RE: [hlds_linux] Steam 2.0 For Linux?

2003-01-09 Thread Rob Sanders
On Thu, 09 Jan 2003 01:13:26 -0500, Kevin J. Anderson wrote:

> Im pretty sure the current 1.x steam already runs on linux, so I assume
> 2.0 runs on it also?

I can't get it to run... Has anyone ran it?
I've been a winex user for some time now, and I'll quit playing before I
boot windows.
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RE: [hlds_linux] CS: A few gameplay issues I'd like fixed

2003-01-04 Thread Rob Sanders
On Sat, 04 Jan 2003 04:32:19 -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

> Bandwidth isn't the issue here, it is latency.  I have great bandwidth
> with SW Bell ADSL (1.2Mb/s downstream), but due to the fact their
> network engineers (or lack thereof) don't know how to properly configure
> BGP, my in game CS ping latency jumped about 2 months ago from ~30 to
> 80-100.  I still have the same bandwidth to and from BfB, but my latency
> is HUGE now.
> Until the DSL and cable providers *correctly* maintain their routing
> infrastructure and peering arrangements, lag compensation is DEFINITELY
> needed.

Good point.  I'm currently going around with XO communications.  One of
their peers is sprintlink.  seems they want to send me from chicago, to
washington, to NC, to New York city, then back to chicago to make 3 hops,
then finally to my provider.  This routing table changed on dec 16th, and
has givin me and untold others a 40 ms loop to take a tour only to arive
in the very same place we departed from.  They even routed one of my
users that lives just outside chicago the same way for 2 days.  His ping
increased from 6 to almost 50.

I have multiple 10/100 drops to their OC192 backbone, giving me more
bandwidth than I could ever imagine using. but as long as they insist on
taking people on a tour of the country side, its doesn't do a damn bit of
good for gaming.

Now this isn't a cable or DSL line, the problem is much larger.  I've
been looking over at internap lately, wondering if their systems really
do the trick.  I still have some users in the game playing at 15-20
pings, but alot of my users on speakeasy, comcast, and yahoo have
been dramatically effected.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Restricting users via ping

2002-12-23 Thread Rob Sanders
On Mon, 23 Dec 2002 18:08:05 -0500, Jeremy Brooking wrote:
> Not sure if this been discussed before, but is there a way to
> prevent/kick users with pings that are too high?
> I would like one of the servers I run to be for LPB/National traffic
> only.
> I can achieve what I want otherways, but if theres come cfg option it
> would save me time.

Try, very usefull tool in many ways.
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Re: [hlds_linux] How *not* to water-cool your computer(s)

2002-12-08 Thread Rob Sanders
On Mon, 09 Dec 2002 01:10:27 -0500, Eric (Deacon) wrote:

> Useful information for those with heat issues in 1U cases and are
> thinking about water cooling as a solution.

/me stops caulking his 1U case and puts away the hose ;)
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Re: [hlds_linux] [OT] dust clumps

2002-11-15 Thread Rob Sanders
On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 22:33:58 -0500, kelly fernandez wrote:

> reading about this reminds me of an "itch" i've had since i've been
> running systems on a long terms basis... I'm maintaing several systems
> in industrial/open air envirionments aside from my lan gaming
> clients/servers. This basically means that a heck of a lot of dust could
> accumulate over just a few months.

The enviroment definatly determines the amount and type of dust/crap you
collect.  Don't hesitate to take a air hose and blow some of the crap
out, just try not to over spin the fans with the air.  I've killed fans
with a high pressure air line before.

> my question is: "Aside from the typical stopping of fans, does these
> dust particiles/clumps [lots of them] affect performance in any way? or
> cause instability just by itself?"

Yes, in the form of lack of cooling and heat buildup.  If the HSF fans
are plugged with dust, air cant pass thru them and cool it.  My
workstation fills up with this brownish sticky dust (half cigarette smoke
;) ) and after a few months I start overheating and lock-up.  I clean it
out and its business as usual.

 I'm asking this bec. it appears that
> my systems seems to boot a lot slower after about 1+ years of daily [14+
> hours/ day] operation... and in some cases crash on me more often using
> the same programs which VERY rarely crashed before [yes, they're windows
> gaming clients]. I regularly format them, and do replace fans that slow
> down. my theory is that these might be caused by the hard disk slowdowns
> due to wear and tear [IDE's].

The problems with using EIDE's is in a server enviroment is they arent
designed for continuous usage.  If your server takes a break for a
portion of the day and the HDD's re allowed to power down, I wouldn't be
concerned about it, but a very busy disk subsystem thats in use all day
can cause the drives to fail over time.  Try running a performance check
to see how they are working.  Also, if the drives are subjected to
extreeme heat or inproper mounting they can have troubled.  I believe
most manufactures recommend 1/8" min clearence around the drives.

