Formal letters to the publisher's corporate office with ccs to the 
editor(s) would definitely be in order

Publishers often farm out work without realizing the extreme bias of 
their writiers.   Also, academics and quasi-academics with political 
agendas approach respected publishers with proposals for titles that 
sound great. Publishers like Gale are always on the look out for new 
titles they think will sell to academic libraries and have a stream 
of such titles in the pipeline.

While some editors do themselves share perhaps the bias, 
others  assigned to the projects just take the so-called "experts'" 
words as authoritative and don't stop to consider that statements 
like these need review and fact-checking.

Consciousness raising is in order and librarians have an important 
role to play both in their institutions and vis a vis the publishing 
community.  Doing so is not censorship.

Ellen Zyroff

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