Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-06-04 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Montag, 28. April 2008 06:29 schrieben Sie:
 Wolfgang Jeltsch:
  Am Donnerstag, 24. April 2008 05:13 schrieb Manuel M T Chakravarty:
   Hence, anything that is *important* to change, we should change now.
  Although I can follow your arguments, I thought that the large and
  disruptive changes should be done for Haskell 2.

 Depends what you mean by Haskell 2.  If it is an experimental language
 that shares some superficial similarities with Haskell, sure we may
 have Haskell 2.  If you mean a serious successor of Haskell with the
 expectation that many/most Haskell users will eventually move to
 Haskell 2, then no.  Haskell has been gaining a lot of momentum
 recently.  That's good and bad, but surely makes it hard to change the
 trajectory.  (This is, of course, just my personal opinion.)

  If they should really be done now, we should also fix a lot of other
  things.  For example, the Num hierarchy, the Functor/Applicative/Monad
  hierarchy, the fact that there exist Alternative and MonadPlus although we
  have Monoid, the fact that we cannot have contexts like (forall a. Monoid
  (m a)) which is the source for the last problem, the fact that we don’t
  have class aliases, ugly names like fmap and mappend, etc.

 As Lennart and Ganesh have argued, the amount of breaking changes that
 we we will be able to fit in without causing serious problems is


Hello again (after a long time),

the things I proposed above are mostly library changes which could mostly be 
made non-disruptive if we had class aliases.  Would this make them acceptable 
for you?

Best wishes,
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-28 Thread Simon Marlow

Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:

Lennart Augustsson:
So I still think changing $ is insane.  Why change?  If you want a new 
operator, make a new one.  Don't make a gratuitous change that will 
waste countless man hours.  For me it's a simple decision, if $ 
changes I cannot use Haskell'.  :(

Given that people can't even agree whether it makes sense to change $ at 
all, this is IMHO far away from a change that justifies breaking any code.

So I suggest we reject the proposal, and move any further discussion to 
 haskell-cafe.  Ok?

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-28 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 6:56 PM, Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So I suggest we reject the proposal, and move any further discussion to
 haskell-cafe.  Ok?

Sounds good to me.
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-27 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Sittampalam, Ganesh:

Manuel Chakravarty wrote:

We should be careful about where we break existing code, and
we should try to support automatic translation of H98 to H' code,
but any changes that we do not make now will become even more
difficult in the future when there is even more Haskell code.
Look at what is happening now already, industrial users applying
pressure on the committee to not change the language too much
for the sake of legacy code.  A clear indication that anything
we don't change now, we will have to live with forever.

I wasn't arguing for special treatment as an industrial user,
just listing one datapoint that I have to counter any impression
that the only or main cost to the community as a whole is fixing
what's on hackage.

I agree with that.  However, maybe somewhat paradoxically, I think,  
given the resistance that changes to the language already invoke now,  
we should actually be fairly aggressive with changes this one time  
(ie, in Haskell').

Hence, anything that is *important* to change, we should change now.

Agreed. It's just in this case the pain of changing will be huge and
the benefits marginal at best.

Yes, I was not arguing for that particular change, my comment was of a  
general nature.

We should mitigate the pain by having a H98 to H' translator

Such a translator would have to maintain existing layout etc, and
produce reasonably nice looking code in places where it makes changes.
Do we have any infrastructure that would make writing one easy?

For H98, simple[1] changes might be possible with haskell-src if it  
would be modified to be able to preserve comments and layout.


[1] For example, purely syntactic ones.
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread Lennart Augustsson
Haskell has now reached the point where backwards compatibility is something
that must be taken very seriously.
The motivation behind Haskell' was to bring the most common extensions into
the standard, it was all going to be done in a year.
Haskell' is not a new language, but growing Haskell98 with common extension.
If there's something in Haskell' that will require a change every 1000
lines, then I think it's acceptable.
If there's something in Haskell' that will require changing every other
line, then it's not acceptable.  The existing Haskell codes bases are simply
too big.

So I still think changing $ is insane.  Why change?  If you want a new
operator, make a new one.  Don't make a gratuitous change that will waste
countless man hours.  For me it's a simple decision, if $ changes I cannot
use Haskell'.  :(

  -- Lennart

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 9:42 PM, Niklas Broberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 When I first saw this thread, my gut response was Aw gawds no, don't
 touch my $ !! I love $, I use it all the time, it really helps making
 code more readable and more nicely structured. I would really hate for
 someone to take that away from me.

 So when I came across this:

This wouldn't work, you'd have to rewrite it as:
withSomeResource foo .
  withSomeOtherThing bar .
yetAnotherBlockStructured thing $ ...
  it is very inconvenient - we should use either . or $ depending on
   that it's last block or not. imagine all the changes when editing the

 ... my initial response to it was yeah, Bulat is right, that's rather
 inconsistent, and it would mean a lot of changes when editing (and
 it's ugly too!).

 But then I started questioning my own motives. What changes would that
 be? Changing a . to a $ if I decided to remove the previous last piece
 of the pipeline? Doesn't seem too hairy, and I have to do far worse
 than that already when refactoring. Inconsistent? Doesn't it actually
 make perfect sense that the actual application of the pipeline of
 functions to some value is handled differently? Like Cale said,
 wouldn't it actually be a Good Thing that we treated these things as
 composition chains instead of application chains? And I could no
 longer defend my own position, and so I started thinking for real.

 Refactoring doesn't become harder with this suggestion - it becomes
 easier in general, just as Dan points out in #1. And I know I've been
 bitten by his #2 a bunch of times, even if I haven't realized the
 source of the problem until I read this thread. It's messy having to
 use a lot of parenthesis just because some argument to a function
 isn't the last one, and I've found myself wishing for a way to get rid
 of them. I know I have at times refactored my function definitions,
 switching their arguments around just to get the one that would need
 the parenthesis to be the last one.

