Re: GWT Grid vs. SmartGWT grid

2010-03-12 Thread Open eSignForms
And if you'd like to use GWT but don't care about GWT programming per se,
check out  It's a servlet based solution that uses GWT for the
client portion. They have tables/grids that work well with javabeans without
DTOs or RPC programming (except for minor attribute-value passing via the
UIDL if you build your own client widget).

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Re: forget DTO, Dozer and Gilead use @GwtTransient [tested on GWT 2.0.X]

2010-02-04 Thread Open eSignForms
Yeah, this was a big problem for us since it meant creating lots of DTOs and
server-side routines that generated them from its existing objects and could
consume them for updates.

I don't know the internals of GWT compiler, but it sure would be nice if
fields and methods and constructors could be annotated to be ignored and
never translated to JS.

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Re: Ext/GXT/ExtGWT v2.1.0 vs. SmartGWT v2.0

2010-02-02 Thread Open eSignForms
SmartGWT (UI part anyway) is open source, so you could modify it -- albeit
have to share it back -- but you are not stuck.  Many commercial libraries
are even harder to get a fix. Also, a feature any given person needs may not
be top priority.

Heck, I love GWT, but it needs better enterprise paging table widgets and
ready-made solutions for DTOs+RPC that work with the paging tables and the
related page editor forms since listing objects and updating them are very
common in enterprise configuration.  A nice customizable reporting feature
(perhaps via paging tables with built in search/selectors) is also needed.
But GWT isn't building these anytime soon from what I've gathered, and it
doesn't make GWT or Google bad.  They just have priorities that differ from
mine.  The incubator has some, but they are not pretty (too much work IMHO)
and appear to be under major revision, yet not here yet when I need
something now.  Shucks!

I am currently evaluating vaadin and as a java/jsp/servlet programmer, I
find their model quite appealing, though many may not.  And it's got ugly
APIs as well because it's also mature and thus was based on older naming
patterns, listeners, use of Object parameters that make it unclear what the
heck is expected, but they do have documentation and examples and
tutorials.  Naturally, they are missing a lot of key documentation to
explain the extra mile coding that all programmers really need, since
showcase examples are generally more trivial than anything in the real
world.  Heck, I spent a lot of time today just trying to figure out how to
make radio buttons whose values differ from the labels associated with the
radios since all of the examples (for select boxes too) were just where the
two were the same.  Nothing is perfect, but I do like their Table/Form
combos and the ability to do only server-side programming so there's no RPC
or DTOs to deal with.

But to each his own...  I personally found Ext GWT and SmartGWT to have
licensing warts, confusing documentation and like the comments above, a bit
abusive in their treatment of users.  Vaadin has a nice Apache 2 license,
but they also seem to have a low volume forum that shows a less robust user
base overall.  It's not clear if you can buy better forum/email support at a
reasonable price.

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Re: Ext/GXT/ExtGWT v2.1.0 vs. SmartGWT v2.0

2010-01-31 Thread Open eSignForms
On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Andrew Hughes wrote:

- Both GXT and Smart GWT are pure gwt (no underlying native JS library,
so expect equivalent speed/performance from the GWT compiler).

 No, GXT is pure GWT, but SmartGWT is a GWT wrapper around the JS library,
though they claim they've spent a lot of time on performance hand-tuning so
that's harder to gauge.

 Additionally: both have WEIRD commercial licenses! I didn't want to talk
 about them... but they're probably the deciding factor here now anyway.

- GXT's commercial license is all features but you only get the
incremental X.* updates (i.e. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 but not 3.0).
- SmartGWT's commercial licensing appears to be limited on feature set.
How useful SmartGWT's widgets are without the complete featureset (i.e.
databindings e.t.c) remains a mystery and therefor a risk.

 This does give a challenge for SmartGWT since you can't demo all the
versions and it's not always clear which features are available to which
when you look at the myriad examples.  It seems easy to demo LGPL and the
Enterprise and know that what you have is what you'll get and nothing more
or less.  For us, the databindings likely would have been desirable, but
since it requires a commercial, it was hard to build both a client-server
solution that was also open source as it would make use of components that
require a commercial license.  Of course, that's not a typical problem
unless you dual license your product too.

It is a shame that any GUI library comes with runtime licenses as you have
to go back pretty far in software engineering to find a UI scheme that could
require licenses for deployed systems.  GWT will likely get there over time
since I think they'll find supporting more enterprise needs will be a boost
for their platform.

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Re: LGPL and other restrictive licenses

2010-01-21 Thread Open eSignForms
See other postings about this, related to SmartGWT LGPL for example.  Nobody
here is a lawyer, so you can only take our info for what little it's worth.
Note that SmartGWT and some others have extra clauses added to the LGPL
that will allow you to do so because they allow the fact that with GWT, the
LGPL code is actually merged into your code base so it cannot be
replaced/installed independently of your compiled code.  In effect, they are
acknowledging the reality that your code is only using the library's API
(presuming you are not changing the API code, which would still require you
release that code) and so falls under that interpretation.  But without the
added clause, it could be tricky as your code does get mixed in and the user
can't just patch the GWT library code without having your source to
recompile/bind/link it together.

