Re: [Goanet] How important is sex for a happy marriage? - iVillage

2010-07-26 Thread Frederick Noronha
Con Menezes cmenezes at wrote:
> marriage/4-n-211685?nlcid=em|07-12-2010|

Con Menezes' post above was interesting. It is something that, given
our background, might be tough to come to terms with.

The Catholic perspective on this -- at least in the way it has passed
around for the most part -- is certainly unhelpful. The obsession is
with abortion, not with building a healthy sexuality (and I don't mean
just condom use as is promoted by the neo-Liberal cultural industry

Sex is advocated as something solely for procreation. This is akin to
suggesting that eating food is soley to avoid starvation. You commit
adultery if you look at an attractive woman with "lust" in your eyes
-- well then, how many normal males with usual human impulses are not
guilty of this, given the way evolution has hard-wired us to ensure
the propagation of the species?

Sex and guilt go together, even within a marriage. There is little to
guide people into finding their way to a healthier sexuality, in our
fantasy-driven, oversexualised world (where you can't watch an MTV
video, read the Times of India, or walk down the street watching
advertisements without being prompted to think of sex).

Hindu India was probably more advanced on this score, but the Kama
Sutra et al happened centuries ago. Subsequently, the long Victorian
cast its spell on all, turning millions into uptight, repressed,
land-of-aggressive-males and prudes.

The only Catholic network I've heard giving honest hints about the
hints of the place of sexuality in a marriage is Vally and Anna
Coelho, relatives of our own Venantius Pinto, and who do network on
issues related to couples and religion. FN

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] CBC: Promised Land - Escape from Uganda

2010-07-26 Thread Bosco D
Ex-Uganda Goans may find this interesting and hopefully share some of 
their stories.

In 1972, Ugandan dictator Idi Amin announced that all Asians, regardless 
of their citizenship, had to pack up and leave the country - and he gave 
them only ninety days to get out. Thousands of those Asian Ugandans 
found refuge in Canada, including Anwer Omar. This year, nearly four 
decades later, Anwer and hundreds of other exiled Ugandans gather for a 
reunion picnic. Hear their stories on Escape from Uganda.

The latest podcast, July 26/10 (download) can be found at:

- B

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] COLUMN: Bleddy Goans and an East Indian bugger

2010-07-26 Thread George Menezes

Bleddy Goans and an East Indian bugger
By George Menezes

Whoever Godfrey Pereira is, we Goans need to either give him an award, 
or pin a medal on his Bleddy East Indian chest.

Godfrey Pereira, a journalist who once worked with Sunday magazine 
Kolkotta and India Today wrote a “no holds barred” piece on the Goanet 
chastising the laid-back Goans and literally tearing them to pieces in 
the same fashion as the mine owners are tearing up the rich Goan soil 
mindless of the destruction that is caused all around.

I have a suspicion that Godfrey Pereira is not an ex-journalist. He is 
an “agent provocateur”. He uses language that would not only make a 
sailor blush but the entire Indian Navy turn red like the setting sun on 
the beaches of Goa.

I like what Godfrey wrote. It is a wake-up call to all of us Goans even 
though he gets carried away and is not in touch with the present day 
reality of Goa. He also exaggerates the achievements of the East Indians 
in the Gorai- Uttan agitation in Mumbai.

About Goa he says “the Russians have been openly running drugs in Goa. 
Army deserters from Israel have put up signs in Goan clubs stating “No 
Indians allowed”.

“What have you, paowallahs been doing?” he asks “Eating last night’s 
curry for breakfast? Susegad.” Later he goes on to say that beach after 
beach is being decimated and not a “beep” from the bloody Goan men. In a 
colorful metaphor, as colorful as the cashew fruit, he asks “what 
happened to the cashew nuts between our legs? The Goan women don’t seem 
to care as long as the sons send money back home.”

In a voice full of anger he says “let somebody else revolt Bleddy pass 
the pao, men. Make sign of the cross, do the mando. It is God’s will.”

“At least the East Indians are trying. What have you Goans been doing 
while your hills are being raped and your fresh water resources 
plundered. What? Have another feni? Talk about how Aunty Mary’s daughter 
is now going out with that Bleddy German bugger? Or are you all fighting 
your sisters for property you don’t think they deserve.”

In contrast, Godfrey praises the East Indians: “In Mumbai thousands of 
people from the ten villages of the Gorai-Uttan belt have been fighting 
Essel World India’s “largest amusement park” that’s coming up near 
Borivali. They are protesting against the proposed Special Entertainment 
Zone (SEZ) spread over 14,183 acres in the area. They know they stand to 
lose the core of their culture if this happens and so they are fighting 
this encroachment disguised as tourism. At least The East Indians there 
are trying.”

Whether castigating Goans or praising East Indians, Godfrey has not done 
his home work as well as he should have.

The reality today is that Goans have, however slowly, turned into human 
rights activists. There are individuals like Sebastian Rodrigues, Venita 
Coelho, Padma Shri Norma Alvares. Hartman de Souza, Durgadas Gaonkar and 
many more.

There are Organizations like the renowned Doctor Oscar Rebello’s Goa 
Bachao Abiyan, Floriano Lobo’s Goa Su-Raj Party, Bailancho Sad, or the 
very recent Community activism through “Video Volunteers” at village level.

So many heroic individuals and groups, too many to name, not to mention 
journalists, artists, musicians, fashion designers you name it, who have 
actively supported most movements to save Goa from its multi-pronged 

As well-known journalist Frederick Noronha writes “these stories hardly 
ever emerge. The meek of the earth shall not inherit the headlines, as 
Indira Gandhi once famously said. Their campaigns lack immediacy, is 
bereft of the drama, and above all, these are simple people!”

In any case, Godfrey needs to update himself although, as many Goa 
watchers would agree, the movements are not sustainable and are not able 
to dislodge the political people in power for the same reasons Indians 
everywhere are not able to do so on account of massive fissures among 
the common people. Namely caste, sub-caste and creed.

On the other hand Godfrey has no excuse in having got the Gorai Uttan 
agitation wrong.

I like the East Indians. I became their adopted son when I built a 
cottage at the far end of the Gorai beach near the lighthouse, almost 
having a private cove for myself and my family on weekends.

When thugs started to excavate the sand all along the beach and 
especially in front of my house, when cottages for love-birds were built 
on Customs owned property, when the bullock-cart owner, my friendly 
neighbor, was killed by Mumbai thugs forcibly grabbing property, when 
Essel World was built ,there was not a whimper from the people of Gorai. 
Not a “beep” as Godfrey would say.

I was advised to stop writing complaints and bringing my very senior 
police friends to have a look at what was happening. “Uncle” they said 
to me “you are here only on weekends. Your house is the furthest from 
the village. All they have to do one night is to burn it 

[Goanet] Superiority of Goans

2010-07-26 Thread Antonio Menezes
Call it crap, stupid talk, unadulterated rubbish, articulated facade or what
have you, but I shall fail in my duty
towards Goan community if I resist from putting in the electronic print my
perception of Goa of 1961.  As
Mr. Teutonio R de Souza has brilliantly put it recently on Goanet in
connection with the launch of Selma
Carvalho's book  Into The Diaspora  Wilderness,:  ''' If more Goans would
follow Selma's example and
keep a record of the lived experiences.of every single Goan at any time
in the past or present or
future will go into the completion  of Goa's history'''

Goa or rather coastal Goa of 3 talukas of Ilhas, Bardez and Salcete was
conquered by the Portuguese
during the period 1510 - 1543.  The Portuguese administrators being few in
numbers, had to rely on
Mestisos who were occupying the middle rungs of the administration But
accoring to Dr. Gilbert Lawrence they started leaving Goa for Mocambique,
Angola and Brazil.  Mestisos in Goan administration
were followed by their brothers - in - law in the official duties most
probably by the end of the
18th century.  Thus it came to pass a new ruling elite who were mostly the
so called upper caste
villagers along the interior Mandovi and Zuari rivers. They learnt to speak
Portuguese language,
aped their manners and thus detached themselved  from the larger section of
konkani speaking population.  Some of them became  the blue eyed boys of the
Patriarch of
East Indies and formed the famous  ''batinado bramanico''  who effectively
ruled many
outlying villages.

