konkani in Roman script irrespective
of party affiliation (please note the Constitution of
India does not recognize any political party it only
recognises the majority elected members of the House
-Assembly/Parliament- who can cobble a majority and
come forward to occupy the treasury benches in  the
House.) who can do justice --- for its now or never.

Amend the Goa Daman  Diu official language Act 1987
section 2  Konkani means in Devanagari script 
to this just add  AND in Roman script 

This amendment will not only do justice to Konkani
mai but  it will also bring forth UNITY IN LANGUAGE
--- DIVERSITY in scripts --- let Konkani  scripts be
Devanagari and Roman in Goa, Kannada in Karnataka and
Malayalam in Kerala etc.

The Archbishop of Goa  Daman should also petition to
the President of India, (this is besides the
voluminous signatures that have been sent  to his
office by a local group) the 


2006-02-02 Thread godfrey gonsalves
For the second year this 2nd February,2006 the
authorities of the Sea Bird at Arga  Karwar now
christened INS Kadamba did not permit the customary
Feast of Nossa Senhora de Brotas at Anjediva Islands
off Canacona taluka.

This morning there was tight police and naval police
security personnel posted at the various sites
beginning from the Polem checkpost 60 kms from Margao
(border of Goa)an at  Baitkol the Administrative
office the Project Sea Bird Office enroute Binaga and
the Karwar city. 

However many people who came and called at the Sea
Bird office were made to return. For locals the daily
Karavali had carried a press release cautioning the
locals that they would not be permitted on the Island
for the feast.

This writer who was camping in the city of Karwar was
in constant touch with Ms Margaret Alva AICC General
Secretary, at New Delhi for directions to the Sea Bird
authorities to allow entry into the Island but she was
either not available and at one instance her office
claimed she was either busy attending a meetin or
indisposed. Apparently a common alibi with her looking
after the Goa desk.

Since the 1000 a.m. Mass could not be held there were
several people from Goa who made enquiries at the Paco
Patriacal Bishops House at Panaji in Goa many
contacted this writer on 9822158584 (Helpline) for

The Chief Ministers office in Goa was also being
contacted for any efforts on his part to get the
authorities to move but the CM was reported to be
attending a Cabinet Meet slated for the morning.

Last night the office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Uttar Kanara made sever telephonic calls  with this
writer to ascertain the number of buses coming from
Goa to attend the feast. 

His office was told by this writer that it was
impossible to gauge the numbers who would attend and
at the same time told that the fact that the Navy
should allow the customary feast to be celebrated in
terms of the conditions of transfer dated 8/12/1987
26/7/1989 with due security considerations was a clear
sign that the Navy could not refuse allowing the
devoutees to celebrate the same.

When they stated that Navy had directed them to take
preventive measures he was told that it was not of our
concern -- because the Navy was clearly violating the
terms agreed upon and they would be held responsible
for any law and order problem.  Left with no other
alternative the Navy was asked to clarify in wrtiting
on their insistence that permission was not to be
granted for the feast and also any other religious
activity This they omitted and sent a fax late night
at 2310 hrs stating only that the customary feast
could not be permitted due to operational and
security reasons

This again was a lapse on the part of the INS Kadamba
officials.. Finally the writer demanded to see
Commodore K P Ramachandran Naval Office-in-Charge but
he claimed to be busy in a meeting with officials
from Mumbai   As the writer promised to wait until
the end of the meet even though called at around 1630
hrs, they finally relented and Vinit Venugopa
Commander Senior Staff officer (Operations) met the
undersigned at Administrative office Arga for a
detailed one and half hour discussion and made
available all the fascimile copies of the documents
which clearly proved that the Navy was linking
unneccesarily the demands of a moffusil local group
who claimed that temples existed on the island and
were removed to mainland and hence the two feasts
should similarly not be permitted.

To an extent the Navy agreed in principle to the need
to restore the festivities and promised to build up
the relations and dialogue to ensure holding of the

Later this writer met the Managing editor of the local
Kannada daily Mr Gangadhar Hiregutti 9845071267 and
also clarified that the Anjediva Island was still a
part of Goa and except for the two feasts celebrated
on 2nd Febraury and 4th October no other feasts of any
other religious function was ever held on the Island
ever since the Portugues took over the Island in 1948.

Mr Hiregutti was fully in support that the Feast
should continue as before and he promised to place the
entire issue in the proper perspective based on this
documents which the writer handed over 
He was also asked to visit www.colaco.net for other
details on Goa its Liberation and Anjediv Island.

The writer could not meet Mr Mutalik alleged to be
spearheading the movement against the Feast being
conducted, if worship of a deity on the Island was
not permitted When the Managing editor was told that
there was never such demand from the people of Goa how
could a person from Karnataka make such a claim he
merely stated that is political moves

Meanwhile following the fax message to the Defence
Minister the Chairperson UPA and Congress President Ms
Sonia Gandhi the Prime Minister of India and the
President of India it is confirmed from sources in the
INS Kadamba (Sea Bird Project) that the officials of
the  Integreted Headquarters Ministry of Defence


2006-02-02 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The issue of Anjediv Island celebration of the Feast
has now been referred to the Chairperson Ms Sonia
Gandhi MP Mrs Margaret Alva looking after Goa desk, Dr
John Dayal All India Catholic Union, the Union
Minister for Defence.

In the meanwhile the Naval authorities are believed to
have taken all security measures and also alerted the
District Police to avert any untoward incident at the
Karwar end.   When the office of the District Police
contacted this writer 1940 hrs today he was told
clearly that as per the order dated 8/12/1987
26/07/1989 of the Government of Goa while transferring
the island and the letter dated 24/4/2000 from then 
CELEBRATIONS OF THE two feasts on 2nd Feb and 4th
october that of Nossa Senhora were to be permitted,
with due security considerations.

Therefore the reference to prohibition of the Feast
and  any other religous activity is apparently
taking consideration of the demand of the moffusil
collective from Karwar demanding their right to hold
similar festival there of their deity (which never
existed since the Portuguese came to the Island in

Hence the Navy officials were asked to clarify on this
aspect and permit the feast.

No communication has been received so far on the
points raised by this writer in reply to their fax
message of 28th January, 2006 to the undersigned and
therefore the visit to the Island for the Feast stands
until the time of this posting.

Upon their requests they were faxed the same
clarifications thrice since 23 hrs to 24 hrs on
31.1.2006 and today also at 1830 hours since they
claimed that the fax was not legible.

Incidentally the Rear Admiral Western Command was
posted of the developments vide fax for a
clarifications and his office too did not reply till
now 2300 hrs IST

The Chief Minister of Goa has the entire file examined
by the Secretray Revenue and will take up the matter
with the Sea Bird tough it may be late, even the
Governors office has been posted of the developments
but he is away and will return only on 3rd February,

Meanwhile the Archbishop of Goa and Daman has yet to
decide on the contents of the reply not to permit the
feast as recieved by the Archbishop last evening on
his return from Canacona as conveyed to this writer by
Fr Loyola Pereira telephonically.  They too have taken
not of the addition of any other religious activity
and have assured to puruse this issue at the highest

Meanwhile Dr Dayal mooted the idea of filing a public
interest litigation against the Defence Authorities in
the Supreme Court though he agreed to take up the
matter with both Mr Oscar Fernandes and Madam Sonia

Ms Alva could not be contacted despite frantic calls
to her office in New Delhi by this writer .

For Goans this is a historical site and hence all
efforts must be made to reiterate our rights on the
customary feast.  The Catholics have been taken as
gullible citizens and the highandedness of the Navy
needs to be checked.  The Navy should realise that
unless they have the co-operation of the citizens they
will never achieve their agenda.


Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to http://yahoo.shaadi.com


2006-02-02 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The votaries of ONLY Konkani in devanagari script feel
threatened by the groundswell support for the demand
for recognition of Konkani in Roman script besides
Devanagari since June 1987 spearheaded by TSK Porvorim
and others besides the exposure of their clandestine
covert designs on 21st November 1981 by the pro ONLY
Konkani in devanagari script members in the Advisory
Committee of the Sahitya Academy New Delhi.

The propects of an amendment bill being tabled in the
coming Goa Legislative Assembly session from 13th
February, 2006  to 17th February, 2006  to the Goa
Daman  Diu official language act 1987 definition of
Konkani to now read as in Devanagari and also Roman
by an MLA has also unnerved them.

The latest developments to reinforce their grip over
devanagari script only is that  with the support of
the Government 

a_ succeeded in getting the Mr Pundalik Naik being
re-appointed as the President of the Goa Konkani

b)  holding of the Seventh Konkani Sahitya Sammelan at
Rosary Hall Navelim

c)  Konkani Yuva Utsav at Pilar Tiswadi

d) Sahitya Akademi award to a literary writer Mr
Shivdas N (Naik)  under dubious circumstances (
however this is not to deny the fact that Mr Shivdas
is indeed an excellent Konkani writer

To make it appear that devanagari script votaries are
not only essentially Hindu Saraswats they have made
use of some catholic priests who are for only
devanagari,  use bahujan samaj Hindus who otherwise
speak  Konkani as their mothertongue but write in
Marathi to be in the organising committees of such pro
only devanagari activities, and also used Catholic
MLA's like Mr Luisinho Faleiro who is now prepared to
compromise on Roman script for only devanagari script.
 Most of these functions too are held in Christian run

These people seldom realise that they are being used
as pawns or even if they realise that they do not mind
because this perhaps gives them social status.

The latest however is a shocking attempt of the
Government to grant Rs 12 lakhs to the organisors of
the 25TH session of the ALL INDIA KONKANI PARISHAD to
be held from 10th February, 2006 to 12th February,
2006 at the Kala Academy Complex at Campal Panaji Goa.
 The extravaganza to be headed by Mr Shantaram L Naik
(Dessai) MP Lok Sabha with nearly two thousand
delegates expected from Karnataka Maharashtra and
Kerala will be only to consolidate the prospects of
pro Roman votaries will be given a second place status
in the scheme of things.

But an interesting facet has been revealed.  According
to an ex judge  there is no society registered under
the name of 

Akhil Bharatiya Konkani Parishad
All India Konkani Parishad
Konkani Sahitya Parishad

and at least one Society All India Konkani Sahitya
Parishad  is was registered under No: 6/78 but its
registration HAS NOT BEEN RENEWED  since 11.6.2000
till date

If this be so, this writer enquired on telephone on
31st January, 2006 of Mr Gopalkrishna D Padgaonkar
Director, Official Language telephone number +01 0832
2420071 how the amount of Rs 12 lacs could be granted
to a body AIKSP which has not renewed its
registration?   Normally a running organisation has to
have audited accounts Annual general body meetings etc
and file the returns before Registrar of Societies. 
This has not been done by AIKSP since 2000.  While Mr
Padgaonkar feigned ignorance of the fact of
registration etc he stated that it is for the cause of
propogating the cause of Konkani -- when asked further
whether this is justified -- he put the blame on the
Government to mean the Chief Minister Mr Pratpsing
Raoji Rane who holds the portfolio for Official

This writer therefore told Mr Padgaonkar that no sums
should be released or else the same will figure during
the Assembly session and also enquiry instituted into
this fraudulent act.

At the time of writing it is confirmed that the amount
has not been released and investigations are underway
to ascertain how the amount can be given to conduct
the 25th AIKP.

It is also incumbent upon the Governor of Goa to order
and investigations into this matter as the same is a
serious case of misappropriation of government funds.


Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to http://yahoo.shaadi.com

[Goanet] FEAST AT ANJEDIV 2/2/2006

2006-01-31 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Officials at the office of the Rear Admiral Western
Command Mumbai who oversee the functioning of the
Naval Sea Bird at Anjediva off Canacona coast are
probably unclear of the conditions or rather appear
to ignore (as has been their strategy in dealing
with civilians wherever they venture ) the ground
realities under which the Island had been handed over
to them for the Sea Bird Project in 1987 now
commissioned as INS KADAMBA .

They never take kindly to the letters exchanged by the
Archdiocese of Goa and Daman.  Last year 2005 they did
not permit entry to the island allegedly because a
mofussil group was claiming that they should be
permitted on the Island to celebrate a feast of a
Hindu deity.  But did not have the courtesy  to put
the same in writing and merely conveyed it
telephonically to the priest overseeing the activities
of the Church.   

The Navy fell head over heels to accept this new
theory so also the District Commissioner of Uttar
Kanara.   They vowed to accept this demand and equated
the terms and conditions of Goa Government to permit
celebration of feasts of Our Lady of Brotas and St
Francis de Assisi with that demanded by  this
unregistered mofussil group from Karwar, apprehending
law and order situation which was off their own making
and foolishness.

This itself was wrong but then Station Commander  Sea
Bird Commodre B R Rao created this mess fed false
information to Mr George Fernandes then Union Defence
Minister and informed both Ms Sonia Gandhi then Leader
of Opposition  and the ex Chief Minister of Goa Mr
Manohar Parrikar that temples were demolished on the
Island and reconstructed elsewhere all this was
rubbish as proved by the undersigned in letters and
documentary evidence to the President of India the
Prime Minister and the Defence Minister.

But yet the Navy uses this alibi.  The Archdiocese of
Goa  Daman does not wish to ruffle feathers for fear
of communal backlash. Agreed but why compromise on our
legitimate right our historical beginnings of the
Portuguese advent to Goa , the construction of the
first Church which bears the insignia of the Mother
Church ( the second one was St Catherine Chapel /
Church at Old Goa)
Now to repeat this same alibi this year too we
understand that   notwithstanding the traditions and
sentiments involved in visiting the church  (they have
already ruined one chapel of St Francis de Assisi
owing to neglect by navy) for customary feast they are
perhaps inclined to direct that the visit to the
will be turned down for operational and security
reasons by the officials of the Western Command 
Mumbai their higher ups.

This writer contacted officials in New Delhi Karwar
Mumbai and the offices of the President Prime Minister
Chairperson of UPA Ms Sonia Gandhi Dr John Dayal, Ms
Margaret Alva to clear the point that :
1.  any decision not to permit the people of Goa and
others to celebrate the feast  AMOUNTS TO VIOLATION OF
2.  as regards reference  TO ‘ ANY OTHER RELIGIOUS
DATED 8/12/1987 26/07/1989 AND LETTER DATED 24/04/2000

Therefore notwithstanding what may be the view point
of the Navy as done last year 2005 ALL ARRANGEMENTS
by the NAVY.

It is reliably learnt that the office of the Secretary
Revenue Government of Goa has put forth his comments
and placed the same for the directions of the Chief
Minister.  It is expected that the Chief Minister will
contact the Union Defence Minister and ensure that the
terms of the agreement are abided with. incidentally
the Secretary Revenue also doubles up as Secretary to
the Governor, but as the Governor is away until 3rd
February, 2006 contacts are being established with is
OSD Mr Sebastian Z.

It is a fact that CM Rane too had made a blunder in
stating that temples were shifted from the Island and
that led to further confusion.

The officials at the 


2006-01-28 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The Mormugao Parliamentary Constituency Member of
Parliament Mr Churchill Alemao ex Chief Minister and
ex MLA Benaulim Assembly Constituency, suffered a
major humiliation this morning as he has not been
included in the latest Union Cabinet re-shuffle of the
UPA Government effected by the Prime Minister Dr
Manmohan Singh.

