[Goanet] Herald online is it paid? or Scam

2013-10-12 Thread Aurelio Viegas
Please publish it on Goanet

Subject: [Goanet] Herald online is it paid? or Scam
Message-ID: snt136-ds1706e2beddf8bbf6889ee3b5...@phx.gbl
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

As a regular reader of Herald I tried to read the epaper of Herald on 8th
October, 2013,
However it directed me to a link to register online and I registered.On
registration I was asked to pay Rs. 118/- thru some card or bank for which
I made the payment online thru bank and I was finally able to log on Herald
With user ID and password. The next day and then on the Herald can be
accessed freely.
I am not sure if this is some scam from Herald or some other party
concerned with Epaper. Can anyone check and let us know if Herald did
accept payments on 8th October.

Dev Borem korum
Edward Verdes

Same over here, Verdes Bab
Verdes Bab, the same was happened to me and the fact is my card shows
(online banking) that I had done the payment three times (118X3) for
Herald. Regarding this I called Herald Office but someone told me that
they'll call me and in the meantime I am waiting for their call. I also did
the transactions on October 8. I think something is fishy because from the
next day there was no need for any login. I am also not sure if this is
some scam from Herald or some other party concerned with Epaper.
-Aurelio Viegas

*Aurelio Viegas*
email: aureli...@gmail.com

[Goanet] Joe Babak xabaski

2011-10-04 Thread AURELIO VIEGAS
Joe Bab gele kitlech dis savn tumchya vhoir zaitya zannanchi chorcha vo
bhasabhas zal'li aikotam. Bonkta tem sunnem ghans marunk pavonam mhonn
tunven zanna zavchem karonn nidd'ddukayen bhorlole monis tujya add zaitem
boroitole punn amim sogott Goa Nets-vale zannant tum kitem tho anik hanven
chodd sangchi goroz nam. Amim sogott tujya fattlyan asat, tum voch fuddem.
Anik ek pavtt tumkam xabaxki tujya Goa Net-achya vavra bod'dol, Devan
tumcher upott besanvam ghalum.
=Aurelio Viegas

[Goanet] Stay away from Mommy

2011-08-01 Thread AURELIO VIEGAS
The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment. Get their parents to
tell them a story with a moral at the end of it.

The next day, the kids came back and, one by one, began to tell their
stories. There were all the regular types: spilled milk and pennies saved.
Finally, only Janie was left.

The teacher asked: Janie, do you have a story to share ?

''Yes madam. My daddy told me a story about my Mommy. She was a Marine pilot
in Desert Storm, and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy
territory, and all she had was a flask of whisky, a pistol, and a survival
knife. She drank the whisky on the way down so the bottle wouldn't break,
and then her parachute landed her right in the middle of 20 Iraqi troops.
She shot 15 of them with the pistol (until she ran out of bullets), killed
four more with the knife (till the blade broke), and then she killed the
last Iraqi with her bare hands.

''Good Heavens,' said the horrified teacher. What did your Daddy tell you
was the moral of this story ?

Stay away from Mommy when she is drunk.

*-Aurelio Viegas*

[Goanet] Dev Borem Korum Joebab

2011-07-20 Thread AURELIO VIEGAS
Amchya Joebabachi konneim kitli-i kovtuk keli zalyar ti lhanuch astoli
karonn zo to vavr korta to khoryamnich kitlo vhodd tem sangpak mhoje lagim
utram nant. Aplo fottu to konnakui dakhovnk sodhinam nam mhonnllyar taka
koslich publicity naka vhelyan to aplo vell ghalun amkam veg-vegllyo khobro
dhaddtta. Tache Goyche fottu pollovn amchem mon xant zata. Goykarank
xit-koddechi ruch mhonnttoch to aple duddu moddun Goychya veg-vegllya
khanavollicher jevonn gheta ani  tache fottu kaddtta ani tech borobor Goyam
bhair aslolyanche  jiber lall haddta. Anik konnui potrkar zalolo zalyar
khoinchyai hottelant vochun fukott jevtolo aslo ani sangtolo aslo apunn
tumchya hottelachi jahirat kortam punn Joe Bab oslem kainch chintinam.
Konknnichya mogak lagon tannim CD, VCD, DVD-i  vikttyo ghevn ghorant ras
ghatlya ani tyo pollovpak taka babddyak vell nam, oxem to khud aplya
borovpant sangta. Atam hya mahan monxak amim kitem mhonnpacho? Sodhyak
itlench boroitam vell mell'llo zalyar ek dis porxim Goyant vochon Joe Babak
soddun kaddun tachi mulakhot jerul ghetolom. Joe Bab tum Goyam bhair
ravtolya Goykarancho dhir-adhar, tumcho ho vavr osoch chalu dovrunk tuka
Dhonia Bapa lagchyan bori bholaiki magtam. Anik ek pavtt chodd Dev borem
-Aurelio Viegas


2011-07-07 Thread AURELIO VIEGAS

*I know a few of my friends who have been converted right from day 1

If u are a goan, u will really laugh out ; keep reading n have a hearty laugh
till the end.

Goan fairy tales begin with the couple getting married. Read on:

A young Goan couple had only been married for two weeks. The husband
from Assolna,
although very much in love, couldn't wait to go up to Connie's bar and relax
with his old buddies. So, he said to his wife, Honey,I'll beright back.
Where are you going, coochy cooch? asked the wife.

