Re: [Goanet] The Loud Music Noise scene at the Calangute Baga Coastal Belt

2009-01-20 Thread Floriano Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

- Original Message - From: john lobo
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 8:09 PM
Subject: from john

Hi Floriano.
i am greatfull to you for helping us with the noise polution but was very much 
aback when i got a mail from one of my friends showing the whole world that i 
am the 
person who is complaining about the shacks making noise. i had reported to you 
ranjan had given me your number so that you could be kept  informed . if 
people like you try to expose the names of the complainant than it will be very 
difficult for common citizens to come forward to complain . please sir refrain 
using complete details of the complainants. I dont know how much damage control 
be done to me and my business from this.please help to save the damage to 
John lobo

-- Forwarded message --
From: floriano 
Date: Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: The Loud Music Noise scene at the Calangute Baga Coastal Belt

The following SMS was received on my mobile (9890470896) at 10.34 p.m. 
from John Lobo, owner of 'Good Luck' Shack at Baga/Calangute:

" Hi Mr. Floriano lucky star and sams shack r playing loud music. Sams goes on 
night til 6 to 7 in the morning. They before i called 100 at 1.30 but no help= 

I forwarded the above SMS to SP Bosco George at 11.08 p.m. on 17/Jan/2009 and 
off for the night.

I received a call from SP Bosco George at 12.30 a.m. 18/Jan/2009 informing me:

Quote Even though it is late in the hour, I have to inform you that after I 
your SMS forward, I went to Baga incognito and have summoned most of the shack 
owners in the area including Tito's etc to the Calangute Police Station and 
given them a severe dressing down and have informed them that this nonsense has 
stop or face consequences."

I have told SP Bosco George that I am honoured and the prompt action taken 

I have then sent this SMS to John Lobo and forwarded the same to SP Bosco 
George at 
12.44 a.m. 18/Jan/2009:

John you people must appreciate what SP Bosco george did just now. I guess his 
picture must come in newspapers again with a thank you sir quote= floriano

(This because a few days ago SP's picture appeared in an ad in the newspapers 
by Ranjana Saudagar & other residents of the Tito's lane for commissioning the 
section of this inner road for one-way traffic which traffic was stopped on the 
instructions of the MLA of Calangute Constituency inconveniencing the residents 
no end)

The above was sent at 12.44 a.m. 18/Jan/2009.

I have further been in telephonic touch with John Lobo and he confirms that the 
music was stopped and that he was aware that SP George was in the area.



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Re: [Goanet] DO WE DESERVE CHANGE - goasuraj comments "India - Give me More"

2009-01-21 Thread Floriano Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Dear John Eric Gomes, Sir,

You have just described the chain reaction the people, nay, Goans, nay the 
people of
Goa have been following since 1961.

Starting from December 19, 1961, the WHIP of almost 450 years that made people
conscious of their duties and responsibilities was waylaid, removed and 
destroyed for the exchange of a no-WHIP system called 'DEMOCRACY'.

The Whip that made you see that your out-door pig-toilet did not have 
collection of
stagnant water giving rise to mosquitoes disappeared over-night. Development 
came to
us by way of septic tanks and flush toilets giving rise to clouds of mosquitoes 
reign our blood-sucked lives 365 days x 24 hours instead of just 90 days during
monsoon seasons.

The house hold garbage that was taken care-of by the house-hold pig, cat, dog,
chicken and garden plants and vegetables  had no place to go with the 
of the pig et al due to the development called the 'flats' system and which  
found a
new caretaker in a plastic bag which became useful to pack the house-hold 
and dump in into rivers from bridges, on road-sides, into neighbouring 
compounds and
unused plots,  thanks to the NO-Whip new style of governance - the DEMOCRACY - a
System to do things without the fear of the whip landing on one's back.

A simple thing such as capping of  the airing pipes of the million septic tanks 
have grown over the 45 year period  with a simple but effective perforated pvc 
cap has become  too much of a trouble for our Health Wizards to engage in and 
mandatory allowing zillion mosquitoes to escape into free air. Mosquitoes too 
enjoy our esteemed full-fledged DEMOCRACY ! No?!.

Our effective governing bodies called COMUNIDADES were thrown into the gutters
because they had the Portuguese smell or flavour and replaced with the 
Panchayat System which allows a Sarpanch to be ousted every three months or 
And we are clamouring for more powers to the Panchayats vide 73rd. amendment to 
Constitution. Whow !  Democracy galore ! Whow!

We pride ourselves that we have thrown-out the erstwhile Portuguese regime and 
the Bad Portuguese home packing. But we still manufacture their mining leases to
kill our environment, our agriculture nursed by our comunidades, our forests, 
hills and mountains thereby our water resources, our  wild-life; to destroy and
denude our God given beautiful Goa and kill us through dust induced TB. Whow! 
what a

And we can purchase every vote for a thousand rupees and set-up vote-banks in
unregulated and unhygienic slums to win every election. Whow! DEMOCRACY WE WILL

And after all these goodies, dearest John Eric Gomes, that you should ask if we
WANT/DESERVE any change, makes me indignant to stamp my foot into the ground to 
Don't even think of  IT, for I WANT/NEED this DEMOCRACY, the wonderfullest thing
that has happened to my Goa and which has taken away the DREADED WHIP which 
the skin off my back at every point I wanted to be free. I want to be freer by 
day to do anything and everything.

And the day is not too far that will give me the ultimate freedom  to be free to
pull back my pants and in the COURT-ROOMS-  in full view  of our JUSTICES,
should I feel the movement of my bowels. Whow! This will be my most cherished 
come true - the ultimate  DEMOCRACY -  that will make my heart soar into the sky
with joy. Whow!

India - Give me more.


[Goanet] Comment on O Heraldo editorial "When Government fails... this is what happens"

2018-08-14 Thread Floriano Lobo
‘When Government fails, this is what happens’
 Editorial - O Heraldo – 14 Aug. 2018


To start with, we would like to correct the above caption to ‘ WHEN
GOVERNMENTS FAIL, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS’.  As rightly mentioned in the above
editorial, successive governments have failed Goa and Goans since 1963.

GSRP came into being  in the year 2000 through 11 , all Goa deliberations
and debates, starting at the International Centre – Dona Paula, and ending
at Caritas- Goa, Panjim.  The motivating factor was  “to what extent
*‘self-sacrifice’* must be the necessary ingredient in any political reform
centered around bringing  a drastic change the way Goa is governed”.

The result was a draft constitution of a probable political party that
contained  three, most rare and feet-cutting provisions that would
ordinarily spell the doom of this exercise, [and after 18 years, this has
come to pass]  namely *Art. 34* [Only 5 member Cabinet including the CM], *Art.
38* [No office of profit to the elected people’s representatives], i.e.
chairmenships of govt. corporations and institutions and *Art. 40* [Recall
] where the constituents could pass a no-confidence motion on its MLA and
have him/her recalled].  To cap it up, *Art 41* was provided where there
could be no amendments to the above trio whatsoever along with a slew of
other provisions vital to the body of the constitution, as long as the
named entity remained afloat.

Subsequent to the year 2000, in 2005, GSRP published its ROAD MAP FOR GOA,
a document of a lifetime, which sought to correct the major mistakes in
Goa’s governance and provide a way for a probable flawless administration,
backed by the people of Goa, which would remove the anxiety of the people
of Goa as to how the elected representatives would bring in the change in
Governance.  All that was necessary was to have a handful of Goans who
would stand for it and promote it.

It is sad to admit that, in spite of the people of Goa looking up for a
dispensation that would govern Goa to the standard of governance that Goa
was governed prior to the ‘ so called’  liberation in 1961,  there were no
takers.  After 18  years of remaining afloat, GSRP has to take a back seat,
because it is apparent that MONEY,  loads of it, is required to promote
such a gospel to the level of acceptance, which concept GSRP stubbornly
refused and refuse,  paving the way for it to be called having the
mentality of the HINDUTVA. In other words, it was expected that GSRP will
take U-Turns after U-Turns in order to promote itself.  If GSRP has to be
classified as having the mentality of HINDUTVA, so be it. But it will
remain what it was built for and die as such. If people require ‘money’ to
cast their ‘vote’ to bring about a change in their own favour, then let it
be for the Congress, the BJP and the umpteen number of dispensations that
are struggling to race-up to the top. But it will not be GSRP.

The editor of O Heraldo, Mr. Sujay Gupta had taken an onerous initiative to
coin up a dispensation that would be projected in front of the people of
Goa on a massive scale for the  2017 electoral race. And at its first
deliberation which was participated by most of the politically conscious
elite of Goa,  dreaming of a fruitful change, Oscar Rebello had made a
statement  QUOTE GSRP has a beautiful Road Map for Goa. But it needs to be
taken forward UNQUOTE. It is , in deed, perplexing to come to the
understanding as to ‘who’ or ‘how’ the GSRP’s Road Map for Goa will be
taken forward when Goans  want to stand on borrowed legs. Needless to say
that Mr. Sujay Gupta’s initiative came up with the roadblock after the very
first session.

If Goa’s politics does not incorporate heavy but really heavy
‘self-sacrifices’ on the part of Goa’s political promoters,  all this
social activism, agitations and court cases will never end, nor will help
to change the governance for  the better, because,  there is not an iota of
‘unity in selflessness’ in what is happening. And the end result is going
to be the grand burial of the GOA that we Goans dreamt of as the Pearl of
the East.

 In finality, Goans have just one choice. To read and to sign  the online Free Goa Petition to the United Nations  in numbers, so that the
powers that be  may deem it fit to look at it favourably, to correct the
injustices that have been allowed to happen towards Goa during its
deliberations in 1961 and which injustices are allowed to be perpetrated to
this day.


floriano lobo
Mob: 9890470896

[Goanet] R.I.P. Con Menezes

2018-12-22 Thread Floriano Lobo
Linda, Cynthia and  goanetters at large.

Con Menezes was a regular fixture on goanet and his inputs were much
appreciated. He kept the listers happy with his choice of music, mostly
oldies as well as the happenings the world over. I remember having read Con
Menezes ever since I joined goanet circa 2008.

Sad to hear of his passing away. We must all go someday but Con Menezes, a
dedicated goanetter we shall miss for a long time.

Condolences and heartfelt sympathies to his dear friends and family members
from our end.
Con Menezes R.I.P.

Floriano Lobo & GSRP [Goa Su-Raj Party]


2016-10-30 Thread Floriano Lobo
dium and
higher music frequencies which are lost in the air, are arrested and
absorbed, reducing their long reaching impact. An example of the ‘Bass’
travelling as a ground wave is an approaching car playing very loud music.
One hears the Bass much before the car is in the vicinity but none other
components of the music are heard as these are lost in the air, travelling
upwards. The source of disturbance to distant individuals is the Bass.

6.*Beach Shacks*: These have become a perennial source of loud music
noise pollution nuisance on the Goan beaches which disturb the peace and
tranquility of the neighbourhood. Those who visit the beaches do so to
relax and enjoy the sea. The cacophony created by closely placed shacks
creates more of a nuisance than anything else. Therefore, as a policy, the
beach shacks should be permitted to use music for listening pleasure only
which does not cross 50 Watts of music power. This suggestion has been made
to this committee a long time ago and is yet to be implemented.

7.In short, the versatile Government Policy on loud music noise
pollution must be such that everyone who wants to enjoy loud music and
everyone who wants to obtain commercial benefits from playing loud music
should be free to do so, especially, since Goa is a music loving State.
However, this should be so that those who want to enjoy the peace and quiet
after 10.00 p.m. or those who need to study or relax in peace even during
day time hours should also be allowed to do so.

8.Shall highly appreciate if this communication is acknowledged.

9.We are attaching a copy of a letter from one of the distraught
citizens, Ms. Ophelia D’Sa, from our village, Moira,  which is
self-explanatory. We shall be obliged if this issue is discussed in this
meeting. This is the case of Mr. Tarun Tejpal’s residence in Attafondem
Ward of Moira. This residential house is leased to holiday makers to
conduct parties at an exorbitant rate. The end result is that the
neighbourhood is acutely disturbed. We have no problem if Mr. Tarun Tejpal
hires out his residence to high paying holiday makers and makes money over
it. But let him install sufficient sound proofing within his venue so that
the neighbourhood is not disturbed on continuous basis. GEAG objects to
this. If this issue is not resolved, GEAG shall approach the High Court of
Bombay at Goa with an appropriate PIL.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


[Floriano Lobo]

Hon. General Secretary

A member of the Committee.

Mob: 9890470896

Re: [Goanet] Supreme Court's Order on National Anthem a case of Judicial overreach

2016-11-30 Thread Floriano Lobo
Too much patriotism turns people into blind hypocrites of the worst order.
The August Supreme Court Justices should know better.
Wonder what is the reaction to this from Justice Markandey Katju.
I am sure he will want these justices who passed such stupid judgement to
be shot or hanged.
I agree with you Sandeep. What a load of nonsense, in deed.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 4:06 PM, Sandeep Heble 

> The Supreme Court says the National Anthem must now be compulsorily played
> in Cinemas and all must stand up. I guess everybody seems to be in the mood
> of surgical strikes these days. This time, it’s the Supreme Court’s turn to
> hit those who go to the cinemas for a round of entertainment. What a skewed
> logic of patriotism the Court has come up with. For those who never go to
> the cinemas, they need not prove their patriotism at all. For those who
> watch movies thrice a week, they will now need to stand up thrice to prove
> their patriotism. With a popcorn in one hand and a coke in the other. But
> stand up they must. Why target the cinemas only where people go for
> entertainment? Why is the National Anthem not made compulsory in Government
> offices before the beginning of each day? And why not in the Courts of Law
> before every session? The only silver lining is that the Order has come
> after the completion of the Film Festival or else delegates would have had
> to stand up three or 4 times a day. How absurd would that have been? In one
> of its earlier Judgements the Supreme Court had said judges must remain
> within the limits of the law and not peddle individual perceptions and
> notions. Here, they have done exactly the opposite. Under what law of the
> land should the Anthem be compulsorily played in cinemas? This Order is
> clearly flawed and an attack on civil liberties. Courts are there to
> interpret the law, not to act dictatorial. This is a case of Judicial
> overreach by the highest Court of the land. From the Supreme Court, we
> expected better!
> warm regards,
> Sandeep Heble
> 9326129171

[Goanet] Graft bomb on Arvind Kejriwal - Comments

2017-05-08 Thread Floriano Lobo
didate. Goans very well know that
bureaucrats are persons whose backbones are broken to the extent that they
can never stand up to say ‘NO’ when it comes to the demands by the
 political masters. In this case, Goans knew that with the Master in Delhi
and his puppet in Goa,  ‘Dilli Raj’ would again take hold with the puppet
in Goa dancing to the Master’s tunes. Besides, there was not a whisper on
MOPA and Mining Cap was to be increased instead of it being reduced. Also,
manifestos are made by the institution called the Political Party to
correct the wrongs as according to its political ideology and not through
knocking at the doors of the voters to ask them what they want. For the
past 55 years, Goans, at election times  heard how the political parties
wanted to move vis a vis the crippling issues and silently voted
accordingly as to what was best for them and their Goa. But here was a
novel political party which asked the voters what they wanted and what they
did not want to be included in the Party’s manifesto. This was the cardinal
mistake which invited its  total wipe-out.

On 11th. March, Kejriwal’s Humpty Dumpty in Goa had such a great fall that
he himself would never have dreamt of. If we know GOANS,  It is unlikely
that his Goa Humpty Dumpty can be put together ever again no matter how
many King’s horses and how many King’s men try to seat him back on the

Floriano Lobo

Mob: 9890470896


[Goanet] Fwd: WSL workers demand CM's imtervention

2017-05-19 Thread Floriano Lobo
-- Forwarded message --
From: *Floriano Lobo* 
Date: Friday, May 19, 2017
Subject: Re: WSL workers demand CM's imtervention
To: AA Editor Herald , Sujay Gupta <>

If there is a possibility of oil spill from the tilted dry-dock, that vasts
areas of the sea n river coast could be affected, then it is incumpumbent
on GSPCB to cordon off the floating drydock with float barrier to contain
such an oil spill so that it may be cleaned through spray coagulants and
mopping up with tissue paper. Ironically, Goa is a sitting duck for any
major oil spills with no disaster management in place.
Floriano Lobo
Mob: 9890470896

Re: [Goanet] [Gulf Goans] CHURCH at ANJEDIV repaired /restored

2017-05-26 Thread Floriano Lobo
This is good news. However, we shall keep our fingers crossed until the
planned opening up of the island to faithful to celebrate the Feast.
The Navy must have realized that it cannot do what it wants against the
wishes of the people in a DEMOCRACY.

Floriano Lobo
Mob: 9890470896

On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 12:04 AM, godfrey gonsalves [gulf-goans] <> wrote:

> Contrary to a report on the local English daily in Goa, the Church at
> Anjediv Canacona Goa off Karwar Karnataka is not in ruins. The repairs and
> restoration have been carried out by the Ministry of Defence and is fit for
> use of the Naval personnel at Binaga Karwar. There are prospects of the
> Island being thrown open for the faithful for the celebration of customary
> feasts of St Francis de Assisi on 4th Oct and Our Lady of Springs on 2nd
> February.
> social activist & cyber journo
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Re: [Goanet] Alex's Acid or What do you do about slippery moss?

2015-08-13 Thread Floriano Lobo
Get a kg of caustic soda from Pankar, Mapusa. Make a solution ( it is
acidic so  do not handle it with raw hands). sprinkle and brush it out.

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 10:10 PM, augusto pinto  wrote:

> BTW Alex's number is 904-945-5366
> He'll come with his bike and take your car and wash it and bring it back..
> I hear a carping shout: Ahem... Hey Felix! Did you ask whether I get a
> commission to advertise Alex? No Felix, sadly I don't..
> But I do like to promote people who are genuinely helpful and beneficial to
> the society around them.
> In case you decide to use his services friends, do mention that I had
> recommended him.
> Augusto
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 10:58 PM, augusto pinto 
> wrote:
> > When it rains heavily in Goa moss begins to grow on cement.
> >
> > This can become dangerous. Today Alex from Nachinola who runs a bike /
> car
> > washing center came to take my red Swift for a wash.
> >
> > He was just saying, "The ground has become slippery..." And he stepped in
> > my moss infested garage and slipped and toppled over.
> >
> > Very fortunately, nothing happened to him for though he fell on concrete
> > he didn't fall on his head so my wife and I released a sigh of relief.
> >
> > Alex regained his composure and said, "You should put baking (I think)
> > soda (or some such soda) or Acid and fix this. He said he would bring
> acid
> > when he came back.
> >
> > My Home Minister Bibian put some drain cleaning fluid and soda over the
> > ground.
> >
> > Later true to his word when Alex came back with my car he brought acid
> and
> > a brush (which he was to leave with me) and said that our efforts were
> not
> > enough and poured acid over the ground and with the brush rubbed it over
> > the mossy ground.
> >
> > Thank you Alex. If anyone wants to get their car cleaned then go to Alex.
> > He charges Rs 200/ or Rs 250/ depending upon what service he provides.
> > Please ask. I can't remember the charges for washing a bike but I think
> it
> > is below Rs 100/
> >
> > In the meanwhile I have a question to ask you: what do you do when you
> > have slippery moss growing on places where you mght step and fall? Do you
> > have a better solution than Alex's acid?
> >

Re: [Goanet] MoI - Anissue that affects all Goans - Herald Edit - By Tomazinho Cardozo

2015-08-13 Thread Floriano Lobo
My thinking process has always been in Konkani. No amount of English in my
system can make me think in English. And  this is an undisputable  fact.

Thank you VJ

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 4:18 PM, Venantius J Pinto <> wrote:

> Makes sense.
> Having said that it is very reasonable to develop an ability to think in
> languages other than ones native tongue, if that be Konkani. Students learn
> English by account of going through school, and in develop the sense of
> thinking in it, although this may not be a wide phenomenon. A language is
> picks up and reveled in according to ones inclinations, the level of
> teaching experienced, and other adjunct affinities. In parallel, a
> significant order of endeavoring is expected if one wishes to think in
> other languages. Of course, decent training will make it appear to ones
> mind that one is thinking in any said language, but that may not be the
> case, and does not matter to the many.
> Best,
> —Venantius J Pinto

Re: [Goanet] Alex's Acid or What do you do about slippery moss?

2015-08-13 Thread Floriano Lobo
Mervyn, point well taken. However, handling caustic soda in the
raw/concentrated form affects the skin. Wanted to make it clear by saying
it is acidic. Cheers

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 6:50 PM, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:

>  Floriano Lobo wrote:Get a kg of caustic soda from Pankar, Mapusa. Make a
> solution ( it is
> acidic so  do not handle it with raw hands). sprinkle and brush it out.
> -- Floriano,Caustic
> soda is an alkali.  At this point, I would also suggest that you do a
> little reading on how acids and alkalis effect the human body and ones
> health. Mervyn


2015-08-23 Thread Floriano Lobo
GSRP, in its ROADMAP FOR GOA has clearly said that it will wind up all
parallel organizations and go back to the main departments, may it be PWD,
Tourism, Finance etc. These parallel organizations are instituted to
habilitate ladlas and ladlis of the Ministers and MLAs to gobblel up
tax-payers hard earned money who run thes organizations in RED [LOSES].

 Incidentally, there is talk in town that GSRP is not seen or heard in the
media taking up issues. The justification for not trying to take up space
in the media jump over others to be seen taking up issues to prove to the
people of Goa that GSRP is doing something is because GSRP has done more
than what new entrants into politics have done  over the years and they
need to be seen taking up issues on everyday basis to be in the news. It is
only that they do not have the SOLUTIONS and are gropping in the dark to
play on people's sympathies. GSRP has documented practically all
Solutions.If there are any left out, we should be surprised.   Name an
issue and GSRP has the SOLUTION. Refer to homepage for
download of the ROADMAP FOR GOA. And the major belt-tightening exercises
are instituted into the body of its CONSTITUTION under Art. 34 and 38 which
no, repeat no political party is able to say they will do this.

It is relevant at this point to mention what we told Rajan Narain when he
was the editor of Herald and  when we had approached him to ask him as to
why he was not publishing our press notes and statements. He had the chick
to tell us [In KONKNI, mind you] Quote 'KITEM KORUN DACOI ... MAGUIR
PUBLISH KORTA". To that we had rattled in  machine-gun KONKNI .. Jerurl,
kitem korun dacoitam... pun tuca khoxi korunk ami margar nagde
nach'chenaum" When he looked confused and askance not understanding a word
what was spoken to him, and when asked "HAVE YOU UNDERSTOOD?", he miserably
shook his head. It is then he was given a piece of  advice which he will
never forget in his lifetime. ' THEN DO  NOT SPEAK IN KONKNI TO A

On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 11:21 AM, Aires Rodrigues  wrote:

> In Ameya Abhyankar the Goa’s Tourism Department has a very competent and
> proficient Director but to our dismay the awful tainted Tourism Minister
> Dilip Parulekar is taking the industry down the tube.
> Officers should be allowed to run the administration without any political
> interference. If allowed to do so, Ameya Abhyankar who is an IAS officer
> would definitely be able to resuscitate the ailing Tourism trade which is
> currently the backbone of Goa’s economy.
> Dilip Parulekar lacks any vision to enhance Tourism in Goa, his only master
> plan being how to line up his pockets by whichever means. He has not even
> spared raking in the moolah into his pockets on the very crucial beach
> cleaning.
> The current hotbed of Corruption, the Goa Tourism Development Corporation
> which has become an unnecessary parallel department needs to be wound up.
> The administration of the total industry should come under one Tourism
> department entirely steered, controlled and monitored by Director Ameya
> Abhyankar with him keeping a watchful eye on some of his subordinate
> officers who are not working to promote Goa’s Tourism but to cater to the
> needs of their Minister and Master Dilip Parulekar.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>  Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires

Re: [Goanet] M TECH degree holder returns to his roots - AGRICULTURE

2015-09-06 Thread Floriano Lobo
I couldn't agree more over what you have said

On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 4:22 PM, Bernado Colaco  wrote:

> Message: 5
> Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2015 08:52:41 +0430
> From: Florian Lobo 
> US is the king of corn growing, which is used for all purposes including
> bio fuel. Now since 1961 this illegal occupation of Goa by the bharats has
> led to the destruction of agricultural land in the name of development.
> Since the embargo on Goa in the 50's the Portuguese made it a point to
> concentrate on agriculture development and we were self sufficient. The
> imposition of this fake democracy  has led the puppets to destroy what is
> left of Goa.
> BC
> If United States of America is the world's super power today, it is not
> because of it's military might. It is because of its AGRICULTURE.
> Goa was fortunate to have a Havard educated agriculturists as its 7 time CM
> in Pratapsing Raojee Rane. But Goa's agricuture has been beaten to dust
> compared to what it was in the pre-1961 years.
> The above article warms GSRP's heart since its intentions are to make Goa
> self relient in most of the vegetables/fruits and rice which it depends on
> the supply from the outside. This can be done if GOA'S COMUNIDADES are
> restored to their pre-1961 emenence as these are the agrarian institutions
> of Goa.  Also, Goa needs a full-fledged Agriculture College.  GSRP has
> vowed to do this in its ROAD MAP FOR GOA - available to download at
> index.asp
> |   |
> |   |   |   |   |   |
> | index.aspindex.asp  |
> |  |
> | View on | Preview by Yahoo |
> |  |
> |   |

[Goanet] ON ' WATCHING TV '

2015-09-09 Thread Floriano Lobo

If anyone should ask me " Have you seen the News on TV?" My general
response is "I do not watch TV"

Yes. That is right. I do not watch TV,  primarily because I have better
things to do.
However, the only time I watch TV is during my dinner time ( and  this is
after 10 p.m. when folks have retired from whatching  Aisha Sareen and
Laxmi Matur), when I sit in front of the TV while I eat. And this just
for watching Ten Sports or Ten Action, mainly football.

