Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-30 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 18-Sep-1999, Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I tried with ghc 2.08 -- admittedly an ancient version, so
> this is not a fair comparison, but that was what I had on hand.
> On a 300 MHz DEC Alpha system, I got the following times:
>   LanguageCompiler versionOptions Time
>   Haskell ghc 2.08-O  21.5 seconds
>   Mercury rotd-1999-09-17 -O6  7.5 seconds
>   Mercury rotd-1999-09-17 -O6 --gc none2.2 seconds
>   C++ egcs-1.1.2  -O3   .23 seconds
> Hmm... a ratio of about 100:10:1 for Haskell:Mercury:C++ is, well,
> interesting ;-).
> I wonder how much better ghc 4.x does?

I downloaded ghc 4.04 and ran the same test on a 500MHz Pentium-III
Linux System, and got the following figures:

LanguageCompiler versionOptions Time
Haskell ghc 4.04-O2  8.5 seconds
Haskell ghc 4.04-O2 -fvia-c  8.6 seconds
Mercury rotd-1999-09-17 -O6  2.4 seconds
Mercury rotd-1999-09-17 -O6 --gc none1.0 seconds
C++ egcs-1.1.2  -O3   .17 seconds

So it looks like ghc 4.04 is still a fair way behind, at least as
far as this test case is concerned.

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: Sisal (was: RE: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++)

1999-09-24 Thread Joe Fasel

Olivier LeFevre wrote,

| "R.S. Nikhil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
| > Sisal researchers [...] deliberatly chose to avoid higher-order functions, 
| > polymorphism, laziness, etc.
| In a first release, yes, but I believe higher-order functions were included in 
| Sisal 2.0, which was almost ready for shipping when the Sisal project was 
| abruptly terminated by LANL management. 
| >From what I understand, internal LANL politics, not internecine warfare within 
| the FP community, was the cause of the shutdown. LANL seems to be betting the 
| farm on C++ (PETE, POOMA). Personally I find the tecniques uased in PETE 
| interesting but they amount to pushing work that ought to be done by the 
| compiler (at least IMO) into the libraries and onto the library writers, which 
| uncharitable souls might call a cop-out.

The Sisal project was at LLNL (Lawrence Livermore).  PETE and POOMA are
indeed LANL (Los Alamos) projects.

The Sisal project was funded primarily by the US Department of Energy's
Basic Energy Science office, and if I recall correctly, when the DOE funding
was lost, Livermore management did manage to keep Sisal going for a time.


Joseph H. Fasel, Ph.D.  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technology Modeling and Analysisphone:  +1 505 667 7158
University of Californiafax:+1 505 667 2960
Los Alamos National Laboratory  postal: TSA-7 MS F609
Los Alamos, NM  87545

Re: Sisal (was: RE: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++)

1999-09-23 Thread Olivier . Lefevre

"R.S. Nikhil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> Sisal researchers [...] deliberatly chose to avoid higher-order functions, 
> polymorphism, laziness, etc.

In a first release, yes, but I believe higher-order functions were included in 
Sisal 2.0, which was almost ready for shipping when the Sisal project was 
abruptly terminated by LANL management. 

>"R.S. Nikhil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> Sisal researchers [...] deliberatly chose to avoid higher-order functions, 
> polymorphism, laziness, etc.

In a first release, yes, but I believe higher-order functions were included in 
Sisal 2.0, which was almost ready for shipping when the Sisal project was 
abruptly terminated by LANL management. 

>"R.S. Nikhil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> Sisal researchers [...] deliberatly chose to avoid higher-order functions, 
> polymorphism, laziness, etc.

In a first release, yes, but I believe higher-order functions were included in 
Sisal 2.0, which was almost ready for shipping when the Sisal project was 
abruptly terminated by LANL management. 

>"R.S. Nikhil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> Sisal researchers [...] deliberatly chose to avoid higher-order functions, 
> polymorphism, laziness, etc.

In a first release, yes, but I believe higher-order functions were included in 
Sisal 2.0, which was almost ready for shipping when the Sisal project was 
abruptly terminated by LANL management. 

>From what I understand, internal LANL politics, not internecine warfare within 

the FP community, was the cause of the shutdown. LANL seems to be betting the 
farm on C++ (PETE, POOMA). Personally I find the tecniques uased in PETE 
interesting but they amount to pushing work that ought to be done by the 
compiler (at least IMO) into the libraries and onto the library writers, which 
uncharitable souls might call a cop-out.

-- O.L.

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Re: Sisal (was: RE: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++)

1999-09-23 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

"R.S. Nikhil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> > From: Manuel M. T. Chakravarty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > "R.S. Nikhil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> > > ...
> > > But it DID offer an important new feature relative to
> > > the original Fortran programs it was trying to
> > > displace -- completely automatic parallelization
> > > for the Cray vector machines that were the main
> > > workhorses at Livermore and similar labs.
> > 
> > Hmm, good point.  So, did they succeed in reaching this
> > goal, compared to the awful guessing and trial & error you
> > have to go through before you get any decent performance out 
> > of a vectorising Fortran compiler?
> In the following paper, the Sisal team describes their technical
> successes, including performance numbers.
> title = "Retire Fortran?  A Debate Rekindled",

I know this paper (and its runtime results are very
impressive), but IIRC it doesn't really answer the question
about how difficult it is to write Sisal code that
vectorises well.  My experience with vectorising Fortran
compilers (with only one, to be honest) is that small
variations in coding an algorithm can lead to vastly
different execution times and you often have to have
accurate knowledge about how a vector processor (and the
compiler) works to get it right.  It would be interesting to
know how much simpler this is in Sisal.  In the paper, they
"simply" re-coded existing Fortran code in Sisal - I guess
the original Fortran code was already streamlined for vector

> Unfortunately, these choices won them no respect in the FP community
> (for which, my commentary, shame on the FP community), who chose to
> look down their noses at Sisal for what were essentially trivial and
> shallow reasons (Pascal syntax, focus on those "dirty" arrays instead
> of those "cool" lists, no polymorphism, no higher-order functions,
> ...).  This made it MUCH harder for the Sisal team to sell the
> language to their Fortran-writing colleagues, who kept hearing
> negative opinions about Sisal from the FP community.