 So I dug through some of my code, picking large modules at random. As
 I said I use $ *a lot*, anywhere that I can get away with it. In the
 first 10 modules I looked at, I found one (1) place where I would need
 to change a $ to a . to make it work. So I went to look at a bigger
 module, and in what is possibly my largest self-contained module (1800
 loc including comments) I had 211 uses of $, and I would have had to
 change 23 of them into . instead to make it work with a
 left-associative version. All the ones where the left operand is just
 a function (like return) will still work. All the ones that are
 followed by a '\x - ...' will still work. All the ones followed by a
 'do ...' will still work. On the other hand, I found 10 places where I
 could immediately have gotten rid of some extra parentheses, and that
 just by searching for uses of fmap in the code!

 It should be said though that changing the associativity of $ doesn't
 make all code nice and clean. Consider for instance

 f (g (h x)) (k y)

 We could change that into one of

 f $ g (h x) $ k y
 f (g $ h x) $ k y

 but not get rid of the parenthesis altogether, i.e. uses of $ for
 different applications won't mix. But with right-associative $, the
 second one would be our only option, so at least we're no worse off
 than before, and perhaps it could be argued we are better off (in this
 kind of situation).

 I think it is reasonable to look closely at the motivations for
 wanting to retain the $ as is. Looking through this thread, I can find
 only a single complaint raised (albeit an important one), namely
 backwards compatibility. Yes, such a change would likely break quite a
 few my modules. But like Cale, I would never have expected H' to be
 fully backwards compatible with H98, and thus there would have to be
 some way to migrate anyway. This one seems pretty simple, just let the
 old Prelude be Haskell98.Prelude and import that in old code. Of
 course changes that break backwards compatibility should not be made
 frivolously, but I find it hard to buy having only that as an argument
 for a change 

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread Adam Sampson
Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   * add Make $ left associative, like application

I'm an end user of Haskell rather than an FP researcher, and I'm very
strongly against this change because I don't think of $ as being
function application; I think of it as the brackets from here to the
end of the expression operator. I've always assumed that it was
defined with the associativity it currently has in order to support
that use.

As it stands, it's one of my favourite features of Haskell. I find it
particularly useful when constructing nested data structures; at the
moment, it's very easy to write something like:

  Seq m $ Spec m var $ Only $ ProcCall m name args

In that case, $ clearly has the same meaning each time. If I put
something like that on a slide, I can explain the meaning of $ in a
few seconds, even to an audience who aren't familiar with functional
programming or Haskell. Forcing me to change the first two to . would
make the code harder to write, harder to understand, and harder to

If people want a left-associative application operator, then it ought
to be a new operator; please don't change the existing one.

Haskell-prime mailing list

RE: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread Sittampalam, Ganesh
Manuel Chakravarty wrote:

 Care for legacy code is important, but H' will have to break 
 backwards compatibility in some places.  And especially where 
 you already rely on GHC extensions, you can't really expect 
 that H' will adopt features that have been available as GHC
 extensions in exactly the form that they were implemented in GHC.

Agreed. I was just motivating why we would want to upgrade code,
not arguing that we should be able to do that with no pain at all.

 We should be careful about where we break existing code, and 
 we should try to support automatic translation of H98 to H' code, 
 but any changes that we do not make now will become even more 
 difficult in the future when there is even more Haskell code.  
 Look at what is happening now already, industrial users applying 
 pressure on the committee to not change the language too much 
 for the sake of legacy code.  A clear indication that anything 
 we don't change now, we will have to live with forever.

I wasn't arguing for special treatment as an industrial user,
just listing one datapoint that I have to counter any impression
that the only or main cost to the community as a whole is fixing
what's on hackage.

 Hence, anything that is *important* to change, we should change now.

Agreed. It's just in this case the pain of changing will be huge and
the benefits marginal at best.

 We should mitigate the pain by having a H98 to H' translator

Such a translator would have to maintain existing layout etc, and
produce reasonably nice looking code in places where it makes changes.
Do we have any infrastructure that would make writing one easy?


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Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread Steven Hazel
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 8:13 PM, Manuel M T Chakravarty
 We should be careful about where we break existing code, and we should try to 
 support automatic translation of H98 to H' code, but any changes that we do 
 not make now will become even more difficult in the future when there is even 
 more Haskell code.  Look at what is happening now already, industrial users 
 applying pressure on the committee to not change the language too much for 
 the sake of legacy code.  A clear indication that anything we don't change 
 now, we will have to live with forever.

 Hence, anything that is *important* to change, we should change now.  We 
 should mitigate the pain by having a H98 to H' translator and Haskell 
 compilers will surely support a Haskell98 compatibility mode as long as there 
 are enough users interested in such a feature.  (This is not unlike the 
 transition from KR C to ANSI C.)

For ($), automatic translation could be as simple as changing a couple
module imports:
import Prelude hiding (($))
import Haskell98 (($))

Steven Hazel
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Mittwoch, 23. April 2008 01:20 schrieb Duncan Coutts:

 Surely there was a justification to having $ be the opposite
 associativity from application and not just a different precedence. Does
 anyone know what it was?

Probably the fact that you can write

 f $ g $ h $ u $ v $ w $ x

instead of

 f (g (h (u (v (w x)

and thereby avoid building forests of parantheses.


Best wishes,
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Mittwoch, 23. April 2008 09:58 schrieb Bulat Ziganshin:

 my main point is that considering space-less operators as having
 larger priority is our natural habit.

