Re: how to solve this reduce/reduce conflict?

2022-09-23 Thread Evan Lavelle

On 22/09/2022 21:34, Derek Clegg wrote:

This is horrid, and not how math works. Spaces necessarily mean nothing, and 
imbuing them with meaning is nonsense.

Please reconsider your grammar.

It's a programming language, not maths. There are, of course, languages 
in which spaces necessarily mean something. But I can't bring myself to 
use any of them.

I don't like it, but chacun a son gout.

Re: Resolving shift/reduce conflicts?

2021-02-02 Thread Evan Lavelle
I don't know how familiar you are with this, so apologies if I'm stating
the obvious.

General observations:

1 - start by writing a skeleton with no actions; this makes it easier to
find conflicts. When you're done, add the actions

2 - this is *way*, *way* too verbose. You don't need tokens for ';',
'{', '}', etc - just write them explicitly in the description; this
makes it much easier to read. Get rid of all the $$. Move all the
common body actions out to routines at the bottom of the file, etc.
yyGetParser->SetCurrentCombine("") is just noise.

3 - if you have an optional ';' in your description, try not to repeat
the body twice, once with a ';', and once without:

 : MethodHeader jp_SEMICOL
 | MethodHeader MethodBody
 | MethodHeader MethodBody jp_SEMICOL

this is asking for conflicts, and is too verbose. Try (4) for the
conflicts, and/or this to reduce verbosity:

 : MethodHeader jp_SEMICOL
 | MethodHeader MethodBody opt_semicolon

See also ConstructorDeclaration, etc.

4 - I think your fundamental problem is that your semicolon handling is
too complicated; I'm surprised that you only have 4 conflicts. Statement
terminators are always difficult. My procedure is to move this to the
top level, as far as possible. I can't easily explain why, but this does
seem to make it much easier to write without conflicts (and to handle
error recovery). If you're lucky, you end up with something like this,
with no other terminators in your description:

 : statement_a ';'
 | statement_b ';'
 | statement_c ';'
 | /* empty */ ';'
 | ...

5 - turn the counter examples into real source code that demonstrates
the problem - that makes it much easier for us to see the issue, and may
make the resolution clearer.

Re: Bison 3.5.1 released

2020-04-02 Thread Evan Lavelle
Ubuntu 16 (gcc 5.4.0): Ok
SLES 12 (gcc 4.8.5): Ok
RHEL 7.7 (gcc 4.8.5): Ok

All report the bison version as when run.

On 02/04/2020 10:53, Evan Lavelle wrote:
> Hi Akim - yes, that builds cleanly (with no warnings) on Scientific
> Linux 6.10 (an RHEL 6.10 clone), with a default configure (with '--prefix').
> I'll run up some KVMs tonight (GMT+1) and try them, but they're on newer
> gcc versions (RHEL7/SLES12 4.8.5, Ubuntu16 5.4.0).
> Thanks.
> On 02/04/2020 06:30, Akim Demaille wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Le 1 avr. 2020 à 10:12, Evan Lavelle  a écrit :
>>> Great - thank you.
>> Could you please try these?
>> If it addresses your concern, I'll release 3.5.4.

Re: Bison 3.5.1 released

2020-04-02 Thread Evan Lavelle
Hi Akim - yes, that builds cleanly (with no warnings) on Scientific
Linux 6.10 (an RHEL 6.10 clone), with a default configure (with '--prefix').

I'll run up some KVMs tonight (GMT+1) and try them, but they're on newer
gcc versions (RHEL7/SLES12 4.8.5, Ubuntu16 5.4.0).


On 02/04/2020 06:30, Akim Demaille wrote:
> Hi,
>> Le 1 avr. 2020 à 10:12, Evan Lavelle  a écrit :
>> Great - thank you.
> Could you please try these?
> If it addresses your concern, I'll release 3.5.4.

Re: Bison 3.5.1 released

2020-04-01 Thread Evan Lavelle
Great - thank you.

