H-Net* Ladang Sawit 10 ekar (baru keluar hasil) untuk dijual

2001-11-20 Terurut Topik JOOKAPLEE SHAAIBON

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Maaf kerana menggunakan ruangan ini untuk tujuan pengiklanan..
Bapa saudara saya ingin menjual ladang sawit 10(6+4) ekar yang baru 
mengeluarkan hasil di Kampung Gajah (~8KM dari Pusat Bandar), Perak. Harga 
boleh runding (RM14 Ribu seekar). Untuk maklumat lanjut sila hubungi 
MegatHarun 012-5229605.

Terima kasih.

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Re: H-Net* Fw: the cola habit

2001-08-29 Terurut Topik Jookaplee Shaaibon

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Memang betul.. saya ada pengalaman sendiri.. dengan
coca-cola nie.. sekarang saya mengidap ulser perut
akibat dari coca-cola, dulu saya gemar minum coke
semasa belajar dulu.. boleh dikatakan 1 tin
sehari.. selepas beberapa bulan saya mengalami pedih
perut.. dan kadang-kala muntah pening tak boleh bangun..
sejak itu perut saya sering sakit... dan luka dalam perut..
selepas memdapat hidmad pakar Putra Jaya hospital sekarang
semakin pulih.. menurut mereka dalam perut saya banyak
luka-luka yang dah sembuh.. selepas rawatan...
bagi mereka yang ada gastrik kemudian minum coke
mungkin boleh menenpah maut... kerana penyakit mereka
akan menjadi lebih parah...

sekarang ini, bagi saya minuman paling beracun bagi saya
ada lah coke.. pernah saya gatal-gatal mimum
sebab package Pizahut ada coke.. walaupun seteguk dua..
sakit saya akan datang balik berminggu-mingu..

Saya nasihatkan saudara-saudara semua janganlah minum
coke nie terlalu banyak.. kalau nak minum sikit-sikit
tu okeylah... atau jangan gemar belikan pada
anak-anak anda atau anak-anak kecil.. bahaya..
memanglah mereka suka.. tapi kita mungkin boleh
menudaratkan kesihatannya.. ada kes dikampung saya,
budak meninggal kerana abangnya gemar membelikan
adiknya minuman bergas ini..

- Original Message -
From: jalmaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 30 August, 2001 9:51 AM
Subject: H-Net* Fw: the cola habit

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  Untuk renungan bersama,,,
  Dari seorang pakar mengatakan dari ukuran  pH meter digital [ range 0.0
  sampai 14.0 ] FANTA merah botol kecil dan  COCA COLA botol setengah
  liter..Hasilnya .
  FANTA merahpH = 3.4
  COCA COLA  pH = 2.3  (mendekati H2SO4)
  AIR BATERI pH = 6.9..
  Kalau nak cuba, masukkan daging  ke dalam coca-cola. Biar  semalaman
  /seharian, Lihatlah  hasilnya!!! Daging akan hancur. Bagaimana dengan
  kita? Semua orang harus tahu!!!

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Pengirim: Jookaplee Shaaibon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: H-Net* Lawatan Dr M Di Seiyun Tergendala Kerana Banjir Kilat

2001-08-22 Terurut Topik Jookaplee Shaaibon

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Gurun banjir satu rahmat besar tu.. kemarau 6 tahun pun berakhir..

- Original Message -
From: aloq staq [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 22 August, 2001 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: H-Net* Lawatan Dr M Di Seiyun Tergendala Kerana Banjir Kilat

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 ha ha

 ini mesti ada orang yang pecahkan empangan..tak pun pecahkan paip air

 aku agak ini angkara pelajar-palajar, penuntut-penuntut universiti.

 pelajar militan tak pun

  Ini kerja sabotage siapa pulak ni? macam tahu-tahu aja Dr. M nak pi
  Zainol Zainuddin
  From: Hassan, Haslim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: H-Net* Lawatan Dr M Di Seiyun Tergendala Kerana Banjir Kilat
  Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 14:11:10 +0800
  August 17 , 2001 23:39PM
  Lawatan Dr M Di Seiyun Tergendala Kerana Banjir Kilat

 mai cek oii..mai cek mai..
 kita ke negeri kedah

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Pengirim: Jookaplee Shaaibon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: H-Net* Apakah Ini Satu Ugutan??

