Re: String != [Char]

2012-04-01 Thread Greg Weber
I am starting up the proposal.

Unfortunately I haven't had any time to work on this for the last week
and won't for 2 more weeks.
Your help is appreciated. I think the first step is to move list
functions into a separate module for the Text package to see if we can
get rid of name conflicts with the Prelude.

On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 11:49 PM, Colin Paul Adams
>> "Gabriel" == Gabriel Dos Reis  writes:
>    Gabriel> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 5:08 AM, Christian Siefkes
>    Gabriel> It is not the precision of Char or char that is the issue
>    Gabriel> here.  It has been clarified at several points that Char is
>    Gabriel> not a Unicode character, but a Unicode code point.
> That's not what the standard says:
> 6.1.2 Characters and Strings
> The character type Char is an enumeration whose values represent Unicode
> characters [2].
> [2]   Unicode Consortium. Unicode
> standard.
> --
> Colin Adams
> Preston Lancashire
> ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
> /\   - against proprietary attachments
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-31 Thread Colin Paul Adams
> "Gabriel" == Gabriel Dos Reis  writes:

Gabriel> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 5:08 AM, Christian Siefkes

Gabriel> It is not the precision of Char or char that is the issue
Gabriel> here.  It has been clarified at several points that Char is
Gabriel> not a Unicode character, but a Unicode code point. 

That's not what the standard says:

6.1.2 Characters and Strings

The character type Char is an enumeration whose values represent Unicode
characters [2]. 

[2]   Unicode Consortium. Unicode

Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\   - against proprietary attachments

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-27 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Ben Millwood wrote:
> No-one's yet argued against OverloadedStrings. I think there /is/ an
> argument to be made, that it introduces ambiguity and could break
> existing programs (probably we can extend defaulting to take care of
> this, but I think there are people who'd be happier if we killed
> defaulting too).

For the record, I have a more fundamental objection to
OverloadedStrings. When library authors write partial functions
for the fromString method - and we see in practice that
they do so - it creates the shocking situation in which
invalid syntax of a literal is only caught at run time.

Instead, Haskell' should provide a pragma, or other
syntactic mechanism, by which compilers can allow
specific types other than String for string literals at
*compile* time in a monomorphic context. The
implementation of that syntax would be compiler
dependent, of course. For GHC, Template Haskell
could help. Another approach would be for a
compiler to have a built-in way of embedding, say,
Text literals directly in object code.

For people who like OverloadedStrings despite this
problem, it could be available via a pragma. But
never by default - it should be possible to get
fundamental string types like Text and ByteString
for string literals without having to turn on
OverloadedStrings. In GHC, quasi-quoters are the
right way to provide convenient user-defined syntax
for string-like types other than the canonical
string types.

Theoretically, polymorphism for numeric literals
is just as bad. But in practice, it seems to be much
more rare for people to implement fromIntegral
and fromRational with dangerous functions.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Evan Laforge
> No-one's yet argued against OverloadedStrings. I think there /is/ an
> argument to be made, that it introduces ambiguity and could break
> existing programs (probably we can extend defaulting to take care of

Definitely, I have ones that would need some :: sprinkled in.

> this, but I think there are people who'd be happier if we killed
> defaulting too). Too much polymorphism /can/ be a bad thing. But I

Also me :)  I'd like that 'default' keyword back too, it's too useful
for variables names to waste on something so obscure.

That said, I like OverloadedStrings.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Edward Kmett
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Ben Millwood wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 6:21 PM, Brandon Allbery 
> wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 13:12, Ian Lynagh  wrote:
> >>
> >> Maybe your point is that neither "take" function should be used with
> >> unicode strings, but I don't see how advocating the Text type is going
> >> to help with that.
> >
> >
> > I think we established earlier that the list-like operations on Text are
> a
> > backward compatibility wart.  Either they should go away, or they should
> be
> > modified to operate on some other level than codepoints.  Probably the
> way
> > the ecosystem should work is that [Char] (or possibly a packed version
> > thereof, sort of like lazy ByteStrings with Word32 instead of Word8 as
> the
> > fundamental unit) is the codepoint view and Text is the grapheme view;
> both
> > are necessary at various times, but the grapheme view is the more natural
> > one for text /per se/.
> >
> Does this mean we've firmly established that there currently is *no*
> completely satisfactory method of dealing with Unicode in existence
> today? In that case, even if it /will be/ a good idea one day, can't
> we agree that it's not the right time to deprecate String = [Char]?
> The language has a good history, I understand, of not standardising
> that which is not implemented and in common use, so if we'd like to
> change Text before introducing it to the language, I say let's do that
> separately.

Agreed. Haskell-prime has in the past gone out of its way not to
standardize anything that hasn't actually been implemented somewhere.

> No-one's yet argued against OverloadedStrings. I think there /is/ an
> argument to be made, that it introduces ambiguity and could break
> existing programs (probably we can extend defaulting to take care of
> this, but I think there are people who'd be happier if we killed
> defaulting too). Too much polymorphism /can/ be a bad thing. But I
> think there's a serious chance we can make that happen, and make Text
> a bit more pleasant to work with.

I would agree that OverloadedStrings definitely needs to work with
defaulting better! I've been bitted by this in my own code.

In the past I have longed for a trivial class

class Defaulting a

which merely served to meet the conditions for extended default from

> *All* of the classes Ci are single-parameter type classes.
> At least one of the classes Ci is numeric, *or is Show, Eq, or Ord*.

by adding Defaulting to the list of extra classes the language permits.

In the special case of ghc where we have polymorphic kinds now, the
Defaulting class could allow for defaulting  rules to then be applied
trivially for higher kinds, and when you have new classes you really want
defaulting to apply, like in this case IsString, you could just add
Defaulting as a superclass constraint.

A passing thought: nearly anything can be made an instance of
> IsString, via something read-like. This prospect upsets me a little :)
> Maybe it would make sense to introduce additional methods, as in Num,
> to make sure that some sense is maintained (perhaps toString?)

I don't like the idea of adding a toString to IsString. One of the more
compelling usecases is in DSLs.

Just because I can make an

instance IsString Expr where
  fromString = StringLiteral

to get a syntaxless embedding of string literals into my language for some
expression type, doesn't mean that every expression is a string literal.

Ultimately, abuses of IsString for parsing should probably just be treated
with the same general distaste as the use of Show instances that don't show
source representations.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Ben Millwood
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 6:21 PM, Brandon Allbery  wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 13:12, Ian Lynagh  wrote:
>> Maybe your point is that neither "take" function should be used with
>> unicode strings, but I don't see how advocating the Text type is going
>> to help with that.
> I think we established earlier that the list-like operations on Text are a
> backward compatibility wart.  Either they should go away, or they should be
> modified to operate on some other level than codepoints.  Probably the way
> the ecosystem should work is that [Char] (or possibly a packed version
> thereof, sort of like lazy ByteStrings with Word32 instead of Word8 as the
> fundamental unit) is the codepoint view and Text is the grapheme view; both
> are necessary at various times, but the grapheme view is the more natural
> one for text /per se/.

Does this mean we've firmly established that there currently is *no*
completely satisfactory method of dealing with Unicode in existence
today? In that case, even if it /will be/ a good idea one day, can't
we agree that it's not the right time to deprecate String = [Char]?
The language has a good history, I understand, of not standardising
that which is not implemented and in common use, so if we'd like to
change Text before introducing it to the language, I say let's do that

No-one's yet argued against OverloadedStrings. I think there /is/ an
argument to be made, that it introduces ambiguity and could break
existing programs (probably we can extend defaulting to take care of
this, but I think there are people who'd be happier if we killed
defaulting too). Too much polymorphism /can/ be a bad thing. But I
think there's a serious chance we can make that happen, and make Text
a bit more pleasant to work with.

A passing thought: nearly anything can be made an instance of
IsString, via something read-like. This prospect upsets me a little :)
Maybe it would make sense to introduce additional methods, as in Num,
to make sure that some sense is maintained (perhaps toString?)

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread David Menendez
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Christian Siefkes
> On 03/26/2012 06:58 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:42 AM, Christian Siefkes
>>  wrote:
>>> On 03/26/2012 05:50 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:
 Normalization isn't quite enough unfortunately, as it does solve e.g.

     upcase = map toUppper

 You need all-at-once functions on strings (which we could add.) I'm
 just pointing out that most (all?) list functions do the wrong thing
 when used on Strings.
>>> Hm, do you have any other examples besides toUpper/toLower?
>> length, cons, head, tail, filter, folds, anything that works on an
>> element-by-element basis.
> Hm, but aren't these all matters of Unicode normalization? Your argument
> seems to go in circles, since above you wrote: "Normalization isn't quite
> enough unfortunately".

Unicode contains a set of precomposed characters, like ö, that can be
normalized to a single code point, but this is not true of every
combination of characters.

Prelude> "ā́"

As far as I know, there is no representation of ā́ which uses a single
code point.

Dave Menendez 

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Christian Siefkes

> Also, that example is not really an argument against using list functions on
> strings (which, by any reasonable definition, seem to be "sequences of
> characters" -- whether that sequence is represented as a list, an array, or
> something else, seems more like an implementation detail to me).

The correctness problems isn't that a list is used to represent a sequence.
The problem is that that representational detail (and I agree with you
it is an implementation of sequence) is made part of the API on strings.

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Greg Weber
Can the unicode experts here propose a Text API whose functions work
for all Unicode (start by removing list functions)? If there is such a
satisfactory API and it does not conflict with the Prelude we could
use it unqualified.

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Johan Tibell  wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Ian Lynagh  wrote:
>> I am very unicode-ignorant, so apologies if I have misunderstood
>> something, but doesn't Text do the same thing?
>> Prelude T> import Data.Text.IO as T
>> Prelude T T> T.putStrLn (T.take 5 (T.pack "Fro\x0308hßen"))
>> Fröh
>> Maybe your point is that neither "take" function should be used with
>> unicode strings, but I don't see how advocating the Text type is going
>> to help with that.
> We already covered this. Text inherited a list-based API, even if that
> sometimes doesn't make sense.
> To work with Unicode you need more specific functions for different
> tasks. Text only implements a few so far, like case conversion and
> case-less comparison, and asks you to use text-icu for the rest.
> -- Johan
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 13:12, Ian Lynagh  wrote:

> Maybe your point is that neither "take" function should be used with
> unicode strings, but I don't see how advocating the Text type is going
> to help with that.

I think we established earlier that the list-like operations on Text are a
backward compatibility wart.  Either they should go away, or they should be
modified to operate on some other level than codepoints.  Probably the way
the ecosystem should work is that [Char] (or possibly a packed version
thereof, sort of like lazy ByteStrings with Word32 instead of Word8 as the
fundamental unit) is the codepoint view and Text is the grapheme view; both
are necessary at various times, but the grapheme view is the more natural
one for text /per se/.

brandon s allbery
wandering unix systems administrator (available) (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 13:12, Ian Lynagh  wrote:

> Maybe your point is that neither "take" function should be used with
> unicode strings, but I don't see how advocating the Text type is going
> to help with that.

I think we established earlier that the list-like operations on Text are a
backward compatibility wart.  Either they should go away, or they should be
modified to operate on some other level than codepoints.  Probably the way
the ecosystem should work is that [Char] (or possibly a packed version
thereof, sort of like lazy ByteStrings with Word32 instead of Word8 as the
fundamental unit) is the codepoint view and Text is the grapheme view; both
are necessary at various times, but the grapheme view is the more natural
one for text /per se/.

brandon s allbery
wandering unix systems administrator (available) (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Ian Lynagh  wrote:
> I am very unicode-ignorant, so apologies if I have misunderstood
> something, but doesn't Text do the same thing?
> Prelude T> import Data.Text.IO as T
> Prelude T T> T.putStrLn (T.take 5 (T.pack "Fro\x0308hßen"))
> Fröh
> Maybe your point is that neither "take" function should be used with
> unicode strings, but I don't see how advocating the Text type is going
> to help with that.

We already covered this. Text inherited a list-based API, even if that
sometimes doesn't make sense.

To work with Unicode you need more specific functions for different
tasks. Text only implements a few so far, like case conversion and
case-less comparison, and asks you to use text-icu for the rest.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Henrik Nilsson  wrote:
> So, is the argument to deprecate Char, then? As long as Haskell
> allows Chars to be handled in isolation, it would seem impossible
> to prevent naive users from accidentally stumbling over the
> complexities of Unicode?

I haven't proposed anything at all. Someone asked why one should
prefer Text to String. I showed that the former is more correct (given
the currently available APIs) and much faster.

> There are canonical equivalence and compatibility, and each
> has two normal forms (fully composed and fully decomposed),
> and "each of these four normal forms can be used in text processing".
> As an example of the difference between "equivalent" and "compatible",
> the ligature "ff" is "compatible - but not canonically equivalent"
> to a sequence of two characters latin "f", meaning they "may be treated the
> same way in some applications (such as sorting and indexing), but not in
> others; and may be substituted for each other in some situations, but not in
> others".
> Is it realistic to think that if only Haskell used Text and not
> String = [Char], a naive user/beginner would be able to write
> correct code for all manner of text processing tasks without
> needing to understand a great deal about Unicode?
> I'm sorry, but I'm rather sceptical.

Why? We can hide most of these details behind the Text API. We can
pick which encoding and normal form is used internally and then have
the externally provided API for e.g. sorting do the right thing.

> So I reiterate that I see little if any gain, be it in terms of making
> life simpler for beginners, making Haskell more "multi cultural", or
> giving Haskell applications in general a performance boost, in
> deprecating String = [Char] and mandating the use of Text.
> But the costs would be massive.

I agree and thus I don't propose we do something like that.

The way this will go down is that part of the Prelude and other base
modules will eventually be replaced by more modern packages (e.g. see
system-fileio) and the use of String will decline. Unfortunately it's
a bit of a painful transition as today we need to convert back and
forth between the two string types quite a lot.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Christian Siefkes
On 03/26/2012 06:58 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:42 AM, Christian Siefkes
>  wrote:
>> On 03/26/2012 05:50 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:
>>> Normalization isn't quite enough unfortunately, as it does solve e.g.
>>> upcase = map toUppper
>>> You need all-at-once functions on strings (which we could add.) I'm
>>> just pointing out that most (all?) list functions do the wrong thing
>>> when used on Strings.
>> Hm, do you have any other examples besides toUpper/toLower?
> length, cons, head, tail, filter, folds, anything that works on an
> element-by-element basis.

Hm, but aren't these all matters of Unicode normalization? Your argument
seems to go in circles, since above you wrote: "Normalization isn't quite
enough unfortunately".

> I agree on the second part. As someone pointed out earlier, we should
> be careful in using the word character as the Unicode code point
> doesn't correspond well to the commonly used concept of a character.

Indeed, as Thomas pointed out, the term "Unicode character" is not
well-defined, hence we should prefer the term "Unicode code point" which
seems to come closest. What else should length return, if not the number of
code points in a string (possibly after normalization)? What else should
head or take x return, if not the first (x) code point(s) of a string
(possibly after normalization)?

