Re: Super Dev Mode times out on launch

2015-06-13 Thread Ken C
It appears I am running 2.6.0 since that is what the plugin uses (I 
shouldn't have assumed).

But yes, jetty was the culprit. I am golden now, thanks.

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Super Dev Mode times out on launch

2015-06-13 Thread Ken C
Hi. I have just installed GWT 2.7.0 with the Eclipse Luna plugin, all under 
jdk7, When I try Super Dev Mode, I get the URL briefly in the Eclipse 
console, but then it appears to timeout after about 1-2 seconds, before I 
can even paste it into Chrome. The relevant part of the error log is:

Compile completed in 8264 ms
2015-06-13 01:38:56.945:INFO::Logging to STDERR via 
2015-06-13 01:38:56.984:INFO::jetty-6.1.x
2015-06-13 01:38:56.999:WARN::failed 

I can't run GWT Classic Dev Mode because Chrome doesn't like the plugin 
anymore. I installed Firefox but the plugin isn't compatible with the 
latest version.

Any solution?

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2012-12-07 Thread ken

I set a FieldUpdater on a column and I expect the update method to be called 
when an onblur has occured.  This works for ie9, crome and firefox however on 
ie8 the update method is not called when an blur event occures.  Any thoughts 
or workarounds?

Thanks in advance

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Celltree: how to find tree node with key?

2012-02-14 Thread Ken
I've set up a celltree with SingleSelectionModel.
In  SelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event)  method of the
seletion model, I want to find what tree node is selected. However
through event.getSelectedObject, I can only find key value of the
node. How do I find the tree node object from here? Thanks for any


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Handling inbound soap message

2010-11-19 Thread Ken
I would like to use GWT in my next project but a non-negotiable
requirement is the ability to receive an incoming soap message and
parse through the xml information.  Essentially we are registering to
be notified of events and the notification is delivered to an endpoint
you supply (which would be the GWT service) and is a POST of a soap
message, with a content type of text/xml.

I'm unable to figure a way to allow GWT to receive this message.  I
have tried to override doPost (like doGet) in my implementation that
extends RemoteServiceServlet but doPost is final in GWT.   I also
noticed that for post's GWT expects text/x-gwt-rpc, unfortunately I
have no control over the service so text/xml is sent.

My hope is that there's a way I can intercept or receive the POST
within my GWT implementation and then subsequently parse the soap
message which should just be parsing xml at that point.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Re: GWT 2.1 application failed to load in Chrome, but not in IE7

2010-11-17 Thread Ken Kahn
I'm getting the same exception when running with Chrome (9.0.x dev) but only on
one of three development computers. It is not obvious what is different between 

the computer where I get this exception and the others. Note that there is no 

problem with the deployed system -- only when debugging it. 

Works fine in IE8 and FireFox 3.5 

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RPC SerializationException when going from GWT 1.7 to GWT 2.0.4

2010-08-30 Thread Ken Wielechowski
In going from GWT 1.7 to GWT 2.0.4, I am getting the following

dispatching incoming RPC call
Caused by: Type
'java.util.ArrayList' was not included in the set of types which can
be serialized by this SerializationPolicy or its Class object could
not be loaded. For security purposes, this type will not be
serialized.: instance =

The class
is defined as follows:

package com.etransxpress.portal.client.utilitymanager;

public class EtransLabelValueBean implements IsSerializable
private String label;
private String value;

public EtransLabelValueBean()

public EtransLabelValueBean (String label, String value)
this.label = label;
this.value = value;

public String getLabel() {
return label;

public void setLabel(String label) {
this.label = label;

public String getValue() {
return value;

public void setObject(String value) {
this.value = value;

I am getting this exception where I am populating an ArrayList of
these objects defined in my program as follows:

private static Collection countryList; (which
is an instance variable)

//Before RPC call is made to server, the following is done:
countryList = new ArrayList();
//The server side is returning an ArrayList of this data

The application is deployed on a JBOSS 5.0.1 application server.

Do you have any ideas on how I can correct this problem.
Thank you very much.

Ken Wielechowski

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Re: how can I start a HttpServlet in an Eclipse GWT project?

2010-06-23 Thread Ken Yap
Never mind, it was a silly typo of mine, I transposed the org and au
in the web.xml file. ClassNotFound meant exactly that. Sometimes it
pays to go to bed when tired and look at it with fresh eyes in the

It really does work to write a class to extend HttpServlet to handle
parts of the URL space for use in development, and also production if
you wish.

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how can I start a HttpServlet in an Eclipse GWT project?

2010-06-23 Thread Ken Yap

Jun 23, 2010 2:51:09 PM
WARNING: failed historyServlet: java.lang.NullPointerException
Jun 23, 2010 2:51:09 PM
WARNING: Failed startup of context{/,/
at java.lang.Class.isAssignableFrom(Native Method)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.doStart(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Context.startContext(
at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.doStart(
at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.doStart(
Jun 23, 2010 2:51:09 PM start

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Re: Chunking File Upload

2010-06-05 Thread Ken
So there is now way to take a file that has been selected for upload
and process it before it goes to the server?   I looked at Google
Gears and it doesn't look like it is suitable for us to use either.  I
might go with a Java applet to handle the upload, but then it would
have to be signed.  I guess we'll see.

Thank you!

On Jun 2, 3:14 pm, kozura  wrote:
> Sorry, GWT doesn't provide any particular magic over javascript, which
> due to its architecture to avoid security risks cannot access client
> files except by sending them to the server with the user's consent.
> You could run a separate server to process these, try a flash
> solution, or presumably upgrade GAE service to get around the quotas.

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Chunking File Upload

2010-06-02 Thread Ken
I'm looking at a problem that I think I might be able to solve using
GWT.  We're considering using GWT for the client of our application
for other reasons, but I think it might also solve this issue.

We're developing a Google App Engine application that processes data
uploaded to it.  As you may know GAE has quota for various things,
including total connection time.  In our case we're running into
another quota regarding database access.  If our uploaded file is
longer than 8500 lines, we exceed our quota and get an exception.

We can envision upload files much larger than this that need to be
processed by our customer.  So what we need to do is process the file
before it is uploaded and then uploaded it to our application in
chunks, say 5000 lines at a time.

Can GWT help us here?  Basically when someone selects a file with
1,000,000 lines in it to upload we would like to pre-process it and
change it to 200 GWT RPC calls, instead of a standard file upload.  In
addition, we would like to provide a progress bar, of course.

Thank you.

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GWT Grid vs. SmartGWT grid

2010-03-11 Thread Ken
I'm exploring using GWT for future work and for a project I'm looking
at now I'm particularly interested in the Grid widget.  The GWT Grid
just doesn't compare to that provided by SmartGWT, but I'm concerned
about using the SmartGWT libraries for several reasons:

1) It requires taking the whole library whole and it doesn't do things
in really the same way that GWT does in many cases.

