[google-appengine] How does GAE's cost compare to that of commercial hosting?

2009-04-01 Thread Andy

Does anyone have rough ballpark estimates on how does GAE's cost
compare to that of commercial hosting?

For example, the traffic supported by GAE's free quotas -- is that
generally higher or less than the traffic supported by a $5/mo shared
hosting account?

And what about the traffic supported by a $40/mo VPS account on a
typical web hosting company -- how much would that cost if the site
was hosted on App Engine?

What about a $200/mo dedicated server hosting -- what's the GAE

I know it depends on a lot of factors, but if anyone has any ballpark
estimates or experiences they're willing to share I'd really
appreciate it.

I'm starting a project and try to decide between GAE and standard web
hosting. The project will start small, but if the traffic grows I want
to see which would be a better option for me. GAE is less flexible and
creates a certain amount of lock-in, but at least I want to know if
it'll end up cheaper or more expensive as traffic grows
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[google-appengine] Resource quota confusions

2009-04-01 Thread Andy

In the section http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/quotas.html#Free_Changes

it's stated that:

The new free quota levels to take effect on May 25th will be as

* CPU Time: 6.5 hours of CPU time per day
* Bandwidth: 1 gigabyte of data transferred in and out of the
application per day

Yet earlier in the same page, according to the table in the section

Outgoing Bandwidth:  10 gigabytes free (for Billing Enabled Quota)
CPU Time: 46 CPU-hours free (for Billing Enabled

So if I billing enabled my account, do I get 1G traffic free per day,
or 10G? 46 CPU-hrs free, or 6.5 CPU-hrs?
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[google-appengine] Re: How does GAE's cost compare to that of commercial hosting?

2009-04-01 Thread gops

if your application can live within the boundary provided by app
engine , it is the cheapest option for almost anyone... i don't think
even a dedicated server can perform as well as gae -- without experts.

here goes UGLY/APPROXIMATE comparison i just deed.

As per www.livejournal.com , they got almost 300,000 posts per day.
which is,
approximately 3000 gb of datastorage per year which is equivalent to
5475$ per year. ( increasing every year ).

and bandwitdth out (considering 350 million pageviews per month)
approx to
498504 $ . while bandwidth in cost around 100,000$ .  emails ( which
are dead cheap) cost around
5000$. so total cost is ( with salary of 2 well paid python
developer ) YEARLY , 1m$. which is nothing.
I am sure they are spending much much more than that.

well there might be some "oops" and "buts" at that large scale -- but
we are playing with much powerful system ...  I/we are excited. :D

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[google-appengine] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2009-04-01 Thread Pratik Rokade

Pratik Rokade requested to add you as a connection on LinkedIn:


I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Pratik

View invitation from Pratik Rokade

DID YOU KNOW you can use your LinkedIn profile as your website? Select a vanity 
URL and then promote this address on your business cards, email signatures, 
website, etc

(c) 2009, LinkedIn Corporation

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[google-appengine] Re: Resource quota confusions

2009-04-01 Thread Wooble

On Apr 1, 5:19 am, Andy  wrote:
> In the sectionhttp://code.google.com/appengine/docs/quotas.html#Free_Changes
> it's stated that:
> The new free quota levels to take effect on May 25th will be as
> follows:
>     * CPU Time: 6.5 hours of CPU time per day
>     * Bandwidth: 1 gigabyte of data transferred in and out of the
> application per day
> Yet earlier in the same page, according to the table in the 
> sectionhttp://code.google.com/appengine/docs/quotas.html#Requests
> Outgoing Bandwidth:  10 gigabytes free (for Billing Enabled Quota)
> CPU Time:                 46 CPU-hours free (for Billing Enabled
> Quota)
> So if I billing enabled my account, do I get 1G traffic free per day,
> or 10G? 46 CPU-hrs free, or 6.5 CPU-hrs?

10G and 46 CPU-hours.  The new free quotas are for accounts without
billing enabled; accounts with billing enabled get to use more
resources before they start getting charged.
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[google-appengine] Re: Debugging in Google App Engine

2009-04-01 Thread Ubaldo Huerta

You may want to take a look at firepython 

Firepython isn't quite debugging (stepping, breakpoints, etc), it's a
way to get info, warning, etc log messages into firebug console. Now
it even has profiling although I haven't tried that part yet

On Mar 31, 2:18 pm, Sylvain  wrote:
> http://code.google.com/intl/fr/appengine/articles/eclipse.html
> On 31 mar, 13:57, Lee Olayvar  wrote:
> > WingIDE debugs an active dev_appserver.py session just fine. The only thing
> > i noticed is that if your on a breakpoint, during a page load, that your
> > client (firefox for me) may simply giveup the request after a while. None
> > the less the debugger works fine.
> > On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:59 AM, arnie  wrote:
> > > Using google app engine sdk 1.1.7 and active python win for windows,
> > > is it possible to have debugging while the code is running. How can we
> > > debug in a running code. like in Microsoft .Net or other debuggers
> > > that provides this functionality of stepping into code in debug code
> > > as well as using breakpoints
> > > Any idea??
> > > Thanks
> > > Arnie
> > --
> > Lee Olayvar
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[google-appengine] Re: Google app engine ... how to access website of company?

2009-04-01 Thread Aaron

ok, they have done this just a week ago.

They made a account for me and gave me rights as developer.

The ceo just got a hold of the old programmer.

He got files and gave me it. I already have the sdk the google app
engine files.

I have some experience with python never done anything hardcore.

can you explain what I need to do in order to add the new html?

I also have to change the code that handels the forms.

I was told after I make the changes I just run manage.py

I think the last programmer made manage.py or something.

So I just need some more detail on what I need to do to update the

I never used google and I am new to this area.

I am used to web hosting providers having a cpanel or me manually
putting files on  a server that has apache.

I am new to the google scene and need to learn fast. The ceo wants
this up soon and is getting impatient.

I told him I am new to google.

So if you can tell me or give me a site that will explain where I need
to change the html code and also how I can edit the form inputs to

cause I made changes to the forms on the website and I need to change
the code that submits it to the database.

I am used to php where I would use the get or post method.  I am used
to changing the php files and make changes to mysql to allow for the

I changed a form from  just like name and phone number and address
meaning contact info and I  then change it to a blog type input where
users can send their feedback to the company. So I assume I would need
to change the width allowed in the database and make changes to code
to transfer the form data to the database.

Thanks for the help so far.

On Mar 23, 4:09 pm, OliWeiD 
> Hi Aaron,
> first you have to find out, if your company is only using Google Apps
> alone
> (domain handling, static files, emails services integrated Google
> Docs...)
> or if they are using Google Apps (domain handling) and Google App
> Engine (here we are).
> To get started with App Engine you may have found 
> alreadyhttp://code.google.com/intl/de/appengine/
> together with the documentation 
> inhttp://code.google.com/intl/de/appengine/docs/.
> In short you need the SDK which you can download from the first link
> (or easy to find)
> and the original source files your predecessor in your company has
> used.
> But even if you have now the revised version on you development system
> (your computer),
> One of the former administrators needs to invite you as a developer/
> administrator.
> If it's only Google Apps, I cannot help, but also there an
> adminstrator should have access
> and should invite you.
> Hope that helps anyhow.
> OliWeiD
> On 21 Mrz., 16:08, Aaron  wrote:
> > Hi, I just got hired in a company that claims they use google as their
> > web hosting service.
> > I currently never knew google has hosting services. They told me that
> > they are using google apps engine.
> > Now I am new to this scene. I have experience with making websites for
> > others. I am used to having to login to a panel and uploading files
> > to the server.
> > what I was told by the ceo. He told me that google apps engine is the
> > interface to the database and website.
> > From my experience in programming. I assume that the google app engine
> > is just a libary of code that allows developers to make their web app
> > able to to communicate with google applications.
> > I don't think this engine will store or act like  a database in the
> > way like mysql does.
> > Well to make the story short. I need to update this companies
> > website.
> > I am totally lost on how I can do this.  What does the ceo need to do
> > for me  in order for me to have access to where the website files are
> > stored?
> > thanks for your time.
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[google-appengine] how to return random results from datastore

2009-04-01 Thread sagey


I'd like to be able to return random results from the datastore. I'm
not sure from the documentation how i would go about doing that. I'd
appreciate some pointers.

Thanks in advance
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[google-appengine] Re: how to return random results from datastore

2009-04-01 Thread Barry Hunter

When saving a entity, include a random property. (eg use an Integer,
and set it to a random value between 1 and 100)

Then when you want a random record, use the equivlent to ths GQL

SELECT * FROM RandomEntity WHERE RandomProperty > 4456 ORDER BY
RandomProperty ASC LIMIT 1

where the 4456 is randomly choosen.

Or to account for occasional duplications of the RandomProperty could
include a small offset. (say 1-10)

SELECT * FROM RandomEntity WHERE RandomProperty > 4456 ORDER BY
RandomProperty ASC LIMIT 5,1

I believe that should be reasonably efficient in the datastore.

On 01/04/2009, sagey  wrote:
>  hello,
>  I'd like to be able to return random results from the datastore. I'm
>  not sure from the documentation how i would go about doing that. I'd
>  appreciate some pointers.
>  Thanks in advance
>  >


- www.nearby.org.uk - www.geograph.org.uk -

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[google-appengine] Does False = 'False' and True = 'True' in GQL

2009-04-01 Thread thebrianschott

To avoid archiving deleted instances in the datastore I have added the
following field  to my data model Pin.

deleteRequested = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)

I use the following code to extract only instances which are not
deleted. And this seems to work find on my SDK, but not on GAE. Both
deleted and undeleted instances are being fetched by the GqlQuery. Do
I need to put single quotes around False?

class Details(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
action = self.request.get("Action", "read")
place_id = self.request.get("place")
key = db.Key.from_path("Group", place_id)
place = Group.get(key)

if action == "read":
pins = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Pin where
deleteRequested = False AND ancestor is :group LIMIT 100",

Brian in Atlanta
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[google-appengine] Getting URLFetchServiceError values from DownloadError?

2009-04-01 Thread William Shallum


I'm using the Google Apps Provisioning API on App Engine and trying to catch 
DEADLINE_EXCEEDED errors (but not other errors) since creating a user often 
results in DEADLINE_EXCEEDED. Is there any better way to do this other than 
inspecting the DownloadError exception's message property which is a string?