That is sad, indeed - and fires back, I guess, as an
outsider will likely attribute the failure to a technical
deficiency of FP.  Anyway, thank you for outlining the
political background, which I was not aware of.


Re: Sisal (was: RE: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++)

1999-09-23 Thread Joe Fasel

Paul Hudak writes:
| Being an old fart, I was around when most of this happened, and will
| humbly share at least some of the "blame" for this.  But in our defense,
| this was at the time when there was no "standard" FL and we were trying
| to establish Haskell as such a candidate -- and not selfishly, but for
| the good of the community, which outsiders viewed as being fragmented
| and lacking in terms of a standard language.  We encouraged the SISAL
| folks to at least use a subset of Haskell for SISAL, but they did not
| want to do this -- my strong impression was that they wanted to mark out
| their own turf.  In hindsight both groups should have supported each
| other more, but hindsight is always 20-20.

Let me clarify (or perhaps muddle) this just a little.  Since I am also
an old fart, however, my memory may be faulty. ;-)

When we started work on Haskell, Standard ML and Sisal were already in
existence.  We were not trying to define a universal standard for
functional programming, but rather, a standard pure, nonstrict, higher-
order, polymorphically-typed functional language.  The objective was
to help focus the work of researchers working with languages like
Lazy ML, Orwell, Miranda, Ponder, and several others.  That Sisal
(strict, first-order, monomorphically-typed) did not fall into this
category by no means meant that anyone "looked down his nose" at it.

Actually, I think we were originally thinking of laziness, rather
than nonstrictness, and weren't considering languages like Id as
part of our domain, but Arvind and Nikhil (quite correctly) convinced
us that the semantic distinction of strictness versus nonstrictness
should be our concern, rather than the operational notions of
eagerness and laziness.  They then joined our effort.  Sisal, appropriately
I think, remained outside of our domain.  As Paul says, there was
later an attempt to get together with Sisal folks to the extent of
emphasizing what we had had in common as much as how we differed
by using some common syntax.  It's too bad this didn't work out.

Sisal is great stuff.  These folks unquestionably succeeded in their
objective of beating Fortran at its own game.  That the funding for
it eventually dried up should not detract from this accomplishment.


Joseph H. Fasel, Ph.D.  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technology Modeling and Analysisphone:  +1 505 667 7158
University of Californiafax:+1 505 667 2960
Los Alamos National Laboratory  postal: TSA-7 MS F609
Los Alamos, NM  87545

Re: Sisal (was: RE: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++)

1999-09-23 Thread Paul Hudak

> Unfortunately, these choices won them no respect in the FP community
> (for which, my commentary, shame on the FP community), who chose to
> look down their noses at Sisal for what were essentially trivial and
> shallow reasons (Pascal syntax, focus on those "dirty" arrays instead
> of those "cool" lists, no polymorphism, no higher-order functions,
> ...).  This made it MUCH harder for the Sisal team to sell the
> language to their Fortran-writing colleagues, who kept hearing
> negative opinions about Sisal from the FP community.

Being an old fart, I was around when most of this happened, and will
humbly share at least some of the "blame" for this.  But in our defense,
this was at the time when there was no "standard" FL and we were trying
to establish Haskell as such a candidate -- and not selfishly, but for
the good of the community, which outsiders viewed as being fragmented
and lacking in terms of a standard language.  We encouraged the SISAL
folks to at least use a subset of Haskell for SISAL, but they did not
want to do this -- my strong impression was that they wanted to mark out
their own turf.  In hindsight both groups should have supported each
other more, but hindsight is always 20-20.

In any case...

> This may not have been the exclusive reason why Sisal did not take
> off, but I have heard members of the Sisal team say, more than once,
> that this was a major contributor.

I seriously question the claim that it was a major contributor.  There
was, and of course still is, an ungodly amount of FORTRAN code out
there, much of which was being reused in the form of libraries, even in
parallel applications.  Having to rewrite this code, support a new
language, re-train programmers, etc. were far greater impediments to the
use of SISAL (or any other language instead of Frotran), IMHO.


Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-23 Thread John Atwood

Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote:
> Bart Demoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> > Speed is not the only issue - feasability is an issue as well.
> I completely agree, but the original poster did not complain
> about a slight discrepancy in speed, he was puzzled about an
> unacceptable large gap of several orders of magnitude.
> Speed is not the only issue, but it definitely is _an_ issue.

Another issue is correctness. What can be said about the correctness
of the C++ program? the haskell program? What theorems do we get
for free with this haskell program?

John Atwood

RE: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-22 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

"R.S. Nikhil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> > -Original Message-
> > From: Manuel M. T. Chakravarty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 4:35 AM
> > ...
> > 
> > * While Sisal is arguably nice than Fortran, it doesn't
> >   really provide a new killer feature - rewriting all this
> >   Fortran code, just for getting nice programs is maybe not
> >   enough of an incentive.
> But it DID offer an important new feature relative to
> the original Fortran programs it was trying to
> displace -- completely automatic parallelization
> for the Cray vector machines that were the main
> workhorses at Livermore and similar labs.

Hmm, good point.  So, did they succeed in reaching this
goal, compared to the awful guessing and trial & error you
have to go through before you get any decent performance out 
of a vectorising Fortran compiler?


Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-22 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

Bjorn Lisper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> "Manuel M. T. Chakravarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >* While Sisal is arguably nice than Fortran, it doesn't
> >  really provide a new killer feature - rewriting all this
> >  Fortran code, just for getting nice programs is maybe not
> >  enough of an incentive.
> As I remember it, a main argument for Sisal was that the freedom of side
> effects would simplify the automatic parallelisation. So one important
> percieved incentive was to actually get better performance than from
> automatically parallelised Fortran.