2) I'm concerned about browser compatibility since it relies on JSNI
calls to the Smart Client library and not the Java->JavaScript
transformation provided by GWT.

3) I'm concerned that by using the SmartGWT library I will be
increasing the load time of the application since it will require
downloading the entire library again.

So what I would really like is a grid control that has a similar
feature set as that provided by SmartGWT, but doesn't come with all
the extra baggage.

Does such a widget exist?  Is there at least a JavaScript grid that
can be used with GWT that doesn't come with all the baggage of

Am I wrong about the disadvantages to using SmartGWT?  Is it a better
choice than I have been led to believe by my research?

Thank you.

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Re: Supported Browsers

2010-03-07 Thread Ken
I know this was posted over a month ago, but I would like to revive
the thread.  I'm writing a proposal and I'm suggesting using GWT to
implement the client's front end.  I would like to be able to tell him
exactly which browsers are supported and which aren't and if possible
tell him exactly what market share of the browsers are supported.

I can't find this information anywhere.  If I could just get the names
and versions I can calculate the market share myself.

This is the first job I've proposed using GWT on and I would really
like to get it, but just saying "all the popular browsers are
supported", probably isn't good enough.

Is there a list somewhere?

On Feb 1, 9:55 am, "R.Domingo"  wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there any documentation available about whichbrowsersare
> supported by gwt 2.0 ?
> If so, could you please inform me where to find it.
> thnx,
> Raymond

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DomEvent.preventDefault() doesn't work in IE

2010-01-12 Thread Ken
Hi, All,

I try to catch key down event for "F1" key and display my own help
popup. I wrote following code to handle KeyDownEvent. The method is
bind by UI Binder.

void handleKeyPress(KeyDownEvent event) {
int key = event.getNativeKeyCode();
if (key == 112) { // F1 key
Window.alert("F1 pressed.");

The method firstly check if F1 is pressed. If yes, stop propagation
and preventDefault, then popup alert window. It works in Firefox. But
IE still pops up its own help window, event my alert window is also
popped up.

Does anyone have the same problem, and would you give me a hand? Thank
you in advance.
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Re: mvn gwt:run vs. tomcat path conflict

2009-12-02 Thread Ken Stevens

Thank you for replying, but your answer does not solve my problem.  To
be clear, I have some non-gwt web pages that I need to navigate to, so
in my application I am navigating between plain old html web pages and
gwt pages (unlike what you described where it appeared your entire web
application lived inside gwt).

The easiest solution to the problem I described would be to find a way
for gwt:run to add a /myproject/ in front of all the pages and gwt
code under war.  I.e. to get gwt:run to behave just like tomcat in the
way that tomcat prefixes all war urls with the name of the war.

I have seen some references to calling gwt:run in a "tomcat" mode, but
I did not see in any of these examples where a "/myproject/" prefix
could be specified.

In all the ways I can think of to resolve this, it will just result in
a /myproject/myproject/ url showing up in tomcat which is of course
not what I want.  I need a url prefix that is just constrained to

Is there a solution?


On Dec 2, 4:03 pm, David Durham  wrote:
> >>http://localhost:8080/myproject/
> >> When "/myproject/" appears in Tomcat but not in mvn gwt:run, it makes
> >> testing a pain because any web navigation links (like"/
> >> index.html", "_self", ""); ) will work in mvn gwt:run but break in
> >> tomcat (since tomcat would require the URL to be "/myproject/
> >> index.html).
> > Think your problem has to do with configuring the gwt mojo.
> Also, the gwt mojo has a mailing list.


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mvn gwt:run vs. tomcat path conflict

2009-12-02 Thread Ken Stevens
When I test my gwt app using mvn gwt:run, it puts the application at
the root of the URL, e.g.


However, when I run it in tomcat, if my war is called myproject.war,
then the URL is


When "/myproject/" appears in Tomcat but not in mvn gwt:run, it makes
testing a pain because any web navigation links (like"/
index.html", "_self", ""); ) will work in mvn gwt:run but break in
tomcat (since tomcat would require the URL to be "/myproject/

Please help!



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Re: FileOutputStream doesn't work in a remoteServiceServlet class?

2009-10-23 Thread ken

Looks like you're running with a security manager, have you set up a
policy file?  (If not explicitly using a security manager check the
startup / not using RMI etc).

On Oct 23, 10:52 am, Rolando  wrote:
> Hi, i'am roland and i have the following question:
> Are there Constraints in a remoteServiceServlet class?
> My program includes a server-client-interface vie RPC. It works
> correctly. The server-side code is realized in the
> remoteServiceServlet class. Now i want to save the data (received from
> client) to a local file via "FileOutputStream", but it doesn't work.
> This is a short version of my server-side code:
> public class MyServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
> MyService {
>         public String exchange(String receivedData) throws IOException {
>             FileOutputStream myStream = new FileOutputStream("Text.txt");
>             for (int i=0; i < receivedData.length(); i++){
>               myStream.write((byte)receivedData.charAt(i));
>             }
>             myStream.close();
>                 return receivedData;
>         }
> }
> This is the first part of the error-message:
> 23.10.2009 09:14:54
> log
> SEVERE: [1256289294479000] javax.servlet.ServletContext log: Exception
> while dispatching incoming RPC call
> 23.10.2009 09:49:45
> log
> SEVERE: [1256291385743000] javax.servlet.ServletContext log: Exception
> while dispatching incoming RPC call
> Service method
> 'public abstract java.lang.String
> (java.lang.String) throws' threw an unexpected
> exception: access denied
> ( Text.txt write)
> Does anybody know, why it doesnt work?
> Regards, Roland

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Re: Plugin Hosted Mode failing to resolve import* on Macintosh

2009-09-21 Thread ken

Thanks Venkatesh.

