Re: [h-cost] Where is everyone hanging out these days?

2011-08-07 Thread Judy Mitchell
When you guys are talking about LiveJournal and Facebook being only 
replying to something the page owner posted.. you are completely 
forgetting about the 'community page' option! I know Lj has community 
pages, I've been moderator on a couple (though pretty inactive). and I'm 
on a few FB community pages as well. Anyone can post without it having 
to be a reply - which means that anyone can start a thread that others 
can reply/comment on.

I'm not on LiveJournal (Lj) much these days, it seems to be having a 
whole lot of problems and may be dying since the Russians bought it, but 
I do a lot on Facebook.

It can be a little awkward trying to carry on multiple threads, but it 
can be done. For example: suppose there's a group on 18th cent women's 
clothes on Facebook (FB). A member makes a comment about stays. 18 
people make follow-up comments! they are all kept together with the 
original question as a big block! after a few replies, FB will only show 
maybe the last 2 or 3 comments and everything in between you have to 
click to view. But, someone else can make a post about whether to wear 
your corset in view or not (believe me, I've seen it at public events, 
and before Steampunk - they thought the shortgown was optional) and 
people making tons of replies. If you then go to the community page, you 
will see both original posts and the last comment or two and can choose 
which thread you want to go in and comment on (or both). So you can 
still see the discussions, but they are kept contained for easier 
following. No, there will not be a lot on the page at one time 
(depending on how busy the posting is), but there is a link at the 
bottom of the page for 'older posts' and you can click through that.

If someone sets the rules for the community page that no OT discussions 
will be allowed (no talking about your pets, unless you are putting 
historic clothes on them, or about your plumbing...) then you keep it 
that way.

It's just done all on the web instead of by email. YOu can even make 
your community page locked down and 'secret' so someone can only join if 
invited, and it won't show up on a search - some groups like that.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Latex backed fabric question

2011-05-18 Thread Judy Mitchell
It's likely the acetone in the nail polish that's doing it. You can buy 
straight acetone at wig stores  probably beauty supply places. It's 
still likely to be a PitA to wipe down that much fabric though, but at 
least you wouldn't be using a teensy brush.

-Judy Mitchell

On 05/18/2011 08:48 PM, wrote:

I bought a beautiful piece of fabric to make a kirtle to wear under  a
loose gown. The problem is the fabric has a latex backing on it. I tried
looking up on the Internet on how to remove the backing. I tried a bit of nail
polish remover on a corner of it and it looks like it might work but it's
quite a lot of fabric to have to go over with the nail polish remover. I also
thought of washing and drying it on a hot cycle but don't know how many
times  I'd have to do that and if it would ruin the fabric. Does anyone have any
  experience on removing this backing or know how I could do  it?

Chris Perri

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] the Hobbit costume designer

2011-03-20 Thread Judy Mitchell
While I realize that the costume designer for the Hobbit is not exactly 
Historical Costuming news... there are a few interested folks and there 
is actually a connection!

Ann Maskrey, who was part of the costume team for Restoration, Last of 
the Mohicans, and was chief costume cutter on Duchess has been announced 
to be the costume designer for the Hobbit! Yes, she's done quite a bit 
of other movies and much higher up (assistant costume designer on the 
first two of the latest Star WArs movies for example).

Just thought people who liked those movies and are also interested in 
the Hobbit might be interested.

-Judy Mitchell
(discussion is best done over on f-costume@yahoo, lotr_costume@yahoo or 
lotr_costumes on facebook)

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Costume con

2011-01-27 Thread Judy Mitchell
Your registration allows you to do anything and everything! Ok, you are
on your own for sleeping (commute, hotel room...) and in general for
food, although the 'con suite'/hospitality room usually has munchies of
various things and sometimes actual food (depending on who's running it
and the budget). your badge lets you into panels, workshops (check if
there's any materials fee, sometimes there is. might be like.. $10 or
so), con suite, all stage activities (SF/F masquerade, Historic
masquerade, single pattern contest, future fashion show..), any exhibit
room they have and the dealers room where you can shop for neat stuff.
There is usually a Friday Night social (yes, that's included), and there
are often day trips. Basically, anything going on at the convention,
you're registration includes!

they are lots of fun.

-Judy Mitchell (I'll be there!)

On 01/27/2011 01:42 PM, Data-Samtak Susan wrote:
 I have never been to a Costume Con.
 This year it is about 45 minutes from me.
 What does the Registration Fee allow me to do?
 Are there workshops, exhibits, etc open for the price of Registration?
 What about the Ball and other Get Togethers?
 Please explain to a First Timer.
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] What Costume-related gifts did you get?

2010-12-28 Thread Judy Mitchell
for christmas, Mom gave me a leaf pendant which is pretty cool, as well 
as 3 bobbin storage boxes. B-i-L gave me some lovely clothes that are a 
size too big. Husband gave me an Elvish scarf from New Zealand - the 
same weave they used for the cloaks in the Lord of the Rings movie; and 
a couple of costume DVDs (North  South and Little Dorrit).

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Greenberg and Hammer closed!

2010-10-22 Thread Judy Mitchell
Have you tried Corset Making Supplies in Philly? they carry quite a
bit of stuff and ship promptly.