But, as far as I know, there was never an implementation
that actually demonstrated that benefit.  IIRC, some
programs were a little faster on some Cray vector machines,
but that was about it.


Sisal (was: RE: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++)

1999-09-22 Thread R.S. Nikhil

> -Original Message-
> From: Manuel M. T. Chakravarty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 10:06 AM
> ...
> "R.S. Nikhil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> > ...
> > But it DID offer an important new feature relative to
> > the original Fortran programs it was trying to
> > displace -- completely automatic parallelization
> > for the Cray vector machines that were the main
> > workhorses at Livermore and similar labs.
> Hmm, good point.  So, did they succeed in reaching this
> goal, compared to the awful guessing and trial & error you
> have to go through before you get any decent performance out 
> of a vectorising Fortran compiler?

In the following paper, the Sisal team describes their technical
successes, including performance numbers.

author = "Cann, David C.",
title = "Retire Fortran?  A Debate Rekindled",
journal = "CACM",
volume = 35,
number = 8,
year = 1992,
month = "August",
pages = "81-89",

Regarding why Sisal research has died: there may be technical reasons,
but there is also a political dimension that is not very flattering
to the functional languages community of the time (1980's, early

Sisal researchers adopted a very practical and laudable strategy.
Their primary goal was to wean their physicist colleagues off from
Fortran and on to something more disciplined, semantically sound,
analyzable and compilable.  Competitive runtime performance was an
ABSOLUTE requirement.  Instead of going for all the features of
functional programming, they chose to limit their focus to a
restricted language that did the job.  They deliberatly chose to avoid
higher-order functions, polymorphism, laziness, etc., and focused on
just those features that they could compile into code that was
competitive with Fortran.  Incidentally, this is exactly the
philosophy that Claus Reinke articulated in another message in this
thread when he said, about SAC:

"This bottom-up approach to functional language design and
 implementation was chosen for SAC exactly because of the
 difficulties of the standard, top-down approach".

In another decision aimed at making the language more familiar to
their Fortran-writing potential customers, the Sisal designers chose a
syntax that was Pascal-like (but semantically it was a pure functional

Unfortunately, these choices won them no respect in the FP community
(for which, my commentary, shame on the FP community), who chose to
look down their noses at Sisal for what were essentially trivial and
shallow reasons (Pascal syntax, focus on those "dirty" arrays instead
of those "cool" lists, no polymorphism, no higher-order functions,
...).  This made it MUCH harder for the Sisal team to sell the
language to their Fortran-writing colleagues, who kept hearing
negative opinions about Sisal from the FP community.

This may not have been the exclusive reason why Sisal did not take
off, but I have heard members of the Sisal team say, more than once,
that this was a major contributor.  Anyway, eventually funding for
this project at Livermore ran out, and the team has dispersed and is
doing other things.

(opinions my own;
 my employer will thrice deny any complicity or concurrence)

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-22 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

Bjorn Lisper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> "D. Tweed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >I'm quite open to arguments that maybe you can't
> >make a functional language that's as nice as Haskell (features like lazy
> >evaluation, nice type classes, etc) that's also able to `really hammer
> >until it's totally flat' functional code that implements heavily numerical
> >algorithms. However I'd argue that this is still an area where a
> >functional language which was standard, widely used and compilable into
> >very very efficient code would be of great benefit to many people who work
> >on simulation, image processing problems, control systems, etc. (So I'm
> >happy for the Haskell people to say `We can't make
> >computation intensive programming better because it'd screw up stuff we do
> >well now' but not that `development time shrinkage compensates for
> >run-time growth'.)
> Sisal was an attempt to define precisely such a functional language. Of
> course, it is not nearly as "nice" as Haskell as regards features:
> restricted type system, call by value (except a particular nonstrict data
> type for streams), no higher order functions, no recursive array
> comprehensions, etc.  These limitations were deliberate design decisions
> made to make the compilation to efficient code simpler. Sisal also has a
> rich set of array primitives and a loop-like notation which is syntactic
> sugar for tail-recursion (the latter making it possible to write
> surprisingly Fortran-like code in Sisal...). On a standard set of
> benchmarks, a couple of years back, Sisal obtained performance on par with
> the state-of-the-art parallelising/vectorising Fortran compilers of that
> time. There's a C.ACM paper on this, from -93 I think.
> Yet, Sisal never took off. As far as I know there is neither any development
> of the language nor on compilers now.

I would offer the following two reasons as contributing to
the lack of acceptance of Sisal:

* While Sisal is arguably nice than Fortran, it doesn't
  really provide a new killer feature - rewriting all this
  Fortran code, just for getting nice programs is maybe not
  enough of an incentive.

* IIRC, Sisal squarely aimed vector computers, while current 
  parallel computer technology moves to distributed memory
  machines build around scalar processors.

I won't claim that this is the whole story, but I believe
these are two important point

If you are interested in a project implementing a Nesl-like[1]
language that tries to avoid at least these two problems,
have a look at

The killer feature is nested data parallelism, ie, you can
arbitrarily nest data parallel computations - try this in
Fortran!  Concerning the second point, the compiler - while
portable - targets first of all distributed memory
machines. (Unfortunately, the compiler needs a lot more
work, before it is generally usable.)

You may also want to have a look at SAC:

It comes with a C-like syntax, but is purely functional and
aims at exactly the kind of numerical applications for which
Fortran is used a lot - they use a lot of compiler
optimisations to generate efficient code.

So, the last word about using functional languages for
numerical applications is not yet spoken.



PS: I am aware that there are many more approaches out there
that I could have mentioned here - I didn't do so,
because I am a _lazy_ functional programmer.

