2003-02-28 Thread Eric M. Monsler
David Swiston wrote:
Ok, one more tidbit of info.  I installed GCC 3.2.2 on
another computer of mine running slackware 8.1 and the
exact same project runs just fine on that computer, no
Gtk-CRITICAL errors.  I then sent the project over to
a lab computer running linux and it also ran without
an error.  Why would I get Gtk-CRITICAL errors on only
one of my computers for entry boxes and on two others
the exact same file causes none.  It can't be anything
wrong with the code can it?   Google revealed that
other people had had problems like this but I could
never find info on how the problem was fixed.

Are you running on x86?  I had a subtle problem with gtkentry after 
switching to gcc3 from 2.9x, but it was on a Sun box.

I used "-m32 -mno-app-regs" to compile the libraries, and the problem 
went away.  The "-m32" causes 32bit code to be generated rather than 64bit.

More concerning was the -mno-app-regs, which the gcc documentation said 
was required for "maximum compatibility with binary interfaces", and 
should be used for system libraries, etc.

I have not figured out which of these made the difference, but plan to 
if the problem seems to have gotten better for good.  You might look 
through the x86 gcc documentation for some similar item of concern.


gtk-list mailing list

Re: Nary trees

2002-10-08 Thread Eric M. Monsler

etienne buxin wrote:
> --- "Eric M. Monsler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>A suggested structure:
>>struct eb_manymany {
>>   uint   node_level;
>>   uint   num_parents;
>>   uint   num_par_max;
>>   struct eb_manymany **par_ptr_array;
>>   uint   num_children;
>>   uint   num_child_max;
>>   struct eb_manymany **chd_ptr_array;
>>   gpointer   data;
> in fact, i'd like to create a structure to represent events.  i investigated trees 
>because i need
> a parent-child relationship between events, with the parent event being a 
>consequence of his child
> events.  Because one event may have several consequences, it must be able to have 
>many parents (of
> different depht levels, moreover). i could duplicate the child for each of his 
>parents, but this
> is not too good, because each event has _a lot_ of info carried with ( *data in 
>glib's Nary tree)
> and this will consume a lot of ressources.
> has someone an idea?

The structure I proposed above should handle it, just remove the 
node-level.  Do you really mean that consequences are *parents* of 
events, not *children* of events?  My family tree reads differently, but 

Let me call them causes and consequences, rather than parents and children.

If your set of operations is fairly limited, you should be OK.  For 
example, if the API was only Add(with list of causes and consequences 
pointers) and Remove(severing all cause/consequence, and also removing 
all unconnected nodes caused), it shouldn't be too complex.  Might be OK 
for creating a user-traversable set of nodes for a visualization exercise.

But, attempting to traverse the mesh is going to be a really tough problem.

Good luck.


gtk-list mailing list

Weird GtkEntry behavior in GTK 1.2.10

2002-10-07 Thread Eric M. Monsler


I am seeing a very strange behaviour with a GtkEntry widget.

The application had previously been working normally; well enough that I 
had not done any maintenance on it in months.

During that time, the compiler on the Solaris box was upgraded from gcc 
2.95.x to gcc 3.2, without my knowledge.

I made a minor code change, rebuilt my application, and discovered that 
the GtkEntry widget was not working properly.  It was swallowing certain 
characters.  In some cases, the "n" was never displayed, but repeated 
button presses would result in an "n" being shown.  The "s" character 
was even stranger, with the keystroke sometimes working, sometimes 
producing no visible effect, and with sometimes a Beta characer being 
shown instead.

Investigating, I found aout about the gcc change.  I then rebuilt glib, 
gtk, and gtkextra with no apparent errors, and then rebuilt my 
application.  The exact same results occurred.

I tried having another user run the application, and he observed the 
same effect.

Any ideas?

Eric Monsler

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Nary trees

2002-10-07 Thread Eric M. Monsler

etienne buxin wrote:
> hi,
> i'd like to use a structure similar to glib's Nary tree, but with the difference 
>that many parent
> nodes can share one or several children nodes.
> any clue?

