[Goanet] Let goans rejoice, at least for now

2011-04-02 Thread anil desai
The education minister of Goa, yes Education minister has been arrested at
Mumbai airport with unaccounted foreign currency above the permitted limits.
I hope on this occasion, Madam will not intervene and allow him to go  scot

I wonder if this means criminal charges and conviction, Digu will have
courage to sack him and more importantly for Goa, whether he will be
disqualified from contesting any elections? One can only hope.

Anil Desai

[Goanet] SON’VARACHIM SUNGTTAM: Avoy-bhaxentlean Xikxonn: Sot kitem? Fott Kitem?

2011-04-02 Thread Goa World
Avoy-bhaxentlean Xikxonn:  Sot kitem? Fott Kitem?

Eke kherit ritin toyar zaun ani pikun ailolea xikxonnik madeomachea vadacher, 
kal nhoi, poir  Vidhan Sobhent Xikxonn Montri Atanasio (Babush) Monserrate 
hannem sorkarache torfen aplem tondd ugoddlem – Mullavea xallamni 
maim-bhaxentlean xikxonn divpachem sorkarachem jem dhoronn asa tem toxench 
urtolem!  Itlench nhoi, tor xikxonachea mollavelea zannkaramni toyar kelolem 
xikxonnik dhoronn apunn Abrilache 11ver kollit kortolo oxem-i tannem sanglem. 
Tachea hea ulovpantlean ani sangnneantlean, xikxonnik madeomacho fulun ailolo 
vad-ui suttonk na, porjecho proxn-ui suttonk na ani porjechea hatantlean 
sorkar-ui suttonk na! 

Toxem monachea ‘microscope’-antlean xikxonnik madeomachea proxnacher 

nodor thiraun vichar kelo zalear, aiz Konknnintle Devnagori bamonn ani tanchea 
ghannant apli bud dovorloleo kaim zann Konknni mhonnit maim-bhaxechea nanvan 
Konknni vangdda Moratthi-i koxi-kat samballunk furfurtat tem kollun yeta. 

Moratthivale amche dusman, Moratthi bhaxek-ui Rajbhaxecho dorzo magun te 

padd ghalunk sodtat, Rajbhas Kaideant vochona zaunk khuinche-i poristhitent 
Moratthik ami virodh korunk zai, adi. oxem Konknniche Devnagorivale Rajbhas 
chollvolle vellar sangtale. Punn aiz, mullavea xikxonnik madeomacho proxn 

ubo zalo toso, hech Devnagorivale Moratthivaleank pãym poddun, apnnak vattay 
mhunn tanche kodde bhik magunk lagleat.

Xikxonnik madeomachea sod’deachea zhuza panvddear denvonk, apnna kodde zai 

ani favo titlo lok na mhunn Konknnichea Devnagorivaleank bhorpur khobor asa. 
Oxea vellar, atam apnnak vattaunk konn pavtolo hacho vichar kortana, tanchea 
dolleam mukhar ube ravle te Moratthivale. Moratthik-ui tor Rajbhas Kaideant 
“same cutting, but different folding” mhonntat te toren Konknni itloch zago 

Zalear, tanchoch kiteak adar gheuncho nhoi? Faleam xikxonnachem madeom 
Inglezintlean-ui kelem zalear Moratthik-ui mar bostolo mhunn tannim 
Moratthivaleanche kan funkle. Ani bhurgeanchem mullavem xikxonn “avoy 
bhaxentleanuch zaunk zai” mhunn addecho agro dhorun, he Devnagorivale atam 
Moratthivaleanchea fatti-konneacho tenko gheun ube ravleat. Hache poilim, 
Konknni Rajbhas Kaideant ghalche khatir tannim Konknniche Romi lipientlea 
inosent lokacho aple khotte yevzonnen vapor kel’lo!  

