Re: Overuse of AssumedStale Issue Tag

2013-06-09 Thread Mauro Molinari

Il 09/06/2013 14:48, Johannes Barop ha scritto:

I had some free time lately where I wanted to work on some random issue.
It turned out that it is very hard to find one because all of junk
floating around in the tracker.

I still don't understand (and never will) why old non-fixed bug reports 
should be considered junk. I won't bother to open a new issue again if 
this is the case.


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Re: Overuse of AssumedStale Issue Tag

2013-06-09 Thread Mauro Molinari

Il 09/06/2013 19:38, Johannes Barop ha scritto:

If you find an important bug/issue marked as AssumedStale then talk about it.

All the bugs I opened were supposed to be important to me, otherwise I 
wouldn't have spent time to open the issues.
Well, all of them were closed with AssumedStale without any 
evaluation. A couple of them were evaluated after complaining (and the 
solution was to be NotPlanned, of course, even though the problems 
existed). For the other ones I got tired to complain, so they will stay 
not fixed and AssumedStale.


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Re: Overuse of AssumedStale Issue Tag

2013-06-04 Thread Mauro Molinari
I think Thomas's comments on and the 
spring cleaning thing say it all on the attitude of GWT devs toward bug 
reports: they are just an annoyance and the fact that the issue tracker has 
a lot of very old reports (not even considered for years) is just the 
reporters' fault. After all, GWT is quite perfect as is and many supposed 
bugs should have fixed themselves during the years, or are just invalid.

Feel free to provide patches, although they probably won't be reviewed at 
all, since your reports usually just matter to you and few others.

I'm really sad :-(

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Re: Overuse of AssumedStale Issue Tag

2013-06-04 Thread Mauro Molinari

Il 04/06/2013 09:24, David ha scritto:

This attitude does not give me a lot of confidence that GWT is going the
right direction, so I will probably
be holding off in advocating GWT as a dependable tool for enterprise
developments. Bug fixes are way
more important than new functionality. We have to support our software
for 10 years, we need to be able
to depend on a professional attitude towards bug fixing.

I totally agree with this.

- ... I'm sure others can add to this list, this is just the first
things that comes to mind.

I also struggled with many of the points you are listing.

I would add this: they are going to remove the dev mode and the 
browser plugins. Hence, no more way to debug in Java, but rely on the 
dramatically fast (!? takes dozen minutes to compile a bunch of 
modules on my machine...) GWT draft compilation and the JavaScript 
debugger of your browser (i.e.: Chrome, since it's the only one that 
supports many features needed for this purpose), alias super dev mode.
This also scares me and IMHO cancels one of the main GWT strengths (the 
ability to debug code using the excellent Java tooling out there).


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Re: Overuse of AssumedStale Issue Tag

2013-06-04 Thread Mauro Molinari

Il 04/06/2013 09:50, Ed ha scritto:

I am surprised and disappointed by your reactions.
My reaction on this all:
Please be positive and not so negative. Clearly your glass is half empty
and mine is half full (and I am using GWT for about 7 years now)...
Please follow the GWT news, G+ GWT posts, Ray Google 2013 GWT session,
the issues being solved blazing fasts currently..., the contributor
forum, etc...

It's hard to be positive when:
- you have starred about 10 issues which received no updates for 
months/years, some of which are so critical that it's surprising they 
never got fixed
- you now see your starred issues closed as AssumedStale one by one, 
without any evaluation or feedback either
- you ask for clarifications and you are said that you're the only one 
interested on those non-bugs

- you are said that it's a waste of time to review your bug reports


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Re: Overuse of AssumedStale Issue Tag

2013-06-04 Thread Mauro Molinari

Il 04/06/2013 10:36, Ed Bras ha scritto:

Please put yourself in their position (GWT dev member)...
Imagine you just entered the GWT dev team and have to clean up 5000 open
issues ?... What would you do ?...

I would start to evaluate them to see if they need a fix or not, and put 
a priority on them.
Unless you think the reporters are all happy to waste their time to open 
tickets, I think that those bugs were opened for a reason. So, for me 
they're actually a resource, rather than a burden.


