[gwt-contrib] Re: delayTestFinish allowing the next test to begin before the previous one finishes (2.1.0.m3)?

2010-10-01 Thread Damon Lundin
On Oct 1, 9:11 am, Scott Blum sco...@google.com wrote:
 Is this in dev mode or prod mode?  Do the tests succeed if you run them

This is in dev mode.  If I disable all of the tests and run them
individually they all pass.  I've never tried running tests in prod
mode but I think I know how and I can give that a try.  The next thing
to try as well would be to chain all the test methods together.  So
instead of having test01...testN, I can have the end of test00 start
test01 and the end of test01 start test02, etc.  Of course that's
problematic if a test fails, the next one won't run.  And if the
delayTestFinish isn't working, the whole thing might just stop before
it gets all the way through.  But something to try.


[gwt-contrib] Re: delayTestFinish allowing the next test to begin before the previous one finishes (2.1.0.m3)?

2010-10-01 Thread Damon Lundin
Thanks for the help Scott.  The problem is not with the
delayTestFinish.  Apparently our tests are throwing uncaught
exceptions which causes the test to finish.  The exception does appear
in our logs, but it's one of these:

Caused by: com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (Error):
Unspecified error.
 number: -2147467259
 description: Unspecified error.

Which are not terribly useful (if you have any useful suggestions on
dealing with these, I'm all ears) so I moved on to the next exception
which was an NPE in our code.  That NPE is caused by the tests running
on top of each other.  So I guess this was my fault for not paying
closer attention to the first exception.

There is perhaps one possible recommendation that could come out of
this and maybe that is that when a test begins (or finishes) it
cancels all outstanding timers, commands and pending async callbacks
(perhaps optionally).  The confusion occurred here because even though
the previous test threw an uncaught exception and finished allowing
the next test to begin, the outstanding commands started by the
previous test were still allowed to run and when they did, they messed
up the shared state used by the next test.

Of course now I have to go figure out what's causing this uncaught
exception to be thrown :-(.  And I'm also still confused why the tests
pass when run one at a time.


[gwt-contrib] Re: delayTestFinish allowing the next test to begin before the previous one finishes (2.1.0.m3)?

2010-10-01 Thread Damon Lundin
On Oct 1, 12:12 pm, John Tamplin j...@google.com wrote:
 If your test code ultimately involves callbacks from the browser event loop
 from your own code, you need to wrap all such calls in $entry, which hooks
 up the uncaught exception handler and the Scheduler hooks.  All of the GWT
 widgets/etc that do this already take care of it, but if you write your own
 you have to handle it.

 Look at JsopRequest for an example, but basically if you set a callback
 foo.callback = function()... then that should instead be

 John A. Tamplin
 Software Engineer (GWT), Google

I'm not sure I entirely understand.  Are you suggesting that I need to
convert all of my DeferredCommand calls to ones that use some new
native method implementation so I can wrap my callbacks in $entry?
I'm not sure what that accomplishes since DeferredCommand already does
that.  When it starts a timer, the timer code wraps the callback in
$entry.  It also seems like a heavy burden to impose on the test
developers when GWT is already maintaining a list of callbacks.  If
there was a DeferredCommand.cancelAll, I could call that manually
myself although I'm suggesting that perhaps the GWT test case should
do that for us.  That would also catch any DeferredCommands that may
have been executed in the production code.  I'm not sure how to cancel
outstanding RPC calls if that's even possible.

Also, I see the calls to $entry in GWT source but I don't really have
any idea what it does other than hook at the uncaught exception
handler as you just noted.

And BTW, my apologies for starting this thread so early.  I generally
try to avoid getting help for things I should have been able to figure
out on my own :-(


[gwt-contrib] Re: delayTestFinish allowing the next test to begin before the previous one finishes (2.1.0.m3)?

2010-10-01 Thread Damon Lundin
On Oct 1, 12:51 pm, John Tamplin j...@google.com wrote:
 If you are only using GWT-supplied APIs, I am not sure how you aren't
 getting the uncaught exception handler called on those calls.  Can you
 create a small repro case that illustrates the problem?

