Re: [Goanet] Foreign Students Account for Nearly 80% of S&E Doctorates Awarded in America

2006-10-20 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Hi Carmo,

You really do have difficulty in providing facts when asked for, and it is 
you who continue to embarass yourself in this forum.I have provided you with 
the latest official statsics from the National Science foundation but you 
have provided me with a research article that says just

(quote)"Indeed, in a number of highly ranked engineering schools, 
international students account for nearly 80 percent of doctoral students, 
while in fields such as law they rank as low as one percent"(endquote)

How does this prove to anyone but the mentally challeneged that of the 900 
doctorates awarded in computer science 80 % are awared to Indians?

You further provide proof of your ignorance when you claim that Information 
Science and Computer Science are wholly unrelated. In most colleges in India 
as well as abroad the degree is called Computer and Information Sciences. I 
have done my Bachelors in Engineering in India and am doing my Masters in 
the UK, I am well aware of techinical courses and degrees.

Then we are given this gem " ...I quoted was restricted to the very highly 
skilled field of COMPUTER SCIENCE - instead you referred to aggregates of 
the relatively easier fields of computer/ electrical engineering which are 
typically dominated by white Americans.."

Do you ever read what you write?? Can you provide any data to support your 
claim that Computer Science is more difficult than Computer/Electrical 
engineering?? Are you aware that software companies in India provide first 
preference to Computer Engineers rather than BSc./MSc graduates in Computer 
Science. I had asked you to wake up to the real world once before, but 
obviously your eyes are still shut.

Finally, your complete ignorance is revelaled in your below statement

(quote)"But for us IITians, our educated guesses and speculations are as 
good or better than painstaking research done by you  non-engineers."(quote)

There is no use arguing with such garbage!

Did your brain perhaps get a bit mushy while praciticing hanging upside down 
from crosses or is the foam annd froth still in your eyes.

Sunith Velho

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Anglo India's Singers - for Alfred

2006-10-20 Thread Victor Rangel-Ribeiro

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  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tony Brent

Hi Eric,
Here's some info on Tony Brent which may interest you.

He was born Reginald Britagne (pronounced Britayne) in Bombay in 1937
but later changed his name to Brent. Mother was part Irish and father
part French. His parents encouraged him not to associate with or call
himself an Anglo-Indian. He lived in Spence Lane, Byculla, with his
family. He left India when his career took him to Australia and
England in the early 50s and also had some hits in the US at around
that time. He later settled in Australia where he opened an Indian
Restaurant in Sydney.

Dear Roland,
   I lived on Spence Road in Byculla from 1940, when I was fourteen, 
until July 1956, when I left with my wife and infant daughter for America. 
As a teenager I knew every kid on the block, whether Goan, Anglo-Indian, 
Bene-Israelite, Muslim, or Hindu. The only Reggie there was Reggie 
deLappa-Soares, a Goan. There were no Britagnes in any of the six buildings 
that lined our little blind alley. Could he have moved to Spence Road in the 
late 1950s?
   Best regards,

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Floriano's Sunday Ramblings - 23 (Of the Bane of India's march towards Progress]

2006-10-20 Thread Mario Goveia

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  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

--- Floriano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have said it umpteen times before and I want to
> say it again, that if India wishes to progress into 
> a world super power (the potential being rightly 
> there), it has to  kill its religious fanatical 
> roots (read Hindutva) that are spreading like 
> cancer and more so since the Gujarat episode. When 
> I talk about India as a  super power, I am not 
> talking in terms of the arms race or arms 
> supremacy which is basically meant to kill people 
> and the environment which supports life. I am
> talking about knowledgeable India; India which will 
> use its resources optimally; India that will lead 
> the world in protecting its environment; India that 
> will look at the people of the world as human 
> beings and not as whites and blacks, Hindus, 
> Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, what have you; etc.
Mario adds:
I agree and support almost all your very noble goals
and ambitions for India to be an intellectual and
moral superpower, with the one exception of national
military strength, which you glibly describe as
"...basically meant to kill people and the environment
which supports life."
Military strength is basically meant to defend a
country and it's citizens, which is the primary
responsibility of any government, occasionally with
pre-emptive offensive action if the threat involves
WMDs, even if some of the aggressors are killed in
doing so. I'm not sure how the environment is harmed
by this.
It would be fine if everyone around India were benign
countries following the principles of Buddha. 
Unfortunately, as we saw in 1947 with the pre-emptive
Pakistani attempt to annex Kashmir by force, in 1962
with the pre-emptive Chinese rout of Indian forces in
annexing part of Assam, and the unfortunate and
relentless killings for decades of Indian citizens a
few dozen to a few hundred at a time by Islamic
radicals [which the survivors curiously ignore by
looking the other way and proudly returning to
normalcy within 24 hours], a country surrounded by
nuclear powers that have attacked it in the past needs
to be strong enough to deter the aggressive and
homicidal intentions of others.
A true superpower, especially one with the supposed
allegiance to the UN as India does, must also be able
to occasionally provide military support for the
defense of others that the world body deems necessary.
 To be unwilling to do so is incredibly selfish and
inhumane, in my opinion.
Floriano continues:
> We do not see any worthwhile leadership on India's
> horizon that will shape and/or ensure India's 
Mario adds:
I think the Congress would do a better job of this if
they were not constrained by some of their coalition
partners.  After all, the non-secular BJP was soundly
defeated when their non-secular tendencies became
apparent.  So India as a whole is remarkably secular
for such a diverse country trying desperately to
emerge from decades of corrosive economic policies.
Floriano writes:
> Modern India requires leaders of the likes of  the
> 'terminator' who will forcibly flush these worms 
> (read  RSS) and consign them to the pits of hell
> to burn and evaporate into nothingness.
Mario observes:
I had no idea GoaSuraj had any intentions of
recruiting and nominating Dr. Carmo for national
Floriano writes:
> In Goa, we have these worms at work too. 
> The Goa Su-Raj Party,  with which I am solidly
> associated from its inception, took its birth to 
> the understanding and belief that RELIGION and 
> POLITICS must never mix. It has taken this
> thinking six long years to knock on the ear-drums 
> of the Goan people, but has made very little 
> inroads.  And I/we believe that it will take more 
> than another six years for that status to change 
> because Goans are not yet ready to accept that they 
> are in danger.
Mario adds:
Floriano, you are truly a Goan patriot, and generally
on the right track in my opinion.  Most people would
have said, "To hell with it!", but you keep fighting
in the trenches for what you believe.  Unfortunately,
the problem with democracy, especially in such a
chaotic, diverse sub-continent that is more analogous
to Europe than any single country, is that it takes
time and incredible patience and education, and a
majority have to agree on even the smallest things. 
And sadly, more time than you probably have.
But yet you can't qui

