[Goanet] article on medium of instruction

2011-04-20 Thread Peter D'Souza
Hi all,
posting my article on the medium of instruction in schools for comments and
Adv. Peter D'souza - Calangute, Goa.


Date: about twenty year ago. Place: Calangute ‘tinto’, as it was then
called. Scenario – a lady standing with two small kids one aged about five,
the other younger by a little over a year. The dress code said they were
Catholics. Overheard: The elder kid said something to the little fellow who
responded in konkani. Immediately, he was knocked on his head by the lady,
saying: “Speak English, Man.”  That was during the earlier ‘for English’

At the time there were the good Catholic folks from all walks of life
screaming their lungs out against the then head of the Church in Goa,
demanding support for grants to English medium primary school. They did not
hesitate to use some of the choicest expletives, in Konkani, against their
Bishop.  But, the church stood firm. All the ordained who spoke tried to
explain the benefits of teaching kids in their mother tongue. All, except
for a few black sheep who dared not go public.

Also, at the time, there were two priest brothers. One, a very good friend
of mine.  He was a staunch *‘pro-konkani wadi*’. I remember assuring him
that Konkani would be a dead language within two generations. He practically
laughed in my face and gave me statistics of church attendance for the
Konkani masses, blah, blah blah. I remember telling him that his church
would be at the fore-front to dig the Goan grave even before the chapel
bells toll konkani’s death knell.

Today, exactly one generation has gone by. The priest friend of mine is
silent. His brother, on the other hand, who had not spoken a word at the
time is now in the vanguard of the present ‘English-for-our-kids’ movement.
And he does not hesitate to air his views on church premises.  This time,
interestingly, the head of the church is silent.  I do hope the kid who got
his head knocked has not developed a stutter, though I am certain he is
making his *mommy* happy by trying to speak English. Yes, it’s only twenty
years gone. My prediction is still one generation away.

Now for the present.  Scene: my colleagues house. Her maid hails from
Maharashtra. Has settled in Goa, and now speaks fluent Konkani. Has not
picked up any English. Says she will not be coming to work on the next day.
Reason: the PTA of her little girl’s catholic school has taken a decision
that all parents should attend a meeting at Panjim in support of English.  Her
child is in Std. I, Konkani medium.  English is just one subject. She has
failed in it.  The mother was one of that ‘large gathering’ demanding grants
for English medium at the primary level. The child is otherwise fluent in
Konkani and Marathi.

The demand for grants to English Medium Primary has taken quite an
interesting twist.  Everyone seems to agree that education through the
child’s mother tongue is the best, but ... Parent’s want the language which
will help their child some ten to twenty years down the line, and so why
should they be deprived of grants to English medium primary schools?  Appears
to be very, very farsighted. But appearances, more often than not, are
deceptive. And in this case, the road to hell is paved with extremely good
intentions – the child’s future.

All crowds at rallies for English are predominantly, I repeat *predominantly
*, Catholic packed and backed.  On the media front be it print or
electronic, it is also Catholic. Interestingly, too, most are second or
third generation children of ancestors who found greener pastures abroad
till some idiot Amin or later Saddam forced them to leave lock, stock and
barrel.  And they are predominantly Catholic.  The rest are followers, blind
or deaf to any other voice except what their local *padre* has preached,
though in Konkani.

The other group is the non-Goan settler, basking in our sun and hospitality.
Among these will be found a number of non-Catholics. One wonders if they had
made the same demands in their home States!

I fit into that section whose ancestors had migrated to British India some
three generations ago.   English has been my first language since birth.
Unfortunately, it has been the only language I have a command of.
Shakespeare, Chaucer, Milton, Dryden, were my favourites.  Even our own
Mahabharata and Ramayana were read by me via their English translations. It
was Radhakrishna’s English version of the Bhagvad Gita which was my
favourite for many, many years.  I should have been in the vanguard of the
present *Charge of the English Brigade*. Yet .

What I find baffling is why is there such an anti-Konkani attitude being
developed in the mind-set of our otherwise down to earth Goans. Today,
English is the easiest language to learn even without attending a
school.  Besides,
any school can set up such additional classes, and I am certain parents
would not mind their kids spending an extra hour at school learning to speak

Re: [Goanet] David vs Goliath

2007-11-01 Thread Peter D'Souza
Santosh and Gilbert,

I was wondering whether my own bias was the only thing that told me that
Dinesh D'Souza had won the debate, so I hopped over to Richard Dawkins'
website and read through about 150 of the most recent comments (as of a
couple of nights ago). Many, many of the writers (lovely, pacifist atheists)
seemed to want to respond physically to Dinesh's arguments. What really was
revealing was that there were only a tiny handful of them who praised
Hitchens (or "Hitch", as they lovingly call him). There seemed to be a
general sense of despond in the fact that their man let them down. A couple
of them said that Dinesh was the most formidable opponent that they have had
(the frequent references to "us" and "our side" gives me the impression that
they are as well organised as any other religion). The current call is for
Sam Harris (ostensibly an unflappable fellow) should take on Dinesh in
another public debate.

I enjoyed their wit and the general tone of the debate. What was the dark
brown stuff that Hitchens was drinking during the first half of the debate?
Some of his supporters said he was drunk.

Gilbert, I couldn't gauge by the applause, but there were reports that the
audience was mostly Christian. Hitchens did get a lot of applause for the
first half, especially when he suggested that theists are "immoral" for
teaching their kids lies about God.

Dinesh didn't answer the Good Samaritan question well at all. If Hitchens
lost on one issue, it was in response to the man from Tonga, who talked
about his country and Fiji once having cannibals--until Christian
missionaries arrived. "What would you have to offer us?" was the question he
asked. Hitchens was incoherent in response and didn't really recover after


Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 23:53:04 -0700 (PDT)

> From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Dinesh enthralled the otherwise liberal crowd of
> >college students who naturally tended to be inclined
> >to the 'ills of religion' and the atheistic views of
> >Christopher.
> >
> Everybody can watch this debate at the following link
> and decide its worth for themselves:
> http://www.tkc.edu/debate/
> To me it seems pretty lame. Full of inane platitudes.
> Lots of factual errors concerning science, history and
> philosophy of science, and history of Christianity
> vis-a-vis other religions and civilizations. Dinesh is
> once again thankful for the Goan inquisition. As
> before, he seems to believe he would have been an
> uncivilized Indian Hindu otherwise. Hitchens mumbles
> as usual, and exudes his customary hatred towards
> Islam and to a lesser extent, Christianity, and of
> course, to Mother Theresa.
> In summary, this debate amounts to cliches, sound
> bites, careless inaccuracies and hackneyed arguments
> that have long been refuted by others, more
> knowledgeable about these issues, and intellectually
> better equipped.
> BTW, the quote above that the audience of King's
> College is inclined to be against religion is belied
> by the following statement of the college's mission:
> "Through its commitment to the truths of Christianity
> and a Biblical worldview, The King?s College seeks to
> prepare students for careers in which they will help
> to shape and eventually to lead strategic public and
> private institutions: to improve government, commerce,
> law, the media, civil society, education, the arts and
> the church."
> (Please see http://www.tkc.edu/abouttkc/mission.html)
> Cheers,
> Santosh

[Goanet] Of Interest to the Goa-ILUG

2007-09-20 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

The BOSS development team has announced the release of BOSS GNU/Linux
2.0, a Debian-based distribution with support for Hindi and Tamil:
"BOSS version 2.0 successfully released. Finally our Indian GNU/Linux
distribution is released on 17th September 2007 in the Connect 2007
program. Features: GNOME 2.18; Orca screen reader; Espeak; gDesktlets;
Beryl 2.0 - an excellent 3D desktop; 2.6.21 kernel; on-screen keyboard
support; OpenOffice.org 2.2 with support for two Indian languages
(Hindi and Tamil), with plans to move to other languages as well; a
pleasing desktop background and icons; enhanced BOSS presentation
tool; complete Tamil and Hindi desktops; update manager for updating
your BOSS to the latest packages."

