Re: [Goanet] L'Etrangere (The Stranger)

2020-06-07 Thread E DeSousa

Dear Venantius:


First of all let me say that Iprobably should send you a royalty check for the 
intriguing artwork authored byyou that this month graces my desktop.
 for now, allow me to say ThankYou! Talents like yours are rare indeed. Proud 
of you Venantius-san.

Coming to the subject at hand, nomatter that Linda De Suza sings in French some 
of the time (a language that Idid spend a few years learning in high school), 
you could find it easy to be afan of Linda De Suza. The lady has a beautiful 
voice and lots of talent. Like her so  many of us Goans in foreign lands must 
feel like "L'Etrangere" once in a while? BTW Lyrics English translation can be 
found at
I know that Goans all over the worldare familiar with many different languages. 
More out of necessity than choice. So no big deal here. 
We take it in stride. Life goes on.




From: Venantius J Pinto 


"Still, I have believed that there is a court of Goans congregating
somewhere, In Goa - having a blast at the proclivities of various Goans,
including, those overseas.

Rock on!


Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] WANTED: Links... to Goan expatriate associations and groups

2020-06-07 Thread malaika miranda sharma

I am Malika Miranda,I live in Delhi.

I am a criminal lawyer by profession

I will.put you u  touch with few expats.

On Mon, 11 May 2020, 22:53 Frederick Noronha, 

> Dear all: I would be very grateful for any help you could offer by pointing
> to the contact details of Goan overseas (expatriate) associations in any
> part of the world, including within the rest of India.
> This is in connection with my attempts at building a listing of the same.
> Once compiled, I will acknowledge the help of everyone who makes this
> listing possible. You can send the details to me directly (
> with a cc to (for wider
> public awareness).
> What I'm looking for is basically any ex-pat Goan association with an
> online presence, or even without. If you could offer a link to their
> website or Facebook page, or links to their committee members, with a small
> description of how active this group is, what kind of activities they focus
> on, and since when, it would be most helpful.
> Thank you very much! FN/Frederick Noronha, Goa. WhatsApp: +91-9822122436
> --
> FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

[Goanet] Book on former Goa CM Manohar Parrikar to release in April (PTI, Mar)

2020-06-07 Thread Frederick Noronha
Book on former Goa CM Manohar Parrikar to release in April
By -
Created: Mar 17, 2020, 14:59 IST
[image: (Photo: Penguin India)]
(Photo: Penguin India)
A book on the life and times of bureaucrat-turned-politician Manohar
Parrikar, who served as the defence minister and Goa chief minister, will
hit the stands in April, announced publishing house Penguin Random House
India on Monday.
The book titled "An Extraordinary Life: A biography of Manohar Parrikar" is
written by veteran journalists Sadguru Patil and Mayabhushan Nagvenkar.
Tuesday marks the first death anniversary of Parrikar who died after
battling pancreatic cancer for over a year. He was 63.

A "nuanced and sensitive narration", the book claims to be an "insightful
and captivating read, complete with the informed voices of his relatives,
friends, foes, bureaucrats and IIT contemporaries".
"Manohar Parrikar was a towering personality, who defined an era in Goa's
politics, after the turbulent 1990s which produced 13 chief ministers in a
decade. A four-time chief minister and defence minister, he had the talent,
intellect and the drive to achieve, perhaps even more," said co-author
Sadguru Patil.

Parrikar was among the few from Goa who made it to the national level. He
held the defence portfolio in the Modi government from 2014 till 2017
before returning to his first love, Goa, to take over the chief minister's

The biography, according to Nagvenkar, is "a lively scrapbook of his Tom
Sawyer-like childhood and youth", as well as a "no-holds-barred report card
of his subsequent political journey, through the voices of people who knew
him, many of them intimately".

The authors, Patil and Nagvenkar, interviewed the politician many times
over the course of their careers, closely followed his rise in politics and
witnessed the many battles he had to undergo in his life.

An admitted workaholic who insisted on leading a simple life, Parrikar, a
metallurgist by training, enjoyed acceptance from all sections of the BJP
and beyond. He played a key role in making the BJP a force to reckon with
in Goa, which for the longest time was a Congress bastion.

"Manohar Parrikar was a popular, astute and grassroots leader of the BJP
who served as the chief minister of Goa for multiple terms, as well as the
defence minister of India.

"An indefatigable and spirted politician, he chose to work until his last
days, and left a mark wherever he went. 'An Extraordinary Life' by Sadguru
Patil and Mayabhushan Nagvenkar chronicles the life and impact of Manohar
Parrikar in Indian politics," said Milee Ashwarya, Publisher, Ebury
Publishing and Vintage Publishing, Penguin Random House India.

FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436


2020-06-07 Thread Aires Rodrigues
We are facing the brunt of the endless greed of our current politicians who
are adding more concrete buildings to an already badly battered Goa without
caring to first put the basic infrastructure in place and with no respect
for our fragile environment.

The garbage and sewage discharge problem has reached a point of crisis with
the government having miserably also failed to tackle even the stray dogs
and cattle issue. Proper healthcare needs to be provided to the poorest of
the poor in hospitals and health centers across the State as we cannot
allow young lives to be lost for lack of proper medical care.  Creating
quality educational facilities and delivering on a good and dependable
public transport system should have also been the thrust of those in Power.
Instead they have successfully transformed Goa into a Gambling,
Prostitution, Narcotics and Crime hub. It is no wonder that the economy of
the State just like the country continues to accelerate in a downward
spiral while the fortunes of the greedy continues to propel upwards.

