Son'varachim Sungttam: G�ykarancho Otmo!

2008-04-19 Thread Goa's Pride

  Son'varachim Sungttam   gõYkarancho Otmo!
   - Jose Salvador Fernandes
  Goroz bhasli tednam don-tin khepo Mumboi vochun ailom. Mumboi vochpa khatir 
bosin provas kela title-i pavtti mhojea mhakach ek onnbhov meulo. Moddganvchean 
Mumboi vochpak suttleli bos, mannkulea Gõychi xim' utrun vorixtt Maharaxttrant 
proves korpa khatir vegan dhanvta, tednam hanv porki vattarant bhitor sorlam 
mhonnpachem monant ghunvot ravta. Uprant hem prokiponn mhoji savlli zal'le 
porim mhojeach sangata ravta ani porot-porot toch porkeaponnacho bhas korta. 
Tum porki vattarant asa. Hea porki vattarant tuzo mayecho konn na. Hea porki 
vattarant tum je dis, vell sartolo, te tum meklleponnan sarcho na. Choddso vell 
- dis porkeponna khala chepotuch sartolo. Punn jednam sangata aslelim her 
Gõykar bhav-bhoinni tea porki vattarant legit Konknnintlean gozali-khobro 
kortat teo mhojea kanar sadoutoch, hanv Gõychea Gõyant aslolea vori mhaka 
dista. Mhoje maincho konn tori mhoje sorbhonvtim asloleachi khos bhogta. Hi 
khos toxich lambchi lamb bhogche khatir ani tantuntlean mhoji
 fattich soddinaslelea porkiponnacher khontt marun konnxak sorchem mhunn, 
mhojem dhean-mon-kan bosint amche bhaxentlean uloyteleanche gozalim kodde 
mud'dom zaun 'tune' kortam.
  Sollavea-sotravea xekddeantlea ani tea adlea legit Konknnichea itihasachim 
panam niyallachim oklam laun vachunk boslear, tea kallar Gõyant Konknni 
bhaxechem sthan kitem aslem, ti koxi gholltali ani te ghollnnentlean fuddarak 
vingodd-vingodd prokaram udexim sahit'yachea girest daizan ti koxi fulot-palet 
ravli tachi vollokh ghoddta. Tea kallar Gõyant Konknni bhas bori ful'li. 
Prouddtayek (adulthood) pavli. Tizli. Oxem zata-zata, Gõy Konknnichem mullpitt 
zalem. Punn az hea mullpittachi il'li-il'li korun mullavi bhas kosllot vochunk 
suru zalea mhonnpachem amkam disun yeta.
  Eka kallar, Gõykar mhollear Konknni monis aslo. Punn aicho Gõykar Konknni 
monis soddun her sogllem zala. Aichea Gõychea Konknneak Konknni mhonnona 
borabor tachem tondd bavta, kusta. Aichea Konknnea hujir vo samkar Konknnicheo 
khobro ulounk laglear, tachea tonddar Konknni bhaxechea sombondan dvesachim 
chin'nam distat. Az Gõychea sorvsadaronn lonknneak aple bhaxechi il'li-i umed 
na. Thokos gheun, vegllea-vegllea rupan tika khelloupachi gozal sodduch. 
Lojechi gozal mhollear taka aplich bhas uloupak loz dista, unneponn bhogta. Az 
taka aple bhaxecho samball korunk - Konknni potram-masikank jairati divop, tim 
viktim gheun vachop, tim chaluch urchim mhunn aplea thaim ghoddta ti mozot 
divop - kuddik, monak ani bolsak boll ason-ui to durboll zata. Apnnak aple 
bhaxe thaim bandilki asa hachi zann ason-ui to aplech bhaxecho porki zala.
  Gõy ani Konknni - hankam konnacheanuch, kednach chorun vhorunk vo toddpak 
zaina toslo sombond asa. Gõy mhonntanch  Konknni monis ubo zata. Gõykaranche he 
Konknni bhaxent tacho jiv asa. Tacho otmo asa. Vollokh asa. Identity asa. 
Konknni bhaxent Gõykaranchem girest oxem daiz asa. Punn aichea Gõyantli Konknni 
pillgi hea girest daizacher thukot asa. Gõy ani Konknni hea sombondacher visor 
ghalit asa. Tech khatir aicho Gõykar aplea uloupantlean, chalint-lean, 
nhespantlean pox'chimi sur ugddapo korta. Sogllech Gõykar tor utt'ttam-bostam 
Gõy ani Konknnicho sombondh aple veglle chali-ritintlean tor oxech osokt korit 
ravle zalear, Konknni mati khait ravteli. Ani oxem zait zalear, kall 
sorta-sorta, anik ek sonvskrutay fukott na-nopoxchat zateli.
  Konknni bhas hi protek Gõykaranchi avoy-bhas. Konknni hi protek Gõykaracho 
atmo asa. He Konknni  bhaxent Gõykaranchi identity (khaxeleponn) asa. Itlench 
nhoi, tor Konknni bhas hi dor eka Gõykaracho fatti-konno. Ho amcho fatti-konno 
he fuddem matui bagonk favona. Ho amcho otmo amich marun uddounk tor matui 
favona. Fuddem yetelea xekddeantuch nhoi, tor te poros-ui fuddem ho amcho 
fatti-konno nitt ubo dovrun, Konknnichi khori, niz seva-chakri korun amche 
sonvskrutayecho atmo jivo dovrunk amche bhitorli favo titli tank asa kay?

(c) Prof. Jose Salvador Fernandes
Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter
  Arancha Mascarenhas: Gõychem Udetem Noketr
   Save as to download star_tip_hat_md_wht.gif! 

  Don Tonddanche Monis
   Khoinchea-Khoim Tenkovche Nhoi. 

- Wilmix Wilson Mazarello
  Poilem Konkani e-cinema BLACK 

Re: [Goanet] Remo holds free concert to create awareness on global warming

2008-04-19 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Which is why I did not ask Helga and Joachim to
evaluate the personal opinions on climate change of
political bloggers and web masters.

Helga and Joaquim were asked to do something even
worse - to take a $150,000 challenge offered by some
non-scientific website
( to
prove that global warming is due to human activities.
This challenge is not being offered by any scientist
or any genuine scientific organization. 

What should one call such tactics?

As I had said earlier, such tactics are also being
adopted by HIV/AIDS denialists. They also have a small
band of scientists supporting their cause e.g. Peter
Duesberg and Nobel laureate Kary Mullis who have
written many articles in the popular press about their
denial of HIV/AIDS. As a matter of fact, on another
front the creationist Kent Hovind is offering $250,000
for anyone who can prove the theory of evolution. So
far, there are no takers there, as well.

Most reasonable people know that if scientists have a
legitimate challenge or criticism against any
scientific idea or finding, they publish it in a
peer-reviewed journal. They do not publish it in
newspaper Op-Eds, private websites, signed petitions
and political propaganda literature.

Helga or Joaquim will correct me if I am mistaken
about this. But in my assessment, none of the
scientists who have offered skeptical comments on
global warming in Op-Eds, news items, etc., circulated
in this forum and elsewhere, have published any
well-supported argument in any high profile
peer-reviewed scientific journal, against, for
instance, the latest IPCC consensus statement about
climate change and its effects. Write-ups about the
IPCC statement were published in SCIENCE, one of the
most prestigious scientific journals in the world.
Nobody laughed at it. In fact, none of the climate
change skeptics have published any original research
data of their own disputing the findings of scientists
who have concluded that anthropogenic climate change
is taking place, and is already showing detrimental
effects. John Christy and Roy Spencer had to recently
offer corrections to a small discrepancy that they
thought they had found several years ago.



--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Instead, I asked them to evaluate for the rest of us
 reports of the strange methodology being used by the
 IPCC to develop their reports, a methodology that
 would be laughed off campus at any respectable
 institution of higher learning; as well as articles
 authored by some of the top climate scientists in
 their field, like Dr. John Christy, Dr. Richard
 Lindzen and Dr. David Archibald, who included a
 detailed pdf file of his professional opinion that
 we need MORE CO2, not less, to make it easier for
 critics to review.

[Goanet] Goa Liberation or Invasion Day ??

2008-04-19 Thread Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falc�o
Goa was Liberated only in the History books of India, and opportunists 
politicians;whereas the actual facts all over the world is to the contrary. I 
am not speaking my views, but if you can read Portuguese please go to this site:
  You will open up your minds to actual facts. Who actually are Liberated in 
Goa are scoundrels and thieves that had no place in civilised era before 1961.
  Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

  Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. M.B.,B.S.(Bom)
  Margão - GOATel : + 91 . 832 . 2703 100.
  Qatar.  Tel : +974 . 458.6326.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[Goanet] Adues Goan song

2008-04-19 Thread edwardingoa

Adues Goan song




[Goanet] Goenkars: nota bene.

