[ha-Safran]: Yiddish

2010-03-17 Thread Margo Gutstein
I must apologize for my post on Yiddish, which offended so 
many.  Clearly, I do not know enough about Yiddish to have expressed 
any opinion on the matter, and I probably mis-remembered what I was 
told years ago when I was in graduate school.  Of course Yiddish and 
German are not the same; the kindest thing that can be said about my 
post is that it was a vast overgeneralization of a broad linguistic 
principle, and I regret clicking the send button on that one.  From 
now on I will keep my uninformed thoughts on such matters to myself, 
where they belong.

To all those who were offended, please accept my sincere apology.

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center


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RE: [ha-Safran]: Cataloguing Judaeo-German

2010-03-10 Thread Margo Gutstein
My undergraduate and graduate degrees are both in linguistics.  While 
I'm no expert on Yiddish, nor on German, I remember learning that 
linguistically, Yiddish is actually a dialect of High German.  A 
dialect as opposed to a separate language is defined by mutual 
intelligibility.  The orthography is generally not a deciding 
factor.  Of course, there are a lot of other factors (cultural, 
political, religious, etc.) that play into deciding whether something 
is a language or a dialect as well, and linguists don't get the 
deciding vote!  And people continue to speak what they speak, 
regardless of what we decide to call it.

Anyway, based on the general guidelines, Judeo-German (German written 
in Hebrew characters) is German... but then again, so is Yiddish.

Thank you for an interesting discussion!

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Illustrations of temples

2008-11-17 Thread Margo Gutstein
Please excuse me if this question has already been answered, but I'm 
a little behind in my email :)

For beautiful illustrations of the tabernacle, you can look at the 
book The Tabernacle, by Moshe Levine.  Although it was published in 
1969, I just did a really quick check on Amazon, and there are used 
copies available.

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

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Story by Ephraim Kishon

2008-08-05 Thread Margo Gutstein
We have been asked if we can supply a short story by Ephraim Kishon 
entitled "That's the Difference."  The patron does not know the title 
of the anthology in which it appears.  Can anyone fax me a copy of 
the story?  The patron needs it by the end of this week.

Thank you,

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center
fax no. 310-772-7628

P.S.  I think she needs it in English.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Expulsion from Gush Katif

2008-04-17 Thread Margo Gutstein
So can someone suggest what the subject heading for the disengagement 
from Gaza should be?

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

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[ha-Safran]: Subject heading

2008-04-09 Thread Margo Gutstein
I'm cataloging a work on the Israeli disengagement from Gaza, and I'm 
working on the subject headings.  I've found both of the following in 
the LC catalog:

Land settlement--Political aspects--Gaza Strip
Land settlement--Gaza strip--Political aspects

Is one of them correct (and the other incorrect)?

Thank you,

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

[Margo: According to the OCLC validation system of LC Subject 
headings, the first heading is correct and the second is wrong (if 
you try to validate - using OCLC Connexion - the second heading will 
change to the first).   Yossi Galron]

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Re: [Hasafran] "Misha"

2008-03-10 Thread Margo Gutstein
This case is much like "Fragments" by Wilkomirski.  When it was published,
it was cataloged as nonfiction, but if you check LC's catalog, it has now
been recataloged as fiction.  I expect to do the same with "Misha."

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

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[ha-Safran]: Deir Yassin, again

2008-01-30 Thread Margo Gutstein
I sent this about a week ago, and I got only one response, so I'm going to
ask the question again; perhaps I didn't explain my question clearly enough.

I am cataloging a pamphlet on Deir Yassin (Deir Yassin: History of a Lie,
by Morton A. Klein), and I'm having trouble with the subject
headings.  I've looked in LC Authorities, and the heading for Deir Yassin
is Dayr Yasin (Palestine).  Subdivision usage is established through Israel
(i.e. [Subject]--Israel--Dayr Yasin (Palestine)).

Since the village of Deir Yassin no longer exists, we can't follow the
normal LC rule of assigning the qualifier according to the current
location.  But Deir Yassin doesn't really qualify as an extinct city
either.  So would the qualifier be Palestine because at the most recent
time when Deir Yassin existed it was part of the British Mandate?  And is
there an established heading for the British Mandate?  I didn't see one.