Best regards

|--- Dr. Christian Siefkes --- ---
| Homepage: | Blog:
|Peer Production Everywhere:
|-- OpenPGP Key ID: 0x346452D8 --
What everybody echoes or in silence passes by as true today
may turn out to be falsehood tomorrow.
-- Henry D. Thoreau, Walden

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 06:08, Christian Siefkes wrote:

> On 03/26/2012 02:39 AM, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
> > True, but should the language definition default to a string type
> > that is one the most unsuited for text processing in the 21st
> > century where global multilingualism abounds?  Even C has qualms
> > about that.
> ...
> > I have no doubt believing that if all texts my students have to
> > process are US ASCII, [Char] is more than sufficient.  So, I have
> > sympathy for your position.  However,  I doubt [Char] would be
> > adequate if I ask them to shared texts from their diverse cultures.
> Uh, while a C char is (usually) just a byte (2^8 bits of information, like
> Word8 in Haskell), a Haskell Char is a Unicode character (2^21 bits of
> information). A single C char cannot contain arbitrary Unicode character,
> while a Haskell Char can, and does. Hence [Char] is (efficiency issues
> aside) perfectly adequate for dealing with texts written in arbitrary
> languages.
> long as you ignore combining characters and the like.  I claim
ignoring them in this way is just continuing the same "good enough for my
language" attitude that has plagued text handling ever since someone got
the notion that maybe text processing should consider more than just ISO
8859/1 and got roundly pooh-poohed by the community.

brandon s allbery
wandering unix systems administrator (available) (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Ian Lynagh
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 08:20:45AM -0700, Johan Tibell wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:48 AM, Malcolm Wallace  
> wrote:
> >> In the region of this side of the Atlantic Ocean where I teach, the
> >> student population is very diverse
> >
> > Prelude> putStrLn (take 5 "Fröhßen")
> > Fröhß
> ghci> putStrLn "Fro\x0308hßen"
> Fröhßen
> ghci> putStrLn (take 5 "Fro\x0308hßen")
> Fröh
> Your example works because your input happens to be in a normal form.

I am very unicode-ignorant, so apologies if I have misunderstood
something, but doesn't Text do the same thing?

Prelude T> import Data.Text.IO as T
Prelude T T> T.putStrLn (T.take 5 (T.pack "Fro\x0308hßen"))

Maybe your point is that neither "take" function should be used with
unicode strings, but I don't see how advocating the Text type is going
to help with that.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:42 AM, Christian Siefkes
> On 03/26/2012 05:50 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:
>> Normalization isn't quite enough unfortunately, as it does solve e.g.
>>     upcase = map toUppper
>> You need all-at-once functions on strings (which we could add.) I'm
>> just pointing out that most (all?) list functions do the wrong thing
>> when used on Strings.
> Hm, do you have any other examples besides toUpper/toLower?

length, cons, head, tail, filter, folds, anything that works on an
element-by-element basis.

> Also, that example is not really an argument against using list functions on
> strings (which, by any reasonable definition, seem to be "sequences of
> characters" -- whether that sequence is represented as a list, an array, or
> something else, seems more like an implementation detail to me).

I agree on the second part. As someone pointed out earlier, we should
be careful in using the word character as the Unicode code point
doesn't correspond well to the commonly used concept of a character.
What we have today is really:

type String = [CodePoint]

What you would normally think of as a character might consists of
several code points.

> Rather, it
> indicates the fact that Char.toUpper may have to wrong type. If its type was
> Char -> String instead of Char -> Char, it could handle things like toUppper
> 'ß' == "SS" correctly. Then stuff like
>        upcase = concatMap toUppper
> would work fine.


> As it is, the problem seems to be with Char, not with [Char].

[Char] is a semantically OK representation of a Unicode string, using
an array like text does is simply an optimization. However, using the
list function defined by the Prelude is not a good idea if you want to
process a Unicode string correctly.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi all,

Johan Tibell wrote:

> Normalization isn't quite enough unfortunately, as it does solve e.g.
>upcase = map toUppper
> You need all-at-once functions on strings (which we could add.) I'm
> just pointing out that most (all?) list functions do the wrong thing
> when used on Strings.

So, is the argument to deprecate Char, then? As long as Haskell
allows Chars to be handled in isolation, it would seem impossible
to prevent naive users from accidentally stumbling over the
complexities of Unicode?

And, to be honest, even with a well thought-out Text API, I don't
think it is going to be possible to hide the complexities of
Unicode. For example, just take a quick look at

There are canonical equivalence and compatibility, and each
has two normal forms (fully composed and fully decomposed),
and "each of these four normal forms can be used in text processing".

As an example of the difference between "equivalent" and "compatible",
the ligature "ff" is "compatible - but not canonically equivalent"
to a sequence of two characters latin "f", meaning they "may be treated 
the same way in some applications (such as sorting and indexing), but 
not in others; and may be substituted for each other in some situations, 
but not in others".

Is it realistic to think that if only Haskell used Text and not
String = [Char], a naive user/beginner would be able to write
correct code for all manner of text processing tasks without
needing to understand a great deal about Unicode?

I'm sorry, but I'm rather sceptical.

So I reiterate that I see little if any gain, be it in terms of making
life simpler for beginners, making Haskell more "multi cultural", or
giving Haskell applications in general a performance boost, in
deprecating String = [Char] and mandating the use of Text.
But the costs would be massive.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Christian Siefkes
On 03/26/2012 05:50 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:
> Normalization isn't quite enough unfortunately, as it does solve e.g.
> upcase = map toUppper
> You need all-at-once functions on strings (which we could add.) I'm
> just pointing out that most (all?) list functions do the wrong thing
> when used on Strings.

Hm, do you have any other examples besides toUpper/toLower?

Also, that example is not really an argument against using list functions on
strings (which, by any reasonable definition, seem to be "sequences of
characters" -- whether that sequence is represented as a list, an array, or
something else, seems more like an implementation detail to me). Rather, it
indicates the fact that Char.toUpper may have to wrong type. If its type was
Char -> String instead of Char -> Char, it could handle things like toUppper
'ß' == "SS" correctly. Then stuff like

upcase = concatMap toUppper

would work fine.

As it is, the problem seems to be with Char, not with [Char].

Best regards

|--- Dr. Christian Siefkes --- ---
| Homepage: | Blog:
|Peer Production Everywhere:
|-- OpenPGP Key ID: 0x346452D8 --
Failure is just success rounded down.
-- Ryan North

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Malcolm Wallace  wrote:
> Yes indeed.  And I think it would be perfectly reasonable for the String (= 
> [Char]) API to have a function "normalise :: String -> String" which would 
> let the user deal with this issue as they see fit.  After all, if you are 
> aware of the difference between combining characters and normalised 
> characters, then you will want to make your own decision about what semantics 
> you want from operations like "take".

Normalization isn't quite enough unfortunately, as it does solve e.g.

upcase = map toUppper

You need all-at-once functions on strings (which we could add.) I'm
just pointing out that most (all?) list functions do the wrong thing
when used on Strings.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Malcolm Wallace

On 26 Mar 2012, at 16:20, Johan Tibell wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:48 AM, Malcolm Wallace  
> wrote:
>>> In the region of this side of the Atlantic Ocean where I teach, the
>>> student population is very diverse
>> Prelude> putStrLn (take 5 "Fröhßen")
>> Fröhß
> ghci> putStrLn "Fro\x0308hßen"
> Fröhßen
> ghci> putStrLn (take 5 "Fro\x0308hßen")
> Fröh
> Your example works because your input happens to be in a normal form.

Yes indeed.  And I think it would be perfectly reasonable for the String (= 
[Char]) API to have a function "normalise :: String -> String" which would let 
the user deal with this issue as they see fit.  After all, if you are aware of 
the difference between combining characters and normalised characters, then you 
will want to make your own decision about what semantics you want from 
operations like "take".

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:48 AM, Malcolm Wallace  wrote:
>> In the region of this side of the Atlantic Ocean where I teach, the
>> student population is very diverse
> Prelude> putStrLn (take 5 "Fröhßen")
> Fröhß

ghci> putStrLn "Fro\x0308hßen"
ghci> putStrLn (take 5 "Fro\x0308hßen")

Your example works because your input happens to be in a normal form.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Greg Weber
>> I would like to get back to working on the proposal and determining
>> how Text can be added to the language.
> The discussion started because of the question of whether Text should
> support list processing functions at all, and if so how.  That is a
> very legitimate
> question related to the Text proposal, at least if you are concerned about
> correct semantics.  Once you are there, the discussion about Unicode
> characters is unavoidable, and is very much within the scope of discussing
> Text.

Can we take a break from arguing then, and can you create a wiki page
that explains how you think Text should behave? This conversation is
getting extremely long and repetitive.

Can someone please show me how to create a wiki page on the Haskell
proposals site (or suggest a different appropriate site)?

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Malcolm Wallace

On 26 Mar 2012, at 15:30, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:

> The Haskell Report claims very prominently that it uses the Unicode
> character set.  The question is whether it should be using it correctly
> at all, and if so should it even try to pretend that its default string type
> use those characters correctly.

> In the region of this side of the Atlantic Ocean where I teach, the
> student population is very diverse

Prelude> putStrLn (take 5 "Fröhßen")
Prelude> putStrLn "фхцчшщъыьэюя"
Prelude> putStrLn "देवनागरी"
Prelude> putStrLn "아햇글"
Prelude> putStrLn (take 2 "아햇글")

Whilst there are some places that things do not work out fully correctly - 
several such warts have been mentioned already in this thread - on the whole, I 
think Haskell's [Char] is fundamentally not as culturally restrictive as you 
make out.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:21 AM, Greg Weber  wrote:
> Can anyone explain how the tangent discussion of the finer points of
> Unicode and the value of teaching [Char] is relevant to the proposal
> under discussion? We aren't going to completely eliminate String and
> break most existing Haskell code as Simon said. String is just a list
> anyways, and lists are here to stay in Haskell.
> I would like to get back to working on the proposal and determining
> how Text can be added to the language.

The discussion started because of the question of whether Text should
support list processing functions at all, and if so how.  That is a
very legitimate
question related to the Text proposal, at least if you are concerned about
correct semantics.  Once you are there, the discussion about Unicode
characters is unavoidable, and is very much within the scope of discussing

I may have missed the proposal to eliminate list from Haskell, though.

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 8:35 AM, Gábor Lehel  wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 5:19 AM, Greg Weber  wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis
>>  wrote:
>>> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 9:09 PM, Greg Weber  wrote:
>>>> Problem: we want to write beautiful (and possibly inefficient) code
>>>> that is easy to explain. If nothing else, this is pedagologically
>>>> important.
>>>> The goals of this code are to:
>>>>  * use list processing pattern matching and functions on a string type
>>> I may have missed this question so I will ask it (apologies if it is a
>>> repeat):  Why is it believed that list processing pattern matching is
>>> appropriate or the right tool for text processing?
>> Nobody said it is the right tool for text processing. In fact, I think
>> we all agreed it is the wrong tool for many cases. But it is easy for
>> students to understand since they are already being taught to use
>> lists for everything else.  It would be great if you can talk with
>> teachers of Haskell and figure out a better way to teach text
>> processing.
> I think a helpful question might be whether [Char] is mainly used to
> teach about lists, or whether it's mainly used to teach about how to
> do Unicode text processing correctly. If it's mainly used to teach
> about lists, pattern matching, etc., as I suspect, then the fine
> details of Unicode don't matter so much, you could even work with
> ASCII-only strings and it would work equally well for teaching about
> lists.

I agree that if the purpose is to teach list and list pattern matching,
it does not matter much what the element type is as long as it follows
reasonable constraints.  However, as someone observed earlier, the
Haskell Report is not a vehicle to prescribe how Haskell should be
taught or for what reasons Haskell should be taught.  That argument,
while it was made to support String = [Char] for pedagogical purposes,
is in fact a good argument against.

>  How to do Unicode text processing correctly is a topic that
> seems like it would become important much later, when someone's going
> to write code that's meant to be used in a production environment.
> Most students in an introductory university course probably don't get
> close to that point. If you do want to teach about how to do Unicode
> text processing correctly (which, for the record, is an important
> issue irrespective of which programming language you're using) then
> presumably you want to teach about Text, but hopefully your students
> will be more advanced by then and it won't be so much of a problem.

The Haskell Report claims very prominently that it uses the Unicode
character set.  The question is whether it should be using it correctly
at all, and if so should it even try to pretend that its default string type
use those characters correctly.

I do not subscribe to the notion that simple correct text processing
is something
students would have to learn only in "advanced" classes dedicated to
Unicode.  In the region of this side of the Atlantic Ocean where I teach, the
student population is very diverse and I do think it would responsible to stand
in front of students and say:
 You are all welcome; this class is open to all cultures and we
are committed
  to diversity and equal opportunity.  However, for the purpose of
simplicity and
  pedagogy, we would refrain from looking at texts from this and
other students.
  If you are really interested, you should take an advanced class.
 I hope you
  enjoy the class.

Furthermore, I am not convinced it is a good strategy to try hard to reflect
the notion that text processing is hard, either in the language or in
its presentation
(e.g. it is advanced topic, you need to be advanced before we talk about it.)

> I'm not really sure what that recommends in terms of policy. Mainly
> what you need is "it should be possible to work with lists of
> characters" and "it should be possible to work with Text", which we
> more-or-less have already. The important bits seem to be
> OverloadedStrings and ideally some way to avoid a pervasive API bias
> towards the wrong type (the tradeoffs there are probably more tricky).
> (So... basically what Simon M. said.)

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Greg Weber
Can anyone explain how the tangent discussion of the finer points of
Unicode and the value of teaching [Char] is relevant to the proposal
under discussion? We aren't going to completely eliminate String and
break most existing Haskell code as Simon said. String is just a list
anyways, and lists are here to stay in Haskell.

I would like to get back to working on the proposal and determining
how Text can be added to the language.

Thank you,
Greg weber

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Gábor Lehel
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 5:19 AM, Greg Weber  wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis
>  wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 9:09 PM, Greg Weber  wrote:
>>> Problem: we want to write beautiful (and possibly inefficient) code
>>> that is easy to explain. If nothing else, this is pedagologically
>>> important.
>>> The goals of this code are to:
>>>  * use list processing pattern matching and functions on a string type
>> I may have missed this question so I will ask it (apologies if it is a
>> repeat):  Why is it believed that list processing pattern matching is
>> appropriate or the right tool for text processing?
> Nobody said it is the right tool for text processing. In fact, I think
> we all agreed it is the wrong tool for many cases. But it is easy for
> students to understand since they are already being taught to use
> lists for everything else.  It would be great if you can talk with
> teachers of Haskell and figure out a better way to teach text
> processing.

I think a helpful question might be whether [Char] is mainly used to
teach about lists, or whether it's mainly used to teach about how to
do Unicode text processing correctly. If it's mainly used to teach
about lists, pattern matching, etc., as I suspect, then the fine
details of Unicode don't matter so much, you could even work with
ASCII-only strings and it would work equally well for teaching about
lists. How to do Unicode text processing correctly is a topic that
seems like it would become important much later, when someone's going
to write code that's meant to be used in a production environment.
Most students in an introductory university course probably don't get
close to that point. If you do want to teach about how to do Unicode
text processing correctly (which, for the record, is an important
issue irrespective of which programming language you're using) then
presumably you want to teach about Text, but hopefully your students
will be more advanced by then and it won't be so much of a problem.

I'm not really sure what that recommends in terms of policy. Mainly
what you need is "it should be possible to work with lists of
characters" and "it should be possible to work with Text", which we
more-or-less have already. The important bits seem to be
OverloadedStrings and ideally some way to avoid a pervasive API bias
towards the wrong type (the tradeoffs there are probably more tricky).
(So... basically what Simon M. said.)