I'm going to Connie's place, darling. I'm going to have a beer.

The wife said, You want a beer, my moga? She opened the door to the
refrigerator and showed him a dozen different kinds of beer -Kingfisher,
Belo, Sandpiper, Arlem...name it she had it! The husbanddidn't know what to
do, and the only thing that he could think of saying was, Yes,
lollypop...but at Connie's...you know...they have frozen beer mugs! 

He didn't get to finish the sentence, because the wife interrupted him
by saying,
You want a frozen glass, morgada? She took a huge beer mug out of the
freezer, so frozen that she was getting chills just holding it.

The husband, looking a bit pale, said, Yes, tootsie roll, but at Connies they
have those little snacks that are really delicious. You know patties and
croquets and cutlets and small cheurisam I won't be long, I'll be right
back. I promise.
OK? You want snacks, poochi pooh?
She opened the oven and took out five dishes of different hors
d'oeuvres: chicken
wings, pigs in blankets, mushroom caps, pork strips,etc.
But my sweet honey... at Connie's... you know...there's swearing, and dirty
words, galleio and all that...

You want dirty words, gallieo?... LISTEN UP, FOD**! DRINK YOUR F*G
*Aurelio Viegas*

[Goanet] A story of our own MP

2011-07-01 Thread AURELIO VIEGAS
A young Sindhi boy from Pune goes off to college. Half way through the
semester, having foolishly squandered all his money  he calls

Pita ji, he says, You won't believe what modern education is developing!

They actually have a program here in Indian Institute of Management,
Ahmedabad (IIMA) that will teach our dog, Moti, how to talk!

That's amazing, his father says. How do I get Moti in that program?

Just send him down here with Rs. 1,00,000 the young Sindhi boy says
and I'll get him in the course.

So, his father sends the dog and Rs. 1,00,000.

About two-thirds of the way through the semester, the money again runs
out. The boy calls home.

So how's Moti doing son? his father asks.

Awesome, Pita ji, he's talking up a storm, he says, but you just
won't believe this -- they've had such good results they have started
to teach the animals how to read!

Read!? says his father, No kidding! How do we get Moti in that program?

Just send Rs.2,00,000, I'll get him in the class.
The money promptly arrives. But our hero has a problem.

At the end of the year, his father will find out the dog can neither
talk, nor read.

So he shoots the dog.

When he arrives home at the end of the year, his father is all excited.

Where's Moti? I just can't wait to see him read something and talk!

Pita ji, the boy says, I have some grim news. Yesterday morning,
just before we left to drive home, Moti was in the living room, kicked
back in the recliner, reading The Economic Times, like he usually

Then Moti turned to me and asked, so, is your father still messing
around with that little pretty Champa who lives down the street?

The father went white and exclaimed, I hope you shot that son of a
bitch before he talks to your Mother!

I sure did, Pita ji!

That's my boy!

The kid went on to law school, and now serves in New Delhi as a Member
of Parliament.
*-Aurelio Viegas*

[Goanet] A JOKE

2011-03-30 Thread AURELIO VIEGAS
A joke

A very old man lay dying in his bed.
In death's doorway, he suddenly smelled
the aroma of his favorite'sorpotel,'(a Goan dish)
wafting up the stairs.
He gathered his remaining strength,
 lifted himself from the bed.
Leaning against the wall, he slowly made
his way out of the bedroom,
and with even greater effort,
forced himself down the stairs,
gripping the railing with both hands.*
With labored breath, he leaned
against the door, gazing into the kitchen.
Were it not for death's agony, he'd have
thought himself already in heaven.
There, already cooked  just cooling,
was a huge sauce-pan of 'sorpotel.'*
Was it heaven ?
Or was it one final act of heroic love
from his devoted wife, seeing to it,
that he left this world a happy man ?
Mustering one great final effort,
he threw himself toward the table.*
The aged  withered hand, shaking,
made its way to a 'sanna' at the edge
of the table, when he was suddenly rapped,
with a spatula, by his wife.
Stay away from that,
she said .*
It's for your Funeral !*

[Goanet] A joke

2010-12-09 Thread AURELIO VIEGAS
Guy goes to the supermarket and notices an attractive woman waving at him.
She says Hello!!!.

He's rather taken aback because he can't place where he knows her from. So
he says...do you know me???... to which she replies...

 I think you're the father of one of my kids

Completely shocked...the guy's mind travels back to the only time when he
was unfaithful to his wife and
says... My God!... are you the stripper from my bachelor party that i made
love to on the pool table???!!

Confused... she looks into his eyes and says calmly... No... I am your
son's teacher

Moral Of The Story*  Need to Know The Complete Picture Before U Open
your Mouth

-Aurelio Viegas

[Goanet] One More Chance Please

2010-11-03 Thread aurelio viegas
It's another morning I have to go to office.

WHAT This is me!!! I shouted seeing my picture in the newspaper. But what 
the HELL is it doing in the obituary column??


One sec... Let me think, last night when I went to bed I had severe pain in my 
chest, but I don't remember anything after that, I think I had sound sleep.

Its morning now, oh... It's already 10:00 AM, where is my coffee? I will be 
for office and my boss will get a chance to shout at me.

Where is everyone? I screamed.