The humble villagers came into contact with the Latin language, took part
with it in religious
rituals, and also sang religious hymns in the same language without any
formal education:
unlike their hindu neighbours most of whom did not even dare to hear
Sanskrit language
spoken and were now even allowed to enter their temples. Thus the Latin
connection of the
humble Goan villagers by 1961 was the basis of their superiority over
adherents of other
religious practices  or so I was told in 60's by a half literate  Goan
kuddwallah in  Bombay.

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] Angle's Table Tennis/ Goa Selection aside, Goan Sport's Golden years were in the 70s!

2010-07-26 Thread Pandu Lampiao
Say, all the nostalgia on the table tennis battles and the circus that
went along made me think of sports in the old daysin particular
the 70s.That was the Golden age of Goan sportsfootball,volleyball,
badminton and table tennis. We had stars those years, be it Vero,
Deepa Mambre and Subash in table tennis, Bernard (Vasco), Catao
(Salgoncar), Bramanand (Panvel), Crown Club-Santa Cruz in volleyball,
Madgaonkar family in badminton.field hockey had the Girim gang
and the the battling goalkeepers from VascoPeter and Praveen
Bodade. It was all the entertainment one would wish for.

When Bernard strolled in the Vasco market, everyone stopped as if his
thundering runs on field shook the ground they were standing on! Or
Bramanand.people still gather to chat with him. I see the chap
from Crown Club (he had long hair then) around in Panjim and still
stop and wonder...he looks like anyone else rushing aboutbut
in my memory, he was a star of the volleyball court. One travelled
distances to watch them play. Or the fights that erupted after hockey
games. Who needed wrestling and boxing? Or tv?

There were no national awards for Goa in those days...the closest
we came to Goan glory was in the quarter finals of the Santosh trophy
in Vasco (1972). The first major trophy came when the women's team won
the national football at Campalwhat a proud moment that was! And
after that it has been downhill. Yes, there came Francis D'souza (the
original mausi) and the great Mauricio Alfonsoa Requiem of the old
days, fine tuned by Bob Bootland (?) to be a classic mid-fielder. Now,
there are no one in sight, no one. The players are
ordinary...the youngsters don't have a star to look up to- nor do they
care. Who knows what the state of TT is. Volleyball is almost dead,
hockey..never heard of it these days. Badmintonwith coach
Roshanlal gone...

I know everyone talks of Goan football. In the years gone by, yes;
today- NADA? If anyone does not agree, I say they don't understand the
game- move on to cricket yo. Goan football is too school boy like,
complete lack of skill, not the excitement of free flowing game of the
old. Can you imagine our beloved Vasco Club taking the field and the
crows sits silent.This is the once great Vasco Club? In the days gone
by, people would travel miles to watch them play, the very sight of
the white with black stripe made one edgy with a great football game
to come. Football sadly in the most horrible state one can imagine.
One sees the coaches with resumes and exotic nationalities whose
football sense is..what football sense?

If you have time to spare, its way more entertaining to watch paunchy
men play in any village ground than what is now called the Pro Le*gue.
Some buffoon of a football team owner proudly claimed a Goan club team
could win the Asi*n cup, My foot!!! If you watch his team play, I
guarantee you'd be bored to tears and you wish the game never got

Alas life goes on..its way more entertaining to sit in the balcony
section at the Fatorda football ground and listen to the routines of
Merguliao (he plays the clown during matches) and, has more football
knowledge that rivals any of them coaches!!! Ah, hold itI missed
the game where the Minister, son of a former Referee over-turned the
match officials tables because his team lost! Now that is
entertaining! These days, the only thing that is entertaining!

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] Say no to amendment of Section 17A of G oa’s TCP Act!

2010-07-26 Thread roger dsouza
Say no to amendment of Section 17A of Goa’s TCP Act!

There is now a clear agenda on the part of the Goa Government to clear a
controversial new Bill to amend the Goa Town and Country Planning Act in the
current session of the Goa Legislative Assembly. This new Bill seeks to
throw open hill slopes, fields, khazan lands, low lying areas and water
bodies for construction which are presently prohibited under Section 17A of
Goa TCP Act 1974, expressly to protect the hill slopes and fields against
'conversion' for construction in eco-sensitive zones. The proposed Goa TCP
(Amendment) Bill, 2010 is being hurriedly pushed by the Goa Government to
undo the safeguards added to the Goa, Daman & Diu TCP Act, 1974 through the
insertion of subsections 2 and 3 in Section 17A. This Bill puts the slopes
and fields at risk of "development" once again. We need to send a clear and
definite message to our MLAs that they need to oppose the Amendment that is
being proposed and that as representatives of the Goan people they are
responsible and answerable to us Goans.

Our Goan villagers whether in Agacaim, Loutolim, Navelim, Cansaulim, Carmona
are seeing the same shocking and blatantly open relationship working against
the interests of Goa and Goans with the builder-Goan politicians-Govt
machinery nexus that is all out to promote the interests of these builders
and their mega-housing projects while seeing our Goan landscape and
environment being destroyed before their very eyes. These builders are all
out to promote their mega-housing projects and have the politicians,
Government Machinery, TCP, Panchayat members in their pockets.

Even CM Digamabar Kamat could tell the Goan villagers on their face that he
didn’t depend on their votes when they approached him to protect the Goan
environment. The latest phraseology among our Goan politicians who are
openly backing their builder friends to Goans is “don’t oppose Development”
like Mauvin Godinho when he speaks out to back his cousin Aggie Alcacoas of
Queeny Realty Fame who using the bullying and intimidating power of dogs
like Aboobakr Shaikh block the over 300 years old access of the villagers in
Cansaulim and construct in the fields of Arrossim. They too make interesting
promises of providing jobs as security guards for these mega-housing
projects like Churchill Alemao does while supporting builders like Rahejas
in Carmona.

The proposed Goa TCP (Amendment) Bill, 2010 is highly suspect as it throws
the door wide open for allowing illegal constructions and constructions,
which are prohibited while the finalisation of RP 2021 is constantly

By similarly amending section 16/ 16A the Goa Government in the past was
able to bring in projects through the back door to bypass the Regional Plan
2021 process for the Government's projects, many of them outsourced to
private organisations.  The DLFs, Queeny Realtys, Rahejas and the rest are
waiting like a pack of hungry hyenas baying to feast once their politicians
do the trick for them in the Legislative Assembly. All Goans need to stand
up together with one voice and say no to them and expose their chicanery,
cunning and guile and not be intimidated by the pressure tactics including
the Section 144 that the Goa Government has imposed to keep away the Goan
people from voicing their protests within their Hearing at the Goa Assembly.

The following articles are from The Times of India.


*GBA takes aim at proposed TCP Amendment Bill (Times of India)*

TNN, Jul 26, 2010, 06.30am IST

PANAJI: The objective of the proposed TCP Amendment Bill aims at loosening
control of Section 17A of the Goa TCP Act and, in one swoop, throw open hill
slopes, fields, khazan lands, low-lying areas and waterbodies for
construction, members of the Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) alleged.

Section 17A, which was added in 1997 to the Act, was expressly to protect
hill slopes and fields from conversion for construction. The GBA has
repeatedly been demanding a freeze on construction in ecosensitive zones.

The proposed amendment has three stated objectives of the need to specify
authorities to implement a provision regarding punitive measures, enable the
government to frame rules and regulations for implementation of provisions
under Section 17A, and to do away with 'undue control' and ambiguity implied
in the present provisions.

The proposed Bill is silent over the issue of the first and second
objectives while sub-sections 2 and 3 is incorporated in the third one which
seeks to remove the condition of seeking permissions from the chief town
planner under Section 17A.

These two sub-sections are clearly aimed at giving leave and licence to
projects like the disputed DLF-Saravathi Builders "River Valley GOA" on hill

In one swoop, the government plans to lay open all forested hill slopes of
Goa to "development" by builders who manage to obtain permissions, including
'deemed permissions' to make their cases 

[Goanet] Creating Through Powerful Thoughts

2010-07-26 Thread Con Menezes
Are thoughts powerful??
Judge for yourself in this article.