Found this at:http://distrowatch.com/4480


[Goanet] Consensual Sex and the Enlightenment

2007-09-10 Thread Peter D'Souza


 TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007

  Online Media Partner:  http://www.goanet.org

Roland Francis addressing Wendell Rodricks said:

> > While I am on the subject, please tell me why every homosexual has a
> > pressing necessity of informing the world of his sexual inclinations.
> > By all means go to communal baths. By all means use the public
> > washrooms for purposes other than than for which they were built. We
> > will turn the other way. Just as we would turn if we see a
> > heterosexual couple "making out". What you and they do is their
> > business.

Roland, Cecil, Selma and others in the discussion on consensual sex,

This whole conversation is most interesting! There's obviously a
sizable contingent on this mailing list who are ready for a big group
hug (with Wendell in the middle), proud of the fact that they are in
step with the times, post-Christian thinkers, et cetera. So go ahead
and give yourselves a pat on the back as you revel in your enlightened

And while you are all about the business of verbally kicking Averthan,
do give yourself three cheers for your tolerance. (Some of us
listening in on the sidelines continue to enjoy the delicious irony.)

Roland, like you, I know many people who ask the same question that
you ask in the paragraph quoted above. You might like this essay from
the _Times_ of London. An excerpt and links follow.

Take care,

Peter D'Souza

Quote from Matthew Parris' article:
"Do cats witter endlessly on about being cats? Do redheads drive us to
distraction with their thoughts on being ginger? How many serious
comment columns in the editorial pages of newspapers are devoted to
the musings of straight men on what it is to be a heterosexual? No,
they just get on with it – with being cats, redheads or straights.
Such things are for the lifestyle sections of weekend magazines, not
rubbing shoulders with the debate on global warming, housing or the
terrorist threat.

Fellow-queers: stop moaning. How interesting is any of this to the
rest of the world any more? Other groups out there have it worse than
we do in Britain. We've got the political changes we asked for. Social
change will take longer but it's happening, steadily. Kidding
ourselves that we inhabit some sort of a gulag is making it harder,
not easier, for the next generation to relax about their sexuality.
Let's remind them that in the whole history of mankind there has been
no better, luckier, time or place to be gay than Britain in 2007. "



[Goanet] Alpha Female Theory

2007-09-06 Thread Peter D'Souza

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 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

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I am not certain if your potshot at Selma was necessary. My guess is
that Hazel never signed up for this mailing list. Maria and Lucia
might have been subscribers at one time. Ulysses pokes his head in
every once in a while. Last I heard he was working on putting some
Konkani music on an Internet radio station.

All of them (except Hazel, perhaps) were on the IRC channel #goanet
which was a precursor to this mailing list.


--- Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Peter,
> I cannot say about Ulysses Menezes, but for sure
> Maria, Lucia and
> Hazel have been driven away by the overpowering
> presence of our alpha
> female Selma.
> My theory, at least.
> Roland.

[Goanet] Recalling the “liberation” of Goa

2007-09-01 Thread Peter D'Souza


   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -  http://www.indologygoa.in
  Online Media Partner:  http://www.goanet.org

I found a link to this article from the September 2nd edition of  _The
Hindu_  on www.goencar.com.


Date:02/09/2007  URL:


Recalling the "liberation" of Goa


Looking back, some of the reactions to the "invasion" of Goa, both
Indian and Western, are amusing and bewildering.

In my last column I wrote of Goa's more-or-less happy integration with
India, based on a recent visit to that territory. In this column I
wish to recall the moment when Goa passed from Portuguese to Indian
rule, based on some historical documen ts of the time.
Lingering remnants

India became independent in August 1947. By the end of 1948, some five
hundred princely States had been persuaded — or, in a few cases,
coerced — to join the nation. The French left Pondicherry in 1954. In
the same year, activists overran the tiny Portuguese enclaves of Dadra
and Nagar-Haveli. But Goa, and its appendage Daman, remained outside
Indian control, as an irritating reminder of the long —and still
unfinished — history of European colonialism in the sub-continent.

Finally, in December 1961, the Indian Army went into Goa and forced
the garrison there to surrender. In the papers of Penderel Moon, a
former ICS man who had also worked with the Government of free India,
I found two letters commenting on the action. A British army officer
living in retirement in Roorkee wrote to Moon that "not a single
Indian has any qualms about Goa except the Eastern Economist. Public
opinion approved from the word go and has had no difficulty in
justifying it since!"
Voices of dissent

This was not true. Also in the Moon papers, I found a letter written
by a serving Cabinet Minister, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, which said: "I
have personally been very sad about Goa. It was really the enormous
and continuous pressure from his own and all the other political
parties of India, in particular that of the Jan Sangh and the
Communists, that finally drove our Prime Minister to accede to their
demands. I feel the triumph has not been worth the price we have had
to pay for it. For some time, at any rate, India's voice will not
count as much as it has done in the past in the world councils for

One does not know whether the Rajkumari expressed her reservations in
Cabinet meetings. But another old Gandhian, Chakravarti
Rajagopalachari, wrote in his journal Swarajya that after the action
in Goa, India could no longer claim t o be on a "mission for promoting
peace". Rajaji's thoughts were echoed by this newspaper, which feared
that "by her action India might have endangered the high esteem in
which she has been held all over the world".

Western commentators were less equivocal in their criticisms. In his
book The Liberation of Goa, P.D. Gaitonde quotes the American
historian Arthur Schelsinger as saying that "the contrast between
Nehru's incessant sanctimony on the subject of non-aggression and his
brisk exercise of Machtpolitik was too comic not to cause comment. It
was a little like catching the preacher in the hen-house; and it
suggested that Harrow and Cambridge, in instilling the British
virtues, had not neglected hypocrisy".

Some Western critics focused on the mismatch between India's
profession of non-violence and its invasion of Goa; others on what
they saw as the fundamental incompatibility of the cultures of Goa and
India. One British writer argued that the "Goans are as much
Mediterranean Europeans as the present descendants of various European
nationalists [in the United States] are Americans". And the Catholic
Herald newspaper claimed that "wherever he goes even in India, a Goan
remains a Goan, and tends to form a self contained Goan community. He
certainly does not see himself as an Indian. Five hundred years of
religious, social, and racial and cultural interpretations have
sharply differentiated him from other peoples of the Indian
Off the mark

Forty-five years later, one reads these judgements with a mixture of
amusement and bewilderment. That some Goans are Catholics and that
many Goans speak Konkani does not mean that they do not or cannot
consider themselves Indian. And which Goan now sees himself as a
"Mediterrenean European"? Also, the charge that Indians were being
hypocritical and sanctimonious falls away in the light of the
behaviour, in later decades, of the world's superpowers. Who, in the
face of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 or the American

[Goanet] Congrats!

2007-08-27 Thread Peter D'Souza

Follow the online presence of the Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa
 Contacts: Tel: +91 832 2285299  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]



Hi Herman,

Congratulations on 13 great years of Goanet! And special thanks to
Frederick, Viviana and Bosco who have helped moderate this forum (and
have put up with cranky old fellows like me).

What ever happened to some of the original bunch of Goencars from your
IRC group--Maria and Lucia D'Souza, Ulysses Menezes, Hazel Fernandes,
et al?




Re: [Goanet] More info on the Cancer Myth/Response to Mervyn

2006-09-24 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Mervyn writes:

PS. I would be a bonus if you could get the other
folks here who use toxic language to change too.

You, a bonus? That would be a dealbreaker.
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] In appreciation of Peter's post

2006-09-24 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

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Hi Santosh,

Many thanks for your note. Your apology, too, is accepted.



From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I appreciate the following post from you. It is frank,
direct and devoid of any unnecessary put downs. I
accept your apology, and I apologize in return for all
the negative things that I have most certainly said
about you.
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] More info on the Cancer Myth

2006-09-21 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Santosh writes:
> Peter,
> Have you ever considered the possibility that you
> might be wrong?


The record will show that I have, on several occasions admitted that I
was wrong. In fact, it's been as clear as "You're right and I'm
wrong",  a statement once directed to you. That should answer your

>  From my standpoint, if you have
> revealed anything in this forum, it is that you have
> developed an antipathy towards me.