Goa was expecting a berth this time round and both Mr
Shantaram L Naik MP Rajya Sabha and Mr Alemao of the
INC were strong contenders for the same. In fact after
the death of MP Sunil Dutt who was Minister for Sports
Mr Alemao felt that he could fit the bill but that
evaded him completely as Mr Mani Shankar Aiyer is the
new Minister for Sports in addition to his earlier
portfolio of Panchayati Raj -- Petroleum has been

To an extent Mr Naik of the Rajya Sabha has been well
accomodated with his induction in the All India
Congress Committee and therefore may not have much to
grumble, in fact his services have been utilised for
the Kerala and Tamil Nadu desk.  

Similarly arch rival of Mr Alemao and ex Union Law
Minister and ex MLA Mandrem Mr Ramakant Khalap has
similarly been alleviated in the Central organisation
of the INC.

Mr Alemao despite his crowd pulling capacity now
heading the  Save Dabolim Airport Action Committee 
will surely be disillusioned with the INC and there
may be merit in the video news clip of a TV channel
wherein he is seen castigating  the INC as a party of
Laloos and Baloos . Whatever  be the genuine reasons
that  provoked the off the cuff comment (according to
Mr Alemao the comment amde in the context of the
Railway Ministers firm nope to the demand by Mr Alemao
for a train from Margao to Velankani -incidentally Mr
Alemao is a devout follower of Our Lady of Velankani
carrying her photograph in his top pocket always) 

As a matter of fact unlike younger brother Mr Joaquim
Alemao MLA Cuncolim the Minister for Urban Development
 Labour who has always found the INC a comfortable
party to park his political ambitions Mr Churchill
always felt comfortable with regional parties.  

As a matter of fact the Independent ex MLA Loutolim Mr
Radharao Gracias spares no ocassion to chide Mr
Churchill on the humiliation he has been meted by the
INC and advised him time and again on all public foras
to rejoin the UGDP a regional force which given the
eight Assembly segment seats in Salcete with three in
Mormugao thrown in as bonus,  could well place them in
a comfortable position to dictate the Government on
the treasury benches in the State more so in the era
of coalitions.

It is not clear what would be Mr Alemaos next move now
that he is ceased with the issue of Dabolim YES  Mopa
NO.  But on the day 20th January, 2006 Mr Francisco
(Micky) Pacheco was issued the show cause notice this
writer saw Mr Churchill Alemao with Dr Wilfred De
Souza Deputy Chief Minister of Goa and NCP MLA of
Saligao.  It was stated that Mr Alemao was meeting Mr
De Souza as a member of the co-ordinatination
committee of the coalition partners INC NCP MGP but
none from the INC and MGP were present.

Surprisingly in an unprecedented developmenbt youngest
brother Kennedy Alemao joined the NCP two days ago and
vowed to concentrate on Navelim Constituency
incidentally represented by Mr Luisinho Faleiro
Minister for Education.  It may be noted that though
Mr Faleiro is the godfather of Mr Churchills only son
there are strong political differences which came to
surface at a public meet at Lohia Maidan where Mr
Alemao indirectly blamed Mr Faleiro for the Mopa
airport issue.

Meanwhile the pro MOPA airport committee headed by BJP
MLA Mandrem Mr Laximan Parsekar has planned a massive
rally at Pernem today evening and invited all
political parties their elected representatives and
others to come under one umbrella for the development
of Pernem by supporting the MOPA airport cause. 
However it is confirmed that niether Mr Jeetendra
Deshprabhu MLA Pernem nor ex MLA Mandrem Mr Ramakant
Khalap will attend the same though they too support
MOPA airport.

Given the latest political developments and the BJP
trying to destabilise the Government before the 13th
February, 2006 budget with a number of agitations
planned beginning with Pre-Employment Training Scheme,
the cold blooded Saleli Sattari murder, MOPA, the
discomfort between Mr Pacheco MLA Benaulim and Party
Chief NCP Dr Wilfred De Souza and the coup d etat in
neighbouring Karnataka where the JD(S) BJP will form
the new government within 20 months of the INC JDS
rule of Mr Dharam Singh.

With Goa becoming a prime destination not only for
tourism but in the words of the Governor Mr S C Jamir
and the Chief Minister Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane --
that every one from North and South India were
scrambling to have a piece of land in Goa only a Goan
centric regional party can best look after the
interests of the 10 lakhs Goans leaving aside the over
4 lakhs migrants that have swarmed in the state post
Liberation of Goa. Mr Churhill Alemao therefore stands
advised to 


2006-01-28 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Curtorechim Salkam bagged the overall performance
prize for the second year in succession at the 39th
Mando Festival held at Hotel Majestic lawns Porvorim
Goa last night. 

Besides that they also won the 1st prize in both 
traditional and original category.

Other winners were 
Merxechim Salkam Merces 1st prize Junior 3rd prize
both traditional cartegory and original category. 
Mungulchim Fultim Salkam Margao  --2nd prize Original
Holy Rosary Convent Nuvem  --2nd prize Junior category
Vellechim Salkam Velim 3rd prize Dance category 
Perpetual Succour Convent H School Navelim 3rd prize
Junior category
Fatordechim Fullam Fatorda 2nd prize  Dance category 
St Xavier Collejicho Nad 2nd prize Traditional 1st
prize Dance 

Meanwhile as boost to the Mando lovers  the Lions Club
of AVC Assolna Velim Cuncolim, will organise the All
Goa Mando Festival for the 2nd year at Gomant Vidya
Niketan A/C auditorium on 4th February, at 1600 hrs.
Unlike todays dilema of the participants, the ex
President Mr Francisco Braz stated that all
participating groups will be reimbursed transport
expenses, and provided with cost free snacks and

In all probability the Minister for Culture Mr
Digamber Kamat will make his presence felt as the
Chief Guest to grace the ocassion.


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2006-01-28 Thread godfrey gonsalves
The decision to host the 39th Mando Festival organised
by the Goa Gultural and Social Centre earned the
criticism of most of the audience and mando lovers in
the State.

This evening at 6.00 p.m the festival got underway, at
Hotel Majestic at Porvorim but several affecianados of
the Mando were deprived of this annual function which
otherwise is held in Kala Academy in Panaji.  Not only
was the function held in the suburbs of Panaji but it
was also late in the evening as the area around the
pool side was a open venue and one had to obviously
wait for the sun to set.

Worse was yet to come the participants did not have
proper arrangements to dress up most had left places
as far as Velim Navelim Fatorda.  There was no
refreshments provided to the participants, and even if
one had to pay for it the cost of refreshments was Rs
20/- and snacks at Rs.60/- 

When the participants were pressing for some water to
drink the organisors would play the vanishing trick
and pass the buck to another.  This writer spoke to
the Treasurer Mr Octavio Rodrigues, Mr Rodrigues
bluntly stated that the decision of the President Mr
Antonio I Barreto (en employee of the Department of
Electricty Govt of Goa ) and the Vice President Mr
Issac H Dias to commercialise the event was
condemnable.  He stated that in the past the festival
used to be held in Panaji VascodaGama and Margao in
short North and South for the benefit of all.  But
since the above two do not wish to travel beyond the
limits of Panaji they try to supercede his decision
and ahve their way. 

Fr Romaldo Gonsalves who is a veteran Mando Festival
participant heading the Fatordachim Fulam Fatorda
Group which participated in the Traditional and
Dance Category told this writer at the venue that
the organisation was in shams.  He launched his tirade
against one Mr Colin Savio Coelho iCOE Creative
Resources who is believed to have spoken to him
arrogantly, when asked for refreshments free or at
costs for his group.  Incidentally Mr Coelho is the
entertainment group along with nother Hype
Entertainment both from Margao that took upon the
organisation   the entire function. In the presence of
Mr Octavio Rodrigues he threatened to withdraw his
group from the function but finally cooled down when
Mr Octavio promised to pay for the drinks.

Meanwhile Mr Luisinho Faleiro Minister for Education
assured a sum of Rupees one lakh for hosting the same
function preferably in the villages (apparently he had
not taken kindly to the festival being held in a
private hotel) Mr Digamber Kamat the Minister for Art
and Culture assured that the amount of Rupees one lakh
for the festival had been sanctioned this year.  He
also assured the organisors that after assessing the
potential groups they could perform in places like
Mumbai Delhi etc to promote this traditional Goan
culture and all expenses will be borne by the

Ironically however niether the Department of Art and
Culture nor the Kala Academy have framed the Policy
guidelines on what constitutes Goan culture. In the
absence of this policy which essentially is a fusion
of East and West constituting the pre 1510 era and the
post 1510 era until Liberation in 1961, but as already
reported successive Governments have clandestinely
promoting only the pre 1510 Indian culture as Goan

This year with the agressive movement for recognition
of Konkani in the Roman script as well gaining full
steam and support from all quarters.  Mr Luisinho
Faleiro and Digamber Kamat both MLA's as well as other
MLAs nearly 25 of them from the Velhas Conquistas fear
a backlash from the voters and hence spare no ocassion
to support the true Goan culture which makes this
State unique in the eyes of the whole world.

The Groups which participated were 

Mungulchim Fultim Salkam Margao  --Junior and Original
Holy Rosary Convent Nuvem  --Junior 
Vellechim Salkam Velim Junior, traditional  Dance and
Perpetual Succour Convent H School Navelim Junior
Merxechim Salkam Merces Junior Traditional Dance and
Fatordechim Fullam Fatorda Traditional Dance and
Mando Mogi Margao Traditional and Original 
Curtorechim Salkam Curtorim Traditional Original 
St xavier Collejicho Nad Traditional Dance 

The presentation was good and upto the standard though
many needed to improve upon their rehearsals before
public presentation.

The settings was atune to star hotels -- by the pool
side atmosphere.

Several cable operators and news media personnel
covered the function.  

For many of the inhouse occupants of the Hotel
Majestic it was a treat albeit 'sponsored by the State
Government' while others had to pay Rs 100/ or Rs 50 /
for surprisingly first come first serve sitting
arrangements.  A  26 page souvenir was released and
sold for Rs 30/- with hardly any worthwhile literature
therein t appraise the audience of the festival.
Except that the first festival was held on 29.8.1965
under the auspices of the Clube Nacional later
alongwith the 

[Goanet] TOP PRIORITY --- Feast at Anjediv Island

2006-01-26 Thread godfrey gonsalves
Kind attn Commodore K P Ramachandran
Station Commander Sea Bird 

Kindly refer to my email dated 19th January, 2006 and
fax message
recieved by me from Director General Sea Bird Project.

We appreciate your NOIC stand to partake in the
Karavalli festival at Karwar Beach, commencing from
tommorrow 27th January, 2006.  

This way the Sea Bird can establish a close relation
with the people of Uttar Kannada mainly Binaga,
Baithkol Ankola Karwar etc from whom large tracts of
land have been usurped as well as the Binaga stretch
of the Beach, depriving the locals of their ancestral
lands to enable the staff and officers of your
esteemed establishment and their families of  to have
a splendid comfortable stay at Binanga in the service
of the nation.

It is also appreciated that the Sea Bird authorities
permit the visit to the project of civilians on Navy
Day for successive years now.

As you are kindly aware that for the people of Goa for
whom the Anjediv Island is still a part of the
territory and has both historical importance and
religious significance, we  await your immediate
action, on the arrangements made  to allow the conduct
of the Feast of Our Lady of Springs Nossa Senhora de
Brotas  on 2nd February 2006.

Kindly convey the decision immediately as the Director
General of Sea Bird Project New Delhi has in a faxed
communique dated 20/1/2006 addressed to me and sent to
your office requested the undersigned to seek the
assistance of your esteemed office for doing the
needful as following the commissioning of the Phase I
Sea Bird as INS Kadamba arrangements for the Feast
remain your perogative and not of New Delhi.

Meanwhile the details of the religious programme the
guidelines for the visit to the Island and other
advisory needs to be released latest by 28th January,
2006 hence the urgency.

With kind regards


Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger.yahoo.com 


2006-01-23 Thread godfrey gonsalves
It is now reliably learnt that the Cristao MLAs duly
supported by some Hindu Bahujan Samaj MLAs within the
ruling coalition have discreetly demanded the Chief
Minister Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane and the Goa Pradesh
Congress Commitee President Mr Ravi Sitaram Naik also
MLA Ponda --to bring  an amendment to the Official
Language Act 1987 during the ensuing winter session of
the Goa Legislative Assembly from 13 th February, 2006
to 17th February, 2006 to undo the damage done to
Konkani language for the last over 18 years by giving 
recognition only to Devanagari script and not the
Roman script.

The amendment plans to incorporate the words AND ALSO
ROMAN SCRIPT in the definition of Konkani which as of
now states on ly in devanagari script.
Giving this information to this writer the MLA
concerned  from the ruling coalition
INC/NCP/MGP/Independent coalition stated that he was
confident that if the present Government did not bring
forth the amendment then it will definitely be an
issue at the next election, which in any case will be
held before the onset of the monsoons, which will have
a drastic negative effect on the ruling coalition
especially in the Novas Conquistas which are the
bastion of the INC and NCP.

The MLA also noted that in principle the Leader of the
Opposition Mr Manohar Parrikar were also strongly in
support of this amendment, and stated that they would
NOT OPPOSE any such  amendment, if brought about, as
they are convinced that there is some injustice meted
to a section of over four lacs of the population which
are conversant viz; Cristaos who are conversant with
the language.  

This MLA also informed that the Presidents office was
ceased of the representation given to him by a local
group headed by Dr Joe De Souza Prof of Microbiology
Goa University Ms Rhoda Almeida ex lecturer Nirmala
Institute of Education and others during his visit to
Goa on 18th October, 2005 and was aware of the
signature campaign by Goans both in Mumbai and Goa
which though does not have the overt  sanction of the
Archdiocese in Goa and Daman have the covert sanction
of the Diocesan Society of Education. In fact the
President's attention has been invited to Article 347
of the Constitution of India, wherein he enjoys powers
to direct the State to allow for the use of a language
spoken by a section of the population of a State  

It is also reliably confirmed telephonically by a
priest from  the Paco Patriacal who preferred
anonymity at this juncture  that there is a clear
divide among the priests  on this issue.  While some
non Brahmin priests blame the Diocesan Society for
blinding changing the medium of instruction of their
schools to Konkani in Devanagari script post haste
only for fear of not recieving Grant in aid from the
Government (it may be noted that State Government then
promised aid only if schools adopt Konkani or Marathi
as the medium of instruction at primary level ) 

While some of the senior Brahmin priests maintain that
the Devanagari script should continue. Their anger
against the Roman script has been partly because the
Bahujan Samaj Hindu leaders like ex MLA Mr Ramakant
Khalap a diehard Marathi protoganist has also
supported the demand for Konkani in Roman script. 

But now that the writing on the wall is clear  and the
Church would have to face the onslaught of its
followers (as it is there is a vast section of the
Cristao population who despise the interference of the
Church in political matters) it is promoting the
signature campaign clandestinely mostly in villages
because it is here that the parents of such wards
cannot afford the astronomical fees for English
education and are forced to teach their wards in
Konkani in Devanagari script and then have their wards
end up as drop outs.

In fact parents in villages prefer the Konkani in
Roman script or alternatively English medium with only
Konkani in Devanagari script as one subject according
to this priest.  Hence the Archdiocese of Goa and
Daman is now caught in a dilema of its own foolish

It may be noted further that owing to the recognition
of Devanagari as the sole script even though the same
is not standardised, a lot of primary teachers who
were not conversant with the script were overnight
were made to teach when they themselves were
learning  the Konkani language in Devanagari script
--in the 125 diocesan schools which fell prey to the
manipulation of a section of the Hindu Brahmins.

