Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Salsa: A .NET Bridge for Haskell

2008-10-10 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Great! Are there any chances of getting support for non-Win32
platforms with Mono?

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Andrew Appleyard
 I'd like to announce the first release of Salsa, an experimental Haskell
 library that allows Haskell programs to access .NET libraries.

 Here's a taste:

   type Hello.hs
  import Foreign.Salsa
  import Bindings

  main = withCLR $ do
  _Console # _writeLine (Hello .NET World!)

   type Hello.imports
  System.Console: WriteLine

  Hello .NET World!

 Salsa operates by loading the .NET runtime into your Haskell process and
 using the FFI (and run-time code generation) to marshall calls between the
 .NET and Haskell runtimes.  It includes a code generator and a type-level
 library (which uses type families) to provide type-safe access to .NET
 libraries in Haskell with C#-style method overload resolution and implicit

 The adventurous can find version of Salsa on Hackage [1], the darcs
 repository on [2], and some (limited) documentation on the
 Haskell wiki [3].

 The library is experimental and by no means complete (refer to the wiki page
 [3] for some of its limitations).  Be prepared to end up with
 incomprehensible error messages and/or a broken compiler! :-)

 At the moment you'll need Windows, GHC 6.8, and version 3.5 of the .NET
 Framework to use it.

 Have fun!


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cabal: error on configure

2008-10-10 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 9:50 PM, David Barton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK, I suspect this is a real newbie error, but please have mercy.  I have
 downloaded and installed cabal (at least it responds to the --help command
 from the command line).  Yet when I do, say (to give a real example):

 cabal configure parameterized_ data

It's great to read that you are using the parameterized-data package.
If you have any questions on its use, or have any suggestions, don't
hesitate to ask.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Libraries in home dir

2008-10-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Mauricio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to use a few libraries from hackage
 and have already download and built them. Can
 I install those libraries somewhere in my
 home dir (I want to avoid installing as root)
 so that ghc can find them?

Sure, just write:

runhaskell Setup.hs configure --user

--user tells cabal to install the package in the user package-database

You might want to use cabal-install [1] in order to automatize the
insallation of Cabal packages. By default it uses the --user flag and
copies the package files under $HOME/.cabal/.

Important caveat: Make sure to also supply the --user flag when
compiling other packages which depend on your library. Otherwise Cabal
will only look for it in the global package-dabatase and won¡t be able
to find it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] is the a way to reinstall a package with cabal install?

2008-10-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
cabal install --reinstall

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 6:42 PM, Anatoly Yakovenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 is the a way to reinstall a package with cabal install?  I want to add
 profiling support to a libarary.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parsec 3 parsec 2

2008-10-08 Thread Alfonso Acosta
ghc-pkg hide {pkg-id}

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 5:53 AM, Jason Dusek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't know anything about how to do that. Is this a Cabal
  thing? A GHC package registration thing?

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANN: Haskell-Embedded System Design: ForSyDe 3.0 and Tutorial

2008-10-03 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 7:38 PM, Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Awesome, native packages now available,

Thanks Don!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: Haskell-Embedded System Design: ForSyDe 3.0 and Tutorial

2008-10-01 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hi everyone,

I am glad to announce the 3.0 release of ForSyDe's implementation, now
available from HackageDB.

The ForSyDe (Formal System Design) methodology has been developed with
the objective to move system design (e.g. System on Chip, Hardware and
Software systems) to a higher level of abstraction.

ForSyDe is implemented as a Haskell-embedded behavioral DSL (Domain
Specific Language).

From this release, ForSyDe includes a new deep-embedded DSL and
embedded compiler. We have also published tutorial which should be
much more user-friendly than the Haddock documentation and the ForSyDe
research papers.

ForSyDe includes two DSL flavours  which offer different features:

  1) Deep-embedded DSL (ForSyDe.Signal)

Deep-embedded signals, based on the same concepts as Lava, are
aware of the system structure. Based on that structural information
ForSyDe's embedded compiler, can perform different analysis and
o Thanks to Template Haskell, computations are expressed in
   Haskell, not needing to specifically design a DSL for that
o Embedded compiler backends:
  + Simulation
  + VHDL (with support for Modelsim and Quartus II)
  + GraphML (with yFiles graphical markup support.)
o Synchronous model of computation.
o Support for components.
o Support for fixed-sized vectors à la VHDL.

  2) Shallow-embedded DSL (ForSyDe.Shallow.Signal)

Shallow-embedded signals are modeled as streams of data
isomorphic to lists. Systems built with them are unfortunately
restricted to simulation, however, shallow-embedded signals
provide a rapid-prototyping framework with which to experiment
with Models of Computation (MoCs).
o Synchronous MoC.
o Untimed MoC.
o Continuous Time MoC.
o Domain Interfaces allow connecting various subsystems
   with different timing (domains) regardless of their MoC.
o Deep-embedded models can be integrated through


ForSyDe website:
ForSyDe tutorial:
HackageDB package page:
Darcs repository: darcs get
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] bug in number reading?

2008-09-28 Thread Alfonso Acosta
  :; ghc -e '10e4'

10e4 = 10*10^4 = 10^5 = 1e5 = 10.0


It seems to be OK.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to check if two Haskell files are the same?

2008-09-17 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 1:03 AM, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
 On 2008 Sep 16, at 10:30, Mauricio wrote:

 I would like to write a Haskell pretty-printer,
 using standard libraries for that. How can I
 check if the original and the pretty-printed
 versions are the same? For instance, is there
 a file generated by GHC at the compilation
 pipe that is always guaranteed to have the
 same MD5 hash when it comes from equivalent

 Compare .hi files?

You an also compare the resulting object files
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: pandoc

2008-09-17 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 3:29 AM, John MacFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Some highlights of this release:

 + New GNU Texinfo writer (contributed by Peter Wang)
 + New OpenDocument XML writer (contributed by Andrea Rossato)
 + New ODT (OpenOffice document) writer
 + New MediaWiki markup writer

I can't wait for a:

+ New Docbook markup reader

The reason being, I would kill for a good Docbook-to-LaTeX translator
(or a good set of Docbook-to-TeXML XSLT stylesheets):

 * Most of the opensource XSL-FO tools out there (fop, xmlroff et all)
are immature or do a poor typesetting job [1].

 * The other LaTeX-based solutions seem to be broken and/or
unmaintained (, ...)

A good post on the topic:

[1] I wanted to show how bad the PDF version of the GHC manual looks
(at least the one generated by fop), but all the PDF links from GHC's
page seem to be broken at the moment.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] template haskell -- include a file?

2008-09-12 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 9:47 PM, Jason Dusek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'd like to use template Haskell to include as a string in a
  Haskell file. How do I do it?

I presume you mean Include a string from the outside world with a IO
action (a file, keyborad, etc ...)

module EmbedStr (embedStr) where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (lift)

embedStr :: IO String - ExpQ
embedStr readStr = lift = runIO readStr

For example, to get asked about the string you want to embed during
compilation ...

$ ghci -XTemplateHaskell EmbedStr.hs
GHCi, version 6.8.2:  :? for help
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
[1 of 1] Compiling EmbedStr ( EmbedStr.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: EmbedStr.
*EmbedStr let myStr = $(embedStr ((putStrLn What string?)  getLine))
Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
Loading package packedstring- ... linking ... done.
Loading package containers- ... linking ... done.
Loading package pretty- ... linking ... done.
Loading package template-haskell ... linking ... done.
What String?
*EmbedStr myStr

  Is there any lengthy documentation with examples for Template
  Haskell? The pages linked to from `` are a little

Uhm, I only know about

I particularly like Mark Snyder's Template Haskell chapter on the
Software Generation and Configuration Report , but the link is broken
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why doesn't this work?

2008-08-24 Thread Alfonso Acosta
I haven't tried to run the code, but my first bet is that, due to the
rank-2 polymorphism of ST, you should use parenthesis instead of $ in
the case of runST.

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 3:25 PM, Andrew Coppin
 colour_grid :: (Particle - IO ()) - Grid ph - IO ()
 colour_grid fn g = sequence_ $ runST $ do
  ps - grid_coords g

   (\pix - do
 particle - read_grid g pix
 return $ fn particle

 When I attempt to run this, GHCi just gives me a very cryptic type checker
 error. I can't figure out what's wrong here. As far as I can tell, this
 should run...

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FPGA / Lava and haskell

2008-07-08 Thread Alfonso Acosta
We'll soon (before september, hopefully) relase a deep-embedded
version of ForSyDe[1] which, among other things, has a VHDL backend
(with specific support for Altera's Modelsim and Quartus).

ForSyDe's new implementation is internally based upon the same concept
as Lava (Observable Sharing). However, it has quite a few differences:

* ForSyDe is behavioural (computations are expressed in plain haskell)
* It has support for components
* Is not barely targeted at synchrounous hardware systems (although
the VHDL backend is obviously aimed at them). It has suport for other
MoCs (Models of Computation).


On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 7:43 PM, Marc Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is Haskell still used (in industry as well ?) to write (V)HDL code to
 program FPGAs and create circuits on chips?
 The Chalmers Lava homepage tells abouta Xilinx version which should be
 merged in soon. But on the xilinx homepage there was no reference to
 neither Lava nor haskell..
 I'm thinking about designing a similar tool to

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A type signature inferred by GHCi that is rejected when written explicitly

2008-07-07 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hi Pablo,

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 10:07 AM, Pablo Nogueira
 GHCi infers it has type (up to renaming):

 (From a1 (s (a1 x)) x,  Bifunctor s,  To  a2 (s (a2 y)) y) = (x - y)
 - a1 x - a2 y

 But if I cut and paste the type into the code I get type errors:

   Could not deduce (From a1 (s1 (a11 x)) x) ...
Could not deduce (From a11 (s1 (a11 x)) x, To a21 (s1 (a21 y)) y) ...
Could not deduce (From a1 (s1 (a11 x)) x) ...

I myselft  don't understand why GHCi doesn't accept the type it
infered as an explicit signature ... but your problem seems to be
caused by a lack of functional dependencies.

Redefining To and From as ..

class From a c x | a - c where
from :: a x - c x

class To a c y | c - a where
to :: c y - a y

... hushes GHCi. The question now is, of course, if the new
dependencies are too restrictive for your problem.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] number-parameterized types and heterogeneous lists

2008-06-23 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Inspired in Oleg's ideas, I implemented the packages type-level and
parameterized-data (which includes number-parameterized vectors).

To get an idea about how they work you might want to read their
haddock documentation in hackage:

You can get their darcs repositories (including some minor updates) from:

darcs get
darcs get

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 8:01 AM, Harald ROTTER [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Haskellers,

 after reading Oleg Kiselyov's paper on number-parameterized types I started
 to play around with
 the class Digits that encodes decimal numbers in types. The typed number
 10 would e.g. be defined as

  D1 $ D0 $ Sz

 I wondered if it would be possible replace the expression above by a
 heterogeneous list like


 so I tried to define

  data Digit = forall a b.(Digits a, Digits (b a)) = Digit (a - b a)

 Loading this into ghci yields:

 :t Digit D0

Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
  `Digits a' arising from a use of `Digit' at interactive:1:0-7
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)

 Removing the type constraints in the definition of Digit:

  data Digit = forall a b.Digit (a - b a)

 makes it work like this:

  :t Digit D0
  Digit D0 :: Digit

  :t [Digit D0, Digit D1]
  [Digit D0, Digit D1] :: [Digit]

 Digit, however, is far too general (it also includes e.g. \x - [x]), but
 I would like it to be restricted to the Digit class.

 Any help is appreciated.




 module Test where

 data D0 a = D0 a
 data D1 a = D1 a
 data D2 a = D2 a
 data D3 a = D3 a
 data D4 a = D4 a
 data D5 a = D5 a
 data D6 a = D6 a
 data D7 a = D7 a
 data D8 a = D8 a
 data D9 a = D9 a

 class Digits ds where
d2num :: Num a = ds - a - a

 data Sz = Sz-- zero size
 instance Digits Sz where
d2num _ acc = acc

 instance Digits ds = Digits (D0 ds) where
d2num dds acc = d2num (t22 dds) (10*acc)
 instance Digits ds = Digits (D1 ds) where
d2num dds acc = d2num (t22 dds) (10*acc+1)
 instance Digits ds = Digits (D2 ds) where
d2num dds acc = d2num (t22 dds) (10*acc+2)
 instance Digits ds = Digits (D3 ds) where
d2num dds acc = d2num (t22 dds) (10*acc+3)
 instance Digits ds = Digits (D4 ds) where
d2num dds acc = d2num (t22 dds) (10*acc+4)
 instance Digits ds = Digits (D5 ds) where
d2num dds acc = d2num (t22 dds) (10*acc+5)
 instance Digits ds = Digits (D6 ds) where
d2num dds acc = d2num (t22 dds) (10*acc+6)
 instance Digits ds = Digits (D7 ds) where
d2num dds acc = d2num (t22 dds) (10*acc+7)
 instance Digits ds = Digits (D8 ds) where
d2num dds acc = d2num (t22 dds) (10*acc+8)
 instance Digits ds = Digits (D9 ds) where
d2num dds acc = d2num (t22 dds) (10*acc+9)

 t22 :: f x - x
 t22 = undefined

 --data Digit = forall a b.(Digits a, Digits (b a)) = Digit (a - b a)
 data Digit = forall a b.Digit (a - b a)


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 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Meaning of ribbonsPerLine at Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ ?

