[Goanet] M F Hussain, saint or sinner

2010-03-17 Thread Edward Verdes

Dotor bab,
I had asked yo the question because I was sure that you did not
hear the songs..If you had really heard all the songs you would not come to
wrong conclusion...the meaning of Bodmass itself says a lot about Calvert.

Fyi, there are 14 songs on this CD and of these 5 songs are exposing local
politician..the same politician whom Calvert had introduced to the local
people as his
friend and got him elected...even after knowing the politican was a kallo
There are no religious extremists involved in this. Calvert has himself
that the men who were sent to his house were sent by the politician and the
rival panch.

This is not the first time that songs on priest are sung but there have been
instances in the past too, how come there was no violence that time.

So called accusations are only from Calvert...n he has not provided any
proof for the same.

Edward Verdes

- Original Message - 
From: anil desai  Response:

Since you asked this question, I heard one song on youtube. I heard two
serious accusations made against the priest of Colva.
You may or may not know but right now two Hindu godmen are under arrest in
India and a third one is under investigation.

You should be aware of paedophilia allegations against catholic priests
currently even Pope is accused of inadvertently sheltering a paedophile
priest. Last week, the chief exorcist for the Vatican claimed that Satan
taken residence in the Vatican I believe all religions, including mine,
religious leaders who betray trust of their followers.It is for our
respective religions to sort out their internal problems.

My interest is not  human frailties but breaking of law by violence or
threats of violence by people with extremist opinions and particularly its
exploitation by pseudo-secular political operatives.

Threat of violence against Hussain was wrong and so was the violence in
Colva. I condemn both in no uncertain terms. The pseudo-secularist
operators in India see bad in Hindu religion only. Marshal is one such
operator. Anand and I have asked him several simple questions and he is
clearly having difficulty answering them.

Anil Desai

[Goanet] M F Hussain, saint or sinner

2010-03-15 Thread anil desai
Edward wrote:

Dotor Bab,
Did you hear all the songs from CD  'Dogui Bodmass Produced by CALVERT?
If so what are your views?

Edward Verdes


Since you asked this question, I heard one song on youtube. I heard two
serious accusations made against the priest of Colva.
You may or may not know but right now two Hindu godmen are under arrest in
India and a third one is under investigation.

You should be aware of paedophilia allegations against catholic priests and
currently even Pope is accused of inadvertently sheltering a paedophile
priest. Last week, the chief exorcist for the Vatican claimed that Satan had
taken residence in the Vatican I believe all religions, including mine, have
religious leaders who betray trust of their followers.It is for our
respective religions to sort out their internal problems.

My interest is not  human frailties but breaking of law by violence or
threats of violence by people with extremist opinions and particularly its
exploitation by pseudo-secular political operatives.

 Threat of violence against Hussain was wrong and so was the violence in
Colva. I condemn both in no uncertain terms. The pseudo-secularist political
operators in India see bad in Hindu religion only. Marshal is one such
operator. Anand and I have asked him several simple questions and he is
clearly having difficulty answering them.

Anil Desai

[Goanet] M F Hussain, saint or sinner

2010-03-15 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Dr Anil Desai:
1. Do you really believe that the whole controversy about Tasleema Nasreen
is about Hindu extremists using her case for political purposes( as you have
put it)?
2. Can we read your views about the violence in Colva and the treatment
meted out to Culvert and the actions of religious extremists with regard to
Da Vinci Code movie?

1.Yes, it is pretty much clear. That is why Narendra Modi, the epitome of
human rights abuses and excesses, offered her refuge in Gujarat. Yet writers
and artistes who do not toe the hindutva line are hounded at every
opportunity. Check with Mallika Sarabhai, Ashish Ray, the student artists at
MS University. If Tasleema who writes against muslim fundamentalism can be
tolerated and feted, why not MFH? If this is not double standards, what
is?Also refer to the following article.

2.  Please refer to my post on the Colva violence:

3.So far as the movie Da Vince Code is again concerned, it is far from being
a religious issue. The movie was shown abroad even in christian countries
without any problem. It was also shown in many states in India, including
Bombay where I live, without any problem. It was only in Goa and I believe
Punjab where there were problems. These were instigated by polticians like
Churchill Alemao trying to exploit religious sentiments for political gain.

Democratic protests are perfectly acceptable and normal in civilised society
while violence is definitely not.