Re: [Goanet] IITs Are The Best- Padre Conceicao College of Engg(PCCE) can come a close second

2006-10-20 Thread Aristo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Hello Dr. D'Cruz,

I am proud (actually not really) to say that I am an alumni of PCCE.
Let me tell you that it is in no way comparable to its counterpart
FCCE in Vashi.

Firstly, in its early days, the top management was mired in a
corruption scandal, in which the then Principal resigned.  The
Principal that took over, who I presume is still the same till date,
had no sense of leadership and direction, as I saw it. As far as
facilities and infrastructure, it was decent for a new college.  As a
defiant backbencher, I was never in good books with MOST (not all) of
my lecturers and Professors. In fact, this was the case from

The students interaction with the professors is of paramount
importance.  This interaction has the potential to mould the students
into great individuals. Unfortunately, none of my professors were
inspiring, although some had good intentions, and thus, I am not a
great individual. Yet.

With no infectious enthusiasm from their side, I got bored and skipped
most of my classes. By 4th year, I had only 4% attendance.  While I
used to pass my time sitting at the A/c Pub of Hotel Leonoras by the
side of PCCE, speaking to the kind owner and manager who gave me
refuge, my four years did not all go down to waste. Sometimes, I used
to sneak into the Library (the then egoistic Librarian refused to give
me a Library Card because of a trivial issue that I cannot remember,
and I never applied for one after that) after the Librarian left for
home early and go to my favorite section and immerse myself.  I
colluded with the Copier guy to copy my favorite books (80% of it, so
as not to violate copyright laws) without a library card.  I had to
inspire myself, and I did. Although I never got the best of grades (in
part due to those professors who hated my guts giving me the bare
minimum passing marks for my internal assessments), I am proud to say
that, eventually, I rocked the foundations and window panes of the
college with the sonic booms of a supersonic rocket motor built by my
project mates and myself, tested within the campus.

My point is, had I been inspired and encouraged, despite my
belligerent nature then, there's no saying where I might have reached.
 That is where you come in. Since your intentions are pure, I fully
support your future plans of turning PCCE into a world class
engineering institution. My advice to you is to persuade the top
management to hire devoted, well-intentioned, inspiring, enthralling
and of course, competent professors. And do not forget that students
of that age require a sense of direction.

I am sure Sunith will have his own unique perspective, and we would
all love to hear it.

However, Dr. D'Cruz, PLEASE do not infect your students with your
personal views regarding Bardezkars, Organ Harvesting, and
Intelligence varying across races and ethnicity's. You can restrict
those views to us here on Goanet. Serious.

I do hope you succeed in transforming PCCE in to a world class
institution, so that one day I can honestly say that I am proud to be
an alumni of PCCE. I can then also sit in my beach condo balcony in my
red kashti with the sandy breeze blowing in between my thighs and post
messages on a forum on how I think PCCE is the NUMBER 1 ENGINEERING
INSTITUTION IN THE WORLD and how we are not necessarily nerds!


On 10/20/06, CARMO DCRUZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Samir,
> I think India should not waste its precious resourses on developing
> world-class research programs. We should do better with what we have because
> if India doubles or triples its budget for graduate research, the PhDs
> produced by these programs will soon be recruited by the American and other
> foreign countries' companies, research organizations, and universities. And
> India will lose even the few indigenous PhDs who chose to stay back after
> their Bachelor's degrees. The IITs should have vigorous programs to hire
> part-time foreign-returned faculty from the local companies, visiting
> faculty and visiting researchers from America to enhance their teaching and
> research programs,  because after all the US-based IITians want to give
> back - and after living and working in America for a few years, they have
> developed new perspectives and attitudes and work habits which India needs.
> I have already decided how I will spend my sabbaticals in India. I will
> teach short courses in the IITs and collaborate with the I

[Goanet] Sethu Sunday - Please donate generously

2006-10-20 Thread Cecil Pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Sethu is doing wonderful work in Goa for differently-abled children in Goa. 
The annual Sethu Sunday is one of their main fund raisers. Please 
contribute in whatever way you can.

- Donate items for sale. Check out for unused stuff around the house in 
good condition. Duplicate gifts and such brand new items can be used as 
prizes for raffles etc.

- Attend on 29th and buy stuff and participate in games etc. The proceeds 
help Sethu reach out to underprivileged children.

- Give cash. Sethu is a registered trust.





Dear Friends,

Sethu works with children with disabilities, learning, emotional and 
behavior problems. We conduct training for parents and teachers to help 
them understand and deal with children better.  In order to do our work in 
the best possible way and reach out to more children, we need the support 
of the community. Sethu is happy to announce the second SETHU SUNDAY - 2, a 
'good as new' and food fair on 29th October 2006. The funds raised through 
this event will be used for vital audio visual and training equipment 
needed at the centre.

This is an appeal for your support. We would be delighted if you could 
donate items for the sale, as well as attend the function with your family 
and friends on 29th October.  Donations can include; toys, books, clothes, 
household and gift items, plants, foodstuff, etc. We look forward to your 
generous contributions as soon as possible.