2008-04-19 Thread Gabe Menezes
and /and, Bnd, Bn/
a used to show addition: o dogs and cats;
b used in sums of addition: o two and two make four.
a used to connect an action that follows as a result or reason of a
previous one: o fall and bang one's head;
b used to connect an action that follows sequentially on from another:
o boil the kettle and make the tea.
3 used to show repetition or duration: o She cried and cried.
4 used to show progression: o The crowd got bigger and bigger.
5 used to show variety or contrast: o discussed the ins and outs of it.
6 used after some verbs instead of to: o come and try o go and get it.
noun an unspecified problem or matter o no ifs or ands about it.

although it sometimes regarded as poor style, it is not ungrammatical
to begin a sentence with and. Indeed, many writers have done so with
considerable effect. It is also common in conversation and in forms of
English in which a looser grammatical structure is appropriate.

Ends from Chambers Dictionary.

Comment: These days I guess anything goes. See it frequently on Goanet.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Authorities remove mysterious cross from Miramar beach

2008-04-19 Thread Goa's Pride
Authorities remove mysterious cross 
  from Miramar beach 
  NT Staff Reporter
  Panaji, April 18 A huge wooden cross, almost 5 metres in height, which was 
mysteriously planted the day before yesterday night on Miramar beach, was 
removed by CCP workers late tonight.
  The CCP workers accompanied by policemen brought the cross down, carried it 
across the sand and put it into a waiting municipality truck and took it to its 
next resting place, which is the St Inez church. The mayor has confirmed this.
  The cross embedded in concrete and towering on the banks of the Miramar 
shore, was already beginning to create a controversy even though it was only 
two days old. Reports say that some people from a certain Christian sect 
erected the cross after getting it fabricated at a services workshop. The 
erection was done early morning and even the surrounding shopkeepers deny any 
knowledge of when it was erected.
  The shop owners came to know about this only in the morning.
  However, there are a lot of theories over how it was brought, with some shop 
owners propounding the theory that it was brought on a boat and was put up in 
the middle of night.
  The CCP mayor, Mr Tony Rodrigues, speaking to The Navhind Times said, he had 
spoken to the priest about the cross and only after that the decision to remove 
the cross was made.
  Sources say that the decision was hastened as some people had threatened to 
build a temple next to it if it is allowed to remain at its present location. 
There were many onlookers to see the cross during the day as this news spread 
around the city. 
  - Forwarded by 

  Goa's Pride -
  Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter (Since 1994) archived at
  Moderated by Gaspar Almeida  presented by Ulysses Menezes  - 1st Konkani e-cinema shortly 
releasing in 'Goa'

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[Goanet] The shrink-wrapping of Goa

2008-04-19 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
The shrink-wrapping of Goa  
By Rahul Goswami (Independent journalist and researcher based in Goa.)

Goa's chief minister and senior administrators have become adept at
parading a dubious set of indices to pretend that high literacy,
overflowing bank deposits and stunning scenery make the year-round
holiday destination India's most coveted living space.

Today, Goa's midland villages are anything but that. The tourism euro
has passed them by, and their fields have either been rendered
uncultivable by the wastes from iron ore mining or are being gobbled up
by property developers and promoters of industrial zones. 

In desperation and outrage, village groups began banding together in
2006 to confront the problem. First, they documented the acquisitions
and listed the likely impacts of unplanned industrial development in
which they were neither considered nor consulted. Next, they petitioned
government and local authorities. Then they agitated. Finally, they
physically stopped such work on their ground, being forced to take over
an important responsibility of the state government.

The closing weeks of 2007 again brought the people of Goa out into the
streets to protest the threat of widespread dispossession of land. This
had happened early in 2007 too, when the state-wide agitation against
the now-scrapped Regional Plan 2011 peaked.

There have been attempts to politically neutralise the anti-SEZ
groupings by the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party just as much as the
ruling Congress has sought to soft-pedal the issue by calling for the
three notified SEZs to be denotified and the remainder to be rejected.
The anti-SEZ groups remain wary however, for the Regional Plan
experience is still fresh: for months the state government ignored
continuing land use violations that effectively took forward the massive
property developments envisioned in the scrapped plan.

The re-awakening of the don't touch our land sentiment within so short
a period is an indicator of much deeper problems that simmer in Goa, a
number of them shared with communities elsewhere in India that face the
industrialisation-urbanisation onslaught. 

On December 10, 2007 the Federation of Gawda Kunbi Velip Dhangar
(Gakuved), a social justice combine representing Goa's scheduled tribes
and indigenous communities and comprising 12% of the state's population,
held a public meeting in the southern taluka of Quepem. They spoke out
against human rights abuse and the excesses of illegal mining. Three
days later, on December 14, a public meeting called by the SEZ Virodhi
Manch in Madgaon (south Goa district headquarters) was emphatically
responded to by urban and rural Goans alike. Finally, on December 19,
which is Goa Liberation Day, resolutions opposing SEZs were passed by a
number of gram sabhas across the state.

Goa's current administration has sought to deflect criticism and blame
by assuring citizens that SEZs will not be built. Yet the same state has
through a statutory corporation -- the Goa Industrial Development
Corporation (GIDC) -- favoured SEZ promoters, as uncovered and
documented by the SEZ Virodhi Manch.

More at:



[Goanet] The Voice of Bollywood, in the Flesh

2008-04-19 Thread rubygoes
This page was sent to you by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


ARTS / MUSIC | April 19, 2008
Music Review | Asha Bhosle: The Voice of Bollywood, in the Flesh
Asha Bhosle, who turns 75 in September, is probably the most recorded singer in 


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Article service.  For general information about, write to [EMAIL 
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2008-04-19 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Carpetbaggers are desperate to make 
themselves relevant, begging of us Goans 
to take notice by dumping a crate or two of
woolly-headed senti treacle.

Sorry, wrong number.  Goa will be - and 
can only be - saved by Goans.  Not by 
imposters lecturing us on how to attain 
Mahatma-hood while our land is being
usurped and our cultural identity is being 
erased through demographic warfare.  Not 
by pea-brained horse manure-peddling
traitors (of the everybody who lives in 
Goa is a Goan kind).

Things are on the boil now, and an
eruption is overdue.

Warm regards,


[Goanet] Chak de India

2008-04-19 Thread JoeGoaUk
Chak de India

Very short, less than 30 secs


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips

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A Smarter Email

[Goanet] Sporting Clube in semifinals

2008-04-19 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Sporting Clube in semifinals

KANNUR: Sporting Clube de Goa made good use of the chances that came its
way to score a 2-1 win over Kerala XI and enter the semifinals of the
second E.K. Nayanar Memorial Gold Cup football tournament at the
Municipal Jawahar Stadium here on Friday.

The Goans also did a favour to Ferroviaria, Sao Paulo, ensuring a
semifinal berth for the Brazilian side as well, as Kerala XI, with its
second loss in the four-team Group 'A,' has gone out of the tournament
along with Mohammedan AC, Kolkata, which faces Ferroviaria on Saturday. 

The only thing that the match could decide is who would top the pool.

Fred Mascarenhas and Viera Fernandes scored for Sporting in the
second-half, after local lad K.V. Kalesh, who was named Man of the
Match, put Kerala XI ahead in the first. 

The home side, expectedly, played some attractive football and actually
created more scoring opportunities than its more formidable and
experienced rival. 

Kerala XI's relentless attack bore fruit in the 41st minute when
Kalesh's powerful angular carpet drive from just inside the box, after
being given an excellent pass from the left by O.K. Javed, beat the Goan
custodian, David D'Souza. He didn't make things easier for the Kerala XI
strikers, making a couple of excellent saves.



[Goanet] Press Statement for Publication

2008-04-19 Thread goasuraj

April 19, 2008

The Editor,
Herald/Navhind Times/Gomantak Times/ Tarun Bharat/Gomantak,


Sub: Press Statement for kind favour of publication.

The Goa Su-Raj Party has taken notice of the news item appearing in Goa's 
dailies of April 18, 2008  regarding 'Special Courts' being set-up in the 
state of Bihar for the conduct of speedy trials with respect to 'graft' 
cases. This should be an eye-opener to Goa's elected representatives and for 
the people of Goa where 'graft' and 'blind cheating' of the public exchequer 
in every aspect of the government administration  has reached its peak, may 
it be the 2001 ODI scam involving the present Finance Minister, may it be 
the stagnating 'River Princess, the illegal beach shacks enjoying legal 
status, the wide open violations of statutory laws and rules governing  'no 
development' in the CRZ, the rampant double-standards in allowing building 
permissions through hill-cuttings and conversions of non-convertible lands, 
drug cartels allowed to flourish through overt or covert encouragement by 
the political class, the appearance of high-ended prostitution etc. etc.

The Goa Su-Raj Party has always felt that  Goa badly needs what 'Bihar' is 
already on its way towards implementing speedy punishment  in order to curb 
the lawlessness which has been encouraged and fostered by elected so-called 
representatives of the people and the bureaucratic hierarchy.