On 01/04/2020 07:20, Akim Demaille wrote:
> Hi,
>> Le 31 mars 2020 à 21:05, EML  a écrit :
>> This doesn't compile on RHEL 6.10/gcc 4.4.7, with "#pragma GCC
>> diagnostic not allowed inside functions". I've 'fixed' this with the
>> hack at
> Why on earth this was never reported before???  This is _bad_
> (and I'm thinking other words).
> Distros should not keep bugs for themselves.  That even worse
> for tools such as Bison, that generate code which is expected
> to be portable.
> I'll have to make things clear on MacPorts, thanks!
>> Is this known about/intended? I get the impression from
>> that
> No, it is *not* know.  Otherwise it would have been fixed.
> If you follow the thread you pointed to, we fixed what we
> could see.
> I'll work out a fix and keep you informed, thanks!

Build problems

2014-11-10 Thread Evan Lavelle
Ubuntu 14.04, building 2.4.1 from source (yes, I know 2.4.1 is old, but 
(1) at least appears to be just a config problem):

1 - Can't make bison.texinfo, with makeinfo/texinfo installed (can avoid 
by preventing a docs and examples build by modifying docs/Makefile and 

2 - when configured with '--prefix=/home/me/local', the '' 
(and presumably skeleton) file used is actually 
/usr/local/share/bison/, and not 


'yylval was not declared' on switch from Bison 2.4.1 to 3.0.2

2014-11-08 Thread Evan Lavelle
Any idea how to fix this? I have a grammar which compiled without 
problems on bison 2.4.1/gcc 4.4.7 (RHEL 6.5), but which won't now 
compile on bison 3.0.2/gcc 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 14.04).

The output from 2.4.1 included a definition of yylval as:

semantic_type yylval;

The 3.0.2 output has no definition, and the compiler complains when it 
reaches the first reference to yylval in the new, saying 
that 'yylval' was not declared in this scope. This corresponds to my 
first use of 'yylval' in my .y file.

I'm using the C++ skeleton (, and not explicitly declaring a 
is the same question on stackoverflow, from May 15th, with a suggestion 
to use yyla.value instead.



Re: newbie: better approach for list processing with bison++?

2014-06-05 Thread Evan Lavelle

This is perhaps more canonical:

   : /* nothing */  { $$ = new ParamListNode(); }
   | param_item_list{ $$ = $1; }

   : param  { $$ = new ParamListNode($1); }
   | param_item_list ',' param  { $$ = $1-addChild($3); }

so bare with me!

Think I'll pass on that.


Re: Solving issue in templates

2013-02-06 Thread Evan Lavelle

On 05/02/2013 23:54, Adam Smalin wrote:

This doesn't help :( I see  is in the lexer (search SHL) which means
ListListint will not compile because  is a right shift. But i looked
in the y file first and well... like i said its a C++ problem so C++
obviously would suffer from it.

Why have you got an issue with solving this in the AST logic? You can't 
expect to compile any reasonably complex language in a lexer and a 
parser. The lexer sorts out tokens, the parser lets you produce an first 
attempt at an AST. All the hard work happens afterwards. You're going to 
have to fix up hundreds of other things by manipulating the AST, so you 
might as well just get on with it.


Re: filebench: bison generated parser + CDDL

2012-07-31 Thread Evan Lavelle
You'll never get an answer from the FSF on licensing; they'll just send 
you a form mail asking you for money. So, don't bother asking.

You have to ask yourself two questions:

1 - Is filebench a parser generator? From what you've said, it seems 
that it isn't. If it isn't a parser generator (ie. if it just *contains* 
a parser, and it isn't a program (like yacc/Bison/Antlr/etc) which 
actually *creates* a parser) then you can distribute filebench under any 
licence you want, even though you have used Bison to generate a parser 
which you have included in filebench, and even though filebench uses the 
Bison skeleton. This much is obvious; Bison would be unusable in most 
environments without this exception.

2 - Do you actually *want* to distribute filebench with a *more* 
restrictive licence that contaminates the rest of your code, and 
restricts your ability to distribute your code freely? If so, you can. 
This is what the Alternatively section is about. You can completely 
ignore the Alternatively section, unless you have some sort of 
ideology issue with licences.

I think your confusion is:

It is less clear than I thought.

Let A be a work with a parser generated by bison and assume that A is not a
parser generator. It appears that the exception allows the authors of A to
place A under any license they want to, effectively overriding the
GPL-and-exception. Suppose they choose something like the MIT license. Then

No - you can't over-ride the GPL-and-exception. You can only over-ride 
the -and-exception:

| Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
| the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
| special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
| Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
| License without this special exception.

In other words, you can make the licensing *more* restrictive, by 
reverting back to GPL, but you can't make it *less* restrictive.

