[Goanet] The Viceroy's Arch (at the former colonial capital of Old Goa)... a gateway to Goa

2017-01-21 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا

Might have got it wrong... pls send in your suggestions. --FN
_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fbk: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet] Panjim(Goa): Destruction of Azad Maidan and monster toilet next to Tristao de Braganca Cunha’s relics is symptomatic of Goa’s degeneration By Vivek Menezes

2017-01-21 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Roger D'Souza >


Destruction of Azad Maidan and monster toilet next to Tristao de Braganca 
Cunha’s relics is symptomatic of Goa’s degeneration
January 19, 2017

VIVEK MENEZES  |  One glance at Panaji’s iconic Azad Maidan is enough to see 
everything that has gone terribly wrong with Goa. The famous grounds – as old 
as the capital city itself – lies torn to pieces. Massive mounds of rubble and 
mud cover its once-pleasant expanse. A large portion of its attractive, 
quasi-European black metal railing has been bludgeoned away and is now being 
replaced by horrendous monstrosity, exactly resembling the worst of Bollywood 
crudity. Worst by far, the beautiful, ethereal neo-classical monument at centre 
– sacred resting place for Goa’s seminal nationalist – is dominated by a 
freakishly large, extraordinarily ill-conceived toilet.

It’s not only Azad Maidan being flushed but also democracy itself along with 
every standard of urban development. This is now the norm for the current 
administration, where outrageous scam “infrastructure” has become its signature 
activity. Highly dubious, unbelievably expensive projects are underway all over 
Goa even as the state debt burden has soared past unsustainable to the verge of 
bankruptcy. There is a detectable pattern – opaque project planning, total lack 
of oversight, zero public participation, huge cost over-runs, and a small set 
of crony contractors.

Even as the rest of Goa gets royally messed up, the multi-crore toileting of a 
cherished landmark particularly demonstrates how bad things are. The 
Corporation of the City of Panaji (CCP) has no official knowledge about what is 
underway at Azad Maidan. Mayor Surendra Furtado says no plans have come to his 
office, and he has given no permissions. He has a conspiracy theory that the 
ground has specifically been made unusable for demonstrations and rallies – its 
historic purpose for over a century – but that doesn’t explain the gargantuan 
lavatory looming over the remains of poor Tristao de Braganca Cunha.

Cunha – often called ‘The father of Goan nationalism’ was the voice and 
advocate of the Indian Congress Party in France in the early 1920s. It is 
because of him Romain Rolland learned about Gandhi. That history and great 
legacy is only part of what is being disrespected by the lavatory which now 
casts its shadow on his tomb.

There is also the monument to the martyrs of Goa’s freedom struggle, which 
stands like a meek bookend to the colossal concrete latrine that now commands 
the north end of Azad Maidan.

Panaji MLA Sidharth Kunkalienkar is one man with some answers, which he kindly 
shared over the phone. According to him, the last renovation of Azad Maidan 
took place many years ago and the ground was not in a good condition (this is 
accurate). Then added that literally only one family lived on the square (which 
is not accurate). He said work has been initiated under the Atal Mission for 
Rejuvenation and Urban Tranformation by Goa State Infrastructure Development 
Corporation (GSIDC). And when asked if any architects had been consulted, he 
said, “LKS”.

Like Louis Berger a few years ago, this Spain-headquartered consultancy has 
become the favoured vehicle for dodgy projects in Goa. The company website says 
the state government is “our main customer in India” via GSIDC. Its projects 
(Azad Maidan isn’t even listed) are a laundry list of very bad, environmentally 
unfriendly ideas: the ridiculous walkway overhanging the Baga river, the likely 
illegal ‘redevelopment’ of beach areas in Miramar, the sinister-sounding 
‘redevelopment of one of the premier tourist destinations…where several 
Bollywood movies have been filmed’ (probably Fontainhas).