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:29 AM, Christian Siefkes
> On 03/26/2012 01:26 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
>> It is not the precision of Char or char that is the issue here.
>> It has been clarified at several points that Char is not a Unicode character,
>> but a Unicode code point.  Not every Unicode code point represents a
>> Unicode code character, and not every sequence of Unicode code points
>> represents a character or a sequence of Unicode character.
> What do you mean? Every Unicode character corresponds to one code point,

Yes, but this correspondence is not a bijection -- a great source of
confusion that
permeates lot of discussions about Unicode characters and texts,
including this one
(and a previous regarding the Haskell Report.)  Very much heart breaking :-(

> and
> every code point in the range 0 to 0x10 (excluding the range 0xD800 to
> 0xDFFF which is reserved for surrogate pairs in UTF-16, and a handful of
> "noncharacters", see
> ) corresponds to one character.
> Maybe your criticism is that Char does not explicitly prevent these special
> code points from being assigned? While true, that seems a relatively minor
> matter. Moreover, a future revision of the Haskell standard could easily
> declare that a assigning a "forbidden" character results in an error/bottom
> if that is so desired.

It is not just a matter of clarification that certain things are
forbidden.   I believe
it would be a great mistake to qualify it as minor. How do you handle
if you expose the texts as sequence of unrelated code points that can be freely
taken apart and combined?

- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Thomas Schilling
On 26 March 2012 13:29, Christian Siefkes  wrote:
> On 03/26/2012 01:26 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
>> It is not the precision of Char or char that is the issue here.
>> It has been clarified at several points that Char is not a Unicode character,
>> but a Unicode code point.  Not every Unicode code point represents a
>> Unicode code character, and not every sequence of Unicode code points
>> represents a character or a sequence of Unicode character.
> What do you mean? Every Unicode character corresponds to one code point, and
> every code point in the range 0 to 0x10 (excluding the range 0xD800 to
> 0xDFFF which is reserved for surrogate pairs in UTF-16, and a handful of
> "noncharacters", see
> ) corresponds to one character.

I think it's best not to use the term "Unicode character" since it's
highly ambiguous, to quote from

We have seen that characters, glyphs, code points, and code units are
all different. Unfortunately the term character is vastly overloaded.
At various times people can use it to mean any of these things:

 - An image on paper (glyph)
 - What an end-user thinks of as a character (grapheme)
 - What a character encoding standard encodes (code point)
 - A memory storage unit in a character encoding (code unit)

Because of this, ironically, it is best to avoid the use of the term
character entirely when discussing character encodings, and stick to
the term code point.

The section
is also important to keep in mind.

> Maybe your criticism is that Char does not explicitly prevent these special
> code points from being assigned? While true, that seems a relatively minor
> matter. Moreover, a future revision of the Haskell standard could easily
> declare that a assigning a "forbidden" character results in an error/bottom
> if that is so desired.
> Best regards
>        Christian
> --
> |--- Dr. Christian Siefkes --- ---
> | Homepage: | Blog:
> |    Peer Production Everywhere:
> |-- OpenPGP Key ID: 0x346452D8 --
> Linux is like living in a tipi: no windows, no gates, Apache inside.
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list

Push the envelope. Watch it bend.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Christian Siefkes
On 03/26/2012 01:26 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
> It is not the precision of Char or char that is the issue here.
> It has been clarified at several points that Char is not a Unicode character,
> but a Unicode code point.  Not every Unicode code point represents a
> Unicode code character, and not every sequence of Unicode code points
> represents a character or a sequence of Unicode character.

What do you mean? Every Unicode character corresponds to one code point, and
every code point in the range 0 to 0x10 (excluding the range 0xD800 to
0xDFFF which is reserved for surrogate pairs in UTF-16, and a handful of
"noncharacters", see
) corresponds to one character.

Maybe your criticism is that Char does not explicitly prevent these special
code points from being assigned? While true, that seems a relatively minor
matter. Moreover, a future revision of the Haskell standard could easily
declare that a assigning a "forbidden" character results in an error/bottom
if that is so desired.

Best regards

|--- Dr. Christian Siefkes --- ---
| Homepage: | Blog:
|Peer Production Everywhere:
|-- OpenPGP Key ID: 0x346452D8 --
Linux is like living in a tipi: no windows, no gates, Apache inside.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 4:57 AM, Simon Marlow  wrote:

> Remember that FilePath is not part of the debate, since neither [Char] nor 
> Text are correct representations of FilePath.


> If we want to do an evaluation of the pedagogical value of [Char] vs. Text, I 
> suggest writing something like a regex matcher in both and comparing the two.

> One more thing: historically, performance considerations have been given a 
> fairly low priority in the language design process for Haskell, and rightly 
> so.  That doesn't mean performance has been ignored altogether (for example, 
> seq), but it is almost never the case that a concession in other language 
> design principles (e.g. consistency, simplicity) is made for performance 
> reasons alone.  We should remember, when thinking about changes to Haskell, 
> that Haskell is the way it is because of this uncompromising attitude, and we 
> should be glad that Haskell is not burdened with (many) legacy warts that 
> were invented to work around performance problems that no longer exist.  I'm 
> not saying that this means we should ignore Text as a performance hack, just 
> that performance should not come at the expense of good language design.

For pedagogical purposes (which seems to be the primary argument for
String = [Char]), I am far less concerned about performance than

After going through the discussion this morning again, looking at
various arguments, I am not really sure that Haskell isn't burdened
with legacy warts ;-)

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 5:08 AM, Christian Siefkes
> On 03/26/2012 02:39 AM, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
>> True, but should the language definition default to a string type
>> that is one the most unsuited for text processing in the 21st
>> century where global multilingualism abounds?  Even C has qualms
>> about that.
> ...
>> I have no doubt believing that if all texts my students have to
>> process are US ASCII, [Char] is more than sufficient.  So, I have
>> sympathy for your position.  However,  I doubt [Char] would be
>> adequate if I ask them to shared texts from their diverse cultures.
> Uh, while a C char is (usually) just a byte (2^8 bits of information, like
> Word8 in Haskell), a Haskell Char is a Unicode character (2^21 bits of
> information).

It is not the precision of Char or char that is the issue here.
It has been clarified at several points that Char is not a Unicode character,
but a Unicode code point.  Not every Unicode code point represents a
Unicode code character, and not every sequence of Unicode code points
represents a character or a sequence of Unicode character.

> A single C char cannot contain arbitrary Unicode character,
> while a Haskell Char can, and does. Hence [Char] is (efficiency issues
> aside) perfectly adequate for dealing with texts written in arbitrary 
> languages.

See above.

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi all,

Simon Marlow wrote:

> So I'm far from convinced that [Char] is a bad default for the String 
> type.  But it's important that as far as possible Text should not be

> a second class citizen, so I'd support adding OverloadedStrings to
> the language, and maybe looking at overloading some of the String
> APIs in the standard libraries.

I agree completely.

> One more thing: historically, performance considerations have been
> given a fairly low priority in the language design process for
> Haskell, and rightly so.
> [...]
> we should be glad that Haskell is not burdened with (many) legacy
> warts that were invented to work around performance problems that no 
> longer exist.  I'm not saying that this means we should ignore Text

> as a performance hack, just that performance should not come at the
> expense of good language design.

Well said.

And as Isaac Dupree reminded us:

> How is Text for small strings currently (e.g. one English word, if
> not one character)?  Can we reasonably recommend it for that?
> This recent question suggests it's still not great:

even if performance was the sole goal, the "right choice" (as always)
is hardly clear cut.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Christian Siefkes
On 03/26/2012 02:39 AM, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
> True, but should the language definition default to a string type
> that is one the most unsuited for text processing in the 21st
> century where global multilingualism abounds?  Even C has qualms
> about that.
> I have no doubt believing that if all texts my students have to
> process are US ASCII, [Char] is more than sufficient.  So, I have
> sympathy for your position.  However,  I doubt [Char] would be
> adequate if I ask them to shared texts from their diverse cultures.

Uh, while a C char is (usually) just a byte (2^8 bits of information, like
Word8 in Haskell), a Haskell Char is a Unicode character (2^21 bits of
information). A single C char cannot contain arbitrary Unicode character,
while a Haskell Char can, and does. Hence [Char] is (efficiency issues
aside) perfectly adequate for dealing with texts written in arbitrary languages.

Best regards

[I first accidentally send this just to Gabriel, sorry.]

|--- Dr. Christian Siefkes --- ---
| Homepage: | Blog:
|Peer Production Everywhere:
|-- OpenPGP Key ID: 0x346452D8 --
A bug is a test case you haven't written yet.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Haskell-prime mailing list

RE: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Simon Marlow
> The primary argument is to not break something that works well for most
> purposes, including teaching, at a huge cost of backwards compatibility
> for marginal if any real benefits.

I'm persuaded by this argument.  And I'm glad that teachers are speaking up in 
this debate - it's hard to get a balanced discussion on an obscure mailing list.

So I'm far from convinced that [Char] is a bad default for the String type.  
But it's important that as far as possible Text should not be a second class 
citizen, so I'd support adding OverloadedStrings to the language, and maybe 
looking at overloading some of the String APIs in the standard libraries.

Remember that FilePath is not part of the debate, since neither [Char] nor Text 
are correct representations of FilePath.

If we want to do an evaluation of the pedagogical value of [Char] vs. Text, I 
suggest writing something like a regex matcher in both and comparing the two.
One more thing: historically, performance considerations have been given a 
fairly low priority in the language design process for Haskell, and rightly so. 
 That doesn't mean performance has been ignored altogether (for example, seq), 
but it is almost never the case that a concession in other language design 
principles (e.g. consistency, simplicity) is made for performance reasons 
alone.  We should remember, when thinking about changes to Haskell, that 
Haskell is the way it is because of this uncompromising attitude, and we should 
be glad that Haskell is not burdened with (many) legacy warts that were 
invented to work around performance problems that no longer exist.  I'm not 
saying that this means we should ignore Text as a performance hack, just that 
performance should not come at the expense of good language design.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-26 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi all,

> True, but should the language definition default to a string type
> that is one the most unsuited for text processing in the 21st
> century where global multilingualism abounds?  Even C has qualms
> about that.

Even if we accept these allegation (and I think they are greatly
exaggerated), a reasonable position would be yes, for reasons of
simplicity and backwards compatibility, given that just the change
of default definition of "String" in itself is hardly going to do
anything to make it easier to write software that truly can cope
with any language. The latter requires tools, libraries, and
knowledge well beyond what reasonably should go into any programming
language standard.

> I have no doubt believing that if all texts my students have to
> process are US ASCII, [Char] is more than sufficient.  So, I have
> sympathy for your position.  However,  I doubt [Char] would be
> adequate if I ask them to shared texts from their diverse cultures.
> Should the language definition make it much harder to share such
> experience in classroom when the primary argument for [Char]
> is pedagogy?

The primary argument is to not break something that works well
for most purposes, including teaching, at a huge cost of backwards
compatibility for marginal if any real benefits.

What would be helpful here is if you could clarify exactly what
would stop someone using a library like Text in an exercise like
the one you outline above if String = [Char] remains in the language.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-25 Thread Greg Weber
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis
> On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 6:54 PM, Henrik Nilsson  wrote:
>> In any case, this is hardly the place to to discuss how to best
>> teach Haskell or programming in general.
> Sure, I haven't seen any disagreement with that.

As interesting as this discussion is, I think this agreement is the
perfect segway to take it off list. Debating the usefulness of String
= [Char] does not seem to be productive here anyways. What would be
helpful is if alternatives were offered, tested out, and shared among
the teaching community. If this requires any changes to the language
(other than what is being discussed now), please let us know.

The Prelude is still going to export list functions whether they are
used on [Char] or not. So we are still in the position of requiring
qualified imports for Text functions or needing to change the Text
package or something about the language to avoid conflicts with list

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-25 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 6:54 PM, Henrik Nilsson  wrote:

> In any case, this is hardly the place to to discuss how to best
> teach Haskell or programming in general.

Sure, I haven't seen any disagreement with that.

Note however that the "pedagogical" arguments was brought
in as support for the [Char] definition.  It is only natural that it being
challenged on that ground.

> Nor is the Haskell standard a vehicle to prescribe how Haskell
> should be taught or for what reasons Haskell should be taught:

I have not seen any assertion to that effect.

> that can only be decided by individual educators based in their
> experience and given a specific teaching context.

True, but should the language definition default to a string type
that is one the most unsuited for text processing in the 21st
century where global multilingualism abounds?  Even C has qualms
about that.

> Given intimate knowledge of our specific teaching context
> here at Nottingham, I can say that removing String = [Char]
> from the language wouldn't be helpful to us.

I have no doubt believing that if all texts my students have to
process are US ASCII, [Char] is more than sufficient.  So, I have
sympathy for your position.  However,  I doubt [Char] would be
adequate if I ask them to shared texts from their diverse cultures.
Should the language definition make it much harder to share such
experience in classroom when the primary argument for [Char]
is pedagogy?

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-25 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi all,

Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:

> Look at the almost permanent damage done by the
> culture that equated 'char*' to strings.  It may be inconvenient to
> say, but [Char] isn't any better -- in fact, I'll go further and say:
> it is spreading the same damage but only with a different syntax.
> The damage is semantics, no amount of syntax clothing will undo it.
> I realize that may appear as a strong statement, but think about it.

Reasonable people might choose to disagree with that.

In any case, this is hardly the place to to discuss how to best
teach Haskell or programming in general.

Nor is the Haskell standard a vehicle to prescribe how Haskell
should be taught or for what reasons Haskell should be taught:
that can only be decided by individual educators based in their
experience and given a specific teaching context.

Given intimate knowledge of our specific teaching context
here at Nottingham, I can say that removing String = [Char]
from the language wouldn't be helpful to us.

And we do respect our students.



Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-25 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 4:03 PM, Daniel Peebles  wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis
>  wrote:
>> We are doing our students no favor, no good, in being condescending to
>> them pretending that they can't handle teaching material that would
>> actually
>> be close real world experience.  If we truly believe that they don't have
>> enough time to learn what would really be useful to them, then we are
>> truly wasting their valuable time teaching them things they would have to
>> unlearn before writing good and correct code.  The education would have
>> been a complete failure and waste of resources.
> When people teach Haskell, it typically isn't to give them "real world
> experience", but to teach them an interesting programming language and all
> the great computer science it leads to.

Yes, but you have to frame it in the context of interesting problems, otherwise
it reduces to a series of dry, pointless, uninspiring series functions
named f, g, h :-)

> Types, laziness, higher-order
> abstractions are the hard bits to learn, not a string-processing API.
> If people want to learn how to deal with unicode correctly, I can think of
> several better places to learn about it than a Haskell course.

I don't think anybody suggested that a Haskell course should be a substitute
for Unicode course.  However, I maintain that it isn't an excuse to purposefully
teach something that the students have to unlearn.

> I don't think
> it's condescending or impractical to focus on the things that make Haskell
> unique, rather than teaching a unicode-correct API that could conceivably be
> written in any other language.

Why should a Unicode-correct API would have to be written in any other
language and not Haskell?

> Learning that real human text cannot be
> treated just an independent list of characters is something that takes
> minutes to hours at most: someone tells you that there are all sorts of
> exceptions to the list-of-chars paradigm, and then you read an article or
> two on the language-specific difficulties, learn to use specialized API
> functions, and then you get on with what you were actually trying to do.