Really???  I‘ve never heard of people using spaceless operators for stating 
precedence before.  And it contradicts nice typesetting.  In my opinion, an 
operator needs space around it, otherwise it looks ugly.  And I don’t want to 
have lhs2TeX-typeset source code where infix operators sometimes have the 
nice TeX spacing and sometimes are not surrounded by spaces at all.


Best wishes,
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Mittwoch, 23. April 2008 10:06 schrieb Cale Gibbard:

 I believe that migrating code will be quite a task regardless of the
 outcome here, but at least for the packages that are in Hackage, the
 system helpfully reports build failures, so we'll know where the
 breakages are, and roughly what's left to be done.

Why not writing a tool which replaces all occurences of a $ b $ c $ d by
a . b . c $ d?

  - Cale

Best wishes,
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Donnerstag, 24. April 2008 00:43 schrieb Ian Lynagh:

 Please see

  f $$ x = f x

 Note that this clashes with Text.PrettyPrint

I also doesn’t correspond to $!.  We should introduce $$! then.


Best wishes,
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Donnerstag, 24. April 2008 09:30 schrieb Lennart Augustsson:
 Haskell has now reached the point where backwards compatibility is something
 that must be taken very seriously.

Would you be opposed to a Haskell 2 which would break lots of things? 


Best wishes,
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread John Meacham
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 09:38:22PM +0200, Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
 Am Donnerstag, 24. April 2008 00:43 schrieb Ian Lynagh:
  Please see
   f $$ x = f x
  Note that this clashes with Text.PrettyPrint
 I also doesn’t correspond to $!.  We should introduce $$! then.

I don't think either of these are necessary and eat up valuable


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 3:41 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch
 Am Donnerstag, 24. April 2008 09:30 schrieb Lennart Augustsson:

  Haskell has now reached the point where backwards compatibility is something
   that must be taken very seriously.

  Would you be opposed to a Haskell 2 which would break lots of things?

I would! No new language standard should break lots of things! It
could break some things and should provide easy rewrite rules for code
(or better yet a tool like Python's 2to3) to move from standard A to
standard B for most of the things that break.
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread Lennart Augustsson
Haskell 2 (whatever it is), does not have the goals that were stated for
Haskell', so I can accept disruptive changes.

Haskell' has (had?) some very clear goals, and breaking every existing
program was not one of them.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 8:41 PM, Wolfgang Jeltsch 

 Am Donnerstag, 24. April 2008 09:30 schrieb Lennart Augustsson:
  Haskell has now reached the point where backwards compatibility is
  that must be taken very seriously.

 Would you be opposed to a Haskell 2 which would break lots of things?


 Best wishes,
 Haskell-prime mailing list

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-24 Thread David Menendez
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 6:21 PM, Niklas Broberg
  I'm very suspicious about the power/weight ratio of this change.
Normally, for simple value-level stuff like this, provide both options:
   mapM / forM. = =
So how about, rather than break things, just provide an alternative to 

  Alright, I'm not sure what the proper channel for doing this is, but I
  reckon here is as good as anywhere. I would like to propose that the
  Haskell' Prelude includes the function

  f $$ x = f x

  with the same fixity level as $ (presumably 0) but being left
  associative instead. And that $ is left as is.

It's a pity that @ isn't available for use as an operator. I've seen
it used to represent application in a few places, and its resemblance
to an a is a handy mnemonic. Is  still free?

Haskell-prime mailing list

RE: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Sittampalam, Ganesh
 but it also seems not to make much sense to standardise
 a Prelude which people strongly want to change.

I'm strongly against this change, both on its own merits
- in most cases when there is a real argument being passed, I find 
chains of $s easier to think about than your alternative -
but most importantly because it would be enormously disruptive.
It's the kind of completely unnecessary thing that simply lends 
ammunition to the people that claim Haskell is an academic
language unsuited to the real world.

 Also, the Haskell 98 Prelude has already been reported on, and
 probably should continue to be supported in some way or another.

How would you propose supporting multiple preludes at once? I have
a feeling most of the pieces are in place and it's just a question
of documenting the best practice properly, but it needs to be done
and we need to get experience with doing it and with a gradual
migration strategy before we even consider this kind of change.


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Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Cale Gibbard
2008/4/23 Sittampalam, Ganesh [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  but it also seems not to make much sense to standardise
   a Prelude which people strongly want to change.

  I'm strongly against this change, both on its own merits
  - in most cases when there is a real argument being passed, I find
  chains of $s easier to think about than your alternative -
  but most importantly because it would be enormously disruptive.
  It's the kind of completely unnecessary thing that simply lends
  ammunition to the people that claim Haskell is an academic
  language unsuited to the real world.

Well, try the alternative for a while. It was a little strange at
first for me as well, but once you're used to it, it's extremely
natural. I'd argue it even helps your thinking in other places,
because you're constantly seeing composition chains (even if you still
feel more comfortable thinking of them as application chains for a
while), and this exceptionally simple change gets you into the spirit
of thinking about functions as values to be combined, not just
applied. I would argue that this mindset is an important one for
functional programming, and anything which helps usher people toward
it is a good thing.

   Also, the Haskell 98 Prelude has already been reported on, and
   probably should continue to be supported in some way or another.

  How would you propose supporting multiple preludes at once? I have
  a feeling most of the pieces are in place and it's just a question
  of documenting the best practice properly, but it needs to be done
  and we need to get experience with doing it and with a gradual
  migration strategy before we even consider this kind of change.

I agree that support for this is very important. It would be nice to
simply be able to switch between base packages (and perhaps language
options, like 98/H') with a single simple flag.

I believe that migrating code will be quite a task regardless of the
outcome here, but at least for the packages that are in Hackage, the
system helpfully reports build failures, so we'll know where the
breakages are, and roughly what's left to be done.

 - Cale
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Neil Mitchell

  How would you propose supporting multiple preludes at once?