This is going to be rather difficult.

Unless you enforce a policy that only sibling-nodes can share child 
nodes, you are going to have a lot of trouble.  Even then, any trivial 
operation on a child node (e.g., remove from tree) will require 
searching over the full set of parent-siblings and checking the child 
pointers against the full set of siblings for the child-node.

Don't do it.

If a fellow developer at work suggested such a data-storage approach, I 
would require a tone of convincing that this was a reasonable thing to do.

If you do, I strongly suggest that you do not base it off of the current 
glib n-ary tree implimentation.  At a minimum, I would enforce a policy 
that a node has a numbered depth N, that all children are depth N+1 and 
parents are N-1.  This may seem obvious, but in a multi-parent scenario 
it would be easy to violate if moving a set of nodes within the tree.

A suggested structure:

struct eb_manymany {
   uint node_level;
   uint num_parents;
   uint num_par_max;
   struct eb_manymany   **par_ptr_array;
   uint num_children;
   uint num_child_max;
   struct eb_manymany   **chd_ptr_array;
   gpointer data;

That lets you reference count the parents and children, so that, for 
example, when removing a node you can go to all the parents and remove 
that child from their list of children.

The _max allows dynamix allocation of the pointer arrays, if you 
previously allocated space for 12 children and need a 13th, you can 
reallocate that array up to size 24 or somthing, with 13 places occupied.

If the above doesn't make sense after a few readings, you're not ready 
to tackle this.  I have done a two-level parent-child that was 
many-to-many, where entities were by definitions either parents or 
children, and by the time I had the appropriate API and error checking 
all in place it was very cumersome.

For example, what policy do you generically implement if a the last 
parent of a node is freed?  In my application, that meant that the child 
was now a discard and could be freed, but that may or may not be 
appropriate for a generic storage library.  Specify a calllback for the 
child node in that situation, defaulting to freeing?  Complexity!

If you do get it working as infinite level many-to-many, please post the 
code. :)


gtk-list mailing list

OT: Re: problem with logic/math

2002-09-25 Thread Eric M. Monsler


I can't tell from the code posted whether shiftX and shiftY refer to the 
center of the visible area, or not.  But, I suspect not, based on the 
fact that you need to adjust them as you scale.  I suspect that they 
represent the lower left corner, or something.

I suggest having the shiftX and shiftY refer to the unscaled coordinates 
of the center of the viewable area.  Then, they do not have to change on 
zooming in and out, the image is just redrawn with the same center.

If the redraw() would be a hassle to change, you may get acceptable 
visuals by just fixing the constants to be inverses of each other. 
Youve got 0.6 and 1.4, but 1/1.4 != 0.6.  Try (7.0/10.0) and (10.0/7.0), 
or something, and you should get closer.

One other change that you may want to make will be to adjust the shift 
quantity, currently "50", by the scaling.  I think that you probably 
want that change anyway, although I now see that if shiftX and shiftY 
are scaled, a constant would work.


gtk-list mailing list

Re: Crashing g_string_sprintf when printing invalid floats. gtk+-1.2.9 on Linux

2002-08-14 Thread Eric M. Monsler

Yes.  I understand the limitations of strtod.

Much of this thread could have been avoided if I had used:

f_val = 6.2e-21;
f_val *= 1.0e-21;

in my example code.  I used the union example because that's how I found 
the problem, I used the double to float cast because that's how I tested 
that the compiler thought I had a reasonable floating point value, and 
it still crashed.

Can we pretend my example was:

f_val = 6.2e-21;
f_val *= 1.0e-21;


Two valid floats, a valid operation, a valid format string of "%6.2f", a 
call to g_string_sprintf() from which control never returns.


gtk-list mailing list

Re: Crashing g_string_sprintf when printing invalid floats. gtk+-1.2.9 on Linux

2002-08-14 Thread Eric M. Monsler

Allin Cottrell wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Eric M. Monsler wrote:
>>I feel it should not crash on any input.
>>I have a similar test case, which uses:
>>tmp_float = (float)strtod("6.0e-44",NULL);
>>and produces the same crash.
> I'd say that crashing is an acceptable response.  It's up to the
> programmer to ensure that such functions are fed with input that is
> within bounds.  In the example above, inspecting errno would have
> shown that tmp_float did not have an acceptable value.  I suppose one
> could say that it's a "quality of implementation" issue, and that a
> "nice" library will try to work around invalid input so far as
> possible.  But I wouldn't describe the crash as a bug, any more than
> it's a bug when fprintf() segfaults when fed a null FILE
> pointer.

