[Goanet] Goa Sudharop financial information

2007-12-01 Thread Dom Martin

COMMENDABLE work, service and dedication to Goa and Goans.

CONGRATULATIONS to you and to every member of the Goa Sudharop team.

Dom Martin

Subject: [Goanet] Goa Sudharop financial information
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Dear all,

In the interest of full disclosure, transparency and accountability, here is 
financial information for Goa Sudharop, a non-profit 501c(3) USA-based 
organization working for the development of Goa
and Goans worldwide. We are not a charitable organization but a development 
organization which includes some charity.

>From inception (2000) to date (2007), approximately:
Total funds raisedUS $225,000
of which current funds in bank 43,000 
Awards made, projects supported, grants, events   182,000

Awards made, projects supported, grants, events over the years include support 
for health projects, computers project, environmental projects, orphanges, 
children awards, senior  centers, senior awards, community projects, 
educational scholarships, wildlife awareness, grants to activists, children's 
eco-education, Goan artistic support, disability group support, etc.

Further details are on the website www.goasudharop.org. Thanks to all donors, 
supporters, volunteers, well-wishers who have stood by us over the last 7 
years. As we move forward we appreciate your continued support. 

To make a year-end donation (tax deductible for US residents), please go to the 
website and use the PAYPAL link. Be generous, all money goes to Goa and Goans 
with little or no administrative costs. We have volunteers (unpaid) and pay no 
office rent so your money is well spent on worthy Goan causes.

Please forward this message to your family, friends, associations and mail 
lists. Thank  you.


[Goanet] The Bamon Ladder

2007-12-10 Thread Dom Martin
The Bamon ladder.  Oh yeah!  I last saw it perched on Mt. Goanism –  in the 
Sanctum Sanctorum of Crab Mentality.  The two long sides (or verticals) were 
the intellectual spouses who didn’t quite get along and so procreated chaddos, 
sudras, kunbis, gauddos, mahars, et al, as rungs to reach God who neither cared 
to be a Goan nor spoke Konkani.
I just happened to be passing by, looking for munch – as I belong to the 
subterranean species aka gaunti termites which profess:  “Dust thou art and 
unto dust thou shall return”.  I couldn’t truly tell the Bamon from the mahar.  
It all tasted the same to me, you know, like the yak stuff that survival is all 

Can we all now seriously move on and ravenously munch on SEZs and the likes, 
cuz that’s the kind of boloney that’s pervasive and threatens the identity of 

Dom Martin

New tax software helps the numbers add up. Click now!

[Goanet] Happy Birthday, Fred

2007-12-26 Thread Dom Martin
At any austere hour of the night, there are only two who are reliably awake:  
Goencho Saib and Amcho Fred.  One provides spiritual solace; the other mental.

Dom Martin
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[Goanet] Open letter to Goanet and other Goan related websites

2008-09-30 Thread Dom Martin
In the Chinese sapience, one risks having three fingers admonishing oneself as 
one points a damning finger at the other.  In the crab or "carp" omniscience, 
options are limited and rather intimidating.  One can’t go after a fellow crab 
with one claw fully extended and the other twisted 180 degrees to safeguard the 

Thus, in the crab or carp attack mode, one’s rear is left exposed to baiters 
and alligators, all going for the sectarian legs -- one vindictive nibble at a 
time -- until one is legless and directionally clueless at the bottom of a 
self-patented fishbowl.  And truly, a legless crab with its claw-rattling gene 
intact, is a piteously unproductive resource to oneself, one’s allies and 

Solution:  Practice ahimsa.  It will prompt you to engage truth as your 
advocate and God for Judge.

Dom Martin

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[Goanet] Goan Crab Mentality

2008-08-13 Thread Dom Martin
Bear with me if I turn out to be the last crab creeping in on the scene.  In 
compliance with the Code of Susegad Traffic, I hobble sideways.  That way, I am 
not in conflict with those driven to forge ahead using GPS and CET (Caste 
Evading Technology). 

The crab mentality is distinctly different from the Goan psyche.  While it 
takes an inveterate crab 5 pairs of limbs and the camaraderie of every other 
conniving pair of limbs to bring a fellow crab down, a Goan can single-handedly 
accomplish the feat by simply wielding the caste or literati lathi!

In reality, no scrolls exist pointing to the vaddo where the first basket came 
into being, or to which predominating caste, color or creed was the fibrous 
material in that accursed weaving attributed.  However, when Goans kept pulling 
their fellow Goans down, migrant crabs found an opening and merrily rushed to 
the aid of those wishing to get out of the basket.

Today, there aren’t too many authentic crabs left in the Goan basket – just the 
proliferation of migrant crabs.  And if a prodigal Goan is condescending a 
return to the basket, it will be to the somber awakening that other than for 
the priest in the confessional, no one else speaks Konkani!

On a heartening, uphill fact -- there have been a series of mighty goodhearted 
efforts over the years to weave baskets overseas.  But before any could become 
tangible enough to preserve the Goan identity, there would be a vying to get 
out using extension ladders, jackhammers or TNTs.
Hopefully someday, a celestial wand might purge us of Goanism and gift us with 
a Noah well versed in roman and devnagiri scripts -- who can weave a basket 
structural enough to house compatible crabs and paddle them out of our ever 
thickening morass! 

Dom Martin

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[Goanet] Turning the page . . .

2007-07-31 Thread Dom Martin


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There are several doctrines to the humanity of giving and letting Time or God 
determine its net worth.  There are also those who give no quarter and take no 
quarter, and some others who take a quarter and give none back.

One learned Goan took the prerogative even further, berating at not having been 
conferred the Verodiano Award despite a) he was my friend and b) he was the 
first Goan to purchase my painting in 1969 at an “exorbitant” price (Rs. 
20/-)[Twenty Rupees].

In the chess game of existence and survival, one must be cautious to give if 
one expects to receive in return.  However, like any fertile seed, a good deed 
will work its way to the surface and bloom!

Dom Martin

[Goanet] Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa

2007-08-10 Thread Dom Martin
   The First Konkani E-Cinema

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  Premiers at Masrah, Hawalli Auditorium, Kuwait on Aug 10, 2007



Most impressive website and certainly deserving of applause for your efforts in 
not only bringing this one to light, but in also offering to bring other 
notable causes into the limelight.  Equally worthy of comment and commendation 
is your drive with which you spread and stretch yourself beyond the boundaries 
of journalism, and accomplish as much as you do as if the sun never sets 
outside your window!

To your glowing list of “Museums . . . and more”, perhaps, you may wish to 
consider the following:

1.  Galleria Esperanca, situated in St. Estevam, and containing the works 
of the late Franjoao (Francis Joao Fernandes).  Franjoao’s paintings also adorn 
the sacristy of the Bom Jesus Basilica.

2.  The Bom Jesus Basilica art gallery.  

This gallery was established in 1976 and quite easily, is the first and largest 
one of its kind in the eyes of onlookers.  With the exception of the 
Archaeological Museum in Old Goa, the Basilica art gallery predates most – if 
not all the galleries and museums mentioned in your list.  However, it might be 
of consolation to you that the Basilica art gallery was also overlooked by 
Rudolf Ludwig aka Kammermeier when he “helped the Goa Tourism (of “365 days on 
holiday” fame) to put together a tourist guide for museums, galleries and 
places with cultural activities.”

Another forgotten icon is Inacio Vaz, whose paintings adorn the entrance to the 
Professed House of the Jesuits in Old Goa.  The possibility of many others 
being similarly overlooked cannot be underestimated.

In my earlier leisure, I had compiled a text/pictorial list of 'Who’s Who among 
Goans' and got only so far after enduring the Goan action and reaction.  
Perhaps, you could do better.  But be sure to include all, because unlike the 
elixir of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, you don’t want to befriend a 
Goan animus! :)  

Dom Martin

On August 9, 2007, Frederick Noronha wrote:


If anyone has write-ups or photos that they are willing to share with
the site, please get in touch. Thanks to Dr Teotonio R de Souza.

Contacts: Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa.  Office Phone: +91 832 2285299

And btw, if you know of a good cause (in Goa) that needs a website,
let me know. I'll try to help. FN>>

[Goanet] Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa

2007-08-11 Thread Dom Martin


   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -  http://www.indologygoa.in
  Online Media Partner:  http://www.goanet.org


THANKS for swiftly upgrading my status in "Of Museums . . . and more" from a 
headstone to a "Footnote".  It stands appreciated. :)


Mighty sad -- you are not into politics or a politician because as CM, Goan 
politics could do well with a harvest of headstones rather than the 24/7 
showering of footnotes, bootnotes and lootnotes! :)

Dom Martin

Subject: [Goanet] Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


Most impressive website and certainly deserving of applause for your efforts in 
not only bringing this one to light, but in also offering to bring other 
notable causes into the limelight.  Equally worthy of comment and commendation 
is your drive with which you spread and stretch yourself beyond the boundaries 
of journalism, and accomplish as much as you do as if the sun never sets 
outside your window!

To your glowing list of “Museums . . . and more”, perhaps, you may wish to 
consider the following:

1.  Galleria Esperanca, situated in St. Estevam, and containing the works 
of the late Franjoao (Francis Joao Fernandes).  Franjoao’s paintings also adorn 
the sacristy of the Bom Jesus Basilica.

2.  The Bom Jesus Basilica art gallery.  

This gallery was established in 1976 and quite easily, is the first and largest 
one of its kind in the eyes of onlookers.  With the exception of the 
Archaeological Museum in Old Goa, the Basilica art gallery predates most – if 
not all the galleries and museums mentioned in your list.  However, it might be 
of consolation to you that the Basilica art 
gallery was also overlooked by Rudolf Ludwig aka Kammermeier when he “helped 
the Goa Tourism (of “365 days on holiday” fame) to put together a tourist guide 
for museums, galleries and places with cultural activities.”

Another forgotten icon is Inacio Vaz, whose paintings adorn the entrance to the 
Professed House of the Jesuits in Old Goa.  The possibility of many others 
being similarly overlooked cannot be underestimated.

In my earlier leisure, I had compiled a text/pictorial list of 'Who’s Who among 
Goans' and got only so far after enduring the Goan action and reaction.  
Perhaps, you could do better.  But be sure to include all, because unlike the 
elixir of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, you don’t want to befriend a 
Goan animus! :)  

Dom Martin

On August 9, 2007, Frederick Noronha wrote:


If anyone has write-ups or photos that they are willing to share with
the site, please get in touch. Thanks to Dr Teotonio R de Souza.

Contacts: Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa.  Office Phone: +91 832 2285299

And btw, if you know of a good cause (in Goa) that needs a website,
let me know. I'll try to help. FN>>>>>>>


 Enjoy Goa cartoonist, Alexyz Fernandes, daily take on contemporary issues



[Goanet] Goanet's 13th Anniversary

2007-08-26 Thread Dom Martin

Follow the online presence of the Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa
 Contacts: Tel: +91 832 2285299  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]



On the 13th anniversary -- among the species of weeds and colorful flora -- two 
others also stand out:  Selma and Albert.  Come thunder, hurricanes, rakes, 
weeders or machetes, they have held their ground, resprouted and gave color. 

Without variety, Goanet would have been a drooping sunflower as Goan egos vie 
for supremacy instead of being compatible in shape, color and size to form the 
all alluring flower head (florets).


Dom Martin

[Goanet] Remo v/s Cecil Pinto (Valmiki Faleiro)

2007-09-13 Thread Dom Martin


 TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007

   For public viewing
Registration at The International Centre Goa Ph: +91 (832) 2452805 to 10

  Online Media Partner:  http://www.GOANET.org

It is unclear whose gest is jesting or gestating.  Real or alleged, should 
Goanet be a party to disparaging or vindictive gestations?

Dom Martin

A man who wanted to go down in history for goring a Padmashree


The stranger stepped along the rocky, uneven ground with great difficulty. It 
was a violently stormy night. There was no light or star or moon in sight, and 
as he stepped on a slippery rock, he fell hard on his behind. He felt the warm 
liquid spreading on the seat
of his pants under the raincoat with his hand and cursed. Licking his fingers, 
however, he sent a silent thanks to the stormy heavens. It was only blood. For 
a while there he thought he had broken his quarter of cheap rum.

[Goanet] Souza, Raza in Sotheby's Indian art sale in

2007-05-12 Thread Dom Martin
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

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Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

Re: [Goanet] Souza, Raza in Sotheby's Indian art sale in London

2007-05-13 Thread Dom Martin
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

It should come as no misguided bombshell that Sotheby's gavel for
Gaitonde's work at the forthcoming auction is significantly larger
than any of the ones set aside for the other artists.  While Gaitonde
and Souza were both ahead of their times, their specific distance in
relation to each other was on a different tangent.  Souza was a gun-
toting maverick, shooting down customs and dogmas with his rhetorical
brush and pen. At times, his gun would fire from both ends, leaving
him financially incapacitated.  He also was into Christian bashing at
a time when it was still cataclysmic to challenge canon law with one's
own canonry.

Gaitonde was a metaphysicist, confining and committing his creativity
towards the aura of contemplation, and refusing to venture out in the
open to decipher to the public that which could only be realized in
time (i.e, his work).  Some six years after his death, that
realization is now finally coming into being.  In this context, the
wisdom of the Russian painter and art theorist, Wassily Kandinsky,
springs to mind:

"I value only those artists who really are artists, that is, who
consciously or unconsciously, in an entirely original form, embody the
expression of their inner life; who work for this end and cannot work

Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 11:56:46 +0530
From: "Goanet News" 

London, May 11 (IANS) Auction house Sotheby's London will offer for
sale important works by V.S. Gaitonde, F.N. Souza, Tyeb Mehta, M.F.
Husain, S.H. Raza, Krishen Khanna and Bikash Bhattacharjee in its
annual sale of Indian art May 24.

This will follow Sotheby's successful sale of Indian art in New York
earlier this year that exceeded its pre-sale high estimate by more
than $2 million and netted $15,007,880 - a record total for a sale of
Indian Art by the auction house.

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] Dukormation -- inter alia Defamation

2007-06-12 Thread Dom Martin
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

The human ego comes with no military background, is territorial in the 
Battle for Pride and therefore, vulnerable to IEDs (Improvised Explosive 
Devices), sniper-fire and coalition bombs.  Unlike the fallen soldier who is 
eligble for honorable discharge or posthumous medals, none awaits a fallen 
ego.  Such is the price to pay for ego-rattling.  Or to quote Napoleon:

  "There are different ways of  assassinating a man - by pistol,
   sword, poison, or moral assassination.  They are the same
   in their results except that the last is more cruel."