With the recent developments in Karnataka, where the
Congress led coalition is facing a vote of confidence
despite its fantastic performance in December, 2005
zilla parishad elections there was a great opposition
from the votaries of Konkani only in devanagari script
after the Government agreed to Konkani in Kannada
script.  The order will be issued by the Secretary
Education before February, 2005 end. Hence this too
has forced the Cristao MLAs to do a rethink in
introducing the amendment bill this winter session.

However if the ruling 


2006-01-22 Thread godfrey gonsalves
While Mr Digamber Kamat MLA Margao and Minister for
Art and Culture in his new avtar now re-doning the
Congress mantle after over 51 months in the BJP  takes
credit for the modernising the Ana Fonte Spring (see
photograph) near the Bernardo Peres da Silva Club
grounds at Margao scheduled  to be inaugurated on 25th
January 2006 by both the Chief Minister and the Deputy
Chief Minister of Goa with  cultural programmes
planned until 26th January 2006 Republic Day, what has
irked citizens of Margao and especially Aquem Alto is
that the spring developed at Government cost at
Tolsanzor Aquem (see picture)is is total neglect when
this writer visited the area.

The area is now being used by migrants some who
defeacate around the premises. The lamps are broken
and water though flows perpetually is misused for
washing anything and everything. None venture to sit
around the long drawn steps and the benches which are

In fact it was the ex Chief Minister of Goa Mr Manohar
Parrikar who took credit for the development of this
spring promising a series of springs to be developed
all over Goa under the Department of Tourism.  

But the lackadaisical attitude of successive
Governments towards the Merces spring (polluted by
sewerage discharge from the Military Camp at Bambolim
and the Curca spring (which is polluted due to the
Garbage dump site does not augur well for the revival
of these springs.

It may be noted that if only the gift of nature to
this tiny land Goa is preserved viz;  its hills
mountain range (Sahayadri range) the water falls
springs lakes etc without much ado tourism can
increase multifold and prosper the economy of the
state specially in the hinterlands of Sattari Canacona
and Sanguem.

The Ana Fonte Spring which will be used essentially
for children it is hoped will not follow the same fate
of the Tolsanzor spring.  There is yet another lake at
Fatorda Opp the new Ravindra Bhavan which was on the
cards for development but has suffered neglect.

The Government of Goa has not been enthusiastic in
framing a policy on preservation of all natural
resources and there lies the problem.  Yet another
problem is that the procedures for maintainance are
cumbersome.  There is no allocation of funds for
maintenance and the calling of tender procedures even
to fit a latch results in the ill maintained

Mr Kamat should therefore address himself to this
aspect and ensure that both the springs in Margao and
the one planned for Fatorda is developed and

From the Ana Fonte/Tolsanzor end

Godfrey J I Gonsalves
Borda Margao Goa





2006-01-22 Thread godfrey gonsalves
On Saturday, 28th January, 2006 (coincidentally the
67th birthday of Goa's longest serving Chief Minister
Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane b: 1939 ) the Goa Cultural 
Social Centre will be organizing the 39th  Mando
festival competition of Mandos, Dulpods etc at Hotel
Majestic at Porvorim. 

This time two service providers in the field of
entertainment Hype Entertainment and iCOE Creative
Resources will assist in the organisation hopefully 
to upgrade the otherwise poor quality of the
presentations seen in the last few years.

Despite the indomitable spirit of the organisors to
stage this competition for the past 38 years, paucity
of funds and lack of Governmental support has been the
complaint of the organisers Executive Body Goa
Cultural and Social Centre Mr Antonio Barreto
President, Mr Issac Dias, Vice President Mr Simplicio
Fernandes General Secretary,  the dimunitive suited
and booted Mr Octavio Rodrigues, Treasurer.

But many do not realise why this step motherly
treatment at the hands of the Government when it comes
to these functions.

This writer has made an indepth study of the entire
issue and is strongly convinced that successive
governments in power in Goa   through both its
Department of Culture (now represented by Mr Digamber
Kamat MLA Margao and Minister for  Culture ) and the
Department of Official languages, (now headed by Chief
Minister Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane  MLA Poriem ) have
clandestinely been promoting only pre-advent of
Portuguese - 1510 culture  viz Indian culture in Goa 
and they fail to recognise the historical reality of
cultural assimilation by Goans mainly of the Velhas
Conquistas viz the Old Conquests (1510-1961) which
has given birth to Mandos, Dulpods, tiatros khells
cantaram etc. In short anything with Roman and Western
slant is looked down upon.   

This despite the fact that Goa is known worldwide for
its ' East meets West' (not kashi of the south )
fusion of culture and its mainstay economy  viz
Tourism all depends on this face or cultural image of
Goa (also not present day party zone)which has
resulted in the communal tolerance of all communities
unheard of in the rest of the country.
In fact when Konkani in Devanagari script was on 21st
November, 1981 unanimously adopted by a majority of
the Advisory Council for Konkani of the Sahitya
Akademi New Delhi as the 'natural script' for Konkani
--- (incidentally majority members were pro devanagiri
votaries ) though only the uppercaste Hindus alone are
familiar with this script this section CUNNINGLY 
imposed their script (devanagari)  on those familiar
with Roman script when the Official Language act was
enacted in 1987.  Lest the Roman script votaries
demand at a later stage recognition of Roman script
for Konkani they also included it in the VII schedule
of the Constitution and got the Konkani language in
the devanagari script included on currency notes etc,
to make things a little difficult.

The consequences of this mischief viz sidelining the
Roman script resulted in 
a) all vacancies notified by the Government of Goa
placing a  demand for knowledge of konkani -means
only in devanagari script
b) the budget allocation officially  (Rs. 1.28 crores
for 2005-06)  can allot funds only for Konkani in
devanagari script; though after much hue and cry since
June 2005 ---demanding for recognition of Roman script
the Government partially bowed down and promised only
'ASSISTANCE'   NOT GRANTS  for improvement of Roman
script which  implies  assistance for promotion of
language and literature in the Roman script
c) the Department of Culture again provides financial
assistance for promotion of arts .. music
(vocal/instrumental) classical dance drama etc
preference for Indian culture to schools and others 
in Goa for purchase of musical instruments, music
teachers accompanists.
d) lavish grants for the Sangeet sammelans, (Samrat
Club of Ponda is a case in point) nataks (concerts
musical recitals in both Marathi and Konkani (which
features the devnagari slant)ample funds are made
available. Even outstation groups are given these
grants and cultural troupes - Konkani (devanagari
slant ) have been sent to New Delhi expenses all found
e) funds are alloted by government to those desirous
for purchase of tabla harmonium dholak etc
f) for temple groups similar funds are made available

It is owing to this ground reality a clear bias,
which many are unaware of, that deprive lovers of 
Roman script, teatros, khell, mandos,
dulpods,cantarams, igorjeche band etc  of financial
grants --- from the Government of Goa leave aside
getting it from the Central Government Ministry of
Arts and Culture. 

There is niether  financial grants to  schools nor
does the Govewrnment have any scheme  for tiatrists
musical groups dance groups orchestras promoting the
east/western fusion culture.  

There is no funds provided for musical instruments viz
violin drum set mandolin guitar tamborine organ
trumpet saxaphone base drum side drum. The Choirs  or
the six 

[Goanet] Feast at Anjediv

2006-01-19 Thread godfrey gonsalves

Commodore K P Ramachandran
Station Commander 
Sea Bird Binaga Karwar
Tel: 08382-263454
Fax: 08382-263403


Kindly note that the customary Feast of Nossa Senhora
de Brotas will be celebrated at Anjediv Island on
2/2/2006.  There will be two masses at 10 a.m.  and
1.00 p.m. Transport, and water arrangements may kindly
be made.  The devotees will only attend the Mass and
return. No eatables etc will be taken by any of the
devotees as visit is strictly for religious rites

Also kindly arrange to issue entry passes to the
select group of persons from, St Annes' Church Binaga
Karwar headed by Fr Britto D Silva who oversees the
activities of the Church of Nossa Senhora de Brotas
on behalf  of the Archdiocese of Goa  Daman to
clean the premises and make necessary arrangements
atleast two days in advance.  

Kindly note that this feast has a significance for
Goans and also the Island admeasuring 340 075 hectares
is still under the Government of Goa Canacona Taluka .
 Thus niether the Government of Karnataka nor Ministry
of Defence can undo what has been agreed upon in 1987,
unless it is ceded by an Act of Parliament.

Necessary formalities to inform the authorities have
been made viz

a)Chief of Naval Staff
b)Cdr P C Agarwal Director General  Sea Bird Project 
c)Rear Admiral Anup Singh Chief of Staff Mumbai 
d)Vice Admiral Madanjit Singh Flag officer C-in-C W N
C Mumbai 
a)Chairperson United Progressive Alliance Madam Sonia
b)AICC General Secretary Ms Margaret Alva -looking
after Goa Desk
a) President of India 
b) Prime Minister of India
c) Defence Minister 

The devotees in Goa have not taken kindly to the
sudden decision not to permit the customary feast last
year without proper notice.
As several devotees had to return back from Polem
checkpost due to interference of the District
authorities at Karwar. 

Kindly  take note that the District authorities cannot
impose any restrictions on the people of Goa visiting
the Island for the Feast as State Government of
Karnataka is  not a party to the terms and conditions
of transfer of island to the Sea Bird. Niether can the
people of Karnataka impose their views or sentiments
on the conduct of the customary Feast on our Island.

As notwithstanding security considerations, this would
clearly amount to  violation of the terms under which
the Government of Goa in 1987 had permitted the use of
the Island.

Further if the   Naval authorities could permit  the
civilians for sucessive Navy Day celebrations at the
Sea bird project denial of right to practice one's
religion is definitely seen in bad taste. Moreover the
Church is a living monument till date, and existed
since 1500 with the present edifice re-built in 1729.

Hence kindly do the needful

Godfrey J I Gonsalves
B-F-4 1st Floor Hillside Apts
Borda Margao Goa
Fax 0832 2712430

Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger.yahoo.com 


2006-01-15 Thread godfrey gonsalves
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
A motorcade rally was held this Sunday afternoon since
1530hrs vending its way through the constituency of Ms
Victoria Fernandes MLA Santa Cruz, Deputy Speaker Goa
Legislative Assembly by the Santa Cruz Citizens Action
Committee to congratulate Ms Fernandes and all those
who fought relentless to remove the revenue villages
from the PDAs of Panaji and Mapusa Planning areas.

It may be recalled that following a two month rally
which included a Jail Bharo Andolan two morchas held
in Panaji the citizens of Goa opposed tooth and nail
inclusion of revenue villages in the planning areas. 
It was felt that with the 73rd and 74th Constitutional
amendments empowering the village panchayats and
municipalities the Government could not usurp powers
given to the people and impose upon them developmental
activities by covering such areas under the Planning
Development Authorities.

Incidentally though Ms Fernandes belongs to the ruling
Congress coalition in the State it was a unique tussle
in the sense that Ms Fernandes had to fight against
the adamancy of her own government and this she did by
seeking the blessings of Ms Sonia Gandhi Chairperson
United Progressive Alliance and Mr Ahmed Patel the
political advisor of the Party President Ms Gandhi. 
Having her assurance it was left Chief Minister to do
the needful and accordingly the notification dated
3.1.2006 was issued repealing 24 revenue villages
leaving only Chicalim, Chicolna Dabolim Sancoale
Issorcim under the Vasco da Gama Planning area PDA
headed by Mr Karl Vaz MLA Mormugao Assembly
Constituency and revenue village Taleigao te fiefdom
of Town  Country Planning Minister Mr Atnasio Babush
Monserate who is also the MLA of Taleigao.  It may be
noted that Mr Monseratte also controls the Village
Panchayat at Taleigao.

Reacting to the query as to the reason why some
revenue villages as above were not excluded Ms
Fernandes felt that it was for the respective Villaga
Panchayats concerned to move resolutions to that
effect and hand them over to the Chief Minister.  This
is because the CM had clearly stated that unless the
resolutions come from the respective village
Panchayats he would not withdraw the same.

Meanwhile though the issue has now been set at rest,
Ms Victoria responding to the long drawn celebrations
assured the voters that she would always stand by the
wishes of the people come what may irrespective of the
political dictates.  She bluntly stated that for her
the peoples aspiration comes first and then political

It is now gathered that some citizens groups are also
intending to felicitate her on here bold achievement
and her valiant struggle.

Among those present on the specially arranged vehicle
for the long morcha Ms Jyoti Palyekar ex Sarpanch
Merces, Mr Chandrakant Kuncolienkar of Merces Mr
Agnelo Oliveira Chairman of the Santacruz Constituency
Citizens Committee, and other supporters who came on
their own two and three wheelers and participated in
the entire procession which wound up at 2030 hrs.

Side lights of the celebration

despite her age over 70 years Ms Fernandes reponded to
the the cheers of her voters in the scorching
afternoon post siesta session unfazed;
as the people of her constituency awoke to the song of
CONGRATULATIONS they came running on the streets and
waiwed the convoy which Ms Fernandes and others
responded too;
some of the narrow lanes provide anxious moments for
the vehicles to take a detour;
it was a pitiable sight to see that plastics and
garbage were strewn all over and garbage flowing
around unattended was a menance;
cattle was seen eating the plastic garbage in almost
most parts of the constituency;
at Indira nagar chimbel which is akin to asias biggest
slums it was a pity to see children who outnumbered
the adults they were treated to sweets while the women
folk mainly migrants cheered the convoy;
Ms Fernandes was profusely garlanded at Chimbel and
other places
Revellers smeare all those atop the specially
decorated vehicle with gulal vermillion powder;
It was a sad site to see a hill being razed to the
ground to make way for construction at Banda;
From the response Ms Fernandes got at all corners it
was clear that women admired her the most;
Santa Cruz village has a great influx of migrant
labour and some of them stay in humble dwelling
reminiscent of a chawl in unhygienic surroundings;
being a suburb town of the capital city of Panaji one
can be sure that the demographic composition of this


2006-01-12 Thread godfrey gonsalves
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Notwithstanding claims  of CM of Goa Mr. Pratapsing
Raoji Rane, or CM of Karnataka Mr Dharam Singh both
who head coalition Governments in their respective
states that there  will be no midterm polls  in
their States  it is clear that as of now  both Goa and
Karnataka are heading for polls by first week  May

Buoyed by its thumping success in the recently
concluded local bodies elections in Karnataka and the
dilema it has put its coalition partner headed by the
ex PM Mr H D Deve Gowda in Karnataka followed by a
similar situation for the Opposition BJP in Goa ; the
INC feels  its time opportune to go to the polls and
win with a convincing majority to run a Government on
its own rather than be pulled by the pressures from
coalition partners which the Congress has accepted
only owing to political expediency and not as a rule.

