Re: [Hardhats-members] Video Advice - SOON

2006-02-03 Thread LD 'Gus' Landis

  I didn't even go that high (3CCD) and have been very pleased with
  my Panasonic PV-GS14. For me a very important feature of the
  camera is to have a "top loader".  This way you can change tapes
  without having to take off all of the tripod mounting stuff... which would
  kill most presentations if you need to do a tape change during the talk.
  Also, it gives more opportunity to drop the equipment, work connections
  and connectors loose, etc...

  So, if you are buying, IMO you need:
  - Good optical zoom numbers (stay out of digital zoom settings while
recording unless you absolutely have not choice)
  - Line in
  - Mic in
  - Top loading (or be able to change recording media withOUT taking off
of the tripod/mount)
  - Video out is nice if you're recording to some other media (e.g. external

Re: Knowing that Nancy is a gadget geek freak...

  FWIW, I bought mine at BestBuy *WITH* the service... and it has already
  paid off... but I've recorded many many hours (PyCON 2005, WorldVistA
  Boston, other lectures, etc... probably 100 or so tapes with quite a bit of

  You probably have time to run in and get one on the way there ;-)

  As Greg recommends, getting a house feed is wonderful... but beware
  to talk with the sound folks about whether it is a "line" or a "mic" feed.
  You won't get the  recording as you expect if not matched.

  FWIW, having used Canon, Sony and Panasonic MiniDV... I'm currently
  *very* strongly pro Panasonic MiniDV cameras!


On 2/3/06, Greg Kreis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  It is extremely important that you get the best resolution you can afford,
> because the quality of the master greatly impacts the quality of movies
> compressed to a web streaming format.  Also, if you can get the audio from
> the instructor's microphone as a feed to the camera, that would make a big
> difference.  Less of the classroom noise to mask the instructor's words.
>  Panasonic makes a very good MiniDV that has a true 3CCD system for
> capturing vivid colors.  It gets good reviews.  Unfortunately, you don't
> have time to get the great prices from the web from the likes of BuyDigitial
> or BeachCamera (under $500 and no tax).

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Video Advice - SOON

2006-02-03 Thread LD &#x27;Gus&#x27; Landis

  Hi8 beats the pants off of VHS.  Unless you decide to buy a new camera
  (then MiniDV is a good format, I think), as long as you get the material off
  of the Hi8 tape onto a hard disk, etc... then the content can be morphed
  as needed. One format to have for sure is standard 'DVD' format.


On 2/3/06, Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some of the GMU classes will be filmed and there is a definite willingness to
> allow others to see this video, but believe it or not, they are going to be
> filmed on VHS TAPE!  I need advice on the best thing for me to use if I get a
> consumer retail type camera that can be used to film these and then have that
> posted for download and use by others on the web or by CD and cross-platform.
> I have a Hi8 camera.  Would that be OK.
> The first class to be filmed is at 4:30 today,   So I need advice quickly.
> Can someone who knows their stuff about video formats, etc., please email me
> and I will call them.
> --
> Nancy Anthracite
> ---
> This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
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LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

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Re: [Hardhats-members] do you stat a file?

2006-01-14 Thread LD &#x27;Gus&#x27; Landis

  Sounds like an opportunity for an SSVN to me.

  What is the "vox populi" on the notion of SSVNs anyway?


On 1/14/06, Jim Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bhaskar wrote:
> >Code specific to each MUMPS implementation should belong in the kernel,
> >isolated from the applications.
> >
> >GT.M doesn't provide a function to stat a file.  The two approaches
> >would be to use ZSYstem to call a program like ls, stat or file, or to
> >call a standard C library function to get the answer.
> This reminds me of what I think might be THE most elegant way to extend MUMPS 
> to a more
> complete computing paradigm. Allow direct mapping of a global to a directory 
> of files such
> that from the MUMPS side, a file could be treated simply as a global 
> variable, and from
> the OS side, MUMPS data (some, not necessarily all) could be made directly 
> accessible to
> other applications.
> When I was (prior to GT.M/Linux) actively seeking a way forward for MUMPS 
> development that
> could avoid lock-in to proprietary databases and trying to find a way to have 
> the benefits
> of MUMPS globals in other programming languages, it occurred to me that the 
> closest thing
> to MUMPS globals outside of MUMPS is the file system provided by each OS.
> Both provide an ordered hierarchical collection of persistent shared named 
> values. MUMPS
> globals are generally optimized more for speed of access to a larger tree of 
> data with
> generally smaller data values, but the similarities seem amazingly close to 
> me.
> The primary differences are that
>   1) files are essentially unlimited in size where MUMPS data values
>  generally have been constrained to a size of hundreds or perhaps
>  thousands of bytes. GT.M now allows local values up to one megabyte
>  but limits global values to blocks of 1KB up to 32KB (last I checked).
>   2) Every file generally has individual access permissions but an individual
>  global reference generally does not. Some MUMPS implementations allow
>  individual globals to map to separate files while others allow ranges of
>  subscripts within a given global to be mapped to different files.
> Providing an optional globals model that simply maps a global to a directory 
> of a file
> system would make the exchange of data with other applications simpler and 
> more uniform, A
> MUMPS data file that could be mounted as a file system for some purposes 
> could provide a
> potentially faster file system.
> ---
> Jim Self
> Systems Architect, Lead Developer
> VMTH Computer Services, UC Davis
> (
> ---
> This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
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LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Using an external editor (e.g., vi) in Cache

2005-11-17 Thread LD &#x27;Gus&#x27; Landis
Here is a quick hack that I used to "get off the ground" back in 2003.
It was hacked to for Cache, so it needs tweaking (in the routine load part).


On 11/17/05, Greg Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wonder if anyone has written code to invoke vi as routine editor in Cache
> (over Unix rather than Windows, of course). A comparable problem for VMS
> would be using %EDT/TPU.
> Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis
Description: Binary data

Re: [Hardhats-members] Environment / directory structure for VistA/GT.M

2005-11-17 Thread LD &#x27;Gus&#x27; Landis

  Good start.  How about dubbing this "The VSB" for
  (VistA Standard Base) ala LSB (Linux Standard Base).

  Note: Don't know/care if we document the Cache stuff
  at this time, but I'd be happy to provide you with the
  specifics if you'd like.  Your call.

New section - part of 1.2 (or before 1.3.2)
Re: Release Directories
  I would find it helpful to have a "top level picture" like:
(other infrastructure stuff, m2web?, apache?, etc)
   (add standard template of directories here)

Re: GT.M Release Directories
  Detail out the lower level items of what is under
  a GT.M release:

Re: Cache Release Directories
  Detail out the lower level items of what is under
  a Cache release:

Re: VistA Release Directories

  You have something wrong with the  markup in the
  fifth bullet.

  Have the VSB "picture":

  with the necessary directories below it (g, o, r, etc.)  If there is going
  to be coverage of Cache in this document, then having sections named
  "GT.M/VistA" and "Cache/VistA" would make sense as there are significant
  differences (although the same "pattern" should be used... one would be
  GT.M-ish the other Cache-ish).

Re: GT.M/VistA routine path
  I think that more or less having a "full picture" of two/three "areas" would
  be very helpful.  E.g. show how  dev1 -> Integration -> ReleaseA for
  routine searches)...  Given that , I see an opportinuty for a tool that does
  some comparison of which routines come from which environment (ala
  which(1), and also a "smart copy" routine that can use the same logic
  to create you a fully populated routine directory (with a log of which routine
  came from which source directory)... and can "migrate" changes "upward"
  from the development to the integration to the release area (with logs etc).
  Likewise a variant would work against Cache "RO" files.  (I keep all of my
  routines, GT.M and Cache, in separately checkpointed files, one file per
  routine... have an "RO" splitter/combiner so that I can easily dump all in
  a single "RO" file, or take a collection of routines and make an "RO" file,
  somthing I don't have to do with GT.M, as all is separated already).

Re: Another difference between GT.M and Cache
  With GT.M I have a single copy of the "release" per version of GT.M.
  With Cache, the "cinstall" script puts a copy of the "release" into the
  instance root... So for a  Family_Release_version/ using the Cache
  engine, there is likely going to be a copy of the instance information
  there...  Or alternatively, you could just have  Family_Release_version/
  setup as a namespace in some single copy instance of Cache.

Just a note:
  I'm not really experienced in having fewer than 50 40GB (or several
  hundred 16GB, we also have about 1800 globals, recently down from
  about 3500) chunks to manage... I have little experience with Fileman,
  more with Epic Chronicles(Epic), both of which use strategies having
  only a few globals with lots of "partitioning" via "file" subscripts in the
  global)... so YMMV from my standard thinking.  (We have about 1.5TB
  of M[UMPS] data).

On 11/16/05, K.S. Bhaskar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> contains a (draft) specification for what I now
> consider to be the best way to lay out environments and directories for
> VistA/GT.M.  What I did before was simpler, but not suitable for large
> scale development by many people, such as the Greenbelt meeting.

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

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Re: [Hardhats-members] VistA Community Conference Call

2005-10-26 Thread LD &#x27;Gus&#x27; Landis

  Is there a standard place where these end up?  TIA!


