Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-08 Thread Brian E Carpenter
On 07/08/2012 20:11, Michael Thomas wrote:
 On 08/07/2012 11:46 AM, Kerry Lynn wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 9:39 PM, Evan Hunt wrote:

 Tunnels are okay, but to use them, but has to get the DNS search order
 and the DNS server list right, and that's walled garden territory.
 *If* we are going to turn each home into a walled garden, then let's be
 aware that we are doing that.
 I'm of the opinion that in a walled garden scenario, the tunnel
 endpoint may
 be the only resource that needs a global name / address.
 Just checking, but we all think that naming is a separate issue
 from reachability, right?

It certainly is. But see
especially section 4.2 FQDNs are not sufficient.

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-08 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Aug 08, 2012 at 01:03:11PM +0100, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
 It certainly is. But see
 especially section 4.2 FQDNs are not sufficient.

I thought one of the things we were trying to do was to address
exactly the failure modes in that section of the I-D?

Perhaps I'm being naive, but I've been working from the assumption
that, if you want to talk to something on the Internet, you need an
unambiguous way to identify it.  Historically, the best we've had for
that has been the DNS, because it provides a layer of indirection so
that you can have stable identifiers in the face of changing IP

Given the way the relevant markets have gone, it turns out that DNS
names are rather harder to administer and use for ordinary end users
than we might like.  But there's no reason that has to persist, and it
seems to me that if we're going to solve the problems people have
using homenet-type resources on the global Internet, then solving the
DNS piece in a user-friendly way is going to yield greater benefit
than alternatives like ginning up some trick to make mDNS names
sometimes work outside their natural context.



Andrew Sullivan
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-08 Thread Curtis Villamizar

In message
Brian E Carpenter writes:
 On 07/08/2012 20:11, Michael Thomas wrote:
  On 08/07/2012 11:46 AM, Kerry Lynn wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 9:39 PM, Evan Hunt wrote:
  Tunnels are okay, but to use them, but has to get the DNS search order
  and the DNS server list right, and that's walled garden territory.
  *If* we are going to turn each home into a walled garden, then let's be
  aware that we are doing that.
  I'm of the opinion that in a walled garden scenario, the tunnel
  endpoint may
  be the only resource that needs a global name / address.
  Just checking, but we all think that naming is a separate issue
  from reachability, right?
 It certainly is. But see
 especially section 4.2 FQDNs are not sufficient.


MIF may be trying to solve the problem the wrong way.  Providing a
mapping of DNS to loopback address has long been used (by routers) to
provide a stable reachable address.  The routing cost to reach that
loopback interface (which can change many times for an active
connection) is used to determine which physical interface gets used to
reach the loopback.  For example if one interface is connected to an
ethernet which gets isolated due to a router failure, the other
interface is used because routing tells us that one of them is

Multihoming of course pokes holes in the routing tables and causes
some routing table bloat.  This has always been a problem and IPv6
does nothing to improve the situation that existed in IPv4 two decades
ago with a lot of small providers and large enterprises using dual
provider multihoming.

If we are concerned with hosts that have multiple interfaces both
leading to parts of the homenet, that is easily solved.  Multihomed
homenets is a whole different problem, but solvable if redundancy is
to the same provider.  A conditional static route can be advertised
within the provider, with these routes having limited scope (for
example using BGP communities).  If this practice were to become
commonplace (I doubt it, no consumer provider has that sort of
redundancy in the last mile), then the provider would have to limit
the scope of these more specific routes to a small subset of their own

I get the impression that if NAT didn't exist, then
draft-carpenter-referral-ps would server no purpose.  Is this draft
entirely motivated by problems caused by NAT?

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-07 Thread Curtis Villamizar


I agree with the intent of RFC6281 aka Apple BTMM, although not with
many of the details of the implementation.

I agree that syncing mDNS and DNS might be difficult and I propose we
avoid using mDNS.  A compromise is if a FQDN exists in DNS, both DNS
and mDNS return a CNAME to the FQDN for local or sitelocal queries.

A bad assumption is that anything on the same subnet deserves some
level of trust just as a matter of having been connected to that
subnet.  The BTMM builds on this bad assumption by providing a means
to make it appear as if remote hosts are on the same subnet or at
least site by effectively using ULA as a host ID and tunneling the ULA
of the remote machine.

A much better way of doing things would be to use a GLA if available,
particularly for IPv6 where no NAT should ever be needed.  For
security, on the same LAN segment or not, exchange some credential,
such as a private key.  This could be done at home the way most *ix
people do it (put on USB stick and copy, exchange some insecure way
with fingerprint verification, respect key signing by a trusted
entity, etc), or for the more typical homenet customer with an
insecure transfer encrypted with a shared secret (same password typed
in two places, where one place could be the web page used to configure
the consumer oriented junk such as printer).

Delegating a sub-domain is a necessary part of any good solution that
involves remote access to the homenet.  sitelocal is different
everywhere.  ula.ula-based-sitelocal is unique but available only at
the site.

We (both in the IETF and in consumer product worlds) sometimes stand
on our heads trying to work around horribly insecure home and office
devices and practices that are hidden behind firewalls.  Using
firewalls has been proven time and again to be ineffective.  In the
office, one compromised PC can compromise an entire enterprise or at
least the subnet it is on if weak security is in use behind the
firewall.  Same at home if Mom shows up with her old windows98 PC
and an equally old PCMCIA 802.11a/b card.

How may of us have been in an office where an email from IT explained
that the current local network slowness is due to very high virus
activity (behind the firewall!) and fear not because IT is on it?

If there is a way to discover the ULA being used at a local site, then
printer3.ula.ula-based-sitelocal is functionally equivalent to
printer3.sitelocal - either way it is the printer that is found if you
ask for printer3 and you (or cups) don't specificy a FQDN that you
learned earlier.  If the first printer3.sitelocal was a CNAME for a
FQDN, then an application could cache the mapping of printer3 to that
FQDN or at least inform the user of the FQDN or inform the userwhen
specifying printer3 results in a different FQDN than previously.


In message
Ray Hunter writes:

I disagree. The context of my message is that there should be some 
identifier that can disambiguate the namespace per Homenet. I'm talking 
about using the ULA to generate a HomenetID for use in the namespace. 
See RFC6281.

The HomenetID and DNS subomain (or as you put it 
somethingveryobscure) may be generated by one unique host (e.g. each 
Homenet border router) based on a ULA.  But that does not mean it cannot 
be discovered by all hosts and routers in the Homenet (via some bunch of 
discovery mechanisms such as automatic prefix distribution for 
router-router and DHCPv6 for router - fridge).

The HomenetID will remain constant as long as the ULA of the border 
router remains constant. If it appears to vary (because the border 
router changes) then highly mobile nodes will get some indication that 
they may not be connected to their own Homenet, and ask for user input 
to accept an update. Static nodes would only know their local HomenetID, 
and if it changed they could be set to always accept the update without 
user input. Eventually you would probably end up with a search list 
linked to the number of border routers the end node has ever 
encountered, but end nodes can automatically age out old entries.

We might also want to be able to manually override the auto-generated 
HomenetID to cover the case where border router hardware is replaced by 
the user, but that's no different to MAC address cloning on CPE's in the 
past (where ISPs used the MAC address of the CPE as an identifier in 
management systems).

Sure there's a downside in complexity of the namespace. The potential 
upside of this approach is that the same 
somethingveryobscure.sitelocal. zone file could also be mounted as a 
secondary on somethingveryobscure .ISP DNS root or 
somethingveryobscure .employer's DNS root if the ISP or enterprise 
wished to provide this service for global name resolution. Highly mobile 
nodes would only need two items in their DNS search list, the search 
list can be pretty much auto-generated, and they can use the same name 
resolution technology (DNS) wherever they are located. It 

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-07 Thread Kerry Lynn
On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 9:39 PM, Evan Hunt wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 06, 2012 at 04:33:49PM -0400, Michael Richardson wrote:
 No, the fridge must have a globally reachable address (GUA) to be reachable.

 You are correct, of course, and I was being unclear; sorry about that.
 I was trying to reflect what I thought I heard in the discussion in
 Vancouver, though, which was that a FQDN or the equivalent would be the
 best way to handle naming of remotely accessible devices.  It seemed to
 me that we had rough consensus on that point (perhaps I was mistaken),
 but not on naming of devices on island networks.

 Tunnels are okay, but to use them, but has to get the DNS search order
 and the DNS server list right, and that's walled garden territory.
 *If* we are going to turn each home into a walled garden, then let's be
 aware that we are doing that.

I'm of the opinion that in a walled garden scenario, the tunnel endpoint may
be the only resource that needs a global name / address.  I note that dyndns
supports a wide-area DNS-SD beta (ability to populate PTR, SRV, and TXT
RRs) and I'm going to look into this approach as an alternative to BTMM.

 For the purposes of my mom's house, I do think walled garden is the
 appropriate default setting, but our design should allow the default
 to be overridden without great difficulty.