 John A. Tamplin
 Software Engineer (GWT), Google

I think you are misunderstanding.  The uncaught exception handle *is*
getting called.  The uncaught exception handler that is setup by the
gwttestcase is catching the exception and calling finishTest.  The
problem is that there are outstanding commands that continue to get
executed even though that particular test case just failed and is done.


[gwt-contrib] Re: delayTestFinish allowing the next test to begin before the previous one finishes (2.1.0.m3)?

2010-10-01 Thread Damon Lundin
On Oct 1, 12:32 pm, Scott Blum sco...@google.com wrote:
 It sounds like the problem really boils down to less-than-useful stack
 traces when a native exception is thrown in Dev mode.  Ironically, if you
 ran this in Prod mode, you'd probably get a better stack trace, because we
 emulate the stack over there.

 We could probably implement the same sort of stack trace emulation feature
 in Dev mode + some other stack cleanup to make the exception traceback much

Well, I'd say there are two problems (well three if you include the
fact that this exception wasn't being thrown on 2.0.4).  The first is
that the stack trace is not very friendly.  The second is this problem
of allowing outstanding commands to keep executing even after a test
has finished.  Fixing the original exception would make the second
problem go away but I would have been able to focus in on the first
exception more quickly if it hadn't been for the secondary exceptions
that occurred as a result of the first.

Definitely providing more information in the stack trace would be
great.  For example, with a debugger, I can see that the call that was
invoked (that threw the exception) is
That tells me a little more than I knew before although I don't know
yet if that's useful.  It's only telling me that something somewhere
inside dispatchEvent threw an exception and a
ReturnMessage.isException = true was returned.  It would be nice to
have a stack trace for the code that created this ReturnMessage in
response to an exception.

This may be a slight tangent, but I know that we often get these types
of exceptions in production (so not dev mode here) that are caught by
our uncaught exception handler and some of them don't even include a
line number or file name.  When your logs say an error occurred and
the entire message is literally Unspecified error, there's just no
way to debug it.  I thought I had heard you guys had some way of
creating a stack trace of the native javascript exception and then
some means of de-obfuscating it.  Did I imagine that?


[gwt-contrib] Re: delayTestFinish allowing the next test to begin before the previous one finishes (2.1.0.m3)?

2010-10-01 Thread Damon Lundin
And one further minor suggestion: for all the places where you have a
comment like // implemented in the translatable version of this
class, may I suggest adding some additional information on where the
source might be located (such as Scott's instructions above).  If I
had had those, I probably would have figured out the uncaught
exception on my own and never started this thread.


[gwt-contrib] delayTestFinish allowing the next test to begin before the previous one finishes (2.1.0.m3)?

2010-09-30 Thread Damon Lundin
We are trying to upgrade from 2.0.4 to 2.1.0.m3 because of some bugs
in 2.0.4 but in doing so our GWT test cases have begun failing and I
have determined it's because the next test is beginning before the
previous one is complete and they are messing each other up.  I know
that delayTestFinish is meant to allow for tests to make use of async
calls and it's been working for us but now it's not.

We have a number of tests that roughly look like this:

public void test03 {
  rpcService.someServerCall(new AsyncCallback() {
public void onSuccess() {
  // Do some stuff
  DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() {
public void execute() {
  // More stuff

public void test04 {

Our code actually uses DeferredCommands in a long chain of calls but
in short, test04 begins executing before we call finishTest() in the
previous test and I don't think that's supposed to happen.

I could further debug this if someone could explain to me what
implemented in the translatable version of this class means and how
I would debug this translatable version.  Any advice on how to


[gwt-contrib] Why is getOffsetWidth/getOffsetHeight returning 0 even after onLoad is called for LayoutPanel children?