[Goanet] M F Hussain- Saint or Sinner

2010-03-15 Thread Marshall Mendonza
 Dr Anil Desai:

The pseudo-secularist political operators in India see bad in Hindu religion


1. I have several times stated  very clearly that violence or hate is no
answer to any disagreement or dispute. You are welcome to run through the
Goanet archives where you will find upteen such postings. There are
democratic and civil ways of protesting.

2. Now,can you point out even one post of mine speaking bad or negative of
the Hindu religion or even hindu religious practices?

3. Do you believe that the hindu religion and hindutva ideology to be one
and synonymous?

4. Do you subscribe to the hindutva ideology?

5.Could you kindly share with us what motivated you to post that insensitive
and tactless article by Francois Gauntier at the height of the violence
against christians in Orissa by hindutva extremists two years ago?

6. I may have perhaps missed seeing your post condemning the violence
against christians in Orissa by extremist hindutvavadis. Would you be kind
enough to provide the link to this post?

7. You mentioned in an earlier post that you felt offended by MHF's painting
which was posted by someone on Goanet in the course of a debate. Are you
similarly offended when these paintings are displayed on the websites of
organisations like HJS/SS, VHP, Bajrang dal, etc? If yes, have you
communicated your sense of hurt to them? Have you ever condemned such acts
or do you feel they are justified?



[Goanet] M F Hussain saint or sinner

2010-03-14 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Anil Desai:
About freedom of expression: It should be exercised with responsibility.

1. Who decides the threshold - the artiste, civil society, the judiciary or
extremist elements?
2. After the judiciary decides, can extremist elements continue to obstruct
justice or order?
3. What is the time period which can be considered reasonable?-50 years, 100
years, 1000 years? What is to stop extremist elements from raking up a
discussion item held today in various fora and accepted by civil society as
normal and say that it hurts their religious sentiments and feelings some 10
years from now?



[Goanet] M F Hussain, saint or sinner

2010-03-14 Thread anil desai
Marshall wrote:

One important point in this entire discussion on MF Hussain which everyone
seems to be missing out is that the so called offensive paintings were
created over 40 years ago. They were exhibited in art galleries, viewed by
artists and art connoisseurs and did not raise anyone's hackles.

However, in the 90's at the height of the hindutva movement,( remember, the
Babri Masjid was demolished in December, 1992), the hindutvavadis tried to
rake up anything and everything that could be used as a weapon to incite the
public and create a communal divide which could be exploited for electoral
gain. Therefore, the Hubli Idgah maidan issue, Haji Malang issue in Kalyan,
Bababudangiri shrine, Chickmagalur, Karnataka and several others. At this
point of time sometime in 1996 some hindutva organisations dredged out these
two paintings out of some 1 paintings done by MFH and put them on public
display accompanied of course with shrill communal rhetoric. The
organisation which took a lead in this was the HJS / SS whose credentials
are too well known and who were in the news recently for the bomb blasts in
Margao and elsewhere which was targetted at hindus. So much for their sense
of anger at the paintings!!!

It is also interesting to note that when challenged in court, the Delhi HC
and the Supreme Court held there was nothing objectionable in the paintings.

 Delhi High Court in May 2008 clearly stated the obvious: A painter has his
own perspective of looking at things and it cannot be the basis of
initiating criminal proceedings against him...In India, new puritanism is
being carried out in the name of cultural purity and a host of ignorant
people are vandalizing art and pushing us towards a pre-renaissance era.

The Chief Justice of India K.G.Balakrishan had the best response to the
question when, while upholding the Delhi HC decision, he said: ?There are so
many such subjects, photographs and publications. Will you file cases
against all of them? It (Husain?s work) is art. If you don?t want to see it,
then don?t see it. There are so many such art forms in the (Hindu) temple

The main point to note also is that these paintings were not in public
places and were in private collections, rarely exhibited and that too in
rarefied exhibitions attended by people who by no stretch of imagination
would have been offended by them, at exclusive galleries. All of them were
done many, many years back. Those who claimed to be hurt by these paintings
were the ones who went about putting these paintings in the public domain.

MFH is being made a scapegoat because he is a muslim. He is being used as a
pawn in the larger battle being fought by communal forces who wish to secure
political power. Had he been a hindu, possibly there would have been a few
protests and the matter would have died down a la Subodh Kerkar affaire.

It is also a matter for all people to think whether violence or threats of
violence is acceptable in any protest or disagreement.

