Re: [hlds] Command line rcon for windows. (like ogsrcon)

2007-04-08 Thread [GS]Admin

Not too sure about OGSRcon being around anymore but he has a new program
people are very fond ofhere's the link hope it helps you!


- Original Message -
From: "Pawel Dabrowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 3:48 AM
Subject: [hlds] Command line rcon for windows. (like ogsrcon)


I'm looking for a windows command line based rcon tool. I see there is one
called ogsrcon but am unable to find a download for it. Can someone point
to a link please or to a similar tool.

Pawel Dabrowski

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Re: [hlds] beta junk

2007-04-07 Thread [GS]Admin

Don't forget though especially in a pub server that pings are like FPS there
is no major difference as long as it's constant.Unless you are talking
100fps vs 10fps or 10ms ping vs 100ms but from 50-55 ping or something along
those lines isn't a huge difference as you are only talking 5 1/1000th of a
second.And your computer probably drops more information than that anyways.

All this beta stuff is great and I applaud VALVe for their efforts?But
complaining without an explaination of how you have your server setup is
like shooting black birds in the dark.And obviously as anything software
goes results do vary from machine to machine and O/S to O/S.Give em alittle
time they will striaghten it out,unless they come out with a new game.(Sorry
had to take a low shot hehe)


- Original Message -
From: "[xXx] con" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 10:09 AM
Subject: [hlds] beta junk

i found the beta to be junk
1.none of the usual console errors are fixed,
2. i get the same 512 fps from console on a stock server
3. pings did appear to be more level, but at a higher ping in general by
or so

dual core conroe 1.8
2gig ram
oc48 100 mb connection


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Re: [hlds] dedicated server as a service

2007-03-31 Thread [GS]Admin -- Great.Has a service installer and a web based
stop/start,rcon,file editor ect.Used it for a year or so never let me
down.And has user permissions setup to give people access to only what you
want them to have. -- Good last time I used it,but last I checked no
remote stop/start?Well just checked the website seems I was wrong it has a
remote panel. -- Excellent program.I actually like gamepanel
better but it's no longer supported since the makers went on the make
TCAdmin.Firedaemon also has a remote control panel if you goto .

But I've used all 3 and I personally like gamepanel the best.But firedaemon
is right up there with it which I will probably swap back to asap here in a
day or so now that they have a decent panel.Try em all,everyones wants and
needs are different.


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Re: [hlds] Ingame adds, who will remove them?

2007-03-09 Thread [GS]Admin

Well I wouldn't say I was tired of it because this is the first time in a
long ass time I've disagreed with what VALVe did.The first time awhile back
was when they broke the multiple processor machines affinity settings and
threading priority,but it was an overcite(sp) I think and wasn't meant to
happen but made me very unhappy for awhile.

But back on topic when my month is up on my dedicated boxes I will either #1
shut down my VALVe based games and move to something else,thinking ranked
bf2 or SWAT or #2 I will just shut everything down and not worry about it
anymore.Leaning more towards shutting everything down namely from the
dissatisfcation(sp) about the ads and because I think CS will be losing its
momentum in a year or so.At least with my community they have all gotten
older went and left college got real lives and moved along except like me
play once a week on a weekend before the family stuff starts or after it

Which is where I'm sitting now with hard feelings and misplaced thoughts.As
bad as it sounds I really really miss 1.3 now and I used,keyword used, to be
a HUGE VALVe and Steam supporter and while people bitched about Steam I
backed the idea to the max.Now I regret not swapping to a different game
then but I should have known this was coming,so now I'm wondering when will
the monthly fees to play the games or remove the ads start?Pathetically sad


- Original Message -
From: "Jason O. Washburn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 12:17 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Ingame adds, who will remove them?

I figured that was what the update was for since the list was talking
about using old files to defeat the ads:-(   Well my servers are now
shut off.  I'm so tired of this shit!


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Re: [hlds] Ingame adds, who will remove them?

2007-03-08 Thread [GS]Admin

I totally agree with the brand concept.I also agree that as a whole
communities do good by having their admin players and projects doing good
and pleasing the community.Ads do not please the communities that are around
at all I guarentee you that.

But as far as the comment about not hurting your community by dropping
servers,I don't disagree cause most people probably wouldn't,but I for the
first time in nearly 5 years of running VALVe games or mods to those games
am seriously thinking about shutting my stuff down and moving on,the whole
ad thing as a server owner/operator disguists me.