It is an insult to the people of Goa that instead of acting with greater
urgency and determination to eradicate the neglect, stench and
deterioration caused over the years, this inept uncaring Government only
cares about personal greed and power grabbing.

The State must not embark on futile projects wasting taxpayers money which
could be better spent on the long standing desperate needs of the people
whose trust this government has betrayed. The Government's obvious failed
priorities clearly indicate that the huge expense being incurred is for
their own personal gain rather than for the benefit of the people.

It is a pity that the scourge of this global pandemic that has caused so
much anxiety, pain and hardship and which continues to plague our State has
not changed the hearts and minds of our corrupt officials. They show little
or no sign of putting the people’s priorities first or working urgently and
transparently to ensure better medical, scientific, educational and
economic measures and facilities are put in place with the limited
resources available with transparency and zero tolerance to corruption at
all levels. The time and need for REAL CHANGE, has never been greater than

Corruption erodes the institutional capacity of Government if procedures
are disregarded and resources are siphoned off. It also results in the
inefficient provision of services. Corruption undermines the legitimacy of
Government and such democratic values as trust and tolerance.

If Goa was freed of this menace of rampant corruption and if our Ministers
had focused on enhancing our infrastructure instead of enriching their deep
pockets, the brand Goa would have sold itself and been a vibrant hub
without a paisa needed to promote our resourceful State, once the Pearl of
the East. No sensible investors will invest in a stagnant and
environmentally dilapidated Goa, now the Eyesore of the East!

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] Bible verses for the Day

2020-06-07 Thread Devak Argham
B.I.B.L.E - Behold I Bring Life Eternal

Matthew 5:3-12 - The Beatitudes

3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are they who mourn,for they will be comforted.

5 Blessed are the meek,for they will inherit the land.

6 Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,for they will be

7 Blessed are the merciful,for they will be shown mercy.

8 Blessed are the clean of heart,for they will see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers,for they will be called children of God.

10 Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every
kind of evil against you [falsely] because of me.

12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they
persecuted the prophets who were before you.

[Goanet-News] The Goa Inquisition: when FACT creates Fiction (Alan Machado)

2020-06-07 Thread Goanet Reader
The Goa Inquisition: when FACT creates Fiction

Alan Machado

The subject of the Goa Inquisition appears to rise like a
bubble from murky waters every few years. Being in the
process of writing a book on the subject, I have accessed a
vast amount of primary and secondary sources. Also, I have
found a lot of misinformation unsupported by verifiable
historical content being propagated as historical fact for a
variety of reasons. This sadly is the case with an
'exhibition' about the Goa Inquisition entitled Goa
Inquisition -- The Epitome of Christian Missionary Violence
floated recently on the internet by a group with the acronym
FACT (Foundation for Advancement of Cultural Ties).

  From the point of view of serious historical
  research, I found this 'exhibition' disturbing for
  its numerous factual gaffes, misconceptions, and
  distortions.  However, these can mislead people who
  do not have any background reading about the Goa
  Inquisition.  Those who seek and take the trouble
  to learn more, like you, deserve better.

Readers may access FACT for fiction; here I intend to
highlight some facts, with citations for those who wish to
pursue the subject further.  For clarity, I have used
quotation marks for statements made by FACT.

Fiction: "Most Indians believe that Goa was settled by
Portuguese. This is what the history textbooks have taught

Fact: This statement undermines the intelligence of Indians.
History books state that Goa, rather Tiswadi, a small part of
present-day Goa, was captured by the Portuguese in 1510,
obviously from people who had already settled Goa.

Fiction: Albuquerque encouraged mixed marriages which "formed
the race that has become known as Luso-Indians and later as

  Fact: The policy was abandoned on the king's orders
  almost immediately after it was initiated.  Goa has
  a complex population structure composed of Gaudes,
  Kunbis and Velips, Bandaris, Sudras, Chardos, and
  Bamons, all of whom descend from people who had
  settled Goa long, long before the arrival of the

Fiction: The Inquisition was "basically a holocaust inflicted
on the Indian people."

  Fact: Eighty years after the people of Goa had been
  exposed to the activities of the Inquisition, in
  1642, the ganvkars of Salcete petitioned the king
  to use the Inquisition to investigate and punish
  corrupt officials as there was no one else who
  could do it without fearing reprisals (deSouza, T.
  Medeival Goa, 2009:196).  Clearly they saw the
  Inquisition as a powerful and fearless corrective
  engine of justice.  This opinion, coming from
  perhaps Salcete's most influential community,
  speaks volumes on how contemporary Goans viewed the

Fiction: The Goa Inquisition reported to the Pope in Rome

Fact: It reported to the King of Portugal.  Inquisitors were
appointed by the king.  The viceroy and State officials, all
appointed by the king, were present at the public auto da fe.

These were ceremonies primarily devoted to the reconciliation
of convicted persons through the process of abjuration, and
the relaxation of the very few who were condemned as
obstinate, dogmatic, and irreconcilable heretics to the
secular arm.

Each offender was given into the care of a familiar, a member
of Goa's Portuguese elite.  The tolling of church bells urged
people to witness the ceremony conducted in churches or the
Terreiro da Sabayo, the great square enclosed by the Palace
of the Inquisition, the Se Cathedral, the Senate House, and
the Rua Direita.  The Inquisition carried out the
investigation and passed sentence; civil authority executed
the sentence.