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[google-appengine] Can't login to app engine

2009-04-01 Thread surftheair

This evening, I can't login to my Google App Engine account, both
using the command line to upgrate my project and using the web
interface to view my account status.  What's wrong with app engine?

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[google-appengine] delete an entity

2009-04-01 Thread Racz

i found this

q=db.GqlQuery("SELECT * from User where create_date < :1",
results = q.fetch(10)

source :http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/

but it gives me this error:

"NameError: global name 'earliest_date' is not defined"

can anybody give me a clue

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[google-appengine] Google Gadgets running GAE app via URL, problems with authentication cookies in IE

2009-04-01 Thread Jim


I've created an appliation using Google App Engine that integrates
with Google Accounts using login/logout URLs as described here:
Everything works great when running the application directly.  You can
check out the app here:  http://www.paymeplz.com/free

But recently I decided to build a Google Gadget that contains a
snippet of my functionality in a the "home" Gadget view, and the whole
thing in the "canvas" view using the URL approach to defining my
Gadget .xml file as described here:
The gadget resides here: http://www.paymeplz.com/gadget.xml

It worked fine under Firefox and Chrome, but when I ran the Gadget
under IE I discovered that the login functionality didn't work.  I
could follow the login URL to the Google Account login page, login and
when re-directed back to my app the users.get_current_user() function
would return nothing as if the user wasn't logged in.

I quickly suspected cookies and dug around to discover the fact that
IE, starting with version 6, started blocking "third party" cookies
that didn't have a W3C P3P policy.  I've never dealt with cookies much
before, and I definitely wasn't familiar with P3P policies and how
they impact delivery of cookies between servers and browsers.  This
site describes it well: http://www.p3ptoolbox.org/guide/section2.shtml

After some research into the P3P topic, I realized I needed to
configure a P3P policy and deploy it on my App Engine site.  A little
trial, error and free software from IBM got my policy setup and
visible to the browsers including IE.  But my cookies were still
getting blocked by IE when running in the iGoogle Gadget container
(ie. a "third party" cookie).

Further research revealed that IE looks not only at the P3P policy
files stored on your server, as required by the W3C specification,
they also require a "Compact Policy" to be embedded in the HTTP HEADER
response from the server to the browser.  A little poking around the
Python doc revealed the self.response.headers.add_header() function
which allowed me to send the requisite P3P headers for the Compact

After these steps IE would allow my cookies through.  Hooray!  Right?
Wrong.  Then I found that my cookies were still getting blocked during
the login process.  Here's why: IE requires both the policy files on
the server and the Compact Policy in the HTTP HEADER.  And the only
way to set the HTTP header is programatically in the request
handler .py program.  Handler progams for the URLs used in the Login
process reside in the reserved _ah directory which cannot be accessed
as described here:  

So, the pages I emit from my .py programs can get cookies through to
IE under a Gadget, but it's all for naught if the crucial Login step
can't get it's cookie through.

Is there any way to set the default HTTP HEADERs for my entire app
through some configuration setting?  Or is there a way to over-ride
the HEADERs in the responses generated by the login programs in
_ah?Any other suggestions?

Thanks for your time,


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[google-appengine] HTTP request to self -- production support? not in dev...

2009-04-01 Thread Mark Wolgemuth

The dev server appears (obviously) to be single threaded, as is the
django dev server.

The presents a problem if you want to post to your own server
location. An example would be posting to the url provided by
create_login_url, which in dev answers at the same location as your
app. The server gets stuck waiting for the parent request to finish
before allowing the urlfetch to execute, times out and fails.

In production these urls would be answered by different servers, so
should work. But to develop I have to hack it so I have 2 separate dev
instances running.

There are other circumstances (health checks, etc) where you would
conceivably want to POST to yourself. Does anyone know if this is
allowed in production? I assume so.

Put this as vote to provide multithreaded dev server. I promise I
won't start my own hosting farm.


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[google-appengine] BadValueError: Unsupported type for property scheduled_date:

2009-04-01 Thread nate12o6

I am trying to do a bulk load from csv with one of the fields being a
date.  But i am getting the following error:
BadValueError: Unsupported type for property scheduled_date: 

Here is my loader file.  Any help will be appreciated!

import datetime
from google.appengine.ext import bulkload
from google.appengine.api import datastore_types
from google.appengine.ext import search

class WOLoader(bulkload.Loader):
  def __init__(self):
bulkload.Loader.__init__(self, 'Work_Order',
 [('row_no', int),
  ('type', str),
  ('status', str),
  ('scheduled_date', lambda x: 
datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%m/%d/
  ('customer_name', str),
  ('contractor_name', str),
  ('address', datastore_types.PostalAddress),
  ('door_size_type', datastore_types.Text),
  ('door_color', str)

  def convertToDate(self, x):
print x
return datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%m/%d/%Y').date()

  def HandleEntity(self, entity):
ent = search.SearchableEntity(entity)
return ent

class TechLoader(bulkload.Loader):
  def __init__(self):
bulkload.Loader.__init__(self, 'Work_Order',
 [('work_order', str),
  ('tech_name', str)

  def HandleEntity(self, entity):
print entity.row_no+"\n"
return entity

class PhoneLoader(bulkload.Loader):
  def __init__(self):
bulkload.Loader.__init__(self, 'Work_Order',
 [('work_order', str),
  ('phone_type', str),
  ('number', str)

  def HandleEntity(self, entity):
ent = search.SearchableEntity(entity)
return ent

if __name__ == '__main__':

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[google-appengine] Sell clothes,Sweater,suit,Jean,jacket,belt,watch,underwear$28

2009-04-01 Thread 55re

My company professional wholesale name brands t shirts .
we all can offer u the newest styles and hot sell items.
we are serious suppliers ???not only goldkey member on trakey

we can offer many kinds of clothing styles and sizes.
We offer has best services, high quality, fast delivery and reasonable
our clothing with man sizes and woman sizes.
Man Size: M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL
Women Size: S M L XL
My company aim:good credit+good quality+excellent serves=your maximal
benefit .
Payment method :western union/money gram/bank transfer.
Min order :12 mixed piceces order
Packing: All the products are packed with original Bags and tags also
retro cards/ code numder
Shipment: fast and safe delivery. Goods will be received in about 5-7
Feature:the best quality, competitive price and the best service
welcome to roder now!!

our price $33shoes,$15tshirt,15sunglasess, $13cap,$33jean,$35bag

please kindly visite our website: http://www.cnnshoe.com
msn: cnnshoe2...@hotmail.com
email: cnns...@gmail.com

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[google-appengine] Re: Google Geocoding not working

2009-04-01 Thread Donnie Demuth

Thanks Marzia,

That's excellent, and I'm glad to know that I'm not overlooking
something obvious!  For now "geo-coding" is a point-on-the-map
process :-)  I'll keep my eyes open for the update.

On Mar 30, 11:45 am, Marzia Niccolai  wrote:
> Hi,
> The Maps team is working on this so that it shouldn't be an issue for App
> Engine apps in the future.
> -Marzia
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 5:09 AM, Barry Hunter
> wrote:
> > On 30/03/2009, bFlood  wrote:
> > >  I think its because everyone shares the same group of ip addresses so
> > >  everything from the GAE servers are triggering some daily limits on
> > >  the google maps servers. the same thing is happening when too many gae
> > >  apps hit the twitter api.
> > >  the gmaps keys are based on the domain name but I think there might be
> > >  another ip based limit since this issue comes and goes.
> > The geocoding limits are based on the IP address of the request. There
> > is both a requests per day and a rate limit.
> > The key just needs to match the domain but no throttling is based on it.
> > > the gmaps team
> > >  would probably need to whitelist the GAE ip addresses for this to work
> > >  as expected.
> > Perhaps someone should suggest it here:
> >http://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/
> > >  cheers
> > >  brian
> > >  On Mar 28, 1:28 pm, Donnie Demuth  wrote:
> > >  > Hi Ehmo, did you find the solution for this?  I'm running into the
> > >  > same problem.  I know the key is correct but the geo-coding service is
> > >  > throwing the 601.  Are you still using the proxy or did you ditch the
> > >  > app engine completely?
> > >  > On Feb 17, 4:54 am, ehmo  wrote:
> > >  > > I did register it for API key but it's not working. I tried almost
> > >  > > everything, and now i just made another script on another domain,
> > >  > > which is doing all this thing instead of GAE. But it's annoying if i
> > >  > > can't use google service in google service.
> > >  > > ehmo
> > >  > > Barry wrote,
> > >  > > > I beleive you need to register the key for the {appid}.
> > appspot.com
> > >  > > > domain, due to the way urlfetch sends the HTTP referer header.
> > (even
> > >  > > > if you
> > >  > > > However appengine is a shared system and urlfetch uses a proxy and
> > the
> > >  > > > API geocoder limits requests by IP address. For that reason
> > Jarek's
> > >  > > > advice to use the ajax method is probably best - that way the
> > request
> > >  > > > comes from the users IP which is less likly to be throttled.
> > >  > > > On 17/02/2009, ehmo  wrote:
> > >  > > >>  Hey guys,
> > >  > > >>  i'm trying to use Google Geocoding service
> >http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/index.html
> > >  > > >>  via http.
> > >  > > >>  I generated API key for actual domain and it's not working
> > {u'Status':
> > >  > > >>  {u'code': 610, u'request': u'geocode'}, u'name': u'Brno'}.
> > >  > > >>  610 mean it's not good key for this domain. I tryied it on
> > another
> > >  > > >>  hosting with php, it's working. I tryied it on another hosting
> > with
> > >  > > >>  same python lib and it's working too. I tryied to use urlfetch
> > and
> > >  > > >>  urllib2, nothing works.
> > >  > > >>  Any idea?
> > >  > > >>  Maybe it's because of header restrictions, but i really don't
> > know.
> > >  > > >>  That link, which is called is ok, coz if i'll try it in browser,
> > >  > > >>  everything works. All data are encoded before posting, there is
> > 100%
> > >  > > >>  not problem.
> > >  > > >>  Thnx for help
> > --
> > Barry
> > -www.nearby.org.uk-www.geograph.org.uk-
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[google-appengine] Re: Does False = 'False' and True = 'True' in GQL

2009-04-01 Thread Sylvain

And someting like that :

db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Pin where
deleteRequested = :delete AND ancestor is :group LIMIT 100",