Inspecting errno when?  After the cast from double to float?  Because 
control does not return to the program after the g_string_sprintf() 
call, as the negative malloc causes a GLib error.  Hence my description 
of the problem as a "crash" rather than "failure" or "incorrect output".

Try generating any other float of magnitude e-40 to e-43, and see the 
same result.  I just tried f_val = 6.2e-21, f_val *= 1.0e-21, and saw 
the same error and crash.  I did not check errno after the multiplication.

Therefore, if you define the current 1.2.x behavior to be correct, I the 
developer must manually check the float range of every value before 
calling g_string_sprintf().

Did you write the routine in 1.2.x that computes how many bytes the 
string may need?  If so, I very much appreciate your effort and 
contribution, but respectfully point out that you had a bug.


gtk-list mailing list

Re: Crashing g_string_sprintf when printing invalid floats. gtk+-1.2.9 on Linux

2002-08-13 Thread Eric M. Monsler

Allin Cottrell wrote:

> Isn't that undefined behavior, trying to access the wrong member of a
> union?  

Yes.  I am using that to force a bad floating point value.

> Here (gtk 2.0.6) it prints "0.00", but I don't see that it's
> obliged to.

I feel it should not crash on any input.

I have a similar test case, which uses:

tmp_float = (float)strtod("6.0e-44",NULL);

and produces the same crash.  In that case, a "%g\n" format string 
returns something within precision distance of 6.0e-44.  The compiler 
(gcc 2.95) accepts that a float can be denormalized, and operates on it 
in various ways, but the g_string_sprintf() function does not.

The above is completely legal way to produce the crash, and an 
application could well convert a (very small) double to a float and then 
later try to print the float in a limited precision output format.  That 
argues that the correct behavior is indeed "0.00", and nothing else.

I guess the alternative would be to print "nan", but I'd vote for "0.00" 


gtk-list mailing list

Re: Crashing g_string_sprintf when printing invalid floats. gtk+-1.2.9 on Linux

2002-08-12 Thread Eric M. Monsler

Sven Neumann wrote:

 > the correct place to report this would probably have been

Noted.  Apologies.

 > it seems to work better with GTK+-2.0 (or actually glib-2.0):
 >   0.00

Good news!

 > I don't think you can reliably perform range tests on uninitialized
 > memory since the compiler knows about the fact that the value was
 > never initialized and may optimize the range check away.

The memory is not uninitialized, it is messages received from another, 
potentially unreliable, program across network and potentially other, 
potentially unreliable, interfaces.

I think I have a workaround for now, but I do want to get Glib 
rock-solid.  If it's fixed in 2.0, that is the most important thing.

Will there be a Glib 1.2.11 release?


gtk-list mailing list

Re: Crashing g_string_sprintf when printing invalid floats. gtk+-1.2.9 on Linux

2002-08-12 Thread Eric M. Monsler


I'm jumping lists with this; my apologies, but it's definitely a gtk bug 
and so want to followup to gtk-list.

If I try to print a denormalized float with a specific format string, 
e.g. "%6.2f\n", using g_string_sprintf(), the program crashes with an 
error about allocating a negative number of bytes.

An example program is below, showing the error when compiled and run 
under Linux.  I believe that the problem is present in both 1.2.9 and 

If I change the format string to "%g\n", I get an answer that is 
"something e-44", which is why I think that the denormalized is the 
problem.  On Solaris, I get "0.000", which is I believe the correct 

I think that I can work around this with additional testing, but I have 
two questions:
1) Is there ongoing bugfix developement on 1.2.x GTK+?
2) Is this bug fixed in Gtk+ 2.0.x?

