[HCDX] My First Post to the List/ and a Mystery Transmission

2003-07-14 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
My name is Gloria and I'm in Las Cruces, NM about 50 miles north of El 
Paso, TX.in what I've seen described as a "weak" listening area.   
I'm listening with a Grundig YB400PE with a supplied reel antenna inside 
around my window. A few days ago I put up a 24 ft. insulated, stranded 
12 gauge wire which only reaches about 12 feet high.   Since then 
stations which I was barely hearing are coming in with much stronger 
signals on a good day.

Right now I have a mystery on my hands!!

Today, 7/13 at 12.21 UTC I picked up a station on 9525. I listened until 
1303 when it went off the air.  This is supposed to be a Radio Poland 
broadcast to Europe at that time/freq.   But that's not what was coming in.

It was a music show playing ballads and "light disco"  (not English) 
with a male and female host.  The woman did most of the talking. I 
thought they might be talking some dialect of Spanish or Portuguese; it 
was very "soft", not sounding like "staccato" at all. Later in the 
program it sounded like they were doing dedications or reading listener 
mail...I heard mentions of "Johannes," "Japon," and "Australia."  At one 
point the man said in English, "Always be happy and smile " before 
playing another ballad.
At 12:54  News of some sort came on and I heard the man say "B -AH- M. 
There were mentions of Okinawa, Jakarta, Japan International, and Papua. 
 After a reference to Indonesia, some music composed of bells and 
chimes, very Asian sounding, came ouit and at 13:02 an very serious 
anthem came on before cutoff at 13:03

When I did a freq. search at  http://hfradio.org/swbc/  I found 
absolutely nothing that corresponded to this broadcast!!

Does anybody have a clue??


"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954  


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[HCDX] Thanks to all who wrote about Voice of Indonesia...

2003-07-16 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia

Just wanted to thank all who wrote and I will try to answer you all personally
over the next few days!!

I'm happy to report that my little wire is now bringing in Swiss Radio Internationl
pretty well nowYesterday, 7/15 I listened to the whole Swiss Info program
at 1930 on 15220!  Since I'm in NM and not in the ME or Africa, I was quite

Here's a general rundown of what I pick up easily...in the AM I wake up to
Radio Canada on 13655 and can also pick up Thailand and N. Korea sometimes,
as well as China and Japan. Radio for Peace on 15040 can be spotty...I'm
also surprised they aren't received here as well as I would have thought.
 Nights, at bedtime in MDT, it's Netherlands, Japan, and Australia and New
Zealand, which all come in loud and clear!!  I can pick up Deutsche Welle
some afternoons.  Belgium is very strong, so are  Spain and Taiwan--I love
their intro music and anthem!! It seems like I pick up things aimed at Africa
quite often and sometimes, quite well!

My biggest disappointment is the Voice of Russia, which seems to always be
very weak and full of static.

I would love to increase my antenna power. Grundig recommends an Eavesdropper-C
dipole from Universal, but a man I just met says just through up a longer
wire! I'm afraid of overload and don't know if I would need a "pre-selector."
  I'm eying 16 ft tall wooden poles in Home Depot and maybe I can lash one
to a storm fence post and concoct a suppor that way!

Any tips would be appreciated!!

Note to Glenn Hauser--a couple of issues back in your DX Report, a reader
posted a weblink to an article about Shortwave that they picked up at Buzzflash.com.
  That was my article!

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954  

Visit http://www.zianet.com/insightanalytical
 Home of the Buzzflash World Media Watch and Tune in the World: How to Listen to Shortwave Broadcasts via Radio and the Internet

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[HCDX] QSL rec'd from Radio Prague

2003-07-20 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
Very pleased to receive a QSL  card, letter, and program brochure from 
Radio Prague today, 7/19 . Sent out email form/request on 7/9, letter 
mas mailed out on 7/11.Broadcast was heard 7/9 from 22:39-22:57 UTC 
on 13580.