I am generally supportive of this approach; certainly it would focus the
discussion between now and Atlanta.

 I think this general plan would meet those goals:

 1) All discoverable devices on all networks MUST answer
to a locally reachable name, such as devicename.local,
devicename.sitelocal, devicename.networkname.local,
devicename.ULA, devicename-ULA.local, etc. (We
haven't settled the naming convention here. I personally like
devicename.networkname.local, with devicename.ULA.local
as a fallback in the event of the network's owner failing to
configure a network name);

+1, with the caveat that .local. has special semantics (multicast
DNS-like requests to FF02::FB, port 5353) defined by

2) Networks configured to allow remote access to devices
   SHOULD have a globally reachable domain name, either owned
   by the user or in a vendor-managed namespace;

I'd like a bit more explanation re: this requirement.  In general it seems
there is no relation between a network and a domain name.  Exceptions
would include .local. (maps to the local _link_, and therefore to the
prefix(es) assigned to that link; or domains ending in section 11 has
a method for determining the preferred registration zone(s) based on
a host's address.

3) If a device is configured for remote access and is on a
   network which has had a FQDN configured as in (2), then
   in addition to the locally reachable name described in (1),
   the device MUST also answer to devicename.FQDN.

I like to see us reserve FQDN for host names that are registered in
the global DNS namespace, and use LQDN (or some other alternative)
for host names in locally served zones.  Any support for this?


 Evan Hunt --
 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
 homenet mailing list
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-07 Thread Michael Thomas

On 08/07/2012 12:54 PM, Michael Richardson wrote:

Michael == Michael Thomas writes:

 Michael Just checking, but we all think that naming is a separate
 Michael issue from reachability, right?

It's separate.

The question is: does the set of names you can resolve depend upon the
connectivity that you have? (the reachability)

I think that this is a form of security through obscurity, and I'd
rather that the various carriers who want to impose walled gardens on their
video-over-3G-to-smartphone systems (causing changes up to the
application layers) would do something different.

As a security property was mainly what I was getting at. We're
not thinking that .local is bringing us anything on the security
front wrt reachability (privacy being a different issue). So it
seems we all hopefully agree.

Now what to with about the privacy issue... bletch. .local[site]
has similar considerations along those lines it seems to me,
though the mechanisms are different confusing the issue even


I overheard a snippit of conversation last week from Lorenzo about what
Android will be doing to support walled garden DNS.  I can't repeat
it, because I didn't hear the answer...

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-07 Thread Evan Hunt
On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 12:11:40PM -0700, Michael Thomas wrote:
 Just checking, but we all think that naming is a separate issue
 from reachability, right?

Separate, but in the context of recommended configuration for home networks
under the control of non-geeks, I'd say they're related.  In that context,
we would like reachable devices to have names, and we would like devices
that are reachable remotely to have names that are resolvable remotely.

Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-07 Thread Curtis Villamizar

In message
Michael Richardson writes:
  Brian =- Brian E Carpenter writes:
 Brian Correct, but the name is unambiguous, which IMHO is a MUST
 Brian property for anything that looks like an FQDN. We have to
 Brian live with .local but it should be just a nasty memory like
 Brian fifty years from now.
 Brian I would suggest instructing IANA to reserve all TLD strings
 Brian that start with local and using something like
 Brian .local-fd952a92a67d to name the homenet domain. It's only a
 Brian convenience to use a ULA prefix; it's simply a unique string
 Brian that the CPE needs to generate anyway, but it has no
 Brian significance beyond that.
 huh, you want to do it that way?
 Why not fd952a92a67d.local?
 I'm asking for clarification, not disagreeing.
 Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works

I'd prefer mDNS returns a mapping of printer3.local to a CNAME
printer3.fqdn and DNS returns a mapping of printer3.sitelocal (or
localsite if you prefer) to CNAME printer3.fqdn.  In both cases, if
there is a subdomain delegated by the provider, then fqdn is that
subdomain, and if no subdomain has been delegated, then the fqdn is of
the form ula.local (ie: fd952a92a67d.local in your example).

An application can (though none today do, cups for example could be
changed) obtain the query results using the partial domain name (ie:
printer3) and gethostbyname2 to get an address and then use
gethostbyaddr to do an rDNS lookup to get the FQDN if
printer3.sitelocal was first in the DNS search path.  If the mapping
from printer3.sitelocal were to change, the user could be given a
choice to use the new printer3.sitelocal or use the old one through
the FQDN.  Multiple mappings of printer3.sitelocal could be retained,
such that printer3 yielded a list each time a request was made to
print using this unqualified name.

Of course that would mean rDNS would have to work.

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-06 Thread Brian E Carpenter
On 06/08/2012 04:28, Evan Hunt wrote:
 i wasn't able to participate in this discussion because I had other
 business during homenet, but I'm a bit frustrated by this conclusion.
 I was speaking for myself and I believe the issue is in flux; please
 don't take it as a conclusion. :)
 IMHO, we shouldn't promote bad solutions, and .local is a bad solution.
 IMHO .hexidecimal-gibberish is also a bad solution.  It's, at least
 potentially, a worse one: you buy a new router, and suddenly your devices
 all have new names and your bookmarks don't work.  To make them work again,
 you have to remember the hexidecimal-gibberish that was assigned by your
 previous router and configure it to use the same one.  Ugly.

I do agree that expecting ordinary users to keep track of a pseudorandom
string is unreasonable. Maybe we can take a hint from mailman. When
you install a new CPE router, and it's unable to discover the current
unique string, you could be asked to enter your existing unique string,
but also be offered the option of the router creating a new one.

So the requirements seem to be

1. A discovery mechanism so that new devices on a homenet can find the
local unique string.

2. The string and the discovery mechanism need to survive a cold start
and the replacement of the CPE router (in all scenarios except a factory
reset). That means a distributed solution.

3. If there really is no unique string, the CPE router generates one,
unless the user prefers to type it in.

Undoubtedly .sitelocal is simpler.


 I'm not really happy with either of these choices, but I'm less unhappy
 with .sitelocal.
 Whether we come up with some way to leverage a ULA to present things
 sensibly in some UI is another question, but if we are trying to come up
 with a solution for geeks, why not come up with a _real_ solution,
 instead of the .local hack?
 I'd love to hear the plan.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-06 Thread Ted Lemon
On Aug 5, 2012, at 11:28 PM, Evan Hunt wrote:
 I was speaking for myself and I believe the issue is in flux; please
 don't take it as a conclusion. :)

Fair enough.  :)

 IMHO .hexidecimal-gibberish is also a bad solution.

Yes, definitely.   If that gibberish is ever visible to the user, we've done it 

 It's, at least
 potentially, a worse one: you buy a new router, and suddenly your devices
 all have new names and your bookmarks don't work.  To make them work again,
 you have to remember the hexidecimal-gibberish that was assigned by your
 previous router and configure it to use the same one.  Ugly.

Even forgetting the hexadecimal gibberish, if there is any sort of local name 
that is based on the router, switching routers is always going to be ugly.   
Ideally we want the solution to be tied to something in the cloud so that the 
replacement router can restore its brains.

 I'd love to hear the plan.

For geeks, you register a domain, or pay a small monthly fee for a subdomain of 
something like   Maybe the brains for your router live there too, 
so that if you replace it, you can just punch in your domain, and it figures 
out the rest.   This works for geeks; everyone else uses friendly names 
presented in a UI.

Of course, I also think that ULAs ought to be allocated rather than guessed at, 
which I gather is not a popular position.

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-06 Thread Ted Lemon
On Aug 6, 2012, at 12:58 AM, Unindicted Coconspirator wrote:
 Domains like .local seem like a good idea to geeks like us, but how many 
 regular users ever use them?
 Every single user who has added a printer to OS X or Linux in the last
 several years.

No.   You think that because you're a geek like the rest of us.   Every single 
user who has added a printer to OS X has done so from a UI that presented a 
list of printers doing bonjour.   This list named the printers by brand.   The 
user clicked on a printer from the list, and that was the end of it.   The user 
certainly never saw Canon_PIXMA_900.local in any UI.   I'm fairly sure this is 
true of Linux as well.

 Apparently multicast DNS works even in the absence of mental models.

It works in the sense that if you know the name of the machine you are trying, 
and tack .local on the end, there is a small chance that you will get to that 
machine.   But usually you won't, because various network glitches will have 
caused the machine to rename itself to machine-04.local by the time you try to 
address it, even though there were never any machine.locals other than that 
one.   mDNS is a nice hack, but fairly useless for the particular application 
we are talking about.   It's pretty good for service discovery (showing a list 
of printers in a UI).

 IMHO, we shouldn't promote bad solutions, and .local is a bad solution.
 A bad solution to what problem?

Well, indeed.   We are clearly talking about different problems.

 Several people spoke in favor of supporting existing solutions (a.k.a.
 running code).
 I'd like to see us gauge consensus for this point here on the list.

I'm against it, as you know.   The problem with the current running code is 
that namespaces overlap, and the UI has no way to detect or present this.   
Settling on a half solution because we have running code is the wrong way to go.