Server-side LGPL code generally doesn't have this issue.

And no open source license protects you should it be found that the library
itself is not fully owned by the project owners -- that is, they may violate
patents or have stolen code from elsewhere without your knowledge.  Some of
this can be ameliorated by using well established projects where the code is
more likely to have been vetted, or even those from companies that also
offer commercial licenses for the same software if those licenses provide
such protections because companies are less likely to offer such terms for
money when it's not true -- but in the end, it's always buyer beware,
whether open or closed.

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Re: SmartGWT?!

2010-01-13 Thread Open eSignForms
Well, I'm not a lawyer either, but I assume you are referencing the clause
in Section 4 about combined works (the app you develop that uses GWT plus
some LGPL GWT library):

You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, taken
together, effectively do not restrict modification of the portions of the
Library contained in the Combined Work...


Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
and the Corresponding Application Code in a form suitable for, and under
terms that permit, the user to recombine or relink the Application with a
modified version of the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work,
in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
Corresponding Source.

So I'd guess you have a point as the minimal code required to allow it to be
recombined would be all of your GWT client code.

Got me!  Maybe that's why vaadin and GWT chose the Apache License V2.  And
it is interesting that the now obsolete gwt ext license ( suggests that combining the code at the java
level is where dynamic linking takes place and should not be a concern.

SmartGWT LGPL as you point out doesn't have any such clause.  You'd
certainly want waiver language like gwt-ext's license if you use it in a
commercial setting.  While you'd probably win the reasonable argument that
your code simply called the library's interface and should be treated the
same as if normal java code called those same library interfaces (and not
suffer just because of the GWT compiler's translation to javascript).  But
lawsuits are expensive, so if you were successful, you'd certainly make a
tempting target.

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Re: SmartGWT?!

2010-01-13 Thread Open eSignForms
This makes sense since it's reasonable to expect that for LGPL code. Don't
use Hibernate, but many libraries distributed as JARs can do this easily as
they don't get mixed into the source code such that you can put a new
version in by just replacing the JAR and not needing any recompile of the
original app. That does not seem to be the case with LGPL and GWT unless
there's the added clauses you pointed out.

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Re: SmartGWT?!

2010-01-12 Thread Open eSignForms
Also, when debugging the java code version, you can step into all the code
easily, but this breaks down for the javascript code, which is in fact the
vast majority of the library.  The wrappers essentially package
parameters/options and then call the javascript, making it much harder to do
useful subclassing and debugging.  Note that ext gwt is all java, so it
doesn't have this issue if the licensing terms meet your needs.  Same for
vaadin, though it uses a very distinct model more akin to servlet than

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Re: GWT Incubator Status Update and Schedule

2010-01-12 Thread Open eSignForms
And the now wondering projected release date for GWT 2.1 to make it's

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Re: SmartGWT?!

2010-01-12 Thread Open eSignForms
Yeah, I expect that many enterprise apps need most of the major library
components on the main window and it's panels, with one potential area for
benefit being a login view that could then have the rest downloading in the
background since logging in at least takes some user time, though I have no
idea how hard it is to implement that.

If you need the widgets now, SmartGWT seems like a fine solution, and the
LGPL is a nice license if you don't otherwise need their
server-side/enterprise features.  Pure GWT just doesn't have those grids and
such yet, but it sounds like the basics are coming in 2.1.  The downside of
all GWT widget libs is that pure GWT will likely get them over time (how
long is anybody's guess), but now your app will not be using them because
once you switch to SmartGWT, for example, everything will use those widgets
instead.  Then again, if they work for you, why worry?

I'm currently evaluating vaadin, which has some very easy out of the box
stuff, and it's server-centric focus of pure java appeals to our servlet/JSP
programmers, yet it is using GWT for the client portion.  It's a very
different architecture, to be sure, but one that we like and seems to
alleviate a lot of DTO issues.  But during an eval, you just never know the
gotchas will turn out to be.

It would be so much easier if GWT were 2 years older smile.

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Re: Use smartgwt or not

2010-01-12 Thread Open eSignForms
Hmm, but if you want to use the server side code, the primary reason for
buying a license I'd guess because you have to be pretty crazy to be
concerned about LGPL for a widget library since that's a good thing, then
you'd likely include that code in your code base, so then you couldn't also
offer your code as OSS as it would now include non-LGPL code.  That was my

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Re: Testing GWT RPC services

2010-01-10 Thread Open eSignForms
Don't know anything about that library, but there's something odd about a
synchronous GWT RPC library that can simulate async when GWT RPC is async
to begin with, and very few would recommend using synchronous RPC in a
browser since it would appear to hang while the RPC took place.

We've found GWT RPC to be reliable and easy to program using the natural
async nature of javascript communications that browsers support.