Please deliver items to Shalini at Sethu Centre, 1st Floor Fredrica 
Apartments, Caculo Colony, Miramar. Or if you prefer the items to be picked 
up, call Mike on 9822489023 (Panjim area) or Elvina on 9823405082 (Mapusa 

With regards and thanks from all of us at Sethu,

Elvina Menezes
Sneha Bhandare  
Dr. Ameeta Mascarenhas  
Dr. Nandita de Souza
Anjali Barretto 
Yogita Joshi
Anisha Dias 
Shalini Fernandes   


Sethu Centre for Child Development & Family Guidance, 1st Floor, Fredrica 
Apts., Caculo Colony, Miramar, Goa - 403 001Phone : 6513749


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Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Postgraduate education and research in India

2006-10-20 Thread Jeevan

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  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Correct analysis by Dr. Santosh for the state of research and higher 
education in India.

The position of India in terms of scientific output (both in terms of number 
of publications, citations, and quality of work) has gone down considerably. 
Small countries such as South Korea, Taiwan, Israel have overtaken India in 
this regard. For instance, how many quality papers do we see from India 
appear in top journals such as Nature, Science, Cell, etc.

Besides how many Nobel Laureats the great IITs, IIMs and IISCs have 
produced?  U. Cal and MIT has a Nobel Laureat/s almost every year.

IITS and IIMs are  placed at 50s in 2006, as per the list of top 
universities published by the Times recently.


On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 Santosh Helekar wrote :

>Sunith is right. India has excellent undergraduate
>professional colleges such as the IITs, IIMs and some
>engineering and medical colleges of top universities.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] FW: Pedro Pokhol the hot shot(revised)

2006-10-20 Thread Arnold Noronha

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  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

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Pedro Pokhol of Panjim (a.k.a. Peter Pacheco )  had recently moved to the 
States. He was naturally trying to improve his status by impressing people 
in his new environment.  Pedro used to brag regularly  to his boss at work , 
"You know sir , I know everyone important there is to know in this world. 
Just name someone, I mean anyone and I know them."
Tired of his boasting, his boss  was determined to call his bluff, "OK, 
Pedro how about Tom Cruise?"
"Sure, yes, Tom and I are old friends, and I can prove it."
So Pedro and his boss fly out to Hollywood and knock on Tom Cruise's door, 
and sure enough, Tom Cruise shouts, " Pedro, Great to see you! You and your 
friend come right in and join me for lunch!"
Although impressed, Pedro's boss was still skeptical. After they leave 
Cruise's house, he tells Pedro that he thinks his knowing Cruise was just 
"No, no, just name anyone else", Pedro says.
"President Bush," his boss quickly retorts.
"Yes," Pedro says, "I know him, let's fly out to Washington."And off they 
go. At the White House, Bush spots Pedro on the tour and motions him and his 
boss over, saying, "Peddyboy!!! , what a pleasant surprise, I was just on my 
way to a meeting in the West Wing, but you and your friend come on in to the 
Oval office and let's have a cup  of coffee first and catch up."
Well, Pedro's  boss is much amazed by now, but still not totally convinced. 
After they leave the White House grounds, he expresses his doubts to Pedro 
about the completeness of his universal contacts. Thus Pokhol  again invites 
  the boss to name anyone else.
"The Pope," his boss exclaims in a challenging tone. "Sure!" says Pedro.  
Soon Pedro and his boss are in Rome jostling through the hoi polloi 
assembled in Vatican Square. Then  Pedro  declares in frustration,"This will 
never work. I can't catch the Pope's eye  and get his personal attention 
among all these masses.
"Tell you what chief, I know all the Swiss guards, so just  let me  go 
upstairs and I'll come out on the balcony with the Pope.
So he disappears into the crowd, headed toward the Vatican . Sure enough, 
half an hour later Pedro emerges with the Pope on the balcony.
But by the time Pedro returns, he finds that there is a big commotion. 
Unfortunately his boss appears to have  had a minor heart attack and is 
surrounded by paramedics.
Working his way to his boss's side, Pedro bends over and asks him, "What 
happened, sir?"
His boss looks up and says, " Pedro, I was doing fine until you and the Pope 
came out on the balcony and this white European looking stranger next to me 
said, " Who's that chap on the balcony with Pedro?
Moral of the story -
NEVER underestimate a Goan !!!

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Re: [Goanet] IIT /Indian propagated myths about America

2006-10-20 Thread Mario Goveia

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  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

--- Sunith Velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...but then again we are well used to fake 
> experiments and random statistics on this forum.
Mario asks:
Hey, Sunith,
Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you one of those
misrepresenting the opinion of a certified physician
on this forum recently?

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Foreign Students Account for Nearly 80% of S&E Doctorates Awarded in America

2006-10-20 Thread CARMO DCRUZ

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details


I really  do not have time for a p--ing contest with you on the facts and 
figures of Doctorates in Computer Science awarded to Indians in the US 
(atleast that's what the tone of your note below was like) - But for us 
IITians, our educated guesses and speculations are as good or better than 
painstaking research done by you  non-engineers. Here is a research paper
excerpt that shows that my rough, off-the-cuff guess as a Goan IITian was 
better than your painstaking, mis-interpreted Internet research and 

You should not make a public display of your ignorance of technical fields 
and embarass yourself on a public forum.

Our discussion below and the percentages I quoted was restricted to the very 
highly skilled field of COMPUTER SCIENCE - instead you referred to 
aggregates of the relatively easier fields of computer/ electrical 
engineering which are typically dominated by white Americans because of the 
job opportunities available to them in the US Defense-related High-Tech 
industry or aggregates of Computer Science (highly skilled field dominated 
by Asians esp Indians) and Information  Science (relatively much larger, 
lower skilled field dominated by White Americans) - There is a very big 
disconnect here. Do You Get it ?

