[hlds] Valve - Replay FileServer Protocol

2013-08-06 Thread Harsh Baid
This is a request to valve to impliment other types of File Server
Protocols for Replay. I was configuring replay on my servers recently and
in replay.cfg there is a ConVar called:


According to the cfg file it only supports http. I was wondering if its
possible to support https which is more secure than http?
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[hlds] Replay Help

2013-08-06 Thread Harsh Baid
Just some quick replay related question

1) According to the wiki, i need have separate directories if im running
multiple servers on the same box for replays? Is this true (and if so why)?
My situation is that i am FTP offloading and what i wanted to do was simply
redirect all replay files to one single folder on my website instead of
making separate sub folders within each folder depending on how many
servers i have.

2) Can i use exec replay.cfg in server.cfg instead of in the command line?
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[hlds] Setting Up Replay

2013-07-25 Thread Harsh Baid
So i am currently in the process of setting up replay. Can any1 help
me/provide advice?

I found these 2 tutorials online:

Is there anything more i need to know?
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[hlds] Idle Servers Dead

2013-07-18 Thread Harsh Baid
With Valve's new policy that says people can no longer idle on a server to
gain items, does this mean that all idle servers are gonna go down in
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[hlds] VPK /custom Directory Help

2013-05-12 Thread Harsh Baid
Alright so its beens a while since i have payed attention to this list
because of life issues and other problems. Currently because i host my
servers with NFO, they have pretty much taken care of everything regarding
SteamPipe and the whole custom section. However, now that i finally have
time, i want to kind of refigure out steam pipe. I currently have been
browsing around and i have a few questions.

1) So SteamPipe is this new file client system and apparently all the files
go in a custom folder. However how do i tell my mapcycle.txt and
maplist.txt where the new custom paths to my custom maps are?

2) Isn't this system inefficient in the sense that if more than 1 server in
different communities are running the same custom files. Then the client
has to download 2 copies of the same files?

3) What is gameinfo.txt? I read the file, but barely comprehended any of it.

4) VPK's, what are they? Would a correct analogy be that they are sort of
zip files packing all content into one?

5) If so, can i use VPK's with maps?

Thanks for anyones help in advance. I really do appreciate it!
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[hlds] SteamPipe

2013-04-26 Thread Harsh Baid
So i have really been ignoring this SteamPipe thing in a while, but seeing
that it is coming up. I decided to get more active into it. I know what
SteamPipe is and how its going to affect players as far as their file
location is concerned. I am also aware of apparently its going
to optimize the game making downloads and such faster. However, how is it
going to affect server owners as far as where files will be located for
custom content and sourcemod/metamod content.

How do i get access to the steampipe files to put on my server and test out?

What about meta/sourcemod? Are the latest snapshots compatible with them
yet or do we have to wait for newer ones to come out?

Any documents directed towards server owners and anything that can brush me
up on the topic would be much appreciated.

Anything major changing as far as plugins breaking that i need to be aware
of. (I am aware that SMAC broke, but is there a newer version available
that works)?

What sort of different ConVars do we now have with SteamPipe?

(Btw im on a linux system incase that is relatable and am referring to TF2).

Also on a side note, I posted this a while ago but got no response. Any 1
familiar with the sv_steamgroup convar and if it is compatible in tf2?

~Thanks Again in advance.
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[hlds] steamgroup (To Valve)

2013-04-24 Thread Harsh Baid
Dear Valve,

Any chance you could possibly add sv_steamgroup for TF2. It would be really
beneficial as it could help players connect to their favorite community
servers just by looking at the steam group and it would save community
owners a lot of time. It would an awesome feature to add!
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Re: [hlds] Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

2013-04-23 Thread Harsh Baid
Wait, so do we just restart the servers or do we update MetaMod since Eric
said he is releasing an update for this?
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[hlds] Metamod Snapshot Sourcemod Update!!!

2013-04-17 Thread Harsh Baid
Just a heads up here, NFO yesterday updated to the newest snapshot of
MetaMod 1.10.x, anyway i installed it and apparently it can't load
sourcemod at all. It fails to load sourcemod when i meta loaded it as well
as just restarting the server. Only fix right now apparently is to upgrade
to the newest snapshot of sourcemod as well which i believe is 1.6.x. For
those of you who noticed that the snapshot updated, just a heads up incase
your wondering why sourcemod isn't working. Also SMAC will also need to be
updated because apparently it is reported that it is causing random banning
to players as well.
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[hlds] Ad Company

2013-04-07 Thread Harsh Baid
Now i hate to bring this up again, but i got contacted today a few minutes
ago at the time of writing and i just want to see if any1 else got

A guy by the name of Satish contacted me on steam telling me about this ad
company and how he wants to put ads on my server? Seems a bit strange but i
go along. He gives me a link to this page.


Just by looking at the page, i can tell it is in beta or still being worked
on because none of the links actually lead to anything. Now he apparently
says to contact Mamo the owner of Elite Powered. Elite Mamo added me and we
are discussing things, but i really am confused as to what is it.