Unhappy. The Haskell Prelude is more than just a standard library.
Things like $, ., otherwise, = etc would be keywords in any other
language. As such, you expect their meaning to be consistent.

If you let other people define other Preludes you get very confused
very quickly. I can just imagine otherwise = False sneaking in
somewhere! I don't want to have to edit code and when I look at $
think did Cale modify this code at any point in the past :-)


Haskell-prime mailing list

RE: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Sittampalam, Ganesh
 I believe that migrating code will be quite a task
 regardless of the outcome here,

NonDecreasing indentation and the removal of n+k patterns are
the only accepted proposals I can see that might affect existing
code. The former is already standard practice and the latter
is unlikely to be that disruptive, as their use has been
discouraged for some time.

 but at least for 
 the packages that are in Hackage, the system helpfully 
 reports build failures, so we'll know where the breakages
 are, and roughly what's left to be done.

There's plenty of code out there that doesn't have the benefit
of a vigilant user community ready to spring into action. For
example, Credit Suisse has several tens of thousands of lines of 
code written by internal users who are not Haskell experts, and
it would be rather hard to explain to them that they needed to 
go through it all and fix it.


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Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Dan Doel
On Wednesday 23 April 2008, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
 Hello Dan,

 Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 1:42:20 PM, you wrote:
  This wouldn't work, you'd have to rewrite it as:
  withSomeResource foo .
withSomeOtherThing bar .
  yetAnotherBlockStructured thing $ ...

 it is very inconvenient - we should use either . or $ depending on
 that it's last block or not. imagine all the changes when editing the

Well, that may be inconvenient, but I don't know how much such block 
structured code is actually a composition of such functions. Off the top of 
my head, I'd expect most to involve lambdas or dos:

forM l $ \e - ...
State $ \s - ... (see also Reader, Cont, ...)
runST $ do ... (or 'flip runM arg' for most monads, I suppose)
callCC $ \k - ... (shift)
forever $ do ...
withResource $ \r - ...
local f $ do ...

Which still work with the flipped associativity. The one oddity I noticed 
looking at random code of mine is reset in Cont(T), which might currently be 
used like:

reset $ forM l $ \e - ...

for inverting loops. It would have to become:

reset . forM l $ \e - ...

Which might be a little weird (of course, in CC-delcont, that's

reset $ \p - forM l $ \e - ...

so it's moot there, but I suppose this affects all the functions that rely 
on 'do' to use repeated ($)s).

My code may well be abnormal, though (certainly, my infatuation with 
continuations probably is :)).

When I do have composition pipelines that don't fit on one line (like the 
initial example), I think I tend to write them like this:

pipe = foo
 . bar
 . baz
 . quux
 $ quuux

Which lets you slip new things in pretty naturally, I think.

There may be a lot of code out there that that all doesn't work for, though. I 
don't know.
-- Dan
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread apfelmus

Dan Doel wrote:

3) Left associative ($) is consistent with left associative ($!).

   (f $! x) y z
   ((f $! x) $! y) $! z

Left associative, these are:

   f $! x $ y $ z
   f $! x $! y $! z

Nice! Subconsciously, the fact that ($!) is currently not left 
associative has always bitten me.

In the light of Cale's plan to make (.) equivalent to  fmap , there is 
also the option to redefine ($) to mean  fmap  . This would eliminate 
the need for a special $ for applicative functors.

Note that setting (.) or ($) = fmap  subsumes function application, 
because we have

  fmap :: (a - b) - a - b

for the /identity functor/. In other words, the current ($) and (.) are 
just special cases of the general  fmap  . Unfortunately, the identity 
functor currently can't be overloaded, although I think it would be 


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Cale Gibbard
2008/4/23 apfelmus [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Dan Doel wrote:

  Note that setting (.) or ($) = fmap  subsumes function application, because
 we have

   fmap :: (a - b) - a - b

  for the /identity functor/. In other words, the current ($) and (.) are
 just special cases of the general  fmap  . Unfortunately, the identity
 functor currently can't be overloaded, although I think it would be

Unfortunately, it would be quite ambiguous -- the identity functor
overlaps with basically any other. Consider the case:

reverse . [[1,2,3],[4,5]]

which if (.) is fmap would normally mean [[3,2,1],[5,4]], but if the
identity functor is used instead would mean [[4,5],[1,2,3]].

  - Cale
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Simon Marlow

Dan Doel wrote:

On Tuesday 22 April 2008, Simon Marlow wrote:

I'm hoping someone will supply some.  There seemed to be strong opinion
on #haskell that this change should be made, but it might just have been
a very vocal minority.

These are the arguments off the top of my head:

Thanks, I've put these points, and Josef's point, on the wiki:

(I should point out that I'm personally *not* in favour of this change, 
just making sure the arguments are documented)

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Simon Marlow

Duncan Coutts wrote:

On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 21:02 -0400, Dan Doel wrote:

3) Left associative ($) is consistent with left associative ($!). The right 
associative version of the latter is inconvenient, because it only allows 
things to be (easily) strictly applied to the last argument of a function.

What about having ! as a left associative strict apply operator?

f !x !y !z

Isn't there already a proposal along these lines? There is certainly a
proposal to stop using ! for array indexing.

The problem with this is that

  f !x y

would associate differently in an expression than it does on the left 
hand side of an equation, where ! is the prefix bang-pattern operator. 
To make this consistent we'd have to make ! a prefix operator in 
expressions, or give it the same precedence as function application; 
both mean a new extension.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Niklas Broberg
When I first saw this thread, my gut response was Aw gawds no, don't
touch my $ !! I love $, I use it all the time, it really helps making
code more readable and more nicely structured. I would really hate for
someone to take that away from me.