Connect the dots. It is the deeply flawed ‘Holistic Master Plan’ created by 
this same LKS being used to ram through Panaji’s ‘Smart City’ scheme which will 
involve unprecedented levels of money being expended in the tiny riverside 
city. The obliteration of everything charming about Azad Maidan is thus quite 
possibly only the beginning. The fact is all of India’s most charming little 
capital is now threatened with the same fate. If they can do this to the 
centerpiece of Goan democracy, on the same turf as the monuments dedicated to 
the state’s most cherished heroes, just imagine the size and scale of the 
urinals we can expect in the rest of hertage Panaji.

Last word to Panaji native Raya Shankhwalker, who writes, “In my experience as 
a practicing architect in Panjim, I have seen so many examples of heedless 
obliteration of carefully planned urban infrastructure. This wonderfully 
situated riverside city was very well planned in a gridiron pattern…All through 
the city, large and small public 

[Goanet] Green Earth Movement -E Newsletter : A RESPONSIBLE ACT

2017-01-21 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: felix rebello >


What does it mean to be responsible? Who and what are we responsible for? Are 
we only responsible for ourselves? Our family? Our community? What about the 
mountains, the rivers, and the land? Who takes responsibility for them? If you 
are Piyush Sethia, then you take responsibility for all of it.

For further reading click - 
www.infantjesusjogeshwari.in - go to GEM 
E-NEWSLETTER section and read the latest GEM-7/17 - A RESPONSIBLE ACT.

Read in this issue of the GEM other interesting and educative articles like, 
Perfect pen drive; Mumbai's Minara Masjid goes green; Concrete chokes 20 trees 
in Mumbai's green lung; Delay in marking pvt forests leads to degradation of 
green cover; From addiction to ordination to the priesthood; Marry before you 
are 25, a bishop in Kerala tells and so on.

Visit the above website also for various resource materials like PPTs on 
various environmental issues, Eco Quizes, Bible Study; Monthly Bible Quiz, 
liturgical articles and quizzes, group games, puzzles for kids, jokes, stories 

Forwarding this mail to your contacts is your small contribution in bringing 
awareness amongst the readers on the important issue of 'Protection of 

Fr Felix Rebello

[Goanet] Poetry, Politics, and Newspapers in Portuguese: Laxmanrao Sardessai and Goa in the 1960s

2017-01-21 Thread Bernado Colaco
The act of dislodging the Portuguese language was  cultural genocide conducted 
by the current colonialists. What happened was that the bharats could not rule 
without a language. Goa ka lok Hindi nahin hai, therefore the closest language 
was to introduce english formally into Goa. Therefore we had the newspaper 
Navhind Times. The thing is that the bokdes in Goa took this change lying down. 
With a shake of the head they said "Ok now we have to speak the ingles.


D.A. Smith

In 1964, after more than 30 years of writing short stories in
Marathi, Laxmanrao Sardessai did something that, on the face
of it, was quite unexpected. The 60-year-old Goan writer and
teacher, imprisoned twice by the Portuguese colonial
authorities for his efforts to end colonial rule -- achieved
in December 1961 when the Indian army swept into Goa and
evicted its long-standing Lusitanian rulers -- started
publishing poems in Portuguese.

          Sardessai's familiarity with the Portuguese
          language is not the unusual part of this story. As
          the official language of the Estado da ?ndia,
          Portuguese was used by administrators and Goa's
          Catholic elite, and was studied by upper-caste
          Hindus, such as the family into which Sardessai was
          born. After 1961, however, Portuguese lost its
          official status and its social cachet: of the two
          Portuguese-language newspapers in which Sardessai's
          poetry appeared, A Vida and O Heraldo, only one
          would still exist twenty-two years later, when it
          would be known as the Herald and would publish
          entirely in English.

[Goanet] Word of the day

2017-01-21 Thread Mervyn Lobo

n. pl. trump·er·ies

1. Showy but worthless finery; bric-a-brac.
2. Nonsense; rubbish.
3. Deception; trickery; fraud.

[Goanet] TRAVELOGUE: ECUADOR Vacaton Travel Guide.

2017-01-21 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] Donald Trump the Impulsive.