On 1 avr, 16:32, thebrianschott  wrote:
> To avoid archiving deleted instances in the datastore I have added the
> following field  to my data model Pin.
> deleteRequested = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
> I use the following code to extract only instances which are not
> deleted. And this seems to work find on my SDK, but not on GAE. Both
> deleted and undeleted instances are being fetched by the GqlQuery. Do
> I need to put single quotes around False?
> class Details(webapp.RequestHandler):
>     def get(self):
>         action = self.request.get("Action", "read")
>         place_id = self.request.get("place")
>         key = db.Key.from_path("Group", place_id)
>         place = Group.get(key)
>         if action == "read":
>             pins = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Pin where
> deleteRequested = False AND ancestor is :group LIMIT 100",
> group=place)
> Brian in Atlanta
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[google-appengine] Re: ReferenceProperty troubles

2009-04-01 Thread Rein Petersen

Maybe a bit of pared down code will help get a response for this

from google.appengine.ext import db

class exModel(db.Model):
  state = db.ReferenceProperty()
  name = db.StringProperty()
  def forEncode(self):
baseDct = {"name":self.name}
if self.state: baseDct["state"] = self.state.forEncode()
return baseDct

class exStateModel(db.Model):
  desc = db.StringProperty()
  def forEncode(self):
return {"desc":self.description }

The line [ baseDct["state"]:self.state.forEncode() ] found in the
forEncode method of exModel coughs up this:

AttributeError: 'ReferenceProperty' object has no attribute

i get a similar error asking for any attribute. i just can't get at
the instance or anything about like the documentation demonstrates.
And i know its there, i confirmed it using the data viewer and the
reference and referenced instance are there... help me before i blow a

Thanks, Rein

On Mar 31, 11:29 pm, Rein Petersen  wrote:
> Hi,
> i have a model with a referenceproperty that points to another
> instance of a model. i know the entity is stored because i can see the
> reference property and the referenced entity in the dataviewer.
> But, when i try to access the referenced instance or anything about
> the referenced instance (as i understand from the online docs), i just
> get the following error:
> AttributeError: 'ReferenceProperty' object has no attribute ...
> How can i instance a model entity with a ReferenceProperty object?
> This should be trivial i think but the docs say that just by accessing
> an attribute should trigger the fetch. i dont see that happening when
> i execute :
> modelAinstance.modelBref.myattribute
> where modelAinstance is an instance of ModelA which contains the
> attribute ModelBref which is a ReferenceProperty holding a reference
> to an instance of ModelB
> What am i missing?
> Thanks for the help...
> Rein
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[google-appengine] Database Inconsistency

2009-04-01 Thread z33m

Im writing a twitter app. It accepts commands as Direct Messages, so i
have setup a third party cronjob service to invoke a handler that
processes DMs at regular intervals. I have a Model 'Info' that has
just one entry, it stores some common data which are used in many
places in the App(in this case, the time when the messages were
processed recently). The general pattern of my handler is like this:

msgs = api.GetDirectMessages(since = info.msg_polled)
if not msgs:
logging.info('Processing Messages since %s ' % str(info.msg_polled))
for msg in msgs:
...process commands...
logging.info('Processed Message :- @%s : %s' %
(msg.sender_screen_name, msg.text))

info.msg_polled = datetime.datetime.now()

But sometimes i get logs like this :

I 03-30 07:50AM 10.973
Processing Messages since Sun, 29 Mar 2009 11:41:59 GMT
I 03-30 07:50AM 11.122
Processed Message :- @foo : Foo_Bar
I 03-30 07:46AM 08.014
Processing Messages since Sun, 29 Mar 2009 11:41:59 GMT
I 03-30 07:46AM 08.130
Processed Message :- @foo : Foo_Bar

Here, it seems that info is not getting commited to the database. The
message is processed multiple number of times, sometimes upto 10+
times before the msg_polled value changes. But i am not getting any
Datastore exceptions. This happens only once in a while.

Any help is appreciated.
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[google-appengine] Re: Does False = 'False' and True = 'True' in GQL

2009-04-01 Thread thebrianschott

Yes, that did it. Thanks, Sylvain.

It appears this sort of query is not possible in the Data Viewer. By
that I mean, I have not been able to use the Data Viewer to find all
the pins associated with a parent Group there. Can I assume that is
because I don't have an actual key for the Group? Is there a
workaround for that in the Data Viewer?

On Apr 1, 11:56 am, Sylvain  wrote:
> And someting like that :
> db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Pin where
> deleteRequested = :delete AND ancestor is :group LIMIT 100",
> delete=False,
> group=place)

Brian in Atlanta
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[google-appengine] Re: HTTP request to self -- production support? not in dev...

2009-04-01 Thread Andy Freeman

> Put this as vote to provide multithreaded dev server. I promise I
> won't start my own hosting farm.

A multi-threaded dev server only makes sense for thread-safe

Currently the app engine platform doesn't expose anything that can be
used to make thread-safe applications.  Since the production version
carefully hides any thread-like behavior, this is unlikely to change.

On Apr 1, 6:06 am, Mark Wolgemuth  wrote:
> The dev server appears (obviously) to be single threaded, as is the
> django dev server.
> The presents a problem if you want to post to your own server
> location. An example would be posting to the url provided by
> create_login_url, which in dev answers at the same location as your
> app. The server gets stuck waiting for the parent request to finish
> before allowing the urlfetch to execute, times out and fails.
> In production these urls would be answered by different servers, so
> should work. But to develop I have to hack it so I have 2 separate dev
> instances running.
> There are other circumstances (health checks, etc) where you would
> conceivably want to POST to yourself. Does anyone know if this is
> allowed in production? I assume so.
> Put this as vote to provide multithreaded dev server. I promise I
> won't start my own hosting farm.
> --Mark
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[google-appengine] Re: delete an entity

2009-04-01 Thread Andy Freeman

try q=db.GqlQuery("SELECT * from User where create_date < :1",
earliest_date)  (The difference is that the second argument is a
variable name, not a string.)

You also need to give the variable named "earliest_date" a value in
your code.

On Apr 1, 6:44 am, Racz  wrote:
> i found this
> "
> q=db.GqlQuery("SELECT * from User where create_date < :1",
> "earliest_date")
> results = q.fetch(10)
> db.delete(results)
> "
> source :http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/
> creatinggettinganddeletingdata.html#Deleting_an_Entity
> but it gives me this error:
> "NameError: global name 'earliest_date' is not defined"
> can anybody give me a clue
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[google-appengine] Re: ReferenceProperty troubles

2009-04-01 Thread Andy Freeman

>   @classmethod
>   def forEncode(self):

Because of @classmethod, self isn't an instance, it's the class
(probably either exModel or exStateModel).  While the
ReferenceProperty object itself is part of the class, the actual
values are associated with instances.

On Apr 1, 9:06 am, Rein Petersen  wrote:
> Maybe a bit of pared down code will help get a response for this
> problem:
> from google.appengine.ext import db
> class exModel(db.Model):
>   state = db.ReferenceProperty()
>   name = db.StringProperty()
>   @classmethod
>   def forEncode(self):
>     baseDct = {"name":self.name}
>     if self.state: baseDct["state"] = self.state.forEncode()
>     return baseDct
> class exStateModel(db.Model):
>   desc = db.StringProperty()
>   @classmethod
>   def forEncode(self):
>     return {"desc":self.description }
> The line [ baseDct["state"]:self.state.forEncode() ] found in the
> forEncode method of exModel coughs up this:
> AttributeError: 'ReferenceProperty' object has no attribute
> 'forEncode'
> i get a similar error asking for any attribute. i just can't get at
> the instance or anything about like the documentation demonstrates.
> And i know its there, i confirmed it using the data viewer and the
> reference and referenced instance are there... help me before i blow a
> gasket...
> Thanks, Rein
> On Mar 31, 11:29 pm, Rein Petersen  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > i have a model with a referenceproperty that points to another
> > instance of a model. i know the entity is stored because i can see the
> > reference property and the referenced entity in the dataviewer.
> > But, when i try to access the referenced instance or anything about
> > the referenced instance (as i understand from the online docs), i just
> > get the following error:
> > AttributeError: 'ReferenceProperty' object has no attribute ...
> > How can i instance a model entity with a ReferenceProperty object?
> > This should be trivial i think but the docs say that just by accessing
> > an attribute should trigger the fetch. i dont see that happening when
> > i execute :
> > modelAinstance.modelBref.myattribute
> > where modelAinstance is an instance of ModelA which contains the
> > attribute ModelBref which is a ReferenceProperty holding a reference
> > to an instance of ModelB
> > What am i missing?
> > Thanks for the help...
> > Rein- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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[google-appengine] datastore query ignoring filter argument.

2009-04-01 Thread OliWeiD

The following query is not working normal:
q = Photo.all().filter('viewer = ', True) \
.filter('sequence > ', img_next) \
the query is returning nothing,
but when the filter(sequence >) is not in, the first image is
Thanks in advance for any hint..OliWeiD
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[google-appengine] Re: Can't login to app engine

2009-04-01 Thread Jeff S

I'll need more information to investigate. Would it be possible to
email me the app ID and email address you are using when you try to
update the app?

Thank you,


On Apr 1, 7:27 am, surftheair  wrote:
> This evening, I can't login to my Google App Engine account, both
> using the command line to upgrate my project and using the web
> interface to view my account status.  What's wrong with app engine?
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[google-appengine] Re: Internal server error during update

2009-04-01 Thread Ezis

I have the same problem. Is there any solution? After ~120 uploads I
have discovered limit :(. Ok, I didn't know about that, but I am not
guilty so much. After two days of waiting, dashboard says that limits
are ok, but uploading doesn't work anyway. Maybe, is there some kind
of "cleaning" process?..
Please Help!
Rollback doesn't help and version is one and default.