Dom Martin

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] Response to Selma's outburst

2007-06-16 Thread Dom Martin
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
The human mind has been naturally inclined and calibrated towards prejudice and 
only a handful in humanity have attained or acquainted themselves with the 
absolute antidote, one among them being Hariakhan Babaji Maharaj Babaji, the 
‘Deathless Saint Of the Himalayas’, who said thus:

“Love and serve all humanity.  Assist everyone.
Be cheerful, be courteous.
Be a dynamo of irrepressible happiness.
See God and good in every face.
There is no saint without a past.
There is no sinner without a future.
Praise every soul.
If you cannot praise someone, let them pass out of your life.
Be original.  Be inventive.
Dare, dare and dare more.
Do not imitate.  Stand on your own ground.
Do not lean on the borrowed staff of others.
Think your own thoughts.  Be yourself.
All perfections and all virtues of the Deity are hidden inside you — 
reveal them.
The Savior is already within you — 
reveal Him.
Let His grace emancipate you.  Let your life be that of a rose.
Through silence it speaks in the language of fragrance.”

Dom Martin


[Goanet] Repositioning Goa & who is a Goan?

2007-06-30 Thread Dom Martin


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

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No one should instigate a Goan, much less castigate or boastimate.  Even in the 
least oxygenated diaspora, one is likely to find a Goan so entombed in wisdom 
as to completely eclipse the Kingdom of Goans. 
In the ‘History of the Jewish People’ –  para  658 - 1000 GEONIC AGE (Babylon) 
– there appears this startling revelation:
“The last Goan of prominence was Hai Gaon, who died in 1038. The title Gaon 
eventually became used to describe someone who had a great knowledge of Torah.” 
Let it thus be acknowledged quite simply and likewise exclaimed that 
unbeknownst to most, a Goan comes in more than one variable.
Dom Martin 


…. Selma ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

<<< I don't know if you're familiar with Goanet or are new
to it, but you'll realise that this theme of Goans in
Goa know what's best, surfaces periodically, almost
like the moon.

In a strange parallel, Jews have been afflicted with
the same problem. In 1988 there was a bill proposed,
know as the "who is a Jew" bill. Very prudently,
Yitzhak Shamir shot down this bill, after a hue and
cry was raised by American Jewry. You see, Jews now
settled in Israel know that but for the powerful
Jewish lobby that operates in Washington, Israel would
disappear in a puff of smoke. Jews in "exile" can be
just a powerful as Jews in Israel.

My hope is Goans in Goa, realise that Goans wherever
they are, are still part of Goa, and have much to
offer them. Constantly questioning their loyalty,
their input and their relevance is being myopic and
insular to say the least.>>>

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Mervyn: Lastly, IMHO Goans in Goa have the best
> ideas about tourism. 
> Peter: Firstly, best ideas can come from anywhere in
> the world. It pays to keep an open mind and not
> stiffle the conversation. 

[Goanet] Constructive use of our time

2007-07-08 Thread Dom Martin


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

Get your free subscription at:


No matter how deviously one attempts to hurl a cat towards the ozone hole, 
it will reorient itself and safely land on its fours.  Humans also have a 
tendency to similarly land on all fours.  At other times, due to 'spatial 
disorientation' or limitations, some crash land in a fish bowl, or get a DOA 
certification (Dead on Arrival)!

A spider on the other hand, is a cosmopolitan sage.  It does not indulge in 
aerial flips without first  seeking a secure vantage point to dangle from. 
Once it has visualized a strategic point, it is capable of establishing 
several more from which to fulfill its mission to impress, lure, entrap, 
outlive and  move-on!

Unlike spiders, our weaving patterns are as migratory as our motives.  No 
covert  wonder then, our webs are so notably riddled with asymmetrical 
loopholes that we risk falling right through along with those we provoke 
with ridicule, contempt or connivery.  All this may have to do with our 
dependence on Google and webmasters, perhaps, even automating us - prior to 
taking off horizontally or vertically -  to overlook the serial 
number/expiration date of our cerebral  parachutes!   :)

Dom Martin 

[Goanet] How many Goans are out there, really?

2007-07-08 Thread Dom Martin


   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -  http://www.indologygoa.in
  Online Media Partner:  http://www.goanet.org

On 7/8/06, Frederick [FN] Noronha questioned:

<< . . .What is more important is who is a Goan -- how do we definewho a Goan 
is. . . .>>


 A Goan is a fellow patriot  who has the exemplary foresight to defect overseas 
and then come down with a bout of incurable nostalgia

Dom Martin

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] Goanet postings

2007-07-12 Thread Dom Martin


   International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -  http://www.indologygoa.in
  Online Media Partner:  http://www.goanet.org

On 7/12/07, Fred Noronha wrote:
“Don't blame the admin. This is a free forum. People have the right to
speak... even to speak nonsense! It is upto each Goannetter to take on
the debate, and not to suggest censorship of some sort when they see
ideas they don't agree with emerging. FN
PS: Disclosure -- I have been part of the Goanet Admin Team till October 2006.”

Fred, here I go again concurring with your viewpoint and in the process, risk 
placing my koddo toklo in the line of fire!  :)

Three years ago, one intelligent netter remarked in an email that he doesn’t 
see much of me at Goanet.  I responded:

It's true, I am not out there basking as much as I used to.  But then, Goanet 
is a much different field, not as dangerous as ‘Killing Fields’, but scary 
alright.  On a daily basis, shots get fired from all perspectives.  It's a good 
thing that the majority of the shots are blanks and the live ones whiz over 
everyone's heads.   Also the reason why no one has thus far died in the defense 
of honor or disgrace.  But there is always the dread of overexposing oneself in 
the process of lighting a candle and ending up with a fatal cavity where the 
brain was supposed to have been.  Can't afford that risk!

Dom Martin

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] World War II German presence in Goa

2009-11-15 Thread Dom Martin
Contagiously curious if you are talking of the same German sailor turned 
watchmaker who set up shop in Panjim?  The one I am addressing to had his shop 
set opposite the High Court, or adjacent to Damodar Mangalji. 
In the early 70’s, I was referred to him when I was having difficulty 
deciphering how to unload a Russian camera I had purchased.  That German 
gentleman took on the challenge and after tinkering with it for a short while, 
figured it out.  His fee:  A gracious smile!
In whatever calm or choppy waters of Eternity his ship is currently anchored, 
Almighty blessings!
As someone said:  “People are not bad.  Only individuals are!”
Dom Martin
P.S.:  I still have that Russian camera in my collection, as a memento of a 
fellow Goan who scuttled his bad buy on to me! 
In a message dated 11/15/2009 10:59:09 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org writes:Message: 7
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 07:22:16 -0800 (PST)
From: Victor Rangel-Ribeiro 
To: "estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list" 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] World War II German presence in Goa
Message-ID: <850161.38242...@web30103.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Dear Vivian,
 The German ships raced into Mormugao harbour to avoid being captured by 
the British naval forces, not to avoid being torpedoed by them! Far from 
torpedoing them, the British would gladly have used them to replace some of 
their own ships that were lost to the German submarines in the area.
 The British raid on one of the ships in the Zuari took place on March 9, 
1943, and not at the beginning of the war, as Selma stated (the war began in 
1939). So the masts of the sunken ships you saw in 1947 were indeed the masts 
of those ships. But only one, the Ehrenfels, had been attacked by the British 
raiders; the others?were scuttled by their own crews out of fear that they 
too?were about to be attacked.
 In the early 1990s I?met several times with?the German sailor 
turned?watchmaker who set up shop in Panjim, and tried to persuade him to write 
his memoirs, but he had no interest in doing so. A pity, because he would 
have?had much to tell!

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[Goanet] World War II German presence in Goa

2009-11-16 Thread Dom Martin
Yes Fred, -- Fritz Dimsak it is!  Off hand, I do not recall the make but it was 
not an SLR, and I paid Rs. 1000 for it in 1973-74.  I remember trying to get 
the whole of the St. Anne Church (Talaulim) in the view frame only to find out 
after the film was developed that the church was cropped on one end or the 
other.  For my second shoot, I took the precaution of marking exactly where I 
stood, so that depending on which end the result was cropped, I would 
accordingly move my marker for the third shoot.  After several more arduous 
treks back and forth on foot, I realized, it doesn’t quite work that way.  If 
it had, I would have made a living as a photographer and even showed up for the 
release of your book, "Another Goa".  CONGRATULATIONS!
Message: 5
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 17:55:40 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"

Subject: Re: [Goanet] World War II German presence in Goa
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Dom, are you referring to the late Fritz Dimsak? And was your camera a
Zenit? That was the only SLR I could afford in 1985 or so, when I
managed to buy one from Russian tourists here for Rs 1100. It served
me well for awhile, and was entirely manual. Nothing fancy like the
digitals from today's Japan and elsewhere... FN


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[Goanet] Memories of Allen Costa

2010-07-06 Thread Dom Martin
It is heartening to note how one’s memory can effectively strum the chords of 
the mind and endearingly lilt the names of those no longer in the present 
scene.  Transcendental on that same lilting plane is another voice:  the late 
Gajanan Desai.  
There is a saying:  “It does not pay to get old”.  Apparently, among other 
deficiencies, it inhibits the mind’s ability to be memorably bold or quotable.  
In the preceding context, there was a konkani song (Canlangut … calangutchea 
praer . . . (sp?) aired on AIR in the late 60’s -- about two adolescent lovers 
enduring their romance on the Calangute beach, outside the provincial purview 
of their parents’ knowledge or consent.  Was that Allen Costa’s voice or was it 
-- as my memory recalls -- sung by his brother, or were the two prodigiously 
one and the same?
Dom Martin
Message: 7
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2010 18:44:08 +0530
From: "Dr.Nandkumar Kamat" 
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Memories of Allen costa

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

As a student of Panaji's Massano de Amorim Govt. Marathi primary school  I
was a child artist in the popular Khalar and malar' programme on AIR-Panaji.
I remember Allen costa  on AIR and can't forget his voice emanating from our
Radio with nice wooden cabinet. I bumped into  Allen later on AIR while
presenting talks, features and participating in Yuvavani programmes and
compering the same. AIR stopped sending contracts to me after 1999, full 33
years after my voice was aired as a kid.
We also had a similar National Radio set which needed four large dry cells.
I miss all the old voices from AIR. Allen's was most distinct and had a fine
timbre. I feel it still ricochets in the cavern of my conscience.  Life has
become multichromatic and polyphonic if not cacophonic... those who still
remember jovial personalities like Allen are doing a great service to the
legacy of Goa's entertainment culture in the age of innocence which we have
really lost...I still listen to songs from "Amchem noxib" and wonder where
we have reached today?. What have we gained and what have we lost?
But Allen is not there to entertain us
My generation is ever grateful to him
Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA
Message: 3
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2010 22:39:25 +0530
From: "soter" 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Memories of Allen costa
Message-ID: <000801cb1c64$d85d6da0$1901a...@user77948b9580>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="iso-8859-1"

I  had the opportunity of meeting Allen Costa at AIR a few years before he 
retired on some occassions that our village choir went for recordings along 
with (late) Maestro Fr. Lourdino Barretto and (late) Mons. Fr. Chico Monteiro. 
Talk of AIR and I can hear the voice of Allen Costa reverbrate. Another voice I 
greatly loved to listen to was that of Imelda.
Such voices will be rare in future with hardly any attention being given to 
voice training in schools today. 
"Vhoddlem ghor, ani dar naslelem, ..." what a song with a bass voice ?
Those were the days my friends that produced voices like that of Ms. Leopoldina 
Figuereido, Mr. Velho Pereira, Mr. Agnel Crasto, Ms. Delilah, ..

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[Goanet] Comment about Bom Jesus Basilica among 7 wonders

2009-06-14 Thread Dom Martin
Politics is a perverse gear torqued by unscrupulous greed. Over the centuries, 
different ethnic groups have been accursed and processed into lubricants for 
the progression of the dominant group or modality.

In 2009, the torque is still very much the same, only the lubricant keeps 
getting improved upon.  Presently -- Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan are the 
most lucrative lubricants/ticker symbols, followed by Palestine and Darfur.  
Iran, Syria, Venezuela and a miscellany of others are IPOs in waiting. 
Dom Martin

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[Goanet] Goa's freedom fighters

2009-06-24 Thread Dom Martin
There’s more than one order of freedom fighters:  Those who brave it all the 
way to the firing squad; others who make a living facing firecrackers or 
igniting them, and a few who survived by fleeing the region at the sound of the 
first gornal (a Goan WMD).

Dom Martin

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2019-07-20 Thread dom martin
There appears to be a symbiotic curse associated with being a Goan. If you
are born in Goa, there is an exponential drive to emigrate and the
likelihood of dying an unsung hero. If you are born elsewhere and immigrate
to Goa, the bets likely are you will eventually find yourself swimming
upstream to elude the camaraderie of conspiring crabs hurdled below. The
rest is history.

Bon Voyage, Margaret!

Dom Martin

[Goanet] To who can I attribute this quote?

2019-07-20 Thread dom martin
If the language and cynic-syntax resembles Margaret's style, then I am
obviously in trouble -- in the thundering sense that some of my other posts
may have similarly been auto-credited to her. (Note: Soundly clarifies why
I continue to remain “unsung”:). Otherwise, Cecil, it's my quote.  And
indeed, with your assistance, I'll be more inclined to stay put on my
sinking paper-Mache pedestal if stones(or fators and fatoristas) are
summoned for the proverbial stone casting finale!

Dom Martin

<<<<<<<<<<[Goanet] To who can I attribute this quote?

Cecil Pinto
20 Jul 2019 13:04:40 -0700

 There appears to be a symbiotic curse associated with being a Goan.
If you are born in Goa, there is an exponential drive to emigrate and
the likelihood of dying an unsung hero. If you are born elsewhere and
immigrate to Goa, the bets likely are you will eventually find
yourself swimming
upstream to elude the camaraderie of conspiring crabs hurdled below.
The rest is history.

Bon Voyage, Margaret!

Dom Martin>>>>>>>>>>

[Goanet] The Moving Finger writes . . .

2019-07-22 Thread dom martin
“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”― Omar Khayyám

[Goanet] Trashing the Magic of Charles Correa

2019-08-04 Thread dom martin
In much of the Global Hemispheres, art and architecture is synonymous with
culture. In Goa, it is acculturated with indifference.

Dom Martin

Message: 3

Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2019 12:59:26 +0530

From: V M <*vmin...@gmail.com*>

To: V M <*vmin...@gmail.com*>

Subject: [Goanet] Trashing the Magic of Charles Correa


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


Still reeling from the unprecedented flooding that paralysed Panaji

last week, residents of Goa?s pocket-sized capital were further shocked . .
. .


[Goanet] Trashing the Magic of Charles Correa

2019-08-06 Thread dom martin
As mortals, our ancestral perceptions are more terrestrial than astral.
However, there are stellar exceptions in the likes of Imhotep, Leonardo de
Vinci, Frank Lloyd Wright, etc.