I have said this before (in different words), and I will say it again:
I resent the way you instinctively put down people who have had
disagreements in debates with you. Just ask Joe Vaz, Chris Vaz, and
Mario Goveia. Those who heap praise upon you are usually exempt from
your self-righteous judgements, whether they be vicious gossips or
make malicious remarks about those who disagree with you. (The latest
comes from a fellow who suggests that I "hate folks with Hindu names".
No proof required? Had I suggested that about somebody else, you might
have spoken up and talked about me being abusive, but now you remain
silent.) So when you talk about antipathy, think about all the insults
that you silently condone.

> I also know from
> earlier experience, that you are fighting your own
> imaginary battles between liberals and conservatives
> divided along some arbitrary lines, and thrusting me
> in the midst of them.

[If you choose to respond to this paragraph, please start a new thread.]
Like many folks here, I enjoy good debate. In any argument there must
be at least two sides. To narrow down the essence of any argument one
must define a premise, often a set of premises. This inadvertently
places the two parties on different sides of an imaginary line. It so
happens that social and cultural issues are almost always defined in
stark terms. And by most common definitions you fit clearly on the one
side of any argument. It is called the liberal side. There is nothing
arbitrary about it. I'm surprised that you've observed the dynamics of
the last two  elections in America and still declare that it's

>I submit to you that the type of
> groupism that you are advancing in this forum is toxic
> by its very nature.

This is nonsense; however, if I receive e-mails either on this list or
off-list telling me that I am advancing toxic groupism, I will cease
making comments. You ought to know that I discuss issues--instead of
people--much more than some of your admirers do. You also know that I
have spent much time researching issues in debates with you. (Quite an
effort for a fellow who is not academicaly inclined, if I may say so

>   I hope some day you find within
> yourself the charity to post something without
> insulting another human being.

Ironically, in the digest version of GN that I receive, the post
listed just before this post of yours was one from me responding to
Ruth de Souza's excellent post concerning gambling. You won't find me
insulting another human being in that post. It is uncharitable and
unfair to suggest that I do so in every post. I have discussed Goa's
Linux user group, pangolins and sea turtles in Goa, and much more, all
without insults.

Lastly, I wish to apologise for calling you SanTosh (and similarly
derived names). I stopped doing that a few days ago.


Peter D'Souza
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Pope Benny XVI Should Resign and Elevate Amcho CardinalIvan Dias to Papacy !

2006-09-21 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

> From: "cornel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:

> I really am tired of fundamentalist groups whether Sikh, Muslim, Christian or
> whatever, taking bigotry to extremes and especially trying to stifle free
> speech--the most treasured thing we have at our disposal.

Hi Cornel,

What is at least as sickening is non-fundamentalists, non-religious
organizations like the government of China taking anti-religious
bigotry to extremes and physically persecuting religious believers for
merely practising their faith. It is sad that the bulk of the Chinese
church, for example, comprises underground churches. Russia is
reverting to its old communist ways too.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Pope Benny XVI Should Resign - Absolutely not.

2006-09-21 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Frederick Noronha writes:

> When there are so many diverse Mulims around the globe, why does the
> media focus just on the intolerant fringe within that culture and
> religion? It's like the media showing Goans as drunks and vamps ...
> even though there are so many of us sober guys and teetotallers
> around!


So Osama bin Ladin represents the "intolerant fringe"? What on earth
does INTOLERANT mean in your dictionary? The intolerant fringe has
carried out large scale murder of innocent people in Israel, America,
Kenya, Tanzania, Indonesia, United Kingdom, India, Iraq, Afghanistan,
and many other parts of the globe. Are the media supposed to shut up
about all of this? The truth is that the media don't give these events
half the coverage they deserve.

> What you see, and how you perceive the world, also depends on which
> spectacles you choose to see it through.

Yes, if you lived in a nation that was at the receiving end of every
second threat (the latest is directed against "worshippers of the
cross", I believe), then perhaps you will see it quite differently.

>I would suggest the 
> dominant
> media in the West is suffering from an acute perspective problem as
> far as Islam and its people currently go.

You are absolutely correct. I wish they were less afraid to tell the
whole truth. The New York Times, for instance, makes the current US
administration out to be one of the worst things that happened to
mankind. It treated its readers to 30, count 'em, thirty consecutive
days of front page photos from Abu Ghraib prison. Many westerners wait
for things to go wrong in Iraq just so that they can say they were
right. They're silent when evil men are killed or captured. This is
testimony to the influence of the media in regards to Islamic terror.
Don't you worry, the media is doing a better job than you imagine.
Perhaps they should keep a running scorecard for who the Islamic world
reviles versus those it tolerates. He who hurts Islam the most incurs
the wrath of the mullahs. Currently it's Salman Rushdie 1 vs. bin
Ladin 0.

>And, everyone tends to 
> get
> infected by this, even if you generally depend on alternative sources
> for your perspectives.

Fred, this is utter nonsense. In this day and age most of us get our
news from a variety of sources. Francis Bacon once said that man
prefers to believe what he prefers to be true.


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Gambling: Causing more harm than good/Ruth de Souza

2006-09-20 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Hi Ruth,

Thanks for posting your comments on the subject of gambling. It made
for very interesting reading. Your statement below was particularly

> Increasingly high rates of gambling have been noted among
> Chinese communities, particularly new migrants and restaurant
> workers. It is thought that this is precipitated by
> loneliness, isolation, cultural and language barriers.

Would you happen to have any more research concerning the demographic
group you describe above in relation to gambling? I've often heard of
boredom leading to
drug addiction, petty crime, and depression; but gambling comes as a
surprise addition to the list. The common conception of Chinese
restaurant workers / new Chinese migrants is that they work so hard
that they have little time for anything else.

On a related note, there was an article in the _Wall Street Journal_
about a fortnight ago which talked about some of the bigger casinos in
China as being operated by wealthy Americans. They catered to domestic
and foreign businessmen, and not to the average Chinese person. So, I
was wondering, does the barrage of materialism that crashes upon
unsuspecting immigrants contribute to this (new?) love of gambling?

> So I conclude this diatribe with some questions: Can Goa
> afford to have ten new offshore casinos? Does it need to be a
> "gambler's paradise"? Will these casinos create wealth for
> Goans and Indians or will they cause more harm? Can industry
> operators provide a safe product? If not is it better to not
> have casinos at all? Will more casinos lead the way to the
> installation of electronic gaming machines?

Good questions all. Here is a partial answer from _New Scientist_:
  "The American gambling meccas of Atlantic City, Las Vegas and
Reno all suffer significantly higher suicide rates than comparable
cities that outlaw gaming. A new study suggests that cities pay a
price in public mental health when they cash in on gambling profits."

Source: http://tinyurl.com/r3bpl

Peter D'Souza
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] More info on the Cancer Myth

2006-09-20 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.


The only thing that some of us have demonstrated concerning you is
that we don't take everything you say (or quote) at face value.

I'm sorry, I can't offer you any help in your newfound effort to stop
embarrassing yourself, but here's something that may help: You know
how you're surrounded by a small group who never ever disagree with
you, some who often rush to your defense? Well, every time that you
feel that knee-jerk urge to vehemently disagree with and embarrass one
of the conservatives on this forum, ask yourself what you'd do if it
were one of your coterie instead.


> Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 00:18:17 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Peter,
> I think you have already demonstrated many times that
> you, Gilbert and others who share your views are much
> smarter than me at everything. I would therefore
> humbly ask you to stop embarrassing me any further on
> Goanet. Can you be so kind as to honor this humble
> request of mine?
> Cheers,
> Santosh
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Thursday: Interesting Seminar on Disposal of Kitchen Waste

2006-09-20 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

I hope this is the last time that the moderators let someone get away
with such a vicious string of abusive language on this forum. ;-)


P.S. Clinton, could you change your charset to ISO-8859-1? A Linux
aficionado like yourself shouldn't be tormenting us with windows-1250.

> Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 07:12:17 +0530
> From: "Clinton Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1250"
> SW5kaWFuIFdhdGVyIFdvcmtzIEFzc29jaWF0aW9uIHdpbGwgYmUgY29uZHVjdGluZyBhCmxlY3R1
> cmUgYW5kIHByZXNlbnRhdGlvbiBvbiBLaXRjaGVuIHdhc3RlIHdhdGVyIGFzIHdlbGwgYXMgc29s
> aWQgd2FzdGUuCgogCgpUaGUgc3BlYWtlcnMgd2lsbCBieSBFUiBSYWplbmRyYWt1bWFyIFNhcmFm
> b3ByaWF0ZSBSdXJhbCBUZWNobm9sb2d5IEluc3RpdHV0ZSwgUHVuZQoKIAoKRHIgQW5hbmQgS2Fy
> dmUgcmVjZW50bHkgd29uIGFuIGludGVybmF0aW9uYWwgYXdhcmQsIHRoZSBBc2hkZW4gQXdhcmQg
> KHdoaWNoCnNvbWUgb2YgdXMgY2FsbCB0aGUgR3JlZW4gT3NjYXJzISkgZm9yIGhpcyB3b3JrIG9u
> IGNvbnZlcnRpbmcgd2FzdGUgdG8KYmlvZ2FzLgoKIAoKVGhvc2UgaW50ZXJlc3RlZCBpbiBwYXJ0
> YmVyIDIwMDYKClRpbWluZzogMTQ6MzAgdG8gMTc6MTUKCkxvY2F0aW9uOiBQV0QgQ29uZmVyZW5j
> ZSBIYWxsLCBBbHRpbmhvLCBQYW5qaW0KClJTVlAgJiBBdHRlbmRhbmNlIGNvbmZpcm1pbmc6IFNo
> cmkuIFJHIERlbyAyNDYyOTEzLzk4MjIxMjg1Nzggb3IgSk4gQW1iaWthcgo5ODIyMTI2NTM3LzI3
> LiBLYXJ2ZSEgSZJsbCBiZSB0aGVyZSB0b28uCgogCgpDbGludG9uLi4KCis5MTkwOTM2ODI4Cgpr
> bGludHZhekBnbWFpbC5jb20KCgotLSAKTm8gdmlydXMgZm91bmQgaW4gdGhpcyBvdXRnb2luZyBt
> ZXNzYWdlLgpDaGVja2VkIGJ5IEFWRyBGcmVlIEVkaXRpb24uClZlcnNpb246IDcuMS40MDUgLyBW
> IHdhcyBzY3J1YmJlZC4uLgpVUkw6IGh0dHA6Ly9saXN0cy5nb2FuZXQub3JnL3BpcGVybWFpbC9n
> b2FuZXQtZ29hbmV0Lm9yZy9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8yMDA2MDkyMC85NTlmNDY1Mi9hdHRhY2htZW50
> Lmh0bWwK
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Will any Goan....re casteism in the Church

2006-09-18 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Hi Mario,

I think we were talking about two different issues. I was supporting
Selma's claim about the ORIGIN of the practice of celibacy while you
are discussing the CURRENT RATIONALE for celibacy, in such a case, I
agree with you that property inheritance concerns are long removed
from today's requirements for the Roman Catholic clergy.


> From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Almost all the examples you have cited are either so
> ancient or restricted to the progeny of a very few
> Popes from the bad old days of the Church that led to
> the Reformation that I don't see how one can use any
> of it to support the celibacy of all Catholic priests
> for the several centuries since.
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] More info on the Cancer Myth

2006-09-18 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Is there anyone besides Santosh Helekar who has completely missed the
point of Gilbert's post?

Santosh Helekar writes:

> Subject: Re: [Goanet] More info on the Cancer Myth

> It turns out that the American Cancer Society had
> conducted a survey on one of the cancer myths that was
> posted in this forum. They found that 41% of the
> people in America believe in this myth. Here is the
> relevant info about it from the American Cancer
> Society:
> http://www.cancer.org/docroot/PED/content/PED_11_1_Myths_About_Surgery_for_Cancer.asp
> "Does Surgery Cause Cancer to Spread?
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Will any Goan....re casteism in the Church - confraria is still supreme ??

2006-09-16 Thread Peter D'Souza
Hi Mario,

I must disagree with you on this one. There is a great deal of
information available that seems to support Selma's views. The paper
you cite ignores the history of the Roman Catholic church in regards
to celibacy (or lack thereof), especially when it comes to the papacy.


Here are some interesting facts:
(Source: http://www.futurechurch.org/fpm/history.htm )

Popes who were married:

St. Peter, Apostle
St. Felix III 483-492 (2 children)
St. Hormidas 514-523 (1 son)
St. Silverus (Antonia) 536-537
Hadrian II 867-872 (1 daughter)
Clement IV 1265-1268 (2 daughters)
Felix V 1439-1449 (1 son)

Popes who were the sons of other popes, other clergy:
Name of PopePapacy  Son of
St. Damascus I  366-348 St. Lorenzo, priest
St. Innocent I  401-417 Anastasius I
Boniface418-422 son of a priest
St. Felix   483-492 son of a priest
Anastasius II   496-498 son of a priest
St. Agapitus I  535-536 
Gordiaous, priest
St. Silverus536-537 St. Homidas, pope
Deusdedit   882-884 son of a priest
Boniface VI 896-896 Hadrian, bishop
John XI 931-935 Pope Sergius III
John XV 989-996 Leo, priest

Popes who had illegitimate children after 1139
Innocent VIII   1484-1492   several children
Alexander VI1492-1503   several children
Julius  1503-1513   3 daughters
Paul III1534-1549   3 sons, 1 daughter
Pius IV 1559-1565   3 sons
Gregory XIII1572-1585   1 son

Mario writes:

> --- Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > This incidentally was one of the chief reasons for
> > incorporating celibacy into the Catholic Church law.
> > That often, Church property was passed down from
> > generation to generation when priests could actually
> > marry and the Church was having none of that.
> >
> Mario observes:
> >
> When Selma makes such wise-sounding, closed-end
> comments, as if she knows exactly what she is talking
> about from sitting at the right hand of Pope Benny
> XVI, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.  Sufficeth
> to say tears begin to stream down my cheeks:-))
> >
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Commonsense, Malaria and DDT

2006-09-15 Thread Peter D'Souza

WHO backs DDT for malaria control

The World Health Organization (WHO) has reversed a 30-year policy by
endorsing the use of DDT for malaria control.

The chemical is sprayed inside houses to kill malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

DDT has been banned globally for every use except fighting disease
because of its environmental impacts and fears for human health.

WHO says there is no health risk, and DDT should rank with bednets and
drugs as a tool for combating malaria, which kills more than one
million each year.

"The scientific and programmatic evidence clearly supports this
reassessment," said Dr Anarfi Asamoa-Baah, WHO assistant
director-general for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria.

DDT presents no health risk when used properly
Anarfi Asamoa-Baah
"Indoor residual spraying is useful to quickly reduce the number of
infections caused by malaria-carrying mosquitoes; it has proven to be
just as cost effective as other malaria prevention measures, and DDT
presents no health risk when used properly."

Teams of sprayers typically visit endemic areas once a year, spraying
the chemical on the inside walls of houses; mosquitoes landing there
absorb it and die.

Global ban

A potent insecticide, DDT fell into disrepute with the publication of
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring just over 40 years ago.

The book showed that widespread, indiscriminate use of DDT and related
compounds was killing wildlife over vast tracts of North America and
western Europe.

A number of countries banned it, and in 2004 the global treaty on
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) made the prohibition global -
except for a clause allowing its manufacture and use in disease

Some African countries have continued to use it, though most have
either switched to other kinds of insecticide or pursued a strategy of
issuing insecticide-impregnated bednets. Some aid agencies have
policies of not funding programmes involving DDT.

South Africa was one country that switched, but it had to return to
DDT at the beginning of the decade after mosquitoes developed
resistance to the substitute compounds.

"Of the dozen insecticides WHO has approved as safe for house
spraying, the most effective is DDT," said Arata Kochi, director of
the WHO's Global Malaria Programme.

Richard Tren of the pressure group Africa Fighting Malaria has been
campaigning for DDT's rehabilitation.