2008-06-19 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 5:41 PM, Duncan Coutts
 And isn't 100 columns a bit non-standard for a default?  I thought 80
 columns had more traction?  I know that's what my terminals are at...

 Yeah. I'd vote for 80. That's what we use in pretty printing messages in

Yep, me too, I'm also using 80. I'd also vote for a default
ribbonsPerLine of 1 (whatever that is).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Meaning of ribbonsPerLine at Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ ?

2008-06-18 Thread Alfonso Acosta

Can anyone give a good explanation of what ribbonsPerLine means?

Maybe it would be better to simply ask for the meaning of ribbon in
this context. The documentation is totally meaningless to me:
reibbonsPerLine: Ratio of ribbon length to line length.

I asked at #haskell and frankly, I was surprised by the answer:

fons: can anyone tell me what the heck does ribbonsPerLine mean in
fons:  renderStyle style{lineLength=10, ribbonsPerLine=1} $ sep [text
foo ,text bar]
lambdabot:  foo bar
fons:  renderStyle style{lineLength=10, ribbonsPerLine=2} $ sep [text
foo ,text bar]
lambdabot:  foo\nbar
fons: ok, somehow it affects the line width ...
byorgey: fons: I can't explain it, all I know is that you must set it
to 1 or else it does bizarre things
fons: hahah, ok
fons: byorgey: that's funny considering its default value is 1.5
byorgey: if you set it to 1 then lineLength means what you think it should
byorgey: fons: EXACTLY


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: type-level integers using type families

2008-06-03 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 5:15 AM, Peter Gavin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone else tried implementing type-level integers using type families?

When I started to work on thetype-level and parameterized data
packages,  I considered using type-families and GADTs, but I found
quite a few problems which have been nicely summarized by Benedikt in
this thread.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] problems with derive/TH

2008-05-23 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 5:11 PM, Thomas Hartman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am assuming this used to work, but something changed, either in TH
 itself or switching from ghc6.6 to ghc6.8.

The deriving rules of 6.8 are more restrictive in some cases.
However,  the same result can be obtained in 6.8 byt using stand-alone
deriving declarations:

I guess this can be the problem.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Link to Hierarchical-libraries documentation generated with haddock 2.0?

2008-05-19 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hi all,

GHC's documentation page [1] only points to hierarchical-libraries
documentation generated by haddock-0.8 [2].

I need the 2.0 version in order to get links in the documentation of
the project I'm working on (which needs haddock 2.0 due to the use of
quite a few GHC extensions).

Before I proceed to generate them myself, has anyone done it already?
(I guess that must be the case since HackageDB users haddock 2.0 and
gets all the links right)

I would be more than happy to just click a link instead :)

Either way, I think it would be a good idea to provide an alternative
link to the 2.0 version.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Dynamic over the wire

2008-05-13 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Jules Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  One thing which you can't obviously do is write Read or Show instances
  for Dynamic. So can we pass Dynamic data over the wire?  If not,
  Dynamic is limited to the context of within a single program, and
  can't be used over the network between cooperating programs, or in
  file formats, etc.

I've never used hs-plugins, but if I recall properly, it includes its
own implementation of TypeRep (and consequently Dynamic) in order to
overcome the serialization problem you have mentioned.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Figuring out if an algebraic type is enumerated through Data.Generics?

2008-05-07 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 7:47 AM, Jules Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alfonso Acosta wrote:

  It would certainly be difficult map any Haskell type to VHDL, so, by
  now we would be content to map enumerate algebraic types (i.e.
   algebraic types whose all data constructors have arity zero, e.g.
  data Colors = Green | Blue | Red)

  Wouldn't it be much simpler to use the standard deriveable classes Bounded
 and Enum, instead of an admittedly very clever trick using Data?

No, for the reasons explained in the probably_unnnecesary_background I
don't see how those instantiations would help.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Figuring out if an algebraic type is enumerated through Data.Generics?

2008-05-06 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hi all,


I'm writing a Hardware-oriented DSL deep-embedded in Haskell (similar
to Lava, for those familiar with it).

One of the goals of the language is to support polymorphic signals
(i.e. we would like to allow signals to carry values of any type,
including user-defined types)

The embedded compiler has different backends: simulation, VHDL,
graphical representation in GraphML ...

The simulation backend manages to support polymorphic signals by
forcing them to be Typeable. In that way, circuit functions, no matter
what signals they process, can be transformed to Dynamic and included
in the AST for later simulation.

The situation is more complicated for the VHDL backend. The Typeable
trick works just fine for translating a limited set of predefined
types (e.g. tuples) but not for user-defined types, since the
embedded-compiler doesn't have access to the user-defined type

One possible solution to access the type-definition of signal values
would be constraining them to instances of Data. Then, we could use
dataTypeOf to get access to the type representation. (Another option
would be using template Haskell's reify, but I would like to avoid
that by now)

It would certainly be difficult map any Haskell type to VHDL, so, by
now we would be content to map enumerate algebraic types (i.e.
 algebraic types whose all data constructors have arity zero, e.g.
data Colors = Green | Blue | Red)


So, the question is. Is there a way to figure out the arity of data
constructors using Data.Generics ?

I'm totally new to generics, but (tell me if I'm wrong) it seems that
Constr doesn't hold any information about the data-constructor
arguments. Why is it so?

Do you think there is a workoaround for this problem? (maybe using
some other function from Data.Generics different to dataTypeOf?)

Thanks in advance,

Alfonso Acosta
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Figuring out if an algebraic type is enumerated through Data.Generics?

2008-05-06 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Thanks a lot for your answer, it was exactly what I was looking for.

Just for the record, based on your solution I can now easily code a
function to check if a Data value belongs to an enumerated algebraic
type (as I defined it in my first mail).

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import Data.Generics

newtype Arity a = Arity Int
 deriving (Show, Eq)

consArity :: Data a = Constr - Arity a
consArity = gunfold  (\(Arity n) - Arity (n+1)) (\_ - Arity 0)

belongs2EnumAlg :: forall a . Data a = a - Bool
belongs2EnumAlg a = case (dataTypeRep.dataTypeOf) a of
  AlgRep cons - all (\c - consArity c == ((Arity 0) :: Arity a )) cons
  _ - False

--  tests
data Colors = Blue | Green | Red
 deriving (Data, Typeable)

test1 = belongs2EnumAlg 'a' -- False
test2 = belongs2EnumAlg Red -- True
test3 = belongs2EnumAlg a -- False

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 7:42 PM, Edward Kmett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Alfonso Acosta

  | So, the question is. Is there a way to figure out the arity of data
  | constructors using Data.Generics ?

  | I'm totally new to generics, but (tell me if I'm wrong) it seems that
  | Constr doesn't hold any information about the data-constructor
  | arguments. Why is it so?


  Playing around with it, I was able to abuse gunfold and the reader
  comonad to answer the problem :

  fst $ (gunfold (\(i,_) - (i+1,undefined)) (\r - (0,r)) (toConstr
  Hello) :: (Int,String))

  returns 2, the arity of (:), the outermost constructor in Hello

  A longer version which does not depend on undefined would be to take
  and define a functor that discarded its contents like:

   module Args where

   import Data.Generics

   newtype Args a = Args { runArgs :: Int } deriving (Read,Show)

   tick :: Args (b - r) - Args r
   tick (Args i) = Args (i + 1)

   tock = const (Args 0)

   argsInCons = runArgs $ (gunfold tick tock (toConstr Hello) :: (Args 

  Basically all I do is rely on the fact that gunfold takes the 'tick'
  argument and calls it repeatedly for each argument after a 'tock' base

  The use of the reader comonad or functor is to give gunfold a
  'functor-like' argument to meet its type signature.

  -Edward Kmett
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] C++ interface with Haskell

2008-04-18 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Although you could use gcc to link the code I wouldn't recommend it
(mainly for the problems you are currently having)

SImply call GHC to compile both the C and Haskell code. It will take
care of finding the headers and supplying the necessary linker

ghc -ffi -c   foo.hs myfoo_c.c

BTW, you don't need to compile viaC

2008/4/17 Miguel Lordelo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Well Isaac...I became now a little bit smarter then yesterday!!!

 I show you the example that I found and on which I´m working with.

 File: foo.hs
 module Foo where

 foreign export ccall foo :: Int - IO Int

 foo :: Int - IO Int
 foo n = return (length (f n))

 f :: Int - [Int]
 f 0 = []
 f n = n:(f (n-1))

 To get the C wrapper you insert the following command:
 ghc -ffi -fvia-C -C foo.hs

  After execution you will have these following additional files:


 What I did next was to create a file named: myfoo_c.c, where I will call the
 foo function (implemented in Haskell).
  (you can see this example on )
 But the problem is to compile with gcc (must I put any flag or whatever set

 The gcc output is:
 myfoo_c.c:2:19: error: HsFFI.h: No such file or directory

 I downloaded this header file from: (I know that is not the correct way, but
 it was the only idea that occurs at the moment)

 I compiled again and the following return error appears:
 myfoo_c.c:(.text+0x1c): undefined reference to `hs_init'
 myfoo_c.c:(.text+0x31): undefined reference to `foo'
 myfoo_c.c:(.text+0x50): undefined reference to `hs_exit'
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

 These functions are necessary to setup GHC runtime (see: )

 What I want to know is how to compile myfoo_c.c?! Is it with GCC or GHC?!

 Miguel Lordelo.

 On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 9:16 PM, Isaac Dupree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  foreign export foo_func foo :: Int - IO Int
  -- I forget the rest of the syntax here
  extern C {
  int foo_func(int i);
  int some_cplusplus_function() {
   int bat = 3;
   int blah = foo_func(bat);
   return blah;
  Is that all you need to do?
  Miguel Lordelo wrote:
   Hi all,
   Well...somehow I'm a beginner in Haskell. But actually my interest in
   Haskell will increase if it is possible to call a haskell function in
   Something like GreenCard ( )
   the task of interfacing Haskell programs to external libraries
   But is there also a task to interface a foreign language with Haskell,
   calling Haskell functions. Or c2hs which is an interface generator that
   simplifies the development of Haskell bindings to C libraries.
   I want to know this, because in my company some guys are doing some
   with Frotran and MatLab and I want to show them the power of haskell and
   software which we are using is implemented in C++ (there is the reason
   make Haskel - C++).
   I read somewhere that the only way for C++ calling a haskell function is
   create a binding between Haskell and C and from C to C++, but a easy
   World example was not there.
   Unfortunatelly I couldn't found anything usefull, like an complete
   or how to compile the code from haskell to C to C++.
   Can sombody help me, please :P
   Miguel Lordelo.
   Haskell-Cafe mailing list

  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Intro to functional dependencies in Haskell?

2008-04-17 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Not so long ago, I had difficulties to understand functional dependecies.

Due to the (sometimes well-grounded) prejudgement of considering
research papers as an unfriendly and obscure source of information, I
stupidly ruled out reading Mark P Jones original paper. Then I learned
I was totally wrong, it is written in a friendly way, with lots of
examples, allowing me to finally understand how functional
dependencies work and what was the reason to introduce them:

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 7:21 AM, Alexis Hazell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

  i'm having some trouble 'getting' functional dependencies in the Haskell
  context (although my understanding of them in the context of relational
  database theory isn't that great either). Could someone please point me
  to an introduction / tutorial in this regard?


  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Doing without IORef

2008-04-03 Thread Alfonso Acosta
 type MyState a = StateT FilePath IO a

 Is there any way in which I can do without IORef in tabHandler and
 commandLoop (written in red and bold, if you can see)?

How about keeping the IORef but storing it inside the state?

type MySate a = StateT (IORef FilePath) IO a
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Possible to automatically determine typeclass membership?