-Judy Mitchell

On 10/22/2010 09:43 AM, Katy Bishop wrote:
 I too want to know where else one can order a roll of boning tape or a
 gross or corset bones or great-gross of uncarded hooks and eyes?  Are
 there any other corset and dressmaking supply houses out there that
 sell larger amounts than by the yard?  Does farthingales do
 wholesale pricing?
 I need a new roll of boning tape for 1/4 bones soon.
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] CC29 Hat Competition

2010-06-21 Thread Judy Mitchell

“A Day at the Races... See More” (hat competition)

As the Ascot in Great Britain and the Kentucky Derby here in the United 
States, is always the first big social event of the spring season, CC 29 
also celebrates spring by hosting the “A Day at the Races” competition. 
So start working on your best chapeaus, we be giving out awards for the 
best ladies hat, best men’s Topper, best recreation from “My Fair Lady”, 
and most outrageous.

Rae Bradbery Enslin is the coordinator of this competi

-Judy Mitchell (not actually part of concom, just passing on info)
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Piece of vintage baleen stay

2010-03-04 Thread Judy Mitchell
I know someone in the US who bought a long chunk off ebay. fascinating 
stuff. No, it wasn't vintage. I don't believe.

-Judy Mitchell

SPaterson wrote:
I know in Canada you can be gifted with baleen, but there may be issues 
in the selling/buying of it (unless already in a garment) - leastwise it 
was when I was on the hunt for it over 10 years may have better 
luck at your friendliest costume museum.

Bess Darnley / Sarah Paterson

- Original Message -
Hi all, I am looking for a piece of vintage baleen stay. I had a piece 

have lost it.  I use it in my lectures to show people what it really was
like.  If anyone knows of anyone willing to part with a piece I would be
very grateful - and willing to pay for it.


h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] CC28 Folio

2010-02-07 Thread Judy Mitchell

 (posted on her behalf)

Some of you know how this has been delayed but there's good news:

The CC28 Future Fashion Folio is done!

That is – the layout is done but it will be a week or more until it is 
printed  mailed, then you must wait for the postal service to deliver it.

So I have a special offer for all CC28 members who would be happy to 
have an electronic copy NOW to avoid the wait; I can send you a zip file 
of the entire Folio.

Please respond to me at “von underscore drago at yahoo dot com”

· include an email at which you can receive a large file

· let me know if you are willing to wait until the convention to 
pick up your hardcopy or if you need it sent to you after they are 
printed  ready to be mailed


h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Victorian-era civilian events in the Washington, DC area?

2009-09-30 Thread Judy Mitchell

	Baltimore isn't that far away - how about the Poe Funeral in Oct?

-Judy Mitchell

Mara Riley wrote:

A friend at work who is interested in Victorian literature asks whether
there are Victorian-era civilian events that he could go observe in the
Washington, DC area (he's not a reenactor).  Any suggestions?  It's out
of the timeframe I usually do.


h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] OT : Need help finding extra-long fake fur!

2009-09-29 Thread Judy Mitchell
In costuming, they often use yak hair, in Cats! they actually teased out 
yarn and made it all fluffy. On Project Runway a couple of seasons ago 
Chris March used human hair instead of animal hair (which wasn't 
allowed. dunno why they got so grossed out, wigs are perfectly normal) - 
you could buy it by the weft and tease the bejeepers out of it

-Judy Mitchell

Audrey Bergeron-Morin wrote:

Good morning!

I need help! We're looking for extra-long fake fur to make the equivalent of
a lion's mane. Any ideas where we might find some, or what we could use as a

Thank you!


h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Shirone gown

2009-08-12 Thread Judy Mitchell
Cin wrote:
 Thanks for all your comments on the Shinrone gown, everyone.
  It's certainly more than I knew before  disappointing that there's not
 much else to go on.  If there's a paper or even a mention in CSA or Dress,
 I'd like to have a heads up about it.  Other than that, sounds like
 everyone's sharing the same 2-3 bits of info. *sigh*
 Still, it's all appreciated,

well, mostly - except for the one comment that it's being displayed on
a mannekin that's too large, and I've heard from others also kinda lumpy
and distorted (but not 'pregnant' large or lumpy), has no one else
that's seen it noticed this? I should think an improper display would
change it's appearance and lead to all sorts of ideas.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Temporary facial hair ...few ideas...

2009-07-02 Thread Judy Mitchell

Hanna Zickermann wrote:

Is spirit gum the same stuff that comes with fake eyelashes?

no, Duo (and similar eyelash glue) is more like Liquid Latex.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] (long) Kayta cautiously attempts some presentation advice

2009-05-10 Thread Judy Mitchell

Käthe Barrows wrote:

*Don't mess up anyone else's costume/props with your costume/props.*
Don't have sharp pointy bits that will damage costumes or people.  Don't use
messy, drippy, sticky, or otherwise icky substances that might rub off on
someone else's costume. 

	This year I added in 'no lose glitter' because I've seen some 
masquerades where an entrant tossed glitter all around as part of their 
presentation. Looked spiffy. Unfortunately it's a bit slick on the stage 
surface and a couple entries later was a chorus line who kept losing 
their footing because of all the glitter! really hurt their presentation 
which was essential to the joke/concept of what they were trying to do. 
I have no idea if future MDs will keep this in, but it's a good thing to 
keep in mind: loose powder/glitter/confetti can affect the stage surface 
for future entries. Find another way to get the idea across.

*What's the difference between a historical masquerade costume and a hall
At CostumeCon, nothing.  Most Masquerade Directors don't want you entering
anything you've worn in the halls before the masquerade.  But that's so you
won't spoil the show, or lose that surprise effect you were trying for.

