Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-09-02 Thread maccrawj
Yes, that is the site. I've not recently looked at what current remotes still sport a 
JP1 connector, the forums should have a list.

Beyond the cable that you can build or buy, the software is totally free.

A similar project exists for Harmony though it's really lacking so far. When they 
make some real progress I see the cheap Harmony as a great successor to my aging 
Radio Shack remote.

DSinc wrote:

So, I've gone an googled JP1 and I have found the site, site,
and site.

The Kameleon choices look nice so far. Even dl'd a spreadsheet that 
lists choices that are JP1 tweakable.  Interesting.

Am I looking at what you speak of?

maccrawj wrote:
Name a  $100 that offers features like Harmony! Up to now only 
hacking JP1 remote interfaces which exist on remotes at the whim of 
OFA who does not want customers using them have been alternative to 
expensive Pronto type remotes. In fact It's getting hard to find them. 
Harmony on the other hand is marketed as programmable yet is hamstrung 
by the software.

You miss the point much? spreadsheet as in direct entry of buttons 
vs. GUI menus as an OPTION has no argument against it. Between 
customers like you scoffing at advanced features and fear that 
luddites will screw up the remote doing advanced features is why we're 
getting a dumbed down interface on an otherwise great piece of 
hardware. Don't paraphrase that into something else.

Whatever, disdain, yes because in every post you've essentially 
flipped me of as a whiner who should just use plenty of other 
remotes which don't exist and state I should move on from Harmony (to 
what?) rather than being vocal about the limits.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
who said I think you're making anything up?  I said that your points 
don't matter to me and I told you why. Your response indicate a 
disdain for those who disagree with you. There are plenty of remotes 
on the market and you can easily get one which suits your needs.  
Going around calling others Luddites because they don't wish to use 
a spreadsheet to program remotes is just stupid.

maccrawj wrote:
I'm not whining you're just not accepting that I have valid points. 
You think I sit around making this shit up for fun? This is 10 years 
of my experience with remotes, yours clearly differs. Could care 
less if that fact didn't lessen my choices of features I need.

If you do think I make this shit up, don't bother saying so because 
you know my response to that.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
Dude...why don't you quit whining  just because you want to 
live in remote code hell doesn't mean the rest of us want or need 
to...if you don't like the Harmony move on

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-09-01 Thread DSinc

So, I've gone an googled JP1 and I have found the site, site,
and site.

The Kameleon choices look nice so far. Even dl'd a spreadsheet that 
lists choices that are JP1 tweakable.  Interesting.

Am I looking at what you speak of?

maccrawj wrote:
Name a  $100 that offers features like Harmony! Up to now only hacking 
JP1 remote interfaces which exist on remotes at the whim of OFA who does 
not want customers using them have been alternative to expensive Pronto 
type remotes. In fact It's getting hard to find them. Harmony on the 
other hand is marketed as programmable yet is hamstrung by the software.

You miss the point much? spreadsheet as in direct entry of buttons vs. 
GUI menus as an OPTION has no argument against it. Between customers 
like you scoffing at advanced features and fear that luddites will screw 
up the remote doing advanced features is why we're getting a dumbed down 
interface on an otherwise great piece of hardware. Don't paraphrase that 
into something else.

Whatever, disdain, yes because in every post you've essentially flipped 
me of as a whiner who should just use plenty of other remotes which 
don't exist and state I should move on from Harmony (to what?) rather 
than being vocal about the limits.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
who said I think you're making anything up?  I said that your points 
don't matter to me and I told you why. Your response indicate a 
disdain for those who disagree with you. There are plenty of remotes 
on the market and you can easily get one which suits your needs.  
Going around calling others Luddites because they don't wish to use 
a spreadsheet to program remotes is just stupid.

maccrawj wrote:
I'm not whining you're just not accepting that I have valid points. 
You think I sit around making this shit up for fun? This is 10 years 
of my experience with remotes, yours clearly differs. Could care less 
if that fact didn't lessen my choices of features I need.

If you do think I make this shit up, don't bother saying so because 
you know my response to that.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
Dude...why don't you quit whining  just because you want to live 
in remote code hell doesn't mean the rest of us want or need 
to...if you don't like the Harmony move on

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-31 Thread Anthony Q. Martin
who said I think you're making anything up?  I said that your points 
don't matter to me and I told you why. Your response indicate a disdain 
for those who disagree with you. There are plenty of remotes on the 
market and you can easily get one which suits your needs.  Going around 
calling others Luddites because they don't wish to use a spreadsheet 
to program remotes is just stupid.

maccrawj wrote:
I'm not whining you're just not accepting that I have valid points. 
You think I sit around making this shit up for fun? This is 10 years 
of my experience with remotes, yours clearly differs. Could care less 
if that fact didn't lessen my choices of features I need.

If you do think I make this shit up, don't bother saying so because 
you know my response to that.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
Dude...why don't you quit whining  just because you want to live 
in remote code hell doesn't mean the rest of us want or need 
to...if you don't like the Harmony move on

maccrawj wrote:
This assumes you a. have the remote, b. the function is on that 
remote. Lot's of descreet codes ARE NOT on remotes, others there's 
multiple definitions of the same button code depending on the device 
it's used with, and many have not made it into the Logitech DB 
because there is no button on anyones remote that generates them.

You're happy great, problem is there are reasons for more control 
and they're not getting serviced because people like you say it aint 
broke. Meanwhile the rest of us have been doing this since before 
Harmony, gained great functionality  flexibility only to have a 
luddite targeted device come along and deliver 80% of the same 
functionality when it could do 100% with nothing additional beyond 
removing artificial barriers  assumptions.

I did not have to fiddle to get my stuff to work on a JP1 remote. 
I did have to lookup the base info  button code values, but then 
all I did was type them in exactly where *I* wanted them on a 
spreadsheet  upload. By comparison I have to assume a given code is 
what is says it is and deal with a GUI hosted on a website to get 
that code mapped to a button. Both are easy, the later could be the 
same if they'd just give an option for advanced setup.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took 
all of 30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and 
free me from constant remote hell. If I never need something in 
particular not on the user-community provided menus I can grab the 
device remote.  I have plenty of better things to do than spent my 
time fiddling with codes and macros.

maccrawj wrote:

Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct 
access to the remotes programming code. End result is you are at 
their mercy when it comes to getting codes that don't exist in 
their community support database (read: added by other endlusers 
by ir learning  interpreted by logitech) add short of ir learning 
or calling TS to add a pronto code.

Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no 
original remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices  

7. No real macro support.

6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that 
starting/stopping activities issue.

5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or 

4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading 
to various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era 
HTML forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious 
button/device management, internet needed to program, etc...

3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device 
functions like sound + buttons only being usable for display  
audio device, not the device serving them the signal; this despite 
being able to assign those under device mode setup which you loose 
in activity mode.