The Goan people at large will have to pressurize the  government of the day 
to enact an appropriate legislation to create 'Special Courts' to try all 
corrupt public officials as well as the elected people's representatives. 
The need for this is apparent when it is seen what is happening in the case 
of the ODI scam, where the ordinary Courts, due to their day to day burden 
of cases, are unable to try such corruption matters speedily with the 
powerful accused making use of the system to their advantage. The 'special 
courts' suggested would do away with the delays which are inherent in the 
working of the ordinary courts and bring about the much needed relief and 
confidence to the people that justice exists and works.

The Goa Su-Raj Party urges the present day government lead by Mr. Digamber 
Kamat to rise to the occasion and create the necessary legislation for the 
purpose. This will clearly show  which side this government stands for, 
whether on  the side of the much touted 'aam aadmi' or on the side of  the 
corrupt politicians and bureaucrats.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary  Spokesperson
Goa Su-Raj Party 

[Goanet] In Support of an application to Leicester City Council- - that a statue of Mahatma Gandhi be erected in Leicester. UK

2008-04-19 Thread renebarreto

Friends ! 

I have been asked to encourage British  Citizens or residents in
the UK -  to sign a petition to the Prime Minister UK.

This petition is  in Support  of an  application to Leicester City Council
-  that a statue of  Mahatma Gandhi be erected in Leicester. UK 

The statue would celebrate the life and work of Gandhi 
as the leading figure of non-violent resistance and as 
a champion of inter-cultural harmony and cooperation.

To Sign the petition  - please visit URL:

Sign up by:  05 November 2008 
Please note :  those who sign must either be British
Citizens or residents in the UK

Many thanks for your support - 

rene barreto


Join the hundreds of GOANS
 as they celebrate their




   20th of August - every year.

DONT just say it , JUST DO IT !



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[Goanet] 'Obscene MMS clip' forces two Goa girls to suicide

2008-04-19 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
'Obscene MMS clip' forces two Goa girls to suicide

Panaji: Close on the heels of the Scarlette Keeling murder case and the
news of an international sex racket, two college girls - who were
allegedly blackmailed through an obscene MMS clip purportedly featuring
them - have committed suicide in Ponda town.

The incident occurred a month ago but went largely unreported. It was
finally taken up by the state opposition BJP that sought an intervention
from the National Commission for Women.

I have handed over the (MMS) CD to Director-General of Police B S Brar
and Chief Secretary J P Singh, Leader of the Opposition in the assembly
Manohar Parrikar said.

He said the party women's wing will be approach the NCW to take up the

The girls hailing from the temple town of Ponda - the constitutency of
Home Minister Ravi Naik - reportedly committed suicide on March 26 after
being blackmailed for sexual favours by some travel agency personnel.

The coastal state considered a tourist haven has recently been in the
news for the death of British teenager Scarlette Eden Keeling who was
drugged and raped and her body was found on Anjuna beach.

An international call girl ring allegedly being run by a Uzbekistan
woman was also busted in the state last week.




2008-04-19 Thread Gerald Fernandes
Dear Paulo and interested Goanetters,
1. With utmost respect to your erudition and concession (quite similar term 
concession to concession used in mining leases) to your sensibilities, may 
I venture in deepest humility to point out that that the very fact/aspect of 
SOVEREIGNTY accepts in International Law the right of a Sovereign Nation to 
protect itself,its citizens, and to put it more brazenly to acquire territory.

2. Just as in law Portugal, Spanish,Dutch and the Brits (other colonial powers) 
were entitled to acquire property , they are /were equally entitled in law to 
lose property to a superior power.

3. The international currency  of POWER has, always in history and 
contemporary times, according to Mr .Alwin Toffler who wrote three seminal 
MONEY, KNOWLEDGE.  The faster,quicker and earlier we accept that the 
Portuguese were beaten to the punch by the Indians ,the easier will be the 
transition to acceptance of reality.(Refusal to be in denial) The Supreme Court 
of India has already ruled  way back that GOA IS CONQUERED TERRITORY. There is 
no denying this FACT.

4. I have had the privilege today of visiting the Station Signal Officers Mess 
of the Indian Army at Altinho, Panaji, Goa. It is the very same place which 
served as the Headquarters of the Portuguese Military Junta. I confirm that 
today (19/04/2008) I   personally alongwith friends viewed the Portuguese Flag 
caged in a glass enclosure at the said Officers Mess with the inscription 
that it is the Flag lowered by the Indian Army on liberating Goa.

5. Alongwith my friends  we also noticed the following documents which are on 
display at the said location:
a) the Offer of SURRENDER by the Portuguese Governor/GENERAL to the Indian Army,
b) the acceptance of the said Offer of SURRENDER by the Indian Army,
and ,
c)the message by the then Indian Prime Minister (Mr Jawaharlal Nehru) 
congratulating the Indian Armed Forces on their Victory.
These documents need perhaps a larger audience for study,examination and 

6. I have the utmost respect for citizens of Portugal comparable to  the 
respect I hold for citizens of Germany -- the same country  who in political 
discourse at times in the past  -- bought into Fueher Hitlers  ideas., but 
today is a modern Nation.

7. Can we contemporarily move on now ,instead of being held hostage mentally to 
ideas propounded by deadbeats /and or living fossils' who are prisoners to 
an age  of Portuguese  dominance of Goa, which in all  human  probability  
shall never return, inasmuch  as  Indian Kashmir will never devolve to the 
Pakistanis. Portugal  needless to say is not a  nuclear capable Nation ,quite 
unlike the Pakistani Nation, besides of course being logistically distant,thus 
making even a proposition by recourse to Force, LAUGHABLE.  

With every good wish and with great respect to the Citizens of the Republic of 

Warm regards,
Capt Gerald Fernandes,
Ex, the Indian Army.

International.Peace, Friendship ,Understanding and 
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[Goanet] Petrol Pumps

2008-04-19 Thread edward desilva
Only buy or fill up your car or bike in the early morning when the ground 
temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their 
storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the 
fuel, when it gets warmer petrol expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the 
eveningyour litre is not exactly a litre. In the petroleum business, the 
specific gravity and the temperature of the petrol, diesel and jet fuel, 
ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role. A 1-degree rise 
in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not 
have temperature compensation at the pumps.

When they are filling up they actually squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a 
fast mode. If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, 
middle, and high. In slow mode they should be pumping on low speed, thereby 
minimizing the vapours that are created while they are pumping. All hoses at 
the pump have a vapour return. If they are pumping on the fast rate, some of 
the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapour. Those vapours are being 
sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less 
worth for your money.

One of the most important tips is to fill up when your tank is HALF FULL. The 
reason for this is, the more fuel you have in your tank the less air occupying 
its empty space. petrol evaporates faster than you can imagine. Petroleum 
storage tanks have an internal floating
roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the petrol and the atmosphere, 
so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, where , every truck 
that load is temperature compensated so that every litre is actually the exact 

Another reminder, if there is a fuel truck pumping into the storage tanks when 
you stop to buy, DO NOT fill up--most likely the petrol/diesel is being stirred 
up as the fuel is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that 
normally settles on the bottom.

Hope this will help you get the most value for your money..

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.

[Goanet] Across Globe, Empty Bellies Bring Rising Anger

2008-04-19 Thread rubygoes
This page was sent to you by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Across Globe, Empty Bellies Bring Rising Anger
Global food prices are spiraling out of reach, sowing discontent and putting 
pressure on fragile governments.


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Article service.  For general information about, write to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018

Copyright 2008 The New York Times Company

Re: [Goanet] Goan Identity

2008-04-19 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Antonio
Your brief commentary on Goan Identity was brilliant!
I wonder however, if caste based seating provision in
Goa Catholic churches where such practice prevailed
also contributed to your version of the Goan Identity?
--- Antonio Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We may not know much about Goan Identity but there
 are qualities which Goans have developed and yet
they do not know they have them.
 And they are:  1.  Ability to sleep with their eyes 
 wide open
 2. Pretending to pay attention when their earholes
are blocked to outside sound. And how how did they
develop these qualities ? ...

Re: [Goanet] Goan Identity

2008-04-19 Thread goasuraj

Where did they develop it ? I could be wrong but I suspect in a place where
they faithfully
spent a couple of hours every sunday morning.

At last somebody had the gumption to say it boldly 'loud and clear'


- Original Message - 
From: Antonio Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 8:52 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goan Identity

We may not know much about Goan Identity but there are qualities which 

have developed
and yet they do not know they have them.

And they are:  1.  Ability to sleep with their eyes  wide open
 2. Pretending to pay attention when their earholes
 are blocked to outside sound

And how how did they develop these qualities ?  I think your guess is as
good as mine

When did they develop it ?   It was a slow process  lasting for four
centuries of colonial rule.

Where did they develop it ? I could be wrong but I suspect in a place 

they faithfully
spent a couple of hours every sunday morning.