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[google-appengine] Re: ReferenceProperty troubles

2009-04-01 Thread Rein Petersen

Thanks Andy, it works now

On Apr 1, 12:29 pm, Andy Freeman  wrote:
> >   @classmethod
> >   def forEncode(self):
> Because of @classmethod, self isn't an instance, it's the class
> (probably either exModel or exStateModel).  While the
> ReferenceProperty object itself is part of the class, the actual
> values are associated with instances.
> On Apr 1, 9:06 am, Rein Petersen  wrote:
> > Maybe a bit of pared down code will help get a response for this
> > problem:
> > from google.appengine.ext import db
> > class exModel(db.Model):
> >   state = db.ReferenceProperty()
> >   name = db.StringProperty()
> >   @classmethod
> >   def forEncode(self):
> >     baseDct = {"name":self.name}
> >     if self.state: baseDct["state"] = self.state.forEncode()
> >     return baseDct
> > class exStateModel(db.Model):
> >   desc = db.StringProperty()
> >   @classmethod
> >   def forEncode(self):
> >     return {"desc":self.description }
> > The line [ baseDct["state"]:self.state.forEncode() ] found in the
> > forEncode method of exModel coughs up this:
> > AttributeError: 'ReferenceProperty' object has no attribute
> > 'forEncode'
> > i get a similar error asking for any attribute. i just can't get at
> > the instance or anything about like the documentation demonstrates.
> > And i know its there, i confirmed it using the data viewer and the
> > reference and referenced instance are there... help me before i blow a
> > gasket...
> > Thanks, Rein
> > On Mar 31, 11:29 pm, Rein Petersen  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > i have a model with a referenceproperty that points to another
> > > instance of a model. i know the entity is stored because i can see the
> > > reference property and the referenced entity in the dataviewer.
> > > But, when i try to access the referenced instance or anything about
> > > the referenced instance (as i understand from the online docs), i just
> > > get the following error:
> > > AttributeError: 'ReferenceProperty' object has no attribute ...
> > > How can i instance a model entity with a ReferenceProperty object?
> > > This should be trivial i think but the docs say that just by accessing
> > > an attribute should trigger the fetch. i dont see that happening when
> > > i execute :
> > > modelAinstance.modelBref.myattribute
> > > where modelAinstance is an instance of ModelA which contains the
> > > attribute ModelBref which is a ReferenceProperty holding a reference
> > > to an instance of ModelB
> > > What am i missing?
> > > Thanks for the help...
> > > Rein- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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[google-appengine] Re: Stuck indexes

2009-04-01 Thread Jeff S

Hi HityHoo,

It seems like you may have gotten this working, is this still an

Thank you,


On Mar 30, 7:36 pm, HityHoo  wrote:
> Hello,
> When I upload my app,I got the error below:
> Uploading index definitions.
> Error 500: --- begin server output ---
> Server Error (500)
> A server error has occurred.
> --- end server output ---
> I have vacuumed the indexes before,maybe the error was caused by the
> operation.I'm thinking something has to have gone wrong,please help
> me.my appid:hht.
> Thanks.
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[google-appengine] Re: getting 403 error instead of 401

2009-04-01 Thread Jeff S

Hi Ankur,

I think 403 is the correct response code here, since you are signed in
to the app but the account you are using is not an admin.

For more information, see the HTTP 1.1 spec on the 401 and 403
response codes:


If you want to change this behavior, you could create a handler which
does the user check and sets the desired response code.

Thank you,


On Mar 31, 10:58 pm, Ankur  wrote:
> Hi,
> I uploaded my application and made my config file such that only admin
> can access application as of now.
> But when i use a account which is not admin for my application i am
> getting 403 :forbidden error ,but i think it should be 401.
> if i am trying the same in local dev server and login with "login as
> administrator" check box unchecked. i get 401-you are not authorized
> error.
> Can any one have any idea why this is happening.
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[google-appengine] Re: how to return random results from datastore

2009-04-01 Thread Devel63

Returning a random element is actually much trickier than it sounds.

First, the approach below does not provide a linear distribution.  You
are much better off assigning a one-up serial number to each entity
upon creation, then doing a retrieval the entity whose serial number
>= randint(1,max_count)  ... and cycling back to 0 if you get no hits.

I have seen other people espousing the "random/random" approach below,
but it is fundamentally flawed.  Using the approach below, imagine the
first element getting a random value of 70, and the second
happening to get a random value of 71.   The first element will
get far more "random" requests than the second.  This is obviously an
extreme example, but it exposes the underlying problem.  The more
elements you have, the less important this problem will seem, as your
initial random distribution covers more of the territory, but the
fundamental flaw will always be there, with some elements getting 2x
or even 100X the exposure of other elements.

Unfortunately, even the approach I first describe above does not
statistically work when you start putting other conditions into the
query.  The problem is that if there are any swaths of non-uniform
distribution in your DB, then entities on the boundaries of these
swaths will get more than their fair share of hits.

The best approach turns out to depend on your particular
circumstances, and unfortunately, there is no "correct" answer for
certain situations other than to read all satisfying entities into
memory, and then do a random selection from those ... which is usually
prohibitively expensive.  Or, you can give up on "perfect"
distribution and use an approximation.

I'd be delighted if someone could volunteer a better approach!

On Apr 1, 5:55 am, Barry Hunter  wrote:
> When saving a entity, include a random property. (eg use an Integer,
> and set it to a random value between 1 and 100)
> Then when you want a random record, use the equivlent to ths GQL
> SELECT * FROM RandomEntity WHERE RandomProperty > 4456 ORDER BY
> RandomProperty ASC LIMIT 1
> where the 4456 is randomly choosen.
> Or to account for occasional duplications of the RandomProperty could
> include a small offset. (say 1-10)
> SELECT * FROM RandomEntity WHERE RandomProperty > 4456 ORDER BY
> RandomProperty ASC LIMIT 5,1
> I believe that should be reasonably efficient in the datastore.
> On 01/04/2009, sagey  wrote:
> >  hello,
> >  I'd like to be able to return random results from the datastore. I'm
> >  not sure from the documentation how i would go about doing that. I'd
> >  appreciate some pointers.
> >  Thanks in advance
> --
> Barry
> -www.nearby.org.uk-www.geograph.org.uk-
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[google-appengine] Re: New Blog About GAE

2009-04-01 Thread Big Stu

Thanks for the heads up.  I've subscribed to hear more.


On Mar 31, 5:23 pm, pfisk  wrote:
> Hello,
> I have started a new Blog discussing a new Website that will be
> deployed in April.
> The site uses GXT for the user interface, Google's Application Engine
> for the server and Scheme running in the browser as it's scripting
> language.
> The blog will describe the development and deployment of the site.
> http://wisperweb.wordpress.com/
> Cheers,
> -- Peter Fisk
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[google-appengine] Re: HTTP request to self -- production support? not in dev...

2009-04-01 Thread Mark Wolgemuth

Surely, the WSGI request handler itself is thread safe, not? I assume
that the deployment environment is running a threaded interpreter. I
would be suprised if App Engine is running an interpreter-per-request

The api does not block me from using RLock from the threading
module... is there some magic I here I should know more about? Are
they just giving me dummy locks? Because I'm assuming that in
production the same interpreter may be handling many WSGI threads and
things like class level caches and such require locking for safety.

In any case, the desire for the dev server is not necessarily multi-
threadedness, its the ability to handle more than 1 request at a time,
which could be handled with multi-processing if that was really

The current design prevents you from posting to another url on the
same instance. (You may ask why you would want to do this, when you
could just call an api function, but there are circumstances where you
want to, such as when the production deployment will point to
different services but the dev does not, eg. auth).

I guess I could fake all this by running multiple dev servers on same
store and putting a little reverse load balancing proxy in front.

On Apr 1, 1:16 pm, Andy Freeman  wrote:
> > Put this as vote to provide multithreaded dev server. I promise I
> > won't start my own hosting farm.
> A multi-threaded dev server only makes sense for thread-safe
> applications.
> Currently the app engine platform doesn't expose anything that can be
> used to make thread-safe applications.  Since the production version
> carefully hides any thread-like behavior, this is unlikely to change.
> On Apr 1, 6:06 am, Mark Wolgemuth  wrote:
> > The dev server appears (obviously) to be single threaded, as is the
> > django dev server.
> > The presents a problem if you want to post to your own server
> > location. An example would be posting to the url provided by
> > create_login_url, which in dev answers at the same location as your
> > app. The server gets stuck waiting for the parent request to finish
> > before allowing the urlfetch to execute, times out and fails.
> > In production these urls would be answered by different servers, so
> > should work. But to develop I have to hack it so I have 2 separate dev
> > instances running.
> > There are other circumstances (health checks, etc) where you would
> > conceivably want to POST to yourself. Does anyone know if this is
> > allowed in production? I assume so.
> > Put this as vote to provide multithreaded dev server. I promise I
> > won't start my own hosting farm.
> > --Mark
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[google-appengine] Re: Values in db.DateTimeProperty field

2009-04-01 Thread Jeff S

Hi Arnie,

Yes, this should be possible. One way that you could convert from
'March 2009' to a datetime would be to use datetime.strptime (format
string would be something like '%B %Y')

x = datetime.datetime.strptime('March 2009', '%B %Y')

Happy coding,


On Mar 31, 8:14 pm, arnie  wrote:
> I have to enter values like
> March 2009 in a datastore table column of type
> db.DateTimeProperty
> Though columns of DateTimeProperty() takes values like this
> "=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
> Still then I want to know if this is possible to enter dates like
> March 2009
> Thanks
> Arnie
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[google-appengine] Checkpoint possible in datastore?

2009-04-01 Thread Sekhar

I'm building a wiki-like app that lets multiple users update the data.
Is it possible to use checkpoints with the datastore to protect
against data corruption? E.g., if someone inadvertently deletes a
section we need to go back to a previous state.

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[google-appengine] Wanna Build Google Apps with Social Actions API?

2009-04-01 Thread JoeSolomon

Hey everyone, Wanted to remind folks that there are 2 days left to the
Change the Web Challenge - with 10k in prizes for the best web apps
that use the Social Actions' API! (http://bit.ly/changeweb)

The Social Actions API contains up-to-date information about actions
people can take on a variety of causes from 50+ sources. At any given
time, our database has 70,000+ actions, including volunteer
opportunities, fundraisers, petitions, offline events, and more.

It would be awesome to see a number of apps built on the Google App
Engine come out of Change the Web!

You can find out more here:

Change the Web Challenge: http://netsquared.org/changetheweb
Dev Resources: http://socialactions.com/developers
Social Actions Dev Google Group: 

I hope there's enough time to mash stuff up in the last stretch!

We're looking forward to your submissions!



Joe Solomon
Director, Social Actions' Change the Web Challenge (http://bit.ly/

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[google-appengine] Re: New to google app engine stuff...

2009-04-01 Thread Aaron

well I am hired in a job which I have to edit the companies html code
and css. They use google apps engine.

I am trying to figure out what google apps engine is all about.

the files are given to me and I have to add stuff to the website. I do
know python I just never used it hard core just done small labs.

I never made a program with it.

I need to at least know how I can edit files that are given to me and
upload the app in the dev.company domain   to test it and then make it

I also do need  to edit datastore to change stuff. I had to change
some parts of the form on the website. Like a blog text basicly the
clients will leave feedback but I need to make changes on how it's
stored to store the whole text. It used to be a username input but
changed to a long text input.