 I tried to show in the print server example that the client
 may cache unique information about the server (GUID, unique host name, etc.) 
 that makes
 disambiguation a non-issue.

But it's not a non-issue, because the user doesn't know the GUID, and hence 
doesn't know which fridge is the right one.   (I'm just repeating Stuart 
Cheshire here, from a conversation we had last week).   So the GUID doesn't 
give us the information we want, and indeed can produce confusing results in 
the UI.   A per-site naming scheme, with a nice UI on top of it, _does_ give us 
that.   Fridge can be fridge (home) and fridge (here) in the UI, for instance, 
because we know we aren't at home.

 It was agreed that name-random.local. is equivalent to
 name.local-random. from a CS standpoint.

Here you are definitely arguing about the wrong problem.   At the presentation 
layer, both are equivalent, and both are wrong.   What we want is not 
fridge-1.local and fridge-2.local, but fridge (here) and fridge (there).

 - it is relatively easy to retrofit this behavior to hosts and servers
 and difficult (or
 impossible) to reflash existing printers

You don't need to update the printers.   Just have the CPE device say where you 
are.   This stuff can all happen at the presentation layer—at the protocol 
layer, it's perfectly fine if the printer is printer.local as long as the CPE 
says what local means, and the UI presents it correctly.

 - using .local-random. based on ULA means complexity equivalent to ULA
 distribution problem.  This is a big issue when homenets are coalesced and
 can't be solved by routing alone.

In general, the homenet merge is not likely to be a homenet merge in the sense 
you mean, but rather a decommissioning of one of two routers, and a migration 
of the devices formerly connected to the one router to the network operated by 
the other router.   In this case, a CPE-advertised location will solve the 
problem in a nice, intuitive way—all the devices will appear in the UI as being 
connected to the local network.

 I think you're referring to a _different_ problem; resolving your
 site's resources
 while you are mobile.  Am I mistaken?

I'm claiming that this isn't a separate problem.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-06 Thread Kerry Lynn
On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 8:18 AM, Ted Lemon wrote:
 On Aug 6, 2012, at 12:58 AM, Kerry Lynn wrote:
 Domains like .local seem like a good idea to geeks like us, but how many 
 regular users ever use them?
 Every single user who has added a printer to OS X or Linux in the last
 several years.

 No.   You think that because you're a geek like the rest of us.

I think there may be two kinds of geeks on this list, those who want to take
corporate networks and scale them down for home users and those who
want to extend existing home networks and make them more functional.
These two points of view may lead to a common solution for any given
problem, but that's not yet evident.

 Every single user who has added a printer to OS X has done so from a UI that 
 presented a list of printers doing bonjour.   This list named the printers by 
 brand.   The user clicked on a printer from the list, and that was the end of 
 it.   The user certainly never saw Canon_PIXMA_900.local in any UI.   I'm 
 fairly sure this is true of Linux as well.

Sorry, not sure I'm getting your point.  Yes, the user is using a UI to solve
her problem.  The UI in this case is using (multicast) DNS.  DNS requires
a zone to scope the query.  That zone is .local..  My car probably has
15 microcontrollers and I use them when I drive to the market whether I'm
aware of it (which I don't want to be) or not.

What appears in my list is a _default_ SRV record name consisting of the
printer model plus gibberish (in my case Office Jet Pro A909g [4C0EA4]).
The gibberish is the least significant 24-bits of the MAC address (printed on
the box, on a sticker near the network port, on the test page that ejects from
the printer, and from the setup menu on the printer's screen.  The user is
given the chance to change the name when the printer is added; thereafter
it is only slightly more complicated to change it.

Another advantage to adding gibberish to the SRV name (aside from those
I listed earlier) is that it reduces the probability of name conflicts.  There
can be many sources for this gibberish, but it is relatively easy to use some
intrinsic identifier.  The hack above is slightly worse than a five-digit zip
code, slightly better than a nine-digit zip code - the point being that users
already deal with a certain amount of gibberish in their lives.

 Apparently multicast DNS works even in the absence of mental models.

 It works in the sense that if you know the name of the machine you are 
 trying, and tack .local on the end, there is a small chance that you will 
 get to that machine.   But usually you won't, because various network 
 glitches will have caused the machine to rename itself to machine-04.local by 
 the time you try to address it, even though there were never any 
 machine.locals other than that one.

Hard for me to buy this, unless the device is hearing from itself via
tape delay.

 mDNS is a nice hack, but fairly useless for the particular application we are 
 talking about.   It's pretty good for service discovery (showing a list of 
 printers in a UI).

 IMHO, we shouldn't promote bad solutions, and .local is a bad solution.
 A bad solution to what problem?

 Well, indeed.   We are clearly talking about different problems.

Yes, there are at least two problems: how to disambiguate name collisions
in locally served zones and how to access remote resources.  We agree that
these problems collapse if you outlaw locally served zones.  We disagree
on the utility and/or reliability of locally served zones.  This is why I'm
pushing back and saying the problems you raise with mDNS are solvable.

I think that in the short run it is easier to connect users to their existing
networks (e.g. through tunnels) than it is to educate them on the workings
of DNS and require them to deploy a global zone before they can connect
to any device.

 Several people spoke in favor of supporting existing solutions (a.k.a.
 running code).
 I'd like to see us gauge consensus for this point here on the list.

 I'm against it, as you know.   The problem with the current running code is 
 that namespaces overlap, and the UI has no way to detect or present this.   
 Settling on a half solution because we have running code is the wrong way to 

 I tried to show in the print server example that the client
 may cache unique information about the server (GUID, unique host name, etc.) 
 that makes
 disambiguation a non-issue.

 But it's not a non-issue, because the user doesn't know the GUID, and hence 
 doesn't know which fridge is the right one.   (I'm just repeating Stuart 
 Cheshire here, from a conversation we had last week).   So the GUID doesn't 
 give us the information we want, and indeed can produce confusing results in 
 the UI.   A per-site naming scheme, with a nice UI on top of it, _does_ give 
 us that.   Fridge can be fridge (home) and fridge (here) in the UI, for 
 instance, because we know we aren't at home.

And I'm saying it can just as 

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-06 Thread Michael Thomas

On 08/06/2012 07:17 AM, Ted Lemon wrote:

Every single user who has added a printer to OS X or Linux in the last
several years.

No.   You think that because you're a geek like the rest of us.   Every single 
user who has added a printer to OS X has done so from a UI that presented a 
list of printers doing bonjour.   This list named the printers by brand.   The 
user clicked on a printer from the list, and that was the end of it.   The user 
certainly never saw Canon_PIXMA_900.local in any UI.   I'm fairly sure this is 
true of Linux as well.

Speaking as a geek who not only remembers NBP but actually wrote
an implementation of it, I have to say that it never even occurred to
me that there is some sort of IP equivalent of NBP.  It just doesn't
fit the same mental model as fqdn's which is how I and just about
everybody else thinks of net naming.

In fact, I'm being far too generous with fqdn's. People don't even think
about them other than maybe top level brand Nowadays,
people expect to just search for whatever's relevant. If it doesn't come
up in search, it must not exist.

I have to say that part of my struggle here is just understanding the
problem(s) coming in from the cold. I see lots of hammers being applied
to things that may or may not resemble nails, but much less about the
real world aspects of this problem, cf search above.


Apparently multicast DNS works even in the absence of mental models.

It works in the sense that if you know the name of the machine you are trying, and tack 
.local on the end, there is a small chance that you will get to that machine. 
  But usually you won't, because various network glitches will have caused the machine to 
rename itself to machine-04.local by the time you try to address it, even though there 
were never any machine.locals other than that one.   mDNS is a nice hack, but fairly 
useless for the particular application we are talking about.   It's pretty good for 
service discovery (showing a list of printers in a UI).

IMHO, we shouldn't promote bad solutions, and .local is a bad solution.

A bad solution to what problem?

Well, indeed.   We are clearly talking about different problems.

Several people spoke in favor of supporting existing solutions (a.k.a.
running code).
I'd like to see us gauge consensus for this point here on the list.

I'm against it, as you know.   The problem with the current running code is 
that namespaces overlap, and the UI has no way to detect or present this.   
Settling on a half solution because we have running code is the wrong way to go.

I tried to show in the print server example that the client
may cache unique information about the server (GUID, unique host name, etc.) 
that makes
disambiguation a non-issue.

But it's not a non-issue, because the user doesn't know the GUID, and hence doesn't know 
which fridge is the right one.   (I'm just repeating Stuart Cheshire here, 
from a conversation we had last week).   So the GUID doesn't give us the information we 
want, and indeed can produce confusing results in the UI.   A per-site naming scheme, 
with a nice UI on top of it, _does_ give us that.   Fridge can be fridge (home) and 
fridge (here) in the UI, for instance, because we know we aren't at home.

It was agreed that name-random.local. is equivalent to
name.local-random. from a CS standpoint.