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (27Jul10)

2010-07-26 Thread alexyz fernandes

**  Govt (TCP) to Amend ACt  **

"Dad you're a Politician...if the TCP new Bill will Kill all the Hill 
Slopes...Fields Khazan Lands...Water bodies...what is left for us Kids? 
Fight!! Oppose it!!"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] Angley’s Cup semis: Contrasting win s for Panjim Table Tennis Club, BPS A‘

2010-07-26 Thread Sandeep Heble
Angley’s Cup semis: Contrasting wins for Panjim Table Tennis Club, BPS A‘

Panjim Table Tennis Club’ moved into the Finals of the Angley’s Cup
Table Tennis Team Championship event organized by Panjim Gymkhana. The
defending champions were made to fight hard but in the end prevailed
with a hard fought 3-1 win over BPS B in the semis held at Panjim
Gymkhana on Monday.

Tito Diniz gave ‘BPS B’ a dream start with a shock 3-0 straight sets
win over former State Champion Ajit Ghantker. In the 2nd rubber, the
young & prodigious Tejas Shevde of ‘BPS B’ was on the brink of
upsetting Goa’s Table Tennis stalwart Noel Noronha after taking a 2
sets to 1 lead. In the pulsating edge-of-the-seat contest, Noel had to
dig deep from his reserves before recording a 3-2 victory over the
talented youngster and level the scores at 1-1.

Wilber Fernandes gave Panjim TT Club a decisive 2-1 lead with a hard
fought 3-2 win over Akhil Shirwaiker in the third rubber in another
pulsating contest. It was a see saw battle between the former State
Champion and the youngster. The match was evenly balanced match with
fortunes fluctuating from one end to the other. Wilber looked down and
out at 7-9 in the Final set, but came back strongly to win the next 4
consecutive points and the match for Panjim TT Club.

In the first reverse singles Ajit Ghantker used all his guile and
experience to score a comfortable 3-0 straight sets win over Tejas
Shevde and thereby clinch a place for Panjim Table Tennis Club in the

In the other semis, it was a stroll in the park for ‘BPS A’. ‘BPS A’
featuring Goa’s top two paddlers Diljeet Velingker and Agnelo Naik
stormed into the Finals with a thumping 3-0 win over Remy Fans.
Diljeet and Agnelo had easy outings against Sanjeev Afzalpulkar and
Vishnu Kolwalkar to give ‘BPS A’ a 2-0 lead. In the 3rd Tie, Amit Naik
beat Rajan Naik to cap a comfortable win for BPS A and set up a summit
clash against Panjim Table Tennis Club in a repeat of last years
encounter in what promises to be a mouth watering contest.

The Finals will be held at Panjim Gymkhana on Tuesday July 27 at 7 pm.

Yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] Pacheco gets bail, can attend house session

2010-07-26 Thread Goanet News Service

Pacheco gets bail, can attend house session
TNN, Jul 27, 2010, 06.26am IST

MARGAO: After serving over 16 days in the lock-up in connection with the 
Nadia Torrado death case, former tourism minister Francisco "Mickky" 
Pacheco was granted conditional bail by the Margao additional sessions 
court on Monday. The MLA is now free to attend the ongoing assembly 

The court remarked that the prosecution failed to bring on record any 
substantial material against Pacheco under the charge of culpable 
homicide not amounting to murder even after interrogating him for 14 
days in police custody. It then ordered Pacheco's release on his 
furnishing a bond of Rs 25,000 with one surety of the same amount.

In the absence of grounds to detain him further, upholding Pacheco's 
plea to attend the session, judge B P Deshpande stated, "It is required 
of the applicant to perform his duties as an MLA of his constituency."

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Russian visitors being given carte-blanche visas at Dabolim ?

2010-07-26 Thread Joe lOBO
   Imho, other nationalities do  not get bossy once they get into Goa. The 
Israeli and the Russians are known to corral properties be they 
restauarants or beach areas  where they will bar  admittance to local 
goans. While  you  personally may  think  that is  an  acceptable way for a 
foreigner on a  work permit  or  visitors visa to  act,  obviously it has 
come to the  attention of the  Indian media   who take  exception to  it .

- Original Message - 
From: "Frederick Noronha" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Russian visitors being given carte-blanche visas at 
Dabolim ?

 Joe lOBO wrote:
Noting a previous letter today about  foreign  nationals overstaying 
their visitors` visas in

> sees another article in todays TOI about  Goa
> immigration authorities being complicit in
> the issuance of visas to Russian tourists arriving
> without any background checks or verification.

Any idea why the Russians are specially targeted by the media? Are they 
the much-derided "ghantis" of the international tourism trade?

See the manner in which a Russian (and, to some extent, Israeli too) case 
is handled as compared to those of other tourists! FN

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * * 

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] Daily Grook #768

2010-07-26 Thread Francis Rodrigues



by Francis Rodrigues

best way to slow
robbery grief -
spikes which go
intruder thief!


sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278

Game on: Challenge friends to great games on Messenger

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] Taxing times...

2010-07-26 Thread Frederick Noronha
July 31 is one of the deadlines for filing income-tax returns in India 
(for the financial year that ended the previous March 31) for some 
categories of tax-payers.

See this very old listing

Was just wondering: what route do you find convenient in filing returns? 
 Have you tried out the recently-introduced e-tax filing mechanism? 
Does it work well?

Till not long ago, a country of 1000+plus million had something like 
just 30 million taxpayers. With the Government of India tightening a bit 
on this front, you can see small queues at the rear end of the EDC 
Building in Panjim, of people seeking a PAN (permanent account number) 

This probably is a good thing, as it might actually make more citizens 
conscious over how the taxpayer rupee is being spent! FN

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] Santosh Trophy: Goa Team Announced, Felix D'Souza Retains Captaincy

2010-07-26 Thread Goa World

Santosh Trophy: Goa Team Announced, Felix D'Souza Retains Captaincy

Four times winners and seven times runners-up on their way...

By Anselm Noronha

26-Jul-2010 2:03:00 AM

Goa Football Assocition (GFA) announced their 20-member squad that will 
represent the state in the 64th Santosh Trophy, on Saturday, which will 
be leaving for Kolkata on July 27.

Beer brand Kingfisher will sponsor the kits and will also take care of 
the team's travels. The team had a parade through the streets of Panjim 
city which was preceeded by a grand fashion show to showcase the new 
team jersey.

The team will be missing the presence of young Dempo star Joaquim 
Abranches who is ruled out due to injury concerns. Meanwhile Sporting 
Clube de Goa goalkeeper Felix D'Souza will retain the captain's arm band.

Goa will play their first Quarter Finals' match of group A against 
Karnataka on July 29 at Salt Lake Stadium, Kolkata, in an afternoon 
fixture. Their next two fixtures will be against Punjab on July 31 and 
versus Services on August 3. The semi-finals' matches will be held on 
August 6, and the final on August 8.

The squad:

Goalkeepers: Felix D’souza, Laxmikant Kattimani

Defenders: Mathew Gonsalves, Rowilson Rodrigues, Covan Lawrence, 
Fulgencio Cardozo, Adil Khan, John Dias

Mid-fielders: Denzil Franco, Godwin Franco, Savio Carneiro, Joseph 
Pereira, Wilton Gomes, Nicolau Borges, Nicholas Rodrigues

Strikers: Clifton Gonsalves, Milagres Gonsalves, Branco Cardozo, Peter 
Carvalho and Cavin Lobo

Officials: Anthony Pango (Chef de Mission), Mariano Dias (Coach), 
Lawrence Gomes (Team Manager) and Akash Chopra (Physiotherapist)

Our  provides the best breaking news online and our  football fan 
community is unmatched worldwide. Never miss a thing again!

- Forwarded by gaspar almeida,

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] First shot fired............

2010-07-26 Thread U. G. Barad
Not surprisingly, Digambar  Kamat government  appointed 1,424th committee,
named New Review Committee,  to review Town and Country Planning  Act 1974. 

Despite this, government without any consultation with this new committee
appears to be bent on getting new amendment to TCP Act approved in ongoing
assembly session. By virtue of this amendment government is going to achieve
three objectives at one go. They are: the need to specify authorities to
implement provision regarding punitive measures; enable the government to
frame rules and regulations for implementation of provisions under Section
17A; to do away with 'undue control' and scope for ambiguity implied in the
present provisions under Section 17A. 

To read more on this issue, click the link:

This high-handedness is nothing but "I don't care Goan Aam Admi" attitude. 