2. Zero interest on Logitech's part to address valid user issues 
with interface, function, and ability to offline program; A forum 
base of volunteer kool-aid drinkers with their finger poised on 
the ban button for dissenters.

1. Expensive rental since the programming software is 100% on 
their web server so they can switch to something new when it suits 
them leaving support in the dust like they did mkb+mice with 

Sound angry? You bet, go read the forums before you drink the 
kool-aid! JP1 universals still offer way more flexibility  direct 
access to solutions at a lower price point with open source 
programming software  strong community support.  For that matter 
real Pronto remotes are light years ahead  in same price range as 
fancy Harmony's.

To be fair I have the Costco marketed low-end 6xx model, about $50 
that I am still struggling to like mostly because it has 

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-31 Thread maccrawj
Name a  $100 that offers features like Harmony! Up to now only hacking JP1 remote 
interfaces which exist on remotes at the whim of OFA who does not want customers 
using them have been alternative to expensive Pronto type remotes. In fact It's 
getting hard to find them. Harmony on the other hand is marketed as programmable yet 
is hamstrung by the software.

You miss the point much? spreadsheet as in direct entry of buttons vs. GUI menus as 
an OPTION has no argument against it. Between customers like you scoffing at advanced 
features and fear that luddites will screw up the remote doing advanced features is 
why we're getting a dumbed down interface on an otherwise great piece of hardware. 
Don't paraphrase that into something else.

Whatever, disdain, yes because in every post you've essentially flipped me of as a 
whiner who should just use plenty of other remotes which don't exist and state I 
should move on from Harmony (to what?) rather than being vocal about the limits.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
who said I think you're making anything up?  I said that your points 
don't matter to me and I told you why. Your response indicate a disdain 
for those who disagree with you. There are plenty of remotes on the 
market and you can easily get one which suits your needs.  Going around 
calling others Luddites because they don't wish to use a spreadsheet 
to program remotes is just stupid.

maccrawj wrote:
I'm not whining you're just not accepting that I have valid points. 
You think I sit around making this shit up for fun? This is 10 years 
of my experience with remotes, yours clearly differs. Could care less 
if that fact didn't lessen my choices of features I need.

If you do think I make this shit up, don't bother saying so because 
you know my response to that.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
Dude...why don't you quit whining  just because you want to live 
in remote code hell doesn't mean the rest of us want or need 
to...if you don't like the Harmony move on

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-30 Thread maccrawj
About Pronto CODE support which is STILL the standard by which many manufacturers 
release their remote codes for customers to use on replacement remotes.

$50 one-for-all remotes  $5 in parts still trump anything logitech has. All these 
blow-offs are because none of you have ever dealt with JP1 method of doing things. 
Being able to have the exact code needed w/o a remote or 3rd party source of cooked 
config data is always better way to go.

Let me underscore reason #1, that means that when Logitech chooses to discontinue 
support you have NO way to reprogram the remote.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't kick 'em in the ass  get the point.

Bino Gopal wrote:

Duncan, I can't say for sure but there should be no reason to get a Pronto
or anything that expensive; and a lot of maccrawj's complaints seemed to be
about the Pronto specifically (please correct me if I'm wrong), and that's
the old tech; even the 1000 is a bit old now.

Anyway, the Harmony One (~$250; online it was $175 from Amazon and I got
Best Buy to price match that; YMMV) should do everything you need and at
that price point is very attractive.  There are lesser Harmonys out there
that could also work fine too; any of those should do you good.  As Anthony
said, it's easy to set up and you have better things to do than spend time
fiddling with remote codes.  Here's the link to the Harmony One on Amazon
($199 now):

Read the reviews there; those should give you a good idea of what to expect
too.  HTH.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of DSinc
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

OK. Perhaps I misunderstood. Is there some other choice between Pronto 
and Harmony?  Yes, the Pronto is still very pricey to my view.. :)

Duncan wrote:

No, if your going to spend like that, grab a harmony 1000.  At less then
$500, nothing compares.  

Sent via BlackBerry 

-Original Message-
From: DSinc

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:17:55 

Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

Understand S.A.F. I do not have this worry, but I am living with 6 
remotes.  Plus I have none of the modern conveniences and media channels 
that most on this list use.  I still have yet to select an AV Rcvr.

I get the impression that there are 2 strong camps here; Logitech 
Harmony and the older Pronto. Everything else is futz? Am I close?

I do so recall years ago when Pronto was ~$1K. Hope it is cheaper now.

Interesting thread. Thanks,
Duncan wrote:
Waf trumps everything, I completely agree. 
Sent via BlackBerry 

-Original Message-
From: Brian Weeden

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 11:01:04 

Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

And the spousal value cannot be understated.

Brian Weeden
Technical Advisor
Secure World Foundation
Montreal Office
+1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
+1 (202) 683-8534 US

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Anthony Q. Martin


None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took all


30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and free me


constant remote hell. If I never need something in particular not on the
user-community provided menus I can grab the device remote.  I have


of better things to do than spent my time fiddling with codes and


maccrawj wrote:

Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct access


the remotes programming code. End result is you are at their mercy when


comes to getting codes that don't exist in their community support
database (read: added by other endlusers by ir learning  interpreted


logitech) add short of ir learning or calling TS to add a pronto code.

Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no original
remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices 


7. No real macro support.

6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping
activities issue.

5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to
various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML
forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device
management, internet needed to program, etc...

3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device



Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-30 Thread maccrawj

Also for most any WinCE PDA if you can live with limited range IR output. wrote:
Good software out there let's you use a blackberry or iphone as a remote.  Decent. 

Sent via BlackBerry 

-Original Message-
From: DSinc

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 00:18:57 

Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

Thanks for the shout.
OK, I think I have it. Pronto is too expensive.
Look at Harmony; except maccrawj does not care for Logitech.
That is my read ATM. Some $$$ and personal bias bashing is going on.
Fine. This I expect here.
At this point I am frightened to do anything.
I will continue with this thread

Bino Gopal wrote:

Duncan, I can't say for sure but there should be no reason to get a Pronto
or anything that expensive; and a lot of maccrawj's complaints seemed to be
about the Pronto specifically (please correct me if I'm wrong), and that's
the old tech; even the 1000 is a bit old now.

Anyway, the Harmony One (~$250; online it was $175 from Amazon and I got
Best Buy to price match that; YMMV) should do everything you need and at
that price point is very attractive.  There are lesser Harmonys out there
that could also work fine too; any of those should do you good.  As Anthony
said, it's easy to set up and you have better things to do than spend time
fiddling with remote codes.  Here's the link to the Harmony One on Amazon
($199 now):

Read the reviews there; those should give you a good idea of what to expect
too.  HTH.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of DSinc
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

OK. Perhaps I misunderstood. Is there some other choice between Pronto 
and Harmony?  Yes, the Pronto is still very pricey to my view.. :)

Duncan wrote:

No, if your going to spend like that, grab a harmony 1000.  At less then
$500, nothing compares.  
Sent via BlackBerry 

-Original Message-
From: DSinc

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:17:55 

Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

Understand S.A.F. I do not have this worry, but I am living with 6 
remotes.  Plus I have none of the modern conveniences and media channels 
that most on this list use.  I still have yet to select an AV Rcvr.