The selective 2003 data for an aggregate number of doctorates in all fields 
is way off the mark and off the focus of  our discussion which was 
restricted only to COMPUTER SCIENCE. No data you quoted  was exactly for 
Computer Science(which is dominated by Indians) instead the table which you 
have wrongly read had Computer Science lumped with Information Science.

Foreign Students Account for Nearly 80% of Doctorates in Science and
Engineering Awarded in America (Colloquially "Foreign" Students also
comprise foreign-born US citizens or US citizens of foreign parentage;
Chinese students are primarily members of the global Chinese diaspora). The
field of Computer Science is dominated by Indians and Chinese, and because
of their fluency in English and Mathematics Indians dominate it by a nearly
80-20 margin.

REF: "The Contribution of Skilled Immigrants and Intenational Graduate
Students To US Innovation" by G Chellaraj, KE Maskus and A. Mattoo (2005)

"Relatively open access to international students has allowed U.S.
universities to accept the brightest graduate students in science and
engineering from all over the world. In turn, international graduate
students contribute to innovation and patenting. Presumably, this is because
international graduate students are relatively concentrated in such fields
as science and engineering. Indeed, in a number of highly ranked engineering
schools, international students account for nearly 80 percent of doctoral
students, while in fields such as law they rank as low as one percent"

"Further, because of work restrictions for international students, domestic
students have greater opportunities to be employed in non-research
activities in both university and non-university institutions. Hence, it is
not surprising that the presence of international students along with
skilled immigrants, including international faculty, exchange visitors,
research fellows and post-doctoral research associates, is a significant
factor behind sharp increases in innovation and patenting at universities."

"Concluding Remarks: This study provides the first systematic econometric
results about the contributions of foreign graduate students and skilled
immigrants to U.S. innovation and technological change. While it may have
become conventional wisdom in some circles that these personnel flows
contributed extensively to learning in the United States, the idea had not
been tested. Our results strongly favor the view that foreign graduate
students and immigrants under technical visas are significant inputs into
developing new technologies in the American economy. The impacts are
particularly pronounced within the universities but spill over as well to
non-university patenting.The significant contributions of international
graduate students and skilled immigrants to patenting and innovations in the
United States may have international and domestic policy implications. At
the international level, it is evident that the United States has a
significant direct comparative advantage in exporting the services of higher
education, especially in training scientists, engineers, and related
personnel. This situation 

Re: [Goanet] the Oct 18 meeting of Goans in Toronto

2006-10-20 Thread Jose Colaco

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

For Ema, Lynette and me, it was an absolute pleasure to be in the company of 
the Toronto Goans who met first at the Sutton Place Hotel and then at the 
Biriyani House on Wellesley on Wednesday Oct 18, 2006.

The happy and very positive minded company included Ben Antao and his lovely 
wife Marinella, Silviano Barbosa, Roland Francis, Olinda Fernandes, Mervyn 
Lobo, Bosco D'Mello, Francis Rodrigues and his lovely wife Clara.

It heartened us to note that these good people had gathered on a busy 
midweek evening to share their precious time with each other.

As always, a personal meeting puts a face to the signature who sends those 
emails. It was good to see so many good people, some for the first time, and 
participate in a very happy occasion.

It was meant to be a short dinner meeting to raise some funds for Goencho 
Ulo - it turned out to be a swell party which Nobody appeared to want to 
leave. To everyone's good fortune, the weather was excellent and the food 
was delightful.

Missed Lisette & Kevin Saldanha et Carol & Nash Lobo. God Willing, there 
will be another occasion to meet again soon.

I'd like to add our very sincere Thank You to all who made it, and to all 
who tried. A special Thank You too to Nash Lobo and in turn to Floriano Lobo 
for the favour done with such speed.

Till another day

with much love and thanks from Nassau


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[Goanet] AICHEA DISAK CHINTOP - Outubrachi 21vi, 2006!

2006-10-20 Thread domnic fernandes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Vavr vorto vo supurlo zanv; bore baxen kor nam tor korichnaka.

(Be the labor great or small; do it well or not at all.)


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

Shah Rukh fan? Know all about the Baadshah of Bollywood. On MSN Search

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[Goanet] Talking Photos: In search of Agabochke Part II - My type of meal

2006-10-20 Thread JoeGoaUk

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Talking Photos: In search of Agabochke Part II  - My type of meal

Sorry, I completely forgot about this part II (until someone reminded me).

Well, as I  walked from KTC Panaji To Bambolim GMC( in search of the  Flower 
Agabochke) and
while I was looking for a pilot there to return back home,  this lovely fried 
fish flavour
(kailintle nusteacho vas gheun mhojea pottantli gantt pasun kuxin sorli) right 
into my sharp
nose. I don't usually take day time meal but I could not resist as I new it was 
coming from a
nearby local eating house (see pic) I immediately rushed in and ordered my meal 
with extra
plate of fish.
Although, I am not used to  large steel 'Tali' plate, I still enjoyed it very 
much (with spoon
and a fork which I asked for).
I also saw many high class people there having their lunch.

check this pics

Sometimes, it is not just the money we look at but the type of meal (with fish 
Moreover, most of the times, even if you pay 10 times the price elsewhere, one 
will still not
get what he wants. And it happened to me all the times. 

FYI, if in Panjim, we usually visit Ritz classic for fish curry rice around 
Rs.50 only (with
fresh King fish slice, veg, Tisrio, miskut etc) hot/soft drinks extra. This is 
not only cheap
but fresh and quick service too.

While on the main road (Agassaim- Panaji), we usually visit a local eating 
house behind
Bambolim Cross/Church very popular for its fresh fish etc, beer/whisky etc  
also served.
Monday closed I think.

See part I here (agabochke)

  for Goa & NRI related info... 
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

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Re: [Goanet] A generous Goan

2006-10-20 Thread Mervyn Lobo

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  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Would you please tell us what the members'
> initiative on Goanet is and also about Mervyn's
> "My Camp"

Hi Roland,
"My camp" was a spur of the moment attempt by me to
raise funds for Goa Sudharop. The offer is now closed.

