[ha-Safran]: Congratulations on a wonderful convention

2006-07-02 Thread Liza Stabler
Dear Ann and Zellie,

Many thanks to you and to your wonderful committee for a great 
convention.  So much work went into making sure all the details were 
perfect.  I hope everyone is planning a long restful vacation

Shabbat shalom,


Elizabeth F. Stabler, Librarian
Congregation Emanu-El
1 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10021
212 744-1400
Fax: 212 570 0826

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Congratulations on a wonderful convention

2004-07-12 Thread Randy Belinfante
Rita and everybody,
 I must agree that Shuli definitely deserves recognition and 
applause.  I am sorry that I forgot to mention her.  I thought that it was 
wonderful that she and her husband presented a tour of the origins of the 
Jews in New Amsterdam 350 years ago.  I was very concerned that this aspect 
was almost overlooked, and I was very pleased to see that Shuli and her 
husband were able to give this tour. I realize moreover, that both Rita and 
Shuli were involved in a number of activities that were beneath the 
surface, and for this they certainly must be applauded.  Thank you to you 
and to all of those who pulled off this convention.  You were (and are) great.

Randy Belinfante

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[ha-Safran]: Congratulations on a wonderful convention

2004-07-11 Thread Brenda Yi
I think it is never too late to say a few words of thanks to Elizabeth and
Elana and everyone who helped to make this convention a big success.  Today
is my first day of work after my long vacation in the States.

Being the first-time attendee, the NY convention is an eye-opener for me.
There I met a lot of people whose names I have seen often in HaSafran or I
have emailed with.  I finally can put the names and faces together.
Everyone I met is so friendly and helpful.  Thanks to the tireless efforts
of the organization committee, there were more sessions than I could attend.
I learned a lot and I had fun too.

On the personal front, I would like to express my gratitude to those who
took me under their wings when I seemed lost.  I also thank you Sally Brown
for giving me the Doris Orenstein Award.  My heartfelt thank you also goes
to Laurel Wolfson, Lee Wixman, Alice Shook (my lovely room-mate), David
Hirsch and Ronda Rose who extended their hospitality to me beyond the

Brenda Yi, Librarian
Jewish Community Centre
One Robinson Place
70 Robinson Road
Hong Kong S.A.R., China
Tel: (852)2589-2660
Fax: (852)2877-0917

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Congratulations on a wonderful convention

2004-07-11 Thread Randy Belinfante
Dear Folks,
 Before they are entirely forgotten, I would like to thank a few of 
the other people that were involved in this conference who helped to 
produce such a successful event.  Among the people with whom I am aware, I 
would like to thank Rita Lifton, Sara Spiegel, Pearl Berger, and Steve 
Siegel.  I realize that Liza Stabler and Elana Gensler contributed a 
tremendous amount to the conference but I know that these other people 
contributed a great deal as well.  There were undoubtedly other people on 
the committee that I didn't mention and I am sure that they also deserve 
recognition.  I apologize for not mentioning them.  But let's hear it for 
everyone who worked so hard to bring off this wonderful convention.
 Regarding the technology issue, I would like to comment that I 
miss the taping that was done at previous conferences.  When they have so 
many important things going on at the same time, one is bound to miss some 
more important discussions that one really wants to hear. It was possible 
to tape the lectures in years past, and with developing technology, it 
should be possible now.  Heck, we should be able to video tape the lectures 
by now--oh yeah video tape is now a dinosaur, I forgot. Oh well.  In any 
case, thank you to all those involved in the convention, both mentioned and 
not mentioned.

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Congratulations on a wonderful convention

2004-06-30 Thread Rettberg, Dan

Thanks for your valuable suggestions in how to interface with the hotel 
on technology issues.  My bit of advice to those who would like to make 
presentations in the future is to look at all the options of how to 
present, and not just jump right in to a high level of 
technology.  Electronic technology can be exceptionally helpful and is 
growing more sophisticated, but I would caution prospective presenters to 
consider all the options, including going low tech, i.e. just presenting 
your paper straight, without visual components as all.  I debated within 
myself all year about what tools to use as I did my research and prepared 
my presentation.  I considered power-point, slides, a CD with images, and 
consulted with colleagues more knowledgable about technologicl options than 
I. I then happened on an an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education 
on the pitfalls of making presentations at conferences.  It was an 
embarassing read, as I have, at one time or another, violated all the 
don'ts enumerated in the article.  In addition to the usual common sense 
wisdom on presenting, the author also advised not relying too heavily on 
power-point presentations, that they are helpful in some instances, but not 
in others.  The author then very much surprised me by suggesting that there 
was still a place for papers presented without technological support at 
all.  This was reinforced by a recent article in American Libraries, 
which also warned of the overuse of power-point.