Fiction: Francis Xavier laid the foundation of the Goa

  Fact: The Goa Inquisition was established in 1560,
  eight years after Xavier's death.  Xavier arrived
  in Goa in 1542.  He stayed there for just a few
  months before moving to the Tamil Nadu coast and
  then further east into Asia.  From the Moluccas, he
  wrote to the king in 1546 asking him to establish
  the Inquisition as a means of containing the
  growing influence of Jews, New Christians (Iberian
  Christians of Jewish ancestry), and Muslims in
  Portugal's fortresses in Asia, all perceived as a
  security threat to both State and Christianity.
  The decision to send the Goa Inquisition was not
  taken lightly, but took years of debate and a long
  tussle between pro- and anti-Inquisition policy
  makers in Lisbon.

Fiction: The Inquisition used the terms "Hindu" and "Muslim"
for non-Christians

Fact: These terms never appear in an Inquisition document.
They are of later origin.  The Inquisition used the 

[Goanet-News] Footballer Thomas Pereira (Norway)

2020-06-07 Thread Frederick Noronha
Pereira has been listed by the Wikipedia among Norwegian people of Goan
origin... Please add details if possible:

Thomas Pereira (footballer)
>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Thomas Pereira
Personal information
Full name Thomas Austin Pereira
Date of birth 12 June 1973 (age 46)
Place of birth Sarpsborg , Norway
Height 1.76 m (5 ft 9 in)
Playing position(s) Left-back 
Youth career
Yven IF

Senior career*
Years *Team* *Apps* *(Gls)*
1995–1995 Sarpsborg  20 (?)
1996–1997 Moss  23 (1)
1997–2009 Viking  230 (3)
National team
Norway U21 
2 (0)
1997–2003 Norway
 8 (0)
Teams managed
2011 Randaberg 
2016– Viking 2 
* Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only

*Thomas Austin Pereira* (12 June 1973) is a retired Norwegian footballer
who is currently the manager of Viking 2

He spent most of his career at Viking FK
 in Tippeligaen
, and played a total
of 433 official matches for the club.

   - 1Club career
   - 2International career

   - 3Coaching career
   - 4References

Club career[edit source


Thomas Pereira arrived at Viking 
 from Moss  in 1997, and stayed at
the club the rest of his career. At the end of the 2008
 season, he was ranked 7th
on Viking's all-time list of appearances. On October 10, 2008, he signed a
new one-year contract with Viking ,
stating that *it could never be another club*.[1]
his thirteenth and last season in Viking he was awarded a testimonial game
that was played on 21 November 2009 against SK Brann

games are very rare in Norwegian football.[3]

International career[edit source


He made his international debut against South Korea in 1997, and has a
total of 8 senior international caps.[4]

Coaching career[edit source


After his retirement, he was hired as head coach of Randaberg
, but after one season he came
back to Viking to work as physical coach.[5]

Pereira has been the manager of Viking FK
's reserve team, Viking 2
, since 2016.[6]

References[edit source


   1. *^

   at the Wayback Machine
   22 December 2017.
   2. *^
   Archived from the original

[Goanet] The Goa Inquisition: when FACT creates Fiction (Alan Machado)

2020-06-07 Thread Goanet Reader
The Goa Inquisition: when FACT creates Fiction

Alan Machado

The subject of the Goa Inquisition appears to rise like a
bubble from murky waters every few years. Being in the
process of writing a book on the subject, I have accessed a
vast amount of primary and secondary sources. Also, I have
found a lot of misinformation unsupported by verifiable
historical content being propagated as historical fact for a
variety of reasons. This sadly is the case with an
'exhibition' about the Goa Inquisition entitled Goa
Inquisition -- The Epitome of Christian Missionary Violence
floated recently on the internet by a group with the acronym
FACT (Foundation for Advancement of Cultural Ties).

  From the point of view of serious historical
  research, I found this 'exhibition' disturbing for
  its numerous factual gaffes, misconceptions, and
  distortions.  However, these can mislead people who
  do not have any background reading about the Goa
  Inquisition.  Those who seek and take the trouble
  to learn more, like you, deserve better.

Readers may access FACT for fiction; here I intend to
highlight some facts, with citations for those who wish to
pursue the subject further.  For clarity, I have used
quotation marks for statements made by FACT.

Fiction: "Most Indians believe that Goa was settled by
Portuguese. This is what the history textbooks have taught

Fact: This statement undermines the intelligence of Indians.
History books state that Goa, rather Tiswadi, a small part of
present-day Goa, was captured by the Portuguese in 1510,
obviously from people who had already settled Goa.

Fiction: Albuquerque encouraged mixed marriages which "formed
the race that has become known as Luso-Indians and later as

  Fact: The policy was abandoned on the king's orders
  almost immediately after it was initiated.  Goa has
  a complex population structure composed of Gaudes,
  Kunbis and Velips, Bandaris, Sudras, Chardos, and
  Bamons, all of whom descend from people who had
  settled Goa long, long before the arrival of the

Fiction: The Inquisition was "basically a holocaust inflicted
on the Indian people."

  Fact: Eighty years after the people of Goa had been
  exposed to the activities of the Inquisition, in
  1642, the ganvkars of Salcete petitioned the king
  to use the Inquisition to investigate and punish
  corrupt officials as there was no one else who
  could do it without fearing reprisals (deSouza, T.
  Medeival Goa, 2009:196).  Clearly they saw the
  Inquisition as a powerful and fearless corrective
  engine of justice.  This opinion, coming from
  perhaps Salcete's most influential community,
  speaks volumes on how contemporary Goans viewed the

Fiction: The Goa Inquisition reported to the Pope in Rome

Fact: It reported to the King of Portugal.  Inquisitors were
appointed by the king.  The viceroy and State officials, all
appointed by the king, were present at the public auto da fe.