2010-09-27 Thread Damon Lundin
I posted this over on the normal group but hopefully I can get some
useful responses here.  I am attempting to use the new GWT
LayoutPanels and unfortunately they are causing me some grief.  We are
using the layout panels (RootLayoutPanel, DockLayoutPanel,
LayoutPanel, etc) to arrange the overall layout of the panel.  Then,
the children of one of these panels needs to know how big it is so
that it can size one of its children properly to cause a scroll bar to
appear.  As far as I can tell, the only way to do this is by calling
getOffsetWidth and getOffsetHeight.  I know that these methods will
return 0 if the widget is not attached but I am finding that in even
putting the calls in onLoad, these methods are still returning 0.
Clearly I don't understand when GWT and/or the browser figures out
what the sizes of these layout panels are.

Below is a simplification of my problem.  The widget added to the
RootLayoutPanel cannot determine its size when it is attached to the
DOM.  I made sure the widget had something in it and to prove that it
ends up with a size, I added the call to the deferred command to
display the size again.

If you simply replace RootLayoutPanel with RootPanel then it will
output the full window width.  What am I doing wrong here?

final FlowPanel testWidget = new FlowPanel() {
protected void onLoad() {
int width = getOffsetWidth();
Window.alert(width= + width);  // Outputs 0

testWidget.add(new Label(Something));


Window.alert(width= + width);  // Outputs 0

DeferredCommand.add(new Command() {
public void execute() {
int width = testWidget.getElement().getOffsetWidth();
Window.alert(width= + width); // Outputs non-zero

The value of 0 comes from FF 3.6.  IE6 has almost the same problem
except that in the cases where FF returns 0, IE6 is returning 60
(presumably the default size of the label).  In both cases, it returns
the full Window width in the DeferredCommand.


[gwt-contrib] Re: Why is getOffsetWidth/getOffsetHeight returning 0 even after onLoad is called for LayoutPanel children?

2010-09-27 Thread Damon Lundin
On Sep 27, 10:29 am, Joel Webber j...@google.com wrote:
 getOffsetWidth/Height() always read the current state of the widget's
 backing element, which won't be updated until the layout panels are done
 laying themselves out. All the layout panels have the potential to be
 animated, and defer actually laying things out until the end of the current
 event (in this case, the current event is likely the module startup). This
 is pretty important for optimization, because layout can be expensive, and
 you don't want to do any layout work until the app's done fiddling with its
 structure. That's why you're seeing the correct value in a DeferredCommand
 -- it's guaranteed to run after the current event.

 If you really need to force layout earlier, you can call
 LayoutPanel.forceLayout(). But be careful with this, because you can end up
 forcing more layouts than you mean to (in the example you show, it would be
 fine, but if you were to take a similar structure and nest it within another
 that *also* called forceLayout(), you would end up doing extra work).

 Hope that helps,

Yes Joel, that does help.  You're definitely right in that we need to
be careful about executing relayouts in the GWT panels or by the
browser.  The reason the DeferredCommand is not optimal is because it
allows the browser to display the UI before all of it has been
properly sized (the bits that need to call getOffset*) which results
in the browser jumping.  The user sees un-initialized panels briefly
and then it redraws correctly which can be unpleasant.  I think we
want to avoid that.

I just tried a quick experiment to try your suggestion but the next
question is on which component to call forceLayout.  In my simple
example, just calling RootLayoutPanel.get().forceLayout() inside the
onLoad method works but if that FlowPanel is buried somewhere deep in
the app, what then?  Do I rely on the very top component
(onModuleLoad) to call forceLayout/onResize.  Does my onLoad call
forceLayout on the entire RootLayoutPanel regardless of how deep it is
or just its parent?  What should happen if the FlowPanel in question
is lazily created and added to the DOM later (in which case it's
onLoad method is the one place that knows for sure it's been

Unless there is some discussion I have missed, I think that perhaps
this is worth starting a Best Practices thread.  I have some ideas
on how to use onLoad and onResize and avoid some of the performance
issues and now forceLayout needs to be included in the mix but I won't
pretend to have the right or best answer.