So when I came across this:

   This wouldn't work, you'd have to rewrite it as:

   withSomeResource foo .
 withSomeOtherThing bar .
   yetAnotherBlockStructured thing $ ...

 it is very inconvenient - we should use either . or $ depending on
  that it's last block or not. imagine all the changes when editing the

... my initial response to it was yeah, Bulat is right, that's rather
inconsistent, and it would mean a lot of changes when editing (and
it's ugly too!).

But then I started questioning my own motives. What changes would that
be? Changing a . to a $ if I decided to remove the previous last piece
of the pipeline? Doesn't seem too hairy, and I have to do far worse
than that already when refactoring. Inconsistent? Doesn't it actually
make perfect sense that the actual application of the pipeline of
functions to some value is handled differently? Like Cale said,
wouldn't it actually be a Good Thing that we treated these things as
composition chains instead of application chains? And I could no
longer defend my own position, and so I started thinking for real.

Refactoring doesn't become harder with this suggestion - it becomes
easier in general, just as Dan points out in #1. And I know I've been
bitten by his #2 a bunch of times, even if I haven't realized the
source of the problem until I read this thread. It's messy having to
use a lot of parenthesis just because some argument to a function
isn't the last one, and I've found myself wishing for a way to get rid
of them. I know I have at times refactored my function definitions,
switching their arguments around just to get the one that would need
the parenthesis to be the last one.

So I dug through some of my code, picking large modules at random. As
I said I use $ *a lot*, anywhere that I can get away with it. In the
first 10 modules I looked at, I found one (1) place where I would need
to change a $ to a . to make it work. So I went to look at a bigger
module, and in what is possibly my largest self-contained module (1800
loc including comments) I had 211 uses of $, and I would have had to
change 23 of them into . instead to make it work with a
left-associative version. All the ones where the left operand is just
a function (like return) will still work. All the ones that are
followed by a '\x - ...' will still work. All the ones followed by a
'do ...' will still work. On the other hand, I found 10 places where I
could immediately have gotten rid of some extra parentheses, and that
just by searching for uses of fmap in the code!

It should be said though that changing the associativity of $ doesn't
make all code nice and clean. Consider for instance

f (g (h x)) (k y)

We could change that into one of

f $ g (h x) $ k y
f (g $ h x) $ k y

but not get rid of the parenthesis altogether, i.e. uses of $ for
different applications won't mix. But with right-associative $, the
second one would be our only option, so at least we're no worse off
than before, and perhaps it could be argued we are better off (in this
kind of situation).

I think it is reasonable to look closely at the motivations for
wanting to retain the $ as is. Looking through this thread, I can find
only a single complaint raised (albeit an important one), namely
backwards compatibility. Yes, such a change would likely break quite a
few my modules. But like Cale, I would never have expected H' to be
fully backwards compatible with H98, and thus there would have to be
some way to migrate anyway. This one seems pretty simple, just let the
old Prelude be Haskell98.Prelude and import that in old code. Of
course changes that break backwards compatibility should not be made
frivolously, but I find it hard to buy having only that as an argument
for a change that otherwise seems highly reasonable.

We live in a beautiful statically typed world. If the proposed change
was such that existing code would still compile, but with a different
behavior, it would be really dangerous. That's clearly not the case
here, there's no way that code that uses $-chaining would still
compile if the associativity was changed, and any other use of $ would
still compile and work as before. The type checker is there to help
us, and it's literally a moment's work to clean up existing code to
meet these standards. (And it's even faster to import
Haskell98.Prelude if you're lazy).

So come on, give me an argument for why $ should be right-associative
instead of complaining about broken code (that I argue won't break
even half as bad as some of you would have it). Is there really no
reason at all why right-associative is to be preferred over
left-associative? And if there is, why don't we hear it? Are you truly
arguing this because you think there's 

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Aaron Denney
On 2008-04-23, Sittampalam, Ganesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There's plenty of code out there that doesn't have the benefit
 of a vigilant user community ready to spring into action. For
 example, Credit Suisse has several tens of thousands of lines of 
 code written by internal users who are not Haskell experts, and
 it would be rather hard to explain to them that they needed to 
 go through it all and fix it.

What makes them need to update to Haskell' instead of sticking with
Haskell '98?

Aaron Denney

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Dan Doel
On Wednesday 23 April 2008, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
 it's not refactoring! it's just adding more features - exception
 handler, progress indicator, memory pool and so on. actually, code
 blocks used as a sort of RAII for Haskell. are you wanna change all
 those ';' when you add new variable to your C++ code?

   bracketCtrlBreak (archiveReadFooter command arcname) (archiveClose.fst) $
 \(archive,footer) - do bad_crcs - withList $ \bad_crcs - do
   doChunks arcsize sector_size $ \bytes - do
 uiWithProgressIndicator command arcsize $ do
 handleCtrlBreak  (ignoreErrors$ fileRemove arcname_fixed) $ do
 bracketCtrlBreak (archiveCreateRW arcname_fixed) (archiveClose) $
 \new_archive - do withJIT (fileOpen = originalURL originalName arcname)
 fileClose $ \original' - do

 is just two examples from my code

For what it's worth, both of these examples require no change.