Which brings us back to square zero: Is there any fundamental reason
why the language can't provide a good Unicode-correct API  to illustrate
solutions to text processing problems (many of them interesting) and that
can be used in introductory classes instead of having to say the
above.  Students,
like most children, learn by imitation.  They will replicate whatever they
are shown (for a long period of time, if not forever.) If it is true
that students
don't time, why should they have to waste that scarce resource listening to the
list-of-char  paradigm in the first place?

> So I think saying that ignoring unicode-correct strings a complete failure
> and waste of resources is a bit hyperbolic, honestly.

It may be an inconvenient truth, but not hyperbole [ I see you are
trying to be polite :-) ]  Look at the almost permanent damage done by the
culture that equated 'char*' to strings.  It may be inconvenient to say, but
[Char] isn't any better -- in fact, I'll go further and say: it is
spreading the same
damage but only with a different syntax.  The damage is semantics, no amount
of syntax clothing will undo it.  I realize that may appear as a
strong statement,
but think about it.

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-25 Thread Daniel Peebles
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis <> wrote:

> We are doing our students no favor, no good, in being condescending to
> them pretending that they can't handle teaching material that would
> actually
> be close real world experience.  If we truly believe that they don't have
> enough time to learn what would really be useful to them, then we are
> truly wasting their valuable time teaching them things they would have to
> unlearn before writing good and correct code.  The education would have
> been a complete failure and waste of resources.
When people teach Haskell, it typically isn't to give them "real world
experience", but to teach them an interesting programming language and all
the great computer science it leads to. Types, laziness, higher-order
abstractions are the hard bits to learn, not a string-processing API.

If people want to learn how to deal with unicode correctly, I can think of
several better places to learn about it than a Haskell course. I don't
think it's condescending or impractical to focus on the things that make
Haskell unique, rather than teaching a unicode-correct API that could
conceivably be written in any other language. Learning that real human text
cannot be treated just an independent list of characters is something that
takes minutes to hours at most: someone tells you that there are all sorts
of exceptions to the list-of-chars paradigm, and then you read an article
or two on the language-specific difficulties, learn to use specialized API
functions, and then you get on with what you were actually trying to do.

So I think saying that ignoring unicode-correct strings a complete failure
and waste of resources is a bit hyperbolic, honestly.
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-25 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 2:08 PM, Edward Kmett  wrote:

> If anything we delude ourselves by overestimating the ability of kids just
> shortly out of highschool to assimilate an entire new worldview in a couple
> of weeks while they are distracted by other things. Any additional
> distraction that makes this harder is a serious pain point.

We are doing our students no favor, no good, in being condescending to
them pretending that they can't handle teaching material that would actually
be close real world experience.  If we truly believe that they don't have
enough time to learn what would really be useful to them, then we are
truly wasting their valuable time teaching them things they would have to
unlearn before writing good and correct code.  The education would have
been a complete failure and waste of resources.

> Consequently, in my experience, most instructors don't even go outside of
> the Prelude,

but  is that even a good thing?

> except perhaps to introduce simple custom data types that their
> students define.

I would say that does not do students any good, nor does it do justice to
the language.  If one believes that Haskell is unlike any other "mainstream"
language, then it is an opportunity to show that it can handle beautifully and
flawlessly some real world problems whose solutions are more involved
in other more popular languages.   These days, most of the students are
strolling around with "smart phones" that have lot of data in form of texts
(email, SMS chats, etc.)  What better real world data could you find at
a cheaper price to get them experiment with?  Restricting oneself to
purely "academic"
exercises, with no practical benefit whatsoever,  would only reinforce
(mis)perception that the language isn't of any use to them -- and they would
probably be indulging more into distractions, and it would be hard to
blame them.

> The goal in that period is to get the students accustomed
> to non-strictness, do some list processing, and hope that an understanding
> of well-founded recursion vs. productive corecursion sticks, because these
> are the things that you can't teach well in another language and which are
> useful to the student no matter what tools they wind up using in the future.

I would say that is even more reasons to get them learn something that they
would not have to unlearn in order to remain harmless :-)

> I would rather extra time be spent trying to get the users up to speed on
> the really interesting and novel parts of the language, such as typeclasses
> and monads in particular, than lose at least a quarter of my time fiddling
> about with text processing, a special case API and qualified imports,
> because those couple of weeks are going to shape many of those students'
> opinion of the language forever.

More reasons not to show them anything that would reinforce the idea that
language should not be taken seriously and is complete waste of time.

You would be surprised to learn how bored students are *because* we obsess
too much on trying simplify their lives, while they are craving for us
to make it
more interesting, more challenging.

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-25 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 2:08 PM, Edward Kmett  wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Gabriel Dos Reis
>  wrote:
>> Perhaps we are underestimating their competences  and are
>> complicating their lives unnecessarily...
> Have you ever actually taught an introductory languages course?

Yes, and Haskell (if you asked); that is part of my daytime job.

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-25 Thread Edward Kmett
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Gabriel Dos Reis <> wrote:

> Perhaps we are underestimating their competences  and are
> complicating their lives unnecessarily...

Have you ever actually taught an introductory languages course?

If anything we delude ourselves by overestimating the ability of kids just
shortly out of highschool to assimilate an entire new worldview in a couple
of weeks while they are distracted by other things. Any additional
distraction that makes this harder is a serious pain point.

Consequently, in my experience, most instructors don't even go outside of
the Prelude, except perhaps to introduce simple custom data types that
their students define. The goal in that period is to get the students
accustomed to non-strictness, do some list processing, and hope that an
understanding of well-founded recursion vs. productive corecursion sticks,
because these are the things that you can't teach well in another language
and which are useful to the student no matter what tools they wind up using
in the future.

I would rather extra time be spent trying to get the users up to speed on
the really interesting and novel parts of the language, such as typeclasses
and monads in particular, than lose at least a quarter of my time fiddling
about with text processing, a special case API and qualified imports,
because those couple of weeks are going to shape many of those students'
opinion of the language forever.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-25 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 10:19 PM, Greg Weber  wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis
>  wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 9:09 PM, Greg Weber  wrote:
>>> Problem: we want to write beautiful (and possibly inefficient) code
>>> that is easy to explain. If nothing else, this is pedagologically
>>> important.
>>> The goals of this code are to:
>>>  * use list processing pattern matching and functions on a string type
>> I may have missed this question so I will ask it (apologies if it is a
>> repeat):  Why is it believed that list processing pattern matching is
>> appropriate or the right tool for text processing?
> Nobody said it is the right tool for text processing. In fact, I think
> we all agreed it is the wrong tool for many cases.

Hmm, I would have thought that would be enough reasons not
to use that method -- "wrong methods" are hard to unlearn
and to get rid of.

> But it is easy for  students to understand since they are already being 
> taught to use
> lists for everything else.

Perhaps we are underestimating their competences  and are complicating
their lives unnecessarily...

> It would be great if you can talk with
> teachers of Haskell and figure out a better way to teach text
> processing.

my suspicion is teachers of Haskell would want designers
of Haskell to make the good datatype for text the default :-) :-)

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Long live String = [Char] (Was: Re: String != [Char])

2012-03-25 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi all,

Thomas Schilling wrote:

> OK, I agree that breaking text books is a big deal.  On the other
> hand, the lack of a good Text data type forced text books to teach bad
> approaches to dealing with strings.  Haskell should do better.

As far as I know, none of the introductory Haskell text books
has the ambition of teaching serious text processing in Haskell.
And what they do for simple text processing for purpose of illustration
is no worse than what one typically would do in, say, an introduction
to programming using any language, like C or Java.

So I don't buy that argument per se. But I do agree, of course,
that a good library for text processing, and with adequate language
support for making it convenient to use, is important.

> Johan mentioned both semantic and performance problems with Strings.
> A part he didn't stress is that Strings are also a horribly
> memory-inefficient way of storing strings.  On 64 bit GHC systems a
> single ASCII character needs 16 bytes of memory (i.e., an overhead of
> 16x). A non-ASCII character (ord c > 255) actually requires 32 bytes.
> (This is due to a de-duplication optimisation in the GHC GC).  Other
> implementations may do better, but an abstract type would still be
> better to enable more freedom for implementors.

Sure it's inefficient. I doubt the above is news to anyone on this list.
The point, though, is that once we're at the level of applications,
in most cases, this inefficiency is negligible.

And in the cases where it is not, the programmer will be well aware
of this and pick a better representation, or will learn about it
the hard way and be forced to pick a better representation. Just
as with processing of significant amounts of *any* data.

It simply isn't the case that the Haskell world magically would
be significantly better of in terms of performance of only everyone
was forced to use something like Text instead of String = [Char].

Moreover, the above analysis is unnecessarily pessimistic for one
(somewhat important case: string literals. Thanks to Haskell being
lazy, it is very easy if one really worry (for an implementor) to
arrange that string literals are stored very compactly in a binary,
only to be materialized when (and if) actually used. (I did just that
years ago in the Freja compiler: memory was significantly smaller in
those days, so I did worry :-)

> Correct handling of unicode strings is a Hard Problem and String =
> [Char] is only better if you ignore all the issues (which is certainly
> fine a teaching environment).

Yes. Unicode is unfortunately (partly but not exclusively out of
necessity), very complicated. I doubt one would want to discuss
this in depth in any introductory programming course.

My point was that String = [Char] is fine as far as it goes. Not that
it should be the basis for serious string processing libraries.

> I would be happy to have a simplistic String = [Char] coexist with a
> Text type if it weren't for the problem that so many things are biased
> towards String.  E.g., error takes a String,

Yes. That's a bias. But is it a problem? Here we're just talking
about getting a sequence of (possibly unicode) characters to stderr.

> Show is used everywhere and produces strings,

Show and Read are mainly used for simplistic serialisation
and deserialisation. When ppl really care, they tend to use
more refined approaches, e.g. proper scanners and parsers,
or binary I/O. So again, while there is certainly a bias,
it doesn't seem like a genuine problem in most cases.

I can possibly see issues for conversion from and to e.g.
built-in numeric types and various string representations,
but I can't see why solving those would necessitate
getting rid of String = [Char]. Read and Show could be
overloaded on the string type, for example (at least
given multi-parameter type classes), and/or a bit of
compiler optimization ought to be enough to dispatch such
uses of "read" and "show" to appropriate primitives of e.g.
the Text library anyway.

> the pretty printing library uses Strings,

But that is a library issue, not a language issue.

> Read parses Strings.

See above.

The special status of Read and Show is questionable anyway.
Will hopefully be possible at some point to implement those
completely as libraries. So I'm not not overly swayed by the argument
of language bias in those cases.

> As I said, while I'm not a huge fan of having two String types
> co-exist, I could accept it as a necessary trade-off to keep text
> books valid and preserve backwards compatibility.

While an undue proliferation of string types would be unfortunate,
compared with the plethora of other representational choices one
is faced with when it comes to e.g. numeric types, arrays, maps,
etc., a couple of string types doesn't seem like a big deal,
especially not if one is de

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Greg Weber
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 9:09 PM, Greg Weber  wrote:

>> Problem: we want to write beautiful (and possibly inefficient) code
>> that is easy to explain. If nothing else, this is pedagologically
>> important.
>> The goals of this code are to:
>>  * use list processing pattern matching and functions on a string type
> I may have missed this question so I will ask it (apologies if it is a
> repeat):  Why is it believed that list processing pattern matching is
> appropriate or the right tool for text processing?

Nobody said it is the right tool for text processing. In fact, I think
we all agreed it is the wrong tool for many cases. But it is easy for
students to understand since they are already being taught to use
lists for everything else.  It would be great if you can talk with
teachers of Haskell and figure out a better way to teach text

> -- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 9:09 PM, Greg Weber  wrote:
> # Switching to Text by default makes us embarrassed!

Text processing /is/ quick to embarrassment :-)

> Problem: we want to write beautiful (and possibly inefficient) code
> that is easy to explain. If nothing else, this is pedagologically
> important.
> The goals of this code are to:
>  * use list processing pattern matching and functions on a string type

I may have missed this question so I will ask it (apologies if it is a
repeat):  Why is it believed that list processing pattern matching is
appropriate or the right tool for text processing?

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 8:51 PM, Johan Tibell  wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 5:54 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis
>  wrote:
>> I think there is a confusion here.  A Unicode character is an abstract
>> entity.  For it to exist in some concrete form in a program, you need
>> an encoding.  The fact that char16_t is 16-bit wide is irrelevant to
>> whether it can be used in a representation of a Unicode text, just like
>> uint8_t (e.g. 'unsigned char') can be used to encode Unicode string
>> despite it being only 8-bit wide.   You do not need to make the
>> character type exactly equal to the type of the individual element
>> in the text representation.
> Well, if you have a >21-bit type you can declare its value to be a
> Unicode code point (which are numbered.)

That is correct.  Because not all Unicode points represent characters,
and not all Unicode code point sequences represent valid characters,
even if you have that >21-bit type T, the list type [T] would still not be a
good string type.

> Using a char* that you claim
> contain utf-8 encoded data is bad for safety, as there is no guarantee
> that that's indeed the case.

Indeed, and that is why a Text should be an abstract datatype, hiding
the concrete implementation away from the user.

>> Note also that an encoding itself (whether UTF-8, UTF-16, etc.) is 
>> insufficient
>> as far as text processing goes; you also need a localization at the
>> minimum.  It is the
>> combination of the two that gives some meaning to text representation
>> and operations.
> text does that via ICU. Some operations would be possible without
> using the locale, if it wasn't for those Turkish i:s. :/

yeah, 7 bits should be enough for every character ;-)

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Greg Weber
# Switching to Text by default makes us embarrassed!

Problem: we want to write beautiful (and possibly inefficient) code
that is easy to explain. If nothing else, this is pedagologically
The goals of this code are to:
  * use list processing pattern matching and functions on a string type
  * avoid embarassing name clashes and the need for qualified names
(T.split, etc)

The second point is Haskell's festering language design sore rearing
its ugly head.
Lets note that the current state of Haskell is not any more beautiful
than what will happen after this proposal is implemented. It is just
that we currently have partly hidden away a deficiency in Haskell by
only exporting list functions in the Prelude. So our real goal is to
come up with conventions and/or hacks that will allow us to continue
to hide this deficiency of Haskell for the purposes of pedagogy.
If you can't tell, IMHO the issue we are circumventing is Haskell's
biggest issue form a laguage design perspective. It is a shame that
SPJ's TDNR proposal was shouted down and no alternative has been

But I am not going to hold out hope that this issue will be solved any
time soon. Just limiting solving this to records has proved very
difficult. So onto our hacks for making Text the default string type!

## Option 1: T. prefixing

using Text functions still requires the T. prefix
For pedagogy, continue to use [Char], but use an OverloadedText extension

This is a safe conservative option that puts us in a better place than
we are today.
It just makes us look strange when we build something into the
language that requires a prefix.
Of course, we could try to give every Text function a slightly
different name than the Prelude list functions, but I think that will
make using Haskell more difficult that putting up with prefixes.

## Option 2: TDNR for lists

(Prelude) list functions are resolved in a special way.
For example, we could have 2 different map functions in scope
unqualified: one for lists, and one for Text. The compiler is tasked
with resolving whether the type is a list or not and determining the
appropriate function.

I would much rather add a TDNR construct to the language in a
universal way than go down this route.