[1] Actually, the concept of nested data parallelism is from 
Nesl, but otherwise the implemented language is a subset
of Haskell using easger evaluation.

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-22 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

22 Sep 1999 09:43:19 +0100, Will Partain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:

> * You can drop down to non-standard Haskell, and express
>   your code with (e.g.) unboxed values, bytePrimArray#s, --
>   i.e. direct access to the machinery that GHC's libraries
>   use;

Hmm, I think it would be more usable if it was possible to declare
somehow that e.g. a function argument is to be unboxed, but without
changing all the places where it is used.

Similarly if one could choose between String and PackedString at some
critical places, without having to use completely different functions
which operate on them. Isn't this a good place to use type classes?

ghc's FiniteMap has a different interface than Array, Array is
different than a list, and Set is different than a set represented by
a list of values, although they may often serve identical purposes.
Maybe official wrapping them in type classes should wait for inclusion
of MPTC in the standard...

 __("+++$ UL++>$ P+++ L++>$ E-
  ^^W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP->+ t
QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+>++ DI D- G+ e> h! r--%>++ y-

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-22 Thread Pieter Koopman

At 10:41 21/09/99 GMT, Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
>I have to care how fast my programs run. 
>I had to write and maintain a boring program calculating lots of
>numbers from matrices, trying various permutations of rows and columns,
>joining rows and columns, generating random matrices meeting specific
>criteria, searching for ones that maximize certain formulae etc.
>Maybe it's simply not possible to compile Haskell more efficiently?

It is possible to improve the efficiency of lazy functional languages on
matrices considerably. The first thing to be done is to create an efficient
representation. As far as I know, to main reason why Clean is faster with
matrices than Haskell is due to the different representation. Also in a
lazy language many optimisations can be done. We can take a look at the
things done in implementations of C (sorry), SISAL, SAC, etc.
The high level of abstraction in modern lazy functional languages posses
both opportunities and challenges to the compiler builders. We cannot
expect the compiler to cope with each situation as good as a cleaver
low-level programmer who knows what he is doing, but it should be possible
to reduce the price (in execution time) to use a language like Haskell for
matrix manipulations. A similar argument holds for C and assembly.

Pieter Koopman

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-22 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho

On Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 09:44:34AM +0200, Bjorn Lisper wrote:
> Sisal was an attempt to define precisely such a functional language. 
> no higher order functions

Uhh... have I misunderstood what functional programming is?  Isn't
higher-order function support a necessary part of every FP language?

%%% Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho % [EMAIL PROTECTED] % %%%

 (John Cage)

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-22 Thread Bjorn Lisper

"Manuel M. T. Chakravarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>* While Sisal is arguably nice than Fortran, it doesn't
>  really provide a new killer feature - rewriting all this
>  Fortran code, just for getting nice programs is maybe not
>  enough of an incentive.

As I remember it, a main argument for Sisal was that the freedom of side
effects would simplify the automatic parallelisation. So one important
percieved incentive was to actually get better performance than from
automatically parallelised Fortran.

Björn Lisper

RE: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-22 Thread R.S. Nikhil

> -Original Message-
> From: Manuel M. T. Chakravarty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 4:35 AM
> ...
> * While Sisal is arguably nice than Fortran, it doesn't
>   really provide a new killer feature - rewriting all this
>   Fortran code, just for getting nice programs is maybe not
>   enough of an incentive.

But it DID offer an important new feature relative to
the original Fortran programs it was trying to
displace -- completely automatic parallelization
for the Cray vector machines that were the main
workhorses at Livermore and similar labs.


Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-22 Thread Bjorn Lisper

>I'm quite open to arguments that maybe you can't
>make a functional language that's as nice as Haskell (features like lazy
>evaluation, nice type classes, etc) that's also able to `really hammer
>until it's totally flat' functional code that implements heavily numerical
>algorithms. However I'd argue that this is still an area where a
>functional language which was standard, widely used and compilable into
>very very efficient code would be of great benefit to many people who work
>on simulation, image processing problems, control systems, etc. (So I'm
>happy for the Haskell people to say `We can't make
>computation intensive programming better because it'd screw up stuff we do
>well now' but not that `development time shrinkage compensates for
>run-time growth'.)

Sisal was an attempt to define precisely such a functional language. Of
course, it is not nearly as "nice" as Haskell as regards features:
restricted type system, call by value (except a particular nonstrict data
type for streams), no higher order functions, no recursive array
comprehensions, etc.  These limitations were deliberate design decisions
made to make the compilation to efficient code simpler. Sisal also has a
rich set of array primitives and a loop-like notation which is syntactic
sugar for tail-recursion (the latter making it possible to write
surprisingly Fortran-like code in Sisal...). On a standard set of
benchmarks, a couple of years back, Sisal obtained performance on par with
the state-of-the-art parallelising/vectorising Fortran compilers of that
time. There's a C.ACM paper on this, from -93 I think.

Yet, Sisal never took off. As far as I know there is neither any development
of the language nor on compilers now.

Björn Lisper

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-22 Thread Will Partain

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk) writes:

> I have to care how fast my programs run. I like writing in Haskell
> very much, it's my favorite general-purpose language, but one of the
> biggest weak points of Haskell for me is poor efficiency (at least
> with ghc, I don't know how fast are other compilers). I wonder whether
> this is the issue of Haskell itself or the compilers, I wonder if I
> can expect things to go better in future.

I don't know what the future holds but, at least with GHC,
you already have a range of options, to try to go faster.

* You can profile your code and write better "standard"

* You can drop down to non-standard Haskell, and express
  your code with (e.g.) unboxed values, bytePrimArray#s, --
  i.e. direct access to the machinery that GHC's libraries

* You can code selected hot spots in C/whatever, and call
  out from Haskell to do those; if you do enough of this,
  you end up with the non-Haskell program you would've had
  to write anyway :-)

* You can give your code to the GHC people for benchmarking
  purposes; be sure to mention, "By the way, this code runs
  N times faster when compiled by HBC" -- it works wonders.