I think there is a crowd outside my room, let me check. I said to myself.

So many people... Not all of them are crying. But why are some of them crying.

WHAT IS THIS??? I'm lying there on a bed in the drawing room

I AM HERE�. I shouted!!! No one listened.
LOOK I AM NOT DEAD. I screamed once again!!! No one was interested in me.
They were all looking at me lying on the bed.

I went back to my bed room.

Am I dead?? I asked myself.

Where are my wife, my children, my mom-dad, my friends?

I found them in the next room, all of them were crying. Still trying to console 
each other.

My wife was crying. She was really looking sad.
My little kid was not sure what happened, but he was crying just coz his mom 

How can I go without telling my kid that I really love him, I really do care 
How can I go without telling my wife that she is really the most beautiful and 
the most caring wife in this world..??
How can I go without telling my parents that I am what I am just because of 
How can I go without telling my friends that without them, perhaps I would have
Done wrong things in life- thanks for being there always
When I needed them. And sorry for not being there when they really needed me..

I can see a person standing in the corner and trying to hide his tears. Oh, he 
was once my best friend, but a small misunderstanding made us part, and we both 
never let go off our egos

I went there.. And offered him my hand, Dear friend. I just want to say sorry 
for everything, we are still good friends, please forgive me.

No response from other side, what the hell?? He is still preserving his ego. I 
am saying sorry, even then!!! I really don't care for such people.

But one sec.. It seems he is not able to see me He did not see my extended 
My goodness. AM I REALLY DEAD???

I just sat down next to MYSELF; I also felt like crying.

I just want to tell my wife, my parents, my kid and my friends how much I love 

My wife entered the room, she looks beautiful.
She didn't hear my words, in fact she has never heard these words from me, coz 
have never told her.

GOD I screamed. a little more time plzz. . I cried.

One more chance please-to hug my child, to make my mom smile.. just once, to 
make my dad feel proud of me at least for a moment..., to say sorry to my 
friends for everything I have not told and done for them-inspite of that for 
still being there for me..

Then I looked up and cried

I shouted..


You shouted in your sleep, said my wife as she gently woke me up. Did you 
have a nightmare?

I was sleeping..?? !!!
Oh that was just a dream..??!!

My wife was there. She could hear me.
This was the happiest moment in my life!!
I hugged her and whispered.. U R THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND CARING WIFE IN

I just couldn't understand that in spite of a smile on her face she had tears 
her eyes...

I was so HAPPY!


It's not late.. Forget your egos, forget all that has happened ., and just 
express your love to others Be friendly . Keep smiling and be happy for 

-Aurelio Viegas
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[Goanet] Never Be Late

2010-10-30 Thread aurelio viegas
Never Be Late
A priest was being honored at his retirement dinner after 25 years in the 
parish. A leading local politician and member of the congregation was chosen to 
make the presentation and give a little speech at the dinner. 

However, he was delayed, so the priest decided to say his own few words while 
they waited: 

'I got my first impression of the parish from the first confession I heard 
I thought I had been assigned to a terrible place. The very first person who 
entered my confessional told me he had stolen a television set and, when 
questioned by the police, was able to lie his way out of it. He had stolen 
from his parents, embezzled from his employer, had an affair with his boss's 
wife, taken illegal drugs, I was appalled. 

But as the days went on I learned that my people were not all like that and I 
had, indeed, come to a fine parish full of good and loving people.'... 

Just as the priest finished his talk, the politician arrived full of apologies 
at being late. He immediately began to make the presentation and gave his talk: 

'I'll never forget the first day our parish priest arrived,' said the 
politician. 'In fact, I had the honor of being the first person to go to him 

Moral: Never, Never, Never Be Late! 

 -Aurelio Viegas

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.

[Goanet] (no subject)

2010-09-29 Thread aurelio viegas

Retired Age
Working people frequently ask me a retired person what I do to make
my days interesting. Well, for example, the other day the wife and
I went into town and went into a shop. We were only in there for about
5 minutes. When we came out, there was a cop writing out a parking

We went up to him and I said, 'Come on man, how about giving a senior
citizen a break?'

He ignored us and continued writing the ticket. I called him a Dumb
ass. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having
worn tires.

So Nina called him a moron. He finished the second ticket and put
it on the windshield with the first. Then he started writing a third
ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more we abused him, the
more tickets he wrote.

Just then our bus arrived and we got on it and went home.

We try to have a little fun each day now that we're retired. It's important at 
our age.

[Goanet] Fw: Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 996

2010-09-15 Thread aurelio viegas

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at www.Goanet.org, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state Daddy's Home in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome

A couple went to Jerusalem. While they were there, the wife passed away.
The undertaker told the husband, You can have her shipped home for $5,000, or 
you can bury her here, in the Holy Land, for $150. The man thought about it 
and told him he would just have her shipped home.
The undertaker asked, Why would you spend $5,000 to ship your  wife home,
when it would be wonderful to be buried here and you would  spend only $150?
The man replied, Long ago a man called Jesus Christ died here, was buried 
here, and three days later he rose from the dead. I just can't take that 

Aurelio Viegas

[Goanet] Please identify the 3 persons from this clip

2010-07-29 Thread aurelio viegas
 If I m not mistaken then they are Ophelia, Betty Naaz and Cyriaco

Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 19:54:58 + (GMT)
From: JoeGoaUk joego...@yahoo.co.uk
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Please identify the 3 persons from this short clip
Message-ID: 384167.86259...@web25906.mail.ukl.yahoo.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Please identify the 3 persons from this clip (30sec)

* * *

UK STOCKS EXHAUSTED! After a community-supported launch at
Croydon, Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora Wilderness* is
available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564]
Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

* * *

Re: [Goanet] Adv Leo Velho

2010-07-22 Thread aurelio viegas
Adv. Leo Velho was a highly qualified, devoted and down to earth person.
He helped a lot of people in our village Chinchinim. It is said that he had
to sell his property to fight the elections. Sadly sincere politicians like 
him and
Dr. Alvaro will be missed by Chinchonkars.

