Re: [ha-Safran]: ********** for ALA Council

2005-03-15 Thread Stanley Nachamie
It is important for Jewish libraries to have a say at
ALA (American Library Association), since ALA is one
one of the parties editing the Anglo-American
Cataloguing rules and making other policies that
affect all American libraries.
They have also in the past, passed, with little
discussion, resolutions biased against Israel.

If I read the Ha-Safran messages correctly, there is
nothing in the official bio-blurb that makes reference
to this person's connections to AJL and its issues, so
it was helpful for the poster to point this out.

-Stanley Nachamie

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[ha-Safran]: Convention Problem

2005-03-15 Thread Shfirsch
I may need to arrive in Oakland on Saturday and leave on Thursday or 
Friday.  If you would like to share a room for either of these times please 
contact me at my email address.

Thanks.  Sylvia Firschein mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [ha-Safran]: ********** for ALA Council

2005-03-15 Thread Rettberg, Dan
I agree with Bernard. One of the reasons I value my AJL membership in 
general, and this list in particular, is that both facilitate the 
discussion of bibliographical and narrowly professional concerns, without 
too much overflow into discussions of politics of whatever sort. One of the 
results of this, I think, is that AJL, while a much more diverse 
organization than might appear on the surface, is an exceptionally friendly 
and respectful organization, and the participants in the discussions on 
this listserv, to my mind, display these virtues to a fault. The occasional 
overflow on this listserv is just that, occasional, and I usually deal 
with it by using my delete button. I would not like to see us become a 
clearing house for endorsements and discussions of candidates running for 
any sort of office in any organization, ours included. If any member of any 
other organization wants to know to what other professional organizations a 
given candidate may belong, that member should petition the organization in 
question to include such information on the announcement describing the 
candidates background and qualifications. I do not think it a reasonable 
expection that candidates running for office in one organization should be 
vetted on the listserv of another.

Dan Rettberg
Rare Book and Manuscript Bibliographer
Klau Library
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Cincinnati, Ohio


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RE: [ha-Safran]: Seder

2005-03-15 Thread Adas Israel Librarian
Would A Family Haggadah II from Kar-Ben books work, other one is 
Celebration Pesah from the Women's League for Conservative Judaism 
1992.  Ther are several children Seder service books but I don't know if 
they would fit your need.
If I could be of any other help, just let me know.
Joann Lesser
Adas Israel Congregation
Washington D.C.

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[ha-Safran]: 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah

2005-03-15 Thread DxF7777
The following message does not fall in the scope of  our mission.
All responses should be sent directly to the poster. No answers will be 
posted on Hasafran.

Yossi Galron


Need your advice.

Our School District has been closed for both days of Rosh Hashana for many, 
many years.

This year, the school board voted to remain OPEN both days...Students not 
attending school on either or both days would be given an excused absence.

Hue and cry from Jewish community made them relent and close the First Day, 
but they voted to be open the second day.

The Jewish population here is quite small...most students are either Indian 
or Oriental.

The Board also voted to be closed EASTER MONDAY, but gives no reason.

In trying to get them to adjust the calendar, they refused one 
option...opening before Labor Day (as they did last year) because of the 
screaming of parents who don't wantt o cut their vacations short.

Any advice and arguments we can use to convince the Board to reverse its 
decision and close both days of Rosh Hashanah?

Thanks in advance..Don Feinstein

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[ha-Safran]: Graduation Gifts

2005-03-15 Thread Monica Rosenfeld
Our director has asked me to select a book that would be suitable for our
graduating Hebrew School students.  This is usually some coffee-table type
book.  I was thinking about something commmemorating the 350th anniversary of
Jews in America.  Are there any suggestions?  We do have a limited budget, but
usually receive a substantial discount from BT.


Monica Rosenfeld
Maurer Library
Bureau of Jewish Education
6711 Hoover Road
Indianapolis, IN  46260

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Re: [ha-Safran]: ********** for ALA Council

2005-03-15 Thread Library
I agree with Stanley.  ALA's past anti-Israel, anti-Jewish history makes it
important for all of us to know when we have the opportunity to vote for
candidates who are AJL members and will speak in a different voice.  The
benefit of sharing this knowledge outweighs the risk of cluttering our
Elizabeth Edelglass
Dept. of Jewish Education of Greater New Haven

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[ha-Safran]: Card Catalog

2005-03-15 Thread EGensler
Does anyone have a 10 drawer card catalog that they no longer need? Believe 
it or not, I am still not automated and am filing cards. I'm out of room.

Elana Gensler
Hebrew Academy of Long Beach
Long Beach, NY

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Graduation Gifts

2005-03-15 Thread Lori Amchin
May I recommend :

The Golden Land: The Story of Jewish Immigration to America: An Interactive 
History With Removable Documents and Artifacts

The Golden Land is a museum-in-a-book that devotes a double-page 
spread--complete with removable letters, documents, and personal 
effects--to each of the successive waves of Jewish immigration to America, 
from the Germans and Eastern Europeans in the 19th and early 20th centuries 
to the refugees from the Nazis in the 1930s and '40s to the Soviet Jews in 
the 1970s and '80s.America was the first nation where Jews were regarded as 
citizens from the very beginning, and The Golden Land reveals how they 
converted opportunity to success in fields from commerce, medicine, and 
science to movies, music, and literature.