I eventually chose to present without visuals at all, with the exception of 
a few copies I passed out, showing the problems connected with the rare 
books I was discussing.  Those of you who came to hear me can judge better 
than I how successful I was.  One thing the decision forced me to do was to 
spend the last month before conference just rehearsing and editing my 
paper.  I also had my wife video-tape it, and I watched myself deliver 
it.  In addition, I tried to be very careful to use ample verbal clues to 
indicate the direction of my argument, and such basics as on what part of 
the paper I was focussing at any given moment.  As a result, I was able to 
concentrate exclusively on what I had to say, and didn't have to concern 
myself with such details as an adapter.  My decision would certainly not 
be advisable for everyone, but it worked for me, and I would do it again 
for the type of paper I presented.  I don't happen to have the references 
for the two articles I mention, but can easily get them if anyone would 
like to read the articles.  The Chronicle article appeared within the last 
six months, and the American Libraries article in a recent issue.

Dan Rettberg
Rare Book and Manuscript Bibliographer
Klau Library
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Cincinnati, Ohio


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[ha-Safran]: Congratulations on a wonderful convention

2004-06-29 Thread Rochelle Elstein
Kol ha-kavod to Elizabeth and Elana and everyone who worked on this 
convention.  As a first-time attendee, I was impressed with how warm and 
welcoming every was, and how smoothly the sessions ran.  Perhaps other 
novices could benefit from two lessons I learned:

1.  The technology will fail, so have an alternative method of presentation.
2.  Get to the dessert table early--for obvious reasons.

I would have liked more time to talk to vendors, so perhaps the breaks 
between sessions could be a little longer, or some other time could be 
found.  Perhaps others have thought about this issue.  I'm sure the vendors 
also feel marginalized.


Rochelle S. Elstein, Bibliographer
Collection Management
Northwestern University Library
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208-2300
Phone 847/491-3953
FAX 847/467-7899

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Congratulations on a wonderful convention

2004-06-29 Thread Rettberg, Dan
Thanks, Shelli, for writing to ha-Safran and for sharing your response to 
the convention.  In the FYI department, I have learned to pace myself at 
these events.  I no longer feel obligated to attend a session in every time 
slot where they are scheduled, though, of course, I attend many of them.  I 
allow down time when I am just too tired to listen to one more paper, and 
adequate time to visit the exhibits and interact with the dealers as 
well.  I feel it is important for librarians to be aware of what is coming 
out in the fields of expertise represented by their collections, 
independent of whether collection development is or is not one of their 
responsibilities.  For me, an important part of the convention is 
networking with colleagues as well.

Daniel J. Rettberg
Rare Book and Manuscript Bibliographer
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Klau Library
Cincinnati, Ohio


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Congratulations on a wonderful convention

2004-06-29 Thread June Cummins
Hi, Folks.

I also had a great time at the conference and felt warmly welcomed as a 
newcomer.  Thank you to all who worked so hard to put together a very good 

I'd like to follow up on one of Shelli's suggestion, her first one. My 
presentation at the conference was a Powerpoint presentation.  I had 
printed out one copy of each slide in case the technology failed, but these 
paper copies really wouldn't have done the trick and had the technology 
failed, I probably would not have delivered a presentation at all.  So I'd 
like to suggest advice for future conference organizers.   This is not at 
all a criticism of this year's conference.  We are in a transitional period 
when it comes to technology-based presentations, and it will take years 
before people can assume that they can rely fully on the connections they 
need to deliver these presentations.

In the meantime, future conference organizers should be aware the trend is 
toward the increasing use of technology. More and more of us will be 
developing presentations that rely on technology, and I think that shortly 
such presentations will be the norm.  The hotels are very much benefitting 
from this trend as they charge exorbitant rates for the rental of the 
necessary equipment. But we'll still be making lots of Powerpoint 
presentations (or their future incarnations).

The hotel tech people in Brooklyn were wonderful.  They were right there to 
assist me in setting up and showing my presentation, and they were very 
helpful when I left my mouse in the room and didn't realize it until hours 
later.  (They located and retrieved it for me.)  These guys were 
personable, kind, and most importantly, competent.  They got the job done.

Things would have gone better for me if I had known I needed to bring a 
certain adapter.  Because I didn't have it, my presentation lost some of 
its formatting.  In the future, it will be very helpful if those giving 
technology-based presentations know just what the hotel can provide and 
what they need to supply on their own.   One organization I belong to has 
started to use a form that presenters must fill out if they are using 
technology.  The organizers then get back to the presenters to let them 
know what they need to bring, or what the venue can and cannot 
accommodate.  In short, there should be a liaison between presenters and 
the tech people at the venue.  This is a big job, and it may be that 
someone has to be especially appointed to it.  But the more planning 
happens in advance, the less likely it is that the technology will 
fail.  This advice of course applies to all conferences and meetings, not 
just AJL.

I don't mean to sound so negative and apologize for giving so much space to 
what might seem to be a complaint.  But I honestly mean it as a suggestion 
for the future, and that's why I'm posting it here rather than just 
mentioning it in the evaluation form.  I think this is advice that 
potentially affects us all.

Thanks for listening.

Take care,
June Cummins

June Cummins, Assistant Professor
Department of English and Comparative Literature
San Diego State University

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