While on a two day visit to Goa the All India Congress
Committee General Secretary looking after the Goa Desk
Ms Margaret Alva,brief appeared to be : 

a) to  douse flames sparked by Mr Ravi Sitaram Naik's
GPCC President, MLA Ponda  Chairman of the Economic
Development Corporation ---viz to clear proposal of a
ONE TIME SETTLEMENT plainly speaking a waiver of
loan outstandings of some business houses loanees 
which the Cabinet had disapproved last November, 2005,
and is now sought to be approved to please Mr Naik;

The list of such beneficiaries incidentally till today
is a guarded secret -- but is being ferreted out, 
by some interested quarters,  under the RIGHT TO
INFORMATION ACT  ( in force on 12th October, 2005 ) to
make it an election issue.

This deal of Mr Naik seems to fall through as it could
also fill the coffers of the Party which has been out
of power from 24.10.2000 until 2nd February, 2005 or
7th June 2005 

b) to placate Mormugao Parliamentary Constituency MP
Mr Churchill Braz Alemao heading the Yes to Dabolim
No to Mopa issue that the matter is being examined 
by the PM Dr Manmohan Singh and a committee will be
appointed to ascertain  the tourist projections for
the next three four decades to gauge  the need for
another airport which translated means after six
months reviving Mopa de novo  

Under these circumstances land acquisition proceedings
may only be stayed temporarily but not dropped in
toto  as demanded by Mr Alemao.

But this move is akin to the case of the then PM late
Mr P V Narasimha Rao Prime Minister of India who in
1991 appointed the Justice Oza Commission to examine
the route of the Konkan Railway and finally went ahead
with the project WITHOUT diverting the route for a
stretch of 21 kms in the interiors which was the  
demand of the agitators.

The issue of Mopa will be the same and after six
months period we could expect Mopa to go in full
steam. Unless Mr Narayan Rane ex Shiv Sena CM of
Maharastra and now in the Congress ---the new found
Messiah of the Konkan region of Maharashtra finds land
in Sawantwadi. Incidentally it was Ms Margaret Alva
who as observer of Maharastra desk as well is credited
for his resounding victory against the Shiv Sena
candidate who lost his deposit. Hence Ms Alva may be
inclined to have Mr Narayan Rane scout for a place in
Sindhurga Maharashtra to have an airport and thereby
empower the people economically of this backward

This seems more convincing because the Ministry of
Civil Aviation has cleared the over 500 crore
upgradation of the Dabolim terminal by 2007 and is
awaiting the Defence authorities to part with some
more land held by the Navy in Goa. The silence of Mr
Churchill Alemao could be read as a confirmation of
this prospect.

The CM Mr Pratapsing Rnae has also been asked to
expedite administration which is a clear indication
that the non performance of the present coalition
government  has been taken note of seriously by the
High Command  in comparison to the administration of
Mr Parrikar headed coalition Government.

But what earns legitimacy to this belief is that the
entire intensive revision of electoral rolls for 2006
will be completed on 24 April, 2006.  

Another reason for the mid term polls is to offset the
prospects of going to the polls before the new
delimitation of constituencies  comes into force with
20 constituencies in the North and South respectively 
unlike the present 21 and 19 constituencies.  

If delimitation comes about then the prospects of Mr
Jeetendra Deshprabhu MLA Pernem a pro Mopa votary
could be affected with his present Pernem constituency

[Goanet] GOA SAYS NO TO MOPA -- MP Churchill Alemao

2006-01-07 Thread godfrey gonsalves
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
At a massive meeting at the Lohia Maidan Margao the ex
CM and Mormugao Parliamentary Constituency MP Mr
Churchill Braz Alemao clarified on the sting

It was at a Konkani cultural function held at Fr Agnel
Hall New Delhi organised by the Goenkarancho Ekvot
an NGO based in New Delhi under Chairperson Ms Suman
Kurade, for which Mr Alemao donated Rs 15,000, and Mr
Oscar Fernandes presided over that he met the journo
Mr Mayabhushan Nagvekar a native of Priol Ponda Goa,
now based in New Delhi. At that function Mr Alemao
himself spoke of how Goans should preserve their

Later Mr Nagvekar applauded his speech and later made
a request for funds under the MPLAD scheme for setting
up a library for Konkani in Goa.  Mr Alemao assured
him that if the same falls within the purview of the
scheme the same could be alloted but only in 2006, the
project could materialise owing to other projects on
hand and subject to the District Collector (South Goa
) who incidentally administers the same.
The next ocassion the same reporter Mr Nagvekar came
to him and insisted that a letter to that effect be
made and given to him as an assurance.  But Mr Alemao
felt that if he could not be trusted than he was not
interested.  On another ocassion Mr Alemao asked Mr
Nagvekar if he had obtained the land.  When Mr
Nagvekar replied in the negative he stated that he
(Alemao) had a land which would be given at a low
price but on condition that the Library would be in
the name of Churchill Brothers at this juncture Mr
Nagvekar agreed and offered to pay him Rs one lac but
he refused to accept the money.  In fact three of Mr
Alemaos assistants M/s Raul, Daggar and Singh (who
incidentally is a witness in the FIR filed by Mr
Alemao in New Delhi was present on the dais today)were
witness to this dealing and they were not in favour of
the way Mr Nagvekar was pursuing the issue.  However
Mr Nagvekar took Mr Alemao aside in his bedroom and
opened brief case containing the money which Mr Alemao

Mr Nagvekar is then alleged to have an altercation
with Mr Daggar over the matter and he reportedly told
Mr Daggar that the entire proceeding were recorded and
he would blackmail him demanding two lacs.  With this
Mr Alemao later filed a FIR to confirm his non

Later Mr Alemao spoke on the assurance given him by
UPA Chairperson Ms Sonia Gandhi that Dabolim airport
would be developed and that the PM Dr Manmohan Singh
had told him that if the Dabolim airport was shifted
the economy would be paralysed.

He stated that his confidence that Dabolim airport
would be retained is because of the assurances of
these two persons and not of the Party.

As regards to the sting operation where he is alleged
to have castigated the Goans and the Congress Party Mr
Alemao clarified that he had put up a proposal for a
train from Goa to Velankani in Tamil Nadu with the
Union Minister for Railway Mr Laloo Prasad Yadav an MP
of Bihar.  To his surprise on the day of the Feast of
Our Lady of Velankani in September 2005 Mr Alemao
recieved a reply that the matter is under
consideration this annoyed Mr Alemao and in this
context Mr Alemao stated that his remarks that the
Congress is run by Laloo and Baloos and Tamils was
made.  However in the sting operation aired on Star TV
the news channel that implicated Mr Alemao he states
that the same was doctored to give it a different

Mr Alemao stated that the local daily the Gomantak
Times was served a defamation notice and the same
would be pursued to its logical conclusion.  As
regards Star TV the same would follow suit shortly.

Mr Alemao reiterated that come what may Dabolim must
stay and Mopa airport land acquisition under section 4
of the land Acquisition Act must be would up before
the 26th January, 2006 or else the Government goes.

Initially Mr Alemao stated that he started life as a
seaman but continues to live in the same house unlike
what a writer and ex President of Margao Municipal
Council Mr Socarates Valmiki Faleiro who wrote of a
MLA who started with an asset of a scooter without a
stand but today in a self confessed statement claims
to be the highest tax payer in the state. The
reference was directed to Mr Luizinho Faleiro Minister
for Industries and Education who is the godfather of
his son.  Mr Alemao also chided Mr Girish Chodankar ex
MMC Councillor who had spoken against him following
the sting operation.  He also levelled charges against
the Fatorda BJP MLA 


2006-01-06 Thread godfrey gonsalves
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Member of Parliament Mormugao Parliamentary
Constituency Mr Churchill Braz Alemao, threatens to
upset the Indian National Congress coalition (NCP
MGP)on the issue of Dabolim Airport and scrapping of
Mopa Airport.

For Mr Alemao --- he believes 
a) Navy has unauthorisedly occupied Dabolim civilian
airport post Liberation -- he has a document to prove
this point (Mr Mathany Saldanha too supports this view
)  Therefore its now or never Navy should move off to
Sea Bird Project
b) Mopa will help neighbouring Maharashtra regions
like Sawantwadi Konkan etc therefore the land
acquisition proceedings underway as notified should be

But besides this Mr Churchill Alemao should ask the
Navy why the traditional Feast of Nossa Senhora das
Brotas (Our Lady of Springs ) is not permitted at
Anjediv.  If the Navy can permit civilians to enter
the Sea Bird Project on Navy Day they better do so on
the Feast Day  2nd February as well.  Besides this
there is a clear agreement with the Naval authorities
and the island still shown in the revenue area of

On the issue of Konkani in Roman script, Mr Alemao
knows well that when advertisement of the Goa
Government call for applicants for various posts and
Konkani language is mentioned as one of the
qualifications for applying it is Konkani in the
Deavanagari script as recognised by the Official
Language Act of 1987.  Therefore those knowing Roman
script cannot apply.  Again cultural programmes mandos
tiatrs etc and religious functions in Roman script
does not get budgetary funding.  Even the church
choir, traditional brass  bands etc are niether
provided grants nor equipment as in the case of
bhajans and other such activity. 

Mr Alemao is all the more responsible for this for he
was ignorant of the fact that the Sahitya Academy had
on 21st November 1981 much before he became a
political representative had calndestinely ensured
that Konkani only in Devanagari script was acceptable,
and that he was misled to believe that the devanagari
script would help unity among Goans.

Therefore he should also put up a spirited fight for
such injustices meted out to a section of the Goan

Mr Alemao should also ensure that the Government of
Goa which is the largest employer should ensure that
right from the village Panchayat Municipalities and in
all Government bodies the Goan First policy should be
followed strictly.  The arguments that Goans dont come
forward is a false canard spread by vested interests
who pilfer government funds by paying non Goan labour
at half the minimum wages in Goa.. To confirm this Mr
Alemao should visit the Panchayats.  One way of
tackling this problem the people feel is to levy a
cess on those engaging non Goans where Goans are

Mr Alemao as MP should realise that all over India the
Goan is held in high esteem, and many non Goans
themselves believe that the demographic composition of
Goans should not be diluted with the influx of non
Goans as this would spoil our land.

The people of Goa expect his utterances on these 
issues on 7th January, 2006 when he addresses a public
meeting at the historic Lohia Maidan Margao in the

Finally Mr Alemao should make a beginning to ensure
that politicians themselves should relieve themselves
of being hosts to non goans only to safeguard their
votebanks, as sooner or later the non goans now about
four lakhs of the population will unite to demand
their pound of flesh and in a coalition their numbers
if elected could upset the apple cart of Goan
politicians.  A case in point is the VP of Sancoale.
The Railway establishment and stations of SC and KRC
in Goa are a clear indication where all the taxi ,
autorickshaw and motorcyle pilots are non Goans, and
this has spread to the tour operators and private taxi
business as well.

There is already a grouse against Mr Alemao from the
people of Goa that whether in his football team or his
trawling activities the number of non Goans employed
each season are in thousands.


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2006-01-06 Thread godfrey gonsalves
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
The traditional Feast of Three Kings Feast of Epiphany
was celebrated today at the Chapel of Nossa Senhora
dos Remedios, Our Lady of Remedies atop the
picturesque Cuelim hilltop, at Cansaulim Mormugao
Taluka Velhas Conquistas today 6/6/2005.
King Gaspar was Emperor of the Orient who presented
the  gift of frankincense. 
King Melchor was  King  of Ethiopia  who presented
King Baltazar was King (Sultan)  of Arabia, who
presented  gold.
The Feast of each of them as Saints is celeberated on
6th 7th and 8th January each year.
This year three children did the honours for the role
of Kings (Maggi)Joshua Rodrigues s/o David  Laura
Rodrigues Nikhil Tavora s/o Francisco  Vrida Tavora
and Shane Apollo Fernandes s/o John Paul and Holima
Fernandes are invariably from CAC viz Cansaulim
Arrosim and Cuelim.  These children came atop horses (
brought from Belgaum ) and the hot temperature
probably left the youngsters exhausted.   The
traditional brass band was provided by San Gonsal of
Cujira Santa Cruz a 7 piece band  with Ms Dona Maria
Pereira an XI standard student (trumpet) and another 6
piece band headed by Agnelo Rodrigues.

The traffic arrangements were good despite the crowd
thanks to a two way lane constructed a few years ago
by the MLA Mr Mathany Saldanha which has been a boon
for those attending the feast.  The Chapel site
provides an excellent panaromic view of the entire
Salcete and Mormugao (to some extent).  It may be
noted that it was the desire of the present MLA to
instal the statue of Christ Rei Christ the King
(like in Portugal) at this site to make it a tourist
centre.  Needless to state that this plan did not
materialise, but it would be worth considering by the
present Minister for Tourism Dr Wilfred A De Souza.

The Parish priest of Cansaulim, rebuked the parents of
the children for failing to initiate them into the
meaning of the mission they were entrusted with ---
According to him he felt that it was essential to do
so as the significance needs to be inculcated in the
child.  There were many faithful mainly from the
cultivators and the schedule tribes who kissed the
trio as it wended its way down hill after the
concelebrated Mass.

The Main celebrant of the Feast Mass at 1000 hrs IST
also cautioned the faithful not to concentrate much on
the young Maggis but instead look for whom they have
come to see viz Baby Jesus. Unfortunately
notwithstanding this diatribe the three kings became
the cynosure of all eyes with camera flash bulbs
coming active and the four cable operators featuring
events in Goa wholly obsessed by the three kings.

There are several myths surrounding the church. 
Except for the novenas preceding the Feast day no one
ventures atop the steep hill or chapel.  It is
believed that Our lady provides a healing touch to
those afflicted by diseases and hence it is incumbent
upon those that receive favours to repay the same.

There was a list of names of donors of cash and gold
announced by the Parish Priest but he repeatedly told
the faithful to desist from providing gold as its
accounting for the same was cumbersome and could be

Incidentally the  approach road to the hillock usually
deserted was a scene  of a heinous crime committed by
a Catholic  youth from Porvorim along with others
where they systematically put  to death his
father-in-law following strained relations with his
daughter (a non Catholic)  by the accused last year
who since then behind bars.

Meanwhile a similar feast celebration is held in
Chandor and Reis Magos Betim  Goa.

from atop the Cuelim Hill

Borda Margao Goa

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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] NEWS FLASH - some revenue villages off PDA'S

2006-01-05 Thread godfrey gonsalves
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
Vide an extraordinary government gazette notification
Series I No: 39 dated 3rd January, 2006 issued by the
Chief Town Planner  ex Officio Joint Secretary, Mr
Morad Ahmed, received today (5th January, 2006
afternoon ) by this writer the government has in
PUBLIC INTEREST  WITHDRAWN  certain  revenue villages
from the planning areas of 
A)  Panaji   viz; Morombi o Pequeno and Grande,
Renowadi, Murda, Chimbel, Panelim,Bainguinim,Ela,
Telaulim, Curca, Bambolim, Calapur, Cujira  
retaining   Taleigao Durgawadi
B) Mapusa  all revenue villages   
viz; Anjuna, Verla, Canca, Calangute, Candolim, Marna,
Pilerne, Reis Magos, Soccorro, Salvador do Mundo and
Penha de Franca;
retaining Municipal areas of Mapusa

With this, the notification dated 27th September, 2005
covering planning areas in 
Margao - viz areas under Margao Municipal council
Vasco-da-Gama viz areas under  Mormugao Municipal
Council besides 
revenue villages of Chicalim, Chicolna, Dabolim,
Sancoale Issorcim 
Ponda viz  areas of Ponda Municipal Council. 
Panaji Corporation of City of Panaji are retained.