May his soul rest in peace!

Edward Verdes

As Mr Edward Verdes said I am also of the same opinion that we wont get a down 
to earth person like Adv Leo Velho. When I was the sarpanch of Chinchinim 
Village panchayat I also use to take his advice in many legal matters and he 
without any personal gains would direct  me the exact path.
Personally I miss a good friend . May his soul rest in peace!
Aurelio Viegas

* * *

The book people are already talking about: Goanetter Selma Carvalho's *Into
the Diaspora Wilderness*. Launch on July 25, 2010 at the UK Goan Festival
[http://goafest.itpsworld.net] Goa launch next month. See
http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/ Buy at Broadway's, Panjim [Ph
9822488564] at Rs 295 in Goa. Overseas, postage extra.

* * *

[Goanet] Vad-vivad chaluch dovorcho

2010-04-19 Thread aurelio viegas
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Sebastian Borges ani Jose Salvador Fernandes hanchea dogainchea vad-vivad-ak 
lagon mhojea oslea konknnintlea kirkoll borovpeak kitem tori xikunk mell'llem. 
Ho vad-vivad chaluch urcho ani tumchea koddlean amkam khup-khup xikunk mellchem 
oxe amche anvdde.
Dogaimni rag dhorcho nhoi ham, mogan boroilam
Aurelio Viegas

[Goanet] Amchea xant'taiechea Goyant hem matui sobhonam

2010-01-07 Thread aurelio viegas

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Albert D'Souzan boroil'lea utrancher thoddo niall korun mhakai kitem tori 
borovnk dislem. Survek mhonnllear Kolva ganvchea CD prokronn vo vixoi rajkornni 
korun soddla. Jea disa Kolva bandh ghoddovn haddlo tea vellar hanv thoimsor 
aslom ani hanven khud Kolva pulis stexnnar vochon mahiti kaddtoch  tantunt 
rajkornnacho kitlo legit hat asa to somzun ghetlo. Aiz zaite fuddari oxe asat 
ki aplea faidea khatir lokank margar haddttat ani apunn fattlean asat tumim 
bhienakat mhonn sangtat. Eka-eka vellar oxei vokil asat je apleak choddant 
chodd kesi mellche khatir lokank uskaitat ani bazuk ravn lokanchi movz 
polloitat. Ani jem kitem Kolva hanga ghoddlem to ek rajkornni khell mhonnom 
Atam CD babtint boroitolo mhonnllear ti CD hanven aikomk nam. Goyant astana ti 
ghevchea khatir hea ani tea xhopar bhonvlom punn gel'lea zageancher mellonk 
nam. Punn hanv mhonnttam zori tor konnacheim nanv he CD vorvim vibaddlam ten'na 
tea monxan fuddem soron gavpeacher vo producer-acher kivam kesett toear 
korpeacher defamation kes ghalpachi ani nhoi lokamni kaido aplea hatant 
ghevpacho. Hachim tachim ghoram foddun tankam zoit mell'llem mhonnonk zainam, 
hantunt amchem kristanvponn uronk nam. Eka padri virudh git gailem mhonn 
ghoddie amim kristanv uchamboll zale astole punn kesett kaddpeanchim ghoram 
foddchim oso sondex kristi porjek konnem dilo kai? Padrimni vo rajkornneamni?
Ek mhonn'nni asa Eka hatan tallieo pettonant. Aiz dor eka Hindi sinemant 
Kristi monxank bebddo, bolatkari, gunge okhdam ghevpi, chor vo khuni he toren 
chitraitat ani Kristi lokancho man ubhoitat ten'na hea oslea vixoiancher avaz 
utthovche vellar he kristi lok nhidentlean kiteak zagonant? Ek zanna zaiat, he 
rajkornni monis aplea svartha khatir porjek uzar kortat ani hench hanga 
Kaim tiatristui fuddem soron hea prokronnacher ap-aplem bhaxonn kelem ani kaim 
zannamni guneanvant asloleank aplea tiatramni ghevchenant mhonn lokank axvason 
dilem punn sogllem fokt apleak lokam koddchean xabaski mellovche khatir kelem. 
Hea dog-teg zannanchem axvasonam vorvim  tankam koslench lukxonn zavpachem nam 
oxem amkam zalear dista.
Hem jem hanven boroilam tem konnachoi rag monant ghevn borovnk nam karonn 
Goychea xantichea rajyant he torecheo kornneo matui sobhonant.
Aurelio Viegas

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] World Goa Day Mumboint dobajean monoilo