On Mar 30, 3:17 am, adelevie  wrote:
> Don't think of Google App Engine as a typical hosting service. There
> is almost zero configuration and server administration. While this is
> very convenient, you lose some flexibility. The web applications are
> written only in Python (Java will soon be supported as well) which
> limits you to Python-based frameworks. You can't run PHP on Google App
> Engine.
> I suggest checking out Django before you get your hands dirty with
> GAE. Once you're comfortable with that, then start learning some GAE.
> On Mar 28, 12:41 pm, Aaron  wrote:
> > Hi, I just got hired in some job to basicly  update and make changes
> > to their website. So I already coded the changes in html and css. I
> > currently need to get a hold on the server sided scripts. I am used to
> > using php.
> > Now they told me they are using google to host the website. This was
> > news to me. I never heard google offers website hosting services.
> > So I got  here and the ceo of the company that I work for. He told me
> > that the old guy used  google app engine.
> > From what I learned in programming. Engines are usally to assist
> > programmers to make applications  or to intergrad your software or web
> > app with someone elses software.
> > So I am thinking google apps engine is a engine that helps you make
> > web applications to host on google.
> > Now I am thinking web apps as in software type stuff for the website.
> > So  I thought it's like for exmple.
> > If I want people to be able to access their gmail account from my site
> > I would need this google app engine to build a application that I can
> > put it on my website.
> > I don't understand how you can make a website with google apps engine?
> > I am used to the regular way of website hosting  where you upload
> > files and config the server or settings your hosting company allows
> > you to change.
> > So you can make one file the default file where the users would see
> > when they type your domain name.
> > So can someone explain how it's done with google apps?
> > I also got admin rights well they call it developer rights.
> > they use their own domain name.
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[google-appengine] Re: HTTP request to self -- production support? not in dev...

2009-04-01 Thread Andy Freeman

It isn't enough that the request handler and other library/platform
code be thread safe, the application must be as well.

> Because I'm 
> assuming that in
> production the same interpreter may be handling many WSGI threads and
> things like class level caches and such require locking for safety.

Any threading that they do is "guaranteed" to be invisible to user
code; they can't share any user data, such globals, class definitions,
and so on.  Given the level of promised isolation, I suspect that they
don't thread.  (They may be able to clone instances that have
completed requests faster than they can reload, but that's different.)

> In any case, the desire for the dev server is not necessarily multi-
> threadedness, its the ability to handle more than 1 request at a time,
> which could be handled with multi-processing if that was really
> desired.

Yes, one could write a forking dev-server so that applications don't
need to be thread safe.

But, there is the small matter that the dev data store isn't
sharable.  (I think that it, like the dev memcache, is just a pile of
code in the development platform.)

And yes, I realize that there are good reasons why one might want an
app instance to call another app instance.  Still, that's something
that they warned wouldn't work with a single dev server instance and
suggested using multiple instances if that was an issue.

On Apr 1, 1:28 pm, Mark Wolgemuth  wrote:
> Surely, the WSGI request handler itself is thread safe, not? I assume
> that the deployment environment is running a threaded interpreter. I
> would be suprised if App Engine is running an interpreter-per-request
> setup.
> The api does not block me from using RLock from the threading
> module... is there some magic I here I should know more about? Are
> they just giving me dummy locks? Because I'm assuming that in
> production the same interpreter may be handling many WSGI threads and
> things like class level caches and such require locking for safety.
> In any case, the desire for the dev server is not necessarily multi-
> threadedness, its the ability to handle more than 1 request at a time,
> which could be handled with multi-processing if that was really
> desired.
> The current design prevents you from posting to another url on the
> same instance. (You may ask why you would want to do this, when you
> could just call an api function, but there are circumstances where you
> want to, such as when the production deployment will point to
> different services but the dev does not, eg. auth).
> I guess I could fake all this by running multiple dev servers on same
> store and putting a little reverse load balancing proxy in front.
> On Apr 1, 1:16 pm, Andy Freeman  wrote:
> > > Put this as vote to provide multithreaded dev server. I promise I
> > > won't start my own hosting farm.
> > A multi-threaded dev server only makes sense for thread-safe
> > applications.
> > Currently the app engine platform doesn't expose anything that can be
> > used to make thread-safe applications.  Since the production version
> > carefully hides any thread-like behavior, this is unlikely to change.
> > On Apr 1, 6:06 am, Mark Wolgemuth  wrote:
> > > The dev server appears (obviously) to be single threaded, as is the
> > > django dev server.
> > > The presents a problem if you want to post to your own server
> > > location. An example would be posting to the url provided by
> > > create_login_url, which in dev answers at the same location as your
> > > app. The server gets stuck waiting for the parent request to finish
> > > before allowing the urlfetch to execute, times out and fails.
> > > In production these urls would be answered by different servers, so
> > > should work. But to develop I have to hack it so I have 2 separate dev
> > > instances running.
> > > There are other circumstances (health checks, etc) where you would
> > > conceivably want to POST to yourself. Does anyone know if this is
> > > allowed in production? I assume so.
> > > Put this as vote to provide multithreaded dev server. I promise I
> > > won't start my own hosting farm.
> > > --Mark- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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[google-appengine] New Runtime Language Announced!

2009-04-01 Thread Jeff S

Hi all,

I'm pleased as punch to share with you the details on the new runtime
language available for App Engine. We announced it on our blog:


>From the blog post:

It's been almost a year since we've launched App Engine with support
for Python, and what a year it's been! We've gotten fantastic feedback
from developers, and we've released loads of new features! When we
launched, we promised support for another runtime language, and indeed
this has been among the most requested features from our developers
since day one.

Well, we fed Google's new CADIE Strategic Decision Maker the App
Engine issue tracker, our groups, and various blog posts around the
internet to help select a new runtime language for App Engine. Today
we're excited to officially announce support for FORTRAN 77!

If you're an enterprise customer and want to take advantage of Google
App Engine, but have a large and cumbersome legacy system, we want to
make it easy for you to port to the cloud. By providing a Fortran 77
runtime, along with a familiar, easy-to-use deployment mechanism, we
hope to make this process efficient and straightforward.

Want to give it a try? Download our SDK and deploy your application by
mailing punch cards to:

Google App Engine, C/O APPCFG
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, CA 94043

and we'll take care of the rest! We welcome your feedback on our
newest addition to the App Engine family--you can discuss it on our
Google Group!

So there you have it, let's discuss!
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[google-appengine] Re: 2 appengine accounts under same email woes, including login: admin problems

2009-04-01 Thread David Wilson

scrap the last post, it turns out that a colleague had removed the
admin requirement to the url path.

After i put it back on and tried to access the path, i get a

Error: Server Error
The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.


On Mar 31, 7:37 pm, David Wilson 
> as a further note to this i have found that setting the application to
> use google apps authentication, lets me login to admin rights. using
> my email.
> On Mar 31, 7:16 pm, David Wilson 
> wrote:
> > Hi
> > Im having some problems related to appengine admin access. This is
> > complicated to explain, but here goes:
> > (im using fake names here, the real domain is in my email address)
> > I originally had a google appengine account under a google apps
> > domain  mydomain.com
> > Where I would sign into appegnine 
> > likehttp://appengine.google.com/a/mydomain.com
> > Using myn...@mydomain.com as the user name.
> > I then didn’t use appengine for a long time, and in this time I
> > created a google account under myn...@mydomain.com so I could use
> > other services.
> > I then came back to app engine and forgot that I needed to sign in
> > using the way shown above, and signed in using my regular google
> > account. This needed re-authenticating via sms (which I thought was
> > odd, but figured it timed out due to lack of use).
> > So now I seem to have 2 appengine accounts under the same email.
> > But if I create a new application with the regular account, it dose
> > not appear there, but in the apps account.
> > BUT applications created in the apps account will not let me log using
> > admin rights to any pages using login: admin
> > Please help!
> > David.
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[google-appengine] Re: Checkpoint possible in datastore?

2009-04-01 Thread jsight

I don't think there's anything automatic that will do this.  You'd
probably be best off with a version field, and just storing the new
version with an incremented version id (or timestamp) on each update.
Then rolling back would just be a matter of changing some active
version flag.

I don't think there's any builtin checkpointing mechanism that would
make sense for this kind of "long-term" rollback facility.

On Apr 1, 4:18 pm, Sekhar  wrote:
> I'm building a wiki-like app that lets multiple users update the data.
> Is it possible to use checkpoints with the datastore to protect
> against data corruption? E.g., if someone inadvertently deletes a
> section we need to go back to a previous state.

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[google-appengine] Re: New Runtime Language Announced!

2009-04-01 Thread David Wilson

 finally!! my life is complete >_<

On Apr 1, 2:35 pm, Jeff S  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm pleased as punch to share with you the details on the new runtime
> language available for App Engine. We announced it on our blog:
> http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2009/04/brand-new-language-on-goo...
> From the blog post:
> """
> It's been almost a year since we've launched App Engine with support
> for Python, and what a year it's been! We've gotten fantastic feedback
> from developers, and we've released loads of new features! When we
> launched, we promised support for another runtime language, and indeed
> this has been among the most requested features from our developers
> since day one.
> Well, we fed Google's new CADIE Strategic Decision Maker the App
> Engine issue tracker, our groups, and various blog posts around the
> internet to help select a new runtime language for App Engine. Today
> we're excited to officially announce support for FORTRAN 77!
> If you're an enterprise customer and want to take advantage of Google
> App Engine, but have a large and cumbersome legacy system, we want to
> make it easy for you to port to the cloud. By providing a Fortran 77
> runtime, along with a familiar, easy-to-use deployment mechanism, we
> hope to make this process efficient and straightforward.
> Want to give it a try? Download our SDK and deploy your application by
> mailing punch cards to:
> Google App Engine, C/O APPCFG
> 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
> Mountain View, CA 94043
> and we'll take care of the rest! We welcome your feedback on our
> newest addition to the App Engine family--you can discuss it on our
> Google Group!
> """
> So there you have it, let's discuss!
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[google-appengine] Re: New Runtime Language Announced!

2009-04-01 Thread Ozgur Cem S.

Dreams come true...

That news should trend on Twitter non-stop at least for a month...