2001-05-27 Terurut Topik Jookaplee Shaaibon
] }
 A/kum netters semua,

 Apakah ini satu ugutan yg cuba di mainkan oleh kerajaan Pusat terhadap
 rakyat Kelantan? Tapi bunyinya macam masuk balik angkat sendiri sajer?

 Kelantan hadapi masalah tanpa wakil dalam kabinet

 KOTA BHARU 27 Mei - Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Kelantan, Datuk
 Mohamed berkata, ketiadaan wakil dalam kabinet merupakan satu masalah
 kepada Kelantan dalam menyuarakan permasalahan rakyat negeri itu.

 Ini, katanya, kerana ketiadaan wakil itu menyebabkan tidak ada hubungan
 langsung antara rakyat Kelantan dengan Kerajaan Pusat dalam menyuara dan
 menyelesaikan permasalahan mereka.

 ``Dulu, jika ada masalah di Kelantan, kita boleh bangun suarakan kepada
 kerajaan. Tetapi sekarang tidak ada wakil dalam kabinet... beratlah,''

 Beliau menyatakan demikian ketika berucap merasmikan majlis perjumpaan
 Pengerusi-Pengerusi dan Pengurus-Pengurus Besar Pertubuhan Peladang
 Kelantan di Hotel Square Point di sini, hari ini.

 Mustapa yang kini memegang jawatan Penasihat Kementerian Kewangan
 contoh ketika Kelantan dilanda banjir pada tahun 1999, bantuan Kerajaan
 Pusat segera diperoleh berikutan ketika itu Kelantan mempunyai beberapa
 wakil dalam kabinet termasuk beliau sendiri.

 Beliau berkata, ada faedahnya jika rakyat Kelantan mempunyai wakil dalam
 kabinet kerana segala permasalahan yang mereka hadapi boleh dibangkitkan
 atau disampaikan terus kepada Kerajaan Pusat.

 ``Semasa saya jadi penghubung (menteri) dulu, boleh kita bangkitkan segera
 (masalah yang dihadapi rakyat Kelantan) dan boleh diselesaikan serta
 Sekarang, susah sikit. Boleh sampaikan masalah, tetapi susah sikit,''
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2001-05-24 Terurut Topik Jookaplee Shaaibon

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saya ingin tahu kenapa 2 atikel yang saya hantar baru-baru ini disekat atau
tidak dikitarkan... adakah bahan-bahan pendidikan dan ilmu tidak
dibenarkan.. selain cakap-cakap politik..? disini tak ada kebebasan
menyumbang dan menerima ilmukah?..

harap pihak penyelengara dapat memberi jawapan..

Jookaplee Shaaibon

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2001-05-24 Terurut Topik Jookaplee Shaaibon

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Aik.. boleh keluar pula... berapa jumlah perkataan yang dibenarkan?
adakah selalu ada masalah server, dan bouncing ?


- Original Message -
From: Jookaplee Shaaibon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 24 May, 2001 6:53 PM
Subject: H-Net* INGIN TAHU?

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 saya ingin tahu kenapa 2 atikel yang saya hantar baru-baru ini disekat
 tidak dikitarkan... adakah bahan-bahan pendidikan dan ilmu tidak
 dibenarkan.. selain cakap-cakap politik..? disini tak ada kebebasan
 menyumbang dan menerima ilmukah?..

 harap pihak penyelengara dapat memberi jawapan..

 Jookaplee Shaaibon

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Pengirim: Jookaplee Shaaibon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Articles : How To Create A Master Mind Alliance

2001-05-21 Terurut Topik Jookaplee Shaaibon
 benefit and growing relationships on an ongoing basis? Is the
group purpose stated clearly from the outset? Groups seem to work better if
they are clear about the group's overall purpose and if individual members
are able to state their own goals.

4. Value trust and confidentiality.

What is the level of trust in the group? The Master Mind's value depends on
the level of trust among its members.

5. Cooperate, cooperate, cooperate!

Using the original meaning of this word, what are group members willing to
work with each other on? Is help forthcoming from the group?