These were ceremonies primarily devoted to the reconciliation
of convicted persons through the process of abjuration, and
the relaxation of the very few who were condemned as
obstinate, dogmatic, and irreconcilable heretics to the
secular arm.

Each offender was given into the care of a familiar, a member
of Goa's Portuguese elite.  The tolling of church bells urged
people to witness the ceremony conducted in churches or the
Terreiro da Sabayo, the great square enclosed by the Palace
of the Inquisition, the Se Cathedral, the Senate House, and
the Rua Direita.  The Inquisition carried out the
investigation and passed sentence; civil authority executed
the sentence.

Fiction: Francis Xavier laid the foundation of the Goa

  Fact: The Goa Inquisition was established in 1560,
  eight years after Xavier's death.  Xavier arrived
  in Goa in 1542.  He stayed there for just a few
  months before moving to the Tamil Nadu coast and
  then further east into Asia.  From the Moluccas, he
  wrote to the king in 1546 asking him to establish
  the Inquisition as a means of containing the
  growing influence of Jews, New Christians (Iberian
  Christians of Jewish ancestry), and Muslims in
  Portugal's fortresses in Asia, all perceived as a
  security threat to both State and Christianity.
  The decision to send the Goa Inquisition was not
  taken lightly, but took years of debate and a long
  tussle between pro- and anti-Inquisition policy
  makers in Lisbon.

Fiction: The Inquisition used the terms "Hindu" and "Muslim"
for non-Christians

Fact: These terms never appear in an Inquisition document.
They are of later origin.  The Inquisition used the 

Re: [Goanet] Goans in Paris and the rest of France?

2020-06-07 Thread Mervyn Lobo

On Sunday, June 7, 2020, 05:46:07 a.m. CDT, Frederick Noronha 
 wrote:  LES AMIS DU PERE AGNELO (W751086705) -

|  | 

LES AMIS DU PERE AGNELO, RNA W751086705 - association, renseignements -



Does anyone have an update on this group? Is it active? Are there other
Goan diasporic groups in France? Many thanks for any pointers you could
offer. THis is for a listing which I'm currently compiling. --Frederick
Noronha in Goa.

FN,Sorry, I don't have the answer to any of your questions but they jogged a 

In the 1970s there used to be fights at the Dar Institute nearly every month 
and lots of them around the Christmas season. At times, the culprits would 
fight at lunchtime, go home, return in the evening and both parties could be 
seen then having a drink together. At other times, the fights resulted in 
members getting suspended - but that did not help much. It was only when 
management decided to suspend the members entire family that the fights became 
less frequent. In other words, when the threat of the member's kids not being 
able to use the club during Christmas became real, the real boss of the family 
stepped in and stopped the member from fighting there.  

The fights were fueled not only by cold beer but also by baggage of past lives. 
I have seen people break a beer bottle on another persons skull and nothing 
(visible) happen to either party. I have also seen Goan police officers call 
constables to arrest club members - while a fight was still in progress. 

One of the most infamous club member was a certain person, lets call him 
Monsieur Calme. This gentleman had a body as hot as one of the Greek statues 
and he had a hotter temperance to boot. Monsieur Calme was a participant in 
half the fights I have witnessed at the D.I. Most of the time, he was not 
involved with the cause of the fight but someone would draw him into it. When 
Monsieur Calme was rolling on the floor punching someone else, it was always 
worthwhile to stand up and observe all the action.  

Well, one sad morning we found out the worst news. Monsieur Calme had migrated 
to France. In that one movement, half the entertainment in the club 
disappeared. The horrible thought, the most horrible thought at the time was, 
when he returned to Dar for a vacation, would Monsieur Clame be speaking a 
sissy language like French?

Well, Monsieur Calme never returned to Dar. However, there is a somewhat better 
ending to the story. Monsieur Calme did come to Toronto for a school re-union. 
I did not know he would be attending a gathering which was to kick off the 
celebrations and  late into the night, when everyone was very relaxed, in front 
of my eyes - just like an apparition - was Monsieur Calme. While he was in his 
70s then, he looked as brawny as a man half that age. I started talking to him, 
in English, and he was the same person with the same temperament of 40 years 
prior. He had not changed a bit!  I started announcing him to my friends who 
were barely teens when we last saw him. He was like a Rambo to us in those 

All of us were longing for just one answer, but we were also too intimidated to 
ask the question. Then one did and yes, Monsieur Calme could and started 
speaking in fluent French.



Re: [Goanet] L'Etrangere (The Stranger)

2020-06-07 Thread Venantius J Pinto
The royal “we!”

Perhaps inadvertent, perhaps a choice -  which I relate to, and appropriate
if one is aware of their many natures. Besides in India, of comporting a
certain elan. Nawabi, er, other royals too.

Still, I have believed that there is a court of Goans congregating
somewhere, In Goa - having a blast at the proclivities of various Goans,
including, those overseas.

Rock on!