I get the impression that there are 2 strong camps here; Logitech 
Harmony and the older Pronto. Everything else is futz? Am I close?

I do so recall years ago when Pronto was ~$1K. Hope it is cheaper now.

Interesting thread. Thanks,
Duncan wrote:
Waf trumps everything, I completely agree. 
Sent via BlackBerry 

-Original Message-
From: Brian Weeden

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 11:01:04 

Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

And the spousal value cannot be understated.

Brian Weeden
Technical Advisor
Secure World Foundation
Montreal Office
+1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
+1 (202) 683-8534 US

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Anthony Q. Martin


None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took all


30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and free me


constant remote hell. If I never need something in particular not on the
user-community provided menus I can grab the device remote.  I have


of better things to do than spent my time fiddling with codes and


maccrawj wrote:

Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct access


the remotes programming code. End result is you are at their mercy when


comes to getting codes that don't exist in their community support
database (read: added by other endlusers by ir learning  interpreted


logitech) add short of ir learning or calling TS to add a pronto code.

Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no original
remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices 


7. No real macro support.

6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping
activities issue.

5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to
various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML
forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device
management, internet needed to program, etc...

3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-30 Thread maccrawj
This assumes you a. have the remote, b. the function is on that remote. Lot's of 
descreet codes ARE NOT on remotes, others there's multiple definitions of the same 
button code depending on the device it's used with, and many have not made it into 
the Logitech DB because there is no button on anyones remote that generates them.

You're happy great, problem is there are reasons for more control and they're not 
getting serviced because people like you say it aint broke. Meanwhile the rest of us 
have been doing this since before Harmony, gained great functionality  flexibility 
only to have a luddite targeted device come along and deliver 80% of the same 
functionality when it could do 100% with nothing additional beyond removing 
artificial barriers  assumptions.

I did not have to fiddle to get my stuff to work on a JP1 remote. I did have to 
lookup the base info  button code values, but then all I did was type them in 
exactly where *I* wanted them on a spreadsheet  upload. By comparison I have to 
assume a given code is what is says it is and deal with a GUI hosted on a website to 
get that code mapped to a button. Both are easy, the later could be the same if 
they'd just give an option for advanced setup.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took all 
of 30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and free me 
from constant remote hell. If I never need something in particular not 
on the user-community provided menus I can grab the device remote.  I 
have plenty of better things to do than spent my time fiddling with 
codes and macros.

maccrawj wrote:

Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct access 
to the remotes programming code. End result is you are at their mercy 
when it comes to getting codes that don't exist in their community 
support database (read: added by other endlusers by ir learning  
interpreted by logitech) add short of ir learning or calling TS to add 
a pronto code.

Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no 
original remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices  macros.

7. No real macro support.

6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping 
activities issue.

5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to 
various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML 
forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device 
management, internet needed to program, etc...

3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device 
functions like sound + buttons only being usable for display  audio 
device, not the device serving them the signal; this despite being 
able to assign those under device mode setup which you loose in 
activity mode.

2. Zero interest on Logitech's part to address valid user issues with 
interface, function, and ability to offline program; A forum base of 
volunteer kool-aid drinkers with their finger poised on the ban button 
for dissenters.

1. Expensive rental since the programming software is 100% on their 
web server so they can switch to something new when it suits them 
leaving support in the dust like they did mkb+mice with itouch/mouseware.

Sound angry? You bet, go read the forums before you drink the 
kool-aid! JP1 universals still offer way more flexibility  direct 
access to solutions at a lower price point with open source 
programming software  strong community support.  For that matter real 
Pronto remotes are light years ahead  in same price range as fancy 

To be fair I have the Costco marketed low-end 6xx model, about $50 
that I am still struggling to like mostly because it has a nice 
programmable 6 button LCD that my JP1 remote lacks. If the offline 
programming  capable hacked open source softwares ever mature or 
Logitech wakes up, then I'd recommend it with slight reservation as it 
still can't have it's firmware functionality end-user extended like 
JP1's can.

Sorry for long post but Logitech irks me on many levels!

Bobby Heid wrote:



I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in 
the way

of remotes?


I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any


Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-30 Thread Anthony Q. Martin
Dude...why don't you quit whining  just because you want to live in 
remote code hell doesn't mean the rest of us want or need to...if you 
don't like the Harmony move on

maccrawj wrote:
This assumes you a. have the remote, b. the function is on that 
remote. Lot's of descreet codes ARE NOT on remotes, others there's 
multiple definitions of the same button code depending on the device 
it's used with, and many have not made it into the Logitech DB because 
there is no button on anyones remote that generates them.

You're happy great, problem is there are reasons for more control and 
they're not getting serviced because people like you say it aint 
broke. Meanwhile the rest of us have been doing this since before 
Harmony, gained great functionality  flexibility only to have a 
luddite targeted device come along and deliver 80% of the same 
functionality when it could do 100% with nothing additional beyond 
removing artificial barriers  assumptions.

I did not have to fiddle to get my stuff to work on a JP1 remote. I 
did have to lookup the base info  button code values, but then all I 
did was type them in exactly where *I* wanted them on a spreadsheet  
upload. By comparison I have to assume a given code is what is says it 
is and deal with a GUI hosted on a website to get that code mapped to 
a button. Both are easy, the later could be the same if they'd just 
give an option for advanced setup.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took 
all of 30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and 
free me from constant remote hell. If I never need something in 
particular not on the user-community provided menus I can grab the 
device remote.  I have plenty of better things to do than spent my 
time fiddling with codes and macros.

maccrawj wrote:

Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct 
access to the remotes programming code. End result is you are at 
their mercy when it comes to getting codes that don't exist in their 
community support database (read: added by other endlusers by ir 
learning  interpreted by logitech) add short of ir learning or 
calling TS to add a pronto code.

Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no 
original remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices  

7. No real macro support.

6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping 
activities issue.

5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to 
various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML 
forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device 
management, internet needed to program, etc...

3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device 
functions like sound + buttons only being usable for display  audio 
device, not the device serving them the signal; this despite being 
able to assign those under device mode setup which you loose in 
activity mode.

2. Zero interest on Logitech's part to address valid user issues 
with interface, function, and ability to offline program; A forum 
base of volunteer kool-aid drinkers with their finger poised on the 
ban button for dissenters.

1. Expensive rental since the programming software is 100% on 
their web server so they can switch to something new when it suits 
them leaving support in the dust like they did mkb+mice with 

Sound angry? You bet, go read the forums before you drink the 
kool-aid! JP1 universals still offer way more flexibility  direct 
access to solutions at a lower price point with open source 
programming software  strong community support.  For that matter 
real Pronto remotes are light years ahead  in same price range as 
fancy Harmony's.

