Re: [Google Wave APIs] Google Wave is Dead

2010-08-05 Thread Brian May
On 5 August 2010 08:28, Joel Dietz  wrote:
> Kind of strange to actively encourage development by independent developers
> and promise future code releases while privately planning to kill the
> project...

It kind of irritates me the way Google went about this. They started a
community effort to create something new and unique. They got this
community effort, and things seemed to be happening. When we could
start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, they decided to
cancel the project. Instead of officially informing the community via
their own discussion forums of what is happening, we first find out
via the media outlets. Even then, in their official blog, they haven't
acknowledged the contributions made by extensive community efforts -
just some vague reference to "numerous loyal fans". Its like the
community doesn't matter.

So I really think it was always seen by Google management as a
commercial/proprietary product, despite the fact it was being
advertised as a community effort. That is why it has failed.
Alternatively, Google has shown they don't know how to run a community

They still haven't really explained what this announcement means. Will
people lose data they have on Google Wave?

I would hope that wave can now be forked and developed independently
of Google, with or without Google's help. First step, perhaps, should
be to stop calling it Google Wave.

Even if Google did decide to change their mind and continue running
the show (as other people seem to be suggesting), they would have to
show some serious commitment (e.g. releasing all the code as open
source). Otherwise I wouldn't be able to trust them not to do the same
thing in the future, again.
Brian May 

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Re: [Google Wave APIs] Re: Google Wave is Dead

2010-08-04 Thread Brian May
On 5 August 2010 13:30, James Purser  wrote:
> We have enough of the federation protocol and OT hammered out that it
> is quite possible to build something like the Apache Foundation for
> Wave. If Google wanted to come to the party with their production
> server setups, it would make things so much better.

Finally some good news!
Brian May 

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Re: [Google Wave APIs] Google Wave is Dead

2010-08-04 Thread Brian May
I am assuming this is serious. Would like to see some official
confirmation of exactly what this means, maybe on an official web page
somewhere. For all I know it could be a hoax.

On 5 August 2010 09:11, Ronald C.F. Antony  wrote:
> This is a real travesty. To cancel Wave due to lack of adoption is pretty 
> short-sighted.

You can't expect people to change their habits overnight.

> Wave wasn't fully developed, it needed better integration with legacy
> tools like e-mail, and it needed a fully functional open sourced platform
> such that federation would be possible. Without these, to hope for mass
> adoption is foolish, and without mass adoption of course, the expected
> success will remain a dream.

For me the big issue right now is that I purchased an Android phone,
and cannot access Wave on it. So I have used protocols like XMPP
simply because they are more accessible.

However, even if this was not an issue, changing to something
radically different like wave is always going to be a slow process
while people learn how to best make use of the new technology. People
are just too comfortable with current technology (including

Another issue, as others have said, is that Google have been
relatively slow to release the open source code - delays in doing so I
think have meant people have lost interest while waiting for this to
occur (for me I just have too many interesting projects - I can't keep
up with all of them). As a result, the decision to end it seems to
have been made before one of the major selling features was realized.

Maybe they seriously underestimated the selling power of making it
open source? As such it wasn't given the priority it deserved? If
everything was open source from day 1, I think it would have generated
a lot more serious long term interest, even if there were problems
with the code.

I feel I could have got more people interested if I could have
installed a server at work. However more people using it at work, I
think would have meant more people using Google's server.
Unfortunately I could not use it in my work environment, because my
company would be nervous about putting private company data on
Google's servers.

I don't know what the future is of Google's Wave server is now, but if
it is ever going to be shut down, the people who were nervous about
putting data on Google's servers will say they were right. In fact
they are probably already saying there were right. Especially as Wave
meant to be a released product (IIRC).