Three cheers to Goa Kongress!! 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Russian visitors being given carte-blanche visas at Dabolim ?

2010-07-26 Thread Frederick Noronha

 Joe lOBO wrote:
Noting a previous letter today about  foreign  nationals 

> overstaying their visitors` visas in
> sees another article in todays TOI about  Goa
> immigration authorities being complicit in
> the issuance of visas to Russian tourists arriving
> without any background checks or verification.

Any idea why the Russians are specially targeted by the media? Are they 
the much-derided "ghantis" of the international tourism trade?

See the manner in which a Russian (and, to some extent, Israeli too) 
case is handled as compared to those of other tourists! FN

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] Goa news for July 27, 2010

2010-07-26 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Mickky Pacheco granted bail - The Hindu
oa-minister-pacheco-granted-bail/170716.html">Former Goa
minister Pacheco granted bail

*** Goa to become international arbitration destination: Moily -
Times of India

*** Death of Goa teenager girl figures in Assembly -
aced sweet by her aunt, today figured in Goa Assembly, ...

*** 26/11 terror strike, recession hurt Goa's charter tourism -
Hindustan Times

*** Scarlett case: Fiona to testify in Goa court on July 30 -
Times of India
mother to depose in Goa court July 30

*** Goa-Karnataka water row: Centre asked to spell out stand on
tribunal - The Hindu
eneral Haren ...

*** Not enough being done to curb drug trade in Goa: Panel -
Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The Goa excise department has not booked a
single narcotics related case in the last four years, despite a
designated cell to tackle drug trade, ...

*** 'Khatta Meetha' makes waves in Goa assembly - Sify
fyBollywood film 'Khatta Meetha' made waves in the Goa
legislative assembly Monday as legislators drew comparisons
between corruption in the state and ...

*** Reinsurance GoA (RGA) Posts Q2 Operating EPS of $1.63, Beats
by 2c; Declares ... - (subscription) (subscription)Reinsurance Group of America
(NYSE: RGA) reports Q2 operating EPS of $1.63, 2 cents better
than the analyst estimate of $1.61. Revenue for the quarter was

*** Senate Scheduled to Vote on Free Speech Stranglehold Bill - (press release)
Y) introduced a new version of a bill that will gut the First
Amendment rights of groups like GOA. The so-called DISCLOSE Act,

Compiled by Goanet News Service

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] Anything you can do I can do better....

2010-07-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
.For all my better than best friends; this is not the original but
sounded pretty good to me. This is for you who have not seen Annie get your
gun - without out reservation for all those who are better than the best, on
this site!.:-

Gabe Menezes.

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination‏

2010-07-26 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Francis Rodrigues wrote:
> I always thought Texans were the greatest snake-oil
> salesmen, but your well far surpasseth BP's Gulf oil spill!

I would have answered your email earlier but I did not see it 
last week as I was vacationing on my property in Texas. 

Funnily enough, snake-oil is still in demand there for its 
medicinal properties, the biggest use being that as a 
hair restorer.

Paul D. Octopus

> On Tue, 13 Jul 2010 "Mervyn Lobo" wrote:
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination
> Francis,
> Check?the heading above.
> Here is what I had to say on the topic:
> "You were part of the same group that was spamming me too.
> I had to warn you several times and then send a notice to your
> email provider?before you stoped."
> Your reply to this fact was a long, babbling,?and incoherent
> email that touched on every subject except the one?being discussed.
> Paul D. Octopus
> BTW, you have?found me in a most excellent mood and in high er,
> spirits. One of my exploration companies?announced over the weekend
> that they found enormous amounts of gold in Tanzania. The?stock
> price of CAN has since exploded. It is time for another vacation

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-26 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
- Francis Rodrigues wrote:

Forgetting the Can Spam Act...selective amnesia.

--- Marshall Mendonza  wrote:

In the good old days of the opium trade this was known as 'being shanghaied' :-)

- Santosh Helekar wrote:

I have helped set up two Goan public forums - Goenchim Xapotam and Amchea 
Goencarancheo Dhirio.   


GL responds:

This is my last post on this thread and hopefully we-all will see the last of 
the spam mail from Goans on the now infamous e-mail list. This is for those who 
still have their humor intact. There is always evolution, . even among 

What do we call, when an e-mail list put together by a registered legitimate or 
"over-the top" Goan forum, is then enthusiastically or fraudulently used / 
permitted / allowed, to be used or is the building block for registered or 
non-registered spam mailing?

I would designate/ term this practice, by design or through selective 
amnesia, as "being SANTOSHED".  

I am applying for copyright to this term. In the interim, I encourage all Goans 
to use and make the word "being santoshed" popular.  If successful, next year 
this time, this word will make it into the "New English Words" list and in 
ten years, this will likely make it into the Webster Dictionary.

Imagine a Goanet contribution to the e-net vocabulary while honoring a Goan for 
an innovation.

Regards, GL


* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Cross Pollination

2010-07-26 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sun, 7/25/10, Jim Fernandes  wrote:
> This is my last email to you on this thread - unless
> circumstances change that would warrant me to write back
> again.

Shri Fernandes,

Sorry to see you take your marbles and go home. It looks like you could not 
achieve what you boasted about on Goanet for so long. It must be really 
embarrassing for you. Even in your last post all you could manage was more 
empty threats, fake boasts and lame insults violating two important anti-abuse 
rules of Goanet.

Your circumstances have certainly changed on Goanet. It is hard for any 
sensible person to take you seriously from now on. So as I had predicted, all 
this ended in a shameful disappointment for you. Once again, I am sorry about 



P.S. BTW, two more things:

1. I had asked you to return the money that both the U.S. government and the 
Indian government has spent on your education. Please tell me where you were 
educated, so I can calculate how much it is. You also need to return the 
government contract money that your employer has received to pay your wages.

2. Since you know nothing about medical research, let alone my own, let me 
inform you that if you come to our hospital, I will tell you and show you 
exactly how my research will benefit you and the younger generations that will 
carry your genes.

--- On Sun, 7/25/10, Jim Fernandes  wrote:
> This is my last email to you on this thread - unless
> circumstances change that would warrant me to write back
> again.
> I haven't yet exercized the full potential of my
> retaliation. I am definitely not going to reveal to you what
> I got in my arsenal. In military terms - its called 'element
> of surprise'. I reserve the right to retain all options on
> the table and I shall use my options at the time of my
> choosing. For now, I shall keep you guessing :)
> There is zero chance of any benefit senhor Helekar's
> research is going to benefit any humans. The only cure that
> could come from the non-sense that he is talking about, is
> either with the use of stem cells or by altering human DNA
> with the use of a virus that could be used to 'fix' the
> genetic damage to the concerned individual. So please go
> ahead and return my tax money back to the US federal
> agency.
> Because I requested him to return the 'dole' back to the US
> government, senhor Helekar wants me to return the tax payer
> money I might have gotten for my education in India. Does
> this punk have any idea, how much money I have paid to the
> Indian government in taxes? I have given much more to India
> than what I got.
> Just this year alone, I paid some close to Rs 1,000,000
> (some US $20,000) in customs duty for some stuff that I sent
> to Goa. I could have easily bribed some "Babu" - far less
> money - at the Indian customs and sneaked my stuff in. But I
> paid the money to the Indian government via actual bank
> transfers. India should be proud of an OCI like me. Don't
> you agree :) .
> Finally, this punk admits that the US is the number one
> country in the world for technological advancement. He also
> admits (though half heartedly) that India is no match for
> the US. 
> How cool is that for this hypocrite?
> Jim F
> New York


* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] Four days...

2010-07-26 Thread Frederick Noronha
Girish, whom I met at Panjim, mentioned how tiresome it was to be caught 
up at the coastal belt, in the midst of four days of seeming non-stop 
rain. (Some windy spells too, disrupting electricity in our parts of 
coastal Bardez and thereabouts.)

"I just came to Panjim to take a break," he said.

For a change, Monday itself was a fairly dry day. Since my bag was 
filled with books and papers, I forgot to take my raincoat along. 
Miraculously, I reached home dry! FN

Frederick Noronha +91-9822122436 +91-832-2409490
Journalism, editing, photography

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Russian visitors being given carte-blanche visas at Dabolim ?