What is exactly going on and has anyway else been contacted like this?
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Re: [hlds] Ad Company

2013-04-07 Thread Harsh Baid
Just finished talking with him. Apparently he privately contacts
communities and doesn't want to become another pinion according to him.
Also he won't let anyone see the source code to his .smx plugin and with
that i flat out denied and said no, i don't want to participate.
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Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-04-01 Thread Harsh Baid
Crapware Wardon, with all due respect i have met 9 year olds on my servers
that treat themselves better in behavior than you. Please leave the mailing
list, that message that you sent was SPAM and nothing more. Clearly no one
hear likes you or can tolerate you so please get out. You add nothing to
the list except any rubbish that comes out of your mouth. Clearly you lack
professionalism and are extremely arrogant. I will not respond
nor acknowledge you anymore. Just wanted to get this out of my mind before
it started bothering me

For everyone else:

Thanks for the advice. Reason i asked was because i was looking at
QuickPlay and in the FAQ section, there mentioned a section in which it
involved something in response to having a 32 slot server vs. a 24 slot
server and the QuickPlay ranking system. The following line caught my eye.

If the max player count is set above 32, the server is completely excluded.
We add this penalty because the game has been tuned for 24 players.
Increasing the number of players beyond 24 can have negative effects on
performance and gameplay balance.

But it seems as if it is not the case anymore according to everyone else.
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[hlds] Better Idle Managment

2013-03-31 Thread Harsh Baid
This is a request for Fletcher and Eric (and any other valve employ), i was
wondering if its possible for you guys to update the idle management system
in TF2. Personally i currently am not satisfied with the current system so
i use a plugin by name of AFK Manager and i believe many popular server
owners use that as well to keep idlers off! Now the plugin works fine (in
fact it works GREAT), however as a server owner i like to use as few
sourcemod plugins as possible to get the job done  just because there is
less to update and keep track of (just a personal pet peeve for me). Anyway
currently i believe there exist 2 cvars that control idling:

// Maximum time a player is allowed to be idle (in minutes), made this
and sv_timeout equal same time?
mp_idlemaxtime 15

// Deals with idle players 1=send to spectator 2=kick
mp_idledealmethod 2

(Source: TF2 Official Wiki)

This is just for me but i think it applies to many people. Some people who
trade and such or are just afk for a few minutes are sent to spectators if
the given Cvar is set to 1. Is it possible to make another cvar that states
when players are spectator and are idling again for idlemaxtime, kicks
them? That way players who are just temporarily not in the game can just
come back to it by joining the team and players who are truly idling are
kicked. This way i have one less plugin to worry about.

Any consideration on this would be much appreciated! Also feedback for
other Cvars that possible could be added or maybe existing ones that could
be changed would be appreciated!

P.S: People of HLDS if you are either going to recommend me to another
sourcemod plugin that does this, i am not interested. Just telling you in
advance so it does not add clutter to the discussion.
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Re: [hlds] Better Idle Managment

2013-03-31 Thread Harsh Baid
Alright i wasn't aware of mp_idledealmethod is actually the following:

Deals with Idle Players. 1 = Sends them into Spectator mode then kicks them
if they're still idle, 2 = Kicks them out of the game;

However it wasn't on the Official TF2 Wiki Dedicated Server Configuration
Page. Alright so now what is sv_timeout responsible for?
I originally assumed that when someone connects to the server, if there is
a problem in the connection. The Cvar controls how long the connection is
retried until it drops the client from the server
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[hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-03-31 Thread Harsh Baid
So i have recently heard somewhere that any player slot above 24 causes a
decrease in performance. Is this a myth or in actuality true and if it is,
is it a significant decrease and in what region of performance? Does 32
slots cause more stress on the CPU and or RAM causing the server to lag or
is it something else entirely.
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Re: [hlds] Pinion Pot of Gold blacklist?

2013-02-19 Thread Harsh Baid
Back to the matter at hand, someone mentioned about paying a dollar or so
to get the ad MOTD removed? How do you manage a system like that as i would
love to implement it with my servers as well. How do you set up a system
where a user pays a dollar and gets the MOTD removed when he joins the game
since the actual plugin has no flag feature what so ever?

Also as far as micro-transactions go, has anyone looked into bit-coins  I
personally have never used them, but many members have suggested that i
should implement it. Although i am not sure how well it would work.
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Re: [hlds] Server Crashs

2012-12-23 Thread Harsh Baid
Thanks for all the suggestions. It turns out my sourcemod was simply not up
- to - date with the newest snapshot. Thank you for all the help i really
appreciate it :)
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[hlds] QuickPlay Traffic

2012-11-25 Thread Harsh Baid
Has Quickplay traffic decreased? I saw a post on it on the linux list and i
wanted to get a general sense of what other people think. Recently i used
to have my servers fill to the brim as soon as we hit 10 players because of
the amazing Quickplay Traffic. Now i have almost always have to have around
16+ players for any sort of traffic to occur. This is really frustrating
and i basically waste an hour with it. Why is this happening? Is it
happening to any one else where they see servers empty out because of the
traffic? When will it stop and go back to the normal 10 players?
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[hlds] Quick Play Maps?

2012-11-24 Thread Harsh Baid
I was arranging maps for my server to have quickplay enabled. I came across
something very peculiar, the map koth_badlands according to the OFFICIAL
TF2 WIKI states that it is quickplay eligible over here (read under the
patch notes):


However according to the official website koth_badlands is not even LISTED.


Why is this happening? Where can i get a more updated list? and how far do
these maps actually go where we have maps that do accept quickplay, but are
not listed?
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