On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 9:09 AM Frederick Noronha <> wrote:

> We enjoy many of your forwards too, Gabe. Even if we don't say it...FN
> On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 at 16:12, Gabe Menezes  wrote:
> > I enjoyed that!
> >
> >
> > On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 02:15 E DeSousa,  wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >  "Teolinda Joaquina de Sousa Lança better known as Linda de Suza (born
> 22
> > > February 1948 in Beringel, Beja, Portugal) is a Lusophone and
> > Francophone"
> > > .
> > >
> > > She moved to France in the 1970s where she recorded a few music albums.
> > > L'Etrangere is one of her much appreciated works.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Beautiful song and a beautiful singer.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> --
> FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436
> Can't get through on mobile? Please SMS/WhatsApp

Re: [Goanet] L'Etrangere (The Stranger)

2020-06-07 Thread Roland Francis
Great going, good start.

Rock it Egas!


> On Jun 7, 2020, at 7:12 AM, Frederick Noronha  
> wrote:
> We enjoy many of your forwards too, Gabe. Even if we don't say it...FN
>> On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 at 16:12, Gabe Menezes  wrote:
>> I enjoyed that!
>>> On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 02:15 E DeSousa,  wrote:
>>> "Teolinda Joaquina de Sousa Lança better known as Linda de Suza (born 22
>>> February 1948 in Beringel, Beja, Portugal) is a Lusophone and
>> Francophone"
>>> .
>>> She moved to France in the 1970s where she recorded a few music albums.
>>> L'Etrangere is one of her much appreciated works.
>>> Beautiful song and a beautiful singer.
> -- 
> FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436
> Can't get through on mobile? Please SMS/WhatsApp


2020-06-07 Thread John Eric Gomes
The many problems of schools/ teachers/students attempting online education 
during lockdown should be a factual eye opener after the migrants/ transport 
messup, that rushing into reliance on the digital world, cashless society etc 
without reliable infrastructure and people first considerations is only going 
to get us all into further suffering and mess! The Banks/ Post Offices did not 
have the gumption to tell the government that unreliable power and 
servers/internet unreliability was making their job slower than when it was 
manual! Yes I witnessedthe frustrated staff  boldly confessing this to the 
fuming public standing waiting in social distance lines ! Not everyone can 
afford smart phones and there are millions besides some senior citizens who 
find it difficult to operate the equipment/procedures and have no one to help. 
The "all routes on this line are busy" and "customer care executive will attend 
to you shortly" is really frustrating when it becomes perrenial wait at our 
cost and one cannot even get through leave alone transact! So let us please get 
back to basic reliable infrastructure first and stop grandoise plans and dirty 
electoral politics even before we have conquered Corona.  Why cater to a 
comparatively few priveledged people and their welfare and dreams at the cost 
of further damaging nature and the toiling masses who are merely demanding 
their basic human rights, respect and freedom and that as apparent now, were 
actually carrying the nation on their shoulders!

[Goanet] Schedule for Monday 8th June 2020

2020-06-07 Thread CCR TV
Channel of God's love✝

You can also watch ✨ CCR TV live on your smart phone via the CCR TV App✨
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.
Click the link below.
Email ID:

Schedule for Monday 8th June 2020

12:00 AM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

12:25 AM
Ask Dr Sweezel - Should I use a Pillow ?

12:30 AM
Spiritual Freedom - A Talk by Alfwold Silveira

01:00 AM
Mass for Sunday - Deussua

01:50 AM
Building Confidence - A talk by Ankitta do Rego

02:00 AM Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

02:25 AM
Abundant Life - Simple Life - Prof Nicholas D'Souza

02:47 AM
Alcoholics Anonymous Presentation

03:15 AM
Cross Museum - Loutulim

03:35 AM
Song - Laudato Si -  Fr Ryan Alex

03:40 AM
Word of God - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

04:02 AM
Our Father - Kannada

04:07 AM
Poem - Avoi by Ana Rodrigues

04:10 AM
Mando on Aldona - Nelson and Daneca Da Cruz

04:15 AM
Praise and Worship -  St Jose de Areal  - Ivy Ferrao

04:45 AM
Why did Jesus become incarnate , crucified and resurrected? - Talk by Dr
Sarita Nazareth

05:17 AM
Hymns - Santa Cruz H.S.  Santa Cruz

05:20 AM
Am I a Generous Giver? - Talk by Severina Fernandes

05:46 AM
Pornography - Sr Joeyanna D'Souza fsp

06:12 AM
The Examen - Talk by Syona Fernandes

06:25 AM
Mon Bodlop - Talk by Victor Mascarenhas

06:50 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 5 - Zorlo - Fr Pratap Naik sj

07:00 AM
Novena Mass - Siolim

07:45 AM
Bhajans 4

08:10 AM
Music - Spiritual Music 1  followed by Povitr Atmeak Dispottem Magnnem

08:40 AM
Vakhann'ni ani Bozonn  - 1

09:10 AM
Our Father - Khasi

09:15 AM
Zaanvai - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

09:45 AM
Hymn - Ankvar Maie Mhoje - Fr Ubaldo  Fernandes

09:53 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  92 - Husko - Fr Pratap Naik sj

10:00 AM
The Law and You - The Constitution  - Adv Carlos Ferreira

10:42 AM
Bhokti Lharam - Bhag 2

10:50 AM
Health Matters -Plastic Surgery - Dr Yuri Dias Amborcar

11:16 AM
Intercessions (English)

11:28 AM
Magnificat (English)