To be fair I have the Costco marketed low-end 6xx model, about $50 
that I am still struggling to like mostly because it has a nice 
programmable 6 button LCD that my JP1 remote lacks. If the offline 
programming  capable hacked open source softwares ever mature or 
Logitech wakes up, then I'd recommend it with slight reservation as 
it still can't have it's firmware functionality end-user extended 
like JP1's can.

Sorry for long post but Logitech irks me on many levels!

Bobby Heid wrote:



I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in 
the way

of remotes?


I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 
models.  Any



Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-30 Thread maccrawj
I'm not whining you're just not accepting that I have valid points. You think I sit 
around making this shit up for fun? This is 10 years of my experience with remotes, 
yours clearly differs. Could care less if that fact didn't lessen my choices of 
features I need.

If you do think I make this shit up, don't bother saying so because you know my 
response to that.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
Dude...why don't you quit whining  just because you want to live in 
remote code hell doesn't mean the rest of us want or need to...if you 
don't like the Harmony move on

maccrawj wrote:
This assumes you a. have the remote, b. the function is on that 
remote. Lot's of descreet codes ARE NOT on remotes, others there's 
multiple definitions of the same button code depending on the device 
it's used with, and many have not made it into the Logitech DB because 
there is no button on anyones remote that generates them.

You're happy great, problem is there are reasons for more control and 
they're not getting serviced because people like you say it aint 
broke. Meanwhile the rest of us have been doing this since before 
Harmony, gained great functionality  flexibility only to have a 
luddite targeted device come along and deliver 80% of the same 
functionality when it could do 100% with nothing additional beyond 
removing artificial barriers  assumptions.

I did not have to fiddle to get my stuff to work on a JP1 remote. I 
did have to lookup the base info  button code values, but then all I 
did was type them in exactly where *I* wanted them on a spreadsheet  
upload. By comparison I have to assume a given code is what is says it 
is and deal with a GUI hosted on a website to get that code mapped to 
a button. Both are easy, the later could be the same if they'd just 
give an option for advanced setup.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took 
all of 30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and 
free me from constant remote hell. If I never need something in 
particular not on the user-community provided menus I can grab the 
device remote.  I have plenty of better things to do than spent my 
time fiddling with codes and macros.

maccrawj wrote:

Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct 
access to the remotes programming code. End result is you are at 
their mercy when it comes to getting codes that don't exist in their 
community support database (read: added by other endlusers by ir 
learning  interpreted by logitech) add short of ir learning or 
calling TS to add a pronto code.

Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no 
original remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices  

7. No real macro support.

6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping 
activities issue.

5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to 
various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML 
forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device 
management, internet needed to program, etc...

3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device 
functions like sound + buttons only being usable for display  audio 
device, not the device serving them the signal; this despite being 
able to assign those under device mode setup which you loose in 
activity mode.

2. Zero interest on Logitech's part to address valid user issues 
with interface, function, and ability to offline program; A forum 
base of volunteer kool-aid drinkers with their finger poised on the 
ban button for dissenters.

1. Expensive rental since the programming software is 100% on 
their web server so they can switch to something new when it suits 
them leaving support in the dust like they did mkb+mice with 

Sound angry? You bet, go read the forums before you drink the 
kool-aid! JP1 universals still offer way more flexibility  direct 
access to solutions at a lower price point with open source 
programming software  strong community support.  For that matter 
real Pronto remotes are light years ahead  in same price range as 
fancy Harmony's.

To be fair I have the Costco marketed low-end 6xx model, about $50 
that I am still struggling to like mostly because it has a nice 
programmable 6 button LCD that my JP1 remote lacks. If the offline 
programming  capable hacked open source softwares ever mature or 
Logitech wakes up, then I'd recommend it with slight reservation as 
it still can't have it's firmware functionality end-user extended 
like JP1's can.

Sorry for long post but Logitech irks me on many levels!

Bobby Heid wrote:



I'm looking at getting a 

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-29 Thread maccrawj

Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct access to the remotes 
programming code. End result is you are at their mercy when it comes to getting codes 
that don't exist in their community support database (read: added by other 
endlusers by ir learning  interpreted by logitech) add short of ir learning or 
calling TS to add a pronto code.

Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no original remote = 
frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices  macros.

7. No real macro support.

6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping 
activities issue.

5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to various issues: 
5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor 
process flow, tedious button/device management, internet needed to program, etc...

3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device functions like sound 
+ buttons only being usable for display  audio device, not the device serving them 
the signal; this despite being able to assign those under device mode setup which you 
loose in activity mode.

2. Zero interest on Logitech's part to address valid user issues with interface, 
function, and ability to offline program; A forum base of volunteer kool-aid drinkers 
with their finger poised on the ban button for dissenters.

1. Expensive rental since the programming software is 100% on their web server so 
they can switch to something new when it suits them leaving support in the dust like 
they did mkb+mice with itouch/mouseware.

Sound angry? You bet, go read the forums before you drink the kool-aid! JP1 
universals still offer way more flexibility  direct access to solutions at a lower 
price point with open source programming software  strong community support.  For 
that matter real Pronto remotes are light years ahead  in same price range as fancy 

To be fair I have the Costco marketed low-end 6xx model, about $50 that I am still 
struggling to like mostly because it has a nice programmable 6 button LCD that my JP1 
remote lacks. If the offline programming  capable hacked open source softwares ever 
mature or Logitech wakes up, then I'd recommend it with slight reservation as it 
still can't have it's firmware functionality end-user extended like JP1's can.

Sorry for long post but Logitech irks me on many levels!

Bobby Heid wrote:



I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the way
of remotes?


I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any


Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-29 Thread Anthony Q. Martin
None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took all 
of 30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and free me 
from constant remote hell. If I never need something in particular not 
on the user-community provided menus I can grab the device remote.  I 
have plenty of better things to do than spent my time fiddling with 
codes and macros.

maccrawj wrote:

Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct access 
to the remotes programming code. End result is you are at their mercy 
when it comes to getting codes that don't exist in their community 
support database (read: added by other endlusers by ir learning  
interpreted by logitech) add short of ir learning or calling TS to add 
a pronto code.

Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no 
original remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices  macros.

7. No real macro support.

6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping 
activities issue.

5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to 
various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML 
forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device 
management, internet needed to program, etc...

3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device 
functions like sound + buttons only being usable for display  audio 
device, not the device serving them the signal; this despite being 
able to assign those under device mode setup which you loose in 
activity mode.

2. Zero interest on Logitech's part to address valid user issues with 
interface, function, and ability to offline program; A forum base of 
volunteer kool-aid drinkers with their finger poised on the ban button 
for dissenters.