## Option 3: implicit List typeclass

We can operate on Text (and other non-list data structures) using a
List typeclass.
We have 2 concers:
  * list pattern matching ('c':string)
  * requiring the typeclass in the type signature everywhere

I think we can extend the compiler to pattern match characters out of
Text, so lets move onto the second point.
If we don't write type signatures anywhere, we actually won't care about it.
However, if we add sparse annotations, we will need a List constraint.

  listF :: List l => ...

This could get tiresome quickly. It makes pedagogy immediately delve
into an explanation of typeclasses. A simple solution is to special
case the List class.
We declare that List is so fundamental to Haskell that requiring the
List typeclass is not necessary.
The Prelude exports (class List where ...).
If a List typeclass function is used, the compiler inserts the List
typeclass constraint into a type signature automatically.

This option is very attractive because it solves all of our problems
at the cost of 1 easy to explain piece of magic. It also makes it
possible to unify list behavior across different data types without
the hassle of typeclass insertions everywhere.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 5:54 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis
> I think there is a confusion here.  A Unicode character is an abstract
> entity.  For it to exist in some concrete form in a program, you need
> an encoding.  The fact that char16_t is 16-bit wide is irrelevant to
> whether it can be used in a representation of a Unicode text, just like
> uint8_t (e.g. 'unsigned char') can be used to encode Unicode string
> despite it being only 8-bit wide.   You do not need to make the
> character type exactly equal to the type of the individual element
> in the text representation.

Well, if you have a >21-bit type you can declare its value to be a
Unicode code point (which are numbered.) Using a char* that you claim
contain utf-8 encoded data is bad for safety, as there is no guarantee
that that's indeed the case.

> Note also that an encoding itself (whether UTF-8, UTF-16, etc.) is 
> insufficient
> as far as text processing goes; you also need a localization at the
> minimum.  It is the
> combination of the two that gives some meaning to text representation
> and operations.

text does that via ICU. Some operations would be possible without
using the locale, if it wasn't for those Turkish i:s. :/

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Greg Weber
Can we all agree that

* Text can now demonstrate both CPU and RAM performance improvements
in benchmarks. Because Text is an opaque type it has a maximum
potential for future performance improvements. Declaring a String to
be a list limits performance improvements
* In a Unicode world, String = [Char] is not always correct: instead
for some operations one must operate on the String as a whole. Using a
[Char] type makes it much more likely for a programmer to  mistakenly
operate on individual characters. Using a Text type allows us to
choose to not expose character manipulation functions.
* The usage of String in the base libraries will continue as long as
Text is not in the language standard. This will continue to make
writing Haskell code a greater chore than is necessary: converting
between types, and working around the inconvenience of defining
typeclasses that operate on both String and [].

These are important enough to *try* to include Text into the standard,
even if there are objections to how it might practically be included.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Johan Tibell  wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis
>  wrote:
>> Hmm, std::u16string, std::u23string, and std::wstring are C++ standard
>> types to process Unicode texts.
> Note that at least u16string is too small to encode all of Unicode and
> wstring might be as 16 bits is not enough to encode all of Unicode.

I think there is a confusion here.  A Unicode character is an abstract
entity.  For it to exist in some concrete form in a program, you need
an encoding.  The fact that char16_t is 16-bit wide is irrelevant to
whether it can be used in a representation of a Unicode text, just like
uint8_t (e.g. 'unsigned char') can be used to encode Unicode string
despite it being only 8-bit wide.   You do not need to make the
character type exactly equal to the type of the individual element
in the text representation.

Now, if you want to make a one-to-one correspondence between
individual elements in a std::basic_string and a Unicode character,
you would of course go for char32_t, which might be wasteful
depending on the circumstances.  Text processing languages like Perl
have long decided to de-emphasize one-character-at-a-time processing.
For most common cases, it is just inefficient.  But, I also understand
that the efficiency argument may not be strong in the context of Haskell.
However, I believe a particular attention must be paid to the correctness
of the semantics.

Note also that an encoding itself (whether UTF-8, UTF-16, etc.) is insufficient
as far as text processing goes; you also need a localization at the
minimum.  It is the
combination of the two that gives some meaning to text representation
and operations.

I have been following the discussion, but I don't see anything said
about locales.

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis
> Hmm, std::u16string, std::u23string, and std::wstring are C++ standard
> types to process Unicode texts.

Note that at least u16string is too small to encode all of Unicode and
wstring might be as 16 bits is not enough to encode all of Unicode.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 6:00 PM, Johan Tibell  wrote:

> C++'s char* is morally equivalent of our ByteString, not Text. There's
> no standardized C++ Unicode string type, ICU's UnicodeString is
> perhaps the closest to one.

Hmm, std::u16string, std::u23string, and std::wstring are C++ standard
types to process Unicode texts.

Anyway, my inclination is that having a proper string in Haskell type would
be a Good Thing.  Sometimes it is worth breaking the textbook.

In our local Haskell system for AVR microcontrollers, we explicitly made
String distinct from [Char] -- we cannot afford the memory
inefficiency that [Char] entails, just to represent simple strings.

-- Gaby

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Gabriel Dos Reis
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Freddie Manners  wrote:
> To add my tuppence-worth on this, addressed to no-one in particular:
> (1) I think getting hung up on UTF-8 correctness is a distraction here.  I
> can't imagine anyone suggesting that the C/C++ standards removed support for
> (char*) because it wasn't UTF-8 correct: sure, you'd recommend people use a
> different type when it matters, but the language standard itself shouldn't
> be driven by technical issues that don't affect most people most of the
> time.  I'm sure it's good engineering practice to worry about these things,
> but the standard isn't there to encourage good engineering practice.

C++ does not consider 'char*' as the type of a string.

It has a standard template std::basic_string that can be instantiated on
char (giving std::string) or encoding type (of unicode characters) char16_t,
char32_t, and wchar_t giving rise to u16string, u32string, and wstring.
It has a large number of functions to manipulate a string as a sequence
(Haskell's statu quo) or as a text thanks to an elaborated
localization machinery.

-- Gaby, back to lurking mode

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Freddie Manners  wrote:
> To add my tuppence-worth on this, addressed to no-one in particular:
> (1) I think getting hung up on UTF-8 correctness is a distraction here.  I
> can't imagine anyone suggesting that the C/C++ standards removed support for
> (char*) because it wasn't UTF-8 correct: sure, you'd recommend people use a
> different type when it matters, but the language standard itself shouldn't
> be driven by technical issues that don't affect most people most of the
> time.  I'm sure it's good engineering practice to worry about these things,
> but the standard isn't there to encourage good engineering practice.

(I assume you mean Unicode correctness. UTF-8 is only one possible
encoding. Also I'm not arguing for removing type String = [Char], I
arguing why Text is better than String.)

C++'s char* is morally equivalent of our ByteString, not Text. There's
no standardized C++ Unicode string type, ICU's UnicodeString is
perhaps the closest to one.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Thomas Schilling
On 24 March 2012 22:33, Freddie Manners  wrote:
> To add my tuppence-worth on this, addressed to no-one in particular:
> (1) I think getting hung up on UTF-8 correctness is a distraction here.  I
> can't imagine anyone suggesting that the C/C++ standards removed support for
> (char*) because it wasn't UTF-8 correct: sure, you'd recommend people use a
> different type when it matters, but the language standard itself shouldn't
> be driven by technical issues that don't affect most people most of the
> time.  I'm sure it's good engineering practice to worry about these things,
> but the standard isn't there to encourage good engineering practice.

It doesn't really have anything to do with UTF-8.  UTF-8 is just a
particular serialisation of a unicode string.

Here's a simple illustration of the problems one faces:  Let's say you
want to search for the string "fix".  Now, the problem is that the
sequence 'f','i' could be represented both as ['f', 'i'] or as [chr
0xfb01] (the "fi" ligature).  The text-icu package provides a function
to normalise a string such that only one of these forms can occur in
each string.  Because the world's languages are rather complex there
are many more such cases which need to be handled properly (if you
don't want to run into weird corner cases).

> (2) I'd suggest that a proposal that advocated overloaded string literals --
> of which [Char] was an option -- couldn't be much more confusing from a
> pedagogical perspective than the fact that numeric literals are overloaded.
>  Since that seems to be one of the main biases in favour of [Char] in the
> current standard, that might be a possible incremental fix.

I agree that this proposal should probably include the standardisation
of the OverloadedStrings extension.

> Best,
> Freddie
> On 24 March 2012 22:15, Ian Lynagh  wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 08:38:23PM +, Thomas Schilling wrote:
>> > On 24 March 2012 20:16, Ian Lynagh  wrote:
>> > >
>> > >> Correctness
>> > >> ==
>> > >>
>> > >> Using list-based operations on Strings are almost always wrong
>> > >
>> > > Data.Text seems to think that many of them are worth reimplementing
>> > > for
>> > > Text. It looks like someone's systematically gone through Data.List.
>> >
>> > That's exactly what happened as part of the platform inclusion
>> > process.  In fact, there was quite a bit of bike shedding whether the
>> > Text API should be compatible with the list API or not.  In the end
>> > the decision was made to add all the list functions even if that
>> > encouraged running into unicode issues.  I'm pretty sure you
>> > participated in that discussion.
>> As far as I remember, a few functions were added to text and bytestring
>> during that, but mostly the discussion was about naming.
>> Even in the first 0.1 release of bytestring:
>> there is a large amount of Data.List covered, e.g. map, transpose,
>> foldl1', minimum, mapAccumR, groupBy.
>> Thanks
>> Ian
>> ___
>> Haskell-prime mailing list
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list

Push the envelope. Watch it bend.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Isaac Dupree
> How is Text for small strings currently (e.g. one English word, if not one
> character)?  Can we reasonably recommend it for that?
> This recent question suggests it's still not great:

It's definitely not as good as it could be with the common case being
2 bytes per code point and then some fixed overhead.

The UTF-8 GSoC project last summer was an attempt to see if we could
do better, but unfortunately GHC does a worse job streaming out of a
byte array containing utf-8 than out of a byte array containing utf-16
(due to bad branch layout.)

This resulted in some performance gains and some performance losses,
with some more wins and losses. As there are other engineering
benefits in favor of utf-16 (e.g. being able to use ICU efficiently)
we opted for not switching the decoding. If we can get GHC to the
point where it compiles an utf-8 based Text really well, we could
reconsider this decision.

There's also a design trade-off in Text that favors better asymptotic
complexity for some operations (e.g. taking substrings) that adds 2
words of overhead to every string.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 03/24/2012 02:50 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:

Furthermore, the memory overhead of Text is smaller, which means that
applications that hold on to many string value will use less heap and
thus experience smaller "freezes" due major GC collections, which are
linear in the heap size.

How is Text for small strings currently (e.g. one English word, if not 
one character)?  Can we reasonably recommend it for that?

This recent question suggests it's still not great:

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Thomas Schilling
On 24 March 2012 22:27, Ian Lynagh  wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 05:31:48PM -0400, Brandon Allbery wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 16:16, Ian Lynagh  wrote:
>> > On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 11:50:10AM -0700, Johan Tibell wrote:
>> > > Using list-based operations on Strings are almost always wrong
>> >
>> > Data.Text seems to think that many of them are worth reimplementing for
>> > Text. It looks like someone's systematically gone through Data.List.
>> > And in fact, very few functions there /don't/ look like they are
>> > directly equivalent to list functions.
>> >
>> I was under the impression they have been very carefully designed to do the
>> right thing with characters represented by multiple codepoints, which is
>> something the String version *cannot* do.  It would help if Bryan were
>> involved with this discussion, though.  (I'm cc:ing him on this.)  Since
>> the whole point of Data.Text is to handle stuff like this properly I would
>> be surprised if your assertion that
>> >     upcase :: String -> String
>> > >     upcase = map toUpper
>> >
>> > This is no more incorrect than
>> >    upcase = toUpper
>> is correct.
> I don't see how it could do any better, given both use
>    toUpper :: Char -> Char
> to do the hard work. That's why there is also a
>    Data.Text.toUpper :: Text -> Text
> Based on a very quick skim I think that there are only 3 such functions
> in Data.Text (toCaseFold, toLower, toUpper), although the 3
> justification functions may handle double-width characters properly.
> Anyway, my main point is that I don't think that either text or String
> should make it any easier for people to get things right. It's true that
> currently only text makes correct case-conversions easy, but only
> because no-one's written* yet.

The reason Text uses UTF16 internally is so that it can be used with
the ICU library (written in C, I think) which implements all the
difficult things (
Reimplementing all that in Haskell would be a significant undertaking.
 You could do the same for String, but that would have to encode and
re-encode on each invokation.

BTW, I checked the version history of the text package and most of the
list functions existed already in Tom Harper's version that text was
based on in 2009.  If you look at the documentation you can see that
many of the list-like functions treat some invalid characters
specially, so they are different.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Freddie Manners
To add my tuppence-worth on this, addressed to no-one in particular:

(1) I think getting hung up on UTF-8 correctness is a distraction here.  I
can't imagine anyone suggesting that the C/C++ standards removed support
for (char*) because it wasn't UTF-8 correct: sure, you'd recommend people
use a different type when it matters, but the language standard itself
shouldn't be driven by technical issues that don't affect most people most
of the time.  I'm sure it's good engineering practice to worry about these
things, but the standard isn't there to encourage good engineering practice.

(2) I'd suggest that a proposal that advocated overloaded string literals
-- of which [Char] was an option -- couldn't be much more confusing from a
pedagogical perspective than the fact that numeric literals are overloaded.
 Since that seems to be one of the main biases in favour of [Char] in the
current standard, that might be a possible incremental fix.


On 24 March 2012 22:15, Ian Lynagh  wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 08:38:23PM +, Thomas Schilling wrote:
> > On 24 March 2012 20:16, Ian Lynagh  wrote:
> > >
> > >> Correctness
> > >> ==
> > >>
> > >> Using list-based operations on Strings are almost always wrong
> > >
> > > Data.Text seems to think that many of them are worth reimplementing for
> > > Text. It looks like someone's systematically gone through Data.List.
> >
> > That's exactly what happened as part of the platform inclusion
> > process.  In fact, there was quite a bit of bike shedding whether the
> > Text API should be compatible with the list API or not.  In the end
> > the decision was made to add all the list functions even if that
> > encouraged running into unicode issues.  I'm pretty sure you
> > participated in that discussion.
> As far as I remember, a few functions were added to text and bytestring
> during that, but mostly the discussion was about naming.
> Even in the first 0.1 release of bytestring:
> there is a large amount of Data.List covered, e.g. map, transpose,
> foldl1', minimum, mapAccumR, groupBy.
> Thanks
> Ian
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Ian Lynagh
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 05:31:48PM -0400, Brandon Allbery wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 16:16, Ian Lynagh  wrote:
> > On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 11:50:10AM -0700, Johan Tibell wrote:
> > > Using list-based operations on Strings are almost always wrong
> >
> > Data.Text seems to think that many of them are worth reimplementing for
> > Text. It looks like someone's systematically gone through Data.List.
> > And in fact, very few functions there /don't/ look like they are
> > directly equivalent to list functions.
> >
> I was under the impression they have been very carefully designed to do the
> right thing with characters represented by multiple codepoints, which is
> something the String version *cannot* do.  It would help if Bryan were
> involved with this discussion, though.  (I'm cc:ing him on this.)  Since
> the whole point of Data.Text is to handle stuff like this properly I would
> be surprised if your assertion that
> > upcase :: String -> String
> > > upcase = map toUpper
> >
> > This is no more incorrect than
> >upcase = toUpper
> is correct.