Re: Why is getOffsetWidth/getOffsetHeight returning 0 even after onLoad is called for LayoutPanel children?

2010-09-22 Thread Damon Lundin
On Sep 21, 10:28 pm, Didier DURAND durand.did...@gmail.com wrote:
 Did you check if you have the issue on all browsers: I have it on
 Webkit based browsers (Safari + Chrome) but not on IE and FF.

I was remiss in leaving that info out.  I am having this problem on
both IE 6 and FF 3.6.  Although IE 6 doesn't return 0 for the first
call but rather 60 which is the width of the label.  It does return
the full window width in the second call like FF.  So you're saying
that you see different behavior than I am on IE and FF?

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Why is getOffsetWidth/getOffsetHeight returning 0 even after onLoad is called for LayoutPanel children?

2010-09-21 Thread Damon Lundin
I am attempting to use the new GWT LayoutPanels and unfortunately they
are causing me some grief.  We are using the layout panels
(RootLayoutPanel, DockLayoutPanel, LayoutPanel, etc) to arrange the
overall layout of the panel.  Then, the children of one of these
panels needs to know how big it is so that it can size one of its
children properly to cause a scroll bar to appear.  Generally you do
this by calling getOffsetWidth and getOffsetHeight.  I know that these
methods will return 0 if the widget is not attached but I am finding
that in even putting the calls in onLoad, these methods are still
returning 0.  Clearly I don't understand when GWT and/or the browser
figures out what the sizes of these layout panels are.

Below is a simplification of my problem.  The widget added to the
RootLayoutPanel cannot determine its size when it is attached to the
DOM.  I made sure the widget had something in it and to prove that it
ends up with a size, I added the call to the deferred command to
display the size again.

If you simply replace RootLayoutPanel with RootPanel then it will
output a size.  What am I doing wrong here?

final FlowPanel testWidget = new FlowPanel() {
protected void onLoad() {
int width = getOffsetWidth();
System.out.println(width= + width);  // Outputs 0
testWidget.add(new Label(Something));


DeferredCommand.add(new Command() {
public void execute() {
int width = testWidget.getElement().getOffsetWidth();
System.out.println(width= + width); // Outputs a non-zero

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Re: Why is getOffsetWidth/getOffsetHeight returning 0 even after onLoad is called for LayoutPanel children?

2010-09-21 Thread Damon Lundin
On Sep 21, 5:21 pm, Gal Dolber gal.dol...@gmail.com wrote:
 try with onAttach()

The method onLoad is called by onAttach so overiding onAttach won't
change anything not to mention the fact that the doc for onAttach says
It is strongly recommended that you override {...@link #onLoad()} or
{...@link #doAttachChildren()} instead of this method.

On Sep 21, 5:35 pm, Thomas Broyer t.bro...@gmail.com wrote:
 How about implementing RequiresResize and doing the job in onResize()?

That doesn't help because onResize isn't called automatically when the
widgets are initially constructed, only when a browser initiates a
resize event.  However I have tried exactly what you suggest by
putting the code I am having trouble with in a RequiresResize.onResize
method and am calling that method in onLoad (so the sizing happens on
both resize and when the widget is initially created).  The method
getOffsetWidth still returns 0.  I also tried manually calling
onResize on the RootLayoutPanel at the end of my onModuleLoad with the
same result.  Only a DeferredCommand seems to result in getOffsetWidth
not returning 0.

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Re: Should onbeforeunload work in GWT JSNI?

2009-12-17 Thread Damon Lundin
 In GWT, use Window.addWindowClosingHandler and setMessage on the

Well, how about that?  That works.  Thank you very much!

I'm still a little curious though why the JSNI version doesn't work.


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Should onbeforeunload work in GWT JSNI?

2009-12-16 Thread Damon Lundin
I have a need to implement a Are you sure you want to leave?
functionality that can prevent the user from leaving the page (the
same thing Gmail does) when there is unsaved data.  All the
documentation I've read says that you can do this by returning a
string from the window.onbeforeunload method.  This works if I embed
raw javascript in my html page, but it doesn't seem to work when I
make a native GWT method to do that same thing.