Eric Monsler

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
   GString  *pGStr;

   union {
 int   i_val;
 float f_val;
   } the_data;


   the_data.i_val = 1;
   pGStr = g_string_new("");


Eric M. Monsler wrote:

> All,
> I am seeing a crash, although with GLib error message, when printing a 
> floating point number.
> The error message is that GLib is unable to allocate -7 bytes.  Which 
> seems reasonable enough.
> The problem is that the data I am trying to print does not seem to be a 
> valid floating point number.  My program needs to be crash-proof in this 
> case, as bad data is going to be encountered.  I see that the value that 
> is bad is typically something like "6.0245e-44", which is not valid.
> The fact that I can read the value means that ddd/gdb is handling it 
> properly, but not g_string_sprintf.
> Any clues?  Any suggestions as to how to clamp the floating point value? 
>  I have tried to do so with comparisons to MAX_FLT and MIN_FLT, without 
> success.
> As an aside, the problem has never been observed when using the Solaris 
> version of the program, just the Linux one.
> Thanks in advance,

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Anyone know of a Graphical Timeline Widget?

2002-04-03 Thread Eric M. Monsler

"Bradley F. Hartman" wrote:
> Ron,
> Thanks for responding.  You wrote:
> > I think this falls under the "implement your own widget" heading.
> True enough.  I am working under the assumption that my timeline
> widget does not already exist.  For that reason, I am attempting to
> implement my own timeline widget.  The graphical timeline is only one
> piece of this new widget, which I think needs to be implemented as a
> CellRenderer if I want to use it in a GtkTreeViewColumn.

I'm not super-clear on what each line of the timeline represents, but
somewhere in the mailing list archives is mention of the "stripchart"
widget, suitable for relatively high speed plotting of a value over
time.  That might be an appropriate widget for each of the exposed rows.

Just a thought.

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Memory problems while using a clist

2002-02-08 Thread Eric M. Monsler

Havoc Pennington wrote:
> "Kerber, Ulrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I wrote an app with a clist showing the contents of a log file; the
> > clist is updated every 60 seconds. Although i do a gtk_clist_clear,
> > the memory used is increasing with every run, even if no element is
> > added. After a day of work the amount reaches up to 40 MB!
> > Does anybody know a solution to this problem?
> >
> You just need to debug it. Use a tool such as "memprof" to see where
> the memory is leaked.
> Havoc

A tool I found very useful was GSK, (GNU Server Kit), which can replace
the g_malloc type GLib calls with debug versions, and keeps a record of
all outstanding allocations.

I used essentially just the gskdebug facility, and it worked great., IIRC

gtk-list mailing list

Re: undefined reference when building gtk 1.2.9

2002-01-30 Thread Eric M. Monsler

> .libs/ undefined reference to
> `gtk_menu_stop_nqvigating_submenu'

Possible typo, "nqvigating" for navigating, in the code you're trying to

Assuming you pasted the errors from the window, rather than retyping
them into the email.

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Plot widgets

2002-01-07 Thread Eric M. Monsler

Wanted to get his name right:

Adrian E. Feiguin

Also, one other consideration occurred to me, which is that GtkExtra is
LGPL, rather than GPL.  So, if we ever clean up my application for
release and sale to customers, we could still use the GtkExtra library.

Sorry for the two-post clutter.

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Plot widgets

2002-01-07 Thread Eric M. Monsler

Ralph Walden wrote:
> Folks,
> Does anyone have any experience with using the GtkPlot
> widget (from GtkExtra) on an SGI?
> My first impression of GtkExtra is that it is buggy and
> slow.  The development does not seem very active.
> Doesn't anyone else use GTK need plotting widgets?
> Is this the "official" package of such widgets?

I use GtkExtra for an in-house data display program.  It works fine for
my plots, tested up to ~10k points.  It will do 200 points updated twice
a second with no problem, running on a Sun (forget what, 450 MHz and
boatloads of RAM) and displaying on NT PC's (800 MHz typically) running
Hummingbird's X server.  At 5 times a second it drops occasional updates
(I poll for data from a timer, so if I fall behing I just miss a poll.)