As far as a player,the client side "update" to the game to enable them,
disguist me as well.It appearls to me as mal-ware/adware.I don't like
ad-ware/mal-ware on my computer to flash ads while I surf the interenet or
use my computer and I sure as hell don't want it in my games.What are you
people at VALVe thinking?I wasn't too wild about turning steam on and seeing
ad's for games coming out ect. but at least you gave us the option to turn
that off,but now you will be force feeding it?Granted you aren't making any
money off the game(s) you sold us 7 and 8 years ago anymore,but if you would
actually deliver what you promised of your new games,take source for example
you told us it would be a direct and exact port of cs 1.6 making the same
game with better graphics I would and did pay for that,what did you give us?
A decent game but nothing that was promised except the graphics.Source is
nothing like 1.6 some said it's a good thing others do not.Look at your own
player graphs and statistics for the months on player hours per game.That
should have opened your eyes but it did not.(At writing in favor of CS 1.6
104,282 to CS:S 26,426 thats nearly 4 times higher!!)

I guess all the people bitching about this ad "update" should open your eyes
too, but it won't either.I knew the day bf2142 came out most if not all the
companies,especially online only games would follow one of the crappiest
money making models I've ever seen in the gaming industry.You should have
stuck with making quality product,instead of worrying about soaking up every
dime from anyone you can.And you can't tell me you don't get kick back from
other developers that sale on your STEAM platform.Yeah CHA-CHING!!!Normally
quality product followed by active developments to fix anything that pops up
and supporting existing games follows along with loyal buyers that buy
everything you put out like sheep,instead you pick force feeding ad content.

I'm afraid this one person will never purchase from STEAM/VALVe again.


- Original Message -
From: "Roman Hatsiev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes, I would agree with brand concept here. Players are joining and
staying at our communities not because they don't have other servers
to play at but because of effort and money we put into our projects. I
don't think that messing up with every dedicated server on the network
does make any sense but whose which are really busy and thus deliver a
lot of ads to players should have some compensation.

I'm not going to hurt my community by dropping any of my servers as
long as I have players on them and I suppose most of us won't do that
and that is why I don't think we ever get any compensation...

As for more realistic approach I would rather prefer to pay 2-3 USD
per month to disable ads for myself.

This is all very sad though.

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Re: [hlds] Ingame adds, who will remove them?

2007-03-06 Thread [GS]Admin

Yup I guess it's time for me and my community to move along to a different
non-ad'ed game.This is the reason we didn't play or buy into BF2142.
Good-bye VALVe


- Original Message -

If it can not connect to the ad server, it automatically provides you with
the viewing pleasure of VALVe game ads.
 "Saint K." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'll give a cookie to the first one to write a tweak to block the ads.

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Re: [hlds] Voice causes high ping

2007-02-21 Thread [GS]Admin

- Original Message -
From: "Jason O. Washburn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 2:58 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Voice causes high ping

Amen Brother:-)


Oh you are running under an emulatiom.I'm not sure about TFC but when I
tried linux with wine while playing TFC I had those same spikes.When I
looked at the computer HD accesses and cpu threading(probably not the right
term but I'm tired sorry) I noticed that everything would tax out on the
sound changes or events.That was on an Athlon 64 4000+ with 1 gig of ram,no
slow machine by any standard .

Now obviosuly everyones computer setups are different even with the same
cpu's ect but, I have heard of people running it with no issues what so
ever. I would try what was suggested and run it native in XP and see if the
same issues persist. If it doesn't it may be time to try a different linux
or emulator setup. But as bad as I know you don't wanna hear it I think it
may be your setup. Have you tried recompiling the kernal with different
options? Maybe the 1000 kernal everyone is doing for servers? Or maybe a
different setup for sound ect? I dunno just a suggestion.


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Re: [hlds] Voice causes high ping

2007-02-20 Thread [GS]Admin

- Original Message -
From: "chad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Voice causes high ping

WOW, can you host stuff?

Jason wrote:

My ISP just upgraded...I'm running a cable line to the house but fiber
elsewhere. I pay for the greater upload speeds above 2.5 megabits.