I think it is Very Cool that users have it within their
power to claw back arbitrary "performance loss", if they
want/need to.


Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-21 Thread George Russell

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
> Maybe it's simply not possible to compile Haskell more efficiently?
Maybe not yet.  But someday we'll have enough processing power to do
really sophisticated whole-program analysis, including decent region 
analysis.  A lot of the techniques have already been published, but are
simply too expensive to do.  But when computers are faster, C++ will have
to watch out, as theoretically it is much harder to reason about.

Also the GHC folk do not alas have huge numbers of people slaving away trying
to shave 1% off execution time here and there, which makes a big difference.

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-21 Thread D. Tweed

On 21 Sep 1999, Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:

> Sat, 18 Sep 1999 00:06:37 +0200 (MET DST), Juergen Pfitzenmaier 
> > I dont't care very much how fast a program runs. I care about how
> > long it takes me to write it. If you take a programming task of
> > reasonable complexity you will finish *months* earlier using a
> > --good-- functional language instead of C++.
> > 
> > Use a functional language and buy a faster computer with the saved
> > money/time.
> I have to care how fast my programs run. I like writing in Haskell
> very much, it's my favorite general-purpose language, but one of the
> biggest weak points of Haskell for me is poor efficiency (at least
> with ghc, I don't know how fast are other compilers). I wonder whether
> this is the issue of Haskell itself or the compilers, I wonder if I
> can expect things to go better in future.

Hear, hear. Sometimes the problem that you're working on requires such
a lot of computation (e.g., typical image processing stuff) that no
savings from reduced writing time can by a machine fast enough to
compensate for the slow-down. And if you're in research where you need
to scrutinise the results of `prototypes' (this isn't quite the word
because it implies that once you've produced it you've ironed out almost
all the problems & issues and are ready to build the `final system') to
figure out why the algorithm isn't working on real data and how to improve

I'm quite open to arguments that maybe you can't
make a functional language that's as nice as Haskell (features like lazy
evaluation, nice type classes, etc) that's also able to `really hammer
until it's totally flat' functional code that implements heavily numerical
algorithms. However I'd argue that this is still an area where a
functional language which was standard, widely used and compilable into
very very efficient code would be of great benefit to many people who work
on simulation, image processing problems, control systems, etc. (So I'm
happy for the Haskell people to say `We can't make
computation intensive programming better because it'd screw up stuff we do
well now' but not that `development time shrinkage compensates for
run-time growth'.)

> I would be much more happy if Haskell could be compiled to a more
> efficient code. "Only 10 times slower than C" may be unacceptable.
> Sometimes the speed doesn't matter, sometimes it does. It's not fun
> to use a worse language only because a better one is too slow.

The thing that's more annoying is that there seems to be no _standard_
ways of indicating that a certain small patch of the code is the
metaphorical `inner loop' and that the compiler should try anything and
everything, probably including exhaustive search of exponential search
spaces, to generate good code for it. I know that you can twiddle the
optimisation with pragmas in ghc files, but that's ad-hoc and doesn't
really make the fanatically insane optimization steps that generating
efficient computation-intensive code from declarative languages seems to

email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   "He'd stay up all night inventing an   alarm clock to ensure he woke early
work tel: (0117) 954-5253 the next morning"-- Terry Pratchett

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-21 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, D. Tweed wrote:

> Sometimes the problem that you're working on requires such
> a lot of computation (e.g., typical image processing stuff) that no
> savings from reduced writing time can by a machine fast enough to
> compensate for the slow-down.

I agree. The arguments "you are saving on development time
by using _the_ language" or "buy better equipment instead" 
are quite old actually. I've heard them first time in relation
to perceived slowness of Smalltalk. Nothing has changed
over the years in this perception, even though computers
have become faster and Smalltalk itself has been significantly
improved speed-wise; the competing languages have simply taken
the same advantage of hardware.
Besides, our apetites grow up too and the problems to solve
become much more complex than before. What used to be
considered an acceptable limitation is not such anymore.

The speed is a relative concept: comparing to what?
If I compete against delivery time than it matters to
me whether I will get my results in 6 versus 12 hours.
Just 50% difference, but it counts when impatient
client wants it done for "yesterday". And it counts
even more if he comes with another bright idea of
changing the input a bit and asks me to rerun it
again and again. If I use a top of the line commercial
software, which has no practical competion (say Ansys),
then buying faster equipment obviously helps.
But not if I have written my own staff, say in Haskell,
which supposes to compete with similar programs written
in C. 


Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-21 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

Sat, 18 Sep 1999 00:06:37 +0200 (MET DST), Juergen Pfitzenmaier 

> I dont't care very much how fast a program runs. I care about how
> long it takes me to write it. If you take a programming task of
> reasonable complexity you will finish *months* earlier using a
> --good-- functional language instead of C++.
> Use a functional language and buy a faster computer with the saved
> money/time.

I have to care how fast my programs run. I like writing in Haskell
very much, it's my favorite general-purpose language, but one of the
biggest weak points of Haskell for me is poor efficiency (at least
with ghc, I don't know how fast are other compilers). I wonder whether
this is the issue of Haskell itself or the compilers, I wonder if I
can expect things to go better in future.

I had to write and maintain a boring program calculating lots of
numbers from matrices, trying various permutations of rows and columns,
joining rows and columns, generating random matrices meeting specific
criteria, searching for ones that maximize certain formulae etc.
I didn't know Haskell that time and I wrote the core in C++, wrapping
it in shell and perl scripts.

It takes a whole night to compute some data on 1000 matrices. Now
I would not write the program in Haskell, even though it would be
much simpler and easier to extend. I can't wait two weeks for results
each time. It's faster to spend one more day of awful coding in C++
because the results are needed as soon as possible.