In the Taslima issue too, Taslima is a merely a pawn in the larger battle
for votes.The hindutva lobbly does not love her but is using her to hurt the
muslims since some of her writings raise the hackles of fundamentalist
muslims. West Bengal has a large muslim population, and in order not to lose
their votes, the Left front as well as the 'secular' parties like the
Congress or TC are pandering to the muslim extremists. Annd so the chain
goes on. There is a valid point in the argument that the state and the
secular lobby have not been equally fair and firm with muslim extremists
whether in the Shah Bano affair, or the Salman Rushdie matter or the Taslima
issue. So where do we go from here? Continue this game of brinkmanship or
set up standards for others to follow?

All in all, hindutva is giving hinduism a bad name. Hinduism has through the
ages welcomed and sheltered all religions. Nowhere in the world will one see
the portraits of all types of gods and deities displayed, and treated with
equal respect, like I have seen in roadside dhabbas, sugarcane juice stalls,
transport buses, shops, offices in India. I lived in Gurgaon for two years
and had a Punjabi Hindu as my neighbour. I was surprised to see a painting
of the Last Supper prominently displayed on the wall of her living room. The
lady explained to me that this was a gift to her husband, an army officer,
and they revered it knowing the full story and background. Another Punjabi
Hindu neighbour to whom I used to send my children for tutions in Hindi,
requested me obtain a Bible in large font size for her aged father-in-law as
he was very happy and keen on reading stories from the bible.These are the
kind of people who practice the essense of hinduism and not those protesting
against MFH.


Very good write up.

2 questions:

1. Do you really believe that the whole controversy about Tasleema Nasreen
is about Hindu extremists using her case for political purposes( as you have
put it)?

Re: [Goanet] M F Hussain, saint or sinner

2010-03-14 Thread Edward Verdes

Dotor Bab,
Did you hear all the songs from CD  'Dogui Bodmass Produced by CALVERT?
If so what are your views?

Edward Verdes

- Original Message - 
From: anil desai 

2. Can we read your views about the violence in Colva and the treatment
meted out to Culvert and the actions of religious extremists with regard 

Da Vinci Code movie?

Anil Desai


[Goanet] M F Hussain: saint or sinner

2010-03-14 Thread anil desai
Samir wrote:

 I find it very glaring that while everyone
rushes to Hussein's defense, not one of the so-called secular fighters came
in defense
of Tasleema when she was hounded.



This included Marshall whose fingers must have gone numb when he tried to
write something insupport of Tasleema. Even now, he believes the whole
problem with the Tasleema issue is that Hindu extremists trying to use her
for political purposes. Where were these pseudo-secularists when Culvert
needed support in Colva?

Anil Desai

[Goanet] M F Hussain : saint or sinner?

2010-03-14 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

I was touched with the following paragraph from Marshall's post:


All in all, hindutva is giving Hinduism a bad name. Hinduism has through the
ages welcomed and sheltered all religions. Nowhere in the world will one see
the portraits of all types of gods and deities displayed, and treated with
equal respect, like I have seen in roadside dhabbas, sugarcane juice stalls,
transport buses, shops, offices in India. 


I was frequent visitor to Gurgaon for two years and had a Punjabi Hindu as
my neighbor. I was surprised to see a painting of the Last Supper
prominently displayed on the wall of their living room. The lady explained
to me that this was a gift to her husband, an army officer, and they revered
it knowing the full story and background. Another Punjabi Hindu neighbor to
whom I used to send my children for tuitions in Hindi, requested me to
obtain a Bible in large font size for her aged father-in-law as he was very
happy and keen on reading stories from the bible. These are the kind of
people who practice the essence of Hinduism and not those protesting against


Does Marshall have reverential pictures of Hindu gods and goddesses in his


Best wishes


Dr U. G. Barad 


[Goanet] M F Hussain Saint or sinner

2010-03-12 Thread anil desai
Marshall wrote:

I must congratulate Sandeep Heble for this article which is so well written.



Response: I agree but would  Sandeep not get more credibility if he wrote
similar articles on the activities of religious extremists in the cases of
Dogui Bodmas in his backyard and Tasleema Nasreen? Or is there no tradition
amongst Indian pseudo secularists of being critical towards non-hindu

Anil Desai

[Goanet] M F Hussain Saint or sinner?

2010-03-12 Thread Samir Kelekar
Anil Desai writes:
Or is there no tradition
amongst Indian pseudo secularists of being critical towards non-hindu

Good point. Further, Sandeep's argument saying Hussein painted
Hindu Goddesses nude because of the tradition in the Hindu religion,
while he didnt do the equivalent because of lack of tradition in 
Islam is in direct contradiction to the argument that his drawings
are creative.