He "can" host stuff but with a residental connection it wouldn't be too
great of pings times for people "outside" the network.But would probably
work ok for a website with not alot of traffic.But most isp's like mine in
their TOS say that its against the rules to host anything from your home

Now back to the topic.If tracert's and perfmon are showing good maybe it has
something todo with your rates.Try turning down your
rate,cl_updaterate,cl_cmdrate and your backup rate.Try something along the
lines of ,60,40 and see if it still does it.If it does or doesn't adjust

Also have you tried messing with your audio stuff in cs?Not knowing what
hardware you have kinda makes this fishing in an ocean for the lockness
monster.BUT if you have built on board audio I do know at times it can do
this if your cpu is overloaded.Say HLSW,STEAM and a messenger running on a
1.3 thunderbird with built on audio has caused the same issues in the past
with me.If you have an x-fi card or something to that sort try updating the
drivers to the newest latest and greatest. And one last thing, if its x64 XP
or Vista I know alot of people have been having sound "issues" especially
with older games or hardware that's only 50%(beta drivers) supported as of

I'll search around some and see if anyone else may be having these issues.I
know last night I was having major issue with gernades blowing up and my
computer would lag to all high hell,and found out my hard drive after a FS
2004 mesh install was fragmented to high hell.After the defrag all way well
again and I knew that cs 1.6 wouldn't stress out an fx-60, 2 gigs or ram and
an audigy 2 zs.Anywho hope I may have given you something else to look


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Re: [hlds] Voice causes high ping

2007-02-19 Thread [GS]Admin

- Original Message -
From: "chad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Voice causes high ping

The server connection is what limits it not yours, even if you had a
home internet connection.
Just curious, what type of connection do you have, it is not often when
people list their client upload speed above a megabit and seem to know
what they are talking about (ie. you don't seem to be mistaking your lan
speed for wan, like many people do)

Jason wrote:

The server, I'm unsure of, but my connection is 10mb down 5 up.

Well if you indeed have a connection something to the effect of dsl,cable
ect it's not a bandwidth problem with you.If the server is full say 32
players or so and the server is choked for bandwidth then that would cause a
latency rise across the board.But remembering your first post didn't you say
it was only you and a few other people?It could also have something to do
with the ip routing to and from the game server.Because if you have a 10/5
connection more than likely you are on a fiber switch ect and I know mine
had major issues for awhile with the setup the isp gave me.Run a tracert
while ingame when you are lagging and see what's going on,and it wouldn't
hurt either to run perfmon in windows if that's what you are using and see
whats going on with the computer.

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Re: [hlds] Voice causes high ping

2007-02-19 Thread [GS]Admin

- Original Message -
From: "Roman Hatsiev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I use the following settings for all my CS 1.6 servers:
sv_voicecodec voice_speex
sv_voicequality 5
Voice quality is MUCH better than with default settings.

That's what I use for my voice settings as well and the voice quality would
rival teamspeak or vent in it's own respects.But the biggest question would
be what is the voice settings on the server what connection is the server
and what connection are you on?


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[hlds] Disable HLTV

2007-01-30 Thread [GS]Admin
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Well I am running cs 1.6 HLDS.For some odd reason I am having issues with 
people starting up and connecting their HLTV proxies to my server.This is an 
issue I have never had before so is there a cvar ect that I can set that will 
not allow HLTV to connect to my game servers?This has been getting really 
annoying since they take up player slots.

Thanks for any help.


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Re: [hlds] Counter-Strike 1.6 Vista sound issues

2007-01-30 Thread [GS]Admin

I believe,like when XP came out,I will wait until at least the second
service pack to come out before upgrading.I think I waiting till SP1 with XP
which put it at about 2 years old before I got it.That way most
manufacturers have drivers,support ect ready and rolling.


- Original Message -
From: "Ðåñ Offord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 5:14 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Counter-Strike 1.6 Vista sound issues

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Out of all who still play games on here, how many are honestly thinking of
updating to Vista?

Personally I used Vista RTM on my laptop, and never liked it, playing WOW
windowed mode, cause so many "Graphics card has had a serious error"
messages it was unreal.

This new problem, is just another reason, I shall not be upgrading to
on my PC it had a major overhall in August 06, the X-Fi alone was probably
one of the biggest spends.

.: =CATS= Gaming :.
.: :.
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intended recipient, please delete this email :.

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Re: [hlds] Feature request: sv_serverdomain

2007-01-30 Thread [GS]Admin

No need I was in it for a laugh.It doesn't hurt to not take life so
seriously on an internet mailing list from time to time.I meant it in jest


- Original Message -
From: "Peter M (Mashy)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

hi chad - i do not get emails for each reply, so it is already digested -
cheers for the tip anyway.

cc2iscool - my bad - I didn't pay any attention to the age of the thread -
apologies to all.