I'm sure you're Ok. But, if you're really concerned, you can always 
switch to Antlr, which has a free licence, rather than a Free licence.



Re: Rule not matched ?

2011-05-11 Thread Evan Lavelle

What is 'design_file'?
Does it expect a START_FULL before LIBRARY?
Is 'switch' invoked anywhere else?
Do you have any 'go to state 0' output in your debug file?
Does START_FULL appear anywhere else in your grammar?
Which 'modification' are you removing? Both, or just the start rule?



Re: Selective Compilation

2011-02-07 Thread Evan Lavelle

On 07/02/2011 23:13, Tejas Kajarekar wrote:

Hi Martin,
If I understand your question correctly, here is a way to have multiple
scanners and parsers in the same program.

No, he's asking about using a subset of an existing grammar in a new parser.

Example: I have a language which includes a complex expression syntax. I 
also have a separate preprocessor for the same language, which uses 
exactly the same expression syntax. This means that I need to write two 
completely separate flex/bison files, and maintain both of them, even 
though one of them is a subset of the other one.

This would be a nice feature - I think it's been asked for before on 
this list.


Re: parenthesis warnings

2010-12-23 Thread Evan Lavelle

On 17 Dec 2010, at 17:08, Gergely Feldhoffer wrote:

Thank you, we upgraded bison from latest debian 2.4.1 to 2.4.3, and it
works just fine.

I just had this problem on the default Ubuntu 10.10 installation (gcc 
4.4.5, bison 2.4.1). Anyone who wants to stay on 2.4.1 needs to edit the skeleton file to add the extra parentheses. In my case, this 
file is in /usr/share/bison. The source for the code at position.hh:136 
is at line 120 in; just add parentheses around the 2 
expressions on either side of the '||'.

I was surprised to see this in my grammars, though, since I don't use 
%locations. Should the position/location code be generated if it's not 



Re: bison 2.4.1 on Msys Win7 /usr/local/share/bison/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4

2010-05-10 Thread Evan Lavelle
Sanity check: presumably you know that you don't have to build on MSYS 
to get a Win32 executable? You can build on Cygwin, with MinGW. You can 
ignore MSYS completely, and the result doesn't use cygwin.dll.



Re: help-bison Digest, Vol 79, Issue 4

2010-05-10 Thread Evan Lavelle

Dick Dunbar wrote:

I didn't know that.  And don't know how to proceed.  I have gcc installed on
does it need to be replaced with a MinGW distro?   Any pointers to a
discussion of this?

No; just install the MinGW gcc. You can get this from the Cygwin 
installer, but I think I downloaded mine direct. There's an installation 
HOWTO on the MinGW website.

The trick is to put the MinGW path before the Cygwin path, so you pick 
up the MinGW gcc. This is all a bit of a black art, but there's lots on 
Google about it. The only issue, I think, is making sure you get the 
path right. One potential problem is that the MinGW gcc is (was?) not 
up-to-date. I don't have a Windows system up, but I think I have to run 
gcc 3.4.




Re: Newbie: how to get rid of this r/r conflict

2009-06-19 Thread Evan Lavelle
You haven't given enough information; it looks like there's an embedded 
action you've left out. Construct a simple test case and post it.

Alternatively, just start with the production as shown in SV3.1a:

 : timeunit  time_literal ';'
 | timeprecision time_literal ';'
 | timeunit  time_literal ';'
   timeprecision time_literal ';'
 | timeprecision time_literal ';'
   timeunit  time_literal ';'

there are no conflicts in this.



Re: Two-pass parser or AST with Bison?

2009-01-06 Thread Evan Lavelle
I had this problem some years ago, when I was first using Bison. I had a 
simple language, which I could handle in a single parser pass; this was 
easy, and I could do everything in the Bison actions.

I then added some functionality, which was primarily forward-referencing 
of externals (mainly function calls, like you). I fixed this quickly by 
adding a second Bison pass; the parser re-scanned the original source 
code (I didn't bother saving and re-scanning flex tokens, as you're 

(2) (for two-pass:)
Don't want to surround every single rule with an if like this:
E = E '+' E {
if(global.pass==1) {
// do nothing in first pass
} else {

I had a lot of this, but I mainly put it in the C++ code called from the 
actions, where it was a trivial addition - if you're in the wrong pass, 
you just return. This keeps the grammar clean. Alternatively, you might 
also consider writing two grammars - in the first pass, you use a 
simplified grammar which ignores the contents of functions, and which 
just extracts function names and parameters.