On Sep 21, 4:02 pm, Venkatesh Babu  wrote:
> package is not supported by GWT.
> You can find the list of supported java packages 
> here:
> -Venkatesh
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 2:35 PM, wrote:
> > Hi Guys,
> > I first posted about this problem (full details below) on the
> > AppEngine/Java list; a response there from Jason Parekh (also added
> > here at end) suggested that there may be problems with GWT, so I'm
> > here to check that out.  Here's what I've run into:
> > -
> > I seem to have an issue with the Google Plugin Hosted Mode and
> > on a Mac OS X 10.5.8.
> > I have Eclipse Galilio with:
> >    Google App Engine Java SDK 1.2.5
> >    Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.5
> >    Google Web Toolkit SDK 1.7.0
> > I created a new default GWT/AppEngine project (both checked) named
> > TestOne with package minman.
> > I set out to try to add a simple URL Fetch call to the generated entry
> > point class
> > In the class, the only added code is these additional
> > imports at the top:
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > The Eclipse editor does NOT complain about these.
> > I'm using the Mac JVM 1.5.0 MacOS X default in Eclipse.
> > However, when I try to Debug or Run the TestOne app, the Google Web
> > Tookit Hosted Mode panel shows the following (in red after the
> > first):
> > Initializing AppEngine server
> > Loading an instance of module 'testone'
> >   Refreshing module from source
> >      Validating new compiled units
> >         Removing Units with errors
> >            Errors in 'file:/blah...blah/TestOne/src/minman/client/
> >
> >               Line 6: The import cannot be resolved
> >               Line 7: The import cannot be resolved
> > .etc
> > [Of course, the app works ok without the 2 'import*'  lines
> > listed above.]
> > Also, I have code in other Java projects including those two import
> > lines and which compiles and runs fine under Eclipse 3.3; ( GWT 1.5
> > was used for that )
> > 
> > Here's Jason Parekh's response on AppEngine/Java:
> >
> > Seems like there are two separate issues you're pointing out:
> > (1) The Eclipse validation is missing some classes that GWT really
> > doesn't allow, and
> > (2) used to work in GWT, but not anymore?
> > If that breakdown is accurate, would you mind opening a bug for (1)?
> > Someone from the GWT team can give you an answer for (2).
> > Can this be resolved??
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Ken Bowen
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Re: Google plugin, legacy GWT 1.5 app, & Tomcat

2009-09-16 Thread ken

Thanks Sri.   Development efficiency is my concern, but  I doubt that
I could run our multi-treaded backend code that uses ActiveMQ on the
tomcat in the cloud.

On Sep 16, 6:49 pm, Sripathi Krishnan 
> I don't think the plugin does the copying of files..
> If development efficiency is your only concern, you should consider using
> the oophm plugin provided by GWT. oophm is a browser plugin that allows your
> browser to execute java bytecode instead of compile javascript.
> oophm with the -noserver argument allows you to run your server code on the
> tomcat installed on the cloud; but still manage to execute client side code
> from your local machine. Its perfect for rapid development - because you
> just modify java code and refresh the browser to see the changes.
> More dough on oophm can be found here 
> -
> --Sri
> 2009/9/16 
> > Hi,
> > I have an existing app built with GWT 1.5 which uses RPC to talk to a
> > backend running on Tomcat;  the backend makes extensive use of
> > ActiveMQ, and is multi-threaded.
> > I have been given a related New Front End (gui only; no backend or
> > communication yet) which was developed by another engineer using the
> > Google Eclipse Plugin on Galilio.
> > The goal is to develop an app which uses the New Front End talking to
> > a (modification of) the old backend on a Tomcat running on a
> > datacenter, with the New Front End running on the Google cloud. As I
> > understand things, this is possible.
> > My immediate question concerns the development path.  Is is possible
> > to configure the Goggle Eclipse plugin (say on Galilio) to use an
> > external Tomcat, so that I could do the new development using the
> > latest GWT facilities of the plugin?  (My old Eclipse/GWT 1.5 setup is
> > somewhat more awkward to use.)
> > I set up a Dynamic Web Project which runs my local machine Tomcat 6
> > via a Servers launch config, which works, but that isn't a GWT
> > project.  Then I imported the  New Front End project into the
> > workspace next to (containing) the Dynamic Web Project.  But I don't
> > see how to get the New Front End project to deploy to the Tomcat
> > server from within Eclipse+Plugin.  If I manually copy the war folder
> > for the New Front End to my Tomcat 6 webapps folder, it runs
> > properly.  If I have to, I can set up an ant task for that, but it
> > would be nice to get the plugin to handle that.  Can it be done?
> > Many thanks,
> > Ken Bowen
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Re: Line 3: The import java.math cannot be resolved

2009-07-30 Thread Ken Kahn

I once needed BigInteger in GWT and took the source code for the
BigInteger class and with minor editing it worked fine in GWT. Perhaps
this would work with BigDecimal as well.

Maybe someone on this list will know if there are any legal issues
with doing this?

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Re: gwt linux 1.5.3 oophm?

2009-07-17 Thread Ken Kwasnicki

i did the webAppCreator thing, still no go. 
but i finally figured out what is going wrong.

ok, get this...
it's because the laptop i've
been doing all this on uses 
the XiG commercial X-windows driver, instead of Xorg. 
i figured this out by replicating all this on another machine, 
which has identical os version, java, version, etc. and it
worked there, scratched my head and finally realized the 
only difference was the X windows software.

so, i can make everything work off my original system
by just setting a remote display to the Xorg on the new system.
i won't run it like this but at least it verifies that everything
works fine, including my original app in Eclipse, as long
as i use Xorg. 

jeff, thanks so much for all your help! and everybody else
who replied too.

Jeff Chimene wrote:

  On 07/17/2009 12:07 PM, Ken Kwasnicki wrote:
ok, i tried going into gwt-linux-0.0.0/samples/HelloWorld and running
Sorry, Ken, that's not what I meant.

Try building a sample application as documented at this link:

You can use the generated framework as what we used to call an
"installation verification procedure".

You do mention below that you got the hosted mode browser working; which
success means you now have an idea of what you're working toward.

With the command line tools you have an option of generating an Eclipse
project that you can import into your workspace then mash with your
Eclipse problem child into something that has better odds of working.

Bueno suerte,

ant oophm
and that seems to hang too.  i get this:
Buildfile: build.xml

then nothing.
i've tried building trunk with both jdk 1.5 and 1.6.

if i run ant hosted in HelloWorld that works fine and launches the
hosted mode browser with the app.

any other thoughts on how i could debug this?  seems like others have
gotten this working in linux so i assume it's something with my
environment, or something i'm doing wrong. 


Jeff Chimene wrote:

  On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 1:01 AM, Ken Kwasnicki wrote:
Jeff Chimene wrote:

thanks again!  so, i think i'm close but still no cigar.  i grabbed the
latest snapshot build (snapshot-2009.07.07-r5687) and that built fine.
installed the gwt-linux bz2, rebuilt the entire project, then started the
app in hosted mode which worked,

Good. Pardon my asking, but how do you know it used the trunk version?

good point. i don't know if snapshot is trunk, i just assumed it is a weekly
snapshot of trunk.
but that made me re-try trunk with a new checkout and this time it compiled
without errors.
so, now i definitely have /svn/trunk but still getting the same results.

so then i went back and added the oophm jar
to the front of my classpath,  started again, and now it appears to start
the oophm server,

"appears to start?" You should have positive confirmation in that a
"new" dialog box appears for the OOPHM service. The dialog doesn't do
much, but I'm surprised you didn't mention seeing it; which is why I
asked the question above.

hmm, no i don't get any popup window.