11:30 AM
Mass in Engish followed by Daily Flash

12:05 PM
Media Track - Episode -42

12:33 PM
Music - Mogan Kalliz Lasuncheak - Victor Da Costa

12:34 PM
Hymns - St Anthony's HS, Monte de Guirim

12:40 PM
Song - Laudato Si -  Fr Ryan Alex

12:44 PM
Bible Project -  The Covenants

12:50 PM
Charismatic Renewal & Priesthood - Cyril John

01:45 PM
Shokthi Deva - Thaun Koshi Mellun Geuchim ? - Cassino D'Costa

02:11 PM
Hymn - Sant Antoni Ixtta- Fr Seveille Antao OFM Cap

02:15 PM
Bhieum naka - Talk by Victor Mascarenhas

02:38 PM
Hymn -Tunch Jezu, Tunch mkaka zai - Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

02:40 PM
Youthopia - Cayla Rodrigues - Violin - interviewed by Luicius De  Almeida

03:02 PM
My Music Video - Mother Earth - Alfwold Silveira

03:07 PM
Reading the Bible - Talk by Francis D'Souza

03:23 AM
Psalms  107 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

03:30 PM
Divine Mercy - Konkani

03:47 PM
Faith  Magic of Heart - Talk by Sr Shilpa

03:58 PM
Bhurgeanlem Angonn - Bhag 4

04:00 PM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

04:24 PM
Reflection on the Gospel - Dominicans

04:30 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 11

05:00 PM
Tell me a story - Saul Turns Paul

05:27 PM
Hymn -Tum ietai,tum ietai - Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

05:30 PM
Career Guidance - Tata Institute of Social Sciences

06:00 PM
Angelus - English

06:02 PM
Entrepreneurship - Ricky Noronha  interviewed by Basil D'Cunha

06:30 PM
Novena Mass - Deussa , Chinchinim

07:15 PM
Building Confidence - A talk by Ankitta do Rego

07:25 PM
Poem - Selfless Love by Janet Mascarenhas

07:28 PM
Angelus - Konkani 2

07:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

07:55 PM
7 steps of Washing Hands -Dr Jorson Fernandes

08:00 PM
Adoration 4 - St Anthony Church, Siolim

08:27 PM
Xapai - Xamaichem Magnnem

08:30 PM
Jivo Ani Amchea Ek Charan - Fr Emidio Pinto

09:00 PM
Intercessions (Konkani)

09:12 PM
Magnificat (Konkani)

09:15 PM
Ratchem Magnem

09:30 PM
Love, Marriage, Sex - Talk by Colin Calmiano

10:35 PM
Reflections on Pentecost - Fr Oliver Fernandes and Fabiola Lopes e Fernandes

11:22 PM
My Music Videos - Polkeponnantlem Polkeponn - Cielda Pereira

11:30 PM
On the Third Day  - Vegetabe Cultivation - Nelson Figueiredo

Donations may be made to:
Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Candolim Branch
RTGS/NEFT Code : ICIC0002624
Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183

[Goanet] Footballer Thomas Pereira (Norway)

2020-06-07 Thread Frederick Noronha
Pereira has been listed by the Wikipedia among Norwegian people of Goan
origin... Please add details if possible:

Thomas Pereira (footballer)
>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Thomas Pereira
Personal information
Full name Thomas Austin Pereira
Date of birth 12 June 1973 (age 46)
Place of birth Sarpsborg , Norway
Height 1.76 m (5 ft 9 in)
Playing position(s) Left-back 
Youth career
Yven IF

Senior career*
Years *Team* *Apps* *(Gls)*
1995–1995 Sarpsborg  20 (?)
1996–1997 Moss  23 (1)
1997–2009 Viking  230 (3)
National team
Norway U21 
2 (0)
1997–2003 Norway
 8 (0)
Teams managed
2011 Randaberg 
2016– Viking 2 
* Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only

*Thomas Austin Pereira* (12 June 1973) is a retired Norwegian footballer
who is currently the manager of Viking 2

He spent most of his career at Viking FK
 in Tippeligaen
, and played a total
of 433 official matches for the club.

   - 1Club career
   - 2International career

   - 3Coaching career
   - 4References

Club career[edit source


Thomas Pereira arrived at Viking 
 from Moss  in 1997, and stayed at
the club the rest of his career. At the end of the 2008
 season, he was ranked 7th
on Viking's all-time list of appearances. On October 10, 2008, he signed a
new one-year contract with Viking ,
stating that *it could never be another club*.[1]
his thirteenth and last season in Viking he was awarded a testimonial game
that was played on 21 November 2009 against SK Brann

games are very rare in Norwegian football.[3]

International career[edit source


He made his international debut against South Korea in 1997, and has a
total of 8 senior international caps.[4]

Coaching career[edit source


After his retirement, he was hired as head coach of Randaberg
, but after one season he came
back to Viking to work as physical coach.[5]

Pereira has been the manager of Viking FK
's reserve team, Viking 2
, since 2016.[6]

References[edit source


   1. *^

   at the Wayback Machine
   22 December 2017.
   2. *^
   Archived from the original

Re: [Goanet] L'Etrangere (The Stranger)

2020-06-07 Thread Frederick Noronha
We enjoy many of your forwards too, Gabe. Even if we don't say it...FN

On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 at 16:12, Gabe Menezes  wrote:

> I enjoyed that!
> On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 02:15 E DeSousa,  wrote:
> >
> >  "Teolinda Joaquina de Sousa Lança better known as Linda de Suza (born 22
> > February 1948 in Beringel, Beja, Portugal) is a Lusophone and
> Francophone"
> > .
> >
> > She moved to France in the 1970s where she recorded a few music albums.
> > L'Etrangere is one of her much appreciated works.
> >
> >
> >
> > Beautiful song and a beautiful singer.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

Can't get through on mobile? Please SMS/WhatsApp

[Goanet-News] Goans in Paris and the rest of France?