Toxem polleunk gelear, faleam xikxonnik madeom Inglezintlean-ui aschem mhunn 
sorkaran jahir kelem zalear, mhojea motan Moratthi xallank matui mar boscho na. 
Kiteak, sorkarachem onudan tor tankam chaluch astolem. Ani chalu na zalear-ui 
Moratthi xallank aplea pãymancher ubi ravpachi tank ani kopxi asa. Punn ti tank 
mat Konknni madeomachea iskolamni na. Faleam sorkaran Konknni madeoma vangdda 
Inglez madeomak-ui duddvanchem onudan dilem zalear, sorkarachem onudan ason-ui 
Konknni madeomacheo xalla cholcheo nant hem sot aiche poristhitevelean 
onmonastana vo fattim-fuddem zainastana sangum yeta. Dekunuch, Konknnichea 
Devnagorivaleancho Inglez mullavea xikxonnik madeomak khor virodh asa.

Dusrem, Konknniche Devnagorivale “avoy bhaxentlean mullavem xikxonn” mhonntana 
tem khuinche bhaxentlean aschem – Konknni vo Moratthi -  tem mat tondd foddun 
sangonant. Karonn, Konknnintlean mullavem xikxonn mhonnlear Moratthivaleank rag 
yetolo. Ani aplea naddear Konknni khopounk bhonvta mhunn Moratthivaleank rag 
ailear, te apnnak lagim dovorche nant mhunn Devnagorivaleank bhorpur khobor 

Ani bhurgeachem mullavem xikxonn Konknni kivam Moratthi  bhaxentlean zalem 

Devnagorivaleank kosloch forok poddona, karonn bhaxeche tagddent tancho ek pãym 
Konknni daleant, ani dusro pãym Moratthi daleant asa. Dusrea utramni, tannim 
Gõyant don Rajbhaso asa mhunn bhitorlean mandun ghetlam, ani bhailean vegllem 
chador pangurlam.

Konknnichea Devnagorivaleank svota Konknnicheach mon’xancho mellunk zai titlo 
tenko mellunk na mhunn anik eke gozalivelean spoxtt zata. Mullavea xikxonnachea 
Inglez madeomak virodh korunk, Gõychi adli Mukhel Montri ani Xikxonn Montri 
Shashikala Kakodkar hichea  mukhelponna khal ‘Bharotiya Bhaxa Surokxa Manch’ 
nanvacho zomo ghoddla. Hea zomeant choddxe Moratthivale ani tanche vangdda, 
Rajbhas Kaido zancher mukhelponnan ‘back fire’ zalo tea Devnagorivaleancho 

asa. Hea zomean, hava-xiva korit Inglez madeoma add Gõychea khanchim-konnxamni 
zomati gheupachem sotr choloylam ti hanspachi gozal tharlea. Kiteak, jea 
konnxachea vattaramni ‘Bharotiya Bhaxa Surokxa Manch’ zomati korta tea 
vattaramni Konknni poros Moratthi madeomachinch chodd iskolam asat. Mhonnche, 
Devnagorivaleancho Moratthi bhaxek-ui tenko asa ho anik ek ugto puravo asa.

Kitem-i zaum, pap bhortoch khuim map ot’ta! 

Jose Salvador Fernandes

[Goanet] Chartbuster from Goa!

2011-04-02 Thread Jazz Goa
Aileen Carneiro from Saligao, is a journalist by profession and 
singer/songwriter/pianist by passion.
Listen to her chartbusting song 'Sinking Soul' on the international 
charts at:

[Goanet] Daily Grook #921

2011-04-02 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

so often a dictator
kills our rich past,
giving our culture
a kick in the arts!

*GREAT ALL-OCCASION GIFT* http://www.KonkaniSongBook.com

sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278


Re: [Goanet] Let goans rejoice, at least for now

2011-04-02 Thread Frederick Noronha
A convenient removal of a thorn? FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

On 2 April 2011 12:41, anil desai anild...@gmail.com wrote:
 The education minister of Goa, yes Education minister has been arrested at
 Mumbai airport with unaccounted foreign currency above the permitted limits.
 I hope on this occasion, Madam will not intervene and allow him to go  scot

 I wonder if this means criminal charges and conviction, Digu will have
 courage to sack him and more importantly for Goa, whether he will be
 disqualified from contesting any elections? One can only hope.