I almost talked to you about it at Dr. Jose Colaco's
place two days ago. My offer was not too popular on
Goanet. There supposedly are 9,000 members on Goanet.
I could have been used to make a USD $90,000.00
donation to Goa Sudharop but very few took me up on my

Thankfully you were one of those who replied. For each
reply, I sent $10.00 to Goa Sudharop. Each and every
person that replied to me also got a thank you note. 

Now that I have meet you and know how generous you
are, I think we should get together some like minded
people in Toronto and see how we can raise funds for
Goan charities.

"Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of
happiness." - George Santayana

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2006-10-20 Thread Floriano

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

1. First the elected representatives loot the public exchequer left right
and center.

2. Then they pay handsomely to the punks who call themselves citzens of Goa
who are on their payroll to fend for them.

3. When exposed, the elected representatives lose control at cabinet
meetings in the hope that the cabinet collegues will be cowed down.

I have personally congratulated  Mr. Diwan Chand , the Vigilance Secretary
at his Secretariat office, who investigated this Sonsodo Mega Scam pinning
Joaquim Alemao. When asked if he is on the firing line (relieved) he said he
didn't know and that it will not bother him. "If they want me to leave, I
shall happily go" he said. This gave me the feeling that he was insinuating
'who will deal with this chor rascals?"

I left not before telling him that we sensitive and upright Goans will stand
by him and that he can bank on our support. To that he warmed up and gave me
a pleasant smile. I also told him that the exit of Mrs. Dungra was not well
taken by Goans in general.


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] IIT /Indian propagated myths about America/response to Roland

2006-10-20 Thread Carvalho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Dear ROland,
You always manage to make me laugh, especially when we
bring Carmo into the picture. Throw in his penchant
for his kasti and we have not just a contest for first
place in education but a pending patent for the thong.

I was wondering where my strong response came from and
I think it comes from the fact that my brother is
American, having studied in a US college and is no
lesser a person than any counterpart in India. Add to
that my daughter is American, not to mention a handful
of nieces and nephews.

Which begs the bigger question, who are NRI Goans and
where do our loyalties lie? Perhaps we've reached a
point in our cultural evolution, where we have
parallel identities and dual loyalties. Perhaps this
is a good think for humankind, provided it doesn't
lead to too much dysfunction.

Take care,
--- Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In this regard you are as bad as our Carmo ; )) who
> actually took my
> question and turned it into evidence in support of
> his own theory, as
> Cornel so rightly pointed out.
> Regards, Roland.

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Re: [Goanet] IITs Are The Best - Please Stop Your Sychophancy Towards Americans

2006-10-20 Thread Carvalho

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  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Dear Mr Carmo,

Sunnith has already provided you those stats, which
amount to a mere 15% as opposed to your statistics of
80%. If we are to believe you, American colleges
consist of just Indians and Chinese, (many of whom are
Americans please note), while white Americans are busy
serving them hamburgers at the campus cafeteria.

Secondly, please read the article provided by Eddie.
Here it is again, incase you missed it the first time.

So there goes your assertion, that IITs are ranked no.
1. Unfortunately, they are ranked no.57, not 1, or 2
or 3 but 57. Also note, that one of the parameters for
this ranking was their hiring eligibility. 

Ofcourse at the time, I contested IITs superiority
over Harvard, I didn't have these facts before me but
I knew them instinctively. Especially since the
alumnus of IIT go around advocating death by
crucifixion. Presumably those meeting their fate in
this manner, all studied at Harvard.



> Hi Selma,
> Thanks for your message. Please find out how many of
> the 900 doctorates in
> Computer Science are awarded  to Asians and How many
> of those are awarded to
> Indians. I am sure it must be close to 80% in both
> cases.
> Best Regards,
> Dr. Carmo D'Cruz
> Goan, IITian,
> Indian Harbour Beach, Florida

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[Goanet] Photos of narkasur... etc

2006-10-20 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

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  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

My Goan friend based in the US Rajan Parrikar (we actually start off
with verbal dues and skirmishes in cyberspace!) has some great
pictures of the narkasur festival from Goa. Check out
Rajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Bis currently in Goa. He's a GEC (Goa
Engineering College) alumni, and take a lot of interest in Indian
music, a topic he's well versed about.
He's also very deep into Usenet newsgroups. (Sometimes it's lonely on
soc.culture.indian.goa -- because of the strict, moderated, news-only
ontopic-only policy of that network. And also the fact that Usenet
newsgroups are kind of old technology... not very popular nowadays!
It's a kind of prehistoric animal, except that it's good to archive
news and such posts. Sometimes.)
Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490
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[Goanet] Timeline of events in India, including Goa

2006-10-20 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details
I found this fascinating and fairly detailed timeline
of events in India from 1802 to the present, including
appropriate references to Goa.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Left wing vs Right Wing