  That's not good.

it shows a running java process,

By "it" do you mean "ps ax" or some such command?

sorry, by 'it' i mean eclipse.  here's what i get in the Debug view:

Landscaper [Java Application] at localhost:47318
Thread [main] (Running)
Daemon Thread [Java2D Disposer] (Running)
/mnt/hda11/parvia/jdk/jdk/bin/java (Jul 16, 2009 11:36:52 PM)

so, the last line is the java process i mean, and yes, if i do a ps ax i can
see it running as a process.  (but it's not consuming any cpu or disk cycles
of significance)

but when i try to connect
from Firefox (which has the oophm plugin) i get nothing.  "Failed to connect
error" as though there is no server running on port .

Please paste the URL from FF. Did FF start automatically? It should
have. If it was already started, you should have a new window with an
"interesting" URL.

no, FF didn't start, or open a new window.  i'm using the URL i see when the
app runs in hosted mode which looks like:

  It sounds like you're still running an older version of GWT.

i'm just pasting that URL into FF3, obviously it's not working because i
don't get the oophm popup you mention above indicating that the service is

  You shouldn't have to paste the URL. The GWT debug facility

Re: gwt linux 1.5.3 oophm?

2009-07-17 Thread Ken Kwasnicki

ok, i tried going into
gwt-linux-0.0.0/samples/HelloWorld and running
ant oophm
and that seems to hang too.  i get this:
Buildfile: build.xml

then nothing. 
i've tried building trunk with both jdk 1.5 and 1.6. 

if i run ant hosted in HelloWorld that works fine and launches the
hosted mode browser with the app.

any other thoughts on how i could debug this?  seems like others have
gotten this working in linux so i assume it's something with my
environment, or something i'm doing wrong.  


Jeff Chimene wrote:

  On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 1:01 AM, Ken Kwasnicki wrote:
Jeff Chimene wrote:

thanks again!  so, i think i'm close but still no cigar.  i grabbed the
latest snapshot build (snapshot-2009.07.07-r5687) and that built fine.
installed the gwt-linux bz2, rebuilt the entire project, then started the
app in hosted mode which worked,

Good. Pardon my asking, but how do you know it used the trunk version?

good point. i don't know if snapshot is trunk, i just assumed it is a weekly
snapshot of trunk.
but that made me re-try trunk with a new checkout and this time it compiled
without errors.
so, now i definitely have /svn/trunk but still getting the same results.

so then i went back and added the oophm jar
to the front of my classpath,  started again, and now it appears to start
the oophm server,

"appears to start?" You should have positive confirmation in that a
"new" dialog box appears for the OOPHM service. The dialog doesn't do
much, but I'm surprised you didn't mention seeing it; which is why I
asked the question above.

hmm, no i don't get any popup window.

That's not good.

it shows a running java process,

By "it" do you mean "ps ax" or some such command?

sorry, by 'it' i mean eclipse.  here's what i get in the Debug view:

Landscaper [Java Application] at localhost:47318
        Thread [main] (Running)
        Daemon Thread [Java2D Disposer] (Running)
    /mnt/hda11/parvia/jdk/jdk/bin/java (Jul 16, 2009 11:36:52 PM)

so, the last line is the java process i mean, and yes, if i do a ps ax i can
see it running as a process.  (but it's not consuming any cpu or disk cycles
of significance)

but when i try to connect
from Firefox (which has the oophm plugin) i get nothing.  "Failed to connect
error" as though there is no server running on port .

Please paste the URL from FF. Did FF start automatically? It should
have. If it was already started, you should have a new window with an
"interesting" URL.

no, FF didn't start, or open a new window.  i'm using the URL i see when the
app runs in hosted mode which looks like:

It sounds like you're still running an older version of GWT.

i'm just pasting that URL into FF3, obviously it's not working because i
don't get the oophm popup you mention above indicating that the service is

You shouldn't have to paste the URL. The GWT debug facility
automatically starts the supported browser on the appropriate

And I can't telnet to localhost on port  either, so it looks like there
is no server process started on that port.

I forget the specific netstat args, but  there is a way to get netstat
to tell you what's listening.  grep that list for .

checked netstat, definitely nothing running on port .

the main frustration here is that i don't see any error messages.  i just
get those lines that i pasted above from the Debug view, which indicates it
is running but nothing more, and definitely no popup windows.

And the hits just keep on coming...

You might want to closely inspect the Eclipse launch configuration

any other thoughts?

Consider stepping away from Eclipse, creating an empty project using
the command line tools then running that empty project from the
command line.

appreciate the help!
thanks again,


I'll keep trying but appreciate any more suggestions if there looks like an
obvious problem.

Jeff Chimene wrote:

On 07/15/2009 12:30 PM, Ken Kwasnicki wrote:

hey thanks for the response.  i'm certainly willing to try 2.0.  running
into a bit of a snag though.
is this the correct checkout location?
svn checkout trunk

i also checkout out 'tools' and created the GWT_TOOLS env variable.
i'm using java 1.6.0_04 and ant 1.7.1

Yeah, that looks right. Someone else will have to comment on the error.
I can only tell you what I did.

I just built 2.0 yesterday. Trunk has the oophm support.
It seems you're using *nix:

$ cd /tmp

Re: gwt linux 1.5.3 oophm?

2009-07-17 Thread Ken Kwasnicki


  Jeff Chimene wrote:

thanks again!  so, i think i'm close but still no cigar.  i grabbed the
latest snapshot build (snapshot-2009.07.07-r5687) and that built fine.
installed the gwt-linux bz2, rebuilt the entire project, then started the
app in hosted mode which worked,

Good. Pardon my asking, but how do you know it used the trunk version?


good point. i don't know if snapshot is trunk, i just assumed it is a
weekly snapshot of trunk.
but that made me re-try trunk with a new checkout and this time it
compiled without errors.
so, now i definitely have /svn/trunk but still getting the same results.

so then i went back and added the oophm jar
to the front of my classpath,  started again, and now it appears to start
the oophm server,

"appears to start?" You should have positive confirmation in that a
"new" dialog box appears for the OOPHM service. The dialog doesn't do
much, but I'm surprised you didn't mention seeing it; which is why I
asked the question above.

hmm, no i don't get any popup window.  

it shows a running java process,

By "it" do you mean "ps ax" or some such command?

sorry, by 'it' i mean eclipse.  here's what i get in the Debug view:

Landscaper [Java Application] at localhost:47318    
        Thread [main] (Running)    
        Daemon Thread [Java2D Disposer] (Running)    
    /mnt/hda11/parvia/jdk/jdk/bin/java (Jul 16, 2009 11:36:52 PM)    

so, the last line is the java process i mean, and yes, if i do a ps ax
i can see it running as a process.  (but it's not consuming any cpu or
disk cycles of significance)

but when i try to connect
from Firefox (which has the oophm plugin) i get nothing.  "Failed to connect
error" as though there is no server running on port .