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Re: Overuse of AssumedStale Issue Tag

2013-06-04 Thread Mauro Molinari

Il 04/06/2013 11:11, Thomas Broyer ha scritto:

 1. the issue tracker has been neglected for years, leading to many
issues open and never triaged; we need to clean that up
 2. we can't realistically spend half an hour for each and every of
these issues: 1500 issues or so would take 750 man×hour, and nobody
works full-time just on this (that'd be 100 workdays, i.e. 5 months,
if one person were dedicated full-time verifying issues
*before* closing them; surely we can spend everyone's time better)
 3. so as Ray Cromwell says,
the only viable option is to crowd source: when in doubt, close
the issue and see if someone complains, and *then only* spend time
on that issue.

I'm still convinced that, even if we accept that 3. is the only viable 
solution, this way of conducing it (that is, closing bugs without any 
explanation) is not so nice towards the people who opened the bugs.
Unless you consider it an explanation to force people to look at n 
sources of information (two GWT groups, Google+ posts, conference 
sessions, web pages, ...) to realize why their reports were assumed 
stale, a simple explanation in the bug reports would have been enough. 
This is what I saw in other similar cases (I think of Eclipse TPTP 
project, for example, when they decided to put it in maintenance mode, 
but it's just an example).

However I still think that bug reports review and fixing is also a way 
to improve a product, so I don't think that 5 months of such an activity 
would be wasted time. Unless, again, we think that most bug reports are 
invalid... and this sounds to me as a quite debatable assumption.

tracker. On that specific issue, I could change the status to NotPlanned
(so it's still closed, but removes the word stale) but would it change
anything to the way the issue is handled after that? No. (though if you
think NotPlanned would be better than AssumedStale, I can make that change).

There's a difference, indeed: the attitude. If you don't care, that's 
another story.


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Re: Overuse of AssumedStale Issue Tag

2013-05-29 Thread Mauro Molinari
I also recently received a notification about an issue I was following, 
because it has been set as AssumedStale, an issue that must be still 
present, since I have no evidence that any fix for it has ever been done.

Really, I can't understand what are the plans for GWT by Google. Will it be 
supported? Is it going to dead?
I am following a lot of open source projects but I never saw a situation 
like the one of GWT, except for projects that are being shutting down and 
hence are in maintenance-mode only..

GWT is a relatively recent project, but after some years of active 
development it seems to be already on its way out. It may have lost 
attraction by Google... but in this case a clear statement would be 

I mean, I can't understand why/how:
- a bug report that does not receives updates for a while is marked as 
AssumedStale: a bug should either be accepted (waiting for a 
prioritization and fix) or rejected as won't fix; interested people are 
not supposed to keep on writing up! or any news? messages just to keep 
a bug report fresh, especially if this has been proven to be useless for 
the GWT/GPE issues (an great example: and 
its original report at it's a 
bug that  severely affects the usability of the Eclipse IDE and it also has 
there's also an attached patch ... nevertheless it is being ignored for 

- bug reports that are quite important and relatively circumscribed are 
ignored for years: I understand that there can be lack of resources on the 
core GWT team, but apart from the fact that this extremely shortage of 
resources is itself a proof that GWT is a project Google does not support 
any more in a reliable way, I could understand such delays for issue 
reports that involve very large portions of critical aspects of GWT, not 
for small and clearly-defined parts

- bug reports that have few stars are AssumedStale: once again, I can't 
understand the rationale behind the use of AssumedStale... Many people 
don't bother to report bugs, while some improvements may be foreseen by few 
people, but this does not mean that they might not be of interest for a lot 
of other people if they ever get implemented; once again I think that a bug 
should be either accepted and then fixed or just rejected as won't fix

- discussions and detailed arguments as the those written by Thomas Broyer 
here are not posted on the bug reports themselves: this would give the idea 
that someone at the GWT core team actually cares about and reads bug 

I understand the will to make GWT modularized and I appreciate the 
advantages that this could bring, but I do not agree with the philosophy 
then, let's keep the main GWT project almost featureless, so that features 
are added by external third-party projects, especially because:
- I see no support by the main GWT core team to external projects (I mean, 
a market-place, or just a community portal that lets you find related 
projects or something like that)
- as other people have already said, many parts of GWT are not designed to 
be extended (I also personally encountered many difficulties in extending 
base GWT components)
- I still think some improvements should be made in the core GWT project, 
or at least adopted from external projects: extreme fragmentation is not a 
good thing and the risk to have parts of the platform die prematurely is 
too high

Once again, IMHO these are reasonable points if there's some serious 
intention to support GWT as a solid project/platform for the upcoming 
years, but if there's not such a will, well... that's another story.