I also hope that Google will now open source the code, so wave can
continue outside of Google. I fear though that Google will not want to
on grounds that the code contains confidential information that cannot
be released, which in turn may kill the community efforts.
Brian May 

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Re: [Google Wave APIs] wave hijacking

2010-02-10 Thread Brian May
On 11 February 2010 04:27, Ronald C.F. Antony  wrote:
> Example: I trust my buddy, my girlfriend, but not her sneaky room mate. So I 
> start a new wave with my buddy. He adds my girlfriend to the wave, which 
> works, because she has the same or higher trust level assigned in my list of 
> contacts as he has. She wants to add her room mate, and that will trigger a 
> permission request to me, because now the entire conversation (according to 
> the weakest link theory) will degrade in trustability.

Perhaps a bad example. In this case it would be easy for your
girlfriend to show the wave to her room mate and nobody need ever
Brian May 

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Re: [Google Wave APIs] Re: Google Buzz replaces Wave?

2010-02-10 Thread Brian May
On 11 February 2010 03:38, Ronald C.F. Antony  wrote:
> The next step is getting an e-mail gateway working. Since E-mail is static, 
> this is non-trivial, but it's key to allow an absorption of e-mail into wave. 
> It would be foolish to try to solve this in a general way. I think e-mail 
> works fine for message-reply or chat-style wave interactions. The gateway 
> should recognize these and send/import e-mails as such. Anything beyond that 
> should simply be turned into an e-mail message that points to a URL that 
> allows the recipient to view the wave on some web browser. Going much beyond 
> that would both complicate things too much and also remove too many 
> incentives for people actually dumping e-mail as we know it and moving to 
> Wave.

At the LCA2010 Wave mini-conference I seem to remember someone saying
Google tried to get an e-mail gateway working, but encountered some
very difficult problems. If they continued the way they were going,
Wave would become just a clone of email. As such the project was put
on hold. I don't know what these issues were, or if they can be

> The lack of e-mail and IM integration is a second issue, because most people 
> have ONE mode of communication. There are the IM types, who hardly ever send 
> an e-mail, and there are the e-mail types, who hardly ever touch IM. None of 
> then wants "yet another app" to deal with, but they might consider SWITCHING 
> to Wave, provided it allows them to continue what they are currently used to 
> doing and doesn't involve the effort to try to convert all their conversation 
> partners to move to a new platform first. (Chicken & Egg network effect 
> thing...)

The #1 big problem I have wave, is that there end up being so many
different windows I need to open to check different things, and at the
moment Wave isn't assisting, it is making matters worse. Maybe in the
future this could change. e.g. right now if I remember I should be
checking the following on a regular basis:

* home email
* work email
* gmail email
* twitter
* Wave sandbox
* Wave preview
* calendar
* request tracker at work
* jabber (I tend to miss incoming messages and not having a speaker
doesn't help)
* etc - I am sure I missed something here...

Some of these things do need to be kept separated, e.g. home
email/work email, but I think there is room for improvement.

> And lastly, people like me, have a distaste for the sort of cloud computing 
> where critical data is held hostage, I have my own computing infrastructure, 
> thank you, and if the internet goes down, I still have access to my data, and 
> that's the way it should be; which means until 100% fully featured Wave 
> servers can't be installed on my own computers (incl. web interface and all) 
> and federation works in large scale deployments, Wave will remain a toy and a 
> cool technology demonstration, but I'll avoid it for real work, and stick to 
> e-mail and IM, where I'm master over my information storage.

There needs to be a way to backup waves and continue using them
read/write if the server goes down. Or if you have a disagreement with
the hosting company for any reason.

Similarly it should be possible to create federated servers that don't
require a massive hardware budget in case the wave proves to be more
popular then expected. At the moment my understanding is that the
hosting server has a high workload for every client connected, and it
isn't possible to offload this workload to another more capable
Brian May 

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Re: [Google Wave APIs] ... and Google gets to keep all the data?

2010-02-10 Thread Brian May
On 10 February 2010 19:05, Trejkaz  wrote:
> That's what I answered too.  Privacy is another (although highly
> related) matter.

Ooops, sorry, my bad. Looks like I am asleep at the keyboard...
Brian May 

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Re: [Google Wave APIs] ... and Google gets to keep all the data?