If you're just forward-referencing function names, then two Bison parses 
is *much*, *much* easier than creating and processing an AST. In my 
case, the language got more complicated over time, and I needed a third 
pass. It was only then that I started using an AST - the parser pass 
created the AST, and subsequent passes manipulated the AST (there were 
eventually 6 passes).

Using an AST for the first time is hard work and there's a steep 
learning curve (I used the C++ AST library from ANTLR to make this 
easier). You should also remember that writing an AST-based compiler is 
a completely different programming paradigm from a simple parsing 
exercise. The former is all about data and manipulating data structures; 
the latter is just actions and functions.

(1) (for the AST:)
Don't want to spell out every single AST node class explicitly, but 
rather, if possible, derive these from the grammar?

I don't think that would be desirable (even if it's possible). As a 
programmer, you'll be constantly modifying, adding, or removing node 
classes to make life easier. For example, some passes might want a new 
node class because they've simplified part of the tree and want to 
replace it with an equivalent node, where that node has no equivalent in 
the source code. Eventually, your AST will transform to something which 
looks nothing like your source code, so why should it uses node types 
which are defined by the source?

Good luck -



Re: Two-pass parser or AST with Bison?

2009-01-06 Thread Evan Lavelle

Matthias Kramm wrote:

I'll probably define myself some C macros so that I can at least
write something like
E = E '+' E {pass2only append($1);append($3);append(OP_ADD);}
But it would of course be more nifty if the default behaviour 
execute an action only if the pass is 2 could be placed

somewhere central.

You really want a bison equivalent of flex's YY_USER_ACTION, but I don't 
think there is one. You could hack the bison output if you're desperate 
- maybe something in/around YY_REDUCE_PRINT.

Any pointers to a pure C AST implementation, by any chance?

There's a C runtime for Antlr, so I guess all the AST code has C 
versions as well - I don't think it existed when I needed it. The C++ 
version has ~80 .hpp and .cpp files for the AST bits (I think I found it 
in a lib directory somewhere in the source tree).



Re: SQL grammar

2008-05-12 Thread Evan Lavelle

Check the logs, as Hans suggests. For starters, though, what's this:


What sort of 'search_cond' is it? First branch, second branch, or both? 
It can't be both; that's a conflict.



Re: SQL grammar

2008-05-12 Thread Evan Lavelle

Evan Lavelle wrote:

Check the logs, as Hans suggests. For starters, though, what's this:


What sort of 'search_cond' is it? First branch, second branch, or both? 
It can't be both; that's a conflict.

Sorry, didn't read your first post; seems you already knew this.

There's no general fix. You need a detailed understanding of your 
language, and you have to formulate the grammar in a way that doesn't 
have these overlaps. There are a lot of SQL parsers on the net, so that 
would be a good place to start.

In this simple case, your problem is that a query_specification can be 
both a query and an expression. This might make sense to a human, but 
not to a parser. You appear to be trying to fix this by the use of 
brackets, but this won't work, since a bracketed expression is still an 
expression. There are various things you can try, but which one you 
should use depends on the language itself, which I know nothing about:

1 - completely subsume queries into expressions

2 - completely exclude queries from expressions

3 - allow both query_lists and expressions to include 
query_specifications, but make sure that you never write a production 
that actually uses both a query_list and an expression



Re: for loops in C style

2008-02-29 Thread Evan Lavelle

Ilyes Gouta wrote:

Basically what it's done is enumerating all the possibilities for the
construction of the for loop. Is it the only way do things clearly and

There's no 'clear and proper' way to do this; do whatever's best for 
you, try it, fix it, repeat. Here's what I do:

   | FOR '(' loop_init ';' loop_cond_opt ';' loop_term ')' loop_body {

   : /* nothing */   { ... }
   | full_expr   { ... }

   : /* nothing */   { ... }
   | full_expr   { ... }

   : /* nothing */   { ... }
   | full_expr   { ... }

loop_body : ... ;

You can trivially change or fix the grammar; the real problem is the 
actions, and how you construct the AST. You'll also find that C grammars 
aren't much use to you, because assignments aren't expressions in your 



Re: can't to remove shift/reduce

2007-11-23 Thread Evan Lavelle

If you want help with a grammar, you need to do one of two things:

- post a grammar that fails. Put '%%' around it, make sure that there 
are no undefined rules, cut out all actions, and run Bison on it. Don't 
post everything: if 'expr' isn't relevant, add expr : 'A' ;, for 
example, or

- Show some rules, and give some input that fails those rules.