I use only the GtkPlot stuff, none of the other things in the library. 
No bugs or memory leaks that I am aware of.  There used to be, but
around 99.15 to 99.16 a lot got fixed.  We were using an X server from
Exceed, which grew in memory usage when updating plots; no idea whether
Gtk, GtkPlot, or the X-server itself was at fault, but no such memory
blleding was seen with the Sun X, Linux XFree86, or the Hummingbird

It's a little quirky, I have problems positioning axis labels, etc.,
such that they look nice; my app is far from commercial-level
beautiful.  But I did clone the gtkrealtime demo and get my application
plotting in short order.

My biggest beef is that the documentation is near-zero, and the code is
largely uncommented.  When I did have to go in and figure out something
about how tick/grid spacing was handled, it was a chore to read,
although once I did understand it the code seemed to make sense and be
very reasonable.

The primary developer, Adrian Fenguin (spelling?) has been very
responsive to questions on the list (I think he's in the process of
moving, though, right now).  Based on the changelog, I think that there
is more development than the mailing list would indicate.  Maybe
discussion happens on the Scigraphica list.


gtk-list mailing list

Re: MacOS Classic & Windows CE/PocketPC support?

2001-12-17 Thread Eric M. Monsler


> 2) Since I know GIMP and GTK+ have been ported to Win32
> ( and that automake and
> autoconf work under CygWin, (I've never tried using them from an
> MS-DOS prompt) I'm assuming (see #1) that I can build GLADE-produced 
> UIs on Windows.  Has anyone tried building an application for 
> Windows CE/PocketPC using GLADE?

I think WinCE is less like the other Win32 platforms than you seem to be

>From the website:
The Cygwin DLL works with all versions of Windows since Windows 95, with
the exception of Windows CE. 

Which does not mean that it is impossible, but that the GIMP and GTK+
ports to other Win32's still have a big gap before working on WinCE.

gtk-list mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Data in linked lists]

2001-07-07 Thread Eric M. Monsler


I am not sure whether you are suggesting that the pointers be constant
pointers, or that they be made pointers to constant data.

In either case, the only benefit that I see would be to catch at
compile-time bugs in the GList and GSList implementations; the
inadvertant altering of either the data pointer or its referenced data.

The downside would be enforcing a default policy on every application's
usage of GList or GSList.  Yes, a simple cast allows the "const" policy
to be overridden, but that forces the cast to appear in every usage.

In addition, I that that this would cause perplexing and ugly code
constructs in the applications.  For example, a function used with a
g_list_foreach() call would take as its argument a pointer to constant
data, and might then immediately cast that pointer to pointing at
non-constant data and begin manipulating it.  

While those pointers could indeed use const without disturbing the GList
and GSList functionality, I feel that it would be a worse design;
causing more confusion and obtuse code for minimal benefit.  I would
argue for the current scheme if this was a fresh implementation; the
mass breakage of existing GList and GSlist code that would result from
such a change seems to me to be an overwhelming argument against it.

Eric M. Monsler

gtk-list mailing list

Re: stacking pixmaps

2001-06-27 Thread Eric M. Monsler

Havoc Pennington wrote:
> "Eric M. Monsler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > IIRC, GNOME is GPL, vs. the LGPL of GTK.
> No, this is completely untrue - GNOME libraries have always been LGPL.

Well, always happy to lose a fundamental misunderstanding!

gtk-list mailing list

Re: stacking pixmaps

2001-06-27 Thread Eric M. Monsler

Havoc Pennington wrote:
> libgnomecanvas is in a separate library for GNOME 2, not dependent on
> any other libs except GTK (and libart).

What is the libgnomecanvas license?

IIRC, GNOME is GPL, vs. the LGPL of GTK.
(I tried to check the license from the site, but there were
lots of references to "free" software and FSF links, but no license info
immediately available)

It's not just size that keeps everyone from using the GNOME libs.


gtk-list mailing list

Re: probelm about install

2001-04-16 Thread Eric M. Monsler

Paul Davis wrote:
> Hopefully, its obvious that you could also use
>   ./configure --prefix=/some/other/place/you/can/write
> as well.