Unfortunately, there was U.S. Open Tennis Doubles going on today, and after
watching this play for some time (because of Bopana), I switched on to
Prudent Media and was in time to watch  the zombie Dy. CM speaking
to Pramod Acharya on the coming Municipal Elections and 27% reservations to
OBC. Talking about OBC, it has become quite a rolling business with people
wanting to be OBCs left, right and center. Not only one can get a sackful
of rice  dirt cheap on a BPL ration card (which GSRP wants to abolish) but
one can also contest elections and become Dy. CMs. Rightly, I met a friend
of a friend from Vasco at Dr. Willie's funeral, yesterday, and when we
exchanged phone numbers, he asked me to let him know if anyone wanted OBC
certificates. He informed me that he works for some Government Office  and
is in charge of  giving OBC certificates. Coming back to the Prudent Media,
as I was about to  flick the channel, the news started with my favourite
rolly-polly Ms anchor (I like the cool way she reads the news,  and, if I
had to vote for a Goan newscaster, I would vote for her,many times over).
Naturally, not being a TV fan, I do not know her name. And I was stunned
when she started reading the news about some Andhra based investment
company, which has been operating from Osia Chambers, Margao, for some time
with a registered office in Goa, has left the Goan asshole investors high
and dry and made good with a booty of 1.5 crores in a few months. I felt
like punching a joker investor who was narating his story and who has, he
says,  single handedly invested Rs. 15L. Now he is complaining that nobody
is picking up the phones and that some sister-in-law of one of the
partners is giving fairy tale  answers. I also saw Michael Ferns, the Goa's
do gooder in the  background hold a company's phanphlet. The laughable
thing is that the company had offered 50% interest rate or some such
fantastic figure  and that the capital investment would be increased by
half in 6 months. So everybody rushed in with whatever they had. They
should have been wiser to discard investment companies like these as
scamsters who offer  more than 12 to 15 % interest rates. The worst thing
is that these con artists can come to Goa and dupe Goans as and when they
like and to whatever extent. And our Goa's administration, aka Goa Police
is busy extorting somewhere esle, preferably from criminals and Matka
people, etc, not paying any attention to these rogue companies  setting up
shops in Goa to polish lifetime savings of asshole Goans who are impatient
to double their money in half as much time.

GSRP will, first thing, set up an Intelligence Cell with  capable Police
Officers to scan Newspapers  and Electronic Media advertisements  like
these. And one of the first  clients that visit these rogues will be such
Police Officers calling on them disguised as investors. And the rest of the
story  is plain and simple.  BEHIND BARS. This will have saved our Goan
assholes who will even keep the curry pot on the fire going to run off to
these offices first thing after reading such advertisements. These assholes
do not know that it is a 'BLOODY SHAME' to even show their faces on the TV
to tell Goan public that they have been ripped off.  And this is the
biggest SHAME for the HOME MINISTER of GOA to let the public know that such
rip-offs are taking place in Goa with his Police Department sleeping on
duty. With GSRP in the driving seat of Goa's affairs, anyone who wants to
invest in companies which offer high interest rates will get a free
run-down on these companies setting shops in Goa, if they want, and if
these rogues are not already in the can.


Re: [Goanet] Sub: ON WATCHING TV

2015-09-13 Thread Floriano Lobo
Glad to know that I have company :-)

On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 1:15 AM, MD  wrote:

> Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2015 23:41:20 +0430
> From: Floriano Lobo
> Subject: [Goanet] ON ' WATCHING TV '
> If anyone should ask me " Have you seen the News on TV?" My general
> response is "I do not watch TV"
> Mr. Lobo, 'NOPE'  Neither do I 'watch' news!!
> Instead,
> I watch Channel named 'Romedy Now' and was thrilled to view the repeat
> shows 2005 movie version of Jane Austen's 'Pride & Prejudice' starring
> Matthew MacFadyen as Darcy and  Keira Knightley as Elizabeth (Lizzie),
> 'Notting Hill' (1999) starring Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts and
> surprisingly the classic 'The Sound of Music' (1965) starring Julie Andrews
> and Christopher Plummer which I had watched probably in 1966 at Eros
> cinema, Churchgate, Bombay! But switch to other channels when the lately
> introduced (on this channel): Ellen DeGeneres Show comes on. Rely on DM
> (UK) Online for news and entertainment after scanning Times of India
> headlines!! Sports: was thrilled to read Leander Paes/Martina Hingis have
> reached US Open 2015: If they win it will be their 3rd grand slam 2015
> after Aussie open and Wimbledon?
> MD


2015-09-13 Thread Floriano Lobo
I have admired  Agnelo Fernandes'  administrative skills  only when I
interacted with him as the passport officer when I had a problem obtaining
the renewal of my passport because of a criminal case having been
registered against me and many others by the Porvorim Police when we had
courted arrest at the Goa Legislative Assembly Complex when we wanted to
submit a memorandum to the CM ( Digamber Kamat against MEGA PROJECTS in GOA
by outsiders)  and when PI Devendra Gad assaulted women activists. When I
told Agnelo Fernandes that the case was a stupid one and it was dismissed,
he held me responsible for not disclosing the same in my application and as
a result I had to pay Rs. 5000/- fine if I wanted my passport. I refused to
pay the fine. But he stuck to  his guns. Eventually, I had to pay the fine
and take my renewal. I had congratulated him on his putting the Passport
Department in good working order and parted as citizen - Government Officer
 but with me holding him in deep respect. One hundred bottles of foreign
liquor is no crime. He could be a collector of foreign liquor bottles. If
he has contravened the laws of the land, he should be punished. But let
this punishment be unilateral and not selective. This vendetta seems to be
a selective vendetta on a GOAN Officer when the  Passport office in Goa is
infested with Keralites and others. This will change drastically when  GSRP
is at the helm of Goa's affairs and GOANs will be in charge of Departments
whether the Centre likes it or not. But GOANs or not none shall be
protected for excesses.  GSRP

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 8:20 PM, Aires Rodrigues 

> Over the years the people of Goa had to endure utter nightmare at the
> Passport office. It was an everyday chaos and confusion. All this changed
> with the appointment of a Goa Civil Service Officer Agnelo Fernandes as the
> Passport Officer. To his credit Agnelo Fernandes speedily streamlined the
> working of the entire passport office to the satisfaction of one and all.
> Surprisingly now the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has Suo Motu
> started a probe against Agnelo Fernandes. Suo Motu probes by the CBI are
> unheard of. How many such probes have they done? If Agnelo Fernandes has
> done something really wrong he should be punished. But if this is a part of
> the witch hunt being unleashed by the saffron brigade then it needs to be
> strongly deprecated.
> One of the allegations against Agnelo Fernandes is that a hundred bottles
> of foreign liquor were found at his residence. So what.  Every Goan
> politician must have much more stored down their cellar. The Government
> needs to come clear on what it means by Zero Tolerance to Corruption. There
> cannot be double standards.
> On one side you target Agnelo Fernandes and on the other you allow alleged
> grossly corrupt officers to head vital departments. An example is the very
> saffronised Arun Desai who despite all the serious Vigilance probes pending
> against him continues as Director of Transport for the last over five
> years. He is at the helm of a department with multi channels and wide
> avenues for fueling corruption. To add to it the BJP government is
> elevating him to the Indian Administrative Service (IAS).
> The very affable and gregarious Agnelo Fernandes has been a very accessible
> and extremely cordial officer who has always ready to help one and all. May
> truth and Justice prevail.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>  Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires

Re: [Goanet] Goa University:Cutting off the roots

2015-09-16 Thread Floriano Lobo
Someone had to point these things out and we [GSRP] thanks Pamela D'Mello
for doing a huge service by doing just this.

In its Road Map for  Goa, Education aka Educational Hub  for Goa has been
hugely stressed. Right from Primary Schooling to  the University Campus,
 GSRP's VISION has been explained at nauxeaum which also includes
de-politicizing or rather removing all nuances of political interferences
from the the Educational Institutions.

That it takes visionaries to think of the  future of the coming generations
is something that is  lost on the borers who bore holes in the woodwork for
a living.They are not expected to have Vision/s FOR Goa. They only have the
magnified Vision OF Goa, like Manohar Parrikar has rightly pointed out to
the late Dr. Wilfred D'Souza in his letter to him.

The Education Scenario for GOA with GSRP at the helm of affairs is
available to be downloaded from its Roadmap for GOA  at
at Chapter IX

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 11:58 AM, Pamela D'Mello 

> Goa University:Cutting off the roots
> The slow whittling away at Goa University's land and stature by the
> government, is not the right way to treat an integral state institution
> By Pamela D'Mello
> The Goan, 14 September 2015

Re: [Goanet] Ganpati Bappa Moira (Bernado Colaco)

2015-09-21 Thread Floriano Lobo
At least it cannot be taken away that they want to dump these items for
good  but cannot :-). Wishful thinking is allowed to relieve the  pent up
gas in the belly. No?

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Shamika Andrade 

> Oh no no no no!
> I would never dream of calling any of these stalwarts Ganpati Bappa Moiras.
> In fact this term can only be used endearingly by a wife, when she worries
> about her husband's waist size! Re-read my original article
> And thank you for your reply.
> The next time someone condescendingly says Moidekar, or asks about the
> bananas or even tries to tell me about the legend about how the moidekars
> tried making their church bigger, i'll quote your reply
> you are kind of dumping our stalwarts from Moira ie.: Floriano Lobo aka rei
> do GSRP,Prof de grande categoria Antonio S?, and Prof Augusto Pinto
> residente permanente of Novo Portugal.
> Very True! I agree with you! Thank you!
> Message: 1
> > Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2015 10:06:16 + (UTC)
> > From: Bernado Colaco 
> > To: "" 
> > Subject: [Goanet] Ganpati Bappa Moira
> > Message-ID:
> > <>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> >
> > When you say Ganpati Bappa Moira you are kind of dumping our stalwarts
> > from Moira ie.: Floriano Lobo aka rei do GSRP,Prof de grande categoria
> > Ant?nio S?, and Prof Augusto Pinto residente permanente of Novo Portugal.
> > BC
> >
> >


2015-09-29 Thread Floriano Lobo
Justice  T S Thakur now, APJ Abdul Kalam, then, Lal Bahadur Shastri before
that, Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, and, once upon a time  Mohandas
Karamchand Gandhi. could clean up this rotten cesspool for once but
they could not and cannot. This cesspool is far deeper than it appears to
be.* This cesspool  cannot be cleant through democracy. This cesspool
 needs a BENEVOLENT DICTATORSHIP to gut the self-serving political thought
and put it on a drying line. Only then this cesspool will be cleant.  And
this cesspool wants a seat in the UNSC.  Surely, there is a limit to
 hypocrisy!  GSRP *

On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 8:48 AM, Aires Rodrigues 

> The Senior most Judge of the Supreme Court Justice TS Thakur was in Goa and
> it was a wealth of information besides an enriching invaluable opportunity
> hear him speak. The very suave, gentle, affable yet very firm Justice
> Thakur spoke with command, confidence and mastery on the various issues
> raised and aptly dissected by him. He articulated from his heart and with a
> very clear mind.
> The exceptionally eloquent and an excellent communicator, Justice Thakur
> takes over as Chief Justice of India on 3rd December with a tenure of just
> over a year. With his practical rather than a theoretical approach, Justice
> T.S Thakur may be the much needed hope to lead India’s limping Judiciary to
> the path to recovery.  For the Judiciary to be truly independent there has
> to be no socializing and cozying up by politicians and advocates with
> Judges. If Judiciary is reduced to a mouth piece and agents of the
> government, Courts will end up as dens of chicanery and jugglery.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>  Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires

[Goanet] If I were to be the CM of Goa : By Floriano Lobo Gen. Sec. GSRP

2015-10-05 Thread Floriano Lobo

“Floriano? Chief Minister of Goa?” Is he kidding? “…. would be the chorus
which could make any normal person with normal hearing, deaf .

“Why? Just because he believes that the Party he has helped form some
decade and a half ago [which party is not even known to 5 per cent of Goans
that it exists] is the only party that can save Goa? First, Let him get
himself elected as the Panch member of his Moira Panchayat and then talk
about being the CM of Goa. There is a limit to wishful thinking….”

Well, wishful thinking or not, let me get to the basics of putting a real
CM of Goa in the august seat to spur the expectations of Goans that they
have for Goa and who have come a long way since December 19 of 1961..

One of the very first things that I would do, along with my [four] cabinet
colleagues, if I were to be elected (not made) CM of Goa, at the post
Election Party Convention, would be to do ‘NOTHING’ for the first couple of
weeks or so. Why? Because I would not have to break my head over whom to
give what cabinet berth and whom to keep out. In the bargain I would make
more enemies than friends, to start with. This difficult job of selecting
the CM and the cabinet in one go and to distribute balanced portfolio
charts to all will have been taken care of by my Party at the post election
Party convention, to spare me the acute headache. All that I would want to
do is to snatch the cosy, carefree, peaceful night’s slumber from Goa’s
bureaucratic heads for one, while I and my Cabinet colleagues relaxed to
ease out the hectic election campaign-trail fatigue and got ourselves
acquainted with the staff of various departments with whom we would be
working closely for the next 5 years, as also to chart out a course of
action to right the wrongs as portrayed in the Party’s ‘bible’ , the
ROADMAP FOR GOA. I say 5 year term because the people of Goa (I will not
say ‘Goans’ because a sizeable number of the people who would be
responsible to get my Party elected with full majority would be non-Goans,
who love Goa just as well and whom my party refers to as ‘Goa lovers’),
being frustrated with the inefficient, lackadaisical, highhanded, hidden
agenda oriented previous governments, placating the rich and the affluent
resulting in Goa’s treasury having gone bankrupt creating more problems
than solving them.

On the question of how I would be giving sleepless nights to the
bureaucratic heads. Well, since my government would be fully functional the
day after the ‘low profile’ oath taking ceremony at the Raj Bhavan [low
profile in order not to further burden the already creaking treasury under
the humongous load of public debts] immediately following the conclusion of
the post election Party convention, the oath having been taken collectively
with my cabinet colleague in loud and clear ‘KONKANI’; the seating of the
first Cabinet would take place the day after taking of the oath of office.
Summons would have been sent to all heads of departments to be present for
the crucial introductory meet with the new Cabinet at the conference hall
of the secretariat. This meet would have set the agenda for the
government’s day to day working for the rest of the term, primarily,
sending a clear signal to all departmental heads that ‘punctuality’ in
office timings would be on test with serious repercussions over the laxity
of functioning on their continuance as heads of departments. This meet
would have given the department heads sleepless nights in order to
reactivate their departments to the diligent working mode.

My government would have changed the very concept of ‘ Cabinet Meetings’
from ‘once in a blue moon’ to an every day affair where the cabinet members
would meet on every day basis to discuss, approve and/or disapprove
decisions and agree to disagree on ‘policy implementation’ problems so that
the governance of the State is not hindered, as also to keep the government
departments on pins to serve the people the way they should. Each cabinet
member would be free to voice his appreciations and/or his objections with
respect to the implementation of the government policies irrespective of
who held the portfolios, and there would be no such thing as ‘you mind your
portfolio and I shall mind mine” thing, since the cabinet would be working
in a perfectly co-ordinated manner to remove the independence of ministers
to do what they liked with their portfolios. And the press would be a part
and parcel of the cabinet decision making process so that the people of Goa
would not be kept hungry and/or in the dark to know what is being cooked
for them so that they could sharpen their taste buds or shy away from the
bitter medicines

My government would be in no hurry to prove to the people that it is doing
an excellent job through publication of photographs of CM and Ministers
inaugurating kiosks, public toilets, of breaking coconuts over the
hot-mixing machines and foundation stones of projects, of taking brooms in

Re: [Goanet] Indian troops occupy Goa following its annexation by India in December 1961 HD Stock Footage

2015-10-07 Thread Floriano Lobo…


Thanks to God I have taken birth one week before the Indian subcontinent
that was known as BRITISH INDIA became independent on 15 August 1947.
Thanks to God I have grown up to my adolescense when Goa was India
Portuguesa, meaning, a colony of Portugal which had nothing to do in
British India or India and enjoyed the status of an independent country for
the past 4 centuries or so. Thanks to God that I never never considered
myself a citizen of India when in 1962 the Indian Citizenship was forced
down my teenage throat without me having been asked if I wanted to be the
citizen of this rougue country which was lead by the No. one rougue and
hypocrite Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and who invaded my country against the
norms of the United Nations of which India and Portugal were members and
were bound to respect its charter. And thanks to God, I, unlike the author
above, do not have to speak against my own country, the country which has
continually fustrustated me for being what it is, a country which does not
have ethics, a country that blows with the wind like an air sock, a country
that loots itself and stashes the loot in SWISS BANK's secret ACCOUNTS, a
country that elects its Prime minister and seats him in the country's
highest office instead of incarcerating him in Tihar Jail for the murder
and anihilation of 2000 people, announcing to the whole world that another
ADOLF HITLER is on the make possessing a murderous heart with similar
ambitions like Adolf Hitler. And thanks to God that I have been given the
inner strenght to call my Goa of my birth my very own country and not
INDIA, not Bharat, and I believe that one day I shall get my country's
passport to my satisfaction and/or enjoy the much derserved SPECIAL STATUS
for my Country just like NAGALAND is about to get hers.

floriano lobo

On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 3:57 AM, Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *
فريدريك نورونيا  wrote:

> Some footage from Goa:

Re: [Goanet] Arnab Goswami of Times Now V/s Dadri Killing

2015-10-16 Thread Floriano Lobo
Dear John,
Thank you for agreeing with me.
Last night AG did the same running down Sanjiv Bhatt. But SB deserved what
he got as well as the Congress.


On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 6:26 AM, Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या
*فريدريك نورونيا  wrote:

> ᐧ
> Attack is a good form of defence:


2015-10-25 Thread Floriano Lobo
Floriano Lobo <> Dear Prof. Peter
Ronald De Souza, Sir, I normally skip this type of involvement into
controversies where frustrated persons want to take on the popular
government, a government that lives for the welfare of the people, go beg
and borrow to make them most comfortable. I have never considered you as a
frustrated person but a person who has his head squarely on his shoulders
and therefore, I ventured to read all that you have written. And, sorry to
say, I wish I had not read it after all because I am now convinced that you
are really a frustrated man. You are questioning Goa's God Almighty of Law
and Constitution matters? How dare you? This is not the first Ordinance
that he has passed through his fingers. Remember the IFFI [Town and Country
Planning] Ordinance? Any body had the guts to challenge that one? Besides,
our Advocate General is the King MOMO of the present dispensation. He says,
'go ahead and do it' and it is done. Keeping your frustrations aside, you
must realise that Goans have given this Government a simple majority to do
what it likes with their lives. Commandere large tracks of eco sensitive
areas and hand them over to their benefectors. Example is Tiracol, Carmona
and more importantly MOPA. They have even murdered the most vociferous of
opponents of MOPA by taking him in and then giving his a 21 gun salute,
thereby grooming his widow to be a lifelong chamcha. Frustrated people like
yourself have been trying to revert back these decisions but sadly they are
powerless in front of this giant. They own a pliant Governor. They own a
determined Prime Minister. They even have a Defence Minister who is ready
to put his arms around them and egg them on, any time, any day, as if the
flights from Delhi to Goa and vice versa are batata wadas. Who do you have?
the Courts? Forget it if you think the Courts will come to the rescue of
frustrated people and the Constitution which is limping. They want to turn
Goa University into a RSS shaka. Already Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, the RSS
ideologue has been installed on the grounds of Goa University. The next
thing that will happen is that VC Shetye, in his new avatar ,will be
marching with a kala topic, khaki chaddi and a danda to dare you to stand
up and be counted. The best that you and your friend Aires can do is to
drown your sorrows over a shot of Caju Feni and start living again. Better
still, chanting 'Parsekar Zindabad'. GSRP

On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 7:50 PM, Aires Rodrigues 

> Dated: 24th October 2015
> Honourable Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni,
> I write to seek your clarification on the issues of law that have a bearing
> on the continuation in office of the Vice Chancellor of Goa University, Dr
> Satish Shetye, after 25 October 2015. I do this because the authority of
> your august office has been invoked to legitimize the decision to amend the
> statutes regarding superannuation and to give the proposed amendment the
> authority of the law. There are fundamental issues involved here, both
> jurisprudential and procedural, concerning the rule of law in a
> Constitutional democracy, which your august office is tasked with both
> upholding and promoting.
> I write this because I see the Advocate General as primarily carrying two
> moral obligations:
> To advise the government about the principles and the letter of law when it
> takes any policy decisions. This advice ensures that the decisions are
> consistent with the law as it stands and with the norms of the
> constitutional order.
> To educate the citizens of Goa on the value of the rule of law and of the
> importance of all persons, irrespective of office, to be rule abiding which
> is a core feature of any democracy.
> These obligations, which you have willingly undertaken when you took the
> oath of office, gives your office an autonomy from the government although
> you have been appointed by it. This is a very privileged position and
> carries a very heavy responsibility. In short, even though you are of the
> government you are for the Constitution of India and would reprimand the
> government when it strays from the constitutional path.
> Now let me turn to the processes and procedures followed by the Goa
> University authorities to enable Dr Shetye to continue in office after he
> reaches/reached the age of 65 years. I will limit myself to issues that
> pertain to your office and I will stay within the narrow confines of the
> law and not get into the politics of the matter.
> In March the Goa University EC decided to request the Chancellor to extend
> the term of the VC beyond the contracted period which requires him to
> retire after he reaches the age of superannuation, i.e., 65 years.
> A draft let

[Goanet] Fr. Bismarque Dias' Tragic Death.

2015-11-15 Thread Floriano Lobo
Date: 15 November, 2015

The Registrar,
High Court of Bombay at Panaji-Goa.

Attached herewith please find a letter to the Justices of the Bombay High
Court at Panaji, Goa. This letter is regarding the tragic death of Fr.
Bismarque Dias. This letter shall be sent vide Registered-Ad subsequently.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Reg: No. 6/GOA/1998

[Floriano Lobo]
Hon. General Secretary.
H.O: 383A Pirazona Moira Bardez Goa-403 507
M: 9890470896
LL: 0832 2470223


2015-11-25 Thread Floriano Lobo
Thank you VJP

On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 5:16 AM, Venantius J Pinto <> wrote:

> Awesome.
> Venantius J Pinto


2015-11-27 Thread Floriano Lobo
I, along with one of Bismarque's favourite musical warrior had a long
sitting with DySP Sammy Tavares to appraise him of all details that needs
to be taken care of in this investigation. He has given us a patient
hearing. Hoping that the investigation turns around to fix the culpability
on the definate murder.

On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 10:59 PM, Venantius J Pinto <> wrote:

> One may also comfortably presume that DySP Sammy Tavares is being brought
> it for his dispassionate analytical chops, and forthrightness; not merely
> his language skills. Not to continue and assist with the "pochpochitt" and
> bamtte-giri. At this stage in the overall deterioration amidst the sordidly
> on tap, one needs a whole higher set of acuities. I earnestly hope that
> DySP looks at similar cases in other places and seeks research far and
> wide.
> I also wish he pens notes which could be parlay towards a book in the near
> future. Goa deserves just that.
> Venantius J Pinto
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 12:33 AM, Florian Lobo 
> wrote:
> > *
> >
> > <
> >
> > >
> >
> > The GOA SU-RAJ PARTY is happy to note that the down to earth and
> > reliable Police officer of this State has been ropped in to assist the
> > Crime Branch in Fr. Bismarque Dias' tragic death case. We are sure that
> > justice will be done and the investigation which has been half-hazardly
> > and lethargically conducted shall get the right impetus and the drive to
> > unearth the factors that lead to the tragic demise of the HERO OF SAVE
> > CAMPAIGN which has demoralized the entire world of activism in this State
> > of Goa.
> >
> > 9890470896
> >
> >
> > Twitter@flory29/goasuraj
> > *
> > *

Re: [Goanet] Will Military Establishments Be Shunted Out From Panjim By Parrikar By Parrikar Before His Birthday ?

2015-11-27 Thread Floriano Lobo
With Goa's Own High Command in Goa under the leadership of Go Su-Raj
Party-GSRP, both these installations will move. This assurance is a
permanent assurance and GSRP's raison d'etre stands on these two assurances.


On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 3:10 PM, Antonio Menezes 

> The Naval Air Base is in Dabolim next door to Vasco city and the 2 Signal
> Training Centre  Hq. is in the middle of Panjim city.
> All great military powers have their installations  as far away as possible
> from the heavily populated areas.The reason behind this is that military
> strategists have the safely of the civilian population in mind and do not
> wish to subject innocent citizens to collateral damage and destruction
> in case  hostilities break out.
> Hence in the U.S. the defense headquarters called Pentagon is not in
> Washington D.C. but far away in the State of Virginia. Their Navy too is
> far away from the New York harbour.
> But no matter how much we raise our standards of living , we do not seem
> to give up our tenancy rights , come what may.


2015-11-27 Thread Floriano Lobo
Thank you Goanet for publishing these comments by GSRP
Admin gsrp

On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 10:01 AM, Florian Lobo  wrote:

> *
> <
> >
> In deed a realistic analysis of  things to come,  especially when the
> editorial says:
> But when the editorial says this:
> GSRP would like to say it differently by substituting the word 'THE RIGHT
> POLITICAL PARTY'  for  the word 'CANDIDATE', because, by himself or herself
> the Candidate cannot do anything or change anything. Any candidate
> belonging to such and ideoloty  of the PARTY , CAN.
> Therefore, our advice to the Goan people is that ' LOOK NOT  FOR  THE
> And we fully agree when the editorial says:
> 9890470896
> for ROADMAP download.
> Twitter@flory29/goasuraj

[Goanet] Goannetter's meet 28th Dec at Fundacao Oriente

2015-12-26 Thread Floriano Lobo
Am attending.
Where is Fundacao Oriente located?