2017-01-21 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] Easy listening selection..........Kiss of Fire.

2017-01-21 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Inactivity & your health.

2017-01-21 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet-News] An introduction to Goa's Museum of Christian Art (by Natasha Fernandes)

2017-01-21 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا

See also:



_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fbk: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet] Subject: Re: Trump Disrupts the World.

2017-01-21 Thread MD
I have been watching the Inaugural Ceremony of American President Donald J.
Trump all along as it is a first for me. In his inauguration speech Trump
said: "For many decades, we've enriched foreign industry at the expense of
American industry; subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing
for the very sad depletion of our military; we've defended other nation's
borders while refusing to defend our own; and spent trillions of dollars
overseas while America's infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and
decay." "We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world
-- but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations
to put their own interests first (fight ISIS with Russia perhaps)." He also
said "We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will
build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and
railways all across our wonderful nation." "We will get our people off of
welfare and back to work -- rebuilding our country with American hands and
American labor." He is a successful 'deal maker' and would work it out with
EU and China and the Mexico border wall and payment terms and I wish him
all the best and sincerely hope the media (I usually cross check MSM news
with Fox and RT) and that the Americans  work with him to 'Make America
great again.'

Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 19:27:37 -0500 (EST)
From: "Jim Fernandes" 
To: "GoaNet" 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Trump Disrupts the World.
Jim Wrote:

I read this link (of course another lefty news outlet that I normally

I would say this is a fair piece of journalism. If you haven't read it yet,
you should.

Basically, it says Trump has rattled the current World Order, which I think
is a good thing. I think the long standing American policy of taking it
easy at the negotiating table needs to end. What better negotiator to have
at the table than Trump!

For the most part, I do not believe American allies have anything to worry
- as long as they commit their troops and money, all should be nice and
easy. The Brits are America's most trusted ally. The only big hold-outs may
be the French and the Germans. It should not be very difficult to bully
them into giving in more ... (sorry for being blunt - but they won't have
much of a choice).

As for trading partners - I believe China stands to lose the most. I won't
be surprised if the world gangs up on China to stop them from artificially
creating islands in the South China Sea and using these islands for
military purposes. Antagonizing NATO allies (by threatening the alliance)
may well be Trump's strategy to get them on board to go after China. What
exactly can China do if both the EU and the US stop importing Chinese made
products? China would buckle under its own weight ...

The Mexicans are a worried lot these days. It's almost a given that the
Trump Wall will be built. Even though it will be built with US funding, as
against Trump's long standing rhetoric that it will be built with Mexican
money - I still believe, Trump will use leverage to get Mexico to
indirectly pay for it. The most logical charging method would be by
imposing funds transfer tax on the billions of dollars that are sent to
Mexico by Mexican immigrants from the United States every year.

So, there you go  nothing much to worry about.


Jim Fernandes
Scarsdale, NY.


2017-01-21 Thread Bernado Colaco
To build a smart city one has to be smart. Goa is far away from being smart. 
Our Pangim city is like a concrete slum. Maybe it could further develop into a 
slum city!


Traffic Goa police please see these photos in You Tube loaded by Joe Goa
Our legislators must also see these photos and whether Panjim can turn into
Smart City ?
MLA of Panjim Sidharth Kuncolienkar must also reliaze that the Traffic
Police is not doing or cannot do the job due to various reasons and must be
shaken up so that our Panjim turns GOOD.

Stephen Dias


[Goanet] Doctor's visit

2017-01-21 Thread Jose
Wino v Whino

Wino and Whino were debating which was worse: Excessive Wining or Incessant 

Unable to come to any resolution, they decided to consult a well known doctor.

They each argued the benefits of their respective Passion ( or Predicament, if 
you will ). One argued that Wine was proved to be good for health, the other 
argued that Whining helped him feel better.

The doctor advised against too much of anything; Too much Wining was harmful to 
the liver, and Chronic Whining was bad for everything including the ability to 
be more productive in life. BUT.the Wino and Whiner continued to argue.