Please paste the URL from FF. Did FF start automatically? It should
have. If it was already started, you should have a new window with an
"interesting" URL.


no, FF didn't start, or open a new window.  i'm using the URL i see
when the app runs in hosted mode which looks like:

i'm just pasting that URL into FF3, obviously it's not working because
i don't get the oophm popup you mention above indicating that the
service is running.  

And I can't telnet to localhost on port  either, so it looks like there
is no server process started on that port.

I forget the specific netstat args, but  there is a way to get netstat
to tell you what's listening.  grep that list for .

checked netstat, definitely nothing running on port .

the main frustration here is that i don't see any error messages.  i
just get those lines that i pasted above from the Debug view, which
indicates it is running but nothing more, and definitely no popup

any other thoughts?
appreciate the help!
thanks again,


I'll keep trying but appreciate any more suggestions if there looks like an
obvious problem.

Jeff Chimene wrote:

On 07/15/2009 12:30 PM, Ken Kwasnicki wrote:

hey thanks for the response.  i'm certainly willing to try 2.0.  running
into a bit of a snag though.
is this the correct checkout location?
svn checkout trunk

i also checkout out 'tools' and created the GWT_TOOLS env variable.
i'm using java 1.6.0_04 and ant 1.7.1

Yeah, that looks right. Someone else will have to comment on the error.
I can only tell you what I did.

I just built 2.0 yesterday. Trunk has the oophm support.
It seems you're using *nix:

$ cd /tmp
$ svn co ... tools
$ svn co ... trunk
$ cd trunk
$ ant

It built just fine.

Pick the correct from the trunk/build/dist directory and unpack
it into your desired directory.

$ cd /usr/local/lib
$ tar -jxf /tmp/trunk/build/dist/gwt-linux-0.0.0.tar.bz2 # as root

Then, I grabbed the FF xpi from the wiki url
( The page
says FF 3.5 isn't ready yet, but FF 3.5 accepted it w/ no problem.

Make sure that the oophm jar is the first jar in your build path if
you're using Eclipse.

Bueno suerte,

when i go into the 'trunk' directory and type ant i get a slew of
errors, the initial snippet of which looks like:
[gwt.javac] Compiling 421 source files to
package does not exist
[gwt.javac] import;

any ideas what i'm doing wrong?
also, i don't find any reference to oophm in any o

Re: gwt linux 1.5.3 oophm?

2009-07-15 Thread Ken Kwasnicki

Hey Jeff,
thanks again!  so, i think i'm close but still no cigar.  i grabbed the
latest snapshot build (snapshot-2009.07.07-r5687) and that built fine. 
installed the gwt-linux bz2, rebuilt the entire project, then started
the app in hosted mode which worked, so then i went back and added the
oophm jar to the front of my classpath,  started again, and now it
appears to start the oophm server, it shows a running java process, but
when i try to connect from Firefox (which has the oophm plugin) i get
nothing.  "Failed to connect error" as though there is no server
running on port .
And I can't telnet to localhost on port  either, so it looks like
there is no server process started on that port.  

I'll keep trying but appreciate any more suggestions if there looks
like an obvious problem.

Jeff Chimene wrote:

  On 07/15/2009 12:30 PM, Ken Kwasnicki wrote:
hey thanks for the response.  i'm certainly willing to try 2.0.  running
into a bit of a snag though. 
is this the correct checkout location?
svn checkout trunk

i also checkout out 'tools' and created the GWT_TOOLS env variable.
i'm using java 1.6.0_04 and ant 1.7.1

Yeah, that looks right. Someone else will have to comment on the error.
I can only tell you what I did.

I just built 2.0 yesterday. Trunk has the oophm support.
It seems you're using *nix:

$ cd /tmp
$ svn co ... tools
$ svn co ... trunk
$ cd trunk
$ ant

It built just fine.

Pick the correct from the trunk/build/dist directory and unpack
it into your desired directory.

$ cd /usr/local/lib
$ tar -jxf /tmp/trunk/build/dist/gwt-linux-0.0.0.tar.bz2 # as root

Then, I grabbed the FF xpi from the wiki url
( The page
says FF 3.5 isn't ready yet, but FF 3.5 accepted it w/ no problem.

Make sure that the oophm jar is the first jar in your build path if
you're using Eclipse.

Bueno suerte,

when i go into the 'trunk' directory and type ant i get a slew of
errors, the initial snippet of which looks like:
[gwt.javac] Compiling 421 source files to
package does not exist
[gwt.javac] import;

any ideas what i'm doing wrong?
also, i don't find any reference to oophm in any of the files in trunk. 
do i have the correct source?  or do i need to grab something else for

thanks again!

Célio wrote:

  AFAIK, oophm works only with gwt 2.0 (trunk).  I have tried it myself
with 1.6.4 without any success.

Why don't you give the trunk a try?  It's as simple as replacing the
jars (at least for 1.6.4, don't know for 1.5).

On Jul 14, 10:28 pm, kwas  wrote:
has anyone been able to get the oophm version of gwt 1.5.3 for linux
if so, can you provide some details on where to get it and how you did

i found a gwt-linux-1.5.3-oophm package and tried installing it, found
the FF3 plugin within and installed that in FF3, but when I try yo run
my project through eclipse nothing happens.  i don't get any error
messages,  just a java process that starts up and appears to do

unfortunately the constraints of the project i'm working on mean i
need to stick with GWT 1.5 so checking out the latest version of gwt
with oophm (which seems to be what most instructions indicate) is not
possible for me.

and the native hosted mode browser in gwt linux 1.5.3 is something
akin to firefox 1.0 which is way too out of date for the js
requirements of my project.

the only other alternative i can think of is to run a Windows version
of eclipse/gwt through vmware or wine.

appreciate any help or suggestions!




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Re: gwt linux 1.5.3 oophm?

2009-07-15 Thread Ken Kwasnicki

lol, thanks for the
response.  i think i will try to pry my feet loose and try getting this
project to work with more recent gwt.  still having trouble figuring
out how to compile/enable oophm re: my previous post. 


Jeff Chimene wrote:

  You don't mention testing in web mode. Is that not an option?

You might also point out to those in charge that GWT includes support
for modern browsers w/ the 1.6.7 release. Such support might  be
important to them.