However, with left-associative ($), you're free to change them to (sorry for 
the additional lines, but my mail client breaks at 80 characters. I think 
they're still valid code):

bracketCtrlBreak $ archiveReadFooter command arcname
 $ archiveClose.fst
 $ \(archive,footer) - do
  bad_crcs - withList $ \bad_crcs - do
doChunks arcsize sector_size $ \bytes - do
  uiWithProgressIndicator command arcsize $ do

handleCtrlBreak $ ignoreErrors (fileRemove arcname_fixed) $ do
bracketCtrlBreak $ archiveCreateRW arcname_fixed $ archiveClosed 
 $ \new_archive - do
withJIT $ fileOpen = originalURL originalName arcname $ fileClose
$ \original' - do

Or, for a simpler example I discovered earlier, you can write:

catchError $ do return 1
throwError $ strError foo
   $ \e - return 2

Although I'm not sure how much better that is than the alternative:

do return 1
   throwError $ strError foo
\e - return 2

-- Dan
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Neil Mitchell

  I think it is reasonable to look closely at the motivations for
  wanting to retain the $ as is. Looking through this thread, I can find
  only a single complaint raised (albeit an important one), namely
  backwards compatibility. Yes, such a change would likely break quite a
  few my modules. But like Cale, I would never have expected H' to be
  fully backwards compatible with H98, and thus there would have to be
  some way to migrate anyway. This one seems pretty simple, just let the
  old Prelude be Haskell98.Prelude and import that in old code. Of
  course changes that break backwards compatibility should not be made
  frivolously, but I find it hard to buy having only that as an argument
  for a change that otherwise seems highly reasonable.

I don't want to have to do a brain mode-change between in a
Haskell98.Prelude module and in a Prelude module. I don't want to
copy code between modules and have it do different things.

We also should remember that a large number of academic papers are
written in Haskell, and unlike libraries, don't get update releases
made. This is not a minor tweak - it will break a massive number of

  ps. Though to be honest I really don't see why we don't simply add
  another operator instead of changing an existing one... :-)

(£) anyone?* This seems a massively more sensible idea.



* I appreciate that a lot of non-English users might find it a bit
difficult to hit this key!
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Cale Gibbard
2008/4/23 Neil Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  We also should remember that a large number of academic papers are
  written in Haskell, and unlike libraries, don't get update releases
  made. This is not a minor tweak - it will break a massive number of

How many research papers have you seen which use chained ($)
applications? I can't recall a single one.

 - Cale
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Don Stewart
   I think it is reasonable to look closely at the motivations for
   wanting to retain the $ as is. Looking through this thread, I can find
   only a single complaint raised (albeit an important one), namely
   backwards compatibility. Yes, such a change would likely break quite a
   few my modules. But like Cale, I would never have expected H' to be
   fully backwards compatible with H98, and thus there would have to be
   some way to migrate anyway. This one seems pretty simple, just let the
   old Prelude be Haskell98.Prelude and import that in old code. Of
   course changes that break backwards compatibility should not be made
   frivolously, but I find it hard to buy having only that as an argument
   for a change that otherwise seems highly reasonable.
 I don't want to have to do a brain mode-change between in a
 Haskell98.Prelude module and in a Prelude module. I don't want to
 copy code between modules and have it do different things.
 We also should remember that a large number of academic papers are
 written in Haskell, and unlike libraries, don't get update releases
 made. This is not a minor tweak - it will break a massive number of
   ps. Though to be honest I really don't see why we don't simply add
   another operator instead of changing an existing one... :-)
 (£) anyone?* This seems a massively more sensible idea.

I'm very suspicious about the power/weight ratio of this change.
Normally, for simple value-level stuff like this, provide both options:

mapM / forM. = =

So how about, rather than break things, just provide an alternative to ($).

-- Don
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Niklas Broberg
 I'm very suspicious about the power/weight ratio of this change.
  Normally, for simple value-level stuff like this, provide both options:

 mapM / forM. = =

  So how about, rather than break things, just provide an alternative to ($).

Alright, I'm not sure what the proper channel for doing this is, but I
reckon here is as good as anywhere. I would like to propose that the
Haskell' Prelude includes the function

f $$ x = f x

with the same fixity level as $ (presumably 0) but being left
associative instead. And that $ is left as is.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Sterling Clover
I think there are some very valid concerns about this proposal, but  
just to add a small datapoint -- the associativity of $ was somewhat  
painful and counterintuitive to me when I was first learning Haskell,  
and the associativity of $! doubly so.

Code breakage issues aside, this seems very much the right thing to  
do. Haskell will *necessarily evolve* in a backwards-incompatible way  
at some point, with the move from Functional Dependencies. And  
meanwhile, changes to things such as the ByteString API have been  
taking place and causing breakage now for some time (although  
hopefully we've seen about the last of that). So the bigger issue  
seems to be -- if not Haskell', then when, precisely should a number  
of other issues with the core libraries be addressed, or should we  
let some things stay set in stone, even while other compatibility- 
breaking changes occur all around them?


On Apr 23, 2008, at 4:42 PM, Niklas Broberg wrote:

When I first saw this thread, my gut response was Aw gawds no, don't
touch my $ !! I love $, I use it all the time, it really helps making
code more readable and more nicely structured. I would really hate for
someone to take that away from me.

So when I came across this:

This wouldn't work, you'd have to rewrite it as:

withSomeResource foo .
  withSomeOtherThing bar .
yetAnotherBlockStructured thing $ ...

it is very inconvenient - we should use either . or $ depending on
 that it's last block or not. imagine all the changes when editing  


... my initial response to it was yeah, Bulat is right, that's rather
inconsistent, and it would mean a lot of changes when editing (and
it's ugly too!).

But then I started questioning my own motives. What changes would that
be? Changing a . to a $ if I decided to remove the previous last piece
of the pipeline? Doesn't seem too hairy, and I have to do far worse
than that already when refactoring. Inconsistent? Doesn't it actually
make perfect sense that the actual application of the pipeline of
functions to some value is handled differently? Like Cale said,
wouldn't it actually be a Good Thing that we treated these things as
composition chains instead of application chains? And I could no
longer defend my own position, and so I started thinking for real.