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Re: [hlds] Feature request: sv_serverdomain

2007-01-29 Thread [GS]Admin

Whats that say about you responding to him haha.Or me for that matter? 0.o


- Original Message -
From: "Cc2iscooL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2007 7:54 PM

Wow, you re-opened this thread from four days ago just to say that?


On 1/28/07, Peter M (Mashy) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
You 2 can see each others DIRECT email address - I'm sure your
brain cells can figure 1 + 1 and email each other directly your love
instead of e-wanking all over the HLDS list mail, sending your self love
fest to hundreds of people all wanting to puke simultaneously, but then
again, it was amusing.

current score:

mike |>
nick  |>

please note none of the above should be taken as any negativity to any
tip you may have - cheers.

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Re: [hlds] hlds server

2007-01-25 Thread [GS]Admin

- Original Message -
From: "Filipp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 3:55 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] hlds server



All joking aside if you need help I believe this list is about 90% english
in help.I think it's supposed to be english anywho even though most of the
time it is alittle less than that..


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Re: [hlds] Feature request: sv_serverdomain

2007-01-24 Thread [GS]Admin

Well after both of these replies I guess I'm going back to my "normal" life
of working for a living paying for and playing on my servers/community I
have hand built and continuing my degree in the information field so I can
join those "rich" guys over seas for a pint of beer.And no he's not Kyle I
don't think but I won't comment on the BS spread here the last day or two
because I figure I'm not the only one thinking that


- Original Message -
From: "Gigabit Nick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 4:28 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Feature request: sv_serverdomain

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I know what you mean about taking some time off. I took two years out but
felt I wanted to get back to technology because I'm a geek at heart and
enjoy the fast change. I also wanted to do something more productive than
just messing around and seeing the world.

I don't agree with what you say about life being a game though, a game you
can pause, restart, and do what you want. Life on the other hand affects
others permanently, can't be stopped, and doesn't always go your way.
I can understand why you took the easy route and went to work for someone
else, it's a big challenge setting up for yourself, and some people just
aren't cut out to do it. But if you're fortunate and you have other people
working for you, then you get to take months off instead of planning what to
do with those precious few annual leave weeks, you get to work wherever in
the world you want (who knows, you may own a house in another country, or
two, or three,), and you're comfortable knowing you've got private
insurance in the countries where you spend a lot of you time. All the time
you also know that there's someone who may be just as talented as you but
isn't up to taking the risk to set up on their own so you pay them look
after things, give them a few weeks annual vacation, medical package, you
know the thing.Unfortunatley my wife and I spend most of the summer in our
place in Barbados, so I won't be around for the TT, but have a nice time.

Now, maybe we can get back to talking about games

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [hlds] Feature request:
sv_serverdomain> To:> Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007
13:25:02 -0800> > Shame that. Working and all. But hey, your choice.> > I
took about three years off and did nothing of any consequence. Didn't even
look at a router prompt. Took up racing motorcycles and ran tracks like
Sears Point, Laguna Seca, Willow Springs... Had a blast. There is far more
to life than work and internet tubes.> > I could have dumped my money into
starting my own venture, but I'm glad I didn't. I'm a better person for
going outside and interacting with the real world. These days I'd rather
work for someone else who's willing to pay me well, give me a nice healthy
medical package, and time off... so I can continue to race F1 sidecars
with the wife on the Superside America circuit.> > Life much like Steam's
software, is just a game. And you have the choice of spending all your
days tweaking and configuring the back end... or actually getting on the
client side and enjoying the in game experience.> > Al: The Race WTCC demo
over the weekend was a blast. I purchased it, bought a momo wheel
yesterday, and set up a server here stateside since it seems 98% of the
Race dedicated servers are on the other side of the pond.> > You don't
seem like a bad guy Nick, maybe we can have a spot of tea when I'm over
for the 100 year at the Isle of Man.> > -Mike-> > > -Mike- is: Biker ~
Slacker ~ Iconoclast ~ Eclectic Thinker> > - Original Message >
From: Gigabit Nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To:> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 12:17:22 PM>
Subject: RE: [hlds] Feature request: sv_serverdomain> > --> [ Picked
text/plain from multipart/alternative ]> So the Japanese, having a culture
built on service and severe social and legal penalties for not delivering
have been spending $50 a month for unreliable service, so either you're
wrong or the Japanese have changed their culture, I know which one my
moneys on.> > I know about the cash glut of the late 90's and around 2000.
How do you think I now own a software development company which sells
security software to people like Unisys, Fujitsu, IBM, etc., etc. I did
very well out of that period as well by writing the main GUI for set top
boxes (which included Email in about 1994), developing the provisioning
software for ISPs and CableCos, and doing the odd bit of troubleshooting
for large corporates, but instead of just going off to another job I
decided to invest in something that I enjoy and keeps me occupied, and
it's paid off nicely.> > I look forward to seeing your current business
card.> > > > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [hlds]
Feature request: sv_serverdomain> To:> Date:
Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:24:53 -0800> > Ahh yes, the AARIS trials.

