[ha-Safran]: I invite you to read my latest blog entry: The

2008-12-17 Thread Miller, Philip
Book as Witness
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[ha-Safran]: Q re purchasing Hebrew novels, other popular books in NYC

2008-12-17 Thread Arieh Lebowitz
A New York friend has a visitor from Israel staying with him.  Can 
anyone here recommend stores in NYC where one can buy 
recently-published Israeli / Hebrew novels, nonfiction that one might 
for instance find in a Steimatzky's in Tel Aviv?
Related, can anyone give a link to any listings of Hebrew popular 
books being sold in Israeli bookstores, similar to the top ten 
books listing in The Book Review of The New York Times?
  Arieh Lebowitz - arieh...@prodigy.net

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[ha-Safran]: New Book: Beginner's Ladino

2008-12-17 Thread Ada Albright
Dear Safran Members,

The following regarding Alla Markova's Beginner's Ladino crossed my 
e-desktop this morning. While Alla Markova's book is commendable from 
many perspectives--I am currently using it to improve my reading of 
Judeo-Spanish--it is not the only Ladino language-instruction guide 
available today. At least one other recent guide working from a 
Western European language is out there (and in our library):

Varol-Bornes, Marie-Christine. Manuel de jud?o-espagnol : langue et 
culture / Marie-Christine Varol ; dessins de Ga?lle Collin.--Nouv. 
?d., ouvrage revu et augment?--
Paris : Langues  Mondes : L'Asiath?que, c2004.

The LC class is PC4813.2.

I see also that Marie-Christine Varol-Bornes has out a 2008 
publication, Le jud?o-espagnol vernaculaire d'Istanbul : [?tude 
linguistique]--Bern ; New York : Peter Lang, c2008, which I have not 
yet seen. It weighs in at close to 580 pages; the LC class is PC4813.

The Manuel de jud?o-espagnol also has an accompanying CD. The close 
relationship between the Mediterranean and European Sephardic 
communities and French language and culture, especially during the 
past two centuries, does resonate in this text. I believe, finally, 
that Markova's and Varol-Bornes' books can reinforce each other in 
the independent study of this expressive language.


Patrick J. Stevens

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[ha-Safran]: Human Rights Scorecard and Report - pamphlet

2008-12-17 Thread David Elazar
(free download)
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ELEANOR'S DREAM  1948 to 2008: The State of Human Rights at the 
United Nations 38pgs

   (executive summary)

  (full text)

Scorecard and Report on the  UN Human Rights Council  Presented at 
the United Nations December 10, 2008

Total HRC Condemnations to Date: From its inception in June 2006 
to the present, the HRC has condemned North Korea in 1 resolution, 
Myanmar in 4, and
Israel in 20 resolutions. While the council did address Sudan several 
times, these were not condemnations but weak and ineffective 
resolutions, some of which
actually praised Sudan for its cooperation. Despite the pleas of 
former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan as well as current UN chief 
Ban Ki-moon, the HRC's
focus has actually become even more narrow than was the case under 
the former Commission on Human Rights

David Elazar  Rishon LeZion, Israel
www.geocities.com/d_elazar (home page)

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Interesting web site for Jewish Communities

2008-12-17 Thread David Elazar
SCN (Secure Community Network) is part of the Jewish community's 
response to heightened security concerns in the United States. 
Through SCN, the organized Jewish community is coordinating and 
addressing critical safety and security needs in addition to 
establishing national standards for improving security at the local level.


David Elazar  Rishon LeZion, Israel
www.geocities.com/d_elazar (home page)

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Merrily Hart has moved

2008-12-17 Thread Merrily Hart
To all my friends and colleagues:

We have just moved to Ann Arbor Michigan and my current contact information is:

Merrily Hart
5090 Oak Tree Ct.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Although we've been in Ohio for 27 years, my husband and I are 
returning to our roots and we plan to enjoy our retirement and our 


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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Press Release: German Library Director at AJL Convention

2008-12-17 Thread Heidi Estrin
Please feel free to distribute this press release, reprint it in your 
own newsletter, add it to your blog or web page, forward it to 
colleagues, etc. For a version with photo and links, please see www.sfajl.org.
--Heidi Estrin, AJL PR Chair

German Library Director Addresses Jewish Librarians' Convention

Study of Books Stolen by Nazis

For immediate release--December, 2008
Barbara Schneider-Kempf, the Director General of the Berlin State 
Library in Germany, has accepted an invitation to speak at the 
Association of Jewish Libraries annual convention in Chicago in July, 
2009. She will present the findings of the Berlin State Library's 
study of books stolen by the Nazis and incorporated into German 
libraries. According to the German newspaper Die Welt, it is 
estimated that up to 150,000 of the books at Berlin's Central and 
Regional Library headquarters are thought to have been stolen by the 
Nazis from Jews, freemasons, social democrats, and others persecuted 
under Hitler's regime. A major aim of the new research project is to 
identify  volumes that can be restored to the original owners or their heirs.