2010-02-09 Thread Brian May
On 9 February 2010 10:41, Trejkaz  wrote:
>> All data remains or at least goes through Google's servers, there is
>> no way to OWN YOUR WAVES, right?
> If you never add anyone on Google's servers to your wave, the wave's
> data will never get to their server (e.g. if you are running a private
> one and block federation.)

I might be wrong, however I read the concern as "why do I have to
store my data on Google's servers?" as opposed to "how can I be sure
my data will remain private?"

When support for federation is improved you will be able to store data
on you own servers, just like with email.
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Office Hours Start in 5 Minutes

2009-11-05 Thread Brian May

On Fri, Nov 06, 2009 at 01:26:53PM +1100, pamela (Google Employee) wrote:
> Thanks, I've gone back and added it. I'll make sure we do it for all office
> hours in the future (I don't believe we had been doing it for the ones in
> this timezone).

I have tagged a number of them, hopefully they should be all tagged.

Not sure about yesterdays session, assuming it even deserves the tag...
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Got a Sandbox invite, but....

2009-10-22 Thread Brian May

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 11:50:30AM -0700, Carlos3188 wrote:
> I thought the sandbox ended when the limited preview was launched but

No, the sandbox is still around.
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Link to a specific blip

2009-10-22 Thread Brian May

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 06:53:08AM -0700, Google Wave API wrote:
> I ask me if there is a way to create a link to a specific blip in a
> specific wave?
> Some wave have so many answers, I'd like to have the capability to
> create a link to a specific blip when it's interestings (eg in a FAQ).

I don't think it is possible. It would be a good feature however.
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: FYI: New Sandbox Release

2009-10-19 Thread Brian May

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 08:01:35PM +0200, Robert Thurnher wrote:
> I'd be very curious to know if there are any changes to how bot
> profiles work as, e.g., their avatar images, at least currently, don't
> appear anymore.
> Thanks in advance for any further info on that issue.

For me these seem just as broken as before. e.g. if I refresh some additional
images appear and then disappear after several seconds.

I only get to see the green dot for myself, so at least I can confirm that I am
online at least...
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Wave is missing from my preview account??

2009-10-18 Thread Brian May

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 11:58:17AM -0700, Monika Adamczyk wrote:
> I don't think this is a wave that shows and disappears. So far I can't
> find it. It's seems like the wave was permanently removed from my
> account.

How are you trying to look for it? If you are searching based on the title, it
is possible somebody has changed the title.
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Mapping Wave Developers (With a Gadget)

2009-10-15 Thread Brian May

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 02:41:34AM +1100, pamela (Google Employee) wrote:
> No, you can edit it. What made you think it was read-only?
> On the contrary, in fact. We are thinking of making it so that a gadget must
> put the blip in edit mode in order to save state, so there is an in-blip
> consistency. I'll post more about that shortly.

That sounds like a really good idea. Although I prefer it if the user has
to put the blip in edit mode, as opposed to the gadget doing it automatically.

Right now it is too easy to make accidental changes IMHO. For a number of 

e.g. if you are not sure what consitutes a change (e.g. interacting with
the map gadget doesn't seem to change anything unless you are in edit mode -
however I was nervous about panning around in one because I though the changes
would show for other people too).

Once you accidentally change a blip, you remain listed as a contributor, even
if you didn't intend to change anything.
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Various questions: 1. Can testers with Dev. Sandbox account see Users with Regular account?

2009-10-15 Thread Brian May

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 05:32:36AM -0700, John Black wrote:
> 2. I have a two Dev. Sandbox accounts for testing but I can never see
> the pictures of the other account. Known issue?

First like others have said, make sure they are allowing you to your photo.

I have observed this can be rather buggy. For example, somebody I sent an
invitation to, I can see her name & picture after I reload Google Wave for
about 30 seconds, then both the name and picture vanish. If I reload the page I
can see them again for another 30 seconds (approx).
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Google Wave Inbox Notification tool for the Windows Desktop

2009-10-13 Thread Brian May

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 09:48:02AM +0700, Joe Developer wrote:
> Really? Generally considered illegal? I would appreciate a link that
> documents such a finding. I would imagine that google search results would
> be fairly sparsely populated if they could only include those pages that
> include explicit permission for google to scrape.