	Actually, we were talking about the 'not wearing it around the halls 
before the masq' rule on Sunday at the How to Run a Masquerade panel. 
While everyone assumes that is the reason - after all, it's a good and 
valid one - Byron said he was around when that rule was created/added 
in, and it was because back in the day of 60+ entries they needed a 
method of trimming back the numbers, so they decided that if it has 
already been seen, it wouldn't go on stage. apparently it has recently 
been trimmed from some Masquerade rules (I just copied Byron's rules 
from the year BEFORE he trimmed it out!). Which makes me feel lots 
better about the exception we made to that rule this year. But even so, 
do consider that wearing it in the halls or to socials beforehand does 
lose some of the 'punch' of the stage surprise.

BTW, Kayta: great explanations!
-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] CC27

2009-04-30 Thread Judy Mitchell

Becky Rautine wrote:

What is the H for? I know some kind of badge...why an H?What does the H 
stans for?

Sincerely, Rebecca Rautine

 H-costume list! H is for Historic.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] CC27

2009-04-30 Thread Judy Mitchell wrote:

H-costume list! H is for Historic.?

Ah, shucks--no Hester Prynne jokes?

Ann Wass

	Ann, if you'd like to wear a fancy embroidered Scarlet H... I'm sure 
we'd be happy to look amusedly askance at your shame(lessness) G

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] CC27

2009-04-29 Thread Judy Mitchell wrote:

Dear List,
I'm going to check out Costume Con this year, since it is nearby.? As I've 
never been, what will list members be wearing as ID?

	Some people may have their Big Red H's left from previous years. I'm 
hoping to remember the neat one that Robin Netherton gave me in St Louis.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] CC27

2009-04-29 Thread Judy Mitchell wrote:

So sounds like I should contrive some kind of red H, eh?
Ann Wass

	That's been the standard for the last few years at conventions (or 
anywhere that uses badges). Some sort of red H.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] In Washington DC the week before CC28

2009-04-03 Thread Judy Mitchell

Cin wrote:

Gentle H-costumers,
I'm probably not the only one heading out early for CostumeCon;
hopefully I can find some others.  I'll be in DC between 22 and 30
April before going to CostumeCon 

Do you know about the 18th Century Market Fair at Fort Frederick that 
weekend (Apr 23-26)? Just head west on I70 to just a bit beyond 
Hagerstown (Big Pool, MD) and Ft Fred is a State Park. Many folks are in 
assorted garb, lots of assorted vendors, dunno if they're still doing 
the rendezvous shooting (I don't think so, but I could be wrong).

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] CostumeCon 27

2009-03-15 Thread Judy Mitchell
Hi folks, just a reminder for anyone coming to CostumeCon in Baltimore 
Ma 1-4... if you are planning on entering any of the competitions, you 
can save yourself time at checkin by doing most of the paperwork ahead 
of time! You can pre-register for the Historic Masquerade and then all 
you have to do is sign the photo release when you get in, and choose 
your pre-judging and tech rehearsal times. You can also pre-reg for the 
SF/F Masquerade, the Single Pattern Contest, the Future Fashion Show and 
even the Simplicity Challenge! All the forms can be found at

And just for your pre-planning knowledge, the current time schedule for 
major items are:
The Single Pattern Contest is at 8pm on FRIDAY (pre-reg cut-off is I 
think at 2pm, but if you didn't pre-reg online, and didn't get there 
before 2pm but you have your costume.. talk to the director, she's very 
helpful). Green Room probably opens around 6:30 or7pm.

Historic Pre-judging (workmanship) begins at 10:30am on Saturdayin 15min 

SF/F tech rehearsals between noon and 4pm on Sat.
Historic tech rehearsals between 4:30-6pm on Sat. in 5 min increments
Green Room for SF/F opens at 6:30 on Sat.
SF/F Masquerade begins at 8:30pm Sat night.

If needed, there will be overflow pre-judging slots on Sunday morning 
with possible extra tech rehearsal Sunday 4:30-6pm, (but I'm really 
trying hard to avoid that tech slot.)

Future Fashion Show begins at 1pm on Sunday.
Green Room for Historic opens at 6:30 on Sun.
Historic Masquerade begins at 8:30pm Sunday night.

Tours and excursions will be scheduled Thursday and Monday (I know 
there's one trip planned to the Spy Museum, dunno about others)
There will be meetups happening throughout the convention. (I believe 
there will be an 18th cent meetup, might be a trip to a nearby tea room, 
not sure).

Programming  dealers room, of course will open around noon or 1pm on 
Friday (after the ICG meeting Friday morning), there will be some 
programming on Monday.

Do people still have their Red H's from previous conventions I 
hope to see folks there!

-Judy Mitchell
CC27 Historical Masquerade Director
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Single Pattern Contest info (CostumeCon 27)

2009-03-07 Thread Judy Mitchell

Just letting people know:

The Single Pattern Contest  will be held on Friday evening of the 
convention, in the Delaney Room (no worries, there will be signage. It's 
right across from the hotel check-in desk) at 8pm. The Friday Night 
Social will begin shortly afterwards in the hotel atrium.

Registration for the contest will close on Friday afternoon. If you 
absolutely cannot be their before reg closes (and remember: you can 
always pre-register online! and click on 
'Single Pattern Contest'), and you have your entry all made and ready to 
show.. talk to Ann or Ric before 7:30pm

We look forward to seeing all your marvelous creations!

 -Ann  Ric, Single Pattern Contest Directors

(-Judy Mitchell, on behalf of the directors)

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] sewing machine manual-Spartan

2008-12-19 Thread Judy Mitchell
Megan, that's great info! thanks. I was looking on ebay and getting
confused. I saw the green and maroon cases, but no idea what the
difference between them was. So.. the green case gizmo will do both
zig-zag and buttonholes? I noticed a number of other sellers who had
quite an assortment of metal bits and pieces. but none of them ever
mention low, high or slant shank.. which doesn't help. But I do remember
seeing those two oval ones.