1. Expensive rental since the programming software is 100% on their 
web server so they can switch to something new when it suits them 
leaving support in the dust like they did mkb+mice with itouch/mouseware.

Sound angry? You bet, go read the forums before you drink the 
kool-aid! JP1 universals still offer way more flexibility  direct 
access to solutions at a lower price point with open source 
programming software  strong community support.  For that matter real 
Pronto remotes are light years ahead  in same price range as fancy 

To be fair I have the Costco marketed low-end 6xx model, about $50 
that I am still struggling to like mostly because it has a nice 
programmable 6 button LCD that my JP1 remote lacks. If the offline 
programming  capable hacked open source softwares ever mature or 
Logitech wakes up, then I'd recommend it with slight reservation as it 
still can't have it's firmware functionality end-user extended like 
JP1's can.

Sorry for long post but Logitech irks me on many levels!

Bobby Heid wrote:



I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in 
the way

of remotes?


I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any


Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-29 Thread Brian Weeden
And the spousal value cannot be understated.

Brian Weeden
Technical Advisor
Secure World Foundation
Montreal Office
+1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
+1 (202) 683-8534 US

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Anthony Q. Martin amar...@charter.netwrote:

 None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took all of
 30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and free me from
 constant remote hell. If I never need something in particular not on the
 user-community provided menus I can grab the device remote.  I have plenty
 of better things to do than spent my time fiddling with codes and macros.

 maccrawj wrote:

 Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

 When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct access to
 the remotes programming code. End result is you are at their mercy when it
 comes to getting codes that don't exist in their community support
 database (read: added by other endlusers by ir learning  interpreted by
 logitech) add short of ir learning or calling TS to add a pronto code.

 Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

 10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

 9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no original
 remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

 8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices  macros.

 7. No real macro support.

 6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping
 activities issue.

 5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

 4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to
 various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML
 forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device
 management, internet needed to program, etc...

 3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device functions
 like sound + buttons only being usable for display  audio device, not the
 device serving them the signal; this despite being able to assign those
 under device mode setup which you loose in activity mode.

 2. Zero interest on Logitech's part to address valid user issues with
 interface, function, and ability to offline program; A forum base of
 volunteer kool-aid drinkers with their finger poised on the ban button for

 1. Expensive rental since the programming software is 100% on their web
 server so they can switch to something new when it suits them leaving
 support in the dust like they did mkb+mice with itouch/mouseware.

 Sound angry? You bet, go read the forums before you drink the kool-aid!
 JP1 universals still offer way more flexibility  direct access to solutions
 at a lower price point with open source programming software  strong
 community support.  For that matter real Pronto remotes are light years
 ahead  in same price range as fancy Harmony's.

 To be fair I have the Costco marketed low-end 6xx model, about $50 that I
 am still struggling to like mostly because it has a nice programmable 6
 button LCD that my JP1 remote lacks. If the offline programming  capable
 hacked open source softwares ever mature or Logitech wakes up, then I'd
 recommend it with slight reservation as it still can't have it's firmware
 functionality end-user extended like JP1's can.

 Sorry for long post but Logitech irks me on many levels!

 Bobby Heid wrote:


 I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the
 of remotes?

 I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-29 Thread tmservo
Waf trumps everything, I completely agree. 
Sent via BlackBerry 

-Original Message-
From: Brian Weeden

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 11:01:04 
Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

And the spousal value cannot be understated.

Brian Weeden
Technical Advisor
Secure World Foundation
Montreal Office
+1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
+1 (202) 683-8534 US

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Anthony Q. Martin amar...@charter.netwrote:

 None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took all of
 30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and free me from
 constant remote hell. If I never need something in particular not on the
 user-community provided menus I can grab the device remote.  I have plenty
 of better things to do than spent my time fiddling with codes and macros.

 maccrawj wrote:

 Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

 When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct access to
 the remotes programming code. End result is you are at their mercy when it
 comes to getting codes that don't exist in their community support
 database (read: added by other endlusers by ir learning  interpreted by
 logitech) add short of ir learning or calling TS to add a pronto code.

 Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

 10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

 9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no original
 remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

 8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices  macros.

 7. No real macro support.

 6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping
 activities issue.

 5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

 4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to
 various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML
 forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device
 management, internet needed to program, etc...

 3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device functions
 like sound + buttons only being usable for display  audio device, not the
 device serving them the signal; this despite being able to assign those
 under device mode setup which you loose in activity mode.

 2. Zero interest on Logitech's part to address valid user issues with
 interface, function, and ability to offline program; A forum base of
 volunteer kool-aid drinkers with their finger poised on the ban button for

 1. Expensive rental since the programming software is 100% on their web
 server so they can switch to something new when it suits them leaving
 support in the dust like they did mkb+mice with itouch/mouseware.

 Sound angry? You bet, go read the forums before you drink the kool-aid!
 JP1 universals still offer way more flexibility  direct access to solutions
 at a lower price point with open source programming software  strong
 community support.  For that matter real Pronto remotes are light years
 ahead  in same price range as fancy Harmony's.

 To be fair I have the Costco marketed low-end 6xx model, about $50 that I
 am still struggling to like mostly because it has a nice programmable 6
 button LCD that my JP1 remote lacks. If the offline programming  capable
 hacked open source softwares ever mature or Logitech wakes up, then I'd
 recommend it with slight reservation as it still can't have it's firmware
 functionality end-user extended like JP1's can.

 Sorry for long post but Logitech irks me on many levels!

 Bobby Heid wrote:


 I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the
 of remotes?

 I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-29 Thread DSinc
Understand S.A.F. I do not have this worry, but I am living with 6 
remotes.  Plus I have none of the modern conveniences and media channels 
that most on this list use.  I still have yet to select an AV Rcvr.

I get the impression that there are 2 strong camps here; Logitech 
Harmony and the older Pronto. Everything else is futz? Am I close?

I do so recall years ago when Pronto was ~$1K. Hope it is cheaper now.

Interesting thread. Thanks,
Duncan wrote:
Waf trumps everything, I completely agree. 
Sent via BlackBerry 

-Original Message-
From: Brian Weeden

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 11:01:04 

Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

And the spousal value cannot be understated.

Brian Weeden
Technical Advisor
Secure World Foundation
Montreal Office
+1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
+1 (202) 683-8534 US

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Anthony Q. Martin amar...@charter.netwrote:

None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took all of
30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and free me from
constant remote hell. If I never need something in particular not on the
user-community provided menus I can grab the device remote.  I have plenty
of better things to do than spent my time fiddling with codes and macros.

maccrawj wrote:

Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct access to
the remotes programming code. End result is you are at their mercy when it
comes to getting codes that don't exist in their community support
database (read: added by other endlusers by ir learning  interpreted by
logitech) add short of ir learning or calling TS to add a pronto code.

Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no original
remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices  macros.