In the Goan galaxy, we have a glowing deprivation. It took us almost three
centuries before we could huff and puff a fellow Goan up a divine pedestal.
Given that track record, it will likely take another three centuries before
we see the realization of the Basilica of St. Jose Vaz.

However, now that our very own Santo Bhav has a new email address
(st.jose...@heaven.god), perhaps, he can pull some strings, as well as
miraculously jump-start the quadriplegic Goan hamstring, so that Goenkars
can swiftly band together and rubber-band the requisite capital to complete
the Basilica on or before Goanet's Ruby (or Rubaiyat) jubilee!

PS: Some three decades ago, I contributed 50,000 rupees towards the then
Blessed Jose's cause. If that sum was petrified into a CD, it should now be
significant enough to serve as the first official “fator” for the proposed
Basilica. And since musculoskeletal ailments have incapacitated my palette,
I am graciously willing to offer what is left of my corpus as an easel to
fellow artists, so that when they are called upon to dedicate their
creativity to St. Jose's glory, they can oblige without fret, let or

Dom Martin

RESPONDING TO Gilbert and Adolfo

Message: 5

Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2019 00:10:04 + (UTC)

From: Gilbert Lawrence <*gilbert2...@yahoo.com*>

To: Goanet Org <*goa...@goanet.org*>

Subject: [Goanet]  Trashing the Magic of Charles Correa

Message-ID: <*268953271.935249.1564963804...@mail.yahoo.com*>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

From: Dom Martin:?

In much of the Global Hemispheres, art and architecture is synonymous with

culture. In Goa, it is acculturated with indifference.


GL responds:

So what have artists and architects done to promote their work along with
Goan culture?? I am not saying that is an easy undertaking.? One is likely
to receive more? resistance and criticisms from the fidalgos than from the

Message: 5

Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2019 14:18:41 +0300

From: Adolfo Mascarenhas <*adca...@gmail.com*>

To: *gilbert2...@yahoo.com*, *goa...@goanet.org*, *dommartin9...@gmail.com*

Subject: [Goanet] Joseph Vaz Basilica


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

In response to Message 5 Issue 433 of Sunday August 4

Martin I agree with you that in the Global Hemispheres, art and

architecture is synonymous with culture.  In this Unfortunately in this

world of our Economics and Technology  take an upper hand not only in India

but also here in Tanzania..

Re: [Goanet] Trashing the Magic of Charles Correa

2019-08-08 Thread dom martin
My regrets, Filomena, if the essence of my cynicism is taken literally. As
for the Basilica, check the thread. I merely pitched in where others
initiated the concept.


On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 2:49 PM Filomena Giese 

> Hi Eddie
> Funny thing - yesterday I was wondering where you are these days Your
> retirement was years ago your emails and posts have become infrequent-  and
> I miss them.
> You have replied to Dom in your succinct style, in a few short but totally
> true words.No point in continuing this conversation with someone
> prejudiced against one’s own community.  We have surely had the same
> discussion with him before.
> My Nirvana will be to have as little to do, perhaps nothing, with male
> patriarchal clericalism.   One lifetime is enough.  We got JosephVaz his
> just recognition.
> Let me know if Dom ever tells you why he wants a basilica now when he
> never did anything for his cause.
> I send warm good wishes
> Filomena
> —
> Filomena Giese
> Mobile: +1 510 3251803
> On Aug 7, 2019, at 3:40 AM, BT Yahoo Mail  wrote:
> Hi Dom,
> I couldn't quite follow your line of thought.
> Your choice of words is intriguing but also more cryptic than clear.
> What are 'ancestral perceptions'? And what has 'astral' to do with them?
> You then name three architects, including a legendary Egyptian and move on
> to Fr Jose Vaz, now a saint. No black or brown Catholic can become a saint
> without formal approval by the holy white guys at the Vatican.
> It is true that it took nearly three centuries for Vaz to become saint.
> First, a bit of history:
> Vaz died in Kandy (Ceylon) in 1711 after a long illness. His cause for
> sainthood was taken up within two years of his death by the Jesuit Bishop
> of Cochin. Vaz's order, the Oratorians, investigated his 'miracles' and
> sent the results to Rome. Pope Benedict XIV was not impressed and dismissed
> the petition in 1742.
> The cause was revived at the turn of the 20th century. A great deal of
> evidence on miracles was collected and submitted to the austere Pope Pius
> XII in 1956. More petitions by bishops and laity followed. The Eurocentric
> Pope was not moved.
> [In contrast, the Spaniard, Junipero Serra, who had founded the Franciscan
> missions in California in the 18 century was beatified in 1988 despite
> strong objections from Native Americans and 40 American historians &
> anthropologists. His cause was started just four years earlier, in 1884.
> The European Vatican supports their own compatriots.]
> And by the way, Dom, why your special interest in a Basilica for St Vaz?
> Eddie
> --
> On ‎Tuesday‎, ‎6‎ ‎August‎ ‎2019‎ ‎17‎:‎50‎:‎30‎ ‎BST, dom martin <
> dommartin9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As mortals, our ancestral perceptions are more terrestrial than astral.
> However, there are stellar exceptions in the likes of Imhotep, Leonardo de
> Vinci, Frank Lloyd Wright, etc.
> In the Goan galaxy, we have a glowing deprivation. It took us almost three
> centuries before we could huff and puff a fellow Goan up a divine pedestal.
> Given that track record, it will likely take another three centuries before
> we see the realization of the Basilica of St. Jose Vaz.
> However, now that our very own Santo Bhav has a new email address
> (st.jose...@heaven.god), perhaps, he can pull some strings, as well as
> miraculously jump-start the quadriplegic Goan hamstring, so that Goenkars
> can swiftly band together and rubber-band the requisite capital to complete
> the Basilica on or before Goanet's Ruby (or Rubaiyat) jubilee!
> PS: Some three decades ago, I contributed 50,000 rupees towards the then
> Blessed Jose's cause. If that sum was petrified into a CD, it should now be
> significant enough to serve as the first official “fator” for the proposed
> Basilica. And since musculoskeletal ailments have incapacitated my palette,
> I am graciously willing to offer what is left of my corpus as an easel to
> fellow artists, so that when they are called upon to dedicate their
> creativity to St. Jose's glory, they can oblige without fret, let or
> hindrance!
> Dom Martin

[Goanet] Trashing the Magic of Charles Correa

2019-08-11 Thread dom martin
On Goanet, just about any issue has the potential volatility of drawing a
barrage of fators and fatoristas, ranging from literati-lathis to shallow
laterites. Re the Jose Vaz Basilica, I was merely attempting to dodge an
errant fator from bludgeoning my head for a concept that I had not sowed in
my mental quarry. Gilbert's logical English has propounded the issue more
soundly than I might have with my Domlish.

Dom Martin

[Goanet] Trashing the Magic of Charles Correa

Gilbert Lawrence 
4:57 AM (11 hours ago)
to Goanet, Filomena, me
Hi Filomena,

I read several of your recent posts on the topic with interest.  I must
compliment you that despite Dom's superb command of the English language
and often referred to as the foremost Goan writer, Dom folded like a
wet-noodle in response to your inquiry. I do have a sense of humor.  Since
I am already a wet-noodle (supurlo Goenkar) it is unlikely that your magic
spell on me will bend me out of shape, so let me come to Dom's aid and

My post is in response to a simple question you and others ask: Why a
Basilica for St. Vaz?  This is a very valid question.  Every Goan will have
his / her own answer(s) to that question; and  every Goan will reply to
that question based on their own conscience and personal experience.  Here
are some answers:

To begin with the Goan community owes a tremendous THANK YOU to you and
George Pinto and the Joseph Vaz Institute in San Francisco for your yeomen
work towards the canonization of Joseph Vaz. Yet truth be told, from the
contents and tone of your posts, you likely have gotten a burn-out in the
process. Yet we have to move forward, now that we have a Goan saint.

We need a Basilica for St. Joseph Vaz for the same reasons you worked hard
to see him canonized.
We need a Basilica for St. Joseph Vaz for the same reasons you established
a Joseph Vaz Institute.
We need a Basilica for St. Joseph Vaz for the same reasons we all celebrate
his feast in all its solemnity in Goa, Sri Lanka, Mangalore and elsewhere
on January 14-16.
We need a Basilica for St. Joseph Vaz for the same reasons that Sri Lanka
has a Basilica for him.
We need a Basilica for St. Joseph Vaz for the same reasons that we have a
Basilica for Our Lady of Velankani.

For all the nay-sayers about the "White Church", now is the time to show
what we-Goan Catholics can do.  St. Vaz should be the focal point that
connects all Goan Catholics throughout the world and through posterity;
just like SFX has done it for the last 500 years. So let us-all leave our
cynicism, punditry, parody, egos, smarts, old grudges and prove to our
children and grandchildren that we are worthy of our Goan ancestry and

I think you and the Joseph Vaz Institute should be glad that some different
names and faces from different parts of the world are stepping forward to
help carry the goal-post forward. The aim of the basilica is to advance
something that has been started and not to replace it. We hope that with
your experience, you can be a guiding light having walked down the path of
interacting with various players. I hope I can meet you and George Pinto on
my next trip to San Francisco around the Thanksgiving holiday and feast of

Kind regards and Best wishes, GL

[Goanet] Trashing the Magic of Charles Correa

2019-08-12 Thread dom martin
Places of worship are the only known Portraits of God, inspired by and
dedicated to earthly saints. A Basilica of St. Jose Vaz would give God's
Portrait yet another welcome patina.

Now for some soundbytes:

Does God truly need another Big House when countless faithfuls are
homeless, endure hunger or persecution?

If Goans can drum up capital for a “Taj Bankroti”, why not restructure it
into the 'St. Jose Vaz Provident Fund', use that power-capital to conserve
existing Portraits of God in Goa which are in varying states of neglect and
some, on the verge of becoming another variant of the Tower of St.
Augustine? Such gesture would be the first time that a brown saint comes to
the aid of white saints so that cohabitation may continue.

Lastly, we live in an era circumvented by iPhones, ISPs and satellites. A
single Goan can set up and maintain a Virtual Basilica where everyone can
upload their intercessions to Cloud! :)

In any event, don't count me out yet if there is an overwhelming 'pro'
consensus, even if my soundbytes at the moment sound like rebounding from a
“ridiculously reductionist” router.

Dom Martin


Re: [Goanet] St Joseph Vaz and the Basilica

2019-08-12 Thread dom martin
Mighty relieved, Adolfo, at your timely realization that I am just another
“superlo goenkar”, whose cranium has the tolerance to provide asylum to
migrant errors. This ought to swiftly stall any initiative for a Pro Dom

Or as Mahavatar Babaji – the Himalayan saint – divinely summed it:

“There is no saint without a past

No sinner without a future”

Somehow, my past and future got neutralized after leaving the foothills of




On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 5:38 AM Adolfo Mascarenhas 

> Your message 3 on Sunday 11 August 2019
> As an Africander I have pro sentiments but we must get our facts straight
> ….Even those nourished by the crystal clear waters of Kilimanjaro are human
> and make errors.   I refer to your statement *that  the Tower of St.
> Augustine?   Such gesture would be the first time that a brown saint
> comes to the aid of white saints.*
> I would like to re mind Goans of good spirit who consume Feni that St.
> Augustine, that great thinker was an African, so was his mother St Monica*.
> *
> That crumbling edifice St Augustine was not built by the Portuguese whites
> alone  ….do they build with basaltic blocks in Europe ….Local labour and
> masons were used in hundreds.
> For me St Augustine’s was a source  of inspiration from the age of 11 when
> I was nearly shot by an African soldier in the service of the the
> Portugese. The timely intervention of my father  and the Portuguese white
> officer who was less trigger prone saved me from being a casualty.
> I am definitely Pro St Vaz, Pro Basilica..there are great sentiments
> scattered throughout your intervention
> Adolfo in
> Dar es Salaam

[Goanet] St. Joseph Vaz and the Basilica

2019-08-12 Thread dom martin
Since you have apropos-ly enlightened the Goan community that St. Augustine
was an African (born in Thagaste, North Africa – present day Algeria), it
adequately explains why the white saints in Goa did not come to the rescue
of the Church and Convent of St. Augustine. Now with our beloved St. Jose
Vaz in the mix, there is hope for among him and others whose ethnic
identities still remain highly classified.

Dom Martin

[Goanet] St Joseph Vaz and the Basilica

Adolfo Mascarenhas
12 Aug 2019 09:37:39 -0700

Your message 3 on Sunday 11 August 2019As an Africander I have pro
sentiments but we must get our facts straight….Even those nourished by
the crystal clear waters of Kilimanjaro are humanand make errors.   I
refer to your statement *that  the Tower of St.Augustine?   Such
gesture would be the first time that a brown saintcomes to the aid of
white saints.*
I would like to re mind Goans of good spirit who consume Feni that
St.Augustine, that great thinker was an African, so was his mother St
That crumbling edifice St Augustine was not built by the Portuguese
whitesalone  ….do they build with basaltic blocks in Europe ….Local
labour andmasons were used in hundreds.
For me St Augustine’s was a source  of inspiration from the age of 11
whenI was nearly shot by an African soldier in the service of the
thePortugese. The timely intervention of my father  and the Portuguese
whiteofficer who was less trigger prone saved me from being a
I am definitely Pro St Vaz, Pro Basilica..there are great
sentimentsscattered throughout your intervention
Adolfo inDar es Salaam


[Goanet] {Goanet] Trashing the Magic of Charles Correa

2019-08-13 Thread dom martin
Wow! In a single almighty puff, you not only blew out all my candles on
this thread but knocked every single one down.  With that, also any
prospects or aspirations to be a standard bearer or a carrier pigeon for
Goan causes!  :)

[Goanet] Trashing the Magic of Charles Correa

Gilbert Lawrence 
Mon, Aug 12, 3:52 PM (16 hours ago)
to Goanet, me, Filomena
From: dom martin
And w
Places of worship are the only known Portraits of God, inspired by and
dedicated to earthly saints. A Basilica of St. Jose Vaz would give God's
Portrait yet another welcome patina.

Now for some sound bytes:  Does God truly need another Big House when
countless faithfuls are homeless, endure hunger or persecution?

If Goans can drum up capital for a ?Taj Bankroti?, why not restructure it
into the 'St. Jose Vaz Provident Fund', use that power-capital to conserve
existing Portraits of God in Goa which are in varying states of neglect and
some, on the verge of becoming another variant of the Tower of St.
Augustine? Such gesture would be the first time that a brown saint comes to
the aid of white saints so that cohabitation may continue.

Lastly, we live in an era circumvented by iPhones, ISPs and satellites. A
single Goan can set up and maintain a Virtual Basilica where everyone can
upload their intercessions to Cloud! :)

In any event, don't count me out yet if there is an overwhelming 'pro'
consensus, even if my sound bytes at the moment sound like rebounding from
a ?ridiculously reductionist? router.