2008-04-19 Thread Alfred de Tavares

My dear Philip,
Thanks for your continued excellent ombudsman service in highly relevant 
areas of transparence or, lack thereof, in Goa.
I have a request: Could you -- or some other informed fellow netter -- provide 
a lead/source to the, reportedly, rampant human-organs' trade underway in India.
Any aspect related to the same: extent of availibility, if contacts are made 
easilly or with difficulty, costs, etc.
Maltesholmsvägen 83, SE-165 55 HÄSSELBY, Sweden.
Tel: 0046 8759 6214; cell: 0046 70 295 4091
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 
 09:50:21 +0530 Subject: [Goanet] DABOLIM AIRPORT WITHOUT POWER ...  In 
 response to the HERALD report of April 16th, the Power Minister has now 
 fired a couple of salvos of his own in HERALD April 18th. The new report is 
 headlined Aleixo upset over non-usage of tap changer provided to 
 transformer. Instead of this electrical mumbo-jumbo the headline should 
 have read Crossed (power) lines or something just as pithy. This would 
 have highlighted the unseemly squabble which is not at all in the state's 
 interests. To explain we need to back track a bit. 
Discover the new Windows Vista

[Goanet] Dabolim airport upgrade

2008-04-19 Thread Philip Thomas
In recent days HERALD has been carrying short news reports regarding the
plan for a parallel taxiway at Dabolim airport. As indicated this would run
parallel to the runway and facilitate the entry of aircraft to the terminal
and their subsequent exit from it. Previously, aircraft had to traverse
practically the full length of the runway to either begin their take-off run
or to reach the terminal. This held up other aircraft from landing or taking
off and restricted the throughput at Dabolim.

Later, the Navy agreed to the use of the apron in front of one of its
hangars as a holding area for aircraft en route to or from the terminal so
as to free the runway for the use of other aircraft. It is claimed that air
traffic at Dabolim (presently confined mainly to afternoon hours due to
naval restrictions for military flight training purposes in the mornings)
could treble if the taxiway was built. The planned taxiway would cut across
the aprons used for naval maritime patrol aircraft and choppers (but not
fighters). It is hard to understand how the Navy has agreed in principle
to this taxiway as long ago as 2006. Perhaps it was due to the boom in civil
aviation at the time and resulting pressure on Dabolim.

The current glitches regarding implementation (coinciding curiously with a
slowdown in traffic growth) are ostensibly on the grounds of sorting out
responsibility for construction (which would take 10 months) and financing
(to the tune of about Rs 80-100 crores). There is reportedly a tussle
between the civil aviation ministry and the naval authorities regarding

We consider that the taxiway cannot be viewed in isolation. There is a major
bottleneck at present regarding aircraft parking bays which number only 6
currently. It is not known what the minimum number has to be if the planned
parallel taxiway becomes operational. To expand this apron space requires
the navy to telescope its two runway crossings into one which is away from
the terminal and then part with airside land. Then there is the terminal
itself which is being sought to be expanded but which is held up because the
Navy has yet to part with a measly two acres of air side land out of the 9
acres promised long ago.

The bottom line is that any progress in expanding Dabolim's capacity for
civilian traffic is bound to be at snail's pace because of the Navy's
arbitrary way of decision making in civilian matters. The implication of
this for Mopa is that it can also grow only at snail's pace for about 20
years since inception so as to avoid upstaging Dabolim and creating demands
for the closure of the latter's civil enclave. The issue then becomes one of
determining the right size of Mopa at start up.  The present ICAO plan for
Mopa has to be scrapped and a new one has to be generated.

Re: [Goanet] Diet and Health.

2008-04-19 Thread Alfred de Tavares

Mon chére 'Eric,
You failed? to consider the possible good contribution of whole-corn
fluids so ABSOLUTELY produced in these parts
Or, are they negligible? I beg to disagree..
Alfred... Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 06:07:03 -0700 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Goanet] Diet and Health.  I have witnessed a 
mini-epidemic of colon cancer amongst friends in North America over the the 
past decade. The very famous surgeon, Dr. Burkitt, claimed he did not see a 
case over his twenty year stay in the Ugandan bush : he was making a case for 
fiber. The presence of carcinogens in digested meat, combined with slower 
propulsion of a low fiber mass along our tracts, make for a dangerous mix to 
health. It is not practical to count on fruit and vegetable to provide the 
fifteen odd grams of fiber we need every day : only the right kind of grain 
does it for us. Sadly, this does not include our two favourites - rice polished 
pretty, and white bread. The solution is whole wheat products, and corn. I 
googled the word 'fiber' today, and discovered several reader friendly sites 
that are useful and informative. eric.
Explore the seven wonders of the world

[Goanet] 1500 attend of the Floyd Fernandes Funeral: Videos + text + audio + photos

2008-04-19 Thread Eddie Fernandes

19 Apr: New Zealand Press Assoc. A simple brown teddy bear sat in Floyd
Fernandes' casket today as the 16-year-old student was farewelled by
hundreds of friends, family and schoolmates . There were about 1500
mourners, Radio New Zealand reported . Floyd's father, Francisco spoke of a
son who loved to compete with him . His mother Jennifer told mourners God
had taken back the treasure he had given the family . Floyd was buried in a
private service which was by invitation only as the family asked for
privacy. 694 words + photos. See

TV 3 video clip 3m. 01s. see

One News video clip 2m. 57s. see

You Tube video clip 4m. 59s. see

15 Apr. Auckland, New Zealand. FLOYD FERNANDES. (Aged 16). Dearly loved son
of Jennifer and Francisco. Brother to Janice. Grandson of Henriqueta. A
service will be held at the Elm Christian Church, Howick on Sat 19 Apr at 11
am followed by private burial. Condolences to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Fernandes family moved to NZ six years ago from Bombay. They trace their
Goan roots to Cuncolim. 

16 Apr: TIME. Six students and one teacher from Auckland were drowned when
they were washed away by a flash flood . The school released brief profiles
of the deceased students . Floyd Fernandes: Floyd was a highly talented
musician who was very active in many areas of the school. A humble student
who was a good all-rounder and who loved sports. See,8599,1731278,00.html

For links to more information see;

If any of the links  do not work, try accessing them from

Eddie Fernandes

[Goanet] Shano Goemkar -- to Sonia

2008-04-19 Thread cedrico dacosta
Dear Ms Sonia,
  Thank you for your advice. I have noting to loose as I do not live in Goa, 
but it is for Goans like you and your children that we NRIs from Goa the world 
over are fighting a battle against communalism, corruption and exploitation.
  I am sure you are aware of what goes on in Goa...try not to defend the 
ongoing mess but stand up against it, and if you cannot, step aside and let 
those who have the guts and courage to fight the corrupt administration do it.
  Goa has suffered enough, thanks to the communial forces -- Goa even witnessed 
its first communial riots...
  what next?
  Cedric da Costa

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[Goanet] Advalpal villagers force stop Sesa Goa mine

2008-04-19 Thread sebastian Rodrigues

About 50 Advalpal villagers - mostly women - today morning marched to the Sesa 
Goa mine forcing the mine to close down its operation. The concerned Sesa Goa 
mine T.C. no. 76/52 was is threatening village water sources. Villagers united 
to drive away Sesa Goa from their village. In fact the villagers are up in arms 
against the mining activities in the village and movement against the same is 
going on since 2005. Besides multinational Sesa Goa - owned by British company 
Vedanta- Salgaocars (T.C. no. 41/55) and Lithoferro (T.C. No. 89/52) are other 
two companies that are proving to be pests to the Advalpal villagers.

Around 1,500 strong people of this village are at the receiving end of the 
mining menace. The companies and the State authorities so far have been able to 
'manage' the village protest by use of Carrot and stick policy - Companies have 
dished out cash to those willing to accept while Police has been used to 
silence the protests so far. DySp Shamba Sawant who has been recently 
transferred from Bicholim was the worse of the lot in threatening the Advalpal 

However it is not going to be too long that the situation will go out of 
control of the mining companies as well as the State authorities in case it 
refuses to heed to the voices of the People. Saleli and Colamb have already 
created history in Goa. Advalpal may very well be next to follow.

This is particularly so because Police have registered criminal cases against 
the villagers on trespass charges. Sesa Goa has been instrumental in getting 
cases filed against 20 villagers of Advalpal. It is not just the common people 
that are criminally targeted by Sesa Goa but also village Sarpanch Harischandra 
Sawal has been targeted - politically. The Sesa Goa was served notice on 
illegal weigh bridge by the village panchayat; in response company got involved 
in dislodging village Sarpanch. So here is the case mining companies are not 
only involved in kingmaker roles for the Goa State Assembly members and Chief 
Ministers but also involved in dislodging of village Panchayat Sarpanch.

The audacity of British company to file cases against the local villages is so 
clearly like the case of British East India Company that ultimately captured 
whole of India. After 61 years of Independence we have another British Company 
doing the same for the Advalpal villagers. Through this action it is nurturing 
new breed of freedom fighters against Imperialism. Considering the behaviour of 
the Sesa Goa it is not difficult to imagine the kind of shape Goa is going to 
take in future to come about.