2020-06-07 Thread Frederick Noronha
Religious and leisure cultural activities by the Christian community of Goa
(India) in mainland France. This project fits more generally into the
themes: of culture, artistic, cultural activity practices.
Address 26 RUE Nicolai, 75012 Paris
Historical background: 07/11/1988 - Creation of the association 08/03/1988
- Publication of the association's creation notice 05/27/2009 - Latest
declaration of the association 08/31/2009 - Last update of the association
Administration Identifiers.
Its identifier number in the National Directory of Associations (RNA) is
W751086705. The historical identifier of the association: 86705. It is
treated as an active organisation. See

Does anyone have an update on this group? Is it active? Are there other
Goan diasporic groups in France? Many thanks for any pointers you could
offer. THis is for a listing which I'm currently compiling. --Frederick
Noronha in Goa.
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436


[Goanet] Goans in Paris and the rest of France?

2020-06-07 Thread Frederick Noronha
Religious and leisure cultural activities by the Christian community of Goa
(India) in mainland France. This project fits more generally into the
themes: of culture, artistic, cultural activity practices.
Address 26 RUE Nicolai, 75012 Paris
Historical background: 07/11/1988 - Creation of the association 08/03/1988
- Publication of the association's creation notice 05/27/2009 - Latest
declaration of the association 08/31/2009 - Last update of the association
Administration Identifiers.
Its identifier number in the National Directory of Associations (RNA) is
W751086705. The historical identifier of the association: 86705. It is
treated as an active organisation. See

Does anyone have an update on this group? Is it active? Are there other
Goan diasporic groups in France? Many thanks for any pointers you could
offer. THis is for a listing which I'm currently compiling. --Frederick
Noronha in Goa.
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436


Re: [Goanet] L'Etrangere (The Stranger)

2020-06-07 Thread Gabe Menezes
I enjoyed that!

On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 02:15 E DeSousa,  wrote:

>  "Teolinda Joaquina de Sousa Lança better known as Linda de Suza (born 22
> February 1948 in Beringel, Beja, Portugal) is a Lusophone and Francophone"
> .
> She moved to France in the 1970s where she recorded a few music albums.
> L'Etrangere is one of her much appreciated works.
> Beautiful song and a beautiful singer.

Re: [Goanet] Biblical Lines but and Bards

2020-06-07 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Very interesting! Jeremiah 33:3.

Do consider Jeremiah 6:16! I quoted it in a paper on Drawing which I
presented at the AUD, the American University in Dubai.
Thus saith the Lord: Stand ye on the ways, and see and ask for the old
paths which is the good way, and walk ye in it: and you shall find
refreshment for your souls. And they said: we will not walk.
The above from  the *Douay-Rheims Bible*. Not sure whether I used KJV.

Thank you,

Venantius J Pinto

On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 1:38 AM Adolfo Mascarenhas  wrote:

> Here is a biblical line it says  Call to me and I will answer you and
> tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'
> Apparently this guy known as Jeremy lives in Apartment 6:16 (floor) He has
> got direct connection to White House, The Boss  knows  quite a few things
> about survival during and after CONVIR 19, and even Surviving for over
> 8:Min after a heavy Cops foot squashes you.
> Adolfo
> Quepem

Re: [Goanet] Renaming India Bharat

2020-06-07 Thread Venantius J Pinto
My response to someone on a Facebook (G Awaaz ? ) page on the same topic.
with miniscule changes:
If you guys wish that it be so, then consider naming our nation, Bharat
Mata. A complete integral concept. Think of it. Then remember all the
stellar women whose skirts we have held onto to take our first steps.

Avoid changing the other symbols. After the name change is achieved, be
more swadeshi and provide such “suvidha.” Be leery of any politician who
talks with forked tongue. Buy an Indian made car, wear Indian materials,
skip Victoria’s Secret, etc. Perhaps we, or at least some have it in us to
rise high and to true heights?!

Reinforce a real and sustainable pride. Do not excuse the leaders who
promise but deliver more of the same crass development while lining their
pockets incessantly.

Understand what it is about the nature of the development thrust upon Goa,
that many cannot do without. Does everyone have to add their nail to the

Change your ways in all matters. Attempt egalitarianism.

Do not go the way of: Lokas shikve Bramadnyan aapnas korde paashand. Or:
Lokank shikoita Brahmachem ginyaan Aapun fat’ra  bhaxen/sarko thombo.

Understand matru, maitri, matrutva in the core sensibility of Bharat Mata.
Be benevolent. Try, try harder. Avoid a Kunti or Kaikeyi reality. Avoid
playing Krishna to Karna. There will surely be no residual “krodh” but
“kriya” in such a mindful reality.

Treat women and daughters fairly. Help prosecute rapists, and in Goa atone
for all those rapes of children. Make sure the gross filth had nothing to
do with the precious vote banks.

Finally give the putative flag design project to someone worthy. And btw, I
am around, an Indian by birth to design the flag. Do not as apparently
happening give it to an outside design company. Have some pride.

Ok, back to my cave now.