Re: [hlds] Re: hlds digest, Vol 1 #5172 - 4 msgs**TRIM AND RENAME!!!**

2007-01-21 Thread [GS]Admin

Think you guys could possibly trim your posts down?I have no clue what this
topic is about or what you are talking about besides "memory" issues.And
please retitle your responds with something besides the digest name,all this
does is confuse people and add to the mess.


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Re: [hlds] Need Help with CZ sv_downloadurl

2007-01-17 Thread [GS]Admin

I'm thinking it sounds more like either your webserver doesn't have .bsp's
setup in its mime type or the permissions are wrong on the webserver side.


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Re: Re: [hlds] Licensing fees for HL1 engine

2007-01-11 Thread [GS]Admin

Bottom line is,is something VALVe has done I haven't personally agreed
with.But knocking Alfred isn't right as he has helped me in private emails
about a non-profit question for VALVe when I was having issue awhile back
with my servers.And I appreciated him doing that EA wouldn't do thatat

So thanks Alred for being available when you are a responding to questions
when you can.You guys gotta remember Alfred has more going on inside the
"Corp" besides answering mailing list questions.


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Re: [hlds] Merry Christmas

2006-12-24 Thread [GS]Admin

To hell with politically correct. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


- Original Message -
From: "Jason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2006 8:41 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Merry Christmas

Thats politically incorrect ya know.its supposed to be Happy
Holidays. :-P Merry Christmas, Happy Quanza, Happy Hannakuah (sp?) and
if I left any out I apologize.

-Black Magix

[DumB]TeXas wrote:

I know it's a tad off topic, but Merry Christmas everyone - have a good

- TeX. =]

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Re: [hlds] Post-outage thoughts

2006-12-20 Thread [GS]Admin

Kinda what I was thinkingand I hope he's being sarcastic


- Original Message -
From: "Steven Hartland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Post-outage thoughts

And what does this have to do with the outage?

Alex Mottshaw wrote:

Dear Alfred and Valve,

First of all, let me say that I have had a lot of enjoyment from
Counter Strike Source, so much so that I created in
Australia to specifically address the lack of a serious CSS

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Re: [hlds] Post-outage thoughts

2006-12-17 Thread [GS]Admin

- Original Message -
From: "Roman Hatsiev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Unfortunately things happen -

9/11, New Orleans, you name it - so no single location in a world is
good enough for Steam.

Yeah but even internic had power after Katrina hit.They where underwater in
their parking garage but the websites based out of there still had
power,internet ect.It's a large investment called UPS power supply units.For
whatever reason the datacenter,I'm thinking more like their home offices,
didn't have backup generators.I host most of my servers out of theplanets
datacenter and they have multiple backups.Like this listed from their site:

(3) 500KVA Powerware UPS units, 90 batteries each
1-megawatt generator (2000 gallon tank)
1.5-megawatt generator (2200 gallon tank)

(2) 500KVA Powerware UPS units, 90 batteries each
1.5-megawatt generator (2200 gallon tank)

(6) 500KVA Powerware UPS units, 120 batteries each
3.5-megawatts of generating capacity

(2) 750KVA MGE UPS units (expanding to 6 750 KVA UPS units)
2-megawatt generator (adding two more)

And that's just one datacenter company.Of course those are all different
buildings in the same town but one company.So if a power outtage hits it may
not be able to run for weeks off those units but it would surely be able to
power itself until the power company came out.But even the InterNic network
was powered for weeks via deliveries of diesel fuel.So as long as you can
get gas and keep the generators pumping you've got power.