On 10/24/05, Chris Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, it hppened and it is recorded, but not uploaded yet.
>   Will try to get to it tomorow evening.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Maury Pepper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 9:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] VistA Community Conference Call
> Yes and I don't know.  Check with Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: "chuck5566" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 11:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] VistA Community Conference Call
> > Maury,
> > Did the call happen?  Is there a wav available?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Chuck
> >
> >
> >
> > On Oct 21, 2005, at 1:00 AM, Maury Pepper wrote:
> >
> >> VistA Community Call Friday at NOON EDT.
> >>
> >> TOPICS: General VistA topics - your choice
> >>
> >> DATE:  Friday, October 21
> >> TIME:  12:00 Noon EDT
> >> DURATION:  1 hour.
> >>
> >>USA  866-483-4159
> >>Outside USA  706-634-0093
> >>
> >> Conference ID Number:  5361311
> >>
> >> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
> >> Thanks to Hewlett-Packard and Sharon Mobley
> >> for providing the teleconferencing facilities.
> >> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
> >>
> >>
> >> ---
> >> This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
> >> Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads,
> >> discussions,
> >> and more.
> >> ___
> >> Hardhats-members mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > ---
> > This SF.Net email is sponsored by the JBoss Inc.
> > Get Certified Today * Register for a JBoss Training Course
> > Free Certification Exam for All Training Attendees Through End of 2005
> > Visit for more information
> > ___
> > Hardhats-members mailing list
> >
> >
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by the JBoss Inc.
> Get Certified Today * Register for a JBoss Training Course
> Free Certification Exam for All Training Attendees Through End of 2005
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> ___
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> ---
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> Free Certification Exam for All Training Attendees Through End of 2005
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> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

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Re: [Hardhats-members] GT.M for Alpha/AXP available at Source Forge

2005-10-21 Thread LD &#x27;Gus&#x27; Landis

  Congratulations! and a hearty THANK YOU to you and Fidelity!


On 10/21/05, K.S. Bhaskar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is the first release of GT.M for Alpha/AXP at Source Forge
> ( under the GNU General
> Public License (GPL - see
>  Fidelity plans to
> follow up with the source code within the next few months.  As was the
> case with the release of GT.M on x86 GNU/Linux under GPL, we had to
> develop procedures to convert from Fidelity's internal directory
> structures to those more suited to Source Forge.  This work will be
> scheduled into the normal workflow of the developers and the source code
> will be released when that is completed.  Meanwhile, the binaries are
> available for use.
> The GT.M Programmers Guide, Administration and Operations Guide, and
> Messages and Recovery Procedures manual are available at the GT.M user
> documentation site
> (
> Each package consists of two files, one is the main GT.M distribution.
> The other is needed only for migrating databases to V5.0-000 from
> earlier releases.  Refer to the GT.M Database Migration technical
> bulletin
> (
>  for details.
> We hope you find GT.M on Alpha/AXP to be useful.  Please consider
> funding GT.M work by purchasing support if you put it into production.
> -- Bhaskar
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
> Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions,
> and more.
> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

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Re: [Hardhats-members] The VA ftp site is back up

2005-10-05 Thread LD &#x27;Gus&#x27; Landis

Good... I thought it was me... Now for some more "last minute
packing" before I leave on the cruise!!!


On 10/5/05, Greg Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, since I haven't tried connecting, it is not possible for me to
> have had trouble connecting. Does it follow that (for me) it is still
> down?
> --- Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For those of you who may have had trouble connecting, it is up again.
> > --
> > Nancy Anthracite
> >
> ===
> Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "Without the requirement of mathematical aesthetics a great many discoveries 
> would not have been made."
> -- Albert Einstein
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
> Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions,
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> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Imaging Disk requirements?

2005-09-28 Thread LD &#x27;Gus&#x27; Landis
> > That's four 250 gig hard drives at about $50 each (on sale).

If the EHR/EMR means so little as this approach is seriously
considered... why bother?  I am unnerved by these discussions
since, I thought, that these EHR/EMR things were supposed to
be important.  Just because one no longer needs to spend a
bizillion mega-bucks for a few megabytes doesn't mean that
such skimpy levels of technology should be touted as valid
approaches.  Maybe everyone else knows you are not serious,
but I fear (because of the level of people I tend to work with)
that there are readers that are thinking that this whole VistA
thing can be done on little for nothing delivering everything.

  We have done so much with so little for so long that

(There's only One that I know of that can do that, be even
He had to speak it...)
LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
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and more.
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Document formats, licenses and copyrights

2005-09-23 Thread LD &#x27;Gus&#x27; Landis

GIF uses the patented (by Unisys) LZW compression algorithm
(the Lempel-Ziv is not patented, but the Welch part is).  Patented
"format"s are the crux of the problem.

On 9/22/05, Greg Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, maybe I'm opening a can of worms here, but it's not entirely
> clear to me that if I write an application to display or otherwise
> process Word documents, I can legally distribute it? I note that the
> GNU project carefully avoids the use of GIF images (and they even talk
> about it on their web site). I am aware that the compression algorithm
> is a special consideration here, but unless a format is explicitly
> "open", is it even legal to develop and distribute software that uses
> that format?
> ===
> Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

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Re: [Hardhats-members] How about TeX/LaTeX?

2005-09-22 Thread LD &#x27;Gus&#x27; Landis

If you have a Linux box, you likely have all you need. You may want
to look at the lyx (lick) editor also as it is more or less a WYSIWYG
that works in LaTeX (generally, I use raw LaTeX, or the SGML to LaTeX

If you get stuck send me private email ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Also, check with the recipient as they may take DocBook XML
(unless you're doing "hardcore" math, then LaTeX is likely the

On 9/22/05, Greg Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Both the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and American
> Mathematical Society (AMS) prefer (require?) that papers be submitted
> in LaTeX format. I am especially interested in typesetting equations
> (particularly logical symbols) and diagrams of automata, trees, graphs,
> and the like.
> ===
> Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "Without the requirement of mathematical aesthetics a great many discoveries 
> would not have been made."
> -- Albert Einstein
> ---
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LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

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2005-09-22 Thread LD &#x27;Gus&#x27; Landis

  Not only that, but you will have a true sense of the value you get
  should you choose to purchase the work or assistance later.

  One thing to keep in mind is that in some cases, "if you think it
  expensive to have a professional do the job, just try it with amateurs".

  What this can mean is that if you do decide to "roll your own", and
  then "get into trouble" or decide that you can't support yourself because
  it is distracting you from doing your job (e.g. patients are queueing up
  and the system is down)... you may have a higher price to pay because
  of the way you set things up.  Then again, maybe not.

  Remember, have a "pilot", which is not "Production In Lieu Of Test".


On 9/22/05, Mike Schrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Exactly! A more eloquent statement of my point. I like the neighbor
> analogy, since this list serves that purpose admirably. So, I'm off to
> configure Vista.

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

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2005-09-22 Thread LD &#x27;Gus&#x27; Landis

It is my understanding that individuals cannot put something into the
public domain themselves... the law is such that one cannot give up
the rights to the rights... so, time has to be the worker of the magic
(to points 1 and 2 below).  If I were to try, I am merely "littering".

A simple summary is that the GNU GPL specifically prohibits making
anything GNU GPL licensed being made proprietary (e.g. secret),
whereas the BSD license (and most others) allows such action.


I believe that the only way VOE additions can become public domain
is if they are received by the VA, go through the VA acceptance/qa
process, and are integrated into the VA FOIA by the VA, and then
are released through the FOIA...

Otherwise they remain "Class 3" software.

It does not appear that CMS intends to be the source for VOE, as in
their announcement, the have funded an alternative... see
> In addition, offices will generally need vendor support for installation,
> configuration, and maintenance, similar to support with any other
>  electronic health record.  To address this need, CMS has funded a
>  Vista-Office Vendor Support Organization, WorldVistA, to provide
>  training for vendors.  The evaluation of these vendor services is an
>  important objective of the initial VOE release.
> During this initial evaluation period, the software will be available from
> qualified vendors.  Physicians and clinics that are interested in
> participating in the program as an evaluation site, should visit
> to learn more about this opportunity.  More
> information about the vendor training and a list of qualified vendors
> can be found at


On 9/22/05, Todd Berman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Definition:  A public domain work is a creative work that is not protected by
>  copyright and which may be freely used by everyone.  The reasons that the
>  work is not protected include:
>   (1) the term of copyright for the work has expired;
>   (2) the author failed to satisfy statutory formalities to perfect the 
> copyright or
>   (3) the work is a work of the U.S. Government.
> (from:
> My understand of VOE (which could be very wrong) is that CMS is
> developing it with the help of outside contributors. Because there are
> outside contributors involved, it could be considered software that is
> not a 'work of the U.S. Government' and not required to be under the
> public domain. This last bit I am not clear on, but it does seem like
> the intent is to release it into the public domain.
> --Todd

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Starting point for next OpenVistA VivA

2005-08-31 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

On 8/31/05, Gregory Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What else is commonly run on the PowerPC?
> ===
> Gregory Woodhouse
> "Nothing is as powerful than an idea
> whose time has come."
> -- Victor Hugo
> On Aug 31, 2005, at 8:41 PM, Roy Gaber wrote:
> > We must keep in mind that the installed base of non x86 systems
> > will be
> > supported for quite a while, so the port may still be practical.
> >
> >
> ---
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> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
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Re: [Hardhats-members] The new OpenVistASemiVivAFOIAGold20050825

2005-08-31 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

Another "anomoly" that I noticed but didn't resolve was that when
I went into Fileman:
   $ gtm
   GTM> S DUZ=1
   GTM> D ^DI
none of my typing was echoed.