OOPHM is nice to have, but if you're going to nail your feet to the
floor by flatlining the GWT version, I'd get better at debugging in
web mode.


On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 3:28 PM, kwas wrote:
has anyone been able to get the oophm version of gwt 1.5.3 for linux
if so, can you provide some details on where to get it and how you did

i found a gwt-linux-1.5.3-oophm package and tried installing it, found
the FF3 plugin within and installed that in FF3, but when I try yo run
my project through eclipse nothing happens.  i don't get any error
messages,  just a java process that starts up and appears to do

unfortunately the constraints of the project i'm working on mean i
need to stick with GWT 1.5 so checking out the latest version of gwt
with oophm (which seems to be what most instructions indicate) is not
possible for me.

and the native hosted mode browser in gwt linux 1.5.3 is something
akin to firefox 1.0 which is way too out of date for the js
requirements of my project.

the only other alternative i can think of is to run a Windows version
of eclipse/gwt through vmware or wine.

appreciate any help or suggestions!



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Re: gwt linux 1.5.3 oophm?

2009-07-15 Thread Ken Kwasnicki

hey thanks for the response. 
i'm certainly willing to try 2.0.  running into a bit of a snag
is this the correct checkout location?
svn checkout trunk

i also checkout out 'tools' and created the GWT_TOOLS env variable.
i'm using java 1.6.0_04 and ant 1.7.1 

when i go into the 'trunk' directory and type ant i get a slew of
errors, the initial snippet of which looks like:
[gwt.javac] Compiling 421 source files to
package does not exist
[gwt.javac] import;

any ideas what i'm doing wrong? 
also, i don't find any reference to oophm in any of the files in
trunk.  do i have the correct source?  or do i need to grab something
else for oophm?  

thanks again!

Célio wrote:

  AFAIK, oophm works only with gwt 2.0 (trunk).  I have tried it myself
with 1.6.4 without any success.

Why don't you give the trunk a try?  It's as simple as replacing the
jars (at least for 1.6.4, don't know for 1.5).

On Jul 14, 10:28 pm, kwas  wrote:
has anyone been able to get the oophm version of gwt 1.5.3 for linux
if so, can you provide some details on where to get it and how you did

i found a gwt-linux-1.5.3-oophm package and tried installing it, found
the FF3 plugin within and installed that in FF3, but when I try yo run
my project through eclipse nothing happens.  i don't get any error
messages,  just a java process that starts up and appears to do

unfortunately the constraints of the project i'm working on mean i
need to stick with GWT 1.5 so checking out the latest version of gwt
with oophm (which seems to be what most instructions indicate) is not
possible for me.

and the native hosted mode browser in gwt linux 1.5.3 is something
akin to firefox 1.0 which is way too out of date for the js
requirements of my project.

the only other alternative i can think of is to run a Windows version
of eclipse/gwt through vmware or wine.

appreciate any help or suggestions!



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Re: Problems with ImageBundle in IE8 when not in compatibility mode

2009-05-01 Thread Ken Kahn

Thanks to both of you. Fixed my problem as well.

I noticed that the Rich Text sample in the GWT Showcase uses
ImageBundle and it seems to work fine in IE8 without compatibility
mode. I have yet to find time to track down what is different in my


On Apr 30, 3:31 am, Dominik Steiner 
> Thanks for the tip Thomas,
> just to amend/aggragate something i found out that you have to add the
> meta tag to the head section before any other elements and the meta
> tag i added was
> Dominik
> On 15 Apr., 03:56, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> > On 14 avr, 18:41, "" 
> > wrote:
> > > Greetings,
> > > Only inIE8with compatibility mode off do I see the images in the
> > >ImageBundledisplayed in the right location but other images from the
> > > bundle are displayed to the left of the displayed image. In other
> > > words it isn't clipping the bundle to the left. In compatibility mode
> > > it works fine and it works in IE7, FF3, Opera, and Safari.
> > > This a problem in 1.6.4 and 1.5.3.
> > Other things will break inIE8's"super standards" mode.
> > > I've looked for previous discussions of this and found
> > >
> > > where Janie says "I'm trying to track down an issue with ImageBundles
> > > that I'm having inIE8.  This email is not about that issue... ". But
> > > then nothing more about this.
> > > Suggestions?
> > AskIE8to use the appropriate mode by including the corresponding
> > HTTP response header or  to your HTML host page; e.g.
> >    
> > See
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Re: GWT 1.6, JSP's wont compile.

2009-04-15 Thread Ken

Wow, thanks for this tip!  I've been meaning to explore App Engine,
and this gave me even more reason to.  I just tested it all out and it
works like a charm.  I was worried it wouldn't allow the quick
turnaround, but you can use GWT hosted mode with it.  They did a
really sweet job with this.

Thank you also for filing the bug report.  You got the gist of it.
It's not just generics, it's other 1.5+ features too (like "for each"
loops) but it's probably not a huge deal.


On Apr 15, 10:48 am, Miguel Méndez  wrote:
> It looks like it is a bug with Jetty instance used when a GWT-only web app
> has JSPs with generics.
> It does not appear that the App Engine
> devserver<>
> has
> this problem.  I went ahead and filed a bug against GWT for this,
> Issue 3557<>.
>  As a workaround, you could add App Engine to your project.
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Ken  wrote:
> > The app server is the one bundled with GWT hosted mode, I believe it's
> > Jetty.  If you use a servlet that has 1.5 stuff in it, it works fine.
> > When I was investigating, I noticed that the JSP does successfully
> > produce a servlet.  I copied this servlet and compiled it myself and
> > it worked fine, even in hosted mode.  I believe it's failing at the
> > point where the generated servlet (.java) is being compiled into a
> > class (.class).  Like you said, it seems like for some reason it's
> > targeting version 1.4 or something like that.  It's confusing though
> > that the problem is during compilation, because if you start with a
> > servlet (rather than a JSP) it compiles with no problem.
> > I have a feeling this might have something to do with it:
> >
> > It appears that something different happens underneath when a servlet
> > is compiled as opposed to when a servlet generated by a JSP is
> > compiled.
> > On Apr 15, 7:31 am, Salvador Diaz  wrote:
> > > It looks like the app server on which you're trying to load the jsp
> > > doesn't support java 1.5 or you compiled your jsp with 1.4 or
> > > something like that. Can't really tell without more details though. I
> > > hope that helps you.
> > > Cheers,
> > > Salvador
> > > On Apr 15, 4:13 am, Adrian  wrote:
> > > > Ok, so it's not just me!
> > > > Does anyone have any idea on how to go about finding an answer to this
> > > > problem? Even if you don't know the answer any suggestions are welcome
> > > > because this one has me stumped.
> > > > - Adrian
> > > > On Apr 14, 3:23 pm, Ken  wrote:
> > > > > I'm having the same exact problem.
> > > > > I've tried it on both Mac OS X and Windows.
> --
> Miguel
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Re: GWT 1.6, JSP's wont compile.