Sebastian Rodrigues in discussion with Shamsundar Pundalik Naik

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[Goanet] Fwd: Re - of Goans, non Goans and anti-Goans

2008-04-19 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 15:52:01 +0400
From: Arwin Mesquita [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Mario,

This has relation to you views on my post.  Can I ask
whats your status
(1) Resident Goan?
(2) Non Resident Goan who intends returning to Goa
 (3) Non Resident Goan who does not intends returning
to Goa
 (4) Permanent Resident of another country?
 (5) Citizen of another country?

Mario responds:

Arwin, please refer to my very specific comments in my
following post:

My personal status, or yours, has nothing to do with
whether one can compare a state in a country, like Goa
is, with some other country, like Germany, Uganda or
Serbia.  Apparently, you have no logical response to
this obvious fact.

[Goanet] Truth escapes from the cracks in the wall!

2008-04-19 Thread sebastian Rodrigues

Truth escapes from the cracks in the wall. Visit to know how:


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[Goanet] Demand for dismissal of South Goa Collector

2008-04-19 Thread sebastian Rodrigues

Resolution was passed at a public meeting called by GAKUVED in Colamb, Sanguem 
to demand dismissal of the South Goa Collector Gokuldas Naik for his high 
handed behavior with Colamb villagers on 12th April 2008 at his office in 

Villagers had visited him on his invitation to discuss contentious Colamb 
mining issue. The collector in a bid to force the villagers to let the Fomento 
mining company to transport Iron Ore threatened to deploy Central Reserve 
Police Force (CRPF) personnel to bulldoze villagers’ opposition to the mining 
activities in their village in T. C. No. 06/1949.

Further collector threatened to transport the Ore till 10.00 pm in the night to 
teach villagers a lesson.

More dangerously he termed the local Gram Sabha resolution to oppose mining 
activities in Colamb village as invalid.

Collector defended the venue of the Public hearing of for this mine being in 
Margao even though laws point out that it should have been done at the venue.

Collector was in fact directed to ensure that this mine is closed down by the 
Goa Pollution Control Board in its letter revoking Consent to operate on 14th 
March 2008.

Earlier this collector was responsible to provide Police security cover to 
Fomentos that resulted in arrests of Colamb villagers and unleashing of Police 

The collector though is a public servant, has failed miserably to uphold 
dignity of his office and is functioning as private agents of the Fomentos 
mining company – that is engaged in activities detrimental to the Public 
interest in Colamb.

Meeting resolved to contact various organizations across Goa to press for the 
support to demand dismissal of South Goa Collector Gokuldas Naik.
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[Goanet] Is the destructiveness of caste, a myth!!

2008-04-19 Thread Antonio Menezes
Gilbert Lawrence writing on this topic ( April,17 ) has raised quite a
number of points. However, I shall not bore  my fellow Goanetters and shall
rerply  to his following two statements.
GL writes:  So I am disappointed that you should bring in caste in the
efforts of the priestsLooking back with pride instead of looking
back with bitternes.
AM  It has been said that present is the continuation of the past,  If we
look back only at the pleasant events only and ignore the unpalatable (at
least to a section of our community )  it would amount to dishonesty on my
part.After all caste was a major social problem that affected our
ancestors.  Everything was judged in terms of caste and I dont see any
reason why I should spare the so called men of God.who were after all major
beneficiaries of caste system when it came to admission in the Seminary to
the detriment of others  who were sometimes more meritorious.

GL As regards the church in Goa running schools pre 1961, it takes money to
run a school even for a church. So I do not know how you would expectg the
church in Goa to run schools.

AM  Let me begin with the office of the''Patriarca das Indias Orientais;
The Portuguese  head of the Goan Catholic Church was a powerfull spiritual
authority and it has been said that at times he could overrule the political
power  ''O Governador Geral da India Portuguesa''.  Then there was the
agreement between the church and the state  called Concordata.  No
Portuguese official ,however high, could interfere in the affairs of the
Padroado/Patriarcado. The Padroado had solid financial backing  of the
Portuguese government and till 1961 churches  received subsidies from the
Government Treasury.  Only after 1961  these payments ceased. (i could be
wrong but during the dictatorship days it was difficult to know the truth.)
Besides, a village church had dubious distinction of being  the biggest
landlord of the village.having obtained lands  from the faithful departed in
lieu of masses to be said for their souls.
So to say  that church was poor and could not afford to open schools
especially for the socio-economic poor would amount to half truth.
Means were there to improve status of the poor only the willingness was not
there for reason which are not to imagine in a casteist milieu.


[Goanet] Dog and the Bone - by: Fr. Peter Fernandes [SFX] - COMMENTS

2008-04-19 Thread floriano goasuraj

Dog and the Bone
By: Fr. Peter Fernandes, SFX
Herald -April 17, 2008

We played a popular game, Dog and a bone, as children in kindergarten, and 
now and then, as adults at picnics, and during recreation for our amusement. 
However, in the animal world, this is no game, but a  continuing critical 
struggle for survival, in a dangerous dwelling place of unsuspected beasts. 
Love, mercy, forgiveness and reason have little or no value in such 
competitive surroundings. Nevertheless, this game teaches the lesson, be 
quick and shrewd, or lose the bone. The goal seems to be of a worth, but in 
a rational world, reason must prevail over instinct.

Distressing , but  true, this sport is incessantly played, often behind the 
closed doors, by our elected representatives, to satisfy their impulse. Only 
occasionally is their play for power exposed for general public to  witness 
the exhilaration. The dignity of public office, distinguished by its high 
calling to perform noble task, is not comprehended  by animals  whose 
rationale is lost in the woods. Would it not be better, if such brutes were 
placed in an open arena to display their brawn?

The recent fiasco between the two cabinet ministers, Churchill Alemao and 
Micky Pacheco, is precisely the name of the game: Survival of the fittest 
They fancy flexing their muscles to capture the bone, but, at the 
deprivation of the ordinary citizens welfare.

On several occasions, both men have denigrated this office to fulfill their 
own dreams and selfish ambitions. Now, without name and shame, they are 
ripping the flesh of the public, like wild scavengers. They walk the path of 
darkness, which is a long road shrouded in secrecy. We ask, Who will shed 
the light of knowledge and understanding on them,  that they may see where 
they are leading us?

Digamber Kamat government, which has survived two earlier attempts by the 
wild creatures to devour and dismantle the congress-led coalition 
government, speaks for itself. In order to take the bone from the then PWD 
minister, Dhavlikar, Churchill Alemao master-minded the move as an astute 
fox. He even had the audacity to proclaim the same from top of his voice: 
There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies in politics. 
Dhavlikar lost the bone, as did Victoria  Fernandes who aspired for one, 
because in this jungle , might is right.  In the aftermath, Dhavlikar 
found strength in NCP, whose members are no different than the others, and 
he is back in the game.

Just remember , if this ugly history of Goa has puzzled the learned, what 
would happen to our children, when they start learning the rich political 
history of Goa? Will they be grateful for the mess we created? Or will they 
laugh at our stupidity?

Atanasio Monserrate, the Taleigao MLA, has mastered the art of sneaking in 
from any or all directions to seize the bone. He played the role of Judas to 
congress party at the time of assembly elections, and stabbed the UGDP after 
winning the seat. Left alone for sometime, it seemed he had lost the power 
to play this game. However, the congress-led coalition government is 
experiencing the ripple effects of his presence and absence. It is 
inevitable to keep him at bay, because money speaks loud and clear. 
Recently, he has gained heroic status among the wild  beasts, after his 
dramatic act at the police station, which shocked the citizens. Now, his 
induction to the cabinet  berth is a predictable reward for gallant display 
of muscle against democracy.

Mr. Pandurang Madkaikar, was a deserving representative to hold on to the 
bone, because he was the only candidate from scheduled tribe, but the 
godfathers snatched it away from him. The hypocrisy of the congress party, 
which claims to be the saviour of the masses and of the minority, has come 
to surface numerous times.

Victoria Fernandes, is the only elected woman representative, yet cannot 
find a berth in the cabinet. Congress party has the policy  not to give 
tickets to more than one member of the same family. Ironically, Alemao 
brothers, members of the congress party, are holding two cabinet berths, and 
at no cost are ready to relinquish the bone.

It is not fair to name just Churchill Alemao, Micky Pacheco and Atanasio 
Monserrate to have played this sport. All, but one, have come onto the field 
to play this game in our recent political history of Goa's legislative 
assembly. Mathany Saldanha was the only one who rose above the ordinary 
mire, thus setting the example of a true statesman. As it is, one is an 
insignificant  number, when trying to create a difference , and change the 
ethics of our political. Hence, this is why he is rooted-out from the 
legislative assembly by uncouth people.

The national political parties, which have played a major role following the 
liberation of Goa, have not merited the desired goals for our state, 
besides, they failed  to instill discipline among their own members. 
However, the greater 

[Goanet] Goa news for April 20, 2008

2008-04-19 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Scarlett witness \'trapped in Goa\' - The Press Association
[Apr 17, 2008]  Police in Goa have said she was given a
cocktail of Ecstasy, cocaine and LSD. D'Souza, 28, was the first
man arrested by Goan police in connection with the ...