And if the qualifier is Palestine because of the British Mandate, how can
we subdivide through Israel?

I am thoroughly confused, but perhaps it's very simple and I just don't
know the relevant rule.  Can anyone explain?

Thank you,

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Deir Yassin

2008-01-22 Thread Margo Gutstein
I am cataloging a pamphlet on Deir Yassin (Deir Yassin: History of a Lie,
by Morton A. Klein), and I'm having trouble with the subject
headings.  I've looked in LC Authorities, and the heading for Deir Yassin
is Dayr Yasin (Palestine).  Sudivision usage is [Subject]--Israel--Dayr
Yasin (Palestine).  Can someone explain this according to LC and/or AACR2?

Thank you,

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

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[ha-Safran]: Polish book

2007-06-19 Thread Margo Gutstein
I have been trying to obtain a Polish book for our library.  I have been in
touch with the publisher, the Zydowski Instytut Historyczny, which has a
bookstore, but the online bookstore is a new feature and is not set up to
accept credit card payments, and they want to send us to send payment by
wire transfer, which is a problem for us.

My question is, does anyone know of a source to obtain Polish books which
is set up to work with American libraries?  We need to either pay by credit
card or write a check in US dollars, both of which are a problem for this

Thank you,

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

[ha-Safran]: Abraham Ibn Ezra

2007-06-08 Thread Margo Gutstein
Thank you to all those who responded to my request for cataloging 
assistance on the form of Abraham Ibn Ezra's name.  Apparently the 2 
dots over the "i" in Meir are really there and my eyes were not deceiving me.

Shabbat shalom to all,

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

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[ha-Safran]: LC heading for Abraham Ibn Ezra

2007-06-06 Thread Margo Gutstein
I need a Hebraica expert cataloger!

I'm looking at the heading in LC Authorities online for Abraham Ibn 
Ezra.  It looks like the authorized form for his name is Ibn Ezra, 
Abraham ben Meir, 1092-1167, and it looks like there are 2 dots, like 
an umlaut, over the letter 'i'.  Is that correct?  I've never seen 
this before in a heading for a Hebrew name.  I've checked the LC 
Romanization tables, and there is no such diacritic for Hebrew.  Am I 
seeing what I think I'm seeing?  (My new glasses will be ready Friday:))

Thank you,

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Jewish War Vets book query

2007-03-21 Thread Margo Gutstein
I think the work he may be referring to is AMERICAN JEWS IN WORLD WAR 
II : the story of 550,000 fighters for freedom.  The editor is 
Isidore Kaufman, and the 2nd vol. was compiled by the Bureau of War 
records of the National Jewish Welfare Board.

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

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RE: [ha-Safran]: re: patron request

2006-03-16 Thread Margo Gutstein
I think the book may be "No One Must Know" by Eva Wiseman, published 
in Toronto by Tundra Books, 2004.

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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Re: [ha-Safran]: Looking for a title of a book

2005-04-19 Thread Margo Gutstein
How about this one?

DESTINED TO WITNESS : growing up black in Nazi Germany / Hans J. Massaquoi. 
-- 1st ed. -- New York  : W. Morrow, c1999

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

Simon Wiesenthal Center / Museum of Tolerance
Los Angeles, CA  90035

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[ha-Safran]: Rachel Glasser's mother

2005-03-23 Thread Margo Gutstein
I was asked to post the following to HaSafran:

I am sorry to inform you of the passing of Rachel Glasser's mother,
Leila Chernotsky, z"l.