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Re: Use smartgwt or not

2010-01-06 Thread Open eSignForms
The list of widget libraries is exhausting mostly because it seems so retro.

If the desktop windowing world were this fragmented for GUIs, life would
have been harder.

And if developers had to worry about licensing issues to write GUIs, life
would have been harder.  Widget libraries needs to be standardized and
royalty free to win real mindshare.

Now we're back at that stage for Browser GUIs once again since plain HTML
markup is falling by the waysidecycling through trying to figure out
what GUI libraries too choose, with no clear market leaders that are
destined to be the winners.

So whatever you choose, it won't matter for long as the likelihood your
choice will be that winner is low.

With those grumbles in place, QxWT, like SmartGWT, is nice in that it at
least fits in the GWT world, but sadly they are not based on GWT's widgets
and panels and so development is impeded if you want to be firmly in the
Java/GWT camp and don't want to deal with changes, enhancements, etc. in
Javascript should you want different behaviors.

So what is best widget library that is purely in the GWT world?  That is
tricky indeed as I've found working through it all.  It's quite a task just
to analyze them all and determine which are pure GWT and which are GWT
wrappers around JS libraries or perhaps use entirely different schemes like
Vaadin that I'm not sure what exactly they do yet.

We still have not heard back from Ext GWT on their commercial licensing
terms, with the last word being that Ext reserves the right to define what a
developer means, though we've never heard of a license that does not
define such a basic term considering they license on a per developer
basis.  It is unnerving that they cannot just be clear, suggesting that
perhaps they'll just change their license terms in the future in unexpected
ways that could mean you are stuck using an old version of their library or
deal with the new terms whatever they may morph into.

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Re: How to exclude server-side jar file from GWT compile / validation

2010-01-06 Thread Open eSignForms
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Rob Wood wrote:

 The abc.jar does not include any client packages as far as I can

 Since the above post I've changed this project so that a few files
 from abc.jar now implement IsSerializable so they can be passed to the
 client.  As a result, abc is now a GWT module which I import into my
 GWT app.  Most of the functionality in abc.jar, however, is strictly
 server side.

If you can pass to the client then it should be in the client package.
All classes referenced by code in the client classes must be available to
the client, and thus must be translated to javascript, etc.  The fact that
you didn't put it in the client package is why it's complaining it can't
find the code.

So I'd recommend putting anything with IsSerializable (or otherwise is
referenced by client code -- even if you just pass the object into a client
constructor and otherwise don't send it directly) in the client package so
it can be compiled.

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Re: How to exclude server-side jar file from GWT compile / validation

2010-01-06 Thread Open eSignForms
Without knowing your code, I cannot be sure, but somehow those classes are
being referenced directly or as parameters something in your client
classes.  All references in the client code must be translatable, and most
likely neither InputStream nor SimpleDateFormat are.  So your client classes
must not have any references to them.

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2010-01-05 Thread Open eSignForms
Since Martin Kraus mentioned Vaadin, I have taken a look and they do
seem to have nice features for grids, but their server-centric GWT is
peculiar and I'm just now looking at what they offer.  Their Apache
License V2 would make it easier to use in both open source and
commercial apps.

Has anybody used Vaadin widgets like their Table (Grid) inside
otherwise normal GWT apps?  It sure seems nicer and more powerful than
the PagingScrollTable in the incubator.

Do it work well when mix/matching these models, or do you find that
you're all Vaadin or all standard GWT layouts and widgets?
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Re: Use smartgwt or not

2010-01-04 Thread Open eSignForms

If you went with straight-up GWT what did you do for all the various
widgets that otherwise seem powerful and useful?

For example, what are your replacements for:

1) Paging grid/tables for showing lists of objects/data that users can then
click on to view/edit in detail for typical CRUD operations?  I found
PagingScrollTable to be a lot of work for a simple object (though I suppose
I can just clone after I've built that one), and now it gives lots of
warnings under GWT 2.0, and it sounds like they are re-architecting it now
so no doubt the future holds something brighter, but perhaps entirely new
and not really compatible.

2) Popup windows with title and close buttons in the top area that you
click on to drag around?  I've used DialogBox, and it doesn't allow for
even a simple close button to appear in the title bar.

3) Drag and drop items from one list to another list, such as when
configuring objects that need to select multiple items from a defined list
of pre-built items (like adding features or permissions or users from one
list so it can be assigned to another object for use/reference).

Your approach surely has the most appeal, but wonder how much you had to
write instead of getting a widget toolkit.  At the same time, I prefer not
to use a distinct widget toolkit because it just seems to add another layer
that perhaps will be slowly made less significant as GWT matures, and they
all seem to have licensing issues.

I am checking with Ext now on their definition of developer to see if the
complaints are still real or whether they are holdovers from earlier.  GPL
is fine for our open source product, but we also expect to do commercial
licensing, and then it gets complicated if we're somehow held to a standard
that all users are developers and must have a Ext GWT license.  I am fine to
pay for our developers who write our UI and use their library, but it gets
murky with their indirect developer language that is not defined anywhere
and the license itself doesn't even mention it.