 Anil Desai

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Goanet Reader: Tttthe kkkking's sssssspeech (Adv. Jos Peter D'Souza)

2011-04-02 Thread Anita Mathew
I   think as an educationist and an English language teacher for
decades that what is needed is that English which is now taught in our
schools as a subject needs to be taught more as a language- which
means in the primary classes more emphasis must be done to listening
and speaking rather then reading and writing like we were in schools
soon after independence when we learnt it as a language and not just
as a subject and then suddenly in Std 5 as in Goa all the other
subjects begin to be taught in English -it creates havoc for a child
who has been comfortable comprehending everything in her mother tongue
and then hey presto! the very language that was a subject to pass or
fail becomes the medium of instruction! It is the way english is seen
at the primary level vis-avis the mother tongue and the method used to
teach it to children that must be the correct way finally and children
will then pick it up without a problem.We all did so why all this
hullaballo -probably its because its all politicised.We must think of
the children and use the expertise of those who can frame a syllabus
for all schools and trian teachers to show them how to teach it from
Std 1 up in all schools of whatever medium of indtruction so that
children can comprehend it to tackle all subjects in it after 5th std
as it is the most understood language throughout the world. thanks.
Anita mathew ( consultant women and Child rights, goa, India)

On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 4:47 AM, Goanet Reader goanetrea...@gmail.com wrote:

 by Adv. Jos Peter D'Souza

 This one may not receive any award, academy or otherwise;
 but, by jove, it's a free for all. So I've decided to get off
 my throne, mingle among commoners, argue myself hoarse, or,
 better still, stutter some more words to the ongoing
 'KKKkonklish' debate which to date has been nothing more than
 words, words, words, as shakespeare would have lamented,
 poured out by mere mortals dreaming to grasp immortality,
 however briefly, through the columns of a daily newspaper.

 Posing, like me, of course, to be a prophet for our
 children's future seen through the tinted glasses of our own
 bastardized culture like those of the funny long lost
 Anglo-Indians now settled in some distant English speaking

 And before I am condemned by some fanatical Wren  Martin
 breed of English teachers mushrooming in elitist private
 schools, I have to remind them that English is one of those
 few languages which has adopted the Roman script with their
 famous 'capitals' more correctly referred to in chaste
 English as the 'upper case' -- and not the upper casteE

 Just  in case there are any doubts, here is my position: I am
 all for those parents who are determined that their child
 should know English by the time he is out in the world
 looking for a job which demands a command of this language.

 Yes, I am all for the kids learning English.  In any case, I
 did dabble for some years in the field of education, grabbed
 a B.Ed. with English as one of my specialities, and taught at
 all levels from kiddies to those who survived through to SSC.

 All this is many, many moons away in the distant foggy past.

 But, in short, I know what I am talking about. My
 propositions are quite simple: (1) English is the gateway not
 only to the world, but to any form of higher learning - as
 such it is a MUST; (2) For most of our kids, English is
 neither their mother tongue nor first language, which
 doubtless, is Konkani; (3) Also, for this majority,
 proficiency in the English language cannot be brought about
 through 'English Medium' primary schools; on the
 contrary, it is bound to prove self-defeating;

 (4) English has to be introduced from the very start of
 primary education, though initially only as a spoken
 language, while the teaching of all subjects should be
 through the mother tongue, which in Goa would be Konkani; (5)
 Teaching kids in their mother tongue increases their
 cognitive skills, their understanding of concepts, and
 overall emotional growth, which even then, and later, helps
 in their intellectual development, and not just being
 restricted to becoming clerks, glorified or otherwise;

 (6) Finally, the children could learn to read English through
 the middle school, and writing only at the final stages of
 school education. The proficiency in the last two skills are
 totally dependant on the spoken language, and will be
 enhanced with the intellectual growth of the children in
 their mother tongue.  Since this is meant for the layman, I
 am avoiding all technical jargon. Yet, those who would prefer
 profundity to commonsense, like the Johnsonian version of
 asking for a 'pinch of snuff', will see Jean Piaget and of B.
 F. Skinner hiding between the lines.