Goanet annual year-end meet in Goa: if you're reading this, you're
eligible to join us! Dec 28, 2015 @ 11 am Fundacao Oriente, Panjim
Confirm your participation with a short email to

Re: [Goanet] Goannetter's meet 28th Dec at Fundacao Oriente

2015-12-27 Thread Floriano Lobo
Thanks Rico

On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 6:33 AM, Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या
* فريدريك نورونيا  wrote:

> Looking forward to having you there, Floriano. Fundacao Oriente is
> alongside People's High School at Fontainhas-Mala. Everyone there knows
> People's. Once at People's, anyone will guide you to Fundacao Oriente... FN
> On Saturday, 26 December 2015, Floriano Lobo 
> wrote:
> > Am attending.
> > Where is Fundacao Oriente located?
> > floriano
> > 9890470896
> >
> > -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
> > Goanet annual year-end meet in Goa: if you're reading this, you're
> > eligible to join us! Dec 28, 2015 @ 11 am Fundacao Oriente, Panjim
> > Confirm your participation with a short email to
> > 
> > -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
> >
> --
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/
> _/  Frederick Noronha
> _/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fcbk:fredericknoronha
> _/  Hear Goa,1556 shared audio content at
> _/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
> Goanet annual year-end meet in Goa: if you're reading this, you're
> eligible to join us! Dec 28, 2015 @ 11 am Fundacao Oriente, Panjim
> Confirm your participation with a short email to
> -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

Goanet annual year-end meet in Goa: if you're reading this, you're
eligible to join us! Dec 28, 2015 @ 11 am Fundacao Oriente, Panjim
Confirm your participation with a short email to

Re: [Goanet] Traffic jams ...

2015-12-30 Thread Floriano Lobo
Add to it the 3rd. Mandovi Bridge works and the hot-mixing of the National
Highway during office hours. I for one, was held up from  ACDIL Porvorim to
the Bridge for 1 hour 15 minutes. Instead of reaching Margao to address the
meeting at 4.30 p.m. I reached there at 6.00 p.m. And I have added another
ban to the one that I have posted yesterday i.e banning all BANDHS in Goa
when GSRP comes to power, this one being that NO HOTMIXING WORK SHALL BE
during office hours. Hotmizxing works shall start at 12.00 midnight and end
at 6.00 to 8 a.m. Period.

On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 8:17 PM, Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या
* فريدريك نورونيا  wrote:

> From Nigel Britto on Facebook:
> Insane traffic jams in North Goa. Kudos to the impeccable logic, prudence,
> intelligence and ability of the Goa government to let two major EDM
> festivals happen together in Goa's most crowded belt, during the week Goa
> is at its most crowded. You rock! Can't even begin to comprehend why ANYONE
> would doubt your ability to govern, and take good decisions.

[Goanet] GEAG Member assaulted during NGT ordered site-inspection- A Press Note for kind favour of publication.

2016-01-05 Thread Floriano Lobo
Date: 5 January, 2016

Editors, Bureau Chiefs, Admins,

A Press Note for kind favour of publication.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
Hon. G.S.
Goa Environmental Action Group-GEAG.

GEAG Member assaulted during NGT ordered site-inspection

GCZMA (Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority] on the direction of the
National Green Tribunal issued on December 14th to file a 'Compliance
Report' had
scheduled the inspection of the Hill Rock Resort and Restaurant  at Tiracol
Village  for  4th. January, 2016 at 10.30 a.m which was later carried
out at  3.00 p.m. Goa Environmental Action Group (GEAG) member Savio
Rodrigues had approached the NGT to expose the blatant illegality and
inaction of the government to stop the illegal construction of the resort. He
had shown to the NGT that this structures had no permissions from any
government authorities, including the local panchayat,  and were built in
violation of the all rules  and regulations in force.

The GCZMA team consisted of Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Shirodkar. The Complainant
was accompanied by Mr. Floriano Lobo , the Hon. Gen. Secretary of the GEAG.

At the site, the son of Mr. Diogo Constance D'Souza, who is in possesion of
properties under Survey Nos. 15(1A) & 15/2,  Mr. Sarto D'Souza,  assaulted
Mr. Savio Rodrigues through a rain of  abuses with a threat to kill him,
resulting in the damage to his spectacles and bruises to his face.

Mr. Savio Rodrigues later filed a Police complaint with the Pernem Police
Station, where he was sent for a medical check. However, the Pernem police
have prefered to register a Non Cognizable Offence against  Mr. Sarto
D'Souza. The Case No: 09/15 has been  filed Under Section 504, 506, 427

Speaking on the developments, Mr. Floriano Lobo expressed, "This is
deplorable and unacceptable that a member of an NGO be man-handled by
violator of all government building laws, rules and regulations. It is even
more shocking and disappointing that the Pernem police only filed a NC. In
fact,  we had instructed the GCZMA get police protection,  knowing the
sensitive nature of the violations. But all that the GCZMA could do is to
tell us not to worry . The  Pernem Police themselves showed their acute
surprise that GCZMA even went to the site without requesting police
protection. "We are very sensitive to Tiracol after the Leading Hotels
episode,. We would have provided police protection even if this was
requested by  dialing 100 " they said.

Floriano Lobo
Hon. General Secretary,
Goa Environmental Action Group - GEAG
2nd. Floor, Karekar Bldg, Angod, Mapusa.
Tel: 0832-2266111, Mob: 9890470896


2016-01-14 Thread Floriano Lobo
Swati's resignation is only the beginning. More are yet to follow. Wait and

On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 12:48 AM, Stephen Dias 

> Dear Goanetkars,
> Let me make clear to Goanet that whenever I address to them I was given an
> understanding that I must address only or at the most one more email,  but
> not in CC neither BCC column.
> The letter of Swati Kerkar is addressed to Goanet in CC column and how
> this was entertained for publishing it?
> Whether rules are for some people and different to others?  Any way it is
> not my concerned that Swati's resignation has come all of a sudden. What is
> their internal problem GOD only knows. Now, her resignation  will give more
> opportunity for other parties especially  BJP and Congress to climb up  the
> ladder. Just recently I had a courtesy to meet great leaders of AAP in Goa,
> and I was so glad that this party has taken a spirit to fight the evil and
> expecting that AAP will come with shinning colours. But now with the
> Swati's resignation all the forces appears to become paralyzed.
> Swaiti Kerkar resignation angle must be probed also if there is any pull
> from other parties to disengage her from AAP?
> If everything is in the right direction that one person leaving the party
> will not make any difference but in the contrary it will give AAP
> more strength  because the internal problems  will be known to all the
> workers of AAP.
> WAIT ETAM TEM BOREACH ( this is a proverb in Konkani).
> Stephen Dias
> Dona Paula
> -
> Message: 7
> Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 15:06:41 +0530
> From: swati kerkar 
> To: Miki , Aam Aadmi Party Goa
> ,,  Rajeshree
> Nagarsekar
> Cc: Ramnath Pai ,,
> mandar naik , lmeidagilu
> ,Tukaram Govekar <
> ,   goadootmargao
> ,  bhaskar desai <
>, Prashant Shetye <
> Dattaraj Naik ,,
> Karsten Miranda , goanet
> ,,Lokmat
> Media
> , Arvind Tengse ,
>,gary azavedo ,
> aditya
> bidre ,,
>  Roque Dias
> ,,   Abhinav
> Publication
> Goa Doot ,   tarun bharat <
> Subject: [Goanet] Letter of Resignation from Party
> Message-ID:
> <
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Sir/Madam,
> Kindly accept my resignation from the Aam Aadmi Party. Although some months
> back I had conveyed my intent to resign from the party to the Convener and
> because there was some confusion over whether I was a member in the past or
> not (since my name was not found in the online AAP directory), I am
> reiterating my intention through this email.
> Kindly consider myself as dissociated the party and its affairs  and
> therefore I request the party or its member cease to use my name either
> verbally and/or in any propaganda material including the website. I also
> ask the party not to use my name to collect donations as shown in this
> link:
> Considering my candidature has no historic significance, I find no need of
> my name, as a member of AAP, to feature on any material related to AAP.
> If the party continues to use my name contrary to my request after 30 days
> of this email, I will be forced to take legal action against the party.
> Thanking You,
> Yours Sincerely
> Swati kerkar

Re: [Goanet] Press Statement for kind favour of Publication - *SUDIN DEMANDS AN APOLOGY FROM PORTUGAL ...

2016-01-18 Thread Floriano Lobo


On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 2:16 PM, Bernado Colaco  wrote:

> 4) For destroying Goa's pre-Portuguese era  'GAOKARIES aka COMUNIDADES'
> through the implementation of the Tenancy Act, 1964 as a matter of
> vote-bank politics,  and for presently  being a part and parcel of the BJP
> government which wants to legalize illegal structures on Comunidade land to
> appease its migrant vote-bank.
> 5) For metamorphosing our coconut tree into a plant;
> 6) Destruction of hills in the name of development therefore limiting the
> production of our  much revered  Health Drink called Caju Feni.
> BC

Re: [Goanet] Congrats, Venita Coelho!

2016-01-20 Thread Floriano Lobo
Congrats to Venita Coelho. GSRP Moira.

On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 8:01 AM, Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या
* فريدريك نورونيا  wrote:

> Congratulations to Venita Coelho who just won the Hindu Good Books Award
> for childrens fiction books for her book 'Dead As A Dodo'. Great going
> FN
> --
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/
> _/  Frederick Noronha | |
> _/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
> _/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content
> _/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/

Re: [Goanet] New political aprty in the offing

2016-01-22 Thread Floriano Lobo
Thank you Nelson for a brief but laudable  mention of Goa Su-Raj Party. In
fact, Goans had expected to see the demise of this newcomer Goa's regional
Party soon after it was formed in 2000. A question was asked in Aldona when
the Party contested the 2002 elections (with  8 candidates), the Party's
first after its formation. "Will you be around  when the next election
comes?" The answer given was an emphatic "Yes, GSRP will be around in the
next election, the elections after that until it leads Goa with full
majority". This answer was perhaps taken with a pinch of salt  and wrinkled
noses. Yes, GSRP was there in 2005 by-elections in Taleigao,  2007 in
Aldona, 2012 in Aldona & Taleigao. The time for GSRP's promotion came to an
end with 2012 elections when the Congress was mutilated. GSRP had a hand in
this, specifically because its belief was that Congress was a a Cobra that
needed to be put away at any cost. Goans could play with the BJP until it
took itself out with its communal fever. Here we come in 2017 with an
intended full regimen of 30+ candidates. Money? GSRP shall not be going to
the money-bags. It has been built with sound principles which cannot erode
with time as there never has been a rush to get into a place of  power. The
mantra has always been "SLOW AND STEAD WINS THE RACE" It will go  to the
people for whatever they will spare to build  a massive mountain with they
themselves participating. GSRP is going to repeat in Goa the OBAMA EFFECT
that put a BLACK PRESIDENT in the White House with small/insignificant
contributions from the masses, through it's masterpiece "I LOVE MY GOA"
pledges of Rs. 50/- and Rs. 100/- which pledges Goans may frame and
treasure to tell a story to their next generation how Goa was saved through
their small/tiny contribution.


On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 10:05 PM, Nelson Lopes  wrote:

> Rregional parties in Goa down memory lane
> When things go wrong in political arena and elections are  at hand, is but
> natural to experiment by floating a new political a party,hoping that
> problems will  be addressed satisfactorily. In the beginning the ideology
> is authentic, the people are genuine, the enthusiasm is real and
> expectations are pregnant with quick delivery, but sooner than later it
> meets the same fate as other faded parties
> At the start of our  democratic freedom only two parties MGP and United
> Goans held sway over a long period and people were polarized one way or
> other. Then difference  between opinion poll or separate  state the United
> Goans split to form Sunrise Party by Dr Furtado,. At the elections” sunrise
>  party”set permanently into oblivion. The leaders were well respected and
> had following, Then Congress made an impact but to dissipate from Congress
> (O) to Congress (U) stretched to Congress I. Dr DSouza floated Goa Congress
> and only Luizinho survived. The GOa Congress lost relevance with Luizinho
> embracing Congress I. Dr D Souza resurrected himself into NCP that was his
> possible last plunge. Ramaknt Kalap joined Congress and Supremo of MGP too
> became a Congress member.  MGP fortunately continues to remain a float, in
> spite of losing its relevance
>  Goa Vikas is the new party headed by Micky, NCP is without any member in
> Assembly and MGP with two members is keeping the embers burning having been
> overwhelmed by BJP. Joining with BJP, the MGP has literally eroded  its
> base and popularity. AAP  Party is still to open an account, though
> initially the high profile individuals gave it a colour and hope to fill
> the gap between BJP and Congress. Floriano  is struggling for  long to
> establish Goa Suraj party with noble values. PDF among others also had
> fleeting existence
> Surprisingly the remnants of UGP rise from slumber only during elections
> probably to do some bargaining to show their existence, seat sharing and
> hard bargaining. Now hints are ripe about Monserate intending to set up
> another  party. Now comes the good news about an experienced, educated,
> intelligent is polishing the details of a new party. The news is accepted
> with guarded optimism. In fact the new outfits are to rehabilitate,
> disgruntled, discarded old fogies, who have lost their expiry period  , it
> will be a mistake.The funding is what lures the parties to hob knob with
> such elements. If the new party breaks itself from old  mould and tested
> principles of functioning of parties, it  will be judged by its operations.
> National parties have some advantages, but mostly are remote controlled and
> dissent is not tolerated The supreme Commanders writhe pervades
> unquestionably . On the other hand local parties are in direct tune with
> their constituents and can decide with local aspirations and needs.
>  The status of Mr  PrabakarTimble is very reassuring, but the composition
> of Executive committee, nomenclature, ideology ,priorities, eligibility
> will be watched  with interest, The  national parties with th

Re: [Goanet] Press Statement for kind favour of publication

2016-02-20 Thread Floriano Lobo
> The Mess that these so called incumbent rulers have of created in Goa must
> be washed dry or else you can rest assured GOA IS SUNK FOR GOOD IN THE
> Sam Furtado
> On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 10:16 PM, Florian Lobo 
> wrote:
>> *19 February, 2016*
>> The Goa Su-Raj Party condemns the malicious report appearing in the Social
>> Media that the Party is in favour of Marathi as Goa's Official Language on
>> par with  Goa's queen 'KONKANI',   which has antagonized Goans across the
>> world against the GSRP. .
>> The very fact that this statement is attributed to tiatrist Wilson
>> Mazarello  who has been declared as the Party's candidate for the Velim
>> Constituency  (South Goa) for the coming Goa Legislative Elections, speaks
>> volumes of  malicious intent,   when Wilson Mazarello,  more acknowledged
>> by his stage name 'WILMIX' , has been in the forefront of demanding
>> recognition to Romi script for Konkani for as long as we remember.
>> The Marathi lobby has reason to be aggreaved with GSRP as it solidly roots
>> for 'Konkani' as the sole official Language of the State of Goa, being its
>> sole 'mother's tongue'  with ROMI script  as the birth right of Goans.
>> Again the   Marathi   lobby in Goa  is aggrieved to see a Hindu from the
>> Marathi belt of Bicholim having been declared  as   the Party's  candidate
>> for the next assembly elecitions.
>> Goa Su-Raj Party stands by it founding resolves that Goa's sole Official
>> Language is Konkani. That the Official Language issue has been resolved
>> when Goa was declared a State  in 1987 with Konkani as its OFFICIAL
>> Language and it having been  included in the 8th. Schedule.
>> Goa Su-Raj Party also believes that no state can have or has two languages
>> as official languages of the state.
>> That for the State of Goa, its Official Language is Konkani and shall
>> remain Konkani, forever. That the mergerist ideals were defeated on 16
>> January, 1967 when the Great Goan Opinion Poll was held and subsequently
>> won by industrious Goans.
>> Goa Su-Raj Party-GSRP requests   trueGoans not to fall  prey to
>> such   cheap publicity, that it is vital that true Goans base their belief
>> in GSRP so that it may hand to Goans their very own Hign Command in their
>> beloved Goa  in the ensuing general elections, 2016-17.
>> Sd/-
>> Floriano Lobo
>> General Secretary/Spokesperson
>> Mob: 9890470896
>> Email:
>> Website:
>> Twitter@goasuraj


2016-02-24 Thread Floriano Lobo
I am taking this opportunity to thank Admin Goanet for publishing my
COMMENTS on news reports.

I am grateful.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 7:48 AM, Florian Lobo  wrote:

> As according the the video of  Justice Katju circulating viral in the
> social media,  Justice Katju is demanding a revolution in this country to
> throw out the existing system of governance where the living standards of
> the masses never improve.
> In keeping with these sentiments, GSRP will abolish all payments to Ex-MLAs
> of Goa and also re-visit the monthly emoluments receivable by the incumbent
> Mlas until the Public Debt burden of the State is totally and completely
> removed to free the state from this crippling Public Debt burden created by
> the very MLAs who  are receiving the state bonanza for life. The present
> Public Debt is at Rs. 66,000 crores wherein our gen-next has no future.
> The Only Alternative for 2016-17 Elections
> Floriano Lobo
> Gen. Secretary/Spokesperson & Candidate for 10-Aldona Constituency for
> 2016-17 Assembly Elections.
> Mob: 9890470896


2016-02-26 Thread Floriano Lobo

ANTI-DefExpo camp sticks to stand of scrapping project.- H


The GOA SU-RAJ PARTY congratulates the people of  South Goa for resisting
this foolish intent of the Government of Goa to lend large chunks of Goa's
limited lands to the Central Agencies when Goa is reeling under the
pressure to preserve its lands for Goa's well being and for the benefit of

GSRP will do all these things which are a part of its permanent Manifesto
1. Put the Navy on  short notice to move out of Dabolim lock-stock and
barrel, to  maintain a very minimum security presence as universally
demanded at International Airports.

2. Scrap MOPA which is the brain-child of the Navy to digest Goa's Civilian
Airport illegally captured after Operation Vijay.

3. Shift the Army Signal Head Quarters located in Panjim along with the
Militiary Hospital to either Bambolim or elsewhere. Goans do not want the
military remain in the congested City of Panjim.

4. The extent of lands given to central agencies in Goa shall be put under
strict review and mostly terminated.

5. The Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Navy and the Goa
Government vis a vis the take over of Goa's Anjediva Island by the Navy
shall be reviewed especially with the Navy having flouted the terms of this
Memorandum where the locals shall be allowed pilgrimage to the religious
shrine located on the Island to keep the aged old tradition. The Anjediva
Island transfer to the Navy is illegal and shall be reverted.

6. Goans do not want Goa to  be militarized to afford good life to the
military personnel at the cost of GOANS primarily because Goa does not have

7. Goa has been used by the Centre as it likes with their chamcha
governments in Goa dancing to every tune that the Centre plays w.r.t.
defence and accommodating defence agencies in Goa without questioning the
rationale. Therefore it is time for GOA to have Goa's Own High Command In
Goa so that decision are taken in Goa what happen in Goa and Goans and not
in Delhi, Nagpur or elsewhere on  the basis of loaded suitcases with
currency notes.

8. Foremost, the Centre has to answer the questions that Goans are asking
about the Goa's conquest and annexation, without giving GOANS the
opportunity to chose  their  own fate, as promised by Pandit Jawaharlal
Nehru when he had said
It is, however, sad that the Portuguese who were driven out like dogs and
who went running with their tails between their legs post 1961, returned
 to lick the feet that had kicked them out through signing of the 1974
Chavan-Mario Soares Co-operation Treaty WITHOUT TAKING GOANS INTO
Origin Premier ANTONIO COSTA, owes Goans a distinct  apology on this count,
especially when Mario Soares' government was a transition Government and
not an elected one.

Dear Goans,
What we had prior to 1961 was a benevolent  Colonialist -rule  from a far.
What we have after 1961 is  repressive Colonialist rule  from across the
borders of Goa.
There is no difference, more so this present colonialist rule  is diluting
us GOANs instead of promises given to protect us, so bad, that we shall
have to shine a  torch-light  to identify GOANS IN GOA in times to come.
What you are doing against DefExpo is our BIRTHRIGHT.
WE GOANS MUST NOT  ALLOW ANYONE TO SLIGHT US in the name of the Security of
the Nation.
for, GOA and GOANS do not have the obligation to protect the Nation  at
their very costs.
And we shall observe this CARDINAL RULE.

Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary/Spokesperson
Mob: 9890470896


2016-02-27 Thread Floriano Lobo
Yes, Jose, he lied.
He was not covering the press con and none  of the papers who covered it
wrote anything like it. Sandesh published this on the social media.
This reminds me to write to the Union of Journalists.

Thanks n B/rgds
Hello to Ema

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 7:38 AM, Jose  wrote:

> You mean, Floriano, that Sandesh Prabhudesai actually LIED wrt Wilmix ?
> Wonder what the Goa Union of Journalists have to say about this.
> jc
> > On Feb 25, 2016, at 4:26 AM, Florian Lobo  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > The clarification given by Wilmix [Wilson Mazarello] is self-explanatory
> > and should discard the cannard published by SANDESH PRABUDESSAI on the
> > esteemed Social Media.

Re: [Goanet] GOA IS UNFORTUNATE TO BE RULED AS A COLONY BY POWERS THAT BE, AFTER ALL ANTI-DefExpo camp sticks to stand of scrapping project.- H

2016-02-27 Thread Floriano Lobo
Bernardo must know the great Goan adage

floriano lobo

On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 3:30 PM, Bernado Colaco  wrote:

> Em soglem zakna. Kaim zhao pachem na!
> BC
> The GOA SU-RAJ PARTY congratulates the people of  South Goa for resisting
> this foolish intent of the Government of Goa to lend large chunks of Goa's
> limited lands to the Central Agencies when Goa is reeling under the
> pressure to preserve its lands for Goa's well being and for the benefit of
> Goans.
> GSRP will do all these things which are a part of its permanent Manifesto
> 1. Put the Navy on  short notice to move out of Dabolim lock-stock and
> barrel, to  maintain a very minimum security presence as universally
> demanded at International Airports.
> 2. Scrap MOPA which is the brain-child of the Navy to digest Goa's Civilian
> Airport illegally captured after Operation Vijay.
> 3. Shift the Army Signal Head Quarters located in Panjim along with the
> Militiary Hospital to either Bambolim or elsewhere. Goans do not want the
> military remain in the congested City of Panjim.
> 4. The extent of lands given to central agencies in Goa shall be put under
> strict review and mostly terminated.
> 5. The Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Navy and the Goa
> Government vis a vis the take over of Goa's Anjediva Island by the Navy
> shall be reviewed especially with the Navy having flouted the terms of this
> Memorandum where the locals shall be allowed pilgrimage to the religious
> shrine located on the Island to keep the aged old tradition. The Anjediva
> Island transfer to the Navy is illegal and shall be reverted.
> 6. Goans do not want Goa to  be militarized to afford good life to the
> military personnel at the cost of GOANS primarily because Goa does not have
> 7. Goa has been used by the Centre as it likes with their chamcha
> governments in Goa dancing to every tune that the Centre plays w.r.t.
> defence and accommodating defence agencies in Goa without questioning the
> rationale. Therefore it is time for GOA to have Goa's Own High Command In
> Goa so that decision are taken in Goa what happen in Goa and Goans and not
> in Delhi, Nagpur or elsewhere on  the basis of loaded suitcases with
> currency notes.
> 8. Foremost, the Centre has to answer the questions that Goans are asking
> about the Goa's conquest and annexation, without giving GOANS the
> opportunity to chose  their  own fate, as promised by Pandit Jawaharlal
> Nehru when he had said
> It is, however, sad that the Portuguese who were driven out like dogs and
> who went running with their tails between their legs post 1961, returned
>  to lick the feet that had kicked them out through signing of the 1974
> Chavan-Mario Soares Co-operation Treaty WITHOUT TAKING GOANS INTO
> Origin Premier ANTONIO COSTA, owes Goans a distinct  apology on this count,
> especially when Mario Soares' government was a transition Government and
> not an elected one.
> Mob: 9890470896
> End of Goanet Digest, Vol 11, Issue 97
> **


2017-10-27 Thread Floriano Lobo
Now it is two rapers of Goan land. VS n BM in a joint venture to rape Goa
n  Goans.
On Oct 27, 2017 12:55 PM, "Aires Rodrigues" 

> After Fisheries Minister Vinod Paliencar having hounded a very upright
> Director of Fisheries Shamila Monteiro, the Town & Country Planning
> Minister Vijai Sardesai unable to move ahead with his devious agenda is now
> gunning for the no- nonsense Chief Town Planner Dr. S.T.Puttaraju. Vijai
> Sardesai is working overtime fabricating dubious and silly allegations
> against the Chief Town Planner.
> To carry out his hidden agenda of selling what remains of Goa Vijai
> Sardesai will now have two more Chief Town Planners while sidelining
> Dr.S.T.Puttaraju. James Mathew will be one while the very pliable Rajesh
> Naik will be the second bypassing Senior Town Planner S.M.Byakod. To rake
> in the moolah Vijai Sardesai is in a tearing hurry to start the process of
> change of zones and that task will be entrusted to one of these two new
> Chief Town Planners.
> The 24 member Town and Country Planning Board headed by Vijai Sardesai
> which meets on 30th October besides approving the creation of more
> politically motivated PDAs is also expected to give a green signal to
> initiate the process for change of zone to the betterment of  the land
> sharks.
> Incidentally Vijai Sardesai’s henchman and Treasurer of the Goa Forward
> Party Suraj Lotlikar is a member of the TCP Board. We all know that Suraj
> Lotlikar is a very integral part of the Land mafia. On his credentials to
> be a member of the Town & Country Planning Board less said the better. And
> with the Town & Country Planning Minister’s bungalow at Fatorda itself
> being illegal, Vijai Sardesai lacks the moral authority to lead the proper
> Planning of the State.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>  Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires


2017-10-31 Thread Floriano Lobo
It may be news to Aires. But the alterboys deserve worst. For they have
renrolled themselves into the BJP not for the BJP,  certainlly not for Goa
but for themselves. to be on the ruling side to make hay while the sun
shines. Actually the BJP should castrate them.
On Oct 31, 2017 1:39 PM, "Aires Rodrigues" 

> The BJP has time and again humiliated the Mapusa MLA Francis D’Souza. Over
> the years he has been openly misused by the saffron brigade and
> consistently politically undermined, despite his unflinching loyalty to the
> party. Now, he has been rewarded with unwanted crumbs and left overs.
> On account of his loyalty to the BJP, Francis D' Souza had to even endure
> flak and wrath of the Church after claiming to be a Christian Hindu.
> Being the Deputy Chief Minister he should have been the obvious choice to
> Chief Ministership in November 2014, when Manohar Parrikar was moving to
> Delhi. And in March this year, to rub salt into his wounds, Francis D’Souza
> was relegated to number 4 in the cabinet with, with the innocuous Urban
> Development portfolio.
> The conduct of the BJP towards the altar boys only shows that they value
> them no more than toilet paper. Less said the better on how in October 2000
> then BJP coalition Chief Minister Francisco Sardinha was dispatched on a
> voyage to see the Kangaroos in Australia and was here very unceremoniously
> and deviously unsaddled from the throne.
> More recently after having vowed to carry on Matanhy Saldanha’s legacy, the
> BJP has reneged on everything he stood for. Even Alina Saldanha, despite
> being the lone lady MLA, was craftily kept out of the cabinet. The BJP’s
> deceitful agenda is now in the open and there for all to see.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>  Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires

Re: [Goanet] Adeus Kortso Vellu Pauta

2017-11-03 Thread Floriano Lobo
On Nov 1, 2017 8:37 PM, "Gabe Menezes"  wrote:

> Some years ago I was told that this was sung by folks whose son was going
> to join the Seminary!
> [image: Keith Figueiredo Faleiro]
> Keith Figueiredo Faleiro
> 1 year ago
> Torquato de Figueiredo is my great great grand uncle and this was composed
> in my house in Loutolimvery happy to hear this music being played so
> beautifully.
> The time has come to say farewell!
> The composer of this this song, had embarked as a tarvoti alas the
> woman on whom he had set his eyes...married someone else? So nothing to do
> with the mando about a spinster getting married and a song for daughters.
> Yes a spinster did get married, it was not unrequited love...things
> happened those time to wait for travotti  to come back
> home...t'was all on a wing and a prayer!
> How sad. This could mean that he let his loved one go with great sadness.
> Analyst par excellence that's me! Chief dealer...Singapore, Hong Kong,
> Jeddah and Riyadh.
> --
> Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] GOA'S DOOM

2017-11-14 Thread Floriano Lobo
If this duo is so bad for Goa, all it takes is ' dah ' . End of it all.