I don't see how it could do any better, given both use
toUpper :: Char -> Char
to do the hard work. That's why there is also a
Data.Text.toUpper :: Text -> Text

Based on a very quick skim I think that there are only 3 such functions
in Data.Text (toCaseFold, toLower, toUpper), although the 3
justification functions may handle double-width characters properly.

Anyway, my main point is that I don't think that either text or String
should make it any easier for people to get things right. It's true that
currently only text makes correct case-conversions easy, but only
because no-one's written* yet.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Ian Lynagh
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 08:38:23PM +, Thomas Schilling wrote:
> On 24 March 2012 20:16, Ian Lynagh  wrote:
> >
> >> Correctness
> >> ==
> >>
> >> Using list-based operations on Strings are almost always wrong
> >
> > Data.Text seems to think that many of them are worth reimplementing for
> > Text. It looks like someone's systematically gone through Data.List.
> That's exactly what happened as part of the platform inclusion
> process.  In fact, there was quite a bit of bike shedding whether the
> Text API should be compatible with the list API or not.  In the end
> the decision was made to add all the list functions even if that
> encouraged running into unicode issues.  I'm pretty sure you
> participated in that discussion.

As far as I remember, a few functions were added to text and bytestring
during that, but mostly the discussion was about naming.

Even in the first 0.1 release of bytestring:
there is a large amount of Data.List covered, e.g. map, transpose,
foldl1', minimum, mapAccumR, groupBy.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 2:31 PM, Brandon Allbery  wrote:
> I was under the impression they have been very carefully designed to do the
> right thing with characters represented by multiple codepoints, which is
> something the String version *cannot* do.  It would help if Bryan were
> involved with this discussion, though.  (I'm cc:ing him on this.)  Since the
> whole point of Data.Text is to handle stuff like this properly I would be
> surprised if your assertion that
>> >     upcase :: String -> String
>> >     upcase = map toUpper
>> This is no more incorrect than
>>    upcase = toUpper
> is correct.

This is simply not possible given the Unicode specification. There's
no code point that corresponds to the two characters used to represent
an upcased version of the essets. I think the list based API predates

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Johan Tibell
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 1:16 PM, Ian Lynagh  wrote:
> Data.Text seems to think that many of them are worth reimplementing for
> Text. It looks like someone's systematically gone through Data.List.
> And in fact, very few functions there /don't/ look like they are
> directly equivalent to list functions.

I'm not sure why the list-inspired functions are there. It doesn't
really matter. It doesn't change the fact that from a Unicode
perspective they give the wrong result in most situations.

> This is no more incorrect than
>    upcase = toUpper

No and that's why Bryan added a correct case-modification, case
folding, etc to text.

> There's no reason that there couldn't be a Data.String.toUpper
> corresponding to Data.Text.toUpper.

That's true. But this isn't the point we were discussing. We were
discussing whether the simplification of treating strings as a list is
a good thing (from an educational perspective.) I pointer out that
from a correctness perspective it's wrong.

> I think Heinrich meant 20% performance in a useful program, not a
> micro-benchmark.

I that's what he meant and given that "useful program" isn't defined,
so the 20% number is completely arbitrary.

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 16:16, Ian Lynagh  wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 11:50:10AM -0700, Johan Tibell wrote:
> > Using list-based operations on Strings are almost always wrong
> Data.Text seems to think that many of them are worth reimplementing for
> Text. It looks like someone's systematically gone through Data.List.
> And in fact, very few functions there /don't/ look like they are
> directly equivalent to list functions.

I was under the impression they have been very carefully designed to do the
right thing with characters represented by multiple codepoints, which is
something the String version *cannot* do.  It would help if Bryan were
involved with this discussion, though.  (I'm cc:ing him on this.)  Since
the whole point of Data.Text is to handle stuff like this properly I would
be surprised if your assertion that

> upcase :: String -> String
> > upcase = map toUpper
> This is no more incorrect than
>upcase = toUpper

is correct.

brandon s allbery
wandering unix systems administrator (available) (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Thomas Schilling
On 24 March 2012 20:16, Ian Lynagh  wrote:
> Hi Johan,
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 11:50:10AM -0700, Johan Tibell wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 12:39 AM, Heinrich Apfelmus
>>  wrote:
>> > Which brings me to the fundamental question behind this proposal: Why do we
>> > need Text at all? What are its virtues and how do they compare? What is the
>> > trade-off? (I'm not familiar enough with the Text library to answer these.)
>> >
>> > To put it very pointedly: is a %20 performance increase on the current
>> > generation of computers worth the cost in terms of ease-of-use, when the
>> > performance can equally be gained by buying a faster computer or more RAM?
>> > I'm not sure whether I even agree with this statement, but this is the
>> > trade-off we are deciding on.
>> Correctness
>> ==
>> Using list-based operations on Strings are almost always wrong
> Data.Text seems to think that many of them are worth reimplementing for
> Text. It looks like someone's systematically gone through Data.List.

That's exactly what happened as part of the platform inclusion
process.  In fact, there was quite a bit of bike shedding whether the
Text API should be compatible with the list API or not.  In the end
the decision was made to add all the list functions even if that
encouraged running into unicode issues.  I'm pretty sure you
participated in that discussion.

>> Performance
>> ===
>> Depending on the benchmark, the difference can be much bigger than
>> 20%. For example, here's a comparison of decoding UTF-8 byte data into
>> a String vs a Text value:
> I think Heinrich meant 20% performance in a useful program, not a
> micro-benchmark.

Generating web sites is a huge application area of Haskell and one
where a proper text type is in no way a micro optimisation.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Ian Lynagh

Hi Johan,

On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 11:50:10AM -0700, Johan Tibell wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 12:39 AM, Heinrich Apfelmus
>  wrote:
> > Which brings me to the fundamental question behind this proposal: Why do we
> > need Text at all? What are its virtues and how do they compare? What is the
> > trade-off? (I'm not familiar enough with the Text library to answer these.)
> >
> > To put it very pointedly: is a %20 performance increase on the current
> > generation of computers worth the cost in terms of ease-of-use, when the
> > performance can equally be gained by buying a faster computer or more RAM?
> > I'm not sure whether I even agree with this statement, but this is the
> > trade-off we are deciding on.
> Correctness
> ==
> Using list-based operations on Strings are almost always wrong

Data.Text seems to think that many of them are worth reimplementing for
Text. It looks like someone's systematically gone through Data.List.
And in fact, very few functions there /don't/ look like they are
directly equivalent to list functions.

> , as
> soon as you move away from English text. You almost always have to
> deal with Unicode strings as blobs, considering several code points at
> once. For example,
> upcase :: String -> String
> upcase = map toUpper

This is no more incorrect than
upcase = toUpper

There's no reason that there couldn't be a Data.String.toUpper
corresponding to Data.Text.toUpper.

> Performance
> ===
> Depending on the benchmark, the difference can be much bigger than
> 20%. For example, here's a comparison of decoding UTF-8 byte data into
> a String vs a Text value:

I think Heinrich meant 20% performance in a useful program, not a


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Long live String = [Char] (Was: Re: String != [Char])

2012-03-24 Thread Thomas Schilling
On 24 March 2012 12:53, Henrik Nilsson  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thomas Schilling wrote:
>> I think most here agree that the main advantage of the current
>> definition is only pedagogical.
> But that in itself is not a small deal. In fact, it's a pretty
> major advantage.
> Moreover, the utter simplicity of String = [Char] is a benefit
> in its own right. Let's not forget that this, in practice,
> across all Haskell applications, works just fine in the vast
> majority of cases.
> I get the sense that the proponents for deprecating, and ultimately
> get rid of, String = [Char], are suggesting that this would lead
> to noticeable performance improvements across the board by virtue
> of preventing programmers from accidentally making a poor choice
> of data structure for representing string. But I conjecture that
> the performance impact of switching form e.g. String to Text at
> the level of complete applications would be negligible in most
> cases, simply because most Haskell applications are not dominated
> by heavy-duty string processing. And those that are, probably
> already uses something like Text, and were written be people
> who know a thing or two about appropriate choice of data structures
> anyway.
> As to teaching:
>> I don't really
>> think that having an abstract type is such a big problem for teaching.
>> You can do string processing by doing (pack . myfunction . unpack)
> Here at Nottingham, we're teaching all our 1st-year undergraduates
> Haskell. It works, but it is a challenge, and, alas, far from everyone
> "gets" it. And this is despite the module being taught by one of
> the leading and most experienced Haskell educators (and text book
> author), Graham Hutton.
> Without starting an endless discussion about how to best teach
> programming languages in general and Haskell in particular to
> (near) beginners, I dare say that idioms like the one suggested
> above would do nothing to help.
> String != [Char] would break no end of code, text books, tutorials,
> lecture slides, would not help with teaching Haskell, all
> for very little if any benefit in the grand scheme of things.

OK, I agree that breaking text books is a big deal.  On the other
hand, the lack of a good Text data type forced text books to teach bad
approaches to dealing with strings.  Haskell should do better.

Johan mentioned both semantic and performance problems with Strings.
A part he didn't stress is that Strings are also a horribly
memory-inefficient way of storing strings.  On 64 bit GHC systems a
single ASCII character needs 16 bytes of memory (i.e., an overhead of
16x). A non-ASCII character (ord c > 255) actually requires 32 bytes.
(This is due to a de-duplication optimisation in the GHC GC).  Other
implementations may do better, but an abstract type would still be
better to enable more freedom for implementors.

Correct handling of unicode strings is a Hard Problem and String =
[Char] is only better if you ignore all the issues (which is certainly
fine a teaching environment).

I would be happy to have a simplistic String = [Char] coexist with a
Text type if it weren't for the problem that so many things are biased
towards String.  E.g., error takes a String, Show is used everywhere
and produces strings, the pretty printing library uses Strings, Read
parses Strings.

> On the other hand, a standardised, well thought-out, API for
> high-performance strings and appropriate mechanisms such
> as a measure of overloading to make it easy and palatable to
> use, and that work alongside the present String = [Char], would be a
> good thing.

As I said, while I'm not a huge fan of having two String types
co-exist, I could accept it as a necessary trade-off to keep text
books valid and preserve backwards compatibility.  (There are also
other issues with String.  For example, you can't write an instance
MyClass String in Haskell2010, and even with GHC extensions it seems
wrong and you often end up writing instances that overlap with MyClass
[a].)  I'm using Data.Text a lot, so I can work around the issue, but
unfortunately you run into a lot of issues where the standard library
forces the use of String, and that, I believe, is wrong.

If changing the standard library is the bigger issue, however, then
I'm not sure whether this discussion needs to take place on the
haskell-prime list or on the libraries list.

/ Thomas

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Johan Tibell
Hi all,

On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 12:39 AM, Heinrich Apfelmus
> Which brings me to the fundamental question behind this proposal: Why do we
> need Text at all? What are its virtues and how do they compare? What is the
> trade-off? (I'm not familiar enough with the Text library to answer these.)
> To put it very pointedly: is a %20 performance increase on the current
> generation of computers worth the cost in terms of ease-of-use, when the
> performance can equally be gained by buying a faster computer or more RAM?
> I'm not sure whether I even agree with this statement, but this is the
> trade-off we are deciding on.


Using list-based operations on Strings are almost always wrong, as
soon as you move away from English text. You almost always have to
deal with Unicode strings as blobs, considering several code points at
once. For example,

upcase :: String -> String
upcase = map toUpper

Is terse, beautiful, and wrong, as several languages map a single
lowercase character to two uppercase characters (as I'm sure you're

Perhaps this is OK to ignore when teaching students Haskell, but it
really hurts those who want to use Haskell as an engineering language.


Depending on the benchmark, the difference can be much bigger than
20%. For example, here's a comparison of decoding UTF-8 byte data into
a String vs a Text value:

benchmarking Pure/decode/Text
mean: 50.22202 us, lb 50.08306 us, ub 50.37669 us, ci 0.950
std dev: 751.1139 ns, lb 666.2243 ns, ub 865.8246 ns, ci 0.950
variance introduced by outliers: 7.553%
variance is slightly inflated by outliers

benchmarking Pure/decode/String
mean: 188.0507 us, lb 187.4970 us, ub 188.6955 us, ci 0.950
std dev: 3.053076 us, lb 2.647318 us, ub 3.606262 us, ci 0.950
variance introduced by outliers: 9.407%
variance is slightly inflated by outliers

A difference of almost 4x.

Many of the Text vs String benchmarks measure the performance of
operations ignoring both decoding and encoding, while any real
application would have to do both.

On top of that, String is more or less as optimized as it can be;
benchmarks are almost completely memory bound. Text on the other hand
still has potential of (large) improvements, as GHC doesn't general
optimal code for tight loops over arrays. For example, we know that
GHC generates bad code for decodeUtf8 as used by Text's stream fusion,
hurting any code that uses fusion.

Furthermore, the memory overhead of Text is smaller, which means that
applications that hold on to many string value will use less heap and
thus experience smaller "freezes" due major GC collections, which are
linear in the heap size.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Long live String = [Char] (Was: Re: String != [Char])

2012-03-24 Thread Henrik Nilsson

Hi all,

Thomas Schilling wrote:

> I think most here agree that the main advantage of the current
> definition is only pedagogical.

But that in itself is not a small deal. In fact, it's a pretty
major advantage.

Moreover, the utter simplicity of String = [Char] is a benefit
in its own right. Let's not forget that this, in practice,
across all Haskell applications, works just fine in the vast
majority of cases.

I get the sense that the proponents for deprecating, and ultimately
get rid of, String = [Char], are suggesting that this would lead
to noticeable performance improvements across the board by virtue
of preventing programmers from accidentally making a poor choice
of data structure for representing string. But I conjecture that
the performance impact of switching form e.g. String to Text at
the level of complete applications would be negligible in most
cases, simply because most Haskell applications are not dominated
by heavy-duty string processing. And those that are, probably
already uses something like Text, and were written be people
who know a thing or two about appropriate choice of data structures

As to teaching:

> I don't really
> think that having an abstract type is such a big problem for teaching.
> You can do string processing by doing (pack . myfunction . unpack)

Here at Nottingham, we're teaching all our 1st-year undergraduates
Haskell. It works, but it is a challenge, and, alas, far from everyone
"gets" it. And this is despite the module being taught by one of
the leading and most experienced Haskell educators (and text book
author), Graham Hutton.

Without starting an endless discussion about how to best teach
programming languages in general and Haskell in particular to
(near) beginners, I dare say that idioms like the one suggested
above would do nothing to help.

String != [Char] would break no end of code, text books, tutorials,
lecture slides, would not help with teaching Haskell, all
for very little if any benefit in the grand scheme of things.

So let's not go there.

On the other hand, a standardised, well thought-out, API for
high-performance strings and appropriate mechanisms such
as a measure of overloading to make it easy and palatable to
use, and that work alongside the present String = [Char], would be a
good thing.

All the best,


Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science
The University of Nottingham

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-24 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Edward Kmett wrote:

Like I said, my objection to including Text is a lot less strong than
my feelings on any notion of deprecating String.


The pedagogical concern is quite real, remember many introductory
lanuage classes have time to present Haskell and the list data type
and not much else. Showing parsing through pattern matching on
strings makes a very powerful tool, its harder to show that with


The major benefits of Text come from FFI opportunities, but even
there if you dig into its internals it has to copy out of the array
to talk to foreign functions because it lives in unpinned memory
unlike ByteString.