My understanding is that it is a grey area of law, and you are likely to get
different answers depending on country, what you are scrapping, what you are
using it for, who holds the copyright on the data you are scrapping, who you
ask, etc.

However scrapping is really ugly, error prone, and needs frequent updating. I
would consider these issues more important then the legal issue. Especially
as it seems likely that Google will develop a proper API in the future.
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Google Wave Inbox Notification tool for the Windows Desktop

2009-10-13 Thread Brian May

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 05:07:18PM -0400, Andrey Fedorov wrote:
> Uhoh, I hope you guys are at least running antivirus as you run exe's you
> downloaded online?

Even a good antivirus program won't help if the downloaded exe grabs your
Google Wave username and password and automatically sends it to the author.

Not that I am suggesting that is what this program does, but since we don't
have the source code available (yet), who knows?

Even if this project is legitimate, other similar projects may not be.

(similar concerns also apply when typing in username & password information in
waves that have untrusted robots)
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Performance

2009-10-06 Thread Brian May

On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 02:17:24PM -0700, ndee wrote:
> How are you connected to the internet? Maybe this is the bottle neck?
> Or maybe your pc is running on 100% because of the huge javascript
> processing?

It is also possible you are running out of memory. How much memory (RAM)
do you have in your computer?
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Why is the username the same as the google account (gmail) username

2009-10-05 Thread Brian May

On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 12:42:48PM +1100, Trejkaz wrote:
> > Sure you didn't mean and The accounts on
> > are not the same.
> >
> Honest typo.  I was obviously thinking about the sandbox too much, but I
> meant  I was wondering why we need two different domains for
> the same user.

Ok, good. I just wanted to make sure I was answering the right question ;-).

Having a seperate domain for means in the future they could do
something fancy like have mail sent to automatically
appear in a wave, maybe one that has as the only
(default) participant.

Meanwhile gmail would continue to work as before (or if you really want you
might be able to have that automatically forward to

Maybe this is the reason the chose to use two seperate domains?
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Lets develop a Outlook killer

2009-10-05 Thread Brian May

On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 10:03:57AM +1100, Brian May wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 09:38:49AM -0700, jz light wrote:
> > I would like to try out wave and start a open source project to
> > replace outlook.
> Looked at Evolution, Firefox, Zimbra, etc?

Errr, I didn't type that. I blame... Errr... Outlook... even though I am not 
even using Outlook. ;-)

I obviously meant to say:

Looked at Evolution, Thunderbird, Zimbra, etc?

(ie. the creature that flies and creates thunder, not the creature that creates
fires and looks like a fox)
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Lost Invitation

2009-10-05 Thread Brian May

On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 09:00:06AM -0700, severoon wrote:
> However, I logged into Wave via mobile (using my sweet gPhone that I
> got at Google I/O--thanks Google!) and sent one. It showed on the
> phone just like all the others, and deducted one invite. But, when I
> went back on the desktop, now, that 4th email address doesn't show up,
> though I'm still down to 4 invites left. :-(
> Can I get that invite back, or did it go out and it's just not showing
> up?

Sounds like a bug to me, file a bug report at:
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Lets develop a Outlook killer

2009-10-05 Thread Brian May

On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 09:38:49AM -0700, jz light wrote:
> I would like to try out wave and start a open source project to
> replace outlook.

Looked at Evolution, Firefox, Zimbra, etc?
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Annoying people asking spamming emails for invites

2009-10-05 Thread Brian May

On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 07:49:22AM -0400, Tracey Smith wrote:
> There is nothing wrong in asking someone for an invite.  If you do not want
> to be asked then simply ignore the email and move on with your life.

It doesn't really matter, it seems no one is getting invites at the moment.