It really boggles my mind that something that is ,in my opinion, a backbone
of the steam network would be powered out of one building.I figured they had
it spread out from coast to coast and across several continents.But I can
imagine they don't trust anyone with the servers that control user auth
systems and I can see why.But damn.Have a master that updates the hard files
one who bought what ect then simply use slaves that update from the master
every 10 minutes or something with just the "oks" ect.Kinda like a dns
server but for gaming auths.Anyways I've gotten long winded.


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Re: [hlds] Valve...can we get the connect command for redirect in SCRDS?

2006-12-17 Thread [GS]Admin

- Original Message -
From: "Thortok2000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 5:54 AM

What I'd like to see:  In the 'this server is full, auto-retry' dialog
have a 'this server recommends' and have a button to push to go to the
server it recommends.  Also, if you attempt to connect to the server and
they don't want you playing there, it could be a 'this server is closed,
here instead, please update your favorites' and again have the button.

Automatically redirecting, I don't like that, I don't like that

I actually like this idea and think it should be implemented.Then you could
have a cvar kinda like the fast download in your server.cfg which you could
advertise for friendly servers or yours or even other servers you own.Or
make it to where gaming communites could put multiple servers in there and
it would advertise what map and how many players are on it with join buttons
along side them.Basically you could make a community over view join
button.The reason I like it is because of how many people go "oh I didn't
know you had that server!"

And Frazer what you said was just funny.But you have a point.But it would be
nice to have the ability.Or maybe even put it into another tab, like you
have the recent servers make a list from that server config file that lists
in blue offset alittle the other servers they suggest.Like upto 10 servers
or something to that effect.Just my $.02 .


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Re: [hlds] VALVe wants advertisements in CS 1.6

2006-12-09 Thread [GS]Admin

Well like I have said in my forums.If they blend it into a game where it's
not so obtrusive it wouldn't be that bad.Like making the coke machines on
office actual coke machines of ballz machines or making the computers actual
dell computers ect.But I can see signs put into the game that look akin to
billboards advertising game servers.Which would suck considering I sell them
cheaply to fund my community or webhosting.Which I also sell cheaply to fund
my community.

I wouldn't be quite as pissed off about it,but like said before,they took
away the server operators rights to put their own image into the fast
downloads bandwidth advertisements only to replace it with their own in the
future.Can anyone say..."Wait we can make money from this!" And like some
have said in my community,"Well in BF2142 you can block XX ip addy and it
will stop the stream of ads to your client." Well judging by how VALVe is
they will go off and make it server side and write it into the engine as
such that if you block XX ip addy server side it will fail to activate the
Non-Update VAC or it won't auth with the STEAM servers.Or something along
those lines.

And the very main issue that really pisses me off.I have always told my
community to the best of my abilities this would be a non-advertised
community.Meaning no google adwords.No google ads.No in-game spamming trying
to get people to buy stuff ect.And here comes VALVe on the copy cat
train.**Choo Choo**

I'm sure and postive for VALVe it would be a good move.I don't doubt that a
bit.More money = more stuff.But will that stuff be employees and updates, or
house boats and cars?


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Re: [hlds] VALVe wants advertisements in CS 1.6

2006-12-09 Thread [GS]Admin

Well I didn't buy BF2142 due to this.If this happens I will no longer buy
VALVe games.Which I currently own most of.And I've been looking for a really
good reason to move my 6 year old community to a better game,which I thought
CS:S would be nobody played it.

So if this happens good bye CS Community hello BF2 and COD communities.We
have started a thread in my forums about this and almost everyone is
bitching about CS:S,STEAM and the way VALVe has run their show over the
course of the last few years.And alot of people aren't happy.This move
wouldn't crush VALVe due to the new players.But I can forsee this not being
a good thing because alot of older school gamers who have played this game
since '99 or before will be moving along to another game.

Thanks god I reinstalled and patched my BF2 and COD/COD2 installs the other
night.Guess it's time to contact insomnia about one of those ranked servers

Overall I'm not satisfied even if it is client side with someone making
money off of my servers.Or any other server that is free to VALVe.If
anything they should start putting community and mod advertisments into the
game.GG VALVe way to ruin,at least, a half-way decent game for good.


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Re: [hlds] Server Music

2006-11-24 Thread [GS]Admin

Well you forgot to tell us exactly what you are running.If you are running
AmxModx with HL1 you can use several plugins.The way I understand you,you
want music to play during the verifing files part where you are actually
connecting to the server.Not while you are playing in the server.If this is
the case and like I said above,running Amxmodx and HL1 mods you can use one
of these handy dandy mods

All those have alittle different functionality.I didn't read each forum post
so I'm not sure if they all or any of them still work you will have to see
if they have been updated ect.I used the amx_super plugin for awhile which
has it inside the plugin and it worked without fail everytime.So browse
around that for abit and see if that's what you need.If its for a source
game I don't have a clue.