Last but not least: no offence, but using the AssumedStale keyword in this 
way because you need to clean up the issue tracker sounds as nonsense to 
me... Otherwise, you could just close the issue tracker to get a better 
result ;-)

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Re: Using UUID in GWT?

2013-02-12 Thread Mauro
Take a look at the attached file. It works for me.

I hope it helps.

Mauro Oliveira

Em domingo, 10 de fevereiro de 2013 16h59min56s UTC-2, Jens escreveu:

 UUID is not emulated by GWT so you can't use it out of the box.

 Take a look at if you 
 want to emulate UUID yourself. The link also covers CustomFieldSerializers 
 that are needed for GWT-RPC if you want to send UUIDs over the wire.

 Out of the box you can only use all the classes/methods listed at:

 -- J.

 Am Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013 19:02:30 UTC+1 schrieb membersound:


 I tried using java.util.UUID on the client side to generate some unique 
 id's for a list that will be placed into a CellTable.

 Unfortunately GWT does probably not support UUID on the client side??
 No source code is available for type java.util.UUID; did you forget to 
 inherit a required module?

 Or is it somehow possible to inherit UUID as the compiler tells me?

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 * File: Math.uuid.js
 * Version: 1.3
 * Change History:
 *   v1.0 - first release
 *   v1.1 - less code and 2x performance boost (by minimizing calls to Math.random())
 *   v1.2 - Add support for generating non-standard uuids of arbitrary length
 *   v1.3 - Fixed IE7 bug (can't use []'s to access string chars.  Thanks, Brian R.)
 *   v1.4 - Changed method to be Math.uuid. Added support for radix argument.  Use module pattern for better encapsulation.
 * Latest version:
 * Information:
 * Contact:
 * Copyright (c) 2008, Robert Kieffer
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * * Neither the name of Robert Kieffer nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
 * The original name UUID() was renamed to GUID() to avoid duplicity
public class GUID {
	private static final char[] CHARS = 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.toCharArray();

	 * Generate a random uuid of the specified length. Example: uuid(15) returns
	 * VcydxgltxrVZSTV
	 * @param len
	 *the desired number of characters
	public static String get(int len) {
		return get(len, CHARS.length);

	 * Generate a random uuid of the specified length, and radix. Examples:
	 * ul
	 * liuuid(8, 2) returns 01001010 (8 character ID, base=2)
	 * liuuid(8, 10) returns 47473046 (8 character ID, base=10)
	 * liuuid(8, 16) returns 098F4D35 (8 character ID, base=16)
	 * /ul
	 * @param len
	 *the desired number of characters
	 * @param radix
	 *the number of allowable values for each character (must be =
	public static String get(int len, int radix) {
		if (radix  CHARS.length) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();
		char[] uuid = new char[len];
		// Compact form
		for (int i = 0; i  len; i++) {
			uuid[i] = CHARS[(int) (Math.random() * radix)];
		return new String(uuid);

	 * Generate a RFC4122, version 4 ID. Example:
	 * 92329D39-6F5C-4520-ABFC-AAB64544E172
	public static String get

Re: Future of GWT survey

2012-09-19 Thread Mauro
Please excuse me for this stupid question, but the survey was made in aspx, 
not in GWT It means something?

Em quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2012 10h23min24s UTC-3, Joonas Lehtinen 

 What is your opinion on the future of GWT?
 How should GWT develop?
 What technologies should it better support?

 We all would like to get answers to these questions, right? To do so, we 
 created survey with help of Ray Cromwell, Artur Signell, Mike Brock, David 
 Chandler, Daniel Kurka and Bhaskar Janakiraman.

 If you want to help finding the best direction for GWT, please fill the 
 survey at:
 (it will take just 10 minutes)

 When the results are collected, the will share the information with you.

 - Joonas @ Vaadin

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Re: Call for action: Time to rethink a road-map and more frequent updates for GWT.