Creativity being an unfettered thing is completed out of tune
with maintaining traditions. The essence of creativity is breaking
away from traditions.

In other words, the above is just a cop-out argument of Hussein's.
It is very likely that if he imagines Hindu Goddesses nude, he
would be imagining the Muslim godddesses or equivalent nude too,
and if he is true to himself, he should draw those too.

Just shows the hypocrisy of the man, and also of his defenders.



Re: [Goanet] M F Hussain Saint or sinner?

2010-03-12 Thread Santosh Helekar
Accusing an artist of hypocrisy for creating something based on his/her own 
likes and dislikes is pointless and silly. The essence of any art is artistic 
freedom. An artist is free to create anything he fancies or fantasizes about. 
Nobody can tell him what to create and what not to create. All one can do is 
not buy his art.



--- On Fri, 3/12/10, Samir Kelekar samir_kele...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Good point. Further, Sandeep's argument saying Hussein
 Hindu Goddesses nude because of the tradition in the Hindu
 while he didnt do the equivalent because of lack of
 tradition in 
 Islam is in direct contradiction to the argument that his
 are creative.
 Creativity being an unfettered thing is completed out of
 with maintaining traditions. The essence of creativity is
 away from traditions.
 In other words, the above is just a cop-out argument of
 It is very likely that if he imagines Hindu Goddesses nude,
 would be imagining the Muslim godddesses or equivalent nude
 and if he is true to himself, he should draw those too.
 Just shows the hypocrisy of the man, and also of his


[Goanet] M F Hussain : saint or sinner?

2010-03-12 Thread Samir Kelekar
Sandeep article on M F Hussain is a height of hypocrisy. While
Sandeep calls the saga of Hussain 
cruel reflection of our times and our society’s growing Intolerance.
Sandeep has no comment on what Hussain's obligation to his own
religion is.

Sandeep calls opposition to Hussain's painting as a sign of
barbarism, however, he has no hassle in justifying the barbarism
in say Islam where he casually attributes
 it to the fact that it is part of
the Muslim religion, or it is part of their tradition.

Any thinking person -- be it Sandeep or Hussain or Marshall
--- ought to ask the
fundamental question --- if I can do such paintings of the
Hindu Gods or Goddesses, why cant I do it in my own religion ?

And if I can't do it, what is the reason ? Can one justify
the barbaric status of one religion saying it is tradition, while at the same 
time talk
about freedom of speech when another religion is concerned ?

These double standards are very obvious to any neutral observer.

One needs to see how these so called defenders of secularism
go running with their tail between their legs when Tasleema
Nasreen is attacked by the Muslims. For heaven's sake,
dont call yourself secular at least. You are disgracing
that good word.

Freedom of expression is
not a right that applies only selectively or as per convenience.

There is a limit to how much of a tunnel vision one can have.
Yes, the protestors are taking Hinduism to dark ages; if 
succesful, Hinduism will then become like Islam which is
still in the dark ages, and then presumably Sandeep and Marshall
will have
no problems with it!


[Goanet] M F Hussain saint or sinner

2010-03-12 Thread anil desai
Marshall wrote:

Freedom of Speech or expression is not absolute. It is restricted and
contained by the conditions around us. That is why Tendulkar and Gavaskar
cannot speak freely on certain issues in Bombay. That is why Karan Johar,
Amitabh Bachhan, Shah Rukh Khan and other artistes have to obtain
'clearances' even after receiving the Censor's certificate before their
films can be shown.


Yet again, Marshall shows his true colours.In his philosophical arguments,
only example he cas find is that of Shivsena and MNS.
Why does he find it so difficult to condemn the violence unleashed against
Culvert in Colva or the treatment meted out to Tasleema Nasreen.
Is he himself a religious extremist, a wolfe in sheep's clothing?

About freedom of expression: It should be exercised with responsibility.

Anil Desai

Re: [Goanet] M F Hussain Saint or sinner

2010-03-12 Thread J. Colaco jc
I must congratulate anil desai  for his post which is so well written.

It is possible that both Sandeep and Marshall will now decide to do
the needful. If they do not, they'd be NO different from the other
bigots who might be reading this.



[1] Marshall Mendonza wrote:

I must congratulate Sandeep Heble for this article which is so well written.