"All development agencies and endemic countries need to act in
accordance with WHO's position on the use of DDT for indoor residual
spraying," he said.
Goanet mailing list


2006-09-13 Thread Peter D'Souza
Mervyn Lobo inquires:

> The questions is:
> Peter, are you still a missionary?
> Are you still a missionary?

The answers is:



Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goanet and religion bashing

2006-09-13 Thread Peter D'Souza
> --- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > SanTosh,
> Please note once again the gratuitous distortion of my
> name. I ask myself, why does this man do such a thing?


By spelling your name thusly I am trying to send subliminal messages
to Professor George Pinto. Pinto, as you might have noticed, is
working hard to see the inclusion of certain Goans in the Catholic
church's calendar of saints. He is aggrieved by the "racist" nature of
Rome's selection process (European Catholics are preferred). That
having been said, your name lends itself beautifully to sainthood--San
Tosh, Sant Osh, St. Tosh--pick one. If Professor Pinto receives my
subtle communications, and if his crusade for the canonization of
Goans does not discriminate against non-Roman Catholics, you might
soon find yourself in very hallowed company.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Take your supporters, and your religious wars, elsewhere

2006-09-11 Thread Peter D'Souza
Kevin Saldanha wrote:

> Secular Goa is NOT a discussion group.  It is tightly moderated with a
> narrow focus.  GoenchimXapotam, however, is another Yahoogroup that has an
> open discussion policy without restrictions.  Those interested in pursuing
> arguments which may be considered 'off-topic' or too hot for GoaNet can
> join it by sending a blank message to

Hi Kevin,

At the time I left GoenchimXapotam earlier this year it seemed like
almost all the liberals on the group had a fixation with Mario, i.e.
there wasnt' a day that went by without several posters taking pot
shots at Mario Goveia. (Similar to Goanet in that respect.) Has it
changed much?

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goanet and religion bashing

2006-09-11 Thread Peter D'Souza
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet and religion bashing
> Every summer this Joe Vaz character performs an annual
> exercise of verbal abuse against me on Goanet. This
> time around he has ostensibly taken precious time off
> from his busy schedule to write a total of 5 trashy
> posts with the sole purpose of abusing me. Neither
> Selma nor I had directly provoked him in any way, nor
> written anything that would make him feel personally
> offended or threatened. There was absolutely no need
> for him to exercise his right to self-defense and
> abuse another human being. But once again he chose to
> do exactly that.
> I ask myself, why would any man do such a thing?
> Cheers,
> Santosh


Your double standards are not lost on anyone. If you really dislike
so-called verbal abuse on Goanet, please refrain from using it
yourself. For starters, stop calling Joe "this Joe Vaz character". You
rightly say that he is using "self-defense", he wouldn't need to if
you weren't abusive in your posts.

> I ask myself, why would any man do such a thing?

You're evidently not just asking yourself.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Are Goencars Leaving Britain Too?

2006-09-09 Thread Peter D'Souza
Hi Cornel,

Thanks for your feedback concerning Goan migration patterns in tthe UK.

> the Goan Association. Now it is time for me to write about how my lament
> should be reconsidered with the inflow of thousands of relatively young
> vitalising Goans to the UK in recent years. That some 5000 or so (including
> kids) could turn up at a recent Goan Association event was quite incredible
> in London.

This is very encouraging news, I'm sure. I can't quite comprehend an
all-Goan event of this size. Perhaps I should visit the one in Toronto
next year. My only memories of anything remotely similar were the
socials organized by the Karnataka Goan Association in Bangalore,
which seldom exceeded about 500 persons in attendance.

> Re Brits leaving these shores, I have heard this perennially in the 44 years
> I have been here. I have always wished it were really true so that there
> would be more space for those of us on these fairly over-crowded islands.
> Historically, of course, one estimate is that some 200 million around the
> world are of UK origin and in the unlikely probability that they returned,
> the UK would sink under the weight! But seriously, in the current situation,
> a significant number who go out do return even from such sunny places like
> Australia and Spain.

I haven't heard similar accounts of people leaving the USA. On a
similar note, is heartening is to see is the brain drain reverse
course with some of the brightest engineers and businessmen heading
back to India.

> Each time there has been  a change of Government, (Conservative to Labour
> and vice versa) a whole lot have expressed  determination to leave! But they
> hardly ever do on this count.

Some of us are still hoping that half of Hollywood would keep their
promises and head to Europe!

> I think there are probably at least three  'forces' propelling some movement
> outwards. a) the continuation of the historic outflow previously generated
> by Empire. Many have relatives all over the world and they sometimes think
> of joining them. b) House prices have shot up so much over the years that
> the equity (some Goan homes are worth ?1 million plus already) will buy
> property elsewhere very comfortably and still leave a lot of change. So, it
> may be the function of home ownership prosperity that is promoting outward
> movement. Second and even third homes (say in Goa) are not unusual
> considerations to some. c) there has always been a lack of strong national
> British identity in the UK. Being British is seemingly less strong than
> being French, German etc. This in turn may also be be attractive to many
> thousands who are dying to get here and pushing the population to 60 million
> for the first time.

I suspect that the cold, damp British climate also has something to do
with it. :-)

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Re; Some observations on fake quotes

2006-09-05 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

> From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] Re; Some observations on fake quotes

>  --- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > SanTosh,
> Here Peter is intentionally distorting my name.

The truth is that I really want to call you St. Tosh, since you are
the unofficial guardian of civility on Goanet.

> > It must take some "scientific" mind to find my
> > comments below revealing of an ideology.
> Here Peter is intentionally mocking the fact that I am
> a scientist.

Quite right, because you read much more into my comments than I actually stated.

> >Any outside observer would simply attempt to verify
> >the facts, if they were remotely interested in
> >determining whether you're reliable at providing
> >accurate quotes.
> What Peter is referring to here is an instance of
> inadvertent insertion of the innocuous word "Please"
> in another Goan forum, which has been verified as such
> by outside observers. Please note that he makes this
> accusation repeatedly on Goanet, apparently, to
> distort my intent.

Wrong. I do this not to distort your intent, but merely to question
your ability to quote accurately.

> >I have condensed quotes for brevity, but have never
> > been accused of distorting the intent of the
> original >poster.
> I have demonstrated above how Peter has distorted my
> intent. It is very easy to show numerous such
> instances of distortion on Peter's part in this forum.

The above statement is false (TM).

> > Lastly, I don't consider myself more moral than you.
> I thank him for this admission. I will keep this in
> mind. But based on his determination of my standing in
> his last post, this means that, like me, Peter will
> never be a Catholic in good standing.

You can be assured of that.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Fatherland versus Motherland / Jerry Fernandes

2006-09-04 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.


Interesting question. In many languages countries are assigned gender
for no compelling reason whatsoever. Why is Brasil masculine and
England feminine in the Portuguese language? My guess is that Brasil
is a 'fatherland' too. Irrespective of the fact that most countries
are called 'motherlands', I don't know of any country whose citizens
are truly 'madriotic'.


From: "English Books - Al Ahsa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Hitler as a Catholic


So much has been written about the above topic. Now could some one tell my
Germany is called the Father land and not Mother land as done for most
countries? Are there any other countries which are father lands?


Jerry Fernandes
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 1, Issue 286

2006-09-04 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.


Thanks for your long response. I too enjoy genuine dialogue and, I'm
afraid, we will remain on opposite sides on this issue, like many
others. This might be a good time to let a little secret be made
known: my only regret during the many months of debate on
GoenchimXapotam was that we (conservatives) couldn't woo you to the
right, not even in the smallest measure. I held out no hope for any of
the others on the left since none of them (except Jose, on occasion)
seemed interested in genuine discussion. I still haven't given up on
you. You need to read Thomas Sowell's _Applied Economics_. I'd also
recommend an article called "David's Friend Goliath" from _Foreign
Policy_ magazine (January/February 2006).

Take care, and all the best.


Cornel wrote:
Thank you for making it possible to have a fruitful discussion with you. I
genuinely enjoyed this even if we may not necessarily be in agreement. My
apologies for the long post. I definitely do not want to continue on this
thread if I can possibly help it and therefore had to pack in a lot.
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Fake quotes

2006-09-04 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.