2009-12-16 Thread aurelio viegas

Gelea Aitarak (13 Dezembr)Chembur-chea OPLS igorje varandah-nt Mumbai Goan 
Association-an World Goa Day monoilo. Ami hea dobajeak hajir asle ani jem kitem 
hanven hangasor pollelem tem thoddkeant boroitam. Hea dobajeak sumar 500 lok 
hajir asle. Survek mhonnllear kareokrom English bhaxentlean zalo kai dislem 
karonn he karekromank ailole sumar 90 ttok'ke lok English bhaxentlean uloitale. 
Horxim kareokrom boro zalo punn Konknni bhaxecher thoddo bhor ghalun purai 
konknni bhaxen kelolo zalear odhik borem zatolem aslem. Somplolo Konknni gavpi 
Alfred Rose-acho put Engelbert hea vellar sutrsonchalon kortalo punn choddso 
vell tannim English bhaxek mhotv dilem.
Karekromant zaite pongddamni bhag ghetlolo tantunt Goan Review ani Gulab-ache 
Sompadpi Fausto D'Costa hanchea pongddachoi aspav aslo ani tannim aplea 
proiogamni Goenchem chitr lokam mukhar dovorlem zoxem Dekhnni, Dulpod, 
Lok-nach, Mando..adi..
Tea xivai Kenny, Succorina, Dr Peter Rodrigues, Alfia (Alfred Rose-achi 
dhuv)adi.. hannim sobit gitam gavn he kareavollik odhik rong haddlo. Allan Vaz 
hannim aplea Go Goa hea album-antlim don gitam gavn torunn tornatteank umedir 
dovorlim. Daybreakers-amni songitacho sur dilo.
Goa Mumbai Association-ache odheokx Ashley D'Silva-n boroch bhar aplea 
bhuzancher ghetlo mhonn amchi taka xabaski tech porim soglleank urbha haddli ti 
mhonnllear Jane Rodrigues-an. Dor eka hajir asloleachi Jane-n aplea hanstea 
tonddan soglleanchim kallzam jikhon ghetlim. 
  Hea vellar bhurgeank toxem zantteank khas khell ghoddovn haddle ani tantunt 
jikhnnarank inamaim favo zalim.Karekromanchea xevtta vellar Succurin-an 
bebddeachem sovong korun gailolem git soglleankuch avoddlem ani hansot-hansot 
lok aplea ghora gelo. 
Mumboi Goa Association-achea sogllea vangddeank amchim hun-hunnit porbim karonn 
ho World Goa Day monoilo mhonn ani heai fuddem tannim hem kam chalu dovrunk 
amchem magnnem .(Zaitea vangddeanchea nanvacho hanven ghoddie ul'lekh korunk 
nam astolo ten'na vangddeamni somzun ghevchem oxi nomr vinonti)
By Aurelio Viegas

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[Goanet] Musical evening at Pilar

2009-10-30 Thread aurelio viegas

MARY THE CHOSEN ONE, a musical evening on Saturday , October 31, at 6 to 9 pm. 
at Fr Agnel School Grounds Pilar. ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED.(Information by Fr. 
Feroz Fernandes, Editor of V. IXTT) 

Aurelio Viegas

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[Goanet] (no subject)

2009-08-06 Thread aurelio viegas

Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) unveils his book,
The Greatest Konkani Song Hits. Launch dates: Goa (Kala
Academy) on 9 Aug. 4 pm. U.K. (Staines) on 15 Aug. Canada on
20 Aug and US on 30 Aug. Details http://www.konkanisongbook.com/


Don't say rubbish things because u r a speaker . It doesnt mean that u can talk 
and the Goans will take ur sh...Every one has the power of freedom and 
expression n still if u do not understand pl. read the Civics book of Std 5. 

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2009-06-14 Thread aurelio viegas


The nun who bravely took on the Church 
By: Aastha Atray Banan   Date:  2009-06-13   Place:Mumbai   
Former nun Sister Jesme talks to Aastha Atray Banan about her controversial 
autobiography Amen, in which she speaks out about sexual abuse in a convent

Sister Jesme, the author of Amen: The Autobiography of a Nun, insists the 
Church asked for trouble through their repeated efforts to have her declared 
Jesme, who started her religious training in June 1974 taught at two Catholic 
colleges in Thrissur she was vice-principal at one and principal at another, 
for three years each. 

She left the Congregation of Mother of Carmel in August 2008, after applying 
for voluntary retirement from service in the college.
This book, which she says she chose to write as people around me have the 
right to know what happens inside the prison-like enclosures in their very 
midst, was first published in Malayalam, but Jesme wanted it to be  released 
in English.
Although foreign and Indian TV news channels and papers chased her for the 
story, she chose to pen  her autobiography.
The book, which is a shocking expose of what goes on behind the four walls of a 
convent, talks of nuns who come from underprivileged backgrounds being treated 
as menial labourers, of the church trying to keep the SC/ST seats for anyone 
who can afford to pay for them, and of rampant same sex and opposite sex 
relations between nuns and priests. 

The author, who alleges that she was molested by a fellow nun, now lives a 
life of peace in a hamlet three hours from Calicut as a law-abiding 
citizen. This book had to be written not only to prove that I was sane, but 
it's also a plea for the reformation of the church, she says in an interview 
over the phone. 