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[google-appengine] New site on GAE: http://longr.us/

2009-04-01 Thread Thomas Wittek


Disclaimer: This is no April Fools' joke :)
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[google-appengine] Re: Simultaneous Requests

2009-04-01 Thread Jeff S

At this point I am suspicious that the timeout error may coming from
the client side. Which version of Python are you using to run the
client? Also, did you set any timeout options elsewhere (looks like

It may also be the case that the app responds more slowly after the
initial burst due to an issue like datastore contention. If later
requests are more CPU intensive, responses may come back more slowly
than the early requests due to the behavior described in the Active
Requests section of the docs I linked to earlier:

Applications that are heavily CPU-bound, on the other hand, may incur
some additional latency in long-running requests in order to make room
for other apps sharing the same servers.

Could you tell us a bit more about what is being executed in these

Thank you,


On Mar 31, 7:44 pm, MajorProgamming  wrote:
> Wow>> Doesn't seem like GAE is happy with this arrangement:
> I set up a simple system like so (in python)
> [code]
> import threading
> import urllib2
> class MyThread ( threading.Thread ):
>         def __init__ (self,j):
>                 threading.Thread.__init__(self)
>                 self.j=j
>                 self.html=''
>         def run ( self ):
>                 for x in xrange(500):
>                         try:
>                                 response = urllib2.urlopen('http://thetest 
> url')
>                                 html = response.read()
>                                 self.html=html
>                         except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
>                                 print e.code
>                         except urllib2.URLError, e:
>                                 print e.reason
>                 # at end of thread life
>                 print self.html
> #init threads (10)
> for x in xrange ( 10 ):
>    z=MyThread(x)
>    z.start()
> [/code]
> I ran this code on the client side. It ran fine but at approximately
> 100 requests it began to return Operation Timed Out Errors (code
> 10060). This is probably due to some Denial of Service protection by
> GAE firewalls (?)
> Is there any way for me to tell GAE that this is my app, and it's
> legit, or is there any way to work around it?
> [note: on the server side, nothing turned up on these errors which
> leads me to believe it was a very low level protection]
> On Mar 31, 2:52 pm, Jeff S  wrote:
> > From the quota details page, the current default limit for
> > simultaneous active dynamic requests is around 30 per app.
> >http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/quotas.html#Request_Limits
> > (However, it may be possible to raise these limits on a case by case
> > basishttp://code.google.com/appengine/kb/billing.html#cpu)
> > Your approach sounds reasonable, but I was curious about your mention
> > of threading. Would that be client side threading? Ajax triggers would
> > be another good solution which I've seen apps use.
> > Thank you,
> > Jeff
> > On Mar 30, 2:38 pm, MajorProgamming  wrote:
> > > I am currently working on a way to mass email [in a short period of
> > > time] using Google App Engine. I figured that as of now the best way
> > > to do this would be to run many requests in parallel. I was wondering
> > > if my app would accept many requests at once, and if so what would the
> > > limit be [in the paid version]?
> > > Would this work? Is this the best way to do this?
> > > As for implementing the parallel requests I figured the simplest way
> > > would be to use the python threading. I was wondering if using AJAX
> > > would be any better, or if it would even work for parallel requests??
> > > Thanks,
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[google-appengine] Re: New Runtime Language Announced!

2009-04-01 Thread yaph

Looking forward to deploy some of my legacy apps :-D

On Apr 1, 11:35 pm, Jeff S  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm pleased as punch to share with you the details on the new runtime
> language available for App Engine. We announced it on our blog:
> http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2009/04/brand-new-language-on-goo...

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[google-appengine] Re: New Runtime Language Announced!

2009-04-01 Thread Jason

Good joke, but truth is that this would actually help tremendously.
Why?  The linear algebra libraries (e.g. the ones numpy calls) are in
FORTRAN, and Python is too slow to do anything numerical without
them.  Including numpy (or even fortran) would actually create a lot
of new use cases for App Engine.

On Apr 1, 2:35 pm, Jeff S  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm pleased as punch to share with you the details on the new runtime
> language available for App Engine. We announced it on our blog:
> http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2009/04/brand-new-language-on-goo...
> From the blog post:
> """
> It's been almost a year since we've launched App Engine with support
> for Python, and what a year it's been! We've gotten fantastic feedback
> from developers, and we've released loads of new features! When we
> launched, we promised support for another runtime language, and indeed
> this has been among the most requested features from our developers
> since day one.
> Well, we fed Google's new CADIE Strategic Decision Maker the App
> Engine issue tracker, our groups, and various blog posts around the
> internet to help select a new runtime language for App Engine. Today
> we're excited to officially announce support for FORTRAN 77!
> If you're an enterprise customer and want to take advantage of Google
> App Engine, but have a large and cumbersome legacy system, we want to
> make it easy for you to port to the cloud. By providing a Fortran 77
> runtime, along with a familiar, easy-to-use deployment mechanism, we
> hope to make this process efficient and straightforward.
> Want to give it a try? Download our SDK and deploy your application by
> mailing punch cards to:
> Google App Engine, C/O APPCFG
> 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
> Mountain View, CA 94043
> and we'll take care of the rest! We welcome your feedback on our
> newest addition to the App Engine family--you can discuss it on our
> Google Group!
> """
> So there you have it, let's discuss!

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"Google App Engine" group.
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[google-appengine] Re: New site on GAE: http://longr.us/

2009-04-01 Thread Jeff S

Hi Thomas,

Have you seen the app gallery?


The gallery is a great place for sharing apps like this. As an added
benefit it helps keep the group uncluttered for questions, issues, and
comments :-)

Happy coding,


On Apr 1, 3:12 pm, Thomas Wittek  wrote:
> http://longr.us/blog.thomas.wittek.me/short-urls-are-so-2008.-long-ur...
> Disclaimer: This is no April Fools' joke :)
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[google-appengine] Re: New Runtime Language Announced!

2009-04-01 Thread peterk

You know, you're probably going to REALLY get some punch card apps
mailed to you now :p

On Apr 1, 11:29 pm, Jason  wrote:
> Good joke, but truth is that this would actually help tremendously.
> Why?  The linear algebra libraries (e.g. the ones numpy calls) are in
> FORTRAN, and Python is too slow to do anything numerical without
> them.  Including numpy (or even fortran) would actually create a lot
> of new use cases for App Engine.
> On Apr 1, 2:35 pm, Jeff S  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm pleased as punch to share with you the details on the new runtime
> > language available for App Engine. We announced it on our blog:
> >http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2009/04/brand-new-language-on-goo...
> > From the blog post:
> > """
> > It's been almost a year since we've launched App Engine with support
> > for Python, and what a year it's been! We've gotten fantastic feedback
> > from developers, and we've released loads of new features! When we
> > launched, we promised support for another runtime language, and indeed
> > this has been among the most requested features from our developers
> > since day one.
> > Well, we fed Google's new CADIE Strategic Decision Maker the App
> > Engine issue tracker, our groups, and various blog posts around the
> > internet to help select a new runtime language for App Engine. Today
> > we're excited to officially announce support for FORTRAN 77!
> > If you're an enterprise customer and want to take advantage of Google
> > App Engine, but have a large and cumbersome legacy system, we want to
> > make it easy for you to port to the cloud. By providing a Fortran 77
> > runtime, along with a familiar, easy-to-use deployment mechanism, we
> > hope to make this process efficient and straightforward.
> > Want to give it a try? Download our SDK and deploy your application by
> > mailing punch cards to:
> > Google App Engine, C/O APPCFG
> > 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
> > Mountain View, CA 94043
> > and we'll take care of the rest! We welcome your feedback on our
> > newest addition to the App Engine family--you can discuss it on our
> > Google Group!
> > """
> > So there you have it, let's discuss!
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[google-appengine] Re: New site on GAE: http://longr.us/

2009-04-01 Thread Thomas Wittek

On Apr 1, 11:37 pm, Jeff S  wrote:
> Have you seen the app gallery?
> http://appgallery.appspot.com/

Oh, cool!

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[google-appengine] Re: Google app engine ... how to access website of company?

2009-04-01 Thread Aaron

HI,  how do I get to  use http://dev.companydomain.com/?

I was told I need to upload the the web app well the website with
modifications by me. I need to add it to the url  shown above.

This is just to test if  it's working .  I looked in google apps
engine panel on the google apps site. I only see one application name
with 4 different versions.

I really do need someone to explain how this works. I am kinda getting

I need someone to explain to me what I need to do.  I do I add html
and css to the site?

I looked at the websites html files and I see alot of <%  things. I
try to look at the html file in my browser and I see only text not a

On Apr 1, 8:06 am, Aaron  wrote:
> ok, they have done this just a week ago.
> They made a account for me and gave me rights as developer.
> The ceo just got a hold of the old programmer.
> He got files and gave me it. I already have the sdk the google app
> engine files.
> I have some experience with python never done anything hardcore.
> can you explain what I need to do in order to add the new html?
> I also have to change the code that handels the forms.
> I was told after I make the changes I just run manage.py
> I think the last programmer made manage.py or something.
> So I just need some more detail on what I need to do to update the
> website.
> I never used google and I am new to this area.
> I am used to web hosting providers having a cpanel or me manually
> putting files on  a server that has apache.
> I am new to the google scene and need to learn fast. The ceo wants
> this up soon and is getting impatient.
> I told him I am new to google.
> So if you can tell me or give me a site that will explain where I need
> to change the html code and also how I can edit the form inputs to
> datastore.
> cause I made changes to the forms on the website and I need to change
> the code that submits it to the database.
> I am used to php where I would use the get or post method.  I am used
> to changing the php files and make changes to mysql to allow for the
> changes.
> I changed a form from  just like name and phone number and address
> meaning contact info and I  then change it to a blog type input where
> users can send their feedback to the company. So I assume I would need
> to change the width allowed in the database and make changes to code
> to transfer the form data to the database.
> Thanks for the help so far.
> On Mar 23, 4:09 pm, OliWeiD 
> wrote:
> > HiAaron,
> > first you have to find out, if your company is only using Google Apps
> > alone
> > (domain handling, static files, emails services integrated Google
> > Docs...)
> > or if they are using Google Apps (domain handling) and Google App
> > Engine (here we are).
> > To get started with App Engine you may have found 
> > alreadyhttp://code.google.com/intl/de/appengine/
> > together with the documentation 
> > inhttp://code.google.com/intl/de/appengine/docs/.
> > In short you need the SDK which you can download from the first link
> > (or easy to find)
> > and the original source files your predecessor in your company has
> > used.
> > But even if you have now the revised version on you development system
> > (your computer),
> > One of the former administrators needs to invite you as a developer/
> > administrator.
> > If it's only Google Apps, I cannot help, but also there an
> > adminstrator should have access
> > and should invite you.
> > Hope that helps anyhow.
> > OliWeiD
> > On 21 Mrz., 16:08,Aaron wrote:
> > > Hi, I just got hired in a company that claims they use google as their
> > > web hosting service.
> > > I currently never knew google has hosting services. They told me that
> > > they are using google apps engine.
> > > Now I am new to this scene. I have experience with making websites for
> > > others. I am used to having to login to a panel and uploading files
> > > to the server.
> > > what I was told by the ceo. He told me that google apps engine is the
> > > interface to the database and website.
> > > From my experience in programming. I assume that the google app engine
> > > is just a libary of code that allows developers to make their web app
> > > able to to communicate with google applications.
> > > I don't think this engine will store or act like  a database in the
> > > way like mysql does.
> > > Well to make the story short. I need to update this companies
> > > website.
> > > I am totally lost on how I can do this.  What does the ceo need to do
> > > for me  in order for me to have access to where the website files are
> > > stored?
> > > thanks for your time.
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[google-appengine] Re: BadValueError: Unsupported type for property scheduled_date:

2009-04-01 Thread Jeff S

Hi Nate,

What does the db.Model class look like for the WO? I'm guessing there
is a property type mismatch, perhaps scheduled_date should be a
datetime.datetime instead of a datetime.date?