I know these are considered virtually indestructable, so if I put in a
leather needle, this puppy will sew my leather Saami belt (caribou
leather with a wool felt facing, bound with thinner reindeer leather)?
that would be great! My kenmore was not happy trying to put the edge
binding on.

This will be exciting. Thanks for the info!

-Judy Mitchell

Megan wrote:Megan
 The Spartan is a 3/4 size Singer, much like the 66 (full size) or 99
 ( 3/4 size).  It takes standard short shank feet, which are still sold
 at JoAnn and other stores.  It does not have zig-zag so needs the old
 green-case  buttonholer (which does work great, BTW).  You can easily
 find these for just a couple bucks on ebay quite freqently.   Item
 number 400017712136 is a current auction on ebay for one now, so you
 can see what you want.
 The buttonholers in the oval maroon case are for the slant shank
 machines like the 301, not what you have.  You almost don't need a
 manual for this machine, but you can also go to the group wefixit or
 vintagesinger on yahoo and get all the info you need.  Old Singer
 machines are great, sew the best straight stitch out there, and you
 can't kill them with sewing, oh, say, tents out of canvas, for
 example, which is something my one modern machine would never be able
 to handle.  Enjoy your machine. (Can you tell I have a bunch of them?
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] sewing machine manual

2008-12-18 Thread Judy Mitchell
Thanks, Dennis! I understand there's also a manual for the 99/99k that 
is pretty much the same as the Spartan, except it's a bigger manual and 
explains how to use the accessories (should I find some) and how to 
service the machine. I'll look into that as well.

-Judy Mitchell

d m wrote:

You can download a manual for the Spartan from Singer at this site, just put 
the model number (i.e. 192) in the search box:

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] sewing machine manual

2008-12-17 Thread Judy Mitchell
I've been gifted with an old Singer Spartan sewing machine - but I
could use the manual. Does anyone happen to have one? I'll pay you for a
photocopy of it!

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] sewing machine manual

2008-12-17 Thread Judy Mitchell
Karen Heim wrote:
 Have you checked  You can probably download the manual for
 free from them.

thanks, Karen. They say they do, but the page doesn't work. I'll give
them a call tomorrow. Gee, I wonder if I can find any of the accessories
for it: I'd love to get a buttonholer after all the talk about how great
the old singers were for buttonholing (I hate doing buttonholes, and my
Kenmore isn't too fond of them either).

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] CC-27

2008-09-15 Thread Judy Mitchell
Hi folks,

I have passed on all the concerns to the Powers That Be. The website
will hopefully get worked over this week, as to a chat list.. is there
really interest? I've been given permission to start one up on yahoo if
people want it. Will that do?

 -Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] CC27 Future Fashion Folio

2008-09-14 Thread Judy Mitchell

(reposted from ICG-D)
This is a friendly reminder that there are just over two weeks left to the
deadline for the Costume-Con 27 Fashion Design contest. Rules are on the 

site here:

You do NOT have to be a member of the convention to participate.

And yes, you can submit designs via email if you need to to get them here in
time. Your images need to be 300 dpi, and JPG and PDF are preferred formats,
although I can read almost anything. Please, one design per email if you 
go this

route. Send to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you, and I hope to see the usual selection of wonderful designs 
from you


h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] CostumeCon 27 website

2008-09-13 Thread Judy Mitchell

Rebecca Schmitt wrote:

Just a quick suggestion - could you put the dates and city prominently on
the home page? I had to finally go to the flyer to find out it was in

	I can pass on the request - I'm only the Historic Masquerade Director, 
so I have no effect on the website. Actually, the date is on there in 
the red line in the lower center, but I agree it's hard to find (like a 
lot of things). Hey, Im trying to get him to turn the annoying blink 
off! People can always contact the webmaster, he might listen to people 
other than the 'routine nag' (not trying to pass the buck, but you know 
how people are when they only get feedback from one nagging source ;-) 
). all the contact addresses may be found on . His rationale on not 
listing the location is that if you want to go, you'll go regardless of 
where it is rolled eyes, and when you check out the hotel it tells you 
there what city sigh.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] CostumeCon 27 website

2008-09-13 Thread Judy Mitchell

Rebecca Schmitt wrote:

Ayes, one of those. I understand, and will (in my spare time! Ha!)
try to send an email to the webmaster to try to convince him that making the
website more user-friendly will make attendance much higher! :)

	G cool. I have sent on a note with the requests, but more sources are 
definitely better - that way he knows it's not just me making it up ;)

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] CostumeCon 27

2008-09-13 Thread Judy Mitchell

Cin wrote:

Is there a chat list?

	um... no. I think CC26 may have been the first time I've heard of a 
chat list for a CC, usually they just send out progress reports.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] CostumeCon 27

2008-09-12 Thread Judy Mitchell

Cin wrote:

Gentle costumers,
Is there a chat list for the upcoming CC27 like there was for CC26?  I
went over to their webpage and it was nearly a blank slate.  There's
almost no info except for non-costume things like a quilt competition.
 Oh, sure lots of headers but all follow-on pages are blank. So,
either I'm on the wrong site or there's no info out.
Where's one to go for class  panel info?  Where's one to go for hotel
info?  Where are the future fashion folio designs?