2012-04-27 Thread Mauro

Em segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2012 12h55min27s UTC-3, Jmscavaleiro 

 We are investing our time, our job and our life on/with GWT so we need 
 to be more informed and we need to know with what we can count.

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Re: Google axing GWT?

2012-04-27 Thread Mauro Oliveira

On 27 April 2012 14:11, Joseph Lust wrote:

 I'll keep praying for GWT. Let's see what transpires at Google IO in June.


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Re: GWT-Project with JBoss 5.1

2011-09-27 Thread Mauro
Hi Sascha Hoffmann

Take a look at:

I hope this helps

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Re: Transition problem in useing AutoBean

2011-09-13 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
add gwt-servlet-deps.jar to your classpath

On 13 Set, 12:31, jinker jiang wrote:
 I add this inherits in my
 project gwt.xml

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Re: aaaarrrgh, them layout panels are driving me bonkers!!

2011-07-18 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
Don't forget to change RootPanel with RootLayoutPanel

On 18 Lug, 17:08, Elhanan Maayan wrote:
 if there's one thing haven't figured out completely it's the layouts, i
 mean, i wanna use the DockLayoutPanel in the ui designer for example with
 only 3 panels inside it (one containing a tree, and other textbox and the
 last a table) , and yet i can't see the panels i've inserted.

 what's more if i try to create a class extending DockLayoutPanel the
 designer falls, with illigal argurment exception,
 so i guess i have to contain it, but in what? Compsoite?

 i need lots lots and lots of code samples for this one.

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Re: GWT Editor with dynamic ListBox problem

2011-07-15 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
The subject of setValue is not a list of acceptable values but the
single item in the model data
Use a ValueListBox, and in presenter call setAcceptableValues to fill
list box before calling driver.edit

On Jul 15, 7:48 am, vinayak kulkarni wrote:
 Problem: How to use dynamic listbox with editor framework
 I have the simple use case to display a ListString in the listbox.
 Then, the selected item in the listbox needs to be flushed from the
 The values of the listbox are not static, they come from the DB during

 I wanted to implement it with editor mechanism.
 But, the problem is, the input is - ListString  to show all the
 values in the listbox
                               the output is just String -  to be
 flushed by the editor framework.

 Previously, i used LeafValueEditorString with getValue() and
 getValue() -- flushes the selected value to the editor driver
 setValue() -- unimplemented since it cannot accept the String
 I implemented one more method setAllValues() to show the dropdown

 How, to handle this situation? when the getValue() and setValue() are
 not of the same type?

 I could think of ValueListBox with setAcceptablevalues(). But, how
 does editor make a call to it?

 Here is the flow:
      -- ListString listValues
      .. other objects

 ModelView implements EditorModel
    .. Model attributes with direct mapping
       MyListBox listValues

 MyListBox implements LeafValueEditorString

   -- Get model
   -- editor driver.edit(model object)
   set to view
  = The view is updated with model object

 Let me know if there is any other way to make MyListBox widget to be
 editor compliant and accepts ListString but gives out String

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Re: GWT Editor with dynamic ListBox problem

2011-07-15 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
In View define a:
HasConstrainedValue getMyListValueWidget();

in Presenter:

On Jul 15, 11:16 am, vinayak kulkarni wrote:
 I agree with you to call setAcceptableValue() before driver.edit

 But, i have a different problem.. I need to edit the subEditor, which is

 Presenter call driver.edit() on a widget ModelView.

 ModelView has inner widget(sub editor) ValueListBox ex:

 ModelView implements EditorModel
    .. Model attributes with direct mapping
       ValueListBox listValues;

 Now, presenter doesnt know the inner widget(subEditor) ValueListBox.
 Presenter directly edits the Model.. ie. driver.edit(Model).. which inturn
 should call the subeditor to flush the values.

 In this case, how to call the setAcceptableValues() from the presenter

 It is that, we need to make the abstraction between View and Presenter and
 also use the editor mechanism from presenter to edit the view.

 Let me know if there is any other way to do it.

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Re: Resizing display regions in a complex ui

2011-07-12 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
you may find this thread interesting:

On Jul 12, 4:07 pm, Anders wrote:
 Thanks for the quick reply! Sounds like the DockPanelLayout is the way
 to go. In my little proof-of-concept app I got lost in what you
 described as the 'non-trivial size computation' using just a
 LayoutPanel with manual resizing. Hence the question here!