Thank you,


On Apr 1, 7:51 am, nate12o6  wrote:
> I am trying to do a bulk load from csv with one of the fields being a
> date.  But i am getting the following error:
> BadValueError: Unsupported type for property scheduled_date:  'datetime.date'>
> Here is my loader file.  Any help will be appreciated!
> import datetime
> from google.appengine.ext import bulkload
> from google.appengine.api import datastore_types
> from google.appengine.ext import search
> class WOLoader(bulkload.Loader):
>   def __init__(self):
>         bulkload.Loader.__init__(self, 'Work_Order',
>                          [('row_no', int),
>                           ('type', str),
>                           ('status', str),
>                           ('scheduled_date', lambda x: 
> datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%m/%d/
> %Y').date()),
>                           ('customer_name', str),
>                           ('contractor_name', str),
>                           ('address', datastore_types.PostalAddress),
>                           ('door_size_type', datastore_types.Text),
>                           ('door_color', str)
>                           ])
>   def convertToDate(self, x):
>     print x
>     return datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%m/%d/%Y').date()
>   def HandleEntity(self, entity):
>     ent = search.SearchableEntity(entity)
>     return ent
> class TechLoader(bulkload.Loader):
>   def __init__(self):
>         bulkload.Loader.__init__(self, 'Work_Order',
>                          [('work_order', str),
>                           ('tech_name', str)
>                           ])
>   def HandleEntity(self, entity):
>     print entity.row_no+"\n"
>     return entity
> class PhoneLoader(bulkload.Loader):
>   def __init__(self):
>         bulkload.Loader.__init__(self, 'Work_Order',
>                          [('work_order', str),
>                           ('phone_type', str),
>                           ('number', str)
>                           ])
>   def HandleEntity(self, entity):
>     ent = search.SearchableEntity(entity)
>     return ent
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>   bulkload.main(WOLoader())
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[google-appengine] Re: New Runtime Language Announced!

2009-04-01 Thread Ozgur Cem S.

Yeah, they'll put them in a punch bag and punch them for during lunch
hours. good workout : ))

On Apr 1, 2:44 pm, peterk  wrote:
> You know, you're probably going to REALLY get some punch card apps
> mailed to you now :p
> On Apr 1, 11:29 pm, Jason  wrote:
> > Good joke, but truth is that this would actually help tremendously.
> > Why?  The linear algebra libraries (e.g. the ones numpy calls) are in
> > FORTRAN, and Python is too slow to do anything numerical without
> > them.  Including numpy (or even fortran) would actually create a lot
> > of new use cases for App Engine.
> > On Apr 1, 2:35 pm, Jeff S  wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > I'm pleased as punch to share with you the details on the new runtime
> > > language available for App Engine. We announced it on our blog:
> > >http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2009/04/brand-new-language-on-goo...
> > > From the blog post:
> > > """
> > > It's been almost a year since we've launched App Engine with support
> > > for Python, and what a year it's been! We've gotten fantastic feedback
> > > from developers, and we've released loads of new features! When we
> > > launched, we promised support for another runtime language, and indeed
> > > this has been among the most requested features from our developers
> > > since day one.
> > > Well, we fed Google's new CADIE Strategic Decision Maker the App
> > > Engine issue tracker, our groups, and various blog posts around the
> > > internet to help select a new runtime language for App Engine. Today
> > > we're excited to officially announce support for FORTRAN 77!
> > > If you're an enterprise customer and want to take advantage of Google
> > > App Engine, but have a large and cumbersome legacy system, we want to
> > > make it easy for you to port to the cloud. By providing a Fortran 77
> > > runtime, along with a familiar, easy-to-use deployment mechanism, we
> > > hope to make this process efficient and straightforward.
> > > Want to give it a try? Download our SDK and deploy your application by
> > > mailing punch cards to:
> > > Google App Engine, C/O APPCFG
> > > 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
> > > Mountain View, CA 94043
> > > and we'll take care of the rest! We welcome your feedback on our
> > > newest addition to the App Engine family--you can discuss it on our
> > > Google Group!
> > > """
> > > So there you have it, let's discuss!
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[google-appengine] Re: New Runtime Language Announced!

2009-04-01 Thread Amr Ellafi

I have deployed a sample Fortune to my app on http://atari.appspot.com
but unfortunately not working , i do not even see a debug message ,
any clue ? do i have to reconfigure my app from the admin console ?

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Ozgur Cem S.  wrote:
> Yeah, they'll put them in a punch bag and punch them for during lunch
> hours. good workout : ))
> On Apr 1, 2:44 pm, peterk  wrote:
>> You know, you're probably going to REALLY get some punch card apps
>> mailed to you now :p
>> On Apr 1, 11:29 pm, Jason  wrote:
>> > Good joke, but truth is that this would actually help tremendously.
>> > Why?  The linear algebra libraries (e.g. the ones numpy calls) are in
>> > FORTRAN, and Python is too slow to do anything numerical without
>> > them.  Including numpy (or even fortran) would actually create a lot
>> > of new use cases for App Engine.
>> > On Apr 1, 2:35 pm, Jeff S  wrote:
>> > > Hi all,
>> > > I'm pleased as punch to share with you the details on the new runtime
>> > > language available for App Engine. We announced it on our blog:
>> > >http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2009/04/brand-new-language-on-goo...
>> > > From the blog post:
>> > > """
>> > > It's been almost a year since we've launched App Engine with support
>> > > for Python, and what a year it's been! We've gotten fantastic feedback
>> > > from developers, and we've released loads of new features! When we
>> > > launched, we promised support for another runtime language, and indeed
>> > > this has been among the most requested features from our developers
>> > > since day one.
>> > > Well, we fed Google's new CADIE Strategic Decision Maker the App
>> > > Engine issue tracker, our groups, and various blog posts around the
>> > > internet to help select a new runtime language for App Engine. Today
>> > > we're excited to officially announce support for FORTRAN 77!
>> > > If you're an enterprise customer and want to take advantage of Google
>> > > App Engine, but have a large and cumbersome legacy system, we want to
>> > > make it easy for you to port to the cloud. By providing a Fortran 77
>> > > runtime, along with a familiar, easy-to-use deployment mechanism, we
>> > > hope to make this process efficient and straightforward.
>> > > Want to give it a try? Download our SDK and deploy your application by
>> > > mailing punch cards to:
>> > > Google App Engine, C/O APPCFG
>> > > 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
>> > > Mountain View, CA 94043
>> > > and we'll take care of the rest! We welcome your feedback on our
>> > > newest addition to the App Engine family--you can discuss it on our
>> > > Google Group!
>> > > """
>> > > So there you have it, let's discuss!
> >

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[google-appengine] Re: Stuck indexes

2009-04-01 Thread HityHoo

Thank you.

On 4月2日, 上午2时44分, Jeff S  wrote:
> Hi HityHoo,
> It seems like you may have gotten this working, is this still an
> issue?
> Thank you,
> Jeff
> On Mar 30, 7:36 pm, HityHoo  wrote:
> > Hello,
> > When I upload my app,I got the error below:
> > Uploading index definitions.
> > Error 500: --- begin server output ---
> > Server Error (500)
> > A server error has occurred.
> > --- end server output ---
> > I have vacuumed the indexes before,maybe the error was caused by the
> > operation.I'm thinking something has to have gone wrong,please help
> > me.my appid:hht.
> > Thanks.
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[google-appengine] Re: New Runtime Language Announced!

2009-04-01 Thread LH.

Great!  So issues 190 and 567 are now trivial, and will be taken care
of soon?

(No, I didn't fall for it.  But I'm choosing to assume the team picked
this joke in full knowledge that there are at least 2 outstanding
issues that amount to something very much like this)

On Apr 1, 5:35 pm, Jeff S  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm pleased as punch to share with you the details on the new runtime
> language available for App Engine. We announced it on our blog:
> http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2009/04/brand-new-language-on-goo...
> From the blog post:
> """
> It's been almost a year since we've launched App Engine with support
> for Python, and what a year it's been! We've gotten fantastic feedback
> from developers, and we've released loads of new features! When we
> launched, we promised support for another runtime language, and indeed
> this has been among the most requested features from our developers
> since day one.
> Well, we fed Google's new CADIE Strategic Decision Maker the App
> Engine issue tracker, our groups, and various blog posts around the
> internet to help select a new runtime language for App Engine. Today
> we're excited to officially announce support for FORTRAN 77!
> If you're an enterprise customer and want to take advantage of Google
> App Engine, but have a large and cumbersome legacy system, we want to
> make it easy for you to port to the cloud. By providing a Fortran 77
> runtime, along with a familiar, easy-to-use deployment mechanism, we
> hope to make this process efficient and straightforward.
> Want to give it a try? Download our SDK and deploy your application by
> mailing punch cards to:
> Google App Engine, C/O APPCFG
> 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
> Mountain View, CA 94043
> and we'll take care of the rest! We welcome your feedback on our
> newest addition to the App Engine family--you can discuss it on our
> Google Group!
> """
> So there you have it, let's discuss!