OK, maybe it's not enough complex to make the difference in development
time bigger, but it's real.

I don't have money yet for a faster computer than my 3 years old
Pentium 133 with 32MB of RAM.

I would be much more happy if Haskell could be compiled to a more
efficient code. "Only 10 times slower than C" may be unacceptable.
Sometimes the speed doesn't matter, sometimes it does. It's not fun
to use a worse language only because a better one is too slow.

IMHO most C and assembler programmers care too much about execution
speed. Here I see the opposite.

Maybe it's simply not possible to compile Haskell more efficiently?

 __("+++$ UL++>$ P+++ L++>$ E-
  ^^W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP->+ t
QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+>++ DI D- G+ e> h! r--%>++ y-

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-19 Thread S.D.Mechveliani

Mark Engelberg  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

wrote on 17 Sep 1999 

> I decided to test out Haskell by writing a program to solve a cryptarithm
> [..]
> The algorithm is pretty straightforward - you just need to consider all
> possible mappings of letters to digits, and test the equation ...
> [..]
> import List
> expand a b c d e f = f + e*10 + d*100 + c*1000 + b*1 + a*10

> xs = [0,1..9]  -- all the digits

> answer = head [ [t,h,i,r,y,w,e,l,v,n] | t<-xs, e<-xs\\[t], h<-xs\\[t,e],
> [..]

There followed the C++ program to compare with the Haskell one, that 
calls the  next_permutation
library function.
Then, people wrote much on possible Haskell program modification and 
First who declared the in-correctness of such comparison was 
Herbert Graeber  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
He wrote

> [..]
> Second, the C++ algorithm presented uses a permutation generator from the
> C++ standard library. The times can only be compared, if both programs - the
> C++  version and the Haskell version - use the same algorithm. It is easy to
> speed up the Haskell version simply by using a permutation generator, that
> starts with the solution. In general even this may be not sufficient,
> because imperative and pure functional lazy evaluation of the same algorithm
> may give very different results.
> A fair comparison should include the best algorithm suitable for each
> language and much more different inputs for the programs, including very
> large ones.

This is the very point.
If this  next_permutation, - who's algorithm is not known to us, -
starts occasionally right with the needed permutation, then the whole 
program `answer' may run in C++, say,  0.001 sec.

Another example: replacing in the initial program  xs = [0..9]
with  reverse [0..9]  may change the time many times - for the same
If, studying the algorithm for  next_permutation  we discover that
there exists a good Haskell analog, - which also generates the
permutation in the same order, - then with this analog, we could
really compare the performance.
Otherwise, more subtle reasoning and list of examples are required.

Still, i also tried to program this thing: the program is enclosed.
Again, changing  [0..9]  to  reverse [0..9]
speeds up the program 3 times, but this is only the specific of the
given equation and the used permutation generator.
`++' takes here 10 steps to evaluate. But it does not effect the 
performace any essentially - this can be tested easily.
Compilation:   ghc-4.04 -c -O2 -O2-for-C ...

Sergey Mechveliani

main = putStr $ shows answer "\n"

expand a b c d e f = f + e*10 + d*100 + c*1000 + b*1 + a*10 
  :: Int
answer = find (\ [t,h,i,r,y,w,e,l,v,n] ->
 expand t h i r t y + 5 * expand t w e l v e == 
  expand n i n e t y
  ) $ permutations $ [0..9]  

permutations :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
permutations[] = [[]]
permutations(j:js) = addOne $ permutations js
  addOne []   = []
  addOne (ks:pms) = (ao ks)++(addOne pms)

  ao [] = [[j]]
  ao (k:ks) = (j:k:ks):(map (k:) $ ao ks)

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-19 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

Lennart Augustsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> So I did a test run too, on a 450MHz Pentuim II running NetBSD.
> I used Manuel's Haskell code, but I added a type signature for
> the expand function, and the original C++ code.
> dogbert% cc -o c.out -lstdc++
> dogbert% time c.out
> 1942530768
> 1.043u 0.010s 0:01.05 100.0%0+0k 0+1io 0pf+0w
> dogbert% hbc h3.hs
> dogbert% time a.out
> [1,9,4,2,5,3,0,7,6,8]
> 0.761u 0.040s 0:00.80 100.0%0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
> dogbert%
> So if you compile naively with no optimization the Haskell code
> is actually FASTER than the C++ code.

That's interesting.  Actually, I didn't add the type
signature, because when I tried using -O optimisation, it
didn't make a difference and I wanted to minimise the delta
to the original code.

> no optopt
> hbc0.761u0.663u
> cc 1.055u0.167u

Overall, I have (on a 300MHz Celeron running Linux and
including the type signature to expand),

no opt   opt
  ghc  4.04pl1:  8.61u  2.63u
  egcs 1.1.2  :  1.70u  0.31u

So, either Lennart has a worse C++ compiler or a better
Haskell compiler - or, I got something completely wrong.
Without wanting to draw an early conclusion, wasn't there
this request in GHC's documentation to report any program
performing better when compiled with HBC as a bug :-)



PS: Note that my machine is much slower machine than
Lennart's, so an absolute comparison of our times is

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-19 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

Bart Demoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote
> > I get
> > 
> >   C++ (your program)  : 0.31s
> >   Haskell (above prgm): 2.63s
> That's really besides the point - I have a Prolog program (no
> cheating !) that solves it in 80 ms with Yap (a Prolog interpreter)
> on a Linux Pentium 166MHz.

Whether it is besides the point or not depends somewhat on
where you perceive the point to be, I think.  My point was
to demonstrate to the original poster that by simply
removing the _most_obvious_ glitches in his experiment, he
arrives at a completely different result.

> Solving the generic problem is what you
> want to compete with C on. And feasability, not speed.

My point was _neither_ to educate him in the glorious ways
of good declarative programming nor in any details of fine
tuning Haskell code.