This was confirmed vide a teletalk this evening this
writer had  with the Chief Town Planner Mr Morad

With this the three month long agitation  spearheaded
by the MLA Santa Cruz  Deputy Speaker Ms Victoria
Fernandes and other NGO's has achieved a victory of

It now remains to be seen when the controversial Town
 Country Planning Ordinance of 29th September, 2005
will be repealed.

Incidentally this writer had an informal  tete a tete
with the new incumbent  Law Secretary Mr U V Bakre (ex
District Judge ) at his residence at Aquem Margao to
confirm whether he had indeed been asked by the Chief
Minister to examine the modalities of repealing
controversial TCP. But  he feigned ignorance of the
same  and stated that he had only read that the same
was handed over to him in the local dailies.

Instead he confirmed to this writer that after he
resigned from the Judiciary he took up his new posting
for only two days 24th 25th November, 2005 and then
proceeded on leave until the 2nd January, 2006 owing
to his daughter's marriage on 25th December, 2005.

Notwithstanding all this the agitators would prefer to
keep their fingers crossed and await the assurance of
the CM to fullfill his promise to repeal the
controversial TCP ordinance.


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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2006-01-04 Thread godfrey gonsalves
| Wishing all Goanetters |
| a Prosperous   |
|  and   |
| Happy New Year - 2006  |
|Goanet - http://www.goanet.org  |
NRIs and NRG's this evening on the concluding day of
the third Gomant Vishwa Sammelan (Worldwide Goan
Convention)  had an interface with the Leader of the
Opposition Mr Manohar Parrikar of the Bharatiya Janata
Party and the Chief Minister of Goa in the Black Box
of the Kala Academy. 

It was lawn tennis as its best with the NRI NRG's
fielding questions which remained unattended and the
LOO and the CM diplomatically blaming each other for
the inaction or lack of it.

Sample a few:
a) on garbage disposal -- LOO felt that his government
clubbed some villages in a cluster and provided for
garbage disposal CM felt that the Candolim or the
Panaji (represented by LOO in the Goa Legislative
Assembly )may have succeeded in a bin free Panaji or
vermicomposting but the nuisance the garbage
collection had created on the Curca hilltop had ruined
the wells in the village.
CM felt that the Urban development Minister Mr Joaquim
Alemao and perhaps the Panchayat Minister Mr Subhash
Shirodkar were working on a Japanese project in
progress to find a permanent solution.
b) on garbage prevention--- CM felt that though a law
was in force to ban less than 40 microns in place its
implementation was difficult because it would render
people jobless and worse what would happen to the
machinery--- this was a ridiculous answer considering
that POLLUTER PAYS norm where the Government is the
worst violator --- with the use of milk sachets---
they do have a scheme to collect and pay -- but for
the masses flinging them away is easier.  He agreed
that Garbage disposal will be his one point priority
before the next Sammelan and his Government did not
need any money from the NRI/NRG's for the purpose
However he would welcome innovations suggestions in
the field.

On Dabolim airport -- LOO was clear that the land
belongs to Goa Navy is occupying it --- CM stated that
double decker airbus would not be able to land in
Dabolim and therefore needed a much bigger terminal --
He stated that Defence priority comes first and
therefore -- the land which was in the possession of
the Navy ought to have their priorities first.  About
the continuation of Dabolim when Mopa is in place a
delegation has placed the proposal before the PM and
the Defence Minister and their views are awaited.

On Tillari and inadequacy of water in the state:  LOO
felt that plans were afoot to augment the water supply
and there is scope for a 24X7 supply with various
projects undertaken by his government.CM felt that the
Tillari project when completed in 2007 apparently by
end of Plan period (2002 - 2007) would meet the needs
of the state - besides the other projects too will
make it self sufficient.

Special Commissioner for the NRI/NRG'S -- CM stated
that an IAS officer would be appointed soon and he
would interact between the NRI / NRG's  and the

On the Communidades -- CM blamed the clerks of the
Communidade who are corrupt. In the absence of the
shareholders and disinterest shown by the members of
the communidades government could not protect the
encroachments.  He stated under the Code of
Communidades a minimum fifteen years domicile was
required to acquire land tenement but there were more
encroachments and corruption.  He pleaded helplessness
and felt that some thing needs to be done

On the population front: LOO stated that of the 14 lac
odd population in the State nearly 4 lacs were
outsiders -- In law one can not prevent their
migration into the state. Therefore his Government
worked for ways and means to promote industries which
would only attract those industries where locals
(defined as Goans and those having the 15 year
domicile in the State) Or hitech machinery to be
utilised like pre-mix concrete in the construction
industry to curb excessive labour. It was because of
this that he never welcomed the Soft ware park etc
becuse he was aware skilled personnel were not
available then.  CM pointed out to the various slums
in Mapusa Margao etc and the nuisance and pressures
they create on the budget and he felt that steps to be
taken by local self governing bodies municipalities
panchayats to avoid the same.

Earlier in the day Dr Wilfred De  Souza Deputy CM
clarified as under:

on River Princess: the same would be removed soon but
would not hazard a guess on how soon  it was for the
competent persons who are examining whether it should
be towed and broken or broken as is where is and scrap
disposed thro land or at sea.

on taxi and tour 


2005-12-31 Thread godfrey gonsalves
At the stroke of midnight Goa like the rest of the
world will enter the next half of the first decade of
the new millenium.

The year that went by had one landmark memorable event
at the national level--- for the first time the
Speaker of the Lok Sabha  and the Presiding officer of
the Rajya Sabha disqualified one member from RS and
ten others from the LS, for demanding cash (seen on
video tapes following a sting operation) for Questions
to be raised on the floor of Parliament.  

On an earlier ocassion when a similar incident took
place the Lok Sabha MP concerned resigned.  It bodes
well for the UPA Government and exposes the Leader of
the Opposition Mr L K Advani BJP who shockingly found 
 the punishment of expulsion disproportionate to the
misconduct involved.

The significance of this action is if corruption in
high places is nipped in the bud others would
eventually follow suit.  

On the other hand the quake tragedy deaths in Jammu
Kashmir  a natural catastrophe which churned the
hearts of many indiscomfort.

And tonight for Goa and its niz Goencars it  is a
sad moment  a moment when one realises that the
controversial Town  Country Planning Ordinance and
the draft Regional Town  Country Plan will need to
carve zoning areas are not only for Settlement
Industrial Mining etc --- but also a new zone  

Like it or not - The whole of India's who's who has 
descend to celebrate the New Year 2006 -- a la dance
karo or mazak karo to dance and make merry .   The
 numerous advertisements announce NEW YEARS
CELEBRATION 2006 commencing from 2000 hrs to 0200 hrs
with  entry fees ranging from as high as  Rs 5000/-
per couple all found, to as low as Rs 100 per table
(four seats), adults (incld ladies as well to be
charged separately) Rs 150/- and children above 12
years Rs 50/- at the lowest.  It is not clear how many
will get to dance on these dance floor which will be
overcrowded to meet the demand.

The venue are the starred Hotels of Goa for the elite
and for others the many beach shacks along the 101 kms
coast line or the  the numerous restaurants in the
coastal talukas of the Velhas Conquistas  etc

But the guiding key to the celebrations  ---are the
FIVE POINTS BELOW found on one such advertisement ---
of entertainment on the Candolim - Baga - Calangute
** wear tiny clothes to beat the heat
** intake fluids every few minutes
** take a break from dancing every half an hour (get
some action in our comfortable  private tents) 
** eat small portions (best to keep mouth free for
better activities)
** if all else fails --- hallucinate your in Antartica
Brrr (Hey dont jump the poor uncle in a FORMAL SUIT He
is not a penguin)

Sad sad sad is this what Goa needs to host for the
rest of our country men and on a festive ocassion like
NEW YEAR in our beautiful land -- which has an
excellent fusion of the west and east?

Goans will wow in 2006 enough is enough things must
change for a clean decent celebration to usher the New
Year ---No more crowds -- or hordes of them coming to
town next year  This  extravaganza is only to
extract your money  and lure  one to dine wine and 


From the dancing floor on my terrace


|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-27 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
|The Riviera Opposite Hotel Mandovi, Panjim (near Ferry Jetty/Riverfront)|
| Attending...drop a line to [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
Days after Mr Filipe Neri Rodrigues MLA Velim
celebrated Christmas donning the Ministerial tag, CM
Pratapsing Raoji Rane at a Cabinet meeting this
morning announced allotment of two portfolios to Mr
Rodrigues the Water Resources and Legal Meterology
(earlier known as Weights and Measures). 

However the decision on Deputy CM's  post which Mr
Rodrigues held post vote of confidence on 2nd February
2005 (which saw Mr Rane back in the saddle with the
Party taking office after a long break 24.11.2000 )
was left with the High Command.  In fact Mr Rane has a
penchant to place all unpleasant decisions on the lap
of the High Command which actually means Ms Margaret
Alva described as the eyes and ears looking after
the Goa Desk. Alternatively placing decisions at the
hands of the High command is to absolve himself of any
backstabbing from his party men. 

Incidentally Ms Alva has told this writer in the past
that Mr Rane was competent to take decisions on behalf
of the State and there was no reason why the High
Command should intervene.  But when advised to issue a
directive on this score viz; ensuring that Mr Rane
does not at random when faced with unpleasant
decisions quote the name of the High Command in vain,
she was reluctant to do so.

Clearly the opposition to this portfolio being granted
to Mr odrigues as what many allege comes from besides
the NCP,  a senior politician from  South Goa an ex CM
who feels that this status may belittle his clout in
South Goa especially Salcete having eight Assembly

While granting Dy CM status then to Mr Rodrigues was a
quid pro qua when the BJP led coalition was unseated
on 27.1.2005 Mr Rane may not be inclined to grant this
status to Mr Neri in the present circumstances when
the INC is well placed.

Meanwhile Mr Neri has taken over office this morning
in right earnest.   

Obviously the NCP Deputy CM Wilfred De Souza may still
have to spend  some more  sleepless nights because by
conferring the status of Deputy CM to Mr Rodrigues, Mr
Rane could well try to nip the growth of the NCP and
their demand for seat sharing in the event a midterm
poll is announced.  


Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger.yahoo.com 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-23 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
Here below is a MEMORANDUM featured on the internet by
Fr. Jaime Couto, M.S., B.Ed,.  It appears as a
follow-up of a new collective Goan Catholics for
Devanagri who recently paid their tributes to Mons.
Sebastiao Rodolfo Dalgado,  a diocesan priest
(belonging to the Cristao Bamonn caste) on the
occasion of his 150th Birth Anniversary, at a 
function on Dec.20, 2005, at the Menezes Braganza
Hall, Panjim, apparently to  counter the growing
worldwide support for UNITY IN LANGUAGE (Konkani)
DIVERSITY in SCRIPT and the imminent recognition
shortly of Konkani in Roman script besides the present
Devanagiri by an amendment to the Official Language
Act 1987 in the forthcoming Assembly session in
January 2006.

This is all the more certain, now that Government of
Karnataka has accepted Konkani in Kannada script and a
notification will follow soon before the next academic

This writer desires to clarify on a few statements in
the MEMORANDUM to set the record right, without malice
to the views of Fr. Couto ---as he has every right to
hold to his personal views.
Re:  Konkani in Roman Script is being projected as the
language of the Goan Catholics.
Ans: Surely no Goan in his right senses will deny this
although there are many Hindus who too subscribe to
both Devanagari and Roman.
Re:  The contenders for the Official Status for
Marathi are overjoyed for the present agitation will
surely help them achieve their goal! 
Ans: This is a myth floated by a section of the Hindu
Saraswat Brahmins, during the language agitation, to
divide the Catholics and the Hindu Bahujan Samaj. It
is well settled that Konkani and Marathi are two
distinct languages and there is no dispute on this
count.  The Hindu Bahujan Samaj in Goa from as far as
Pernem to Canacona ACCEPT  Konkani as their mother
tongue (excluding perhaps those from Maharastra who
have settled in Goa)but they wanted the recognition of
Marathi, because they did not want to accept the
sanskritised devanagari script of which the Saraswat
Hindu Brahmins were familiar with and have a monopoly.
 Had the Cristaos familiar with the Roman script stood
by their script them and not fallen into the trap of a
section of the  Hindu Brahmin community by
compromising on script i,e accepting Devanagari much
of the problems faced by the Cristaos would not be
there.  Remember today it is only the Diocesan schools
that force the Cristaos to teach their children in
Devanagiri because of the likes of Couto that are at
the helm of policy making for the Church. The sooner
the Catholic priests like Fr Couto, remove this fear
of Marathi protogonists from their minds, they will
understand the ground reality.  Fr Couto would do well
to accompany this writer and get a clarification on
this from  Mr Ramakant Khalap,  and believe me  Mr
Ramakant Khalap himself will prepare the  Official
language (amendment) Act to include Konkani in Roman
script as he had always advocated even during the
language agitation (ask Mr Tomazinho Cardozo) but the
priests like Fr Couto were misled by the likes of Uday
L Bhembre (Adv) to achieve their Hindu Saraswat
Brahmins  agenda of 1939 conceptualised by Adv
Manjunath at Karwar and further formalised
clandestinely (even without the knowledge of Fr Jaime
Couto)  by Mr Bhembre and his lobby through the
Academic Council for Konkani of the Sahitya Academy
New Delhi on  the 21st November, 1981,.
Re: The promoters of this movement also demand that
the Schools - which have been teaching Konkani in
Devanagri Script for 30 years, amounting to a
generation -should switch over to Konkani in Roman
Ans: This is untrue and a clear misunderstanding ---
let it be clarified again the votaries of UNITY IN
(Devanagari/Roman) want both Devanagari and Roman
script to move hand in hand. 
Let the Konkani language taught in primary schools
continue to have classes both for Devanagari and also
in Roman.  But if the Devanagari classes close  for
want of minimum number of students then Fr Couto
should not blame the Catholics for this unfortunate
dilema of the votaries of ONLY ONE LANGUAGE ONE
Re: History shows us that the Catholics, other than
the elite, clung to Konkani, that too mostly the
spoken one, for want of other options.
Ans: True it was the Cristao Bamonns and this
includes the 


2005-12-21 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
With the High Court pronouncing the verdict today 21st
December 2005 on the disqualification petition of Shri
 Filipe Neri Rodrigues MLA Velim, the twelfth Cabinet
berth is likely to be filled in before the year end.  