 Keep up the good work with your blog!

 On Jul 12, 3:14 pm, Thomas Broyer wrote:

  On Tuesday, July 12, 2011 11:52:27 AM UTC+2, Anders wrote:


   Reading Thomas Broyer's post 'GWT 2.1 Activities – nesting?
   YAGNI!' (check it out here

  Direct link:

   really cleared things up with regards on how to handle more complex ui
   designs. Abandoning the concept of nesting and going for a couple of
   activity mappers to show/hide display regions as needed. But, after
   some experimentation on my own I was left with one question that I
   couldn't find a good answer to.

   In the post Broyer mentions briefly that the display regions in the
   layout needs resizing to fill the empty spaces and says the following:
   'Now, here's how you could do it without nesting, just showing hiding
   display regions when needed (and resizing the others to always fill
   the same dimensions)'.

   My question is therefore where in the code you do the actual resizing
   of the display regions?

  It really depends how you're building your layout. If using divs and
  FlowPanel/SimplePanels and the like with CSS, and using fluid layout, you
  don't have to do anything. Same if you're using a DockLayoutPanel (I keep
  talking about LayoutPanel in the post, but was actually thinking about
  If using anything else that requires manual resizing, you'll have to do it
  in your layout view, and it can quickly get complicated (as soon as you
  have 2 regions that can be hidden/resized independently of each other,
  computing the size of the other regions becomes non-trivial). Using the same
  approach as DockLayoutPanel's internals is best IMO: use
  Scheduler#scheduleFinally to schedule a relayout whenever a region
  changes, and in the relayout code, you know nothing else will change so
  you can safely compute the sizes of the visible regions. DockLayoutPanel
  makes it really much easier if you can use it.

  If I understood the post correct the views

   themselves should not have any explicit knowledge of sizing, but
   rather just adapt to the size of the display region.

  Yes (note, though, that the should here is my own opinion, YMMV)

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Re: Removing ClickHandler from Button?

2011-07-05 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
use the HandlerRegistration returned from Button.addClickHandler

On 5 Lug, 02:03, Milan Cvejic wrote:
 Yes, removeClickListener() is depricated, and that is why I am trying
 to find solution on how to remove ClickHandler.

 Just to explain my use case. I am same view with editor framework, so
 I need different functionality when button is clicked.
 Since button is initialized only once (in view that is constructed
 only once) i need to handle event differently.

 So now on start of activity i attach Listener and on stop I remove
 Listener, and everything works as it should. If I don't remove
 Listener, I am having
 situation that event is triggered twice or more times.

 I can change code to create new instance of View each time, but that
 is more cpu intensive than adding and removing listeners.


 On Jul 5, 1:14 am, Rob Coops wrote:

  removeClickListner() is deprecated if I am not mistaken...

  Anyway the big question is why remove the clickHandler from your button in
  the first place a button that can not be clicked is nothing more then a
  label with a border...
  I would suggest disabling the button or simply have the clickHandler return
  instead of doing anything... in both cases for the user nothing will happen
  once they click the button.

  just my 2 cents.



  On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 1:05 AM, Milan Cvejic wrote:
   I am trying to find a way how to remove ClickHandler from Button,
   there is no any method related to this. I see that we can remove
   ClickListener with removeClickListener(), but there is no way to
   remove ClickHandler.

   I am using following code:

   Button b = new Button(test);
   b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
      public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {

   Is there any way to remove ClickHandler?


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Re: Activities does not get de-registered..

2011-06-30 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
Well, actually that is the cause of the problem. Just remove the click
handler in the onStop and onCancel otherwise disposed activities will
continue to receive click events

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Re: dynatablerf won't build

2011-06-27 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
Datagrid is not yet released, should be part of the upcoming 2.4
release AFAIK.
Meanwhile you can find it in the trunk:

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Re: GWT 2.1 MVP Multiple activities clarification help

2011-06-24 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
There are a couple of bugs in my example related to the filtering/
caching of horizontal/vertical master activities:

1) the order between caching and filtering activity in
CachingHorizontalMasterActivityMapper and
CachingVerticalActivityMapper is wrong:

public class CachingHorizontalMasterActivityMapper implements
ActivityMapper {
horizontalMasterActivityMapper) {
ActivityMapper filteredMapper = new FilteredActivityMapper(filter,
cachingActivityMapper = new CachingActivityMapper(filteredMapper);

This way, we are caching the activity associated with MailDetailPlace,
not with MailListPlace as intended.