As for SmartGWT, their LGPL product looks great and would pose no issue, but
if you want their more advanced stuff for server-side code, you'd need to go
commercial, which itself is not bad for us, but then it makes it impossible
for us to offer our code as open source -- we want to do both open source
for the open source community, but know that we have to offer commercial
licenses to our business customers who demand that their systems be allowed
to be proprietary.


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Re: Simple Label+TextBox combo

2009-12-02 Thread Open eSignForms
I have tried to create my own LabelTextBox by subclassing TextBox, but
I'm not sure how to trick the widget so that when it's added, say to a
VerticalPanel, it actually adds my own span element that contains the
label element and the TextBox.getElement() (an InputElement) so that
they all go together.

I can create the span and put the elements inside, but when I add my
widget, only the TextBox's InputElement is actually in the DOM, so
clearly I'm not doing it right using:

SpanElement spanElem;
LabelElement labelElem;
InputElement inputElem;

public LabelTextBox(String labelText, boolean labelIsHtml, String
super(); // creates the TextBox

inputElem = getElement().cast();

spanElem = Document.get().createSpanElement();

labelElem = Document.get().createLabelElement();
if ( labelIsHtml )

String uid = DOM.createUniqueId();


public void setId(String id)


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Why Label widget chose to use div instead of label?

2009-12-02 Thread Open eSignForms
Does anybody know the history as to why GWT's Label widget uses a
div instead of a label tag?

The label tag allows the label to be tied to another element, such as
the input tag, for accessibility, yet that seems lost with the Label

Seems like Label was a misnomer and should have been called Text to
parallel HTML.

As for myself, I essentially copied the GWT Label widget source to
make my own Label that creates a label instead.  It's below if
anybody cares.  I removed all of the deprecated stuff from GWT Label
since it's a new class.  And I don't set the default style to be gwt-
Label since that would surely match more than expected and use esf-
Label just for keeping it in sync.  And because it's a label tag, the
label can also be HTML or Text.



 * A widget that creates a lt;labelgt; tag.  This code was based on
the Google widget that
 * creates a DIV/SPAN, with all of the deprecated code removed.
public class Label
extends Widget
implements HasHorizontalAlignment, HasText, HasWordWrap,
HasDirection, HasClickHandlers, HasAllMouseHandlers

   * Creates a Label widget that wraps an existing lt;divgt; or
   * element.
   * This element must already be attached to the document. If the
element is
   * removed from the document, you must call
   * {...@link RootPanel#detachNow(Widget)}.
   * @param element the element to be wrapped
  public static Label wrap(Element element)
// Assert that the element is attached.
assert Document.get().getBody().isOrHasChild(element);

Label label = new Label(element);

// Mark it attached and remember it for cleanup.

return label;

  private HorizontalAlignmentConstant horzAlign;

   * Creates an empty label.
  public Label() {

   * Creates a label with the specified text.
   * @param text the new label's text
  public Label(String text) {

   * Creates a label with the specified text.
   * @param text the new label's text
   * @param wordWrap codefalse/code to disable word wrapping
  public Label(String text, boolean wordWrap) {

   * This constructor may be used by subclasses to explicitly use an
   * element. This element must be a lt;labelgt; element.
   * @param element the element to be used
  protected Label(Element element) {
assert element.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase(label);

  public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) {
return addDomHandler(handler, ClickEvent.getType());

  public HandlerRegistration addMouseDownHandler(MouseDownHandler
handler) {
return addDomHandler(handler, MouseDownEvent.getType());

  public HandlerRegistration addMouseMoveHandler(MouseMoveHandler
handler) {
return addDomHandler(handler, MouseMoveEvent.getType());

  public HandlerRegistration addMouseOutHandler(MouseOutHandler
handler) {
return addDomHandler(handler, MouseOutEvent.getType());

  public HandlerRegistration addMouseOverHandler(MouseOverHandler
handler) {
return addDomHandler(handler, MouseOverEvent.getType());

  public HandlerRegistration addMouseUpHandler(MouseUpHandler handler)
return addDomHandler(handler, MouseUpEvent.getType());


LabelTextBox creates compact label and input tags

2009-12-02 Thread Open eSignForms
I have created a LabelTextBox widget that emits pretty streamlined
HTML/DOM like the following:

div class=LabelTextBox
label class=esf-Label for=gwt-uid-44ESF Name/label
input id=gwt-uid-44 class=gwt-TextBox required type=text

The LabelTextBox uses a FlowPanel which results in the div with the
specified class to style it.

It emits a label tag (using the Label widget I posted earlier) with
the 'for' being the id of the input tag, and if none is set, uses a
unique gwt-generated id.

And it emits a input using a regular TextBox widget.