On 8/31/05, Mark Dalton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Larry and I were playing with this version of Vista/GT.M
> OpenVistASemiVivAFOIAGold20050825.tgz
>  It appears it used a default $home_vista, eventhough one was not setup
>  but it pointed to the GT.M directory versus the OpenVistA directory.
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/openvista/gtm> /usr/local/gtm_V5.0-000/mumps -direct
>  GTM>d ^%G
>  Output device: :
>  List ^?D
>  Global Directory
>  Global ^
>  start+1^%GSEL,%GTM-E-ZGBLDIRACC, Cannot access global
> directory /home/mwd/openvista/gtm_V5.0-000/mump
>  s.gld.  Cannot continue.,%SYSTEM-E-ENO2, No such file or directory
>  List ^
>  So we changed the gtmprofile from:
>  gtm_dist="/usr/local/gtm_V5.0-000"; export gtm_dist
>  gtmgbldir="mumps.gld"; export gtmgbldir
>  EDITOR="/bin/vi"; export EDITOR
>  gtmroutines=". $gtm_dist"; export gtmroutines
>  gtm="$gtm_dist/mumps -direct"; export gtm
>  mupip="$gtm_dist/mupip"; export mupip
>  lke="$gtm_dist/lke"; export lke
>  gde="$gtm_dist/mumps -r ^GDE"; export gde
>  dse="$gtm_dist/dse"; export dse
>  PATH=$PATH:$gtm_dist
>  To:
> gtm_dist="/usr/local/gtm_V5.0-000"; export gtm_dist
> gtmgbldir="/usr/local/OpenVistA/g/mumps.gld"; export
> gtmgbldir
> gtm_vista="/usr/local/OpenVistA" ; export gtm_vista
> EDITOR="/bin/vi"; export EDITOR
> gtmroutines=". $gtm_dist"; export gtmroutines
> alias gtm="$gtm_dist/mumps -direct"
> alias gde="$gtm_dist/mumps -r ^GDE"
> PATH=$PATH:$gtm_dist
>  We did this to:
>  1. Setup a 'gtm_vista' and changed the global data directory to use
> this
> to be consistant with other names. (or we could setup a variable for
> 'home_vista' as is in the global data directory.)
> ** But the home_vista should probably get setup in the gtmprofile
> and
>the gtmcshrc.
>  2. We setup aliases so we could use 'gtm' versus '$gtm' and removed
> some
> of the variables since they are the real names and in your path:
>mupip, lke, dse
>  3. We could also setup some wrapper scripts for gde and gtm to just
> run mumps with the appropriate options (versus a alias).
>  We did manage to figure out how to change the global directory, below.
>  But what would you recommend as the correct solution?   Just changing
>  $home_vista.
>  GDE> change -segment DEFAULT
>  GDE> show -segment DEFAULT
>  *** SEGMENTS ***
>   Segment File (def ext: .dat)Acc
> Typ Block  Alloc Exten Options
> ---
>   DEFAULT $vista_home/g/mumps.dat
>   BG 
> DYN  4096  6  5000 GLOB=1024
>  LOCK=  40
>  RES =   0
>  GDE> change -segment DEFAULT -F=$gtm_vista/g/mumps.dat
>  GDE> show -segment DEFAULT
>  *** SEGMENTS ***
>   Segment File (def ext: .dat)Acc
> Typ Block  Alloc Exten Options
> ---
>   DEFAULT $gtm_vista/g/mumps.dat
>   BG 
> DYN  4096  6  5000 GLOB=1024
>  LOCK=  40
>  RES =   0
>  Mark

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Accessing GT.M documentation at Source Forge

2005-06-09 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  So a "complete" set is:
GT.M V5.0-000 Release Notes
GTM Database Migration
GTM Long Names
GTM Null Subscripts
GTM Update Helper Processes
GTM V5.0-000 Supplementary Information


On 6/9/05, K.S. Bhaskar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not in the near future, so I regret that said tree must die for V4.4.
> Regards
> -- Bhaskar
> LD "Gus" Landis wrote:
> > Bhaskar.
> >
> >   Before killing a tree on 4.4... is there an expectation of releasing
> >   5.0 documentation integrating the supplemental documentation?
> >
> > Cheers,
> >   --ldl
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
> a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
> If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
> Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display: 
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Accessing GT.M documentation at Source Forge

2005-06-09 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Before killing a tree on 4.4... is there an expectation of releasing
  5.0 documentation integrating the supplemental documentation?


On 6/8/05, K.S. Bhaskar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GT.M V5.0-000 was released with six technical bulletins, as itemized
> below.  They were made available at the GT.M project page at Source
> Forge ( or go to
> and click on Docs) as well
> as at the new GT.M documentation page
> (  The
> technical bulletins have hyperlinks between them, static, relative links
> based on the file names.
> It appears that Source Forge renames files (actually assigns them
> numbers) and therefore all inter-document hyperlinks are broken there.
> Furthermore, it is not really possible to have linked documents since
> the new name of a document's file is not known until after it is
> uploaded.  So, these hyperlinks between technical bulletins don't work
> at Source Forge and cannot be made to work.  However, they do work at
> the GT.M documentation page.  So, do please use the GT.M documentation
> page, and as a bonus, the GT.M user manuals are also there and usable.
> Note that all technical bulletins are available at Source Forge, but you
> will have to get to them from the Docs page - you can't follow links
> from one document to another.  Also, user manuals are also available
> there, but must be downloaded to your computer.
> The technical bulletins are:
> GT.M V5.0-000 Release Notes
> (
> and
> GTM Database Migration
> (
> and
> GTM Long Names
> (
> and
> GTM Null Subscripts
> (
> and
> GTM Update Helper Processes
> (
> and
> GTM V5.0-000 Supplementary Information
> (
> and
> Please allow me to emphasize that a database upgrade is required to
> migrate a database from V4 to V5.  It's simple and painless, and most of
> the work can be done while applications run normally.  But you need to
> upgrade the database, and you need to read the GT.M Database Migration
> technical bulletin to understand how.
> Regards
> -- Bhaskar
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
> a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
> If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
> Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display: 
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] GT.M V5.0-000 available

2005-06-07 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Given the fact that the Cache, DSM and now GT.m have this functionality
  (and I hope that all of the implementations are functionally identical), this
  would be a good addition to the new edition of the M[UMPS] standard.
  Since it is done, there's not much need for much discussion, IMO.

On 6/7/05, K.S. Bhaskar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>3. A new intrinsic function, $INCREMENT(glvn[,expr]), is provided to
> >>atomically increment a global variable by a numeric value.

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display: 
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] GT.M V5.0-000 available

2005-06-06 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Guess I won't diddle with FT02 tonight (as I was planning) ;-)


On 6/6/05, K.S. Bhaskar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GT.M V5.0-000 is now available. V5.0-000 is a major release of GT.M. The
> fact that it has a new top level version number - V5 vs. V4 - means that
> it has a new database format. There is significant new functionality as
> well, as described in the V5.0-000 Release Notes
> (
> Even though a database format change affects every index and data block
> in the database, GT.M V5.0-000 comes with an upgrade procedure that
> operates mostly in parallel with normal application operation. Stand
> alone access is required typically only for a few seconds.  Note that
> for applications deployed in a logical dual site configuration, the
> upgrade can be accomplished with continuous application availability.
> The most significant enhancements in this release are as follows:
> 1. Transaction counts are increased from 32 bits to 64 bits.
> 2. M names can be up to 31 characters long.
> 3. A new intrinsic function, $INCREMENT(glvn[,expr]), is provided to
> atomically increment a global variable by a numeric value.
> 4. Network services can now be written in GT.M and deployed under
> inetd/xinetd.
> 5. On the secondary of an application deployed in a logical dual site
> configuration, helper processes can now be used to speed the rate at
> which updates can be committed to disk.
> 6. There is now an option for a database file to allow existing global
> variable nodes with null subscripts but to prohibit setting/updating
> global variables with null subscripts.
> 7. On OpenVMS, upper and lower case labels in M routines can be the
> target of a call from an external C routine to an M routine.
> 8. GT.M traditionally collated a null subscript between numeric
> subscripts and string subscripts. The M standard specifies that null
> subscripts be collated before numeric subscripts. When a database file
> is created, it can now be created to use either traditional GT.M
> collation or M standard collation for null subscripts.
> Please see the announcement of the release
> (
> GT.M for x86 GNU/Linux used under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
> can be downloaded from Source Forge
> (  Software for customers
> who have purchased support can be downloaded from the GT.M FTP site.
> Please also visit the new documentation area in the GT.M project page
> (
> Henceforth, we intend to make all documentation available there.
> Regards
> -- Bhaskar

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display: 
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] HHS buys Novell

2005-06-03 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Although incongruent with the subject, it is still good news, IMO.

