[google-appengine] Re: Wordpress + AppEngine = PressEngine

2013-06-20 Thread @Mlaynes

yeah!.. there is nice news there..


believe me? GAE-PHP seems to me more fast than GAE-Java, GAE-Python (to 
less latency on Google Cloud SQL ?

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[google-appengine] Re: Wordpress + AppEngine = PressEngine

2013-06-20 Thread @Mlaynes

yeah!.. we have multiple nice news there..


believe me? GAE-PHP seems to me more fast than GAE-Java, GAE-Python (to 
less latency on Google Cloud SQL ?


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[google-appengine] Re: Wordpress + AppEngine = PressEngine

2013-06-05 Thread @Mlaynes

more details about running Wordpress directly on GAE platform :


best and happy coding..

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[google-appengine] Re: Wordpress + AppEngine = PressEngine

2013-06-04 Thread @Mlaynes

..really PHP is a language with quite a presence in the web development 
world .. and a lot of opensource projects very interesting like Wp, Elgg, 
Drupal, Magento and others, now they will can to run within GAE platform 
without major changes.. I think is a great news


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[google-appengine] working GAE-Java projects on Netbeans

2013-06-04 Thread @Mlaynes

to work GAE-Java Projects with Netbeans IDE until version 6.9 we had the 
support of kenai.com, but really worth noting that Kenai is no longer 
provided adequate support to their plugin and the updates constants of SDK 
for Java of Google App Engine, so several times we were looking for and 
reviewing several alternatives, and the most suitable we find is the 

it's possible obtain a good plug-in for Netbeans 7.3 and GAE Java SDK 
v.1.8.x from this repository:

with this plug-in, GAE projects like guestbook sample or new personal 
projects are running very fine..

method of use:
1. delete completely App Engine server of your Netbeans (I had to reinstall 
Netbeans to remove the service completely, but there must be a way to do it)
2. download plug-in from : 
any folder..
3. install plug-in : Tools / Plugins / Downloaded
4. verify update of plugins..
5. create a new server appengine with version 1.8.x of SDK for Java
6. create a new JavaWeb project for running on appengine server and/or 
testing guestbook sample.. 


my test about this : http://goo.gl/Vhz1k (language: es, with translate 

best  happy coding !


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[google-appengine] Re: Wordpress + AppEngine = PressEngine

2013-06-03 Thread @Mlaynes

nice news about this theme:
launch of the PHP runtime for App Engine = ease of use of open source 
projects like Wordpress and more.. so, apart of Quercus library to use PHP 
projects, now we have the option to implement those projects on Google 
Cloud Platform directly..

more details here:

sample of wordpress running on GAE platform:

register an app (you'll need a GAE account)

best to all !

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[google-appengine] Re: security issue (strange behavior)

2013-04-28 Thread @Mlaynes

Ok.. after several tests, it appears that our sample is stabilized now, 
although it is an unsecured application :




of course we will wait one more day to see if this is really a solution, 
but the graphics are optimistic about the end of a day of quotas, and even 
with the ongoing spam attack how you can see..

what was the proposed solution?

by front-side:
a single layer of protection (enabling / disabling our textarea according 
to a checkbox)
by server side:
preventing recordings of empty ads or other non-consistent (similar when 
working with trusted endpoints )
and of course, using memcache technics

we will detail more our code  solution after observing some time  the 

best regards

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[google-appengine] Re: security issue (strange behavior)

2013-04-19 Thread @Mlaynes

actually estimated jeff.. this was one of my first GAE project that I 
built, and now with using specialized javascript frameworks and using MVC 
architecture (ExtJS4, Backbone, others), I have not really watched problems 
like with this simple application unsecure, but I find it interesting the 
observed effects, to take them into account in my other projects ..and of 
course overcome these, because in the GAE world all consumptions and costs, 
must be controlled

some free samples
http://goo.gl/wVU6O a first integration with ExtJS  OAuth2.0 protocol
http://goo.gl/SLu4G  working with spreadsheets
http://goo.gl/N6W4p GAE in action project

Comments like this should also be considered :


and although I love the GAE philosophy .. I see betting a lot for startups 
that for professional business developments .. and forums like this, are 
the ideal place to develop, share and overcome these challenges..

so any help is welcome..
best regards

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[google-appengine] Re: security issue (strange behavior)

2013-04-18 Thread @Mlaynes

Ok.. these are some of solutions implemented about the issue:

1. eliminate the ugly error page thrown by GAE .. and it was easy, setting 
correctly our Guestbook.JSP file to show our personal errorPage (of course, 
the design can be better)

%@ page contentType=text/html;charset=UTF-8 language=java %
%@ page errorPage=/errorPage.jsp isErrorPage=true %


2.- to try eliminate or diminishDatastore Read Operations, we have 
implemented using memcache..but as you will see, not happens something 



to implement memcache I use fist key-only thecnic, because according to 
the manual has some advantages and because my uestbook is a grid (created 
with table tag)

A *keys-only query* returns just the keys of the result entities instead of 
the entities themselves, at lower latency and cost than retrieving entire 

Query q = pm.newQuery(select id from  + Person.class.getName());
ListString ids = (ListString) q.execute();

of course, then with each key, it was worked on memcache service
but, now I see that seems any query operation on datastore consumes 
Datastore Read Operation, even key-only operations.. so then, is there 
some best technic to work with memcache? is it possible to do query on 
memcache with GAE-Java?

can anybody tell me something about this ?