2006-10-20 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

As you know, Goanet' forum can frequently become the venue of an 
interminable  pitched battle between liberalism and rightism. Among the 
combatants it's apparently perceived as  a free-for-all, no-holds-barred 
melee between adversarial forces of free-thinking vs fundamentalism. Amusing 
and even informative and thought-provoking the conflicts can be. However at 
times , the  overarching ennui and sense of futility engendered by the 
bitter obfuscatory arguments with no end in sight tend to vitiate Goanet's  
cyberspace. Despite the 'best efforts' catharsis of Goanet's moderators, 
such squabbles seem to degenerate  into  cantankerous exchanges. If not 
stemmed and reconciled amicably, one day the outlook could  resemble a 
medieval shrieking witches' coven on Halloween Night.  It's high time some 
of the warring correspondents learn to differentiate between  debate and  
dog fight, adroitness and acrimony, elegance and egotism. Hence I yield to  
expressing in verse deep chagrin, perplexity and concern but optimistically 
also hope of ultimate reconciliation.
Trouble could be brewing in Goanet's cyberspace ring
Hostility is rife between antagonistic left and right wings
The fractious environment is beset by undesirable baiting
The oxygen of Goanet's erudite and social air depleting
The contest spilling over is sadly good old Goa cheating
Frustrating the noble objectives envisaged in creating
This wonder cyberspace concept for Goa's well being
It's Fabianism vs Capitalism, one another's guts tearing
Each side vigorously vying to prove it's absolute king
In  logic, morals and knowledge, vicious  head butting
As each opponent indulges in criticism and mud slinging
Carping that their foe in principle and reason is ailing
Making the other side, sour wiseacres and ding-a-lings
Not marching in step, in cacophony different tunes sing
Going at each other flailing like prize fighters in a ring
With a tempest in a teacup each flap has its beginning
But next lo and behold a perfect storm is fast  brewing
And with intense intellectual food fights they've a fling
Between them there's no love lost, only lack of feeling
Goanet's moderators role is to promote the right thing
using a commonsense approach and to virtue appealing
Hence let's all cooperate with Goanet Admin's inspiring
Behind all that  bewildering welter causing perspiring
Secretly the two hot sides may be one another admiring
Envisage an end in sight with compromise in the offing
Let's import Goa's revelry with feast, dance and singing
With bonhomie shake hands exchanging friendship rings
Seeing  peace, understanding and serenity it will bring
One day let's hope this rivalry has an Utopian ending

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Re: [Goanet] Misinformation regarding cancer/response to Cornel

2006-10-20 Thread Sunith Velho

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  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Hi Cornel,

Thank you for your kind words but I must say Mario's posts have no effect on 
me neither personally nor professionally.

Unfortunately he will never grasp the difference between knowledge and 
wisdom because he has none of the former and laughably claims to possess the 

This is obvious from his complete inability to answer a simple question 
which I will now repeat.

1. Can anyone quote the journal and article here Gilbert's ficticious mice 
experiment with its nonsensical conclusions was published ??

It really is disappointing to see an educated(?) adult behave in the 
childish manner that Mario sometimes does.

Sunith Velho

Cornel writes:
How utterly preposterous and disgraceful, on a community site for a
poster to scornfully say to a young Indian intending overseas student that:
"as a developing scholar who fancies himself to have a half-way decent
command of English but still hasn't grasped the difference between knowledge
and wisdom ...etc?"

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Toronto... and a "Hindu" Mass

2006-10-20 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

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  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

--- "Frederick \"FN\" Noronha"
> Thanks to Maxwell Pereira and Fatima for sending
> across this link:

Without wanting to get into yet another endless
religious debate, I had remarked to Fernando Rego a
couple of years ago, that Roman Catholic Mass that is
said in Goa is the same that is said in Lisbon, Paris,
Adelaide, Sydney, London, Melbourne, or for that
matter in New York, apart from the language in which
it is said.  That is what the word "catholic" stands
for - universal. 

If bishops in India want to "Indianise" the Church,
then by all means form a Protestant church, but don't
call it Catholic, especially not Roman Catholic. One
might have a special ceremony to honour the Aborigines
(or Hindus or Muslims for that matter), but as an
aside from the main celebration, which must retain its

Having had my say, please do not feel offended if I do
not reply to any comments made regarding my remarks
above.  Time may not be on my side.  



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[Goanet] Goanetter Frederick Menezes... in an interview on technical writing

2006-10-20 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Interview with Frederick Menezes
See TechCraft eNewsletter Volume 25_October 2006.pdf
TechCraft - India's leading eNewsletter on Technical Writing
(October 2006, Volume 25)

Quote: "Right from my school days, I had a love for writing. During my
college days, I was able to get some of my articles and poems
published in Goan newspapers. During my MCA days, I started noticing
advertisements for technical writers, particularly in Express
Computer. Though I had no clear picture about what technical writing
exactly was, somewhere in the back of my mind, I thought that I could
be a teachnical writer. Given my love for writing and my ongoing
computer software studies, technical writing in teh software field
seemed to be a good match"

"You need to have the right content, and this content is not at all
easy to source. You need to get under the skin of the product and
figure out how the product functions. There's also the challenge of
instructional design. I have heard many people saying that
instructional design is commonsense."
Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] FLOSS ... and a Goan researcher abroad

2006-10-20 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Nice page (brief but informative) that I came across

Andre is doing his second year of his PhD at Stern Finance. and he's
talking about:
* Perl scripts
* ImageMagick's convert
* Picasa
* PDF output from his Gauss programs
* A perl script he wrote "to automate the TEX-ing of output and the writing of
   it to a destination accessible to a browser, which has saved me so much
   work it's unbelievable."

He writes: "I am a Goan from Goa. My home is in Nachinolá, but I spend
a lot of time in Anjuna. No, I don't spend my time getting drunk (the
two times I've gotten near-drunk, I was in New York), or doing
anything unbecoming. Though of course, that depends on how you define
unbecoming. My view of Goa is home. Take a look at some pictures."

PS: Andre, welcome to ... Goa's
Free Software and Open Source network. Are you Britto's alumni?
Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] IIT /Indian propagated myths about America

2006-10-20 Thread Roland Francis

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Dear Sunith,

Your observations on the subject were well written and the facts
enlightening to us.

About the students in Canada, I can endorse the same situation as
prevailing in schools of higher learning in this country. What I say
is anecdotal, gained from experience in two of my children currently
studying in Universities themselves and the views of many other
students with whom I have talked and asked opinions firsthand. Since
it is subjective it may be with variance with the facts in some
matters, but it is generally true.

One problem I think, starts at the guidance stage itself. There are
trained counsellors at school and university, but they are more
focused in getting the student to be well adjusted to the system and
not in career guidance per se. For example rather than taking the
student in a career direction that suits temperament and talent, they
talk about what is available to them. There are other resources for
this and the counseller would well spend time in explaining what the
outside world will look like if a certain path is taken, about which
the student is not much aware of as this information is not available
in any brochure.