But since you say its a "client" I dont think these factors should have
an effect.  More of a FYI ;)  I would run something like ATTO and see how
they are performing.  Also, I've heard tails that the majority of
manufactures are switching to a 1 year warrenty period.  I forget where I
heard it and can't back it up, but its one of those things that stuck.
But I have yet to see dust cause a problem with a EIDE drive.  If the
machine seems slow and unstable, check the cpu and chipset coolers and
see if they are gumed up.  A hot chipset can cause some funkyness.

 but how about the
> memory/motherboard/processor/network card/etc wear and tear [if there
> was such a thing] ?

Not that I've seen, with the exception of a cloged chipset cooler, or
video card.  I had a 64M ati card cook itself from cloged dust, requiring
a RMA from ATI.   But in every other circumstance the only thing dust has
caused me was some instability.

Things you can do to help are install filters on the intake fans, and run
machines in a conditioned envirment like a data center.  But sometimes
neither is possible, and a good ol air hose can correct the problem :)

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Re: [hlds_linux] mp_tkpunish

2002-11-14 Thread Rob Sanders
On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 15:56:52 -0500, m0gely wrote:

> I'm a little lost here.  Did I say I used windows somewhere?  All I said
> is I didn't use linux.  And I did do the homework, and I got it working
> like I said.  So you admit that damp is a little cryptic to setup after
> slamming me for saying it.  Didn't take you long to go full circle. It's
> soo ironic the linux zealots out there who praise the OS so much and
> beat people down about it at the same time.  The community needs more
> people like you.

linux in general is a little cryptic when your not used to using it on a
dialy basis.  What we beat people down for is not taking the time and
trying to figure it out before they ask.  99% of the questions I see are
answered in a manual, forum, webpage.  Its amazing how many people seem
to forget when they are stuck on a problem.
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RE: [hlds_linux] mp_tkpunish

2002-11-14 Thread Rob Sanders
On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 16:38:25 -0500, Eric (Deacon) wrote:

>> I really hate the way I have to know what is happening and what the
>> computer is really doing when I'm using Linux.  Oh, and I hate the way
>> that I can just leave my CS servers the hell alone for weeks on end an
>> know that they will still be running when I get back to them.
>>  (e.g. holidays)

I have one machine I havent touched in over a year.  Power goes off,
machine goes off, power goes on, machine goes on.  I've never had to
touch it for a damn thin.  Not one reboot, nadda.  Updates run
automagically nightly and log reports emailed daily.

Acually, I was down in my server room in my basement the other day
pulling a box from load testing (damn things too noisy to keep upstairs)
and happen to notice that cob webs had covered the box.  Maybe I'll take
a pickure of it, Its like something you would see as a joke.  I can't
wait to pop the cover off and see the dust clumps ;)

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RE: [hlds_linux] Why did this happen? Please help

2002-11-12 Thread Rob Sanders
On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:08:59 -0500, Sullivan, Rick wrote:

> This exact failure happened on my server alsoI ended up un-loading
> all the statsme; adminmod; adminmod plugins; metamod; chickenmod etc.
> appendages, and then it ran just fine.  I then started adding them back
> one at a time and found the problem was a corrupted adminmod
> it and all ran smoothly.

I also had problems with corrupted adminmod plugins...  Server crashed in
a loop, downloading and reinstalling from a different mirror fixed it.
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Re: [hlds_linux] Laggy Server

2002-11-12 Thread Rob Sanders
On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:42:06 -0500, Phillip Meents wrote:

> Ok, im running 2 16 person CS servers, and 1 20 person CS server on a p4
> 1.7GHZ machine. The 2 16 person servers are empty 90% of the time. The
> people on the 20 person server experience lag spikes every couple of
> minutes. We have watched the "top" for the machine and there is no
> processor overloading and no problems with RAM, as there is 100mb of
> free ram. There is about 30GB free on the hard disk. I have also set
> maxrate to , and minrate to 2000. I have run out of things to check.
> The network has been fine as it is a full 100mbit connection to the
> network, and with the other 2 servers just not being used, its not like
> there is bandwidth problems. All of the servers are running on separate
> ip addresses. The machine is running on a RH 7.2 install, pretty much
> stripped to the basics. Anyone have any ideas of other stuff I could
> check. Thanks.

Just because you have a 100mb drop doesn't mean the network isn't having
problems.  We moved to a crappy network once
**cough**CapitalInternet**cough** and we would have super low pings, but
then huge spikes and "rolling hills" on the net graph about every 5-10
minutes.  Some networks just aren't good enough for games.  Moving the
servers to a better DC fixed the problems.  We spent over twice as much
now, but definatly worth being at a quality DC.

Unless, of course your not colo'n it, and then ignore my email and try to
give a better description next time ;)  But I have a feeling your on a
saturated network.

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Re: [hlds_linux] sv_maxrate -- does it actually do anything?

2002-11-12 Thread Rob Sanders
On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 04:00:04 -0500, zeek wrote:
> I've been doing some experimentation with 'sv_maxrate' (on the server)
> and 'rate' settings and I've come to the conclusion that they do not
> limit the data rate (as they are documented to do).
> I've set sv_maxrate 1000 and sv_maxupdaterate 10 on my server, and on
> the client I set cl_updaterate 100 and cl_cmdrate 100 and rate 1000.  I
> see ~4000 bytes/sec of data (each direction) of data moving between the
> hlds server and my client (shouldn't it be 1000 bytes/sec?).  If I set
> cl_updaterate 10 and cl_cmdrate 10 with rate 1000 I see a little less
> traffic, but it still isn't 1000 bytes/sec.
> I've actually tried a lot of different settings with these vars and I do
> not understand what they actually do.
> It seems that these vars do not behave as documented.  Can anyone shed
> any light?