This works:
script type=text/javascript
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
   return Hello (in the browser);

This doesn't:
private native String addOnBeforeUnloadHandler() /*-{
$wnd.onbeforeunload = function () {
return Hello (in GWT);

Any idea why (and I added an alert in that method to verify that it is
being called to add the onbeforeunload)?

If I have to, I can embed the raw script in the HTML and add a hook
into my GWT code, but that's not as pretty.


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Re: Why do we define AsyncCallbacks inline?

2009-08-23 Thread Damon Lundin

BTW, the terminology you are looking for is that the inline inner
class as you put is called an anonymous inner class while the inner
class that is defined on its own (not at the point of a method call)
but still inside the outer class is usually just called an inner class
but named inner class would also work too.  Both of these have been
available as in Java from the very beginning.

As for why, it is just a matter of taste.  It's sometimes a bit more
concise to just define an anonymous inner class inline, particularly
if the inner class code needs access to variables defined in the
calling method.  With an anonymous inner class you just have to define
the variables or parameters as final and they can be access in the
code of the inner class.  With a named inner class you have to define
extra member variable on the inner class to hold those variables and
probably a constructor that accepts them.

If you find that it results in a ton of code inside the inner class
that all indented, you could just move all that code into a method on
the outer class.  The code in the inner class can access methods and
methods of the outer class.  You can even reference methods and
methods of the outer class that have the same name as something in the
inner class by using the syntax: MyOuter.this.outerMethodCall().
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Re: ImageBundle using AlphaImageLoader don't allow events to fire properly

2009-08-14 Thread Damon Lundin

I went ahead and filed 
in case anyone else comes across this.
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ImageBundle using AlphaImageLoader don't allow events to fire properly

2009-08-13 Thread Damon Lundin

On IE6, we've run into a problem that we don't know how to work
around.  If you create an ImageBundle and use it for buttons in your
application, you will run into problems where clicking on the image
does not fire all the events that it's supposed to.  In particular,
the blur event does not get fired.

I have distilled the problem to some basic HTML which will show you
the problem:

The code below is essentially what you get when using an ImageBundle.
If you put focus on the input field and then click the image, the text
box does not lose focus and the blur event does not get fired.  If you
click anywhere but the image, the blur event will get fired.  If you
use a .gif instead of a .png and the AlphaImageLoader, clicking the
image will cause the blur event to fire.  Note that the problem is not
that clicking the image fires no events.  If you add an onClick
handler below, it will fire.  It just won't fire the blur event.  This
is particularly troublesome if your code relies on the blur event to
update your model before handling the click event on the button.  In
this case, the click event fires but the blur does not and your click
handler gets a model that's not updated yet (of course we could design
our click handlers to force an update but that's easier said than done
in our application).

Does anyone know of any tricks to work around this?  I know there are
some position tricks people use to make links clickable inside such an
area, but here all we have is an img that does have any nested
elements.  Is there a way to have the ImageBundle compiler create
a .gif instead of a .png (assuming all the images were .gifs in the
first place)?


script type=text/javascript
function onBlur() {


input type=text onblur=onBlur();/

height=200 width=200 src=http://blueprint.lombardi.com/

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Re: Memory leak in onWindowClosed with RPC call

2009-06-18 Thread Damon Lundin

I'm sorry I didn't mention what browser I was using.  IE6 is such a
pain point for us, I tend to forget everything else.  The problem I am
having is running IE6 *not* in hosted mode.
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Re: Memory leak in onWindowClosed with RPC call

2009-06-18 Thread Damon Lundin

I just tried another test.  I moved the original RPC call from the
onWindowClosed method and put it into the onModuleLoad method and
inserted a 3 second delay on the server.