The right filtering order is:
public class CachingHorizontalMasterActivityMapper implements
ActivityMapper {
horizontalMasterActivityMapper) {
CachingActivityMapper cachingActivityMapper = new
filteredActivityMapper = new FilteredActivityMapper(filter,

2) moreover, to let CachingActivityMapper successfully detect
instances of the same Place type, we need to ovverride equals method
on our Places:

public class MailListPlace extends MailPlace {
  public boolean equals(Object otherPlace) {
return this == otherPlace || (otherPlace != null  getClass() ==

I've uploaded fixed versions of both non-gin and gin version of the
example code at the usual url:

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Re: Problems with filtering/ caching activities

2011-06-24 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
regarding caching/filtering of activity, there are some errors in my
example that actually I realized just after posting the code back in
dicember, but forgot to upload the fixes.. sorry :(
take a look at:

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Re: Problems with filtering/ caching activities

2011-06-24 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
perhaps this picture helps:

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Re: Question about new activities on place changes

2011-06-24 Thread Mauro Bertapelle

On Jun 24, 4:44 pm, tanteanni wrote:
 thx thomas for your never ending endurance, i guess i came a little closer
 after reading the source.
 Sorry for that: But what is the value of lastPlace and lastActivity after
 construction time?

both null, of course..

 And i miss the connection with Mauro's current code: If His CachingMApper
 returns new MailListPlace() the cached activity is used. But if the same
 place is returned a new activity is created. But reading the source says
 some places have to be equal to get lastActivity. So what place should be
 equals to what place on calling the method Place filter(Place place), to get
 a cached activity?

new Places are instantiated every time a placeChangeEvent occurs. So
when comparing new place with cached place, even if the Places are of
the same type (say MailListPlace) the instances are not, and that's
why we need to override Place.equals to compare class type and not
instances to let CachingActivityMapper works.

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Re: Logging: Application doesn't get default log handlers

2011-05-06 Thread Mauro Bertapelle

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Re: How to share code between Server and Client with DateTimeFormat

2011-04-28 Thread Mauro
Thank you very much for the help. I wonder if is there a central point where 
I can put once the static {...} code on the server-side or if I need to put 
this initialization on each piece of source-code on the server-side?

Best regards,

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Re: How to share code between Server and Client with DateTimeFormat

2011-04-23 Thread Mauro
Hi, would you give me a sample on where the initialization code for server 
goes? Thanks

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Re: GWT 2.1 MVP Multiple activities clarification help

2011-02-23 Thread Mauro Bertapelle

CachingHorizontalMasterActivityMapper is just a wrapper for
CachingActivityMapper and FilterActivityMapper.

The layout of our example requires that both master and detail display
regions are simultaneously visible.
This means that when a user navigate to a detail place, even the
master display region must be advised to ensure that what's displayed
on the master region is in sync with what's on the detail region.
This is the task of FilterActivityMapper, which is used to map detail
place activity to a corresponding master activity:

FilteredActivityMapper.Filter filter = new
FilteredActivityMapper.Filter() {
  public Place filter(Place place) {
return place instanceof MailDetailPlace ? new MailListPlace() :

CachingActivityMapper is useful when you don't want to instantiate a
new Activity every time a place change event occurs. Generally
speaking, Activity are meant to be light disposable object so
instantiating a new one on every place change event shouldn't be an
isssue. In our case, CachingActivityMapper is useful when a user
navigate from one detail to another and the master display region is
always the same and doesn't need to be reinstantiated.

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Re: Feedback Requested: Preview of new GWT Style Theme

2011-02-17 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
Tried on various browsers and I definitely like this new theme.
In my opinion:
TextBox height is a little bit too much.
TabLayoutPanel: I'm not convinced about new colors.
SplitLayoutPanel: would reduce the tickness of split layout panel
splittable bar and, only related to FF3 on Windows, would prefer a
smaller and ticker icon for the mouse pointer when above splittable

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Re: Feedback Requested: Preview of new GWT Style Theme

2011-02-17 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
-1 for me.
Consistency between browsers is an important value to me, though I can
understand your frustration with IE.