You have to reconnect for the sv_maxrate to take effect.  Rates are
determined at connection time, so if you connect at maxrate 1 and
then change it to 4000, you stay at 1 and everyone connecting after
you gets 4000.

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Re: [hlds_linux] statsme

2002-11-12 Thread Rob Sanders
On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 08:47:39 -0500, Stefan Huszics wrote:
> I've solved that in another way. Losing team gets an auto teamslay. That
> makes CT ALWAYS at least TRY to get to the bomb ASAP and defuse it.
> Works wonders also to avoid having people camping in a corner the last
> 45 seconds after a bomb is planted. Better to at least try to defuse
> then just waste the time of other people that are already dead by doing
> nothing.

I always thought that was a good idea, but never implemented it.  If your
not playing for the objective, then your not playing CS, so WTF are you
doing in my server?!?! ;)

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Re: [hlds_linux] STEAM 2 supporting winex users?

2002-10-22 Thread Rob Sanders
On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 19:43:03 -0400, James Clark wrote:

> Can someone please post a URL to a really good guide to
> installing/running CS/Half-Life in Linux.
> I've got windows on my home machine but if I didn't have to I wouldn't.
> There are a few other things I run that need windows but CS is the main
> reason I keep it.
> For those of you who have mastered this already how do you find gameplay
> when compared to winblows?
> James.

For me its compairable.  My framerate is 70-100 at 1024x768 opengl and I don't have any
issues with lag or sound problems.  BUT alot of people have nothing but
trouble.  You have to have a _solid_ video card and enable hardware
acceleration.  I use a 128M GeForce4 Ti-4200 with the nvidia drivers on
redhat 7.3 and enlightenment.  I also have dual monitors, and play in a
1024x768 window, but a single monitor can go full screen.

To pass VAC checks, I believe you need to run winex (I use the binarys),
as wine _may_ flag you as a cheater.  Someone please correct me if I'm
mistaken.  Check out for info on winex.

I love playing in linux, and wouldn't consider windows after seeing the
light.  It takes the right mix of hardware, software, and guts to pull it
off, but IMHO well worth it.

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Re: [hlds_linux] STEAM 2 supporting winex users?

2002-10-22 Thread Rob Sanders
On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 16:16:31 -0400, Rene Luckow wrote:

> Does anybody know if steam 2 will support winex users?
> I don't use windows at all you see, and this steam thing looks
> promising...

Same here, no windows.  I'll stop playing and hosting before I have a
windows boot.
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Re: [hlds_linux] Detected Speedhack

2002-10-04 Thread Rob Sanders

I've had false positives with the hlguard speedhack detection.  I would
believe if they come back complaining, but if not its just another ban ;)

On Fri, 04 Oct 2002 16:32:03 -0400, HalfLife wrote:

> Hi all,
> W i got my first cheater caught by HLGuard
> Well can i be 100% sure that the ppl was cheating by Speedhack, because
> it did not said "Warning abut it"
> What does the Speedhack really do?? Something about speeding up your
> movement, or???
> The Log from HLGuard (CheaterList.txt) --- 10/04/2002 21:50:05
> Name: Immortal uniqueid: 2522517 IP: Cheat: Detected
> Speedhack [Speedhack] ---
> Regards
> Frank
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Re: [hlds_linux] server features requests!

2002-09-27 Thread Rob Sanders

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 10:25:02 -0400, Jan Arild Risan wrote:
> !!! does the server really Need sounds\models\sprites to work in hlds* ?

Yes it does, because the server does consistency checks on the models in
an attempt to stop custom cheat models like spiked players or unusually
large world view weapons..
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Re: [hlds_linux] CD-KEY in use

2002-09-27 Thread Rob Sanders

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 09:52:56 -0400, Mark Ellis wrote:

> I keep getting these errors on servers, i connect then disconnect, then
> i have to wait a while before i can connect again
> does anyone know whats going on?

I'm not usually one to complain, but since you bring it up..
This has been happening to me for a few weeks.  It's not very often, but
when it does happen it kinda ticks me off.  It seems to be happening to
more and more people, as the amount of complains I hear about it
increase.  Never shared my key, used any key changer, or any cheat that
might have scamed it.  Somethin funky at WON...
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Re: [hlds_linux] [OT] cheaters page

2002-09-26 Thread Rob Sanders

Run once a day, only parses the logs from the day before, or the day
specified.  I grabed it off this list awhile back, I didnt write anything


use POSIX qw(strftime);
use constant ONE_DAY => 60*60*24;

# Declare the following paths & files
my $Debug = 1;  # 1 = on, 0 = off
my $CHEATER_FILE = "/**EDIT**/hlds_l/cstrike/valve_banned.cfg";
my $HTML_FILE = "/**EDIT**/valve_banned.html";
#my $HTML_HEADER = "/**EDIT**/html/header.txt";
#my $HTML_FOOTER = "/**EDIT**/html/footer.txt";