2008-03-31 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hopefully, accessing the instance environment from Tempalte Haskell
will be possible in next GHC's release:

2008/3/31 jeff p [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Is it possible in Haskell + GHC extensions to use reflection
   techniques to determine typeclass membership?  I'm thinking of things
   like the following:
 I think the short answer is not in general; i.e. I don't think there is any
 way to access the members of an arbitrary typeclass (but I'd love to be
 proved wrong).

 However, you could always explicitly list the members of a typeclass you are
 interested in (this is similar to your Idea 2):

 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances
 -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}

 class InEq a b | a - b where inEq :: a - Bool
 instance TypeCast b HFalse = InEq a b where inEq _ = False
 instance InEq Int HTrue where inEq _ = True
 instance InEq a b = InEq [a] b where inEq _ = inEq (undefined :: a)

 data HTrue
 data HFalse

 class TypeCast   a b   | a - b, b- a   where typeCast   :: a - b
 class TypeCast'  t a b | t a - b, t b - a where typeCast'  :: t - a - b
 class TypeCast'' t a b | t a - b, t b - a where typeCast'' :: t - a - b
  instance TypeCast'  () a b = TypeCast a b where typeCast x = typeCast' ()
 instance TypeCast'' t a b = TypeCast' t a b where typeCast' = typeCast''
 instance TypeCast'' () a a where typeCast'' _ x  = x

 You can also do an arguably nicer, more flexible version of the previous by
 recreating some of the typeclass machinery yourself; Oleg has several
 examples of this such as: //


  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-03-15 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 9:58 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch
 Am Freitag, 14. März 2008 17:46 schrieben Sie:
   I think that removing aliases completely is not a good idea. How about
   generating much lower aliases for decimals (lets say until 1000),

  I don't think, this is a good idea.  Like nobody will need an alias for 8247,
  nobody will need an alias for 824.  The main point is that it is unnecessary
  to have a continuous range of numbers for which aliases exist.  If you need
  aliases, you need them for outstanding values.  Maybe you need aliases for
  all powers of 2 up to a certain number.  Or aliases for all square numbers.

  Therefore I think that if we want aliases then we should let the user and 
  the user generate them.  This has also the interesting consequence that the
  type-level package doesn't need the Template Haskell language extension
  anymore.  After all, using the template-haskell package doesn't imply that
  you have to have a TH-enabled compiler, as far as I know.

I don't agree. Not using aliases is a big pain, which means that every
user wanting to use vectors with sizes biger than 10 (i.e. all)  will
have to generate their own alias set.

It would be really annoying having to generate the aliases every time
the library is used.

Let's agree on a minimum alias set likely to be used by most of the
users, small enough to get a reasonable object code size and compile
time (we can even prevent haddock from parsing the alias module and
just write a comment indicating what aliases are and which ones are
generated if that helps). Generating type redefinitions up to decimal
500 shouldn't be such a big overhead (at least compared to the quntity
of aliases generated right now).

   droping the other bases,

  That's a good idea.

   and exporting a function to extended the alias range at will?

  I'd rather propose something like this:

 $(numAliasDecls [2 ^ n | n - 0..16])

  So that numAliasDecls has a type like [Int] - [Decl].

That doesn't include bases, which might be important for the end user
(for example Oleg wrote his type-evel numerical library in base 2
because it was aimed at system development).

I'd rather propose a modification of
Data.TypeLevel.Num.Aliases.genAliases which probably should be aware
of the aliases already generated in the library so that they are not
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-03-14 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 5:30 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch
  I have a feedback from my Grapefruit co-developer about those aliases in the
  type-level package.  He told me that on his machine, building this package
  took about 15 minutes, obviously because the machine ran out of RAM.  He also
  told me that the generated object code was very large, and that loading the
  documentation page generated by Haddock took very long.

Fair point, it akes quite some time in my machine too (not 15minutes though)

  And he made a very good point: Who needs aliases for *all* numbers until, 
  1?  Who needs to hard-code the vector length 8247 in his code?

If I remember correctly aliases are generated until decimal 5000,
which might me really long anyway.

 I think
  that in practice, you only need very few numbers hard-coded.  So it might be
  better to export a function for letting the package user generate the
  necessary aliases himself.

  I even think that it is probably sensible to drop the alias thing completely,
  at least if you have vector lengths in mind.  What vector lengths will appear
  as fixed in a real world program?  1000?  I think, usually you have only
  sizes like 2 or 3 hard-coded, for vectors in the mathematical sense.  And
  their representation is already very short: D2, D3, …  Remember that computed
  numbers are not shown as aliases in error messages, only numbers that
  directly appear in your code.

  My co-author also mentioned that he doesn't see much use for octal and
  hexadecimal notation.

  So I propose to drop alias support from type-level or at least let the 
  user do the necessary generation.

I think that removing aliases completely is not a good idea. How about
generating much lower aliases for decimals (lets say until 1000),
droping the other bases, and exporting a function to extended the
alias range at will? (that function could perfectly include the other
bases as well). Something called extendAliases would do.

I don't have the time to work on it now, but if you send me a patch
I'd be happy to apply it. It should be something simple to do. All the
Template Haskell machinery is already coded.


  Best wishes,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell -- when are things evaluated?

2008-03-13 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hi Emil,

Your  problem is related to how are things evaluated not when. The
short answer is: if you want to make sure an expression is evaluated
before you lift it, don't use quasiquotes, call

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 9:00 AM, Emil Axelsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  a1 = [| (2::Int) + 2 |]

You are lifting the expression AST, not its evaluation. a1 = lift
((2::Int) + 2) would work as you want.

  a2 = let x = (2::Int) + 2 in [| x |]

here you are enclosing a local variable in quasiquotes and, thus, [| x
|] is equivalent to lift x

  a3 = [| y |]
  y = (2::Int) + 2

Same as in a2, y is local. Therefore [| y |] is equivalent to lift y

  z = (2::Int) + 2

  a4 = [| z |]

z is a global variable and [| z |] is lifted to a variable expression
(i.e. a4 is equivalent to varE 'z  )
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell -- when are things evaluated?

2008-03-13 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 11:13 AM, Emil Axelsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm reading the following rule from your answer:

  [|exp|] normally returns the unevaluated AST of exp. However, if exp contains
  local variables, these are lifted using Language.Haskell.TH.lift (i.e. 
  before lifting).

  Is that correct?

  / Emil

Yes, that seems to be true. I'm not an expert in the internals of TH
though, so I have inferred that rule by extensive use of TH ;).

SPJ can confirm if it's right.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] floating point operations and representation

2008-03-13 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 1:35 AM, Jacob Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have two questions about using the Double data type and the
  operations in the Floating typeclass on a computer that uses IEEE
  floating point numbers.

  I notice that the Floating class only provides log (presumably log
  base 'e') and logBase (which, in the latest source that I see for
  GHC is defined as log y / log x).  However, in C, the math.h
  library provides specific log2 and log10 functions, for extra
  precision.  A test on IEEE computers (x86 and x86-64), shows that for
  a range of 64-bit double values, the answers in C do differ (in the
  last bit) if you use log2(x) and log10(x) versus log (x) /
  log(2) and log(x) / log(10).

  I am under the restriction that I need to write Haskell programs using
  Double which mimic existing C/C++ programs or generated data sets, and
  get the same answers.  (It's silly, but take it as a given
  requirement.)  If the C programs are using log2, then I need log2
  in the Haskell, or else I run the risk of not producing the same
  answers.  My first thought is to import log2 and log10 through the
  FFI.  I was wondering if anyone on Haskell-Cafe has already done this
  and/or has a better suggestion about how to get specialized log2 and
  log10 (among the many specialized functions that the math.h
  library provides, for better precision -- for now, I'm just concerned
  with log2 and log10).

The  RULES pragma + FFI solution (as suggested by Henning) seems to be
the most sensible one so far.

  My second question is how to get at the IEEE bit representation for a
  Double.  I am already checking isIEEE n in my source code (and
  floatRadix n == 2).  So I know that I am operating on hardware that
  implements floating point numbers by the IEEE standard.  I would like
  to get at the 64 bits of a Double.  Again, I can convert to a CDouble
  and use the FFI to wrap a C function which casts the double to a
  64-bit number and returns it.  But I'm wondering if there's not a
  better way to do this natively in Haskell/GHC (perhaps some crazy use
  of the Storable typeclass?).

Posted in a a previous haskell-cafe message [1]

{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
import Data.Int
import GHC.Exts

foo :: Double - Int64 --ghc only
foo (D# x) = I64# (unsafeCoerce# x)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IO () and IO [()]

2008-03-10 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 11:11 PM, Paulo J. Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  outputLines i = mapM (putStrLn . show) (take i $ iterate ((+) 1) 1)

  However, this is in fact
  outputLines :: Int - IO [()]

As others suggested you can use mapM_

Furthermore, you can simplify it a bit with some syntactic sugar

outputLines i = mapM_ (putStrLn . show) [1..i]

BTW, considering how often is (  used, it is surprising
that there is no Ln variant for print (just like it happens with
putStr and putStrLn)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IO () and IO [()]

2008-03-10 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 11:48 PM, Daniel Fischer
  But print is (putStrLn . show), so what may be missing is (putStr . show).

That's what I meant sorry ..
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: parameterized-data 0.1 - Parameterized data library implementing lightweight dependent types

2008-02-28 Thread Alfonso Acosta
 This library provides an implementation of parameterized types using
type-level computations to implement the type parameters and emulate
dependent types.

 Right now only fixed-sized vectors are provided (based on Oleg's
Number-parameterized types [1]  and Frederik Eaton's Vectro library

HackageDB page:

Darcs repository:

Again, big thanks to Oleg and Wolfgang for their help and suggestions.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Best practice for embedding files in a GHC-compiled tool?

2008-02-28 Thread Alfonso Acosta
A bit late, sorry, but you could use this:

On Thu, Feb 7, 2008 at 5:29 AM, Dave Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is the best way to embed an arbitrary file in a Haskell program?

  I would like to use GHC to compile command-line tools to be used with
  OS X. I want the tool to be a single file, not a package or a
  directory, that makes no assumptions about what else is present. For
  example, it should be able to run as part of an OS X install disk.

  I want this tool to be self reproducing in the sense that one of its
  options causes it to output its own documentation and source code. I
  want this data to be stored as a compressed file within the tool
  binary itself.

  The distribution model I'm imagining here is where one writes a
  program anonymously, that isn't hosted anywhere but is passed from
  user to user because it is useful, and eventually reaches another user
  who wants to modify the code. Assume that intermediate users will care
  less about this, and will try to delete anything that they can. That
  rules out storing the data in a separate file. Think of the M.I.T.
  game Core Wars from the dawn of the computer age. I'm looking for a
  strategy here that will be evolutionarily successful in a fairly
  hostile environment.

  In other words, I want to be able to write in Haskell, without losing
  the automatic distribution of source code enjoyed by interpreted
  languages. No one deletes the source code for a Perl script, because
  by doing so they're killing the program.

  There must be some library I'm overlooking that would make this very
  easy. All I can think of is to use Template Haskell to read a
  compressed tar file into a Haskell variable. Is that what one does, or
  is there a better way?

  Thanks in advance,

  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Sessions 2008 2 28 - RFC

2008-02-28 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 11:23 PM, Matthew Sackman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If however, you are as mad as I, and enjoy pushing the GHC type system
  to the limit, then you may enjoy looking at the implementation in all
  its glory. base10 numbers, lists, associative maps and a whole lot of
  other madness works correctly at the type-level in ghc 6.8.2.

Only if I had known before before 

I recently released a library, type-level [1],  which implements
type-level base10 numbers and Booleans. I could have reused your
implementation but didn't know about it ...

The plan is to include a common type-level implementation to avoid
reinventing the wheel all the time. I'm still know if people will find
it useful but if they do I could include your implementation of lists
and maps. What do you think?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: type-level 0.1: Haskell type-level programming library

2008-02-27 Thread Alfonso Acosta
The goal of the Type-level library is to standardize and extend the
features offered by the multiple (and heterogeneous) type-level
programming implementations already around.

To date, type-level Booleans and arbitrary sized Naturals  are supported.

I implemented a few things I didn't see in any other type-level
programming libraries:

* Numerals use decimal representation to make error reports friendlier.

* Type-level numerals can be intuitively typed in different bases
(although everything is internally represented in base 10) by using

D16 represents the type-level decimal 16
B1010 represents the type-level binary 1010
076 represents the type-level octal 76
HFF represents the type-level hexadecimal FF

* All basic arithmetic operations are supported (including logarithm
and exponentiation in any base)

* The library provides reification of Naturals and Booleans (from
value-level to type-level) .