Just wanted to add to the above: it works quite well, and is fairly
easy, even if you're a relative newbie at the GNU build procedure.  The
key is to use "--prefix=wherever" to all of the software you are

I ended up with autoconf, automake, autoproject, gnome-libs, stdtypes,
and of course fortune, all installed under /home/emonsler/usr/local. 
This is in addition to glib, gtk, glade, libglabe, gtk+extra, etc.

The path modifications (in my .bashrc) required are shown below, with
formatting I'm sure completely hosed:


Have fun with it.


gtk-list mailing list

Re: Concurrent processes

2001-04-03 Thread Eric M. Monsler

One key question is, does the parameter change need to cause a
calculation restart?  I would presume so, unless the computation was
convergence-based.  In that case, you'll presumably need to modify
isingflip() whatever approach you take.

if you previously had:
  /* setup loop code */
   /* Do calc iteration */
  /* cleanup loop code */
  /* output results code */

You could change it to be:
  /* setup loop code */
  while( not_done && variables_unchanged)
   iter = 0;
   while( not_done && (iter < N) )
/* Do calc iteration */
   /* Allow operator interaction */
   /* This loop is wrong, search archives for example */

   /* cleanup and terminate, wait for operator to hit "Simulation"
again? */
   /* cleanup and output results */

And, finally, the callback for changing the variables need to also clear
the variables_unchanged flag, and the Simulate button needs to set it.

Tune N to trade off responsiveness vs. increased calculation time.


gtk-list mailing list

Re: Need help debugging Gdk-ERROR

2001-03-18 Thread Eric M. Monsler

"J. Ali Harlow" wrote:
> How many places are you calling gdk_draw_points() from in your 
> code anyway?


Well, never directly.  I'm using gtkplot from the gtkextra package.  

To date, while I've described my problem on that mailing list, I've
never had enough data to make a useful bug report, or even to
definitively say that the error is in that code.  The crash only happens
when I'm plotting, but there are other widgets and manipulations that I
do when plotting.

I've tried to look into the gtkplot code, but it is, shall we say,
"sparsely" commented.

Is gdk_draw_points() the ONLY gdk call that could produce a PolyPoint
request?  If so, I can start looking through the 5 or 6 gtk_plot...()
calls that I make when refreshing, and try to find a gdk_draw_points()
that is shortly after an allocation or recreation.

[Brief research]
I would guess not, as gtkextra never uses gdk_draw_points, although it
does use gdk_draw_point.  For that matter, only in gtkcurve.c does GTK
call gdk_draw_points().  For the most part, both use gdk_draw_point()
instead.  I wonder if XFillPolygon() would cause a request code

One new data point, it does not seem to happen when using the Solaris
Xserver.  I have't done enough tests to establish "never" for a fact,
but it is "less" prone to the problem than when using the eXodus Xserver
on NT.  I wonder if my Xserver is non-conforming, or if the Solaris one
is just more robust/careful/prompt in allocating.


gtk-list mailing list

Re: Need help debugging Gdk-ERROR

2001-03-16 Thread Eric M. Monsler

"J. Ali Harlow" wrote:
> > If I run without the --sync argument, my understanding is that when the
> > error occurs, the current state of the stack may not represent the calls
> > that produced the error.  Is this correct?
> Yes. With --sync, each X call will wait for a response back from the server
> before returning to the application. Without --sync, the error may not be
> noticed until a number of X requests have been sent after the one that actually
> caused the error.

So, given that I have never been able to produce the error when running
with --sync specified, my choices are:
1) Run with --sync and never hit the breakpoint, or
2) Run without the --sync and have no idea how many X requests back the
source of the error was when I do hit the breakpoint.

I had kind of suspected, and based on your informative posts am now
sure, that I'm doomed.  I'll have to change the documentation and make
it a feature.

I was really hoping that there was something I misunderstood or was

Any guesses as to what could be occurring, that might cause different
behavior with '--sync' or not?  