Here you are definitely arguing about the wrong problem.   At the presentation 
layer, both are equivalent, and both are wrong.   What we want is not 
fridge-1.local and fridge-2.local, but fridge (here) and fridge (there).

- it is relatively easy to retrofit this behavior to hosts and servers
and difficult (or
impossible) to reflash existing printers

You don't need to update the printers.   Just have the CPE device say where you are.   This stuff 
can all happen at the presentation layer—at the protocol layer, it's perfectly fine if the printer 
is printer.local as long as the CPE says what local means, and the UI 
presents it correctly.

- using .local-random. based on ULA means complexity equivalent to ULA
distribution problem.  This is a big issue when homenets are coalesced and
can't be solved by routing alone.

In general, the homenet merge is not likely to be a homenet merge in the sense 
you mean, but rather a decommissioning of one of two routers, and a migration 
of the devices formerly connected to the one router to the network operated by 
the other router.   In this case, a CPE-advertised location will solve the 
problem in a nice, intuitive way—all the devices will appear in the UI as being 
connected to the local network.

I think you're referring to a _different_ problem; resolving your
site's resources
while you are mobile.  Am I mistaken?

I'm claiming that this isn't a separate problem.
homenet mailing list


Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-06 Thread Evan Hunt
On Mon, Aug 06, 2012 at 10:17:34AM -0400, Ted Lemon wrote:
 Here you are definitely arguing about the wrong problem.   At the
 presentation layer, both are equivalent, and both are wrong.   What we
 want is not fridge-1.local and fridge-2.local, but fridge (here) and
 fridge (there).

If you want access to fridge (there), then fridge (there) has to have a
globally-addressable domain name.  If it doesn't have one, then there's
no way for you to reach it, and I can't think of any reason for a
well-designed UI to display it.  If fridge.local is available, then
it must be fridge (here).

As I see it, those who have devices that they wish to reach remotely will
have to either own their own domain names, or acquire delegated subdomains
from e.g. their ISP or their hardware vendor (I could see Apple including
one in the price of an Airport Express, for example).  If your network
is configured with such a name, and if you have a printer configured to
allow remote access, then the name it advertises and which your UI will
cache will be something like or  I think we have general consensus
in the WG that this is a good approach for remote access.

So now we're just talking about people who *don't* choose to have their
devices remotely accessible; those people's devices would use non-globally-
addressable names.

Now (as I understand it) the primary advantage to using .ULA or
.ULA.local naming is the ability to cache separate lists of discovered
devices for different networks that you happen to visit.  That is, if I'm
visiting Ted's house, I'd like to see the list of devices I've previously
found on Ted's network, and if I'm at home, I'd like to see the list of
devices on mine.

But I don't see a requirement for a network name to be globally unique
if it isn't globally addressable.  I could simply *choose* a name to
disambiguate my network from Ted's, just as most of us choose our own
SSIDs.  You'd want to choose one unique enough that you wouldn't run
into duplicates very frequently, but that would be at most a
recommendation, not a requirement.

So let's say my house uses names in the evanshouse.local namespace.
For most visitors, this is sufficient to separate things out.  If a
visitor happens to have the same network name as I do, then my devices
and theirs could get mixed up in their lists of cached names, and that's
suboptimal and inconvenient, but not (as far as I can see) particularly

If I buy a new router, it will ask me what network name to use, and I
will easily remember that I've been using evanshouse.  There's no need
to look up the hexadecimal gibberish supplied by my previous router.

If I absolutely refuse to give my router a network name, then it could
choose one for me, and in that event a ULA-style name seems like a good
choice.  But I would expect it to be a rare one.

Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-06 Thread Ted Lemon
The problem is that you are assuming (a) that only geeks will ever want 
remotely-addressable networks (and hence, we don't need to specify a mechanism 
for automatically setting that up, because they can do it manually), and (b) 
that no network will ever go from being locally-addressed to globally-addressed.

Both of these are self-fulfilling prophecies that I would like to prevent 
fulfilling themselves.

Oh, and (c) that a person with a local-only homenet will never take their 
laptop or cell phone to someone else's house where a naming scheme conflict 
happens to exist, and accidentally tweak something because of the clash.

Global naming implies state, among other things.   mDNS is sort of stateless, 
except of course that it's not completely stateless, and breaks badly in some 
cases when you treat it as if it is.   So state is, IMHO, a better solution 
even in the local-only situation, because you're owning the fact that you have 
state, and you have to go to the trouble to get it right.   And it has a clean 
upgrade path to the local/remote situation.  And it doesn't surprise anyone 
with naming clashes when visiting the neighbors' network.

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-06 Thread Evan Hunt
On Mon, Aug 06, 2012 at 02:51:48PM -0400, Ted Lemon wrote:
 The problem is that you are assuming (a) that only geeks will ever want
 remotely-addressable networks (and hence, we don't need to specify a
 mechanism for automatically setting that up, because they can do it

Not at all -- lots of non-geeks buy domain names, and non-geeks
can also get delegated subdomains from their ISP's.  Making it easy
for them to set up is a UI problem, and not a very hard one.  You
can't use .ULA to reach a remote device anyway.

 and (b) that no network will ever go from being locally-addressed to

Not really.  If you acquire a globally-resolvable domain name, then your
printer could detect the fact and start advertising the name alongside printername.myhouse.local; your
laptop could then cache the new name, note that it's a FQDN, and
begin showing it to you in a list of available printers when you're
away from home.

 Oh, and (c) that a person with a local-only homenet will never take their
 laptop or cell phone to someone else's house where a naming scheme
 conflict happens to exist, and accidentally tweak something because of
 the clash.

I think this concern is fairly minimal, and could be addressed by noting
that the router MAC address has changed and popping up a warning dialog.

 breaks badly in some cases when you treat it as if it is.   So state is,
 IMHO, a better solution even in the local-only situation, because you're
 owning the fact that you have state, and you have to go to the trouble to
 get it right.

Explain what you mean by state here please?  I'm not sure I'm
following you.

Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-06 Thread Ted Lemon
On Aug 6, 2012, at 5:44 PM, Evan Hunt wrote:
 Not at all -- lots of non-geeks buy domain names, and non-geeks
 can also get delegated subdomains from their ISP's.  Making it easy
 for them to set up is a UI problem, and not a very hard one.  You
 can't use .ULA to reach a remote device anyway.

We're talking past each other.   I am not saying that .ULA is the right 
solution.   And as far as it being a UI problem, this is half true.   If the 
underlying protocol can set things up cleanly and reliably and automatically, 
*then* getting the UI right is a UI problem.   But if the underlying protocol 
doesn't allow a UI that a regular user can navigate, it doesn't matter how good 
the UI is.

 Not really.  If you acquire a globally-resolvable domain name, then your
 printer could detect the fact and start advertising the name alongside printername.myhouse.local; your
 laptop could then cache the new name, note that it's a FQDN, and
 begin showing it to you in a list of available printers when you're
 away from home.

Requiring the printer and host to adapt to network conditions in the way you 
describe is not a homenet issue except in the sense that the homenet would have 
to present the information to the host or printer to allow it to do what you 
describe.   Which is precisely what (I thought) we were discussing.

 I think this concern is fairly minimal, and could be addressed by noting
 that the router MAC address has changed and popping up a warning dialog.

You are talking about this as if you were the programmer.   But we are the 
IETF, not the UI programmer.   It's not our job to get the UI right—it's to 
make it *possible* to get the UI right.

 Explain what you mean by state here please?  I'm not sure I'm
 following you.

State is stuff that either your host or some server remembers between packet 
exchanges.   So for example, your laptop probably remembers its own name, and 
provides it using mDNS and DHCP.   That's state.   If the DHCP server records 
it in the DNS, that's also state.  No state is when nothing is recorded 

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-06 Thread Evan Hunt
On Mon, Aug 06, 2012 at 04:33:49PM -0400, Michael Richardson wrote:
 No, the fridge must have a globally reachable address (GUA) to be reachable.

You are correct, of course, and I was being unclear; sorry about that.  
I was trying to reflect what I thought I heard in the discussion in
Vancouver, though, which was that a FQDN or the equivalent would be the
best way to handle naming of remotely accessible devices.  It seemed to
me that we had rough consensus on that point (perhaps I was mistaken),
but not on naming of devices on island networks.

 Tunnels are okay, but to use them, but has to get the DNS search order
 and the DNS server list right, and that's walled garden territory.
 *If* we are going to turn each home into a walled garden, then let's be
 aware that we are doing that.

For the purposes of my mom's house, I do think walled garden is the
appropriate default setting, but our design should allow the default
to be overridden without great difficulty.

I think this general plan would meet those goals:

1) All discoverable devices on all networks MUST answer
   to a locally reachable name, such as devicename.local,
   devicename.sitelocal, devicename.networkname.local,
   devicename.ULA, devicename-ULA.local, etc. (We
   haven't settled the naming convention here. I personally like
   devicename.networkname.local, with devicename.ULA.local
   as a fallback in the event of the network's owner failing to
   configure a network name);

   2) Networks configured to allow remote access to devices
  SHOULD have a globally reachable domain name, either owned
  by the user or in a vendor-managed namespace;

   3) If a device is configured for remote access and is on a
  network which has had a FQDN configured as in (2), then
  in addition to the locally reachable name described in (1),
  the device MUST also answer to devicename.FQDN.

Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-06 Thread Evan Hunt
3) If a device is configured for remote access and is on a
   network which has had a FQDN configured as in (2), then
   in addition to the locally reachable name described in (1),
   the device MUST also answer to devicename.FQDN.

And, I'm not sure these are within the scope of homenet, but to explicitly
state the design principles I'm trying to support with the previous

  - Applications wanting to cache information about discovered devices
should use the most globally-reachable name available for each device.
In other words, if it has a FQDN and a local-only name, cache the FQDN.  

  - When presenting cached information about devices, applications should
only display local-only domain names if they were cached from the
current local network.

  - When possible, preference should be given to the use of human-readable,
human-memorable, and ideally human-selected names.

Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-05 Thread Ray Hunter
I disagree. The context of my message is that there should be some 
identifier that can disambiguate the namespace per Homenet. I'm talking 
about using the ULA to generate a HomenetID for use in the namespace. 
See RFC6281.

The HomenetID and DNS subomain (or as you put it 
somethingveryobscure) may be generated by one unique host (e.g. each 
Homenet border router) based on a ULA.  But that does not mean it cannot 
be discovered by all hosts and routers in the Homenet (via some bunch of 
discovery mechanisms such as automatic prefix distribution for 
router-router and DHCPv6 for router - fridge).

The HomenetID will remain constant as long as the ULA of the border 
router remains constant. If it appears to vary (because the border 
router changes) then highly mobile nodes will get some indication that 
they may not be connected to their own Homenet, and ask for user input 
to accept an update. Static nodes would only know their local HomenetID, 
and if it changed they could be set to always accept the update without 
user input. Eventually you would probably end up with a search list 
linked to the number of border routers the end node has ever 
encountered, but end nodes can automatically age out old entries.

We might also want to be able to manually override the auto-generated 
HomenetID to cover the case where border router hardware is replaced by 
the user, but that's no different to MAC address cloning on CPE's in the 
past (where ISPs used the MAC address of the CPE as an identifier in 
management systems).

Sure there's a downside in complexity of the namespace. The potential 
upside of this approach is that the same 
somethingveryobscure.sitelocal. zone file could also be mounted as a 
secondary on somethingveryobscure .ISP DNS root or 
somethingveryobscure .employer's DNS root if the ISP or enterprise 
wished to provide this service for global name resolution. Highly mobile 
nodes would only need two items in their DNS search list, the search 
list can be pretty much auto-generated, and they can use the same name 
resolution technology (DNS) wherever they are located. It also 
completely avoids trying to synch mDNS with DNS, which I think you'll 
agree is likely to be very difficult.

Curtis Villamizar
4 August 2012 22:06
With all due respect, any suggestion to use the ULA in a domain name
produces either a domain that is unique to one host or a domain that
is every bit as global as sitelocal, depending on whether by stating
ULA prefix you mean the local ULA or the well-known global ULA

In rfc4193:

Local IPv6 unicast addresses have the following characteristics:

- Globally unique prefix (with high probability of uniqueness).

- Well-known prefix to allow for easy filtering at site


If you mean the first (the local ULA prefix), then the domain is
unique to one host. My computer could never find my fridge using the
hostname fridge unless it knew every ULA on the local network and
created an entry in the dns search path. Very long entries in the dns
search path are a very bad thing (tm).

If you means the second (the assigned prefix under which all ULA fall)
then the domain is common to all hosts in the universe that generate a
ULA address. The only difference is it is


In message

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-05 Thread Brian E Carpenter
On 05/08/2012 07:58, Ray Hunter wrote:
 I disagree. The context of my message is that there should be some
 identifier that can disambiguate the namespace per Homenet. 

That's what I meant too. The only point is to avoid ambiguity in the
namespace. The only reason for using a ULA prefix to create a unique
identifier string is to avoid the bother of inventing a new method of
creating a unique identifier string. The name has no relation to
addressing or routing whatever. If you prefer some other way of creating
a string with a very high probability of uniqueness, that's fine.


 I'm talking
 about using the ULA to generate a HomenetID for use in the namespace.
 See RFC6281.
 The HomenetID and DNS subomain (or as you put it
 somethingveryobscure) may be generated by one unique host (e.g. each
 Homenet border router) based on a ULA.  But that does not mean it cannot
 be discovered by all hosts and routers in the Homenet (via some bunch of
 discovery mechanisms such as automatic prefix distribution for
 router-router and DHCPv6 for router - fridge).
 The HomenetID will remain constant as long as the ULA of the border
 router remains constant. If it appears to vary (because the border
 router changes) then highly mobile nodes will get some indication that
 they may not be connected to their own Homenet, and ask for user input
 to accept an update. Static nodes would only know their local HomenetID,
 and if it changed they could be set to always accept the update without
 user input. Eventually you would probably end up with a search list
 linked to the number of border routers the end node has ever
 encountered, but end nodes can automatically age out old entries.
 We might also want to be able to manually override the auto-generated
 HomenetID to cover the case where border router hardware is replaced by
 the user, but that's no different to MAC address cloning on CPE's in the
 past (where ISPs used the MAC address of the CPE as an identifier in
 management systems).
 Sure there's a downside in complexity of the namespace. The potential
 upside of this approach is that the same
 somethingveryobscure.sitelocal. zone file could also be mounted as a
 secondary on somethingveryobscure .ISP DNS root or
 somethingveryobscure .employer's DNS root if the ISP or enterprise
 wished to provide this service for global name resolution. Highly mobile
 nodes would only need two items in their DNS search list, the search
 list can be pretty much auto-generated, and they can use the same name
 resolution technology (DNS) wherever they are located. It also
 completely avoids trying to synch mDNS with DNS, which I think you'll
 agree is likely to be very difficult.
 Curtis Villamizar
 4 August 2012 22:06
 With all due respect, any suggestion to use the ULA in a domain name
 produces either a domain that is unique to one host or a domain that
 is every bit as global as sitelocal, depending on whether by stating
 ULA prefix you mean the local ULA or the well-known global ULA

 In rfc4193:

 Local IPv6 unicast addresses have the following characteristics:

 - Globally unique prefix (with high probability of uniqueness).

 - Well-known prefix to allow for easy filtering at site


 If you mean the first (the local ULA prefix), then the domain is
 unique to one host. My computer could never find my fridge using the
 hostname fridge unless it knew every ULA on the local network and
 created an entry in the dns search path. Very long entries in the dns
 search path are a very bad thing (tm).

 If you means the second (the assigned prefix under which all ULA fall)
 then the domain is common to all hosts in the universe that generate a
 ULA address. The only difference is it is


 In message
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-05 Thread Michael Thomas

Brian E Carpenter wrote:

On 05/08/2012 07:58, Ray Hunter wrote:

I disagree. The context of my message is that there should be some
identifier that can disambiguate the namespace per Homenet. 

That's what I meant too. The only point is to avoid ambiguity in the
namespace. The only reason for using a ULA prefix to create a unique
identifier string is to avoid the bother of inventing a new method of
creating a unique identifier string. The name has no relation to
addressing or routing whatever. If you prefer some other way of creating
a string with a very high probability of uniqueness, that's fine.

So I think I understand the point of a ULA like suffix. However, that doesn't
translate into a name that anybody would use. Locally, you could just have it
as part of the DNS search list, I suppose, but that's limited to resources
that are accessed locally which .local more or less works now. So it seems a
small gain with some ugliness to boot.

What I really want though is to have resources that I can access regardless of
where I am though. I don't see how this is of any help at all for that problem.
The only thing I see is that either I make the name globally accessible -- in 
case I'd use a real DNS name, or to make myself topologically part of the 
namespace. Isn't that what this all boils down to? TANSTAAFL?


PS: the 40 bits of a ULA was constrained by v6 prefix length. if we were to do 
for sitelocal, we'd probably want to add some bits to better cope with the 
birthday paradox.
iirc, 64 bits is a lot safer.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-05 Thread Evan Hunt
  fridge.sitelocal. is a FQDN with site local scope.  fridge.yourdomain
  is a FQDN with global scope.
 The apparent consensus in Vancouver was to use a global domain if you
 have one available

I agree there was consensus on this point.

 otherwise use an auto-generated unique local domain.

...but I did not hear a clear consensus on this one. 

(For the record, though I'm open to being convinced otherwise,
my current preference is for a reserved generic namespace such
as .local and/or .sitelocal, and *not* for ULA-style domains.)

Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-05 Thread Ted Lemon
On Aug 5, 2012, at 10:06 PM, Evan Hunt wrote:
 (For the record, though I'm open to being convinced otherwise,
 my current preference is for a reserved generic namespace such
 as .local and/or .sitelocal, and *not* for ULA-style domains.)

i wasn't able to participate in this discussion because I had other business 
during homenet, but I'm a bit frustrated by this conclusion.   Domains like 
.local seem like a good idea to geeks like us, but how many regular users ever 
use them?   How many have a mental model of how naming works that would allow 
these domains to function for them?