To get the code:

HackageDB page (including haddock documentation):

Darcs repository:

Big Thanks to Oleg and Wolfgang for their suggestions and
contributions. Actually, most of the implementation of Naturals is
based on Oleg's  Binary Type Arithmetic
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-20 Thread Alfonso Acosta
OK I'll include the module after I change the things mentioned.

BTW, I finally have an initial version of the parameterized-data package:

Darcs repository:

Haddock documentation:

Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.

To fix the problem of the vector constructor I included a Template
Haskell variant. It is quite simple to use:

$ ghci -XTemplateHaskell
Prelude :m +Data.Param
Prelude Data.Param $(vectorTH [1 :: Int, 2, 3, 4])
Prelude Data.Param :t $(vectorTH [1 :: Int, 2, 3, 4])
(vectorTH [1 :: Int, 2, 3, 4]) :: (Num t) = FSVec Data.TypeLevel.Num.Reps.D4 t

Note that the size parameter (type-level decimal numeral) is correct.

It would be nice to be able to use a Quasiquoter [1] (available in GHC
HEAD) to enable pattern matching and custom syntax to Vector literals.
However, I was bitten by a polymorphism problem when implementing it:
see [2] for details


On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 2:26 AM, Wolfgang Jeltsch
 Am Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2008 00:39 schrieben Sie:

  Why are the value-level reflecting functionsimplemented as type-class
   methods? It makes the code more verbose and I don't see any advantage
   compared to simply defining a function per class. Let me show you an
   This is your implementation of Not:
   class (Boolean boolean, Boolean boolean') =
 Not boolean boolean' | boolean - boolean', boolean' - boolean
   where not :: boolean - boolean'
   instance Not False True where
   not _ = true
   instance Not True False where
   not _ = false
   This is how I would do it:
   class (Boolean boolean, Boolean boolean') =
 Not boolean boolean' | boolean - boolean', boolean' - boolean
   instance Not False True
   instance Not True False
  not :: Not a b = a - b
  not = undefined

  Your definition of the not function uses the implementation detail that false
  and true are actually undefined.  My implementation of the not function also
  works if false and true are defined to be something different.  Of course,
  false and true are in the same library, so we know this implementation detail
  and could make use of it.

   Furthermore, why did you choose to use Boolean instead of simply Bool?

  To avoid a name clash.  Feel free to change this.

  Note that False and True don't cause a name clash since they live in a
  namespace different from the one Prelude's False and True live in.


  Best wishes,
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-20 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 11:26 AM, Wolfgang Jeltsch
  Hello Fons,

  why do you use the term vector?  I'd say that this term is more or less wrong
  for what this type is about.  The distinguishing property of vectors compared
  to lists is that there is addition and scalar multiplication for vectors.

That depends on how you interpret the word vector, which is

You are interpreting it as An element in a vector space, often
represented as a coordinate vector whereas in this case I try to mean
A one-dimensional array.

 The data type you defined is a fixed size list.

The fact that FSVec is internally implemented using lists doesn't
imply that FSVec should be interpreted as a list. FSVec is an ADT and
I could as well have used something else to implement it (inmutable
arrays for instance).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haddock documentation of Data.Array.* is confusing

2008-02-20 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 10:17 PM, Bulat Ziganshin
 Hello Alfonso,

  Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 11:32:20 PM, you wrote:

   Excuse me for the subject, but IMHO is absolutely true. Anyhow, the

  of course, you are right, but for practical goals i may suggest just
  to read module sources instead of reading [had]docs.

Well, that's what I was forced to do in the end, but I still think
that the haddock documentation should be clear enough for most of the
cases, and, when it comes to  Data.Array* it could certainly be

 seeing the
  implementation is much more interesting, after all. especially when you
  are so cool that you are going to add your own instance

I don't think that being cool had anything to do with it. My only
purpose was to understand the desing of the interface for inmutable
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-19 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 14, 2008 10:40 AM, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So we should parameterized for the package name.

That's the packagename I've been using. I'm done with a basic
implementation but I'd like to test some  other things before showing
the code.

On the other hand, I think that the type-level library is almost ready
for it's initial release.

 Before uploading it to Hackage and making an announcement I would be
pleased to receive some comments/suggestions.

Here is the darcs repository:

Here is the haddock-generated documentation:

There are still some things missing which would be cool to have:
* Native support of representations in different bases (I don't know
if it's feasible)
* Support of negative integers (Björn?)
* Support of type-level Booleans (Wolfgang?)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-19 Thread Alfonso Acosta
2008/2/19 Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Attached is just a quickly hacked Boolean module.  Nothing very special.  I'd
 be happy if you could prettify this (choose better names, add documentation,
 etc.).  Thanks for any effort.

Thanks to you for the module. I have a few questions though.

Why are the value-level reflecting functionsimplemented as type-class
methods? It makes the code more verbose and I don't see any advantage
compared to simply defining a function per class. Let me show you an

This is your implementation of Not:

class (Boolean boolean, Boolean boolean') =
  Not boolean boolean' | boolean - boolean', boolean' - boolean where
not :: boolean - boolean'

instance Not False True where
not _ = true

instance Not True False where
not _ = false

This is how I would do it:

class (Boolean boolean, Boolean boolean') =
  Not boolean boolean' | boolean - boolean', boolean' - boolean where

instance Not False True
instance Not True False

   not :: Not a b = a - b
   not = undefined

Furthermore, why did you choose to use Boolean instead of simply Bool?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-14 Thread Alfonso Acosta
I asked Oleg regarding the use of GADTs to emulate dependent types. My
conclusion is that I should forget about them. Here is the full

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Feb 12, 2008 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: GADTs to emulate dependent types?


 The main question is whether it is feasible to use GADTs to define
 fixed-sized vectors or not. The motivation behind it is to avoid
 needing to code your own trusted core and use the compiler typechecker
 for that purpose instead.

That is a false proposition. In Haskell, any code that uses GADT
*MUST* use a run-time test (run-time pattern match). Otherwise, the
code is unsound and provides no guarantees. The particular value of a
GADT data type is a witness of a proposition expressed in the type of
GADT (e.g., type equality). Since it is possible in Haskell to fake
this witness (just write undefined), if you don't check the witness at
run-time, that is, test that the witness is a real value rather than
undefined, you don't get any guarantees. That is why the irrefutable
pattern-match does not work with GADT. Incidentally, the first
implementation of GADT in GHC did permit irrefutable pattern-match,
which did let one write unsound code (that is, code that gave
segmentation fault):

The issue is not present in Coq, for example, whose core calculus is
sound and you cannot fake the evidence.

Thus, the unsoundness of Haskell (the presence of undefined) mandates
the run-time test for any code that uses GADT. So, GADTs are
fundamentally less efficient than the typeclasses; the latter can
provide assurances that can be checked at compile-time only, with no
run-time artifacts.

 data FSVec :: * - * - * where
 NullV :: FSVec D0 a
 (:)  :: Succ s s' = a - FSVec s a - FSVec s' a

That is an old problem, and a difficult problem. In Singapore I was
talking to Zhaohui Luo (you can look him up on Google), who said that
the problem of asserting two types being equal (that is,
Succ D0 being equal to D1) is a very tough one. Conor McBride have
written a paper on observational equality -- but this is not
Haskell. So, I don't think this approach works.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-11 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hi Dan,

On Feb 10, 2008 6:08 PM, Dan Licata [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The ideal type for the function would be:
   vector :: [a] - FSVec s a

Well, I probably didn't express myself properly when writing The
ideal type, the first type which comes to mind would have been more

Thanks for your explanation, which is actually much better than mine
and, in fact, almost identical to the one included in
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 9, 2008 11:33 PM, Alfonso Acosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 8, 2008 4:10 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 example really applies here. Besides, you should be regarded :* as (,)
 and not as a constructor which would take a number and a digit

Sorry for my lousy English, I meant you should regard not you
should be regarded.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 9, 2008 4:08 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So what would (D1 :* D1) :* (D2 :* D2) mean then?

Nothing. That value doesn't satisfy the Nat or Post class constraints
and should be taken into consideration.

Why should :* be provided a meaning? it is an unavoidable syntactical
connective for all that I care. The meaning is provided by class
constraints and that's all that matter from the semantical point of
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 8, 2008 5:14 PM, Stefan Monnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How 'bout treating :+ as similar to `append' rather than similar to `cons'?
 Basically treat :+ as taking 2 numbers (rather than a number and
 a digit).

Interpreting it like that would certainly make make more sense. But
again, I think that :* should be interpreted just as an unavoidable
syntactical annoyance without meaning or interpretation.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 8, 2008 4:10 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2008 16:31 schrieben Sie:
  Even if () would be preferred from the programmers point of view (I'm
  not sure how much we could reduce the number of instances though), it
  makes the representation less attractive on the user-side. Anyone
  using the library would find it annoying and would wonder why is it

 I wouldn't wonder.  Leaving out the () :* part just works because our
 type-level values are not typed, i.e., there aren't different kinds Digit
 and Number but only kind *.  If :+ would be a data constructor (on the value
 level), it would take a number and a digit argument which would forbid using
 a digit as its left argument.

Well, the fact is that :+ (or :* as it is called now) is not a value
constructor but a type constructor as you said, so I don't think your
example really applies here. Besides, you should be regarded :* as (,)
and not as a constructor which would take a number and a digit
argument which would forbid using a digit as its left argument.
Indeed, :* exists as a value-level constructor too and works exactly
like that.

Furthermore, you probably consider using () as natural and logical
because you are still thinking from the implementation side. If you
forget the implementation details and think as a user who barely wants
to write type-level numerical literals, :* is simply an ugly syntactic
requirement which we cannot get rid of (I would be happy to find
another representation closer to a literal, but I couldn't until now).
That is not the case for (), since, as shown in the initial
implementation, can be avoided.

So, for me, it's just a matter of usability and syntax, the closer the
representation can be to literals, the better. I don't see the
semantic implications of :* as a valid argument. For me, :* is just an
unavoidable ugly syntactical token without meaning. Imagine that for
some reason, adding () as a prefix in every numerical literal made the
implementation of a compiler slightly easier/faster. I bet users would
rant about it till exhaustion :)

If the argument was that,  for some reason, () was proven to speed up
the implementation or make a big maintainability difference (I still
have my doubts) it would maybe make more sense (I still wouldn't be
sure if it pays off though). Maybe it would be a good idea to create a
patch and see what happens :)

As a side note, I think that type-value digits actually are typed
(metatyped maybe is a nicer term?). Class constraints take the role of
types in this case.

After all (sorry if the definition is imprecise), a type establishes a
set of valid values. Nat n = n does exactly that. For example, it
forces type-level naturals to be normalized (i.e. numerals with
leading zeros don't satisfy the Nat constraint)

 So I consider using a digit on the left
 as unclean.  It's similar to using a number as the second part of a cons
 cell in LISP.

Again, the comparisson is based on semantical implications of the
implementation which shouldn't be visible for, or at least not taken
into consideration by,  the final user.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I love purity, but it's killing me.

2008-02-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 9, 2008 12:28 AM, Tom Hawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 5) Forget embedding the DSL, and write a direct compiler.

 In addition to the sharing problem, another shortcoming of Haskell
 DSLs is they can not fully exploit the benefits of algebraic
 datatypes.  Specifically, pattern matching ADTs can only be used to
 control the compile-time configuration of the target, it can't be used
 to describe the target's behavior -- at least for DSLs that generate
 code that executes outside of Haskell's runtime.

Only partly true. Probably you are not aware of them (I myself learned
about its existence a few days ago) but pattern quasiquoting
(available in GHC's HEAD) can be used for that.

 Writing a real compiler would solve both of these problems.  Is there
 any Haskell implementation that has a clean cut-point, from which I
 can start from a fully type-checked, type-annotated intermediate

If you have to write a compiler why not define a language which fits
better with the semantics of the embedded language instead of using
plain Haskell?

The approach you propose  has the disadvantages of both the embedded
and the standalone languages. On one hand you have to stick with the
syntax of the host language which may not fit with your exact
semantical requirements and, on the other hand, you cannot take
advantage of all the existing machinery around the host language (you
have to code your own compiler).

Furthermore, the first citizen status of functions make it impossible
(or really difficult at least) to compile EDSL descriptions avoiding
runtime and simply applying a static analysis approach (using Core or
plain Haskell as input).

 And thanks for the link to John's paper describing Hydra's use of
 Template Haskell.  I will definiately consider TH.

Well, TH would be one of those static analysis approaches. Actually,
O'Donell's implementation (which uses an outdated version of Template
Haskell) only works with a small Haskell subset. So using TH you'd
probably be changing the host language anyhow.