On 6/3/05, Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, my son did that to me and I had the same reaction, so I couldn't
> resist forwarding it!
> On Friday 03 June 2005 09:38 pm, chuck5566 wrote:
> > Well hell!  Your msg title had me wondering what the heck HHS was and
> > why they were buying (out) Novell.
> > I think you did that on purpose!
> >
> > :-)
> >
> > On Jun 3, 2005, at 8:13 PM, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > ---
> > >
> > > --
> > > Nancy Anthracite
> > >
> > >
> > > ---
> > > This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> > > shotput
> > > a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office
> > > luge track?
> > > If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
> > > Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> > > ___
> > > Hardhats-members mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> > ---
> > This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> > shotput a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office
> > luge track? If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
> > Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> > ___
> > Hardhats-members mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> Nancy Anthracite
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
> a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
> If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
> Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display: 
Hardhats-members mailing list

Fwd: [Hardhats-members] Backup/journaling for OpenVista

2005-05-27 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  To Bhaskar's point, there are many types of "journaling" that can be going
  on... usually not duplication of effort.  The "journal" filesystems do NOT
  journal the "user data", but rather the information necessary to ensure that
  the file systems integrity is retained. That is what ext3 journals
do. It is the
  job of GT.m to journal the data changes, so that if the file system is intact,
  it (GT.m) can recover the integrity of the database... However, since a "data
  base" is potentially made up of several globals (or global nodes), it is up to
  the application to ensure that all of the pieces needed to represent the 
  application state is valid.

-- Forwarded message --
From: K.S. Bhaskar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 27, 2005 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Backup/journaling for OpenVista
To: "Landis, Larry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Larry --

I am traveling and can't post to Hardhats from my Blackberry.  Would
you please post it for me?  Thank you very much.

Journaling can occur at multiple levels, and the higher levels build
on and require journaling at the lower levels.  For example, file
systems like ext3 implement journaling in order to be able to recover
files after a crash.  GT.M journaling requires the file system to be
able to recover database and journal files in order to be able to
recover the state of the database.  I don't know what VistA journaling
does, but I imagine that journaling at the application level might be
used to restore and activate workflows, and would in turn require
journaling at the MUMPS level to recover the state of the database.

-- Bhaskar

-Original Message-
From: "LD \"Gus\" Landis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 09:52:58
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Backup/journaling for OpenVista


  I can't speak to what journalling VistA does for the application
  view, but GT.m journalling records the SETs and KILLs of global
  values.  Very likely conceptually different and independent.


> If VistA does journaling, does this mitigate GTM journaling?I need to
> learn more about GTM journaling and backup so I'm going through the GTM
> docs.  I guess I was also looking for other's input on things to consider in
> this environment and any suggestions. Though I understand each configuration
> will have different requirements or strategies for maintaining integrity.
> John
> - Original Message -
> From: "Kevin Toppenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 8:17 AM
> Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Backup/journaling for OpenVista
> > There are two levels of journaling.  First, VistA
> > itself offers some "journaling".  Then there is GT.M
> > journaling.  Which are you interested in?
> >
> > Kevin
> >
> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > Does anyone know if there is a document on
> > > journaling and backup for
> > > OpenVista (either generic issues or specifically for
> > > GTM platforms?)
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > John
> > >
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "Greg Woodhouse"
> > > To: 
> > > Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 3:09 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] On Linux
> > > distributions (was Re: How do I
> > > start?)
> > >
> > >
> > > > So am I. Wasn't Unix revolutionary, among other
> > > things, becausre of the
> > > > small size of its kernel? I'm as big a fan as
> > > anyone of the "Do one
> > > > thing and do it well" concept.
> > > >
> > > > --- Mark Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > And I for one am glad they are NOT part of the
> > > kernel.  Think of the
> > > > > whole
> > > > > thing as a model of a distant universe with the
> > > kernel in the middle.
> > > > >  It is
> > > > > the nature of things.
> > > > >
> > > > > This is the reason why some in the community
> > > refer to Linux as
> > > > > GNU/Linux.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > A practical man is a man who practices the errors
> > > of his

Re: [Hardhats-members] Backup/journaling for OpenVista

2005-05-27 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  I can't speak to what journalling VistA does for the application
  view, but GT.m journalling records the SETs and KILLs of global
  values.  Very likely conceptually different and independent.


> If VistA does journaling, does this mitigate GTM journaling?I need to
> learn more about GTM journaling and backup so I'm going through the GTM
> docs.  I guess I was also looking for other's input on things to consider in
> this environment and any suggestions. Though I understand each configuration
> will have different requirements or strategies for maintaining integrity.
> John
> - Original Message -
> From: "Kevin Toppenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 8:17 AM
> Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Backup/journaling for OpenVista
> > There are two levels of journaling.  First, VistA
> > itself offers some "journaling".  Then there is GT.M
> > journaling.  Which are you interested in?
> >
> > Kevin
> >
> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > Does anyone know if there is a document on
> > > journaling and backup for
> > > OpenVista (either generic issues or specifically for
> > > GTM platforms?)
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > John
> > >
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "Greg Woodhouse"
> > > To: 
> > > Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 3:09 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] On Linux
> > > distributions (was Re: How do I
> > > start?)
> > >
> > >
> > > > So am I. Wasn't Unix revolutionary, among other
> > > things, becausre of the
> > > > small size of its kernel? I'm as big a fan as
> > > anyone of the "Do one
> > > > thing and do it well" concept.
> > > >
> > > > --- Mark Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > And I for one am glad they are NOT part of the
> > > kernel.  Think of the
> > > > > whole
> > > > > thing as a model of a distant universe with the
> > > kernel in the middle.
> > > > >  It is
> > > > > the nature of things.
> > > > >
> > > > > This is the reason why some in the community
> > > refer to Linux as
> > > > > GNU/Linux.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > A practical man is a man who practices the errors
> > > of his
> > > forefathers. --Benjamin Disraeli
> > > > 
> > > > Greg Woodhouse
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > ---
> > > > This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.
> > > > Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network -
> > > Create apps using Yahoo!
> > > > Search APIs Find out how you can build Yahoo!
> > > directly into your own
> > > > Applications - visit
> > >
> >
> > > > ___
> > > > Hardhats-members mailing list
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > ---
> > > This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.
> > > Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network - Create
> > > apps using Yahoo!
> > > Search APIs Find out how you can build Yahoo!
> > > directly into your own
> > > Applications - visit
> > >
> >
> > > ___
> > > Hardhats-members mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.
> >
> >
> >
> > ---
> > This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.
> > Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network - Create apps using Yahoo!
> > Search APIs Find out how you can build Yahoo! directly into your own
> > Applications - visit
> > ___
> > Hardhats-members mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.
> Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network - Create apps using Yahoo!
> Search APIs Find out how you can build Yahoo! directly into your own
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> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis


Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: On Linux distributions (was Re: How do I start?)

2005-05-26 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  I'm with Crawford, I'll take whatever you give me as a starting point, and
  make the many layered cake I am used to.  I don't really care what kernel
  is under the covers... I am finding the OS X layout a but unusual, so will
  probably go buy the book (OS X for the UNIX user, or whatever it is called).

  I find even with Linux distributions I have to go to the store for my favorite
  things (e.g. GT.m is not there, they are usually a release or two behind in
  Python, etc, etc...).  To date the worst I've had is with the HP-UX 10.20
  systems here at work... They are almost like being back in 1980 with naked
  pre-GNU V7... (but even there my scripts work as is no mods.. that's the 
  point of POSIX!)

On 5/26/05, Crawford Rainwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a simple analogy.  I will admit, the Linux kernel by itself would
> make things "interesting" even from a console point of view (to put it
> very mildly).  Have to love modular design though, so I want a simple
> cake with icing, or shall we go for the quad layer with the works? ;-)
> --- Crawford
> --
> The Linux ETC Company
> 368 South McCaslin Boulevard
> P.M.B. 146
> Louisville, CO 80027 USA
> +1 (303) 604-2550 (voice)
> +1 (866) 604-2550 (toll free within the US)
> +1 (303) 664-0036 (fax)
> On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 11:33 -0700, Greg Woodhouse
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well, that might be a LITTLE strong. For example, X11 isn't party of
> > the kernel, nor is bash, little things like mv, cp, tar, etc., etc.
> > (much less libraries like libc). Does that mean that these things are
> > all "icing on the cake"?
> >
> > --- Crawford Rainwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > The only difference of doing RedHat and/or SuSE vs. Debian or (insert
> > > another non-commercial distribution name here) is the commercial
> > > enterprise support offered.  As Mark said, Linux is the kernel, the
> > > kernel is Linux.  Distributions are the "icing on top of the cake" in
> > > my
> > > honest opinion.
> > >
> > > With that said, there are quite a few folks on the HHs list that have
> > > tried Debian and RedHat variants.  Depending on the end game plan,
> > > most
> > > will work for small and large implementations quite well.  It is if
> > > you
> > > have the Linux system administrator(s) to handle said implementation
> > > that becomes the question.
> > >
> > > FWIW.
> > >
> > > --- Crawford
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.
> Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network - Create apps using Yahoo!
> Search APIs Find out how you can build Yahoo! directly into your own
> Applications - visit
> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.
Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network - Create apps using Yahoo!
Search APIs Find out how you can build Yahoo! directly into your own
Applications - visit
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] On Linux distributions (was Re: How do I start?)