> I cannot believe that in this day in age where Person A has something he can
> share and Person B asks if he can share, Person A hoards the experience by
> preventing Person B (and others) from allowing to experience.  We are all
> developers here.  We all want to develop for GW.  Talk about knocking
> someone when he is down.  Are you a republican?  I suppose you think other
> Americans don't need a public option as well?

How do we know they are developers if they don't even say so?

Some people (especially non-developers) might get annoyed when the find there
are still bugs in Wave, and give Google a hard time over it.

There is an official means of requesting invitations, eventually everyone will
get a go. We don't all have to give up our 8 invitations to allow everyone a
fair change.

> So to recap: please treat others as you would like to be treated and be
> careful with using the label "spammy".

I never have liked that meat anyway:
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Super Angry: Spamming and other unsolicited Waves

2009-10-05 Thread Brian May

On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 03:16:05PM +0200, Rémy Sanchez wrote:
> Unlike SMTP, Wave require an authentication of the users. For that reason, I 

I am not really sure what the security measures are for federated sessions.

e.g. could I connect to as a federated session and pretend to
be coming from

I suspect the answer might be either "no" or "its more difficult then with
SMTP" however I am not sure of the details.

> think that you can easily ban spamers from wave servers.

Hmm. Unlikely I think, they can just keep coming back with different accounts.

However if you see a wave from a friend and can have some assurance that it
really is from the friend, and not a spammer trying to trick you into removing
excess cash from you bank accounts, then this would be a good thing.

Of course the friend may have chosen an obvious password - the technology can't
solve the entire security problem.

A potential problem with Wave, at the moment, is that users could be tricked
into thinking that a spammer is their friend if the spammer sets their user
name and icon to match. A difficult problem, I can't think of a good solution
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Can preview Wave user interact with sandbox Wave users?

2009-10-05 Thread Brian May

On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 09:50:55AM -0400, NADIA DOUAJI wrote:
> Google said they are 2 independent environments.  so no is the answer.  You
> can add your sandbox contacts to your wave contacts by changing their domain
> name to and get confirmation that they are wave users.  That's
> how I went about it.  Or you can always ask them for their wave account info. 

I think somewhere I read that this will change after they implement federation
in both servers.

I would imagine they will implement federation on the sandbox first, so they
can test it out and make sure it works properly before upgrading the main
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Why is the username the same as the google account (gmail) username

2009-10-05 Thread Brian May

On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 09:02:40AM +1100, Trejkaz wrote:
> And then the flipped question comes into play: why did the domain change?
>  Now I have two public identities for one account, one at and one
> at  In my opinion, if two accounts are the same then they
> should share the domain.

I was about to reply, then noticed you mention and

Sure you didn't mean and The accounts on are not the same.
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Inviting friends does not work for me

2009-10-05 Thread Brian May

On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 09:18:34AM -0500, Omni Adams wrote:
> Invites will trickle out of Google as they feel that the Wave servers can
> handle more load.

No doubt they have more important things to worry about right now. e.g. See
the " down or is my account defect?" thread.

No point adding extra accounts if there is high chance they won't work anyway.

(having said that it works fine for me)
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Public waves?

2009-10-05 Thread Brian May

On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 07:06:12AM -0700, Wooble wrote:
> public will vanish from your contacts list at random, too, ...

Why does this happen?
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Serious problem with Wave Preview

2009-10-05 Thread Brian May

On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 01:27:27PM -0700, Brian Kennish (Googler) wrote:
> Hey guys, the ubiquitous "shiny" message seems to be a problem for a
> subset of preview users.

I feel I am missing out on something here, I haven't seen the "shiny"
message (except on the sandbox).

What am I doing wrong? 
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Super Angry: Spamming and other unsolicited Waves

2009-10-04 Thread Brian May

On Sat, Oct 03, 2009 at 10:29:57PM -0700, Daniel Faust wrote:
> Brian, it got me annoyed. It wasn't offensive, it wasn't SPAM, nor any
> type of advertising. It was a simple message containing nothing else
> but an "Hi".

I agree, that would be annoying.