Goa's irony and dilemma is that after having repeatedly brandished Vijai
Sardesai as very corrupt and a mega dalal, the very same Manohar
Gopalkrishna Parrikar for sheer political survival hugged the same Dalal
and had the brazen audacity of rewarding the very same Vijai Sardesai with
the prized plumb and very lucrative portfolio of Town & Country Planning.

The now senile Manohar Parrikar may have surrendered all his earlier values
and principles if any, but the people of Goa will never forgive him and his
new found dracula cum supari master Vijai Sardesai who is now all out to
bid farewell to Goa's few remaining hills and fields.

The curses of the people of Goa and the shock treatment by the Almighty
awaits Manohar Parrikar and Vijai Sardesai.

[Goanet] Towards protecting Goa's insterests first

2017-11-16 Thread Floriano Lobo
Goans who are asking CM Manohar Parrikar to protect Goa's interest first
must know that he has occupied the CM's chair illegally paying Digvijay
Singh of Congress and Vijay Sardesai of Goa Backwards hundreds of crores
from Adani Ambani Jindal n GMR to push their programs which would be
perhaps otherwise blocked by the Congress which won 17 seats against 13 of
the BJP in elections 2017. Goans had voted for Congress against the BJP in
the hope that it had learnt its lesson from the  crippling defeat in 2012
elections. The defeat of Goans was to trust Goa Backwards not knowing it
would be the Judas for Goa. Hope better sense prevails in the next voting.


[Goanet] (no subject)

2017-11-18 Thread Floriano Lobo
By Prakash Kamat – The Hindu


Time and again this  party has demanded that the then mines minister Mr.
Digamber Kamat be tried for signing the condonation of delay of mining
lease when  he had no power to sign the same. This is established in the
Shah Commission Report under “ INTENTIONAL MISUSE OF RULE 24A of the MCR,
1960 by the concerned authorities.

Mr. Raajiv Yaduvanshi is known to be a straight officer as we have had
interaction with him. Hopefully, his  recorded statements will seal the
fate of Mr. Digamber Kamat and we shall be happy to see him in jail for

Floriano Lobo



2017-11-22 Thread Floriano Lobo
This was amply indicated to the Indian electorate and to the world when the
murderer of Gujarat was elected the Prime Minister.
On Nov 22, 2017 1:05 PM, "Aires Rodrigues" 

> need-be-cut-off-hands-of-modi-critics-bihar-bjp-chief/
> articleshow/61746714.cms
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>  Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires

Re: [Goanet] Off Topic Re: Waterway to Heaven (National Geographic Traveller, November 2017)

2017-11-22 Thread Floriano Lobo
It is said that the third world war will be fought for WATER.
On Nov 22, 2017 1:05 PM, "E DeSousa"  wrote:

> It appears, not everybody appreciates the"waterway to heaven".Chinese
> engineers wait forGovernment approval of proposed world's longest 1000 Km
> tunnel to divertBrahmaputra from the Tibet plateau  to  the arid Taklamakan
> desert in Xinjiang in northwest China.Given that the Brahmaputra is knownto
> make up to 30 per cent of India's water supply the implications of this
> planare quite dire for India. So far the Chinese have been building
> "run-of-the-river dams for electricity generating purposes with little
> impact onIndia’s water security downstream"Now Chinese engineers want
> to"divert water from Sangri county, in Tibet, before the Yarlung Tsangpo,
> asit is known in Tibet, enters India in Arunachal Pradesh." The
> statedobjective is to "turn the Chinese desert into a new California".
> brahmaputra-tibet-xinjiang-india/1/1078395.htmlhttp://
> and-indo-china-relations/

Re: [Goanet] Rahul Ghandi is being anointed

2017-11-23 Thread Floriano Lobo
If it was Priyanka instead of Rahul , there would be a revolution in India
and the Baa Jaa Paa would see its end. The only factor that stopped this
revolution was Priyanka's association with Robert  Vadra. What a pity.
There seems to be no other capable to lead Nehru's. Congress. What a pity.
They are paying for their sins committed in annexing Goa thro'
international fraud and lies. One fraud is that UN's 1969 year book has
been made to record that Goa was United with India. This is a blatant lie
and is going to be exposed shortly.
On Nov 23, 2017 7:51 PM, "Nelson Lopes"  wrote:

> Raul Gandhi is anointed
> It is time that he should finally done the mantle .It is another matter
> that he did not take responsibility to hold any office of administration in
> the Govt, even on invitation. Manmohan Singh is on record of holding office
> and willingness to relinquish it  at the behest of Raga. Till Sonia ,his
> mother was able to hold on, he was in no hurry to displace her that is the
> right sentiment unlike other political siblings riding rough shod. Now that
> she is ailing and Raga is committed to carry on with  overwhelming support
> of party cadres. Remember that Indira Gandhi formed her party under the
> title of Indira National Congress It was her private party. .The Indian
> National Congress was unable to sustain for too long. They merged lock
> stock and barrel with her and the nomenclature rechristened as THE ORIGINAL
> Indian  National Congress   with all assets vested in it and no dissenting
> voices .Rajeev Gandhi reluctantly was forced by the stalwarts, to wear the
> crown of thorns , because the  others so called potentials waiting in
> wings   were   lacking in  pan India recognition. .He was then a political
> novice, but with the passage of time he  proved  his mettle, vision and
> proved everyone wrong with his youthful exuberance and dynamism. Sonia saw
> to her dismay two assassinations in her close family and refused to be
> sucked in the political fray. Finally the helpless party virtually pleaded
> with her to rejuvenate and keep alive the grand old party .She too was a
> political newcomer lacking in experience and wisdom of chicanery, She led
> the party successfully for long and became the most powerful lady  to be
> reckoned with ,directing from behind
> Now it is the turn of Raga , who is unilaterally having the unanimous
> backing to the hilt, He is proving to be the only thorn in the flesh of the
> ruling party. Being chided and ridiculed by seniors with experience makes
> no sense., If he is no threat to their grandiose plans, why raise a storm
> calling him by all uncharitable names?. He has for long shown utmost
> refrain of maturity by not snooping to the base level of counter offensive
> and criticism. The ruling party is bent upon decimating Congress opposition
> and the  best way is to downgrade Raga, which is not happening to their
> dismay The criticism of leveling as dynastic party does not hold water. The
> rank and file , seasoned seniors, experienced party stalwarts can only
> survive under the shadow of Raga and it is mere assumption that everything
> is being bulldozed .It is their  party decision and his inexperience, lack
> of administrative skills should be an advantage. The ruling party too is
> more autocratic then democratic, with power held by limited persons and all
> others simply genuflecting in meek  acceptance not uttering any dissent
> whatsoever
> Like his predecessors Raga too will fulfill the expectations of those who
> promote his candidature and those that are baying for his blood will  have
> to eat the humble pie. The discontent, frustrations are looming large and
> are bound to manifest themselves and sent shock waves in times to come
> Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


2017-11-26 Thread Floriano Lobo
Uphold the law and order my bloody foot. It is more of upholding the rule
that fills the pockets than upholding the rule of law where the police and
the politicians are concerned. Vimal Gupta may be an exception to this rule
until and unless cleared of this said fabricated charge. GSRP
On Nov 26, 2017 2:19 PM, "Aires Rodrigues" 

> DIG Vimal Gupta who is with the Goa Police from October 2015 has been known
> to be a very upright and a no-nonsense officer not cowing down to the
> diktats of the politicians in Power.
> So now the allegations being made against him could be well fabricated to
> target and embarrass a very fine IPS officer to get him out of the way so
> that it could be a free run for corrupt and illegal activities.
> DGP Muktesh Chander should weed out the one too many black sheep from his
> ranks while not allowing the honest officers to be unnecessarily maligned
> for upholding the law.
> The DGP needs to ensure that all police personnel strictly never bow down
> to the Politicians but only to the Rule of Law.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>  Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires

Re: [Goanet] Goa rivers declaration as National Waterways like Goa Liberation?

2017-12-11 Thread Floriano Lobo
Very well done, in deed.
However, concerned Goans must not chicken out from signing this petition as
the Indian Parliament will have nothing to do with Goa matters, less Goa's

On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 5:32 PM, Sebastian  wrote:

> declaration-as-national.html
> Its revolt to be fought for! Calling People of Goa to join!
> Goa Liberation of 1961 and declaration of Goa's six rivers as National
> Waterways; do they have any similarity? Well really yes, according to Goa
> Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar's response to Maggie Silveira, President of
> Bharat Mukti Morcha, Goa Unit. They both are decisions are of Government of
> India, both taken without consulting people of Goa supposedly for the
> benefit of Goa. One taken by Congress government in 1961 and later by BJP
> government in 2016. Mr. Parrikar was speaking in a discussion after
> presentation of Draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Inland
> Waterways Authority of India (IWAI), Government of Goa and Mormugao Port
> Trust (MPT) for development of 6 Waterways of National Importance in Goa
> referred as "National Waterways" on December 11, 2017.
> Invitation for this meeting was sent out by Captain of Ports Capt. James
> Braganza to many people. Surprisingly when people turned up to attend but
> they were prevented by police from attending so they staged demonstration
> outside Menezes Braganza Hall.
> After the Power Point Presentation by Secretary Fisheries Govind Jaiswal
> discussions were initiated on declaring rivers as National Waterways.
> However when the discussion were found to be getting Chief Minister Manohar
> Parrikar in embarrassing situations as he ran short of answers meeting was
> stopped.
> Here we share point of debate between Maggie Silveira, President, Bharat
> Mukti Morcha, Goa Unit  and Manohar Parrikar on declaration of Goa's rivers
> as National Waterways.
> Maggie: Why did Indian Government passed National Waterways Act 2016
> without taking people of Goa in confidence on March 26, 2016?
> Parrikar: Government of India is not required to consult anyone before
> passing of laws. This law is passed in Lok Sabha as well as Rajya Sabha
> unanimously. No member from Goa in Parliament objected to this law. I was
> present in the Parliament. Also it is not required that Indian Government
> consult any State Government before passing of this law I was not Chief
> Minister that time.
> Maggie: Then what is the use of democracy? People have the right to voice
> out.
> Parrikar: Passing of this law relating to Goa is like Liberation of Goa.
> These questions were raised that time in post 1961. I support the idea
> because we are going to get funds for dredging of rivers.
> Maggie: What Ravi Naik, ex-CM of Goa said on ways of raising funds I
> appreciate, central government can give grants to Goa Government for this
> purpose. There are other ways of raising funds rather than surrender our
> rivers to Central government.
> Parrikar: I will appoint you as Advisor to Government of Goa on raising of
> finance. Simply some body has set Goa's rivers on fire. No where in India
> people are objecting to declaration of their rivers as National Waterways.
> Maggie: I am not interested to be on your advisory Board. I have much
> better things to do. We have to protect our rivers, Casinos have polluted
> river Mandovi.
> Parrikar: Are there Casinos in River Sal, it is also polluted.
> Maggie: What government was doing as the river Sal was getting polluted?
> Parrikar: That is a separate question from today's' theme of National
> Waterways MoUs.
> Maggie: Don't include the six rivers as National Waterways.
> Parrikar: They are already included and I can do nothing about it.
> Maggie: Then see that MoU is not signed by Goa Government's Captain of
> Ports. We protest declaration of Goa six rivers as National Waterways.
> Parrikar: Okay, I have noted your views.
> Manohar Parrikar said that MPT is not involved in signing the MoU but the
> draft he gave to Churchill Alemao has MPT in it. And also the invitation to
> this meeting says so. One again Parrikar tried to confuse people.
> MoU Parrikar said in response to Olencio's question are not superior to
> the law namely Inland Waterways Authority of India Act 1985 and National
> Waterways Act 2016.
> There are few other people who questioned Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar
> on various counts. Savio Correia, Olencio Simoes, Churchill Alemao, Ravi
> Naik publicly.
> Govind Jaiswal, who is also Secretary (Ports/ fisheries) informed that
> fishing rules of 1981 are more dangerous and restrictive to fish

Re: [Goanet] The liberation of Goa: How Nehru defied the U.S. and used force against the Portuguese

2018-01-02 Thread Floriano Lobo
The truth is here.

On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 2:02 AM, Eugene Correia 

> The story of Nehru defying Kennedy is "diplomatic" spin. Kennedy seemingly
> okayed India's plan but kept public silence. The US didn't get NATO into
> action as Portugal demanded. Portugal was part of the alliance.
> Kennedy was convinced that Portugal was adamant in clinging to Goa,  USA
> Ambassador, John Kenneth Galbraith, a Canadian-born US diplomat, played a
> big role. earlier, Canadian Ambassador, Escott Reid, was also on India's
> side.
> Portugal was not paying heed to USA's plea to give up Goa. Portugal also
> defied India's diplomatic efforts, till Nehru, pushed by circumtances and
> pressure from the freedom fighters and Defence Minister Krishna Menon,
> ordered the army to march into Goa.
> What has happened since the, and the current problems, were not expected.
> But they are realities niw.
> Eugene
> Sent from my iPad
> > On Jan 1, 2018, at 1:39 PM, Roland Francis 
> wrote:
> >
> > The Praveen Davar article in the Hindu is either half-baked or
> conveniently omits an inconvenient truth.
> >
> > The much touted claim that the Portuguese were obstinate and Nehru was
> pushed into a corner by other Indians to use violence against Goa makes
> fools of thinking people.
> >
> > How about the non-violent approach of allowing Goans themselves who were
> virtually running the Portuguese administration in Goa, to determine Goa’s
> future for themselves, within a broad Indian framework rather than
> violently snatching it from them, thus  avoiding the Churchills Kamats and
> Parrikars, the progeny of louts, to thrust themselves on a virgin Goa of
> unblemished character.
> >
> > Did Nehru not foresee that his people are by an large a loutish lot
> prone to indiscipline and corruption and quick to forget the values that
> the British had drilled into them for 150 years. Did his intelligence and
> statesmanship not take into account that the the gigantic number of louts
> would squash the “liberated” territory, fashioning it in their own image of
> loutishness.
> >
> > Or was he vain enough to think that his promises of “special treatment”
> would be honoured by his surviving louts.
> >
> > Roland Francis
> > 416-453-3371
> >
> >
> >> On Jan 1, 2018, at 9:00 AM, Frederick Noronha <
>> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> of-goa/article22339624.ece
> >> --
> >> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> >> _/
> >> _/  FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436
> >> _/  RADIO GOANA:
> >> _/
> >> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/

[Goanet] Fwd: Goa Statehood in Legal Trouble

2018-01-14 Thread Floriano Lobo
-- Forwarded message --
From: "Nash Lobo" 
Date: Jan 14, 2018 6:05 PM
Subject: Goa Statehood in Legal Trouble
To: "Atanasio Lobo" 
Cc: "Floriano Lobo" 

In the matter of Mhadei water dispute, Karnataka Bar Association has taken
a stand that Goa cannot be accepted as a "State ". Without prejudice to
Goa's claim of water, legal arguments need attention.

1. Goa did not follow the necessary requirements for granting statehood.
2. Number of MLAs in Goa is less than  60 & each assembly constituency has
less than needed average voters.
3. States are created under article 170 of the Constitution.  Goa did not
fit in that criteria.
4. Goa has 40  MLA s. Each constituency must have minimum 2 lakh & Maximum
5  lakh voters. Karnataka has more than 2 lakh voters each. Maharashtra,
UP, Gujarat, TN each have near to 5 lakh voters.
5. Creation of Goa state is against Constitution of India
6. Therefore, any political or judicial dispute with Goa is against
Constitution of India.

Re: [Goanet] Government plans to auction 'enemy' properties worth Rs 1 lakh cro

2018-01-14 Thread Floriano Lobo
This is absolutely ridiculous. Groans in Pakistan are not enemies but bona
fide Goans. India will have to pay heavily for this move especially when it
is illegal in GOA.

On Jan 14, 2018 7:55 PM, "Gabe Menezes"  wrote:

This does not smell good to me, what do readers think?

Government plans to auction 'enemy' properties worth Rs 1 lakh crore

Read more at:


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Opinion Poll and Goan Identity - By Yatish Naik Oheraldo - 16 Jan-2018

2018-01-17 Thread Floriano Lobo
Attached for your kind information.


Re: [Goanet] Your invitation to sign the Free Goa Petition

2018-01-18 Thread Floriano Lobo


2018-01-19 Thread Floriano Lobo
Uday Bembre? What rubbish. All 40 need to be sent to Russia the learn how
to VETO to become
prosperous through looting instead of Abu Dabhi to learn abt how to treat

On Jan 19, 2018 1:36 PM, "Aires Rodrigues" 

Extremely appalling is the very sad admission on 16th January at Lohia
Maidan by the Goa Housing & RDA Minister Jayesh Salagonkar that he was
totally unaware about the historic 1967 Goa Opinion Poll and had just
surfed the net to learn about it. A very sad state of affairs that we
choose to elect such political pygmies. There must be many other Ministers
and MLAs equally blank on Goa’s history. In fact to be an effective Goa
legislator, one has to be well versed with at least the State’s political
and social history.

It is a very good move to include Opinion Poll chapters as syllabus for our
school students. Hope it sees the light of the day and is not just another
assurance consigned to the racks. But the Government would be well advised
to immediately introduce an exhaustive crash course to enlighten and
educate all the 40 MLAs about Goa’s factual history. This orientation could
even be conducted by the very vocal, articulate and extremely knowledgeable
former MLA Adv. Uday Bhembre.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] Comments over articles by Joel Moraes and Dr. Joe D'Souza -Oheraldo Review

2018-01-21 Thread Floriano Lobo
Kindly find the above
Thank you.

[Goanet] For kind favour of publication in your 'EVENTS' Column for Saturday & Sunday [March 5th & 6th], 2016

2016-03-03 Thread Floriano Lobo
A pilgrimage to Naqueri in Betul shall be undertaken  on Sunday 6th March,
2016, by concerned GOANS from entire Goa  in a show SOLIDARITY  to stand
side by side with  the locals who  are opposed to DefExpo. Kindly join in
to show the 'powers that be' that we GOANs are no weaklings and we stand
firmly for what we want and what we do not want,  and to send a clear
signal that GOANS do not want GOA to be excessively  militarized. Kindly
carry your own eats, water and placards. This shall be a peaceful gathering
of the concerned citizens of Goa minus politics. All are welcome. Dr.
Francisco Colaco shall lead the Pilgrimage from the Holy Spirit Church,
Margao at 9.30-10 a.m. on Sunday, 6th March, 2016

Thank You.

Floriano Lobo
A senior Citizen of Goa
Mob: 9890470896

Re: [Goanet] OPA takes DefExpo matter to court- Oheraldo - Comments

2016-03-25 Thread Floriano Lobo
A big thank you to Goanet Admin for the publication of this item.




Thank you Oheraldo


On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Florian Lobo  wrote:

> *OPA takes DefExpo matter to court- Oheraldo*
> Goa Su-Raj Party lauds the decision of OPA and the Villagers of
> Naqueri-Betul to drag this crucial matter of unwanted DefExpo in Goa to the
> High Court of Boambay at Goa.
> At all costs Goans must not allow the government of the day,  which has
> lost people's confidence in its functioning, to bull-doz its way to
> militarize Goa in a manner that would be counter-productive for minuscule
> Goa and for Goans in the long run.
> Besides, Goa having been conquered and annexed to India through use of
> military force against the UN Norms and Charter,  cannot expect Goa and
> Goans to take the responsibility to enhance the Security of India at their
> very own costs. Just because Goans are a disorganized lot, this does not
> mean that the Centre should take advantage of their sucegadness to dilute
> them into unrecognizable minority in times to come. The 55 year delay in
> granting Goa the Special Status under Article 371 of the Indian
> Constitution is a matter that Goans must actively re-visit when Nagaland,
> Himachal Pradesh, Mizoram Jarkhand,not forgetting Kashmir  enjoy Special
> Status for the protection of their identities as small communities.
> The Navy in Goa has been on a land acquisition rampage and wants to make
> Goa civilian airport at Dabolim as its defence headquarters instigating the
> powers that be to develop the Civilian Airport at Mopa so that it becomes a
> fait acompli to digest Goa's Dabolim Airport. The Navy is best advised to
> shift its base lock stock and barrel to Sea Bird, Karwar,  where  rupees
> 72,000 crores  of the tax-payer's money have been invested to acquire this
> land to set up this modern defence base.  Besides, militarizing Goa puts
> minuscule Goa to the threats of enemy attacks which could devastate Goa and
> impede its development.
> Hopefully, the High Court of Bombay at Goa will dwell on these aspects
> before giving its decision.
> Needless to say that GSRP commends the perseverance of the People of Betul
> in particular and of the people of South Goa in general to rid themselves
> of this nuisance called DefExpo and Aero Shows in the heartland of peace
> and tranquility and wishes them God's own strenght to keep up the fight
> until DefExpo and Aero Shows exit Goa.  The Goa Su-Raj Party which is going
> to be a huge contender for the 2017 elections to the Goa Legislative
> Assembly is totally and completely with you to free yourselves and your
> generations to come.
> for Goa Su-Raj Party-GSRP
> Sd/-
> Floriano Lobo
> General Secretary/Spokesperson
> Email:
> Mobile: 9890470896
> GSRP for Goa's Own High Command in Goa come 2017-2022.


2016-04-03 Thread Floriano Lobo
Thank you sir for publishing the above
floriano GSRP

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Florian Lobo  wrote:

> Dear Editor, sir,
> In deed, yes. What you have said is very true. And this is no rocket
> science, either.
> However, if the Augean Stables could be cleaned, the Goa Congress' too can
> be.
> But certainly not from within the Congress in Goa, It has to be from
> outside.
> Besides, if at all it is desired that Goa Congress looks up in the next
> elections, it requires a sturdy and dependable CRUTCH to keep itself
> upright and walking.
> floriano lobo
> Gen. Secretary/spokesperson
> GSRP [for Goa's own High Command in Goa]
> Mobile: 9890470896

[Goanet] (no subject)

2016-04-04 Thread Floriano Lobo
irst ones to adopt your Bharat as our
Mata and chant BHARAT MATA KI JAI until you  RSS dogs go deaf.

Are you  guys listening??

GSRP for Goa's own High Command in Goa come 2017-2022.

floriano lobo

This has been written sans malice but with agonizing concern for Goa and
Goan. Whosoever who may want to prove his patriotism above mine, I say to
him to please step forward  to  tell me so at the risk of
being pumped full of LEAD.


2016-04-08 Thread Floriano Lobo
Pan Goa Unity is a pipe dream with every circumferential force pulling in
the direction other than the center. And the BJP might just be fanning the
fires for the split-up.

The only alternative is the GOAN VOTER. Caste your vote for GOA, not for
any particular force's charismatic leadership but for  the programme that
will do all these things and more:

1. Reduced Cabinet (Less than 12, preferably 9) so that crores are saved to
pay off the debt trap of 70,000 crore which is hanging over the heads of
Goa's posterity, with no Corporations & Institutions to MLAs to bring them
out  from loss making stagnation again to pay back  the public debt. The
ingredient of SELF SACRIFICE for a greater good must be visible.

2.Co-Operative Mining  with Rs. 10,000/month to every Goan household for
the next 25 years.

3.Scrapping of Agricultural Tenancy Act 1964 to restore Comunidades to
their   pre-1961 eminence to promote agriculture
4.Amendments to Panchayat & Municipalities Acts to hold Sarpanches and
Chairpersons accountable with specified jail  terms for dereliction of
 duties and  corrupt  practices so that 73rd and  74th Constitutional
amendments are implemented in toto.

5. Recovery of Rs. 35,000 crore of illegal mining loot from mine owners
through letting Directorate of Enforcement [ED] loose on these indicted
miners if they do not comply within a set time frame to pay off half the
Public Debts at one shot and reduce the crippling interests payment for
servicing these loans.

6.Move floating  Casinos from Mandovi River to Off-Shore
locations. so on and so forth.

GSRP's treasure trove is full of the above but these 6 priority listing
will do for now to send the right signal to the voters of Goa what they
should vote for, because, in the mad rush of every Tom Dick and Harry to
claim their pound of flesh, the HYENA is going to  run away with the
 prized catch.