2005-05-26 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Re: Linux
  Not too strong, IMO. Anything, no, *everything* outside of the kernel is
  "frosting on the cake".

  What you are talking about is what is necessary for a POSIX environmnet,
  (e.g. sh, bash, mv, cp, tar, etc).

  These are not Linux at all.

  They are (usually) part of a "Linux distribution" as they are part of an
  "AIX distribution", "OS X distribution", "FreeBSD distribution", etc,
  etc, and so forth.

  Linux is "just a kernel".  Debian, Knoppix, Red Hat and SuSE, etc are 
  merely software distributions that happen to use the Linux kernel between
  the hardware and the execution environment.


On 5/26/05, Greg Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, that might be a LITTLE strong. For example, X11 isn't party of
> the kernel, nor is bash, little things like mv, cp, tar, etc., etc.
> (much less libraries like libc). Does that mean that these things are
> all "icing on the cake"?
> --- Crawford Rainwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The only difference of doing RedHat and/or SuSE vs. Debian or (insert
> > another non-commercial distribution name here) is the commercial
> > enterprise support offered.  As Mark said, Linux is the kernel, the
> > kernel is Linux.  Distributions are the "icing on top of the cake" in
> > my
> > honest opinion.
> >
> > With that said, there are quite a few folks on the HHs list that have
> > tried Debian and RedHat variants.  Depending on the end game plan,
> > most
> > will work for small and large implementations quite well.  It is if
> > you
> > have the Linux system administrator(s) to handle said implementation
> > that becomes the question.
> >
> > FWIW.
> >
> > --- Crawford
> > --
> > The Linux ETC Company
> > 368 South McCaslin Boulevard
> > P.M.B. 146
> > Louisville, CO 80027 USA
> > +1 (303) 604-2550 (voice)
> > +1 (866) 604-2550 (toll free within the US)
> > +1 (303) 664-0036 (fax)
> >
> >
> A practical man is a man who practices the errors of his forefathers. 
> --Benjamin Disraeli
> Greg Woodhouse
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.
> Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network - Create apps using Yahoo!
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> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.
Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network - Create apps using Yahoo!
Search APIs Find out how you can build Yahoo! directly into your own
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] How do I start?

2005-05-25 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Great!  When I use it, I'll post a note to you for your records.


On 5/25/05, Bhaskar, KS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Larry --
> The Powered by GT.M logo is official.  For anyone that has a site powered by 
> GT.M and wants to display the logo (with a link to 
>, please e-mail me and I'll send you the logo 
> (that way I can keep track of where it is used).  I'll e-mail you one 
> offline, Larry.
> Regards
> -- Bhaskar
> -Original Message-
> From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of LD "Gus" Landis
> Sent:   Thu 5/26/2005 12:28 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject:Re: [Hardhats-members] How do I start?
> Bhaskar,
>   Is that "Powered by GT.M" on Ed's nameless box official? or
>   is that something he just did?
>   Please attach the official logo to a reply.  I think we'd all like it!
> Cheers,
>   --ldl
> On 5/25/05, Bhaskar, KS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you have a web site powered by GT.M, please consider displaying the logo 
> > with a link to - and thank you very much.  
> > Please ask me for a copy of the logo.
> >
> > -- Bhaskar
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Mark Street
> > Sent:   Wed 5/25/2005 5:22 PM
> > To:
> > Cc:
> > Subject:Re: [Hardhats-members] How do I start?
> > Believe it or not I found that site this past weekend!!  I noticed the 
> > powered
> > by GT.M also. ; )
> >
> > I'm not gone, just have a case of the Mump(s).
> >
> >
> >
> --
> LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis
> ---
> SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
> online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
> communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
> you want. Try it free.
> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
you want. Try it free.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] What is FOIA status of "new" code (Java based applications)

2005-05-25 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Thanks again!  I've gotta bookmark that!  For some reason
  when I ftp there I never "see" the path... Oh well.


On 5/25/05, Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry. It is the same site with all of the OR_30_*.zip files.
> On Thursday 26 May 2005 12:36 am, LD "Gus" Landis wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >   What is the coordination between releases of VistAWeb and
> >   VistA (M) FOIA?
> >
> >   Sorry about being so dense... but do you have a URL?  I looked
> >   under and didn't get anywhere.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >   --ldl
> >
> > On 5/25/05, Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > VistA-Link is on the ftp site under VistALink. VistAWeb was released and
> > > is posted under VistAWeb.  HealtheVet Desktop is in Care Management in
> > > .
> > >
> > > On Wednesday 25 May 2005 09:56 pm, LD "Gus" Landis wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > >   I've been reading the "VistA Monograph" and am wondering about
> > > >   the availablity (through FOIA) of the Java "new" code.
> > >
> > > --
> > > Nancy Anthracite
> > >
> > >
> > > ---
> > > SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to
> > > collaborate online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high
> > > cost of travel and communications. There is no equipment to buy and you
> > > can meet as often as you want. Try it
> > > free.
> > > ___
> > > Hardhats-members mailing list
> > >
> > >
> --
> Nancy Anthracite
> ---
> SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
> online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
> communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
> you want. Try it free.
> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
you want. Try it free.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] What next?!

2005-05-25 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  I'm not sure what wiki is in use... but generally HTML is
  not allowed (or maybe I should say "honored") in a wiki page..
  and the wiki is no exception.. See the following
  (offered as help for editing by "our" wiki)...

On 5/25/05, Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, I haven't moved my stuff yet.  I am trying to
> figure out if I can upload straight html files into
> the wikki.  If not, there will be a lot of cut-n-paste
> with lots of reformatting needed.
> For Ewaen, my other site was
> I can't remember if you have seen that or not.
> Kevin
> --- Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The part you have done is the easy part because
> > there are instructions for
> > most of that.  Now comes the hard part.
> >
> > Kevin, has all of the stuff on your pages been moved
> > to the wiki as well?  IT
> > is far from perfect, but it is something!
> >
> > On Wednesday 25 May 2005 08:54 pm, Ewaen Okao wrote:
> > > Thanks Kevin
> > > Downloaded the correct version of CPRSChart.exe
> > and it connected to the
> > > servewr with no errors. Now that I have the VistA
> > installed and the
> > > CPRSChart.exe running. I have no idea what next to
> > do.
> > > will like to have a test enrollement and
> > eligibilty verification setup, can
> > > VistA do this ? Also how do I populate the
> > patient, physcians etc list
> > > Any suggestions on what next to do
> > > Phew this is hard!!
> > > Ewaen
> > >
> > > Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 13:42:53 -0700 (PDT)
> > > From: Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Server /client
> > Incompatiblity
> > > To:
> > > Reply-To:
> > >
> > > You upgrade by getting a different version of CPRS
> > to
> > > run.  Look here:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > >
> > > Kevin
> > >
> > > --- Ewaen Okao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Thank Lloyd and Nancy,
> > > >
> > > > Got the CPRSchart.exe to finally connect to
> > server
> > > > and the error when I run D^ZTMB the error no
> > longer
> > > > appears. I went back to D ^ZTMGRSET and paid
> > > > particular attention to step 46, 47 48 in the
> > > > install document.
> > > >
> > > > However when I log in there is a message that
> > > > appears. it is as follows
> > > >
> > > > This is version 1.014.11 of CPRSChart.exe
> > > > The server is running version
> > > > it is strongly recommended that you upgrade to
> > this
> > > > version.
> > > >
> > > > How does one upgrade the CPRSChart.exe?
> > > >
> > > > When I click ok to open the the CPRS chart
> > another
> > > > error message appears, this error is as follows:
> > > >
> > > > CPRS - Patient Chart
> > > > List index out of bounds (0)
> > > >
> > > > Any advice anyone.
> > > >
> > > > Ewaen Okao
> > >
> > > -
> > > Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to
> > PCcalling worldwide with
> > > voicemail
> >
> > --
> > Nancy Anthracite
> >
> >
> >
> ---
> > SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the
> > easiest way to collaborate
> > online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the
> > high cost of travel and
> > communications. There is no equipment to buy and you
> > can meet as often as
> > you want. Try it
> >
> free.
> > ___
> > Hardhats-members mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> __
> Discover Yahoo!
> Find restaurants, movies, travel and more fun for the weekend. Check it out!
> ---
> SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
> online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
> communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
> you want. Try it free.
> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
you want. Try it free.

Re: [Hardhats-members] What is FOIA status of "new" code (Java based applications)

2005-05-25 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  What is the coordination between releases of VistAWeb and
  VistA (M) FOIA?

  Sorry about being so dense... but do you have a URL?  I looked
  under and didn't get anywhere.


On 5/25/05, Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> VistA-Link is on the ftp site under VistALink. VistAWeb was released and is
> posted under VistAWeb.  HealtheVet Desktop is in Care Management in
> .
> On Wednesday 25 May 2005 09:56 pm, LD "Gus" Landis wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >   I've been reading the "VistA Monograph" and am wondering about
> >   the availablity (through FOIA) of the Java "new" code.
> --
> Nancy Anthracite
> ---
> SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
> online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
> communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
> you want. Try it free.
> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
you want. Try it free.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] How do I start?

2005-05-25 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Is that "Powered by GT.M" on Ed's nameless box official? or
  is that something he just did?