7. No real macro support.

6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping
activities issue.

5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to
various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML
forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device
management, internet needed to program, etc...

3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device functions
like sound + buttons only being usable for display  audio device, not the
device serving them the signal; this despite being able to assign those
under device mode setup which you loose in activity mode.

2. Zero interest on Logitech's part to address valid user issues with
interface, function, and ability to offline program; A forum base of
volunteer kool-aid drinkers with their finger poised on the ban button for

1. Expensive rental since the programming software is 100% on their web
server so they can switch to something new when it suits them leaving
support in the dust like they did mkb+mice with itouch/mouseware.

Sound angry? You bet, go read the forums before you drink the kool-aid!
JP1 universals still offer way more flexibility  direct access to solutions
at a lower price point with open source programming software  strong
community support.  For that matter real Pronto remotes are light years
ahead  in same price range as fancy Harmony's.

To be fair I have the Costco marketed low-end 6xx model, about $50 that I
am still struggling to like mostly because it has a nice programmable 6
button LCD that my JP1 remote lacks. If the offline programming  capable
hacked open source softwares ever mature or Logitech wakes up, then I'd
recommend it with slight reservation as it still can't have it's firmware
functionality end-user extended like JP1's can.

Sorry for long post but Logitech irks me on many levels!

Bobby Heid wrote:


I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the
of remotes?

I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-29 Thread tmservo
No, if your going to spend like that, grab a harmony 1000.  At less then $500, 
nothing compares.  

Sent via BlackBerry 

-Original Message-
From: DSinc

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:17:55 
Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

Understand S.A.F. I do not have this worry, but I am living with 6 
remotes.  Plus I have none of the modern conveniences and media channels 
that most on this list use.  I still have yet to select an AV Rcvr.

I get the impression that there are 2 strong camps here; Logitech 
Harmony and the older Pronto. Everything else is futz? Am I close?
I do so recall years ago when Pronto was ~$1K. Hope it is cheaper now.

Interesting thread. Thanks,
Duncan wrote:
 Waf trumps everything, I completely agree. 
 Sent via BlackBerry 
 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Weeden
 Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 11:01:04 
 Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?
 And the spousal value cannot be understated.
 Brian Weeden
 Technical Advisor
 Secure World Foundation
 Montreal Office
 +1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
 +1 (202) 683-8534 US
 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Anthony Q. Martin amar...@charter.netwrote:
 None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took all of
 30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and free me from
 constant remote hell. If I never need something in particular not on the
 user-community provided menus I can grab the device remote.  I have plenty
 of better things to do than spent my time fiddling with codes and macros.

 maccrawj wrote:

 Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

 When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct access to
 the remotes programming code. End result is you are at their mercy when it
 comes to getting codes that don't exist in their community support
 database (read: added by other endlusers by ir learning  interpreted by
 logitech) add short of ir learning or calling TS to add a pronto code.

 Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

 10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

 9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no original
 remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

 8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices  macros.

 7. No real macro support.

 6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping
 activities issue.

 5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

 4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to
 various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML
 forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device
 management, internet needed to program, etc...

 3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device functions
 like sound + buttons only being usable for display  audio device, not the
 device serving them the signal; this despite being able to assign those
 under device mode setup which you loose in activity mode.

 2. Zero interest on Logitech's part to address valid user issues with
 interface, function, and ability to offline program; A forum base of
 volunteer kool-aid drinkers with their finger poised on the ban button for

 1. Expensive rental since the programming software is 100% on their web
 server so they can switch to something new when it suits them leaving
 support in the dust like they did mkb+mice with itouch/mouseware.

 Sound angry? You bet, go read the forums before you drink the kool-aid!
 JP1 universals still offer way more flexibility  direct access to solutions
 at a lower price point with open source programming software  strong
 community support.  For that matter real Pronto remotes are light years
 ahead  in same price range as fancy Harmony's.

 To be fair I have the Costco marketed low-end 6xx model, about $50 that I
 am still struggling to like mostly because it has a nice programmable 6
 button LCD that my JP1 remote lacks. If the offline programming  capable
 hacked open source softwares ever mature or Logitech wakes up, then I'd
 recommend it with slight reservation as it still can't have it's firmware
 functionality end-user extended like JP1's can.

 Sorry for long post but Logitech irks me on many levels!

 Bobby Heid wrote:


 I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the
 of remotes?

 I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-29 Thread DSinc
OK. Perhaps I misunderstood. Is there some other choice between Pronto 
and Harmony?  Yes, the Pronto is still very pricey to my view.. :)

Duncan wrote:
No, if your going to spend like that, grab a harmony 1000.  At less then $500, nothing compares.  

Sent via BlackBerry 

-Original Message-
From: DSinc

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:17:55 

Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

Understand S.A.F. I do not have this worry, but I am living with 6 
remotes.  Plus I have none of the modern conveniences and media channels 
that most on this list use.  I still have yet to select an AV Rcvr.

I get the impression that there are 2 strong camps here; Logitech 
Harmony and the older Pronto. Everything else is futz? Am I close?

I do so recall years ago when Pronto was ~$1K. Hope it is cheaper now.

Interesting thread. Thanks,
Duncan wrote:
Waf trumps everything, I completely agree. 
Sent via BlackBerry 

-Original Message-
From: Brian Weeden

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 11:01:04 

Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

And the spousal value cannot be understated.

Brian Weeden
Technical Advisor
Secure World Foundation
Montreal Office
+1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
+1 (202) 683-8534 US

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Anthony Q. Martin amar...@charter.netwrote:

None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took all of
30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and free me from
constant remote hell. If I never need something in particular not on the
user-community provided menus I can grab the device remote.  I have plenty
of better things to do than spent my time fiddling with codes and macros.

maccrawj wrote:

Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct access to
the remotes programming code. End result is you are at their mercy when it
comes to getting codes that don't exist in their community support
database (read: added by other endlusers by ir learning  interpreted by
logitech) add short of ir learning or calling TS to add a pronto code.

Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no original
remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices  macros.

7. No real macro support.

6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping
activities issue.

5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to
various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML
forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device
management, internet needed to program, etc...

3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device functions
like sound + buttons only being usable for display  audio device, not the
device serving them the signal; this despite being able to assign those
under device mode setup which you loose in activity mode.

2. Zero interest on Logitech's part to address valid user issues with
interface, function, and ability to offline program; A forum base of
volunteer kool-aid drinkers with their finger poised on the ban button for

1. Expensive rental since the programming software is 100% on their web
server so they can switch to something new when it suits them leaving
support in the dust like they did mkb+mice with itouch/mouseware.

Sound angry? You bet, go read the forums before you drink the kool-aid!
JP1 universals still offer way more flexibility  direct access to solutions
at a lower price point with open source programming software  strong
community support.  For that matter real Pronto remotes are light years
ahead  in same price range as fancy Harmony's.