The present Cabinet strenght is 11 (including two of
NCP and i of MGP) excluding the Parliamentary
Secretary. Under the amended format Goa is entitled to
12 Cabinet Ministers. 
Shri. Pratapsingh Rane Chief Minister
Dr.   Wilfred De Souza Dy. Chief Minister (NCP)
Shri. Luizinho Faleiro 
Shri. Digambar Kamat 
Shri. Dayanand Narvekar 
Shri. Ramkrishan  Dhavlikar (MGP)
Shri. Subhash Shirodkar  
Shri. Atanasio Monserrate 
Shri. Pandurang Madkaikar 
Shri. Joaquim Braz Alemao 
Shri. Francisco (Mikey) Pacheco (NCP) 
Shri. Agnelo Fernandes Parliamentary Secretary  (not
considered in the twelve Cabinet Ministers ) 

In the present House the members of the Legislative
Assembly qualified to vote are  
Shri. Pratapsingh Raoji Rane 
Shri. Ravi S. Naik 
Shri. Agnelo Fernandes 
Shri. Aleixo Sequeira 
Shri. Atanasio Monserrate 
Shri. Chandrakant R. Kawlekar 
Shri. Dayanand Narvekar 
Shri. Digambar Kamat 
Shri. Francisco Sardinha 
Shri. Francisco Silveira 
St. Andre 
Shri. Giovanni Karl Vaz 
Shri. Harish N. P. Zantye 
Shri. Jeetendra Deshprabhu 
Shri. Joaquim Braz Alemao 
Shri. Luizinho Faleiro 
Shri. Pandurang Madkaikar 
Shri. Subash Shirodkar 
Smt. Victoria R. Fernandes 
St. Cruz 
Mr Filipe Neri Rodrigues
Nationalist Congress Party  (2)
Dr. Wilfred de Souza 
Shri. Francisco X. (Micky) Pacheco 
Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (1)
Shri. Ramkrishana Dhavlikar 

Bharatiya Janata Party   (15) + ( ### 2 not eliglible
to vote) 
Shri. Manohar Parrikar 
Shri. Damodar (Damu) G. Naik 
Shri. Dayanand Mandrekar 
Shri. Francisco D’Souza 
Shri. Laximikant Y. Parsekar 
Shri. Manohar Azgaonkar 
Shri. Narahari Haldankar 
Shri. Rajendra Arlekar #
Shri. Rajesh Patnekar 
Shri. Ramesh Tawadkar 
Shri. Ramrao G. Dessai 
Shri. Sadanand Mhalu Shet Tanawade  #
Dr. Suresh Amonkar 
Shri. Vasudeo M. Gaonkar 
Shri Vijay A. Pai Khot 
Shri. Vinay Tendulkar 
Shri. Vishwas Satarkar 
United Goans Party  (1) ### not eligible to vote
Mr Mathany Saldanhamatter subjudiced

Thus with an effective strenght of 37 MLA's in the
House the INC has a majority 19 of its own.  

In this situation the NCP and MGP presently supporting
the Government and in the Cabinet may be sidelined. As
it is the NCP Mr Pacheco has been blowing hot and cold
over inaction over his files and to add to his misery
there is an issue of bigamy being now probed by the
Director General of Police following a complaint filed
by Mr Pacheco's first wife against him for not
agreeing to a divorce on the alleged grounds of his
acquiring a second wife.

The BJP with 15 MLAs and two without the power to vote
is at its lowest ebb following the prospects of
imminent imprisonment of 
Mr Sadanand Shet Tanawade implicated in the forgery of
the document which was the vital issue in the
disqualification case of Mr Rodrigues.  Though the BJP
has pursued the issue of a stay which was summarily
rejected the BJP could well move the SC on the issue. 

Incidentally 27th December, 2005 is an important day
too.  The Ponda MLA and GPCC President Mr Ravi Sitaram
Naik wpuld well like to see himself in the CM's chair
now that a grand marriage ceremony of his son on 27th
December, 2005 is on the anvil.  For the INC too that
is a day of reckoning for the Karnataka Zilla Parishad
and Taluka Panchayat election results will be out and
the Congress may prefer to go in for a fresh poll in
Karnataka to spite its present coalition partner Mr
Deve Gowda ex PM and Janata Dal (S).  It is in this
context that there is a feeling that Goa may go in for
a midterm poll if the dissidence within the Congress
raises its ugly head.  As it is the likes of the
Madkaikars the Monserrates and others have not taken
too kindly over Mr Ranes functioning and there is
another lot demanding the head of Mr Parrikar by
demanding for a CBI enquiry into the IFFI 2004.  But
clearly any 


2005-12-20 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
With the ongoing demand for official recognition for
Konkani in Roman script by an amendment to the
Official Language Act the ONLY ONE SCRIPT (DEVANAGARI)
ONE LANGUAGE (KONKANI) lobby mainly of some Hindu
Saraswat Brahmins  have apparently clandestinely the
formation of   newly sprouted organisation Goan
Catholics for Devanagari on 7th October,2005 with Fr
Jaime Couto as its Convenor and other members viz; Fr
Moreno De Souza sj Prof S M Borges (ex Lecturer
Chowgule College Margao ) Denzil Dias Xaverito da
Costa Fr Michael A Fernandes 

This evening 20th December, 2005 this group  organised
an hour and fifteen minutes meet at the Institute
HADPI meaning those interested in bringing forth the
message of Msgr. Sebastiao Rodolfo Dalgado of Assagao
Bardez  linguistic scholar of international repute who
was born on 8th May 1855 and died on 4th April 1922.
His 150th birth aniversary is being celebrated to
remember the great works of this linguist in the field
of Konkani.  Though the UNITY in LANGUAGE and
DIVERSITY of scripts --- votaries are purusing the
issue of recognition of Roman script for Konkani while
historically the other camp has been favouring Shenoi
Goembab, apparently to draw a wedge between the
Cristaos the Shenoi Goembab votaries have now resorted
to paying lip sympathy to Msgr Dalgado. 
At the  introduction Fr Jaime Couto spoke of the need
to fulfill the unacomplished dream of Msgr Dalgado.
Prof S M Borges spoke on the life and works of Msgr
Dalgado (for more on Msgr Dalagado www.colaco.net
offers details ) and regretted that since most of it
was in Portuguese language it was incumbent to have
his works translated. 

Later Mr Uday L Bhembre (Advocate) stated that the age
difference between Msgr Dalgado and Shenoi Goembab
Shri V Valaulikar of Bicholim was just 22 years, and
his works in Konkani adopting the Devnagari script
could well be considered the beginning of the nagri
script for Konkani.  Surprisingly this remark from a
votary of ONLY ONE SCRIPT ONE LANGUAGE came as a
surprise because all along they heaped accolades only
on Shenoi Goembab at all fora and now this U turn
clearly shows that this group is fighting desperately
to avoid  recognition for Roman script.

Mr Bhembre clearly indicated that plans are afoot to
translate soon the works of Msgr Dalgado to expose
those who under his name have been advocating the
cause of Konkani in Roman script when according to him
Msgr Dalgado was for Konkani Devanagari script.

But one this is clear those for Konkani in Roman
script clear state that Konkani must be in as many
scripts as possible and have no hatred towards
Devanagari -- but are definitely against those who
advocate one script only for Konkani -- this according
to them will spell the down fall of Konkani or make it
the monopoly on only the Hindu Saraswat Brahmins
specially for matters of budgeted funds and matters of

It  was clearly a case of the Devil quoting the
scriptures. It is time Cristaos in Goa realise that
they have been lending their shoulders for holding the
guns from which the ONLY ONE SCRIPT ONE LANGUAGE
votaries fire to achieve THEIR OWN ENDS.  At today's
meet there was hardly the numbers to call it a  GOAN
CATHOLIC for DEVANAGARI collective or that could be
counted --- atleast from amongst the 16 Catholics that
this writer could identify Mr Alban Couto ex IAS , Ms
Aurora Couto writer , Mr Percival Noronha Astronomer
Fr Joao Pedro Fernandes ex Parish priest Our Lady of
Grace Church Margao, Mr Miguel Braganza Botanist etc
it was difficult to believe that they supported
Konkani in Devanagari script.  The other persons  
included the press and Mr Pundalik Naik  President of
Goa Konkani Academy and his spouse Ms Hema Naik, Ms K
Budkuley,  Mr Gurunath Kelekar, Mr Naik Shivdas Mr
Dhume and the usual bandwagon that  Mr Bhembre escorts
when he is  around at such meets.

It was even more strange that those among the
Catholics like Fr Couto Fr Moreno and Prof Borges
spoke Konkani with in a tone adopting  a Roman accent
instead of the sanskritised version of Konkani in
devanagari otalo votalo ashirle etc wer all missing
in their vocabulary.   Moreover they were seen looking
blank when a two legal size paper typed document in
Konkani devanagari version entitled  Msgr Dalagado
-Konkanikhatir vavr ani haves in the name of S. M
Borges was circulated to the audience--- apparently
the contents were gibberish to the Cristaos present
and the padres. 

Another 19 page booklet  titled  


2005-12-20 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
The reported sting operation showing seven MP's
including Mormugao Parliamentary Constituency, Member
of Parliament Lok Sabha (House of People) Mr Churchill
Braz Alemao ex Chief Minister of Goa of Novangully
Varca Salcete Goa demanding three lakhs commission for
granting a project under Members of Parliament Local
Area Develpment Scheme (MPLADS),  whereby  each MP has
the choice to recommend to the District Collector 
works to the tune of Rs.2 Crores per annum to be taken
up in his/her constituency has surprised many who saw
the footage on the STAR NEWS NETWORK last night and
the front pages of todays dailies in Goa.

While the Speaker of the Lok Sabha has thus far
directed an enquiry into the matter and also debarring
the concerned MP's including Mr Alemao from attending
the current winter session until the end of the
session on 23rd December, 2005, the news has not
rattled many of Mr Alemao's supportersm niether the
Congress Party members who are awaiting for more

For one the sting operation did not show the exchange
of money alleged to be demanded by Mr Alemao for the
project which the undercover NGO team consisting of an
ex reporter of the local English daily Herald and now
based in New Delhi (while with the Tehelka group which
covered the famours Mr Bangaru Laxman President of the
BJP accepting money in full public gaze (in camera) 

It is now understood from sources in New Delhi by this
writer telephonically  that Mr Alemao was until late
afternoon contemplating to file a police complaint as
he clearly realised that the sting operation was
premediated and hence was suspect of the whole modus
operandi involved.

There is also some merit in the rumours now doing the
rounds that there are attempts to thwart the chances
of Mr Alemao being amde an Union Minister considering
his closeness with the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan
Singh. There is bound to be a Union Cabinet reshuffle
after this winter session .   

This  writer was in New Delhi when the last stages of
the sting operation were enacted.  It was also during
this time 22nd 23rd 24th November, 2005  that the
Congress Legislative Party MLA Mr Jeetendra Deshprabhu
was in New Delhi at the Goa Sadan.  

Mr Shantaram Naik Member of Rajya Sabha  who is also
tipped for a Ministership given his professional
qualifications past record in the Lok Sabha and is
incidentally  staying in Goa Sadan for want of
allotment yet to be done for an official residence for

But there is also a needle of suspicion over which
land the MP Mr Alemao had in mind for the project
assuming that the deal was through genuinely.  It is
rumoured that the land in Margao near the KTC stand
was being considered for the project and the surprise
victory of his candidate voer twelve others including
another Congress nominee form  the Ward No 2 Margao
Municipal Council had much to do with the sting

As things stand much more information is awaited to
piece the pros and cons and ascertain the involvement
of Mr Alemao.

Borda Margao Goa

Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger.yahoo.com 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-19 Thread godfrey gonsalves
What do Goans think this 44th Liberation Day?  Well,
they unanimously, look forward to yet another
LIBERATION DAY from the forces that took over since
19th December, 1961. In short a Liberation from
Ghantianchem Raj a sobriquet for governance under
the style of Indian rule  (essentially dictated  by
British law of divide and rule, besides legislations
(laws ) under the India Code  which are synonymous to
an undergarment filled with holes only increasing the
backlog in the Courts of Justice)  

After Portuguese rule( 25.11.1510 to 19.12.1961) 451
years -- Old Conquests Salcete, Mormugao, Bardez,
Tiswadi, (Ilhas) 1510 to 1961 and New Conquests Ponda,
Quepem, Canacona, Sanguem, Pernem, Bicholim, Sattari
1763 - 1961 -Liberation or call it Conquest
Annexation,  if you wish, -

The first blot post liberation was that the Caste
or Varna or Jati System as ordained by Manu in his
scriptures Smritis was put in force albeit in a
sublime manner, (actually it commenced clandestinely
in 1925 with the formation of the Rashtriya Swamsevak
Sangh and also  the Goa Hindu Sabha) in this then
Union Territory of Goa Daman  Diu,  as prevalent in
the rest of the country, which got its Independence on
15th August, 1947 from two hundred years of erstwhile
British Rule.

This meant a social engineering wherein  a) Brahman,
b)Kshatriya, c) Vaishya, d) Shudra, and e) Harijans. 
Not that such profession . traditional occupation
based divisions do not exist elsewhere, but in India
this social engineering depending on ones vocations by
birth put humans on a VERTICAL  ladder. Merit by worth
became extinct and those performing lower jobs were
scorned at and expected to be subservient to the needs
of those at the top

Thus the priestly caste the warriors the merchants the
artisans labourers the untouchables harijans
children of a lesser gods were all according to their
placement on the ladder of heirarchy expected to serve
the priestly caste. Christians too suffered the same
though the church preaches a casteless society. But
given the facts the Catholics in Goa are essentially
converts there is no escape of the caste syndrome.

Unfortunately till this date the indigenous people of
Goa the niz goenkars the Gawdas Kunbi Velip and
Dhangars have still not found their numbers
represented in the Goa Legisaltive Assenbly while the
Scheduled Castes from outside the State have found
representation and even jobs in Government.

This being the FIRST blot on POST LIBERATED GOA it can
and needs to be eliminated totally only by economic,
social empowerment and representation to those at the
lower rung of the ladder and the ST
The last Portuguese Governor General Mr Manoel Vassalo
e Silva on 15th April, 1961 signed a historic
declaration wherein it was finally established that
all the over 221 Comunidades (Gaunkaries)in Goa, were
to become absolute owners of their lands  without 
element of State Grant or Land Tenure which simply
meant these village republics being self sufficient --
permitted a susegad lifestyle unlike the present
stress ridden times due to maladministration and
divide and rule policies of the government--are
private and are not owned by the State even after
Liberation on December 19, 1961, to be succeeded by
any Government.  

Under the U.N.Charter for protection of Indigenous
People in terms of Article 26 of the Draft
Declaration on  Rights of the Indigenous Peoples
--quote ---Indigenous people  have the right to
own, develop, control and use the lands and
territories including the total environment of the
lands, air, waters,sea-ice coastal seas,flora and
fauna and other resources which they have
traditionally owned or otherwise occupied or used.
This includes the right to the full recognition of
their laws, traditions and customs, land-tenure
systems and institutions for the development and
management of resources and the right to effective
measures by states to prevent any INTERFERENCE  with,
ALIENATION  of or ENCROACHMENT upon their rights’.

It is therefore clear that following Liberation of Goa
the Union of India or thereafter the State of Goa is
NOT the owner of the Communidade (Gaunkari) land as is
 envisaged in Article 294 and 295 Chapter
III.-Property. Contracts, Rights, Liabilities,
Obligations and Suits. and  31A. Saving of laws
providing for acquisition of
the the then Goa Daman  Diu Village Panchayati Raj
Act 1963 the Goa Daman and Diu Agricultural Tenancy
Act, 1964, the Goa Daman  Diu Land Revenue Code 1968
( a photocopy of the Bombay Land Revenue Code of 1879
) made applicable to the land owned by the Comunidades
without ANY State land tenure relationship with them
is unconstitutional and a fraud by successive
Governments in Goa, viz; the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak
Party the Indian National Congress Party and the
Bharatiya Janata Party which have either individually


2005-12-18 Thread godfrey gonsalves
On 8th August 2005 Konkani supporters of Roman script
met at Our Lady of Grace Church Hall Margao Goa and
unanimously decided to demand equal status for Konkani
in Roman script (KRS).  With the email messages sent
to the Chief Minister of Goa and others by the
supporters of Unity  in LNGUAGE diversity IN SCRIPTS
 from India and abroad the movement got an
encouraging start.