	check again - it is all there (just unfortunately hard to read). All 
the masquerade info is under Events. I know all the Historic stuff is 
up, because I'm the director and I put it there long ago. Textile Arts 
has the info about the quilt contest, the Future Fashion Folio info is 
up (and ends Oct 1!), both the Historic and SF/F masqerades are under 
Stage,  and the Single Pattern Contest is a link on the main Events 
page as well as by a yellow sticker on the main page. As to hotel info, 
see that annoying red blinking line about the free wifi  parking? it 
says hotel just above that. And Registration info is under How to Join 
near the bottom on the left. And apparently the programming folks have 
made up a questionaire  asking for ideas of what you want to see that 
has a link under programming - beside another yellow sticker. They'd 
love to know what people are interested in going to.

	yeah, I agree, it's not the greatest design in the world, and the 
background keeps breaking off any time the webmaster tries to make a 
change... but much of the basic early info is there. Actual forms will 
be posted as soon as the forms guy sends them to the webmaster sigh. 
Make sure you're going to the right page:

	Oh, and I have been slowly posting bits of info as it comes out on the 
costumecon LiveJournal community. You can find stage dimensions in a 
post earlier this year over there.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Overlocker thread

2008-05-11 Thread Judy Mitchell
Sylvia Rognstad wrote:
 I think it is necessary for woven fabrics, not so for knits, since they 
 don't fray.  Of course, if you're doing historically accurate costumes, 
 you probably don't want to serge them, but since I'm not into that, I 
 always serge, and can't stand costumes or clothing that aren't serged 

I'm still trying to find out when, historically, commercial cotton 
dresses in Sweden (heck, Scandinavia!) began to be overlocked? At some 
point it is historically accurate, but I can't find when. Anyone have 
any ideas?

   -Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] need Regency help

2008-03-03 Thread Judy Mitchell
This was posted to the F-costume list. If someone could help her, please 
write to her direct (address is listed) since she's not a member of 
h-costume. Thanks! - Judy Mitchell

In a message dated 3/2/2008 6:42:52 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,


My name is Jeanne, and I am a senior high school  student at Seoul 
Foreign School in South Korea. I am enrolled in a theatre  arts class, 
and we are curently working on a project called the research 
commission, in which we have to write a report on a specific area of 
theatre  in detail, in my case, costumes. I wanted to write about 
Regency Era costumes,  and found your website very helpful. I was 
wondering if you would be willing  to help me by answering a few
questions ? I would like to write specifically  about Regency hats, the 
capote, and would need to know things like how  expansive is the fabric 
(if it's in straw, for example), what to do to create  the general 
shape, what type of laces you would use for decoration... If you  could 
give me some information, point out a book that I could refer to, or 
direct me to someone else who could help me, I would be very grateful. 
Thank  you !

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Using Feathers in Costume

2007-09-05 Thread Judy Mitchell

Andrew T Trembley wrote:
As to how to attach? In horizontal tiers from the bottom to the top.  
Stitch the shafts down to your fabric with a strong thread (carpet  
thread or artificial sinew) using a glover's needle that you can  punch 
through the shaft.

	You can also use a hot needle and it pierces the shaft like butter. 
Hold the needle (regular sewing needle, just one you won't use in fabric 
ever again) in pliers or better yet in hemostats, hold the tip of the 
needle in a candle flame (the needle shaft will lose it's nice silver 
color), while still very hot pierce the shaft of the feather. I tried it 
at a feather workshop at Balticon. Very neat and doesn't split the shaft.

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] help with fashion parade?

2007-08-21 Thread Judy Mitchell

Sharon Collier wrote:

Oops! I don't know. I thought I made it up. (Dang, all the good ideas are
already taken) I don't know if it's copyright infringement if it's the title
of a fashion show.

	According to a quick check at at least 7 people have 
published books that start out 'the Way We wore' and then sometimes 
elaborated after that (Styles of the 30s  40s, Fashion Illustration of 
Children's Wear, Vintage Paper Doll.)

	So you certainly could use it, but it won't be quite as original as you 
had hoped.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Order of the Phoenix

2007-07-17 Thread Judy Mitchell

MaggiRos wrote:

There's a scene full of maneuvering on a staircase
with Prof MacGonagle--who is much taller--that's

reminded me a bit of the stairway scene from 1776, actually.

No spoilers. Just saw it last night and thought it was(since ALEP isn't an 
actual non-profit, you aren't bound by donating only to official non-profits
wonderful. Umbridge's fake Chanel pinkishness was
horrible--perfect, but horrible. It did sort of make
up for the lack of literal toad-likeness that Rowling
emphasis almost to death in the book.

	in addition to the missing Alice band (with the bow that always looked 
like a fly), they seemed to forget her usual green cardigan (ewww, on 
top of those pinks?!) that also emphasized her toad-iness.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Help with 'breaking down' costume

2007-07-16 Thread Judy Mitchell

Pauline Loven wrote:

Can anyone direct me to some good tips on breaking down or ageing costume -

does anyone know of any books, booklets or web sites that might be useful?

	we have a whole bunch of suggestions at

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] viking apron dress

2007-06-09 Thread Judy Mitchell

Zuzana Kraemerova wrote:


a friend of mine has asked me to sew a viking apron dress for her.  But the 
thing that makes me wonder is that she wants it to be fitted, which would most 
certainly mean a fastening. Now that's the trouble: I've never heard of any 
viking fastening but of a brooch or something. Do you know something about 
that? Were all viking dresses so loose that they didn't need any fastening? If 
not, what would the fastening be?


	The underdress/smock and the dress are basically 2-4 gored dresses, 
that pull over your head. While they can be somewhat tight, they still 
have to go over the bust and not rip when you bend or move your arms. 
Some men's styles of sleevs were tight enough that it was a woman's job 
to sew the sleeves ends closed once the men were dressed, not sure if 
the women's were ever that tight. If you made a keyole neckline, there 
was usually a small brooch to hold it closed, although scoop necks were 
also known.