          Let us agree on a few fundas.  As they say, when in
          Rome do as the Romans do -- speak Italian.
          Similarly, in Goa, its Konkani which will be voted
          as the numero uno 

Re: [Goanet] 04 - Was Mahatma Gandhi bisexual ?

2011-04-02 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Bi-sexual or bi-sextual -- a unique analogy has been presented -- yet
buggery as other sexual acts is negotiated/ partaken as a mutual act,
meaning it does not have to do violence as in rape.
In that vein, there is no stopping anyone to take a page from MKGs book and
drive  intruders, assailants out. To do so one needs what Gandhi had
followers and people who took beatings. Times have changed and perhaps for
Floriano and its Goa's loss too --  Goans continue to be hesitant in
reaching out to what FL has to offer.

venantius j pinto

Message: 10
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 23:40:16 +0530
From: floriano floriano.l...@gmail.com
To: Goa's premiere mailing list,estb. 1994!
Subject: Re: [Goanet] 04 -  Was Mahatma Gandhi bisexual ?
I tend to think that Mahatma Gandhi was  bi-sextual indeed.
Did he not bugger the British out of India??
I wish I was a better bi-sexual than Gandhi was.
I could have then buggered all the invading Indians out of GOA.


[Goanet] Goa minister detained with $10m at Mumbai airport... casino... Brit molestation... John bail

2011-04-02 Thread Frederick Noronha
Goa minister detained with $10 mn at Mumbai airport

Robbers spent Rs 4 lakh at Goa casino after loot

Brit woman alleges molestation in Goa

John gets bail, finally

_/ FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 (after 2pm)

[Goanet] Song for the Day

2011-04-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
Barcarole (Jacques Offenbach) (Weingarten Impressionen)



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Goa minister detained with $10 mn at Mumbai airport

2011-04-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
MUMBAI: Goa's Education Minister Atanasio Monseratte was detained by the
customs department at the Mumbai international airport after he was
allegedly found carrying over $10 million, an official said.

Acting on a tip-off, the customs sleuths waited for Monseratte who arrived
here by a domestic flight from Goa and was reportedly planning to go abroad.

Officials from the customs and other departments were questioning him for
the huge amount of cash. He was also carrying Rs 2.5 million in Indian

Security at the Mumbai airport has been extremely tight since the past few
days in view of the World Cup final between India and Sri lanka and the
heavy movement of VVIPs from India and abroad.


COMMENT: The sums keep getting bigger and bigger - even in large currency
notes that would be more than a suitcase! Also to make things spicier, his
son's alleged rape is brought back to the fore.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] BATTLES, WAGED, LASTING DREAMS released in Panjim

2011-04-02 Thread joelds

BATTLES WAGES, LASTING DREAMS,  a 528-page book on Aquino de Braganca, the
foremost South Asian supporter of the African nationalist cause, fighting
Portuguese colonialism in Mozambique, written by his wife Silvia Braganca,
and published by Goa 1556 was released by NRI Commissioner Eduardo Faleiro,
at Hotel Mandovi in Panjim, Goa, India, on April 2, 2011. Miguel Braganca, a
relative of Aquino speaks on the occasion. Besides Silvia, Prajal
Sakhardande, Miguel Braganza, Maria Aurora Couto and chief guest Eduardo
Faleiro spoke on the occasion. A couple of video clips are posted at the
following YouTube links:

047 Aquino de Braganza, Silvia's Book BATTLES WAGED, LASTING DREAMS;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HeqvfW_-bM 048 Prajal Sakhardande on
Aquino Braganca Book, Goa, India: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcVeJSuaCqA


[Goanet] Goa news for April 3, 2011

2011-04-02 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Codvol village has 5 people, Shiroda has 14K - Times of
Codvol in Sattari taluka -- has just 5 persons. And the most
populated village in the state is Shiroda in Ponda with a
population of 14030 persons. While of the 5 persons in Codvol 3
are males and 2 females, ...