Refactoring doesn't become harder with this suggestion - it becomes
easier in general, just as Dan points out in #1. And I know I've been
bitten by his #2 a bunch of times, even if I haven't realized the
source of the problem until I read this thread. It's messy having to
use a lot of parenthesis just because some argument to a function
isn't the last one, and I've found myself wishing for a way to get rid
of them. I know I have at times refactored my function definitions,
switching their arguments around just to get the one that would need
the parenthesis to be the last one.

So I dug through some of my code, picking large modules at random. As
I said I use $ *a lot*, anywhere that I can get away with it. In the
first 10 modules I looked at, I found one (1) place where I would need
to change a $ to a . to make it work. So I went to look at a bigger
module, and in what is possibly my largest self-contained module (1800
loc including comments) I had 211 uses of $, and I would have had to
change 23 of them into . instead to make it work with a
left-associative version. All the ones where the left operand is just
a function (like return) will still work. All the ones that are
followed by a '\x - ...' will still work. All the ones followed by a
'do ...' will still work. On the other hand, I found 10 places where I
could immediately have gotten rid of some extra parentheses, and that
just by searching for uses of fmap in the code!

It should be said though that changing the associativity of $ doesn't
make all code nice and clean. Consider for instance

f (g (h x)) (k y)

We could change that into one of

f $ g (h x) $ k y
f (g $ h x) $ k y

but not get rid of the parenthesis altogether, i.e. uses of $ for
different applications won't mix. But with right-associative $, the
second one would be our only option, so at least we're no worse off
than before, and perhaps it could be argued we are better off (in this
kind of situation).

I think it is reasonable to look closely at the motivations for
wanting to retain the $ as is. Looking through this thread, I can find
only a single complaint raised (albeit an important one), namely
backwards compatibility. Yes, such a change would likely break quite a
few my modules. But like Cale, I would never have expected H' to be
fully backwards compatible with H98, and thus there would have to be
some way to migrate anyway. This one seems pretty simple, just let the
old Prelude be Haskell98.Prelude and import that in old code. Of
course changes that break backwards compatibility should not be made
frivolously, but I find it hard to buy having only that as an argument
for a change that otherwise seems 

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Ian Lynagh
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 12:21:26AM +0200, Niklas Broberg wrote:
  I'm very suspicious about the power/weight ratio of this change.
   Normally, for simple value-level stuff like this, provide both options:
  mapM / forM. = =
   So how about, rather than break things, just provide an alternative to ($).
 Alright, I'm not sure what the proper channel for doing this is,

Please see

 f $$ x = f x

Note that this clashes with Text.PrettyPrint (which doesn't necessarily
mean it shouldn't be used anyway).


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Jason McCarty
Niklas Broberg wrote:
 It should be said though that changing the associativity of $ doesn't
 make all code nice and clean. Consider for instance
 f (g (h x)) (k y)
 We could change that into one of
 f $ g (h x) $ k y
 f (g $ h x) $ k y

If $ is left-associative, then

f (g (h x)) (k y) = (f . g . h $ x) (k y)
  = (f . g . h $ x) $ k y
  = f . g . h $ x $ k y

But perhaps composing a curried function this way is unintuitive.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread John Meacham
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 09:52:11AM -0700, Simon Marlow wrote:
 The problem with this is that

   f !x y

 would associate differently in an expression than it does on the left hand 
 side of an equation, where ! is the prefix bang-pattern operator. To make 
 this consistent we'd have to make ! a prefix operator in expressions, or 
 give it the same precedence as function application; both mean a new 

Hmm.. that is another possible solution to the ~ ! - thing, have ~ and !
be prefix operators in general. with ~ meaning 'negate' in expressions.
then parsing is the same everywhere.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Dan Weston

John Meacham wrote:

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 09:52:11AM -0700, Simon Marlow wrote:

The problem with this is that

  f !x y

would associate differently in an expression than it does on the left hand 
side of an equation, where ! is the prefix bang-pattern operator. To make 
this consistent we'd have to make ! a prefix operator in expressions, or 
give it the same precedence as function application; both mean a new 

Hmm.. that is another possible solution to the ~ ! - thing, have ~ and !
be prefix operators in general. with ~ meaning 'negate' in expressions.
then parsing is the same everywhere.

Do prefix operators bind more or less tightly than infix operators? 
Either way, one of the two expressions (~2^3) or (~y$z) will parse 
somewhat unintuitively.

I would expect these to mean ~(2^3) and (~y) $ z respectively.

Haskell-prime mailing list

RE: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Sittampalam, Ganesh
Aaron Denney wrote:

 On 2008-04-23, Sittampalam, Ganesh
  There's plenty of code out there that doesn't have the benefit of a 
  vigilant user community ready to spring into action. For example, 
  Credit Suisse has several tens of thousands of lines of code written

  by internal users who are not Haskell experts, and it would be
  hard to explain to them that they needed to go through it all and

 What makes them need to update to Haskell' instead of sticking with
Haskell '98?

(a) the fact that the code already uses several GHC extensions that will
be in Haskell' and we would like to be closer to standard code
(b) the expectation that at some point implementations will stop

Is there not a general expectation when a new language standard comes
out that
people will migrate to it (perhaps over time)?


Please access the attached hyperlink for an important electronic communications 

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Chris Smith
On Thu, 24 Apr 2008 01:43:36 +0100, Sittampalam, Ganesh wrote:
 Is there not a general expectation when a new language standard comes
 out that
 people will migrate to it (perhaps over time)?

I would hope so.  There's no chance that Haskell 98 would continue to be 
maintained with bug fixes and the like indefinitely into the future.  
It's a but futile, then, to suppose people can avoid Haskell' entirely 
for old code.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Lennart Augustsson:
I my opinion, anyone who suggest changing the associativity of $ is  
Or just hating every Haskell user.  Changing $ would make virtually  
every Haskell program uncompilable.