Letter read:

Dear Mrs./Ms Lalumia,
Many thank for your interest in Radio Prague.
For your reception report you will receive always QSL card, but his set 
is limitted by number of 8 cards...
We hope you will stay faithfull with our broadcast in the future. For 
more information please visite your web sittes www.radio.cz.
We wish you good health and happy listening.

Best regard,  Radio Prague

(Spelling errors are RP's, not mine!--but who cares?  Such a nice letter!)


"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954  


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[HCDX] Need help with website--bookmarks lost!

2003-07-22 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
My bookmarks have been trashed twice because of computer glitches and 
I've lost a site that someone here recommended a few days ago for 
looking up SW frequencies I recall a "ei" in the address and it was 
very short.  eif?  eih?  I've monkeyed around using various combinations 
but haven't found the site.Any help? Was it J Strain  who posted it 

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954  


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[HCDX] Thanks to all...

2003-07-24 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
who wrote and clued me in on the "missing" bookmark site   ...
"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954  


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[HCDX] RE: RFPI not heard....I did hear it!

2003-08-02 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
I did pick up RFPI Thursday night 7/31 (Actually, Friday AM). Ironically, it was on 7445 which I have never been able to pick up before!  It was around 1000 UTC (4am MDT here in New Mexico) or sometime after, I was awakened by a dog who had thrown up!!! I listened to part of Democracy Now.  Signal was moderately strong, but there was quite a bit of prop. distortion.

I agree, it's a good station to listen to, with generally interesting and substanative discussion about topics that are often off the radar screen here in the US.


I did not pick-up RFPI last night nor this morning in their usual slot but then again for RFPI that's not too unusual. Have they been shut down?

Poor little RFPI...For such a weak little "paper sack" radio station they sure are creating a lot of controversy. Why are the best radio stations always the hardest ones to hear?

Control the Airwaves
and you control the morons...
Gary Crites
Eureka, California
"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954  


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[HCDX] Radio Sudan and Riyadh?

2003-08-14 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
This morning, August 12 at 1708 I picked up a station on 15435 that 
sounded Mideastern, and I thought it might be Greek.
Checking the listings at EIBI, I came up with this:  1600-1800 ARS 
BSKSA1 to Europe from Riyadh!

Then  at 1718, I picked up 17660. I caught the tail end of a male 
newsreader delivering a story on floods in English. It was clear as a 
bell! He finished and the station ID w as "Sudan Radio Service" and they 
said they would go to Arabic (this was about 17:20.)A different male 
voice came on. The signal was fading and it got much noisier. I turned 
back at 1730 to hear a female voice announce "You are listening to the 
Sudan Radio Service" in English.  The signal then got much weaker and 
there was lots of noise.

EIBI has this info:  Sudan 1700-1800 M-F  CLA  OTI Vn SUD 17660
I am not sure what the codes mean  What is ITU (the CLA code is for 
that)..the station is OTI?  Language was Vn? Certainly not Vietnamese!!

Considering I never get anything in from the ME, this was a really 
oustanding morning here in New Mexico!!


"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954  


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[HCDX] Oddity last night --Radio Japan/RCI

2003-08-24 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
On Saturday night 8/23 (here in NM), as usual, I was listening to Radio 
Japan on 6110, between 0500 and 0600 UTC.Right at the end of the 
broadcast something unusual occurred.  Radio Japan signed off, then on 
came the station ID for Radio Canada International!!! (Woman's voice, a 
little bit of their theme music).  Then, just as suddenly has it had 
come on, it went off and the frequency went dead, as usual.

Can anybody explain this??


"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954  


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[HCDX] Need help with this one!!