2010-07-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 26 July 2010 17:36, Joe lOBO  wrote:

>Noting a previous letter today about  foreign  nationals overstaying
> their visitors` visas in  sees another article in todays
> TOI about  Goa  immigration authorities being complicit in the issuance of
> visas to Russian tourists arriving without any background checks or
> verification.
> * * *

RESPONSE: So what's new? Open your wallet anything from USD 20 to 100 and
the trick is done!

We seriously need the CBI to check this racket outhope our MLA's are
reading this; on the other hand they might not - their take might be in

Gabe Menezes.

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book

* * *

[Goanet] Russian visitors being given carte-blanche visas at Dabolim ?

2010-07-26 Thread Joe lOBO
Noting a previous letter today about  foreign  nationals overstaying their 
visitors` visas in  sees another article in todays TOI about 
 Goa  immigration authorities being complicit in the issuance of visas to 
Russian tourists arriving without any background checks or verification.
* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p

[Goanet] No beef

2010-07-26 Thread Bernado Colaco
Like Pandu remarked the beefy thingy should have been written before the Games 
were allotted. I do not think there problem holding games etc in other 
countries. The CWG in bharat is already mired in controversy because of its 
constructions etc.


* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p

Re: [Goanet] Sailors Who Died at Sea

2010-07-26 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 26 July 2010 07:50, Gilbert Lawrence  wrote:
> Just purchased Robert Ballard's book (monogram) on the sinking of 
> the Lusitania,
> which occurred on May 7, 1915.  Not surprising no Goans (names) are mentioned 
> in
> this book; though it is claimed that many Goans went down with this ship.
> Has any Goan(s) compiled the names of Goans who worked on and died with the
> ship's sinking? Perhaps we could write our own "Goan" perspective of this
> Lusitania tragedy.
> I would be happy to provide any research details from this book - time
> permitting.

GL, I think Cliff J Pereira has done some work that we might all might
find of interest and relevant.

Please check the journalistic piece I wrote some seven years ago:

Goan story emerges strong on lifeboat of World War II-torpedoed Britannia

>From Frederick Noronha

PANAJI (Goa), July 23: It started off as an old puzzle. But for a journalist
in Goa, the six-decade old story about a colonial vessel sunk off the
African coast, open untold pages from history and stories of grit and
determination that people back home simply didn't have a clue about.

Melvyn Misquita (31), assistant chief of news bureau at the local newspaper
Herald, has been working on his family tree for nearly a decade (see

But two family members intrigued him -- adopted seven-year-old Luiza
Misquita who died by accidentally drowning in a well and his grand-uncle
Constantinho Mathias Luduvico, who died in a lifeboat close to the Brazil
coast after the British ship he was travelling was torpedoed by the Germans.

"The only information given to me at the time was that he was in the ship
S.S. Britannia, which sank in 1941," recalls Melvyn. In the Goan village of
Aldona, the local church records his death as sometime in March-April 1941.

Tapping the Internet, and slogging it out for the past four months, the
scribe tracked Australian web-pages that gave details of the little-
remembered ship, descendents of Goan survivors and those who perished, and
even an 83-year-old vice-admiral in Britain who knew the Goans on board.

The SS Britannia was sunk in "enemy action" -- read, German fire -- on March
25, 1941. Many took to lifeboats.  Later "Indian seamen" on board apparently
drank seater and "died in torment", says a rare article on the Net.

Other survivors from the village, Aldona, had since died. The Britannia had
sunk off the west African coast, but because of the winds, one lifeboat only
reached the shores of Brazil after a four-week grueling journey.

Slowly, the jig-saw fitted in place. Relatives in Aldona traced photographs
and documents linking them back to 1941. By some "eerie coincidence", as
Melvyn calls it, he started the search exactly on March 25 this year,
exactly 62 years after the Britannia sunk with its considerable Goan crew.

LINKS WITH MIGRATION: This story, while at one level of a few Goans on a
single ship, also links up with the generations-old story of Goans migrating
and scouring the globe for a livelihood.

Goa, under Portuguese rule since 1510, was one of the first regions in South
Asia to encounter the Western world. The poor state of the Portuguese-ruled
economy in the latter centuries of colonial rule, saw tens of thousands
migrating acorns the globe for jobs and a better life. In coastal central
Goa, there are few families, especially Catholics, who don't have some
history of global migration along the generations.

Says Melvyn: "This search has also -- probably for the first time -- focused
on the Goan seamen who served on the Britannia. Such Goan-oriented research
needs to be pursued, especially since so many Goan seamen died on many ships
during the two world wars. Their contribution to maritime history needs to
be recognised and it is never too late to do so."

Says Melvyn:  "My project is aimed at uncovering the experiences of some of
the Goan seamen before, during and after the Britannia episode. Their voices
have remained silent for over half a century. They need to be heard now."

VIA THE SUEZ: S.S.Britannia, the third ship with this name on Anchor Line,
was built by Alex, Stephen & Sons at Linthouse. Since 1926, she plied from
Glasgow to Bombay via the Suez Canal, till being sunk by the German commerce
raider H.K.Thor during what the Western world refers to as World War II in
1941. During the war, the Suez Canal was closed.

On March 25, 1941, Britannia was carrying about 500 passengers, off Africa's
west coast, some 600 miles from Dakar in today's Senegal. The Thor, built in
1938, was a 9,200 tonner, with the appearance of a normal merchant ship. On
that successful voyage, she had been at sea for 322 days, sunk 11 merchant
ships and one armed merchant cruiser -- a total of 96,602 tonnes.

After being torpedoed some 600 miles from the West African coast, the
survivors decided to work on the prevailing winds and currents to reach
Brazil, some 1600 miles to the west, which they thought was a more
achievable goal.

But the lifeboats had hol

[Goanet] The sinking of the MV Dara

2010-07-26 Thread Domnic Fernandes


My late father, who worked in the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) from the 
early 1940s until 1970, told me about the sinking of the MV DARA.

It was a Dubai-based passenger liner, which was built in England in 
1948. It traveled mostly between the Persian Gulf and the Indian 
subcontinent carrying cargo, mail and expatriate passengers who were 
employed in the Gulf States. It sank in the Persian Gulf on April 8, 
1961, as a result of a powerful explosion that caused the deaths of 238 
persons, making it the second worst sinking of a ship in the history of 
seafaring, after the Titanic.

My father told me that one of the survivors was a Goan woman from 
Aldona, who was employed in Kuwait at the time. Everyone knew her by her 
new nickname ‘Ms DARA.’ Perhaps Cecil Pinto could throw some light on 
this woman. It would also be nice if we could know the number of Goans 
that perished in this unfortunate incident along with their names, if 


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna, Goa
Mob: 9420979201
* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p

[Goanet] Ravindra Kelekar: A Cultural Institution

2010-07-26 Thread Dr.Nandkumar Kamat
Ravindra Kelekar: A Cultural Institution

Published on: July 25, 2010 - 22:58


(Courtesy, The Navhind Times, Monday 26 July 2010)


ON July 31, the prestigious Dnyanpeeth Award would be conferred by the
Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Ms Meira Kumar on veteran Konkani writer, scholar
and philosopher, Ravindra Kelekar, affectionately called ‘Ravindrabab’.

This is also an honour to Goa and the Konkani language which figures in the
world’s top 125 living languages. The ceremony would take place at Kala
Akademy, Goa.

Goan identity, Konkani and Ravindrabab have become synonymous. No writer in
the post-liberation era of Goa had been as influential as him in exerting
and asserting moral and ideological influence on younger generations. The
Dnyanpeeth Award crowns his stellar service of more than 60 years to culture
and literature. At the age of 85, Ravindrabab towers in the contemporary
Goan society as a guiding light of knowledge and wisdom. He has been a
cultural institution himself. He has influenced and moulded at least 3
generations of Konkani writers and set out a clear political, social and
cultural agenda for Konkani language and literature.

By participating actively in politics and being a torch-bearer of the
movement to oppose Goa’s merger with Maharashtra, Ravindrabab carved a
separate and exclusive niche for himself distinguishing him from the
puritans who considered literature as merely a single-minded apolitical
creative activity. His pointed and hard hitting editorials in the literary
magazine which he had founded–the ‘Jag’ Konkani monthly made Goans sit up
and think. Jag continues to be the only exclusively literary and oldest
Konkani monthly in the world today. Ravindrabab offered this literary
platform to young writers who then blazed their own trails on Konkani’s
literary horizon.