2009-04-15 Thread Ken

The app server is the one bundled with GWT hosted mode, I believe it's
Jetty.  If you use a servlet that has 1.5 stuff in it, it works fine.
When I was investigating, I noticed that the JSP does successfully
produce a servlet.  I copied this servlet and compiled it myself and
it worked fine, even in hosted mode.  I believe it's failing at the
point where the generated servlet (.java) is being compiled into a
class (.class).  Like you said, it seems like for some reason it's
targeting version 1.4 or something like that.  It's confusing though
that the problem is during compilation, because if you start with a
servlet (rather than a JSP) it compiles with no problem.

I have a feeling this might have something to do with it:

It appears that something different happens underneath when a servlet
is compiled as opposed to when a servlet generated by a JSP is

On Apr 15, 7:31 am, Salvador Diaz  wrote:
> It looks like the app server on which you're trying to load the jsp
> doesn't support java 1.5 or you compiled your jsp with 1.4 or
> something like that. Can't really tell without more details though. I
> hope that helps you.
> Cheers,
> Salvador
> On Apr 15, 4:13 am, Adrian  wrote:
> > Ok, so it's not just me!
> > Does anyone have any idea on how to go about finding an answer to this
> > problem? Even if you don't know the answer any suggestions are welcome
> > because this one has me stumped.
> > - Adrian
> > On Apr 14, 3:23 pm, Ken  wrote:
> > > I'm having the same exact problem.
> > > I've tried it on both Mac OS X and Windows.
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Re: GWT 1.6, JSP's wont compile.

2009-04-15 Thread Ken

The app server is the one bundled with GWT hosted mode, I believe it's
Jetty.  If you use a servlet that has 1.5 stuff in it, it works fine.
When I was investigating, I noticed that the JSP does successfully
produce a servlet.  I copied this servlet and compiled it myself and
it worked fine, even in hosted mode.  I believe it's failing at the
point where the generated servlet (.java) is being compiled into a
class (.class).  Like you said, it seems like for some reason it's
targeting version 1.4 or something like that.

On Apr 15, 7:31 am, Salvador Diaz  wrote:
> It looks like the app server on which you're trying to load the jsp
> doesn't support java 1.5 or you compiled your jsp with 1.4 or
> something like that. Can't really tell without more details though. I
> hope that helps you.
> Cheers,
> Salvador
> On Apr 15, 4:13 am, Adrian  wrote:
> > Ok, so it's not just me!
> > Does anyone have any idea on how to go about finding an answer to this
> > problem? Even if you don't know the answer any suggestions are welcome
> > because this one has me stumped.
> > - Adrian
> > On Apr 14, 3:23 pm, Ken  wrote:
> > > I'm having the same exact problem.
> > > I've tried it on both Mac OS X and Windows.
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Re: GWT 1.6, JSP's wont compile.

2009-04-13 Thread Ken

I'm having the same exact problem.
I've tried it on both Mac OS X and Windows.
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Re: GWT 1.6, JSP's wont compile.

2009-04-13 Thread Ken

I'm having the same exact problem.  I've tried it on both Mac OS X and
Windows.  I'm using Eclipse if that means anything.
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Re: GWT 1.6, JSP's wont compile.

2009-04-13 Thread Ken

I'm having the same exact problem.  I've tried it on both Mac OSX and
Windows.  I'm using Eclipse if that means anything.
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Re: GWT 1.6, JSP's wont compile.

2009-04-13 Thread Ken

I'm having the same exact problem.  I've tried it on both Mac OSX and

On Apr 13, 6:46 pm, Adrian  wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm sure that this will be something stupid that I'm missing but I've
> found I cannot get JSP's to compile in hosted mode if they include any
> Java 1.5+ stuff, like generics or for each loops.
> For example I'm using the latest Eclipse with the new GWT plugin, if I
> create a new GWT project then add a jsp that has code using generics I
> get this error when I load the jsp:
> 2. ERROR in /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_warut4fm1/jsp/org/apache/jsp/
> (at line 53)
>         new java.util.ArrayList();
>                                 ^^
> Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level
> is 1.5
> You can see the entire output at:
> I can't seem to find anyone else having this problem so any advice
> would be great.
> Thanks,
> Adrian
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Re: DisclosurePanel headerText limited to plain text?

2009-04-10 Thread Ken Kahn

Thanks. Works fine now.

Any reason why GWT doesn't do this?


On Apr 9, 12:32 pm, Ian Bambury  wrote:
> It's possible, but not obvious.
> There's some code here to do 
> it:
> Ian
> 2009/4/9 
> > Greetings,
> > I would like the headerText of a DisclosurePanel to be HTML. I tried
> > disclosurePanel.setHeader(new HTML(headerText));
> > but then I lost the nice triangular icons.
> > The default header widget seems only to have a HasText interface.
> > I could make my own Widget with the DisclosurePanel icons but the
> > DisclosurePanel header is pretty complex and I would rather not copy
> > and edit the source code.
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Re: A thought about GWT project structure

2009-04-06 Thread Ken

>If you're referencing server-only code from the client, then you have
>a fundamental problem in what you're trying to do. Same if you're
>referencing a Widget from the server. Your developers should already
>know that. If they don't, they need to be educated anyway. It's not
>"rules and tricks" but rather right and wrong ways to build an app.

The wrong way is to mix client side and server side in one single
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Re: Announcing GWT 1.6 RC2

2009-04-05 Thread Ken

You fixed the "Embedded Jetty is unable to run JSP files" issue,
awesome!  Thank you so much!
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Re: A thought about GWT project structure

2009-04-03 Thread Ken

> Why not just give the MyProjectWeb project to the GWTShell in the
> classpath? Provided you used the "client" and "server" subpackages of
> the same "root" package in all three projects (or made a gwt module in
> the same package as the server code in the MyProjectGwt project and
> inherited it appropriately), with the appropriate 
> declarations in your GWT module, the GWTShell should pick up your
> servlets and it should "just work" without the need for a standalone
> servlet container.

Some opensource frameworks (Spring, Hibernate, etc.) are used in
server side. I have configuration in web.xml. That is why I prefer to
use a standalone web server. Since I have a standalone server, I got
to output compiled Javascript and RPC related files into web project
with "-out" option.

> Agreed (though sticking to the recommended client and server, and
> possibly shared, subpackages, it's still fairly easy to *not*
> reference client code form server code and vice versa).

