Il 04/06/2013 09:24, David ha scritto:
This attitude does not give me a lot of confidence that GWT is going the
right direction, so I will probably
be holding off in advocating GWT as a dependable tool for enterprise
developments. Bug fixes are way
more important than new functionality. We have to support our software
for 10 years, we need to be able
to depend on a professional attitude towards bug fixing.

I totally agree with this.

- ... I'm sure others can add to this list, this is just the first
things that comes to mind.

I also struggled with many of the points you are listing.

I would add this: they are going to remove the "dev mode" and the browser plugins. Hence, no more way to debug in Java, but rely on the "dramatically" fast (!? takes dozen minutes to compile a bunch of modules on my machine...) GWT draft compilation and the JavaScript debugger of your browser (i.e.: Chrome, since it's the only one that supports many features needed for this purpose), alias "super dev mode". This also scares me and IMHO cancels one of the main GWT strengths (the ability to debug code using the excellent Java tooling out there).


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