Furthermore, the TH approach consists in adding node labels by
preprocessing the EDSL description, making sharing observable. That
makes the original EDSL description inpure. The only difference is
that side effects are added by preprocessing instead of using runtime
unsafe functions.

Some pointers covering the topic:

[1] and [2] summarize what are the alternatives to observe sharing in
Haskell whereas [3] compares the embedded approach vs standalone
approach and advocates the last one.

(section 2.4.1 and 3.1)
2) (section 3)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Moving on to the implementation of fixed-sized vectors themselves ...

I have been trying to implement them as a GADT but I have run into
quite few problems. As a result, I'm considering to implement them
using the more-traditional phantom type-parameter approach. Anyhow,
I'd like to share those problems with the list, just in case someone
comes with a solution.

Here are some examples of what I was able to define without problems
(although, for some cases, I was forced to break the safety layer of
the GADT by using the toInt reflection function).

Save this email as FSVec.lhs to test them.

 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, Rank2Types, ScopedTypeVariables, KindSignatures #-}
 module Data.Param.FSVec where

 import Data.TypeLevel.Num

The Fixed Sized Vector data type. I know Wolfgang would prefer
something more closely named to LiSt to, but let's avoid getting into
that discussion now.

 data FSVec :: * - * - * where
NullV :: FSVec D0 a
(:)  :: Succ s s' = a - FSVec s a - FSVec s' a

 infixr :

Some successful examples

 headV :: Pos s = FSVec s a - a
 headV (x : xs) = x

 lastV :: Pos s = FSVec s a - a
 lastV = lastV'
   -- trusted function without the Pos constraint, otherwise the compiler 
 would complain about
   -- the Succ constraint of : not being met.
   where lastV' :: FSVec s a - a
 lastV' (x : NullV) = x
 lastV' (x : xs)= lastV' xs

 atV :: (Pos s, Nat n, n :: s) = FSVec s a - n - a
 atV v n = atV' v (toInt n)
   -- Reflecting the index breaks checking that the recursive call
   -- verifies the atV constraints, however I couldn't find another way.
   -- atV' is to be trusted regarding the recursive call
   where atV' :: FSVec s a - Int - a
 atV' (x : xs) n
  | n == 0   = x
  | otherwise= atV' xs (n-1)
 -- this defition is nicer but doesn't typecheck
 -- atV (x : xs) n
 -- | toInt  n == 0 = x
 -- | otherwise = atV xs (predRef n)

Now some functions which I wasn't able to define

Concat function. This would be the naive implementation, but it fails
to compile.

(+) :: Add s1 s2 s3 = FSVec s1 a - FSVec s2 a - FSVec s3 a
NullV  + ys  = ys
(x:xs) + ys = x : (xs + ys)

Tail function, which is also incorrect.

tailV :: Succ s' s = FSVec s a - FSVec s' a
tailV (x : xs) = xs

And finally, vector, which is supposed to build a fixed-sized vector
out of a list.

The ideal type for the function would be:

vector :: [a] - FSVec s a

But there is no apparent way in which to obtain s based on the length
of the input list.

[1] shows a way in which to create vector using CPS style and a
reification function:

reifyInt :: Int - (forall s . Nat s = FSVect s a - w) - w

The result would be a function with the following type:

vector :: [a] - (forall s . Nat s = FSVec s a - w) - w

Nevertheless, I'm not fully satisfied by it.

Another alternative would be forcing the user to provide the size
explicitly (which is ugly as well)

vector' :: Nat s = s - [a] - FSVec s a

The Succ constraint in the definition of : doesn't allow me to do
such a thing. The following implementation does not typecheck:

vector' :: Nat s = s - [a] - FSVec s a
vector' s l
 | toInt s == length l = vector' l
 | otherwise   = error dynamic/static size mismatch
   where vector'' :: [a] - FSVec s a
  vector'' []= NullV
  vector'' (x : xs)  = x : vector' xs

The problem is that I don't know a way in which to bypass the Succ
constraint of : .

Using a traditional phantom type-parameter to express the size is the
only solution I can think of (which would also solve the problems of
init and tail).  However, that would mean losing the ability of
pattern matching with (:).

Any comments/suggestions would be very much appreciated.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-07 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 7, 2008 9:01 PM, Dan Weston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This may be a GHC bug, but even though in the module
 Data.TypeLevel.Num.Reps has the header

 {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls, TypeOperators #-}

 I still get an error with both ghc and ghci version 6.8.2 unless I throw
 in the -XTypeOperators flag.

If you are using type operators in a module you have to supply the
flag, independently of what flags are supplied in other modules.

The same applies for other extensions which modify the _syntax_ of the
language (e.g. Template Haskell etc ...)

So, it's not a bug.

As a side note, even if the TypeOperators flag is supplied GHC 6.8.2
fires an error with the following declaration:

instance (Compare x y CEQ) = x :==: y -- GHC fires a Malformed
instance header error

whereas using an equivalent prefix definition works just fine

instance (Compare x y CEQ) = (:==:) x y
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-07 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 7, 2008 4:16 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nat means all natural numbers except zero while Nat0 means all natural
 numbers (including zero).  Since in computer science, natural numbers
 usually cover zero, we should use Pos instead of Nat and Nat instead of Nat0.

Sounds sensible, actually Nat and Nat0 is confusing. However I would
rather use Pos and Nat0 to make explicit that naturals include zero .

Depending on the definition of naturals they might or might not
include zero.

 You seem to write 12 as 1 :+ 2 instead of () :+ 1 :+ 2.  But I think, the
 latter representation should probably be prefered.  With it, :+ always has a
 number as its left argument and a digit as its right.  Without the () :+ we
 get ugly exceptional cases.
 You can see this, for example, in the instance
 declarations for Compare.  With the second representation, we could reduce
 the number of instances dramatically.  We would define a comparison of digits
 (verbose) and than a comparison of numbers based on the digit comparison (not

Even if () would be preferred from the programmers point of view (I'm
not sure how much we could reduce the number of instances though), it
makes the representation less attractive on the user-side. Anyone
using the library would find it annoying and would wonder why is it

Unless we find a way to use () only internally (we should use a
one-character type to make it shorter to type) I think we should stick
to current representation.

 :+ is already used as the constructor for complex numbers.  We should probably
 use some different operator.

Right. I didn't think about that, thanks.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-07 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 7, 2008 8:38 PM, Dan Weston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know that naming is arbitrary, but...

 Digits in types seems ugly to me. In this case, it is also redundant.
 Everyone but FORTRAN programmers counts from 0, not 1. Nat and Pos seem
 clear. Nat0 could even mean Nat \ {0}, the opposite of what is proposed,
 so confusion is even increased with Nat0.

Ok, fair enough. I changed the names of Positives and Naturals (which
do include 0) for Pos and Nat.

The change (together with a connective rename from :+ to :* ) is
already pushed in the darcs repository.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I love purity, but it's killing me.

2008-02-07 Thread Alfonso Acosta
As I pointed out a few days ago in another thread, you can benefit
from using Observable sharing [1]

Be warned that Observable sharing is a non-conservative extension of
Haskell and it breaks referential transparency.


On Feb 8, 2008 7:33 AM, Tom Hawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been programming with Haskell for a few years and love it.  One
 of my favorite applications of Haskell is using for domain specific
 languages.  However, after designing a handful of DSLs, I continue to
 hit what appears to be a fundamental hurdle -- or at least I have yet
 to find an adequate solution.

 My DSLs invariably define a datatype to capture expressions; something
 like this:

 data Expression
   = Add Expression Expression
   | Sub Expression Expression
   | Variable String
   | Constant Int
   deriving Eq

 Using the datatype Expression, it is easy to mass a collections of
 functions to help assemble complex expressions, which leads to very
 concise programs in the DSL.

 The problem comes when I want to generate efficient code from an
 Expression (ie. to C or some other target language).  The method I use
 invovles converting the tree of subexpressions into an acyclic graphic
 to eliminate common subexpressions.  The nodes are then topologically
 ordered and assigned an instruction, or statement for each node.  For

 let a = Add (Constant 10) (Variable i1)
 b = Sub (Variable i2) (Constant 2)
 c = Add a b

 would compile to a C program that may look like this:

   a = 10 + i1;
   b = i2 - 2;
   c = a + b;

 The process of converting an expression tree to a graph uses either Eq
 or Ord (either derived or a custom instance) to search and build a set
 of unique nodes to be ordered for execution.  In this case a, then
 b, then c.  The problem is expressions often have shared,
 equivalent subnodes, which dramatically grows the size of the tree.
 For example:

 let d = Add c c
 e = Add d d-- e now as 16 leaf nodes.

 As these trees grow in size, the equality comparison in graph
 construction quickly becomes the bottleneck for DSL compilation.
 What's worse, the phase transition from tractable to intractable is
 very sharp.  In one of my DSL programs, I made a seemingly small
 change, and compilation time went from milliseconds to

 Prior to Haskell, I wrote a few DSLs in OCaml.  I didn't have this
 problem in OCaml because each let expression was mutable, and I
 could use the physical equality operator to perform fast comparisons.
 Unfortunately, I have grown to love Haskell's type system and its lack
 of side effects, and could never go back.

 Is there anything that can be done to dramatically speed up
 comparisons, or is there a better approach I can take to extract
 common subexpressions?  I should point out I have an opportunity to
 get Haskell on a real industrial application.  But if I can't solve
 this problem, I may have to resort to far less eloquent languages.

 Thanks for any and all help.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-06 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 6, 2008 4:32 AM, Bjorn Buckwalter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, could you elaborate a little on joining efforts? The effort I
 was planning to invest in my package consists mainly of creating a
 .cabal file plus some logistics to get tarballs to where they have to

 I understand that you (and Wolfgang) are creating a library of type
 level decimals for the purpose of constraining vector (list?) lengths.
 After that I haven't been paying attention fully to the thread. Is the
 goal to create a general-purpose library for type-level programming
 and my module would fit into that grander scheme?

Yes,the idea is to create a Cabal-ready wide-scope type-level
programming library, joining the operations implemented in the
different type-level libraries which are around. The goal (or at least
mine) is to provide a common reusable type-level library which saves
constantly reinventing the wheel.

I'll provide an initial implementation (just including naturals in
decimal representation) soon. Wolfgang suggested adding booleans at a
later point too if I recall properly.

Any useful type-level operation should have a place in the library.

 Or did you have something else in mind with joining efforts? E.g. help
 reviewing your code or writing new code?

This would certainly help too.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-06 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 7, 2008 2:30 AM, Bjorn Buckwalter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok. Is this what people want -- one big hold-all library with
 everything, as opposed to smaller more specialized packages? I guess I
 can see advantages (real or perceived) to both approaches.

Apart from Dockins' typenats library there are no other user-friendly
specific type-level libraries that know, so I cannot really tell if
people would prefer a hold-all library or a couple of more granular
specialized ones.

Right now is not hold-all at all (it is still vaporware actually :)),
so I think there's no reason to discuss that at this point. Let's see
what people think.

 The other library I use for type-level programming is HList. It has
 type-level booleans already so you might what to take a look at it if
 you're not already familiar with it.

Thanks I'll have a look at it.

  In fact, if you are serious about
 creating the de facto(?) type-level programming library trying to get
 Oleg involved would be very beneficial both in terms of innovation and

Sure. I've actually been exchanging mail with Oleg. He has given me
some useful suggestions and contributed with some code. He didn't
mention to what point he wanted to get involved though, but I'm sure
he will try to help.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-05 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 5, 2008 4:10 PM, Henning Thielemann

 On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, Aaron Denney wrote:

  On 2008-02-01, Bjorn Buckwalter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   If Naturals had been sufficient for me I wouldn't have done my own
   implementation (I'm unaware of any other implementation of Integers).
   And there is certainly a lot of value to the clearer error messages
   from a decimal representation.
  I did a balanced-base-three (digits are 0, and +- 1) representation to
  get negative decimals.

 Nice. In German the digit values are sometimes called eins, keins, meins. 

I'm almost done with the decimal library but it would be nice to check
some Integer implementations for future inclusion. So, Aaron, Björn,
are your implementations available somewhere?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-05 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 5, 2008 8:29 PM, Bjorn Buckwalter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Feb 5, 2008 2:16 PM, Alfonso Acosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Feb 5, 2008 4:10 PM, Henning Thielemann
   On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, Aaron Denney wrote:
On 2008-02-01, Bjorn Buckwalter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If Naturals had been sufficient for me I wouldn't have done my own
 implementation (I'm unaware of any other implementation of Integers).
 And there is certainly a lot of value to the clearer error messages
 from a decimal representation.
I did a balanced-base-three (digits are 0, and +- 1) representation to
get negative decimals.
   Nice. In German the digit values are sometimes called eins, keins, 
   meins. :-)
  I'm almost done with the decimal library but it would be nice to check
  some Integer implementations for future inclusion. So, Aaron, Björn,
  are your implementations available somewhere?