The Canadian education system after high school gives a choice for
either University or Community College. Classically one was academic
and resulted in a degree and the other, a certificate or diploma but
the college system has evolved considerably in the past few years.
They are cheaper, more hands-on, job oriented and in touch with
industry and the corporate world. They have introduced programs for
professional certifications where it is possible to get say a CMA
(Certified Management Accountant) or a CFP (Certfied Financial
Planner) which are recognized as much more advanced than mere degrees.
Universities have realized that they are being left out of the job
race and are now integrating some of their studies with those of these
College programs. In fact some Universities have even allowed these
colleges to integrate their courses with University degrees and
maintain brick and mortar building within their campuses.

At the professional level, there are restricted seats in the reputed
institutions, so many brilliant Canadian students go to the US where
the opportunities for enrollment are much more and so is funding via
scholarships. After finishing their internships there, they return
home as mostly their US studies are recognized here at that
professional level.

The Corporate and professional world is so far dominated by the
Caucasians (read Anglo and Scottish ancestry) who zealously guard
their turf and erect glass ceilings. However in the major cities
university rolls are filling with second generation Canadian
immigrants be they Chinese, Indian, or East European. This will
undoubtedly change the demographic in the higher echelon of jobs in
the next 10 years. These kids are not cleverer than the Caucasians.
They just study harder, have a higher motivation to succeed and want
to break the existing glass ceiling which they will, once the old boy
school tie network crumbles with attrition.

Mathematics (but not sciences) in Canada at the lower and early years
of high school, levels are woefully backward, but that may be I think
since the schools are too pre-occupied with getting them to think and
logically figure and get their brains in a problem solving direction
rather than get them to actually solve the problems. But this helps
them cope with the sudden expectations of high mathematical standards
that are required of them at the last years of high schools and in
Universities. At that level they are undoubtedly on an average basis,
superior to Indian students at the same level.

Hope I have not been too boring in enunciating my thoughts on your
question. By the way have you heard of Indra Nooyi a Madras University
Alumni gettin the top job at Pepsi on the basis of her ability to
determine strategy alone, without having any operational experience in
the company? TIME says she is now the most powerful woman corporate
figure in the world.

Regards, Roland.

On 10/18/06, Sunith Velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Selma and Roland,
> In all probability it is true that the students from Harvard and Yale failed
> the IIT entrance exam. This does not reflect on their intelligence but just
> on the extremely wide scope and high level of the IIT-JEE exam. My friends
> who got into IIT started studying for the entrance ex

[Goanet] Press Note for kind favour of Publication

2006-10-20 Thread Goa Su-raj Party

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

20 October, 2006

The Administrator,


Subject : Press Note for kind favour of publication.

The Goa Su-Raj Party congratulates the Secretary, Vigilance, Mr. Diwan Chand
for his efforts in exposing the  Sonsodo-Hyquip-Ministry of Urban
Development multi-crore scam. The Party also acknowledges the efforts of the
SAVE GOA FRONT to  highlight the magnitude of the scam and the involvement
of the Urban Development Minister Mr. Joaquim Alemao. The Party deplores the
tactics employed by the Urban Development Minister to prevent the Save Goa
Front from addressing the public meeting at  White Hall, Cuncolim, even to
the extent of inflicting bodily harm to the activists wanting to  bring
awareness to the people of Cuncolim of the connivance of the Urban
Development Minister with the Cuncolim Industrial Estate  units,  releasing
toxic pollutants within the Industrial Estate which has polluted most of the
ground water of the area.

The Party wishes Mr. Diwan Chand and the Save Goa Front convener Mr. Aires
Rodrigues well and cautions the present government that any effort to sweep
the dirt under the carpet to save the chair of the Urban Development
Minister will have cascading effects on the government, especially on
Congress Party in particular. The Party is hopeful that the police will
carry out an independent and unbiased investigation into the White-Hall
incidence and punishes the culprits appropriately.

The Goa Su-Raj Party joins the Save Goa Front in demanding the resignation
of the Urban Development Minister with immediate effect.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
for Goa Su-Raj Party


(Floriano C. Lobo)
General Secretary/Spokesperson
Phone: 2266111, Mobile 9422060347

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Anglo India's Singers - for Alfred

2006-10-20 Thread Roland Francis

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Tony Brent

Hi Eric,
Here's some info on Tony Brent which may interest you.

He was born Reginald Britagne (pronounced Britayne) in Bombay in 1937
but later changed his name to Brent. Mother was part Irish and father
part French. His parents encouraged him not to associate with or call
himself an Anglo-Indian. He lived in Spence Lane, Byculla, with his
family. He left India when his career took him to Australia and
England in the early 50s and also had some hits in the US at around
that time. He later settled in Australia where he opened an Indian
Restaurant in Sydney.

He released his last CD in 2000 called The Magic Of Tony Brent through
Tower Records. Don't know if he is still alive, but you can email his
daughter Karen Bretagne at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get any other

Wickipedia has some pretty detailed personal info on our friends
Englebert and Cliff Richard:
Cliff Richard's Anglo Indian ancestry is mentioned though he might
have posed as being born to British parents in India.

Reminds me of the several chuckles I intoned when I used to hear our
Africander Goan boys call him Clf Richard when they came to Goa in
the first repatriation waves of the 60s with their family's Ford
Anglia's and Volkswagen Beetles. Didn't take their poor fathers too
long to spend away their savings which they hoped would stretch a long
way in Goa, then beating a hasty retreat to England to make it their
permanent home. Though of course their version is that they didn't
like the life in Goa. Can't blame them, though it is funny when taken
in context of todays dirty Goa as compared to the beautiful Goa of the
60s, that these same repatriates/expatriates are now making Goa their
final destination. Which may be fine after all as this time around
they have the retirement money funded from their savings, pensions and
possible sale of homes which have appreciated considerably in the past
10 years to more than last them their remaining lifetimes.