Then I use CSS styling based on prior recommendation in this list to
allow them to be stacked or otherwise controlled, as well as the
default width of these input fields:

.LabelTextBox {
float: left;
width: 225px;
.LabelTextBox label {
 float: left;
 width: 225px;
 margin-left: 1px;
.LabelTextBox .gwt-TextBox {
 float: left;
 width: 225px;

If anybody is interested, here's the code I wrote for it (and I have a
similar one for LabelTextArea):



 * A label and input type=text that essentially is a TextBox,
with an added Label, but one that emits a label tag instead of
 * the GWT Label.
public class LabelTextBox
extends Composite
{ label;
TextBox textBox;
FlowPanel panel;

public LabelTextBox(String labelText)
public LabelTextBox(String labelText, boolean labelIsHtml)
public LabelTextBox(String labelText, boolean labelIsHtml, String
label = new;
if ( labelIsHtml )

textBox = new TextBox();

panel = new FlowPanel();

String uid = DOM.createUniqueId();



public void setId(String id)

public getLabel()
return label;

public TextBox getTextBox()
return textBox;

public boolean isEnabled()
return textBox.isEnabled();
public void setEnabled(boolean v)

public String getValue()
return textBox.getValue();
public void setValue(String v)

public void addStyleName(String v)


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Re: Google Web Toolkit 2.0 RC2 Now Available

2009-12-01 Thread Open eSignForms
It seems that my FF 3.5.5 is still crashing from time to time under
RC2.  It even crashes when I'm not doing something explicitly with the
browser, such as restarts in Eclipse.


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Re: Google Web Toolkit 2.0 RC2 Now Available

2009-12-01 Thread Open eSignForms
Hoping that the Firefox plugin update that just occurred for FF 3.5.5
here will resolve this.  At least when it crashes it checks for
updates smile.  I'll keep you posted on my experience.  You guys are
great.  Thanks!


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Re: Google Web Toolkit 2.0 RC2 Now Available

2009-12-01 Thread Open eSignForms
Quick update: the new FF plugin seems to be working great.  I've not
used it enough to be sure, but it has not crashed since updating it.
I have seen it run a bit slow after code changes and a reload, but it
does resolve and continue to run perfectly.

Being able to debug/test in FF with Firebug is a real gift and makes
the 1.7 to 2.0 transition worth it by itself.

Thank you much.  This is really terrific


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Widget support for setUserObject like TreeItem

2009-11-25 Thread Open eSignForms
Is there any plan to allow more widgets to support user objects
being tied to them so that when events occur on the widget, you can
easily access the object it's related to in the application domain?

I only see this in TreeItem, which is nice, since when a tree item is
selected you can take appropriate action based on the model object
that the tree item represents.

This would a really nice feature it seems to me and could be part of
all Widgets.  That way, even when a CheckBox is checked or unchecked,
it would be easy to access the domain object that knows about this
status so if I have lots of CheckBoxes on a page, I don't have to map
them myself.

If there's such a feature, or a better way to map between widgets and
domain objects, please let me know since I'd love to clean up my



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Re: Google Web Toolkit 2.0 RC2 Now Available

2009-11-25 Thread Open eSignForms
Thanks for RC2.  I'm giving a try right now and it so far so good.

Was there no change to the Firefox extension?  Just checking since it
was crashing FF pretty frequently under RC1.


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Simple Label+TextBox combo

2009-11-24 Thread Open eSignForms
I'd like to create something like the following layout using a Label
and TextBox for input:


Now, this works fine in a VerticalPanel.  But that creates a TABLE
with two TRs to wrap these fields.

Yet in HTML, I'd just have:

input type=text...//label

That is, it would just be the two fields separated by a BR.  What
would be the construct to build something like that in GWT 2.0?

Thanks for any tips.


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PagingScrollTable and RowSelectionHandler called even when column headers clicked

2009-11-23 Thread Open eSignForms
I'm using the 1.7 version of PagingScrollTable from the incubator with
my 2.0RC1 GWT and the table seems to function fine, but I noted that
when I click on the header columns (which are allowed for sorting), my
RowSelectionHandler still fires onRowSelection(), even though no new
rows were clicked.

I prefer to only know when a new row is selected (my table is set to
select one row when it's clicked) since I take action then.  But when
I click on the table's header, it fires again, and then my code thinks
it's time to do the action again.  It shows the same selected row that
was selected before when it was clicked directly.  Is there a way to
know if it's the header that's been clicked and not data row?  Or is
the RowSelectionHandler not the right one for me?

Is there a way to deselect a row that's been selected?



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Creating new app windows, not actual browser Windows

2009-11-22 Thread Open eSignForms
There are several objects I have where from the list of objects, when
one is selected, I'd like to simply open up a new window (DialogBox?)
that can popup within the browser window to show the details about the
selected object, allowing it to be viewed in full, modified/saved,
create a new object like it, or delete it.

Is there a GWT widget that's geared for this, with a close box in
the upper right corner, etc.?  It might be nice if it can be resized
so if the user wants to bring up two objects, he can compare them side-
by-side.  Clearly, it's not modal and should not close until

I'd prefer not to create new browser Windows because that implies a
new EntryPoint, etc.  I'd like to just keep it within my single page



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Incubator PagingScrollTable - can the selected row(s) be unselected?