IMHO, we shouldn't promote bad solutions, and .local is a bad solution.   
Whether we come up with some way to leverage a ULA to present things sensibly 
in some UI is another question, but if we are trying to come up with a solution 
for geeks, why not come up with a _real_ solution, instead of the .local hack?

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-05 Thread Evan Hunt
 i wasn't able to participate in this discussion because I had other
 business during homenet, but I'm a bit frustrated by this conclusion.

I was speaking for myself and I believe the issue is in flux; please
don't take it as a conclusion. :)

 IMHO, we shouldn't promote bad solutions, and .local is a bad solution.

IMHO .hexidecimal-gibberish is also a bad solution.  It's, at least
potentially, a worse one: you buy a new router, and suddenly your devices
all have new names and your bookmarks don't work.  To make them work again,
you have to remember the hexidecimal-gibberish that was assigned by your
previous router and configure it to use the same one.  Ugly.

I'm not really happy with either of these choices, but I'm less unhappy
with .sitelocal.

 Whether we come up with some way to leverage a ULA to present things
 sensibly in some UI is another question, but if we are trying to come up
 with a solution for geeks, why not come up with a _real_ solution,
 instead of the .local hack?

I'd love to hear the plan.

Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-04 Thread Curtis Villamizar

With all due respect, any suggestion to use the ULA in a domain name
produces either a domain that is unique to one host or a domain that
is every bit as global as sitelocal, depending on whether by stating
ULA prefix you mean the local ULA or the well-known global ULA

In rfc4193:

   Local IPv6 unicast addresses have the following characteristics:

  - Globally unique prefix (with high probability of uniqueness).

  - Well-known prefix to allow for easy filtering at site


If you mean the first (the local ULA prefix), then the domain is
unique to one host.  My computer could never find my fridge using the
hostname fridge unless it knew every ULA on the local network and
created an entry in the dns search path.  Very long entries in the dns
search path are a very bad thing (tm).

If you means the second (the assigned prefix under which all ULA fall)
then the domain is common to all hosts in the universe that generate a
ULA address.  The only difference is it is


In message
Ray Hunter writes:
 Isn't it possible to combine the two ideas of sitelocal. with 
 pseudo-domains generated from ULA to give a usable solution?
 e.g. fridge.pseudo-ula-domain.sitelocal.
 Don't you then avoid the evilness of identifier overloading (my fridge 
 versus your fridge) and potential problems with clashing TLD's?
 e.g. someone registering a bunch of pseudo-ula-domain. TLD records as 
 their company brand for manual administration.
 How else are homenet devices going to know not to bother the root 
 servers with fridge.pseudo-ula-domain. NS queries given that TLD's are 
 now basically a free for all?
 Wouldn't it also potentially give a unique anchor point for storing 
 DNSSEC zone signing with an implicit sitelocal. trust anchor?
 Brian E Carpenter wrote:
  Synthesise a pseudo-TLD from the ULA prefix.
 Brian E Carpenter wrote:
  On 01/08/2012 05:48, Curtis Villamizar wrote:
  fridge.sitelocal. is a FQDN with site local scope.
  And therefore intrinsically evil, just like is intrinsically 
  IMHO we shouldn't be discussing how to make it work less badly; we should
  be discussing how to avoid it entirely.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-02 Thread Michael Richardson

 Brian == Brian E Carpenter writes:
Brian Correct, but the name is unambiguous, which IMHO is a MUST
Brian property for anything that looks like an FQDN. We have to
Brian live with .local but it should be just a nasty memory like
Brian fifty years from now.

Brian I would suggest instructing IANA to reserve all TLD strings
Brian that start with local and using something like
Brian .local-fd952a92a67d to name the homenet domain. It's only a
Brian convenience to use a ULA prefix; it's simply a unique string
Brian that the CPE needs to generate anyway, but it has no
Brian significance beyond that.

huh, you want to do it that way?
Why not fd952a92a67d.local?

I'm asking for clarification, not disagreeing.

Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works 

Description: PGP signature
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-02 Thread Kerry Lynn
On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 3:17 PM, Evan Hunt wrote:

  Do we want applications caching mDNS replies into configuration files?
  I think not, and I think the DNS people will shout loudly about that.

 Hm... I'm a DNS people, but I'm not sure I object to this.  You'd want
 some mechanism for clearing old records out after the devices had been
 gone from the network for a long-enough time, but that's not intrinsically

 Printing is an example, but this could apply to other apps as well (it's
that there are already millions of deployed mDNS printers about).  One thing
to keep in mind is that it is easier to modify the end hosts (OS providers
regularly push updates) and print servers than the printers themselves.

The idea assumes you need to be on-site to discover and add the printer
in the first place (establishing some level of trust in the process).  The
mDNS draft enforces this by filtering out a) multicast discovery responses
that don't have a link-local multicast destination address, or b) unicast
responses that don't have the same source prefix as the querier.

CUPS (and I presume other print systems) already cache a great deal of info
about my printer and additionally caching a GUA if it was advertised does
seem a reach.  Here's an example from my /etc/cups/printers.conf:

Printer Officejet_Pro_8500_A909g
UUID urn:uuid:dbb55a90-16ba-3534-5c4a-6da0e0d327a1
Info Officejet Pro 8500 A909g
MakeModel HP Officejet Pro 8500 A909g Series

Here you see the service instance name Officejet Pro 8500 A909g which
appears in my print dialog, together with other unique info that prevents it
from being confused with yours, if you had one and I was visiting.

If, at service discovery time, my printer had advertised a GUA then I'm
suggesting it could have been cached as well.  In that case, the print
would formulate a *unicast* DNS query to that GUA for a  RR named
Officejet%20Pro%208500%20A909g%20%5B4C0EA4%5D.  If a response
is returned, that strongly implies the printer is reachable and no
is necessary (this would also solve the problem I currently have with
to other LAN segments).

If that query *fails* then indicates I need to do a fresh resolution.
where Michael's idea to advertise a FQDN binding (which can also be cached)
comes in.  But first...

I suggest we reserve the term FQDN to refer to names that have been
fully qualified in the global DNS namespace (as they all probably were when
the term was first coined) and use something like LQDN to refer to names
that are qualified in a locally-served (non-delegated) DNS zone. by FQDN I mean that the original mDNS query return something like
  foo.local. CNAME
(Yes, I realize we may need to invent some new RR to express the
LQDN-to-FQDN mapping).

 I regularly print to both my work and home printer remotely (yes, over
  IPv6. The CUPS server speaks IPv6 even if my home printer speaks only

 I'm of the opinion that remote access from offsite should be a service
 you can configure your printer to provide, but which is not the default.

 I think this is part and parcel of advertising the GUA and/or LQDN-to-FQDN
mapping, as above, or not, under control of the user.  Alternately, this
functionality could be deployed in a print server which just connects via
USB to the printer.  Such a server could be tightly coupled to the client
functionality and provide mutual authentication, privacy, etc.  Of course,
you get all these things if you just tunnel back to your site in the first
place ;-)

 In my ideal world (please indulge me in a moment of handwaving), you plug
 in your printer, and tell it what its name is (or let it pick its own
 default such as LaserPrinter-3); it announces itself to the local network
 as providing local printing, and its name is placed in the .sitelocal

 *If* you check the box for let the outside world print to me -- which you
 and I might want to do but most people wouldn't -- then it announces itself
 as providing both local and remote printing, and its name is placed in
 .sitelocal and then mirrored into the globally addressable domain that
 you'd previously configured for your network: by preference, that would be
 your private domain name, but if you don't have one of those then it could
 mirror into a namespace controlled by your ISP, Apple, DynDNS or whatever.

 If you were printing something, and you a found a printer via service
 discovery which indicate that it could provide remote access, then you'd be
 given the option to bookmark its global name and use it when you're away;
 if it isn't configured for remote access then you woulnd't be given that

 A similar mental model could apply to the fridge and lamp examples
 we've been kicking around as well -- you won't normally *want* them to be

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-02 Thread Kerry Lynn
On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 1:22 PM, Ray Hunter wrote:

 Isn't it possible to combine the two ideas of sitelocal. with
 pseudo-domains generated from ULA to give a usable solution?

 e.g. fridge.pseudo-ula-domain.**sitelocal.

 Two points.  As I mentioned at the mic yesterday, this maps onto the
ULA distribution problem.  You'd either have to identify a deterministic
root ULA for this zone or guarantee that multiple such zones within
a given site all appear as being on-site.  Second, is the unique string
part of the name or a zone of the domain?  mDNS recommends that all
host names in .local. appear as a flat namespace, but this is only a
recommendation.  We humans started using surnames some time ago
to disambiguate our identities regardless of location (although I note that
many such attempts were of the form O'There).