Maybe, creating something and trying to act on it too soon, before it is
'realized', but --sync causes the Xserver to allocate the resources

I realize I'm grasping at straws...

Eric M. Monsler

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Need help debugging Gdk-ERROR

2001-03-16 Thread Eric M. Monsler


Thank you for the X.h and Xproto.h pointers.

"J. Ali Harlow" wrote:
> See Havoc's recent message:
> > Run the app in gdb with --g-fatal-warnings:
> > $ gdb myapp
> > (gdb) run --g-fatal-warnings
> > [close the window, note crash]
> > (gdb) backtrace
> >
> > That will show where it crashes.

I tried this, actually, and should have mentioned it.

But, after the Gdk-ERROR (there were actually two this time, same codes,
serial's differing by 1), there was the report that the application has
exited with return value 1.  I tried backtrace anyway, but was told 'no

One reason I didn't mention that I had tried this was that I was not
sure that the --g-fatal-warnings approach was useful for tracking down X

If I run without the --sync argument, my understanding is that when the
error occurs, the current state of the stack may not represent the calls
that produced the error.  Is this correct?

Eric M. Monsler

gtk-list mailing list

Need help debugging Gdk-ERROR

2001-03-16 Thread Eric M. Monsler


My application, using gtk+ and gtkextra, eventually crashes with the

Gdk-ERROR **: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)
  serial 2893853 error_code 9 request_code 64 minor_code 0

I think that the serial value changes, but I believe that the error_code
and request code are always the same (they are at least usually the

I tried running my app under xxgdb, with --sync on and a breakpoint in
the gdk function that I belive reports that error.  But, with '--sync'
specified, my program doesn't seem to crash!

So, two questions:

1) I believe that "error code 9 request_code 64" are from the reporting
by X or Xlib.  If this is correct, is there an online reference that I
can consult to find out what those mean?

2) Any other suggestions on how to track down this problem?


Eric M. Monsler

gtk-list mailing list

Re: vertical text w/notebooks?

2001-03-05 Thread Eric M. Monsler

Jeff Shipman wrote:
> I'm also open to further suggestions on saving
> space if anybody has any :)

Keep some smaller number of tabs displayed.  The leftmost is either the
global "first" tab, or a movement tab.  The rightmost is either the
global "last" or a movement tab.

Using CAPS to indicate active, i.e. tab contents displayed, my ASCII UI
design starts as:

 FIRST  | second  | third  | fourth | ==>   |

Then, if the operator clicks on, e.g., "third", it becomes:
 first  | second  | THIRD  | fourth | ==>   |

If the operator then clicks "==>", it becomes:
  <==   | THIRD   | fourth | fifth  | ==>   |

Another click on "==>" changes it to:
  <==   | FOURTH  | fifth  | sixth  | ==>   |


Of course, this is my UI preference, and the actual way to do this is
left as an exercise...

(There were some postings on hidden notebook pages not too long ago, but
I didn't pay much attention)

Eric M. Monsler

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Memprof equivalent?

2001-03-05 Thread Eric M. Monsler


This sounds like exactly the kind of thing I need.

One question: Does the gskdebug require the full library, or can I just
hook in gskdebug.[ch] for debugging and remove it later?

I'd rather not add a permanent library dependence to my project, at this

If I had known about GSK before I started, I might have used it
everywhere and saved myself some work.  Oh well.  What's missing, btw,
before a 1.0 release?  (OK, two questions)


gtk-list mailing list

Memprof equivalent?

2001-03-02 Thread Eric M. Monsler


Several times, I have seen recommendations to use memprof to debug
memory leaks in gtk programs.

Unfortunately, I am developing with gtk under Solaris, and so memprof,
which claims to require Linux 2.2 or better, does not seem like a usable
tool for me.

What else do people use and recommend, for free software memory

Eric Monsler

gtk-list mailing list


2001-02-22 Thread Eric M. Monsler


I'm running a display from a Solaris box, on which I've built Gtk, Gdk,
GLib, etc., and am developing a GUI app, onto my desktop NT box running
the eXodus X-server.