*** Goa's education minister detained at airport - Daily News 
minister detained at airport with Rs 25 lakh

*** Bus operators warn of indefinite strike - Times of India

*** For one day, cricket rules in football-crazy Goa - Hindustan
razy Goa as Indian Cricket team is playing the World Cup final
against Sri Lanka in Mumbai. On the lazy Saturday evening, the
streets of Panaji wore a deserted look, with most shops keepers
pulling down ...

*** Md.Sp. beat sasa - Calcutta Telegraph
 against Kerala's Josco Football Club on the inaugural day of
the second ...

*** Goa minister caught taking $10m out of country - Chandigarh
alks faction) to attend election rallies of Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh at Dhakuakhana and Juria in Assam much to the
glee of the ruling Congress. ...a class=

*** Sesa Goa Moves Closer to Cairn India Open Offer - Wall
Street Journal
ased miner Vedanta Resources PLC, has received the Indian market
regulator's approval to launch its open offer for shares in
Cairn India Ltd. a person familiar with the ...a class=

*** Government to pay NGOs for counselling students - Times of
mes of IndiaThe scheme will cover students studying in
elementary, secondary as well as higher secondary government and
government aided schools in Goa. The DoE will empanel NGOs
working in the field who will take up the responsibility of
counselling the students ...a class=

*** Scheme framed to set up research chairs at GU - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The state government has framed the new
'Scheme for establishing research chairs at Goa University,
2011' with the objective of establishing research chairs in
different fields in the name of great Goans. The new scheme
envisages establishment ...a class=

*** 84 foreign cars and bikes registered in Goa - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: There are 84 foreign (imported) vehicles
registered in Goa. The most expensive car that has been imported
to Goa is Ferrari Spaitalia costing 3,53,89362 and the most
expensive bike to be imported to the state is Hammer BVcosting
1,03,47666. ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Platinum Selling Rock Artist is “So Good”

2011-04-02 Thread W.O.A International Inc.
 Oliver Sean debuts his U.S. media junket to promote the release of his
latest disc, So Good

North Hollywood, CA (PRWEB) March 31, 2011

Internationally acclaimed musician, Oliver Sean, is taking his brand of
popular music global. Already recognized alongside names like John Mayer,
Kylie Minogue and Ashanti, Sean has committed to a world-wide tour through
W.O.A. Records, with a U.S. and International focused media campaign headed
up by JumpStart Ink.

Oliver Sean’s name in music is synonymous with success. His mainstream sound
is popular midst the rock, pop, and adult contemporary audiences. Oliver
Sean’s work has been certified Platinum and his persona seems to be ever

On April 11th 2011, Oliver Sean is continuing his trend of success by
contributing his latest album, So Good, to the international music industry.
The album is a decadent tribute to the artist’s daring lyrics complimented
by audacious acoustic guitars.

So Good offers subtle global appeal while packaged by a heartthrob in
singer/songwriter Oliver Sean. The single “So Good” had over 2.4 million
downloads in just three days of the disc’s preview stage. The title track
also obtained play on over two hundred and fifty U.S. based FM radio
stations. His acoustic 'LIVE' version of Knockin on Heaven’s Door is just
one of many Oliver Sean's videos to obtain airplay on VH1  MTV.

Oliver Sean’s background far exceeds the dime a dozen acts currently
flooding the independent market. Sean is fully supported by the highly
respected W.O.A. Records. His background as an artist includes holding a top
ten spot on MTV’s international charts, being nominated for album of the
year, being named as one of the top forty-four global successes in music –
while sharing print space with Michelle Branch, and hosting distribution
deals with Times Music and BMG. In addition, Oliver Sean’s work has been
commissioned by the French Government for use in the country’s global
tourism campaign for the MASSIF region.