*** Indo-UK naval war games off Goa coast from Monday - Times
of India
[47 minutes ago]  NEW DELHI: India and UK will kick off their
third round of the annual 'Konkan' naval wargames on the western
seaboard off Goa from Monday, with the British ...

*** Sex trade growing with tourism in Goa - Navhind Times
[3 hours ago]  The state has come a long way from the unsolved
Miramar sex racket during earlier part of this decade, to the
arrests of bar dancers from Maharashtra in Goa ...

*** Goa plans mega fests to woo tourists - Herald Publications
[19 hours ago]  BY HERALD REPORTER PANJIM, APRIL 18  The Goa
Tourism Department has commenced an aggressive campaign to woo
domestic clientele with mega Goa fests proposed ...

*** Goa\'s complete online news edition - Saturday, April 19,
2008 - Herald Publications
[19 hours ago]  GLITZ, GLAMOUR  CRICKET: The Indian Premier
League got off to a dream start on Friday evening, amid
fireworks, dance performances and Bollywood mingling ...

*** Salgaocar rout Guardian Angel in Taca Goa - Navhind Times
[Apr 18, 2008]  Margao, April 18 Melvis Fernandes scored three
goals as Salgaocar SC thrashed Guardian Angel SC 8-1 in a
one-sided encounter of GFA U-20 Taca Goa league at ...

*** Chintamanis to hold exhibition in Goa - Navhind Times
[Apr 18, 2008]  The vision is simple - to bring to Goa the very
best of hallmarked gold jewellery, IGL certified diamond
jewellery, brands like Asmi, Arisia and Nakshatra ...

*** Goa sex racket: Police zero in on Nagpur-based youth -
[Apr 17, 2008]  Panaji (PTI): Goa police has identified a
Nagpur-based youth in the international sex racket, involving an
Uzbek woman, busted in the coastal state, ...

*** The shrink-wrapping of Goa - InfoChange
[17 hours ago]  By Rahul Goswami Real estate developers
haveallied with politicians in Goa to create a brand new economy
in this well-known holiday state. ...

*** Willy stresses need to make Goa ideal place for scouting -
Navhind Times
[3 hours ago]  Panaji, April 19 The Deputy Chairman of Planning
Board and President of Bharat Scouts and Guides, Goa State Dr
Wilfred de Souza has underscored the need to ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Organ Trading in India

2008-04-19 Thread Roland Francis
Alfred bhava,

The Indian National Human Rights Commission would be a good place
for your initiative.

Please see:


On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 9:50 AM, Alfred de Tavares

 My dear Philip,
 Thanks for your continued excellent ombudsman service in highly relevant
 areas of transparence or, lack thereof, in Goa.
 I have a request: Could you -- or some other informed fellow netter -- 
 provide me
 a lead/source to the, reportedly, rampant human-organs' trade underway in 
 Any aspect related to the same: extent of availibility, if contacts are made
 easilly or with difficulty, costs, etc.

[Goanet] Pope's Visit to USA and UN

2008-04-19 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Likely many interested Goanetters are following the Pope's visit to the USA.
He received a thunderous welcome in the Capital, at the United Nations and now 
in New York City.
He has been addressing the controversy of the priest sex abuse with 
forthrightness and compassion.
Those interested in his remarks can read below from Yahoo

Regards, GL


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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

[Goanet] A poem in memory of Scarlett Keeling

2008-04-19 Thread VaNiTa K
A poem in memory of Scarlett Keeling

Today I died, of shame, of shock

Those beasts attacked me on the rock

I cried, I fought, I prayed, I lost

I am no more, what fate hath wrought

I always dreamt of distant lands

Of the eastern spice, of painted hands

The woman is a God they said

Oh India, it left me dead

All you men, I ask you fair

A child I am, in mother’s care

What wrong did I, what crime of mine

Someday you’ll cry in his court divine

Kind Regards
Vanita K


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[Goanet] Goan Expats-2: HERALD(Goa), Apr 20, 2008

2008-04-19 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

By Valmiki Faleiro

The idea of this two-part article arose, of all things, at a book launch in 
Panjim early last
year. An expatriate, Anjuna-born Gulf Goan Domnic Fernandes, authored “Domnic’s
Goa.” (Domnic is my Non Resident Goan, NRG Type-1.) Edited by journalist 
Noronha, the book was produced in 2007 by Cecil Pinto for Abbe Faria 
Panjim. ISBN: 978-81-904640-0-0. PB. Rs.350.

A panel discussion by some well-known Goan authors followed the book launch. It 
chaired by the venerable New York-based, regularly-in-Goa octogenarian, Victor 
Ribeiro. The issue: maintaining ‘Goanness’ in the Goan Diaspora via nostalgic 

This, eventually, made me notch my categories of Goan expats up by one. Let us 
them NRG-Type 3. If the NRG-Type 1 helps shore up the Goan economy, and Type 2 
largely a variable quantum of hot air, Type 3 should warm every Goan heart in 

An age ago, Prof. Frank D’Souza poignantly wrote, “So even in voluntary exile, 
the very
thought of Goa conjures up for me tantalizing visions of my native land, and 
fills me with
a sentimental yearning for it. Separated from my motherland by the iron logic of
circumstances, I have always felt a sense of fulfillment whenever I visited 
Goa. Even as
a child, when the steamer docked in Panjim, I used to be overcome by a strong 
urge to
kneel down and kiss the soil of Goa.”

Type 3 is a rarer breed. Up against all odds, they made a conscious choice to 
return to
their ancestral land. Not after retirement like most, but when in the prime of 
their careers.
Guys like Wendell Rodricks, Margaret Mascarenhas and VM de Malar (a.k.a. Victor
Menezes of Malara-Divar, grandson of another venerable Goan expat, Prof. Armando
Menezes, a legend in his lifetime at Dharwar University.) Type-3 put their 
future and their
fortunes where their heart was – Goa.

Mumbai born, Los Angeles and Paris trained Wendell, in his words, was 
into writing by his friend Sathya Saran, Editor of ‘Femina.’ Wendell was among 
a handful
Indians selected for an advanced fashion-designing course in Germany. On the 
eve of
his departure, Sathya asked him to do a piece on “how large women could be made 
look slim in innovative clothing.” He hurriedly penned a technical but readable 
explaining the concepts with his own illustrations. On returning, he was 
horrified to see
Femina’s cover blurb announcing a “Regular Column” by Wendell – that’s how the
fashion designer doubled as a columnist. But that’s not the story.

Wendell’s father always spoke of his plans to retire to his beloved Colvale. He 
didn’t get
to make it. After a couple of years of working in Bombay and earning a niche 
for himself,
Wendell one fine day told friends he was moving to Goa. They were aghast at his 
professional suicide. It took him four years to get a basic phone line in Goa, 
many more
to be connected to the internet…

Margaret was born in Venezuela, where she studied in Spanish, went to 
university in the
US, then moved to Bombay, working for a high profile magazine for some time, 
until one
day she asked herself why she was air-hopping every weekend to be with her 
in Anjuna. She relocated. Her dad had instilled a love for Goa early on: he 
brought the
family down every vacation. One such visit, grandma took her on a visit to a 
then Goa’s first Goan Bishop. When asked to kneel and kiss the Bishop’s ring, 
the seven
year old stoutly refused! For Margaret, a writer, relocation was easy in this 
age of email.

US-based VM de Mallar was in his mid-30s when he decided to retire and return 
Pop star Remo had opportunity (and great potential) to settle abroad than stay 
in Siolim.
Savia Viegas, author, academician and a senior Fulbright Fellow had everything 
for her in Mumbai, but moved back to Carmona. As did John Douglas Coutinho, in 
UK, who returned to Cavorim, Chandor – and today runs one of the most 
written about beach campsites, Ciaran’s at Palolem. Ayres D’Souza had a job and
papers ready for the US while in Kuwait, but chucked it all and returned to 

The list is long. They renounced greener pastures and reverted home. What’s 
from Goa, they continue to thrive and make Goa proud.

Do these young Goans tell a story? Ponder it over. Does Goa lack opportunity, 
or do we
Goans lack something else? If there is will, there surely must be a way.

In sum, to the Type 2, Goa may be just another holiday. To the Type 1, it means 
To the Type 3, Goa is where one returns to, recharges one’s roots, and begins 
to flower
again. May they bloom more! (Concludes.)

The Valmiki Faleiro weekly column at:

The above article appeared in the April 20, 2008 edition of the Herald, Goa

[Goanet] ZEST: A Kaleidoscope of Colours

2008-04-19 Thread Goanet AE

A Kaleidoscope of Colours
By Odette Mascarenhas

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. 
Those words of Confucius definitely holds true in the case of Yolanda de 
Sousa Kammermeier. An artist by profession, her work is highly thought of 
not only in Goa, but also nationally and internationally.