And BTW for those Goans who value GSRP's stand of 15 long years without an
iota of giving in, the work of identifying those voters who will vote for
GSRP is very much on since the day the election results were declared in
2012 elections.

GSRP is on it way of practically choosing its voters selectively in order
not to waste its time or its breath on those who will not vote for it.
Rest assured. But GSRP's hands must be strengthened as its grip might  not
 be strong enough.


On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 7:52 AM, Aires Rodrigues 

> At least for the sake of Goa, those political leaders who are really
> concerned for the State should bury their egos, stop squabbling and firing
> needless missiles at each other.
> Goa needs to unite against the fascist, despotic and very dishonest BJP to
> Save what remains of our once glorious State. An already bruised Goa has
> over the last four years been further devastated by this government. We
> must be vigilant and thwart the crafty moves by the now cash rich BJP to
> fund fringe parties to field decoy candidates in order to split the
> anti-BJP votes.
> The ensuing 2017 Assembly elections will be the last opportunity to salvage
> the now sinking once Paradise of the East from being laid to Eternal rest.
> The battle must be by a united Goa versus the BJP.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>  Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires

Re: [Goanet] Protest and demonstration by Caurem villagers against illegal mining transportation

2016-04-10 Thread Floriano Lobo
GSRP General Secretary and St. Andre declared Candidate for 2017 visited
Caurem yesterday Saturday evening but reached at the site of protest just
after it was called off for the day. Met Adv. Swas and thereafter tried to
contact Nilesh Gaonkar and Ravindra Velip. Returned to  Quepem and visited
Ravindra Velip at his home. His left hand which was in pain after the day's
protest was being re-bandaged . It seems that Ravindra has returned home
just a day before after a successful operation to remove the splinters of
bone which our  Goa's medical fraternity could  not find or should we say
could not see due to POLITICAL PRESSURE? We are happy to have talked to one
of Goa's most committed young man and are concerned about the FIR  not
being filed in the case of his assault in Sada-sub Jail, yet. He and his
family members have taken note when we told them that GSRP will disbandon
the Goa Mining Policy and give Co-Operative Society status to Goa's mining
where the profits made over sustainable mining shall be transferred to
every GOAN household  @ Rs. 10,000/- per month minimum for the next 25
years so that all the vote-bank schemes like Laadly Lakxmi etc be scrapped
once and for all. He was also told that Goa's existing public debt which
stands at Rs. 70,000 crore must be repaid if Goa's youth and gen next is to
have a qualitative future, half of it through the recovery of the mining
loot from the indicted mine owners which has been reported by Shah
Commission to stand at Rs. 35,000 crore.  The GSRP Team left Ravindra;s
home after wishing him a speedy recovery.


On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 7:02 PM, Ravindra Velip 

> It was a peaceful protest by Caurem tribals by standing on the roadside,
> but their slogans written on placards were louder enough to realise that
> peace does not exist in this remote mining village of Quepem taluka.
> They protested peacefully standing on the roadside while mining trucks were
> illegally transporting the e-auctioned iron ore from Fomento mines.
> It was a unique scene with police force deployed at the mining lease while
> villagers were standing on the road, holding placards in their hands.
> Most of them were women including children and senior peoples of village
> It was a  peaceful protest, to reach out their feelings to the authorities,
> with a hope they would listen and act against the illegal transportation.
> Finally the protesting villagers burnt the statue of Sanguem MLA Subhash
> Faldessai.
> They have demanded the following
> 1. To stop immediately illegal transportation that is taking place.
> 2. inventory of the iron ore before transporting it, claiming that the
> quantity of the ore is more than double of what is being measured by the
> mines department.
> 3. Immediately register an FIR, Suspend jail authorities of Sada sub-jail
> and inquire into the matter Ravindra's assault.
> 4. Suspend PI Pravin Gawas ans PSI Vinayak Patil of Quepem Police station
> and inquire into the assault of Tribal villagers when they were custody of
> Quepem police on 06.04.2016
> 5. Immediately register 'The Sadhana Multipurpose co-op society' and allow
> to transport the e-auctioned ore through the society.
> Because they stopped ore transportation before inventory, the police
> arrested them thrice while Ravindra was blind-folded and beaten up in a
> judicial lock-up, fracturing his hand.
> --
> *Ravindra A. Velip*
> Sadhana Helpdesk
> F-09, Daasha Classic Bldg
> Quepem - Goa
> Mob. 9404913435/9764078375, Off. (0832) 2663435

Re: [Goanet] Objections to Investment Promotion Board recommendation to convert Capao (Vanxim) land as settlement zone to set up 5 star hotel and villas by Ozone Leisure and Resort Pvt Ltd

2016-04-11 Thread Floriano Lobo
TCP powers cannot be usurped through ORDINANCES  to  Goa TCP Act which was
brought in when Goa was the Union Territory and the then TCP Act is in the
Concurrent List, not the State List where every time any amendments or
Ordinances issued under this Act must have the assent of the President of

None of these TCP ordinances have the assent of the President of India.
Therefore these are null and void.

This is the constitutional matter which GSRP took to the Supreme Court
 when TCP Act was taken over by Goa Government through the then TCP
Ordinance  to promote IFFI in Goa. The only tragedy was that when the
Supreme Court sent the writ petition back to the Bombay High Court, the
Bombay High Court at Goa cited a Culcutta High Court judgment to say that
constitutional matters must be decided by the Supreme Court. GSRP had no
funds to go back to the Supreme Court and  therefore withdrew the Petition.
This was the tragedy. Manohar Parrikar and AG ANS Nadkarni celebrated this
day when GSRP withdrew this petition.

Kindly check out this angle. We are sure every TCP Ordinance will go out of
the window.


PS: GSRP is  tired out fighting. Now it wants  to give Goa its own High
Command in Goa which will sort out each and every Goan problem in Goa, not
in Dilli, not in Nagpur or elsewhere. But we believe that Goans are deaf
and numb to this idea. For that we say, remain deaf  and numb until  you
are eaten up alive along with your children.

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Sebastian  wrote:

> 11th April 2016
> To,
> The Governor of Goa,
> Raj Bhavan, Dona Paula, Goa,
> To,
> The Chief Minister and the President,
> Investment Promotion & Facilitation Board, (IPB – Goa), Secretariat,
> Porvorim, Goa
> Subject: Objections to Investment Promotion Board recommendation to
> convert Capao (Vanxim) land as settlement zone to set up 5 star hotel and
> villas by Ozone Leisure and Resort Pvt Ltd.
> Madam/ Sir,,
> We have come to know from the letter dated 22/12/2015 with reference no.
> 13/2015/Goa-IPB/55/134 that Investment Promotion Board has recommended
> conversion of 82,595 sq.mts of orchard land in Vanxim (Capao), St. Mathias
> village Panchayat  in Tiswadi as settlement zone granting in-principle
> approval to the project of Ozone Leisure and Resort Pvt Ltd consisting of 5
> Star Hotel and Villa Estate Development.
> We write to object the same on following grounds.
> 1. The entire island is CRZ area and No development Zone. Besides island
> has Khazan land as well as low lying Paddy fields. Section 8 (iv) of the
> Goa Investment Promotion Act 2014 placed restriction on Board recommending
> Coastal Regulation Zone Areas for setting up of projects under this Act.
> 2. Investment Promotion Board has never conducted site inspection to
> verify the nature of land in Vanxim. Vanxim is an island in Mandovi River
> and CRZ regulations are applicable on all sides. Besides it is also low
> lying area with biologically active mud flats, Khazan land, thick mangroves
> which cannot be touched by law including sluice gates.
> 3. The transfer of occupancy rights from Santa Monica of Old Goa to Ozone
> Leisure and Resorts Pvt Ltd are fraud as it is effected with cases against
> tenants for condonation of delay in Deputy Collectors’ office in Panjim
> when deputy collector has no powers to entertain such cases. The powers
> rests with Administrative Tribunal and hence entire occupancy rights in
> favor of Ozone Leisure and Resorts Pvt Ltd is void. We have called for
> Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe against the two former deputy
> collectors involved in this scam namely Shabaji Shetye and Sanjeev Desai.
> Everybody wants to know why CBI is not investigating after knowing that it
> is a fraud. Is this what BJP government is meant by zero tolerance to
> corruption?
> 4. Investment Promotion Board is outsourcing of cabinet powers to private
> entities under Goa Investment Promotion Act 2014. This law overrides
> Panchayati Raj Act, TCP Act as well as Land Revenue Code and Regional Plan
> besides making mockery of the democratic system. Through this law democracy
> has been replaced with dictatorship. The elected representatives who
> supported this law have either not applied their minds or willfully
> betrayed their voters. The transfer of powers of Cabinet to the private
> actors spread out all over the country and beyond is unacceptable, as the
> People living in Vanxim knows what hardships they went through right from
> their childhood till date and we don’t want anyone to take advantage of our
> people. We do not support this law and it must be repealed with immediate
> effect. We urge you to reject the Investment Promotion Board recommendation
> for land conversions in Vanxim.
> 5. The decision of the Investment Promotion Board to bully Town Country
> Planning Department into getting ecologically sensitive ar

[Goanet] Of course, we can - James Monteiro - H - Comments

2016-04-12 Thread Floriano Lobo
*Of course, we can - James Monteiro - H*


When one has been instrumental in wiping out the Bambolim Comunidade in
order to endear out of state builders, one naturally wants the out of state
party to take hold of Goa after two such parties have had fun looting Goa
to the extent that it will be a very difficult task to put it together,
especially with Goa's Comunidades eaten from inside by its own GAUNKARS.

Naturally, National Parties will be promoted  by celebrities like James
Monteiro, whom  Goans believe that such writers are patriotic Goans little
knowing that these are just actors playing their role for the money that is
there to make and not for the love of Goa. In today's debate No.2 at Times
Now with Arnab Goswami,we have seen how celebrities such as cricketer Dhoni
have taken huge money to promote housing projects being their band
ambassadors, fooling people towards buying these apartments at huge costs
and getting miserably cheated on specifications and amenities promised,
just because the endorser was their hero. And when the push comes to shove,
these celebrities run away claiming that they were merely acting and that
they are not responsible. When GSRP comes to power, it will make sure that
the laws in this regard in Goa will change to bleed the celebrities 10
times the amount they made acting in these advertisements plus a time in
jail. Only then the responsibility which goes into making money fooling
people will be taken seriously.

We feel that James Monteiro's article shoring AAP is nothing but paid news
paid for by AAP to promote its brand in Goa little knowing that the brand
ambassador is a leech who is neither a Goan nor a patriot. The entire write
up is nothing but and endorsement of a National Party  which gets shoes
flung at its hero CM from the rank and file of the Party who cannot digest

If GSRP had Rs. 25,000/- to shell out for a promo like this, Goa would be
much much safer with it OWN HIGH COMMAND IN GOA since 1961. But then even
if GSRP was offered multiples of  Rs.25,000/- to do this necessary act, it
would chose not to because it is not  ethical to fool the people in their

[Goanet] Commemoration of 'GAUNKAR'S DAY' ... A press release for kind favour of publication.

2016-04-16 Thread Floriano Lobo
*Dated: 16.04.2016*


*The Editors, Bureau  Chiefs, Staff reporters, Admins and others, State of


*SUB:   'Commemoration of the ‘GAUNKAR’S DAY' ….. A press release for kind
favour of publication for the benefit, knowledge & information of your
esteemed readerships.  *

Kindly release the hereunder reproduced resolution passed  by Gaunkars
representing  Village Communities /Comunidades of Goa, assembled for the
annual gathering held at the Institute Piedade Hall, Panjim, on 15th April,
to commemorated their Gaunkar’s Day.

Thanking you for your kind  co-operation.

Yours   Truly,


[Adv. Andre A Pereira]

Convenor, Gaunkar’s Day.

The Press Release:

" *The  Gaunkars of respective Comunidades  of Goa have reason to enjoy
today the benefits of their regained ‘Sovereignty’ ages before the concept
of any State vesting with such Sovereignty ever came to be conceived.*

*That as of 15.04.1961,  the Gaunkars and the Comunidades of  Goa remain
free from the concept of ‘State Landlordism’ through the promulgation of
the ‘Diploma Legislative No.2070’ dated 15.04.1961 as stands notified and
published in the Government Official Gazette dated 15.04.1961, solemnly
declaring that the respective Comunidades of Goa are absolute ‘private
owners’ of their inalienable Community lands covering the respective
villages not held by State grants at any point of time. *

*That in terms of Article 5 of the Code of Comunidades in force, the
Government has admitted of being under the testamentary obligation to
provide the all time assured and guaranteed State Administrative Tutelage,
both preventive and curative in nature, to the Village Communities or
Comunidades of Goa, against any kind of prejudice being caused or caused at
the instance of any source. *

*That the above said Code of Comunidades is the general ‘personal law’ of
Comunidades of Goa, not enacted by any legislature. It contains mainly the
time tested compilation of  usages and customs that have been practiced and
followed by gaunkars from generation to generation when dealing with the
management of affairs pertaining to the common welfare of their respective
villages through  the inalienable Community lands. *

*  The said inalienable Community lands consists of water bodies and
natural resources, and,  in terms of above said declaration,  never
belonged to any State Ruler who came into existence after the said
Gaunkaries were established, to be inherited by any succeeding Governments.

*That the existence of Village Communities or Comunidades of Goa, covering
over 80% of area under the land mass of the Territory of Goa with absolute
or with allodial inalienable community land and the Gaunkars or population
hailing from above said absolute private villages of Goa are not the
‘electorate’ in terms of the provisions of the ‘Representation of Peoples
Act, 1951’, as foreseen by Constitution of India.*

*That the provisions of both Central and State Laws, which are in
conformity with the Constitution of India, cannot apply in the areas where
proprietorship in given land originally does not vests with the State.
There cannot be any duly constituted Revenue Districts in Goa of any
Government in Goa headed by any designated Collector/s, in the absence of
State land Tenure holdings. That no Sovereignty of the State can ever vest
with any Government where no such Revenue District can come to exist.*

*Gaunkars stand informed, for above reasons, that a petition dated
28.03.2016 has been  filed before H.E. the  President of India,  in terms
of ‘Article 365’ of the Constitution of India, demanding that appropriate
 action be taken for redress since the Gaunkars and their respective
Village Communities or Comunidades are subjected to atrocities and
fraudulent acts and deeds carried out by every successive unconstitutional,
undemocratic and non-authentic State Governments in Goa.”*


Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Morcha on Goa DMG and Dharna at Azad Maidan by Caurem villagers

2016-04-18 Thread Floriano Lobo
We at GSRP  made it a point to  visit the protesting Cavremkars at the Azad
Maidan, today this evening. They were  mostly women and children among men
totaling  aprox about 80 to hundred. It was a pleasure to address them and
make them laugh a bit making them forget their concerns for the future,
their  sorrows.

I introduced myself as a 'KANEKAR',  one who is selling Onions and not as a
politicians. This  was something that they did not expect and it was claps
all around. "Do you see just one onion vendor or a line of them when you go
to the market?"  "Do you pick up your load from the first one you see or
check out others too for the quality and price?" "Does anyone give you
onions for free?" "If one vendor wants to give you his onions for half the
going price or less, do you open your bag?" " NO?"  "Why?" "Because you
know that most of those onions will be rotten if not all. Isn't it?"  "What
happens when you cut  onions?" "Your eyes get stung and tears come out,
Isn't it?"  If the onion is rotten inside, will those tears be of joy or
anger?" " Will you not be happy if you get good onions for less?"  Does it
not take some pains, time and effort  to find out this commodity when you
are shopping?"  "When you cut these good onions will your tears not be of

Consider the coming elections as a market place where all political parties
are selling political onions. If there were just two vendors, you would
probably avoid the Nagpur onion walla and go to the home grown one, because
the Nagpurwala makes you sweat in the hot sun at far away Panjim's  Azad
Maidan, as if you had nothing else to do,  tormenting and harassing you,
not giving in to your demands. But is that possible to have only two onion
vendors in the political market place? In fact every one will be squatting
there tempting you with their brand of onions. Therefore, you must be smart
enough to check out the  onions thoroughly before you invest in them,
turning them over, pressing them to find out if they are soft and rotten,
checking out the price, etc. NO? Because, when you take your onions home,
you should not cry bitter tears of frustration  and helplessness coupled
with anger and irritation for making the wrong choice. In fact your tears
should be the tears of JOY for  having made a choice to help yourself and
not the Onionwalla.

And if you should come to check out 'our' [GOA SU-RAJ PARTYS]  onions, you
will see that ours have just '5 member cabinet', not 12  (your tax money
saved so that the crippling load on the future of your children, the
70,000/- crores of public debts may be paid off), No Corporations and
Institutions to MLAs (these Organizations will make  profits rather than
losses. Example they built 3 toilets for 6 crores, can you imagine? ), You
get Co-operative Mining as well as Rs. 10,000/- per month per every Goan
Household per month for the next 25 years  thrown in as mining profit share
 so that you don't need Laadly Laxmi, BPL schemes  etc etc.). You get your
agriculture thriving. You get your  forests back. You get rid of MOPA to
save your beloved Dabolim airport besides getting the Navy out. You get
Kadamba running from 5 a.m to 2 a.m. on new and original tyres, not
re-threaded ones. You get fly-overs and bridges as well  as fast moving
river boats for transport so that you don't have to slog it out on roads
and die under the wheels of buses and trucks. You get MOI  for your
children in primary schools in their  mother tongue Konkani  so that your
kids understand what they are taught, these vital instructions  to stay
with them forever and go to make them Goans of repute, capable of learning
 English, Marathi, Hindi, French, Portuguese or even Chinese and Japanese
in their life-time and be successful, with state of the art PRIMARY SCHOOLS
throughout Goa. and,  excellent law and order so that they do not
break the bones of those who are put in jails, and refuse to take action on
the culprits in spite of everything been recorded on CCTV cameras.  You
will probably have to sleep here if I go on and on, so I better stop.

And one last thing so that you can think about it while you are travelling
back home to Cavrem. You get your own High Command in Goa so that if you
want to throw a stone and break some heads for taking wrong decision which
make you suffer like this, then you do not have to travel all the way to
Delhi,Nagpur, or elsewhere. You can just pick up a stone and throw it right
here in Goa, anywhere, on any one  to draw blood.

All this ended in a terrific applause.

Safe journey back home, Cavremkars, until we meet again.

GSRP for Goa's Own High Command in Goa.


On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 6:45 PM, Ravindra Velip 

> Dear all
> This is to inform you that the villagers of Caurem will be holding Morcha
> at the office of the Director of Mines & Geology, Panaji for allowing
> illegal transportation of unaccounted ore in the name of 

Re: [Goanet] ...this letter written in blood to His excellency Prime Minister of Portugal

2016-04-22 Thread Floriano Lobo
We have to approach within the current generation and see if we can get a
new leadership from them to fight peacefully for our rights,

Here is the new, all Goan POLITICAL  leadership, [untainted by the corrupt
democratic ways of the national parties, having their vice like grip on
Goa's politics, not allowing sensitive Goans to breathe freely] trying to
fly but cannot because it does not want to wrap itself with puppet strings
of money-bags   that will pull it down and not allow it to fly as it wants
Hopefully, with GSRP trying to lead a 30 strong team in the coming
elections, this situation will change? To decide what Goans need and want,
they have to come together.This is the prime requisite. No?  But Goans are
kept divided with altogether newer national monsters entering the electoral
fray in Goa. 2016-17 is the ultimate MAKE OR BREAK for GOA and GOANS. Only
time will tell. But the break, if it happens, will not be blamed for want
of deserving leadership. It has been around for the past almost 16 years
and no one has taken a second look at it.

On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 7:01 PM, Andrew Antao  wrote:

> This  letter written in blood  to His excellency Prime Minister of Portugal
>  Antonio Costa. Criminals are preparing for yet another assembly election
> under the modern-day Republic of India. Goa is ripped off  in all different
> ways by criminals who get protected through democracy under the Indian
> constitution. The extension of Indian type democracy brought into Goa is
> not serving purpose.  Every
> election just transfers corruption in different hands.  Goa core cause
> ‘Special Status’ which was the only way we could save what ever was left of
> Goa under present circumstances  the only way out of this vicious circle is
> time for Goans to think a course of action and explore them.
> India does not hold mandate to rule Goa, having been denied then the timely
> plebiscite, nor through any authoritative world international order body
> like United Nations. India continues to illegally occupy Goa. It is time
> for Goans to take Goa out of India. This is the easiest and simplest thing
> that can be done to benefits our Goan population and leave us at peace. The
> mere intention to grant every Goans  born before 1961 Portuguese passports
> the International Law endorses the Goans as bona fide legal claimants of
> their territory of Goa. The Chavan/Soares treaty which is just a bilateral
> treaty and has not come in the way of this intention and in any way stopped
> it. Under the International Law  this intention  to grant every Goan
> Portuguese (Citizenship) passport makes Goans rightful owners of Goa. At
> the time of negotiating of officially transferring of power of Goa to India
> in New York in 1974, only the two persons – foreign ministers of India and
> Portugal – decided what is good and what is bad for Goans without even
> consulting Goans. Nor all that was done in Indian Parliament can take the
> Goan right should be challenged in the United Nations.
> We have to approach within the current generation and see if we can get a
> new leadership from them to fight peacefully for our rights, by approaching
> UN, and Challenge and undo all this for our land.
> UN Charter gives certain facilities to the indigenous people who are facing
> a disguised genocide in Goa. Global Goans can think over this issue because
> they are in better position to make their voice more audible.
> Deforestation in the Goan mining belt, corruption in the implementation of
> Medicine to Goans, sale of Goan lands. The Christian community and their
> festivities.  Not allow people on Anjediva Island for the feasts, as the
> Indian navy has been building luxury resort for their families there and
> fooling Goans by making up fake terrorist threats. the Navy out of Dabolim
> for its illegal occupation. All this is proof that Goans cannot trust the
> democratically elected Government under the Indian constitution.
> In 1961, the Indian Union invaded and annexed Goa to them without any
> plebiscite, merely a result of a conquest by force of arms! This was
> hypocrisy and this is the root cause of all this corruption.
> Realizing that injustice was done to Goans  Jawaharlal Nehru said in
> reverse psychology - “It is not true that we covet Goa. That small bit of
> territory does not make any difference to this great country India. We do
> not desire to impose ourselves on the people of Goa against their wishes.
> It is definitely their responsibility to choose for themselves. We have
> assured Goans. That it is for them to establish their own future and I
> further assure them on matters such as Religion, Languages and Customs”. -
> 21st August 1955.


2016-05-06 Thread Floriano Lobo
DATE:  23 JULY, 2015

*The General Manager,*
Head Office –Altinho Panjim-Goa.


*SUB: Marathi Language voice directions/announcements on BSNL Landline Ops
in Goa. *
This is to bring to your kind attention that BSNL, by and large, has been
patronizing the Marathi Language to give voice directions/announcements
over the landline services when the Official Language of the State of Goa
is *KONKANI* and as such, this is highly objectionable. This disrespect  to
Goa’s *Official Language* has been ongoing for far too long and must stop.
Marathi Language is not the spoken language in Goa and those who converse
in Marathi in Goa are settlers in Goa from Maharashtra and who constitute
less than 2 per cent of Goa’s indigenous population.

Kindly, therefore, change-over to KONKANI within a time frame of 30 days
from the above date, failing which a *PUBLIC INTEREST WRIT PETITION* shall
be filed in the High Court of Bombay at Panjim, Goa, to redress the
continued humiliation accorded to the *Official Language *of the State of
Goa leading to the dilution of Goa’s unique Identity. This gradual but
decisive marathization of Goa  has also been creeping in through original
name change of places like Mahapsa for *Mapusa/Mapuca*, Sankali for
*Sanquelim*, Harmal for *Arambol*, etc., to which this party will put a
full stop in the immediate future.  As this party sees it, , the languages
used by BSNL in Goa to direct its customers should be mainly KONKANI and
English and to a lesser extent, Hindi, but not Marathi.

Kindly take note and oblige.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


(Floriano Lobo)
General Secretary,
Mobile: 9890470896

On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 7:22 AM, Michael fernandes <> wrote:

> On reaching Gujrat, I phoned my friend, his line being busy, an audio
> message informd me in Gujrati.
> On my way to Goa via Karnataka, the messages in Karnataka was loud and
> clear in kannad.
> My heart bled when I was in Goa. The messages came not in the state
> language, KONKNNI, but the language of our neighbouring state of
> Maharahtra, Marathi. Is the government sleeping? Are our ministers right
> from MGP, Congress and the present BJP not aware of this anomaly? Or is
> Kashmir being repeated in Goa? Where the Pakistani paymasters are pumping
> in money to separatist groups, to merge our beloved kashmir to pakistan?
> Having failed in their endeavour, to merge Goa to Maharashtra, looks like
> this is a new ploy, change the language of Goa to Marathi, and once that is
> done demand Goa’s merger with Maharashtra, as is being tried in Karnataka,
> where  the villages bordering Maharastra speak Marathi and Maharashtra is
> trying to claim them on linguistic basis.
> zagrut zayat goemkarano.
> Michael Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Open Letter to Arvind Kejriwal - COMMENTS

2016-05-23 Thread Floriano Lobo
Eugene, let  me say that your opinion is not correct. GSRP had two sittings
with AAP. And we discussed only two points which are the constitutional
 points with GSRP. "We say that we shall make only 5 member cabinet [art.
34 of the constitution]. Tell us where you want to meet with us on that"
... we asked Pankaj Gupta of AAP. We also told Pankaj Gupta that we are not
averse to the adjustment on this one but it cannot be full 12. That some
self-sacrifice must be seen if GSRP is involved. The second point was
GSRP's  article 38 of the constitution, which says that GSRP will not give
Govt corporations to MLAs but hire qualified persons on hire and fire basis
to run these to  make them profit centers.  "Tell us where you want to meet
us on this one, we told him, "and then we shall discuss the seat sharing
arrangements et al." Pankaj Gupta told us that he has to talk this matter
with his High Command i.e. Kejriwal. He is  coming  to Goa, he said,  and
we shall arrange a meeting, then. Nothing happened. Looks like it is AAP
that is the one who wants to go it alone in Goa. Don't you think so?
GSRP is always open to aliances. But it will not dilute its firm points
which are the mainstays of this Party. GSRP is not POWER-HUNGRY. It it was,
then it would be in the Assembly a long time ago and it would  be
blacklisted too for not adhering to the founding principles.