	The apron-dress is a layer on top of the dress. Yes, it does involve 2 
brooches that attach spaghetti-strap loops from the back to tiny loops 
on the front. The apron dress again goes over the head, but the top 
edges is about armpit level. Does it have to be a shapeless bag? nope.

	There are many styles of apron-dresses, but if you make it out of 
rectangular panels with gores inserted in between  you can do a bit 
of tailoring to still make it fit tightly at the upper body and flow 
nicley over the hips. Also, there is some evidence that Inga Hagg 
mentions in her Hedeby book, about long darts at the side, which would 
have run from the top edge to about the waste, and they would create 
more tailoring.

	I usually made my apron-dresses by measuring from bust point to bust 
point and making that my panel width. Figuring than how many panels it 
would take to go around me, and adding in gores in between. There was 
usually some bagginess at the top, but those side darts could take a lot 
of that out. As long as you can still get out of it! Others prefer make 
their panel width more dependant on fabric width and figure how many of 
those it would take to wrap around. I figure they were working on a 
warp-weighted loom and would weave whatever width they darn well wanted.

	Because of my particular shape, I prefered the additional in gores. 
Many people who are thinner prefer the gores calculated into the panels 
creating fewer seams (I can't get that out of my fabric).

Hope this helps,
-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Re: DC :-)

2007-06-07 Thread Judy Mitchell

Jeraldine Rorstrom-Lee wrote:

Mayhap we should.  Who's up for it?

me! me! as long as a scooter can get in whereever.

	-Judy Mitchell (lurking and feeling grumpy after seeing the orthopedist 

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Back from Costume-Con

2007-04-04 Thread Judy Mitchell

Dawn wrote:
I was impressed by the overall quality of the costuming there, and the 
relatively large numbers of well-made hostorical costumes that were around.

	yup, there are some serious historic costumers around. and in 2 years 
it comes to Baltimore where I'm the Historic Masquerade Director! I'm 
hoping for lots of good entries, so come on out. We're working on 
getting a website up, so no url to point you to (reg is $70 til the end 
of the year).

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Back from Costume-Con

2007-04-04 Thread Judy Mitchell

Robin Netherton wrote:

Let's see. I've forgotten the name of the lady on the left, with the doll.

That is Ann Catelli

Judy Mitchell is in the white t-shirt.

	yup: I was a rock fan - in my Viking World Tour t-shirt (you never 
heard of The Vikings? kinda like The Chieftains, only Scandinavian G)

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Your work wanted for a Tudor Fashion TV special

2007-03-02 Thread Judy Mitchell

Suzi Clarke wrote:

Is this solely for American costumers or can anyone play?

Hi Suzi,

Anyone can play no matter where they are! you're welcome to 
join in the fun.

-Judy Mitchell (co-owner Alley Cat Scratch Costume)
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] OT? Firefly/Serenity costumes....

2007-01-10 Thread Judy Mitchell

Sue Clemenger wrote:

Hope this is okayH-costume being the only relatively-general costume
list I'm on.
Has anyone out there ever done anything with the costumes from either the
movie or the series? For some reason, the recent thread about hall costumes
for CostumeCon, combined with a recent Serenity marathon, has created this
odd urge to make something...different.

	You might ask on F-Costume I know there 
have been some people who have made outfits there. And there are a 
number of groups/sites listed for Firefly/Serentiy on

--Sue, also feeling a craving for something from Middle
Earth.*sigh*..I don't have enough time as it is! ;o)

	Don't forget and the chat list 
at for that!

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] What's your dressmaker's dummy wearing this spring?

2006-05-10 Thread Judy Mitchell
One of mine is wearing the top half of a plaid shirt dress (1940s era) 
with a 17th century pleated linen skirt (gotta give the cats something 
to play under!). The other is cross-dressing as Bilbo Baggins.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Simplicity 4219

2006-03-21 Thread Judy Mitchell

Um, has anybody thought about emailing and/or calling SImplicity and 
asking them what time period they intended for each shirt?

	Ok, I looked at the designer's name (it's Andrea Schewe) and asked. the 
response on it is that it's essentially designed for the mass market, 
not an exact repro . The basic shapes are more closely patterned after a 
late 18C, early 19C than the McCall's similar pattern.  The shoulders 
are sloped  instead of putting in the little square gusset near the 
neck.  There are 2 sleeves.  One that has the underarm gusset and a 
larger more dramatic sleeve with the gusset worked in and elastic at the 
wrist. the kind of stock thing, was put in to add costuming interest. 
and it's aimed at the genreal market for anyone to make rather than the 
re-enactor market (that's Martha McCain's area).

Hope this helps.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Oseberg textiles

2006-02-04 Thread Judy Mitchell

Caroline wrote:

As volume 5 was published in 1919 - I doubt anyone is alive who had any hand
in volume 4.  I would sugest contacting Oldsaksamling University, Oslo to
see if there is any manscript survives.

	ah but volumes 1-3  5 were published as you said, but volume 4 was 
never published! there's been that rumour that it's coming out for quite 
a while - not a clue on reality though.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Re: Gifts for Brits

2006-01-29 Thread Judy Mitchell

Chris Laning wrote:
Also, I was talking to a friend on Friday who mentioned she's had great 
success bringing over packages of Jelly Bellies jelly beans. She says 
you can't get them in Britain (and they actually are quite good).

I broght some to Norway for a friend, as well.

Apropos of Hogwarts, I've seen Jelly Bellies packages of Bertie Bott's 
Every Flavor beans -- though they thoughtfully leave out all the nasty 
ones :) Is there really no one doing that in Britain?