GL responds:

Dialoging  on Goanet, always makes my head spin, because I never know the
direction of the argument and logic.  As the last paragraph suggest, Goa's
foremost writer, instead of providing the needed leadership, is looking to
see which way the wind blows.

An argument I hear often is: Why do we need another place of worship (Big
House)? Amazingly this comes from the very people who complain that it took
300 years to make Joseph Vaz a saint.  I can almost hear the cardinals for
the last 300 years saying something very similar, "Why do we need another
saint when we already have more than 500 saints; and specially when this
priest does not even have much of following in his own native place of

This thread started with "thrashing the magic of Goan" architect Charles
Correa and other Goan artists.  The dialog appears to end with
(paraphrasing), "In today's era of the cloud and computers we do not need
structural buildings and artistic displays.  We-Goans are progressive and
can just live in the cloud."  I suggest this logic is what really trashes
Goan architects and artists at present and for generations to come.
Perhaps that is OK, as none of them have bothered to step into this dialog
on this thread.   Living in the computer cloud would also mean we do not
need to repair and maintain buildings, including those of Charles Correa,
that are victims of time and nature.  Let's save our crocodile tears.

Regards, GL


[Goanet] St. Augustine and "Kapris"

2019-08-13 Thread dom martin
As another East Africander (“Kapri”), I call upon my beloved fellow Kapris
to rally together to adopt what remains of the Tower of St. Augustine as
our cultural relic and reliquary.

Fortuitously, I wasn't asked to do a portrait of St. Augustine cause I
would have ignorantly used the lighter pigments from my palette instead of
those resembling my skin.  And what is the color of my skin? It is so dark
that St Augustine would have no qualms to keep a recommended, statutory
distance from me!

Dom Martin

[Goanet] St Joseph Vaz and the Basilica

Adolfo Mascarenhas
12 Aug 2019 09:37:39 -0700

Your message 3 on Sunday 11 August 2019

As an Africander I have pro sentiments but we must get our facts
straight ….Even those nourished by the crystal clear waters of
Kilimanjaro are human and make errors.   I refer to your statement
*that  the Tower of St. Augustine?   Such gesture would be the
first time that a brown saint comes to the aid of white saints.*

I would like to re mind Goans of good spirit who consume Feni that St.
Augustine, that great thinker was an African, so was his mother St Monica*.

That crumbling edifice St Augustine was not built by the Portuguese
whites alone  ….do they build with basaltic blocks in Europe ….Local
labour and masons were used in hundreds.

For me St Augustine’s was a source  of inspiration from the age of 11
when I was nearly shot by an African soldier in the service of the the
Portugese. The timely intervention of my father  and the Portuguese
white officer who was less trigger prone saved me from being a

I am definitely Pro St Vaz, Pro Basilica..there are great
sentiments scattered throughout your intervention

Adolfo in

Dar es Salaam

[Goanet] Trashing the Magic of Charles Correa

2019-08-14 Thread dom martin
Oh well, here I go again to everyone's unsolicited displeasure

On Goanet, each post is like a reverberating tectonic plate, creating
additional fault-lines within the same thread and shifting the goal post
further from its designated stand.

Gilbert's gusty post with the advisory line: "More is expected from them to
whom more is given."? – instantly made me recalibrate my sails and get out
of the way! :) Correspondingly, Adolfo's change of stance on the Basilica's
size, incubated – in the chambers of my subconscious – an ulterior
manifestation. Let me succinctly elaborate.

To the biblical encore: “To whom much is given, much will be required”
(Luke 12:48)?” –Yes, I did indeed blindly prostrate my adherence, giving
away everything I hadn't in the first place acquired through Divine

To the Goa State Museum, I bequeathed all antiquities in my personal
collection (including a priceless painting [oil on copper plate] possibly
the work of the Flemish painter Jan Van Yck or one of his pupils). Also
bequeathed to the Museum a rare abstract painting by Gaitonde, which today
could fetch enough millions at Christie's to subsidize scaffolding costs
for the super Basilica.

In addition, I bequeathed to a fellow Goan my three bedroom flat located
near the New Secretariat (along with all the paintings stashed therein), as
well as the corpus funds of the Verodiano Foundation. The gesture was upon
the reckoning that this indefatigable Goan could do more for Goans and Goan
causes than I ever possibly could, and he HAS. I could go on with
additional pitch notes but Oooops! – sounds like the monsoon flooding has
finally clogged my homemade Tuba. Does anyone have a Gregorian trumpet I
can briefly borrow?

Therefore, in the Goan Hemisphere – at the moment and for some time now --
I am legally homeless and naiyapaisaless. So when Adolfo opted for a bigger
Basilica, I had to swiftly rubberstamp endorsement. That way, if I ever
revisit Goa, I will – along with other homeless faithfuls – at least have
some place in the quadrangle to roll out my bamboo mat.

And yes, while we were 'feni'tically blowing august air in August, tussling
sails, battening down goal posts with bungee cords – in comes William
Rebello with the proclamation that the Basilica of St Jose has already been
contemplated for construction along the banks of the Zuari River, and a
sombrero passed through the pews in the Church of St. Michael, Taleigao.

So there you have it, folks. The Basilica is not a phony or “feni” mirage.
It's all happening and with that, I think it's time for me to lower my
sails, hire a Uber before the next tectonic rattle, fault-line or tsunami
hits this thread!

Dom Martin

Message: 4

Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 20:22:23 + (UTC)

From: Gilbert Lawrence <*gilbert2...@yahoo.com*>

To: Goanet Org <*goa...@goanet.org*>

Cc: Martin Dom <*dommartin9...@gmail.com*>, Mervyn Lobo

   <*mervyn1...@gmail.com*>,  Filomena Giese <*filomenagi...@yahoo.com*>

Subject: Re: [Goanet] ST Joseph Vaz Basilica in Goa

Message-ID: <*615356858.3561130.1565727743...@mail.yahoo.com*>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

From: Mervyn Lobo?

There is no body to bring back nor is there now the need for a basilica to
hold it in.? If you cannot find St. Jose Vaz in your living space? you will
never find him in Kandy. Nor will you find him in a brand new basilica.
When I want something from a saint, I do not pray to him/her. All I do is
flatter the saint. And the biggest form of flattery (I know) is to imitate
the saint's lifestyle.

GL responds:

The point Mervyn makes is likely raised by many diaspora Goans.? So I want
to respond to this post thoughtfully and respectfully.? So let's look at
this specific example and not talk generalities. ? The issues that likely
apply to Mervyn, in varying degrees, apply to a lot of diaspora Goans and
to many native Goans too.

It would appear that Mervyn is a devotee of St. Jose Vaz and he "imitates
(or tries to imitate) the saint's life style."? This specifically in the
case of St. Vaz, and likely most saints, is to sacrifice, and give all
their wealth to the poor. ? ?

Mervyn started life in East Africa and like most Goans in those East
African countries went through a tumultuous period (to put it mildly)
relocating to other countries. Likely during that period they prayed to Vaz
and many other saints.? Likely most diaspora Goans, through a period of
trials and tribulations, Mervyn and family landed upright on their two feet
in Toronto, Canada.? To make a long story short, Meryn like most diaspora
Goans are now in the one to ten percent of the top economic ladder of the
people in the? countries where they settled. ?

The probability is all of us go through five to six crises through our
adult life.? The next crises that arrives at Mervyn front door,? likely
will be dealt with sim


2019-09-09 Thread Dom Martin
First, we had the Conquistadors and now we have the Bonkquistadors. The 
Consquistadors remain guilty of the crime of ethnic cleansing. The grime 
against the Bonkquistadors is principally for their inherent propensity to 
proliferate ethnic defecation. Dom Martin

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 14, Issue 530

2019-09-09 Thread Dom Martin

-Original Message-
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Sent: Fri, Sep 6, 2019 1:03 pm
Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 14, Issue 530

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Today's Topics:

  1. Schedule for Saturday 7th September 2019 (CCR TV)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2019 20:34:30 +0530
From: CCR TV 
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Schedule for Saturday 7th September 2019
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Channel of God's love

Kindly pass around the word to your friends and relatives in any part of
the globe that they can keep track of all the CCR TV output (including our
archives) via the simple-to-use,
free-to download CCR TV app from the Google Playstore.
Email ID: ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Saturday 7th September 2019

12:00 AM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

12:24 AM
Alcoholics Anonymous Presentation

12:55 AM
St. Mother Teresa - Talk by Alfwold Silveira

01:25 AM
Bhokti Lharam - Bhag 5

01:31 AM
Career Guidance - Biotechnology, St Xaviers College

02:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

02:25 AM
Abundant Life - Broken Crayons can still Colour -Prof  Nicholas D'Souza

02:55 AM
Bhurgeanlem Angonn - Bhag 5

03:00 AM
Loneliness of Jesus - Dr Brenda Nazareth Menezes

03:35 AM
Amchea Bapa - 2 - Domnic Rodrigues

04:00 AM
Katholik Bhavarth - Talk by Adv. F.E. Noronha

04:55 AM
Entrepreneurship -  Alison Jane Lobo - Bread and Pao - interviewed by Basil

05:15 AM
Scripture Studies 1 - Fr Edson Fernandes

05:50 AM
Prayer - A lifeline to God - Fr Fernando da Costa

06:50 AM
Konkani Bhas - Bhag 10 - Fr Pratap Naik sj

07:00 AM
Bhajans 4

07:22 AM
Bhokti Lharam - Bhag 12

07:30 AM
Music - Stuthi 2 followed by Povitr Atmeak Dispottem Magnnem

07:52 AM
Hymn - Gonvlli Kitlo Boro - Fr John Fernandes

08:00 AM
Praise and Worship - Fatorda 2 followed by Daily Prayer to the Holy Spirit

08:22 AM
Psalm 51 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

08:30 AM
Pekovnni - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

09:00 AM

09:05 AM
Unless a Grain of Wheat Dies? - Talk by Fr Valerian Vaz

09:22 AM
Fruit of the Spirit 1 - Talk by Kenneth D'Sa

09:55 AM
Tiatr Song -  by Lusiano Rodrigues and Jose de Pedda

10:00 AM
Konknni Bhas - Bhag 1 - Fr Pratap Naik sj

10:30 AM
Nokhetram - Michael Gracias chats with Film Team Mopa Diary

11:00 AM
Falling In Love - Pornography -Hosted by Judie D'Cunha

11:30 AM
Mass in Konkani followed by Jivitacho Prokas and Saint of the Day

12:00 PM
Inner Healing -  Talk by Sr Elsis Mathew MSMI

12:26 PM
Our Father - Oraon

12:31 PM
Faith  Magic of Heart - Talk by Sr Shilpa

12:42 PM
Ask Dr Sweezel - Should I get a Massage?

12:45 PM Literally Goa  -  Pogoat (Alfred Almeida)  interviewed by
Frederick Noronha

01:15 PM
Parish of the Week - St Inez

01:50 PM
Short Film - 4th Dimension - Suicide Prevention

02:00 PM
In Conversation with : Cyril John interviewed by Alfwold Silveira

02:20 PM
Faith  Magic of Heart - Talk by Sr Shilpa

02:31 PM
Good News - Gratitude

02:45 PM
Mary , Mother of God, our Mother - Joy Joseph

03:00 PM
Divine Mercy - Konkani 2

03:16 PM
Poem - St Teresa by Sandhya Fernandes

03:19 PM
Patkache Kumsar - Talk by Victor Mascarenhas

03:45 PM
Couples Prayer - English

03:48 PM
Mother Mary - Talk by Fr Eremito Rebelo

04:00 PM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

04:24 PM
Reflection on the Gospel - Dominicans

04:30 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 6

04:54 PM
Music - Bavarth - Fr Eusico Pereira

05:00 PM
Tell me a story - Jesus Heals a Leper

05:23 PM
Bhurgeanlem Angonn - Bhag 2

05:25 PM
Poem -Ankvar Marie - Amchi Teacher by Sandhya Fernandes

05:30 PM
Career Guidance - Food Technolgy - Carmel College

05:46 PM
Talk on St Monica - Dr Sarita Nazareth

06:02 PM
Angelus - English

06:04 PM
Our Father - In the Heavens - Fr Ronnie D'Souza sj

06:30 PM
Mass in English followed by Daily Flash

07:00 PM
Angelus - Konkani 2

07:02 PM
The Law and You - Rights of the Disabled- Eps 3

07:27 PM
Prayer of Grandparents - English

07:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

07:54 PM
Music - Jesus Bendito - Victor Da Costa

07:56 PM
Pope's Video for September 2019

08:00 PM
Media Track -  Eps 8

08:30 PM
Spiritual Freedom - A Talk by Alfwold Silveira

09:00 PM

09:01 PM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 53 - Bhurgim - Fr Pratap Naik sj

09:10 PM
Ratchem Magnem

09:25 PM
Music - Jezu Portun Ietolo - Fr Eusico Pereira

09:30 PM
Health Matters - Diabetes -Dr Marina Vaz

10:02 PM
Mil Mel Nel S


2019-09-12 Thread Dom Martin
 You have hoisted a good point, Eddie. The Spaniards were more notorious as 
Conquistadors than the Portuguese. However, the Portuguese left their own DNA 
with regard to religious cleansing. Whether one is uprooted from one's land or 
religion, it bears the irrefutable stigma of unsolicited cleansing. We could go 
on but I have no hair left to split or weave into a trustworthy noose! So, 
let's stay on course and trash the Bonkquistadors – who are the current 
invaders. Remember, the last time we went off course with “Trashing the 
magic of Charles Correa”, the thread lost its needle and the headmaster 
from Salcette (?) felt it was time to draw out his almighty “ad 
nauseum” paddle. This go around, if he can enlarge his paddle and wield 
it 360 degrees, we might have a final resolution between the Conquistadors and 
the Bonkquistadors! Dom Martin  Message: 4 Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2019 19:11:37 +0100 
From: "Eddie"  To: "GOANET"  
<1C9BC62F3C704B4C8C361A9872E31462@EddieHP> Content-Type: text/plain; 
format=flowed; charset="Windows-1252"; reply-type=original Pardon me, 
Dom, I failed to see the point of your message - apart from  observing the 
felicitous rhyming couplet: 'Conq' and 'Bonk'.   Also, ethnic cleansing is the 
effective alien take over of land already  occupied. The Portuguese were hardly 
ethnic cleansers.   Eddie

[Goanet] KUMAO Brigade

2019-09-14 Thread Dom Martin
In keeping pace with the Bonkquistadors, Vivian propounded a well
founded challenge to Bernado: Build the first KUMAO and he, Vivian,
will second it with another! If Bernado is too embarrassed to take on the 
challenge, then IRMAO Dom can and will, so long as the structure is not on the 
scope and scale of the Taj Mahal or a Basilica. Seriously, appraise me of the 
cost and I will come through and even
pay for the ceremonial plaque. By the way, that innocuous plaque might be the 
only memorial in testimony of my timeline between the
post-Conquistadors and the pre-Bonquistadors!
 For starters, Goa can be prospectively assured of at least two additional 
public toilets. Goanet, I understand has a subscription force of 10,000
netters. I am not privy to what percentage of this 10,000 is pro or
anti-Bonkquistadors. But even if we have 1 percent who are anti, we
can envisage the induction of 100 additional public toilets!  For the skeptical 
ones out there, there is dignity in scooping the poop to keep Goa clean than in 
looping it for generations to come while elected officials go about recoloring 
their Ooops!. This environmental project can be dubbed: The KUMAO Brigade! Dom 
Martin  [Goanet] India's Moon MissionVivian A. DSouza Sun, 08 Sep 2019 06:13:35 
While some have voiced doubts about India's mision to the Moon, the Lunar 
Orbiter has confirmed that the Lander has indeed landed on the moon with a 
thermal image of the exact landing apot.  Thus India is the first nation to 
land equipment on the far side of the moon. Bullseye !!  Now let us give our 
brilliant ISRO scentists a few days to try and establish contact with the Lunar 
lander.  Even though this mission has not been a 100% per cent  success. with 
the dondition of the lander still unknown,, the very fact that India has been 
the first  Nation in this world to land equipment on the far side of the moon 
is. an achievement that has to be lauded. Amd this entire project has cost 
India a fraction of what other nations have spent on similar endeavours.As for 
the remark by a person on this forum that India should first build toilets in 
the country, let us lead by exmple.If the person who made that remark will 
build a single public toilet in India (preferbly in Goa), I will solemnly 
promise to fund the construction of a  second  public toilet. And if others 
will follow suit, Goa can truly be outdoor defection free.