I could understand accidentally send an email without meaning to (e.g. before
entering the content you accidentally click send) but if you do so you probably
should followup and apologise.

> I am cool on being contacted by unknown people as long as they manage
> to make me understand why they are contacting me or why it would make
> sense to get in contact. Else they are considered to be spammers.


> I posted that complaint here because this is the main place where Wave
> related stuff get's discussed. Not just API stuff. Maybe we're able to
> outline a way to minimize such annoyances.

Yes, I can see SPAM will be a problem with Wave, for similar reasons it is a
problem for E-Mail. We can't ignore the problem, we have to deal with it.

At least with Wave, I think it should be harder to impersonate the contributors
address, unlike with E-Mail.
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Super Angry: Spamming and other unsolicited Waves

2009-10-03 Thread Brian May

On Sat, Oct 03, 2009 at 02:41:31PM -0700, Daniel Faust wrote:
> This is not nice. He may have friendly intentions, but then there are
> other ways to get to know people instead of randomly adressing someone
> online.

I have no idea what this wave contained: Was it in some way offensive? SPAM?
Commercial advertising?  Inappropriately addressed? Inappropriate?

I am not sure what your compliant was with receiving this Wave. It almost seems
like you don't like to receive messages from unknown people, which seems
strange when you posted this to a public email forum.

You are right however, the support in Wave for dealing with SPAM could be
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: how to find out my WaveID

2009-10-02 Thread Brian May

On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 02:35:41AM -0700, natadd wrote:
> well, i tried this of course, but at least those three wordpress-
> googlewave-plugins i know dont show the wave in my blog when i use
> this id from the url...?

I think It is almost the waveid, but not quite. At least with the sandbox,
suspect the beta version will be the same.



In particular, + has been replaced with %252B and % has been replaced with
%2525 (if I read that correctly).

In short, the URL is not a good substitute for the old debug menu :-(
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Still waiting for an invite in my sandbox

2009-10-02 Thread Brian May

On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 04:46:30PM +1000, Alan Green ☄ wrote:
> Please try again now.

Got it now, Thanks.
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Still waiting for an invite in my sandbox

2009-10-01 Thread Brian May

On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 04:10:37PM +1000, Brian May wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 04:09:17PM +1000, Alan Green ☄ wrote:
> > What is your wavesandbox account name?
> brian_may

I thought occurred to me - Google Wave was crashing a lot for me
yesterday, so maybe I can't access the wave for same unknown reason,
and it isn't showing up as a result.
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Still waiting for an invite in my sandbox

2009-10-01 Thread Brian May

On Thu, Oct 01, 2009 at 11:23:26PM -0700, Suhas Nandakumar wrote:
>   i did check my sandbox few a minute ago. I don't see the invite yet ...
>   Can some one guide me on this :)

Looks like there might be a bug somewhere.

Either both of us are blind, or we really didn't get the invitation ;-)
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Still waiting for an invite in my sandbox

2009-10-01 Thread Brian May

On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 04:09:17PM +1000, Alan Green ☄ wrote:
> What is your wavesandbox account name?

Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Still waiting for an invite in my sandbox

2009-10-01 Thread Brian May

On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 04:02:49PM +1000, Alan Green ☄ wrote:
> Anyone who has logged into the wavesandbox and at least read a few
> waves ought to have an invitation wave in their inbox
> by now. We just ran the last few hundred about an hour ago.

I have not seen anything yet.

(except for a wave somebody else made public, but guessing that won't work)
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Still waiting for an invite in my sandbox

2009-10-01 Thread Brian May

On Thu, Oct 01, 2009 at 06:27:39PM -0700, Suhas Nandakumar wrote:
>I am a sandbox user .. i don't yet see an invite from google .. any idea
> whatz happening ...