I am talking of the older folk as their children have integrated too
much in English, American, Canadian and Australian societies to follow
the same path as their dads.

Nota Bene my dear Africanders, these gratuitous comments are only
observations made by a Bombayite, with malice towards none.

On 10/19/06, eric pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We  were proud of  "our Tony Brent",  my mother's very proud claim,  and she
> was there, up in the front rows,  when he returned to perform at the Metro
> Cinema in Bombay in the late 50's.  I believe he had  lived on Sankli Street
> in Byculla.
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Talking Photos: I wish our Dirty Ministers were...

2006-10-20 Thread JoeGoaUk

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Talking Photos: I wish our Dirty Ministers were...
(see pic for rest of it)


'' Hem kitem tem zanna zaunk, polle hem chitr..

  for Goa & NRI related info... 
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

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[Goanet] Sethu Sunday?

2006-10-20 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

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  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Helene Derkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent me this note: "Hi there,
Sethu is having another 'Sethu Sunday' which is an excellent
opportunity for you to donate all unwanted items from your house and
pick up some new ones!  (this does not include spouses, pets or
in-laws!! :) )

"Please have a sort out - any 'unwanted' or duplicate gifts we could
do with for our raffle and for prizes for the activities.  Household
items are much appreciated as is anything 'good as new'.  Once you
have a bag or box sorted you can either drop it to Sethu, my place or
one of the volunteers will come and collect it.  Couldnt be simplier
so spend 30 minutes over the weekend sorting out that cupboard that
you've always been meaning to but got havent got around to and start

A soft-copy of a poster she included said: "Sethu Sunday 2006 jumble
sale. 29 October 2006. 9 am to 6 pm. Venue: 32 Defence Colony,
Porvorim (terrace). To donate/volunteer, contact Shalini tel 651 3749.
Sethu Centre, Caculo Colony, Miramar." Sethu is the child development
and family guidance centre. One of the interesting but untold stories
of our times in contemporary Goa is about citizens initiatives...
which sometimes do work!
Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490
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[Goanet] An article by Goa's prominent Architect Sarto Almeida

2006-10-20 Thread sofia rodrigues

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

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Article: Architecture of Goa : Seeking Vision and Identity -- the Current Scene 
Text by Sarto Almeida and Jaimini Mehta   
  Interestingly, this concept of , Goanness is still being evolved; we will 
'know' what constitutes Goan architecture only when we see it expressed in 
temporal forms. A survey of architecture in the forty years since independence 
shows various strands of this search for expression; this essay, however, will 
examine not just the present architectural trends but also trends that began to 
reveal themselves in the last years of Portuguese rule.
   …Evolving Architecture,   
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in @ Az|Core: Category Research Abstracts and Texts (primary)…   
'With Goa, independence from centuries of Portuguese rule, and the 
subsequent political integration with India, have led to a curious dilemma: 
While Goa seeks to be part of the larger Indian polity, culturally our society 
has become more conscious of its Goan identity, and wants to preserve and 
express it. Like music and literature, architecture has sought to express this 
"Indian yet Goan" character.
  Interestingly, this concept of , Goanness is still being evolved; we will 
'know' what constitutes Goan architecture only when we see it expressed in 
temporal forms. A survey of architecture in the forty years since independence 
shows various strands of this search for expression; this essay, however, will 
examine not just the present architectural trends but also trends that began to 
reveal themselves in the last years of Portuguese rule.
  In the past, Goa's identity was defined by its beautiful natural environment 
together with the prevalent Indo-Portuguese and vernacular styles of 
architecture. Since architecture mirrors local material culture, and there had 
been little change in that culture for centuries, Goan architecture remained 
relatively static until the 1960s.
  However, a few stray examples of a far different architectural style did crop 
up. The earliest, the Mandovi Hotel at Panaji, was built to cater to the influx 
of visitors expected to attend the Exposition of St. Francis Xavier in 1952. 
There being no architects in Goa then, the hotel brought them in from 
Bombay/the designed the Mandovi, our first multistoried building, in the Art 
Deco style then prevalent in that city. The Art Deco style may thus have been a 
necessary steppingstone to a more robust modernity.
  A truly modem building, the original airport terminal at Dabolim, came up in 
the mid-1950s when Benard Geddes was Goa's Governor. The word "modem" is used 
here to mean something more particular than "contemporary"; it means the new 
type of architecture that is contributing to the art of architecture. The 
designs were prepared in Portugal, as the project was under the Overseas 
Ministry. Making extensive use of large glass areas, wooden partitions, and 
hollow block external walls, it was one of the finest small airport buildings 
in the world. Unfortunately it is now off-limits to the public as it has been 
taken over by the Naval Air Wing.
  Simple plans, functional design ...
  The last few years of Portuguese rule, under Gen. Vassalo e Silva, saw quite 
a lot of construction undertaken by the government. The Governor, an engineer 
by profession, indeed several bright architects from Portugal and Goa into the 
Brigada; their simple and functional designs made use of the latest structural 
methods and materials. Examples of this were the one­room village school, 
the Junta godowns at Cortalim ferry, the military barracks at Ponda, and the 
military chapel at Rawanfond, Margao.
  The prototype school, rectangular with a small verandah, used hollow-block 
walls, operable glass louvers, and a reinforced cement concrete roof; a mural 
of glazed blue decorative tiles flanked the entrance. The simple chapel plan 
featured a steeply sloping reinforced cement concrete roof slab over 
hollow-block walls with pre-cast grilles for light and ventilation. 
  In the same period a plan for Old Goa included landscaping the area between 
the Se Cathedral and the Born Jesus church and installing a statue of the poet 
Luis de Camoes. Stating that the facade of Born Jesus was meant to be in 
exposed laterite, the engineers and architects had the existing plaster 
stripped off. Now we know that the plastering . helped