	You can buy chocolate frogs, Bertie Bott's Beans and one other Hogwart 
fav at Target stores! but be warned: they do NOT leave out the nasty 
flavors, and there seem to be a lot of them.

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] More OT: to Brits (WAS: Seriously off topic - need advice)

2006-01-25 Thread Judy Mitchell

Suzi Clarke wrote:
Ooooh, I didn't know about those - I use the clear plastic carrier bags 
that come from my favourite fabric shop! Thinks - now I know someone 
who's visiting me with smaller ziplocs - hmmm!

	those big ziplock bags: I can roll up med size sheepkskins and fit 2 or 
3 in the XL! They have a handle grip molded to the top of them.

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Sergers past topics

2006-01-14 Thread Judy Mitchell

angelalazear wrote:


Can anyone take a moment to instruct me as to how to pull up our old 
topic threads? (I need the url as well) I am finally in the research 
phase of purchasing a serger, and I believe that was a recent topic 
here.  Any other resource for info on sergers would be appreciated.  
I've been to many sewing machine sites, but they are really short on the 
info I'm looking for.

I've only had my white (I think it's a white 2000) for a year and a 
half, but it works pretty well - once I got used to the vagaries of 
serging. Im told that White, since it's a division of Viking, the motor 
is made by Jaguar. Consumer reports has it as a Best Buy.

I bought mine through - they have it for $269

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] narnia movie

2005-12-18 Thread Judy Mitchell

Jean Waddie wrote:
I haven't seen it yet, but I just noticed the chain mail dress on the 
poster at the bus stop I stand at every day (took me a week to notice it 
was mail!)  I believe all the armour and weaponry was done by Weta 
Workshops, who invented plastic chainmail for the Lord of the Rings 

	yes. they slice up pvc pipe and use it for the rings in the maille. It 
is very light and looks amazingly good. so much better than 'string 
maille'. It was striking in the way it draped, wasn't it!

-Judy Mitchell

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] narnia movie

2005-12-13 Thread Judy Mitchell

Cynthia Virtue wrote:
Somebody was making gowns for the Queen, plus dwarves and giants wear 
clothes, so even if they didn't have specific clothing, there would have 
been supplies and skill of some level.

	I found it odd that the children were able to change clothes in the 
camp also. I mean, for the coronation sure! but how on earth did they 
get clothes that fit that soon. I mean, mostly it was talking beasts, 
merfolk, naiads and dryads - none of which wear human style clothing. 
Sure, there were dwarfs - but they weren't dressed in dwarfish styles!

	Problem with pointing out that all the outlying areas were human is 
that we only know about those in later books, after Lewis has explored 
them and decided to make them as people. None of them were in Narnia 
proper, or the prophecy could have been fulfilled long before.
	True, there were giants, but somehow they got short-shifted a lot. 
Rumblebuffin was credited but cut out.

	The queen, as was just pointed out, wasn't human - and was an adult. 
Actually, the problem with the queen's costume is that it was a concept 
costume. Apparently the concept didn't come through very well. Her gowns 
were so much made for her (regarding skill level) as they were formed of 
her own winter. Imagine glaciers and ice 'clothing' a being who rose out 
of it like a pillar of marble. I think that was what they were going for 
in that first outfit with the really odd neckline. Then as her power 
waned, the icicles that weren't so much a crown as actually growing from 
her head began to melt, and her whole gown changed - thinned and 
darkened as her magic changed. I think it was an interesting idea, but 
from the number of posts on different lists that I've read - it didn't 
seem to come across. I thought her battle outfit with her hair and that 
'vest' looking like a lion mane was an interesting touch to the true 
supremacy of Narnia!

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] commercial serger use

2005-12-06 Thread Judy Mitchell

Lloyd Mitchell wrote:

Are you Sure that this dress was not altered some time?  Of the dozens of
dresses I have from this time period, none of them is serged!

	perhaps it has to do with the nature of the garment? Katy described 
hers as a 'lingerie dress with lace insertion' and Fran has a 'lingerie 
blouse' both of which have serged seams, yet Kathleen's regular dresses 
are not serged. Sounds like either the 'lingerie' nature  got serged, or 
different companies were sewing different methods and the serging was 
just coming in but not everywhere?? Interesting.

-Judy Mitchell

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] commercial serger use

2005-12-06 Thread Judy Mitchell

Great! Thanks, Ingrid. I'll follow up on that.
-Judy Mitchell

Ingrid G. Storrø wrote:

On Sun, 4 Dec 2005, Judy Mitchell wrote:

very interesting! Hmm, Merrow is saying early to mid- 1920s. I had
wanted to write the Husqvarna company about when they started
(especially since I'm particularly interested in Sweden), but they have
no contact info and just want you to contact your local distributor
(who, esp over here) won't have a clue to the answer!

Hi! I tried calling the Norwegian Husqvarna branch to ask, but they were
clueless. Unfortunately I don't have time to pursue this right now, but
he gave me the number to the Swedish factory (or so he said):
+4636146000, if you would like to contact them directly. The Swedish
website also gives an e-mail address for the Swedish branch:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't know if they would know the history at
that particular address, but they should be able to forward it to
someone who does.

According to Husquarna's webpage, they started manufacturing sewing
machines in 1872. No mention is made specifically of
sergers/overlockers, but they do give a link to a museum that seems like
it covers the enitre tchnological history of the area, including the
arms manufacture but also the sewing machines: Maybe they would know! :)

Hope this helps,

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] commercial serger use

2005-12-04 Thread Judy Mitchell

Hi folks,
	I've just spent over an hour searching (google, A9, wiki, Jeeves...) to 
find information on when sergers began. I'm looking to find how early 
the common use of serging for off-the-rack clothing would be. I found 
lots on the history of the standard sewing maching, but zippo on 
sergers/overlockers. anybody run across this?