The book includes facsimiles of George Washington's letter to a community 
of Jews in Rhode Island, Emma Lazarus's poem that was later inscribed on 
the base of the Statue of Liberty, Irving Berlin's handwritten lyrics for 
God Bless America, a quiz challenging readers to guess the original names 
of American-Jewish show-business celebrities, and plenty of other materials 
to give readers a real feel for how America changed the Jews and how the 
Jews changed America.

Lori A.
Congregation Beth Or

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[ha-Safran]: Halacha for Ner Tamid

2005-03-15 Thread Yossi Galron
--- Message requiring your approval 
From: Nancy Austein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Halacha for Ner Tamid
Dear Friends,
I’m trying to find out if, according to Halacha, it is alright to use an 
electric Ner Tamid, as opposed to one that is oil and wick.  This 
particular light is used in our mausoleum, and the light keeps blowing out 
when the door opens – hence it is not actually “eternal”, while an electric 
one would be.

By the way, I checked the EJ, but I need additional source material that I 
can site.

Nancy Austein
Library Director
Temple Emanu-El
Dallas, TX
This has been scanned by Temple Emanu-El

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Graduation Gifts

2005-03-15 Thread Margo Gutstein
I don't know how old your Hebrew school graduates are, but if you could use 
something appropriate for middle school or junior high school students, how 
about L'Chaim! : To Jewish Life in America : Celebrating from 1654 until 
Today, by Susan Goldman Rubin.  It's not too expensive, and it has lots of 

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

Simon Wiesenthal Center / Museum of Tolerance
Los Angeles, CA  90035

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[ha-Safran]: New Israeli Educational Stamps Posted Online

2005-03-15 Thread Jacob Richman
Hi Everyone!

I just scanned and posted on my website the
new Israeli stamps that were recently issued.
I included the stamp itself, the first day cover,
and an English and a Hebrew flyer about the stamp.

Ancient Water Systems in Israel
Hazor, Megiddo, Aqueduct in Caesarea,
Hezekiah's Tunnel in Jerusalem

Animals in the Bible
Ostrich, Brown Bear, Wolf, Nile Crocodile

If you do not see March 15, 2005 on the stamps pages,
hold your control key and press the F5 key to refresh your browser.

When viewing the English / Hebrew flyers,
Windows XP / Explorer 6 will reduce the large image if it does not
fit on your screen. Place your mouse over the picture for 2-3 seconds and a
small box with 4 arrows will appear. Click on the small box and the larger
image will appear.

Next week is Purim and I am currently updating the Purim Humor
page of my site.
If you have any new Purim humor or Purim Spiel that I do not
have posted, you are welcome to submit it for posting.

Have a good day,

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Halacha for Ner Tamid

2005-03-15 Thread Samlan, Arnie
The Ner Tamid is a minhag, a custom. Therefore, at least in my opinion, 
since there is no halachic requirement to have a ner tamid in a synagogue 
in the first place, there would be no halachic requirements or limitations 
on such a light.

Arnie Samlan
Carle Place, NY

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[ha-Safran]: Promoting my online catalog

2005-03-15 Thread Heidi Estrin
This year my library automated with Surpass Software.  We have an online 
catalog on the Internet, Web Safari.  It allows all sorts of fun 
features, like the ability for patrons to place reserves and write book 
reviews (a la Amazon).  At the beginning of the year it was getting a fair 
amount of use, but as people get busy and the novelty wears off, it gets less.

I'd like to do a promotion to our teaching staff, to get them to write book 
reviews in the online catalog.  We have a preschool and a congregational 
school - no day school.  Has anyone ever done anything like this, an 
incentive program for teachers?

My idea is to announce that during the month of April, any teacher who 
submits a review will receive a prize from the library.  I was thinking of 
giving them each a dollar bill folded into an origami ring that you can 
wear on your finger. But I guess I'd have to then limit it to one book 
review per teacher or I'll go broke!  If I buy them Starbucks gift 
certificates it could get pricy even faster.  What sort of prizes would 
motivate adults to participate?

Thanks for any ideas...

Heidi Estrin
Feldman Children's Library at Congregation B'nai Israel
2200 Yamato Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431
(561) 241-8118 ext. 206
Fax (561) 241-1701

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[ha-Safran]: Open Access Project

2005-03-15 Thread Mordechai (Morty) Schiller
Yashar Books is a new small publisher whose mission is to disseminate 
ideas. In that spirit, we have decided to supplement -- and circumvent -- 
conventional marketing methods to give open access to Torah scholarship in 
new, exciting ways for librarians.

At the Open Access Project page:,
librarians can download free articles, essays, dissertations and, 
eventually, entire books online. They can also join a discussion forum and 
post their own reviews and critiques. The concept is to make quality source 
material available in a collaborative virtual study hall and stimulate a 
give and take of ideas.

The Open Access Project is modeled after the community involvement in the 
Open Source software movement, which mobilized thousands of users of 
Mozilla Organization's Firefox Internet browser to spread the word. 
Yashar's Open Access calls on AJL librarians to join as Idea Ambassadors 
and spread the word about The Open Access Project to friends and colleagues.

For more information contact:
Yashar Books
1548 E. 33rd St.
Brooklyn, NY 11234
Phone: (800) 799-0815, (718) 951-1254
Fax: (718) 228-5150, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Order line: (800) 877-2693, ext. 2

Mordechai (Morty) Schiller, Marketing  Publicity, Yashar Books
Phone: 1-718-435-5058 * Fax: 1-718-228-7828

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