[2] anil desai anild...@gmail.com wrote:

Response: I agree but would  Sandeep not get more credibility if he
wrote similar articles on the activities of religious extremists in
the cases of Dogui Bodmas in his backyard and Tasleema Nasreen? Or is
there no tradition amongst Indian pseudo secularists of being critical
towards non-hindu extremists?

[Goanet] M F Hussain : saint or sinner?

2010-03-12 Thread Marshall Mendonza

One important point in this entire discussion on MF Hussain which everyone
seems to be missing out is that the so called offensive paintings were
created over 40 years ago. They were exhibited in art galleries, viewed by
artists and art connoisseurs and did not raise anyone's hackles.

However, in the 90's at the height of the hindutva movement,( remember, the
Babri Masjid was demolished in December, 1992), the hindutvavadis tried to
rake up anything and everything that could be used as a weapon to incite the
public and create a communal divide which could be exploited for electoral
gain. Therefore, the Hubli Idgah maidan issue, Haji Malang issue in Kalyan,
Bababudangiri shrine, Chickmagalur, Karnataka and several others. At this
point of time sometime in 1996 some hindutva organisations dredged out these
two paintings out of some 1 paintings done by MFH and put them on public
display accompanied of course with shrill communal rhetoric. The
organisation which took a lead in this was the HJS / SS whose credentials
are too well known and who were in the news recently for the bomb blasts in
Margao and elsewhere which was targetted at hindus. So much for their sense
of anger at the paintings!!!

It is also interesting to note that when challenged in court, the Delhi HC
and the Supreme Court held there was nothing objectionable in the paintings.

 Delhi High Court in May 2008 clearly stated the obvious: A painter has his
own perspective of looking at things and it cannot be the basis of
initiating criminal proceedings against him...In India, new puritanism is
being carried out in the name of cultural purity and a host of ignorant
people are vandalizing art and pushing us towards a pre-renaissance era.

The Chief Justice of India K.G.Balakrishan had the best response to the
question when, while upholding the Delhi HC decision, he said: “There are so
many such subjects, photographs and publications. Will you file cases
against all of them? It (Husain’s work) is art. If you don’t want to see it,
then don’t see it. There are so many such art forms in the (Hindu) temple

The main point to note also is that these paintings were not in public
places and were in private collections, rarely exhibited and that too in
rarefied exhibitions attended by people who by no stretch of imagination
would have been offended by them, at exclusive galleries. All of them were
done many, many years back. Those who claimed to be hurt by these paintings
were the ones who went about putting these paintings in the public domain.

MFH is being made a scapegoat because he is a muslim. He is being used as a
pawn in the larger battle being fought by communal forces who wish to secure
political power. Had he been a hindu, possibly there would have been a few
protests and the matter would have died down a la Subodh Kerkar affaire.

It is also a matter for all people to think whether violence or threats of
violence is acceptable in any protest or disagreement.

In the Taslima issue too, Taslima is a merely a pawn in the larger battle
for votes.The hindutva lobbly does not love her but is using her to hurt the
muslims since some of her writings raise the hackles of fundamentalist
muslims. West Bengal has a large muslim population, and in order not to lose
their votes, the Left front as well as the 'secular' parties like the
Congress or TC are pandering to the muslim extremists. Annd so the chain
goes on. There is a valid point in the argument that the state and the
secular lobby have not been equally fair and firm with muslim extremists
whether in the Shah Bano affair, or the Salman Rushdie matter or the Taslima
issue. So where do we go from here? Continue this game of brinkmanship or
set up standards for others to follow?

All in all, hindutva is giving hinduism a bad name. Hinduism has through the
ages welcomed and sheltered all religions. Nowhere in the world will one see
the portraits of all types of gods and deities displayed, and treated with
equal respect, like I have seen in roadside dhabbas, sugarcane juice stalls,
transport buses, shops, offices in India. I lived in Gurgaon for two years
and had a Punjabi Hindu as my neighbour. I was surprised to see a painting
of the Last Supper prominently displayed on the wall of her living room. The
lady explained to me that this was a gift to her husband, an army officer,
and they revered it knowing the full story and background. Another Punjabi
Hindu neighbour to whom I used to send my children for tutions in Hindi,
requested me obtain a Bible in large font size for her aged father-in-law as
he was very happy and keen on reading stories from the bible.These are the
kind of people who practice the essense of hinduism and not those protesting
against MFH.