 As noted elsewhere in the thread my implementation is available at:


 It is my intent to extract this (self-contained) module to its own
 package and put on hackage. It's been a low priority for me but I'm
 rather incentivized by this thread.


How about joining efforts? As I said I almost have a preliminary
version of the decimal library which I'll realease for reviewing
purpouses soon (It won't include Integer computations though)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-04 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 4, 2008 12:36 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am Samstag, 2. Februar 2008 14:54 schrieben Sie:
  Again, if someone complains about the TH dependency, the aliases could
  be generated by TH but saved statically in a module for each release.

 Hmm, this could be a compromise although I'm not sure whether it is sensible
 to have a module with thousands of declarations.

As long as the module is automatically generated I don't see why it
would be a problem.

Bear in mind that using TH would, in practice, be equivalent to code
such a module by hand anyway.

 Another solution would be
 to put the Template Haskell convenience stuff into a separate package.  The
 core package would probably be usable with Hugs too, while the convenience
 package would be usable only with GHC.

I'm not sure if it worths it to create a separate package and add
another dependency for those who would like to use it.

I don't still know how many people would be interested in using the
type-level library so, again, I think it won't hurt to include the
TH-generated aliases and then change it if some non-GHC user rants
about it.

 So type-level + parametrized-data is my vote.  But don't let's spend too much
 time discussing the name. ;-)

Fair enough. type-level + parameterized-data it is then (unless
someone else has a better suggestion). I'm going to begin coding now.

I'll host the project in, do you have an account there?

PS: BTW, I asked Oleg for permission and, as expected, agreed to
create the library under a BS-D license.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-04 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 4, 2008 8:27 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am Montag, 4. Februar 2008 13:22 schrieben Sie:
  I don't still know how many people would be interested in using the
  type-level library so, again, I think it won't hurt to include the
  TH-generated aliases and then change it if some non-GHC user rants
  about it.

 Okay, let's do so for now.

Actually, I was considering to conditionally include the TH code or
not depending on the compiler (using Cabal configurations).

I thought that should make everyone happy. Then, I realized we
agreed to make use of infix type constructors anyway (which seems to
be a GHC-only extension, tell me if I'm wrong), so the TH dependency
is not that important anymore (unless we decide to avoid infix type

  I'll host the project in, do you have an account

 Now, I haven't. :-(

Well, you can request one at if you want

Otherwise I'll take the maintainer role.

  PS: BTW, I asked Oleg for permission and, as expected, agreed to
  create the library under a BS-D license.

 Great.  So the packages you create now will be released under BSD3, right?

Yes, that's the intention.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-02 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 1, 2008 10:33 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Actually it would maybe be better to create common high-level
  interface that could include unary, binary and decimal arithmetic so
  that the library could be easily reused in other projects (people like
  Bjorn, seem to be using the unary implementation). I don't know if it
  would be feasible though.

 I'd say, let's start with the decimal thing.  We can extend our package later
 if there's a need to do this, can't we?

OK, let's do it like that.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-02 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 1, 2008 10:32 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am Freitag, 1. Februar 2008 13:00 schrieb Alfonso Acosta:
  On Jan 31, 2008 11:35 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   This is essentially what I had in mind.  While Oleg's implementation
   needs a thrusted core, the GADT solution doesn't.
  True. However using GADTs doesn't allow to internally make use of
  Arrays, which (tell me if I'm wrong) are likely to be faster than the
  naive GADT implementation.

 It depends.  My first GADT implementation is equivalent to the [] type and
 often [] is better than arrays.  For example, if you read the contents of a
 file and process it with maps, filters, etc., [] is likely to give you
 constant space usage which arrays don't.  If you want to lookup elements by
 index, then arrays are better, of course.  For my purpose, it would be fine
 to use a []-like implementation, I think.

For mine it would be fine too. Let's implement our needs and then
maybe extend it if someone rants about it.

  To make it friendlier for the end user I thought about defining
  aliases for lets say the first 1 numbers using Template Haskell.
  That could even make error reports friendlier (not sure to what point
  though). What do you think?

 I have no clear opinion about that at the moment.  Maybe it's okay to use the
 representation directly.  This way, we don't introduce a dependeny on the
 Template Haskell language extension (which is only supported by GHC), and the
 actual representation will occur in error messages anyway whenever the
 message shows a computed number.

Well, my EDSL already makes extensive use of TH. So, being selfish, it
wouldn't be a problem for me (or any other GHC user) and I think it
would make the library much more usable.

Just compare

f :: List (() :- D1 :- D0 :- D0 :- 1000) Int - List (() :- D1 :- D0
:- D0 :- D0) Int

with, let's say

f :: List A1000 Int - List A1000 Int

Again, if someone complains about the TH dependency, the aliases could
be generated by TH but saved statically in a module for each release.

  So, we'll be making two separate libraries then. We should think about
  What about FixedVector for the vector library and DecTypArith (maybe
  too long) or DecTypes for the type-level decimal arithmetic library?

 Alas, there is an inconsistency in naming packages already.  Some prefer names
 which are entirely lowercase, some prefer camel case.  I prefer lowercase,
 with hyphens separating parts of the name.  And I also don't like unusual
 abbreviations like typ (not much shorter than type).  To mention
 arithmetics is not so important.  So maybe something
 like type-level-decimals?

 Maybe it's better to put different type-level programming things into a single
 package.  Then we could name this package type-level or something similar.
 We could start with our decimals.  Other type-level things could be added
 later.  I already have some code about type-level booleans.  It's not very
 sensible to put these few lines into a separate package.  It might be nice if
 we had a general type-level programming package where I could put this code

Sounds sensible. However, I would rather prefer something like
type-level-comp (from type level computations) or type-level-prog
(from type level programming). Type level by itself doesn't describe
the functionality of the package.

 As for the name of the fixed-size list package, I have to say that I don't
 like the term vector in this context.  A vector is actually something with
 addition and scalar multiplication defined on it.  Maybe we should make also
 this package's scope wider.  What about something like safe-data or

I think safe-data is a bit too general and might lead to confusion
with other safe data packages (namely Mitchell's Safe library). Since
the main particularity of the library is that safety properties are
achieved via emulating dependent types I think that
light-dependent-types (from lightweight dependent types),
number-parameterized-data or simply parameterized-data (this is the
name I like best) would be more appropiate.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-02 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Feb 2, 2008 2:54 PM, Alfonso Acosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just compare

 f :: List (() :- D1 :- D0 :- D0 :- 1000) Int - List (() :- D1 :- D0
 :- D0 :- D0) Int

I meant

f :: List (() :- D1 :- D0 :- D0 :- D0) Int - List (() :- D1 :- D0 :-
D0 :- D0) Int

sorry for the typo
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-01 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Jan 31, 2008 11:35 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2008 18:30 schrieb Dominic Steinitz:
  Look at

 This is essentially what I had in mind.  While Oleg's implementation needs
 a thrusted core, the GADT solution doesn't.

True. However using GADTs doesn't allow to internally make use of
Arrays, which (tell me if I'm wrong) are likely to be faster than the
naive GADT implementation.

Actually the GADT implementation you proposed fits nicely with the
Vector definition already used in my EDSL (it is isomorphic actually),
but efficiency could be an issue.

 Some words on the representation of decimal numbers as types. While the
 representation with types of the form D1 (D2 (D3 Sz)) has the advantage of
 allowing numbers of arbitrary size, it has the disadvantage of a growing
 number of parantheses.  In my opinion, it would be nicer to have somethink
 like D1 :- D2 :- D9 :- () with a right-associative operator :-.  We could
 even build the digit list the other way round—() :- D1 :- D2 :- D9—using a
 left-associative :-.  With the latter representation, we wouldn't need to
 reverse digit sequences when adding numbers.

Right, I agree. I think we should use the arbitrary-size
implementation (actually, how arbitrary is it? what's the limit of
GHC, if any?).

To make it friendlier for the end user I thought about defining
aliases for lets say the first 1 numbers using Template Haskell.
That could even make error reports friendlier (not sure to what point
though). What do you think?

So, we'll be making two separate libraries then. We should think about names.

What about FixedVector for the vector library and DecTypArith (maybe
too long) or DecTypes for the type-level decimal arithmetic library?

I'll put my hands dirty once we agree on this.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-01 Thread Alfonso Acosta
 What about FixedVector for the vector library and DecTypArith (maybe
 too long) or DecTypes for the type-level decimal arithmetic library?

Actually it would maybe be better to create common high-level
interface that could include unary, binary and decimal arithmetic so
that the library could be easily reused in other projects (people like
Bjorn, seem to be using the unary implementation). I don't know if it
would be feasible though.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast graph algorithms without object identities

2008-02-01 Thread Alfonso Acosta
You'd probably be interested to read

On Jan 31, 2008 9:56 PM, Jan-Willem Maessen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 31, 2008, at 5:39 AM, Henning Thielemann wrote:

  It seems that algorithms on graphs can be implemented particularly
  efficient in low-level languages with pointers and in-place updates.
  topological sort needs only linear time, provided that dereferencing
  pointers requires constant time. I could simulate pointer
  and pointer updates by Map yielding linear logarithmic time for
  topological sort. I wonder if it is possible to write a linear time
  topological sort using lazy evaluation, since the runtime system of
  Haskell implementations is a graph processor based on pointers.

 If so, I'd love to see this written up; I think it may be publishable
 if it isn't published already.

 Note that even using ST techniques can take more than linear time,
 given an arbitrary purely-functionally-defined graph as input.  We
 can't (eg) assume that each node contains a reference, or that they
 are densely numbered, so we end up having to look them up in some
 fashion (though using a hash table can be reasonably quick if we
 uniquely number nodes).

 -Jan-Willem Maessen

  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-01-31 Thread Alfonso Acosta

The EDSL implementation (system design) I'm working on would really
benefit from an implementation of fixed-sized vectors.

I thought this would be a generally desired ADT but it turned out I
wasn't able to find an implementation.

I was thinking about  using  datatype algebra plus GADTs to implement
a type-level parameter indicating the size of the vector.

I'm a total noob with regard to GADTs and type-level algebra trickery.
So my questions are:

1) Do you think it is feasible? Can you think about a better approach?

2) An implementation of type-level Naturals would really help. What
has already been done?

Thanks in advance,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-01-31 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Jan 31, 2008 3:03 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Fons,

 interestingly, it occured to me yesterday that the graphics part of Grapefruit
 would benefit from fixed sized vectors.  I think we should implement some
 small Cabal package which just provides this and upload it to the HackageDB.
 Are you interested in cooperating with me on this?

Sure I am!

Actually, thanks to the pointers provided by Henning I learned that
Oleg (who else!) already has implemented them. See (Oleg's
multiple flavour implementations of fixed-sized vectors)

I think we should base our implementation on Oleg's (for which we need
his permission). Actually, I think we should create two separate
libraries. One for decimal type-level arithmetic and another for the
vector implementation itself. What do you think?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-01-31 Thread Alfonso Acosta
 I remember that type-level arithmetic is already implemented somewhere,
 certainly more than once, but certainly seldom in a nicely packaged form.

 erm, here

Yep, there seem to be  a few implementations around (decimal, binary,
peano) but Oleg's decimal one is likely to be the most friendly when
it comes to compiler errors etc ..

 also here:

I'm probably missing something, but I don't understand how these
libraries could help.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-01-31 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Jan 31, 2008 5:47 PM, Bulat Ziganshin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 one more:
 darcs get --partial --tag '0.1'

Thanks for the link, I had already checked this library, but using a
binary representation has the same problem as using peano numbers,
error reports can be quite cryptic. I still think that using decimals
is the way to go.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] threads + IORefs = Segmentation fault?

2008-01-19 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Jan 19, 2008 2:36 PM, David Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Using ghc 6.6, but I've since isolated the bug as being unrelated to the
 IORefs and threading, it was in an FFI binding that somehow never died
 until I was testing this new code.

In case the you are creating a binding of haskell code. Did you make
sure that the runtime constructor and destructor (hs_* functions) are
properly called? The could be the source of the segfault.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version

2008-01-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Jan 8, 2008 1:28 PM, David Waern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Haskell community,

 I'm proud to announce the release of Haddock!