The media doesn’t act as a smokescreen for Oliver Sean. There are plenty of
other artists who rely on heavy media spin to allow room for their lack of
talent. Oliver Sean is the music industry’s best kept secret… but not for
long. His media viability mixed with his true ability to write and perform
music is already generating preview buzz around So Good. E+, Gulf News is
singing the album’s praises. Stuff Magazine said “Oliver Sean’s a name to
look out for. His single ‘So Good’, the run-up to a soon expected
full-length album, managed to garner 350,000 plays and downloads within two
hours of being made available as a free download.”

As Oliver Sean gears up for a ten month international tour, he joins the
ranks of Grammy nominees, Emmy Award winners, and Academy Award participant
clients of the prestigious media firm, JumpStart Ink. The selective company
is proud to add Oliver Sean, and W.O.A. Records, to their list of exclusive
clientele. The partnership is just another accomplishment for Helene Vece
with JumpStart Ink, whose clients work alongside infamous producers such as
Jack Douglas (Double Fantasy with John Lennon) and Jim Wirt (No Doubt, The
Rocket Summer, JACK'S MANNEQUINN, Fiona Apple, Incubus, Elliot Minor).

A review copy of So Good, live show media credentials, and an interview with
Oliver Sean are available to qualified media upon request.

# # #
Original story at - http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/03/prweb5202254.htm

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[Goanet] Was Mahatma Gandhi bi-sexual

2011-04-02 Thread Ignatius Fernandes
I agree with your sentiments about throwing out the invading Indians 

from Goa. But do have a solution that would make a better place of Goa.
I personally blame our weak and ineffectual Goa government which has 

no backbone to carry out the the laws it sets out, the minsters all bar none 
carry a criminal record 

e.g. Babush Moserratte who is detained now in Mumbai for trying to smuggle 
millions to Dubai 

more than likely ill-gotten.
Can you think we would survive without India? A first class military power that 
could out -gun 

anything we could muster, or block any imports by a naval blockade.
What India could do is to interfere into the business of of the Goa goverment 

rake out the illegalities that  it carries out on the Goan populace by 
the criminals in the Goa Government. and make them toe the line.
Only then we might have any respect for the Indian Government until
then they would be scorned by many Goans.
With Regards
Ignatius Fernandes

[Goanet] Guilherme Dias-Nomination for Top 25 Canadian immigrants deadline Apr18

2011-04-02 Thread kurt fernandes

Hello Goanetters
Please open the link below and enter your email address to win $100. gift 
cards.I know Guilherme from my school/college days in Goa  University 1985
Thanks Please forward to other Goans 
My Mother and I nominated Glem for the Top 25 Canadian Immigrants Awards. He 
has been shortlisted as one of 75 semi-finalists. Based on a Peoples Choice 
Voting process the Top 25 Canadian Immigrants will be selected. I wanted to 
share this with you and also to consider supporting him.   
The voting site link is below. His name is listed as Guilherme Dias 
Anyone living in Canada can vote. Each voter gets a chance to win one of ten 
$100 visa gift cards from the sponsors. 
Please feel free to forward within your network - His bio is attached. The link 
below provides testimonials of his work. 
Thank you very much! 


[Goanet] Goa Gambling Act amended - WILL IT SUFFICE?

2011-04-02 Thread SOTER

The Goa Public Gambling (Amendment)
Bill, 2011
(Bill No. 7 of 2011)
further to amend the Goa Public Gambling
Act, 1976.
Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Goa in the 
Sixty-second Year of

the Republic of India, as follows:-
1. Short title and commencement.- (1) This Act may be called The Goa Public 

(Amendment) Act, 2011.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as Government may, by notification 
in the Official

Gazette, appoint.
2. Insertion of new section 13B.- After section 13A of the principal Act, 
the following

section shall be inserted, namely:-
13B.- Restrictions on entry in the casinos.- (1) Only non-residents of the 

shall be allowed to enter the Casinos for purpose of Gambling.
(2) No advertisements of casinos anywhere in the State in the print media,
electronic media or by any other audio and visual means shall be allowed..
Statement of Object and Reasons
It is found that number of residents of Goa including those below the age of 
21 years
are frequently visiting casinos to play games which is destroying the social 
fabric of the
State by ruining families in the State; further the casino advertisement 
allure the locals
specially the youth to visit such places. The present amendment to Goa 
Public Gambling
(Amendment) Act, 1976 seeks to prevent the above occurrences and achieve the 
objectives of preventing locals specially youth from getting involved in 
Gambling activities. 