[Goanet] KUMAO Brigade

2019-09-18 Thread Dom Martin
Bernado: if your pontificated definition of kumao is infallible, I will 
apologize on this forum for my imprudence and go to a confessional of your 
choice and place.  But if you are Looking London, Talking Tokyo, or Looking 
Kumao, Talking Macao, then the least you can do for having denigrated the kumao 
is to take on Vivian's challenge and construct one.  Vivian is second in line 
and awaiting.  I am third, and due to a cervical impediment, I am unable to see 
how many more Goanetters are behind me.  I do, however, see Gilbert 
overshadowing me.  I also hear some bickering.  Might be a netter calling out 
for the ad nauseum paddle!

Dom Martin

Message: 3
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2019 10:48:02 + (UTC)
From: Bernado Colaco 
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] KUMAO Brigade
Message-ID: <1664365578.10547500.1568630882...@mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I do not understand how elite writers are using derogatory terms on this forum. 
Kumao means Ars* in the hand.
Any priests to accept confessions?

From: Dom Martin

By the way, that innocuous plaque might be the only memorial in testimony of my 
timeline between the post-Conquistadors and the pre-Bonquistadors!

GL responds;
Loved the article of the Post-Conquistadors and the Pre-Bonquistadors; and 
specially reading it on Sunday morning while listening to a radio station 
playing fast-rhythm Polka music.?
The article is what I call out-of-the box thinking.? With a stroke of a pen we 
have three kumaos built ? at least on paper.? Now all we need is a rapidly 
assembled Goan module of a "Kumao", its design and cost.? In fact, India 
already has some standard modules albeit not a kumao.?

[Goanet] Wendall Rodricks

2020-02-12 Thread Dom Martin
Each new life is an investment in Time for the wellbeing of coexistence.

Each new death is the culmination of life for the benefit of reincarnation.

Bon Voyage.

Dom Martin

[Goanet] Wendall Rodricks

2020-02-12 Thread Dom Martin
Each new life is an investment in Timefor the wellbeing of coexistence.
Each new death is the culmination oflife for the benefit of reincarnation.
Bon Voyage.
Dom Martin

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] DEATH: Fernando do Rego, 91, Goanetter who loved everything Goan

2020-04-10 Thread Dom Martin
Death is an awfulthought, lachrymose indeed!  However, we are all here for a 
purposefor which our existence came to be necessary until our life sentence on 
earth is commuted by death. 
Five decades ago, on atorrential rainy day, when I assisted in pushing my 
grandfather's cortegeto his last resting place, I recall confronting an 
intimidating signat the entrance to the cemetery: “Aiz aum, falleum tuam (sp?).
Each time the deathknell is tolled, I am unpleasantly reminded of that 
unsolicitedwelcome: “Aiz aum falleum tuam”
Stay well and 'unsocia'llest COVID-19 expedites your place in the quoted adage!
Dom Martin

From: Frederick Noronha 
To: Goanet 
Sent: Thu, Apr 9, 2020 7:58 am
Subject: [Goanet-News] DEATH: Fernando do Rego, 91, Goanetter who loved 
everything Goan

FERNANDO OLAVO JOAQUIM DO REGO, better known as Fernando do Rego, was a
91-year-old active Goanetter, who actively and often posted to Goa fora in
cyberspace, including Goanet.

An agricultural officer -- retired from the Goa agriculture department --
and respected for his knowledge on Goa in various fields, he has authored
publications, including a recent English-Portuguese book on the mango
varieties of Goa.

See more on his latest book here:

But his expertise in agriculture and horticulture did not stop him from
chronicling various aspects of Goa and its diversity. Here is one example
of his writing, via Goanet Reader, focussing on the "Salesian story of Goa":

Fernando was a younger brother of the linguist-Jesuit priest Fr Vasco do
Rego SJ. Nearly five years back, Fernando paid a tribute to his brother,
who had then turned 88, here:
Incidentally, Fr Vasco SJ is a former rector of the Bom Jesus Basilica, and
known for his contribution to building the liturgy of the Goa Church in

Fernando do Rego was born on 17 June 1929 and passed away on 08 April 2020.
His family announced that he was buried the same day at the Santa Inez
Cemetery, Goa.

He is the husband of Aurea Souza e do Rego, father of Arvind/Melisse,
Sunil/Jyothi, Waheeda/Oscar, Vivek/Maysie, grandfather of Ankitta, Nimisha,
Nathania, Brandon, Chelsea, Andrea, Shane, Ethan and Eryishka. He was the
brother of late Dr Joao Filipe/Pisinha, late Celestial/late Gilbert
Saldanha, late Fr Renato, Fr Vasco sj, late Teresinha. He was also the
brother in law of Reinaldo/late Reina, late Ligia/late Carlos Noronha,
Gina/late Antonio Graca Costa, late Ivo/Mila, Fausta/Luis da Gama,
Yvonne/Maurice de Souza, Telma/Leo de Souza.

An obituary announcement said he expired suddenly on the morning of
Wednesday and was buried at 6 pm. It added: "Requiem mass will be announced
when liturgical services are allowed. No condolence visits please."

His family members can be contacted via: Arvind Dilip Do Rego <
Sunil do Rego ,
Oscar / Waheeda Da SILVA ,
Vivek Subash do Rego ,
Melisse Souza do Rego ,
Maysie do Rego 


2020-04-11 Thread Dom Martin
The verbalization “Goanism”,was coined by me to address the arrogantly 
repulsive anddiscriminatory trait perpetrated by those in the upper echelon of 
thecaste system against those further down that hierarchy. Whether byintent, 
plot or coincidence: the ones that set up the art critic todefame me in the 
Times in a case of criminal libel (which took me 10+years before they were 
convicted); the ones that attempted to shutdown the Basilica art gallery, and 
the one who acquitted the accusedall belong in that exclusive ilk/echelon.
Dom Martin
Message:3Date:Tue, 7 Apr 2020 09:56:17 + (UTC)From:"Vivian A. DSouza" 
To:"goa...@goanet.org", Adolfo 
Mascarenhas   Cc:Frederick Noronha 
, Tony de Sa   Subject:Re: 
ProfessorAdolfo, the need of the hour is a Goan Catholic Truth Commission.? 
Itcould be in Cyberspace.We Goan Catholics? are guilty of a whole lotof 
discrimination, both within our community and without.Wediscriminated against 
each other because of Caste, althoughsupposedly there is no room in the 
Catholic faith for Caste, as thatwas? a Hindu concoction.We discriminated 
against tailors mechanicsand cooks, as supposedly they were not? of our social 
status, thoughour social status was that of lowly clerks n the 
colonial?administration..We discriminated against, non-Goans 
includingMangloreans even though they are of Goan ancestry,Hindus, 
Muslims,Anglo-Indians, Seychellois, Chinese etc. etc. In the Africancolonies, 
we discriminated against the indigenous Africans, mimickingthe discrimination 
inflicted? on us by the white man.We need to bareour souls and cleanse 
ourselves of the baggage that is weighing usdown.Who among us has the moral 
fibre and personal record to lead sucha commission but thee ? 


2020-04-15 Thread Dom Martin
Myflight recorder and mental trajectory will show that the 
annotation“goanavirus” was slotted in context to the caste related 
traitexhibited among Goans in East Africa. VoznadikVoyem also injected a potent 
dosage. I neither summarilylooped Goa nor the Goan community to that 
characterization. Thatinference, I am afraid, is Voznadik Vojem'smigratory 
“flight imagination”.
Ihave enough fuel to circle around but if I prematurely crash-land,there will 
still be access to the blackbox to initiate an inquiry andaccordingly, 
castigate or demote me to wearing the casti, even thoughI am now casteless 
after having been the first to be administratedGilbert's unpatented vaccine!
PS: Quepem would be a good place to commence the search where Adolfo issecretly 
working on the Grandolfo drone, and test runs have shownthat it has already 
outperformed the Pentagon's deadly Predator. Let's allpray that Adolfo aligns 
his grease-anointed monocle with the blackboxand not at the dark-skinned 
messenger on the run!

Message: 5
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 22:31:26 -0400
From: Voznadik vojem 
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet] GOANAVIRUS
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Are we talking here about Goanna ?
As all Goanet readers are fully aware, more specifically from our Southern
Continent, that Goanna is reptile found in Australia and South East Asia of
the Veranus species. Bats, pangolins and goannas may be repositories of
corona viruses, but not Goa or for that matter Goans to be labelled as  "
It simply does disservice to Goa and to all Goans. It may serve all
humanity well if we reign in our flights of imagination.
Voznadik Vojem

[Goanet] The Brain Color of an Authentic Goan

2020-04-16 Thread Dom Martin

Goans come in all incongruent shapes,size and color, and while it is 
self-fulfilling to discriminate anincongruent Goan on the basis of that Goan's 
skin color, thericocheting reality is that an incongruent Goan -- despised to 
thebottom of the Bamon/caste ladder – often times happens to be theone with a 
brain luminous enough to illumine the rungs for others toblindly/drunkedly 
scramble up to their illusive ivory tower.
Moral: One may conceitedlydiscriminate an incongruent Goan on the basis of skin 
color withoutperspicaciously discerning that incongruent Goan's brain color.
PS: My brain, as fate wouldunfortunately decree it, is colorless
Dom Martin

[Goanet] god comes alive

2020-04-17 Thread Dom Martin

Karl Marxpontificated: “Religion is the opium of the masses”. Sincebaptism, I 
have been opiated. Growing up, I could have defected totobacco or feni, both of 
which though have their irreversible consequences. So I stopped going to church 
to overcome the addiction.
Most frankly, Ihave not met God and with Covid-19 making the headlines, I am 
evenless inclined to meet God. So I sent God an email. God's SecretaryEmeritus, 
Grandolfo, responded, advising me to check with Gilberto onhow his 
anti-salvation vaccine is coming along. Unfortunately,Gilberto is out of 
commission, himself in recovery from aConfession/Holy Communion overdose!
So there, myfellow Goans, is the current prognosis re our pandemic wellbeing. 
With God quarantined in the Cloud and Grandolfo in Quepem imbibing oxygen, the 
elevator between Earth, Heaven and Hellvia purgatory remains stalled until 
further notice. So if you needto die, do everyone a favor and put it off until 
this coronaviruscirrus-ferris-wheel is over!
Dom Martin

Message: 7
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 16:28:09 +0530
From: Nelson Lopes 
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] god comes alive
Message-ID: <6ae48fed-d32f-4ad7-984d-ec29414fc...@gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=us-ascii

A interesting cartoon is going  viral
Satan is taunting God that he has closed Churches God in His reply  says that 
he has just opened a church in every house
The unprecedented shut down has denied the faithful the traditional worship on 
days of obligation and most importantly the ceremonies of Holy week There is a 
void  on our feelings  unable to observe centuries old rituals of our faith 
Our  ecclesiastical authorities have filled the vacuum to practice  our  faith 
uninterrupted  snd in keeping with times Eucharistic celebration is streamed 
live almost daily ny many parishes of Goa , apart  from other international and 
National channels
Goan catholics feel more at home and comfortable with our own culture they say. 
 Participation without receiving eucharist is incomplete The meaningful 
expression of our desire and inability to do so shows our adjustment It may 
continue for long and that is the  test and resilence of  our  strong faith
Aware of the the huge cost of uploading i casually asked a PP as to who is 
funding this religious responsibility. God provides ,as a parishioner  does it 
all for the benefit of catholics  Surprisingly there is not even a whisper for 
Our prayers  worship is community based and  not individual  oriented
Hence attending to the services on TV does create discomfort being a deviation  
from centuries old customs and traditions 
I remember my old ,aged friends  and devout    catholics were regularly 
participation in mass over EWTN I often was sceptical about this exercise. and 
i could  not accept the validity in my own thoughts I just left  the thoughts 
ti escape as there was no alternative and church does not oblige  normally 
celebrations at residences
In today circumstances it us a different philosophy all together
We are grateful to all benefactors and our church authorities  for keeping our 
faith alive by feeding us with spiritual diet in am unique way
God is great and his ways are strange

praise and thank God

Nelson Lopes  chinchinim 

Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone

End of Goanet Digest, Vol 15, Issue 211

[Goanet] The Final Destination

2020-04-18 Thread Dom Martin
PS:  The tub-boat was Lurio, not Loureiro.

-Original Message-
From: Dom Martin 
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org 
Sent: Sat, Apr 18, 2020 11:32 am
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The Final Destination

Noworries. We have already been there and were discharged back toearth and have 
our ornamental Badges of Misdemeanor on display in theMuseum of Regrets at Mt. 
Adolfowas in charge of driving an 18-wheeler to bring shipments of coal tokeep 
the Inferno of Doom operational at full blast. He ended up withmore shipments 
of DUI (Driving Under the Influence [of alcohol] thancoal.. He was the first to 
be fired and shipped back aboard an improvised gurney.
Abhar'srole was to confiscate all personal property from the new arrivals. He 
was caught trying to sneak a bottle of thevintage Chateauneuf-du-pape in his 
baggy overalls. He too got fired but after pitching a tantrum, was allowed to 
keepthe Chateauneuf-du-pape.
Gilbertwas the Chief Medical Officer at the gate. His role was to spare 
thehealthy from the snarly Flames of Doom. He took the Hippocratic oatha bit 
too hypocritically and gave everyone a clean bill of health. Similarly fired 
and deported.
My taskwas to identify the dark-skinned ones who had surreptitiouslybleached 
themselves to pass on as Bamons. As everyone's complexionappeared as emanating 
from the same Maddovaddo, I lumped the wholefair skinned caboodle as bleached 
Bamons. My expertise was instantlyterminated and my caste credential: REVOKED!  
I managed to hitch hike to Mombasa and then board the Portuguese tub-boat 
Loureiro, bound for Goa via the Port of Karachi.