Note : I've not corrected yet recording of empty ads to keep the spam 
attack and use it to improve my techniques GAE-Java development, and of 
course, we will continue our testings

best to all

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[google-appengine] Re: security issue (strange behavior)

2013-04-16 Thread @Mlaynes

Hi friends..

interesting options...

1) put FB or Google+ OAuth on it.. yes, a good option, but I will maintain 
open textarea field some time to do some personal testings about this issue 
(the fields hidden are now recording  empty ads..)

2) yes Vinny, I had noticed that the Datastore Read operation quota it 
was much larger than write operations.. your solution is very interesting 
(using memcache), of course I go to implement it

best regards

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[google-appengine] Re: security issue (strange behavior)

2013-04-15 Thread @Mlaynes

Ok Jeff..

Although the code this sample is not complicated, really it was  difficult 
to correct JSP file .. I was able locate the temporary file, but not 
clearly showed me the error .. neither old-fashioned way helped me .. 
finally cutting portions of the code, show to me the error on site model 
 it was what caused the problem (..by my corrections)



thanks so much

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[google-appengine] Re: security issue (strange behavior)

2013-04-15 Thread @Mlaynes

Hi friends!
I see that empty ads recording continues .. but, I had restricted their 
visualizations. This is good moment to put into practice honeyput 
techniques in the fields of my forms, or other ways..


best to all..




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[google-appengine] Re: security issue (strange behavior)

2013-04-15 Thread @Mlaynes

hi to all again..

How you can see, the attacks of robots continues.. the result is that 
they are consuming my free quota on GAE service each day and my page 
will be broken almost all day
; (


 for lack of time,  I have not implemented honeyput on fields of my form 
yet, but I hope will do it soon to measure its effectiveness. Currently, I 
've placed a restrictions on the fields of form  but it's insufficient , 
but at least the empty ads aren't show (of course, empty ads are my 
restriccions, other way, almost all will be sexual ads)

what surprises me is the technic that uses robots to save data even with 
the restrictions of Javascript and server side that I have placed (seeking 
to limit empty recordings, this barrier they are jumping smoothly)

well.. will continue my tests


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[google-appengine] Re: security issue (strange behavior)

2013-04-13 Thread @Mlaynes
Hi Per..

Thanks so much for reply.. how you indicate, it's really important consider 
honeypot techniques for forms (in fact, I will do it), but i don't 
understand why now  my page throw Error Server.. perhaps GAE has blocked my 
site unannounced ? ..this is probably ..but in a business scene, this one 
would be very bad


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[google-appengine] Re: security issue (strange behavior)

2013-04-13 Thread @Mlaynes
Hi Per..

Thanks so much for reply.. how you indicate, it's really important consider 
honeypot techniques for forms (in fact, I will do it), but i don't 
understand why now  my page throw Error Server.. perhaps GAE has blocked my 
site unannounced ? ..this is probably ..but in a business scene, this one 
would be very bad


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[google-appengine] Re: security issue (strange behavior)

2013-04-13 Thread @Mlaynes

Hi Jeff

Thanks for reply too.. 
I had not really checked the log because the site has always worked very 
well .. Now I created a new version (my source works OK), it has loaded to 
GAE platform .. and it's same, it throw : Error Server (yes, it indicate 
500: Error Server in the tab

my logs are :




as I say all work fine with my source and local test, really is throwing 
error where there is none..

 : (


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[google-appengine] Re: security issue (strange behavior)

2013-04-12 Thread @Mlaynes

Hi friend.

I see the problem still persists .. although my website has failed all day, 
dashboard graphs has reported increasing Front End instance hours 
quota... really, I believe this is a serious problem on GAE security

last 24h Chart


last 30d Graph :


at least has been locked and have not continued the recording of  empty 
ads.. of course, I have already cleaned my computer from viruses and spybots

any solution ?






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[google-appengine] Re: security issue (strange behavior)

2013-04-12 Thread @Mlaynes

forgot to say .. now, in my graphs you can see few empty recordings, but 
that's because many of them I've deleted .. and during the attack was 
averaging 100-200 sex ads per day on average, which of course also I've 


help me please !


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[google-appengine] security issue (strange behavior)

2013-04-11 Thread @Mlaynes

my page : http://igguestbook.appspot.com/
( a guestbook with some of geolocation and OAuth2.0 Authrization  
Authentication )

over one month I have attacks of robots or hackers who type sexual ads on 
my guestbook I'm trying to control ...

I have restricted the submits on my page from the front-side (javascript) 
.. and from  the server side (GAE-Java backend) .. but the ads are still 
trying to write on my page .. and now, save ads empty ..

. and now my page sometimes throws: Error: Server Error

sometimes by the attacks, my page has exceeded  Datastore Read Operation 
quota .. but I see that now hasn't exceeded .. But still throw : Error : 
Server Error




any idea ?

best regards







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[google-appengine] Re: Wordpress + AppEngine = PressEngine

2013-04-10 Thread @Mlaynes

Hi to all..

I knew a project from 2009 who did it :..
and now.. that project is updated and your face is better..


its source :

demo :

Quercus http://quercus.caucho.com/ is a very efficient library to 
implement PHP on Java server.. I've  tested it and used it on Tomcat and 
Jetty servers (GAE SDK for Java). This is part of the Resin server and ypu 
can view about this here : http://www.caucho.com/

my tests about :
Quercus: JavaWeb projects working with PHP on Tomcat 
Quercus: GAE-JavaWeb projects working even with 

(language : ES, with translate option)

best regards

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