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[google-appengine] Google App Engine and China access

2009-04-01 Thread Andy

Every now and then I see posts on App Engine being blocked by China.

Several workarounds have been suggested, which seem to work some of
the time but not others.

What's the current state -- is App Engine accessible from China?

Is it a good platform to use for apps that want to be accessible to
Chinese users? What's your thoughts?
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[google-appengine] entity stuck at the wrong end of the index

2009-04-01 Thread Ben Nevile

Hi GAE team and devotees,

I have a entity that looks like

class FacebookUser(db.Model):
  expired_fotm =  db.BooleanProperty()
  last_nudged_at =db.DateTimeProperty()

and an index that looks like

- kind: FacebookUser
  - name: expired_fotm
  - name: last_nudged_at

Unbeknownst to the users of my application, some javascript is
constantly polling a worker handler that finds the first entity in the
index, operates on it, then sets "last_nudged_at" to the current
time.  There are more than a million of these entities so it takes
some time to go through them all.

This afternoon using the Data Viewer and the GQL query "SELECT * FROM
FacebookUser where expired_fotm=True order by last_nudged_at" I
observed several times that an entity would remain "stuck" in the
first position in the index after it was processed.  Usually it would
remain there only for 10-30 seconds.  However this evening one entity
stayed in an incorrect index position for several hours.  I put() it
again and it properly indexed itself.

Has anyone ever observed anything like this? Let me know if I'm not
making myself clear.

Ben <3 GAE

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[google-appengine] What is missing here??

2009-04-01 Thread arnie

I have two datastore tables ProductCategory and Product
class ProductCategory(db.Model):
CategoryName= db.StringProperty()
CategoryDescription = db.StringProperty()

class Product(db.Model):
PCID = db.ReferenceProperty(ProductCategory,collection_name =
Product_Name = db.StringProperty()

When I go to create a new instance of Product
as given below:
productCat = "a valid ProductCategory Key"
product = Product(PCID=productCat)
The above line gives me error saying
'str' object has no attribute 'has_key'

but if I use
product = Product(ProductCategory=productCat)
it makes an entry in the Product table but the foreign key field
PCID is empty
What is the problem here?

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[google-appengine] implementing a chat system (push functionality?)

2009-04-01 Thread ryandscott

I'm wondering what the best way to implement a chat system would be.
Currently, I have a javascript timer that goes off every x seconds to
query the database and return the list of chats. I keep my list to a
certain number of chats, but it seems that the way I'm doing the whole
process is a fairly poor design.

Here's basically how it goes:


every 5 seconds, Do:
chat_list = chats.getChatsFromDB()

I'm wondering if there is a way to trigger an update only when a new
chat is entered (by any user). Implementing a "push" system seems
impossible because I can't really leave a request open. Is there
something like that though that could do what I'm talking about?

I've looked at the current chat programs that people have created in
app engine, and they all seem to have a delay just like mine before
the chat window is updated. I'm assuming they are using javascript to
update, but without knowing the code I can't say for sure.
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[google-appengine] Re: What is missing here??

2009-04-01 Thread Tim Hoffman

Do you mean

aprodcat = ProductCategory()
do some stuff


productCat = aprodcat.key()

product = Product(PCID=productCat)



On Apr 2, 12:07 pm, arnie  wrote:
> I have two datastore tables ProductCategory and Product
> class ProductCategory(db.Model):
>     CategoryName= db.StringProperty()
>     CategoryDescription = db.StringProperty()
> class Product(db.Model):
>     PCID = db.ReferenceProperty(ProductCategory,collection_name =
> "PCID")
>     Product_Name = db.StringProperty()
> When I go to create a new instance of Product
> as given below:
> productCat = "a valid ProductCategory Key"
> product = Product(PCID=productCat)
> The above line gives me error saying
> 'str' object has no attribute 'has_key'
> but if I use
> product = Product(ProductCategory=productCat)
> it makes an entry in the Product table but the foreign key field
> PCID is empty
> What is the problem here?
> Thanks
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[google-appengine] Re: What is missing here??

2009-04-01 Thread Tim Hoffman


forgot to type the rest of my response.

If you did what I just outline then it's not quite correct.

You should be doing

product = Product(PCID=aprodcat)

As reference properties expect to be given an object, rather than just
a key (that;s why it called .key() method)

If you are using a KeyListProperty then you are adding keys to the
list directly



On Apr 2, 12:36 pm, Tim Hoffman  wrote:
> Do you mean
> aprodcat = ProductCategory()
> ...
> do some stuff
> aprodcat.put()
> productCat = aprodcat.key()
> product = Product(PCID=productCat)
> Rgds
> Tim
> On Apr 2, 12:07 pm, arnie  wrote:
> > I have two datastore tables ProductCategory and Product
> > class ProductCategory(db.Model):
> >     CategoryName= db.StringProperty()
> >     CategoryDescription = db.StringProperty()
> > class Product(db.Model):
> >     PCID = db.ReferenceProperty(ProductCategory,collection_name =
> > "PCID")
> >     Product_Name = db.StringProperty()
> > When I go to create a new instance of Product
> > as given below:
> > productCat = "a valid ProductCategory Key"
> > product = Product(PCID=productCat)
> > The above line gives me error saying
> > 'str' object has no attribute 'has_key'
> > but if I use
> > product = Product(ProductCategory=productCat)
> > it makes an entry in the Product table but the foreign key field
> > PCID is empty
> > What is the problem here?
> > Thanks
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[google-appengine] Re: Can't login to app engine

2009-04-01 Thread surftheair

Hi, thanks for the concern. My email address is surfthe...@gmail.com.
I think my problem is not unable to update a certain app, I can not
login to my whole GAE account on my computer.  I tried different
browsers, Opera, Chrome, IE, Safari and Firefox on both Windows XP and
Windows 7, but only with Firefox I can login to my GAE account, it
keeps giving me the login page, I emptied the coockies, but still
doesn't work. It's the same when I try to update a project using the
GAE SDK. It keeps asking me for the username and password which I have
entered correctly.

On Apr 2, 1:52 am, Jeff S  wrote:
> I'll need more information to investigate. Would it be possible to
> email me the app ID and email address you are using when you try to
> update the app?
> Thank you,
> Jeff
> On Apr 1, 7:27 am, surftheair  wrote:
> > This evening, I can't login to my Google App Engine account, both
> > using the command line to upgrate my project and using the web
> > interface to view my account status.  What's wrong with app engine?
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[google-appengine] Re: Google App Engine and China access

2009-04-01 Thread surftheair

I can access App Engine right now in China.

On Apr 2, 11:11 am, Andy  wrote:
> Every now and then I see posts on App Engine being blocked by China.
> Several workarounds have been suggested, which seem to work some of
> the time but not others.
> What's the current state -- is App Engine accessible from China?
> Is it a good platform to use for apps that want to be accessible to
> Chinese users? What's your thoughts?
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"Google App Engine" group.
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[google-appengine] Re: Google App Engine and China access

2009-04-01 Thread 秦锋

Domain binded could not be reached due to ghs.google.com is blocked.

I strongly want Google to deploy ghs.google.cn!

On 4月2日, 上午11时11分, Andy  wrote:
> Every now and then I see posts on App Engine being blocked by China.
> Several workarounds have been suggested, which seem to work some of
> the time but not others.
> What's the current state -- is App Engine accessible from China?
> Is it a good platform to use for apps that want to be accessible to
> Chinese users? What's your thoughts?
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"Google App Engine" group.
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[google-appengine] PyFacebook + Jinja?

2009-04-01 Thread benf...@gmail.com

Would some please provide me with an example of how to implement
PyFacebook without Django/Pylons?

I'm asking because I want to reward my users for inviting friends via
Facebook and I can't find a good tutorial aimed at beginners.

I would really appreciate being pointed in the right direction.

So far I've read these two things, and I'm still lost:



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[google-appengine] Issues Trying To Run dev_appserver.py in Ubuntu 8.10

2009-04-01 Thread bobdob

Hi Everyone

I'm trying to get Google Appengine up and running on Ubuntu 8.10. I've
downloaded the .zip for the Appengine SDK from the Linux/Other
Platforms section on

Upon unzipping the file, I'm told that 3 CRCs didn't match, I deleted
all the files and tried re-downloading & unzipping 3 times, still got
the same CRC mismatches again. So I decided to just give it a shot

Then I tried out the "Helloworld" app, creating a directory
"helloworld" in the "google_appengine" directory and placing my
"helloworld.py" and "app.yaml" files in the "helloworld" directory. I
tried running dev_appserver.py by opening my terminal and typing
google_appengine/dev_appserver.py /helloworld, and got a nice little
error message as illustrated below:

ch...@chris-laptop:~$ google_appengine/dev_appserver.py /helloworld
ERROR:root:Application configuration file not found in /helloworld

Now, I'm not sure what's causing this, whether I have a bum copy of
the SDK (unlikely, I think, since the files came directly from the
Google Appengine Downloads), or whether I'm not putting my files or
directories in the right places, or whether there are other
dependencies I need to run dev_appserver.py (Ubuntu comes with Python
2.5.2 pre-installed, I have not installed 2.6 or 3.0 as I am aware
they are not compatible with AppEngine).

I'm kind of stuck right now, I've searched online for a few hours with
no luck and I think I should be able to get this up and running pretty
easily. If anyone has any suggestions or has experienced something
like this, please let me know as soon as you can


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[google-appengine] Re: Can't login to app engine

2009-04-01 Thread surftheair

I changed my system time to March 2008, now i can finnally login to my
GAE account. I think something is wrong with the certificates.

Jeff S wrote:
> I'll need more information to investigate. Would it be possible to
> email me the app ID and email address you are using when you try to
> update the app?
> Thank you,
> Jeff
> On Apr 1, 7:27 am, surftheair  wrote:
> > This evening, I can't login to my Google App Engine account, both
> > using the command line to upgrate my project and using the web
> > interface to view my account status.  What's wrong with app engine?
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[google-appengine] Updating the GData API

2009-04-01 Thread Arun Shanker Prasad

Hi All,

I currently use the GData API version 'gdata.py-1.1.1' for my Google
App Engine application. My question is that the API contains a lot of
files, I want to update to the latest version of the API. I have
already uploaded the app with the API files, (P.S: No I did not use
zipimport). If I modify the version and upload these files again then
will they be viewed as different files? I mean will I be hitting the
number of flies allowed limit? Could some one please elaborate on

Arun Shanker Prasad.
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