So, the doctor listened to the two of them for an additional hour and charged 
them double.

Not Bad for Business, I'd say



2017-01-21 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The BJP in Goa had promised Zero Tolerance to Corruption but over the last
five years it has been rampant corruption all over with Tourism Minister
Dilip Parulekar being the most Corrupt of the lot having violated every law

Despite all this the BJP has once again fielded him from Saligao
constituency. Now the Congress after a under the table deal allegedly
brokered through Manohar Parrikar has fielded former Calangute MLA Agnelo
Fernandes in a last minute bid to split votes and facilitate Dilip
Parulekar to win again.

It is now up to the voters of Saligao Constituency  to decide whether they
would fall prey to such dubious politricks and  have again as their MLA
Dilip Parulekar who is immersed in so many scams and acts of Corruption.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] An introduction to Goa's Museum of Christian Art (by Natasha Fernandes)

2017-01-21 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا

See also:



_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fbk: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet] PRESS CONFERENCE INVITE: Public Rally of Goenchi Mogis

2017-01-21 Thread Roxanne Coutinho
Goenchi Mati Movement and Goa Foundation hereby invite all journalists
and  representatives
of the media for a press conference on* 'Public Rally of Goenchi
Mogis' *on Sunday
22nd Jan, 2017.

The gathering is being organised on January 26th, 2017 for all public to
come out in unity in large numbers to tell election candidates their
aspirations for Goa. It is a chance for all citizens to show that they want
MLAs who put the needs of ordinary Goans and future generations at the
centre of planning and investment. This their biggest chance to decide
Goa's Public Policies. This is strictly a non-party public meeting of Goa's

 Date: 22nd Jan, 2017
 Time: 1 P.M
 Venue- Gazali, next to Crown Hotel, near Panjim Church
 Contact : Roxanne Coutinho ( 8007506752 <(800)%20750-6752>)

We look forward to your support in covering this.

[Goanet] From the Joseph Naik Vaz Institute

2017-01-21 Thread George Pinto
Today, Jan 21, we join with all those who are celebrating the birthday of Ven. 
Fr. Agnelo de Sousa of Pilar and praying for his Beatification this year.

We have arranged for a special Mass in honor of Ven. Fr. Agnelo today by Rev. 
Fr. Roy Pereira S.J. to  celebrate the Jan. 16 Feast Day of St. Joseph Vaz and 
for our special intention this year for the Beatification of Ven. Fr. Agnelo. 
Fr. Roy is currently a Visiting Scholar at the Jesuit School of Theology of 
Santa Clara, CA.  He is presenting his post doctoral research study in the 
field of neuroscience at Harvard and several other universities in the U.S.

On Sunday January 29, the Joseph Naik Vaz Institute will offer our annual Mass 
for our Goan Saints and our special intention for the Beatification of Ven. Fr. 
Agnelo, at St. John the Baptist Church, El Cerrito CA at 12:30 p.m.
The address is 11152 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito, California, 94530.  It is at 
the corner of San Pablo Avenue and Potrero Avenue, and a block away from the 
Del Norte BART station. Please email us at josephnaik@gmail.com for more 
information and directions.
Goans in Toronto celebrate the feast of St. Joseph Vaz  --
A special mass, to honor St. Joseph Vaz, was celebrated on January 15, 2017 at 
the quaint and beautiful St. Peter’s Mission Church in Mississauga.  The church 
was packed with Goans from all over Toronto who braved the cold weather to 
attend the service. The mass was celebrated by the Reverend Monsignor Terrence 
D’Souza, a proud Goan himself, who in his very detailed and inspiring homily 
recounted the steadfast faith of St. Joseph Vaz and urged the congregation to 
strive to emulate him in their daily lives. In keeping with the true Goan 
spirit, the choir, led by Suzie Pereira (a very active G.O.A. member, who 
dedicates a fair share of her time supporting various G.O.A. initiatives in 
Toronto), did an outstanding job in singing most of the hymns in flawless 
Konkani, which resulted in a more meaningful engagement and a fuller 
participation by the congregation. The organizers, Suzie Pereira, Claude 
Fernandes, and Tony Fernandes and other Goans in Toronto hope to make this St. 
Joseph Vaz Mass an annual event.   