In keeping with our convention theme of 'Empowering Librarians for 
the 21st Century,' we owe this amazing opportunity to electronic 
communications, said AJL President Susan Dubin. An AJL member read 
about the study online and posted a link to AJL's listserv; our 
convention committee read that posting and subsequently emailed the 
Berlin State Library. We're excited to be able to connect in this 
way, and we're so pleased that we'll soon be connecting in person.

The Association of Jewish Libraries' 44th annual convention will be 
held July 5-8, 2009 in Chicago, Illinois. Librarians, archivists and 
scholars from numerous disciplines will meet to share their interest 
in Judaica librarianship and related areas. Ms. Schneider-Kempf's 
presentation, Stolen Books: The Third Reich's Exchange Center and 
the Prussian State Library,1933-1945, will be a highlight of the 
convention, and will complement the keynote address by Northwestern 
University scholar Peter Hayes who has written numerous books on the 
Holocaust. For more information about AJL and its convention, visit 

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT p...@jewishlibraries.org

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Din Quixote

2008-12-17 Thread Abigail Yasgur
  I am seeking the following 1956 Israeli film
Dan Quihote V'Sa'adia Pansa (1956)
If you have knowledge of how I may obtain this film i would be grateful if
you would get in touch with me.
I am also still interested in finding the film We attack at Midnight.
Please contact me directly
or auth...@maxsaidyes.com

Abigail Yasgur

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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Mentoring vs Library Consultant

2008-12-17 Thread Susan Dubin
Shalom, everyone and Happy Hanukkah!

As we get ready to end 2008, take a minute to think about the ways 
you might be able to help a librarian new to the field. The Mentor 
Committee is looking for a few people interested in helping a new 
librarian in their fields of expertise. Being a Mentor means 
answering questions and giving some suggestions to someone who needs 
help. It is a way for a new member to make connections and feel like 
part of the group.

Being a Mentor does NOT mean giving full service to someone trying to 
set up a library from scratch. That is a job for a library 
consultant, a paid professional position. As a mentor, you may answer 
questions such as which library software programs might work well for 
a particular library, where to catalog a certain book, or how to 
teach a specific library concept. It does NOT mean cataloging an 
entire collection, ordering and setting up a software program, laying 
out a floor plan, or providing an entire curriculum.

If you think you might like to connect with another librarian who 
needs some help, contact the Mentor Committee. If you think you might 
like to help the Mentor Committee make decisions about the roles of 
mentors, please contact the committee chairs, Sarah Leah Gross or 
Diane Romm. Both can be found on the organizational chart found on 
the AJL web page.

Susan Dubin
AJL President

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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: South Florida AJL blog

2008-12-17 Thread Heidi Estrin
I can't remember if I've already posted about this, but I wanted to 
make you all aware that down here in Florida, we've converted our AJL 
chapter web page into a blog. You can visit www.sfajl.org to see 
postings about Jewish books and literary happenings, national AJL 
news, and local color. You can even subscribe by email. I hope you'll 
find the site interesting and useful.

Heidi Estrin
South Florida AJL President

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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

Re: [ha-Safran]: Parashah book for lower elementary children?

2008-12-17 Thread Rachel Haus
I would suggest God's Garden by Adam Fisher, which are wonderful, 
original stories based on each parsha geared for elementary school 
kids. There are no pictures, but there are suggestions for props to 
act out the stories.

Rachel Haus
Library Director
Congregation of Moses Library
Kalamazoo MI

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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[hasafran] converting VHS to DVD

2008-12-17 Thread Liz Edelglass
Dear Friends-

I have been told that there is a machine that hooks up to a computer 
to convert VHS tapes to DVDs.  Since we have about 800 wonderful 
Judaic VHS tapes in our collection, and many of our patrons 
(including schools) no longer own VHS players, this would be 
fabulous, if it's not too expensive.  Does anyone know about this 
machine -- what it is and where to get it?


Elizabeth Edelglass
Library Director
Department of Jewish Education of Greater New Haven
360 Amity Rd, Woodbridge, CT 06525
(203) 387-2424 x330

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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Looking for picture books of parasha

2008-12-17 Thread Rachel Haus
Dear Hasafranim,

I wear two hats: library director and tot shabbat leader. For tot 
shabbat, geared to ages 3-7, I like to read a story related to the 
parsha, but there seem to be very few picture books available that 
would also be interesting to the older kids.

Obviously, there is a great deal to be found on Noah, Adam and Eve, 
and Moses and Miriam, but hardly anything on Isaac and Rebecca, 
Jacob, Rachel and Leah, etc (in picture book form, that is -- I know 
there are plenty of stories without pictures). I'd also love books on 
lesser known biblical fugures and events (we have Tower of Babel).

I'm about to order Sarah Laughs by Jacqueline Jules. I already have 
Cain and Abel by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso. Is anyone aware of more 
picture books along those lines?


Rachel Haus
Library Director
Congregation of Moses Library
Kalamazoo MI

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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org