[ha-Safran]: What Does the High Holiday Liturgy Really Mean?

2008-08-26 Thread Sergiu S . Simmel

What do the Rosh Hashanah Amida,
   the Shofar service and the
   Netaneh Tokef prayer REALLY mean?

  A 90-minute Interactive Teleseminar
  Brandeis Professor Reuven Kimelman
  Wednesday August 27, 2008 at 1 PM Eastern

You may already be making plans for
attending the High Holiday services
at your synagogue. Remember last
year's? And the years before? The
half-day on Rosh Hashanah morning
with the special Amida... The sound
of the shofar... The solemnity of
the Netaneh Tokef chant by the

But what does it all mean?

  WHY is the Rosh Hashanah AMIDA
  so different, and in particular
  on the idea of Redemption?

  WHY are there THREE different
  ways of blowing the SHOFAR and
  what do does each one mean?

  WHY is the medieval liturgical
  poem NETANEH TOKEF so central
  to the High Holiday service?

All you need participate
is either a telephone OR a
computer. Period. No travel,
no hassle.

If the time or date is not
convenient to you, no worries:
the recording will be made
available within 48 hours of
the live event, so you can
listen to it at your leisure.
However, you MUST register
to gain access to the replay.

For further information on the
why, what and how of this
program, as well as on how to
REGISTER, please visit:


See you all there!

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[ha-Safran]: Censorship case

2008-08-26 Thread Andrea Rapp
Early in August the Wall Street Journal ran an opinion piece about 
the decision of Random House to cancel publication of a novel about 
Aisha, the favorite wife of Muhammad, on the grounds that it could be 
offensive to some in the Muslim community. Radom House expressed 
regret that it cannot publish the book at this time.

   The publisher is quoted as expressing fear for the safety of 
Random House employees, booksellers, and others, should it publish this book.

About ten days ago I emailed the ALA's Office of Intellectual Freedom 
about this case of self-censorship due to intimidation, or fear of 
intimidation asking whether ALA has taken a stand or action on this issue.
I haven't heard back, and I wonder whether anyone else has pursued this.
The WSJ piece, titled You Still Can't Write About Muhammad can 
be found here:


  Andrea Rapp
  Cincinnati, Ohio

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-08-26 Thread Aviva Astrinsky
Thanks to Steve for bringing this to our attention.
I would like to know if the writer of this entry
provided bibliographical references.

At Library School we were taught that encyclopedias are compilation of facts,
not of opinions. One exception was the Great Soviet Encyclopedia and 
its revisions.

However, when it comes to Jewish subjects, lies -- repeated often 
enough -- become the truth.
See for instance The New Testament, a best seller for two millennia,
and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a best seller since the 
beginning of the
20th century.

Aviva Astrinsky

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-08-26 Thread Susan Dubin
Dear Steve,
Thank you for alerting us to this article. I will write a letter on 
behalf of AJL when I get back. This kind of misinformation should not 
be tolerated.
Susan Dubin
AJL President

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-08-26 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Thank you fro alerting us to this, Mr. Bernstein.  I like the way you 
frame the question of professional ethics, ethical obligation is to 
put all items out there for our users or to put
factual items out there for them. Given that it is an encyclopedia 
which people can lreasonably expect to be factual, I respectfully 
submit it should not be put on the shelves of most libraries.

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-08-26 Thread Bernstein, Steven (Library)
In case anyone would like to read this article for themselves, I have
scanned it and posted it to my web space


  Steven Jay Bernstein
  Assistant Catalog Librarian
  Central Connecticut State University
  1615 Stanley Street
  New Britain, Connecticut 06050
  PHONE: (860) 832-2079
FAX: (860) 832-2053

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-08-26 Thread Yoel Sheridan
The offending article should not go without challenge.

Also, Amazon's website
http://www.amazon.com/Encyclopedia-Race-Racism-Set/dp/002866020X states

-- Encyclopedia of Race And Racism (Encyclopedia of Race and Racism) 3
Volume Set (Hardcover)
No customer reviews yet. Be the first.

May I suggest that anyone who has a copy of this MISencyclopedia (my term)
should oblige and submit an informed review that would deter others from
being misled.

Yoel Sheridan

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-08-26 Thread Ellen Zyroff
Formal letters to the publisher's corporate office with ccs to the 
editor(s) would definitely be in order

Publishers often farm out work without realizing the extreme bias of 
their writiers.   Also, academics and quasi-academics with political 
agendas approach respected publishers with proposals for titles that 
sound great. Publishers like Gale are always on the look out for new 
titles they think will sell to academic libraries and have a stream 
of such titles in the pipeline.

While some editors do themselves share perhaps the bias, 
others  assigned to the projects just take the so-called experts' 
words as authoritative and don't stop to consider that statements 
like these need review and fact-checking.

Consciousness raising is in order and librarians have an important 
role to play both in their institutions and vis a vis the publishing 
community.  Doing so is not censorship.

Ellen Zyroff

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[ha-Safran]: Chris Nicola

2008-08-26 Thread Adas Israel Librarian
Shalom Chaverim,

Has anyone had Chris Nicola (Priest's Grotto) speak to teens?
I want very much to have him come, and it would all work out fine, 
except that my director is nervous about hiring him without some 
reference/s. Somewhat surprisingly, Johanna  at KarBen couldn't 
supply any. He (my boss) is particularly concerned about keeping 
teens' interest and involvement.
I have no doubt he'd be great, but some testimonial/s would help.
Todah rabah,

Madeleine Cohen Oakley
Director of Library Services
Adas Israel Congregation
Washington, DC

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[ha-Safran]: Librarian's Lobby for August 2008

2008-08-26 Thread Daniel Stuhlman

A few weeks ago a friend asked me about the origin Yarmulke.  The 
search has been fascinating. The August issue of the Librarian's 
Lobby is double my usual length and is only part 1 of the article.  I 
examine the origin of the word.   If you have any questions or 
comments, don't hesitate to send them.
This is my 100th column.  Please spread the word.



Daniel Stuhlman
Chicago, IL
ddstuhlman at earthlink.net

Blog:  http://kol-safran.blogspot.com/

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: The Tree of Life - a worthy addition to your

2008-08-26 Thread Ruth Diskin
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Documentary, 76 min., 2008 – New Release
Written and directed by Hava Volterra
The history of the Jews in Italy is beautifully inter-woven into the 
director's personal and moving story. Los Angeles based director, 
Hava Volterra, tries to come to terms with her father's death by 
traveling to Italy, the land of his birth, to trace the roots of the 
family tree.
With the help of her feisty 82 year old aunt, her father's sister, 
she travels persistently from city to city, digging through ancient 
manuscripts and interviewing a wide range of quirky scholars, to 
piece together the fascinating and humorous stories of her Italian 
Jewish ancestors.
As Hava continues her journey, her aunt begins to come to terms with 
her own past, and plans a trip to find and thank the family who hid 
her and Hava's father during WWII.
This documentary is indispensable for students of Jewish history. The 
film is an important stepping stone in the understanding of a unique 
and complex Jewish community. The Tree of Life will be a 
significant contribution to any collection of Jewish film.
Both utterly hilarious and emotionally gripping, The Tree of Life 
is a fresh look at history in the most immediate of ways.
Already purchased by UCLA and the University of Maryland, The Tree 
of Life is a worthy addition to your department and library.
For Universities libraries = 300 USD
For Public libraries = 115 USD
For a trailer and more information please check: 
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Ruth Diskin Films Ltd.
Tel:  972-2-6724256
Fax: 972-2-6724210
Don't forget to check our online catalogue: www.ruthfilms.com

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