Message:2Date:Fri, 17 Apr 2020 19:17:24 -0400From:Voznadik vojem 
To:goanet@lists.goanet.orgSubject:Re: [Goanet] The 
Final DestinationMessage-ID:   
Predictionabout perdition predicates on Mephistopheles? efficaciousenticementto 
buy my soul.  The final judgement on the final destinationis rendered with all 
its might and absolute finality. Mephistopheles, mynemesis,is going to reign 
supreme and eternal damnation awaits me in thesolitaryisolation vestibule of 
the inferno.
Thestakes are spiraling  low down to the nadir, and my feeble futileattemptthe 
douse the flames with the gnarled and distorted Jeroboam bottleofwine will come 
to naught.
Alas,the burning stake comes ferociously nearer, faster, and furious asever.
Andwhy oh why, you Mephistopheles affronts and taunts me ? Think?st thouthatI  
who saw the face of  God/And tasted the eternal joys ofheaven/Amnottormented 
with ten thousand hells/In being deprived of everlastingbliss??

Inmy humble Catholic opinion I can predict that all the fourindividualslisted 
below are going to Hell.Grandolfo:For suggesting that the successor of St Peter 
must comefroma certain region. And of all those regions a place where men 
ofthecloth are enamoured of the cashew drink.VoznadikVojem: For trivializing 
the papacy and the historical schismwithcomparison to an old and gnarled wine 
bottle in his cellar.GilbertLawrence: For doubting that Vasco da Gama sailed to 
India forthepurpose of saving souls and thus denying the origins of his 
ownCatholicancestry.DomMartin: For claiming that at baptism he was opiated and 
he had tolaterleave the faith to get rid of his addiction. No 
indulgenceaccruesby claiming it was a Karl Marx assertion.Roland.Toronto.

Re: [Goanet] The Final Destination

2020-04-18 Thread Dom Martin
Noworries. We have already been there and were discharged back toearth and have 
our ornamental Badges of Misdemeanor on display in theMuseum of Regrets at Mt. 
Adolfowas in charge of driving an 18-wheeler to bring shipments of coal tokeep 
the Inferno of Doom operational at full blast. He ended up withmore shipments 
of DUI (Driving Under the Influence [of alcohol] thancoal.. He was the first to 
be fired and shipped back aboard an improvised gurney.
Abhar'srole was to confiscate all personal property from the new arrivals. He 
was caught trying to sneak a bottle of thevintage Chateauneuf-du-pape in his 
baggy overalls. He too got fired but after pitching a tantrum, was allowed to 
keepthe Chateauneuf-du-pape.
Gilbertwas the Chief Medical Officer at the gate. His role was to spare 
thehealthy from the snarly Flames of Doom. He took the Hippocratic oatha bit 
too hypocritically and gave everyone a clean bill of health. Similarly fired 
and deported.
My taskwas to identify the dark-skinned ones who had surreptitiouslybleached 
themselves to pass on as Bamons. As everyone's complexionappeared as emanating 
from the same Maddovaddo, I lumped the wholefair skinned caboodle as bleached 
Bamons. My expertise was instantlyterminated and my caste credential: REVOKED!  
I managed to hitch hike to Mombasa and then board the Portuguese tub-boat 
Loureiro, bound for Goa via the Port of Karachi.

Message:2Date:Fri, 17 Apr 2020 19:17:24 -0400From:Voznadik vojem 
To:goanet@lists.goanet.orgSubject:Re: [Goanet] The 
Final DestinationMessage-ID:   
Predictionabout perdition predicates on Mephistopheles? efficaciousenticementto 
buy my soul.  The final judgement on the final destinationis rendered with all 
its might and absolute finality. Mephistopheles, mynemesis,is going to reign 
supreme and eternal damnation awaits me in thesolitaryisolation vestibule of 
the inferno.
Thestakes are spiraling  low down to the nadir, and my feeble futileattemptthe 
douse the flames with the gnarled and distorted Jeroboam bottleofwine will come 
to naught.
Alas,the burning stake comes ferociously nearer, faster, and furious asever.
Andwhy oh why, you Mephistopheles affronts and taunts me ? Think?st thouthatI  
who saw the face of  God/And tasted the eternal joys ofheaven/Amnottormented 
with ten thousand hells/In being deprived of everlastingbliss??

Inmy humble Catholic opinion I can predict that all the fourindividualslisted 
below are going to Hell.Grandolfo:For suggesting that the successor of St Peter 
must comefroma certain region. And of all those regions a place where men 
ofthecloth are enamoured of the cashew drink.VoznadikVojem: For trivializing 
the papacy and the historical schismwithcomparison to an old and gnarled wine 
bottle in his cellar.GilbertLawrence: For doubting that Vasco da Gama sailed to 
India forthepurpose of saving souls and thus denying the origins of his 
ownCatholicancestry.DomMartin: For claiming that at baptism he was opiated and 
he had tolaterleave the faith to get rid of his addiction. No 
indulgenceaccruesby claiming it was a Karl Marx assertion.Roland.Toronto.

[Goanet] COVERT - 19

2020-04-25 Thread Dom Martin
Nature has a time-proven, timelyantidote to whatever comes naturally inflicted 
or contracted. TheCOVID-19 is a bio-war virus (aka a COVERT WWIII tattoo) 
intended totattoo-vaccine the human race to a pandemic surveillance. Once 
thevirus is manually reversed, the vaccinated tattoo remains a 
patented,lifelong virus, and by bureaucratic consensus and 
decree,authoritatively enforced upon every new born. Unlike the infamous WWII 
tattoo, thisone will come sanctioned and sanctified by WHO, UN and 
otherbureaucratic lobbies and entities. So, welcome finally to therealization 
of the legitimate New World Order, where your every moveis under 24/7 
surveillance, including your most sacred hour ofablution. 
On the other hand, such surveillancehas its usefulness. For instance if you 
were to fake your death, theinsurance carrier is likely to exactly know where 
to find you,either 6 feet above sea level in a cruise ship or in some 
undergroundmorgue, where your corpse is about to be scheduled for processing 
into dog food!
Dom Martin

[Goanet] Goanet] Slave Trade

2020-05-05 Thread Dom Martin
My latefather, Vincent Xavier Verodiano Martin, whose academic credentialswere 
“segundgrao” -- left home at age 12, worked as a coolie atthe Bombay docks, 
slept thereon, later enlisted in the Royal IndianNavy and rose to the rank of 
Chief Petty Officer. The highestposition the British allowed Indians in the 
Royal Navy was the rankof lieutenant. My father's commanding officer was Lt. 
SardarilalMathradas Nanda, who, after India's independence, went on to become 
Admiral of the Indian Navy.
Note:  My father was onboard HMS Indus in the epic WWII sinking of the mighty 
German battleship, Bismarck. At the onslaught, HMS Indus waspositioned behind 
HMS Hood. A single salvo from Bismarck sent Hoodto the bottom of the ocean 
within 3 mins, leaving no survivors. Inthat lightning skirmish, the rest of the 
British naval fleet hastenedretreat, regrouped and then hounded Bismarck to its 
watery grave. 
Althoughmy father's career originated as a "coolie", he was not enlisted by 
the“Brits” to serve East Africa as a “coolie”. He migrated andtranscended that 
status on his own. I salute his extraordinary gritand remain eternally indebted.
_Message: 2
Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 10:46:36 + (UTC)
From: Bernado Colaco 
Subject: [Goanet] Slave Trade
Message-ID: <26953537.1672756.1588589196...@mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

 I wonder how many Goanetters or their forefathers were taken by the brits as 
coolies or indentured labour to East Africa?
Soon after Portuguese conquered Goa, it became the main port to trade slaves 
brought from Portuguese enclave from Africa.? The slaves were shipped from Goa 
to Ceylon and as far away to Macao.? The Mhamai Kamats (whose ancestral house 
is just behind Governor's residence in Panjim) were one of the main slave 
traders in Goa.?

Re: [Goanet] Another Twist in FN Souza's Tale (Times of India,)

2018-09-29 Thread dom martin
The proliferation of “Blatant fakes signed with Sousa's name . . .
outnumbering originals” is somewhat damningly inconceivable without
the smug collusion or connivance of the artist.  In 1997, Souza
addressed a memo to the Director of Sakshi Art Gallery, alerting and
acrimoniously denouncing the promulgation of 'Souza fakes'.  Was his
son, Patrick, also included in that circular?  Patrick, allegedly
ran/runs an industrial size complex in Goa producing fake Souzas.
One can claim to have successfully unrung the bell if everyone in the
vicinity is stone deaf and confidingly blind.  With fake art, it's the
resonance of one's legitimate money going tragically down the drain
while the dealer boards the getaway train.  Souza, despite his
outlandish histrionics, boarded the train to eternity: Penniless and
ticketless!  M.F. Hussein once remarked that if an artist does not
have fakes of his art circulating around, then he is not an artist.
I guess, I am not!
Souza, on the other hand, continues to retain his stellar status.  And
so it is.  You can concoct your own poison and succumb from it or
become the unwary martyr from someone else's venomous sting.
Dom Martin

[Goanet] Emma Gama Pinto

2018-10-22 Thread dom martin
Goans are distinctively renowned for their individual propensity as they
are for their cohesive deficiency or failing. At age 17, Pio embarked on
his crusade to dislodge the Portuguese from their colonial occupation of
Goa. It backfired, causing him to catapult back to his birthplace (Kenya)
to avoid the assassin’s bullet only to be on the receiving end of it two
decades later. The latter came misfired following his successful
participation in overthrowing British colonial rule in Kenya.

In 2008, Kenya immortalized him in a postal commemorative, “Heroes of
Kenya”. The three others included in that commemorative stamp were Oginga
Odinga, Tom Mboya and Ronald Ngala.

Pio, undoubtedly, is stamped with the distinction of campaigning against
colonial rule in Goa from Bombay (which was under British rule) and then
crusading against British colonial rule in Kenya. Given the extraordinary
status of his activism, has Goa or India acknowledged his solitary
footprints in the freedom fighters track field?

Dom Martin

 [Goanet] Emma Gama Pinto

Eugene Correia
 Wed, 17 Oct 2018 15:01:49 -0700

You read Selma's posts on FB attacking me as one of the pack of hounds, the
hounds meaning some EA Goans who wanted her to remove Ben's article. I have
blocked her and wrote and one person intervened to call off this war of
words, as he thinks it benefits no one.
If you have Emma's telephone number, please forward to me. I may go to
Ottawa and take the opportunity to meet her. Decades ago and author/poet
had asked me if I interested in meeting her, as he was her neighbour. I
thought she may not answer some pointed questions on Pio. I declined.
When she Sevigne came here in 1988, I asked her if she meet Emma. But I got
no answer..


On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 4:33 AM Cyprian Fernandes 

> Emma Gama Pinto
> (Excerpts from the book)
> Pio’s detention on Manda Island: Pio told later that he built a small
> shelter against scorching sun and a simple bed. The land was destitute of
> vegetation and there were no facilities when he got there. A daily ration
> of food was barely enough to suffice for one meal. He went on a hunger
> strike, but after nine days realised that it would hurt prisoners nothing
> more. They would die like dogs for the all the authorities cared. The
> prisoners were sullen and dejected. Pio met some of his old friends there …
> Achieng Oneko and others and they set about improving the morale of the
> 9000 men on the island prison. They organised games and tried to catch
> fish, turtles and the like to supplement their impoverished diet. After
> pleading with the authorities, I was allowed to write to my husband once a
> month but the letter would be censored. His reply would be censored. I
> received permission to send Pio literature. He asked for the works of
> Shakespeare and (George Bernard) Shaw. Later Pio said the books kept him
> from committing suicide. Everything he had, he shared with his friends,
> even my letters.
> Our home: We had little finances. Pio sadly confessed that the money given
> by my father had been used as part-payment for a printing press which he
> wanted to operate as the voice of the people. The press was lost as soon as
> Pio was arrested. On his release from restriction in 1960, Pio asked Oginga
> Odinga (head of the Kenya People’s Union and arch opponent of Jomo
> Kenyatta) to help him buy a house. It was more like a hotel –we had people
> coming and going and dropping in for a meal at all hours. Pio would have
> political refugees from Angola and South Africa spend a night or two and
> listen to their accounts of their situation.
> No African who came to the house was turned away –if they needed school
> fees for their children, advice or just a letter written to a relative or
> government official, Pio lent a hand. They were his brothers, and I mean
> brothers. He knew the weaknesses of some of them but felt they would see
> reason enough if temporarily they did not put their country first. From the
> start of his interest in Kenya politics, Pio understood clearly that the
> African cause must be carried by Africans. He identified with the Africans
> completely and secretly suffered anguish that he was no born and African.
> He preferred to work behind the scenes, but he did not work in isolation.
> He consulted with lawyers, economists and politicians before planning his
> work.  He chose his non-African friends carefully for what they could
> contribute to the cause.
> Despite the f

[Goanet] Serendipity Arts Festival - My Impressions

2018-12-26 Thread dom martin
*<<<<<<[Goanet] Serendipity Arts Festival - My Impressions*

Rajan P. Parrikar
 Sun, 23 Dec 2018 03:08:56 -0800

When art equates to fart, it is an awakening realization on how to
culturally exercise one's expandable wallet or exorcise it.

Dom Martin


[Goanet] Serendipity Arts Festival - My Impressions

Rajan P. Parrikar
Sun, 23 Dec 2018 03:08:56 -0800

[Posted in the Goa Speaks Facebook group.]

Spoiler: A whole lot of nothin' (mostly).

I did not attend the musical performances at the Bandodkar Grounds or
the performances hosted on Santa Monica by Shubha Mudgal and
cannot remark on those. Shubha had invited me to those but I was
unfortunately occupied in the evenings with other commitments elsewhere.

I saw the exhibits at 4 of the main sites, viz., Old PWD, Old Ribandar
Hospital, Old Secretariat (Adilshah Palace), Old GMC.