On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 6:33 PM, Eugene Correia 

> I don't think opinion writers should focus on Goan parties. If Goa Suraj
> wants to win votes, then it should do different thinking. Get your points
> across, Floriano, and let the people judge. May I suggest you form an
> alliance with AAP. But I don't think this idea will appeal to you, as you
> want to go alone, win or lose. So be it.
> Eugene
> On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 1:24 AM, Florian Lobo 
> wrote:
> > Open letter to Arvind Kejriwal - By Adelmo Fernandes - Comments
> > [Posted on 5/22/2016]
> > OPEN LETTER TO ARVIND KEJRIWAL - Adelmo Fernandes - OHeraldo
> >
> >
> > <
> >
> > >
> > Prominent Goans have started their CHAMCHAGIRI with yet another Delhi
> based
> > High Command begging to clean Goa. Yesterday, we saw one prominent Goan
> > writer going down on his knees to suck up to Arvind Kejriwal in his
> >
> >
> > <
> >
> > >This
> > Opinion maker is confusing the resolve of the Goan people to shut the
> doors
> > to outside high commands who reign sovereign with their Goan chamchas who
> > are on beck and call, to get up and to sit down to the dictates from
> Delhi
> > and elsewhere, impotent to take up Goan valid issues without the
> > certificate from their High Commands. If these prominent Goans have not
> > lost their self-respect, then we don't know what self-respect is. We had
> > Maharashtra High Command for 15-16 years to start with. Then it was
> > Congress' Delhi High Command reigning sovereign for 34 years, Then our
> > opinion makers put the Goan populace in the mouth of the RSS-BJP's Nagpur
> > High Command because they were frustrated with the Congress High Command.
> > And now they are sucking up to yet another nuoveau charlatan who is
> > carrying with him the bag of the RSS mole, Anna Hazare and on whose
> advice
> > he has terminated the involvement in the Party of anti-RSS people like
> the
> > Bushans and Yogendra Yadav , and who is surrounded in Goa by the RSS team
> > which profusely welcomed Anna Hazare's India Against Corruption which had
> > just one point agenda. To Remove Congress from power and install the RSS
> > Mascot on the seat of India's Prime Minister. Having achieved his goal,
> he
> > is now silent as ever as a dumb cock to all the corruption that is
> ongoing
> > around him.
> >
> > Now another prominent Goan is laying a red carpet to this Delhi Charlatan
> > in his above open letter, who, after dishing out tickets to corrupt
> people
> > against the advice of his seniors, in his very first week in office as
> > Delhi's CM in his 67 seat victory in the last Delhi Elections, he sucked
> up
> > to the Delhi's industrialists who had financed his election campaign to
> > knock of the working anti-pollution norms for the industries under which
> > they were strangulating and wanted freedom. In doing so, this charlatan
> > brought entire Delhi's population on its knees with Delhi's air quality
> > going so bad to the extent that people had to use face masks, especially
> > the School children of Delhi. There were shouting debates on this topic

Re: [Goanet] Open Letter to Arvind Kejriwal - COMMENTS

2016-05-25 Thread Floriano Lobo
Goa's elections have always been messy. Goa's catholic Church voted for
Congress all these 34 years. Of late because it did not want the BJP. But
in 2012 the tables were turned over Congress and BJP was voted in because
the Catholic Church did not want Congress any more. Now it can go back  to
Congress or AAP because it does not want BJP any more.  But Goa has never
considered its own alternative, all the time yo yo ing with the National
Parties who care a damn for Goa and Goans. GSRP will be around as long as
it can hold its own steam. This elections, it will not be bothered who Goa
votes in. It has its own priorities to take care of. It is going full swing
with minimum 30 candidates and shall be ready to form Goa's government with
least hassles because it is a planned programe how it shall move after
elections shud it get the majority mandate. But most will think that GSRP
is dreaming. Yes. That is right. It has been dreaming for 2017 to come
having been getting itself ready in all respects to prove itself. It has
done that by proving that it stand by its founding resolved and not wavered
the least bit. Taking over Goa's helm will only be a matter of time. Just
you wait and watch. Thanks for your inputs.

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 6:45 PM, Eugene Correia 

> Floriano, thanks for the clarification. Maybe, the AAP wants to ride on its
> success. Hence, it was any other coalition partner to play second fiddle,
> not as equal partner. If it contests all the seats, we must wait and see.
> Right now, there's lot of hype and hoopla. The situation in Goa is fluid,
> and it will remain so till the election day. Need to know who is among the
> 40 on AAP list.
> With Goa Forward, the Goa elections is really going to be messy. Goa is
> going the all-India way.
> Eugene
> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 7:23 AM, Floriano Lobo 
> wrote:
> > Eugene, let  me say that your opinion is not correct. GSRP had two
> sittings
> > with AAP. And we discussed only two points which are the constitutional
> >  points with GSRP. "We say that we shall make only 5 member cabinet [art.
> > 34 of the constitution]. Tell us where you want to meet with us on that"
> > ... we asked Pankaj Gupta of AAP. We also told Pankaj Gupta that we are
> not
> > averse to the adjustment on this one but it cannot be full 12. That some
> > self-sacrifice must be seen if GSRP is involved. The second point was
> > GSRP's  article 38 of the constitution, which says that GSRP will not
> give
> > Govt corporations to MLAs but hire qualified persons on hire and fire
> basis
> > to run these to  make them profit centers.  "Tell us where you want to
> meet
> > us on this one, we told him, "and then we shall discuss the seat sharing
> > arrangements et al." Pankaj Gupta told us that he has to talk this matter
> > with his High Command i.e. Kejriwal. He is  coming  to Goa, he said,  and
> > we shall arrange a meeting, then. Nothing happened. Looks like it is AAP
> > that is the one who wants to go it alone in Goa. Don't you think so?
> > GSRP is always open to aliances. But it will not dilute its firm points
> > which are the mainstays of this Party. GSRP is not POWER-HUNGRY. It it
> was,
> > then it would be in the Assembly a long time ago and it would  be
> > blacklisted too for not adhering to the founding principles.
> >
> > On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 6:33 PM, Eugene Correia <
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I don't think opinion writers should focus on Goan parties. If Goa
> Suraj
> > > wants to win votes, then it should do different thinking. Get your
> points
> > > across, Floriano, and let the people judge. May I suggest you form an
> > > alliance with AAP. But I don't think this idea will appeal to you, as
> you
> > > want to go alone, win or lose. So be it.
> > >
> > > Eugene
> > >
> > > On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 1:24 AM, Florian Lobo 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Open letter to Arvind Kejriwal - By Adelmo Fernandes - Comments
> > > > [Posted on 5/22/2016]
> > > > OPEN LETTER TO ARVIND KEJRIWAL - Adelmo Fernandes - OHeraldo
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > <
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > >
> > > > COMMENTS:
> > > > Prominent Goans have started their CHAMCHAGIRI with yet another Delhi

Re: [Goanet] Open Letter to Arvind Kejriwal - COMMENTS

2016-05-28 Thread Floriano Lobo
Dear Eugene,

It is natural for a party like GSRP to have a support base from Goans. But
when you have supporters, how is it possible for the party to control the
side effects when these side effects crop up because criticism of their
favourite party are not in good taste?

When criticism comes in, it  must not be on hearsay  or without a solution.

GSRP requires promotion and not grounding criticisms. You are probably
feeling that heat because maybe you have been critical about GSRP, and I
know you have been, because you have not understood this party. I'll make
it clear to you Eugene. GSRP has not come in to sit idle and twiddlel its
thumbs. We at GSRP know whet we are doing. Its time has not been ripe. When
that stage comes, it will do what has to be done by any political party.
Thank you for this post. I am sorry to say that GSRP cannot put its
supporters on the leash.

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 8:28 PM, Eugene Correia 

> Dear Floriano,
> I will wait and watch. Maybe, the sun will rise on the party, maybe not in
> my lifetime. If it does take "Goa's helm" in the next elections, it would
> be a surprise. But surprises are part of politics. The AAP is also
> promoting Good Governance. Modi promised Good Governance too. In the run-up
> to the elections, each party makes lot of promises, and the the party that
> wins fulfills some of them.
> I got involved in a fracas on a forum where the adversaries provided a clue
> that they are supporters of GRSP. What that sort of supporters, I hope GRSP
> does not stand for Goonda-Raj. If abuse and name-calling is the trait of
> these people who feel that GSRP  is the 'right" party for Goa, I think
> these people are delusional. One poster on this site said that he spoke to
> many Goans who admitted never having heard of GRSP, and the party has
> existed for a long time. The association of this party to a nasty website
> further erodes the image of the party. See the language on the website, and
> it should shame GSRP to have its banner on the website.
> Whatever you and your party does is your and your party business. I am an
> observer from outside. With new players like AAP and Forward Bloc, Goa's
> politics will be murkier.
> Eugene
> On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 9:48 AM, Floriano Lobo 
> wrote:
> > Eugene,
> > Goa's elections have always been messy. Goa's catholic Church voted for
> > Congress all these 34 years. Of late because it did not want the BJP. But
> > in 2012 the tables were turned over Congress and BJP was voted in because
> > the Catholic Church did not want Congress any more. Now it can go back
> to
> > Congress or AAP because it does not want BJP any more.  But Goa has never
> > considered its own alternative, all the time yo yo ing with the National
> > Parties who care a damn for Goa and Goans. GSRP will be around as long as
> > it can hold its own steam. This elections, it will not be bothered who
> Goa
> > votes in. It has its own priorities to take care of. It is going full
> swing
> > with minimum 30 candidates and shall be ready to form Goa's government
> with
> > least hassles because it is a planned programe how it shall move after
> > elections shud it get the majority mandate. But most will think that GSRP
> > is dreaming. Yes. That is right. It has been dreaming for 2017 to come
> > having been getting itself ready in all respects to prove itself. It has
> > done that by proving that it stand by its founding resolved and not
> wavered
> > the least bit. Taking over Goa's helm will only be a matter of time. Just
> > you wait and watch. Thanks for your inputs.
> > Rgds
> >
> > On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 6:45 PM, Eugene Correia <
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Floriano, thanks for the clarification. Maybe, the AAP wants to ride on
> > its
> > > success. Hence, it was any other coalition partner to play second
> fiddle,
> > > not as equal partner. If it contests all the seats, we must wait and
> see.
> > > Right now, there's lot of hype and hoopla. The situation in Goa is
> fluid,
> > > and it will remain so till the election day. Need to know who is among
> > the
> > > 40 on AAP list.
> > > With Goa Forward, the Goa elections is really going to be messy. Goa is
> > > going the all-India way.
> > >
> > > Eugene
> > >
> > > On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 7:23 AM, Floriano Lobo <
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Eugene, let  me say that your opinion is not correct. GSRP had two
> > > sittings
> > > > w

Re: [Goanet] multiplicity of parties

2016-05-28 Thread Floriano Lobo
As the General Secretary of the Goa Su-Raj Party [ prominent Goans like the
writer above have not understood the difference between Su-Raj and Suraj.
We are tired explaining that whereas Suraj means the 'Sun', Su-Raj means
'Good Governance'] That aside, the question we ask is ' WHO IS GOING TO
 SPLIT THE VOTES'?.  Like one cannot ask all the Onion sellers/vendors in
the market to sell onions as one, political parties cannot come together
with their differing intrinsic agendas. In a democracy every one has a
right to display his/her strong points. How does one get all the diverse
agendas together? In Bihar Nitish Kumar joined hand with his long time foe
Lalu Yadav to beat the BJP. But in the bargain he has cut his own legs. How
can he justify what is happening in Bihar? and at what cost? . Can this
artificially glued mahagadbandhan keep the BJP out for long? The same
question goes for Goa. Can any aligned coalition work in such a way that it
will keep the BJP or the Congress  away for long? Artificial stitching of a
suit? It never works. If Goa's serious voters are interested not to  split
their votes to benefit the BJP (which will happen if they follow the
conventional voting pattern i.e. I shall always vote for my party], then
they should understand that they must know what they are voting for. If
they are voting because the candidate or the party maestro has helped them
before, then we don't want to say anything. But if the voters will want to
vote for themselves ( not for illegal favours) and for the future of their
children, then they must take interest in finding out who has the right
recipe and go vote for it. (the recipe).

On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 7:40 PM, Nelson Lopes  wrote:

> The main parties Congress, BJP and MGP are trying their best to woo the
> voters, MGP however continues to record its skeletal presence, The tie up
> with BJP and MGP may be useful irrespective of posturing by both parties
> and recriminations for public consumptions. Shiv Sena seems to be
> extendeing olive branch to BJP may lead to is foothold somehow, Congress
> wants to go alone. The rise of BJP is due corruption and family raj in Goa.
> and thus  voters hopefully thought it as an alternative in disgust Peole
> are sadly illusion by the performance of BJP with promises kept in abeyance
> The Congress does seem to be a force to challenge the incumbent BJP, not
> having participated in Municipal elections and with poor showing
> The regional parties like forward Goa, VKS, Suraj party, AAP, united Goan
> will only lead to division of votes of minority, The majority votes even
> with dissent will only go the Party in the final analysis The BJP will be
> to happy to ferment dissent and back independents to divide votes as before
> and win in the end. Unless and until all these well meaning splinter groups
> come to an understanding and fight unitedly the menace of ruling party, the
> prospect are bleak t make  a dent to displace BJP
> Nelson Lopes, Chinchinim


2016-06-15 Thread Floriano Lobo
Date: 14 June, 2016


*Mr. Laxmikant Parsekar, *Chief Minister of Goa.
Secretariat, Penha de Franca/Porvorim-Goa.


*Sub: Open Letter.*

Your party, the Bharatiya Janata Party- BJP was elected to power in 2012
Elections to rule Goa,  because your manifesto prominently displayed your
party’s wish to curb, if not eliminate, corruption at high and low levels,
 terming that your party stood for ‘ZERO’ tolerance to corruption. Goa was
reeling under acute corruption by the previous Congress led government and
the people of Goa wanted a lid put on corruption. Your Party had worked-up
the people of Goa against corruption to  a frenzy, especially with respect
to casinos,  illegal mining etc., etc., [and those videos of Manohar
Parrikar as the then opposition leader are still going  viral]  Therefore,
a convincing mandate to your party to rule Goa sans corruption. But when
your Party took over, it was all water on duck’s back with U-turns after
U-turns on every single election promise that you made. Not being able to
face the rebuke for ‘confidence tricks’ played on Goans, Manohar Parrikar
bhai opted out of Goa to be India’s Defence Minister leaving his  boots,
nay sandals,  for you to walk in. And, at the outset, you did make a
declaration that you were not the natural choice to walk in Manohar
Parrikar’s sandals,  but that it was a ‘lottery’ that gave you the High
Seat of Goa’s administration.

It is easier to break corrupt practices, to castigate and penalize persons
indulging in such corrupt practices, when they mean nothing to those who
wield the whip. But as we see, your own brother-in-law has been red-handed
caught accepting a hefty bribe of one lac of rupees for a favour. You, at
first, did the right thing to disassociate yourself from this case. But
then you steadily succumbed to the family ties and went about breaking the
back-bone of the law enforcers, two, among the top most respected police
officers of Goa,  to save your kin. But then you have done something that
has been a trade-mark of your Party, which is “ catch a thief, take maximum
mileage out of it, brag and boast, and then when people tend to forget
things, quietly reinstate the thief or even worse, upgrade him to a higher
level of corruption”. Manohar Parrikar bhai  had show-cased this trade-mark
when he had himself, some years ago,  red-handed caught this Babu taking  a
bribe in his office. And to the chagrin of the general public, this babu
was kicked upstairs with a recommendation,  instead of being punished and
demoted to set the example. Inadvertently,  you have learnt the tricks of
the trade from your superiors. But then,  you have gone a step forward in
polishing the art of saving your own kin from the noose, inadvertently
telling the people of Goa the very words that they have come to the point

But, dear Mr. Parsekar. This seemingly insignificant Party, which has come
up only to undo the terrible wrongs that your Party and others have done
unto Goa and Goans for far too long,  wants  to sound a piece of advice so
that you may do the introspection over your actions. The Legislative
Assembly Complex is funded by tax-payer’s money. It has a commendable
library. It would be prudent for you to step in that library and  find  the
book on the history of the Roman Empire where the Roman Emperor Julius
Caesar has uttered these words *“CAESAR’S WIFE MUST BE ABOVE SUSPICION”*
when he was asked to explain why he divorced  his wife Pompeia.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


(Floriano Lobo)
General Secretary/Spokesperson
Goa Su-Raj Party



2016-06-23 Thread Floriano Lobo
25 JUNE, 2016
10.30 A.M.
TEL: 0832 2266111


Kind regards

General Secretary/Spokesperson.

Re: [Goanet] regional and National parties

2016-06-28 Thread Floriano Lobo
If the country is to be strong, the place to start is the lowly ward of a
If the Wards are strong, the Village becomes strong. If the Villages are
strong, the Constituency becomes strong. If the Constituencies become
strong, the State becomes strong. And if the States become strong, the
Country cannot help but be strong.

In this perspective, the National Parties are destroying the WARD. And if
this continues much longer, the Country is bound to go to DOGS.


On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 7:20 PM, Nelson Lopes  wrote:

> National &Regional parties
> Gone are the days, when political parties had pan India presence,. Congress
>  Party was one such invincible monolith over six decades, Now BJP is
> nursing such grandiose ambitions, in spite of humiliating defeat in  Delhi,
> then in Bihar  with some consolation in Jamu Kashmir and Maharashtra. BJP
> may feel elated with coalition Govt. both in Kashmir and in Maharashtra,
> but are cases akin to sweet and sour  Chinese  pork and analogy of sour
> grapes . Now comes AAP on political horizon because of stunning success in
> Delhi is also trying to spread its wings too far and too early.AAP  came
> into prominence entirely due to popular movements like corruption, women
> issues that people identified with personally , coupled with disgusting
> records of National parties like BJP and Congress. AAP must consolidate its
> position in Delhi, where it is needlessly tickled  on every issue by BJP to
> discrete its overwhelming victory. Aspiring like National parties to find a
> slot at National is both unrealistic and over ambitious
> The  political flavor of the season is changing from coalition dharma to
> regional glorification and  to assert local ambitions. The national parties
> are centralized in administration and directions, holding a carrot and
> stick approach towards development and fund allotments .There is a remote
> control operations  to stamp decisions and outcomes with authority of high
> command and any dissent is crushed with iron hand. That philosophy is fast
> changing and is visible in election outcomes in states like West Bengal,
> TamilNadu, Maharashtra, Jammu Kashmir, Bihar  The experiments will be
> surely repeated in elections to be held much to the dismay of National
> parties going hammer and  tongs to assert its identity.The regional parties
> have more say and are closer to the pulse of the people and will be judged
> by their immediate promises and fulfillment . People visualize central
> party control as unconnected, unrelated ,unconcerned with eye only on
> winning elections for the party. The reason why the regional  parties are
> commanding majority are by announcing mind boggling  freebies on an
> unprecedented scale with opposition stretching further their promises. The
> effect on  financial economy and diversion of resources to unproductive
> activities is a drain that will bounce back  and haunt the voters in real
> time.The control on corruption, nepotism, favoritism not withstanding are
> the associated ills of this latest political dispensations The smattering
> presence of National parties either in retaining or getting a foothold are
> seemingly insignificant
> Unless the National   political parties see reality and wake up to join
> forces with regional parties, their ambitions will be doomed to fail. Two
> or three party rule in Indian politics is farfetched given the diversities
> of cast, creed, languages, customs, traditions, illiteracy and regional
> aspirations above National wellbeing. The only way the National parties can
> woe the electorate is by divide  and rule strategy which is fast losing its
> sheen.. We have to move away from majority votes to percentage of votes to
> decide the final outcomes.  Politics to day is becoming a most lucrative
> profession with ever increasing tax free benefits, besides wielding
> enormous  power, influence and position of social status. No wonder that
> only those who can win by financial and muscle power are assured of party
> tickets The way some  criminals, murderers, illiterate representing us is a
> shame and blot on National perspective
> Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


2016-07-08 Thread Floriano Lobo
Hopefully, Maya, you have read my press note on this subject.


On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 4:40 PM, Mayabhushan  wrote:

> (with attachments)
> #JackpotJournalism #PaidNews #Goamedia #Goa #casinos
> Hello,
> Adwait Desai, Herald's assistant general manager (sales), the guy, who so
> candidly and unwittingly spilled the beans about Goa media's dim-lit realm
> of "paid news" has finally spoken his piece on Facebook.
> He has issued a clarification stating his side of the story. You will find
> his clarification bunched along with this post, which is basically my
> intimate response to Adwait's defence, in form of a letter to him.
> As I was drafting this response to Adwait in the wee hours of Friday, I
> happened to see that Herald's July 8 edition also dedicated a front page
> editorial to clarify its position on the #JackpotJournalism saga which went
> viral on social media.
> However, the points made out in it, are as untrue as the one's made in
> Adwait's own clarification.
> My intimate letter to Adwait should suffice to undo the tall claims and
> inconsistencies made in the edit too. I appreciate the patience and
> diligence with which readers have followed this story. Kindly indulge me
> and the #JackpotJournalism story for a few more days.
> Dear Adwait
> I understand these are troubled times for you. And duress more often than
> not, triggers errors and misjudgements, which is precisely what your
> clarification is all about.
> And of course since we are speaking about the publication you represent,
> there are, predictably, a series untruths, which I am more than happy to
> red flag here. The most obvious one first.
> Adwait, my man, you have said in your clarification that neither the
> "management nor the sales team" has any say in editorial matters and only
> the editor decides on news content and that the sales department is
> completely delinked with news activity. This is a lie dude. Let me tell you
> why.
> First of all, do you happen to suffer from short term memory-loss issues?
> See, on June 14 this year, a few significant developments unfolded across
> the country.
> In Delhi, members of the Hindu Sena celebrated Donald Trump's birthday. In
> Mumbai, a special court declared Vijay Mallya a proclaimed offender. And in
> Goa, on June 14, you happened to author an important inter-office memo to
> your colleagues in sales, editorial (including the editor) and management
> (including the general manager).
> In the memo, (attached alongwith) it is amply clear that you and your sales
> department are unequivocally dictating editorial policy.
> To quote you from the memo: "Request you not to go ahead with any such
> articles (as attached) unless communicated thru email by sales. Even though
> this article has been carried because of a rather foolish verbal
> communication from my team member, going ahead please do not carry such
> contest or promotional write-up (especially if it involves advertisers and
> contest deliverables) unless an official mail is received either me or
> Lance clearing the same". (lance is a sales/marketing fellow at Herald).
> And you are still telling me then, that the sales department does not
> interfere with or dictate the editorial affairs of your newspaper?
> Damn, you even have a process for editorial content being vetted by your
> sales team, which is also detailed in the memo. The memo also says that
> before any venues are mentioned in the content, they have to be
> "pre-approved" by sales.
> A snapshot of an excel sheet sent along with this email, shows which
> entities need sales pre-approval before publication in the Herald and which
> do not.
> And FYI, more than one recipient in that email's lengthy recipient list is
> unhappy and frustrated by the manner in which editorial content is being
> sold across the counter in your media organisation and was gracious enough
> to send across this memo to me. And don't you worry there's lots more where
> this memo came from.
> Buddy, where did you learn your marketing skills? The reason why I am
> asking you this is, in case any of my friends ask me to recommend an MBA
> institute, I can tell them which one they shouldn't sign up for.
> Which MBA school teaches its pupils to succumb to the lure of, what did you
> say in your clarification, mouthing "loose talk".
> Or may be its that memory loss thing again, because while on the one end
> you say in your clarification, that you were lured into "loose talk" and
> giving "uncalled for answers", you later claim you were executing your
> strategy of "having no business go thru and to avoid any further
> interactions" and that it was part of an "overzealous sales pitch".
> Loose talk as strategy, is a part of which management principle? Is it the
> same one Rahul Gandhi is schooled in? Do tell me.
> You also say that your visit to the "casino honcho's" office was a
> "courtesy call"

Re: [Goanet] THE 2017 BATTLE

2016-09-01 Thread Floriano Lobo
You forgot BBSM

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 8:50 AM, Aires Rodrigues 

> That crucial do or die battle in 2017 must be by an United Goa against the
> very corrupt and extremely communal BJP.
> Aboard that grand warship must be the Congress, MGP, Goa Forward, NCP,
> UGDP, Shiv Sena, Goa Su-raj Party along with Babush Monseratte, Micky
> Pacheco, Churchill Alemao and those few good hearted secular minded current
> MLA's within the BJP along with our like minded friends Avertano, Benjamin
> & Caitu bab.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>  Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires

Re: [Goanet] Married MP Keith Vaz tells prostitutes in his flat: 'Bring poppers' ... 'We need to get this party started'

2016-09-04 Thread Floriano Lobo
It is unfortunate for us Goans that our own guys are letting us down.
We don't think there is any escape from this stink for Keith Vaz.  Not this.

On Sun, Sep 4, 2016 at 1:29 PM, Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या
*فريدريك نورونيا  wrote:

> Can't understand if *amcho* Keith is one heck of a guy who's always
> courting trouble, or if it's the Brit tabloids always hounding this
> politician of colour. Or is it a mix of both? FN
> On 4 September 2016 at 13:56, Gabe Menezes  wrote:
> >
> >
> > --
> > Gabe Menezes.
> >
> --
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/
> _/  Frederick Noronha
> _/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fcbk:fredericknoronha
> _/  Hear Goa,1556 shared audio content at
> _/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/

Re: [Goanet] Su-Raj party

2016-09-22 Thread Floriano Lobo
Eugene, you are right.
What the website says is the gospel truth. Media goes by the old standards.
And yes, they only omitted the word 'Founding' before the word President.