# Below it will grab the current date from the system.
# If you wish to run for a different day
# comment out the "localtime" lines and
# uncomment the other lines and input the correct date.
my $yday = time() - ONE_DAY;
my $THEMONTH = strftime "%m", localtime($yday);
# my $THEMONTH = "07";
my $THEDAY = strftime "%d", localtime($yday);
# my $THEDAY = "08";



my $LOG_NUMBER = "000";
my $True = 1;
my $ZERO = "0";

if (-e $HTML_FILE) {

open(CHEATFILE, ">>$CHEATER_FILE") or die("Could not open $CHEATER_FILE.\n");
open(HTMLFILE, ">>$HTML_FILE") or die ("Could not open $HTML_FILE.\n");

if ($HEADERFLAG eq 0) {
open(HTMLHEADER, "<$HTML_HEADER") or print "Could not open $HTML_HEADER.\n";
while() {

$LINES = $_;
printf HTMLFILE "\n";
printf HTMLFILE "Date & 
TimeNameWonid \n";

while($True) {

open(LOG, "<$LOG") or die ("Program has completed.\n");
if($Debug eq 1) {
print "Now working on log file:  $LOG\n";
while() {

$loglines = $_;
if($loglines =~ /Secure:/) {
#L 06/03/2002 - 20:49:08: Secure: "Player<204><23326><>" was 
detected cheating and dropped from the server (code "0").
if(m/(.+) - (.+): Secure: \"(.+)<(\d+)><(\d+)>/) {
printf CHEATFILE "banid 0.0 %-15s // Name: %s\n", $5, 
if($Debug eq 1) {
print " Wonid:  $5 // Name: $3\n";
printf HTMLFILE "%s - 
%s%s%s\n", $1, $2, $3, $5;
close LOG;
if($LOG_NUMBER < 10) {
if($LOG_NUMBER < 100) {

#if($FOOTERFLAG = 1) {
#   printf HTMLFILE "\n";
#   open(HTMLFOOTER, "<$HTML_FOOTER") or print "Could not open $HTML_FOOTER.\n";
#   while() {
#   $LINES = $_;
#   printf HTMLFILE $LINES;
#   }

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Re: [hlds_linux] [OT] Players who ruin the game because of thierstats...

2002-09-18 Thread Rob Sanders

Kill the stats.  I've had nothing but problems like you mention.

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 18:32:51 -0400, Oscar N wrote:

> We've had some complains about this, players who camp all the map
> because they don't want to get killed and loose a few points etc... But
> we still want to have the stats, not every cs server here in sweden have
> stats. It takes some time to set it up good and when it's realtime based
> it also requires a nice computer. We think it can draw at least some
> players to our server and therefor we want it... Does anyone else has
> this problem when they are running stats from the cs servers?
> Anyway, we started thinking about how to get rid of the players who
> spoil the game, so right now I'm rewriting some code. Our thoughts was
> to first remove the rank based on skill points. Instead the players
> should be ranked on how long they have been connected. Who hope to keep
> at least some of the players who think it's important to check out how
> good they have been with a certain weapon and things like that. And what
> we hope most for is to get rid of the players who ruin the game.
> If anyone has some code/idea or want the code, let me know... Check it
> out at It's not finished yet, but it's not much
> let.
> /Oscar,
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Re: [hlds_linux] PrivatePlayers 0.10

2002-09-07 Thread Rob Sanders

On Sat, 07 Sep 2002 16:20:15 +, dJeyL wrote:

> Rob Sanders wrote :
>> Isn't there some way to buffer the
>> ID's on a map change or something??  Or even once a day?? 24 hour wait
>> for authorization wouldn't be bad..  Have it connect once a day, grab
>> the latest version off the MySQL list, write it to a local file, and
>> continue?
> I
>> would love to intergrate that into my registered users, but I have a
>> few servers spread out across the net.
> it's planned ;-)

Great!!  If I can throw in another 2 cents, once a day would be excellent for
me, and possibly an admin option to force an update for initial install
and critical updates.  Anything more would seem a waste IMHO.

Thanks and keep up posted,

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Re: [hlds_linux] VAC problem.

2002-08-28 Thread Rob Sanders

On Thu, 29 Aug 2002 04:04:52 +, Jeremy Brooking wrote:

> Cant see how it can be used to cheat more than say, external voice com
> systems... even the telephone :)
Run an irc bot and have it relay both teams chat?  Telephones dont pick
up team chat ;)  Most hopefully use external voice, or ingame atleast,
but some people still type away..
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RE: [hlds_linux] [Offtopic] LHL

2002-08-21 Thread Rob Sanders

On Thu, 22 Aug 2002 05:44:01 +, Eric (Deacon) wrote:

> Heh, I wonder if Mos Def will sue :P
 Y not? godzilla is...
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Re: [hlds_linux] VAC CVARS

2002-08-13 Thread Rob Sanders

On Tue, 13 Aug 2002 03:09:02 -0500

> WWWWWW   FF  !!   ??
>  WWW  WWWTT  FF  !!  ????
>   WW  WW  WW TT  FF  !!  ???
>WW WW WW  TT  FF  !! ??
> WW  WW   TT  FF  !!
> WW   TT  FF  !! ??

