Re:[Goanet] Indonesian Earthquake

2005-01-04 Thread Tariq Siddiqui

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It looks like we have unleashed another earthquake of
> seething wrath from Santosh, and will now be inundated
> by the resulting tsunami of carefully selected
> left-wing propaganda.  He gives his own obvious bias
> away when he starts with an attack on the ownership
> and political bent of a newspaper, rather than deal
> just with the issues. case you missed it, his post dealt with the issues.

On one hand, Santosh provides details of scientific studies challenging your
assertions, while you resort to several paragraphs of name calling that does 
to dispute the points raised in the studies.


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Re:[Goanet] Indonesian Earthquake

2005-01-04 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The wrath of a woman scorned is only exceeded by the
>wrath of a committed left-wing propagandist
>confronted with the possibility that global warming
>may be modest,

As stated earlier, I will not address the irrelevant
personal insults directed at me by the above netter,
other than to mention that these thoughtless remarks
and the sexist/misogynic statement made above, once
again, reinforces my contention, and that of many of
the other netters in this forum, that this man does
not care about real facts or science. He has nothing
but contemptuous disregard for objective scientific
facts and rational conclusions derived from genuine
scholarly articles, if they do not conform to his

>that warming and cooling has happened before
>prior to the industrial revolution, and the causes
>of global warming may have little to do with human
>endeavor and a lot to do with natural causes little
>affected by man.

Those who read my last post would realize that the
above quote, in particular, directly contradicts
the fact-based objective conclusions arrived at in the
latest published papers from peer-reviewed mainstream
scientific journals such as Reviews of Geophysics and
SCIENCE, and the public information resources provided
by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, one of the world's most prestigious
bodies dealing with the issue of climate change.

It should be clear to all reasonable people who have
read my last post on this subject that the
above-referenced post fails to address, let alone
refute, any of the scientific issues raised by me. 



Re:[Goanet] Indonesian Earthquake

2005-01-03 Thread Mario Goveia
It looks like we have unleashed another earthquake of
seething wrath from Santosh, and will now be inundated
by the resulting tsunami of carefully selected
left-wing propaganda.  He gives his own obvious bias
away when he starts with an attack on the ownership
and political bent of a newspaper, rather than deal
just with the issues.

The wrath of a woman scorned is only exceeded by the
wrath of a committed left-wing propagandist confronted
with the possibility that global warming may be
modest, that warming and cooling has happened before
prior to the industrial revolution, and the causes of
global warming may have little to do with human
endeavor and a lot to do with natural causes little
affected by man.

Frozen Siberia was once covered by forests.  Lush
North America was once covered with a sheet of ice,
all before the first automobile was invented.

How do we deal with just Mount St. Helens, now
belching several years worth of man-made greenhouse
gases into the atmosphere ever day.  Try putting a
cork on that one small natural cause!  Or the gases
produced by rotting vegetation worldwide or the
effects from evaporation from all bodies of water.

This is a far more complex and controversial issue
than the absolute, left-wing version, their absolute
solutions and the politically motivated exemptions in
their treaties for India and China, two large and fast
growing economies with little or no environmental

Since failing to use socialism and communism to bring
the world down to the lowest common denominator, the
left-wing has decided to try and achieve the same ends
through the only remaining option available to them,
the environment.  The attempt will fail just as surely
as the previous one did.

Re:[Goanet] Indonesian Earthquake

2005-01-03 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> I had chided Tim of making a facetious comment while
> operating on feni fumes, which Santosh pounced upon 
> as a gratuitious "personal insult".  I would be
> rich,
> not insulted, if I was paid a $1 everytime someone
> accused me of drinking our special nationsl adult
> beverage.

Can you send me your address so that I can send you my
contribution of $100?

Post your free ad now!

Re:[Goanet] Indonesian Earthquake

2005-01-02 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In my next post on this thread I will demonstrate to
>you why the article on Global Warming that was posted
>by this man in his last post was a striking example
>of vicious right-wing propaganda, and why I think his
>and that article’s main intention was to suggest that
>global warming was entirely or primarily a natural
>occurrence, devoid of any human involvement.