She seems to emerge as colourful as the paints she uses-vibrant is the word 
that comes to mind. Her casual attire (I like to feel free she states), 
belies the intensity of her warm and captivating smile. Born and brought up 
in Calangute, she studied at the Little Flower of Jesus, a Portuguese medium 
school and could not speak a word of English till she was eight. That would 
account for her faintly accented speech. She went off to Mumbai on a holiday 
and within a span of two months mastered the language. When she returned to 
school they were so enamoured by her prowess that they gave her a double 
promotion to the fourth standard, although as she modestly claims she was 
just an average student.

Her father Joviano de Souza was an athlete of national fame, and often 
represented the House of Tata in football and athletics, her mother 
Augusta's skill at painting on glass bottles was, and still is, intricate 
and painstaking. Her siblings Ligia, Francisco, Suzanna all showed traits 
and prowess of their parents in music, painting and sports. Yolanda was no 

In the formative years at school, Yolanda was good in sport. She excelled in 
hockey, football and badminton. She decided to don the colours of the 
woman's football team. As she smilingly puts it â? she was a tomboy to 
the core. She captained the Indian football (women) team, and won matches 
making the team number two in Asia. However, it was not only against the 
Asian teams that she captained her teams; they played against strong teams 
like Germany and USA. Yolanda led from the front in the centre forward 

It was in her final year at school that Yolanda found her true passion. Ably 
assisted by her mother and coached by her art teacher, she focused on art as 
her subject and finally joined the Goa College of Art. After five years, she 
was ready to take on the world. It is said that the canvas of a painter is a 
document of their inner self. Yolanda took up her brush and acrylic paints 
and breathed into her paintings the essence of her sub conscious yearnings. 
She is a true Goan at heart; there is no doubt about that. It echoes on 
those canvases.

In 1986 when still in her late 20s, she wrote a few verses on the changing 
face of Goa, which echoed in her paintings at an art show in 2006. She 
bemoans the fact that the Goa of her youth no longer exists.

Her strong bond with the past was also shown in her recent collection titled 
Saudades a series on her ancestors, which was exhibited for the Apparant 
show at Panaji in 2007.

Yolanda met Rudolph Ludwig Kammermeier a young German musician when he was 
holidaying in Goa. Their creative avenues kept them far apart for 13 long 
years. However, they were destined to meet again and finally tied the knot, 
settling in Gaurowaddo Calangute, where Rudolph, when he is not at his 
piano, runs a flourishing art gallery and helps Yolanda in marketing her 

Does she get distracted when Rudolph is at his piano and she is yearning to 
paint? The two of them blend perfectly as a couple, and as she confesses, 
without his expertise in marketing on the web she would have found it 
difficult to carve her niche in the art world. They have a twelve-year-old 
daughter called Sarah, with a smile as vivacious as her mother's and an 
artistic temperament to boot. Little Sarah will be holding her own art 
exhibition shortly.

Yolanda's encouragement in developing artistic talent is not focused only on 
her daughter. She holds competitions for young children to let them discover 
their inner talent. She is discouraged by the fact that not many children 
from classes 6 to 12 participate. She believes that in many cases the school 
curriculum is so subject and percentage oriented (in some schools they do 
not even have an art teacher after standard five) that as a result art is 
not taken seriously in the higher standards. She, however, feels that this 
is slowly changing for the better as art is slowly being recognised as a 

Yolanda de Sousa Kammermeier the Goan ethos in her voice and her paintings 
is poignant. She epitomises the spirit and womanhood of a true Goan woman. 
She displays a kaleidoscope of colours not only in her paintings but also as 
an individual-a prominent sports woman, a gifted artist, a caring mother and 
a person who takes on immense social responsibility.

In 2003, to urge the public to work on the concept of peace and harmony she 
was part of a group show - the Daniel Pearl Memorial Festival. She has 
opened up avenues as a dynamic woman by giving solo shows in Bangalore and 
Mumbai. She firmly believes that any 

[Goanet] Talking Photo: ‘Baby on board ’

2008-04-19 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photo: ‘Baby on board’

Well, I did see very often the sign board ‘baby on board’  at the back of the 
cars windows which is in front of ours.

I really thought by saying so, the driver or the occupants of the cars are 
trying to tell us or warn us  to keep a safe distance or drive carefully 
because there is a baby on board

I just found out that ‘baby on board’ could also mean ‘Beware!! Anything could 
fling out of  the car windows in front of you including baby nappies (as baby's 
nappies are changed upto 10 times a day)..

While on the move, your car is also a ‘baby changing room’ with no waste bin 
inside.  Dirty baby-nappies? No problem, just throw out of your moving car 

Should anybody confront you, just remind them saying ‘you been warned’ that 
there was a ‘baby on board’

Look at this beautiful road side bush flower

 whilst you are there, just click on ‘large’ top left link to have a close-up 
view of that flower.

The road in the pic is  DB Road , Campal.

 And those of you with babies or not may please watch this 

Mr. Bean's 'Mind the baby'




You may also read this...

Just few weeks ago, we 3 were travelling to Majorda via Sancoale.

Suddendly our car stopped  on the hill (near Verna-Vasco bypass past Sancoale 

Whilst our driver tries to sort out the problem,  we went little further and 
saw a loaded  imported (World Duty Free)  bag lying by the road side. My 
friends were very anxious to know it's contents but I warned them not to touch 
as it could be any thing and advised them to go back to our car. It was nearly 
45 minutes now and our driver could not fix the problem. As I had  to meet some 
one very urgently, I accepted a lift and left them 3 behind.

It was after a week, one of the two (friends) who broke the news saying that 
the other one actually did go back to the loaded bag and found out it contained 
... (guess what?).

Now, who I should call stupid?

My friend or the righful NRI owner of the bag?




for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email

[Goanet] Goan Identity

2008-04-19 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Hi Antonio,
When diaspora Goans talk about identity, it reminds me of two incidents.  These 
involve those born outside India and visit Goa occasionally.  Beyond the 
specifics of the cases, these examples may give us some insights.
Incident 1:  About 30+ years ago when I was studying in London, I attended a 
GOA function. I got talking to a HIGH SCHOOL teenager. He was pretty 
articulate. So I asked him, What is your identity?
The teenager's response: I do not know! 
I was born in Kenya, Africa, but I am not Black.
I am told I am English, but I am not White.
I am told I am Goan, but I have not been to Goa and know little about it.
Incident 2: About 5 years ago, I met five Toronto-born, Goan COLLEGE STUDENTS 
at a party in Toronto. Their Portuguese-speaking parents transplanted 
themselves straight from Goa to Toronto. The students knew they were Goan, but 
did not know why? One knew the name of the state language. They were not sure 
of the Portuguese colonization or independence, or the significance of 1961. 
According to them, Goa got its independence in 1947.  Their ethnicity was 
It does not surprise me that some of these diaspora Goans, irrespective of 
their age, have gone over the edge, in denying the existence of a Goan 
Identity. This is not displaying knowledge, despite their articulate speech or 
writings. Denying the existence of a Goan Identity is more displaying 
ignorance, which some are hesitant to admit.  Clearly, Goan diaspora 
associations and parents have a lot of work to do.  It involves, Less Talk, 
More Action, and we could all do without the self-aggrandizement. 
Are you displaying the Goan identity of making polarizing comments - just to 
get Goans going?  Just in case you did not know that you have this Goan 
Regards, GL 

--- Antonio Menezes 

We may not know much about Goan Identity but there are qualities which Goans 
have developed and yet they do not know they have them.


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2008-04-19 Thread Shanti Dhoot

Message: 12 of Goanet 438; Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2008
From: sebastian Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Advalpal villagers force stop Sesa Goa mine

About 50 Advalpal villagers - mostly women - today morning marched to the
Sesa Goa mine forcing the mine to close down its operation. The concerned
Sesa Goa mine was threatening village water sources. Villagers united to
drive away Sesa Goa from their village. Besides multinational Sesa Goa -
owned by British company Vedanta- Salgaocars and Lithoferro are other two
companies that are proving to be pests to the Advalpal villagers.
Around 1,500 strong people of this village are at the receiving end of the
mining menace. The companies and the State authorities so far have been able
to 'manage' the village protest by use of Carrot and stick policy -
Companies have dished out cash to those willing to accept while Police has
been used to silence the protests so far.
However it is not going to be too long that the situation will go out of
control of the mining companies as well as the State authorities in case it
refuses to heed to the voices of the People.  This is particularly so
because Police have registered criminal cases against the villagers on
trespass charges.


Here is yet another example of a united peoples' power

That is growing stronger by the day and hour.

It seems more than one multinational mining company

Wants an Indian one, in its devious plots, to accompany

But the united voices of people are turning their dreams sour.