The funeral will be held tomorrow, Wednesday March 23rd at:

Suburban Funeral Home
68 Old Short Hills Rd.
Livingston, NJ
At 1 PM

Rachel will begin sitting shiva in Teaneck at their home
late Thursday afternoon - Tuesday morning at:

315 Maitland Ave.
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Home #: 201-862-0312

Simon Wiesenthal Center / Museum of Tolerance
Los Angeles, CA  90035

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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Re: [ha-Safran]: Graduation Gifts

2005-03-15 Thread Margo Gutstein
I don't know how old your Hebrew school graduates are, but if you could use 
something appropriate for middle school or junior high school students, how 
about L'Chaim! : To Jewish Life in America : Celebrating from 1654 until 
Today, by Susan Goldman Rubin.  It's not too expensive, and it has lots of 

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

Simon Wiesenthal Center / Museum of Tolerance
Los Angeles, CA  90035

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia Judaica help

2005-03-08 Thread Margo Gutstein
I'm no computer mayven, but I have a nice new computer running Windows XP, 
and I have the EJ installed and it's running fine.  Are you specifically 
talking about a network installation?  It's installed on my PC as a 
stand-alone.  I didn't install it, by the way; one of our volunteers did 
it, so if you need to know how he did it, I'd have to refer you to him.

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

Simon Wiesenthal Center / Museum of Tolerance
Los Angeles, CA  90035

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[ha-Safran]: Simon Wiesenthal Center-Museum of Tolerance Book

2004-05-19 Thread Margo Gutstein
Award, 2004
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 -- ListProcessor(tm) by CREN

It is with great pleasure that I announce the winner of the "Once Upon A 
World Children's Book Award" for 2004.

by Michelle R. McCann, as told by Luba Tryszynska-Frederick;
illustrated by Ann Marshall
(Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press, 2003)

The following statement was issued by the chairperson of the judges:

"This year, our award winning book was chosen from a field of over 100 
children's books, and all three judges agreed that there were many 
wonderful books among them.  Nevertheless, Luba: The Angel of Bergen-Belsen 
was our clear choice.  This heartwarming book tells a difficult and 
profoundly moving story in a humane, yet hopeful manner.  It celebrates the 
spirit of Luba Tryszynska-Frederick, who managed to save 52 children in the 
terrible last winter of World War II.  This book's triumph is that it 
renders her heroic deeds both specific and universal, historic and immediate."

On behalf of the Simon Wiesenthal Center-Museum of Tolerance Library and 
Archives,  I extend our heartfelt gratitude to this year's independent 
panel of judges.

Hope Edelman:  Author and Writing Instructor, UCLA Extension
Lisa Silverman:  Director of Library Services, Sinai Temple (L.A.), School 
Librarian, Book
   Reviewer and Workshop Insructor
Marilyn Taniguchi, chair person:  Children's Librarian, Beverly Hills 
Public Reviewer

Please join us on Sunday, October 31, 2004, at 3:00 p.m. when we will be 
privileged to honor Luba, Michelle, Ann and this remarkable book.

The book is currently available in the Library. The bookstore will be 
ordering the book and will be selling autograhed copies.

I would be most appreciative if you would circulate this 
announcement.  Feel free to contact me with any questions about Luba, Once 
Upon A World Children's Book Award, or our presentation program on October 31.

Thank you for your interest, support and cooperation.

Adaire J. Klein
Director of Library & Archival Services
Simon Wiesenthal Center - Museum of Tolerance
1399 South Roxbury Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90035-4709

Simon Wiesenthal Center / Museum of Tolerance
Los Angeles, CA  90035

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[ha-Safran]: Vendor for outsourced cataloging

2003-11-11 Thread Margo Gutstein
Does anyone have a recommendation for a vendor to do outsource cataloging 
on an ongoing basis?  The company we have been using since 1995 just 
dropped us because they are no longer going to be servicing small accounts, 
and we need to find a new provider.  If the company is near Los Angeles, 
that would be even better.

Thank you all,

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

Simon Wiesenthal Center / Museum of Tolerance
Los Angeles, CA  90035

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Mahmoud Abbas' book

2003-08-07 Thread Margo Gutstein
I don't know about English, but the Simon Wiesenthal Center Library owns a 
translation in Spanish:

LA OTRA CARA : la verdad de las relaciones secretas entre el nazismo y el 
sionismo / Mahmud Abbas (Abu Mazzen) -- La Habana, Cuba  : Embajada de la 
Organizacion para la Liberacion de Palestina, 1987

Margo Gutstein
Technical Services Librarian
Simon Wiesenthal Center

Simon Wiesenthal Center / Museum of Tolerance
Los Angeles, CA  90035

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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