Great! I already tested a dracs spanshot before the release and seemed
to work well with TH code.

Any idea about when will hackage adopt this version to generate its
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Type System (Was: Currying and Partial Evaluation)

2008-01-08 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Jan 9, 2008 1:07 AM, Achim Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Beg pardon?  Are you referring to the type of y being described with
  'b' instead of 'a'?

(a - a) - a and  (b - b) - b are equivalent.

For some reason ghc uses b instead of a if you are picky about it,
just provide a  type signature explicitly.

Prelude let {y :: (a - a) - a ; y f = f $ y f}
Prelude :t y
y :: (a - a) - a
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what does @ mean?.....

2007-12-28 Thread Alfonso Acosta
@ works as an aliasing primitive for the arguments of a function

f x@(Just y) = ...

using x in the body of f is equivalent to use Just y. Perhaps in
this case is not really useful, but in some other cases it saves the
effort and space of retyping really long expressions. And what is even
more important, in case an error is made when choosing the pattern,
you only have to correct it in one place.

On Dec 28, 2007 12:05 PM, Nicholls, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello, I wonder if someone could answer the following…

 The short question is what does @ mean in

 mulNat a b

 | a = b = mulNat' a b b

 | otherwise = mulNat' b a a


  mulNat' x@(S a) y orig

  | x == one = y

  | otherwise = mulNat' a (addNat orig y) orig

 The long version, explaining what everything means is….

  here's a definition of multiplication on natural numbers I'm reading

  on a blog

  data Nat = Z | S Nat

 deriving Show

  one :: Nat

  one = (S Z)

  mulNat :: Nat - Nat - Nat

  mulNat _ Z = Z

  mulNat Z _ = Z

  mulNat a b

 | a = b = mulNat' a b b

 | otherwise = mulNat' b a a


  mulNat' x@(S a) y orig

  | x == one = y

  | otherwise = mulNat' a (addNat orig y) orig

  Haskell programmers seem to have a very irritating habit of trying to

  be overly concise...which makes learnign the language extremely

  hard...this example is actually relatively verbosebut anyway...

  Z looks like Zero...S is the successor function...Nat are the

  Natural numbers.

  mulNat _ Z = Z

  mulNat Z _ = Z

  translates to...

  x * 0 = 0fine...

  0 * x = 0fine..

  mulNat a b

 | a = b = mulNat' a b b

 | otherwise = mulNat' b a a


  mulNat' x@(S a) y orig

  | x == one = y

  | otherwise = mulNat' a (addNat orig y) orig

  is a bit more problematic...

  lets take a as 3 and b as 5...

  so now we have

  mulNat' 3 5 5

  but what does the x@(S a) mean? in

  mulNat' x@(S a) y orig


 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nicholls, Mark
  Sent: 21 December 2007 17:47
  To: David Menendez
  Cc: Jules Bean;
  Subject: RE: [Haskell-cafe] nice simple problem for someone struggling

 Let me resend the code…as it stands….

 module Main where

 data SquareType numberType = Num numberType = SquareConstructor numberType

 class ShapeInterface shape where

   area :: Num numberType = shape-numberType

 data ShapeType = forall a. ShapeInterface a = ShapeType a

 instance (Num a) = ShapeInterface (SquareType a) where

 area (SquareConstructor side) = side * side

 and the errors are for the instance declaration…….

 [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Main.hs, C:\Documents and
 Settings\nichom\Haskell\Shapes2\out/Main.o )


 Couldn't match expected type `numberType' against inferred type `a'

   `numberType' is a rigid type variable bound by

the type signature for `area' at Main.hs:38:15

   `a' is a rigid type variable bound by

   the instance declaration at Main.hs:70:14

 In the expression: side * side

 In the definition of `area':

 area (SquareConstructor side) = side * side

 I'm becoming lost in errors I don't comprehend….

 What bamboozles me is it seemed such a minor enhancement.


 David Menendez
  Sent: 21 December 2007 17:05
  To: Nicholls, Mark
  Cc: Jules Bean;
  Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] nice simple problem for someone struggling

 On Dec 21, 2007 11:50 AM, Nicholls, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now I have

  module Main where

  data SquareType numberType = Num numberType = SquareConstructor

  This is a valid declaration, but I don't think it does what you want it to.
 The constraint on numberType applies only to the data constructor.

  That is, given an unknown value of type SquareType a for some a, we do not
 have enough information to infer Num a.

  For your code, you want something like:

  instance (Num a) = ShapeInterface (SquareType a) where
  area (SquareConstructor side) = side * side

  Dave Menendez [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what does @ mean?.....

2007-12-28 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Dec 28, 2007 12:21 PM, Nicholls, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So in the example given...

 Is equivalent ?

Yes, it is
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Applying a Dynamic function to a container of Dynamics

2007-12-21 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hi all,

dynApp allows to apply a Dynamic function to a Dynamic argument:

dynApp :: Dynamic - Dynamic - Dynamic

I don't seem to find a way (without modifying Data.Dynamic itself) to
code this function

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Foldable

dynApp1 :: (Typeable1 container, Foldable container) = Dynamic -
container Dynamic - Dynamic
   f-- originally of type :: container a - b
  val --- all its values _must_ have type :: b
-- I get stuck when trying to transform val to type Dynamic (transform
:: container Dynamic - Dynamic)  in order to apply f

nor even the more concrete case of lists

dynAppList ::  Dynamic - [Dynamic] - Dynamic

Any suggestions?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Dynamic typing of polymorphic functions

2007-12-19 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hi all,

As some of you might remember I'm working on a EDSL which models
process networks (A process can simply be viewed as a box which has a
number of input and output signals and makes computations over them).

A simple example of the processes implemented is MapSY, which is
similar to Haskell's well-known map function.  It takes a signal and a
processing function as arguments and applies that function the signal.

Following Lava's approach, a specifically designed Signal type hides
and secretly forwards the structure of the network. Such structure
is logically an untyped graph. For that reason, the processing
functions associated to the different processes are kept in Dynamic

A very simplified  implementation could be:


import Data.Typeable
import Data.Dynamic

-- the phantom type parameter makes signal typing consistent
newtype Signal a = Signal PrimSignal

newtype PrimSignal = PrimSignal (Proc (PrimSignal))

data Proc input =  MapSY Dynamic -- The processing function
  input   --  The process input
 -- the rest of the processes are omitted

eval :: Proc Dynamic - Dynamic
-- evaluates the output of a process for one input
eval (MapSY dynF dynIn) = dynApp dynF dynIn

-- the map process constructor
mapSY :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) = (a - b) - Signal a - Signal b
mapSY f (Signal primSig) = Signal (PrimSignal (MapSY  (toDyn f) primSig))


OK, If you managed to read until this point, you might have noticed
that, due to the monomorphism restriction implied by Data.Typeable, it
is impossible to build polymorphic processes.

The approach works nicely for monomorphic processes though:

add1 :: Signal Int - Signal Int
add1 = mapSY ((+1) :: Int - Int)

mapSndInt :: Signal (Int, Int) - Signal Int
mapSndInt = mapSY (snd :: (Int, Int) - Int)

But it does not work for building polymorphic processes.

The following process would be really useful but its compilation
obviously fails:

mapSnd :: Signal (a, a) - Signal a
mapSnd = mapSY snd

Could not deduce (Typeable a) from the context () arising from a
use of `mapSY'
Possible fix:
  add (Typeable a) to the context of the type signature for `mapSnd'

Again, due to the monomorphism restriction of the Typeable class, the
compiler's suggestion of adding a Typeable context didn't work. (Well,
strangely enough, adding the Typeable a constraint hushed GHC but an
error was instead triggered at runtime).

I must admit I'm totally stuck with this problem. My two options are:

1) Forcing the user to define mapSnd  friends for each combination of
types (which can hardly be considered an acceptable solution)
2) Think of a change in the internal representation of signals which
made polymorphic processes possible. Polymorphic processes don't have
be necessarily definable by the user. They should be happy enough
with a few polymorphic primitives (mapSnd would be one of them).

  * Maybe an implementation of unsafe dynamics using unsafeCoerce
which allowed applying polymorphic functions to monomorphic values for
specific safe cases?

I would really appreciate any suggestions or remarks regarding my

Thanks in advance,

Alfonso Acosta
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Dynamic typing of polymorphic functions

2007-12-19 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Dec 19, 2007 9:13 PM, Neil Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  OK, If you managed to read until this point, you might have noticed
  that, due to the monomorphism restriction implied by Data.Typeable, it
  is impossible to build polymorphic processes.

 Tom Shackell had similar issues with passing code around at runtime.
 As a result Yhc contains the Yhc.Dynamic module which gives you all
 polymorphic dynamic typing. It's integrated into the compiler and
 runtime system.

Thanks for your answer Neil.

From your description it _seems_ to be exactly what I need (I coudn't
reallly figure it out form the sources since its implementation seems
to rely on Yhc internals I totally ignore). Are there any examples of
use available?

Even if Yhc.Dynamic turns out to be what I need, my implementation
unfortunately depends on Template Haskell. Could any GHC guru point
out if this would be feasible (and how complicated) to implement in


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ST Monad - what's wrong?

2007-12-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Dec 9, 2007 2:39 PM, pepe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The typechecker in 6.6.1 gets confused by the ($) and loses track of
 the 'freeness' of s (the thread variable) . The same code should work
 fine in 6.8.1, or alternatively in 6.6.1 without the ($).

True. However, note that the release notes of 6.8.1 encourage not to
rely in this new feature because it can change in the feature.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ST Monad - what's wrong?

2007-12-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
 True. However, note that the release notes of 6.8.1 encourage not to
 rely in this new feature because it can change in the feature.

I obviously meant in the future, sorry.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [Offtopic?] Cabal package license and copyright holder question

2007-11-21 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hi all,

I don't know if this is the right place to ask but, since it's somehow
Haskell-related I decided to use haskell-cafe.

I'm cabalizing a library which, apart from my own code, has code taken
from others. As it could be expected, each piece has its own copyright
holder and (slightly) different license.

The concrete holder and licenses are clearly annotated in every
module. But, even with that, I'm not sure if I'm entitled to set an
overall copyright holder and license for the whole cabal package. So,
right now, I'm not sure about what license and holder filelds should I
set in my .cabal file.

Could  anyone who had encounterd this problem before suggest a solution?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Offtopic?] Cabal package license and copyright holder question

2007-11-21 Thread Alfonso Acosta
 The copyright field is free-form so you can list all the copyright
 holders. You can use multiple lines. See for example:

 Then for the license, use Other and specify a license file with all the
 appropriate license included in it, or refer to the license files of the
 various bits.

Thanks for the quick reply Duncan, I'll make use of your suggestion.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] State of the GHC-embedded Haddock (AKA Haddock 2.0)?

2007-11-21 Thread Alfonso Acosta

Can someone shed some light on what's the state of GHC-Haddock? The
thread [1] mentions  a haddock.ghc repository which doesn't exist

Are there any plans of releasing it anytime soon?

I have a haddock-annotated library which makes massive use of TH,
making Haddock 0.8 fail miserably


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: State of the GHC-embedded Haddock (AKA Haddock 2.0)?

2007-11-21 Thread Alfonso Acosta
 Can someone shed some light on what's the state of GHC-Haddock? The
 thread [1] mentions  a haddock.ghc repository which doesn't exist

Forgot to add the reference

[1][EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg20453.html
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] can someone explain monad transformers to me, or how do you combine maybe and IO?

2007-11-12 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Nov 13, 2007 1:08 AM, Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We want MaybeT!

I third this proposal. It would be nice having MaybeT included in mtl.

Besides, and although it's not exactly the same, you can emulate the
Maybe monad by using the Either monad (the instance is defined in

And in this case you want a monad transformer,  so ErrorT can do the trick.

Just consider that all the Left values are Nothing and the Right
values are Just.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Disable echo in POSIX terminal

2007-11-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
I never used System.POSIX.Terminal  myself but from what I read in the
haddock documentation I think this function can help you.

import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
import System.Posix.Terminal

disableEcho :: Fd - IO ()
disableEcho fd =  do
   attribs - getTerminalAttributes fd
   setTerminalAttributes fd (withoutMode attribs EnableEcho)  Immediately

On Nov 9, 2007 4:59 PM, Taylor Venable [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 I've written a little Haskell program to get information from a MySQL
 database (great thanks to anybody reading this who works on HSQL, by
 the way) but I want to keep the user's password concealed, obviously.
 Currently I prompt for it from the terminal, but the problem is that
 it's echoed just like all other input.  I would like to disable input
 echo when asking for the password, but I'm not sure how.  I notice
 there's a System.POSIX.Terminal module, but I have no idea how to use
 it, or whether it will do what I want.  Any ideas would be greatly

 Best regards.