On 17 Feb, 17:08, John LaBanca wrote:
 Chrome, Safari, and Firefox support rounded corners natively in CSS.  How do
 you guys feel about using CSS rules to create rounded corners on modern
 browser that support it, but not IE?  It would mean degraded styles in IE,
 but thats better than degraded styles across the board.

 John LaBanca

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Re: GWT love of HTML tables

2011-02-14 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
Have you looked at TabLayoutPanel ?

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Re: GWT 2.1 MVP Multiple activities clarification help

2011-01-07 Thread Mauro Bertapelle

glad you find my example useful, but please consider it just a basic
demonstration of the concepts expressed by Thomas in his article, far
from being a complete implementation of an app based on the new
Activity/Place model.

As Thomas pointed out, MailListActivity need to be informed of
MailDetailPlace change events to have it syncronized with what's
displayed on the MailDetailActivity's display area.

To implement this, add a PlaceChangeEvent handler to MailListActivity:

public MailListActivity(ClientFactory clientFactory) {
  view = clientFactory.getMailListView();
  placeController = clientFactory.getPlaceController();

  EventBus eventBus = clientFactory.getEventBus();
  eventBus.addHandler(PlaceChangeEvent.TYPE, new
PlaceChangeEvent.Handler() {
public void onPlaceChange(PlaceChangeEvent event) {
  Place newPlace = event.getNewPlace();

  if (newPlace instanceof MailDetailPlace) {
String mailIdToken = ((MailDetailPlace) newPlace).getMailId();
Mail mail = MAILLIST.getMail(Integer.valueOf(mailIdToken));

and a new setSelectedMail method to MailListView:

public void setSelectedMail(Mail newSelectedMail) {
  SingleSelectionModelMail selectionModel =
(SingleSelectionModelMail) table.getSelectionModel();
  Mail selected = selectionModel.getSelectedObject();
  if (selected.getId() != newSelectedMail.getId()) {
selectionModel.setSelected(newSelectedMail, true);

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Re: DateTimeFormat problem with parsing

2010-12-28 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
From DateTimeFormat javadoc:

*The time zone support for parsing is limited. Only standard GMT and RFC 
format are supported. Time zone specification using time zone id (like 
America/Los_Angeles), time zone names (like PST, Pacific Standard Time) are 
not supported*

This are the timezone string format that DateTimeFormat recognize:

GMT[+-]hours:minutes or
GMT[+-]hhmm or
GMT or
UTC[+-]hours:minutes or
UTC[+-]hhmm or
UTC or

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Re: Logging problem, please Help !

2010-12-27 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
First you need to supply a custom formatter. Look at for a simple example or, this 
is an example of a formatter that format log message in a single line:

public class CustomFormatter extends FormatterImpl {
  private boolean showStackTraces;
  private final DateTimeFormat dtFormat = 
DateTimeFormat.getFormat(-MM-dd HH:mm:ss);

  public CustomFormatter(boolean showStackTraces) {
this.showStackTraces = showStackTraces;

  public String format(LogRecord event) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
message.append(getRecordInfo(event,  ));
if (showStackTraces) {
  message.append(getStackTraceAsString(event.getThrown(), \n, \t));
return message.toString();

  protected String getRecordInfo(LogRecord event, String newline) {
Date date = new Date(event.getMillis());
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
s.append( ); // comment this line to get rid of classpath name
s.append(event.getLoggerName()); // comment this line to get rid of 
classpath name
s.append(: );
return s.toString();

Then all you have to do is associate your custom formatter with log 

public class MyGwtApp implements EntryPoint {
  private static final Logger log = 

  // initialize logger with custom formatter
  static {
Handler handlers[] = Logger.getLogger().getHandlers();
for (Handler handler : handlers) {
  handler.setFormatter(new CustomFormatter(false));

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Re: GWT 2.1 MVP Multiple activities clarification help

2010-12-23 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
As an exercise I've build a little POC based on the concepts expressed
by Thomas in his article.
If someone is interested, the sources are here:
and here you can find a live demo:

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Re: Is there a way to get have GWT not compile a method into JS?