2009-11-22 Thread Open eSignForms
I'd like to be able to unselect a selected row once I've processed the
click event on the table's row.  Is there a way to to do this?


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GWT Developer Plugin (GWT 2.0 RC1) crashes FF 3.5.5

2009-11-19 Thread Open eSignForms
I am not sure why, but it seems after I start/stop debugging sessions
one or two times, FF will crash when I try to launch a new debug
session.  I do submit the bug report when FF prompts, so not sure if
that gets to anybody who can help resolve it.

One thing I'm not clear about is when I need to restart the debug
session in Eclipse in this model.  It seems that my Debug page has a
way to terminate (like before), but there also Web Application Debug
View that shows launches with a terminate button, too.


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Avoiding memory leaks during page/view changes in GWT module

2009-11-19 Thread Open eSignForms
My GWT module switches in different views based on what the user is
doing...starting with a login page view, then a main menu view, which
itself switches sub-views based on the option selected to work on.

When I switch to a new view, I call a deactivate method on the view
that's being taken out of commission.  It basically takes whatever
widget comprises its main container (typically a VerticalPanel) and
calls clear() to remove all widgets that were added to it.

Is that enough, or do I have to worry about other things?

I do use my own EventBus (HandlerManager) that panels often connect
to, so I am also removing those registrations.  And I do the same for
my Window resize handler when present.

But what about all the clickhandlers and other handlers added to
buttons, TextFields, etc.  Do these all have to be removed, or will
they go away when I clear the main component that contains all of
those fields?


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Re: while using Development Mode

2009-11-18 Thread Open eSignForms
I tried upgrading from 1.7.1 to 2.0RC1 and I must say I'm unhappy
because I am running into this error, too, now.

I tried renaming my gwt.xml file to be all lowercase, but that's not
resolving it.

The exception shown in Eclipse:
  [ERROR] Failed to load module 'esfgwt_app' from user agent 'Mozilla/
4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR
2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR
3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)' at david06.home:2245 (see previous log

And the Eclipse webapp debug view shows:
17:47:46.053 [ERROR] [esfgwt_app] Unable to find 'esfgwt_app.gwt.xml'
on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a
classpath entry for source?

The file esfgwt_app.gwt.xml is used to compile the code just fine, and
of course is in the WEB-INF/classes location after the build.

Any idea?  It seems like such a waste to revert all my Eclipse, etc.
to get back to 1.7.1 now.  I'd much prefer to get 2.0RC1 working.



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google-web-toolkit-incubator for GWT 2.0RC1?

2009-11-18 Thread Open eSignForms
The google-web-toolkit-incubator site says it will have JARs built for
release including RC, but I don't see any.

Google Web Toolkit 1.7 and earlier are supported via downloadable
jars. New jars will be provided to match future GWT milestones, RCs,
and releases.

Is there a plan.  Will the 1.7 version work under 2.0 since 2.0 is
supposedly compatible with 1.7?



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Re: while using Development Mode

2009-11-18 Thread Open eSignForms
I should add that I'm only using GWT, not the App Engine, which is
listed on the issues list.

When I create a new google project, the greeting code works and I can
debug it.

But if I then copy over my code from a 1.7.1 project, it continues to
get the error shown above.


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Re: while using Development Mode

2009-11-18 Thread Open eSignForms
Turns out I lied.  The debugger only seems to break in server code and
won't break in client code, most likely because of the module load
failure when using the debug URL generated.

So this appears to be a bug with the 2.0 RC1 debugger in some fashion,
as it relates to Eclipse or the browser plug-ins (though I get the
same error on FF 3.5 or IE 8).


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Keeping data safe in PagingScrollTable

2009-11-14 Thread Open eSignForms
Just getting the basics of PagingScrollTable working under GWT 1.7.1
and noted that the basic for CellRenderer was to use the
AbstractCellView.setHTML() method.  Since my data shown comes from the
database, I want to be sure if people enter HTML constructs into our
forms, we don't display them as HTML unless we intended them to
contain HTML.

For example, I have a list now that contains a Comments section.
This is just a String in my database/app.  Now this is not intended to
allow HTML, but if such constructs were entered, that would be fine,
but they should be displayed as entered and not be treated as HTML.

The view.setText() method is deprecated saying I should use setHTML
().  So it seems I have no way to tell the table that my data is a
plain text string and is not HTML.

If my comment string contains Hello a href=javascript:alert
('hello')there/a.  I would like to be able to set the comment as
text so all the HTML is still readable (reads like above) rather than
inserting a link for the work 'there'.  In my JSPs, I'd use our HTML
escaper that would convert '' to 'lt; and doublequotes to 'quot;'

What's the main technique to use for this sort of escaping client
side?  I'd prefer to not send back pre-HTML-escaped strings to the
client because it could create some odd sorting and display issues
when not used in widgets that expect the contents to be HTML (like a
Label), and prefer that the client who is displaying it knows whether
to treat the string as HTML or plain text.