ROFL, i knew that would get a response :D
I guess i could buy a ps2 or something.  But fortunately, some games do actually have 
native *gasp* linux binaries.  I'm starting to get hooked on quake III arena, but I 
have yet to check out the online action.  I was very impressed that I could go to the 
store, buy a cd, pop it in my machine, and natively install a game without a single 
download or patch, or application layer.  You corporate guys reading this ;)
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Re: [hlds_linux] VAC CVARS

2002-08-13 Thread Rob Sanders

On Tue, 13 Aug 2002 01:49:01 -0500

> Well, how much are you willing to spend for it to work?  $299?  vmware might
> run HL/CS just fine.  They offer a trial version, but at $299 the full
> version seems way too steep for your purposes.  A 2nd machine running
> windows and a KVM could be had for about about the same price.

 I have a full license of VMWare for other reasons, but it doesn't run games for 
poo...  In WineX i get 90-100 fps, in VMWare, its around 15, heh.  I bought a 128M 
geforce4 and new sound card to be able to game in linux, so another 300 really 
wouldn't bother me if it was actually efficient.  I put it off for probably about a 
year because my old hardware wouldn't run very well, but since I've gotten a solid 
frame rate and full duplex sound I haven't looked back to windows.  Nothing is going 
to drag me back to windows, I'll quit gaming first :)
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Re: [hlds_linux] [OT] show me your desktop

2002-07-29 Thread Rob Sanders

On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 19:21:08 -0500
"Eric (Deacon)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yeah, I know you CAN, I just don't have a real reason to do so.  I'm
> satisfied with XP Pro as my workstation/gaming OS.  Actually, I was
> briefly running gentoo on this box, but I xfree always crapped out when
> trying to emerge it.  I even went so far as to install Mandrake (dear
> GOD the horror), but that lasted all of like 3 minutes.

I guess I'm just a freak. :)
Mandrake? dear god... might as well run windows ;)  I start with redhat, but when im 
done its not redhat :D
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Re: [hlds_linux] [OT] show me your desktop

2002-07-29 Thread Rob Sanders

On Tue, 30 Jul 2002 03:16:08 +0200
Omer Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How can you play in a window ?
> I know that you can in steam but i use the normal hl.exe ..
 hl.exe -windowed
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Re: [hlds_linux] [OT] show me your desktop

2002-07-29 Thread Rob Sanders

On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 16:07:58 -0800
Leif Sawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's my work PC.  Hard to take a snapshot of my linux WS at home
> from work.  I suppose if I thought about it long enough it'd be possible,
> but I'm supposed to be working. :-)
> And the SuSeBox next to me is console only. :-)
> Besides, I opened up SSH sessions to 3 of my servers, and they're linux,
> doesn't that count for something?

Yes it does.  But as a warrior of the penguin army, you should have converted your 
workplace to help combat the evil empire ;)
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Re: [hlds_linux] Question about a mabye cheat for dod???

2002-07-28 Thread Rob Sanders

On Sun, 28 Jul 2002 23:52:10 +0930
"Kingsley Foreman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> there are a couple players scoring really well on my servers
> i watch these guys in spectator mode and there weapons are
> changing from weapon to handgun to knife all the time just rotating
> very quickly has anyone heard of this

I use a joystick and bind my weapons to keys.  They change almost instantly.  You can 
also use the last weapon used key to change quickly.  Or fastswitch and something like 
mousewheel or another easily accessible key.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Hmmm...

2002-07-27 Thread Rob Sanders

On Sat, 27 Jul 2002 23:53:15 -0500
"Eric (Deacon)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wow...when did cheating become a "lifestyle"?

Mentality is more the expression isn't it?  All of the people that I know personally 
IRL that cheat have low self esteem, almost no morals, and it translates into their 
everyday lives as well.  They get what they deserve, one way or another.  They also 
get banned at my server, which pisses them all since they believe I cheat.  They do so 
everyone else must too.
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Re: [hlds_linux] Recording a DEMO in a Cheaters Counter-strike

2002-07-22 Thread Rob Sanders

Steve Cody wrote
> I'm hoping that I can see the actual wall hack, or even some cheat menus, or
> something like that.

Sorry steve, you wont see the wallhack, and alot dont even use a menu
but key binds.
Not to mention the problems your gonna run into getting people to send
the right demo's, or even understand what your talking about.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Recording a DEMO in a Cheaters Counter-strike

2002-07-22 Thread Rob Sanders

Steve Cody wrote:
>   This doesn't happen often,
> but I have people that I have really suspected of wall hacking, and I'd like
> to see proof
> Any comments on this?