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 5:53 AM, Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या
* فريدريك نورونيا  wrote:

> Could be a simple case of a not-updated website? FN
> On Tuesday, 20 September 2016, Venantius J Pinto <
> wrote:
> > Of course, fair and square — a clarification from the media house /
> writer
> > of said news report.
> > —vjp
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 8:09 PM, Eugene Correia <
> > >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > In the news report, Floriano Lobo is said to be the party president.
> The
> > > Goa Su-Raj party website mentions Mathias Vaz as president, and Lobo as
> > > general secretary and spokesperson.
> > >
> > > A clarification would be useful.
> > >
> > > Eugene
> >
> --
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/
> _/  Frederick Noronha | |
> _/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
> _/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content
> _/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/

Re: [Goanet] subsidy to pilgrims to Holy Land

2016-09-23 Thread Floriano Lobo
Item No. 69 in the GSRP's Power Point Presentation says:


On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 7:59 AM, Marshall Mendonza 

> I fully agree. The State should not be funding pilgrimages, whether it be
> Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Jain, Sikh or Jew. Let the money be spent on
> providing education and healthcare which is sorely needed and which will
> help the country in the long run. Read :
> Indian-children-dont-attend-school-Census-data/articleshow/54473779.cms
> Regards,
> Marshall
> *No state subsidies for pilgrimages for Haj or the Holy Land. It is not
> fair to other religious groups or to atheists. - Roland Francis*

Re: [Goanet] StyleSpeak: The Art of Noise

2010-03-11 Thread Floriano Lobo
The other day it was Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão writing about loud
music Noise pollution. Now it is Wendell Rodricks.

Today I was requested to attend the meeting with the Collector (North)
by some of the HC instituted committee members against noise pollution
to hand in a memorandum with regard to Nite-Club IVY at Baga
(belonging to Calangute MLA Agnelo Fernandes) which has re-started its
late-nite partying well outside of the premises disturbing the already
taxed peaceful ambience of the vicinity. This has been made possible
by the new regulation where the Home Ministry has taken charge to
issue licences to night parties, including raves. Now it is that much
easier to get cracking with a rave party than before with the
blessings of the Home Ministry, more specifically the Home Minister,
who will be a notch richer by the night.

Wendell has struck the right chord and it has made me look up,
surprised. He has invoked the word 'SANITY'  Let me add two more words
before it to make it real  'People for Political Sanity' Only this can
ensure that the sea waves breaking over Chapora hills will be heard
not only in Colvale but also in Moira, again,  like they used to be
heard when I was a small boy too, a long long time ago.

I challenge Wendell to take up  this potent 'PPS' issue and trash it
until all these 'mad political rascals' are driven into the Arabian

Wendell !  Do I hear  a 'Yes'  coming out from your end??

It will be so much easier than you think it is.
Of course, you will be not alone. I, who have fought loud music noise
pollution for almost 25 years is solidly with you and others who will
want to go ahead.

To start with, let few of us meet at AZAD Maidan, Panjim this Sunday
at  5 p.m. just to say Hello ,  PPS??


It is not ENOUGH that GOOD n HONEST persons  contest elections.
It is not ENOUGH that GOOD n HONEST  voters elect good n honest persons.
GOA urgently needs  'HONEST SYSTEM of GOVERNANCE'.
Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be honest  or to QUIT.

Only through PPS can such 'honest system of governance' be identified
and accepted.

Be bold. Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject
political madness tomorrow.
[Note: PPS stickers are available at CHAMPS Sports Shops - Mapusa-Panjim-Margao]

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Wendell Rodricks
> StyleSpeak: The Art of Noise
> By Wendell Rodricks
> Noise pollution . Uncontrolled. Unleashed on a land known twenty years
> ago for the sound of silence.
> We must stop it!
> A collective WE.
> ME included. If they pass a law not to play music on loudspeakers at ANY
> time, we must comply. Day or night. NO sound beyond a certain decibel. WE
> want to hear music. Real music. Not this tourist rave crap. Which keeps us
> awake, keeps our children from studies, keep our elderly hearts beating
> faster.
> It is so easy to stop. It's not as there is no solution. The people and the
> Police and the Government should have the will to stop it. Put a law in
> place and then act on defaulters. And throw out the bad tourists who control
> us mafia style. Throw them out for good.
> And pray for this noise to stop. For Satan to leave our shores. To make us
> realise the Goa we are loosing. To hear the birds again. To hear the waves
> at Chapora... in Colvale. To hear our conscience. To slumber in the fact
> that we can have less money but retain our dignity, sanity, uncorruption and
> integrity.
> So that finally we can hear the true voice of God !    (ENDS)
> ==
> First published in Goa Today, Goa - March 2010

[Goanet] Press note for kind favour of publication on Goanet- Thank U

2006-06-28 Thread Floriano Lobo
-- Forwarded message --
From: Floriano Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jun 25, 2006 10:50 PM
Subject: Press Note Re Prof. Manoharai L. Sardesai - A Tribute of

Professor Manoharai L. Sardesai - A Tribute of Recognition.

In the demise of Prof. Manoharai L. Sardesai, Mother Goa has lost yet
another of Her illustrious sons who worked ceaselessly to define and assert
Her 'Konkani' identity and that of his compatriot Goans.
Prof. Sardesai's contribution to Konkani literature, particularly the
'Konkani Poetry' is humongous and it reflects the Goan Ethos and their Way
Of Life in its entirety.

Prof. Sardesai provided, through literature, constant inspirations to others
to excel for generations to come, in particular, by bringing into the
Konkani Language the Magnu Opus 'CANDID' written by the great thinker
Voltaire of the French Revolution, which should be the food for thought for
the Goan youth.

The Goa Su-Raj Party appeals to the Goan youth to follow the path shown by
Prof. Manoharai Sardesai to resist all attempts to dilute the Goan Identity
which has its unique place in the mosaic of diversity characterizing India.

In the passing away of Prof. Manoharai Sardesai, the Goa Su-Raj Party has
said good-bye to a one hundred per cent Goan and a friend.

Dr. N.S. Dumo
-- next part --
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[Goanet] Floriano's Sunday Ramblings-8 (Special)

2006-06-28 Thread Floriano Lobo
And  a lot of water has run under the Zuari Bridge during this past
week. There has been reports  that in Andra Pradesh, they have banned
English nursery rhymes like Ba-Ba- Black Sheep ; Ring-a Ring-a Roses
etc. ostensibly because it has a British flavour. And there are
suggestions coming from up-front Goans in the UK to the Andra
Government to also re-write  the "London Bridge is falling Down"
Indian style to read as "Zuari Bridge is Falling Down"   so that the
children of India will  grow up learning more about how  'Charity
starts at Home"

And talking of the Zuari Bridge, it was Gamon India, the pioneering
Consulting Engineering Firm that has built the Zuari Bridge. And it
took all of  9 years plus to build it when Japanese would have built
it in less than a quarter of that time, and a bridge that would not
sink in 100 years as well as offer a smooth road surface and, of
course, aesthetics, rather than the moonscape we had to tolerate for
so long.  And it is believed that this firm has built bridges
helter-skelter all around the world. And, as a matter of fact,  one of
our members (goasuraj),  who is now a retired Gamon India man,  having
been concerned enough about the reports on the Zuari Bridge, sent a
load of Goan newspaper cuttings to the consulting Engineer Dr. T.N.
Subha Rao,  to let him know that the Gamon India 'Pride of Goa' is
making small waves already and is about to make a tidal wave shortly.
The unexpectedly immediate response has taken us by huge surprise. And
this here is Dr. Subha Rao's response:

Dear Mr…….. Many thanks for the information you have sent. The Bridge
was repaired by FPCC  only recently. It is therefore surprising that
repairs to the bridge are again warranted. I do not believe press
reports who make mountains of mole hills. We will follow-up as to what
is causing cracks. It appears the cracks are in the bottom of the box.
We should not really worry if that is so"  TU /YS Dr. T.N. Subha Rao

Well  that is from the horse's mouth. And this news has come to me as
a cropper, especially,  as I had a trip to make to South Goa and was
reluctant to take my chances over the Zuari Bridge with all these
crack and all. And I did confide in a friend to say that while I am at
it, I shall look at the inauguration plaque so that I will know who
had cut the ribbon. And I was in for a surprise. "you will find no
plaque" my friend said. "There was such a confusion about who would
inaugurate the bridge, whether  a Central Minister or the Chief
Minister, that ultimately people, frustrated with this delay, just
walk-over abd aacross it and Voila! Zuari Bridge was inaugurated."   "
Well", I said. "Let us take this as a precedent and in the future all
public works will be inaugurated by the 'PEOPLE' as it is the people's
money that go into those works and into the pockets of our politicians
and bureaucrats."  GOANS,  SHALL WE??? . Goasuraj will lead the way.
And you can  bet on it.

And it was a crippling sensation to read  the head lines in 'Herald'
(June 20) announcing "MAD RUSH FOR VOTER CARD IN MARGAO"  Migrants?
Rush for voter's cards? What a state of affairs in a forward looking
State like Goa! Will not these migrant decide who sits in the
government? And we call our politicians, politicians? Aren't they
prostitutes, who are only interested in  what is coming to them in the
short run, never to bother what happens to Goa and Goans in the long
run? Shouldn't there be a system where a migrant voter can be
registered as a voter in another State  provided that and only if
he/she produces  an authentic cancellation of voter's  registration
from his/her  own State? Is this too difficult for our politicians and
to our enterprising Election Commission Officials to think about?
Shouldn't a migrant be allowed to vote only  in the Parliamentary
Elections and not the State Elections?. Needless to say that goasuraj
has pointed this out to the delegation of the Parliamentary Committee
that  visited Goa recently at the Mandovi Hotel of which Ram
Jethmalani was a member, supposedly to pave a way for  genuine
electoral reforms. Or was it just a scheduled week-end holiday trip
for the Delhi big-wigs in Goa at the cost of us poor and harassed
tax-payers? Goasuraj has  voiced its  objections over the above
headlines to the Election Commission, New Delhi  with a copy to the
Chief  Electoral Officer at Altinho,  Panjim

And the fresh spate of felicitations of 25 odd freedom fighters of Goa
has re-kindled the fruitless debate which starts like clock-work on
the Revolution Day and ends a few days or so, later. But A. Veronica's
(Kuwait) post  on Goanet on this very subject takes the cake and has
prompted me to make appropriate suggestions and declarations in view
of that post, being  the spokesperson of an up-coming political party.
 I have always been calling our freedom fighters as 'hypocrites'.
Why? Because we, as a political party, are in the know exactly who

Re: [Goanet] Talibanization of Goa

2006-06-28 Thread Floriano Lobo
I would like to butt in on this topic even though it is late. And I thank
Fredrick Noronha for reviving the same.

Having gone through Preetam's post ( I did not go thro it  earlier), I say
that Preetam is very right.

The line Fredrick is taking is a line of maha-pacification, a neutral line,
a line where the field is open for complete anarchy. Can governance tolerate
a pendulum swing at all times? No sir. Governance must stay solidly planted
and must grow roots, not just folliage.

Goa has been under the western influence for nigh almost half  a millenium,
for God's sake. I have grown up in this influence at its tail end. I for one
will never wear a 'gaddi', the Indian version of a suit jacket or a kurta
pajama. Simply because I have never worn any and I have no tolerance for
these,  though it is widely accepted. Can anyone force, say a gaddi or a
kurta pajama on me? whatever may be the occasion?? Again, No sir.

Besides, I associate the gaddi and the kurta pajama absolutely with total
corruption or total tolerance towards corruption, right from Nehru's time
including Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru himself.. If my children want to wear a
gaddi or a kurta pajama, it is their wish. I am out of it.

Likewise, salwar khameez  as a mandatory dress code for girls in school  is
not acceptable if the particular school is registered with the main-stream
governmental or non governmental organization, unless until there is a
definate and unambiguous definition of the dress code. If girls are to wear
salwar khameezes today, then the boys will wear what tomorrow?  the RSS'
Khaki shorts, white shirt and the black Gandhi topi???

If Goa wants to get into the Indian influence and shed its western
influence, then, as long as people like me are still alive and very much
assertive, let there be a referendum on these sensitive issues. The stance
Fredrick is taking is dangerous. It is not different from the ostrich
burying  its head in the sand when  there is a need for it to be alert.

Goa Su-Raj Party is in existence in Goa now (for the past 6 years). It will
not allow anything of this sort unless the people get a chance to speak
about it in very definitive terms. The people of Goa are no 'Cachra'  to be
just used and discarded. They will make their decision in a most democratic
way, but before that, let there  be, (must be)  long public discussions in
every fora, every school every place even temples, churches and mosques etc,
on these sensitive issues so that every Goan is sensitized on the merits and
demerits of the issues at hand.

I think I have made myself clear, as also my party's line of thought  in
this matter which threatens to set dangerous precedents in Goa.



[Say NO to Second Term for MLAs]
[Say YES to Goa's own Command in GOA]

- Original Message -
From: "Frederick Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa.

> I've been meaning to comment on this post earlier... though I'm not   sure
if "Preetam Raikar" is really Preetam Raikar.
> We're all missing a key point here: the key problem is compulsion. It
becomes intensely problematic when *we* believe that *we* can, and
> should, be laying down standards for everyone!

> The problem with Konkani/Marathi enforced medium-of-instruction at the
primary level (done in the name of 'education in the mother tongue', a
questionable argument if you scratch even lightly below the skin) is
precisely this: compulsion.

> Compulsion likewise causes problems with the Devanagari script in Goa  as
we have recently seen, or Luizinho Faleiro's policy of not giving
> the choice to parents to decide whether their children should be  studying
English or not as a subject in Std I (giving the Marathi  press a chance to
whip up hysteria through eight-column banner  headlines) and in other cases.

> When it comes to uniforms, is it hard to imagine that a section of
parents in Goa find the Western garb to be an immodest form of dress  for
their daughters? If so, is it fair to force it on them?  Once we accept this
reality, then the only question left to be sorted  out is what choices
should be given over the uniforms to be worn, who  should exercise these
choices (parents? students? educational  institutions? PTAs?) and how the
interests of those (minorities -- but  not necessarily in a religious sense)
should be taken care of.

> While *we* think it is abominable to be forced into a purdah or salwar
kameez, why not ask others what they feel about it? Is it any less
> abominable to force them to be clad in a Western attire, which for
whatever reason they are unwilling to accept?

> If you think my logic is flawed, let me know why. FN

> [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa.
> Preetam Raikar preetam_raikar1 at
> Sun Jun 11 21:54:00 PDT 2006

> Recently, I was astonished to read an artic

Re: [Goanet] Talibanization of Goa - A Riposte by Floriano Lobo to FN

2006-06-30 Thread Floriano Lobo
FL: Since you have asked the above question, you first tell me if the
Congress High Command, the Nagpur High Command of the RSS-BJP, the Baramati
High Command of the NCP, the Bangalore High Command of the Janata Party and
the Kolkata High Command of the CPI(M), CPI, is representative of  the
diversity of Goa?.

- Original Message -
From: "Frederick "FN" Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 4:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Talibanization of Goa

> You're talking from your own perspective. There are others, equally
> Goan, who don't agree with what you say. Maybe this has to do with the
> history of Portuguese colonialism of Goa, and the fact that it meant
> very different things for the "Velhas Conquistas" and the "Novas
> Conquistas".
> If you wish to take your perspective as the norm, why shout when
> Manohar Parrikar and that tiny saffron fringe does likewise, and
> pushes its own standards and preferences down everyone else's throat?
> Or, for that matter, when the PDF in 1990 virtually banished English
> from primary schooling using some questionable arguments brought about
> with dubious intent?
> On 28/06/06, Floriano Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would like to butt in on this topic even though it is late. And I
> > Fredrick Noronha for reviving the same.
> >
> > Having gone through Preetam's post ( I did not go thro it  earlier), I
> > that Preetam is very right.
> >
> > The line Fredrick is taking is a line of maha-pacification, a neutral
> > a line where the field is open for complete anarchy. Can governance
> > a pendulum swing at all times? No sir. Governance must stay solidly
> > and must grow roots, not just folliage.
> If you don't give in to the legitimate demands of a section, then you
> will have to give in to a whole lot of illegitimate demands too.
> If someone wants to wear a salwar khameez to school, what's wrong?
> Some time back an editor was writing disparagingly about tee-shirt
> wearing Goans. What's wrong with that? Should we be imposing our
> standards on others?
> > Goa has been under the western influence for nigh almost half  a
> > for God's sake. I have grown up in this influence at its tail end. I for
> > will never wear a 'gaddi', the Indian version of a suit jacket or a
> > pajama. Simply because I have never worn any and I have no tolerance for
> > these,  though it is widely accepted. Can anyone force, say a gaddi or a
> > kurta pajama on me? whatever may be the occasion?? Again, No sir.
> 3/4ths of Goa (by landmass) underwent a colonial experience which was
> much similar to the rest of British India. No wonder every issue in
> Goa (merger, language, airport, location of the university, MGP-UGP,
> Konkan Railway route) gets polarised along communal/religious lines.
> As long as we don't acknowledge differences in perception, we are
> widening the gap.
> > Besides, I associate the gaddi and the kurta pajama absolutely with
> > corruption or total tolerance towards corruption, right from Nehru's
> > including Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru himself.. If my children want to wear
> > gaddi or a kurta pajama, it is their wish. I am out of it.
> You might be getting carried away by your rhetoric, Floriano. Nobody's
> asking you to wear what they demand; someone is asking for a uniform
> which is more in keeping with what they perceive as their cultural
> traditions.
> > Likewise, salwar khameez  as a mandatory dress code for girls in school
> > not acceptable if the particular school is registered with the
> > governmental or non governmental organization, unless until there is a
> > definate and unambiguous definition of the dress code. If girls are to
> > salwar khameezes today, then the boys will wear what tomorrow?  the RSS'
> > Khaki shorts, white shirt and the black Gandhi topi???
> This argument smacks of an authoritarian bent of mind and also an
> inability to acknowledge cultural diversity ;-)
> > If Goa wants to get into the Indian influence and shed its western
> > influence, then, as long as people like me are still alive and very much
> > assertive, let there be a referendum on these sensitive issues.
> What next? A referendum on every issue? Goa doesn't want anything; a
> section is laying down the rules in the schools it runs. And you don't
> grant that right to them? Even if it shows gender bias, it is an
> internal ma

Re: [Goanet] Talibanization of Goa - Uniforms & Migrants - Mario Goveia

2006-07-01 Thread Floriano Lobo
MG:>To Florian,
>I agree with you that any government action should be
subject to scrutiny and protest.

FL: Thank you very much. I appreciate.

MG:> However, I can't even get a simple answer to my
questions as to a) what was the official reason given
for the new school policy, assuming one was offered?
b) has anyone polled the parents to gage their
reaction? and c) what do the girls think?  Do you
know?  Does it matter?

FL: I too am in the same boat that you are sailing in, totally ignorant
about what is going on.

MG:>Re. your striking clarion call to ignore the opinions
of migrants, who must have registered as residents of
Goa in order to vote, how exactly do you propose to
nullify the elected government if you deem their
decision to be "against Goa"?

FL: Very simple. Vote them out of power and reverse their doings. Example:
Throw the 'Tenancy Act'  out of the window which has  eaten up Goa's
indigenous Comunidades,  and go one step further and  pee on it and the
people who brought it in the first place.

MG: >I assume you have already determined what is an
acceptable decision FOR "Goa" and what is NOT???  I'm
afraid to even ask how you made such a determination.
Do they conduct statistically valid polling in Goa,
which would provide some guidance and validity to a

FL: Mario, my dear, I have grown up in GOA. I have seen the Portuguese rule.
I have experienced it, bad, not so bad, good et al. And now I am stuck with
the chor Indian rule, which is bafling even more in the name of democracy.
Stastically polling is rampant in the US where you reside. Not in India,
least  in Goa. Who cares how/what people think?? as long as they pay their
taxes?? And I or my party do not sweat about what is acceptable to others
and what is not. We have put down what is acceptable to us. People of Goa,
you, have a choice. Either accept it or go to Congress, MGP, UGDP, NCP,
Janata Party, CPI(M) plus more.  We are least bothered.

You think we care if Goa goes down and further down??  I will be the first
one to go down  firing crackers and celebrating. What!
My going down?  No,   not so much. But GOANS going down, too much. Why?
Because they need not go down if they had used their brains and chosen to
help themselves rather than help the CHOR  Congresswallas et al.

BTW Mario, check-out and download the ROAD MAP FOR GOA.
If you do, you will not be saying what you are saying.

[Say NO to Second Term for MLAs]
Say YES to Goa's Own Command in Goa]

- Original Message -
From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa. (re. uniforms and migrants)

> --- Elisabeth Carvalho wrote:
> >
> > Unfortunately, the demands made are on a women and
> > it is not the attire that worries me, it is the
> > motive behind it.
> >
> > Nor it is very different from what the Taliban did
> > to their women.  Perhaps those decision were
> > blatant but this one is more insidious because it
> > is opaque. The motive however is not.
> >
> --- Floriano wrote:
> >
> >
> Mario asks:
> >
> First, to Elisabeth,
> Could you please let us know how you found out the
> motive behind the Goa salwar-khameez policy?  I have
> been trying to find out what reasons were given by the
> Goa school administration in order to do so, but
> JoeGoaUK has not come through on my request to
> investigate the facts for us.  You have now twice
> stated conclusively that you know the motive, and I
> would really like to know exactly what it is and how
> you found out.
> >
> If this is one of those intuitive conclusions that
> every sensitive person ought to automatically know, I
> need to factor that into my analysis because I have
> zero intuition and am lost without supporting facts.
> >
> Also, I'm trying real hard to understand this
> statement of yours about the salwar-khameez policy,
> "Nor it is very different from what the Taliban did to
> their women."
> >
> Maybe, living in the US as I do, I have missed
> altogether what is going on in Goa, but are they now
> whipping the school girls with canes in public if
> their ankles can be seen?  Are they beheading them in
> the football stadiums if they are seen in public with
> males not related to them?  BTW, how are the Goan
> girls even allowed to go to school, if the Goan school
> policies are not "...very different from from what the
> Taliban did to their women."
> >
> Some similarities with Madhya Pradesh maybe.  But the
> Taliban?  Do analogies mean anything any more under
> the new paradigm where everything as we know it, is
> "provisional"?
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Floriano's Sunday Ramblings-9

2006-07-02 Thread Floriano Lobo
Floriano's Sunday Ramblings-9

And the headline news in the July 1, 2006 edition of the Navhind Times
captioned "Govt CONSIDERING amendment to Tenancy Act: CM" is more
depressing than to be happy about. Why? It was the same CM (Rane) who
implemented the provisions of the Bandodkar initiated 'Tenancy Act'
after he walked over from the MG club into the  Congress club. And he
has waited since then, and up to now, for that detrimental 'Act' to
take hold and devastate Goa's agriculture completely, making Goa
totally dependent on the neighbouring states, whose agrarian policies
are to be commended. But it was not the agriculture that Rane was
interested in devastating. And how could he?  Is he not the 'Harvard'
graduate in agriculture himself?. It was the Goa's Comunidades that he
 wanted to devastated, being one of Bandodkar's close and reliable
chelas. They say that someone burnt his house, in the hurry to get rid
of rats. It is true in this case.  Because, at one point or the other,
the dawn of realization had to come on him, that it is very difficult
to floor Goa's Comunidades. For these are the unique institutions
brought into existence by our fore-fathers, the true Goemkars, who had
the true, unadulterated Goemkar blood running in their veins as is
presumed to be running in the veins of present day Goemkars (though a
thorough check will have to be done on the blood that runs in the
veins of the majority of the components and the Gaunkars of Goa's
Comunidades to ascertain the percentage of adulteration and discard
them as rotten fish).  Moreover, it is high-time that Rane understands
that it is time that he either dilutes the Tenancy Act, (scrapping it
altogether is out of the question, as it is his MGP-Mergerite era's
baby which he has single handedly nursed all this years to health) or
get wiped off.  But the bitter pill of one's making is very difficult
to swallow. Hence the word 'CONSIDERING'.  And there are other
dominant forces which are working against the Rane led Congress
government which is the cause of giving the Congresswallas sleepless
nights. The Goa Su-Raj Party's Road Map for one. Now a days, all of a
sudden, every one seems to be thinking, or making us believe that they
are thinking, in terms of the future of Goa and Goans. May it be the
'Education', the 'Agriculture',  the 'Sportspersons of Yester Years'
and what-have-you. Could it be because they have suddenly found a new
love for Goa? Or are they just trying to save their skins? Besides,
the  Assembly elections are fast approaching, which is an added doze
of adrenalin in their system to forced sleepless nights. But then, we
at Goa Su-Raj Party have no cause to worry about sleepless nights. As
a matter of fact we sleep much too well, knowing fully well that if
these Congress-walle, MGP-walle, or UGDP & BJP walle or the NCP-wallo
do not take our ROAD MAP in hand and commit it to memory,  time will
be running out for them. And even if they do master it,  or even
'copy' it entirely (which will be most difficult, as it is written
with an ingredient which is totally missing in their culture – 'The
Self Sacrifice'),  we  would be more than happy that someone else is
doing our job for us, just like someone else does the job of hatching
its babies for the cuckoo. One way or the other, the people of Goa
have gotten smarter and more conscious of their own selves as
tax-payers after having been taken for rides for nigh 45 years and
refuse to be taken for more jolly good roller coaster rides any more.
And talking about Goa's Comunidades, if the grape-wines are to be
believed, Goa's Comunidades are getting into high-gear, post Menezes
Braganza seminar held on May 28, 2006, to put the blame of its
multiple ills, squarely or rectangularly, right where it belongs,
through a show of force and solidarity against the black pirates of
the MGP-Congress-BJP combine. And what better way could there be than
to deposit the seemingly readied (by these black pirates) COMUNIDADE
COFFIN,   right at the feet of Bahusaheb Bandodkar's statue,  in

And in my last Sunday Ramblings, I have mentioned the name of  Carmo
de Noronha, who was the Director of the Fazenda (accounts) in the
erstwhile Portuguese regime. And here I would like to reproduce an
article that he wrote and published in the Navhind Times  in 1998, a
tribute actually, to a most revered son of Goa,  Dr. Abel Colaco,
whose excellent qualities and his talents  died with him when he died
of a broken heart and of broken dreams for Goa after its liberation.
Here's wishing you good reading so that you may know what I am talking
about in my comments that follow.