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Re: Keeping data safe in PagingScrollTable

2009-11-14 Thread Open eSignForms
FYI, I know that this simple construct will work:

view.setHTML(cellValue.replace(, lt;));

This uses the AbstractCellView.setHTML (since setText() is deprecated)
but changes all  to lt; which generally seems to be enough to keep a
browser from ever introducing any HTML/script hacks in my cell value
as something that can affect the browser's behavior.

Just wondering if this sort of hack is my best solution or whether
something more standardized is in place (though I figured setText()
was that standard, so not sure why it's not allowed here.)


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GlassPanel seems to block dialog box close button focus

2009-11-13 Thread Open eSignForms
I have a DialogBox subclass that is used to popup an exception
condition.  When this popup occurs, I added code to use the GlassPanel
to set to my RootPanel.get(glassPanel,0,0) and that works as expected.

But I noted that when I did this, my dialog box no longer put the
focus on the close button so that pressing Enter could automatically
dismiss it.  I now have to click the Close button.

Is this something I'm doing wrong, or a choice I have to make.  As it
is, I believe the ability to use Enter to close the dialog box is more
valuable the glass panel styling.


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Re: Limiting compilation to just for the hosted browser on windows

2009-11-13 Thread Open eSignForms
Where can I see a list of user.agent values I can choose from for set-
property?  I'd like to do IE8 (I believe it's ie8) and FF 3.5 for my
base testing before building for a 6 combos that seem to be build by


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Re: incubator's PagingScrollTable(pagination+Sorting)

2009-11-12 Thread Open eSignForms
What are people's impressions of these widgets in production use?  It
seems I've read a lot of negative stuff about PagingScrollTable, and
it's clear that sorting does not work, which is funny when you run
their demo since it touts sorting, yet not a single column sorts

I've not had a chance to play with gwtlib's PagingTable, but am a bit
concerned the version release is 0.1.6, which sounds far from being
production ready, and the last update was May 2, so clearly there's no
real work effort moving it forward.  So, is it really 0.1.6, or does
it work well enough that it's really 1.0 at least?

It is surprising that such tables are not part of GWT core yet.  This
is one of the most common widgets needed for most data-centric apps.


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Re: Which is the best way to manage many rows in a table with pagination?

2009-11-12 Thread Open eSignForms
We'd love to see some useful examples since it does seem like a huge
and confusing set of APIs and objects just to put data into a table.
But it sounds like you had some success, so if you get to that blog,
blog away on PagingScrollTable and help us mere non-GUI mortals make
use of it smile.  Thanks...


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Re: CSS file issue + possible bug in GWT 1.7

2009-11-04 Thread Open eSignForms

I've seen re-read the modules description and figured out what I
needed to do, at least in Eclipse, and then to use the default names
GWT recognizes.

In the project root where your gwt.xml file is, you should have a
'client' folder where your client code goes that will be converted to
javascript, a 'server' folder where you server-side Java code goes,
and a 'public' folder (which I didn't have before) where you can put
the CSS referenced in your gwt.xml file without the leading /.  Now
when I do a GWT Compile, the css files in my public folder are copied
into the war's module folder where it will automatically look for it,
so it no longer needs to be in the HTML host document.

Hope that helps you, too.
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Bad javascript regular expression link in GWT documentation

2009-11-04 Thread Open eSignForms

Hope this reaches someone who can fix it.

On page:

Section title:
Differences between JRE and emulated classes

Linked text:
JavaScript regular expressions

Bad URL it points to now:

The (new?) correct link is:

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TimeZone and TimeZoneInfo - how to set to be more common names like EST5EDT or PST8PDT?

2009-11-03 Thread Open eSignForms

My server can give me a nice timezone string like EST5EDT that works
well in Java on the server.  The question is how would I use such a
string in the client-side TimeZone/TimeZoneInfo?  Clearly it's looking
for json string format that is not specified in the javadocs rather
than a timezone string like above.

I'd like my DateFormat to show 'z' using the more common TimeZone spec
than UTC-5 and the like.  Since my server has the user's preferred
date format and timezone specs, I can easily pass them back to the
client, but I don't know how to get my timezone string to be useful on
the client.

Any ideas?
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How to listen to events on StackPanel/DecoratedStackPanel?

2009-11-02 Thread Open eSignForms

Is the only way to handle an event when a tab is selected to create my
own StackPanel-subclassed widget?  It seems to be lacking the add...
handlers that a TabPanel has, which is interesting since I though
these were very similar widgets other than how they display their

Any code examples?  Thanks.
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Re: Can't set/get a cookie, lame as that seems

2009-10-27 Thread Open eSignForms

Yes, if I just do a simple cookie, I can set/get just fine:

Cookies.setCookie(ce, emailField.getText().trim());
String cookieEmail = Cookies.getCookie(ce);

This shows the cookie retrieved just fine, as expected for such a
simple thing.