Political leaders from the Coastal talukas or Old
Conquests (Velhas Conquistas) were reluctant to revive
the language issue now after 18 years. However
notwithstanding their eerie silence
since then the following have been achieved thus far:

1. In the last Budget session of the Goa Legislative
Assembly i.e on 30th August 2005 Mr Jeetendra
Deshprabhu, MLA Pernem raised the issue of KRS, this
provoked the CM Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane of the
Congress led coalition Government in Goa (MGP and NCP)
to assure on the floor of the House when the demands
for Official Language were passed  that financial
assistance will also be given to KRS. The Opposition
BJP did not oppose this assurance. 

2. Following this announcement Kala Akademi, Campal
Panaji Goa  which had discontinued giving awards to
books published in KRS 
have reverted their earlier decision and decided to
consider books in KRS for awards together with books
published in Konkani in Devanagari script.

3. On 15th August 2005TSKK published its TSKK Romi
Lipi booklet. It contains the modified orthography to
write Konkani in Roman script. On 2nd  October 2005
the second revised edition of this booklet was

4. Goa Government also directed Goa Konkani Akademi
(GKA) through Directorate of Official Language to give
financial assistance to KRS.  Accordingly GKA has
announced a few schemes for KRS for the current
financial year 2005-06

5.  Diamond Publications a private organisation have
started a new Konkani fortnightly of tabloid size in
Roman script Goencho Ulo 10,000 copies were
distributed free of cost all over Goa to inspire the
revival of KRS.

6.  Vishwa Konkani Parishad (World Konkani Federation)
is formed to unite all Konkani institutions which
believe in the universal principle Unity  in
diversity. Mr. Eric Ozario of Mandd Shobann fame of
Mangalore is its  President and Mr Tomazinho Cardozo
is its Secretary. Tentatively its office is situated
at Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, Alto Porvorim, Goa

7. History Hour Xavier Centre of Historical Research
Porvorim Goa.   provided a platform to Mr Uday
Laximikant Bhemmbre (Advocate) ex Independent MLA
Margao to present his paper :Road Map for the
development for Konkani (Devanagari) script 2050 and
on another ocassion Mr Tomazinho Cardozo, ex-MLA,
ex-speaker of Goa Legislative assembly and
ex-President of Dalgado Konknni Akademi read a paper 
on Socio-Economic Growth of the Goan Community
through the Konkani Language. Mr Bhembre is a votary
of the ONLY ONE SCRIPT ONE LANGUAGE (Devanagari) while
Mr Cardozo is a votary of UNITY IN LANGUAGE DIVERSITY
LANGUAGE (Devanagari) were exposed, by the audience.

8. A vital decision  dated 21.11.1981 and obtained
from the Sahitya Academi New Delhi which was taken by
Advisory Committee for Konkani of the Sahitya Akademi
New Delhi was made public. This  decision exposed 
clearly that the ONLY ONE SCRIPT ONE LANGUAGE lobby
masterminded their monopoly over the script to slowly
but surely crush the lobby of UNITY IN LANGUAGE
DIVERSITY IN SCRIPTS thereby getting Konkani only in
Devanagari script recognised as the Official language
on 4.2.1987

9. After 18 years there is a clear realisation among
that all the jobs announced by the Government of Goa
which specify Knowledge of Konkani essential -- means
Konkani only in Devanagari script and therefore those
knowing Roman script mainly Catholics are not
qualified to apply for Government jobs. Niether are
tiatrs mando festivals entitled for grants from the
government at best they may get assistance as doles -

10. Mr Ramakant Khalap ex Union Minister for Law and
ex Congress MLA Mandrem Constituency has now publicly
reiterated  on more than one ocassion that even to
this day he has been supporting KRS and it was only
some Catholic political  leaders like Mr Tomazinho
Cardozo,  Mr Churchill Alemao and others who at the
height of the language agitation of 1985 under the
banner of KPA who were misled by the ONLY ONE SCRIPT
ONE LANGUAGE lobby to suscribe to Konkani only in
Devanagari script.

While the movement to demand an amendment to the
Official language Act 1987 to give equal recognition
to KRS is being pursued in right earnest with the
support of political parties like the MGP NCP UGDP and
BJP if the Congress  fails to rectify the harm done to
there is encouraging news from Karnataka.

The Secretary (Education) Government of Karnataka Mr T
M Vijaybhaskar (tel 080-22257334) in a 


2005-12-16 Thread godfrey gonsalves
At a meeting held at the residence of Ms Victoria
Fernandes MLA Santa Cruz this evening in the presence
of members of Village Panchayats NGO's Ms Fernandes
briefed those present on 
a) her meeting with the Chief Minister on 15th
December, 2005 alongwith the Chairman Santa Cruz
Constituency Action Committee and this writer b)
Congress Legislature Party meeting held today

Ms Fernandes told the members that the CM has
reiterated once again that all revenue villages
excluding Taleigao will be removed from the PDAs.  The
file to that effect has been moved and the
notification to that can be expected by 20th December,
2005.  This was also confirmed from the Law Department
and the TCP office Town Planner the dealing hand in
this matter. Mr Rane assured her that the Sub
Registrar Panaji (who was on leave today) would be
directed not to insist on NOC's for registering
documents sale deeds ect from the NGPDA as in
principle the Government has already agreed to scrap
all revenue villages (exluding Taleigao) from the

As regards the ordinance Mr Rane re-assured that it is
a dead issue and that repeal of the ordinance is a
mere procedural aspect and is awaiting the legal
opinion of Mr U V Bakre the ex Judge who has now taken
over as the Law Secretary Government of Goa. 

Mr Rane also stated that having recieved directives
from the High Command there was no going back on these
directions and hence the scrapping of the ordinance is
obvious and a fore gone conclusion.

The next issue taken up was the extension of time for
examining the draft regional plan 2011.  She once
again demanded that the Panchayats and Municipalities
should be permitted to examine the plan at the village
level in accordance with the 73rd and 74th amendment
to the Constitution which empowers the people in
matters of development.  She also objected to the
scale 1:25,000 and with this it was not clear what
activity would come up in the villages.

She stated that most party MLA's vociferously opposed
the extension prominent among them was Mr Dayanand
Narvekar Mr Luizinho Faleiro Mr Joaquim Alemao who
felt that the projects under their respective
portfolios would suffer, viz the IT park the Food
Processing Park etc; Ms Fernandes however stated that
she stood her ground and refused to accept the
Regional Plan in its present form which was not upto
scale and could not spell out clearly what the Plan
holds in store for the respective villages. 

She pointed out that while the previous Government
gave two months amidst another unrest then caused by
the inclusion of revenue villages of Salcete in the
Margao PDA, her Party has during the agitation to
scrap the ordinance and the inclusion of revenue
villages in the PDAs quietly extended the time for
receiving comments from the persons likely to be
affected by the Regional Plan 2011.  In any case when
the RP 2001 was redundant for the past four years the
Government did not find it easy to change the zoning
and therefore it could continue until this Plan is
thoroughly examined by all village Panchayats. Hence
she demanded that the Plan be made available for
another few months until 31st March 2005. She said the
 TCP Board  would  review the same at its meeting on
27th December, 2005.

She stated that she warned the Party members at the
CLP that her supporters were ready to stage a fresh
agitation if need be and this time the Government
would be caught on the wrong foot.  However she did
not clarify to the Party the type of agitation stating
that it would be the first of its kind in the history
of Goa.

Following the above all the Panchas other NGOs and
like, minded citizens have decided to hold Gram Sabhas
on 19th December, 2005 at all Village Panchayats
giving the Government a clear notice that the Village
Panchayat of Goa in public interest condemn and
strongly object to the Regional Plan 2011 in its
present form  since the Plan was not made available to
the Panchayats.

Immediate contacts will be established with Panchayats
in all the 11 Talukas and based on this the
resolutions will be moved.  All those present agreed
to ensure that atleast two village Panchayats in each
taluka move the resolution to force the Government to

Most of the members expressed disgust over the
functioning of the present Government and the unholy
intentions of the MLA's who niether come out openly or
against the issues involved, giving an impression that
the present dispensation is out to rip the Treasury
for their own personal gains.

The meeting ended with a firm resolve that the forces
be mobilized for a final show down if the Government
dilly dally's on the issue any longer.  Ms Fernandes
is likely to leave for New Delhi in a day or two to
present a report on Child development which will be
deliberated by Parliament later.

In the meanwhile the South Goa Public Interest Action
Group NGO has decided to investigate into the
credentials of the Consulting Engineering Services
Limited Mew Delhi for their expertise 


2005-12-15 Thread godfrey gonsalves
According to excerpts from a recorded version  this
writer received late evening from the  History Hour
at Xavier Centre of Historical Research Porvorim Mr
Tomazinho Cardozo, ex-MLA, ex-speaker of Goa
Legislative assembly and ex-President of Dalgado
Konknni Akademi read a paper  on Socio-Economic
Growth of the Goan Community through the Konkani
Language. About 80  people were present for the talk.
The paper reading was followed by lively discussion. 
The speaker answered all questions which were asked to
 him. His adversaries had no arguments to ask counter
questions. The gist of the speaker's  main points were
the following:
1. During the Portuguese regime in Goa, Konkani was
not given any
importance. the elite of Goan society used it only to
converse with  their servants. They felt ashamed to
make use of it in public. The elite of  the Christian
community who used to speak in Portuguese in their
daily life, did not favour Konkani culture except for
the promotion of Mando and Dulpods. While the
entertainment for the poor masses was tiatr.
2. During the Portuguese regime the church schools,
besides Portuguese and Konkani in Roman script used to
teach music. He was the product of this system.
3. During the KPA movement supporters of Konkani
fought the battle to  make Konkani the Official
Language of Goa. At no point of time the script  for
the language was discussed. the agitation culminated
in making not Konkani Language the Official Language
of Goa but in making Konkani in Devanagari script the
official language of Goa. this was the greatest fraud
of the  20th
century committed on the Goan Konkani community.
4  The Official Language Act promotes the interest of
very few people while it works against the interest of
majority of Konkani people.
5. The architects of this fraud very well knew that
the followers of  Konkani in roman script will never
be able to match them in literary  activities.
6. Sahitya Akademi, 8th schedule and Goa Konkani
Akademi constitution does not mention the script of
Konkani. It is only the Goa Official Language Act
which states Konkani language means Konkani in
Devanagari script. Why  is this so?
7. In various Konkani committees you find 80% Nagari
supporters. He  called these acts as 'manipulations'.
8. It is a fact that today, it is only the schools
managed by the 
Christians that promote primary education in Konkani.
He supported this statement  with factual data.
9. Konkani in Devanagari script and in a particular
dialect is 
forcibly imposed on Christian managed schools.
10. If the use of Marathi in religious field is
considered as a sign of unity among Goan Hindus by the
supporters of Konkani in Nagari script, why not
Konkani in Nagari script and Konkani in Roman script
be a sign of unity of Goan Konkani community?
11. the policy one language, one script, one society
is divisive in natureand hence needs to be discarded.
12. India is standing tall on the world map due to the
concept of 
unity in diversity. Goa cannot be an exception to
this fact. Hence let us  respect both scripts of
Konkani and let us treat Konkani in both scripts 

This writer could not attend this meet owing to his
meet alongith some others with the CM on urgent issue
TCP PDA's and the Regional Plan.

From the Panaji end

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to http://yahoo.shaadi.com

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-15 Thread godfrey gonsalves
With the Chief Minister Mr P S Rane reiterating de
novo his Governments decision to remove all revenue
villages (excluding Taleigao) from the PDA's but yet
dilly dallying to issue a fresh  notification to that
effect viz; withdrawing these  revenue villages
notified on 27.09.2005 from the PDA's ; 
a number of persons from revenue villages coming uder
the Panaji and Mapusa Planning areas (North Goa
Planning Development Authority NGPDA) have brought to
the notice of the Santa Cruz MLA Ms Victoria Fernandes
that the Sub Registrars of Panaji and Mapusa still
insist on NOC  under 49(6) under the TCP  from the
NGPDA for registering their documents, while others
desirous of development / amalgamation under section
44 of the TCP have complained that they have to obtain
the same from the North Goa Public Development
Authority (NGPDA).  

Nothwithstanding the CM's assurance to do so, they
demanded  that  the notification should not be delayed
any longer .

Therefore all affected persons are now requested to
forward such grievances to the MLA Santa Cruz Ms
Victoria Fernandes and should also attend the press
briefing at her residence at Santa Cruz at  1900 hrs
on 16th December, 2005 in the presence of all
Sarpanchas NGOs other well meaning citizens who have
been spearheading the TCP ordinance and the PDA's
agitation thus far to bring to the notice of the
Government the hardships caused to the common man.

Meanwhile Ms Fernandes who was assured of a reply
within seven days  by the Chief Minister at his
residence when she alongwith a delegation met him
earlier on 5th instant met the CM again today 15th
December, 2005 at his residence along with others
including this writer for the action taken report on
his 5th December, 2005 assurance.

The outcome of this meeting will be explained by her
tommorrow evening 16th December, 2005 at the Press
briefing to be held at her residence at 7.00 p.m.

Incidentally today being the last date for filing of
comments on the Regional Plan 2011 the Santa Cruz
Constituency Citizens  Action Committee headed by the
Chairman Mr Agnelo Oliveira demanded extension of the
date from 15.12.2005 to 31st
March 2005 as the same was not discussed at the
Village Panchayats which would be affected by such
changes and moreover the Plan is drawn on scale of
1:25,000 while if the same changes were incorporated
in the village Plans with survey numbers and
sub-divisions there would be more clarity.

Ms Fernandes also demanded the extension of the same
to 31st March 2005 as she had herself requested for
the CD ROM  of the Regional Plan 2011 but  was
informed that the same is available only at a
particular business premise  in Panaji and the same
could be down loaded for scrutiny at the business
premises itself and not for sale.

Similarly other Panchayats too have filed letters
demanding extension of the date for another two months
according to reports recieved by this writer.

Meanwhile the Congress Legislative Party (CLP) meeting
has been slated for tommorrow at 1130 hrs. Ms
Fernandes will bring to the notice of her colleagues
in the Government the discussions held with the CM
today and then brief the Press on the same later in
the evening.

From the Panaji end


Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to http://yahoo.shaadi.com

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-10 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |
On 6th December, 2005 Goa's and also India's longest
reigning Chief Minister, Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane, (an
MLA since 1972 first in the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak
Party )  a science graduate and qualified in business
management aged 66 years completed his six month
probation period as the Chief Minister of Goa.  

How has Rane fared during the six months? and how does
one expect him to perform in the remaining term until
May 2007 ?