[Goanet] The education minister of Goa detained in Mumbay airport...

2011-04-02 Thread Carmen Miranda
One down and 38 to go? This minister was caught red handed and
unfortunately for us all, other Goan Ministers  have not yet been caught red
handed, or perhaps  Madam had indeed something to do with the fact that we
have so many  CHORS  in the government of Goa. Where did he get all that
money from? Are Goa Ministers  paid so well to make such unexplained
personal fortunes?

The fact that the Education Minister was recently openly distributing
pre-election bribes last month in his constituency - truck loads of
 fridges, cookers, and TVs and expensive shoes and so on, widely reported by
the press, did not disqualify him from contesting the elections in Panjim.
Other ministers are doing the same right now in other parts of Goa bribing
left right and centre with impunity! What is the Election Commission doing ?
Just catching small fry? Is this what people think democracy is all about?

If there is any decency and integrity left in Goa, I hope that the Education
Minister and many others are disqualified from contesting elections , and
that his actions will indeed result in criminal charges and jail for many

Enough is enough!

Carmen Miranda

On 2 April 2011 12:41, anil desai anild...@gmail.com wrote:
 The education minister of Goa, yes Education minister has been arrested at
 Mumbai airport with unaccounted foreign currency above the permitted
 I hope on this occasion, Madam will not intervene and allow him to go

 I wonder if this means criminal charges and conviction, Digu will have
 courage to sack him and more importantly for Goa, whether he will be
 disqualified from contesting any elections? One can only hope.

 Anil Desai

[Goanet] Song for the Day!

2011-04-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
Ya la
Generic feat Liliana Ciotoi O Mustafa



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Congratulations to the Indian team on winning the Cricket World Cup!

2011-04-02 Thread Naguesh Bhatcar

Finally MS Dhoni and his team have done it!The finals clearly proved how much 
of a team game Cricket is!The Lankans were fantastic but thankfully it was 
India's big day.

Naguesh Bhatcar


[Goanet] Goa minister detained with $10 mn US $ + 25 lakhs Rupees at Mumbai airport

2011-04-02 Thread U. G. Barad
Gabe Menezes rightly said 'The sum keep getting bigger and bigger - even in
large currency notes that would be more than a suitcase! Also to make things
spicier, his son's alleged rape is brought back to the fore'

My response: For few seconds I was carried away by touching comments from
Gabe. This compelled me to think the following: 

How can customs department dare to even question Kangressman that too
Kangress Minister and that to education minister - a person  responsible for
educating Goans - a person with clean, transparent, non-corrupt image be
questioned? Looks like this is opposition party's trick!

What is more surprising is immediately after detaining education minister
for questioning the issue of his son raping minor girl incidence was brought
back to fore! Surprising!! Why should they do this? How can a Kangressman
for that matter Kangress Minister's son's or even his family's past track
records be brought back to fore - looks like custom officials / media forgot
the guidelines issued by Kangress government i.e. other than Aam Admi no
Kangressman's family members past incidences can be brought to fore no
matter what the gravity is or was! Don't they (customs) know that all
Kangressman are licensed to rape, kidnap, smuggle, loot and plunder states
of India, Goa in particular? 