Navhind Times, Saturday  25 April, 1998 (Pg.4)
Abel Colaco, who saved Goa from impending catastrophe

Dr. Abel Alvares Colaco, the first and the last Goan as
secretary-general to the Portuguese governor-general before the fall
of the colonial regime, passed away a fe

Re: [Goanet] Uniform controversy and Goa Su-Raj

2006-07-03 Thread Floriano Lobo
- Original Message -
From: "Vivek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 7:51 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Uniform controversy and GoaSuraj

V= I happened to follow the discussion on the 'salwar  kameez'
controversy. I have a few questions for Floriano:

FL= I am glad someone chose to ask these relevant questions. It is
high time. Thank you Vivek. And I am going  to answer each one of them
 the best way I can.

V= How does one decide what is against Goa or the goan  way of life? In fact
what exactly is the goan way of  life?

1. Goans not getting proper and effective education in Goa to start
with. If you read this week's Goan observer cover stolry "Goan Kids
can't count", you will know what I mean.
2. Professional degrees from Goa University not being recognised
elsewhere in India and the rest of the world. Goans not getting jobs
in Goa even if qualified due to rampant corruption. Jobs go to mostly
outsiders who are required to cough-up which Goans cannot.
3.  Goans migrating to the western countries  by selling their houses
and properties.
4. There is no law and order in Goa  to talk about.
5. The erosion of Goa's comunidades. How effective were the Comunidade
organizations can be seen with zero agriculture in Goa with
comunidades destroyed by the Tenancy Act of Bandodkar, enforced by the
Congress in Goa.
100 You want me to go on??

V:= Is Goa Suraj Party the custodian of Gon rights?

FL= Yes, Goa Su-Raj party is the custodian of Goan rights. Why the
hell not? I am a Goan. I think Goan. I live Goan. So why not? Who else
is fighting for Goan rights? The Congress?  The BJP? The NCP? ( except
that one new arrival loose foot in the NCP who has changed many
parties is fighting against foreigners purchasing properties in Goa).
Goa is the transit point for international drug cartels. Who has
created it? Goa Su-Raj? Our public places stink and garbage is dumped
on highways. Why does  Floriano Lobo only  has to write a letter to
the High Court to be converted into a PIL? . Where are the other
custodians of Goa??? Sleeping? Maybe you can say that. But Goa Su-Raj
is  up and about and it will do only what it possible for it to do. I
always tell people who ask me "why don't you expand?" And I retort
back "To do what?" "clean people's backsides?" and I send them packing
with this line "Goa Su-raj Party will not be used by the people in the
sense that it will not roast like an earthworm on the hot tarred road
to show that it is working for the people"  What I mean is that we
have given the Goan people a system of governance. Let them take it or
leave it. It will be fine by us either way.

V= Does GoaSuraj Party represent all the sections of Goan  society?

FL= You define to me  which are the sections of Goan society that  politics
do not represent. Do you mean Christians? Does politics not affect them?
They must be represented by Congress, the NCP??  You mean Hindus? Politics
does not affect them? Or only the BJP and MGP -Shiv Sena politics must
represent them?  YOu mean OBCs, STs and SCs? Actually politics has
screwed these sections, in that, it has more than affected them. These
sections have become proprietory vote banks of certain political
parties. FYI Goa Su-Raj is in serious politics. Not serious
politiking, if you know the difference.

V= How would one go about reversing the decisions of the  Government?
FL: Simple. Scrap anti-Goan , anti development legislations outright,
Tenancy Act and the likes  in the Legislative Assembly.

V=  Is any migrant vote less important than a  niz goenkaars vote?

FL= I want to know what axactly do you understand by a migrant vote.
Goa Su-Raj Party does not consider outsiders (migrants) who have
settled in Goa and who have purchased properties in Goa  as migrants.
They are as much Goan as niz Goemkars. When we say migrants, we mean
migrant labourers who live in jopadpattis and slums created by our
politicians as vote bank, only brought into vote (mostly). Do you get
the idea? And you want them to decide what goverment Goans should get
through their paid votes? Vivek, you must think again.

At this point let me tell you that Goa Su-Raj Party is on record of
writing to the Parliamentary Commission on Electoral Reforms that
National Parties must not be allowed to contest the local Assembly
elections. That parties registered as national parties should only
parliamentary elections leaving the assembly elections to the local
regional parties of the state. In this case only efficient people from
states will go to the parliament as MP only to look at 'as a whole,
India's affairs' rather than brokering for favours for their
respective states in the parliament. Also, MPs should be conversant
with world affairs. If this is done, there our national parliament
will gain respect and honour it deverves rather than having our MPs
getting ca

[Goanet] Goa Su-Raj and Floriano's response

2006-07-05 Thread Floriano Lobo
Dear Vivek,

I have no problems at all you being comfortable with our Ex-CM Manohar
As a matter of fact, I too have  very high regard for him and his ability. I
acknowledge that he is a doer, not just a talker.
But my appreciation of his abilities are negated by my criticisms of his
doings. For one, we were telling him to go ahead with the IFFI, but to have
it in 2005 instead of in 2004. He would have done a marvelous job. But it
looks like he had to lay that egg there and then and couldn't hold it. We
also know his ulterior motives in doing that. Thet went against him.
Secondly, he signed his own death warrant with the VCD on Goa's Liberation.
When it comes to facts and figures, we need to be harsh. If these things
were private and personal things, it would be fine. But then  these were for
Goa and against Goa's interests.

I believe that a CEO must get his work done through delegation of duties.
Manohar Parrikar is believed to have done things single-handedly. This is
not the way the CEO of Goa must operate. His undoing.

The important thing is that our concern has been proven right. Why cry over
spilt milk? We at GSRP believe that Manohar Parrikar is spilt milk already.
Othewise he wouldn't be sought to be replaced as BJP's No.1 in Goa.

To come to your second point, at no time did GSRP promote 'Goa for Goans'
cause. It is GOANS FIRST.  And the last thing that  GSRP will do is to play
in the hands of religious bigots.  No RELIGION can enter the strong
repulsive field surrounding GSRP when it comes to GOVERNANCE.  We are not
anti-religon or something. It is only that we have realized the damaging
effect religion has on governance when governance and religion go hand in
hand. I shall give you a perfect example. You visit our north Goa
Collectorate at lunch-time. You will be inundated with bajaans in the pooja
room where you will find every kind of a God displayed there.  All women
staff mostly, and men included indulge in this ritual every single day. It
is a shame really. The other day I happened to be at the collectorate at
lunch-time. After I met with the additional collector Mr. Naik re: my
conversion file, I asked the clerk who had to complete to job "You don't
join in the prayers?" He said "I do, sometimes, when people like you allow
me to". When I saw Ms. Surekha (another clerk) coming from the pooja room, I
wished her with these words " Hey Surekha! You have a glow over your head --
You sure pray hard".  Knowing me, she ran away. there was a young boy (Civil
Engineering Student) come for his father's conversion file. We got to
talking and after I introduced myself (gave him my party's card), I told him
that when GSRP comes to power, such tamashas (pointing to the pooja room)
will cease outright within the first few days. That in government offices,
we believe that work is prayer. That prayer must be confined to
Temlpes,Churches, what have you and in the homes only, not in the
collectorate, police stations and municipal and panchayat buildings.

Vivek, I do believe that you will have more queries for me. And you are most

- Original Message -
From: "Vivek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 10:41 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa Suraj and Florianos response

> Dear Floriano,
> I think when a person speaks with conviction and from
> his heart he forgets political correctness and the
> need to be glib with words. Your acerbic style of
> speaking is indeed refreshing at times!

> There are however some points that I feel i must bring
> up. I think that you are unnecessarily harsh on
> Parrikar and the Goa BJP at times. I for one sincerely
> believe that our ex-CM Parrikar was a genuinely honest
> and one of the best CMs we have ever had.Unfortunately
> he too speaks and acts with a arrogance that stems
> from knowing that he is doing the right thing.
> I also feel tha the Goa for Goans theme is very
> dangerous and your party could end up being a pawn in
> the hands of christian bigots who have nothing to do
> with Goa but would like to further a communal agenda
> at your cost.
> -vivek
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] On what's good for Goa and Goans

2006-07-05 Thread Floriano Lobo
- Original Message -
From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] On what's good for Goa and Goans

> --- Floriano Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > FL: Very simple. Vote them out of power and reverse
> > their doings. Example: Throw the 'Tenancy Act'  out
> > of the window which has eaten up Goa's indigenous
> > Comunidades,  and go one step further and pee on it
> > and the people who brought it in the first place.
> >
> Mario observes:
> >
> Floriano, I am with you 100% on your goal of voting
> any rascals out of power, and will also join you in
> peeing on them when I am in Goa:-))
> >

Floriano replies:
And I though I was going to be the only  sore eye doing that. Nice to have
company :-)))

> Floriano writes:
> >
> > FL: Mario, my dear, I have grown up in GOA. I have
> > seen the Portuguese rule. I have experienced it,
> > bad, not so bad, good et al. And now I am stuck with
> > the chor Indian rule, which is bafling even more in
> > the name of democracy.  Stastically polling is
> > rampant in the US where you reside. Not in India,
> > least  in Goa. Who cares how/what people think?? as
> > long as they pay their taxes?? And I or my party do
> > not sweat about what is acceptable to others
> > and what is not. We have put down what is acceptable
> > to us. People of Goa, you, have a choice. Either
> > accept it or go to Congress, MGP, UGDP, NCP,
> > Janata Party, CPI(M) plus more.  We are least
> > bothered.
> >
> Mario asks:
> >
> Floriano, as you know, I never use the IMHO pretense
> because I work too hard on my personal opinions to
> pretentiously pretend they are "humble".  However, I
> speak only for myself, not vast sections of people.
> When you say, "... I or my party do not sweat about
> what is acceptable to others and what is not.  We have
> put down what is acceptable to us." are
> you telling me that you KNOW all the answers?
> >
> Why not conduct statistical polls that may show you
> what most Goans think, rather than assume that what
> you and your friends think is what everyone thinks?
> Maybe you are right, but to win the hearts and minds
> of the entire population don't you think such sweeping
> opinions need validation, which would strengthen your
> hand politically?
> >
> BTW, if you think that properly designed statistical
> polling is nonsense you need to talk to a
> mathematician who knows about these things.

Floriano replies:

No, Mario. I too know the importance of Opinion polls. I have been in and
out of the US  where these are dime a dozen. All that I am saying is that
GSRP does not have the resources yet for such activities. Besides, we are
just a nascent political force.  What we say and what we believe in is not
temporary. It will die with us, the GSRP.  Not to sound pious or religious
or something, but it just crossed my mind that what I was just going to say
was also said by a 'SON OF MAN' who is acclaimed all over the world. Jesus,
when accosted with reality had said "MY TIME HAS NOT COME" Likewise I say
our (GSRP's) time has not yet come.

Again, I say No   to your query on polls . Properly designed statistical
polling is NOT NONSENSE. We know it is effective. But we do not have the
means YET. And we have all the patience in the world to wait.

> Florian writes:
> >
> > BTW Mario, check-out and download
> > If you do, you will not be saying what you are
> > saying.
> >
> Mario replies:
> >
> What I am saying has little to do with specific
> details of your agenda, which I personally support.
> My questions have more to do with the notion that your
> opinions are "rock-solid" and do not need validation.
> I just think that that is an approach that may have
> disappointing political results, regardless of the
> good intentions of the insiders.
> >

Floriano replies:

Mario, we at GSRP have considered what you are talking about. And we have
deliberated on the issue extensively. And what we have settled for is the
permanency of our agenda, our notions, our opinions. And most importantly we
have settled on the belief that ' undiluted or unadulterated 'good
intentions' do not get lost in the wilderness. Only it takes time for
someone to find these lying unrecognised and get picked up and treasured.
All in its own time. Besides, we would be rushing into things if we forced
our good intentions on the outsiders. Wouldn't we?? :-)))

Now, take for instance our brush with (some)  the Press  in Goa.  Politics
in Goa ha

Re: [Goanet] On what's good for Goa and Goans/response to Elizabeth

2006-07-06 Thread Floriano Lobo
Dear Elizabeth,

That is a real shot in the arm for GSRP
Thank you indeed for that.

On the contrary, I would like to encourage people (like Mario, Vivek and
others) to pose their questions and  their ideas and get the answere from
GSRP on those issue. We at GSRP could always learn better and more this way.
The only stand we do not maintain is the " all knowing" stand.


- Original Message -
From: "Elisabeth Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] On what's good for Goa and Goans/response to Floriano

> Dear Floriano,
> Don't listen to all this nonsense about polling for
> opinions. Why should you poll and then form an opinion
> as to what your manifesto should be. You should have a
> stand on issues and if I like your stand than I will
> vote for you. Sometimes you have to take a stand and
> convince people that what you are saying is in their
> interest. That is how revolutions and revolutionary
> ideas come about. That is what leadership is all
> about. I like your stand on migrant workers, I like
> your stand on the Tenancy Act, I like your stand on
> the Da Vinci issue. You already have a vote in me.
> Don't be discouraged!
> Sometimes, you have to take the tiger but its tail,
> rather than asking the tiger how it would like to be
> captured. Leave the politics by polling to Mario and
> the Americans :)
> Elisabeth
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goa Su-Raj and migrant voting rights/response to Mervyn3.0

2006-07-06 Thread Floriano Lobo
I for one believe that the new immigrants in south Goa
> will chose better politicians than whats in place now
> :-)

Mervyn 3.0,

I come in here by virtue of Goa Su-Raj bing  included in the subject above.
Just one query, though.
When you exposed your BELIEFs as above, why did it make you laugh? :-). May
be what you mean is " will choose better 'PAYING' politicians than what's in
place now??"


- Original Message -
From: "Mervyn Lobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa Suraj and migrant voting rights.

> Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I for one support Floriano's stand against giving
> > migrants voting rights. I know as surely as the sun
> > shines, what Goa's future will be if it continues in
> > the current vein. We might as well choose a nice
> > name for Goa that rhymes with Bihar. Something along
> > the lines of Gohar maybe.
> Elisabeth,
> Immigrants will always enrich a population. They see
> opportunities that those entrenched in the status quo
> do not. The country becomes richer because of that.
> Canada is such a place. In fact, it has even included
> a tribute to immigrants in its national anthem, which
> goes something like this:
> O! Canada
> My home on native land
> True patriot love in all thy sons command
> > Incidentally there's an article in the paper how
> > migrants are queuing up in Margao for their voting
> > cards. Something many Goans are too jaded to
> > endeavour. I can't say I blame them.
> I for one believe that the new immigrants in south Goa
> will chose better politicians than whats in place now
> :-)
> Mervyn3.0
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] The Booms of Idealism should not die & goa suraj --more comments

2006-07-07 Thread Floriano Lobo
- Original Message -
From: "Elisabeth Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 4:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa Suraj -- The Booms of Idealism should not die,Floriano

Dear Vivek,

With all due respect when did the blooms of idealism  die in Goa and
Goans? When did we become so  disheartened as to believe that idealism
is a dirty  word? When did we stop being revolutionaries with fire  in
our bellies and dreams in our hearts?

There's a great line in the movie Munich. There comes  a time when
every great civilisation must compromise  with its own values. No
doubt if Floriano is voted  into power there will come a time when
he'll have to  wrestle with his own conscience and chose the lesser
of two evils but until that time comes, here is a man  who has a dream
in his heart.

He sees Goa not for what it has become but for what it  has the
potential to become. Nary a soldier went out  to war believing he
could lose, even if the odds were  stacked against him. That is the
hope that must sing  loudly in the soul of every warrior. Floriano is
one  such warrior.

Why must we beat him down with the our negativity.  When the twilight
years creep into his life, he for  one can say proudly, Goa I loved
you. I heard your  call, I sang your name and I gave you my all. And
if I  can say the same, than I would have learnt something  from this
man, Floriano.

PS: Dear Floriano, I am available for writing your  acceptance speech :)

[Floriano's  response to Elizabeth]

"Whow! Elizabeth. I see you  stiching a 'Ghaddhi' (Indian suit) for me
already. Please save your efforts and your precious time, most of
which you are already spending on goanet. That ghaddi is going to get
frayed on its hanger. Instead, do me a favour and accept my invite to
write beautiful words of wisdom for  Goa and Goans in a special page I
am offering you (for as long as you want) ON GSRP's website  to put
fire into the bellies of Goans  to rise up and join-in,  in  this 6
year old REVOLUTION, not to spill blood through guillotines,  but to
do the same  through the ballot,  starting from April-May 2007. It
would give me no less a pleasure to compliment your very effective and
emotional  writings."


- Original Message -
rom: "Vivek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 11:26 PM
Subject: [Goanet] goa suraj --more comments

Dear Floriano:

I am not even a novice in politics but i think that  politics is the
art of consensus and compromises  without sacrificing some basic
values of decency and  personal integrity.

Contrary to your assertions that all national parties  are Chors there
are many politicians in india who are  doing a great job  I am no fan
of the leftists but the current bengal CM  is a definitely not a
chor.Same can be said about the  Home minister of Maharstra RR PAtil
as well ex kerala  CM Antony as well as our ex CM Parrikar. Others
like  Narendra Modi are excellent administrators and it is a  fact
that his regime is not corrupt.In fact much of  the internal
factionalism in Gujarat BJP stems from  the fact that the corrupt
activities of the son in law  of Keshubhai patel the ersthile CM of
Gujarat were  curtailed during Modis rule.

I think having a set of very lofty principles is one  thing but one
must also realise that no political  party an operate in a ideal
situation. Mega promises  as well as idealist roadmaps may earn you
kudos on a  mailing list but sadly unless you accept the ground
realities these principles will remain only on paper.

Like Fred said "no second term to mlas" is a good  slogan especially
when u don't have any. The point  being you must invent ways to work
the system that we  already have and then make incremental changes to
improve it.

[Floriano's response to Vivek]

Accepted that a few like RR Patil, CM of W. Bengal,  Anthony of
Kerala, Parrikar, Modi are role models for some. But let me tell you,
Vivek, and as you have yourself said, if a politician has to  maneuver
diplomatically and take the path of 'lesser evil' to do some good, it
is because of  compulsions that thse  men have to adjust to because
they themselves are responsible for,  having been  a part of the
system. Here, we at GSRP have designed a new system and positively do
not have to rely compromising existing systems.  And, in this new
system,  there are no previous compulsions and tolerances which has to
be apeased. We can afford to go straight for the jugular and not
pussy-foot with round-abouts. Besides, the few you have named are
perhaps some good apples in the basket of wholly rotten ones. And you
know very well what the overall aroma of this basket will be.

I have said this before. Morarjee Desai was the vocferous advocate of
prohibition of liquor whereas his own son was operating a  distillery.
 Modi, Parrikar may be the best administrators. But not only they are
in the rotten basket, they have a special flavour of 

[Goanet] Goa Su-Raj andmigrantvoting rights- Mervyn3.0

2006-07-07 Thread Floriano Lobo
Must be his rock solid beliefs that have convinced him
not to resign..Mervyn3.0

Resign?  When one spends crores to get elected?
Resignations come from principles. Our democracy is a  money making machine.
There is no place for principles in it. You invest Rs. 1,  you collect Rs. 1
multiplied by as many crows. No wonder we have not many crows left in Goa.


- Original Message -
From: "Mervyn Lobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 6:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa Su-Raj and migrant voting rights/response to

> Floriano Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Just one query, though.
> > When you exposed your BELIEFs as above, why did it
> > make you laugh? :-).
> floriano,
> It made me laugh because Goa is allowed free
> elections. The person deemed the best candidate by the
> electorate in S. Goa is a know extortionist. If I am
> not mistaken, he was filmed receiving a bribe and he
> is still in power!
> Must be his rock solid beliefs that have convinced him
> not to resign.
> Mervyn3.0
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goa Su-Raj and migrant voting rights - Fred

2006-07-07 Thread Floriano Lobo
Yet again I apologize for  butting  in on this very elucidative write-up by
Fred. Commendable !. AndI really mean it.

It is always the better econimics and the better standard of living which
comes with it, whch creates the bug  of  migration. Even birds migrate.
Don't they?.

And,  I have these simple questions to ask,  to no one in particular.

1. Do they vote in the local elections?
2. If they do,  unde what criteria (conditions).

We have Goans everywhere. Dubai/ Abudhabi (UAE); Kuwait; Saudi Arabia...
simply called the Gulf.
Then we have the USA; Canada; UK...  Europe..; the whole world.
 It is not only Goans, but Indians, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankan, Pakis etc.

Now, someone will tell me that  the above are inter-nation migrations. And
what we are talking about are inter-state  migrations of our country (one

Even then, I would like to know the answers to the above questions.


- Original Message -
From: "Frederick "FN" Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa Suraj and migrant voting rights.

> On 05/07/06, Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear Fred,
> > I'm glad you've responded because now at last I will
> > find some informed answers (from an intelligent
> > person) to questions that plague me. First of all, let
> > me say that I understand your viewpoint and I am open
> > to it. Let me put forward my "issues" (for want of a
> > neutral word) with the matter of unchecked migration
> > into Goa.
> Thank you for massaging my ego! The first rule of Goanet should be:
> say something nice to someone with the opposite views as you. He won't
> then be able to be harsh anymore ;-)
> Let me try and answer with some pop-sociology, or roadside knowledge.
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] floriano's Sunday Ramblings-10

2006-07-09 Thread Floriano Lobo
And it was refreshing to read Sucheta Potnis' piece in the GT (Jul 4,
2006) captioned "Fitting Punishment", the on the spot purges for
peeing in public, for erratic driving, no matter who, for ejecting
garbage missiles of  plastic bags out from two wheelers, cars and
buses etc.  And I promise Sucheta that when Goa Su-Raj takes over
Goa's governance from these existing political hyenas, who, through
their incompetence and 'arslekar' attitude to consolidate their
vote-banks,  have inadvertently cultivated  these seemingly minor
irritants which actually are the biggest  headaches, will stop
automatically before one could say jack-robbins, for, this is the most
prized recipe that we at Goa Su-Raj have been refining on, to replace
the fine-chalans,  arrests and court cases, with on the spot simple
but humiliating purges. And this recipe has been cooking with us on
the line of the erstwhile Portuguese regime. And it would not be
proper for me not to give a couple of examples of the effective recipe
used by the Portuguese in Goa.

Ex 1:  Seems a young Dhobitalao  (Bombay) toughie was in Goa to stand
by the side of  a dear friend getting married, as his  'BESTMAN',
sporting a  Michael Jackson/Rajesh Khanna hair-style. It is believed
that at the Panjim-Betim ferry crossing this young toughie got into an
argument with the policeman (soldad) over some silly misdemeanor.  He
was hauled to the Police station pronto,  where he  probably  and
proudly confessed that he was  in Goa to be the bestman for his
friend. Next twenty minutes he was walking back to the ferry, sporting
only half the hair do with the other half cleanly shaved off. Good-bye
'DEHD'EA'  (the Konkani word for  bestman). This lad would probably
give a  wide berth to a policeman on duty throughout his entire life.
A lesson well learnt?.

Ex. 2: As I well remember those good old days, the Portuguese police
used to patrol at random at the dead of the night. During one such
patrol at Siolim, a couple of guys were seen squatting/sleeping in the
verandah of a closed house. The patrol hauled them up to the Mapusa
quartel (PS) thinking that they were thieves. On questioning, this duo
told the police that they were friends and neighbours and that they
always sleep in the verandah at night. Both came out in the morning
with a stern warning to sleep in their own houses henceforth but
without their XHENDIs ( typical Indian strip of long hair at the back
of the head) that both were sporting. Surprise of Surprises !. This
particular action by the Portuguese police was to become the duo's
passport to get into the list of Goa's freedom fighters.  And one of
them has been recently honoured at Goa's Azad Maidan at the hands of
our esteemed Governor and the Chief Minister. Yes! Have a good laugh.

And once again the Official Language of Goa, our 'Mai Bhas' has come
to haunt us Goans with  Devnagri versus Romi conflict in the making.
And as usual, the government of the day, which is the legitimate
Government of Goa,  when dealing with this sensitive issue of the
State's official language, has coyly and irresponsibly passed it on to
its  High Command in Delhi.  instead of putting its heads together and
coming to a mutual understanding to solve the problem. And, look who
is talking about  'Communal disruptions' !!  What communal disruptions
are the mergerists talking about??? Why?? Is the Congress lead
coalition incapable of solving this Goa Centric problem, which is the
legitimate demand of Goans? What has Goans got to do with the
Congress' Delhi High Command and Madame Sonia Gandhi?. Or, for that
matter, with  any Command at all?  The people of Goa are indeed
foolish. They cannot see the foot that is kicking them in their butts,
but are content to lick the hand that is slapping them in their faces,
 all with  greedy hopes that the  very hand will feed them
sufficiently well and even pat their backs for them for enduring the
kicks and slaps.  Louts of the first order that we Goans are, I say.
Instead of kicking the Congress  out of Goa and onto Delhi, we are
tolerating it. And Churchill has made it his business to eat in the
Congress plate with one hand and brush the food off the plate with the
other.  That way he is going to be a very  hungry man in times to
come. And come to think of it, it is not surprising that  some ex-pat
Goans have taken it on themselves to lecture us at Goa Su-Raj  on the
need of a 'national party' to rule us in Goa. Whatever happened to the
regional pride, I wonder!  How submissive and bankrupt could we
become,  is the question our future generations will have to answer
for us. And, in what way are we wrong at Goa Su-Raj when we ask Goans
to say 'Yes'  to Goa's own Command in Goa??  KONKANI  in any script is
still KONKANI, our ' MOTHER TONGUE'.  And who is Adv. Uday Bhembre to
tell us otherwise or Madam Sonia Gandhi to decide for us?? Let our
KONKANI be expressed in as many scripts as possible and let  Goans
enjoy the benefits of them all.  This way

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