I would take the demo on your machine while spectating.  Exit the game
and install a wallhack on your box.  Now when you watch the demo, you
will see it as if he was cheating.  You wont be able to have him record
the cheats, but if you record him then install the cheats it should
become ovious if they are indeed cheating.  Just make sure you remove
the cheats before connecting to a server again, just in case ;)  Also, a
good player (like myself :)  ) doesnt need a wallhack to shoot people
behind objects.  Alot of factors like pure luck and sound play a huge
part, so make sure.  I will shoot boxes commonly camped behind as i
aproach and listen for the sound of a hit.  That move gets me called a
cheater all the time, but it also detects a camper quite often.
Usually, they will track the person exactly behind the wall, and thats
almost impossible to do exactly with sound. Sound gives you a damn good
idea, but noones perfect.

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Re: Re[2]: [hlds_linux] Server bandwith consumption info?

2001-10-31 Thread Rob Sanders

Most network cards provide a output to monitor trafic, or at least thats how
I've done it in the past.  Dont know of a good program to watch it with
though, been ahwile since I've used it.  I had a program that did a nice job
of monitoring cpu,mem, bandwith usage, and a few other things like xmms
controls.  It was nice cause i could monitor a remote machine.  Someone on
this list knows the name, i just cant remember it right now ;)
- Original Message -
From: "Coroner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "HoundDawg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 8:17 AM
Subject: Re[2]: [hlds_linux] Server bandwith consumption info?

> What do you guys use to check your bandwidth usage per player ?  Is
> this something you are able to look at on the fly ?
> Coroner
> Tuesday, October 30, 2001, 11:44:48 PM, you wrote:
> H> 61k/player/?
> H> I get an average of about 4k/player/second.  It used to be around 3k,
> H> voice added another 1k.
> H> HoundDawg-WWg-nC-
> H> World Wide Gaming Network
> H>
> H> - Original Message -
> H> From: "Bryan Socha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> H> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 8:37 PM
> H> Subject: RE: [hlds_linux] Server bandwith consumption info?
> >> I dont think anyone estimated this for the newest verion yet..
> >>
> >> depends what you have turned on, how many players, your sv_maxrate
> >> setting...
> >>
> >> The problem with cable modems usually isnt' the computer its on, but
> >> outbound cap usually shows itself when the 12th player connects.
> >>
> >> on a quick check it looks like I peak about 61K per player with high
> >> maxrates, and voice enabled...
> >>
> >> Bryan
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Big Winner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 11:21 PM
> >> Subject: [hlds_linux] Server bandwith consumption info?
> >>
> >>
> >> I was just wondering where I can find the info on how much total data
> H> would
> >> be transferred by a typical/average HL/TFC/CS server in one day?I
> >> cable models aren't very good for running servers, but it also depends
> >> your machine and what your maxplayers is set to.  Also which mods take
> >> less bandwith?  Or are they all pretty much the same?
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance
> >> ___
> >> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> >> please visit:
> >>
> >> ___
> >> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> H> please visit:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> H> ___
> H> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
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> H>
> --
> ___
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Re: [hlds_linux] Linux Server

2001-10-31 Thread Rob Sanders

Ram is the key,  I run mine on a celeron 633 with 512M.  CPU usage is
minimal most times, but i do use more than 256M even with just a few players
on.  Red Hat 7.1 bare bones install.
- Original Message -
From: "[]~UrbaN~" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 3:51 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Linux Server

> You need more RAM. I've been running a CS server on a Pentium Pro 200 Mhz
> with 320 Mb RAM .. handled 14 players without any probs... but only
> of the 320 Mb RAM
> - Original Message -
> From: "Khyron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 9:04 AM
> Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Linux Server
> > Well I ran a tfc serv on a celeron 433 with 128 pre-1.3 and it handled
> > players - any more and it lagged. Then I changed to CS just as 1.3 came
> > out - and it doesn't handle more than 7 or 8 players before lagging.
> Course,
> > thats stock install of RH7.1 with no extra services running (but no
> > mods).
> >
> > So I'm upgrading to a p3-600 with 256 and an 8 gig scsi drive. Of course
> the
> > scsi controller doesnt detect my drive, so I dunno how it will perform
> > yet... (I have 640K upload dsl so it shouldnt be a network)
> >
> > Khyron
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Randall Hobbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 10:06 PM
> > Subject: [hlds_linux] Linux Server
> >
> >
> > > Hi guys... I'm sorta' new to the whole Half Life/TFC server thing, but
> am
> > > interested in setting up a dedicated server for it. Right now I am
> running
> > > one for TFC on Windows 2000 (a 733MHz PIII with 128 megs of ram) which
> > does,
> > > OK, but it's my work PC and I am trying to phase that out. I want to
> > > together some spare parts I have lying around, and it'll most likely
> a
> > > PII 233 MHz with about 128 megs of ram as well, running Linux RedHat
> 7.2.
> > > This will be sitting on a multi T1 hub, so bandwidth won't be the
> problem.
> > > Can anybody make any suggestions, possible do's and don'ts that I
> > need
> > > to consider?
> > >
> > > Thanks for your time
> > >
> > > Randall
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> > please visit:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > ___
> > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [hlds_linux] Admin Server Through HLTV