I don't have mine either. While the official word was within 24 hours, they
have a lot of accounts to process and it wouldn't surprise me if it is
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: wave invitation request

2009-09-30 Thread Brian May

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 09:31:39PM -0400, Trevin Gandhi wrote:
> Can I please get an invitation too ( I applied for the
> sandbox the day after they released it and many times after that but I never
> got accepted. I would really appreciate an invitation
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: 'Insert reply here' not working properly

2009-09-26 Thread Brian May

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 09:31:29AM -0700, Pierre wrote:
> After Wave update (Sept 26), the way to reply/edit has changed.

I have found in my test wave, if I try to add a reply add the end, sometimes it
appears at the very start (in edit mode) or sometimes it appears in a random
place (not in edit mode).

It does not appear possible to edit or delete a blip that has no text in in. The
delete menu is greyed out and the edit option does nothing.

Right now this wave is crashing a lot, especially if I try to delete a blip
containing text; experimentation continues...
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Received invitation - how long to wait

2009-09-22 Thread Brian May

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 06:58:26AM -0700, Aulo wrote:
> Not a long time to wait anymore until 100k invitations are sent out at
> the end of the month. They probably didn't send an invitation before,
> as you are among the 100k to get an invite anyway.

errr... The poster said he did receive an invitation.

Check the subject line.

To this poster, sometimes the online registration form is a bit unreliable,
maybe try again in case it didn't work the first time?
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Wave Downtime (Sept 14, 10:00PM MTV time) and Migration!

2009-09-16 Thread Brian May

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 06:32:12AM -0700, Greg D wrote:
> As you might've already noticed, we didn't have the downtime today.
> We needed one more day to prepare (migrating all Operations in Wave
> takes more work than you might think!).  We are moving the downtime 1
> day.  So Sept 15 (US PST) now at 10:00PM is our target.

I hope this downtime happens soon... I am looking forward to testing the new

I believe it is now "Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 1:37:40 AM PDT", and I
haven't noticed any changes yet.
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Wave Downtime (Sept 14, 10:00PM MTV time) and Migration!

2009-09-14 Thread Brian May

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 02:06:35PM -0700, Daniel Faust wrote:
> regarding the transition from to on
> the 30th of September, how are sandbox user accounts going to be
> mapped to accounts?

Did you see the discussion here?

If so, apologies for telling you what you already know ;-).
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Wave Downtime (Sept 14, 10:00PM MTV time) and Migration!

2009-09-14 Thread Brian May

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 09:46:23AM -0700, Daniel Faust wrote:

What is this meant to do?

I get:

Wolfram|Alpha isn't sure what to do with your input.

What I find really useful is this site:

>From this I see the downtime as

14th 22:00 - 15th 06:00 Las Vegas
15th 05:00 - 15th 13:00 UTC
15th 15:00 - 15th 23:00 Melbourne

So I guess that means the changes haven't yet occurred. Assuming I got the date 
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Google Has No Clothes!

2009-09-09 Thread Brian May

On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 03:45:05PM -0700, gengstrand wrote:
> What part of "beta" did you not understand?

Quote from office hours:

11:19 am
Brian Kennish:
And it's not a *beta* -- it's a consumer preview.

Which I personally read as: we will do our best to ensure it will fail
spectacularly, unfortunately, from time to time it might work ;-).

Can I file bug reports if it works perfectly? ;-)
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Google Has No Clothes!

2009-09-09 Thread Brian May

On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 02:18:50PM -0700, gg wrote:
> It is so slow, so buggy!

Once upon a time, the google search engine, no doubt, was slow and buggy too.

If everyone thought along your lines, nothing would ever get developed.
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Wavesandbox maintenance and outage at 2PM PST (04:00 UTC) on 6 Sept, 2009

2009-09-06 Thread Brian May

On Sun, Sep 06, 2009 at 09:13:13PM -0700, Greg D wrote:
> Ah, yes, to clarify this is PST and Sept 6 in the US.

No, according to your header you sent the email at 9:XXPM PST, not 14:XXPM PST.
It was 14:XXPM EST when you sent it.

So the correct times (according to [1]) were:

6th sept 21:00 PST
7th sept 04:00 UTC
7th sept 14:00 EST

Not (as claimed by the subject line):

6th sept 14:00 PST  *** looks like the EST time listed as PST ***
6th sept 04:00 UTC

So it is good you tried to warn as beforehand, however, unfortunately, the
times were wrong.

Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Wavesandbox maintenance and outage at 2PM PST (04:00 UTC) on 6 Sept, 2009

2009-09-06 Thread Brian May

On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 01:04:04PM +1000, Brian May wrote:
> Err... What time is that?
> 04:00 UTC is 14:00 Melbourne time, and last I checked Melbourne isn't in PST
> timezone.

(fixed typo)

Not to mention 6th Sept has already been and gone, it is now 7th Sept in UTC
and Melbourne.

Time travel anyone?
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Wavesandbox maintenance and outage at 2PM PST (04:00 UTC) on 6 Sept, 2009

2009-09-06 Thread Brian May

On Sun, Sep 06, 2009 at 07:08:02PM -0700, Greg D wrote:
> Wavesandbox will be brought down for around 3 hours at the
> aforementioned time to perform a schema migration.  Let us know if you
> have questions or concerns!

Err... What time is that?

04:00 GST is 14:00 Melbourne time, and last I checked Melbourne isn't in PST
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: mIRC

2009-09-03 Thread Brian May

On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 05:08:41AM -0700, Saidy Smeenk wrote:
> I really want to have all communication at one place,

Yes, that Wave will do that.

> so also mIRC.  I am using mIRC alot.

Why do you want to continue using mIRC when Wave comes out?

Wouldn't it be easier to use Wave instead?

> This is how i see to implent my day.
> Google wave in the morning pioritising and answering high piority
> waves 1hour tops.
> And at the end of the day around 17:00 second time google wave one
> hour. That it with the communication.
> The rest of the day working on projects/reading/studying.
> (all the communication sociale community/emails/mIRC's/phonecalls)

Yes, you may be able to do that with Wave. A task manager might be more help

> The power of google is the search option.
> You really can search fast in your gmail arcief and internet plus i

You don't *need* Google, gmail, or Wave to search through your own files. You
just need a program with a fast search feature.

> like the advertensing.


> We brainstorm alot in IRC channels and it is a communication section.
> But without a good search, i never search back in mIRC.
> I should to learn from the discussion.

With a good IRC client, you should be able to search back in your history.
Maybe a better solution for you would be to file a bug report against mIRC
asking for the ability to search the history (assuming there is no support

> Well if your can implent mIRC into Google wave and use the google wave
> stylo to discuss.

> It will be for the Google wave user better use of mIRC, because you
> will get clearer about the subject and main arguments.

Sorry, you lost me here.

Possibly you are asking for a IRC to Wave gateway, so IRC messages will appear
inside a wave automatically?

> And you don't need to repeat yourself because you can find the
> dicussion faster. I was thinking about if the email would be invented
> now what would it be? If internet communication would be invented now
> what would it be.
> You guys got nice solution about it and also with the mIRC.

Some of these reasons (like better search) may not be good reasons
for using Wave instead of mIRC. Better reasons may include:

* If you want to share you ideas with other people who aren't part of
the initial conversation.

* If you want to be able to edit the conversation to try and make it
easier to understand for later reuse.

* If you want to be able to tag/file/link different conversations (waves)
concerning different topics.

* You regularly use different computers and want to be able to search
for a past IM style conversation from any computer.

For just a quick list.

Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Google wave and single sign on oauth

2009-09-03 Thread Brian May

On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 06:31:21AM -0700, alon wrote:
> I was wondering, does google wave support google single sign on?

My understanding (if I am correct) is: Will be implemented 30th of September.
Brian May 

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[Google Wave APIs] Re: Wave Sandbox is down?

2009-09-03 Thread Brian May

On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 08:08:26PM -0700, Wolfdog wrote:
> Same, I have been getting the 502 error for several hours now.

Works fine for me. Oh wait, no it doesn't... It was working an hour ago.

There made updates to the sandbox code "yesterday" (not sure what timezone), so
maybe they are having problems with the new code?
Brian May 

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