I agree with Edward Kmett on the virtues of  String = [Char]  for 
learning Haskell. I'm teaching beginners regularly and it is simply 
eye-opening for them that they can use the familiar list operations to 
solve real world problems which usually involve textual data.

Which brings me to the fundamental question behind this proposal: Why do 
we need Text at all? What are its virtues and how do they compare? What 
is the trade-off? (I'm not familiar enough with the Text library to 
answer these.)

To put it very pointedly: is a %20 performance increase on the current 
generation of computers worth the cost in terms of ease-of-use, when the 
performance can equally be gained by buying a faster computer or more 
RAM? I'm not sure whether I even agree with this statement, but this is 
the trade-off we are deciding on.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread Edward Kmett
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Nate Soares  wrote:

> Note that this might be a good time to consider re-factoring the list
> operations, for example, making ++ operate on monoids instead of just
> lists.

Note: we have (<>) for Monoid, which was deliberately chosen rather than
generalizing (++) because that had already changed meaning from applying to
MonadPlus to the more restricted type during what I tend to refer to as the
"great momomorphization revolution of 1998", and not every MonadPlus is
compatible with the corresponding monoid (Maybe comes to mind).

This also entails moving Data.Monoid into the standard.

> I think the 'naming issue' that you mention highlights the need for better
> use of type classes in the prelude.

The major issue with typeclasses for things like special-purpose containers
is that they almost inevitably wind up requiring multiparameter type
classes with functional dependencies, or they need type families. This then
runs afoul of the fact that since neither one is better than the other for
all usecases, neither one seems to be drifting any closer to

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 16:21, Nate Soares  wrote:

> I think the 'naming issue' that you mention highlights the need for better
> use of type classes in the prelude.

...which is a rat's nest best avoided, unfortunately, unless the idea is to
stifle it entirely.  (How long have people been proposing alternatives with
no net effect?)

brandon s allbery
wandering unix systems administrator (available) (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread Nate Soares
Note that this might be a good time to consider re-factoring the list
operations, for example, making ++ operate on monoids instead of just
lists. I think the 'naming issue' that you mention highlights the need for
better use of type classes in the prelude.

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 1:03 PM, Thomas Schilling

> OK, so I think we should separate the parts of the proposal a bit.
>  - Remove   type String = [Char]
>  - Make String an abstract type (it could be named Text to encourage
> users to think about whether they are operating on  a representation
> of text or on a sequence of bytes).
>  - Specify operations on such an abstract String/Text type.
> Personally, I think the standard shouldn't specify too many operations
> over such a type to not limit implementors' freedom too much.
>  - Integrate the rest of the standard library with this new abstract
> type.  This, I think, is actually the hardest part.
> I think most here agree that the main advantage of the current
> definition is only pedagogical.  Even then Strings are often built in
> a very inefficient way by using ++ instead of ShowS + function
> composition (which actually is a builder on its own).  I don't really
> think that having an abstract type is such a big problem for teaching.
>  You can do string processing by doing (pack . myfunction . unpack)
> which is fine for this purpose.  Once students are comfortable with
> using higher-order functions, you can tell them to use the more
> optimised Text-specific combinators.  Builders are also a very nice
> application of monoids.
> The larger problem for the Prelude would be that you can no longer use
> the list functions on String/Text.  This mainly leads to an issue with
> naming things (e.g., length for lists and length for strings).
> Similarly, file functions like readFile probably shouldn't return Text
> but ByteStrings.  But that would mean making ByteString part of the
> Prelude as well.  So I'm not too sure on these particular issues.
> On 23 March 2012 19:30, Edward Kmett  wrote:
> > Like I said, my objection to including Text is a lot less strong than my
> > feelings on any notion of deprecating String.
> >
> > However, I still see a potentially huge downside from an pedagogical
> > perspective to pushing Text, especially into a place where it will be
> front
> > and center to new users. String lets the user learn about induction, and
> > encourages a "Haskelly" programming style, where you aren't mucking about
> > with indices and Builders everywhere, which is frankly very difficult to
> use
> > when building Text. If you cons or append to build up a Text fragment,
> > frankly you're doing it wrong.
> >
> > The pedagogical concern is quite real, remember many introductory lanuage
> > classes have time to present Haskell and the list data type and not much
> > else. Showing parsing through pattern matching on strings makes a very
> > powerful tool, its harder to show that with Text.
> >
> > But even when taking apart Text, the choice of UTF16 internally makes it
> > pretty much a worst case for many string manipulation purposes. (e.g.
> > slicing has to spend linear time scanning the string) due to the
> existence
> > of codepoints outside of plane 0.
> >
> > The major benefits of Text come from FFI opportunities, but even there if
> > you dig into its internals it has to copy out of the array to talk to
> > foreign functions because it lives in unpinned memory unlike ByteString.
> >
> > The workarounds for these  limitations all require access to the
> internals,
> > so a Text proposed in an implementation-agnostic manner is less than
> useful,
> > and one supplied with a rigid set of implementation choices seems to
> > fossilize the current design.
> >
> > All of these things make me lean towards a position that it is premature
> to
> > push Text as the one true text representation.
> >
> > That I am very sympathetic to the position that the standard should
> ensure
> > that there are Text equivalents for all of the exposed string operations,
> > like read, show, etc, and the various IO primitives, so that a user who
> is
> > savvy to all of these concerns has everything he needs to make his code
> > perform well.
> >
> > Sent from my iPad
> >
> > On Mar 23, 2012, at 1:32 PM, Brandon Allbery 
> wrote:
> >
> > On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 13:05, Edward Kmett  wrote:
> >>
> >> Isn't it enough that it is part of the platform?
> >
> >
> > As long as the entire Prelude and large chunks of th

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread Thomas Schilling
OK, so I think we should separate the parts of the proposal a bit.

  - Remove   type String = [Char]

  - Make String an abstract type (it could be named Text to encourage
users to think about whether they are operating on  a representation
of text or on a sequence of bytes).

  - Specify operations on such an abstract String/Text type.
Personally, I think the standard shouldn't specify too many operations
over such a type to not limit implementors' freedom too much.

  - Integrate the rest of the standard library with this new abstract
type.  This, I think, is actually the hardest part.

I think most here agree that the main advantage of the current
definition is only pedagogical.  Even then Strings are often built in
a very inefficient way by using ++ instead of ShowS + function
composition (which actually is a builder on its own).  I don't really
think that having an abstract type is such a big problem for teaching.
 You can do string processing by doing (pack . myfunction . unpack)
which is fine for this purpose.  Once students are comfortable with
using higher-order functions, you can tell them to use the more
optimised Text-specific combinators.  Builders are also a very nice
application of monoids.

The larger problem for the Prelude would be that you can no longer use
the list functions on String/Text.  This mainly leads to an issue with
naming things (e.g., length for lists and length for strings).
Similarly, file functions like readFile probably shouldn't return Text
but ByteStrings.  But that would mean making ByteString part of the
Prelude as well.  So I'm not too sure on these particular issues.

On 23 March 2012 19:30, Edward Kmett  wrote:
> Like I said, my objection to including Text is a lot less strong than my
> feelings on any notion of deprecating String.
> However, I still see a potentially huge downside from an pedagogical
> perspective to pushing Text, especially into a place where it will be front
> and center to new users. String lets the user learn about induction, and
> encourages a "Haskelly" programming style, where you aren't mucking about
> with indices and Builders everywhere, which is frankly very difficult to use
> when building Text. If you cons or append to build up a Text fragment,
> frankly you're doing it wrong.
> The pedagogical concern is quite real, remember many introductory lanuage
> classes have time to present Haskell and the list data type and not much
> else. Showing parsing through pattern matching on strings makes a very
> powerful tool, its harder to show that with Text.
> But even when taking apart Text, the choice of UTF16 internally makes it
> pretty much a worst case for many string manipulation purposes. (e.g.
> slicing has to spend linear time scanning the string) due to the existence
> of codepoints outside of plane 0.
> The major benefits of Text come from FFI opportunities, but even there if
> you dig into its internals it has to copy out of the array to talk to
> foreign functions because it lives in unpinned memory unlike ByteString.
> The workarounds for these  limitations all require access to the internals,
> so a Text proposed in an implementation-agnostic manner is less than useful,
> and one supplied with a rigid set of implementation choices seems to
> fossilize the current design.
> All of these things make me lean towards a position that it is premature to
> push Text as the one true text representation.
> That I am very sympathetic to the position that the standard should ensure
> that there are Text equivalents for all of the exposed string operations,
> like read, show, etc, and the various IO primitives, so that a user who is
> savvy to all of these concerns has everything he needs to make his code
> perform well.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Mar 23, 2012, at 1:32 PM, Brandon Allbery  wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 13:05, Edward Kmett  wrote:
>> Isn't it enough that it is part of the platform?
> As long as the entire Prelude and large chunks of the bootlibs are based
> around String, String will be preferred.  String as a boxed singly-linked
> list type is therefore a major problem.
> --
> brandon s allbery                            
> wandering unix systems administrator (available)     (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list

Push the envelope. Watch it bend.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread Edward Kmett
Like I said, my objection to including Text is a lot less strong than my 
feelings on any notion of deprecating String.

However, I still see a potentially huge downside from an pedagogical 
perspective to pushing Text, especially into a place where it will be front and 
center to new users. String lets the user learn about induction, and encourages 
a "Haskelly" programming style, where you aren't mucking about with indices and 
Builders everywhere, which is frankly very difficult to use when building Text. 
If you cons or append to build up a Text fragment, frankly you're doing it 

The pedagogical concern is quite real, remember many introductory lanuage 
classes have time to present Haskell and the list data type and not much else. 
Showing parsing through pattern matching on strings makes a very powerful tool, 
its harder to show that with Text.

But even when taking apart Text, the choice of UTF16 internally makes it pretty 
much a worst case for many string manipulation purposes. (e.g. slicing has to 
spend linear time scanning the string) due to the existence of codepoints 
outside of plane 0. 

The major benefits of Text come from FFI opportunities, but even there if you 
dig into its internals it has to copy out of the array to talk to foreign 
functions because it lives in unpinned memory unlike ByteString.

The workarounds for these  limitations all require access to the internals, so 
a Text proposed in an implementation-agnostic manner is less than useful, and 
one supplied with a rigid set of implementation choices seems to fossilize the 
current design.

All of these things make me lean towards a position that it is premature to 
push Text as the one true text representation.

That I am very sympathetic to the position that the standard should ensure that 
there are Text equivalents for all of the exposed string operations, like read, 
show, etc, and the various IO primitives, so that a user who is savvy to all of 
these concerns has everything he needs to make his code perform well.

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 23, 2012, at 1:32 PM, Brandon Allbery  wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 13:05, Edward Kmett  wrote:
> Isn't it enough that it is part of the platform?
> As long as the entire Prelude and large chunks of the bootlibs are based 
> around String, String will be preferred.  String as a boxed singly-linked 
> list type is therefore a major problem.
> -- 
> brandon s allbery
> wandering unix systems administrator (available) (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread Greg Weber
> With regards to performance of fromString, I feel like if it was a
> serious problem (and how many really big strings are going to be built
> that way?) then an effort to do some special-case inlining (after all,
> the parameters are constant and specified at compile time) might be
> beneficial.

Actually, inlining is a already a big problem with Text

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 13:05, Edward Kmett  wrote:

> Isn't it enough that it is part of the platform?

As long as the entire Prelude and large chunks of the bootlibs are based
around String, String will be preferred.  String as a boxed singly-linked
list type is therefore a major problem.

brandon s allbery
wandering unix systems administrator (available) (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread Edward Kmett
>From Greg Weber, *Fri Mar 23 14:24:24 CET 2012:*
> This proposal doesn't have to break any codebases.
> One possibility is to add the Text type to the standard while
> keeping String and marking it as deprecated.

I for one would like to go on the record as being against any notion of
"deprecating" String.

Text is good for many use-cases, but it has very different*
asymptotic* behavior
for many operations, and cannot serve as a one-size-fits-all replacement
for String.

I am less strongly against adding Text to the standard, but mostly because
I am leery in that it brings a lot of language specification baggage and
risks making attempts to explore the design space around Text harder. (e.g.
Jasper's GSoC project this last year to investigate using UTF-8 encoded
Data.Text would have been a much harder sell if Text was codified in the
language standard!)

Text has a remarkably (necessarily) large API and for the first time, as
far as I can see, the specification would be largely requiring users to use
qualified imports to access everything inside of it, which complicates the
language standard from a pedagogical standpoint.

Isn't it enough that it is part of the platform?

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread Ben Millwood
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Greg Weber  wrote:
> I would really just like for someone to show me how to create a wiki
> proposal page :)
> This proposal doesn't have to break any codebases.
> One possibility is to add the Text type to the standard while keeping
> String and marking it as deprecated.

I'm in favour of this. In fact, I'm not sure if I would even deprecate
String. I think just adding Text or something Text-like to the
standard would be a good step towards encouraging libraries to use it
as their first choice. It might, however, be wise to first adopt GHC's
OverloadedStrings proposal so that the syntax for using string
alternatives is more convenient.

I'm inclined to start slow and small: OverloadedStrings is already in
use, and makes sense with overloaded numeric literals that we already
have, so I think it's reasonable to push for including that in the
standard. I don't think that blessing any other string type is going
to be very successful *without* OverloadedStrings, and I think that
Duncan is right that we want to introduce a new type before removing
the old one.

With regards to performance of fromString, I feel like if it was a
serious problem (and how many really big strings are going to be built
that way?) then an effort to do some special-case inlining (after all,
the parameters are constant and specified at compile time) might be

With regards to a general string API, I don't think a typeclass is the
correct solution (except for string literals); my view is that things
like ListLike may be practical but are awkward to use, and ambiguity
problems only make things more upsetting. I think we should just take
the abstract Text type and API, and leave implementors to do whatever
they want behind that.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread Greg Weber
Does Python 3 have the equivalent of LANGUAGE pragmas? That is, as a
GHC user i can add {-# LANGUAGE OLD_STRINGS -#} and my program works
with the new language standard!

I think what ruined Perl 6 is that it is still under development!
Avoiding breakage is important. But throwing around comparisons to
Perl 6 is not going to help move the discussion along!

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 6:33 AM, Christian Siefkes
> On 03/23/2012 02:13 PM, ARJANEN Loïc Jean David wrote:
>> 2012/3/22 Greg Weber :
>> But now we have at least two tasks to do before we can put up the
>> proposal: define what operations should be supported by String and
>> should we apply this proposal in the next batch. Given that this
>> proposal will break many codebases (we shouldn't hope to apply all of
>> list's syntax to this string type) should we apply it alone or wait
>> until we have more other codebase-breakers to apply ?
> I very much hope that the Haskell committee will never ever accept a
> proposal that "will break many codebases"! That's what ruined Perl 6 und
> Python 3, and quite unnecessarily so.
> Even if I a future Haskell standard defines String as something that doesn't
> have to be implemented as a list of Char, it still would have to behave as
> if it was [Char] for most practical purposes (except performance-wise, of
> course!). That's necessary for compatibility. Or String could just be
> complemented with an additional standardized Text type, as Greg suggested.
> Best regards
>        Christian
> --
> |--- Dr. Christian Siefkes --- ---
> | Homepage: | Blog:
> |    Peer Production Everywhere:
> |-- OpenPGP Key ID: 0x346452D8 --
> Just so that nobody takes his guess for the full truth, here's my standing
> on "keeping control", in 2 words (three?):
> I won't.
>        -- Linus Torvalds, The Tanenbaum-Torvalds Debate
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread Tillmann Rendel


ARJANEN Loïc Jean David wrote:

But now we have at least two tasks to do before we can put up the
proposal: define what operations should be supported by String and
should we apply this proposal in the next batch. Given that this
proposal will break many codebases (we shouldn't hope to apply all of
list's syntax to this string type) should we apply it alone or wait
until we have more other codebase-breakers to apply ?