As promised in my previous post (quoted above) in this
thread, I would like to tell you here why the article
mentioned in the following quote, posted in this
thread by another Goanetter is a striking example of
vicious right-wing propaganda:

"Tim, put down the feni bottle, and read the following
article that appeared in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
on December 27, 2004.  I would like you to focus on
paragraphs 7 and 8 in the article.  Maybe you will
learn something.
Global warming: The new religion
Monday, December 27, 2004"

As I have said before Global Warming is a scientific
problem. However, especially in America, it has become
a political issue. Editorials and opinion editorials
fly left and right in newspapers and news magazines,
written by editors and columnists who themselves know
very little of science, and whose interest in science
is limited to using it to score political points. It
is very easy to do this because they can selectively
quote from casual remarks made by career scientists,
or from opinions, stated for public consumption, of
one or two mainstream scientists who dispute some of
the conclusions of a consensus position based on
technical, often genuine but contentious, grounds.
They can also selectively quote from scientific
studies (or from lay distorted accounts on them) whose
conclusions have become obsolete due to subsequent
more refined measurements and interpretations. A
non-scientist does not usually appreciate very well
the fact that science is a progressive enterprise,
with an evolving consensus on many issues at its
cutting edge. 

Selective use of information to support one’s
position, and contemptuous disregard for rational
counterarguments, and even empirical counter-evidence,
is the mainstay of politics, opinion journalism and
law. Science, on the other hand, is largely a
dispassionate endeavor where objectivity is critical
to acceptance of new knowledge and its publication in
mainstream scientific journals. Objectivity in science
is maintained by two important self-correcting
mechanisms, namely peer-review and reproducibility. I
have written quite a lot about these mechanisms in
this forum over the years, so I will not repeat it

The above two paragraphs should provide you some
background to understand why the Global Warming
article under question is a striking example of
vicious right-wing propaganda.

That article is an opinion editorial in one of the
most conservative newspapers in America, the
Pittsburgh Tribune Review, owned by the eccentric
right-wing billionaire Richard Mellon-Scaife. It is
not an objective popular review on Global Warming in a
popular science or educational magazine, such as
National Geographic, meant to inform the lay public.
No responsible person without a political agenda would
ever recommend anybody in a general public forum any
editorial of Pittsburgh Tribune Review to "may be
learn something" about Global Warming. 

The right-wing political position on Global Warming in
America is either that it is not occurring at all at
present or that it is completely or primarily a
natural phenomenon i. e. human activities involving
emission of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases from
burning of fossil fuels have nothing to do with it.
The writer(s) of the said editorial perhaps concede
that global warming is occurring at present, but
clearly want to peddle their other political view that
it is not something unnatural. Indeed, this is exactly
what the poster of that editorial in this forum,
hinted in the following quote, before recommending it
to another netter so that "maybe he will learn

"Tim de Mello, who operates on feni fumes and would
like to believe that global warming is something

The poster recommended the following two paragraphs,
in particular, from the said editorial to maybe expand
the knowledge of Tim de Mello: 

"The Earth warmed in the Middle Ages, up to a peak
around 1300 when it was perhaps 2 degrees warmer than
now, whereupon the Little Ice Age ensued until about

"We'd like to have that explained in the context of
"man-made global warming.""

The truth is that the above two paragraphs refer to
outdated findings and interpretations about the time
course of global temperature change in the last two

A long and detailed scientific paper published
recently in a mainstream peer-reviewed scientific
journal by two expert climatologists has concluded
that the evidence for the warming of the Earth during
the Middle Ages, otherwise known as the Medieval Warm
Period (MWP), as we

Re:[Goanet] Indonesian Earthquake

2005-01-01 Thread Mario Goveia
Once again, Santosh Helekar goes through his typical
verbal attack, without addressing the three points
made by me:

1. Santosh's total inability to distinguish levity and
irony from serious comments.

2. His relentless attack mode against anyone who has
the temerity to disagree with him, launching
immediately into rude, hostile and intemperate
language.  Here is a recent example, "The above post,
besides containing gratuitous insults against Tim de
Mello, propagates "politically motivated nonsense"
regarding global warming. The article contained in it
is a striking example of "vicious right-wing

I had chided Tim of making a facetious comment while
operating on feni fumes, which Santosh pounced upon 
as a gratuitious "personal insult".  I would be rich,
not insulted, if I was paid a $1 everytime someone
accused me of drinking our special nationsl adult

3. No one is disputing that global warming is
occurring, so I hope Santosh will keep this in mind as
he drowns us in his left-wing propaganda as he is
threatening to do.  I hope Santosh will try to explain
why global warming and cooling occurred before the
industrial revolution began.  But I'm not holding my

Re:[Goanet] Indonesian Earthquake

2005-01-01 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Santosh Helekar continues to insist that he does not
>"demonize" anyone, relying on dictionary definitions
>to make his point.
>In spite of the Iraq posts being discontinued,
>Santosh Helekar continues his vicious ad hominem
>attacks on me personally, this time for comments I
>jokingly made to Tim de Mello about operating on feni

It is indeed amusing to watch the above poster go
through the kind of defensive contortions he has gone
through to explain his own behavior in this forum
while casting my responses to his behavior in a
negative light. He uses, not one, but two posts on two
different threads to conduct his acrobatic defense and
launch his quixotic counterattack against a perceived
attack on himself. 