You had been noticing the goings-on of the Church since the time you joined the 
convent. How did you keep the faith?
I am different from other nuns I am not being boastful, but I was born with 
many talents, so I rose above all of it. Also, suffering made me a better 
person. I have suffered so much that now I have a doctorate in it (chuckles). I 
can stand up against anything.

You speak of class distinctions between the poorer nuns and the  richer ones. 
Which side were you on?
I always helped the poorer nuns, and I was reprimanded for that. Soon, they 
gave up on me because they used to see me sitting in the kitchens with the nuns 
who   were told to work there. But  when I was told not to mingle with them, I 
decided to do it   even more.

You write of being sexually molested by a fellow nun, and in one instance, by a 
priest. How did you cope?
I was very innocent, being only 17 when I joined the convent. At the church, we 
were told to not even touch each other. The nun who molested me had 'played' 
with other sisters as well. I finally rebelled and told the administration that 
they either had to transfer her or me to another convent. She was finally sent 
away, and all this made me stronger in my resolve. My God helped me.
But all this is very common, as I have mentioned in my book. Young sisters have 
sex with people outside the church as well, as only when they address their 
sexual side, can they bear to stay at the convent. 

You say that the seats reserved for SC/ST are tampered with to keep those for 
the management. Why is this done?
Because they can be sold to make money. These seats are later sold to the 
ministers and other moneyed people. 

Do you ever meet other nuns like you who want to speak out?
Yes, I get calls every day from nuns who are suffering and wish to speak out. 
One nun called me the other day and told me that a priest has eloped with a 
girl and even taken money from the church. They tell me that they don't have 
the guts to speak out, so they hope I will speak on their behalf. They have 
trust in my ability to speak the truth, and I won't disappoint them.

Extract 1 from Amen: The Autobiography of a Nun

Reaching Bangalore station, I get off the train and see the priest impatiently 
waiting for me. After breakfast, despite my reluctance, he takes me to Lalbagh. 
He has a hidden agenda in taking me there, I soon realise.
Pointing to each couple beneath the trees, he holds forth on the need for 
physical love. Then he tells me of cases of priests and bishops who have 
illicit relationships with women. Later, I am taken to his room for coffee 
prepared by him.

 he comes and embraces me hard, almost suffocating me. When I struggle to 
escape his clutches, he squeezes my breasts and asks me to show them to him. 

Refusing him angrily, I get up to leave, but he forces me to sit down, asking: 
Have you seen a man? In no time, he undresses himself. 

Now I am curious enough to watch! I have read in novels about this, but never 
seen one with my own

Re: [Goanet] Greek meaning of IDIOT

2009-04-30 Thread aurelio viegas
Aiz Mumboint nivoddnnuko. Sokall fuddem kocherint vochpache vatter astana 
JAZZ BY THE BAY hotela samkhar ek toktto aslolo pollovnk mell'llo.Tacher oxem 
boroil'lem GREEK MEANING OF 'IDIOT'- MAN WHO DO NOT VOTE. Tor Mumboikarano 
Mumbai let us all vote.
Aurelio Viegas 

[Goanet] Kasab-ak sobhemazar gollar fasavcho

2009-04-16 Thread aurelio viegas

26/11 Mumboichea atankvadi homllean amche Mumboiche porjek bhenkddavn uddoili 
ti bhirant aiz passun amchea kallzantlean vochunk nam punn Mumboichea pulisen 
sampddailolo atankvadi kal amkam (potrkarank) aple dantt dakhovn hanstalo hem 
pollovn monantlea monant borich tiddog marli.
Kalchea disa tache kesichi sunavnni chalu zavpachi asli dekhun ami sogott 
potrkar taka amchea somor jivo polloitale. Hea homlleant hea atankvadeamni 
sumar 300 lokank jivexim marlole, tor ho kalliz naslolo Kasab amchea sovem 
pollovn khoxalkaien aplo hanso ditalo. Ghoddie to hansta  astolo ki amcho 
Sorkar tacho ek kens legit ukddavnk xokcho nam mhonn? Ghoddie to hansta astolo 
ki apnnem jem kam kelem tantunt to ek vir zalo mhonn? Nam tor ho hanso tachea 
mukhamollar ailo koso?
Aiz hench kortub Pakistan-ant ghoddlolem zalear tea Kasab-acho ek tukddo pasun 
pollovnk mellcho naslo.Hem OSLEM fokt amchea Bharotant ghoddtta.
Amcho sorkar hea Kasab-ak fokot ghorant ghalun poslolea toren posta anik ek 
vell to koidikhanneantlo niropradhi mhonn suttonkui xokta karonn amche 
lamb-lamb neai ani kaide eka opradheak niropradhi korunk xoktat.Dekhun 
sorkar-ak amchem magnnem ki he kesint vell pidd'ddear korinastanam Kasab-ak 
soroll gollar humkollavcho. Ani tovui zalear sobhemazar.