6. Have a diversity of talents and perspectives.

How well do people line up in complementary fields of experience or
expertise? A Master Mind Alliance is strengthened by bringing together
people with different backgrounds and outlooks that complement with others'

7. Be selective, be very selective.

Don't work with just anybody. Think about your growth strategically and
about who might aid you in getting to where you want to be. Choose nurturing
people to join you in this project. Look for naturally existing
relationships (such as family, clients, or colleagues).

8. Embrace rhythm, flow, and natural harmony.

How strong is the spirit of working together? Is there a sense of shared
purpose? The bonding of the group is what makes Master Minding work. The
Master Mind Alliance forms a deeper creativity than the individual talents
of the members.

9. Obtain and maintain buy in.

When attempting to achieve a goal that involves others, be sure that
everyone is singing from the same sheet of music. This does not mean
stamping out individual initiative, but it does mean agreeing on common
goals and subordinating to the achievement of these any personal
disharmonies or disagreements.

Everyone involved in achieving the goal should have a part in establishing
it. Participation in the goal-setting process helps ensure that the goal
will be successfully accomplished, because people have bought into its
importance and method of achievement.

Successful buy-in requires a three-step analysis:

· Discussion
Discuss the who, what, where, when, how, and why of the desired goal.

· Compromise
Encourage give-and-take between parties. The compromise and negotiation of
the goal are part of the achievement process.

· Agreement Seek the settlement of the goal, achievement process, and
assigned responsibilities.

Discussion, compromise, and agreement require that all parties interact with
one another during the goal-setting process. This interaction means that
people must talk, the most essential element in the early stages of
developing a Master Mind Alliance is communication.

10. Have fun!

The road to success is often bumpy and constantly under construction, but
that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride. You will and should be
experiencing moments of deep satisfaction and fun. This is the best
indicator to let you know that your Master Mind Alliance is working.

Gary Ryan Blair is The GoalsGuy one of the top strategic thinkers in the
world. As founder of GoalsGuy Learning Systems, he is dedicated to helping
his clients win and get to the future first. Through his speeches, books and
coaching services he teaches people how to set goals and design strategies
for the creation of a meaningful life and legacy.

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Pengirim: Jookaplee Shaaibon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* Articles : Work Styles

2001-05-20 Terurut Topik Jookaplee Shaaibon
 be you've gotten in a rut and could use a
little feng shui for your work style. Try this exercise on the way to work,
or in the shower before you leave. Say to yourself-make it your intent-that
you are going to be exceptionally aware and focused and energetic at work
today. Tell yourself you love your job. At work, ask yourself What can I
do, right now, to help this company move forward? What can I do a little
better? You'll be surprised at the improved job performance and increased
satisfaction this will bring. Suddenly your work will have a halo around it.

With regard to the work styles of others, keep an open and accepting mind.
Every interaction with another is an opportunity for appreciation and
praise. When someone does something in a different way, there is the danger
of negative reaction, of complaint or criticism, or a feeling of
superiority. Even the urge to gossip. Don't go there. Be an instrument of
change and awareness instead. Be a person of the twenty-first century
aligned with your inner strength and awareness. Instead of judging another's
work style, learn from it.

Time management is another important work place issue. Often we don't make
the best use of our time. The truth is you can't manage time, you can only
manage yourself. So make a resolution to manage yourself better. Say to
yourself How can I best use my time right now and for the rest of the day?
The answer will come. Often it is helpful to segment the day. What do you
want to accomplish while you're still at home, in the car, during the first
hour of work, and so on? If you have clear intent, managing your time
becomes easier. If you don't, you lose focus and time gets away from you. It
is essential to identify what robs you of time. Make a list and slowly
eliminate the worst offenders from your day. For more help, search the
Internet for time management (being careful not to waste time) and you'll
find more time management tips than you have time for.

Diverse work styles create a matrix in which good things can happen in the
workplace. So let differences flourish. Give yourself and others permission
to work the way they work best. Learn to regard work as an opportunity to
learn about yourself and others. Remember to express your gratitude for all
the benefits that work has given you. Make a contract with yourself and your
co-workers to be the best that you can be. And when you resolve to be more
focused, raise your sights and throw in courageous, brilliant and visionary
for good measure.

© 2001 Institute for Transformation LLC. All rights reserved.

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Pengirim: Jookaplee Shaaibon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: H-Net* Kalau roboh diding kolej di Melaka

2001-05-18 Terurut Topik Jookaplee Shaaibon
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H-Net* Do You Judge?