My top 2 picks - really the only draw for me of the whole show - were
the Panjim 175 project of Vivek Menezes at the Old OWD site and the
Goan Musicians in Indian Classical Music exhibit put together by
Aneesh Pradhan at the Old Ribandar Hospital location. Vivek's idea of
the '"7 Sisters" exhibit anchored by the 'roin' was an inspired one
and beautifully implemented by the Goan artists. I also enjoyed the
kunbi clothing tableau put together by Pritha Keni (who I knew when
she was a little girl).

The lowest of the low of the Festival was at the Old GMC, an exhibit
by the American 'artist' Paul McCarthy - a pile of vile, disgusting,
retch-worthy product of his sphincter packaged as 'art.' Flush it down
the toilet together with your head, McCarthy you

[Goanet] The Death of Goans

2019-01-11 Thread dom martin
There appears to be a recurring groan and moan about Goa resembling a
runaway train heading down an irreversible drain. In reality, 'Time' is a
runaway freight train, encumbered with chronographic baggage crashing its
way through other cultural stop signs and red lights.

Goans have been pioneers at embarking and disembarking Time's train. What's

Wherever and whenever opportunity becomes or became the sun in a
distant/alien landscape, Goans were among the first to head that way, in
the process, eclipsing opportunity for those left behind. Resultantly,
reality catches on, and every returning Goan is today welcomed with the
glaring acronym: DOA (Dead on Arrival).

Dom Martin

Re: [Goanet] Eunice de Souza had a Way of Belonging (Times of India, 30/07/2017) (V M)

2017-07-31 Thread Dom Martin


Recognition is a universal need and its occurrence in everyone’s life is a 
matter of fate or faith.  Growing up, I bemoaned that for centuries before my 
time, the world acknowledged its illustrious with glowing indifference and 
conferred recognition several decades after they had exited existence.  
Centuries later, the same indifference continues to proliferate.

For the majority, the lack of means and educational comprehension is the 
contributing catalyst in generating this indifference.  For the elite, it is by 
design.  Their wallets materialize on cue shortly after yet another unsung 
entity has been discovered in an unmarked grave or urn.  

With the ascent of millionaires and billionaires, unsung entities now have a 
promising shot at opening a bank account in their lifetime, perhaps, even a 
Swiss account.  There’s one malignant “Catch” though, which began as 22 and has 
now metastasized into 44.  One needs money to breed money!  The competing 
option is to blow one’s foghorn, ad nauseam.  Hopefully, a shipping vessel 
transporting illegal refugees might heed the call and come at full throttle to 
the rescue.

Dom Martin


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2017 08:10:44 +0530
From: V M 
To: V M 
Subject: [Goanet] Eunice de Souza had a Way of Belonging (Times of
India,  30/07/2017)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


A string of modern and contemporary Goan artists like F N Souza,
Vasudeo Gaitonde and Angelo da Fonseca are universally acclaimed as
world class, easily amongst the very best India has ever produced. But
that is not the case with Goan writers of a similar vintage. The
standout exception was the bold, brilliant poet Eunice de Souza, who
died peacefully on Saturday at her home in Vakola, a suburb of Mumbai,
aged 77.

[Goanet] Tsunami of internet death hoaxes

2017-10-29 Thread Dom Martin

In the wake of thetsunami of death hoaxes in India, the late noted artist, F.N. 
Souza,may have outlived or out-staged them all.  According to the 
ObituaryColumn, he was chronicled dead as of March 28, 2002.  However, in 
arecent article in the Times of India, Vivek Menezes points to Souza revisiting 
his ancestral roots in Goa in 2003 – and attempting forthe last time to donate 
some of his masterpieces to the local genesonly to encounter rejection and 
humiliation. [“No home for artworksof Goa's 
 home for artworks of Goa's 

It is a historicallandmark for people to become posthumously resurrected in 
the'Recognition Column' after having graduated through the 'ObituaryColumn'.  
If Souza was still covertly attempting to make the roundsin 2003 to perpetuate 
immortality by donating canvases, then we areall in for a bilateral surprise:  
a) he is supernaturally alive andwell; b) posterity has been paying homage to 
an empty grave in theSewri cemetry, Bombay.

In this age of theinternet, just about anyone can glorify or de-glorify oneself 
or theother.  There are also the opportunists, who could avail of 
thisdishonorable power to solicit a hoax to either boost their waningimage or 
upstage an eclipsed one.  And just as one needs to be waryof fake canvases 
circulating among authentic ones in the art market,one needs to be similarly 
wary of the originating authenticity ofthese so called internet death hoaxes.  
In other words, let a week goby for internet rumors to ascertain themselves 
before putting yourfoot in your mouth on exactly how you felt about someone's 
fake passing.  And if you did rush in to order the largest wreath onearth, you 
might wish you had been dead before unconditionallyemptying out the contents of 
your penurious wallet.  Or, as you mightbelatedly learn and to an excruciating 
degree:  In the macrocosm ofhoaxes, there are no refunds, backpaddling, or 
unringing the bell.

Nowthat said, if ever you happen to see my name propagated in theinternet 
death-hoax columns, please refrain from sending wreaths orheart warming bytes.  
Just bite your lip and send your tax deductiblecash donations to my Cayman 
Island account No. IPC 420.  And if youhappen to run into me, just acknowledge 
that physical occurrence as aprivileged apparition.


[Goanet] Tsunami of internet death hoaxes

2017-11-01 Thread dom martin
 NOTE:  This post was originally sent via  my AOL email on Oct 29.
Somehow, it got waylaid in cyberspace and when I googled it, I found it
appended to a post on the late Eunice de Souza, albeit, several words
throughout tangled together. Similarly, it does not appear in Goanet Mail
Archive (https://www.mail-archive.com/goanet@lists.goanet.org/), but does
mysteriously appear when I google it at this Goanet Mail Archive (

Have had similar issues when sending a post via juno.com.  I have now
signed up with gmail and am reposting it.  Hopefully, it may see the light
of day!


In the wake of the tsunami of death hoaxes in India, the late noted artist,
F.N. Souza, may have outlived or out-staged them all. According to the
Obituary Column, he was chronicled as dead as of March 28, 2002. However,
in a recent article in the Times of India, Vivek Menezes points to Souza
revisiting his ancestral roots in Goa in 2003 – and attempting for the last
time to donate some of his masterpieces to the local genes only to
encounter rejection and humiliation. [“No home for artworks of Goa's
greatests” (
“No home for artworks of Goa's greatests” (

It is a historical landmark for people to become posthumously resurrected
in the 'Recognition Column' after having graduated through the 'Obituary
Column'. If Souza was still covertly attempting to make the rounds in 2003
to perpetuate immortality by donating canvases, then we are all in for a
bilateral surprise: a) he is supernaturally alive and well; b) posterity
has been paying homage to an empty grave in the Sewri cemetry, Bombay.

In this age of the internet, just about anyone can glorify or de-glorify
oneself or the other. There are also the opportunists, who could avail of
this dishonorable power to solicit a hoax to either boost their waning
image or upstage an eclipsed one. And just as one needs to be wary of fake
canvases circulating among authentic ones in the art market, one needs to
be similarly wary of the originating authenticity of these so called
internet death hoaxes. In other words, let a week go by for internet rumors
to ascertain themselves before putting your foot in your mouth on exactly
how you felt about someone's fake passing. And if you did rush in to order
the largest wreath on earth, you might wish you had been dead before
unconditionally emptying out the contents of your penurious wallet. Or, as
you might belatedly learn and to an excruciating degree: In the macrocosm
of hoaxes, there are no refunds, backpaddling, or unringing the bell.

Now that said, if ever you happen to see my name propagated in the internet
death-hoax columns, please refrain from sending wreaths or heart warming
bytes. Just bite your lip and send your tax deductible cash donations to my
Cayman Island account No. IPC Sec. 420. And if you happen to run into me,
just acknowledge that physical occurrence as a privileged apparition.

Dom Martin

[Goanet] Lost posts on Goanet?

2015-07-05 Thread Dom Martin

Although I post about once at every other lunar eclipse, I have noted that my 
posts for some time now have been similarly eclipsed.  

Dom Martin


2015-12-30 Thread Dom Martin
Allegation(s) is a double-edged sword, one edge eventually getting blunted in a 
court of law.  However, those sitting in the judgment of facts and 
circumstances are not necessarily or patently infallible.  And while the wheels 
of justice may be dictated by statute or likewise barred, karmic justice is 
without statute.

Dom Martin

To: goanet 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The beleaguered Pop star and Padma Shri Remo Fernandes should substantiate
his reckless allegation that the minor child who was knocked down by the
speeding car driven by his son Jonah is lying and attempting to extort

I have nothing personal against Remo Fernandes. Have pursued the case after
Fr Savio Barreto, the Director of Basilica of Bom Jesus on 18th December
narrated the sordid events of that Dec 1st accident. The very insensitive,
uncaring and outrageous misconduct by the Pop Star at the scene of that
accident and thereafter cannot be condoned by any sensible person.>>>>>>>>>>>>

[Goanet] AIZ AUM . . .

2016-01-10 Thread Dom Martin
Our elders were noted to pontificate a timeless, multi-dimensional adage:  "Aiz 
aum, falam tum"!(sp?).  One liberal translation would imply:  Be wary, what 
goes around comes around either more defined, refined or deservingly maligned!

Dom Martin

[Goanet] An interesting take on the prevalent "long-term tourist's depiction of Goa(CecilPinto)

2017-03-05 Thread Dom Martin

In the realm and Schelm of existence and coexistence, we are all humans first 
and ethnically diverse later.  If we cannot coexist humanely, the latter 
becomes significantly irrelevant.

Dom Martin

[Goanet] LONDON: Remembering Lancelot Ribeiro at the Victoria and Albert Museum, 16 March | Burgh House Retracing Ribeiro exhibition to 19 March

2017-03-10 Thread Dom Martin

Yet another affirmation that upon demise — self-inflicted or fate-afflicted — 
an artist becomes a marketable IPO in the art world’s cabalistic Wall Street.  
Prior to that, the artist remains walled-off from prosperity for posterity’s 
random inheritance and unjust enrichment!  However, there is an even more 
somber offspring to this tragic irony.  Just because the public has been 
notified of an artist’s change of address in the obituary columns does not 
necessarily mean resurrection is imminent or in the drifting horizon!

Am happy for you, Lance!

Dom Martin


Re: [Goanet] Lancelot Ribeiro... the godfather of generations of artists using acrylics as an alternative to oils. (via Wikipedia)

2017-03-12 Thread Dom Martin

It is profoundly gratifying to learn that another fellow Goan, Lancelot 
Ribeiro, who “pioneered the use of acrylics in the 1960’s”, has now garnered 
the paternal accolade as the “Godfather of generations of artists using 
acrylics as an alternative to oils”.  Before Lancelot, it was Abbe Faria, with 
the paternal accreditation of the “Father of Hypnotism”.

However, there is a disconcerting assertion in Wikipedia and elsewhere 
 that acrylics was first patented by Otto Rohm in 1934, and its application 
thereafter, grandfathered by other artists several years before Lancelot was 
born, or decades before he settled for the palette.  Some tweaking or 
re-wicking of our cultural lampiao might help disperse any conflicting 
chiaroscuro re the timeline of the invention of acrylics, and its subsequent 
application and influence as an alternate medium in fine art.  

Similarly, a couple of notations in Wikipedia have chiseled away Panduring 
Ramchandra Kamat’s name from the plaque, attributing credit to him as the 
creator of the landmark statue of Abbe Faria in Panjim and in its place, 
inscribing the name of Constancio Fernandes.  Ouch!   Is someone tempering with 
our cultural lampiao or is it time for someone to invent a lunar operated 
lampiao so that the likes of me, stranded in time’s wheelchair, can 
successfully navigate ourselves to the nearest Asilo instead of ending up, 
unescorted, in one of Sweden’s more populated “no-go zone”?!.

Dom Martin

Message: 7

Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2017 22:32:48 +0530
From:  Frederick FN Noronha ?  *??? ???

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Lancelot Ribeiro... the godfather of generations
of artists using acrylics as an alternative to oils. (via Wikipedia)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

On 12 March 2017 at 20:39, Dan Driscoll  wrote:

> from Dan Driscoll, in Nova Scotia Canada: Have you heard of an Artist
> domiciled in Kankavli (Sindudurgh) by name Naminand Modak? He did several
> things for me when I was in Goa, and a large portrait of my wife Germana
> still hangs in the Betim Flat now owned by my sis-in-law Sarita Diniz.
> Modak is in my view 'extraordinarily talented', for b/w etching work and
> canvas (Oil/Acrylic). He does fine portrait work from photo/snapshots. His
> Art Studio is in the 'bazaar-peth, Kankavli. I had him do a large portrait
> of 'Fr. Amalor' (D.S. Amalorpavadass) the founder 'Acharya-guru' of Anjali
> Ashram in Mysore. Modak commutes in and out of Goa on pretty regular basis.

Thanks for sharing about Modak, Dan. He does seem to be an interesting
person. How's Canada treating you? We still think of you here ... Stay in
touch. Regards, Frederick

_/ Frederick Noronha  http://about.me/noronhafrederick http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fcbk:fredericknoronha
_/  Hear Goa,1556 shared audio content at

[Goanet] Goodbye ... JC!

2017-04-16 Thread Dom Martin

Every death triggers a resounding realization that there is no coming out of 
life alive, and therefore, the timeline to amend, append or concede is 
abysmally even more fractional.

Dom Martin

Message: 9
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2017 15:35:58 +0530
From: Frederick FN Noronha *  ?  * ??? ???

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"

Subject: [Goanet] Goodbye ... JC!

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The sudden and unexpected death of Dr Jose Colaco was reported via
cyberspace earlier on Saturday (Goa time) and confirmed today. JC, as he
liked to sign off his emails, was an alumni of the Goa Medical College from
the 1960s and a pediatrician in the Bahamas for a long time. He spent his
youth in Pune (then Poona).


[Goanet] OBIT: Demi -- A Liberal, Caring and Justice-Driven Face of Goan Christianity

2016-05-17 Thread Dom Martin

Those whom the Gods love, die young; and those whom the Gods need for the 
benefit of others, live long!
Dom Martin 
[Goanet] OBIT: Demi -- A Liberal,   Caring and Justice-Driven Face of Goan 
Goanet Obits Mon, 16 May 2016 16:45:50 -0700 
A Liberal, Caring and Justice-Driven Face of Goan Christianity

Someone reading him online once accused Desmond de Sousa of
being an "angry young priest", possibly even a young upstart who
was critical of the Church in Goa. But Demi, as he was known
to his friends, clarified, without missing the irony: "Let me
assure one and all, I'm 73 years old this September [2012],
54 years a Redemptorist and 46 years a priest Among my
many illustrious students who have become my superiors over
the years are bishops, including the present Archbishop of
Goa, with whom I enjoy a very cordial relationship."