[Goanet] Life, It Is A-Changing

2017-01-21 Thread Roland Francis
The quicker you grow, the quicker you can fail. Ask any overextended business.

With the dismantling of the socialist state, India has seen phenomenal growth 
for the last 25 years. Much of that growth has been due to European and North 
American investment pouring in. But money flies and can go faster than it came.

It was a good time to reflect on the changes that needed to be put in place to 
sustain that growth. A lot of the evils that plagued the country for very long, 
needed to be dismantled too. The people needed to be taught that discipline and 
respect for the law was as essential managing one's expectations.

But instead, everyone's expectations ballooned. Luxury cars replaced bicycles, 
marble floors replaced mud and cowdung and buying flats in cities at prices 
that could buy you a sprawling house in a developed country became a common 
phenomenon. There was no end in sight to the cancer of bribery and corruption 
that eats into the very lymph nodes and organs of Indian society.

All this TNT needed was a fuse. And that is on the horizon. Europe is getting 
nationalistic and insular, a trend that started before Brexit and Trump and 
will hasten after him. If Trump does what he promised in the USA, there will be 
a huge sucking sound of money and jobs vacuumed from the Indian economy. No 
Modi-made butter can change that. What he really needs to do is change his 
country's domestic affairs to accommodate such an impending disaster. 

I sincerely wish that the danger to India does not come to pass.

Roland Francis

Re: [Goanet] America - Remember to set your clocks back tonight

2017-01-21 Thread Jim Fernandes

Why just 200 years?

I think I should make it 2000 !!!

The reason - its 2017 and we have people here who don't even know how to send 
emails ...  Ha ha ha ha ...

Look below ... for the garbage. 

Oh BTW, Eric has a new president. Congrats !!!

Jim Fernandes
Scarsdale, NY

On Fri, 20 Jan 2017 03:45:40 + (UTC), eric pinto  

>200 years  !!
> thank you, Mervyn. __._,_.__   Have you tried the highest rated email 
> app? With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email 
> app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your 
> inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an email 
> again with 1000GB of free cloud   
>   • Priv .  
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[Goanet] URGENT PRESS STATEMENT: Today, January 21, Over 1200 community members /citizens march to the BMC Office, Kandivali on the Remedy Church issue - Memorandum to DMC/ BMC

2017-01-21 Thread Dolphy D'souza


Today, Saturday, 21 January , over 1200 citizens/ community members
*'PROTEST MORCHA * entitled 'ROAD TO FREEDOM' marched to the BMC/ DMC
Office-R South Ward to protest the BMC notice to take part of the church
land. Handed over a MEMORANDUM to the DMC, Copy enclosed.

*Not an Inch of our Land will be given."* was our expression during the
meeting with DMC/AMC and other Civic Officials.

Today, We citizens/community  walked in a Protest Morcha named ROAD TO
FREEDOM, to BMC R South office, situated at 2nd, cross Road, MG Road, near
swimming pool, Kandivali (W); to

protest against the unjust BMC's land acquisition Notice to Our Lady of
Remedy Church, Poinsur.

We presented the Memorandum to the DMC, copy of the same enclosed.

We expressed our deep anquish and disappointment at the lack of response 
our letter of December 02, 2016 which left us with no choice but to 
this march. We urged the BMC authorities that they must be sensitive to 
grievances of the citizens and atleast respond to their communications. 

AMC said they would do it.

We also emphasised the point that there was no point in taking the said 

of the church land to broaden the Gamdevi Road which is off S.V. Road when
the Road just leads to a dead end. We demanded instead that the BMC must
concentrate on widening the S.V. Road right from Borivali to Malad  which 

not more than 57 feet to ease out the traffic.  In fact the width at the
Remedy Church of the S.V. Road is the widest. . We are not against
development.  the Remedy Church in the past has given land for public 
namely the Poinsur Bus Depot which belonged to the Church besides other 
parcels around the church. We alleged that this so called road widening 

only to benefit the builder. We also stated to him that we have been
targeted because we are a minority community.  We  thanked the DMC /BMC 

provoking us to come out on the streets to agitate. We are no longer a
community that will take things lying down but will protest peacefully to
achieve our just demands.