2001-05-18 Terurut Topik Jookaplee Shaaibon

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Do You Judge?

by Jan Tincher

Do you find yourself judging people when they do something *you* don't think
is right? When they act a way that *you* don't consider to be the best way
to act? When they say something *you* don't think should be said?

When you see someone walking down the street and they are someone you don't
think you'd like to know, what's going through your mind? Are you judging
them? Sure. We all do that to a certain extent.

Are we happy we judge? No. It's not right to put people down, if only in our

To judge means you are making someone better than you or someone worse than
you. Either way, someone gets put up and put down. That's not how life
should be.

However, it is sometimes difficult not to judge, isn't it? All our lives
we've been taught to think, rightly or wrongly, about what we or someone
else is doing. Always, it seemed, there was a winner and a loser.

BUT, and it's a big but, that's not the way life should be. You never come
out ahead when you put someone down. Not where it counts, anyway.

If you want to live the good life, and if you want to be at peace in a way
that says you've arrived where you were headed, harm to no one, you know it
can't happen if you continually judge people -- and someone comes out
lacking. The minute you judge, you take a little bit of goodness away from

But it's a habit, what can I do?

Here's what you can do about it. Imagine the scenario where you have just
judged someone. Now, imagine that someone has put a mirror to your face and
you are seeing your face with your nose in the air. Not a very good picture,
is it?

Now, someone is in front of you that you admire so much you just wish you
were exactly like them. Someone puts a mirror up to your face. There you
are, full of envy. Not a very good picture, is it?

Now, someone is in front of you that you hate. Someone puts a mirror up to
your face. There you are, full of hatred. Not a very good picture, is it?

Do you think that if whenever you judged someone, everyone in the whole
world would know what you are thinking -- just as you did when you saw your
face in the mirror -- you would think twice about judging someone? I think
so, too. Why not realize what you are doing ahead of time and DON'T DO IT?
Give that other person a chance. You just might make some great new friends
that way, and would that be terrific?

*** Something else you might like to read on that will help is: What Is
Your Power Picture? You can read it here:


Copyright 2001, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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Pengirim: Jookaplee Shaaibon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* The Art of Communicating

2001-05-18 Terurut Topik Jookaplee Shaaibon

So what are some specific behaviors that you can implement that will improve
your communication quotient? Here are several.

Listen - don't assume.

The key to to improved listening is using the extra time available in the
hearing process. As you listen to someone, examine what they're saying,
question your understanding of what is being said, involve yourself in the

Improve your self-concept.

Since all communication is filtered through our self-image, it makes sense
that the better that self-image is, the better our chance of sharing
understanding. Improving self-concept involves challenging assumptions we
have about ourselves.

Learn to decipher non-verbal communication.

Remember that non-verbal communication is processed by each of us almost
unconsciously. By becoming consciously aware of another's tone off voice,
posture, gestures, and facial expressions, we will raise our level of
understanding several notches.

Conclusion - the benefits of improved communication.

The ability to communicate effectively has implications for every part of
life. Better communication can improve family relationships, enhance
business relationships, and improve overall quality of life. Think again of
how many disputes, arguments and disagreements were all rooted in poor

Each of the areas above can be practiced and, with practice, communication
can be improved in every situation.

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Pengirim: Jookaplee Shaaibon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

H-Net* About Changing Habits

2001-05-18 Terurut Topik Jookaplee Shaaibon

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About Changing Habits
by Maria Marsala, Life  Business Evolution Coach/Consultant/Speaker

Some important things to consider about the habits we want to change:

o habits are difficult to change and yet they can be changed

o sometimes its best to take major steps and change a habit (i.e. either
you're a smoker or not smoking)

o many times making adjustments works best (i.e. you want an uncluttered
home, its important to start somewhere)

o when we purposely break old habits, we may grieve research shows that it
takes at least 21 days to change a habit

o an empty space is left where the old habit used to be fill the empty space
with a new habit or something from your WOW List.

There is a recovery program slogan called the 3 A's - Awareness, Acceptance,
Action. It's a wonderful process for change. Below is my coaching slant on
using that slogan to makes changes or adjustments in your life.

o you become aware of what is going on, what you're doing, how you're action

o you accept and become responsible for the habit, in your heart, just the
way it is

o you take action, find solutions, create a process, make steps, and start

Change into the person you are meant to be!