Venantius J Pinto

On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 10:15 AM Eddie D'Sa  wrote:

> I am not surprised that John Gomes was disturbed by some nationalist
> attempt to rename India Bharat.
> This name ‘Bharat’  taken from the hero of a Hindu epic may appease the
> Hindu majority but mean nothing to the minorities (some 200m Muslims,
> Christians). This lack of sensitivity to non-Hindu sentiment is
> characteristic of the BJPwalas & their coarse leader Modi.
> When Hindu nationalists want to demonstrate transformation, they can only
> do so at a crude level, typically by changing names of towns or streets or
> erecting tall statues to mediocrities. One such a statue was intended for
> Sardar Patel but the Hindus did not have the technical skills and had to
> call in the Chinese to build it.
> To expand on this issue, it’s worth noting that historically Hindustan has
> never excelled in the  intellectual domain: high level discourse, critical
> thinking, innovation or invention. [What a difference Shashi Tharoor as PM
> would make.]
> Way back in the 11th century (c.1020), Persian scholar Al-Biruni who
> accompanied the first major Muslim invader Mahmud of Ghazni, made a study
> of Hindu society and he was not impressed. He wrote: “The scientific ideas
> of the Hindus are utterly confused and devoid of any logical order...they
> do  not seem to understand the methods of a strictly scientific deduction.”
> [See Islamic Civilisation in South Asia by Burjor Avari, Routledge 2013]
> Some five centuries later, the first Mughal Emperor Babur revealed in his
> famous Memoirs c.1530 that he too found Hindustan backward in most respects.
> Intellectual production remains poor to this day and more so under the BJP
> regime. In the absence of creativity, BJP officials have succumbed to the
> temptation to plagiarise even foreign material into Indian government
> documents & journals and pass it as one’s own. The brilliant watchdog site
> has discovered several BJP transgressions.
> Examples:
>   1.  The Union Ministry of Road Transport & Highways website has been
> shamelessly using pictures of US and Canadian roadways!
>   2.  The Home Ministry Annual Report 2016-17 copied the image of the
> Spain-Morocco floodlit border to pass off as the India-Pak border.
> [Pity that images cannot be shown on GoaNet.]
> Eddie
> Sent from Mail for
> Windows 10

[Goanet] Kessó vistid gaillá ghô tuvem? Saibini mhojea, hó kazravistidu?

2020-06-07 Thread Sonia Gomes
At the top of the enormous tamarind tree laden with fruit, Agnel talks to
his four year old granddaughter down below,

‘Aghô Luiza kitt kortt ghô tum?’(*Luiza what are you doing?)*

‘Choi rhê Pai anv chinché botam punzaitam, Choilem?’(*Look at me Pai, I am
picking tamarind)*

‘Oi mughô bai, huim hai ghô tughellim chinché botam?’(*Of course my dear,
and where have you kept the tamarind dear?)*

‘Him choi hai murhê, ayem huntiyen borrun, zaitim kelleaim’(*Here they are,
I have collected them in my skirt)*

As they talk, Agnel keeps a sharp eye on Luiza, who is playing, intent on
making piles of the fallen tamarind.

‘Baié, chinché botam gheun kitt kortollem ghô tum?’(*Dear what are you
going to do with all that tamarind?)*

‘Pai, tuk bhori koddi kortollem, sungtam gann’(*Pai am going to make you a
curry, with prawns)*

They giggle and laugh in anticipation of a delicious curry cooked by

Just then an ugly shout destroys the peace of the morning...

‘Chedvá kitt kortt ghô tum?’ (*Girl what are you doing?)*

It was the Badkan of the Pinto Carvalho house...

With a start Agnel looks down, his tiny granddaughter has gathered tamarind
in the skirt of her dress... The Badkan advances towards Luiza who is
simply terrified and promptly drops all the tamarind from her skirt...

Luiza then bends down and picks up two tamarind pods, one for each little

The Badkan is annoyed, terribly so. ‘Urroi ghô tem chinché bót. Urroi
attam’ (*Throw the tamarind pod down, you girl. Throw it down now)*

Luiza looks at her and puts her closed fist behind her back...And then
looks at the Badkan.

Now the Badkan is terribly angry, she reaches and yanks Luiza’s little
hands to the front and forcibly removes the chinché bót from Luiza’s closed

‘Pai’ screams Luiza in anger and deep fear.

In a jiffy Agnel is at the bottom of the tree and picks up Luiza. ‘Baié
kitt zallem ghô? Kitt zalem? (*What has happened dear? What has happened?)*

He looks at the Badkan, ‘Kitt zalem Badkanni?’(*What has happened?)*

‘Tughem burghem malcriad, mughellim chinché bótam chortallem’ (*Your
daughter is badly brought up, she was robbing my tamarind pods)*


‘Donn chinché bótam, anni Chór zalem?’(Two tamarind pods and she is a

‘Sang rhê Agnel tuguellim thim chinché bótam ?’Chór zaum nha tugellem

(*Tell me Agnel, are they your tamarind pods? So isn’t your daughter a

Agnel looks at her utterly saddened and terribly angry...

‘Badkani tughé cheddo kazar zatam nhu? Matt hea vorsa tughelli koddien
amott asschina’(Badkani I heard your son is about to be married, but there
will be no souring agent in your curry)

Agnel picks up his little granddaughter, vowing never to pluck fruit from
any of the trees of the house of such heartless people, who thought of
nothing, for whom even tiny amounts of money made such a difference.

[Goanet] (no subject)

2020-06-07 Thread Beverley de Sequeira
    Goanet          Beverley de Sequeira

[Goanet] Boy of Bombay

2020-06-07 Thread Roland Francis
A short clip of the daily life of a labourer’s son in Bombay city, 1967.