It must take some "scientific" mind to find my comments below
revealing of an ideology. Any outside observer would simply attempt to
verify the facts, if they were remotely interested in determining
whether you're reliable at providing accurate quotes.

"Good standing" is determined by others, so I can't tell you how or
where I stand in my reputation as a Christian.

I have condensed quotes for brevity, but have never been accused of
distorting the intent of the original poster.

Lastly, I don't consider myself more moral than you.

There you have it, straight from the horse's mouth.


--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SanTosh, given your truncation, modification and
> distortion of quotes you will never be a Catholic
>in good standing.

The above accusation is quite revealing about the
problem of ideological prejudice and
self-righteousness that I have referred to earlier.
The obvious questions that I have to ask this poster

How about you? Are you a Catholic or Christian in good
standing? Have you ever truncated, modified and
distorted quotes? Do you consider yourself more moral
than me?


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Fake quotes

2006-09-01 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

I' m not too sure why this thread has continued on for as long as it
has. SanTosh had a simple question and deserves a simple answer.

SanTosh, given your truncation, modification and distortion of quotes
you will never be a Catholic in good standing.


> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Santosh Helekar
> Sent: 28 August 2006 08:43
> To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
> Subject:
> Can someone who lies about others and makes up fake
> quotes to malign them be a Catholic in good standing?
> Cheers,
> Santosh
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Of ponti (oil lamp) and Konkani proverbs

2006-08-31 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.


I'm not sure if you know this, Placido D'Souza's daughters, Lucia and
Maria, used to chat regularly with Goanet's founder Herman Carneiro on
the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) back in 1993-1994. It was those IRC
conversations which inspired the Herminator to start Goanet.


From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
" Ex-ambassador Placido D'Souza shares his thoughts on time spent in
Pune (Poona) for the Goa Sudharop Goan Seniors E-book. Thanks to
Frederick Noronha for arranging this submission. Please send your
essays to [EMAIL PROTECTED] One interesting development is people
are also sending in their old pictures. Please feel free to send in
pictures with names of the people and the place clearly identified -
the more details the better. We will try and build a database of old
Goan photos."
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Are Goencars Leaving Britain Too?

2006-08-30 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Could we have comment from Cornel and Gabe?
Britain's border problem: The British are leaving

By Mark Rice-Oxley | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

They flock unstoppably through Britain's border crossings, thousands
every week, posing a threat to social, demographic, and economic
stability, according to some.

But this is not another verdict on the perils of immigration. This is
about people moving in the opposite direction. Surprisingly, for a
country obsessed about immigrants, Britons are emigrating in record

Official data show that more than 350,000 people leave the country
every year, up almost 50 percent from 10 years ago. A recent BBC
survey remarkably found that 13 percent of people said they were
hoping to emigrate in the near future - double the figure from a
similar survey conducted three years ago.

At least 4.5 million Britons - about 8 percent of the population - now
live abroad, a far bigger diaspora in percentage terms than those of
other rich countries like France, Germany, and the US. Those anxious
about rising immigration numbers should take note: more Britons now
live overseas than the number of foreign nationals resident in

"In Britain there is an emigration culture which doesn't exist in
other continental European countries," notes Frank Laczko, head of
research for the Geneva-based International Organization for
Migration. That the British have a penchant for emigration is clear
from the number of TV shows about buying property abroad, living
overseas, and "a place in the sun," he says.

"If you look at France by comparison, people do not dream of living
abroad," he adds. "There is not this discussion."

So who goes where and why? According to Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah, an
expert with the London-based Institute for Public Policy Research
think tank, emigration has become far more democratic.

"It's not just about colonial officers looking for opportunities
elsewhere," he says. These days, he says, it's just as likely to be a
plumber taking his trade to Spain or Australia, a nurse who can make
more money in the Gulf, a policeman attracted by the great outdoors of
New Zealand, or middle-class retirees with a windfall from soaring
property prices heading for rural France. "They aren't fleeing a
sinking ship, but are going to seek out better opportunities and
lifestyles," he says.

Richard Gregan, director of Overseas Emigration Visas, a company that
helps some 2,000 Britons resettle overseas each year, says business is
booming, with clients from a broad cross section. "We see everybody
from the megawealthy to the small business owner, the tradesman and
white- and blue-collar workers. The youngest are 25 and the age range
goes right up to 55-year-olds."

Australia is the most popular destination, with 615,000 Britons.
Despite stiff entry requirements for immigrant workers, the United
States is second, with about 500,000 Britons. According to a recent
survey by the ICM polling institute, the chief factors driving Britons
overseas are better quality of life, high costs at home, job
relocation, and yes, the weather.

Andy Rix, who has worked as an outsourcing consultant in Chicago since
emigrating seven years ago, says there are plenty of things about
British life that he is happy to have left behind.

"I definitely don't miss the weather," he says. "I don't miss bad
service in restaurants, and I can't remember the last time I stood at
a bar yelling to attract the bartender's attention. I don't miss the
glass-half-empty, doom-and-gloom attitude that periodically engulfs
the Brits. Once you get used to it, always looking on the bright side
of everything, as most Americans do, is a better way to live your

David Maund, a restructuring adviser in Hong Kong, says most Britons
he knows moved for reasons of career and lifestyle. He says many start
out on a short-term posting and decide to prolong their stint. "The
majority of my British expatriate friends are long-term expats and
unlikely to return to the UK," he says.

The trend is significant because it comes at a time when Britain is
becoming very touchy about the numbers moving in the opposite

Migrant workers have found Britain an easy destination because of its
relatively relaxed approach to newcomers. But figures showing that
almost half a million East Europeans flocked to Britain t

Re: [Goanet] Was Hitler Pro-Catholic? / response to Peter

2006-08-29 Thread Peter D'Souza

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Sometimes I wonder whether our professional
>researchers really think they can pull the wool over
>our eyes with their total distortions of
>commonse positions and ad hominem attacks against
>our sources.

SanTosh responded:
[...]The standard definition of an ad hominem
attack conforms to its Latin meaning, which is
"against the person", not against a source of
information, as suggested above.

Peter clarifies:
Yes, and the source of information is a "fundamentalist" or a group of
"fundamentalists". Unless, of course, answers.org is a google-like bot
that generates articles via computer programs.

SanTosh continues:
> A good example of an ad hominem attack is the
> following quote from the above post, wherein my full
> name is invoked, and my statement of a simple
> indisputable fact that "www.answers.org" is a
> fundamentalist religious website is being
> characterized as my throwing mud on that source:

Peter says:
Nice attempt at deflection. Why mention that it is fundamentalist at
all if you're only concerned with facts?

SanTosh hits back with this quote from Hitler:
> "We do not forget the influence of the churches. There
> will definitely be no Vatican crusade against us. We
> know Monsignor Pacelli since he was the Vatican's
> diplomatic representative in Germany for twelve years;
> as Secretary of State and adviser to Pope XI it is
> greatly in his interest that the German Catholics
> should at last have a statute."

Peter asks:
Does this quote prove the influence of Catholic teaching and doctrine
on Hitler or, instead, Hitler's influence with the Vatican hierarchy?

SanTosh, quoting Hitler again:
> "We do not judge merely by artistic or military
> standards or even by purely scientific ones. We judge
> by the spiritual energy which a people is capable of
> putting forth, which will enable it in ten years to
> recapture what is has lost in a thousand years of
> warfare. I intend to set up a thousand-year Reich and
> anyone who supports me in this battle is a
> fellow-fighter for a unique spiritual-- I would say
> divine-- creation Rudolf Hess, my assistant of
> many years standing, would tell you: If we have such a
> leader, God is with us."

Peter responds:
I'm still trying to figure out how someone so self-obsessed and
concerned about leaving his imprint on history can be construed as a
devout Catholic, based on the above quote.

SanTosh alleges:
> Unbiased folk who have read the book would have also
> noted that other quotes revealed that Hitler claimed
> to have the highest respect for Jesus Christ and his
> teachings.

Peter remarks:
"Unbiased" folk examine Catholic teaching on the one hand, and
Hitler's actions (and words) on the other, and conclude that his
alleged devotion to the church of Rome was pure. Correct? You almost
make me think that I have a bias in favour of Catholicism!