When I plot too many points in my gtk_plot, I receive the following

Gdk-ERROR **: Fatal IO error 131 (Connection reset by peer) on X server

It seems to always happen at about the same number of points (>8000),
but I have seen postings on the gtkextra list to the effect that folks
have used gtk_plots with many more points than that.

Any suggestions for how to debug this?

Has anyone seen this type of error before from their Gtk+ app?

Eric Monsler

gtk-list mailing list

How many *lines* are visible in a GtkText?

2001-02-15 Thread Eric M. Monsler

Hi all,

I posted this to gtk-app-devel-list a few days back, with no replies.  I
thought that I'd try here.  My apologies to those reading it twice.

I've got a window with a GtkText in it.  I add text at the bottom,
discard it off the top, the operator can scroll up and down, as text is
added the visible part stays visible if pulled from the bottom, and
stays at the bottom as text is added once pulled to the bottom.  So far,
all good.

Now, I want to sometimes add flush all the text out of the visible
portion of the GtkText, but leave it accessable by scrolling.  The
easiest way I could think of to do this is to just add as many newlines
as are required to roll the old text off the top.  

My problem is, I don't know how many lines are visible.  The page_size
attribute of the adjustment is I believe in pixels?  But how can I find
out how many pixels/line the default font is?  

I use always the standard colors and font when adding test to the

Is there some way of directly finding out the number of lines?


Eric M. Monsler

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Keeping program flow moving nicely

2001-02-10 Thread Eric M. Monsler

"Timothy M. Shead" wrote:
> Use gtk_timeout_add() to create a 'timeout' signal that gets called,
> say, every 100 milliseconds or so.  In your handler for the timeout
> event you decide whose turn it is and call process_move().  

What is the gtk behavior in this situation, if it takes more than 100 ms
to do process_move()?  I have no idea if this game does so, but I'm
curious what would happen.  

Some frameworks promise that a periodic callback function will get
called the correct number of times, even if the callback (or other code)
causes them to occur far later than they ought.  In those situations, if
the periodic callback does not have sufficient state awareness to either
deinstall future calls, or do a quick-return, the result could be
disastrous (or, in this case, a UI lockup identical to the initial

Another option would be to manually allow gtk to process its events
between loops.  I think it's on the order of:

while (gtk_events_pending ())
gtk_main_iteration ();

The above was from a previous post on a similar topic; I'm not sure
that's correct, but there is definitely a was to do this, basically
substituting your own loop for the main loop.

So, in the computer's-turn loop, after processing a computer move, deal
with all gtk events (which would presumably give the operator a chance
to pause or suspend the game), and then check if the next move was a
computer's.  If so, loop, if not, terminate until whatever GUI callback
signals that the player has moved (or released the "Pause" feature).

Something like:

on_player_move_confirm(whatever args)

  while(gtk_events_pending ())
  gtk_main_iteration ();


  while(gtk_events_pending ())
  gtk_main_iteration ();



gtk-list mailing list

Re: how to append more than 1 data element in g_list_append()

2001-02-09 Thread Eric M. Monsler

alprach ss wrote:
>   hi...
>   how to add more than one data element in a g_list_append(...);
>   i m working on a project in which i have more than 3 data elements
>   and i want to have them in a single linked list .how can
>   i add all the 3 data elements into linked list using g_list_append()
>   function;;

Call it three times.

Seriously, I don't understand what you're trying to do.  If you have
three list elements, linked together (GList *pShortTmpList), and you
want to stick all three on the back of another list (CList *pMainList),
you can use pMainList = g_list_concat(pMainList,pShortTmpList).  Note
that the elements are now on the main list, IIReadDocsC you should set
or treat pShortTmpList = NULL.

This is in the documentation:

If you have just three pointers to data, call it three times.

Are you looking for:
GList *g_list_multi_append(GList *pTheList, 
   gint iNumDataPointers, 
   gpointer *pDataPointerArray)
/* Code is left as an exercise */

Eric M. Monsler

gtk-list mailing list