The DMC who gave us a patient hearing stated that he would communicate our
grievances to the Municipal Commissioner.

While parting from the meeting, we again expressed our thoughts that any
attempt to take that parcel of land would leave us with no choice but to
protest more vigourously on the Road and the next step could be the 

at AZAD Maidan.

We would like to inform you that the community had organised similar
protests in the recent past, the prominent one being on 25th, December,
2016; being the day of CHRISTMAS, near Our Lady of Remedy Church. Prior to
this, on 18th, June, 2016; the community marched to BMC R South office.

Among those who were  part of the delegation: Dolphy D'souza, 
Save Our Land [SOUL], Rita D'sa, President- The Bombay Catholic 
Sabha[BCS ],

Adv. Godfrey Pimenta , Trustee Watchdog Foundation, Ramsey Rebello,
Convenor- Guardians United, Lawrence Fernandes, VP-BCS and several others

This Protest Campaign was  organised by The Bombay Catholic Sabha, 

United, Watchdog Foundation,  and Save Our Land [SOUL]. We have enclosed a
few photographs.

We also thank the Sr. Inspector of Police, Shri Mukund Pawar of the
Kandivali Police Station and his team for their bandobast.

Thank you for your support to our cause and look forward to your 

coverage of this issue.

warm regards
Dolphy A. D'souza
Cell: 09833884227
Save Our Land [SOUL] Team
Mumbai 400 095.


[Goanet] 'Educated girl can’t cry rape if ditched by boyfriend'

2017-01-21 Thread JoeGoaUk
‘Mere Saiyyan Ji Se Aaj Maine Breakup Kar Liya
I broke up with my beloved today’

I am breaking up with you from today
-What ? 

Yes, you heard it right ‘breakup’
- No, you can’t ditch me now..

Why not?
- I will file rape case against you (for the things we did together..)

'Educated girl like you can’t cry rape if ditched by boyfriend'**
You are wrong to assume that the Law is always on your side.
Good luck! 

** Bombay HC granted bail to  a youth after his former girlfriend lodged a case 
of rape following their break-up (TOI today)

[Goanet] Imbalance on Goanet?

2017-01-21 Thread Roland Francis
Year to date there are 209 posts on the board, of which Con Menezes accounts 
for 76, which is almost 40 per cent of that figure.

10,000 members are claimed for the board, but for this period there are only 26 
posters. Of them thank good fortune, 90 pc or more are regulars. That saves 
it's reputation from tatters.

It reminds me of a typical bridge built by the Portuguese in Goa say in 1850, 
once a thing of pride, still of use today, but crumbling from non-improvement 
from building date.

We can look at the bridge and say "super awesome, it's more than 150 years old, 
but not much else. It's no longer a throbbing, pulsating thing.

Roland Francis

[Goanet] President Trump's Inaugural Address

2017-01-21 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
President Donald Trump in his inaugural address promised to "eradicate extreme 
Islamic terrorism worldwide."
The first step in that endeavor (and one in which President Obama, and Foreign 
Secretaries Clinton and Kerry miserably failed) is stop supplying arms to these 
world-wide terrorists.  
ALL arms used by ISIS and other rebels in Syria and Iraq were made in Europe or 
America.  These arms get to the Middle East, South Asia (Afghanistan-Pakistan) 
and Libya via CIA, Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and other oil producing 
countries in the Gulf. 
When will the West understand and accept responsibility for their own actions?  
Perhaps it is time the rest of the world demand that from the West. 
For those in India and elsewhere who want to e-mail to the US senators. The 
email address of one of the two New York State Senators is Senator Gillibrand - 
Regards, GL