I would expect the following steps:

 1. Define what operations should be supported by String,
that is, define a String API, possibly including thoughts
on performance, formal specification, tests, benchmarks, ...

 2. Convince all Haskell implementations to provide an
implementation of the String API outside the Prelude, as an
additional module (in the base package?). That implementation can
be based on [Char] or something else.

 3. Convince all string-like-packages on Hackage to provide
exactly the String API in a separate module, so these packages
are now drop-in replacements for the String implementations from
step 2 above.

At this point, we haven't touched the Prelude, but we have a blessed 
String API with multiple implementations. So applications can opt-in to 
use that String API instead of the Prelude-based [Char]. This allows us to:

 4. Convince packages on Hackage to use the type String (from
step 2) instead of Prelude-based [Char]; or to use the StringLike
class instead of a concrete string type.

 5. Refine the String API according to experience.

And finally, we can:

 6. Change Prelude.String to be the type from step 2 above.

My hope is that because of steps 2 and 3, the investment from step 1 
starts to pay off long before we reach step 6.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread Christian Siefkes
On 03/23/2012 02:13 PM, ARJANEN Loïc Jean David wrote:
> 2012/3/22 Greg Weber :
> But now we have at least two tasks to do before we can put up the
> proposal: define what operations should be supported by String and
> should we apply this proposal in the next batch. Given that this
> proposal will break many codebases (we shouldn't hope to apply all of
> list's syntax to this string type) should we apply it alone or wait
> until we have more other codebase-breakers to apply ?

I very much hope that the Haskell committee will never ever accept a
proposal that "will break many codebases"! That's what ruined Perl 6 und
Python 3, and quite unnecessarily so.

Even if I a future Haskell standard defines String as something that doesn't
have to be implemented as a list of Char, it still would have to behave as
if it was [Char] for most practical purposes (except performance-wise, of
course!). That's necessary for compatibility. Or String could just be
complemented with an additional standardized Text type, as Greg suggested.

Best regards

|--- Dr. Christian Siefkes --- ---
| Homepage: | Blog:
|Peer Production Everywhere:
|-- OpenPGP Key ID: 0x346452D8 --
Just so that nobody takes his guess for the full truth, here's my standing
on "keeping control", in 2 words (three?):
I won't.
-- Linus Torvalds, The Tanenbaum-Torvalds Debate

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread Greg Weber
I would really just like for someone to show me how to create a wiki
proposal page :)

This proposal doesn't have to break any codebases.
One possibility is to add the Text type to the standard while keeping
String and marking it as deprecated.

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 6:13 AM, ARJANEN Loïc Jean David
> 2012/3/22 Greg Weber :
>> I am not trying to win an argument with anyone. Just trying to do what
>> is best for the community. Many others here have a better grasp of the
>> issue than me and can help answer questions and come up with a
>> solution.
>> I am also not saying this proposal is done. A lot of thought and work
>> is needed to ensure it can be implemented as smoothly as possible. It
>> does seem though that everyone thinks it is a good proposal.
> Sorry for the misunderstanding, but when you said that someone should
> take this proposal up and help make sure it gets in the next batch, I
> believed you thought we could take this proposal as is. Deeply sorry
> for my error.
> But now we have at least two tasks to do before we can put up the
> proposal: define what operations should be supported by String and
> should we apply this proposal in the next batch. Given that this
> proposal will break many codebases (we shouldn't hope to apply all of
> list's syntax to this string type) should we apply it alone or wait
> until we have more other codebase-breakers to apply ?
> --
> ARJANEN Loïc Jean David
> ---
> "Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about
> telescopes, biology is about microscopes, or chemistry is about
> beakers and test tubes. Science is not about tools. It is about how we
> use them, and what we find out when we do."
> Michael R. Fellows and Ian Parberry
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-23 Thread ARJANEN Loïc Jean David
2012/3/22 Greg Weber :
> I am not trying to win an argument with anyone. Just trying to do what
> is best for the community. Many others here have a better grasp of the
> issue than me and can help answer questions and come up with a
> solution.
> I am also not saying this proposal is done. A lot of thought and work
> is needed to ensure it can be implemented as smoothly as possible. It
> does seem though that everyone thinks it is a good proposal.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, but when you said that someone should
take this proposal up and help make sure it gets in the next batch, I
believed you thought we could take this proposal as is. Deeply sorry
for my error.
But now we have at least two tasks to do before we can put up the
proposal: define what operations should be supported by String and
should we apply this proposal in the next batch. Given that this
proposal will break many codebases (we shouldn't hope to apply all of
list's syntax to this string type) should we apply it alone or wait
until we have more other codebase-breakers to apply ?

ARJANEN Loïc Jean David
"Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about
telescopes, biology is about microscopes, or chemistry is about
beakers and test tubes. Science is not about tools. It is about how we
use them, and what we find out when we do."
Michael R. Fellows and Ian Parberry

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-22 Thread Gershom Bazerman

On 3/22/12 5:49 PM, Greg Weber wrote:

I am not trying to win an argument with anyone. Just trying to do what
is best for the community. Many others here have a better grasp of the
issue than me and can help answer questions and come up with a

I am also not saying this proposal is done. A lot of thought and work
is needed to ensure it can be implemented as smoothly as possible. It
does seem though that everyone thinks it is a good proposal.

It is not a proposal. It is a notion. Perhaps a whimsy, or a passing 
thought even.

Which is not to say that it is without promise. But it is also not yet a 

If it does mature into a proposal, then maybe people will say it is a 
good one, or a bad one, or one which could be good with suitable 
amendments. Until then, it is hard to say much else.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-22 Thread Greg Weber
I am not trying to win an argument with anyone. Just trying to do what
is best for the community. Many others here have a better grasp of the
issue than me and can help answer questions and come up with a

I am also not saying this proposal is done. A lot of thought and work
is needed to ensure it can be implemented as smoothly as possible. It
does seem though that everyone thinks it is a good proposal.

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 2:06 PM, ARJANEN Loïc Jean David
> Le 22/03/2012 04:29, Greg Weber a écrit :
>> This proposal seems fairly uncontroversial at the moment. I would
>> really like it if someone more familiar with the proposal process can
>> take this proposal up and help make sure it gets in the next batch. I
>> can't even figure out how to create a wiki page for the proposal right
>> now :)
> Well, this proposal seems uncontroversial because we didn't arrive to the
> difficult part: what operations should we define on this String type for it
> to be useful.
> Because with only this proposal as it stands now (String defined as an
> implementation-defined newtype, a typeclass defined for conversion from/to
> String and [Char] as an instance of this typeclass), we're in a worse
> situation than before: not only String became useless given there is no
> operations defined on it, the only mean we have to portably work with it is
> to translate it to [Char] before doing anything.
> So now, the fun part begins...what operations should String support ? I
> propose obtaining the length of a String, taking a substring of a given size
> beginning at a given index, taking the character at index i in a String,
> concatenation, converting a string to upper/lower case and determining if a
> string is contained in/a prefix/a suffix of another.
> I am sure I am forgetting some useful operations and some operations I said
> are better placed in the typeclass or in a typeclass instance or are
> particular cases of general operations we should define rather than the
> particular cases. So, what are the operations we should define according to
> you ?
> Regards,
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-22 Thread ARJANEN Loïc Jean David

Le 22/03/2012 04:29, Greg Weber a écrit :

This proposal seems fairly uncontroversial at the moment. I would
really like it if someone more familiar with the proposal process can
take this proposal up and help make sure it gets in the next batch. I
can't even figure out how to create a wiki page for the proposal right
now :)

Well, this proposal seems uncontroversial because we didn't arrive to 
the difficult part: what operations should we define on this String type 
for it to be useful.
Because with only this proposal as it stands now (String defined as an 
implementation-defined newtype, a typeclass defined for conversion 
from/to String and [Char] as an instance of this typeclass), we're in a 
worse situation than before: not only String became useless given there 
is no operations defined on it, the only mean we have to portably work 
with it is to translate it to [Char] before doing anything.
So now, the fun part begins...what operations should String support ? I 
propose obtaining the length of a String, taking a substring of a given 
size beginning at a given index, taking the character at index i in a 
String, concatenation, converting a string to upper/lower case and 
determining if a string is contained in/a prefix/a suffix of another.
I am sure I am forgetting some useful operations and some operations I 
said are better placed in the typeclass or in a typeclass instance or 
are particular cases of general operations we should define rather than 
the particular cases. So, what are the operations we should define 
according to you ?


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-21 Thread Greg Weber
This proposal seems fairly uncontroversial at the moment. I would
really like it if someone more familiar with the proposal process can
take this proposal up and help make sure it gets in the next batch. I
can't even figure out how to create a wiki page for the proposal right
now :)

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-21 Thread ARJANEN Loïc Jean David

Le 20/03/2012 16:29, Tillmann Rendel a écrit :


Thomas Schilling wrote:

I agree that the language standard should not prescribe the
implementation of a Text datatype.  It should instead require an
abstract data type (which may just be a newtype wrapper for [Char] in
some implementations) and a (minimal) set of operations on it.

Regarding the type class for converting to and from that type, there
is a perhaps more complicated question: The current fromString method
uses String as the source type which causes unnecessary overhead.

Is this still a problem if String would be replaced by an 
implementation-dependend newtype? Presumably, GHC would use a more 
efficient representation behind the newtype, so the following would be 
efficient in practice (or not?)

  newtype String
= ...

  class IsString a where
fromString :: String -> a

The standard could even prescribe that an instance for [Char] exists:

  explode :: String -> [Char]
  explode = ...

  instance IsString [Char] where
fromString = explode


A recent message on Haskell-café made me think that if the standard 
mandates that any instance exists, it should mandates that an instance 
exists for CString and CWString (C's strings and wide strings) or, more 
generally, that an instance exists for any foreign string type defined 
in the FFIs implemented. That is to say, if you implement a FFI for .Net 
and you expose .Net's string type, you should implement conversions 
between that string type and Haskell's one.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-20 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Thomas Schilling wrote:

I agree that the language standard should not prescribe the
implementation of a Text datatype.  It should instead require an
abstract data type (which may just be a newtype wrapper for [Char] in
some implementations) and a (minimal) set of operations on it.

Regarding the type class for converting to and from that type, there
is a perhaps more complicated question: The current fromString method
uses String as the source type which causes unnecessary overhead.

Is this still a problem if String would be replaced by an 
implementation-dependend newtype? Presumably, GHC would use a more 
efficient representation behind the newtype, so the following would be 
efficient in practice (or not?)

  newtype String
= ...

  class IsString a where
fromString :: String -> a

The standard could even prescribe that an instance for [Char] exists:

  explode :: String -> [Char]
  explode = ...

  instance IsString [Char] where
fromString = explode


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-20 Thread Johan Tibell
On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 2:25 AM, Simon Marlow  wrote:
> Is there a reason not to put all these methods in the IsString class, with 
> appropriate default definitions?  You would need a UTF-8 encoder (& decoder) 
> of course, but it would reduce the burden on clients and improve backwards 
> compatibility.

That sounds fine to me. I'm leaning towards only having
unpackUTF8String (in addition to the existing method), as in the
absence of proper byte literals we would have literals which change
types, depending on which bytes they contain*. Ugh!

* Is it even possible to create non-UTF8 literals without using
escaped sequences?

-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

RE: String != [Char]

2012-03-20 Thread Simon Marlow
> On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 9:02 AM, Christian Siefkes 
> wrote:
> > On 03/19/2012 04:53 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:
> >> I've been thinking about this question as well. How about
> >>
> >> class IsString s where
> >>     unpackCString :: Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> s
> >
> > What's the Ptr Word8 supposed to contain? A UTF-8 encoded string?
> Yes.
> We could make a distinction between byte and Unicode literals and have:
> class IsBytes a where
> unpackBytes :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> a
> class IsText a where
> unpackText :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> a
> In the latter the caller guarantees that the passed in pointer points to
> wellformed UTF-8 data.

Is there a reason not to put all these methods in the IsString class, with 
appropriate default definitions?  You would need a UTF-8 encoder (& decoder) of 
course, but it would reduce the burden on clients and improve backwards 


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-19 Thread Johan Tibell
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 2:55 PM, Daniel Peebles  wrote:
> If the input is specified to be UTF-8, wouldn't it be better to call the
> method unpackUTF8 or something like that?


-- Johan

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-19 Thread Daniel Peebles
If the input is specified to be UTF-8, wouldn't it be better to call the
method unpackUTF8 or something like that?

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 12:59 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 9:02 AM, Christian Siefkes
>  wrote:
> > On 03/19/2012 04:53 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:
> >> I've been thinking about this question as well. How about
> >>
> >> class IsString s where
> >> unpackCString :: Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> s
> >
> > What's the Ptr Word8 supposed to contain? A UTF-8 encoded string?
> Yes.
> We could make a distinction between byte and Unicode literals and have:
> class IsBytes a where
>unpackBytes :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> a
> class IsText a where
>unpackText :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> a
> In the latter the caller guarantees that the passed in pointer points
> to wellformed UTF-8 data.
> -- Johan
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: String != [Char]

2012-03-19 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 15:39, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> Don't forget that with -XOverloadedStrings we already have a IsString
> class.  (That's not a Haskell Prime extension though.)

I think that's exactly the point; currently it uses [Char] initial format
and converts at runtime, which is rather unfortunate given the inefficiency
of [Char].  If it has to be done at runtime, it would be nice to at least
do it from a more efficient initial format.

brandon s allbery
wandering unix systems administrator (available) (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
Haskell-prime mailing list

RE: String != [Char]

2012-03-19 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
Don't forget that with -XOverloadedStrings we already have a IsString class.  
(That's not a Haskell Prime extension though.)

class IsString a where
fromString :: String -> a


|  -Original Message-
|  From: [mailto:haskell-prime-
|] On Behalf Of Johan Tibell
|  Sent: 19 March 2012 15:54
|  To: Thomas Schilling
|  Cc:
|  Subject: Re: String != [Char]
|  On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 8:45 AM, Thomas Schilling
|   wrote:
|  > Regarding the type class for converting to and from that type, there
|  > is a perhaps more complicated question: The current fromString method
|  > uses String as the source type which causes unnecessary overhead. This
|  > is unfortunate since GHC's built-in mechanism actually uses
|  > unpackCString[Utf8]# which constructs the inefficient String
|  > representation from a compact memory representation.  I think it would
|  > be best if the new fromString/fromText class allowed an efficient
|  > mechanism like that.  unpackCString# has type Addr# -> [Char] which is
|  > obviously GHC-specific.
|  I've been thinking about this question as well. How about
|  class IsString s where
|  unpackCString :: Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> s
|  It's morally equivalent of unpackCString#, but uses standard Haskell types.
|  -- Johan
|  ___
|  Haskell-prime mailing list

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