- Original Message -
From: "ALi cook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 4:29 AM
Subject: [hlds] Server Music

Hi , Does anyone know how to get music on the loading screen of a server? i
have looked everywere on how to do this and even my suppiler of my server
hasnt got back to me on the issue.

Would be most greatful if som1 could email me bk on how to do this.


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Re: [hlds] Alfred, could this be done for the cs1.6 game too?

2006-11-24 Thread [GS]Admin

Does anyone at VALVe actually game online?Much less some of their own
games!Come on Alfred jump on from time to time and learn some of the more
popular games you guys publish now!

- Original Message -
From: "Saint K." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Can you give me any details on what a "rate hack" is exactly? Are users
changing there cl_cmdrate on the fly and causing bad server behavior? We
want to protect servers from this problem directly in the engine.
- Alfred"

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Re: [hlds] Re: hlds digest, Vol 1 #5042 - 6 msgs

2006-11-18 Thread [GS]Admin

- Original Message -
From: "[xXx] con" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 5:46 PM
Subject: [hlds] Re: hlds digest, Vol 1 #5042 - 6 msgs

"The CVAR plugins are also used to do things like set my rate, cl_cmdrate,
and cl_updaterate to settings that are not appropriate for my internet
connection. I hate joining a server and having it set my cl_cmdrate and
cl_updaterate to 101 every time I spawn."



For one thing, I would suggest buying a new keyboard since yours seems to
have a broken caps lock key.You do realize it's idiot server operators
setting rates like that, that make 75% of the players online lag like all
hell.I guess you never thought about people on anything less than a 1.5Mb
cable connection?And how do you know it run "all" your players
perfectly?Obviously not or you wouldn't have people complaining.

And one other thing you do realize that EVERYONE here is an operator, as you
say "dumbass", considering this is the HLDS list.I would almost bet that
with an attitude like that it's a hard issue in your server to keep regulars
who don't have admin.but that's just my opinion with idiots who do not
think their posts through.He made a simple pointed at no one post.Your
response?Immaturity.GG you make this list look better and better by the day.


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Re: [hlds] Server Clan to Inform Valve of their Mistake

2006-11-18 Thread [GS]Admin

- Original Message -
From: "Bud Ingram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Server Clan to Inform Valve of their Mistake

Oh I don't know, UT2K7 will be out within 6 months; Crysis will follow
that...  Lets face it, until GunGame came out recently, there was little
desire to play CSS -- adding in a weapon economy sure didn't fix it -- I
at a LAN recently where people wanted to play with the economy for the
novelty of it, then democracy reigned and it was quickly shut off becuase
was pointless and added so little flare to the game as to be considered a
worthless mod.

Lets face it; since Valve took CS and converted it to Steam it has not
such a powerhouse.  I realize there are still many people playing but look
at the average players per server -- this may be a good way to cull some
them, but honestly, as a player, I see this as a cheat -- if you want to
come to my server and play, you play by my rules or you get the hell off


Bud Ingram

I agree with Bud.While I haven't personally ran a CS:S server for awhile.I
do not agree with this new client side setting.But like Bud said if you want
to come to my server and play, you play by our community rules or you can
get the hell off our servers.Whats the point of not being able to enforce
YOUR rules on YOUR server.

Personally I was about to open up a new CS:S server since I thought it would
be intresting since it has been over a year since I even played it.BUT I'm
thinking more along the lines of getting an America's Army server or an
Unreal Server going now.Who know's valve is looking worse and worse by the

Hell they know exactly the right ways to kill their cash crop!Burn the
fields, burn the fields!!


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Re: [hlds] need free cp

2006-11-12 Thread [GS]Admin

But isn't everything gamepanel wise hosted on their servers?Like you can't
download a master server and run everything on your equipment.And as bad as
I hate to say it I don't trust ANYONE to run stuff for me I would rather run
it myself.

And as soon as that gets out of beta 15/1 chances you have to pay for a


- Original Message -
From: "Kyle Caulfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] need free cp

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
actually is free for two physical computers... and
they are testing their beta it is free for however many you have!