Just pick some other (Unicode?) operator, but leave $ alone.

I agree that the power/weight ratio for changing the associativity of  
$ is not convincing at all.[1]  Like the choice of (.) for function  
composition, it is something that Haskell will have to live with,  

Nevertheless, I think unicode for standard operators is also a no-go  
for Haskell'.  We discussed this on the committee list, and really,  
tool support for unicode is still very poor.  Even cut-copy-paste of  
unicode text between different apps on MacOS -which seems to support  
unicode comparatively well- often doesn't work.  Some applications,  
such as X11 for MacOS, don't seem to support unicode at all.  The  
situation on Linux is even worse.  Moreover, it is often difficult and  
definitely not uniform across platforms how to enter unicode characters.


[1] Don't get me wrong, I also stumbled over the associativity of $  
before and I agree that it should be different.  I just don't think  
the gain is worth the hassle.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-23 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Sittampalam, Ganesh:

Aaron Denney wrote:

On 2008-04-23, Sittampalam, Ganesh


There's plenty of code out there that doesn't have the benefit of a
vigilant user community ready to spring into action. For example,
Credit Suisse has several tens of thousands of lines of code written

by internal users who are not Haskell experts, and it would be


hard to explain to them that they needed to go through it all and



What makes them need to update to Haskell' instead of sticking with

Haskell '98?

(a) the fact that the code already uses several GHC extensions that  

be in Haskell' and we would like to be closer to standard code
(b) the expectation that at some point implementations will stop

Care for legacy code is important, but H' will have to break backwards  
compatibility in some places.  And especially where you already rely  
on GHC extensions, you can't really expect that H' will adopt features  
that have been available as GHC extensions in exactly the form that  
they were implemented in GHC.

We should be careful about where we break existing code, and we should  
try to support automatic translation of H98 to H' code, but any  
changes that we do not make now will become even more difficult in the  
future when there is even more Haskell code.  Look at what is  
happening now already, industrial users applying pressure on the  
committee to not change the language too much for the sake of legacy  
code.  A clear indication that anything we don't change now, we will  
have to live with forever.

Hence, anything that is *important* to change, we should change now.   
We should mitigate the pain by having a H98 to H' translator and  
Haskell compilers will surely support a Haskell98 compatibility mode  
as long as there are enough users interested in such a feature.  (This  
is not unlike the transition from KR C to ANSI C.)


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-22 Thread Don Stewart
 Chris Smith wrote:
 On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 15:53:39 -0700, Simon Marlow wrote:
 Tue Apr 22 15:53:31 PDT 2008  Simon Marlow
   * add Make $ left associative, like application
 Is there a justification for this somewhere?
 I'm hoping someone will supply some.  There seemed to be strong opinion 
 on #haskell that this change should be made, but it might just have been 
 a very vocal minority.

It's just Cale. 
-- Don
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-22 Thread Simon Marlow

Chris Smith wrote:

On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 15:53:39 -0700, Simon Marlow wrote:

Tue Apr 22 15:53:31 PDT 2008  Simon Marlow
  * add Make $ left associative, like application

Is there a justification for this somewhere?

I'm hoping someone will supply some.  There seemed to be strong opinion 
on #haskell that this change should be made, but it might just have been 
a very vocal minority.

I know it would break 
nearly every single piece of Haskell code I've ever written.  As such, 
I'm biased toward thinking it's an extremely bad idea.

Absolutely.  Given that, we'd need a *very* good reason to make the change.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-22 Thread Dan Doel
On Tuesday 22 April 2008, Simon Marlow wrote:
 I'm hoping someone will supply some.  There seemed to be strong opinion
 on #haskell that this change should be made, but it might just have been
 a very vocal minority.

These are the arguments off the top of my head:

1) Anything of the form:

f $ g $ h $ x

with right associative ($) can instead be written:

f . g . h $ x

where the associativity of ($) doesn't matter. It's not uncommon to want to 
peel off the end of such a pipeline to eliminate a point. For the second 
form, such a translation is:

\x - f . g . h $ x == f . g . h


\x - f $ g $ h $ x == f $ g $ h

Is invalid, so one might argue that writing such pipelines with composition is 
a better habit to get into, as it allows easier cleanup of code in this way 
(if you like somewhat point-free code, that is).

2) Left associative ($) allows you to eliminate more parentheses. Per #1, any 
parentheses eliminated by right associative ($) can be eliminated by (.) and 
a single ($). However, left associative ($) allows, for instance:

f (g x) (h y) == f $ g x $ h y

3) Left associative ($) is consistent with left associative ($!). The right 
associative version of the latter is inconvenient, because it only allows 
things to be (easily) strictly applied to the last argument of a function. 
Needing to strictly apply to other arguments gives rise to things like:

   (f $! x) y z
   ((f $! x) $! y) $! z

Left associative, these are:

   f $! x $ y $ z
   f $! x $! y $! z

There may be more arguments, but those are the ones I've heard that I can 
think of at the moment. #3 strikes me as the most likely to bite people (the 
other two are more stylistic issues), but I suppose I don't know the relative 
frequency of strict pipelines (f $! g $! x) versus strict applications at 
non-final arguments.

And I suppose one has to weigh these arguments against breaking lots of code.

-- Dan
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add Make $ left associative, like application

2008-04-22 Thread Aaron Denney
On 2008-04-22, Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chris Smith wrote:
 I know it would break 
 nearly every single piece of Haskell code I've ever written.  As such, 
 I'm biased toward thinking it's an extremely bad idea.

 Absolutely.  Given that, we'd need a *very* good reason to make the change.

Surely we don't expect the majority of Haskell code to work unchanged as
Haskell' code?

Aaron Denney

Haskell-prime mailing list