Human beings will make mistake if they are able to. I don't want to
keep telling my developers all these rules and tricks.
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A thought about GWT project structure

2009-04-01 Thread Ken

In GWT recommended project structure, client code and server code are
placed in one project. I find this structure is not so development-
friendly in practice. (GWT 1.6 has some new update to the project
structure to make it more like standard WAR project, but client and
server code are still in one project.)

Client code will be eventually compiled to Javascript and run on web
browser. Server code will run on web server. These two parts of code
shouldn’t reference to each other. The only connection between them
should be the RPC interface (sub-interfaces of RemoteService) and DTOs
(the Java objects get transmitted between client and server). Any
attempt to let your widget reference to an RPC implementation Servlet
or let the Servlet reference to a widget is wrong. However, your Java
compiler (not GWT compiler) can not detect this kind of error, as
these Java classes are all in the same project, and they are “allowed”
to reference to each other. You can’t detect the error either in
hosted mode, because client and server code run in same JVM in hosted
mode. You only can find out half the issue when you call GWTCompiler
(Compiler in GWT 1.6) to translate the client to Javascript. I say
half because GWTCompiler only shows you the toxic references from
client to server, but not the other way.

A solution would be to have three projects instead of one:

MyProjectRpc is a GWT module. It only contains RemoteService
interfaces and DTOs. It has no UI or widgets.
MyProjectGwt is your client module. It inherits MyProjectRpc, and
contains widgets. MyProjectGwt’s Java build path includes
MyProjectWeb is your server project. It is a standard WAR project.
Your RPC implementation servlets go here. Its Java build path includes

Therefore, both MyProjectGwt and MyProjectWeb reference to
MyProjectRpc only. If your widgets incidentally reference to a
servlet, Eclipse (Java compiler) will tell you right away.

To make above solution work, you need to configure GWTCompiler to
output to MyProjectWeb instead of the default folder www. (-out
argument will do the job.) You also need to run your own web server
for hosted mode instead of GWT’s internal Tomcat. (Pass –noserver to

There may be better way to do it. Please share your idea for a better
project structure. I would appreciate if developers from Google could
provide advice.

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Suggestions for improving GWT group

2008-12-14 Thread Not Ken Shabby

I would find this group more useful and would participate more if
there were "sub-groups" of some kind. I see similar "newbie" questions
over and over again, or questions about the same topic repeated many
times. Searching is NOT a solution. Searching might be OK, if you are
just looking for the answer to a problem and you hope someone else has
already expressed the problem in the same way that you would and it
has been answered, BUT ... if I am browsing through looking to help by
answering a few questions, I don't want to wade through the same stuff
over and over again. I also see no current way in which useful answers
are retained. So kind of categorization would be useful. ? Major
? Experience level
? Tags
? Votes

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Re: Your opinion sought: Jetty or Tomcat?

2008-11-25 Thread Not Ken Shabby

I will be using TOMCAT as the target server for the foreseeable

My concern with switching to JETTY within the development environment
is that bugs / issues with the interaction of GWT and TOMCAT may not
be seen / address as quickly as they might otherwise be.

There may also be some "psychological / political" effect --- "oh, GWT
is something that works with Jetty, it used to work with Tomcat but
they changed it"

On Oct 20, 10:46 am, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Manuel Carrasco wrote:The most annoying issue with GWT is performance in 
> development mode. I mean, compiling, startng hosted mode and running GWT Unit 
> tests. So any action that improves these is welcome.
> So my vote if for jetty
> +1
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Re: how to redirect to another EntryPoint class

2008-11-24 Thread Not Ken Shabby

The following code was 'hand extracted and modified" from a project I
am working on. Therefore there maybe typos.
There are also references / usages of classes not shown here, but you
do not need them.

The basic flow is:
1. In your class which implements "EntryPoint" create an instance of a
Logon panel class (of your own design) --- here mine is called
2. Pass a reference to the Entry Point class ("this") to the Logon
Panel class --- so that later you can call back into this class
2. Add the logon panel to the "RootPanel"
3. In the constructor of the Logon Panel - create the necessary UI
components to display a logon message and places to enter UserId and
4. Call your server code to verify the UserId and Password --- onSucess
() should call back a method in the Entry Point class
--- (here "loggedOn() ) which then removes the Logon Panel from
the Root Panel and replaces it with the main application screen.

I hope this helps.



== :

public class MyEntryPoint implements EntryPoint
MyMainScreen screen;
MyLogonPanel logon;

public void onModuleLoad()
logon = new MyLogonPanel(this);

public void loggedOn(MyLogonResult result)
screen = new MyMainScreen(result);

public final class MyLogonPanel extends VerticalPanel
final TextBox userIdTB = new TextBox();
final PasswordTextBox passwordTB = new PasswordTextBox();
final Label message = new Label("Please enter userid and
final MyEntryPoint entryPoint;
final VerticalPanel logonBox;

MyLogonPanel(MyEntryPoint entryPoint)
this.entryPoint = entryPoint;
HorizontalPanel hp1 = new HorizontalPanel();
HorizontalPanel hp2 = new HorizontalPanel();

hp1.add(new Label("UserId:"));

hp2.add(new Label("Password:"));

Button logonB = new Button("Logon");
logonB.addClickListener(new LogonClickListener());
logonBox = this;

private class LogonClickListener implements ClickListener
public void onClick(Widget sender)
message.setText("--trying to logon--");
MyRemoteServiceAsync call = MyRemoteService.App.getInstance

UserId userId = new UserId(userIdTB.getText());
PassWord password = new PassWord(passwordTB.getText());
LogonCredentials logonCredentials = new LogonCredentials
(userId, password);
call.logon(logonCredentials, new LogonCallback());

private class LogonCallback implements AsyncCallback
public void onFailure(Throwable caught)
logonBox.add(new Label("failure of LOGON callback"));
logonBox.add(new Label(caught.toString()));
logonBox.add(new Label("--END--"));

public void onSuccess(Object obj)
System.out.println("LOGON callback - onSuccess");
MyLogonResult result = (MyLogonResult) obj;

if (result.logonFailed())



On Nov 24, 4:56 am, rajasekhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to redirect to home page.because the problem without
> redirecting is when I refresh the home page it is going to login page
> again .Please let me know how to handle this.
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Re: how to redirect to another EntryPoint class

2008-11-21 Thread Not Ken Shabby

Why would you want to do this?
After login -in your onSucess() just replace your login component with
you main application component and go from there, there is no need to

On Nov 21, 8:36 am, rajasekhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
>               how to redirect to another EntryPoint class in GWT.I
> have a login page (home page),after login it is coming to onSuccess
> function,but how to redirect to the another EntryPoint class.I am
> using, "_self", "") it is working in hosted mode and
> web mode and not working in Tomcat.Please let me know the solution for
> this.
> Regards,
> Rajasekhar

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