2001-10-21 Thread Rob Sanders

I have tryed setting rcon_address,  rcon_port , and rcon_password and
couldnt get it to work.  This was my first thought when it was released, but
was disapointed that i couldnt admin from there.  I was hopeing i was wrong
when i read this topic, but i guess not :(
- Original Message -
From: Simon Garner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 1:04 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Admin Server Through HLTV

> From: "Elminst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Actually easier than you think..
> > Since you are running the HL client to watch HLTV, you can rcon to your
> > server same as if you were playing.
> > rcon_address  "x.x.x.x"
> > rcon_port  ""
> > rcon_password  "x"
> > (quote marks are needed)
> >
> > throw that in a cfg file and exec it from console while you're
> > Just remember that what you are seeing is delayed at least 30 secs... So
> > you'll be reacting to stuff in a time lag...
> > But it should work just fine.
> >
> I don't think that will work... when you are connected to a server, HL
> ignores the rcon_address and (since 1108) rcon_port settings and just
> to the current server.
> ___
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Re: HLTV Password protected and named, can it be done?

2001-10-10 Thread Rob Sanders

I believe the correct command for a client password to enter is
this is from memory, as i dont have the manual here, so feel free to call me
names if im wrong.

On Wednesday 10 October 2001 11:54 pm, you wrote:
> name Apexs_TV
> would set the proxy name to Apexs_TV if put in the hltv.cfg
> and password  - sets the server password, correct me if im wrong someone :P
> - Original Message -
> From: "Stefan Leuenberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 12:30 PM
> Subject: HLTV Password protected and named, can it be done?
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I just finished reading the documentation to HLTV and I am able to start
> > a HLTV Proxy, connect to it and watch a game.
> >
> > Now I am looking for a HLTV variable to
> >
> > a) Set a password for the proxy server so only clients with the correct
> > PW may connect and watch
> >
> > b) Set a name for the Proxy Server (So it doesn't just appear with the
> name
> > of the server it is presenting the game from - as it does it now)
> >
> > Please share your knowledge with me! Thank you!
> >
> > Stefan

Re: cstrike autoaim pistol cheat?

2001-10-06 Thread Rob Sanders

It is a cheat.  There are a few ones that will do it, and they usually
include a autoshoot feature so watch for super fast one shot kills (if there
stupid enough to use it). Also, they wont fire extra shots, and even the
best of us fire one or two extra's before we realize there down.   Ive been
playing CS for awhile now and average 5-1 to 10-1 without cheating.  when i
run into these guys they waste me b4 i can even see them.  It's not just for
a pistol, but thats the most fun way to play when you can see thru walls and
never miss.  Usually a deeagle is used, but I've seen others.  One sure way
to know is IF you get a chance to watch, a good pistoler watches,waits, and
shows extreeme skill, while these guys usually run like rambo killing entire
teams.  One of the most common ones IS detected by PB, while the other has a
PB patch but, i yet to get a PB SS to autho from it.  When in doubt ban
there @zz just in case.

so you can see what they see:
so you know im not full of it,

Notice how mine are clean? I have yet to find one that doesnt leave some
sort of trace, but let me know cause i use screenshots to screen members.

Also, visit our site at to help the fight.

- Original Message -
From: Corey Van Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: cstrike autoaim pistol cheat?

> On Friday, October 5, 2001, at 04:40  PM, Chris Palmer wrote:
> >
> > Hi, all...
> >
> > I've gotten a rash of guys on my server lately that seem to
> > just rock the place with an uncanny skill.  The trademark of
> > these guys is that they're getting 60-90% of their kills with
> > pistols (usually the deagle).  Now, I know the deagle can be
> > quite effective, but against several other guys with navy's,
> > AK's, P90's, etc... everyone before this rash of supermen have
> > gone down after (maybe) taking out a single guy, rather than
> > 5 or more.
> I would second this concern, last night I had a guy on killing everyone
> with the deagle even at very long range. For example, he killed me once
> in dust2 while I was in the ct spawn and he was between the doors of the
> other bombsite, we were both squating and he had a deagle vs my carbine
> which I shot in bursts not spray and pray.  He just seemed uncanny with
> the deagle. Not sure that I would call it a cheat, it just seems
> peculiar.
> Corey

Re: Newbie Questions

2001-10-04 Thread Rob Sanders

My thoughts were the same.  Welcome to the world of Linux, Berkley.  Unlike
windows, Linux gives you enough rope to hang yourself, then a few more feet
just to make sure.

- Original Message -
From: "James Gurney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: Newbie Questions

> > chmod 777 startserver
> 777? Nice security :) I'd suggest 755 instead..

Re: Newbie Questions

2001-10-04 Thread Rob Sanders

What i did was create a file called runhl, and gave it proper permission to
in this file put your "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH ... etc etc" and on hte
following line put
screen -A -m -d -S hlds ./hlds_run -game cstrike +maxplayers 17 +map de_dust
 changeing the settings to your own.  I put this file in my hlds_l dir.  but
you can put it anywhere thats easy to find as long as u include the right
path.  This will start it in a screen session so you can open and close your
console as u please.  That command would be screen -r hlds , and to close
the screen use ctrl+a d
 as far as the admin mod, the readme files are great, and there website
helpful.  All doc's you need are included in the install.  If you still have
trouble try their forums.
One other thing, do yourself a favor and dont run your HL as root.