  Please attach the official logo to a reply.  I think we'd all like it!

On 5/25/05, Bhaskar, KS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you have a web site powered by GT.M, please consider displaying the logo 
> with a link to - and thank you very much.  Please 
> ask me for a copy of the logo.
> -- Bhaskar
> -Original Message-
> From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Mark Street
> Sent:   Wed 5/25/2005 5:22 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject:Re: [Hardhats-members] How do I start?
> Believe it or not I found that site this past weekend!!  I noticed the powered
> by GT.M also. ; )
> I'm not gone, just have a case of the Mump(s).

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
you want. Try it free.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] How do I start?

2005-05-25 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Adding my $0.02... in the "distro wars".

  I agree with the other seasoned Linuxers in that it doesn't
  really matter what distribution you use. Most all of them are
  good (or better) than others in some way.

  If you are a newbie PLEASE do not be distressed by those
  that advocate one distro over another.  Except for things like
  system adminstration level stuff... they all work well (but please
  use a recent one, as about 6-8 years ago, it was a bit bumpy as
  we converted to ELF and glibc).

  Now, a recommendation, if you are new, consider whether or not
  you might want to purchase support (e.g. some one you can call
  in the middle of the night because your system stopped working
  and you have exhausted your knowledge but the system MUST
  be up!).

  If you fall into the "it must be up" then I'd encourage you to build
  into your budget a maintenance plan for your hardware, your OS
  and your MUMPS environment.

  If you do decide to use Linux, pick a maintenance vendor that will
  support whatever distribution you choose (this need not be Red Hat
  nor SuSE as I am sure that you can find someone willing to support
  most any distribution for a suitable annual/monthly fee. If DR (Disaster
  Recovery) is important to your site, consider whether or not you are
  going to do that "in-house" or with someone like SunGuard.  If you
  go with a commercial DR house, then you need to check out the
  costs associated with your hardware choice and connectivity needs
  (to the DR site).

  Relative to the MUMPS vendor, it is fine to play with GT.m or Cache
  on a PC-class box.  BUT if my business depended on the system 
  being up, I'd talk to Bhaskar or InterSystems about a support contract
  for my system.  When the system *has* to be "up"... you are increasing
  the risk of failure.

  One thing nice about the stack that is used by most here (Linux/GT.m/Cache)
  is that it all moves well to a commercial OS (e.g. AIX) nicely... but this
  option will cost you money, but it is legitimate and should be considered
  if the scale of the installation demands it.

  IMO, high-end x86 boxes are almost as good as the "big" boxes, and, if
  possible, I'll stick with Linux... but if not, there are good options that are
  completely compatible (if the scripts are written correctly).  For example,
  my Linux scripts run without modification on Tru64, HP-UX, AIX and Linux...
  with care, yours can too.  Then you don't have to worry about some of
  these things.

  As an aside, I'd like to suggest that we (as a community) work on defining
  a "VSB" VistA Standard Base which can be implemented, even on systems
  that do not have filesystems (e.g. HP OpenVMS and Microsoft Windows),
  or atleast follow the same pattern. Right now too many flavors of where 
  things are installed exist, which makes .profile (or .bashrc) settings error
  prone.  (Let's move that topic to another conversation).

On 5/25/05, Gregory Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I assume glibc is simply the C runtime?
> ===
> Gregory Woodhouse
> "Before one gets the right answer, one must ask the right question."
> -- S. Barry Cooper
> On May 25, 2005, at 8:22 PM, Bhaskar, KS wrote:
> > Mark is right.  VistA on GT.M will run on just about any
> > contemporary release of just about any major Linux distribution.
> > The only dependencies are glibc and libncurses.
> >
> > Distro wars are fun, though.  Not unlike a good pillow fight where
> > nobody gets hurt and everybody has a grand time!
> >
> > -- Bhaskar
> >

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
you want. Try it free.
Hardhats-members mailing list

[Hardhats-members] What is FOIA status of "new" code (Java based applications)

2005-05-25 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  I've been reading the "VistA Monograph" and am wondering about
  the availablity (through FOIA) of the Java "new" code.

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
you want. Try it free.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] How do I start?

2005-05-25 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Re: Linux Distributions
  IMO, due to the refocussing of business and acquisition, etc, we are
  still somewhat in a state of flux. I think main questions that you (Alberto)
  need to answer is:
- Do I want to have OS support 24x7, e-mail, telephone, volunteers?
- What is the likelihood that I am going to have a software failure
  for which a vendor's assistance is vital?

  My recommendations would be: (alhpabetic ordering)
- If you need to have vendor support: Novell or Red Hat
- If you are willing to rely on email, etc: Debian, Fedora
- Others: Gentoo, Knoppix, etc, etc, etc

  I hope that we (WorldVistA/Hardhats) settle on a few distributions so that
  there can be expertise in the adminstration of these systems.  They all
  have unique things, so it is confusing (from a giving advice perspective)
  to have different distributions. Generally one needs to know which
  distribution is being asked about -- even if they are all running the same
  identical Linux kernel.  The difference is NOT Linux, it is the stuff that the
  distribution has integrated.

  Over the past 4-5 years there has been quite a number of distributions
  (flavors) of   GNU Linux that people have been using. Issues can arise
  because of these, so it can be unnecessarily confusing.
  For myself, I intend to be able to advise people running: SuSE 9.3+,
  Fedora Core 3+ and Red Hat (version TBD).  Other varieties may be
  supported in the future. There are enough administrative differences
  (SuSE uses YAST, etc) that giving advice can be tricky. (Note: I can
  advise on the older version of some of these, but have stated support
  for the current (now) and future versions, from now.


On 5/25/05, Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First, do you have anything you are in love with on your Fedora 2 machine?  If
> no, why not start by getting yourself an up to date version of Linux version.
> Rat Hat and Suse have Enterprise versions.  It have been thinking that might
> be nice to my feet wet with one of those that a hospital or perhaps a
> practice installing VistA-Office might like to use for that reason as it will
> have support guaranteed to be available.
> Red Hats non-enterprise offspring is Fedora, as you know, and tends to be a
> "bit bleeding edge" as others more than me have said. (One with a name
> beginning with a B comes to mind, and my son as well.)
> Then there is Suse, and I would like to have someone comment on Suse as you
> can download it for bargain use vs. the Enterprise version.
> Also, maybe some know about the quality and depth of the support available to
> a large enterprise for the other distros.
> On Wednesday 25 May 2005 10:27 am, Alberto Odor wrote:
> > Well, I'm decided to give OpenVistA as much time as I can. I downloaded a
> > lot of stuff yesterday like:
> >
> > 1. OpenVistA VIVA FOIA Gold 20050212.iso
> > 2. OpenVistA SemiVIVA FOIA Gold 20050212.tar.gz
> > 3. GT.MAcculturation0.3.iso
> >
> > I have a Linux Server with Fedora2 I can use as I only use it for testing.
> > (Linux is not my strong point)
> > I also have a Windows Server and a couple of PCs with WindowsXP I can use.
> >
> > If you would like to have a DEMO site, how would you start? Please
> > elaborate as much as you want to ;)
> >
> > Once I have a Demo site, I plan to try and make an installation from the VA
> > files on GT.M. (I also have Cache's demo disk - one user version).
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Alberto Odor, MD
> > Mexico City
> >
> > ---
> --
> Nancy Anthracite
> ---
> SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
> online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
> communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
> you want. Try it free.
> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
you want. Try it free.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] CPRS Connection Problem

2005-05-25 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  I am about to tackle getting CPRS talking as well...

  Question: Is the RPC broker setup to handle some simple "ASCII"
  requests over say a telnet session?  That way,  one can confirm that
  the RPC broker is up and running. or not.  Using the example below:
$ telnet 9200
  would make the connection... then if there was some item that could
  be entered by hand and give results... that would be good to know.

  TIA for the advice.

On 5/25/05, vista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm a new user of Vista and I'm interested for implementing it in a hospital
> on Morocco (North Africa), and I need help from u
> if it is possible.
> I've installed and configured
> OpenVistASemiVivAFOIAGold20050212.tgz
>  on a redhat linux PC by following steps in Worldvista
> Forum, and I've downloaded the CPRSchat (OR_30_195), but when I run
> CPRSchart.exe s= p=9200 its window disapeers after a few
> moments and I can't make the connection. I think there is a problem in
> RPC broker or in Linux TCP/IP configuration but I didn't find it.
> Best Regards 

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
you want. Try it free.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Question on updating the database

2005-05-24 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  My recollection was that it was "his" girlfriend on "his"
  motorcycle... which was also followed up by the comment
  of a leader (his boss?) at NIST saying (after a presentation
  about MUMPS) that that was exactly what the NIST was
  trying to prevent (systems like those built in MUMPS).