You haven't done either of these.

Pavel Stehule wrote:


I have gram file that works. 

I'd be surprised if it works. Have you tried column_method_name both 
with and without brackets? The default is to ignore the brackets - what 
happens then? How are the brackets interpreted?

You need to post everything that can come after 'column_method'. Is it 
ever possible to have a '(' character after a column_method, apart from 
the 2 ways you have shown?



Re: can't to remove shift/reduce

2007-11-23 Thread Evan Lavelle
It's too big to make much sense of, but here's a couple of things you 
can try:

I'd be surprised if it works. Have you tried column_method_name both
with and without brackets? The default is to ignore the brackets - what
happens then? How are the brackets interpreted?

without brackets it is relation or variable atribute. With brackets it
is methods.

The grammar produces no code for the no-brackets case (relation or 
variable attribute). It doesn't reduce; it assumes that you wanted the 
shift, so it assumes with brackets it is methods. Is this acceptable, 
or not? Have you got any test input that explicitly requires the 
no-brackets relation or variable attribute case?

You need to post everything that can come after 'column_method'. Is it
ever possible to have a '(' character after a column_method, apart from
the 2 ways you have shown?

To rephrase this: if your intention is to allow both of these two things:

1 - column_method, with no following '(' (ie. relation or variable 
attribute), *but* some other part of the grammar allows you to put in a 
following '(' anyway, AND

2 - column_method with a following '(' (ie. with brackets it is 
methods), THEN

you have a language ambiguity that you need to fix. At first sight, it 
seems that perhaps you may want case 1, because (at least) both 
func_name and qualified_name can be followed by '('. If you don't know 
the answer, you need to go right through the grammar to find out if case 
1 is a requirement.



Re: Top Dowm Variable Communication

2007-08-22 Thread Evan Lavelle

Arijit Das wrote:

Even though Bison is a bottom up parser, if I need to pass a variable's
content top-down, what are the possible ways (except using global

: REGISTER IDENTIFIER Register_decl_contd
Char * register_name = $2;
// $2 has the 'register_name' now. I wanted that
name to be communicated down to the scope of the non-terminal

: '.' IDENTIFIER ...something...
{ ... }
| '=' IDENTIFIER ...something...
{ ... }
| '[' IDENTIFIER ...something...
// I want to use get the content of
'register_name' here to be able to print user friendly error messages,
if required. 
			// How can I get that info since register_name

is defined in a top level scope in the non-terminal hierarchy? Any help?



Some quick thoughts, which may or may not be helpful:

- what's wrong with global variables?

- context-dependent information is generally handled better at a higher 
level than scanning. If you just use the scanner to build an AST, for 
example, then all the information you need is encoded into the AST, and 
the context is then obvious.

- look up inherited attributes (or synthesised attributes), which 
should fix your immediate problem. Basically, $0, $-1, etc let you 
access symbols on the stack to the left of the current rule. However, 
you should only really do this as a last resort.

- If you need to do a lot of this, and don't want to build an AST, it 
may be helpful to look at using Antlr instead of bison.



Re: shift/reduce conflict with unary

2007-08-22 Thread Evan Lavelle
Actually, it turns out that the conflict is pretty obvious even without 
the debug output. consider this input:

5 6 +4

How do you expect this to be scanned? Does it contain 3 
summation_expressions (5, 6, +4) or 2 (5, 6+4)? There's an 
ambiguity - you haven't defined an expression list in an unambiguuous way.

this is a very common problem - how do you define a list of something 
complex? Can you define expression lists to require a separator? How about

5, 6, +4  - 3 expressions
5, 6 +4   - 2 expressions

it okay if I disregard the conflict if the grammar works anyway?

I personally think that this is a mistake, but it is commonly done. The 
problems are that you may not understand why there is a conflict in the 
first place, and any subsequent maintainers certainly won't understand; 
I prefer to try to remove the conflict.