 Don't you then avoid the evilness of identifier overloading (my fridge
 versus your fridge) and potential problems with clashing TLD's?
 e.g. someone registering a bunch of pseudo-ula-domain. TLD records as
 their company brand for manual administration.

 How else are homenet devices going to know not to bother the root servers
 with fridge.pseudo-ula-domain. NS queries given that TLD's are now
 basically a free for all?

 I think this is a darned good point.  It saves every resolver from having
to parse .local-mumble. to decide whether it should delegate or not.

 Wouldn't it also potentially give a unique anchor point for storing DNSSEC
 zone signing with an implicit sitelocal. trust anchor?

 An even better point.



 Brian E Carpenter wrote:

 Synthesise a pseudo-TLD from the ULA prefix.


 Brian E Carpenter wrote:

 On 01/08/2012 05:48, Curtis Villamizar wrote:

 fridge.sitelocal. is a FQDN with site local scope.

 And therefore intrinsically evil, just like is intrinsically

 IMHO we shouldn't be discussing how to make it work less badly; we should
 be discussing how to avoid it entirely.


 homenet mailing list**listinfo/homenet

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-02 Thread Kerry Lynn
On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Michael Richardson mcr+i...@sandelman.cawrote:


 Kerry BTW, I agree with the earlier comment that the may be several
 Kerry good reasons to include VPN tunnels in the homenet
 Kerry architecture.

 They exist. It would be nice if our secure setup protocol for homenet
 could also be leveraged to setup remote access.

 The VLAN service access point may be the only thing I (and perhaps many
others) would ever want to advertise in the global DNS namespace.


 Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-01 Thread Brian E Carpenter
On 01/08/2012 05:48, Curtis Villamizar wrote:
 fridge.sitelocal. is a FQDN with site local scope. 

And therefore intrinsically evil, just like is intrinsically evil.

IMHO we shouldn't be discussing how to make it work less badly; we should
be discussing how to avoid it entirely.

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-01 Thread Brian E Carpenter
Synthesise a pseudo-TLD from the ULA prefix.


On 01/08/2012 15:17, Curtis Villamizar wrote:
 In message
 Brian E Carpenter writes:
 On 01/08/2012 05:48, Curtis Villamizar wrote:
 fridge.sitelocal. is a FQDN with site local scope. 
 And therefore intrinsically evil, just like is intrinsically evil.
 IMHO we shouldn't be discussing how to make it work less badly; we should
 be discussing how to avoid it entirely.
 Not being connected to the Internet and not having any configuration
 at all might also be intrinsically evil, but that's the situation when
 a consumer takes some gadget out of the box.
 What we are trying to accomplish with the sitelocal is a way to name
 things on a local network that have no domain name assigned through a
 registry and have not had a domain name assigned as part of some
 subdomain of the provider.
 Even if the homenet WG was extremely thoroughthe gadget did 100% of
 what we specify and implemented everything perfectly, we can't control
 the user who almost never has a domain name of their own or the ISP
 that can't be bothered delegating some subdomain of theirs to a
 customer.  The customer then has no global domain to hang names off of
 and has no choice but to not use DNS or make use of a sitelocal domain
 with site local scope.
 So sitelocal is inherently needed, either during a transition (until
 the uplink comes up at least for the first time and a domain name is
 learned) or permanently (if no domain name ever gets delegated to the
 residential customer site).
 ps - Yes - it is inherently evil.  So is not delegating rDNS IMHO.
  But we can't control those MSO and ILEC residential ISPs.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-01 Thread Michael Thomas

On 08/01/2012 12:17 AM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:

On 01/08/2012 05:48, Curtis Villamizar wrote:

fridge.sitelocal. is a FQDN with site local scope.

And therefore intrinsically evil, just like is intrinsically evil.

IMHO we shouldn't be discussing how to make it work less badly; we should
be discussing how to avoid it entirely.

I think the implications of my note is that there really isn't anything that
needs to be done here. If you want to use naming that requires that you
be in some topology-defined boundary, then tunnel back to that network
if you're not there. VPN technology is pretty well understood, after all,
and there are probably a lot of reasons you might want to do that besides

That said, my interpretation of the requirements is that we want to do
something with names such that they are quasi-global, or truly global.
I'm inclined to agree that grafting those requirement onto .local is most
likely the road to madness.

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-01 Thread Michael Richardson

 Brian == Brian E Carpenter writes:
Brian And therefore intrinsically evil, just like is
Brian intrinsically evil.

Brian IMHO we shouldn't be discussing how to make it work less
Brian badly; we should be discussing how to avoid it entirely.

Right, but we have installed base.
Based upon comments in Jabber yesterday, I think that the right way is
for fridge.local mDNS to return a series of SRV records in the
additional information, one of which would contain a FQDN (having a GUA)
for the fridge, if it had one.

I don't know exactly what that would look like, but it seems like the
right process: discovery gives us a name, and the name is sometimes a
FQDN.  That would also have solved Stuart's problem printing to
bluehawaii, had his laptop CUPS bookmarked rather
than bluehawaii.local (nothing that works just fine
when in the office)

Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works 

Description: PGP signature
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-01 Thread Ray Hunter
Isn't it possible to combine the two ideas of sitelocal. with 
pseudo-domains generated from ULA to give a usable solution?

e.g. fridge.pseudo-ula-domain.sitelocal.

Don't you then avoid the evilness of identifier overloading (my fridge 
versus your fridge) and potential problems with clashing TLD's?
e.g. someone registering a bunch of pseudo-ula-domain. TLD records as 
their company brand for manual administration.

How else are homenet devices going to know not to bother the root 
servers with fridge.pseudo-ula-domain. NS queries given that TLD's are 
now basically a free for all?

Wouldn't it also potentially give a unique anchor point for storing 
DNSSEC zone signing with an implicit sitelocal. trust anchor?


Brian E Carpenter wrote:

Synthesise a pseudo-TLD from the ULA prefix.


Brian E Carpenter wrote:

On 01/08/2012 05:48, Curtis Villamizar wrote:

fridge.sitelocal. is a FQDN with site local scope.

And therefore intrinsically evil, just like is intrinsically evil.

IMHO we shouldn't be discussing how to make it work less badly; we should
be discussing how to avoid it entirely.


homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-01 Thread Curtis Villamizar

In message
Brian E Carpenter writes:
 Synthesise a pseudo-TLD from the ULA prefix.

If the whole ULA is used, then the scope is single host.  If the ULA
prefix is used, then the scope is all reachable ULA which is the same
as sitelocal but with an obscure name.


 On 01/08/2012 15:17, Curtis Villamizar wrote:
  In message
  Brian E Carpenter writes:
  On 01/08/2012 05:48, Curtis Villamizar wrote:
  fridge.sitelocal. is a FQDN with site local scope. 
  And therefore intrinsically evil, just like is intrinsically 
  IMHO we shouldn't be discussing how to make it work less badly; we should
  be discussing how to avoid it entirely.
  Not being connected to the Internet and not having any configuration
  at all might also be intrinsically evil, but that's the situation when
  a consumer takes some gadget out of the box.
  What we are trying to accomplish with the sitelocal is a way to name
  things on a local network that have no domain name assigned through a
  registry and have not had a domain name assigned as part of some
  subdomain of the provider.
  Even if the homenet WG was extremely thoroughthe gadget did 100% of
  what we specify and implemented everything perfectly, we can't control
  the user who almost never has a domain name of their own or the ISP
  that can't be bothered delegating some subdomain of theirs to a
  customer.  The customer then has no global domain to hang names off of
  and has no choice but to not use DNS or make use of a sitelocal domain
  with site local scope.
  So sitelocal is inherently needed, either during a transition (until
  the uplink comes up at least for the first time and a domain name is
  learned) or permanently (if no domain name ever gets delegated to the
  residential customer site).
  ps - Yes - it is inherently evil.  So is not delegating rDNS IMHO.
   But we can't control those MSO and ILEC residential ISPs.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-01 Thread Michael Richardson

 Kerry == Kerry Lynn writes:
Kerry Actually, I think the problem may be that CUPS insists on
Kerry re-resolving the name every time it prints, rather than
Kerry trying the GUA that it would have learned at initial
Kerry discovery.

Do we want applications caching mDNS replies into configuration files?
I think not, and I think the DNS people will shout loudly about that.

Kerry Nobody seems to be complaining about the need to be on-site
Kerry to discover the service initially.  The issues seem to be

No, in fact, it's a feature.

Kerry my desk, unless I connect my host to that same link.  I
Kerry cannot remember a time when I needed to use it remotely.

I regularly print to both my work and home printer remotely (yes, over
IPv6. The CUPS server speaks IPv6 even if my home printer speaks only
USB).  I do this will all sorts of paperwork, receipts for online
expenses, etc.   Yes, I sometimes print to the wrong printer.
I also regularly print to these printers when offline, knowing that
CUPS will punt it out when I get home

I believe that Google Cloud Print is getting close to eliminating my
need to own one of these infernal mechanical devices. 