  Personally, "dangerous" things are not bad... just gotta be

On 5/24/05, Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just had a flashback to Marty quoting that
> programming with other structured languages was like
> holding hands with your girlfriend at the Sunday
> social.  While M was like having sex with your best
> friend's girlfirend on the back of a motorcycle.  i.e.
> wild, dangerous, and perhaps a lot of fun.
> LOL!
> Kevin
> --- Cameron Schlehuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Kevin, you're absolutely right!  It is tedious!  But
> > not documenting things
> > that are necessary for the interactions between
> > packages (aka services)
> > would surely lead to errors and chaos if programmers
> > just went ahead and did
> > whatever they wanted.  (And that's indeed how Class
> > III code sometimes is
> > done!)
> >
> > When time, programmer resources and functionality
> > demands are tight we do go
> > to the extent of documenting such relationships.
> > Also, in the VistA/M
> > environment there are system-wide variables that can
> > be most useful and are
> > also documented as being "Supported" (that means any
> > app can use them as
> > documented in the IA).  As you have already learned,
> > applications such as VA
> > FileMan, Kernel, Toolkit, Mailman, etc. have a
> > rather significant list of
> > such "function objects" (of various kinds) each of
> > them are formally
> > recorded in Integration Agreements so that everyone
> > can know their status.
> >
> > Several decades ago it WAS a free-for-all.
> > Developers like Bob Lushene felt
> > it was their privilege to poke around in any
> > application's data regardless
> > of whether they had approval to do so, lot alone
> > whether they were even
> > doing it "right".  Even the tedious stuff gets
> > formally documented ... or
> > else it's "off limits".  Better to document what's
> > needed than to let
> > programmers pick up whatever they find lying around
> > and expect to have to
> > support it!  Documenting even the most trivial
> > interface detail establishes
> > responsibilities for the short and long term.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> >
> > On Behalf Of Kevin
> > Toppenberg
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 2:56 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Question on updating
> > the database
> >
> > Sigh...  I know that much has been done with M in
> > vista, but this system of setting down written
> > agreements of which programs can access this or that
> > global variable seems tedius and error prone.
> >
> > I am used to being able to create an function object
> > that encapsulates its private details, and then
> > exposes an interface that anyone in the world is
> > welcome to use.
> >
> > But we work with what we have.
> >
> > Kevin
> >
> > --- Greg Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Of course you're right. This doesn't give OE/RR
> > the
> > > right to do this
> > > anywhee they want, just in one particular
> > situation.
> > > I misspoke.
> > >
> > > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > > I expect that the USAGE: Private, means no other
> > > > subroutines and process may use this component.
> > > >
> > > > The Protocol Menu may be talking about an entry
> > in
> > > the
> > > > PROTOCOL file with a TYPE="M" (MENU)
> > > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > A practical man is a man who practices the errors
> > of
> > > his forefathers. --Benjamin Disraeli
> > > 
> > > Greg Woodhouse
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> ---
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> > >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > __
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> > Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new Resources site
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Question on updating the database

2005-05-24 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Quick adopter!  Good for you!  ROTFL!

On 5/24/05, Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TIA  ;-)
> Kevin

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.
Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network - Create apps using Yahoo!
Search APIs Find out how you can build Yahoo! directly into your own
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Where does one get the source code for CPRS?

2005-05-23 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

   TIA in this case is "Thanks In Advance".

   TTFN, CUL8R, and ROTFL!

On 5/23/05, Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gus,
> I've been sitting here trying to figure out what TIA
> means.  As a physician, I use this term for Transient
> Ischemic Attach (a mini stroke.)  I doubt you mean
> that.
> So then, as the father of small children, I wonder if
> its related to TTFN ("Ta Ta For Now") LOL
> :-)
> Kevin
> --- "LD \"Gus\" Landis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >   I am also looking for the "demo" database. I've
> > heard "Nancy has it"
> >   from some... Nancy, is that right?  Where can I
> > get it? TIA!
> >
> > Cheers,
> >   --ldl
> > On 5/23/05, Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > It is written in Delphi and you can see what it
> > looks like by downloading the
> > > demo from and hooking up to the
> > VA Server.  The CPRS you
> > > download is with some added goodies.
> > >
> > > On Monday 23 May 2005 11:25 am, Alberto Odor
> > wrote:
> > > > Is this package written in Delphi? Is there a
> > graphical interface program
> > > > to view these files?
> > > >
> > > > Alberto Odor, MD
> > > > Mexico City
> > > >
> > > > -Mensaje original-
> > > >
> >
> > En nombre de Nancy
> > > > Anthracite
> > > > Enviado el: Viernes, 20 de Mayo de 2005 02:30
> > p.m.
> > > > Para:
> > > > Asunto: Re: [Hardhats-members] Where does one
> > get the source code for CPRS?
> > > >
> > > > then Software, Packages,
> > Order-entry Results Reporting or
> > > > something close to that. The files that contain
> > the various versions,
> > > > except
> > > >
> > > > the latest, are listed on the wiki at
> > > >
> >
> > > >
> > > > On Friday 20 May 2005 03:52 pm, LD "Gus" Landis
> > wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > >
> > > > >   Can someone please pass me a ponter to the
> > source code
> > > > >   (Delphi/etc) to CPRS? TIA!
> > > > >
> > > > > Cheers,
> > > > >   --ldl
> > >
> > > --
> > > Nancy Anthracite
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> ---
> > > This SF.Net email is sponsored by Oracle Space
> > Sweepstakes
> > > Want to be the first software developer in space?
> > > Enter now for the Oracle Space Sweepstakes!
> > >
> >
> > > ___
> > > Hardhats-members mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of
> > Minneapolis
> >
> >
> >
> ---
> > This SF.Net email is sponsored by Oracle Space
> > Sweepstakes
> > Want to be the first software developer in space?
> > Enter now for the Oracle Space Sweepstakes!
> >
> > ___
> > Hardhats-members mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> __
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LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by Oracle Space Sweepstakes
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Where does one get the source code for CPRS?

2005-05-23 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  I am also looking for the "demo" database. I've heard "Nancy has it"
  from some... Nancy, is that right?  Where can I get it? TIA!

On 5/23/05, Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is written in Delphi and you can see what it looks like by downloading the
> demo from and hooking up to the VA Server.  The CPRS you
> download is with some added goodies.
> On Monday 23 May 2005 11:25 am, Alberto Odor wrote:
> > Is this package written in Delphi? Is there a graphical interface program
> > to view these files?
> >
> > Alberto Odor, MD
> > Mexico City
> >
> > -Mensaje original-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre de Nancy
> > Anthracite
> > Enviado el: Viernes, 20 de Mayo de 2005 02:30 p.m.
> > Para:
> > Asunto: Re: [Hardhats-members] Where does one get the source code for CPRS?
> >
> > then Software, Packages, Order-entry Results Reporting or
> > something close to that. The files that contain the various versions,
> > except
> >
> > the latest, are listed on the wiki at
> >
> >
> > On Friday 20 May 2005 03:52 pm, LD "Gus" Landis wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > >   Can someone please pass me a ponter to the source code
> > >   (Delphi/etc) to CPRS? TIA!
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > >   --ldl
> --
> Nancy Anthracite
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by Oracle Space Sweepstakes
> Want to be the first software developer in space?
> Enter now for the Oracle Space Sweepstakes!
> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by Oracle Space Sweepstakes
Want to be the first software developer in space?
Enter now for the Oracle Space Sweepstakes!
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Where does one get the source code for CPRS?

2005-05-23 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  I can't look at them until tonight, so "soon enough"! Thanks!

On 5/23/05, Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can pull together the ones I listed on the wiki, but not until tonight.
> On Monday 23 May 2005 03:52 am, LD "Gus" Landis wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >   Maybe this is silly, but I am trying to put together somewhat of
> >   a complete (or as complete as I can) history of CPRS in the source
> >   code repository.  FWIW, the dates on the files mostly square with
> >   the release dates Nancy set.
> >
> >   Various version info in the releases that I have, which are:
> >
> >   ReleaseFile Dates  Version   From
> >   -  -  -
> > -- Hep_c  2004/10/14 ?
> > {No idea what this is yet} OR_30_155_SRC  2002/03/12-2002/08/16
> > CPRS-Chart/CPRSChart.dof OR_30_187_SRC  2003/05/21-2004/02/04
> > CPRS-Chart/CPRSChart.dof OR_30_190_SRC  2004/06/21
> > CPRS-Chart/CPRSChart.dof OR_30_195_SRC  2005/01/19
> > CPRS-Chart/CPRSChart.dof OR_30_206_SRC  2003/09/08-2003/10/23
> > CPRS-Chart/CPRSChart.dof OR_30_222SRC   2004/10/28
> > App/GroupNotes.dof OR_30_224_SRC  2004/08/02
> > {Nancy's list says so} OR_30_231_SRC  2005/04/19
> > CPRS-Chart/CPRSChart.dof
> >
> > LDL
> >   Missing  Version   File  ~Date Comment
> >   ---  - -  ---
> > - *  OR_30_125.ZIP  about 12/01
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  OR_30_132.ZIP  about 5/02   *Nancy
> > has it
> >  * OR_30_148.ZIP  about 11/02  *Nancy has it
> > OR_30_206.ZIP  about 1/04   *Nancy has it
> > OR_30_187.ZIP  about 2/04   *Nancy & Sourceforge
> > WorldVistA OR_30_190.ZIP  Aug 2, 2004
> > OR_30_224.ZIP  Sep 3, 2004
> >  Feb 9, 2005
> >
> >   Nancy, would you please send me pointers to the versions that I am
> >   missing? Let me know if you can put them somewhere I can ftp them from.
> >   Worst case, we could use as a "starting point", although I'd
> >   like to go back to the beginning if that is possible. (It is sometimes
> >   useful to do diffs between various versions to see where things came
> >   from or came about).
> >
> > Cheers,
> >   --ldl
> >
> > On 5/21/05, Cameron Schlehuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Patches in the form OR_30_nnn are for Order Entry/Results Reporting
> > > version 3.0 and the patch number "nnn" is whatever next number is
> > > available as an ID for the patch.  During development the patches are to
> > > have build numbers also on the patch in the form OR*30*nnnTnn but the Tnn
> > > gets stripped off when released.  A few of us argued strongly that the
> > > revision numbers on the patches not be stripped when the patch got
> > > released, and that has in fact been adopted for the CPRS GUI code which
> > > usually requires several M-side patches for several packages.  Those are
> > > in the form major version.minor  The major version for
> > > CPRS is 1.0 and the minor versions are the 23, 24 & 25 with the build
> > > number being the 4th period piece.
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nancy
> > > Anthracite
> > > Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 4:51 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Where does one get the source code for
> > > CPRS?
> > >
> > > My guess is that they are numbered by what project number they were when
> > > the
> > >
> > > got started rather than when they were finished. Cameron will reveal all,
> > > right Cameron?
> > >
> > > Larry, I also neglected to mention that the source code is in similarly
> > > numbered files with * at the end in the Programs subdirectory of
> > > Order
> > > Entry Results Reporting.
> > >
> > > On Friday 20 May 2005 04:39 pm, LD "Gus" Landis wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > >   Thanks Madhavi & Nancy..
> > > >
> > >