Re: shift/reduce conflict with unary

2007-08-22 Thread Evan Lavelle

cwcaceres wrote:

But I'm not trying to list. I'm trying to do the add operation. So the
expression 5 6 +4 wouldn't be valid. An example of a valid operation would
be +5 + -6 - -2 which should have an output of 1. My grammar file
currently outputs the correct result.

I agree with trying to remove the conflict but I'm putting that on hold for
now since I can't think of how to remove it.

I'm writing this with the benefit of 10 minutes exposure to your 
problem, so I may well be wrong. However, I think you need to stop and 
think a bit more.

The expression 5 6 +4 *is* valid according to the grammar; try it. It 
may not be valid according to your intent, which is a rather different 

Read the debug output, and walk through a scan of 5 6 +4. After 
scanning '6', the parser has to decide whether the '+' marks the start 
of a new unary expression, or is an addition operator. If it's the 
former, then it has to reduce a summation expression; if the latter, it 
has to shift for the addition. That's your conflict. The default is to 
reduce, ie. to push onto the expression list, which I don't think is 
what you want.

You say that you're not trying to list. But that's exactly what

: /* empty */
| expression_list summation_expression

does; it parses a list of summation expressions. What is the intent of 



Re: Conflicts in large grammar

2007-08-09 Thread Evan Lavelle

Hans Aberg wrote:

Error: this project has turned off this tool ?!

I sympathise. If I ever get enough time, I'll probably be converting 
back from svn to cvs.



Re: Conflicts in large grammar

2007-08-09 Thread Evan Lavelle

Hans Aberg wrote:

On 9 Aug 2007, at 10:55, Evan Lavelle wrote:

Error: this project has turned off this tool ?!

I sympathise. If I ever get enough time, I'll probably be converting 
back from svn to cvs.

What are the cons and pros of the two? Mac OS X 10.4.10 comes with CVS 
but not the other, so that one is easier for me.

Whoa; I hate this discussion. There's a long list of pros and cons, but 
as an actual user, who has to do a real job in which svn or cvs takes up 
only 5 minutes in the day, there are (I think...) only 2 significant issues.

The good part of svn is that you can easily manipulate directories and 
files (moving and renaming). This is great, and it's hard work in cvs, 
but you don't need to do it often.

What I personally need revision control for is to restore a file when I 
mess it up. For this, you generally need to go back one revision on the 
file, and compare the old and new versions. If you're using emacs, this 
is trivial; you can easily ediff the two versions in side-by-side 
windows. It's more difficult for svn - you have to find the last version 
of the file which was actually different (and it may have been hundreds 
of versions ago), restore it, and then manually run up ediff. Ok, it's 
not too difficult, but it's bad enough. The svn modes for emacs are next 
to useless (unless they've improved over the last year). Ok, this is a 
problem with emacs rather than svn, but that makes no difference to me 
as a user.

In short, the effort of installing svn was, for me, just pointless busywork.



Re: Feature request

2007-06-20 Thread Evan Lavelle

Fernando Ferreira wrote:

The reason for my request is that, as bison generates LR parsers, there 
is no way to, for instance, execute an action before a rule is reduced, 
only after.

I've never tried an action at the start of a rule, but I'm pretty sure 
that you can do it. Look up 'embedded actions' in the O'Reilly lexyacc 
book, or 3.5.5 'Actions in mid-rule' in the Bison 2.0 manual. It may be 
difficult to avoid conflicts, though. According to the O'Reilly book, 
yacc implements embedded actions using the technique described at the 
end of 3.5.5 (Another solution is to bury the action inside a 
nonterminal symbol which serves as a subroutine...).



Re: Grammar failing single lookahead

2007-05-30 Thread Evan Lavelle

Evan Lavelle wrote:

  : FirstPrologList
  | SecondPrologList
  | FirstPrologList SecondPrologList

I missed the case of no prolog at all, but this has no conflicts:

  : /* nothing */
  | FirstPrologList
  | SecondPrologList
  | FirstPrologList SecondPrologList



Token push-back?

2007-04-25 Thread Evan Lavelle
I'm just about to write a yylex wrapper to let me push back a token so 
that Bison can re-read it. Before I do this, can anyone tell me if 
there's a better way to handle this?

My problem is that I need to write a partial parser, which ignores large 
chunks of a language. The chunks are delimited by known tokens, so I 
need to do something like

 // check yylex input for ENDBLOCK, push it back

ie. something like a flex exclusive start state, but initiated from Bison.