Thanks in advance,
Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] commercial serger use

2005-12-04 Thread Judy Mitchell

Carolann Schmitt wrote:

It's older than you think!

Here's one source from one of the pioneers:

From the Smithsonian:

The terms serger and overlock are generally used for home sewing, not
commercial production.

	very interesting! Hmm, Merrow is saying early to mid- 1920s. I had 
wanted to write the Husqvarna company about when they started 
(especially since I'm particularly interested in Sweden), but they have 
no contact info and just want you to contact your local distributor 
(who, esp over here) won't have a clue to the answer!

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] the most delicious 18th century site

2005-10-31 Thread Judy Mitchell

Carolyn Kayta Barrows wrote:

This was just posted to the Real Regency list and if you like 18th 
century stuff you have to drool at this website:

I wish people would stop posting websites that come up blank.  This is 
another one of those.

	Kayta, this also came up blank for me originally also (black, with a 
big empty white box in the center). I ignored it and went back to email. 
next time I went into my web window, it had filled in and was flying 
butterflies. So... if you do have flash, it just may take a minute to 
download for those of us on dialup and you should check it in a minute 
or so after loading. I have a web entry page sorta like that as well: 
the photo is lovely, but it takes a few seconds to fill in (at least the 
clickable text pops right up!).

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] what would you do with 14 yards of wool?

2005-10-14 Thread Judy Mitchell

wfranz wrote:

 No, ME!

 Not that I need 14 yards of green wool.

Fight! Fight! Me too! I was going to say: oh, Dawn, it's just not you! 
However, it is exactly me! G

I have such visions of a fabric scramble. lol

   -Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] re: making a fan

2005-09-21 Thread Judy Mitchell

Cin wrote:

From: Bjarne og Leif Drews [EMAIL PROTECTED]
They are called fan sticks. Try to search for it at lace materials 

Lacis have some made of bamboo for 30 dollars.

The obvious follow up question is: what glue do you use? Presumeably
this differs as the fan  stick combination of materials changes.  I
have a set of turn-of-the-previous-century ivory sticks with the
junkiest piece of plastic lace in place of the proper silk.  (A found
object - I'm innocent!)

Go to and plug in the two materials 
you're trying to glue -bamboo  silk (wood to fabric)?
Wood to Fabric If you don't want your fabric to be crisp, we recommend: 
3M 77 , But if you don't mind crispyness, use:

Elmer's Carpenter's Glue or LePage's Bondfast

I would guess ivory to be closest to plastic for glueing purposes.
-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] re: making a fan

2005-09-21 Thread Judy Mitchell

Cin wrote:

Cool site!  Thanks for the tip, Judy.

yeah,  'this to that' can be a very helpful site when you're trying 
to glue oddball stuff.

 It's been a long time since we
met at Costume Con RI, whatcha working on these days?

Oh my list keeps growing and changing. I'm a good bit through a 
GFD, but it had to go on hold
 (I need to do the eyelets and set the neck/shoulder seam and the 
sleeves) to finish some stuff on deadline.
I had to do a RennFaire shirt for a guy I know - had a lot of trouble 
with the fabric (cotton sateen)
and ended up buying completely different fabric for it. Made a great 
media recreation costume for a friend:
a graphic novel character called 'Dawn', the artists is thrilled and 
says I totally nailed the outfit. I'm glad, I

spend a year on that puppy!

Now I'm working on a Regency outfit - cutting up a sari, and 
working on two costumes for next CC
competitions. I went to Sweden last spring to research at the museums 
for one of them. Now trying to get the
handcrank sewing machine to work for more than 20min! but, it will get 

Also found a pile of Danish kroner left over from my last research 
trip... seems to mean to me that I should
go back to Denmark (what a shame!) G. And of course still working on 
the Lord of the Rings Costume site. So I'm keeping busy. If only work 
didn't get in the way of the sewing sigh

So what have you been working on?

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] (confused) French hood gold

2005-07-30 Thread Judy Mitchell


OOh, Judy, thanks so much!  Now I get it!

	glad it helped. It's easy, although time consuming. I've done it both 
with cooked starch (now that was hot on the fingers!) and saturating the 
lace with Niagra spray starch. Both took about the same amount of time 
to dry and held up about the same. spray starch is much less messy and 
travels a whole lot better to hotels ;-)

-Judy Mitchell
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] French hood gold

2005-07-29 Thread Judy Mitchell

Elizabeth Young wrote:
or you might try wooden skewers (like for kebabs). They are longer than 
matchsticks or toothpicks and might be easier to hang on to. 

	true, but depending on how much fabric you have to take up, the 
diameter is not big enough. That's why (after tons of calculations) I 
went with the 1/4 dowels. I had to involve a certain amount in the 
ruffle depth (think pleating depth). The gather thread allowed me to 
pull it in to fit the edge it was being attached to.

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Re: HP costume content

2005-07-17 Thread Judy Mitchell

Pierre  Sandy Pettinger wrote:
A friend of ours is starting a rose-pink pseudo-historical - she's doing 
the fat lady - the entry portrait for Griffindor's quarters.  Should 
be fun!

	And I think it would be hysterical if she had a (supply) of plastic 
champagne glasses to offer to break - by stomping on them if she can't 
shatter them with her voice!

h-costume mailing list