Demi came from a priviledged background, yet he spoke boldly
and without mincing words -- like the prophets of old --
against injustice and for the poor. His family has played a
prominent role in village affairs in Saligao (I remember the
'Saligao Bulletin' sold for 15 paise in the 1960s and a book
called *Floreata Saligao* authored by his septuagenarian dad
C. Hubert de Souza). And yet he was one of the few priests at
the frontlines of the ramponkar agitation in the 1970s in Goa.

If you saw him cycling along the humid roads between Porvorim
and Saligao (as he did till a few years back), you would
hardly guess that he had been the globe-trotting Executive
Secretary of the Office of Human Development (OHD) of the
Federation of Asian Bishops (FABC) for over 10 years during
the 1980s and co-ordinated the Asia-Pacific national offices
of Caritas Internationalis.

  Demi passed away suddenly and without any
  prolongued illness on May 14, 2016, on the
  operating table, during emergency angioplasty,
  after suffering a massive heart attack just a few
  hours earlier. "Those of us who knew him well and
  met him often are in shock at how suddenly and
  unexpectedly it all happened," wrote Mario
  Mascarenhas, activist who had been an associate of
  Demi decades ago.

He was a friendly, concerned, helpful and outspoken man. When
he had something to say even about the Church, he said it
without mincingi words; you would scarcely guess that the
criticism came from a man of the cloth. In a 2012 article he
wrote for Goanet Reader [http://bit.ly/1TdilrN], titled 'The
Challenge to the Church in Goa: Revivalism or Renewal?' Fr
Desmond de Sousa CSsr acknowledged the colonial roots of the
Goan church and wrote:

  ...The clergy generally find it extremely difficult
  to accept a more participative, co-responsible and
  socially committed Church with the laity The
  laity however, are deeply divided about the pace
  and direction of change that renewal demands. A
  paradigm shift in faith formation is needed. They
  need a more inductive reflection on the daily
  realities of life to discover the challenge of God
  acting within these realities, rather than the
  traditional deductive process of learning abstract
  truths of faith by heart.

  ...Some of the more enlightened laity support and
  participate in the renewal process as a genuine and
  necessary expression of the Catholic Church in Goa.
  But the vast majority are caught up in the
  revivalist spiritual awakening that is sweeping Goa.

  ...Will the Church in Goa continue to operate as a
  decrepit, colonial Church or become transformed
  into a vibrant, indigenous Church? Renewal of the
  Church or Revivalism in the Church -- that is the
  question. The caliber of the Church's leadership
  will be severely tested by the question of whose
  perspective will ultimately triumph!

He worked at the grassroots and on picket lines, and he
understood it. Elsewhere, Demi narrates his experiences in
meeting the young Matanhy Saldanha, the
activist-turned-politician who ironically played a crucial
role in helping the BJP return to power in Goa in 2012. He
says: "In the early 1970s during a retreat to college
students in Belgaum, I first met this rather shy, aloof,
silent 20 plus-year-old, who immediately struck me as
different. His friends made fun of him because he had dreams
of entering politics when he returned to Goa. Which
20-year-old is so focused in life?"

"Immediately I recognized his rather unusual name when
reading the news about the leader of the agitation against
Zuari Agro Chemicals polluting the land and then the sea
around Velsao. In 1975, when I was transferred to Goa, I made
it a point to renew our acquaintance. By 1977-78, I was
heavily i

[Goanet] OBIT: Demi -- A Liberal, Caring and Justice-Driven Face of Go an Christianity

2016-05-17 Thread Dom Martin
Those whom the Gods love, die young; and those whom the Gods need for the 
benefit of others, live long!

Dom Martin

[Goanet] The wail and veil of mourning . . .

2016-09-12 Thread Dom Martin
Death is an awful thought, lachrymose indeed! There is no coming out of life 
alive. That’s the inevitable fact. However, there is apparently an 
ongoing, doted dearth in etiquette when it comes to mourning. A single death 
amongst the elite and royalty is a tragedy. A million deaths amongst the common 
and sundry remains a glaucoma of statistics, in-compassionately unaccountable. 
On the other hand, if every death were to be a resounding wail, we might be 
petrified to reincarnate or would solicit a blessed deafness to its unbearable 
cacophony! Dom Martin

[Goanet] Krypto Goans

2016-10-12 Thread Dom Martin
Co-existence is a universal right and should never, ever have been 
compartmentalized or dictated by caste.  Is caste, therefore, and possibly all 
about intellectually engineered/ aka haste or neocon/Goan-con making the 
pre-emptive move against co-existence, thereby, elevating and establishing the 
so-called brahmin/bamon onto the upper rungs of society’s ladder to 
survival and the rest unjustifiably doomed to their descending order and fate?  

There appears to be a mutually classified inference to ‘Crypto’ 
Goans and shrouded in secrecy.  Could it – benignly or surreptitiously 
– be referring to ‘C’ as ‘K’ and ‘K’ 
as Kosher?

If so, it would adequately clarify why Goans are so divisive or progressively 
oppressive to their own kind.  That, however, would not have been the case if 
Goans were renowned as ‘Koans’ rather than Goans.

Dom Martin

[Goanet] Krypto Goans

2016-10-13 Thread Dom Martin
NOTE:  Reposted as some text in the prior post went cryptic.

Co-existence is a universal right and should never, ever have been 
compartmentalized or dictated by caste.  Is caste, therefore, and possibly all 
about intellectually engineered/ aka haste or neocon/Goan-con making the 
pre-emptive move against co-existence, thereby, elevating and establishing the 
so-called brahmin/bamon onto the upper rungs of society’s ladder to survival 
and the rest unjustifiably doomed to their descending order and fate?  

There appears to be a mutually classified inference to ‘Crypto’ Goans and 
shrouded in secrecy.  Could it – benignly or surreptitiously – be referring to 
‘C’ as ‘K’ and ‘K’ as Kosher?

If so, it would adequately clarify why Goans are so divisive or progressively 
oppressive to their own kind.  That, however, would not have been the case if 
Goans were renowned as ‘Koans’ rather than Goans.

Dom Martin

[Goanet] Goan art Renaissance

2012-03-24 Thread Dom Martin
If one could unring the bell, Beethoven would be the first to script the 
timbre.  Therefore, for better or worse, Charudatta’s unintended hum or om, 
must be permitted to run its course!
Money has always been the central, strategic denomination to wellbeing, 
survival or affluence.  Art, on its part, has added color to that denomination 
and in the process, instrumental in blurring the horizon where art perishes and 
perversity flourishes.
In the past, places of worship showcased art for public consumption and the 
artist was merely a pigment in the vast flora of creativity.  With the advent 
and surge of art galleries and the recycling of laundered wealth, an artist 
today has the robust potential to sprout and bloom overnight -- even own a 
segment of the surrounding flora and fauna.
Whether gluttony or the artist is to be blamed for this unprecedented uptick is 
for time to acclaim.  In the meantime, the seeds of creativity will continue to 
be sowed from the hierarchies of vision, and sprout or decay where they befall. 
 The jungle emanating from such sowing has all the instincts and trappings of 
towering trees overshadowing weeds (or parasitically vice versa); nocturnal 
chants and sycophants; medicated rivalry and connivery; highly classified 
logging and blogging; ego rattlings interspersed with egocentric brawls, et al. 
 Ultimately, as with all realities, a one of a kind specie – unpatronized, and 
imbedded in the harshest of circumstances and elements – will overcome the 
insurmountable gloom and also bloom!  
Money and creativity are not incompatible coins in the Bank of Cosmopolitan 
Culture.  It is when creativity starts sounding like a cash register that 
devaluation sets in. 
Dom Martin

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[Goanet] Matanhy

2012-03-25 Thread Dom Martin
In life, we exist asymmetrically until our life sentence is commuted by death.  
To fulfil the purpose for which one’s existence came to be necessary is to 
overcome death and join the ranks of immortality.
Not everyone is committedly aware of that purpose, or able to tenaciously 
endure that altruistic burden.
Dom Martin

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[Goanet] Matanhy

2012-03-25 Thread Dom Martin
In life, we exist asymmetrically until our life sentence on earth is commuted 
by death. To fulfil the purpose for which one’s existence came to be necessary 
is to overcome death and join the ranks of immortality.
Not everyone is committedly aware of that purpose, or able to tenaciously 
endure that altruistic burden.

Dom Martin

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[Goanet] Caste and Assolna

2012-04-15 Thread Dom Martin
THE BAMON LADDER (Goanet:  Mon, 10 Dec 2007  03:02:36 -0800)The Bamon ladder.  
Oh yeah!  I last saw it perched on Mt. Goanism –  in the Sanctum Sanctorum 
of Crab Mentality.  The two long sides (or verticals) were the intellectual 
spouses who didn’t quite get along and so procreated chaddos, sudras, 
kunbis, gauddos, mahars, et al, as rungs to reach God who neither cared to be a 
Goan nor spoke Konkani.  I just happened to be passing by, looking for munch 
– as I belong to the subterranean species aka gaunti termites which 
profess:  “Dust thou art and unto dust thou shall return”.  I 
couldn'’t truly tell the Bamon from the mahar.  It all tasted the same to 
me, you know, like the yak stuff that survival is all about.Dom Martin

53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
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[Goanet] Caste and Assolna

2012-04-15 Thread Dom Martin
THE BAMON LADDER -- Postscript
Whether the bamon ladder no longer exists or is clandestinely perched elsewhere 
-- it was instrumental in ascertaining who got privileged to ascend first and 
hug god, realize success, advance wealth or power.  From that perspective, it 
becomes a valid subject for research. 
Dom Martin

53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

[Goanet] 2014 Decennial Exposition of St Francis Xavier

2013-10-28 Thread Dom Martin
Against the backdrop of the 2014 Decennial is this jarring insinuation in 

". . . The body of Francis Xavier was first taken to Portuguese Malacca and 
two years later shipped back to Goa. It is said that the saint's
body was as fresh as the day it was buried. Although some critics suggest 
this is the body of Thotagamuwe Sri Rahula Thera a renowned
Buddhist monk whose incorrupt body was smuggled by the Portuguese from the 
remote village of Ambana in Sri Lanka.[4] . . .

[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilica_of_Bom_Jesus ]

Is St. Francis Xavier’s credibility at stake here or that of Wikipedia? 
Alternatively, where does one draw the line between what's true and

what's brewed, or between fiction and friction?

Dom Martin
dommartin9 at aol.com 

[Goanet] Caste and Assolna

2012-04-16 Thread Dom Martin
Roland has strummed an audible note, because unlike a conventional cello which 
is made up of four temperamental strings: (tolerance, survival, revival and 
camaraderie) the Goan cello came equipped with a fifth string:  malice.  
Traditionally, a cello comes to life when the strings vibrate upon being 
caressed by the bow, and the vibrations resonate within the body of the cello 
itself. These vibrations then transcend into the air and become the ethos that 
either extracts one out of the alley or sends one scurrying back!
Historically, the 4-string cello was ingenuously goanized into a single-string 
cello.  Without succumbing to the risk of divulging which specific string, a 
consummate Goan can play the solo-stringed cello like a virtuoso!  Today, this 
one of a kind, endangered single-string cello continues to be culturally 
camouflaged and closeted.  That moot concern aside, Goans for the most part are 
genuinely good and harmless, and if you keep your distance, you are most likely 
to be within striding reach of a shopping mall where you can purchase ear 
muffs, antacids, life insurance policy, et. al,  and that too, at super duper 
prices! And Selma, if I have been gone for long, it is because the solo string 
to my faux cello snapped some eons ago and I am not sure if I want to 
reactivate my allegiance by restoring it.  But if I did decide, where could I 
get an authentic replacement?  In Assolna or Chor Bazaar? 
Dom Martin

53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

[Goanet] Forgetting the Past Dishonours the Future (Selma in today's Herald Re view)

2012-09-02 Thread Dom Martin
Recognition is a universal need and its occurrence in everyone’s life is a 
matter of fate or faith.

There is also a Goan adage, which loosely translated reads:  ‘A worm in dung 
never remains imbedded in dung; someday it will arise’ [to see the light of 

However, there is a backlash to the Goan adage:  “The early bird catches the 

Dom Martin

Woman is 53 But Looks 25
Mom reveals 1 simple wrinkle trick that has angered doctors...

[Goanet] Some Funeral Carriage carts from Moira Cemetery Museum

2012-11-11 Thread Dom Martin
Thank you Joel, for giving us a most delightful glimpse of Moira’s funereal 
limousines of yester years, which are now themselves fittingly laid to rest in 
the cemetery’s museum. 
Speaking of Moira -- despite the conniving jabs, highfalutin chatter or 
unrehearsed sputter -- I wish to go on the record that I am a grandson of Moira 
and therefore, a moidekar too!  Not sure, if this unsolicited tip will tip the 
scale in favor of or against fellow moidekars.  That aside, when my Visa to 
Eternity finally arrives (via slug mail), it will be a glorious privilege to 
make the journey aboard any one of these priceless limousines!  And please, no 
videos or photographs!  Let good riddance be quietly and hurriedly led away 
like a bhailo!

Dom Martin

Woman is 53 But Looks 25
Mom reveals 1 simple wrinkle trick that has angered doctors...

[Goanet] Some Funeral Carriage carts from Moira Cemetery Museum

2012-11-12 Thread Dom Martin
Hi Joel:

My respectful apologies to JoeGoaUK for the glitch.  I was of the naïve 
assumption that Joel and JoeGoaUk were of the same embodiment. Having 
brilliantly erred, I may now be entitled to an Alzheimer's discount when it 
comes to renting one of those nostalgic funeral limousines.


Subject: Re: [Goanet] Some Funeral Carriage carts from Moira Cemetery

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Dom,

Due to oversight... perhaps... you have mentioned "Joel" in connection with
JoeGoaUK's beautiful pictures of Moira and its cemetery.


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2012-12-16 Thread Dom Martin
Does any one know if Bendo Juze is a pseudonym or a breathing Goenkar?  In the 
admirable quest to spotlight Great Goans, Bendo penned an article titled:  “Fr. 
Chico Monteiro – An Inspiration to the True Goan Heart” 
The article was posted by Niz Goenkar.  I liked the article because I could 
truly relate to it  -- being that the entire text relating to Fr. Chico was 
plagiarized, verbatim, from my article “Fr. Chico Monteiro:  A Seed in 
Oblivion” (http://www.dommartin.us/Literature/SeedinOblivion.html).

However, unlike the alleged grievance purporting to the absence of comments 
parlayed in the “Eugene Correia was acting the boss of Niz Goenkar” post,  
Bendu’s post on Fr. Chico garnered 10 comments.  Perhaps, it does pay to 

As for those who remain critical of Fr. Chico’s singular saga, they are most 
welcome to get off their dead, over-flogged horses and continue wherefrom he 
miserably failed or left them unbearably disappointed!

Dom Martin

Woman is 53 But Looks 25
Mom reveals 1 simple wrinkle trick that has angered doctors...