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[Goanet] An Appeal

2009-04-15 Thread aurelio viegas

Dear All,
 An elderly  christian women from Mumbai requires an urgent by-pass surgery 
and in dire need of financial assistance. She is a widow  and she doesn't had 
any support or the family cannot met the expenses. She is right now in J J 
Hospital and doctor advised to do the operation urgently as she had three 
blockades.The operation expense is 1,20.000 (one lakh twenty thousand )Hope 
someone would read this and give a favourable reply through this Goanet service.
Thanking you

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[Goanet] Congress-int porot zhogddim

2008-04-05 Thread aurelio viegas
Je meren Congress pokxan Digamber Kamat-ak Goencho
mukhel montri kela te meren savn pokxant bhitorchea-
bhitorlean borinch zhogddim zalolim dison aileant ani
babddea mukhel montreachi nhid sud'dam pidd'dear
zalolim lokxonam distat.Aiz Goeant sogllech
amdar-montri kodelache fattik laglolean hea tanchea
proxnank kosloch ilaz nam oxem dista. 
Atam anik ek goddbodd mhonnllear Monseratte-ak
montrimonddollant zago divchea khatir konnem tori eka
Dokxinn Goenchea montrean aplea zageachi boli divchi
poddttoli nam tor konnui ekteacho zago forsan kaddun
ghetole. Hem anik kitem chol'lam mhonn Devak khobor ?
Ekteacho zago kaddun dusreak dilo zalear hantunt orth
kitem urla? Hem sogllem congress sorkarachem nattok
pollelear oxem dista ki Congress sorkarachean aplea
bollacher sorkar tigovnk ghoddonam .Tor hem oxench
cholot ravlea poros sogott Amdar-Montreamni aplo
rajinamo divn porot ek pavtt Nivoddnokeo loddoilear
kitlem borem zavchenam.
Adim fuddench eka-mekacher fer'rad zavn boslole Montri
Micky ani Churchill tor jivak uttlolea porim
zhogoddtat ani hea vellar oxe zage kaddun ghevpachem
rajkaronn chol'lem zalear Digamber Kamat aplo sorkar
tigovn dovorpachim sopnam sopneta tim sopnanch urtolim
hem mukhel montrean ghott monant dovorchem ani favo
tim pavlam marchim nam tor xevttak DADDAI NAM ANI

  5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox. Go to 

[Goanet] Opradheak koddok khast divchi

2008-03-15 Thread aurelio viegas
Xekim mellon Scarlett-acher bolatkar zavn tacher
obghati ghoddnne vorvim moron ailem mhonn Goem
pulisani kobul kelem ani hoch vako
(statement)pulisamni poilo kel'lo zalear aiz Goenchem
nanv itlem pidd'dear zavchem naslem.Pulisamni duddu
ghevn hi ghoddnni ek obsoegi buddon morpachi ghoddni
mhonn lipovpak zaiti tozviz keli punn akhrek mukhel
montreak Dil'lint savn fon gelea uprant he chovkoxek
odhik rong ailo.
Atam hem mhellem kortub adharpeanchim ghorchim
vhoddlean avaz kortat ki Scarlett_ache gunnacher poili
chovkoxi korchi ani uprant amchea morgadak khast favo
korchi.Tor hem kortub adhartana taka matui loz disonk
nam? Thoddea minttanchem sukh bhogchea khatir hea
monxan eka niropradhi cheddvacher bolatkar kelo ani
konn torch ghevn tachea fuddeant ieta to pollovn taka
dimbhie bhor udkant soddun dhanv marlo ani matui
chintunk nam ki orxinch gunge okhdam pievn las zalolem
cheddum buddon mortolem mhonn.Tor ho khun nhoi tor
anik kitem mhonnpachem?
Oslea opradheank suttka divchi nhoi, nam tor osleo
ghoddnneo hea fuddem onek zatoleo ani soglle opradhi
Taka kiteak suttka dili ,mhakai suttka dhioxem
mhonnttole ani hem mesma lisanv oxem cholot ravtolem.
Goem sorkarak amchem ekuch magnnem ki hea kesint
opradheak suttka favo korchi nhoi karonn oxem kelem
zalearuch videxi bhonvddekarank Goencher visvas astolo
nam zalear sogott videxi bhonvddekar Goencher bondi
ghalun Goeank semprak nomoskar kortole .Fuddle dis
amchea Goeank bore ievche hench monant dovrun ho ami
amcho lekh boroila .Konnui vachpeak mhojem mot
pottovnk nam zalear mhaka muzrot kollovchem.
Dev borem korum

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[Goanet] Videxant Konknni romi potrachi goroz

2008-03-07 Thread aurelio viegas
Amchi Konknni avoi bhas jivi dovrunk Goeant toxe
bhailea desamni vavurtole Goenkar borech vavurlole
distat hea tanchea iotnank ami xabaski ditanv .Punn
teach borobor amchea Goem netters-ank ek mhojem
magnnem aslem ki zori bhailea desant vavurtolea
Goenkaramni thoddo bhov thokos ghevn ek konknni
mhoineallem vo satollem uzvadda haddlem zalear kitlem
borem zavchenam? 
Aiz Dubai, Kuwait sarkhea desamni amche kitle Goenkar
bhav-bhoinnam asat ani mhojea hispan thoinsor soglle
GOENKAR amchi rosall konknni maim bhas vapurtat ten'na
ek romi potr thoim uzvaddak haddlear kosleach
luskonnak fuddo korunk poddchonam oxem mhojem mot .Hem
mhojem borovp vachun konnui tori Goenchi videxant
vavurtoli songhottna hacher vichar korit kai?
Ani kitem tori kelem zalear bhovuch mhotvachem

  Save all your chat conversations. Find them online at 

[Goanet] Marekar noxttantle pois korche

2008-03-06 Thread aurelio viegas
Halinch Anjuna veller eka videxi bhonvddekaracher
bolatkar  ani uprant tacho  khun kelo he babtint
goeant hea disamni boroch bovall zalolo aikonk melltta
ani atam hi kes khud mukhel montri Digambar Kamat
aplea khas iotna vorvim  soddovpache toearent raji
zalolo dista punn he babtint taka kitlem legit  ies
mellttolem hache vhoir ek proxn Goenche porzek upzola.