 Taylor Venable
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Disable echo in POSIX terminal

2007-11-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Nov 9, 2007 5:09 PM, Neil Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A quick Hoogle search for echo suggests hSetEcho, so perhaps hSetEcho
 stdin False would work.

Ops, Neil sent while I was still writing, I didn't know the existance
of this function.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Disable echo in POSIX terminal

2007-11-09 Thread Alfonso Acosta
I this there's no need for a binding

How about this?

import Control.Monad (when)
import System.IO

getpasswd :: Handle - IO String
getpasswd h = do wasEnabled - hGetEcho h
 when  wasEnabled (hSetEcho h False)
 str - hGetLine h
 when wasEnabled (hSetEcho h True)
 return str

On Nov 9, 2007 5:20 PM, Thomas Schilling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 2007-11-09 at 10:59 -0500, Taylor Venable wrote:
  Hello all,
  I've written a little Haskell program to get information from a MySQL
  database (great thanks to anybody reading this who works on HSQL, by
  the way) but I want to keep the user's password concealed, obviously.
  Currently I prompt for it from the terminal, but the problem is that
  it's echoed just like all other input.  I would like to disable input
  echo when asking for the password, but I'm not sure how.  I notice
  there's a System.POSIX.Terminal module, but I have no idea how to use
  it, or whether it will do what I want.  Any ideas would be greatly
  Best regards.

 In C you usually use:  getpasswd

 I cannot find it System.Posix, so you might have to write your own FFI
 bindings.  Otherwise, you can play around with the terminal modes from:

 Good luck!

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type error with simple list function

2007-11-08 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hola Fernando,

On Nov 8, 2007 1:52 PM, Bayley, Alistair
 First, you've given a type sig which
 suggests that f takes two arguments (both lists of type [a]) and returns
 a list of type [a]. However, there is only one argument to f. A type sig
 that better matches your function definition might be f :: [a] - [a]

Alistair is surely aware of this, but, as a side note, and even if in
this concrete case f might need to make the two arguments explicit,
currying permits avoid specifing all the arguments (and it's used all
the time by Haskell programmers)

This two definitions are equivalent

add1 :: Num a = [a] - [a]
add1 = map (+1)

add1 :: Num a = [a] - [a]
add1 xs = map (+1) xs
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] checking regular expressions

2007-11-08 Thread Alfonso Acosta
You don't need IO. Just need to use the (=~) operator (which can be
confusing due to it's polymorphism).

Take a look at
for didactive examples.

On Nov 8, 2007 4:21 PM, Uwe Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 what's the simplest way to check, whether a given string
 is a wellformed regular expression?

 In the API there's just a mkRegex which does not make
 any checks, and the matchRegex which throws an exception
 when the regex isn't wellformed.

 So do I need the IO monad for checking a regex?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] About Fibonacci again...

2007-11-07 Thread Alfonso Acosta
How about this,

infiniteRS :: [Int]
infiniteRS = let acum a1 a2 = a2 ++ acum (a1++a2) a1 in 1 : acum [1] [0]

it certainly fits in one line but it's not really elegant
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compile-time evaluation

2007-11-03 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hi Nicholas,

 compileTimeEval :: Data a = a - ExpQ
 compileTimeEval = return . toExp

 You're telling me all that horrendous pain in implementing toExp and
it already exists?!?

Yes unfortunately, compileTimeEval already exists in TH, it's called lift

compileTimeEval :: Lift a = a - ExpQ
compileTimeEval = lift

But don't be so hard on yourself. Your approach has one advantage.
GHC supports automatic derivation of Data whereas Lift instances have
to be created manually.

Note, however, that Lift instances can also be generated using Igloo's
th-lift package[1].



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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Existential types (Was: Type vs TypeClass duality)

2007-10-24 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Thanks for posting this, I finally understand existentials!

This bit was specially helpful:

So, how to compute a value  b  from an existential type ∃a.(a - a)? ...

Could you give a specific example of computing existential types?

I think this shows why digested tutorials, as opposed to research
papers (which tend require a strong background), are needed in the
Haskell community to make life easier for the newcomer.

Things as existentials (which are not part of the standard yet but
used frequently in real world applications)  should be documented in a
friendly way.

The Haskell Wikibook is usually be helpful but unfortunately it wasn't
that clear in the case of existentials (for me at least). I think the
existentials article misses the clarity shown by aplemus' explanation
and furthermore does not cover the computing a value from an
existantial type directly. Maybe it would be a good idea to extend

Thanks apfelmus!

PS: Can't wait for the Real World Haskell Book to be released.

On 10/24/07, apfelmus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 TJ wrote:
  data Showable = forall a. Show a = Showable a
  stuff = [Showable 42, Showable hello, Showable 'w']
  Which is exactly the kind of 2nd-rate treatment I dislike.
  I am saying that Haskell's type system forces me to write boilerplate.

 Nice :) I mean, the already powerful Hindley-Milner type system is free
 of type annotations (= boilerplate). It's existential types and other
 higher-rank types that require annotations because type inference in
 full System F (the basis of Haskell's type system so to speak) is not
 decidable. In other words, there is simply no way to have System F
 without boilerplate.

 That being said, there is still the quest for a minimal amount of
 boilerplate and in the right place. That's quite a hard problem, but
 people are working on that, see for instance

   [exists a. Show a = a]
  I actually don't understand that line. Substituting forall for exists,
  someone in my previous thread said that it means every element in the
  list is polymorphic, which I don't understand at all, since trying to
  cons anything onto the list in GHCi results in type errors.

 Let's clear the eerie fog surrounding universal quantification in this

 -+- The mathematical symbol for  forall  is  ∀  (Unicode)
   exists  is  ∃

 -+- ∀a.(a - a) means:
  you give me a function (a - a) that I can apply
  to _all_ argument types  a  I want.

∃a.(a - a) means:
  you give me a function (a - a) and tell me that
  _there is_ a type  a  that I can apply this function to.
  But you don't tell me the type  a  itself. So, this particular
  example ∃a.(a - a) is quite useless and can be replaced with ().

 -+- A more useful example is

  ∃a. Show a = a   i.e.  ∃a.(a - String, a)

 So, given a value (f,x) :: ∃a.(a - String, a), we can do

  f x :: String

 but that's pretty much all we can do. The type is isomorphic to a simple

  ∃a.(a - String, a)  ~  String

 So, instead of storing a list [∃a. Show a = a], you may as well store a
 list of strings [String].

 -+- Since ∀ and ∃ are clearly different, why does Haskell have only one
 of them and even uses ∀ to declare existential types? The answer is the
 following relation:

∃a.(a - a) = ∀b. (∀a.(a - a) - b) - b

 So, how to compute a value  b  from an existential type ∃a.(a - a)?
 Well, we have to use a function  ∀a.(a - a) - b  that works for any
 input type (a - a) since we don't know which one it will be.

 More generally, we have

∃a.(f a)= ∀b. (∀a.(f a) - b) - b

 for any type  f a  that involves a, like

f a = Show a = a
f a = a - a
f a = (a - String, a)

 and so on.

 Now, the declaration

data Showable = forall a. Show a = Showable a

 means that the constructor Showable gets the type

Showable :: ∀a. Show a = a - Showable

 and the deconstructor is

caseS :: Showable - ∀b. (∀a.(Show a = a) - b) - b
caseS sx f = case sx of { Showable x - f x }

 which is the same as

caseS :: Showable - ∃a. Show a = a

 . GADT-notation clearly shows the ∀

data Showable where
  Showable :: ∀a - Showable

 -+- The position of the quantifier matters.
 - Exercise 1: Explain why

[∀a.a]  ∀a.[a]  [∃a.a]  and  ∃a.[a]

 are all different.
 - Exercise 2: ∀ can be lifted along function arrows, whereas ∃ can't.
 Explain why

String - ∀a.a   =   ∀a.String - a
String - ∃a.a  =/=  ∃a.String - a

 Since ∀ can always be lifted to the top, we usually don't write it
 explicitly in Haskell.

 -+- Existential types are rather limited when used for OO-like stuff but
 are interesting for ensuring invariants 

[Haskell-cafe] Using Haddock to document ADTs

2007-10-21 Thread Alfonso Acosta
Hi all,

I'm beginning to get familiar with Haddock and I want to document a
library which, as usually happens, has some ADT definitions.

I'd like to document the ADTs both for the end-user (who shouldn't be
told about its internal implementation) and future developers.

Let's imagine my library is called FooLib, defines an ADT whose
implementation is hidden by an outer module.

=== FooLib/ADT1.hs =
-- | This module defines my type ADT1
module ADT1

-- | This type implements whatever and. As you can see it's implemented
--  using blah blah so that is more efficient because of  blah blah
data ADT1 a = ...

== Foolib.hs 
-- | This is Foolib which is aimed at whatever
module Foolib (ADT) where

import ADT


Generating documentation for Foolib.hs with this Haddock annotations
will unfortunatelly reveal implementation details since the annotation
of ADT1 is forwarded.

My question is, How can I generate documentation for both developers
and the end-users using the same Haddock annotations?

I'm beginning to think it would be a good idea to distinguish those
two cases (documentation for end-users and internal developers) in
Haddock, but I'm probably wrong since it seems a common thing and
wasn't implemented yet.

Best Regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Using Haddock to document ADTs

2007-10-21 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On 10/22/07, Alfonso Acosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 == Foolib.hs 
 -- | This is Foolib which is aimed at whatever
 module Foolib (ADT) where

 import ADT


Sorry, I meant (although my error was probably obvious)

 == Foolib.hs 
 -- | This is Foolib which is aimed at whatever
 module Foolib (ADT1) where

 import ADT1

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Transformation sequence

2007-10-20 Thread Alfonso Acosta
How about using a state monad as a logger?

You store the transformation sequence in the state while processing
the tree, then you simply retrieve the state and print it out.

Your transformation function should change to

 import Control.Monad.State

 data Log = ... -- to be defined

 type LogMonad a = State Log a

 transform :: LogMonad Expression - LogMonad [Expression]

On 10/20/07, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm writing some code where I take an expression tree and transform it
 into another equivilent one.

 Now it's moderately easy to write the code that does the transformation.
 But what I *really* want is to print out the transformation *sequence*.
 This appears to be much more awkward.

 What I have is a function like this:

   transform :: Expression - [Expression]

 The trouble is, if you want to apply the transformation recursively,
 things get very messy. Oh, it *works* and everything. It's just really
 messy and verbose. In Haskell, this is usually a sign that you want to
 start applying some ingenious trickery... but I'm having an ingeniety
 failure here.

 Suppose, for example, that in one case you want to recursively transform
 two subexpressions. I end up writing something like

   transform (...sub1...sub2...) =
   sub1s = transform sub1
   sub2s = transform sub2
 in map (\sub1' - put sub1' back into main expression) sub1s ++ map
 (\sub2' - put sub2' back into main expression) sub2s

 After you've typed that a few times, it becomes *very* boring! But I
 can't think of a clean way to abstract it. :-(

 It's *almost* like you want to use the list monad:

   transform (...sub1...sub2...) = do
 sub1' - transform sub1
 sub2' - transform sub2
 return (put sub1' and sub2' back into the main expression)

 Except that that doesn't quite work properly. As shown above, I actually
 want to go through all the transformation steps for the first branch,
 and *then* all the steps for the second branch.

 Any hints?

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Transformation sequence

2007-10-20 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On 10/20/07, Mads Lindstrøm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am not a monad-expect, so I may be wrong, but wouldn't a writer monad
 be more appropriate?

You are at least more monad-expert than myself . I knew the existence
of the writer monad but not really how it works. After checking its
documentation I must say you and Brandon are right. Using the Writer
Monad makes sense.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Converting Emacs syntax coloured Haskell code to HTML

2007-08-14 Thread Alfonso Acosta
M-x htmlize-buffer

On 8/14/07, Peter Verswyvelen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I noticed many code snippets on the wiki that have syntax colouring.

 How is this done? Can I convert syntax coloured code from Emacs to HTML?

 I'm using the Haskell mode for Emacs to get the syntax colouring.

 I'm writing a monads for C# programmers tutorial (oh no) and would
 like to use this feature.

 Of course I won't publish this tutorial before sending it to this mailing
 list, because when a newbie writes a tutorial, it is usually a disaster ;-)

 But the feedback I get from this community is super handy (that is when it
 is not PhD talk which I don't understand ;), so I guess comments on this
 tutorial will give me a better understanding.



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