SanTosh again:
> As far as the bogus claim that I have not yet
> contributed any facts to THIS debate, let me just
> provide the following link to my contribution 4 years
> ago in this forum.

Peter says:
It depends on how you define "this".

SanTosh veers off course by tainting fundamentalists:
> I have already provided evidence to support my
> assertion that www.answers.org is a fundamentalist
> religious site. The fact that Fundamentalism is a
> well-recognized sect of Christianity is explained very
> nicely by another Christian religious website, namely
> the "Catholic Answers" site. Please see:

Peter responds:
I have a perfectly fine understanding of what fundamentalism is. I
don't know why you bring it up when the conversation is about Hitler.

SanTosh makes his closing remarks:
> As far as the authenticity and factual accuracy of the
> selective hearsay quotes (and the conclusions that can
> be drawn from them) are concerned, I would ask people
> to read the book from which they are taken, actual
> historical records such as Hitler?s speeches, and
> other historical books, which provide different facts
> and perspectives, before putting to rest their notions
> about Hilter

[Goanet] Science and Truth / Ref: Kevin's Comments

2006-08-29 Thread Peter D'Souza

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Kevin writes:
> This is exactly the reason Science is upheld as the ONLY legitimate way to
> the TRUTH!  It is self correcting,

Hey Kevin,

Science is truth, but scientific opinion often isn't. Science is
limited to a few dimensions of truth, so don't get too caught up with
it as the be-all and end-all of everything that's true.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goanet's 12th Anniversary - August 25, 2006

2006-08-27 Thread Peter D'Souza

Congratulations to you and the Goanet team for making Goanet such a wild
networking success story. From twenty people to 7000+ (?) in a few years is
an achievement you can be proud of. Your unassuming personality and ability
to engage people in polite, non-controversial cyberconversations gave this
group the kickstart it needed. Even when there are conversations that make
you feel like pulling your hair out, remember that there are many of us
drawn to Goanet precisely because of the the feisty nature of the group.

Thanks again for all you've done.


Peter D'Souza
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Goanet's 12th Anniversary - August 25, 2006

2006-08-27 Thread Peter D'Souza

Congratulations to you and the Goanet team for making Goanet such a wild
networking success story. From twenty people to 7000+ (?) in a few years is
an achievement you can be proud of. Your unassuming personality and ability
to engage people in polite, non-controversial cyberconversations gave this
group the kickstart it needed. Even when there are conversations that make
you feel like pulling your hair out, remember that there are many of us
drawn to Goanet precisely because of the the feisty nature of the group.

Thanks again for all you've done.


Peter D'Souza
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[Goanet] Was Hitler Pro-Catholic? / response to Peter

2006-08-27 Thread Peter D'Souza
Hello Gilbert,

Sometimes I wonder whether our professional researchers really think
they can pull the wool over our eyes with their total distortions of
commonse positions and ad hominem attacks against our sources.

Santosh Helekar is convincing no one, I suspect, by throwing mud on my
source (answers.org) or me (by suggesting that I have not read the
sources that I refer to). He could have simply refuted the actual
quotes from Hitler, if he knew them to be false, but his ostensible
obsession for facts hasn't yet make a perfunctory appearance in the
Hitler debate. I suppose that when Santosh alludes to "fundamentalist"
sources, we're all supposed to step back and discard any facts
presented by such sources.

Gilbert, one of the things I have learned via debate on the Internet
is that facts are all too often secondary, and sometimes immaterial.

A nice read for those Goanet spectators who feel like they get tugged
in opposite directions in a debate would be from a Wikipedia search of
the terms "argumentum ad hominem" and "argumentum ad verecundiam".
Once you recognise these forms of logic at work, you will quickly be
able to filter facts from hype and be able to take a stand for the


Peter D'Souza

Gilbert Lawrence wrote:


Hi Peter,

If I fall off my chair (laughing), and I break a bone, I will
certainly blame you (for the following post).  You mean to say the
professional researchers and College Professors on Hitler overlooked
these speeches of the Nazi leader?  Thanks for enlightening us with
your short and pointed post.

Those who cannot produce quotes of Hitler to contradict what you have
posted, will try the usual subterfuge of questioning your sources.
They of course will not challenge your verbatim quotes.  They should
post the right quotes, if they disagree with your post. Anything less
is just intellectual baloney.  I think,  some may even expect you to
have been there when Hitler made those speeches.

You make my point that some researchers (especially those who claim to
be one) and writers have an agenda.  And they selectively quote
publications including from the web, or look at very selected data,
based on their agenda.  And as your post shows again, that some love
to distort the facts to try to make their case.

Kind Regards, GL
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Hitler, Catholicism and ...A Disappointing Surprise at the End

2006-08-22 Thread Peter D'Souza
Hi Cornel,

Sorry for the long delay in responding to your post concerning Hitler
and the Catholic Church. I appreciate the effort you have made in
organizing your data and the time spent in writing it for those of us
who have been following this thread. Allow me to respond to your
points with comments interspersed between them.

A little bit of business first: I am not a Catholic and am not
naturally biased in favour of Rome.

> 1. Since the beginning, Nazism and Catholicism had a peculiar co-existence.
> Hitler was a baptized Catholic and so were several of his henchmen including
> Joseph Gobbels. Neither ever formally left the Church and are on record for
> dutifully paying church taxes until their deaths in 1945.

Catholicism has had a peculiar co-existence with several movements and
individuals. It has been far from an apolitical organization; however,
I hesitate to equate its relationships with an endorsement, much less
an official imprimatur of any kind.

> 2. The Nazis under Hitler's leadership were faced with a country where the
> overwhelming majority considered themselves to be Christian. There were
> Protestants in the north and Catholics in the south. Consequently, Hitler
> had to build his power-base on this reality.

We're getting into very loosely defined territory, Cornel. You should
know that the word Christian in, say, America or England, means
something quite different than it means in India or Lebanon. In India,
calling oneself a Christian is often a way of saying that one is not a
Hindu or Muslim. Differences of language and culture have developed
over hundreds of years based largely on religious identities to the
point that the culture has superseded the practice of religion as a
social identifier. For example, in the part of the USA where I live
ask someone what he thinks about Catholics and the response you are
likely to get is "beer, babes, and picnics". This is broadly called
cultural Catholicism and is very distinct from Roman Catholic religion
and practice. For purposes of this discussion I must separate the two.
So far in this argument you have not presented evidence that the
groups you describe above are indeed religious Catholics.

> 3. Hitler as a person was critical of the Catholic Church at many times but
> Hitler as the politician was fully aware that to achieve political success
> he would particularly need to win votes from the Catholic (mainly centrist)
> parties with whom he had much resonance. This he did assiduously by working
> co-operatively with the Catholics. He was, throughout his career, pragmatic
> about religion. He is on record as saying that, "If my mother were alive,
> she would definitely be a churchgoer and I wouldn't want to hinder her. On
> the contrary, you've got to respect the
> simple faith of the people."

You have rightly called him a pragmatic man, and there's a sharp
distinction between a pragmatic person and one whose actions are based
on "deeply held personal beliefs" (borrowing Edward Kennedy's
euphemism for "conservative, vote 'no'"). You are illustrating my
point that he was not really a practising Catholic but one of

> 4. Hitler was NOT brought up as an atheist nor as an agnostic but as a
> well-brought up Catholic. Never being an atheist, as some wish he were, so
> as to distance him from Catholicism out of sheer embarrassment, Hitler grew
> up in a religion and culture that was anti-semitic and inclined to persecute
> Jews because of the belief that they had killed Christ.  Hitler thus
> repeatedly proclaimed that, he was doing the "Lord's work."

Cornel, I need to clarify something--I have neither described Hitler
as an atheist nor a devout Catholic. Concerning his proclamation about
doing the "Lord's work", you seem quite eager to use this as another
evidence that he was indeed a devout Catholic, yet it's so typical of
politicians to tell people exactly what they want to hear. A few weeks
ago in the UN general assembly the Israeli ambassador leaned over to
the Lebanese ambassador and said something to the effect of "Let's
admit it, we're doing what you really would like to do...we're doing
you a favour" (or words to that effect). Do you believe the Israeli
ambassador? Were Israeli bombings in Southern Lebanon carried out on
behalf of Lebanon? Yet, you chalk up Hitler's Lord's-work quote as one
more piece of proof that he was a devout Catholic merely because he
said so.