On 11/11/06, DLinkOZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Gamepanel beta4 is free, and works great.  Been using it for a very long
time now.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Heath
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] need free cp

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
That isn't free tho...there are very few free CPs out there, you will be
lucky to find one. Server Doc is the only one I have found but I can use
as it will interfere with server checker

---Original Message---

From: [GS]Admin
Date: 11/11/06 22:01:51
Subject: Re: [hlds] need free cp

Err scratch that I'm sorry guys for the double post.It lets
you do everything you can stop/start run unlitmited instances ect.And you
can edit files rcon ect from it.Its really good.From the makers of


- Original Message -
From: "[GS]Admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] need free cp

> If you have a dedicated server with a dedicated webhosting box you can
> :)
> BeNt
> - Original Message -
> From: "[xXx] con" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 9:22 AM
> Subject: [hlds] need free cp
>> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>> --
>> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>> can anyone recommend any free control panel programs that i might be
>> to get my hands on for cs:s?
>> --
>> ___
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> ___
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Re: [hlds] HL1 banner

2006-11-11 Thread [GS]Admin

I play CS.And my servers are well maintained and the trash is taken out
regularly.We have a major server rule or "Respect all players" on our server
and if you don't your gone.Simple as that.I never seem to have issue of
people spraying porn sprays ect.Or talking too foul,but then again we run
adult servers so we tolerate it as I'm not quite as tight lipped as most

So the whole "parent" thing about the sprays ect also goes for admins on
your servers.Your gameplay experience and ammount of problems on your server
reflects exactly what YOU put into it and what your admins put into it.So if
you quit playing cs you were on the wrong servers.OR if it was your
serverwell you get the point.


- Original Message -
From: "Whisper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Note: I don't play CS, and the type of people that play CS today versus
OP4 might be why.

Ook nails it

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Re: [hlds] need free cp

2006-11-11 Thread [GS]Admin

Err scratch that I'm sorry guys for the double post.It lets
you do everything you can stop/start run unlitmited instances ect.And you
can edit files rcon ect from it.Its really good.From the makers of


- Original Message -
From: "[GS]Admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] need free cp

If you have a dedicated server with a dedicated webhosting box you can use :)


- Original Message -
From: "[xXx] con" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 9:22 AM
Subject: [hlds] need free cp

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
can anyone recommend any free control panel programs that i might be able
to get my hands on for cs:s?

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Re: [hlds] need free cp

2006-11-11 Thread [GS]Admin

If you have a dedicated server with a dedicated webhosting box you can use :)


- Original Message -
From: "[xXx] con" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 9:22 AM
Subject: [hlds] need free cp

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
can anyone recommend any free control panel programs that i might be able
to get my hands on for cs:s?

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Re: [hlds] HL1 banner

2006-11-10 Thread [GS]Admin

- Original Message -
From: "Bart King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 4:12 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] HL1 banner

"Secondly, online advertisers require the ability to click-through to their
web site or marketing campaign.  Due to the nature of how the game loads,
all processing time is transferred to loading of the game, thus user
interactivity is generally unresponsive (as a side problem, because of this,
animated banners become an issue, too)."

This is a bit off topic now.But,You do realize that if you click that banner
on the content server it does open an Internet Explorer window to whatever
page is being advertised?


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Re: [hlds] HL1 banner

2006-11-09 Thread [GS]Admin

- Original Message -
From: "Ðåñ Offord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 3:54 PM
Subject: [hlds] HL1 banner

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Recently playing on a SvenCoop Server i noticed they put the "advert"
banners back on, for some BF2 servers?

I also noticed that I got the advert on my own content server which is
annoying. So quick question, does the banner.gif work again and how are
meant to use it?


I don't think they have started letting people have adverts again?I wish
they would though cause it sucks that I'm using my bandwidth for other
people's servers to help them out and I can't even do a bit of advertising.

And by BF2 do you mean the game BF2 or is that a communities abbreviation?


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Re: [hlds] Best FTP Server for Multiple IPs?

2006-11-09 Thread [GS]Admin

What is the best FTP server to use for multiple IPs on a single server?




I use a filezilla server for my windows boxes.Then I use smartftp for my
client.Or filezilla client depending on what computer I'm on.

From my experience smartftp gets hellaciously over loaded on the server side

if you have logging turned on and it starts using upto 40-60Mb of ram when
its loaded.Filezilla isn't using hardly anything and its very fast.


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