The villagers of Advalpal have fought both the carrot and the stick,

And only want to give these nefarious companies a resounding kick,

To protect their environment and their precious land,

And so have formed among themselves a united band,

Constantly on their guard against any other conceivable future trick

--  Shanti Dhoot


2008-04-19 Thread Goanet AE


The unique 'English Speech and Drama Programme' conducted by the Helen 
O'Grady Drama Academy began in Australia in 1979. The programme has been 
active in India for four years with thousands of children between the age 
groups of 5 yrs to 18 years attending classes weekly. This is the largest 
programme of its kind in the world wherein children are made to be 
confident, articulate and develop multi skills through development drama 
activities that strengthen their foundations, self esteem and verbal skills 
and make their journey through life much more confident and easier.

The unique training modules are designed in such a way that it is possible 
for a child to enroll with the Academy and attend classes for 13 years 
without ever repeating a lesson! The sliding scale of language development, 
inbuilt into the curriculum, enables students of different ages and 
abilities to relate readily to the programme and to progress at the rate 
most suitable to their present needs. Ideally a two year time frame is 
encouraged to give the students the advantage of escalating benefits of the 
programme. However it is observed that even attendance for a minimum period 
of one year encompassing one hour classes per week have produced amazing 
results in kids !

A special Holiday programme, which is a 12 day compact module beginning 21st 
April is being organized by the Panaji franchisee MAGSONS SUPERCENTRE to 
initiate children and parents alike into this programme. Trained instructors 
will conduct these One hour sessions daily wherein 'kids will love the drama 
and parents will love the results'! Registrations are open on a first come 
basis. Interested parents are requested to contact Mrs Andrea Maganlal 
(9326102037) or Miss Asmita (2463700 Ext 21) at MAGSONS SUPERCENTRE.

Goanet AE

[Goanet] M.A. in Portuguese Literature and Culture - Department of Portuguese, Goa University

2008-04-19 Thread CLP IC
Department of Portuguese, Goa University - M.A. in Portuguese Literature and 

Centro de Língua Portuguesa/ Instituto Camões-Goa have given support to the 
students of the M.A. in Portuguese Literature and Culture, Department of 
Portuguese, Goa University, and also to the teachers of Portuguese language 
in the secondary schools of Goa.

This academic year, six students will finish their two year M.A. degree 
program and it is expected that more students will enroll from next July in 
order to become experts in Portuguese language and culture. Instituto 
Camoes, together with Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and also Orient 
Foundation, in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon, 
is organizing a short study program in Portugal for these students of Goa 
University. They were awarded scholarships in order to attend a course in 
Didactics of Portuguese as a Foreign Language. Instituto Camoes has signed a 
M.O.U. with Goa University and will go on supporting the language culture 
courses of the Department of Portuguese through pedagogical materials, the 
assistance of a Portuguese teacher as well as other means like scholarships 
as possible.

This course is taking place in Lisbon from May 5th. until June 5th. These 
students, Clifton Mervin Afonso, Ingrid Filomena de Jesus Ferrão Pereira, 
Maria José Agnes Antonieta de Jesus Mascarenhas Prazeres, Maria Lira 
Rodrigues, Mark Sebastian Pinto e Mónica Marize D'Lima will be accompanied 
by José Miguel Ribeiro Lume, Leitor of Instituto Camões, and by another 
teacher, Maria do Céu Barreto. Besides attending classes at the University 
of Lisbon, they will fulfill other activities like study visits to different 
historical and culture sites like Camilo Castelo Branco Museum or Eca de 
Queiros Foundation in northern Portugal.

José Miguel Ribeiro Lume
Centro de Língua Portuguesa/ Instituto Camões

Re: [Goanet] Petrol Pumps

2008-04-19 Thread Alfred de Tavares


Show this to José, Pupul, Herbert  others with vehicles 
explain it to Dacló; he is one of the´few chaps I know who
really listens  folows up

Saves considerably on costs  vehicle health.

My Scarlett story was carried by 217 papers  internet media
around the world, mostly with my byline: so far a record for me.

Tomorow on refugees

Re: [Goanet] Diet and Health.

2008-04-19 Thread eric pinto
 ABSOLUTE   right, our dear Alfredo, it used to be ' twenty twice ' once, on 
my beloved Bowery, thats forty cents for a nip of Thunderbird, if you knew the 
' word ' !  That was thirty plus years ago, the stretch is expensive condo 
towers today, with memories that survive in Costello reruns. The South too has 
known an upgrade, with rye whisky supplanting corn mash in the Appa-Lachan 
Hills of Kentucky.
American Brands, Chicago,  bid to buy the outfit, only last month, lost out 
to the French at two billion.

Alfred de Tavares [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mon chére 'Eric,

You failed? to consider the possible good contribution of whole-corn
fluids so ABSOLUTELY produced in these parts

Or, are they negligible? I beg to disagree..
Alfred... Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 06:07:03 -0700 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Goanet] Diet and Health.  I have witnessed a 
mini-epidemic of colon cancer amongst friends in North America over the the 
past decade. The very famous surgeon, Dr. Burkitt, claimed he did not see a 
case over his twenty year stay in the Ugandan bush : he was making a case for 
fiber. The presence of carcinogens in digested meat, combined with slower 
propulsion of a low fiber mass along our tracts, make for a dangerous mix to 
health. It is not practical to count on fruit and vegetable to provide the 
fifteen odd grams of fiber we need every day : only the right kind of grain 
does it for us. Sadly, this does not include our two favourites - rice polished 
pretty, and white bread. The solution is whole wheat products, and corn. I 
googled the word 'fiber' today, and discovered several reader friendly sites 
that are useful and informative. eric.
Explore the seven wonders of the world

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2008-04-19 Thread J. Colaco jc
Capt Gerald Fernandes, Ex, the Indian Army wrote:

Dear Paulo and interested Goanetters,

1. may I venture in deepest humility to point out ... the right of a
Sovereign Nation to  acquire territory.

2. Just as in law Portugal, Spanish, Dutch and the Brits (other
colonial powers) were entitled to acquire property , they are /were
equally entitled in law to lose property to a superior power.

3. The faster,quicker and earlier we accept that the Portuguese were
beaten to the punch by the Indians ,the easier will be the transition
to acceptance of reality.

7. Can we contemporarily move on now ,instead of being held hostage
mentally to ideas propounded by deadbeats /and or living fossils'
who are prisoners to an age  of Portuguese  dominance of Goa, which in
all  human  probability  shall never return,

7(b) inasmuch  as  Indian Kashmir will never devolve to the Pakistanis.

== a response from jc ==

Dear Capt Gerald Fernandes, Paulo and others,

Whenever Paulo writes, I stop to read. He is, after all, a well
educated, cultured and a very reasonable man - one I have had the
pleasure of meeting in person. Accordingly, when his post arrived at
the time of an opportune 'break' for me, I was happy to read it.

I'll submit this - there is nothing in Paulo's post that isn't factual.

There is  also much in the post of Capt Gerald Fernandes (GF) that I
agree with. However, there are some points, I have  some difficulty
with. I have listed them above. I preface my response thus:

a: I absolutely agree that Dec 19, 1961 is fait accompli!.
b: NOT everybody who questions the word liberation was pro-Salazar.
c: Some who jump up and down about liberation were indeed pro-Salazar.

I would like to ask Capt Gerald Fernandes a few questions? Is he
implying the following:

re# 1:

* that  every Sovereign Nation has the right to acquire
territory...even property that never belonged to it as a Sovereign

* that it was right for Sadaam Hussein to try acquire the territory aka Kuwait?

* that it was right for Indonesia to try acquire the territory known
as East Timor?

* that Honduras has a right to acquire Belize (the former British Honduras)?

* that Pakistan has a right to acquire and be in  Pak-occupied Kashmir?

* that China has a right to acquire Aksai Chin?

* that Indonesia (or China) has a right to acquire the Andaman Islands?

re # 2

* that IF China becomes a superior power (in comparison to India), it
will have a right to acquire (say) Goa and name it Goem-Chin ...and
that India will be 'entitled in law to lose property to a superior
power'.? BTW: Which Law is this?

* that GF knows a LAW that entitles anybody to lose property to the
goons/Dadas in the neighbourhood?

* that the faster,quicker and earlier some Goans who have had their
land titles or even ownership of their civilian airport taken away -
accept that they were beaten to the punch, ,the easier will be the
transition to acceptance of reality.

re # 7

* that in the 21st century we have become so ossified that we as human
beings are unable to understand that the most basic premise of
humanity is autonomy and self determination.

* that we have regressed to the fossil age where we can argue from a
point of Might is Right and not from what Might actually be Right!

We sit and justify the liberation on our own terms. What about the
people who are affected by our aggression and display of might is

Anybody cares to ask the people before we just decide to 'bomb' them?

Or ... would the inconvenient truth create a problem with our agenda?

I am just asking.

good evening from here

Often times when I hear this totally fossilesque Might is Right
argument, and then learn about  the child abuse that was going on in
that Texas 'church', I wonder if it is not this power trip which
causes these people to abuse others and their basic rights while
telling them that they are being blessed or 'liberated or 
is it just our plain ignorance of the fundamental rights of others!