Goa’s own Kakasaheb Kalelkar

As a great bibliophile and voracious reader of world literature, Ravindrabab
set high standards for writers and contemporary Goan thinkers. Four decades
ago he said that Konkani would need to promote new subjects like ecology and
cosmology. He may be one of the few writers in India possessing an
astronomical telescope and spending hours watching the night sky from his
courtyard at Priol. Considering the need to present astronomical knowledge
scientifically before the Konkani speakers, Ravindrabab came out with a
Konkani book on Astronomy–‘Brahmandatale tandav’. He was one of the first
writers in India to recognise the need for books on ecology and environment
in Indian languages.

Exposed to contemporary trends and currents in global and national
literature, Ravindrabab’s life was enriched by the great Gandhian scholar,
Kakasaheb Kalelkar. Today for the five million strong Konkani speakers
scattered in more than 100 nations, Ravindrabab is Goa’s Kakasaheb Kalelkar.
His simplicity, non-assuming and affectionate personality, deep humility
before the literary greats and above all his almost fanatic single-minded
faith in the future of Konkani society, culture, language and literature
made him a hero of the Goans during and after the Opinion Poll. Ravindrabab
recognised the 3 aspirations of Goans–recognition for Konkani as the
official language of Goa, statehood and inclusion of Konkani in the Eighth
Schedule of the Constitution of India. Between 1984-1992, these dreams were
realised after a lot of action, advocacy and struggle.

Forseer of Problems facing Goa

When he appeared on Konkani’s literary horizon, there were only a handful of
Konkani books published every year. Since then Konkani has come a long way
thanks to all-round efforts of publishers, writers and scholars. Konkani
publications are flourishing. Very soon the state of Goa alone would publish
more than 100 Konkani books per year. One of largest dictionaries in any
Indian language–a 2029-page Konkani illustrated dictionary published by
Panaji’s Rajhauns shows the power and potential of the modern Konkani
language and its’ linguistic, lexicographic scholarship. Such an effort
would not have been possible without Ravindrabab’s moral and intellectual
support and creative inspiration at critical times.

A nationalist to the core, he had foreseen the problems which the collapse
of Goa’s traditional occupational structure, rise of parallel economy and
uncontrolled migration would cause. His writings reflect a practical
approach to Goa’s sustainable development. Most of the ecological problems
in Goa today-urbanisation, pollution, illegal mining, death of agriculture
have arisen because Ravindrabab’s timely advice through his numerous
articles and speeches was not heeded. He appealed the young Konkani writers
to become fighters-activists who would be able to make a difference. That’s
how writers like Udaybab Bhembre, Pundalik Naik, Dilip Borkar and N Shivadas
came forward from time to time to lead public movements.

Ravindrabab constantly spoke

[Goanet] Talking photo: Please identify this area

2010-07-26 Thread Domnic Fernandes

Newly renovated Holy Cross Chapel at Pequeno Chinvar, Anjuna. Bonaventure 
D'Pietro's house is behind the chapel.




Domnic Fernandes

Anjuna, Goa

Mob: 9420979201
The latest in fashion and style in MSN Lifestyle
* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p

[Goanet] Each one of us can be a real hero for Goa

2010-07-26 Thread roger dsouza
Truly as we can see Goans are day in and day out being subjected to all
sorts of injustices, violences and evils – the irony is that this is being
inflected on us Goans by our own Goa Government, politicians and Government
machinery working in tandem with destructive forces.

The common man in Goa is a t a loss today – does he turn a blind eye, given
that the ones who are are supposed to be promoting his welfare and interests
are the perpetrators of these heinous crimes or should he accept the
freebies and crumbs that comes his way if our politicians try to buy his
vote or silence? Well the fact of the matter is that Goans have reached a
stage wherein if they do not speak out before it’s too late then there will
be nothing to distinguish us from any of the states like Bihar and UP. What
an irony that within 50 years of being part of India, everything that Goa
and Goans held sacred is being threatened – in fact our very identity,
existence, values and environment.

A must read by Peter Fernandes in the Herald‏.


*Each one of us can be a real hero, writes  Peter Fernandes*

In India, for the most part, an aura of awe surrounds Bollywood stars, as
fans admire the reel heroes  as real ones. Bollywood movies depict supermen
and superwomen, with heroic stance and spirit, ultimately victorious over
evil.  Nevertheless, the injustice in our society, corruption in our
government institution, violence on our streets, violation of human rights,
unimaginable scale of poverty,  illiteracy, and other social evils compel
people  to search for a champion to cleanse the system.  It is an enormous,
almost impossible task for one   hero to accomplish.  These movies entice us
with an unrealistic utopia, but in a way they beckon us to challenge the
status quo in society, and explore new horizons to create a better situation
in our own small way.  Everyone needs a hero in life to bring about a
positive change.  Ironically, most people seek, the hero they long for,
outside their being, not realizing that the hero lies within oneself.

 In the recent past, Goa has become the laughing stock of our Nation, and
the world at large.  With each passing day, Goa and Goans seemingly enact a
tragic scene for what could be a new Bollywood movie; and it is a movie
without a hero.  The irony of this enactment by our people is that it is
tragic to our beloved State, but comical to the rest of the world.  Even
more heartbreaking is that nobody seems capable of deciphering the evil that
has infected every strata of our society. This drama could be headed for a
perfect melancholy, unless society is ready for true introspection and the
transition back to the values that had sustained us for so long.  The change
will not come from outside, it should spring forth from within each
citizen, to cause an unrelenting movement to fight the evil which has
drained our society to its lowest ebb.  Inner reflection should lead us to
selflessness, and empty us of our greed, for greater good of the society.
Should someone ask why we have no hero, I would truthfully say I do not have
the correct answer, but intend to find one.  I thought our police force
might give us a good hero, since they are the protectors of the executive
component of democracy.  There are several instances wherein they have done
good to the state by nabbing criminals near and far.  However they are not
consistent and upright always.  More often than not, they act at the behest
of the Home Minister and other legislators, which is abysmal and disgraceful
to our democracy.  Not a single case involving “big brother” has had a
logical conclusion.  This attitude of our police force has triggered
corruption and crime to a new level, resulting in a society where justice is
unsustainable.  The victims are yearning for justice, in vain.

We elect our legislators to be that hero to purge the system of evil decay,
and bring in a positive change for peaceful and prosperous dwelling.  The
unfortunate reality is that we are unsuccessful.  With great caution, I
could identify one or two, but most are unworthy of even a salute.  Our
legislators have betrayed the people, and are the true scoundrels in this
“Live Bollywood Show.”  The latest twist to this ongoing dismal production
is the catch (not really - he handed himself over - fortunately or
unfortunately police could not nab him) of Mickey Mouse, who hid himself in
a hole for almost a month. To his disadvantage, Mickey Mouse had shown
disregard to the public ethic and moral standard of society on several
occasions.  Guilty or not, time will tell.  However, to be somewhat
sympathetic, he was caught up in the web of nasty political power
desperados.  I say this because, when other legislators or their kin were
involved in a crime, neither the police nor the political parties showed any
such interest in bringing justice to the victims.

Perhaps, we could find a hero in our NGOs.  The NGOs mushroomed to redr

[Goanet] Daily Grook #767

2010-07-26 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

on-the-run crims
advise that best,
use amphetamines
to avoid a'rest!


sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278
Game on: Challenge friends to great games on Messenger
* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p

[Goanet] US, UK citizens staying illegally pose threat too

2010-07-26 Thread roger dsouza
Considering that Goa has it’s own share  of these foreigners  staying back
illegally, buying properties, running businesses, indulging in crimes and
keeping even our politicians and police on their pay-roll what is our Goa
Government and police doing to send them back? Perhaps we could start with
the Atalas and the Dudus? The politican-police-drug dealer nexus is where we
could start with.

We literally are sitting on a ticking live-bomb and we know that sooner or
later Goa could be targeted by and of these criminal elements. It is
important to know who are these hidden elements who want to remain under the
radar in Goa and send them back home packing. Obviously our Goa Government
doesn’t have the will nor the resolve to do so.

The following article is from the Times of India.