Bart Demoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (in a second message) wrote,

> The problem with these small problems is that once written in a
> declarative way - even the generic cryptarithm solver - (be it Haskell,
> Mercury, Clean or Prolog) it is usually very easy to rewrite them in
> C(++) and get better speed. Actually, the best way to get the fastest
> program to solve any given cryptarithm solver, would probably be to
> write a compiler from cryptarithm problems to C - writing that
> compiler would be a piece of cake in a declarative language and a can
> of worms in C(++).

With all due respect, I think it is exactly this attitude,
which often keeps experienced programmers from trying
"declarative languages".  I think, we are better off
focusing on the problems that people asking us to solve
instead of telling them that if they would solve a different 
(or more general) problem everything would be different

In other words, the goal should be to get reasonable
performance and clarity of code on problems which are also
easy to solve in imperative languages, and then, to excel on
the difficult problems.  Otherwise, people might not listen
long enough to ever try a declarative language on a
non-trivial problem.

> Speed is not the only issue - feasability is an issue as well.

I completely agree, but the original poster did not complain
about a slight discrepancy in speed, he was puzzled about an
unacceptable large gap of several orders of magnitude.
Speed is not the only issue, but it definitely is _an_ issue.



Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-19 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 18-Sep-1999, Herbert Graeber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After following the discussion I am not sure if the comparison is fair:
> Second, the C++ algorithm presented uses a permutation generator from the
> C++ standard library. The times can only be compared, if both programs - the
> C++  version and the Haskell version - use the same algorithm.

I think it is useful to compare the performance of idiomatic Haskell code
(Haskell code written using the common idioms that Haskell programmers
typically use) with idiomatic C++ code or idiomatic Mercury code.

This particular benchmark is not a good choice, since seemingly
inconsequential differences in algorithm can affect which order the search
space is searched in, and can hence drastically affect the benchmark result.
However, if we made the minor change of finding all solutions rather than
finding the first solution, it would eliminate that problem.

> A fair comparison should include the best algorithm suitable for each
> language

I don't think that's the only kind of fair comparison possible.
I think comparing the easiest-to-implement or most idiomatic
algorithm for each language may give useful insights.

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-18 Thread Herbert Graeber

After following the discussion I am not sure if the comparison is fair:

First, maybe the times measured may include some additional times that are
not directly related to the problem solved. For example the initialization
of the RTS.

Second, the C++ algorithm presented uses a permutation generator from the
C++ standard library. The times can only be compared, if both programs - the
C++  version and the Haskell version - use the same algorithm. It is easy to
speed up the Haskell version simply by using a permutation generator, that
starts with the solution. In general even this may be not sufficient,
because imperative and pure functional lazy evaluation of the same algorithm
may give very different results.

A fair comparison should include the best algorithm suitable for each
language and much more different inputs for the programs, including very
large ones.

Herbert Graeber

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-18 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

"Mark Engelberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> After reading about the stellar performance of the Haskell entries in the
> ICFP contest, I started reading the Haskell documentation to learn more
> about the language.  My knowledge of functional programming languages
> primarily comes from Scheme.
> This seems like a perfect opportunity to exploit Haskell's list generation
> and lazy evaluation capabilities.  The crux of the problem is to find a
> concise way of describing the list of all permutations of digits.  I don't
> want to embarrass myself by posting my first attempt here, but I'll show you
> my second, slightly-less naive approach to writing this program:
[Haskell program deleted]
> Impressively concise, but how does it run?  Well, I loaded it into the HUGS
> interpreter; typed answer, and after a couple minutes, the answer printed
> out.  Not too bad, but how would this compare to a
> solution in C++?
[C++ program deleted]
> It's a little longer, but not unreasonably so.  How does it run?  Well,
> running it inside the debugger, it generated the correct answer within a
> couple of seconds.
> This is a huge difference, and makes Haskell look incredibly slow by
> comparison.  The speed difference in this case is well worth the extra few
> lines of code.

After modifying you program a bit:

  import List

  expand a b c d e f = f + e*10 + d*100 + c*1000 + b*1 + a*10

  xs :: [Int]
  xs = [0,1..9]  -- all the digits

  answer =
head [ [t,h,i,r,y,w,e,l,v,n] 
 | t<-xs, 
   let es = delete t xs, e<-es, 
   let hs = delete e es, h<-hs,
   let is = delete h hs, i<-is,
   let rs = delete i is, r<-rs,
   let ys = delete r rs, y<-ys,
   let ws = delete y ys, w<-ws,
   let ls = delete w ws, l<-ls,
   let vs = delete l ls, v<-vs,
   let ns = delete v vs, n<-ns,
   expand t h i r t y + 5 * expand t w e l v e == expand n i n e t y]

I get

  C++ (your program)  : 0.31s
  Haskell (above prgm): 2.63s
  (This was on a 300MHz Celeron running Linux.  C++ compiled 
  with egcs-1.1.2 and -O3.)

Still slower, but not too bad (given that C++ probably uses
inplace array manipulations).  So, why the difference to
your results:

* I used a Haskell _compiler_, not the Hugs interpreter (I
  used GHC 4.04pl1 and compiled with -O2).

* I added a type annotation to the definition of `xs' -
  Haskell uses overloading on numerals and in your case
  conservatively assumed that you want to calculate with
  _arbitrary_precision_ integer arithmetic.

* I moved redundant computations out of the inner `loops'.
  The farther a generator to the right, the further inside a
  set of nested `loops' (actually recursions) it is.  For
  example, your `n<-xs\\[t,e,h,i,r,y,w,l,v]' generator
  strips `t', `e', `h', `i', `r', `y', `w', and `l' from the
  list although this was already done in the enclosing
  generator (the one to its left).

If you get to know Haskell a little, the above are fairly
straight forward optimisations (ie, nothing surprising).



Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-18 Thread Bart Demoen

Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote

> I get
>   C++ (your program)  : 0.31s
>   Haskell (above prgm): 2.63s

That's really besides the point - I have a Prolog program (no
cheating !) that solves it in 80 ms with Yap (a Prolog interpreter)
on a Linux Pentium 166MHz. Solving the generic problem is what you
want to compete with C on. And feasability, not speed.


Bart Demoen

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-18 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Oops, I forgot to include the time with optimization:

no optopt
cc 1.055u0.167u


-- Lennart

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-18 Thread Lennart Augustsson

So I did a test run too, on a 450MHz Pentuim II running NetBSD.
I used Manuel's Haskell code, but I added a type signature for
the expand function, and the original C++ code.

dogbert% cc -o c.out -lstdc++
dogbert% time c.out
1.043u 0.010s 0:01.05 100.0%0+0k 0+1io 0pf+0w
dogbert% hbc h3.hs
dogbert% time a.out
0.761u 0.040s 0:00.80 100.0%0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

So if you compile naively with no optimization the Haskell code
is actually FASTER than the C++ code.


-- Lennart

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-18 Thread Adrian Hey

On Fri 17 Sep, Fergus Henderson wrote:
> On a 300 MHz DEC Alpha system, I got the following times:
>  LanguageCompiler version Options  Time
>  Haskell ghc 2.08  -O   21.5 seconds
>  Mercury rotd-1999-09-17 -O67.5 seconds
>  Mercury rotd-1999-09-17 -O6 --gc none  2.2 seconds
>  C++ egcs-1.1.2  -O3 .2 seconds

The code below takes about 5 seconds to print [1,9,4,2,5,3,0,7,6,8]
using Clean on 233 MHz (I think) G3 PowerMac. This is the closest
Clean equivalent to Marks original I could produce. I suspect it
has an advantage over the ghc version by providing greater scope
for optimisation (because it's all in 1 module).

>module Main
>import StdEnv
>Start =
> hd [ [t,h,i,r,y,w,e,l,v,n] 
>\\ t<-xs, e<-xs--[t], h<-xs--[t,e], i<-xs--[t,e,h]
>,  r<-xs--[t,e,h,i], y<-xs--[t,e,h,i,r], w<-xs--[t,e,h,i,r,y]
>,  l<-xs--[t,e,h,i,r,y,w], v<-xs--[t,e,h,i,r,y,w,l]
>,  n<-xs--[t,e,h,i,r,y,w,l,v]
>|  expand t h i r t y + 5 * expand t w e l v e == expand n i n e t y
>expand a b c d e f = f + e*10 + d*100 + c*1000 + b*1 + a*10
>xs = [0,1..9]  // all the digits
>(--) infix 5
>(--) xs [] = xs
>(--) xs [y:ys] = del y xs -- ys
>del x [] = []
>del x [y:ys] = if (x == y) ys [y : del x ys]

P.S. Clean [x:xs] = Haskell (x:xs)

Adrian Hey

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-18 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 17-Sep-1999, Lennart Augustsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark Engelberg wrote:
> >
> > This is a huge difference, and makes Haskell look incredibly slow by
> > comparison.  The speed difference in this case is well worth the extra few
> > lines of code.
> Well, Hugs is an interpreter.  Comparing interpreted Haskell with compiled
> C++ isn't really fair.  Try compiling yout program with a Haskell compiler,
> e.g. hbc or ghc.

Well, I tried with ghc 2.08 -- admittedly an ancient version, so
this is not a fair comparison, but that was what I had on hand.
On a 300 MHz DEC Alpha system, I got the following times:

LanguageCompiler versionOptions Time
Haskell ghc 2.08-O  21.5 seconds
Mercury rotd-1999-09-17 -O6  7.5 seconds
Mercury rotd-1999-09-17 -O6 --gc none2.2 seconds
C++ egcs-1.1.2  -O3   .2 seconds

Hmm... a ratio of about 100:10:1 for Haskell:Mercury:C++ is, well,
interesting ;-).

I wonder how much better ghc 4.x does?


Here's my Mercury code.

:- module solve_it.
:- interface.
:- import_module io.
:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.

:- implementation.
:- import_module list, int.

main --> (if { answer(Answer) } then print(Answer) else print("no")), nl.

expand(A,B,C,D,E,F) = F + E*10 + D*100 + C*1000 + B*1 + A*10.

answer(Answer) :-
permute([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], Answer),
Answer = [T,H,I,R,Y,W,E,L,V,N],
expand(T,H,I,R,T,Y) + 5 * expand(T,W,E,L,V,E) = expand(N,I,N,E,T,Y).

permute([], []).
permute([X|Y], [U|V]) :- del(U, [X|Y], Z), permute(Z, V).

del(A, [A|L], L).
del(X, [A|Z], [A|R]) :- del(X, Z, R).

Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-18 Thread Juergen Pfitzenmaier

Mark Engelberg wrote:
> This is a huge difference, and makes Haskell look incredibly slow by
> comparison.  The speed difference in this case is well worth the extra few
> lines of code.
> Presumably, since I am a total newcomer to Haskell, my Haskell program is
> not truly representative of how to best implement this algorithm in Haskell,
> so the comaprison to C++ is probably unfair.

I dont't care very much how fast a program runs. I care about how long it
takes me to write it. If you take a programming task of reasonable complexity
you will finish *months* earlier using a --good-- functional language
instead of C++. 

Use a functional language and buy a faster computer with the saved money/time.


Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-17 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Mark Engelberg wrote:

> This is a huge difference, and makes Haskell look incredibly slow by
> comparison.  The speed difference in this case is well worth the extra few
> lines of code.

Well, Hugs is an interpreter.  Comparing interpreted Haskell with compiled
C++ isn't really fair.  Try compiling yout program with a Haskell compiler,
e.g. hbc or ghc.


-- Lennart