To be fair I have the Costco marketed low-end 6xx model, about $50 that I
am still struggling to like mostly because it has a nice programmable 6
button LCD that my JP1 remote lacks. If the offline programming  capable
hacked open source softwares ever mature or Logitech wakes up, then I'd
recommend it with slight reservation as it still can't have it's firmware
functionality end-user extended like JP1's can.

Sorry for long post but Logitech irks me on many levels!

Bobby Heid wrote:


I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the
of remotes?

I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-29 Thread Bino Gopal
Duncan, I can't say for sure but there should be no reason to get a Pronto
or anything that expensive; and a lot of maccrawj's complaints seemed to be
about the Pronto specifically (please correct me if I'm wrong), and that's
the old tech; even the 1000 is a bit old now.

Anyway, the Harmony One (~$250; online it was $175 from Amazon and I got
Best Buy to price match that; YMMV) should do everything you need and at
that price point is very attractive.  There are lesser Harmonys out there
that could also work fine too; any of those should do you good.  As Anthony
said, it's easy to set up and you have better things to do than spend time
fiddling with remote codes.  Here's the link to the Harmony One on Amazon
($199 now):

Read the reviews there; those should give you a good idea of what to expect
too.  HTH.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of DSinc
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

OK. Perhaps I misunderstood. Is there some other choice between Pronto 
and Harmony?  Yes, the Pronto is still very pricey to my view.. :)
Duncan wrote:
 No, if your going to spend like that, grab a harmony 1000.  At less then
$500, nothing compares.  
 Sent via BlackBerry 
 -Original Message-
 From: DSinc
 Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:17:55 
 Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?
 Understand S.A.F. I do not have this worry, but I am living with 6 
 remotes.  Plus I have none of the modern conveniences and media channels 
 that most on this list use.  I still have yet to select an AV Rcvr.
 I get the impression that there are 2 strong camps here; Logitech 
 Harmony and the older Pronto. Everything else is futz? Am I close?
 I do so recall years ago when Pronto was ~$1K. Hope it is cheaper now.
 Interesting thread. Thanks,
 Duncan wrote:
 Waf trumps everything, I completely agree. 
 Sent via BlackBerry 

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Weeden

 Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 11:01:04 
 Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

 And the spousal value cannot be understated.

 Brian Weeden
 Technical Advisor
 Secure World Foundation
 Montreal Office
 +1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
 +1 (202) 683-8534 US

 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Anthony Q. Martin

 None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took all
 30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and free me
 constant remote hell. If I never need something in particular not on the
 user-community provided menus I can grab the device remote.  I have
 of better things to do than spent my time fiddling with codes and

 maccrawj wrote:

 Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

 When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct access
 the remotes programming code. End result is you are at their mercy when
 comes to getting codes that don't exist in their community support
 database (read: added by other endlusers by ir learning  interpreted
 logitech) add short of ir learning or calling TS to add a pronto code.

 Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

 10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

 9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no original
 remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

 8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices 

 7. No real macro support.

 6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping
 activities issue.

 5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

 4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to
 various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML
 forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device
 management, internet needed to program, etc...

 3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device
 like sound + buttons only being usable for display  audio device, not
 device serving them the signal; this despite being able to assign those
 under device mode setup which you loose in activity mode.

 2. Zero interest on Logitech's part to address valid user issues with
 interface, function, and ability to offline program; A forum base of
 volunteer kool-aid drinkers with their finger poised on the ban button

 1. Expensive rental since the programming software is 100% on their
 server so they can switch to something new when it suits them leaving
 support in the dust like they did mkb+mice with itouch/mouseware

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-29 Thread DSinc

Thanks for the shout.
OK, I think I have it. Pronto is too expensive.
Look at Harmony; except maccrawj does not care for Logitech.
That is my read ATM. Some $$$ and personal bias bashing is going on.
Fine. This I expect here.
At this point I am frightened to do anything.
I will continue with this thread

Bino Gopal wrote:

Duncan, I can't say for sure but there should be no reason to get a Pronto
or anything that expensive; and a lot of maccrawj's complaints seemed to be
about the Pronto specifically (please correct me if I'm wrong), and that's
the old tech; even the 1000 is a bit old now.

Anyway, the Harmony One (~$250; online it was $175 from Amazon and I got
Best Buy to price match that; YMMV) should do everything you need and at
that price point is very attractive.  There are lesser Harmonys out there
that could also work fine too; any of those should do you good.  As Anthony
said, it's easy to set up and you have better things to do than spend time
fiddling with remote codes.  Here's the link to the Harmony One on Amazon
($199 now):

Read the reviews there; those should give you a good idea of what to expect
too.  HTH.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of DSinc
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

OK. Perhaps I misunderstood. Is there some other choice between Pronto 
and Harmony?  Yes, the Pronto is still very pricey to my view.. :)

Duncan wrote:

No, if your going to spend like that, grab a harmony 1000.  At less then
$500, nothing compares.  

Sent via BlackBerry 

-Original Message-
From: DSinc

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:17:55 

Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

Understand S.A.F. I do not have this worry, but I am living with 6 
remotes.  Plus I have none of the modern conveniences and media channels 
that most on this list use.  I still have yet to select an AV Rcvr.

I get the impression that there are 2 strong camps here; Logitech 
Harmony and the older Pronto. Everything else is futz? Am I close?

I do so recall years ago when Pronto was ~$1K. Hope it is cheaper now.

Interesting thread. Thanks,
Duncan wrote:
Waf trumps everything, I completely agree. 
Sent via BlackBerry 

-Original Message-
From: Brian Weeden

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 11:01:04 

Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

And the spousal value cannot be understated.

Brian Weeden
Technical Advisor
Secure World Foundation
Montreal Office
+1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
+1 (202) 683-8534 US

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Anthony Q. Martin


None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took all


30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and free me


constant remote hell. If I never need something in particular not on the
user-community provided menus I can grab the device remote.  I have


of better things to do than spent my time fiddling with codes and


maccrawj wrote:

Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct access


the remotes programming code. End result is you are at their mercy when


comes to getting codes that don't exist in their community support
database (read: added by other endlusers by ir learning  interpreted


logitech) add short of ir learning or calling TS to add a pronto code.

Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no original
remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices 


7. No real macro support.

6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping
activities issue.

5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to
various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML
forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device
management, internet needed to program, etc...

3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device


like sound + buttons only being usable for display  audio device, not


device serving them the signal; this despite being able to assign those
under device mode setup which you loose in activity mode.

2. Zero interest on Logitech's part to address valid user issues with
interface, function, and ability to offline program; A forum base

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-29 Thread tmservo
Good software out there let's you use a blackberry or iphone as a remote.  