Hem prokronnant misoll aslole  monis Goenkar asun hea
monxank Amdar\Montreancho tenko asa oxem amkam gupit
khobram vhelean kollun ailam punn khoro opradhi konn
tem amcheamni adim fuddench sangonk zainam.
Thodde zann mhonnttat ki hi ghoddnnuk ghoddttana
zaitea zannamni pollelea punn bhiranten ekttoi monis
govai divnk fuddem ienam.Ani fuddem ailo legit zalear
amchea susegad jivit jievpi Goenkarak  he lofdde
kiteak zai?
Zoxem adim cholot ailam toxench cholom dhi,oxem
mhonnpi amche Goenkar.
Aiz kal heo Videxi bhonvddekarancher bolatkar
zavpacheo ghddnneo amchea Goeant boreoch
vaddleat.Thoddim babddim apleak lojent poddche nhoi
khatir sogllem moneamonich sonstat ani Goem porot
nakach mhonn nichev korun aplea desant portotat .Osleo
ghoddnneo zaloleo ami amchea khud kanamni aikol'leo
Atam Goeant osleo ghoddnneam vixim pois korche khatir
sorkaran kitem tori upai ghevn teo pois korpachi
tozviz korunk zai nam tor Goeank jea bhailea desamni
GOA IS HEAVEN oxem pachartat tem ek dis  GOA IS OF
RAPIST oxem zavnk vell naka.
Mukhel Montri saib, hea proxna vhoir tum favo tim
pavlam marun amchea sundor ani riti-mansukechea Goeank
hea marekar noxttantlean pois kortolo oxi opekxa

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[Goanet] Goeant xanti ievm

2008-02-28 Thread aurelio viegas
Goeant anik ek pavtt bovall. Kaim pulisank halinch
zalolea ghoddnneam vorvim nikhllavpache asat tor kaim
zannank Goenchea bhair bodli korpache asat oxim
chin'nam disunk laglolean pulisanche ghorabe sompar
vochpachi bhoim dakhovnk lagleat .He ghoddnne vhelean
oxem disun ieta ki amchea Goeant kiteim zavm te vixim
kitem tori ilaz asa.
Atam amkam hem sozmonam ki Ponnje pulis sttexnnar
morcha ghevn gelole lok zababdar kai Monserrate-chea
ghorant ghusun todd-fodd kelole pulis zababdar ?
Atam Goenche porjen ek lokxant ghevnk zai ki Tallio
eka hatan marunk zainant dusrea hatach-ii goroz asta .

Jitlo he ghoddnnek Monserrate zobabdar titlech pulis
zababdar mhonnttoch Goem sorkaran atam ek korpachem 
Atam tori Goeant xanti zavn amchem Goem xantichem
zavnk ami axevn ravum-ia

  Chat on a cool, new interface. No download required. Go to 

[Goanet] Reddeancheo Dhirio

2008-02-25 Thread aurelio viegas
Goenkarank anik ek pixem laglam tem mhonnllear Reddiam
-Paddiancheo Dhirio. Zori=i Goem sorkaran hea
dhiriancher bondi ghatlea punn kaim Amdar- Montri hea
dhiriank aplo bhitorlean puro sohokar ditat .Ani kaim
zann tor teo kaidexir korunk vavurtat.
Him zonvaram  aple kuddichem rogot vharovn zhogoddtat
tem pollovpak Goenkarank kosli umed ieta mhonn Dev
zanna! Hanven oxem boroilam mhonn zaite zann
mhonnttole ki hanv Maneka Gandhi-cho monis mhonn.Punn
oxem kainch nam.Atam Goeant hea fuddem pokx-poxancheo
dhirio zavpachim chin'nam disun ietat .Goenchea
rajdhani xharant tor amdar Pulis stexnnar gherav
ghalun pulisank pettoita tor pokxanche fuddari hea
fuddem eka-mekacho rag nivllavpak xoktat .Tor
Goenkarano hea novea dhiriank adim fuddench toear
ravat Amche fuddle pillgek ho ek vixoi mhonnllear

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[Goanet] Goeant chol'lam kitem?

2008-02-23 Thread aurelio viegas
Goeant halinch ghoddlolea ghoddnneam vorvim oxem dista
ki amchem Goem atam adle bhaxen xantichem uronk nam
punn rokddench ek Bihar zavpache toearent asa.
Goenche Amdar -Montri itle apsuvarthi zaleat ki apleak
pod mellovche khatir te kiteim korunk toear asat.Nam
tor udharonnak polleat :Ekttoi Congresicho Montri
aplem pod soddun divpak toear nam .Ani pokxacher
ailole vaitt dis tallunk koslinch pavlam marlolo
disonam .Tor oslea apsuvarthi rajkornneank pokxant
dovrun koslo faido? Hacher Mukhel Montri thoddo tori
vichar korit kai?

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