> At a Christmas celebration in 1926, Hitler said "Christ was the greatest
> early fighter in the battle against the world enemy, the Jews. The work that
> Christ started but could not finish, I, Adolf Hitler will conclude."

You really seem to take Hitler at his word. This is a spectacular
contradiction of Jesus' own words. Jesus came as a Saviour/Messiah to
His own people, Hitler tried to exterminate them. Jesus came as a Jew,
to Jews. He also instructed His disciples to speak to the "lost sheep
of the house of Israel", the Jews, in Matthew 10:5-6. Do

[Goanet] Was Hitler Pro-Catholic?

2006-08-22 Thread Peter D'Souza
I found the comments below at:

They should put to rest some of the notions put forth by the Freedom
>From Religion Foundation and some agnostic Goanetters that Hitler was
a devout Roman Catholic.

Peter D'Souza

The book Hitler's Secret Conversations 1941-1944 published by Farrar,
Straus and Young, Inc.first edition, 1953, contains definitive proof
of Hitler's real views. The book was published in Britain under the
title, _Hitler's Table Talk 1941-1944, which title was used for the
Oxford University Press paperback edition in the United States.

All of these are quotes from Adolf Hitler:

Night of 11th-12th July, 1941:

National Socialism and religion cannot exist together The
heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of
Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both
are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of
religion was introduced into the world by Christianity Let it not
be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that
evolution was in the natural order of things. (p 6 & 7)

10th October, 1941, midday:

Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against
nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the
systematic cultivation of the human failure. (p 43)

14th October, 1941, midday:

The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death When
understanding of the universe has become widespread... Christian
doctrine will be convicted of absurdity Christianity has reached
the peak of absurdity And that's why someday its structure will
collapse ...the only way to get rid of Christianity is to allow it
to die little by little Christianity the liar We'll see to it
that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the
interests of the State. (p 49-52)
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[Goanet] Exposure of misconceptions with examples

2006-08-05 Thread Peter D'Souza

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Jose Colaco writes:

> Santosh Helejar wrote:  this forum is that god-fearing people cannot be evil. This misconception can
> be easily refuted by giving several present-day examples of god-fearing
> people who are evil, or have committed evil acts.>
> My dear Santoshbab,
> A God-fearing person cannot be evil; If he is, he cannot be God-fearing.
> BTW: I am sure you will agree with me that Those who proclaim to be God
> fearing, may not really be what they proclaim to be.


Allow SanTosh to put aside scientific cynicism aside for a moment. How
else will
he be able to make his case that God-fearing people can be evil? If
someone commits acts of evil and claims to be God-fearing at once, it
is the prerogative of every agnostic and atheist (scientist or
otherwise) to accept such claims at face value. Please don't take the
fun out of this argument!

Very sincerely,

Peter D'Souza
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] apostarnahistoria.blogspot.com

2006-08-04 Thread Peter D'Souza

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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Fred wrote:

> An interesting blog about matters Portuguese (with connections to Goa
> too). See  http://apostarnahistoria.blogspot.com/


I just looked at this site. It's worth noting that they're also, like
some Goanetters, a raving bunch of anti-semites waiting for Israel to
be pushed into the sea.

«A arrogância dos israelitas não precisa do Presidente do Irão para
ganhar inimigos e para ser ameaçada a existência de Israel! As
resoluções das Nações Unidas não são somente para os árabes


P.S. Thanks to the guys at goencar.com who posted here recently. I've
used their free e-mail service for a couple of weeks now, it is great!
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Gilbert's Wisdom

2006-08-03 Thread Peter D'Souza

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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Gilbert said:
 "I am a bit tired of Goanetters who preach one thing (to appear
intellectual) and personally practice another philosophy.  I do hope
you and others do not reap what you preach.  Yet it is useful to
remember that a seed does not fall far from the tree."

Very well said, Gilbert. I think you have defined a section of Western
liberals who like to describe themselves as progressives. (I don't
believe they are unique to Goanet though.)

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] India may decline $100 laptop program

2006-08-03 Thread Peter D'Souza

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

If I may borrow polite language from St. Tosh Helekar, what has the Sudeep
Banerjee character been smoking? Fred and other Linux aficionados, would you
know if Banerjee has visited Redmond, Washington lately?

Peter D'Souza
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Myths about ancient and modern societies

2006-08-01 Thread Peter D'Souza

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

SantOsh writes:

3. Unwed and teenage mothers:

Unwed mothers: 1957 ? 15.8 live births per 1000 women;
1977 ? 25.1 live births per 1000 women; 2004 ? 23.7
live births per 1000 women.

Teenage mothers: 1957 - 97.3 live births per 1000
women; 1970 ? 69.5 live births per 1000 women; 2004 ?
41.9 live births per 1000 women.

To lend a little context to the statistics above, perhaps  the number
of unwed mothers has reduced because abortions have increased?

"Among unmarried women about half the pregnancies ended in a live
birth while about 40 percent ended in abortion.  In 1990 pregnancies
among unmarried women were more likely to end in abortion than in a
live birth." Source:

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Hitler, Stalin, and Other Devout Christians

2006-07-31 Thread Peter D'Souza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Cornel referred to "rock solid Christians like Hitler, Stalin"


Just when I thought this discussion was getting way too heated you injected
a perfect dose of humour! :-)


Peter D'Souza
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] What is "the Rescued Animal"?

2006-07-24 Thread Peter D'Souza
I found this picture on the Herald website today. The caption was unhelpful,
unless there's hidden information elsewhere. My questions: What is this
creature? A pangolin, perhaps? Are there other parts of India where you'd
find such an animal?

Thanks in advance,

Peter D'Souza
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[Goanet] Dr helekars challenge....

2006-07-24 Thread Peter D'Souza
Santosh Helekar writes:

As I am sure you know very well, hatred has been and is
being incited against individual members of this forum
by other members. Do you want to ban their hate-filled
writings? I don't.


When one wants to censor someone and still hold to the high principle of
opposing censorship, all one needs to do is threaten a lawsuit against
perpetrators of "hate-filled writings" and those who engage in "name
calling". It's an old little trick commonly practiced in North America.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] GOAEVENTS: Free Software meet, July 22, 2006 3-5 pm at Miramar

2006-07-23 Thread Peter D'Souza
Fred and others who attended this meeting,

You might be interested in Ubuntu's free CD offer:

Concerning virtualization, don't waste your time on Red Hat right now.
They offer no support for Xen virtualization. You will have to wait for
RHEL version 5, due out at the end of this year. You are presently
better off with Fedora Core 5 or SuSE Linux 10.

If there are folks who are uncomfortable with Linux but do want to get
their fingers wet with it, they might want to try the most excellent
virtualization software from vmware.com. It's free, and they will be
able to run one or more virtualized versions of Linux on a Windows
machine, without interfering with Windows.

Peter D'Souza

Frederick "FN" Noronha wrote:
> As usual, our ILUG-Goa meeting is being held on July 22, 2006
> (Saturday) between 3-5 pm at the Goa Science Centre. It is open to
> all, and attendance is free (apart from a Rs 10 entry fee payable at
> the Goa Science Centre gate).
> This month's focus will be on:
> * Ubuntu hoary hog distro
> * Red Hat/Fedora
> * Arvind Yadav on virtualisation: "Virtualization is a hot topic
> today. Various software for the same are available for Linux (Free and
> non-free). This talk will focus on some of them that I know of and
> have used."
> If anyone is interested in programming in Goa, please check this young
> mailing list http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goa-floss-developer
> Special offer of CDs and DVDs of GNU/Linux software at
> http://linuxdvdsale.tripod.com
> Till end-July 2006, any single dvd distro for Rs 130 only and any CD
> distro for Rs 35 only. (For example FC5 which is six CDs is Rs 30 x 6
> = Rs 180.) Contact  2420792 / 9881385492

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