2003-09-02 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
Sept 2, 07:40 UTC -- 08:15  and again around 10:30 UTC  (not my usual 
listening hours!  2-4 + am MDT)

I was tuning around and hit 6190 and manipulated down to a listenable 
signal at 6188.  No such thing at EiBI or ILG. So I searched  for 6190 
and found something between 0700 and 0800 for the BBC Ea/So Africa which 
wouldn't work because I tuned in again later.  Then I came across BLR 
Belorusskoye Radio 1 to E Eu.  (0600-2200 EiBi)

Problem is I never heard a voice the whole time I listened, even around 
0800 when you would expect to hear an ID.
At the start, I heard two instrumental, "live" performances which I 
recognized as ...Louis Armstrong! Followed by "What a Wonderful World" 
(also live version) and another ballad.  Then, after this Armstrong 
segment, another segment started immediately -- almost a New Age sound 
to it, a woman singing, very repetitive melody, some bell like sounds. 
Then another, similar sounding piece and a thirdI tuned out at this 
point, then tuned in again about 10:30 and heard something sounding like 
a lush, string instrumental piece, possibly slightly "oriental" in flavor.

Reception was very noisy, but pretty strong.

Any clues?? Was I really listening to BLR out here in Southern NM??  (I 
have been monkeying around with a 75 foot wire, but haven't really made 
a final installation. It's up only about 15 feet and sagging between 
another pole about 7-8 feet high)

Also, I received a QSL card and sticker today from Radio Vlaaderen 

YB400PE and a saggy wire
"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954  


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[HCDX] I finally found my mystery station!!!

2003-09-05 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
Well, after listening over several days, at time ranging from 0400 UTC ; 
0540; 0645; and 1230, and at frequencies from 6186 through 6190, I 
FINALLY at 0415 this am Friday, 9/05, heard an female announcer say 
"from Mexico City with 10,000 watts."   Then at about 0435 I heard what 
sounded like narration of a story with musical sound effects.

Today, I searched for Mexican Radio, which led me to a site, which  lead 
me to this site...http://www.fredcantu.com/mexicoradiotv.htm
with a link "Mexico City"...
and voila!

6185 is XEPPM.OC  Radio Educacion  !!!" It has a permit, not a 
license,to gov. or education outlets. It may be commercial free but not 

If you want commercial free music, this is the place to go! Louis 
Armstrong, New Age, Spanish ballads, Spanish choirs; modern 
classical...I've heard it all over the last few days.  I think they 
stick with one "performer" for about 15 minutes at a time.  This AM at 
12:30  did also hear a man talking , but not news.

Wow, I'm so happy I finally figured this out!!!


"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954  

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[HCDX] Clarification needed on some stations....

2003-09-06 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
I was listening last night (Mountain Time) and picked up a couple of 
interesting stations. When I did the research, I came up with a couple 
of "discrepancies." Any explanation would be appreciated...

Sat AM 9/6
0508 UTC  on 6195  ---"ragtime piano" followed by German female 
announcer, heard her say "Deutsche Welle." When I checked EIBI, I came 
up with the BBC :  I did not see any listing for DW at that time, so was 
I listening to a German broadcast from the BBC, and if so, why did the 
announcer say "Deutsche Welle"???
Very clear reception

0500 0600   G   BBC(Europe) E   Eu  6195s 9410s
   WEu 6195r 9410s
From 0511-0600 and still on when I turned it off:   4770  farily strong, but "muffled" with increasing static.
In English, I heard reports about houses lost in a landslide and the need for assisstance;
a report on Liberia; a report on Colin Powell trying to get other countries into Iraq; 
something about Governor Sharif (sp?) and bandits and a convoy of Americans; problems with the Constitution
and something about a new Constitution in December; by 0530 almost impossible to hear
anything over the static. Then at 0558 I tuned in again, short musice, and then at 0600 the
station was ID's as "Radio Nigeria."
HOWEVER, when I checked at EIBI I found:

0430 1915   NIG Radio Nigeria Abuja E.. NIG 909 7275
0430 2305   NIG FRCN KadunaE,Vn NIG 4770 6090
4770 is FRCN Kaduna, on at the same time, not supposed to be Radio Nigeria!!  

Any insights into these two discrepancies?

Also, at 0507 I picked up on 6125  SODRE, which is from URG  Uruguay, I believe,
according to EIBI. The station was playing soft jazz and the announcer was speaking 
Fianally, up until a week or so agao, Radio New Zealand on 11820 and Radio Australia on 15515 
were coming in like they were from next door around 0500, but NZ has "disappeared" and RA is
coming in poorly in terms of signal strength.  I'm in Southern New Mexico.