- Original Message -
From: "Berkley Barnard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 11:04 AM
Subject: Newbie Questions

> Sorry for my ignorance, I'm a very recent Linux convert with a couple of
> questions...
> Currently, in order to start my game server I need to enter 2 lines:
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH ... etc etc
> followed by:
> ./hlds_run -game cstrike ... etc etc
> Could someone give me a tip on how to avoid re-entering the first line
> restart, and also how I can set up some type of shortcut for the second
> line?
> Secondly, could anyone point me toward a simple walkthrough of compiling
> Adminmod plugin under Linux?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Berkley Barnard

Re: Dead bodies (was: RE: funny radio noise abuse)

2001-10-04 Thread Rob Sanders

mp_forcechasecam 2 you can watch, but only from where you die,
fadetoblack is what it implys
- Original Message -
From: "Bradley W. Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: Dead bodies (was: RE: funny radio noise abuse)

>  I thought the setting to make the bodies stayed was directly tied
> to the setting that dead players would get "blacked-out", and could not
> watch the action.  While I agree that it would be preferable to have the
> bodies stay, it is more important to me to be able to watch the action
> after death.  Is there a work around for this?
> At 03:53 PM 10/4/2001 -0700, you wrote:
> >I thought there was a cvar so bodies can stay?
> >
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Conny Brunnkvist /" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 7:07 AM
> >Subject: Dead bodies (was: RE: funny radio noise abuse)
> >
> >
> > >
> > > (ok, so this thread is turning into a whish-list:)
> > >
> > > > From: Rob Sanders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > I like this idea, or even if the hostages dead bodys stayed
> > > > after they were killed.
> > >
> > > Which reminds me of another feature I feel is missing: setting a
> >server-side
> > > variable to have the dead bodies stay around for the rest of the
> >It'd
> > > look much better if you could see where the "hot" corners are :)
> > >
> > > In game types which are NOT round-based (i.e. standard deathmatch)
> > > natural that the bodies disappear as the players respawn. But here,
> > > ain't gonna restart except in form of ghosts when they die, waiting
> >the
> > > next round to start.
> > > Anyone else thought about this?
> > >
> > > //conny
> > >
> > >
> > >
>  Bradley W. Craig, C.I.O.
>  Magna Imaging Group
>  Phone: (630)942-0755
>  Fax: (630)942-1556

Re: Found hitbox problem

2001-10-03 Thread Rob Sanders

If CS were like that it would suck.  I dont have a problem with the hitboxes
either.  I admit, it took some time to get used to, but im back to my usual
playing now.

- Original Message -
From: "Buddha-Pest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 6:01 AM
Subject: Re: Found hitbox problem

> the main problem however is that the humans in this "simulation" don't
> real human limitations such as fatigue which would totally change the way
> the action happens.  thus without fatigue the game doesn't really simulate
> real SWAT/CT vs T situation.  and i'm not just talking about jumping up
> down.
> running while shooting accurately is impossible in the real world.  hell,
> even just running all the time is impossible.  a huge part of real world
> strategy accounts for fatigue, how to overcome the effects of fatigue.
> that's why buildings on a hill are more strategic, not just because of the
> visibility aspects.  also because they are much more difficult to storm
> UPWARDS then if they were on a flat surface.
> not to mention that a TRULY accurate situation would involve a bunch of
> diplomats and negotiators talking with the Ts while the CTs sit around
> orders to cease fire :P
> - Original Message -
> From: "Brad Ball" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 1:48 PM
> Subject: RE: Found hitbox problem
> >
> > Ok Ok.  maybe it's not REALLY a simulation, but I would say that it is
> > 'meant to be' a simulation. Wether or not gooseman and the CS team
> actually
> > achieved the goal of making it a simulation can be argued all day long
> > don't quite think they did, but they made more progress than anything
> > I've seen). But I do think that most will agree that the goal of CS from
> the
> > beginning was to create a game that simulates
> > situations, hence all the attempts at realism.
> >
> > If others don't agree that's fine. As I said in my original post, "this
> > just MY opinion". Others can have their opinion and that's wonderful. I
> have
> > more important things to do than argue over the simulation factor in CS.
> > Besides, the argument over wether or not CS is a simulation has nothing
> > do with the point I was trying to make in my original post. I was trying
> to
> > explain why there are more headshots now and that it's not due to a
> > bug, it is due to hitbox bugs being fixed.
> >
> > Brad
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Ken Kirchner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 3:52 PM
> > > Subject: RE: Found hitbox problem
> > >
> > >  
> > > > All of this is of course, just my opinion.
> > > >
> > > > /me zips up flame-proof suit,
> > >
> > > As you well should.  It was a good post until you got to the
> > > above part.
> > > Simulation my ass. I would classify it as an FPS with a tad
> > > more realism
> > > than most others, but simulation? I dont think so.  Not even close.
> >
> >
> >