He seems to suggest that using the correct dictionary
meaning of a word in the English language is somehow
unusual or inappropriate. An obvious insult directed
at a minimally aquainted opponent in debate is
supposed to be a comment made jokingly. An opponent in
debate who points out these insults is supposed to be
the one who is resorting to ad hominem attacks and
lacking in sense of humor. This unrelated issue is
somehow supposed to be related to my fixation with the
closed discussion on Iraq, and by implication I am
supposed to be in violation of that embargo. 

What can I say? I must marvel at this type of mental
gymnastics, and also at the audacity of anyone who
accuses others of committing offenses that he himself
has committed on a much greater scale. Forgive me for
referring to earlier closed discussions, but I must be
thankful that at least this time around I was not
"jokingly" called a pig or a supporter of Saddam
Hussein or of Islamic terrorists, or a member of the
anti-liberation gang. Poor Herman has already been
"jokingly" called a Dada in response to his very first
post in a long while, which had the misfortune of
being disagreeable to this poster.

I know that there will be many more "joking comments"
directed at me from this poster in a repeated series
of posts to follow. So henceforth I will ignore them
when they are directed at me, but point them out, off
and on, when they are directed at others, when I feel
the need to respond to the substance of any future
posts from this poster.

In my next post on this thread I will demonstrate to
you why the article on Global Warming that was posted
by this man in his last post was a striking example of
vicious right-wing propaganda, and why I think his and
that article’s main intention was to suggest that
global warming was entirely or primarily a natural
occurrence, devoid of any human involvement.



Re:[Goanet] Indonesian Earthquake

2004-12-31 Thread Mario Goveia
In spite of the Iraq posts being discontinued, Santosh
Helekar continues his vicious ad hominem attacks on me
personally, this time for comments I jokingly made to
Tim de Mello about operating on feni fumes.  Tim had
facetiously exulted at the prospect of somehow blaming
the US for causing the recent tsunami by not signing
the Kyoto Treaty.  I don't feel insulted if someone
"accuses" me of partaking of Goa's national drink from
time to time.  Tim probably chuckled at my comment,
but Santosh seems devoid of any sense of humor or

Santosh jumps to Tim's defense:
"The above post, besides containing gratuitous insults
against Tim de Mello, propagates politically motivated
nonsense regarding global warming. The article
contained in it is a striking example of vicious
right-wing propaganda. 

Global warming is a scientifically addressable
problem, and there is already a scientific consensus
on many of its aspects. For example, the following is
known to be true with a high level of certainty based
on objective evidence:"

Santosh then goes on to cite the case for global

Of course, Santosh, who I guess fancies himself to be
a left-wing propagandist, is so bent on attacking me
as a right-wing propagandist that he completely misses
my point, which was not that there is no global
warming taking place, but that there has been global
warming and cooling going on throughout the earth's
history, way before the industrial revolution which
the environmental zealots blame today.

The following three paragraphs from the article I sent
for Tim's consideration made that point when it said:

"As historical facts, global warming and cooling have

The Earth warmed in the Middle Ages, up to a peak
around 1300 when it was perhaps 2 degrees warmer than
now, whereupon the Little Ice Age ensued until about

We'd like to have that explained in the context of
"man-made global warming."

Re:[Goanet] Indonesian Earthquake

2004-12-30 Thread Santosh Helekar
Mario Goveia wrote:
>Tim de Mello, who operates on feni fumes and would
>like to believe that global warming is something
>Global warming: The new religion
>Monday, December 27, 2004 
>History says the rise of reason and revulsion stopped
>religious witch-burning. Or maybe they just got all
>the witches.

The above post, besides containing gratuitous insults
against Tim de Mello, propagates politically motivated
nonsense regarding global warming. The article
contained in it is a striking example of vicious
right-wing propaganda. 

Global warming is a scientifically addressable
problem, and there is already a scientific consensus
on many of its aspects. For example, the following is
known to be true with a high level of certainty based
on objective evidence:

1. There has been an increase in atmospheric
temperature of 1 degree Fahrenheit over the past 100
2. Human activities are altering the composition of
Earth's atmosphere.
3. The increasing buildup of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases is in large measure due to human
4. The greenhouse effect causes an increase in
atmospheric temperature.
5. There has been an increased melting of glaciers, a
reduction in the snow cover in the northern hemisphere
and an increased warming below ground.

In short, global warming is most likely real and is
substantially due to human activity. Please refer to
the following reputed and scientifically responsible
sources for more information. These web resources are
provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
the National Academy of Sciences and the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.$File/nas_ccsci_01.pdf