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[HCDX] Some log entries and a time questions....

2003-09-08 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
Sunday night 9/8 Mountain Time/ Monday UST9/8

I scanned around from about 0530-0600

05:409665  listened to two vocals, one by a F, one M both in a slow, 
soulful, smooth style, dreamy..The signal was moderately strong, but 
there was lots of static and some fade.  Not sure of the language.   
According to EIBI:
000-2400 Radio Nacional Amazonia , in Portuguese, from Brazil  to  SAm. 
 also on 6180, 11780

05:50  9715  Question on this one. Was in Spanish, heard male announcer 
say "familia radio" and mention Jesus. I see between 0400-0500 WYFR 
Family Radio to Mexio on 9715.  It looks like the broadcast time has 

0555  9865  Heard mention of Associated Press, American...then music 
came on drums, Oriental, Arabic sound. Heard a sitar,  with M & F 
vocals...Thought I was listening to an Indian station. Very strong and 
clear signal. Cut off abruptly at 0600. Much to my surprise,  I find out 
I was listening to Radio Free Iraq  0400-0600 to the Middle East on 
9865/MRC.  VOA/RL/RFE  Briech.  I am not sure that the RL and RFE codes 
are ...is Briech in Germany???

All the way here in Southern New Mexico--I like to say where I'm located 
so people can get an idea of where signals are winding up


"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954  


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[HCDX] Another mystery ...

2003-09-16 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
Can't find this at EiBi.

Monday 9/15 at 0623 UTC...on 6155 heard classical music then an 
announcer in German.  

Closest thing I see is 0530-0600 BBC..

Didn't see anything else that came close.  Did the schedule change? Was 
I listening to BBC in German?

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954  


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[HCDX] Myster from New Zealand..

2003-11-24 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
Monday morning 11/24at 0615 UTC (Sunday night 11/23 here in New Mexico) 
I decided to play around with my little $10 Bell and Howell SW radio.  I 
picked up a very strong signal of what was a BBC broadcast that I heard 
earlier --so I thought I had the BBC. A station id broke in for 
"National Radio". Intrigued, I listened all the way to 0700 and beyond, 
and found out that this was National Radio from New Zealand!   It was 
around 15600 on the analog dial of the B & H.

While listening I tried to find this station on my Grundig YB400PE. I 
tried my two longwire antennas (each about 50 ft running NS and EW with 
coax feeds)) then the shorter one (about 22' with an alligator to the 
whip).  Well, I couldn't bring this station in on the Grundid with with 
any of my antennas! Meanwhile, it's blasting away on the little B & H!

I've been having very poor luck with getting RNZI since the schedule 
change and Australia is only now coming back.  So I was VERY surprised 
to get National Radio from NZ! I checked the website and it does seem 
that this indeed is what I heard last night.

I really don't know the exact frequency, however, since the B&H has only 
the broadly  marked analog tuning.  
Could anybody lend some insight into this National Radio 
frequencyand the weird conditions that enabled me to hear this and 
yet get either very poor or no signal out of RNZI (which used to come in 
like gangbusters!)...  and also, not be able to pick up National Radio 
on the Grundig??

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels--men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."- Dwight D. Eisenhower,
May 31, 1954  


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Re: [HCDX] Radio Australia - EE - sched changes

2004-05-08 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
I've been listening to Radio Australia on 15160 also down here in Las Cruces, NM for a number of weeks.  15240 and and 13630 are listed by PrimeTimeShortwave.com, but I only get 13630 sporadically and weakly (and between 0700-0800), 15420 not at all...


Subject: Re: [HCDX] Radio Australia - EE - sched changes


If its worth anything I have been hearing Radio Australia on 15160 and 15240 and 13630 for the past 2 weeks here in Anchorage, Alaska at the times you listed 0500-0700 UTC.


Anchorage, Alaska

"If you're not outraged, you haven't been paying attention."
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