How can the sum keep getting bigger and bigger? Instead it should have been
smaller and smaller till it reaches a point of 'no foreign currency was
located'.  More over customs should known that all Kongress Ministers are
given blanket clearance, rather unquestionable license, to take foreign as
well as Indian currency of any value/amount out of India therefore out of
Goa  or is it that the license says 'authorized to take any currency of
any value out of India' forgetting to insert the word 'out of Goa' for Goan
Ministers?  In all certainty, this must be the only mistake in the license
issued by Kangress run government. Otherwise this drama would not have taken
One Kangress stalwart remarked saying, 'Well, no problem, no damage done.
Kangress high command has asked all concerned ministers at the central and
Maharashtra CM to do the needful. CM Maharashtra has even kept special
helicopter ready to carry Babush straight to destination in Dubai without
any more check(s) anywhere in-between - safe passage to Babush is assured.'
Three cheers!!! 
Best regards,

U. G. Barad

Re: [Goanet] NEWS: 'Goa's banking services best in India' (TNN)

2011-04-02 Thread Albert Desouza

Dear Goanetters
The service you get as an customer of nationalised bank is very poor. When you 
enter any bank you find long ques. The people working over there will behave as 
if they are doing the customer a big favour .There is no separate que for the 
senior citizen. The staff many times indulge themselves in gossiping and 
talking over the mobile phone. If one wants to put money lying in the savings 
bank account of the same bank to fixed deposit it will never be done on the 
same day. Come tomorrow.or come after four days.When fixed deposit mature the 
bank will not send you any notice. At the end of the year lots of customer 
wants statement showing the accured interest earned by them. Most of the banks 
will not post that statement to you but will ask you to come to the bank and 
the statement is put in a file and you come check whther the statement is there 
or come again. I get my pension through bank of Inda. The bank does not send me 
any intimation for obtaining a statement that I am alive. This time they send 
me a post card asking me to visit the bank and when I did come no one knew 
whose job it is and one non goan lady officer even shouted asking me to wait if 
I want the work to be done . I usually write a complain through the internet to 
the head office and then every authority wakes up and they say mea culpa.and 
lots of apologies are written to me and phone calls .Albert desouza

 Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 02:39:21 +0530
 From: news.goa...@gmail.com
 To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Subject: [Goanet] NEWS: 'Goa's banking services best in India' (TNN)
 'Goa's banking services best in India'
 TNN | Mar 27, 2011, 05.57am IST
 PANAJI: Goa has witnessed a boom in the banking sector and the number
 of banking offices was 556 on September 30, 2010, states the economic
 survey 2010-11. There is a scheduled commercial bank branch for
 approximately every 4,148 people in Goa as against the all-India
 average of 14,683 people, the survey states.
 As per the figures provided in the survey, Himachal Pradesh-with an
 average population of 7,035 people per branch-and Punjab with 8,377
 people come a close second and third respectively. The average of
 Sikkim, Kerala and Uttarkhand is below 9,000, while other states range
 between 10,000 and more up to 29,913.
 Among the union territories, Chandigarh has the best average of 5,106,
 while Lakshadweep has 6,818 and Delhi has 8,133. After liberation,
 Goa's banking sector grew phenomenally. This (the figures) show that
 Goa has the best banking services compared to all other states and
 union territories in the country, the survey report states.
 There were hardly five banking offices in 1962, but by the time Goa
 was granted statehood in 1987, the number grew to 300. The aggregate
 deposits registered a phenomenal growth from 9 crore in 1962 to 26,045
 crore in 2008-09 and to 29,506 crore in 2009-10, according to the
 During 2008-09, domestic savings registered an annual growth of 30%,
 while NRE deposits dropped to 3% as compared to the previous year. In
 2009-10, the annual growth rate of domestic and NRE deposits stood at
 14% and 10% respectively. The number of nationalized bank branches
 increased by 5.13% over the previous year, while the number of private
 sector banks and cooperative bank branches increased by 21.31% and
 7.20% respectively.
 The percentage increase in deposits for nationalized banks, private
 sector banks and cooperative banks is 42.49%, 72.04% and 56.30%
 respectively. Similarly, the percentage increase in credits for
 nationalized banks and cooperative banks is 56.99% and 60.10%
 respectively, whereas for private sector banks it decreased by 9.41%,
 the report states.
 The credit deposit ratio has decreased from 31 in September 2009 to 30
 in September 2010. Notably, cooperative banks topped the list as far
 as credit deposit ratio is concerned followed by nationalized banks,
 while private sector banks recorded a credit deposit ratio of 20.