Thanks -



Re: bison and C++

2006-12-13 Thread Evan Lavelle

Hans Aberg wrote:

Once upon the time, Bison had an informal support for the C-parser to be 
compiled as C++, but this was dropped, being too difficult to maintain. 
Instead, a separate C++ skeleton was developed.

So, for C++, it is best to use the C++ skeleton file.

I have a lot of C++ code in my .y file, and no problems. This is 1.875c 
- has this support been dropped since then?

But then, I can't immediately see why any C++ support is required, as 
long as you use the union/struct mechanism for passing data. My YYSTYPE 
is a struct which contains reference-counted classes. Maybe this is the 
confusion? Do you only need the C++ skeleton if your YYSTYPE is a real 
C++ class?

BTW, you don't even need Satya's 'extern C' declarations if you're 
using gcc; don't know about other compilers.



Re: Bison flex on start conditions

2006-01-16 Thread Evan Lavelle

Henrik Sorensen wrote:

On Friday 13 January 2006 13.10, Steve Murphy wrote:

One that would be nice to smooth out would be the start-condition
capability in flex... and how to trigger it from the bison grammar end
of things.

Can you be more specific why you want to do this ?

It gives you much more powerful context-sensitive parsing; it can remove 
the need for multi-token lookahead in many cases. One obvious 
application is detecting tokens which might be keywords, or might not 
be, depending on context. It would certainly have saved me a lot of trouble.



Re: Cookie replacement function

2005-11-08 Thread Evan Lavelle

A couple of things to watch out for:

[[:alnum:]]+yylval = yytext; return WORD;
^.*$yylval = yytext; return STRING;

what are you trying to match here? Is your reasoning that any 
alphanumeric will get caught in the 1st rule, and everything else in the 
2nd? This won't work - any alphanumeric will actually be caught by the 
2nd rule, because of the explicit '$'/NL match. Try to handle your NLs 
explicitly, and/or use more explicit/descriptive regexps.

cookie: STRING
   '%' '{' WORD '}'

You need a catch-all rule to let through %, {, and }, otherwise this 
will be matched as a STRING; something like

.  return yytext[0];




Re: Problems with epsilon productions

2005-10-18 Thread Evan Lavelle

Arlen Cox wrote:

I am trying to implement a grammar that may have 0 or more of a construct.
Effectively I want to have a grammar like this:

( Module )*

File :
/* nothing */
  | File Module

Google 'left recursion', or converting between LALR and LL grammars (or 
LR and LL). There are a number of articles on the Antlr site that cover 
this. Also see if you can get a copy of 'lex  yacc' (1-56592-000-7).



Re: %union and shared pointers to AST nodes

2005-09-16 Thread Evan Lavelle

struct yystype {
   antlr::RefToken  tok;

#define YYSTYPE yystype



Re: Lexical feedback and lookahead

2005-07-20 Thread Evan Lavelle

Hans Aberg wrote:

On 19 Jul 2005, at 17:01, Evan Lavelle wrote:
The only way that I know a new function is coming up is that an  
existing function has just completed: there's no convenient keyword  
to give me warning. [If my grammar really was this simple, then I  
could probably use another token to recognise the end of a  function, 
but the real input is pretty complex].

It seems me that you know that a function has been completed when the  
function body top level { ... } has completed. This can be kept  
track of by a bracket depth count in the lexer.

Unfortunately, the real grammar is much more complex and counting 
brackets normally isn't adequate. Besides, if I could do this, it would 
be easier just to use start states in the lexer: I need StartStates++, 
which is lexical feedback from the parser.

Any ideas? It seems to me that I need an 'unget' implementation.

In Bison, it is called %glr.

They don't do the same thing. Feedback, if it worked, could be used as a 
general solution to eliminate keywords. GLR/unlimited lookahead could, 
in principle, do the same thing, but it's much less general, much less 
efficient, and it's more difficult to design the language in the first 
place. Consider this pseudo-grammar:

top : keywords_top ;
keywords_top : lots_of_keywords | NAME ;
keyword1 : more_keywords | NAME ;
keyword2 : even_more_keywords | NAME ;

How do you do this in GLR? It's trivial with working feedback, and you 
can recycle keywords at different levels of the grammar.