If I refresh the page only after waiting a few seconds, there is no
memory leak, but if I refresh the page immediately after it loads, the
memory leak returns.  It would appear that the leak isn't specific to
an RPC call started during the window closing event but rather to the
window closing while there is an outstanding RPC request started any
time.  If that is the case, then we may have a bigger problem because
our application uses two second polling for updates and it's probably
not unlikely for a user to leave a page while one of those is

Can we stop the window closing event until the RPC call returns?  If
we can, I have a feeling we can only abort it and not actually resume
the event and either navigate to the other page or close the browser
when the call does return.
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Re: Memory leak in onWindowClosed with RPC call

2009-06-18 Thread Damon Lundin

I've tried adding the HTTPRequestImplCleaner.java class to my project
that attached to that issue but none of the methods on it seem to be
getting called.  I did verify that's it's getting instantiated but I
suspect that this is based off of old code and no longer works against
the current http request implementation (we're using GWT 1.6 now).

However, taking a hint here, I have tried something that does appear
to give us a workaround.  If I have my RPC method return the Request
and then immediately call cancel on the request, the request is still
sent to the server, but the memory leak disappears.  We should be able
to do that for our oustanding poll requests as well - keep track of
them and cancel them in onWindowClosed.

This definitely seems like something that GWT could handle for us and
auto-cancel requests when then window is closed.  Perhaps that's what
the patch in the 1304 issue was meant to do.
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Re: Memory leak in onWindowClosed with RPC call

2009-06-18 Thread Damon Lundin

I take back part of what I said above.  Calling cancel immediately
after the send does prevent the call from getting to the server.  It
looks like I'll have to stick with my Image hack.
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Re: Memory leak in onWindowClosed with RPC call

2009-06-17 Thread Damon Lundin

Well, I did try using a RequestBuilder as I mentioned above and it had
the same problem.  I also made sure that my callback was not an inner
class of the class making the request in case it was capturing the
outer class and holding on to it until the response returned.

I did find a solution that works but is a bit of a hack.  I add an
image to the application who's URL points to the servlet I added.
That does appear to fire off the call to the server on both navigating
away from the page as well as closing the window.  It looks something
like this:

RootPanel.get().add(new Image(url to servlet));
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Memory leak in onWindowClosed with RPC call

2009-06-16 Thread Damon Lundin

GWT does a great job of letting us avoid the memory leak pitfalls that
often occur in poor browser, but I think I may have found a case that
GWT does not handle and I'm not sure why.

We have an application where we mark a particular page as visited by a
user when they open the page and when they leave the page.  To do the
mark when they leave the page, we have added an onWindowClosed
listener that gets called and which makes an RPC call to the server.
I have discovered that this RPC call is causing a cross-page memory
leak.  That is if you simply repeatedly hit refresh in the browser
(calling onWindowClosed each time) we are leaking 5 megabytes of
memory on each click.  If I comment out the RPC call, the leak goes

The method looks like this:

public void onWindowClosed() {
UserPreferencesServiceAsync serviceAsync =


The GWT.create itself is not the culprit since I can leave that bit in
and just remove the RPC call and there is no leak.  I'm guessing some
part of GWT or the browser has to hold on memory in order to handle
the response from the server which could return after the page is
gone.  I will point out that we don't care about the response from the

Does anyone have any ideas as to what would cause this or how to fix
it?  I haven't tried it yet, but I'm going to try using a
RequestBuilder and just executing an old-fashioned Servlet call
instead of an RPC call.
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Re: Return type of AsyncCallback methods

2009-06-11 Thread Damon Lundin

You can also have your async method return RequestBuilder which will
not dispatch the RPC call, but rather returns the RequestBuilder
already set up and ready to go.  You can then make changes to it
before making the call such as setting a timeout.  Then you dispatch
the RPC call which will return you the Request object you ask for

RequestBuilder builder = service.myMethod(new AsyncCallback
() {...});
Request request = builder.send();
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[gwt-contrib] Re: HashMap Optimization: return null for put and remove

2009-06-09 Thread Damon Lundin

I don't expect this to necessarily be done any time soon, but is there
anything I need to do to make sure that it doesn't get lost?  Should I
file a feature request?