US, UK citizens staying illegally pose threat too

Kartikeya, TNN, Jul 26, 2010, 01.00am IST

MUMBAI: That many Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are staying illegally in India
is known to most of us. What many might not be aware of is that there are a
number of nationals from first world countries as well who have overstayed
their welcome here, for various reasons.

The arrest and subsequent interrogation of David Headley, an American
national-turned-LeT jihadi, has put the spotlight on the grave threat to
India's national security from outsiders - over the past few years, various
police agencies have booked foreigners from more than 45 countries living
illegally in India.

Information compiled by the Union home ministry shows that in 2008, 65,149
foreign nationals were found living in India even after their visas had
expired. The same year, 13,995 foreigners had to be deported from the
country. The figures for 2009 are still being compiled.

What comes as a big surprise is that a few thousand citizens from several
first world countries like the US, UK, New Zealand, Germany and even Japan
and South Korea are living illegally in India. The list also included 479

"Not all of them may be as innocent as it seems. It is not enough to say
that they stayed on with friends or relatives, lost track of time exploring
India or overstayed a work permit; these are the usual excuses," said a
police officer. "Headley has redefined the meaning of India's threat
perception," said an intelligence official who spoke to TOI on condition of

He said that for long, citizens of friendly or developed countries were not
on the radar of security agencies. "It is because of this that terror groups
are increasingly turning to recruits from these groups to carry out their

This was shown in the case of Headley in Mumbai and in America where the
failed Times Square bomb attack was carried out by their own naturalized
citizen," he explained.

Police in various states have discovered citizens of Afghanistan, Yemen and
even Iraq living illegally in India. "We are a vast country and it is easy
to disappear in the population. Human rights people say several foreigners
are here escaping persecution. In that case they must register and seek
asylum. But as long as they are in hiding, the security forces must work to
catch them and find out who they actually are and what their purpose in
India is," the intelligence official said.

There is a police mechanism in place to trace foreigners staying illegally.
All visitors are expected to register with the regional foreigners office.
Moreover, according to the Foreigners (report to the police) Order, 1971,
made under the Foreigners Act, locals are bound to report the presence of
any foreigner living in their midst to the nearest police station.

India is also now playing host to an increasing influx of tourists, with
their number going beyond five million every year.

Security officials insist that they do not want to make life more difficult
for ordinary tourists. "In any case we expect educated visitors from the
developed world to be aware of visa laws. They know they cannot overstay
without informing the authorities. We just want to be more careful about
those who are duping the system to work for terror groups or organized crime
syndicates," a police officer said.
* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Development

2010-07-26 Thread U. G. Barad

In reply to Rajiv Desai's post dated: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 in which he wrote:
"this person u g barad is clearly a saffron propagandist. his posts are

My response: I feel sorry for Rajiv. For without understanding the issue and
facts involved/pointed out for clarification, he preferred to kneejerk. With
this attitude, I am afraid, he will be labeled as NUMB Kongressmen. Are you?

Most importantly, Rajiv must not forget that "Truth is always bitter to

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p

[Goanet] Sailors Who Died at Sea

2010-07-26 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Just purchased Robert Ballard's book (monogram) on the sinking of 
the Lusitania, 
which occurred on May 7, 1915.  Not surprising no Goans (names) are mentioned 
this book; though it is claimed that many Goans went down with this ship.  

Has any Goan(s) compiled the names of Goans who worked on and died with the 
ship's sinking? Perhaps we could write our own "Goan" perspective of this 
Lusitania tragedy.   

I would be happy to provide any research details from this book - time 

Regards, GL

- augusto pinto 

I need to confirm whether a certain Goan person died at sea circa 1914 ; if he 
did die there, whether this person simply drowned by accident, or whether the 
ship he was in was destroyed by the Germans during WWI; whether if it was 
destroyed what were the circumstances; and what was the status of this 
particular Goan; and details of what happened to his body if it was found.  
Incidentally does any Goan, or any other national or international 
maintain a record of the people who go out to sea; and what happens to them in 
the course of their employment?

* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p

[Goanet] Paul comes out of Retirement

2010-07-26 Thread Seb dc
I just peeked in-to check my inbox after a while...and found goanetters have
ample time to hit the keyboard...

BTW Paul the Octopus, came out of retirement to predict that the world will
soon end!

So do continue all the pot shots to your hearts content... At the gates the
other Paul is waiting for you, to see what good you did, before he lets you

And don't be surprised to see UGB there, cause after so much knowledge about
Catholics & Christanity,(seems to be his pet subject) he may well convert to
ONE and be in Q...most probably in a burqa:-)

hAVE a nICE dAY!

* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p

[Goanet] All Religions for Human Integral Development

2010-07-26 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Dear U. G. Barad,
I would also like to attempt answering the questions submitted to Fr. Ivo,
although I do not have "authentic references." But still. My responses
needless to add, come from a laical perspective--and are mine alone.

U. G. Barad: What are the "sins", whom the "penitence" and "justice" pontiff
Benedict XVI refers too?
Venantius J Pinto: From what we are aware, those "sins" began with the
pedophilia. I presume and understandably too that it would have helped
cement observations if the ""penitence" and "justice" pontiff Benedict XVI"
had explicitly stated the sins. One (as in I, you, others concerned) never
knows since the media does not always spell things out. But on certain
volatile issues we tend to revert to what the media (or what we know of it)
has said. I am not sure who gave him those two appellations--"penitence" and
"justice." Perhaps the media. I doubt whether he took on those names in
addition to Benedict #.

Moving on: There certainly must be other forms of misconduct of the sexual
kind that were indulged in within clergical sexuality--essentially expressed
outside of what celibacy entails. So it follows that there would be
pederasty too--no? And something that one may not hear of. Abuse is abuse,
and we have child abuse, child sexual abuse, as well as possible engagement
(usually leading to marriage--a not unhealthy beginning), as also sexual
abuse of adults, outside of consent and of course needless to add--celibacy
(with its varied meanings). The "movement/motion/notion" that is sexuality
takes many forms and partners (abstention, acceptance by all around you
(yet, still abstention), the willing partner, the unwilling victim, the
oblivious subservient, and the confused thrall) as there are actions and
techniques in any given expression, such as in art, craft, etc. But then we
also have those who say that the celibate state of being is unnatural. I do
not believe so. It is a commitment; and the abuse of children should not be
attached to perceived ills of celibacy. Of course one also does not say, "X
is celibate but engages in zoophilia, or has ants nibble his nipples." (and
so forth)

Perhaps there are people who join the priesthood hoping that an environment
of spirituality would contain their weaknesses. Strengths?! Perhaps others
come with their own strange sense of power and seek privilege, sprouting
dissonant, and perhaps even normal forms of sexuality (as in sharing of ones
being whether or not coital, and consensual among adults) later in life (in
the professed life) on account of say loss, death, being unable to accept a
life of obedience, turning vagus (vagrant).

U. G. Barad: Why are these sex-abuse and cover-up scandals taking place
within church?
Venantius J Pinto: Power fears. Power hides. Power hopes things go away.
Power gives one the apparent right to embrace, as also the desire for
submission or participation. Perhaps all this is to simple on my part to
say.. Perhaps the perpetrators are the ones who managed to evade screening
procedures, or perhaps there were fewer strictures in certain groups of any
consequence. But really! At the end of the day, one must also know where
ones children are, and why. The same with others of significance--all
withing reason.


U. G. Barad: Are such things taking place in church only because church's
clergy need not have to say "I'm sorry" after committing scandal?
Venantius J Pinto: There is tremendous movement as well as a strange
innocence in this question. Perhaps you must be talking of some definitive
"I am sorry," but I believe thew have been many such apologies. But truly do
you think that would help one abused., Unless one is in a position to accept
it, and continue with ones life. Strange stuff is it not, what an apology
ultimately means--leave alone apologetics.