Copyright 2001 by Maria Marsala http://www.coachmaria.com

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Pengirim: Jookaplee Shaaibon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: H-Net* Nota Dari Kampung

2001-05-17 Terurut Topik Jookaplee Shaaibon

 Jadi, kalau tulisan saya ini boleh mengharu dan mengharakan negara, maka
 mengikut tafsiran ISA di atas, pemerintah yang ada tidak berhak menahan
 di bawah mana-mana akta yang berkenaan.

 Saya perlu luahkan perasaan saya melalui medan internet ini kerana saya
 jika saya luahkannya di luar sana, nanti tak pasal-pasal ada yang melayang
 kepalanya seperti mana yang berlaku di Sampit, Kalimantan tempoh hari.

 Masa kes Kg Medan hari tu, saya dah mendidih dah bila tengok sorang rakyat
 India, yg bukan pun rakyat Malaysia diberi layanan macam seorang Pejuang;
 selepas mati dalam apa yg depa kata sebagai pertempuran antara kumpulan
 'samseng' di Kg Medan tu,; dia diberi layanan kelas 'A' macam tentera kita
 gugur di Somalia tempoh hari, siap dengan MIC dok pi  urus dan sponsor
 penerbangan balik mayat dia balik ke India lagi. Kalau sungguh
 antara kumpulan samseng'; awat yg dok pi layan sampai macam tu. Tak pikir
 sensitiviti orang-orang kampung macam kami ini?

 Okaylah, bab Kg Medan dah lepas; nasib baik habis awal, kalau tidak jenuh
 depa nak berkawal. Saya pun malas nak pikir bab tu dah; cuma  nak pesan,
 kali hormatlah sikit sensitiviti orang tempatan.

 Baru-baru ini pula,  darah saya yang dah cool down  sejuk sikit selepas
kes Kg
 Medan tu,  tiba-tiba pressure dia naik balik;  mendidih sungguh bila dua
 hari lepas saya baca dalam Utusan Malaysia berita yang memetik kenyataan
 Ling Leong Sik, mungkin hasil daripada tekanan yg berterusan daripada MCA
 dalam isu quota kemasukan ke Universiti tempatan (walaupun Universiti
 dah tumbuh bersepah merata jalan); beliau memaklumkan bahawa ~600 orang
 budak-budak Cina sudah pun diberi biasiswa untuk melanjutkan pelajaran
 ke Pusat Pengajian Tinggi. Kalau baca the STAR pula, siap dengan gambar
 beberapa orang budak2 tu yg dapat biasiswa JPA untuk sambung belajar ke

 Kepala hotak sungguh!! Celaka punya orang (saya tak tau nak tala kat
 adik aku yang Melayu pun tak dapat biasiswa, nak dapat pinjaman hari tu
 nala punya teruk naik turun naik turun, cari borang isi borang; dah la tu
 sekarang nie tiap-tiap bulan aku dengan adik beradik dua tiga orang pakat
 hulur sorang sikit nak sara adik aku tu mengaji di Univerisiti. Nak mintak
 Pak aku? duit nak beli batu asah pisau motong dia pun minta kat kami!

 Sedangkan, kalau ikut Cikgu Sejarah aku (Cikgu Sejarah aku bukan parti
 pembangkang -  so, dia tak boleh kena tahan bawah ISA); dia kata:

 Salah satu syarat Kemerdekaan hari itu ialah orang-orang Melayu mesti
 bersedia memberi taraf kerakyatan kepada bukan Melayu, dan sebagai
 orang Melayu diberi hak-hak istimewa yang antara lain misalnya ialah hak
 mendapatkan biasiswa!!

 Nah, la nie apa cerita?

 Dah la adik aku yang Melayu tu tak dapat biasiswa, tiba-tiba yang si
 Melayu tu pula, di samping dapat IC Malaysia, dapat pula kat depa

 Phuiit, haram jadah sungguh!!!

 -Ru Antara-

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 Pengirim: Ru Antara [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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 ( pandangan rasmi  bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net  )
 ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Pengirim: Jookaplee Shaaibon [EMAIL PROTECTED]