[gwt-contrib] HashMap Optimization: return null for put and remove

2009-06-05 Thread Damon Lundin

I have an idea of an optimization of usages of HashMap.  I have
recently switched from using the FastStringMap to using a normal
HashMap since the performance difference isn't as significant as it
once was.  However, there is one point where I was able to still make
the FastStringMap faster.  I overrode the put and remove methods and
had them return null instead of performing a get to fetch the current
value for the keys.  In the vast majority of cases, the client never
uses the values returned from put or remove which just wastes the gets
to look them up.  I tried a test that does 100,000 puts and gets and I
have found that my version which returns null in the put is almost
twice as fast as the version which does not.

If the compiler can devirtualize a variable to a java.util.HashMap and
it sees that the return value is not used, could the compilter
substitute a different method call to a different version of put and
remove that just return null (or perhaps nothing)?

If you want to see the details of my tests, you can read the blog post
I recently put up regarding our usage of FastStringMap:

Re: gwt rpc vs json

2008-10-30 Thread Damon Lundin

I will probably write up a summary of my experience with this, but my
application just switched from using JSON to RPC as the payload for
the initial data set embedded in the original HTML sent from the
server on the first request.  We've also been slowly converting our
JSON HTTP requests to RPC calls.  Using RPC is vastly easier since you
have an entire Serialization layer you can throw away.

However, it does have drawbacks.  If you have massive amounts of data,
contrary to what gregor said above, the RPC calls will be
significantly slower on the client.  With JSON, the client does an
eval on the data and its ready to go.  That is very fast.  With RPC,
the GWT RPC deserialization code has the parse the data, walk over it,
and construct the relevant objects.  There is no way that will ever be
as fast as eval.

That said, the difference is insignificant for most of our RPC calls
and for the larger ones (where the amount of data makes for a slow
client anyway) we decided that the drop in performance was more than
worth the simplicity in our code.  There is one upside to this -
there's a project in the works that will modify the RPC payload format
so that it uses directly eval-able Javascript code so that
deserialization mechanism doesn't have to actively parse the payload
but can just eval the results into existence.  That would immediately
speed all RPC calls up for everyone.

It also has the added benefit of automatically ensuring that your data
model matches on the client and server.  We've been in the situation
where our data model was different on both side with JSON essentially
translating between the two.  This has made it difficult to write code
that can run on either the server or the client and use the same model.
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[gwt-contrib] Re: RR:JS collections

2008-10-14 Thread Damon Lundin

I realize I may be jumping in late to this discussion, but Bruce just
introduced me to this fine contributors group.  At a talk during the
Google I/O conference, I mentioned the benefit of using the GWT
FastStringMap implementation over the HashMap implementation and I
decided to re-run my analysis for 1.5 to see if the 1.5 compiler was
smart enough to pick a faster implementation and unfortunately that
does not appear to be the case.  I hope I'm not hijacking Emily's
thread, but I just thought some of you would find my (basic) data
interesting for HashMap vs. FastStringMap.

I posted my results up on my company development blog if you don't
mind me not copy-and-pasting it all here:



Upgrade performance from 1.4 to 1.5

2008-09-05 Thread Damon Lundin

We on the team for Lombardi's Blueprint application have just begun
the upgrade from GWT 1.4 to 1.5 and we've gathered some performance
numbers that some of you might find interesting.  We only tested for
IE6 since that's our slowest platform, but it looks like the upgrade
gets us around a 10% boost with very little work and to the
congratulations of the GWT compiler team.

Blueprint is a fairly complicated application that is very performance
demanding on Javascript and IE6 in particular which is why we've been
paying attention to the improvements made in 1.5.  For those
interested, I've written up a few more details about the upgrade on
our blog that you can find here: http://development.lombardi.com/?p=50.

If anyone else has any performance data for the upgrade, I'm sure we'd
all welcome seeing it.
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