Sent via BlackBerry 

-Original Message-
From: DSinc

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 00:18:57 
Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

Thanks for the shout.
OK, I think I have it. Pronto is too expensive.
Look at Harmony; except maccrawj does not care for Logitech.
That is my read ATM. Some $$$ and personal bias bashing is going on.
Fine. This I expect here.
At this point I am frightened to do anything.
I will continue with this thread

Bino Gopal wrote:
 Duncan, I can't say for sure but there should be no reason to get a Pronto
 or anything that expensive; and a lot of maccrawj's complaints seemed to be
 about the Pronto specifically (please correct me if I'm wrong), and that's
 the old tech; even the 1000 is a bit old now.
 Anyway, the Harmony One (~$250; online it was $175 from Amazon and I got
 Best Buy to price match that; YMMV) should do everything you need and at
 that price point is very attractive.  There are lesser Harmonys out there
 that could also work fine too; any of those should do you good.  As Anthony
 said, it's easy to set up and you have better things to do than spend time
 fiddling with remote codes.  Here's the link to the Harmony One on Amazon
 ($199 now):
 Read the reviews there; those should give you a good idea of what to expect
 too.  HTH.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of DSinc
 Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?
 OK. Perhaps I misunderstood. Is there some other choice between Pronto 
 and Harmony?  Yes, the Pronto is still very pricey to my view.. :)
 Duncan wrote:
 No, if your going to spend like that, grab a harmony 1000.  At less then
 $500, nothing compares.  

 Sent via BlackBerry 

 -Original Message-
 From: DSinc

 Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:17:55 
 Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

 Understand S.A.F. I do not have this worry, but I am living with 6 
 remotes.  Plus I have none of the modern conveniences and media channels 
 that most on this list use.  I still have yet to select an AV Rcvr.

 I get the impression that there are 2 strong camps here; Logitech 
 Harmony and the older Pronto. Everything else is futz? Am I close?
 I do so recall years ago when Pronto was ~$1K. Hope it is cheaper now.

 Interesting thread. Thanks,
 Duncan wrote:
 Waf trumps everything, I completely agree. 
 Sent via BlackBerry 

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Weeden

 Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 11:01:04 
 Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

 And the spousal value cannot be understated.

 Brian Weeden
 Technical Advisor
 Secure World Foundation
 Montreal Office
 +1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
 +1 (202) 683-8534 US

 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Anthony Q. Martin
 None of these reasons impacts me in the least little bit.  It took all
 30 minutes to set my Harmony One up for control my stuff and free me
 constant remote hell. If I never need something in particular not on the
 user-community provided menus I can grab the device remote.  I have
 of better things to do than spent my time fiddling with codes and

 maccrawj wrote:

 Suggestion: Run away from Harmony!

 When Logitech bought them out they removed all advanced direct access
 the remotes programming code. End result is you are at their mercy when
 comes to getting codes that don't exist in their community support
 database (read: added by other endlusers by ir learning  interpreted
 logitech) add short of ir learning or calling TS to add a pronto code.

 Top ten reasons why Harmony sucks:

 10. Not all codes in DB  many don't match their labeled function.

 9. No user exposed Pronto Code support, so Code not in DB  no original
 remote = frakked, call TS beg them to add by PC.

 8. Painstaking PITA activity based system vs. simple devices 
 7. No real macro support.

 6. Slow as molasses doing batches of commands that starting/stopping
 activities issue.

 5. *one* **online** copy of configured remote, no revisions or backups.

 4. Programming client is a disguised Gecko web browser, leading to
 various issues: 5min idle timeout w/o warning, 1990's era HTML
 forms/buttons vs. Web 2.0, poor process flow, tedious button/device
 management, internet needed to program, etc...

 3. Arbitrary limitations on what buttons can be assigned device

Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-26 Thread Anthony Q. Martin

Try this:

as your link did work.  Or search on Harmony One.

Bobby Heid wrote:

Is this the One?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anthony Q. Martin
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

Get The One.  Then be done with remotes.

Bobby Heid wrote:

And I'd like to keep it under about $125 or so.





From: Bobby Heid [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 8:20 PM

To: ''
Subject: Universal remotes?




I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the


of remotes?


I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any


SST 659

















[H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-25 Thread Bobby Heid


I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the way
of remotes?


I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any


SST 659









Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-25 Thread Bobby Heid
And I'd like to keep it under about $125 or so.





From: Bobby Heid [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 8:20 PM
To: ''
Subject: Universal remotes?




I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the way
of remotes?


I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any


SST 659









Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-25 Thread Anthony Q. Martin

Get The One.  Then be done with remotes.

Bobby Heid wrote:

And I'd like to keep it under about $125 or so.





From: Bobby Heid [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 8:20 PM

To: ''
Subject: Universal remotes?




I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the way
of remotes?


I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any


SST 659










Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-25 Thread Brian Weeden
I have the Harmony 550 and it rocks - wife loves it too.

Brian Weeden
Technical Advisor
Secure World Foundation
+1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
+1 (202) 683-8534 US

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Anthony Q. Martin amar...@charter.netwrote:

 Get The One.  Then be done with remotes.

 Bobby Heid wrote:

 And I'd like to keep it under about $125 or so.



 From: Bobby Heid [] Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009
 8:20 PM
 To: ''
 Subject: Universal remotes?


 I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the
 of remotes?

 I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any

 SST 659





Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-25 Thread Bobby Heid
Is this the One?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anthony Q. Martin
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

Get The One.  Then be done with remotes.

Bobby Heid wrote:
 And I'd like to keep it under about $125 or so.





 From: Bobby Heid [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 8:20 PM
 To: ''
 Subject: Universal remotes?




 I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the
 of remotes?


 I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any


 SST 659










Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-25 Thread Bobby Heid
The wife too?  That says a lot!  LOL.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brian Weeden
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [H] Universal remotes?

I have the Harmony 550 and it rocks - wife loves it too.

Brian Weeden
Technical Advisor
Secure World Foundation
+1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
+1 (202) 683-8534 US

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Anthony Q. Martin

 Get The One.  Then be done with remotes.

 Bobby Heid wrote:

 And I'd like to keep it under about $125 or so.



 From: Bobby Heid [] Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009
 8:20 PM
 To: ''
 Subject: Universal remotes?


 I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the
 of remotes?

 I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any

 SST 659





Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-25 Thread Alex
Recommend the 880, been using harmony for years, from the 5xx series to the
880 now (2+ years and ticking) - you definitely want a rechargeable battery
cause I was eating juice with 4x AAAs.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bobby Heid
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 5:20 PM
Subject: [H] Universal remotes?



I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the way
of remotes?


I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any


SST 659









Re: [H] Universal remotes?

2009-08-25 Thread Alex
One thing with the Harmony interface/programming - shorten the device delay
from the default 1 second to 100ms, it'll make life a lot easier when
turning on multiple devices.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bobby Heid
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 5:20 PM
Subject: [H] Universal remotes?



I'm looking at getting a universal remote.  What do you all like in the way
of remotes?


I was looking at the Logitech Harmony SST 659, 690, and 880 models.  Any


SST 659