Kerry BTW, I agree with the earlier comment that the may be several
Kerry good reasons to include VPN tunnels in the homenet
Kerry architecture.

They exist. It would be nice if our secure setup protocol for homenet
could also be leveraged to setup remote access.

Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works 

Description: PGP signature
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-01 Thread Curtis Villamizar

In message
Michael Richardson writes:
  Brian =3D=3D Brian E Carpenter writes:
 Brian And therefore intrinsically evil, just like is
 Brian intrinsically evil.
 Brian IMHO we shouldn't be discussing how to make it work less
 Brian badly; we should be discussing how to avoid it entirely.
 Right, but we have installed base.
 Based upon comments in Jabber yesterday, I think that the right way is
 for fridge.local mDNS to return a series of SRV records in the
 additional information, one of which would contain a FQDN (having a GUA)
 for the fridge, if it had one.
 I don't know exactly what that would look like, but it seems like the
 right process: discovery gives us a name, and the name is sometimes a
 FQDN.  That would also have solved Stuart's problem printing to
 bluehawaii, had his laptop CUPS bookmarked rather
 than bluehawaii.local (nothing that works just fine
 when in the office)
 Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works=20

It might be reasonable for mDNS or dynamic DNS to populate the FQDN
with an A and  record and create a CNAME in local or sitelocal
that points to the FQDN.  Tools like host or dig would report the
CNAME, the FQDN, and the final A and/or  records if sitelocal was
in the search path before the domain.

I'm not sure how that works with CUPS bookmarking.

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-01 Thread Evan Hunt
 Do we want applications caching mDNS replies into configuration files?
 I think not, and I think the DNS people will shout loudly about that.

Hm... I'm a DNS people, but I'm not sure I object to this.  You'd want
some mechanism for clearing old records out after the devices had been
gone from the network for a long-enough time, but that's not intrinsically

 I regularly print to both my work and home printer remotely (yes, over
 IPv6. The CUPS server speaks IPv6 even if my home printer speaks only

I'm of the opinion that remote access from offsite should be a service
you can configure your printer to provide, but which is not the default.

In my ideal world (please indulge me in a moment of handwaving), you plug
in your printer, and tell it what its name is (or let it pick its own
default such as LaserPrinter-3); it announces itself to the local network
as providing local printing, and its name is placed in the .sitelocal

*If* you check the box for let the outside world print to me -- which you
and I might want to do but most people wouldn't -- then it announces itself
as providing both local and remote printing, and its name is placed in
.sitelocal and then mirrored into the globally addressable domain that
you'd previously configured for your network: by preference, that would be
your private domain name, but if you don't have one of those then it could
mirror into a namespace controlled by your ISP, Apple, DynDNS or whatever.

If you were printing something, and you a found a printer via service
discovery which indicate that it could provide remote access, then you'd be
given the option to bookmark its global name and use it when you're away;
if it isn't configured for remote access then you woulnd't be given that

A similar mental model could apply to the fridge and lamp examples
we've been kicking around as well -- you won't normally *want* them to be
globally accessible, but if you do, you should tell them so and let them
work it out with your network.  (This is the point I was trying to make at
the mic yesterday, but I'm not sure it came across.)

Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-08-01 Thread Michael Richardson

 Evan == Evan Hunt writes:
 Do we want applications caching mDNS replies into configuration
 files?  I think not, and I think the DNS people will shout loudly
 about that.

Evan Hm... I'm a DNS people, but I'm not sure I object to this.
Evan You'd want some mechanism for clearing old records out after
Evan the devices had been gone from the network for a long-enough
Evan time, but that's not intrinsically hard.

so, after your ISP renumberers you (not a flash renumber), or if you
change routers (get a new ULA), or change ISPs, you have to discover
your printer again?

Evan I'm of the opinion that remote access from offsite should be
Evan a service you can configure your printer to provide, but which
Evan is not the default.

Uhm, so let's seperate discovery, naming, and reachability from
authorization.  (being able to reach it doesn't mean you can print...)

Evan In my ideal world (please indulge me in a moment of
Evan handwaving), you plug in your printer, and tell it what its
Evan name is (or let it pick its own default such as
Evan LaserPrinter-3); it announces itself to the local network as
Evan providing local printing, and its name is placed in the
Evan .sitelocal domain.

okay, so far.

Evan *If* you check the box for let the outside world print to me
Evan -- which you and I might want to do but most people wouldn't

I agree that this is a box.  I'd like to see some more authentication
and authorization things happen, but that's a detail for CUPS/IPP.

What's relevant here is that we have a new requirement for sitelocal

 we need to signal via mDNS from the printer to the holder of the FQDN
zone (probably the CPE).   

Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works 

Description: PGP signature
homenet mailing list

[homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-07-31 Thread Michael Thomas

Since I apparently got a few heads shaking today from my jabber comment,
I guess I should at least throw it on the list.

My observation -- and I'm not necessarily saying it's a [good] solution -- is
that one way that we could deal with the ambiguity of what fridge.local[site]
means  when I elsewhere is to say that .local[site] is exactly what it says it 
a property of the local site. As such, if I'm roaming and do not have 
connectivity, the proper way to get that connectivity would be to use some
form of tunneling back to the .local[site] I actually intended and thus be part
of the .local[site] topology again.

On the plus side, this puts it into the hands of somebody to deal with the
ambiguity. On the minus side, this puts it into the hands of somebody to
deal with the ambiguity.

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-07-31 Thread Curtis Villamizar

In message
Michael Thomas writes:
 Since I apparently got a few heads shaking today from my jabber
 comment, I guess I should at least throw it on the list.
 My observation -- and I'm not necessarily saying it's a [good]
 solution -- is that one way that we could deal with the ambiguity of
 what fridge.local[site] means when I elsewhere is to say that
 .local[site] is exactly what it says it is: a property of the local
 site. As such, if I'm roaming and do not have topological
 connectivity, the proper way to get that connectivity would be to use
 some form of tunneling back to the .local[site] I actually intended
 and thus be part of the .local[site] topology again.
 On the plus side, this puts it into the hands of somebody to deal with
 the ambiguity. On the minus side, this puts it into the hands of
 somebody to deal with the ambiguity.

For a mobile device, including a laptop, sitelocal should reflect
where you are.

In someone else's house, printer.sitelocal should be their printer.
If that someone else gives you authentication credentials or you give
then a public key and they install it on the printer, then you can
print.  Today, more likely the home printer is USB and you plug it in
to your laptop.

Getting to your own fridge or printer from elsewhere would require
that you have a domain name and know what your domain name is.
Presumably you'd already have whatever you need for authentication.

There is no ambiguity.

It is a personal choice whether you want to put sitelocal first in the
search path or your own domain first.  I suggest that your own domain
would be a better choice.  fridge means the same thing no matter where
you are.  fridge.sitelocal means the fridge near you if you are

fridge.sitelocal. is a FQDN with site local scope.  fridge.yourdomain
is a FQDN with global scope.

homenet mailing list

Re: [homenet] tunnels as way to disambiguate .local

2012-07-31 Thread Curtis Villamizar

Correction.  A mobile device on the a site's wireless LAN would see
fridge.sitelocal.  The cellular provider would be better off just
populating sitelocal with any services offerred by the cellular
provider, such as mediadownload.sitelocal or ntp.sitelocal (unlikely,
but hopeful).

Sitelocal might be problematic for a mobile phone in a fast moving
car on a highway through an urban area.  Sitelocal would change with
each cell tower handoff.


In message
Curtis Villamizar writes:

In message
Michael Thomas writes:
 Since I apparently got a few heads shaking today from my jabber
 comment, I guess I should at least throw it on the list.
 My observation -- and I'm not necessarily saying it's a [good]
 solution -- is that one way that we could deal with the ambiguity of
 what fridge.local[site] means when I elsewhere is to say that
 .local[site] is exactly what it says it is: a property of the local
 site. As such, if I'm roaming and do not have topological
 connectivity, the proper way to get that connectivity would be to use
 some form of tunneling back to the .local[site] I actually intended
 and thus be part of the .local[site] topology again.
 On the plus side, this puts it into the hands of somebody to deal with
 the ambiguity. On the minus side, this puts it into the hands of
 somebody to deal with the ambiguity.

For a mobile device, including a laptop, sitelocal should reflect
where you are.

In someone else's house, printer.sitelocal should be their printer.
If that someone else gives you authentication credentials or you give
then a public key and they install it on the printer, then you can
print.  Today, more likely the home printer is USB and you plug it in
to your laptop.

Getting to your own fridge or printer from elsewhere would require
that you have a domain name and know what your domain name is.
Presumably you'd already have whatever you need for authentication.

There is no ambiguity.

It is a personal choice whether you want to put sitelocal first in the
search path or your own domain first.  I suggest that your own domain
would be a better choice.  fridge means the same thing no matter where
you are.  fridge.sitelocal means the fridge near you if you are

fridge.sitelocal. is a FQDN with site local scope.  fridge.yourdomain
is a FQDN with global scope.

homenet mailing list
homenet mailing list