But when I try to put the expiry, I can't retrieve it.  I've tried
setting the path param to null, and to / and that makes no
difference.  It appears to be the expiring time since if I put null
there, it works just fine, but I would like my cookies to expire after
90 days:

long msecs = 90*24*60*60*1000; // 90 days in milliseconds
java.util.Date expDate = new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()
+ msecs);
Cookies.setCookie(ce, emailField.getText().trim(), expDate, null,
EsfUtil.getContextPath()+/, EsfUtil.isRequestSecure());
String cookieEmail = Cookies.getCookie(ce);

In the above, it cannot get the cookie (returns null).

But if expires date is null, it works fine:

Cookies.setCookie(ce, emailField.getText().trim(), null, null,
EsfUtil.getContextPath()+/, EsfUtil.isRequestSecure());
String cookieEmail = Cookies.getCookie(ce);

Is there something I'm doing wrong about the expiring?  I understand
there are issues with 'long' in javascript and maybe it's causing the

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Re: Can't set/get a cookie, lame as that seems

2009-10-27 Thread Open eSignForms

Okay, answered my own question.  Because my literals for the 'long
msecs' calc were just INTs, I was overflowing and resulting in a
negative integer.  So I added 'L' to the literals to make the
arithmetic use longs and it works now.

long msecs = 90L*24L*60L*60L*1000L; // 90 days in milliseconds
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Can't set/get a cookie, lame as that seems

2009-10-26 Thread Open eSignForms

In a click handler for a checkbox to save email, I have the
following code:

long msecs = 90*24*60*60*1000; // 90 days in milliseconds
java.util.Date expDate = new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()
+ msecs);
Cookies.setCookie(ce, emailField.getText().trim(), expDate, null,
Window.Location.getPath(), EsfUtil.isRequestSecure());
GWT.log(checkbox set cookie,null);
String cookieEmail = Cookies.getCookie(ce);
GWT.log(checkbox get same cookie value as:  + cookieEmail,null);

Why would it be I cannot retrieve a cookie right after setting it?
I'm using GWT 1.7.1.

The hosted browser log shows:
[INFO] checkbox set cookie
[INFO] checkbox get same cookie value as: null

I also noted that in my GWT RPC service, the server code does not have
the cookie either, so it's not like it is set and then being passed to
the server (though I'd expect it to).  In reality, this cookie is only
for the browser convenience of keeping the email address to aid
subsequent logins if they've checked the box to have it.


EsfUtil.isRequestSecure() is just a simple query to see if I'm https
or not (in production, it's always https and we to use secure cookies
then, but while testing on a local PC it never is)

public static boolean isRequestSecure() {
return Window.Location.getProtocol().equals(https:);

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CKEditor integration experiences with GWT 1.7?

2009-10-24 Thread Open eSignForms

Has anybody run into any issues integrating CKEditor with GWT 1.7?
While the RichEditor is okay, we need the added power of tables and
rendering with user-defined CSS for our needs where users are building
HTML chunks and need the additional layout and rending control.

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Organizing multiple HTML hosts / Entry points, etc. in single webapp

2009-10-24 Thread Open eSignForms

Newbie question for GWT 1.7 is how do people tend to organize their
webapps that may have multiple distinct sets of functionality.

That is, would people tend to create a HTML+Entry for a login page
that is streamlined only for this very specific task of authenticating
users, handling forgot passwords, etc. that are related to a non-
logged in user.

Then perhaps have another HTML+Entry for the main dashboard aspect
of the application.  I tend to think of this part of the application
as the run-time focus for typical users who are making use of the

Then perhaps have another HTML+Entry for specialist tasks that are
more geared towards administrators or the like that are setting up the
application and all of those tasks that can be fairly complex on their
own, but aren't user functions.

And then would most people create one RPC interface to support each of
these Entry points, or might a non-trivial Entry point tend to support
a series of RPC interfaces to deal with myriad functions.

Thanks for any ideas on what are considered best practices in this

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Module CSS with relative paths then compile removes it, full path then not webapp relative at runtime

2009-10-24 Thread Open eSignForms

I have a simple login module, and I tried add stylesheet
src=login.css/ to my modules .gwt.xml file.  This seems to generate
code that assumes the login.css file is in my module's output folder,
in my case esf_login_gwt/login.css

But of course if I put the css file there, the next time I compile, it
removes everything in that module folder.  How do I get the compile to
rebuild everything and then put my login.css in there too?

Also, I tried using non-relative paths like in the .gwt.xml file, like
stylesheet src=/static/login.css/  and that generated code in my
HTML looking for /static/login.css, which is not correct since my WAR
is deployed using a webapp name like 'gwttest', so when deployed, it
should be looking for /gwttest/static/login.css.  It doesn't make
sense to put the '/gwtest' path in the .gwt.xml file because it
wouldn't work when deployed using other webapp names.  It seems like
I'm missing something simple here, but I'm not sure what.

I am using GWT 1.7.1 with the Eclipse plugin (latest eclipse 3.5 with
java 6).


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