Re: [Hardhats-members] Where does one get the source code for CPRS?

2005-05-23 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Maybe this is silly, but I am trying to put together somewhat of
  a complete (or as complete as I can) history of CPRS in the source
  code repository.  FWIW, the dates on the files mostly square with
  the release dates Nancy set.

  Various version info in the releases that I have, which are:

  ReleaseFile Dates  Version   From
  -  -  -  --
  Hep_c  2004/10/14 ?  {No idea what this is yet}
  OR_30_155_SRC  2002/03/12-2002/08/16  CPRS-Chart/CPRSChart.dof
  OR_30_187_SRC  2003/05/21-2004/02/04  CPRS-Chart/CPRSChart.dof
  OR_30_190_SRC  2004/06/21  CPRS-Chart/CPRSChart.dof
  OR_30_195_SRC  2005/01/19  CPRS-Chart/CPRSChart.dof
  OR_30_206_SRC  2003/09/08-2003/10/23  CPRS-Chart/CPRSChart.dof
  OR_30_222SRC   2004/10/28   App/GroupNotes.dof
  OR_30_224_SRC  2004/08/02  {Nancy's list says so}
  OR_30_231_SRC  2005/04/19  CPRS-Chart/CPRSChart.dof

  Missing  Version   File  ~Date Comment
  ---  - -  ---  -
 *  OR_30_125.ZIP  about 12/01  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *  OR_30_132.ZIP  about 5/02   *Nancy has it
 * OR_30_148.ZIP  about 11/02  *Nancy has it OR_30_206.ZIP  about 1/04   *Nancy has it OR_30_187.ZIP  about 2/04   *Nancy & Sourceforge WorldVistA OR_30_190.ZIP  Aug 2, 2004 OR_30_224.ZIP  Sep 3, 2004  Feb 9, 2005

  Nancy, would you please send me pointers to the versions that I am
  missing? Let me know if you can put them somewhere I can ftp them from.
  Worst case, we could use as a "starting point", although I'd
  like to go back to the beginning if that is possible. (It is sometimes
  useful to do diffs between various versions to see where things came
  from or came about).


On 5/21/05, Cameron Schlehuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Patches in the form OR_30_nnn are for Order Entry/Results Reporting version
> 3.0 and the patch number "nnn" is whatever next number is available as an ID
> for the patch.  During development the patches are to have build numbers
> also on the patch in the form OR*30*nnnTnn but the Tnn gets stripped off
> when released.  A few of us argued strongly that the revision numbers on the
> patches not be stripped when the patch got released, and that has in fact
> been adopted for the CPRS GUI code which usually requires several M-side
> patches for several packages.  Those are in the form major version.minor
>  The major version for CPRS is 1.0 and the minor versions are
> the 23, 24 & 25 with the build number being the 4th period piece.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nancy
> Anthracite
> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 4:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Where does one get the source code for CPRS?
> My guess is that they are numbered by what project number they were when the
> got started rather than when they were finished. Cameron will reveal all,
> right Cameron?
> Larry, I also neglected to mention that the source code is in similarly
> numbered files with * at the end in the Programs subdirectory of
> Order
> Entry Results Reporting.
> On Friday 20 May 2005 04:39 pm, LD "Gus" Landis wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >   Thanks Madhavi & Nancy..
> >
> >   Interesting numbering scheme... what am I missing?? :-|
> >
> >  version  ---> in the OR_30_125.ZIP(dated about
> > 12/01)*Nancy has it nanthracite at verizon dot net
> >  version  ---> in the OR_30_132.ZIP(dated about 5/02)*Nancy
> > has it version ---> in the OR_30_148.ZIP(dated about
> > 11/02)*Nancy has it version ---> in the OR_30_206.ZIP(dated
> > about 1/04)*Nancy has it version ---> in the OR_30_187.ZIP
> > (dated about
> > 2/04)*Nancy and Sourceforge WorldVistA have this one
> >  version ---> in the OR_30_190.ZIP(dated Aug 2, 2004
> >  version ---> in the OR_30_224.ZIP(dated Sep 3, 2004)
> >  version ---> in the Feb 9, 2005)
> >
> > Cheers,
> >   --ldl
> >
> > On 5/20/05, Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > then Software, Packages, Order-entry Results Reporting
> > > or some

Re: [Hardhats-members] Where does one get the source code for CPRS?

2005-05-20 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Thanks Madhavi & Nancy..

  Interesting numbering scheme... what am I missing?? :-|

 version  ---> in the OR_30_125.ZIP(dated about
12/01)*Nancy has it nanthracite at verizon dot net
 version  ---> in the OR_30_132.ZIP(dated about 5/02)*Nancy has it
 version ---> in the OR_30_148.ZIP(dated about 11/02)*Nancy has it
 version ---> in the OR_30_206.ZIP(dated about 1/04)*Nancy has it
 version ---> in the OR_30_187.ZIP(dated about
2/04)*Nancy and Sourceforge WorldVistA have this one
 version ---> in the OR_30_190.ZIP(dated Aug 2, 2004
 version ---> in the OR_30_224.ZIP(dated Sep 3, 2004)
 version ---> in the Feb 9, 2005)


On 5/20/05, Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> then Software, Packages, Order-entry Results Reporting or
> something close to that. The files that contain the various versions, except
> the latest, are listed on the wiki at
> On Friday 20 May 2005 03:52 pm, LD "Gus" Landis wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >   Can someone please pass me a ponter to the source code
> >   (Delphi/etc) to CPRS? TIA!
> >
> > Cheers,
> >   --ldl
> --
> Nancy Anthracite
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by Oracle Space Sweepstakes
> Want to be the first software developer in space?
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> Hardhats-members mailing list

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by Oracle Space Sweepstakes
Want to be the first software developer in space?
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Hardhats-members mailing list

[Hardhats-members] Where does one get the source code for CPRS?

2005-05-20 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Can someone please pass me a ponter to the source code
  (Delphi/etc) to CPRS? TIA!

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by Oracle Space Sweepstakes
Want to be the first software developer in space?
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Revised (again) /usr/local/OpenVistA/vista script

2005-05-16 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis
Dear Gran'pa Z,

  Where's the wiki you mentioned?

  How'd your "Des Moines surprise" go?  Grandchildren sure
  are fun!  My 2+ year-old granddaughter has been seeing more
  of us lately, and it is pleasant to have her "warming up" to me!
  The grandson is going through an intensely "mama's boy only"


On 5/13/05, John Leo Zimmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Kevin
> You gave me the start I needed.
> I just finished adding the script to the Wiki.
> More to come, I hope.
> My next target is your VistA configuration script
> regards,
> jlz
> Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> >>If you want code formatted, just make sure that each
> >>line has 1-2 spaces at the beginning,
> >>

LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

This SF.Net email is sponsored by Oracle Space Sweepstakes
Want to be the first software developer in space?
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Trying new install of Cache and Vista

2005-04-27 Thread LD \&quot;Gus\&quot; Landis

  Unless you are using the Cache Object stuff...
  You should think of Cache as being mostly
  1995 Standard M[UMPS].  So to kill off a
  global name MYGBL, you:
  just as you would in ANSI Standard M[UMPS].


On 4/26/05, Doctor Bones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can tell you right now... it isn't Greek
> I think it is sanscrit.
> Manolis
> On Tue, 2005-04-26 at 22:21 -0700, Butch Jones wrote:
> > Cameron,
> >   You say to kill off the global, can you be a little more detailed on how
> > this is done on CACHE.  Us newbies have limited knowledge and most of this
> > translates into Greek.
> >
> >
> ---
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LD Landis - N0YRQ - from the St Paul side of Minneapolis

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