U. G. Barad: Or creating such scandals are also birthright offered after
becoming Christian clergy?
Venantius J Pinto: Perhaps the word is not birthright, unless ones parents
have offered the child to the priesthood (lets just say to the priestly
class) at birth. Now if you mean: Is it the Right of the Clergy to indulge
in Sexual Abuse--then suffice it to say that that can never be the
case/should not be a Right, but things happens because they are allowed to
happen for a myriad of reasons. A horribly simple example would be--one is
someone in power, and so wants to use it to sleep with one or more of his

Besides, there are Christians who know a lot about the concern expressed in
your question above, and have mulled a lot ob those matters, but may not be
given to putting out their thoughts--as to why all that has happened
happened/ is happening/ happen. But one can also come up with ones own
conclusions and share them. I believe thoughts are like "ki" (life force).
We can only tackle so many issues or comprehend so many in o

[Goanet] The Accidental Activist - Land Ahoy!

2010-07-26 Thread Venita Coelho

The Accidental Activist - Land Ahoy!

By Venita Coelho

I have been helping a friend with selling her property, and it has been 
quite a revelation. It makes me wonder how I ever managed to buy my 
little piece of paradise. I wandered into the sale all wet behind the 
ears and dewy eyed. I had no idea what papers I should ask for or what I 
should check. Somehow everything came together. But this time around I 
am getting a long hard look at what should actually go into the 
purchase/ selling of property if you want to be completely safe. And so 
for all of you who might benefit here is a list of all the papers that 
you need in place and sorted if you want a clean, safe transaction.

Since land sale in Goa is complicated by the Portuguese connection, 
first you need all the available Portuguese papers. These are – Matriz 
Predial (Old Portuguese Land Document), The Cadastral Survey Plan (Old 
Survey Plan) and the  Registo de Agrimesura ( Old Surveyors Register). 
Then you need the papers that come with the Survey done in 1971. You 
will need the Survey Plan and the Form I & IIV.  You will need to be 
sure that there are no tenancy or other claims. For this you need to get 
the Title documents which clarify who actually owns the land. These can 
be any of the following: Gift deed/ Sale deed/ Will/ Succession deed/ 
Relinquishment deed/ Inventory. You will also need to trace how the 
title came to the current owner. It is crucial that the person selling 
also be the one who has his name on the House Tax and Land Tax Receipts, 
otherwise you could end up with yet another claimant. While you’re at 
it, also get the water bill and the electricity bill and check who’s 
name is on it.

You better get all the details of any litigation that is currently on 
for the property. This should include details of any cases filed by the 
Panchayat. You don’t want to buy a house and then discover that it is 
illegal and awaiting demolition.  And to be sure that the house is fully 
above board, you need a whole list of documents. You will need the 
approved plan from the PDA/ the Panchayat records and the Town Planning 
Department. Check that what has been built matches the approved plan. If 
there are further later additions, you need to be sure that these too 
have their permissions and are legal. You should have a copy of the 
construction licence and permissions. Also a copy of the Conversion 
Sanad. If the land has been converted, you will need the details of the 
conversion, otherwise the details of the zoning that it falls into under 
the Town Planning Act. Is it indeed settlement, or are you being fobbed 
off with orchard or agricultural land?  Lastly you will need the 
Completion Certificate of the Architect, and the Occupancy certificate 
issued by the Panchayat.

If your land is close to the river or the sea, you better get the 
details of the distance from the High Tide line. In these days of CRZ 
laws, this is quite crucial. You will need to check if any part of the 
land has a slope of more than 25%. You will be unable to build on this 
part under the current rules. Also check if the property will require 
any part of it filled up, or is defined as low lying. All this is 
crucial for future building constructions. Also, for any house it is 
important to have the access details. Who exactly does that access land 
belong to? You don’t want to discover the hard way that it belongs to a 
neighbor who has plans to put up a five story building right in front of 
your house and leave you no way to get into your front door.

In these days of uncertainity over the status of land bought by 
foreigners, it would be best to consult a lawyer for special advice if 
the seller is a foreign national.

If there is a bank loan or mortgage on the property, you will need all 
the papers of that as well.

I have heard just too many horror stories of land sold without the 
proper papers and all the resultant chaos and confusion. If you are 
buying your piece of paradise – make sure it comes with all the 
appropriate documents. It’s a long hard haul getting all the papers 
together, but worth it. And one last piece of advice – if you are an 
activist, make sure you have every single piece of paper! When the big 
guns try to get you, or the Panchayat decides to make your life hell – 
it’s nice to know that you have all the documentation needed to tell 
them where they get off.   (ENDS)

First published in the Herald, Goa - July 20, 2010
* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. P&p


2010-07-26 Thread goa cap
> *12** **days**| 6 **participants**| unlimited **experiments*
> * *
> *13 TO 24, SEPTEMBER 2010*
> * *
> *Goa Center for Alternative Photography (Goa-CAP) *is a non-profit,
> non-governmental organization established in Goa, India. The Goa-CAP* *is
> the first conservative art space dedicated exclusively to photography and
> aims to become a professional and comprehensive platform for the promotion
> of alternative photography art in India.
> Goa-CAP is pleased to offer exclusive 12 day residential Black and White
> photography workshop in Goa. This residency workshop will have time and
> variety which will dramatically enhance your seeing, and your ability to
> carry it through to the final print. The workshop discusses how to make
> the best possible negatives and prints with full tonal range and explores
> darkroom procedures, safety, printmaking techniques, burning and dodging,
> toning, archival processing, and print presentation. However You'll learn
> a great deal about light, about composing a strong B&W image, about B&W
> developing and processing  and interpreting a scene to turn it into your
> own vision. Through field trips participants will learn to deepen their
> visual awareness while clarifying their approach, Students shall get an
> opportunity to explore the artistic aspects of photography: composition,
> framing, light, tone and texture, gesture and the moment, along with their
> own personal responses to the visual world and events around them.
> This unique workshop is designed for both aspiring and professional
> photographers who would like to experiment and achieve competence and
> confidence with their camera and process, whilst learning darkroom
> techniques. You will see Goa and its surroundings as you’ve never seen them
> before.
> Goa-CAP has one of the lo-tech, outmoded labs in India. The faculty
> includes enlargers including black and white and colour heads, 35mm to large
> format, black and white film development facilities, daylight finishing
> area, technical support and chemicals. Goa-CAP lab also has daguerreotype
> studio and Wet plate collodion studio furnished with equipments and
> chemicals. Goa-CAP also has a variety of cameras for participants,
> including 35mm SLR film, medium format, large format cameras and 4x5 feet
> walk through camera obscura.
> Studio is in the midst of several palm trees and stones in the 
> Calangutevillage. Residents shall have 24-hour access to the studio. Residents
> receive 24/7 access to Goa-CAP workspace facilities (including black-&-white
> darkroom, and Alternative Lab), and technical support.
> Goa is one of the most charming locations in the Indian subcontinent with
> unparallel beauty. Goa's rich cultural heritage comprises of dances, folk
> songs, visual arts, music and folk tales rich in content and variety.
> You will stay in the Apartment in Calangute near Goa Centre for Alternative
> Photography. A journey through several villages and hamlets in Goa, will
> lead you to Calangute beach, set with the backdrop of the Arabian Sea, is
> truly named the “Queen of the Beaches”. Surrounded by palm and coconut
> trees, the beach of Calangute is one of the most popular and busiest beaches
> of Goa.* *Your stay will be fully catered, including a Goan style
> breakfast, delicious hot, homemade food will be provided at lunchtimes and
> during Dinner.
> *September - Black and White residency workshop*
> *13 TO 24, SEPTEMBER 2010 - **12 DAYS - RS. 25,000/-*
> The fee includes studio space, black and white darkroom stuffed with all
> necessary chemicals, a twin sharing rooms, three meals in a day and group
> trips.
> Spouses may accompany the participants sharing their room for any length of
> time as a non-studio participant, paying a reduced fee.
> *To facilitate greater interaction and participation, the number of
> participants will be restricted to 6 only. *
> * *
> *Acceptance will be on first come first serve basis*
> * *
> * *
>- First-class teaching by famous Black and White Photographer Ms
>Sadhana Marwah.
>- Intensive Photography and darkroom sessions including demonstrations,
>darkroom instruction and critique sessions.
>- Photographic tours to various Goa villages, beaches, monuments,
>architectural heritages and ruins.
>- Workshop accompanied by a professional workshop manager.
>- A certificate confirming your successful completion of the workshop.
>- With lots fun, music and more
> * *
> Registrations are processed in the order in which they are received. If a
> workshop fills up, registrants received after-the-fact will be notified that
> they are on the waiting list and their deposit checks wi