2010-12-21 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
In the source tag of the module XML file you can specify the
subpackage associated with the classes you want GWT to compile.
You can even exclude some particular classes using a pattern based

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Re: How to display an ampersand using UiBinder?

2010-12-15 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
Label is not meant to contain html, use an HTML class instead:
g:HTMLA amp; B/g:HTML

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Re: GWT MVP How to change Page title upon Navigation (Place Change)

2010-12-03 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
use Document.setTitle()

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Re: Sample App using DI/Gin, MVP, UiBinder, etc

2010-11-23 Thread Mauro Bertapelle
On 18 Nov, 16:38, Daghan wrote:

 I am trying to figure out how to pass

Implement AcceptOneWidget in your Composite, and in the setWidget
method take care of inserting/removing the Activity's view in our
Composite's receiving area

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[gwt-contrib] Re: now.. afetr GWT 2.0?

2009-12-18 Thread Mauro
Definitely, the most important thing for me is fix the bugs and above
all publish an excellent documentation and ...

+1 for Databinding  Validation
+1 for a nice DataGrid
+1 for nicer widgets

Great job on GWT 2.0

On 16 dez, 10:42, tfreitas wrote:
 What about roadmap?


[gwt-contrib] Looking for Incubator sponsor for ProgressBar

2009-09-08 Thread Mauro Romano Trajber

I'm looking for incubator sponsor for ProgressBar in order to evaluate a new
method that simplifies the way used to change to progress bar style class.

Sometimes it's necessary to change the progress bar style attributes
(example: color) according the progress value.

if (progressBar.getProgress()  7) {
//change the progress bar color to red
} else if (progressBar.getProgress()  4){
//change the progress bar color to yellow
} else {
//change the progress bar color to green

The problem is that the ProgressBar has an element (barElement) that does
not expose this option.
In the current version it's necessary to access the child element in order
to change its attribute.

I created a simple method that allows the user to set the bar style class in
a easier way.
Example: progressBar.setBarClassName(gwt-ProgressBar-red);

Please see the file attached.
I would appreciate any feedback.



Index: trunk-read-only/src/com/google/gwt/widgetideas/client/
--- trunk-read-only/src/com/google/gwt/widgetideas/client/	(revision 1709)
+++ trunk-read-only/src/com/google/gwt/widgetideas/client/	(working copy)
@@ -355,6 +355,13 @@
+   * Change the class attribute of the bar element. 
+   */
+  public void setBarClassName(String className) {
+  }
+  /**
* Get the text element.
* @return the text element

Re: problems with GWT plugin for eclipse.

2009-07-31 Thread Mauro

2009/7/31 Rajeev Dayal
 You need to use a 32-bit JVM when running GWT. Install a 32-bit JVM, and
 change your project's JDK to use the 32-bit JVM.
 In future versions of GWT, it will no longer be necessary to use a 32-bit

I have a 64bit platform and I don't want to use 32bit.
Why there isn't GWT for 64 bit?

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Re: Eclipse Plugin and documentation of older versions of GWT

2009-07-15 Thread Mauro De Lucca

I am on the same situation too.
I am working on a GWT 1.6 project and I need to reinstall GWT plugin
for Eclipse.
What can I do?

BTW: Why 1.7 release has been so quite?

On Jul 14, 10:05 am, Bruno wrote:

 Is there a way to install the GWT SDK 1.6 with the latest version of
 the Google Eclipse Plugin? It suggests only version 1.7 of the SDK,
 even when Show only the latest version of available software is
 There seems to be new GWT releases quite often, and it's not always
 easy to keep up, especially when working in a team and projects with
 other components in the build process.

 Similarly, would it be possible to keep the documentation of the older
 versions online as well? I'm unable to find the documentation for GWT
 1.5, for example. Even if I try to guess from
 webtoolkit/doc/1.6/DevGuide.html into
 webtoolkit/doc/1.5/DevGuide.html, it doesn't work.

 In addition,
 currently says Build 1.7.0 - June 13, 2009. Shouldn't this say
 July instead?

 Best wishes,


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