Health wise Mr Rane appears to be overtly fit --
remember he is a nature lover and prefers his Golden
Acres farm at Sanquelim than the cosmopolitan city of

But this writer discovered that covertly he appears
worn out, running out of breath at times as he talks

Perhaps it could also be stress, from 
a) heading the coalition of MGP (1) Mr Sudin
Dhavalikar  and NCP (2) Dr Wilfred A De Souza and Mr
Francisco (Micky) Pacheco, and 
b) annoyance at the fact that his own party men have
their daggers drawn as always in the past viz 
the aspirants to Chief Ministerial chair Mr Luizinho
Faleiro, Mr Ravi Sitaram Naik (also GPCC President)Mr
Digamber Kamat and Mr Dayanand Narvekar and Atanasio
(Babush) Monseratte and
the young aspirants to the ministerial berths viz the
near Siamese twins look alike Mr Jeetendra Deshprabhu
(Pernem) Mr Aleixo Sequeira( Loutolim) Mr Chandrakant
Kavlekar (Quepem) Mr Francisco Silveira (St Andre) Mr
Giovani Karl Vaz (Mormugao)and the most upset lone
woman MLA Santa Cruz Ms Victoria Fernandes who still
feels that she was given the Deputy Speaker's post
only to shut her mouth (but she has proved to be the
only MAN in the ruling lot thus far in the TCP
ordinance and PDAs over two month long agitation while
others were silent like mice who spoke niether for or
against the ordinance or the PDA;s )

Or it could be his unsuccessful attempt at getting 
some MLA's from the BJP side onto the Congress side
five were expected but this has not materialised yet
even after six months. In fact the Congress men
themselves are in no mood for this given the fact that
they tend to lose their seniority for ministerial
berths as these defectors put up their price now
that resigning is a must. Hence they prefer to get
re-elected as Ministers.

And finally what bothers Mr Rane most is the
congratulatory message from President of the Indian
National Congress Ms Sonia Gandhi on taking over the
Chief Minister seat on 4rh February 2005  that he must
keep up the performance a reference to pace of
development by the ex CM Manohar Parrikar of the BJP
led coalition in power since 24.10.2000 to 2.2.2005.  

But here too his performance has been dismal at least
in the eyes of the voter.  

Whether it was the ongoing projects since 27.1.2005
when the first tsunami struck the BJP led coalition
with the removal of the TCP portfolio from Antanasio
Babush Monseratte then in the BJP, which are moving at
slow pace.  There is literally no development and this
has consumed the full year now as we near 27.1.2006. 
Then the money in the treaury Rane had to cancel the
National sports meet on this count last week.

The issue of computer teachers, the recruitment drive
police force the teachers the disbanding of the
pre-employment training scheme the discontinuation of
the Dr Ambedkar housing scheme, the failure to
institute an enquiry into the IFFI ruckus of 2004 the
over growing outstanding payments and the lack lustre
IFFI 2005 the TCP draconian ordinance with amendments
that could destroy Goa and put it up for grabs to land
sharks from all over, the PDAs removed on 4.2.2005 and
its re-introduction on 27.9.2005 for reasons unknown
the threat to hold midterm elections all this does not
augur well for the Party, and the coalition government
which has been seen as a Congress government with no
credit to the MGP and the NCP partners.

Then next week is the prospects of the verdict from
the Court  going against Filipe Neri Rodrigues (Velim)
in the forgery case, and the prospects of Mr Mathany
Saldhana getting a favourable verdict from the Court
on his petition of being disallowed to cast his vote
in the vote of confidence on 4.3.2005 

Then there is also the private taxi v/s the tour
operators the issue of continuation of Dabolim airport
when the MOPA airport is finalised. The demand for
hike in bus autorickshaw taxi and motorcycle fares.

The demand for amendment to the official language act
to include Konkani in Roman script as well which the
ruling Opposition BJP has promised to introduce in the
coming session as and when held if the ruling

[Goanet] CM's tete-a-tete with Ms Victoria and others TCP ordinance PDAs

2005-12-05 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |
At a meeting held this evening 5th December, 2005 with
the Chief Minister of Goa, Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane at
2016 hrs ( the scheduled time was 1900 hrs but the CM
was away at Selaulim in Sanguem)  Ms Victoria
Fernandes MLA Santa Cruz and Deputy Speaker of the Goa
Legislative Assembly who has been spearheading the
over two months agitation on the twin issues of
withdrawal of the draconian Town and Country Planning
Ordinance of 29/9/2005 and removal of all revenue 
villages from, the PDA's (incidentally on 4.2.2005 Mr
Rane had in public interest scrapped all the PDAs
and and suddenly brought them back for reasons unknown
on 27.9.2005 after Presidents Rule bye elections and
the  month long budget session selectively including
some revenue villages in Panaji and Mapusa excluding
all revenue villages from Ponda and Margao, though his
INC party had opposed revenue villages in PDA's while
in the Opposition)  Mr Rane clarified to Ms Fernandes
in the presence of the President of the Santa Cruz
Constituency Citizens Action Committee Mr Agnelo
Oliveira, Mr Agnelo Pereira of the Penha de Franca
Citizens Forum Mr Nitin of Salvador do Mundo and this
writer that the new incumbent Law Secretary to Goa
Government Mr U Bakre ( ex District Judge )was asked
to examine the legal aspects of repealing the
controversial Town  Country Planning Ordinance of
29/09/2005 and he was awaiting his report thereon. 
Owing to this Mr Rane clarified he could not reply to
the letter of Ms Fernandes wherein she sought written
assurance from the CM on the fate of the ordinance and
the withdrawal of revenue villages from PDA's   It may
be noted one NGO People's Movement for Civic Action
has received a clarification signed by P S Rane handed
over to the NGO by the Goa Pradesh Congress Committee
Chief Mr Ravi Naik (Ponda MLA) earlier and they have
asked for further clarifications from  Mr Rane which
is awaited.

As regards the exclusion of revenue villages from the
PDAs Mr Rane told Mrs Fernandes that her villages of
Santa Cruz were already excluded, when pointed out
that she had forwarded the resolutions of over seven
Village Panchayats who too have approved withdrawal of
the villages from PDAs's Mr Rane feigned ignorance of
such demands and enquired as to when the same was
forwarded to his office.  He was told by Ms Fernandes
that the same was forwarded to his office on Friday
2nd December, 2005 Mr Rane then agreed to take up this
issue with the Cabinet and said it could take a seven
to eight days when pressed for a firm committment.

However Mr Rane categorically warned the Village
Panchayats that demands for exclusion of revenue
villages from the PDA's would entail problems of
garbage He also referred to the rampant corruption of
giving House Numbers to illegal construction and cited
the instance of his own constituency where such
activity was going on. He further added that his
government would bring an amendment to the Village
Panchayat Act to ensure that all such Panchayats
promoting illegalities would be dissolved.  He also
bluntly stated that the Calangute Panchayat was
indulging in rampant corruption.  When asked by this
writer that when such positive measures to stop
illegalites were appreciated by citizens from all over
Goa why no ordinance was brought on this count instead
of the controversial TCP ordinance Mr Rane remained

Mr Rane also stated that it was late Rajiv Gandhi's
desire to have direct elections for Sarpanches so that
they could be summarily removed for promoting
illegalities as they would be answerable to the entire
village Panchayat.

The delegation listened to his observations however
given the fact that the revenue villages have been
selectively included and PDA's hardly bother about the
garbage problem one of the members suggested immediate
implementation of the 73rd and 74th Amendment to the

When this writer amd President of SCCAC Mr Oliveira
brought to the notice of the Chief Minister that while
Santa Cruz Villages were excluded from the PDA's but
there was no notification to that effect and as a
result from 27th Spetember, 2005 to date the villagers
are inconvenienced as they have to obtain clearance
NOC under section 49(6) of TCP Act 1974 or development
and other permissions under section 44 of TCP Act 1974
from the North Goa Planning Development authority for
registration of documents Mr Rane stated that the file
has to be moved by the TCP Minister Mr Atanasio Babush
Monseratte and he would take up the matter with him to
expedite the same.  It may be 


2005-12-05 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |
A naval plane crashed this morning at 1108 hrs killing
one pilot on board Details of the accident are not
clear but it is reliably learnt that the plane crashed
on the Bogmalo wall missing several residents who use
this route 


Enjoy this Diwali with Y! India Click here 

[Goanet] SILVER PEACOCK TWO AWARDEES - iffi 2005 goa Finale

2005-12-04 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
And as the declaration of awards winning feature films
turned into a nail biting finish there were two
recepients for the the Silver Peacock --Kept and
Dreamless in Spanish Director Vera Fogwill Martin
Desalvo of Argentina the movie centres around a junkie
mother who tries to kick the habit with an young
daughter who has to not only look after herself but
also her intoxicated mother.  A real life situation
captured well on reel.  The other was Red Dust in
English Director Tom Hooper South Africa  This movie
based on the Gillian Slovo's novel centres around the
emerging democracy in South Africa a suspense
courtroom drama enacted well to reveal the Truth and
Reconciliation Commissions role in bringing justice to
local community through a confessional from Alex Mondo
tortures and travails.

With the curtains down on the 11 day extravaganza and
Goa Music Day as the last entertainment buster in all
corners of Goa with the main celebration at Campal
Parade ground this evening its hats off to the
Director of Films Festival New Delhi the Entertainment
Society of Goa Mr Sanjith Rodrigues the young
versatile dynamic no nonsense attitude supremo and Wiz
craft that help make this event a success.This is
despite the lack of positive support from the Goa
Government towards the IFFI.  Money there was a plenty
but where did all this money go -- this writer who
visited the venue for a full two days noted with
concern that some of the uncompleted works pavers on
the promenade were yet undone.  Finishing touches to
some of the old houses along the Pato Kala Academy
were incomplete.  A top official of the Kala Academy
showed this writer a structure just infront of the
Canteen which was put up but no one knows who cornered
the amount.  Until this evening the structure remained
unused.  And he pointed to a floating restaurant a
ship which was parked near the landing platform a la
jetty (for the actors and actresses done last year but
not put to much use ) which was finally shifted to the
steamer jetty near the Customs house to organise the
French films festival and later that night 3rd
December, 2005 for a dinner party after its formal
inauguration by Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane the CM of
Goa.  All these will be investigated into said the
official and now from tommorrow begins the post partum

How did the Goans react to IFFI 2005 -- well last year
was excellent despite the pins and needle situation
the IFFI 2004 had class and culture well on display
even foreign and local media had a thing or two to
comment on the CEO Mr Manohar Parrikar even the Kala
Academy was given an excellent aura which
international guests relished and even envied Cannes
will be completing 60 years of the Film Festival but
Goa measured well to earn it high billing from Cannes
itself -- that Goa has been declared as a permanent
venue speaks volumes -- but then why did IFFI 2005
fail to make it look better -- political instability
MOPA TCP ordinance and PDA's took the Government on
the wrong foot and Rane apparently had his mind on the
Chair, with unfamiliar noises from his own party men
and the lone woman (the actual man around) 

But others said there were no programmes the
Children's Park christened Bhagwan Mahaveer Park the
venue provide good entertainment but the idea of
Caranzalem did not appeal much to the crowd.  Miramar
beach was given a rest this time the High Court order
was implemented in letter and spirit. Hence there was
lack of enthusiasm.  But last Saturday Sunday and this
Sunday too there were milling crowds just to take a
look -- you know the Goan tendency if Atul can see why
not Anthony.  Then many are not filmi buffs they went
to get a glimpse of the actor actresses just to have a
close looka  but the SECURITY   pronounced in ordinary
lingo SAY CU RITY was a dreaded word these North
Indians take their jobs seriously and even a mouse had
some gun trotting eagle beagled monsters preventing
their prized guarded man from the public.  This
discouraged many from visiting the venue last years

Then there were irritants it is well known that Indian
films alone and Hindi at that get box offices full 
not the foreing films but the disgusting thing was any
Tom Dick or Harry would enter the multiplex INOX for
any foreign movie and half way through walk out or
yawn make noises not only depriving the genuine
visitors of their viewing but disturbing the genuine
viewers Next time the organisors should 


2005-12-03 Thread godfrey gonsalves
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

The joyous Feast of St Francis Xavier was celebrated this morning at the Bom 
Jesus Basilica  at Old Goa. St Francis Xavier was born on 7th April 1506 at 
Navarre in Spain and came to Goa  in May 1542.  This mass was dedicated to his 
500 th birth anniversay next year on 7th April 2006.  He died on December 3rd, 
1552, and ironically it is the day of his death that is celebrated as the 
Feast day owing to his attaining sainthood. Next year 3rd December, 2005 being 
a Sunday the Feast will be celebrated on 4th December, 2006 (Monday) 

But the celebrations this year were dampened owing to traffic snarls which 
kept the devotees away from the celebrations.  It all started with 
mismanagement of traffic, first from the Old Goa via Ela and Pilar side
where traffic was blocked for over an hour in the early hours of the morning 
i.e. 0605 a.m.

The Masses commenced from 0400 a.m. and those that stayed over night were in a 
strange dilema on their onward journey home.There were two vehicles which
caused the traffic snarl. Later the traffic Police at Pilar diverted the 
traffic at 0900 hrs from the NH 17 along the newly constructed 9 km bye pass 
of NH 4A.  On covering 5.8 kms on this bye pass the traffic was paralysed both 
ways and devoutees could not make it to the Eucharistic Feast Mass at 1030 hrs.

So grave was the commotion that several devoutees women children young and old 
several foreigners and the news and TV crew were stranded and some had to
travese the three km route on foot. It was ridiculous that the SP Traffic Mr 
Deshpande could not co-ordinate the traffic movement.

The Mass was postponed by  15 minutes to cope up with the situation and 
eventually started at 1045 a.m. according to the voulunteers. It was 
Archbishop of Goa  Daman His Grace Filipe Neri Ferrao who took note of the 
grave inconvenience caused to the devoutees and changed the schedule, but not 
beyond 15 minutes as others who had come from afar and were seated would be
put to more inconvenience.

The main celebrant was Bishop Allwyn Baretto  of Sindhdurg Maharashtra along 
with Archbishop of Goa  Daman Filipe Neri Rodrigues and others.

Later there was a special Mass held at 1300 hrs for the benefit of those 
devoutees who were stranded.

Incidentally one does not know the exact reason for such a mess up and it 
would need investigations at the highest level.  It is expected that the 
authorities at the Paco Patriacal will lodge a formal protest with the Chief 
Minister over this dilema and demand an enquiry into the episode.

In fact the Minister for Transport Mr Pandurang Madkaikar who resides behind 
the Basilica in a structure that is illegal by all counts as it is within the 
100 metres of the ASI notified heritage area ought to have seen that things 
were in an orderly manner.

Even the Home Minister Mr Pratapasing Rane should pull up the Director General 
of Police and perhaps sack the SP traffic for gross dereliction of duties.

Last year the year of the Exposition every thing went smoothly and with the 
new bye pass on NH4A there was easy flow of traffic which was welcomed by 
everyone critical otherwise of the ex CM Mr Manohar Parrikar's government. 
What was the cause for the snarl this year then?

Incidentally fingers point out to an incident which took place earlier when a 
sweet meat  kadio bodi from nearby village of Chodan was asked to remove his
shop from the corner of the pavement just opposite the Gandhi statue where a 
police is positioned atop a look out security structure.

It is believed that the last minute encroachment by the vendor had 
the blessings of the powers to be and the local outpost PI Mr V P Karpe 
manhandled the Church volunteers who forced the exit of the vendor from the 
unauthorised place. The young PI however did not take kindly to the acts of 
the Church volunteers and is believed to have preferred the vendor to continue 
in the same place.

But following intervention by other Ministers it is believed that the PI was 
pulled up and hence it is alleged that the fiasco today could have been his
creation though this needs to be investigated. 

When this writer spoke to several of the traffic police they were unnerved at 
the situation but placed the blame on some road blockade but clearly they were
telling an outright lie.

Some two years ago a similar incident took place when the water supply failed 

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